Short Circuit Long

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Short Circuit [Long Circuit, actually!

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Fandom: Five Nights at Freddy's
Relationship: Glamrock Freddy (Five Nights At Freddy's)/Reader
Character: Glamrock Freddy (Five Nights At Freddy's)
Additional Tags: I’m so sorry, We are deprived, I needed to give to my fellow glamrock
freddy simps, also i’m just horny a lot, ik he’s a fucking robot, Smut,
Wires, fnaf - Freeform, glamrock freddy - Freeform, glamrock freddy
smut, Multiple Orgasms, multiple rounds, sensitive, virgin, ? - Freeform,
Idk freddy doesn’t have fucking experience, First Time, intercourse,
Cum Play, too much cum, filled with cum, Breeding, Overstimulation,
Dumbification, reader can be gender neutral i don’t think i used any
pronouns/body part specific descriptions, its robosex, Praise, Praise
Kink, possessive, possessive freddy, a little bit, not rly idk
Stats: Published: 2021-12-21 Words: 2769

Short Circuit [Long Circuit, actually!]

by Pisspot101


It’s a fucking smut fic about Glamrock Freddy and you, what more do you want me to say?

Oh wait there is something I want to say, START WRITING THEM MORE WE ARE
STARVING COME ON HE’S SO HOT. Also if u know me no u don’t.
You aren’t a technician. Or even an employee here. No, no. You got stuck in here— in this
hell of a robot mall thing — because of your little brother.

Anyways, if I wanted to make this a full fanfic I would add more details. But I don’t feel
like it right now so you’re just getting a smut. I’ll explain everything.

Freddy basically got sensitive wires or whatever, and when you touch them in a certain way
or spark them together, he’s like HOOLLLY SHIIIT and ur like HOOLLLY SHIIT (I don’t
write like this just trust me)


Just made some edits, added more details. Made it a little longer because why not :)


I’m so sorry I’m so down bad for this man

also i don’t feel like revising this so u get what u get

UPDATE: Made it longer and more detailed! I’m glad you guys enjoyed it so much,
especially bc it was written on a whim and I wasn’t expecting to get so much attention. You
are all so sweet!

It’s been hours, and still no sign of Gregory. With the help of Freddy, you’d think you would have
by now! All this work, avoiding literal life threatening animatronics, annoying security bots,
games, challenges, puzzles, panic. You were so tired…

And now here you were, looking down at Freddy on this “upgrade” table of sorts, inside some
protective cylinder. He said that his wires needed to be rearranged if he was going to hide you
within him. It was completely possible to do, but it just would take some effort, since you are an
adult and hiding a child in that chest cavity of his would be SO much more easier.

So his entire chest cavity was open, revealing colorful wires. And you were peering over it. Good
thing Freddy was still “conscious” to help you through it.

“This is ridiculous,” you muttered with a sigh, “Why do they even have robots that kill adults when
they work with children? I shouldn’t have to hide inside of you.”

“I’ve been told it’s simply a safety precaution,” he responded simply, matter-of-factly, as he
usually does, “It’s only implemented for after hours use anyways. People typically don’t stay after
the doors have closed.”

He was always so… straight forward with information. “Yeah, I can see that. What am I supposed
to do?”

“In order to rearrange the wiring and rods without any damage is to first, unplug the red wire,” he

You placed a hand on the outside of the opening to hold yourself up, and wrapped a hand around
the red wire, “Do I just tug it or…?”

“Do you have wire cutters?”

“No, Freddy, I do not happen to have wire cutters,” Yes, you were a little moody. But you were SO
fucking tired right now.

“My apologies,” he hums, instantly making you feel just a little guilty, “You can try and tug it. But
it may severe the plastic casing around it. I’m not sure how that would react with the rest of my
system… so be cautious.”

You hesitated. You really didn’t want to hurt him but… there’s no other way to get your brother
other than to listen to him. And so you gave it a tug.

That was… a weird noise Freddy made.

You stared.

“…did I hurt you or…?”

“I… I’m not… not too sure,” He replied, voice softer than before. Was he embarrassed? “I didn’t
feel any pain, specifically.”

“…okay, should I do it again?”

“Go ahead. I can handle it.”

You adjusted your grip, and tugged on it again, this time finally freeing it from it’s base (that
earned another strange grunt.) But, Freddy was right. The plastic casing at the end was a bit
shredded, exposing the metal. Be careful not to touch that…

Freddy seemed to be… breathing? At least a little heavier now, “…Okay… now the blue…”

“Are you okay?” You didn’t want to rework this guy to be dangerous to you! That’s the exact
opposite of the goal here!

“…I’m fine, superstar,” he gave a reassuring look, “Please just do the blue.”

The blue was much easier, once you got a grip. Freddy’s body seemed to jolt a little, which made
you jump, “Do you promise it’s not hurting you?!”

“No, no, I’m quite sure what I’m feeling isn’t… pain,” he replied, his fingers twitched a bit, “Could
you… move around the metal bits…? There’s a strange receptor going off. It feels so… sweet. It
feels like a sweet receptor inside of me…”

“What the hell are you talking about?” Sweet receptor? Inside of him? What on Earth?! But you
began to gently feel around the metal bits anyway, Freddy was definitely… not in pain at that. As
your fingers glided across the stainless steel, you heard and felt shaky, metallic breaths from the
bear. And you paused.

“…wait a damn minute.”

Freddy let out a deep exhale, and gazed down at you with his illuminating blue eyes. There was the
smallest whimper in his voice, “Y/n… what happens to be the problem…? I promise you aren’t
hurting me…”

“Oh I know I’m not hurting you,” You snickered, a hand wrapped around a warm feeling, metal
rod closer to his pelvic area (actually hidden behind it.)

That’s when Freddy really sat up, his hands gripping the table’s sides and his legs immediately
spreading, “Oh—!” His mechanical brows knitted together, “Wh-what are you doing?”

You paused, “Do you want me to stop? I will if you say so.”

“No— No, please don’t…” he muttered, “I just don’t understand this… feeling.”

“I’m not technician, but for some reason you got some… sex sensors implemented inside of you,”
You spoke as you began to slowly move your hand up and down the rod, careful not to get your
hand tangled in the other mechanisms around the area. Now, it’s made of metal so it was already
“hard” but it seemed to get warmer. Hm.
“But Y/n…” His voice was weak and glitchy, eyes drooped halfway in some sort of robotic lust
focused on whatever you were doing with your hand, “I don’t understand… we are only created
with physical receptors to feelings and pain… I have never felt such… pleasure.”

“I can see that,” you replied, “Can I remove this?” referring to his pelvic plate.


That tone of on the brink of begging was just enough to make you want to get it done faster than
before. And out came the rod, in all it’s metallic glory. It seemed to resemble something of a dick
— more of a sex toy than anything. Then again, it probably wasn’t supposed to be used as anything
of the sort, “Well, apparently they wanted to make you are real as possible. Can you cum with this
thing?” You asked, peeking over at the tip of the rod. It was fucking massive— I mean, HE
himself was massive, so of course his rods would be too. The tip seemed to have an opening. Now
how would that work…? Whatever, you plopped your mouth on it.

“Mmn!” Another weak whimper escaped the bear, his eyes closing and only using one to peek at
the lewd act you’re committing upon his tender shell, your lips clamping around him and tongue
riding upon the base. Metallic and coppery. As suspected. But that didn’t stop you. Freddy spoke
through weak moans and whimpers, “I don’t… understand the question… Of course, I can come…
I… I… hah… followed you everywhere before.”

He was so innocent. You grinned against his metal, and then thought. You’re totally sucking off a

To be fair, he had a very loving voice. And you may have daddy issues. And he’s been just so
sweet to you… You were just repaying the favor. And hey, you needed a stress reliever too.

So, after slicking his rod up a bit more with the bobbing your head up and down the length of the
warm steel, you decided to climb on top of the table with Freddy. He’s so big— just in general—
compared to you. He looked like he was gonna cry or something. Because you stopped giving his
poor, unattended robodick any sort of friction with your mouth. If he could, he would be a blushing
mess with near tears bringing out the corner of his eyes.

But he couldn’t. Even so, right now he just looked so needy. Eyes lidded, begging for you to just
take him over with whatever you’re about to do. After all, you had total power over how good he is
feeling right. How sweet.

“Do I have your consent?” You asked the bear, “It’s okay to say no.”

“I could never say no, I feel like I’m fulfilling a need that I’ve been restraining since I’ve been
helping you…” he said quietly, his hands made his way to your bare waist (you already had
stripped yourself. You’re horny.) “There was such a strong feeling of… something. I could not
seem to place it. But this feels so right.”

“Wonderful, because I feel it too,” it’s true. He was such a good figure. The intense sexual
attraction to him may have been an interesting fetish or something, but it happened none the less. I
swear it’s the personality. Anyways, you lifted yourself up, and lined up with the tip of the warm
length. You wondered if it was going to hurt… so you hesitated a bit. It WAS metal, and you never
used anything so… large on yourself. With his size, he looked like he was going to totally destroy
you and your insides… Maybe you’re going to rethink using him JUST to hide in. Maybe— just
maybe— you may need his ass to walk.

You inhaled a sharp breath and then plunged yourself down on the rod. You took it slow, feeling
each inch of Freddy enter you, stretching your entrance. You couldn’t stop an involuntary moan
from escaping the back of your throat.

It already reached your insides so deep. Freddy couldn’t help but throw his head back, twitching a
little. He was feeling so much at once, he was having a bit of a glitch attack. But he was okay
enough to groan, so you didn’t worry too much.

You wanted to start moving by yourself, but you still were taking in how warm and hard the rod
was. You thought metal would hurt but jesus christ, maybe it’s the fact it’s Freddy or maybe
you’re just a freak but it felt SO good. It’s so smooth, and despite the stretching and having to
become accustomed to his size, it felt like it fit you perfectly. Well, at least as much as you could
possibly fit in. There was no way you could take the whole thing…

Freddy took you up on wanting to move, because he pushed you further down on his robot cock,
filling you even more than before. Somehow, you didn’t think it was possible. But apparently it
was! You yelped, “F-freddy—!,” and that was the last audible thing you were able to say.

Because he used his animatronic strength to pound you, full throttle on his length. Bare skin
bouncing against metal; you were gonna be so bruised up later. Your slick insides already helped
move the smooth texture inside of you anyway, so it was easy to fuck you at max speed. God
speed. Jesus, how fast could he go?

You leaned over, scrambling to grasp onto his shoulders for any sort of support, unable to even
take holding yourself up anymore, feeling the rod repeatedly pound your sweet spot. You were
drooling, “Freddy, Freddy, Freddy,” you moaned, hardly even able to get it out your mouth. His
wide gapped mouth, strings of glitchy moans and eyes rolled back seemed to show you weren’t
getting another response other than brutal thrusting.

Suddenly, he went so fast you think you saw light in your eyes, and then forced you all the way
down on him, causing your knot to unwind and release your own orgasm. As you trembled and
cried on his dick, you felt something spill into your body. Warm and liquid. So deep. He was so
fucking deep.

“You’re okay,” he shushed your sobs of insane pleasure, “It’s okay. You’re taking it so well, my
little superstar,” his voice was still glitching, somehow “breathless” despite not having lungs. He
brushed his large paw over your back. He remained inside of you.

And you finally came to a little bit of your senses.

Please don’t be oil, please don’t be oil, please don’t be oil.

You weakly looked down. Well… it wasn’t oil. It looked like some sort of fake cum or something.
Maybe it’s supposed to be like some stress juice… these animatronics were programmed to be very
human like. Is this how they thought they could get out stress? What a creative way to do it…

You felt Freddy adjust beneath you as you were still catching your breath. So you looked back up
at him, curious big eyes.

Not for long will you be so curious.

He picked up your body with ease, still not leaving you, and stuffed the leaking cum back into you
with another thrust. You hiccuped. Oh god… you were sooo gonna die from sex with a fucking
robot bear. But that didn’t even matter. In a second, you were on your back upon the table, being
fucked into again. The sticky cum created a barrier of slick slapping noises between you both, and
strings of his own cum began to connect his hips with yours. So so much cum…

You placed a limp hand on your stomach. Could you potentially feel yourself being thrusted into?
Probably. You saw total white and black now. Your back arched from the overstimulation and
drool ran down the side of your mouth. You definitely looked fucking insane right now.

Freddy continued to whisper and utter praise. “You’re so good,” he would say, “I never want to
stop…”, “I want to do it again and again…” “You’re so pretty…”, “You look so pretty,” “Mine…
mine, mine…”

Then he would cum again. You would choke out another sob. You’ve lost count of your orgasms
by now. He was so ruthless with you… so loving yet ruthless. He would pet you and stroke your
body, all while you trembled and cried and sobbed for more and more. How could you want so
much more while quite obviously needing a break?

Why, Freddy didn’t seem to mind. He was lost in himself. A new founded feeling of pure pleasure
and admiration has him high on you and only you. Any other focus in his system was gone now.
You were the only thing on his mind. Thinking about how pretty you look, so absolutely ravished
by him and his doing. He’s a good guy, but God did he love to see you and your sarcastic ass
whimper and struggle beneath him.

You forget how much time passes by, as he flips you and grabs you and fucks you in every which
way he wants. It’s quite fun, to lose all sense of being even a fucking person. At that moment you
were just some toy. Or at least, you felt like it. A pretty little toy. Just for him. Just for Freddy.

After a few more rough rounds with a persistent Freddy, he came in you for the 5th time. Wonders
how long animatronics could go for for have never being touched before… You were so full you
were surprised you weren’t choking up cum. You remained on the table, violently twitching from
overstimulation, cum puddle dripping down your trembling legs. Strings of the liquid connected
your thighs and it continued to leak from your insides. How will it ever come out? You don’t
know. You don’t have any thoughts right now other than Freddy.

The only thing that seemed to break Freddy’s state of mind was hearing a soft sniffle from you. It
wasn’t of pain or sadness— don’t worry! You were just fucked so good and so right you had no
other reaction but to literally cry. Freddy’s protective mode instantly kicked in, as he leaned over
you, grabbing your waist, “Y/n— Oh my goodness… I am… so sorry… I have no idea what came
over me… I just…” Freddy uttered, “A-are you alright?”

You were so fucked out, all you could mumbled was a gentle, “Thank you… thank you…”

“Here… Here, I’ll just carry you to medical aid… and we can get you cleaned up there, I am so
sorry, Y/n, I’d never let this happen again,” He fixed up his plates, covering himself, and picked up
your body.

You had enough energy to hug him, and kiss on his metal neck, “Don’t… Don’t apologize…
please… it was so much f-fun… I wouldn’t mind letting you do it again…”

“Absolutely not,” scolded Freddy in a soft tone of voice, “Not if you end up like this. This can’t be
safe. I can’t believe I did this…”

“Freddy, I’m not.. dead…” your body still jolted suddenly from being so overstimulated, “I’m
okay, s-seriously. I promise I would let you know if you hurt me… just… just please… I wanna do
it again.”
He couldn’t look at you and say no. So, he sighed, giving in, “If you say it doesn’t hurt you… then
alright. I supposed we could… do such an act again.”

“Ehehe… hehe…”


Oh. You didn’t even realized you passed out!

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