Eduardo Isaí Villarreal Sierra November 27, 2019 Conclusion

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Eduardo Isaí Villarreal Sierra November 27, 2019

This project was very helpful for me, because I understood many situations, now I
see thing that were existing but I never pay attention to and I feel that I got a multicultural
view of the situation that Mexico is living, because it is not the same point of view that I have
and the point of view of a soldier, a businessman or a low middle class worker. I feel that I
didn’t get all the result that I wanted because I got a lot of trouble finding someone from the
low socioeconomic sector because many of them didn’t want an interview or they had a lot
of problems and they didn’t have time to answer my questions, but in general I think that this
project answered the research question and I feel satisfied about the outcome especially
because of the interview with the colonel, and in this conclusion I will state that I appreciate
the opportunity that he gave me to talk about a very serious problem and I am very thankful
to him.
My research question is “In which aspect of life does violence affect people from
different socioeconomic levels in México?” I decided to make this question because most of
the people in Mexico have suffered some kind of violence. In my life I had seen dead bodies
in the streets, my father suffered a kidnap atent and one time two criminals took our family
truck with guns, I am not the only one who has that kind of experiences so I wanted to know
the point of view of other people. My SDG target is “Significantly reduce all forms of
violence and related death rates everywhere”, I think that the interview with the military
colonel answered this SDG because he talked about how does human rights are good, because
many people think that the Military forces have many obstacles when they try to make justice
because the “Comición Nacional de los Derechos Humanos” is always behind the army trying
to stop their work, but the reality is that if that institution wouldn’t exist I could be victim of
some human rights abuse and I will not have the chance to complain with no one. The military
colonel says that he is in favor of this institutions because they are taking care of him too,
because is a human being.
An interview with a politician and a defensor of human rights would make a better
answer to my research, because when I was interviewing the military colonel, he told me that
the work of many politicians is to give speeches and look nice, he told that the president is
promising that he will eradicate violence and poorness, but we haven’t seen any structured
plan that will help Mexico get rid of this problems, I want to know what does a politician is
doing now and if it is true that they are working everyday to make Mexico a great country,
and if it is not like that we need to do something as a nation to demand politicians to make
their work. I want to know how do we assure that human rights are not violated, I want to see
how the process of investigation of a violation of human rights, and how many violations
does the government does to the people.
I have seen articles that shows how does the military forces, in some cases, commit
murders, tortures, and disappearances, but in the other hand, I have been with other soldiers,
like the colonel of this podcast, he is in favor of human rights, he wants to apply the concept
of human security in México, and he was 5 years in the UN in Switzerland. Many
businessman make frauds or avoid taxes, and some other people try to work in a clean way.
Many drivers in my dad’s business are involved in crime, many of them aren’t involved in
crime, so I think that no matter what, you are responsible of your acts and is your decision
to contribute in a negative or positive way to this country.

I think that education is the base of a good life, we need to educate ourselves but not
only in the different type of sciences, we need to educate ourselves in the moral way, we
need to reconstruct our culture and we need to try to better persons everyday because our
nation is made of all of us and is our decision if we want to make a great country or we want
to be the same as always. In conclusion I think that we need many excelente reforms to end
poverty violence, migration, etc. To make excellent reforms, we need prepared and honest
politicians, and to have prepared and honest politicians we need a good society that can
educate these people.

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