Xerox 5955 Service Code

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dC131 NVM Read/Write NOTE: If the NVM default characters exceed 10 characters, only the first 8 characters are

NVM default characters exceed 10 characters, only the first 8 characters are dis-
played in the list. The full string is displayed in the Read/Write window.
Purpose NOTE: Selecting Reset will cause the selected NVM location to be reset to its default value.
To review and modify values within the machine configuration and control parameters stored in Selecting Cancel closes the window and cancels any changes made in the now closed win-
NVM. dow.

NOTE: This does not include customer administration or accounting data, these are accessible NOTE: NVM that contains customer administrative or accounting data can not be read or mod-
from the billing and auditron facilities, Refer to the User Guide. ified.

Description NOTE: The Read Only (protected) NVM can only be changed using a password obtained from
Xerox. Protected NVM cannot be reset from dC132 NVM initialisation.
Each NVM item is identified using an NVM ID and NVM index numbers in the form XXX-XXX,
where XXX- is the ID prefix, and -XXX is the NVM ID. Index numbers range from 0 to 999. For
example 610-001. Refer to GP 2 Fault Codes and History Files. NVM Read/Write Tables
1. Refer to the tables that follow for NVM parameters:
• IOT NVM ID 500-001 to 500-903, Table 1.
1. Save the NVM to disk. Refer to NVM Save and Restore, dC361.
• IOT NVM ID 501-160 to 501-365, Table 2.
2. Enter service mode, GP 1.
• IOT NVM ID 502-292 to 502-399, Table 3.
3. Select the Adjustments tab.
• IOT NVM ID 503-001 to 503-124, Table 4.
4. Select dC131 NVM Read/Write.
• IOT NVM ID 504-001 to 504-125, Table 5.
• To read NVM:
• IOT NVM ID 505-001 to 505-031, Table 6.
1. Enter the required 3 digit NVM ID in the first field.
• IOT NVM ID 506-001 to 506-023, Table 7.
2. Enter the NVM Index in the second field.
• IOT NVM ID 507-001 to 507-004, Table 8.
3. Select Read.
• IOT NVM ID 510-001 to 512-002, Table 9.
4. Use the Up/Down arrows to move between memory locations.
• IOT NVM ID 520-320 to 520-339, Table 10.
• To write NVM:
• CCS NVM ID 600-001 to 600-151, Table 11.
1. Enter the required 3 digit NVM ID in the first field.
• CCS NVM ID 602-001 to 603-039, Table 12.
2. Enter the NVM Index in the second field.
• CCS NVM ID 604-001 to 604-220, Table 13.
3. Enter a new value in the field beneath the heading ‘Value of xxxx’ where xxxx is the
• CCS NVM ID 604-241 to 604-999, Table 14.
description of the NVM location.
• CCS NVM ID 605-001 to 605-036, Table 15.
NOTE: Select +/- to switch between positive and negative values.
• CCS NVM ID 606-001 to 606-269, Table 16.
4. Select write. • CCS NVM ID 606-272 to 606-886, Table 17.
5. Select Close to exit the routine. • CCS NVM ID 608-411 to 608-996, Table 18.
6. Select Call Closeout. • CCS NVM ID 609-001 to 609-457, Table 19.
7. Select Exit and Reboot. • CCS NVM ID 610-001 to 611-001, Table 20.
Refer to the tables that follow for NVM locations and parameters: • CCS NVM ID 612-001 to 612-005, Table 21.
• NVM Tables for the Finisher, IIT, CCS and IOT, refer to NVM Read/Write Tables. • CCS NVM ID 616-001 to 616-340, Table 22.
• CCS NVM ID 617-002 to 617-003, Table 23.
NOTE: The Edoc CD must be in the CD drive to use the link below.
• CCS NVM ID 620-001 to 620-033, Table 24.
• For the fax NVM tables, Fax NVM Document.
• CCS NVM ID 620-101 to 620-199, Table 25.
• CCS NVM ID 620-200 to 620-299, Table 26.
• CCS NVM ID 620-300 to 620-399, Table 27.
• CCS NVM ID 620-400 to 620-499, Table 28.
• CCS NVM ID 620-500 to 620-587, Table 29.
• CCS NVM ID 621-001 to 641-002, Table 30.

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-79 dC131
• CCS NVM ID 648-001 to 648-022, Table 31. Table 1 IOT NVM ID 500-001 to 500-903
• CCS NVM ID 649-001 to 649-014, Table 32. NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
• CCS NVM ID 652-001 to 652-079, Table 33. 500-010 PitchMaxPaperSi Max paper Size Pitch Range = 100 to 45ppm = 216
• CCS NVM ID 656-001 to 656-005, Table 34. zemmD1 Mode1 Duplex 700mm 55ppm = 216
• CCS NVM ID 658-001 to 658-159, Table 35. 500-011 PitchMaxPaperSi Max Paper Size Pitch Range = 100 to 45ppm = 366
• CCS NVM ID 665-001 to 665-003, Table 36. zemmD2 Mode2 Duplex 700mm 55ppm = 366
• CCS NVM ID 671-001 to 671-018, Table 37. 500-012 PitchMaxPaperSi Max paper Size Pitch Mode Range = 100 to 45ppm = 433
• CCS NVM ID 672-001 to 672-017, Table 38. zemmD3 3 Duplex 700mm 55ppm = 433
500-013 TAR1ToRegDista Distance from TAR1 to Reg Range = 0 to 45ppm = 104
• CCS NVM ID 673-001 to 673-023, Table 39.
nce For speed calculation 300mm 55ppm = 104
• CCS NVM ID 674-001 to 674-004, Table 40.
500-014 DeliverTimeSSLT Time to deliver SSL to reg- Range = 0 to 45ppm = 255
• Finisher NVM ID 712-100 to 712-103, Table 41. oReg_P1 istration for scheduling 1000ms 55ppm = 255
• IIT NVM ID 801-001 to 801-214, Table 42. 500-015 DeliverRegToTra Time to deliver reg to trans- Range = 0 to 45ppm = 163
• IIT NVM ID 803-001 to 803-149, Table 43. nsferTime_P1 fer, image to sheet align- 1000ms 55ppm = 163
• IIT NVM ID 805-001 to 805-032, Table 44. ment
500-016 TimePageSyncTo Time page sync to transfer, Range = 0 to 45ppm = 229
Table 1 IOT NVM ID 500-001 to 500-903 Transfer_P1 image to sheet alignment 1000ms 55ppm = 229
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default 500-017 TEatRegToReg- Steps form TE at Reg Sen- Range = 0 to 3000 45ppm = 450
MotorOFFSteps sor to Registration Motor off 55ppm = 450
500-001 PitchTickSimpMo Simplex Pitch Mode 1, Range = 400 to 45ppm =
de1_P1 paper sizes <216mm 5000ms 1220 500-018 FirstpageSyncDel Delay for first page sync to Range = 0 to 45ppm = 600
55ppm = ayTime_P1 ensure sheet is not late 5000ms 55ppm = 600
1090 500-019 TAR1CatchUpID Used in algorithm for TAR Range = 0 to 45ppm = 25
500-002 PitchTickSimpMo Simplex Pitch Mode 2, Range = 400 to 45ppm = GDistance motor speed IDG control 300mm 55ppm = 25
de2_P1 paper sizes >216mm 5000ms 1670 500-020 SimplexBuckleSte Deskew Buckle steps at Range = 0 to 500 45ppm = 90
<365mm 55ppm = psS1 Registration Simplex 55ppm = 90
1670 Mode1
500-003 PitchTickSimpMo Simplex Pitch Mode 3, Range = 400 to 45ppm = 500-021 SimplexBuckleSte Deskew Buckle steps at Range = 0 to 500 45ppm = 90
de3_P1 paper sizes >365mm 5000ms 1930 psS2 Registration Simplex 55ppm = 90
55ppm = Mode2
1930 500-022 SimplexBuckleSte Deskew Buckle steps at Range = 0 to 500 45ppm = 90
500-004 PitchTickDupMod Duplex Pitch Mode 1, paper Range = 400 to 45ppm = psS3 Registration Simplex 55ppm = 90
e1_P1 sizes <216mm 5000ms 1090 Mode3
55ppm = 500-023 SimplexStageLo- Number of steps from TAR1 Range = 0 to 1000 45ppm = 234
1090 cationSteps Sensor to SSL, sheet held 55ppm = 234
500-005 PitchTickDupMod Duplex Pitch Mode 2, paper Range = 400 to 45ppm = here if early.
e2_P1 sizes >216mm <365mm 5000ms 1670 500-024 DuplexBuckleSte Deskew Buckle steps at Range = 0 to 1000 45ppm = 143
55ppm = psD1 Registration Duplex Steps 55ppm = 143
1670 of the duplex motor Mode1
500-006 PitchTickDupMod Duplex Pitch Mode 3, paper Range = 400 to 45ppm = 500-025 DuplexBuckleSte Deskew Buckle steps at Range = 0 to 1000 45ppm = 143
e3_P1 sizes >365mm 10000ms 1930 psD2 Registration Duplex Steps 55ppm = 143
55ppm = of the duplex motor Mode2
1930 500-026 DuplexBuckleSte Deskew Buckle steps at Range = 0 to 1000 45ppm = 143
500-007 PitchMaxPaperSi Max paper Size Pitch Range = 100 to 45ppm = 216 psD3 Registration Duplex Steps 55ppm = 143
zemmS1 Mode1 Simplex 700mm 55ppm = 216 of the duplex motor Mode3
500-008 PitchMaxPaperSi Max Paper Size Pitch Range = 100 to 45ppm = 366 500-027 DuplexStageDela Delay to release from DSL. Range = 0 to 45ppm = 260
zemmS2 Mode2 Simplex 700mm 55ppm = 366 yConstantD1_P1 Duplex Mode1 1000ms 55ppm = 260
500-009 PitchMaxPaperSi Max paper Size Pitch Mode Range = 100 to 45ppm = 433 500-028 DuplexStageDela Delay to release from DSL. Range = 0 to 45ppm = 260
zemmS3 3 Simplex 700mm 55ppm = 433 yConstantD2_P1 Duplex Mode2 1000ms 55ppm = 260

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC131 6-80 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
Table 1 IOT NVM ID 500-001 to 500-903 Table 1 IOT NVM ID 500-001 to 500-903
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
500-029 DuplexStageDela Delay to release from DSL. Range = 0 to 45ppm = 260 500-042 TAR1ProcessSpe TAR1/2 Roll Process Speed Range = 100 to 45ppm =
yConstantD3_P1 Duplex Mode3 1000ms 55ppm = 260 ed_P1 (scaled) 5000mm/s 2590
500-030 InvMotFwdToInv- Invert Motor Steps from TE Range = 400 to 45ppm = 512 55ppm =
MotorOffSteps PFS to stop past invert 3000 55ppm = 512 2590
Duplex gate. 500-043 TAR1RollDiamete TAR 1/2 Roll Diameter Range = 1000 to 45ppm =
500-031 SheetLateResche If the sheet is too late at the Range = 0 to 45ppm = 50 r (scaled) 3000mm 1510
duleTime_P1 reg sensor then the image 1000ms 55ppm = 50 55ppm =
can be rescheduled. 1510
500-032 DuplexStageLo- Number of steps from Range = 0 to 3000 45ppm = 392 500-044 TAR1Ratio TAR 1/2 Drive Ratio Range = 0 to 45ppm =
cationSteps Duplex Sensor to DSL, 55ppm = 392 (scaled) 20000 10000
sheet held here if early. 55ppm =
500-033 InvertSolONDe- Time from LE at the Post Range = 0 to 45ppm = 30 10000
layTime Fuser Sensor to engage the 300ms 55ppm = 30 500-045 TAR1RollBaseSp TAR 1/2 Base Speed Range = 0 to 45ppm = 950
Invert Solenoid for a duplex eed (Scaled) 3000mm/s 55ppm = 950
sheet. 500-046 TARRampTable- TAR1/2 final speed used for Range = 0 to 45ppm =
500-034 InvertSolOFFDe- Time from the TE at the Range = 0 to 45ppm = 95 FinalSpeed ramp table calculation 8000mm/s 3800
layTime Post Fuser Sensor to disen- 300ms 55ppm = 95 (Scaled) 55ppm =
gage the Invert Solenoid for 3800
a Duplex Sheet 500-047 TAR1RollAccRate TAR 1/2 Acceleration rate. Range = 10000 to 45ppm =
500-035 InvertDelayToDup Minimum delay before the Range = 0 to 45ppm = 15 50000mm/s 15696
lexTimeD1 inverter motor changes 1000ms 55ppm = 15 55ppm =
direction. Duplex Mode 1 15696
500-036 RegProcessSpee Registration Roll Process Range = 1000 to 45ppm = 500-048 DuplexProcessSp Duplex Roll Process Speed Range = 100 to 45ppm =
d_P1 speed 5500mm/s 2590 eed_P1 (scaled) 5000mm/s 2600
55ppm = 55ppm =
2590 2600
500-037 RegRollDiameter Reg Roll Diameter (scaled) Range = 1000 to 45ppm = 500-049 DuplexRollDiam- Duplex Roll Diameter Range = 1000 to 45ppm =
3000mm 1300 eter (Scaled) 3000mm 1600
55ppm = 55ppm =
1300 1600
500-038 RegRollRatio Reg Drive Ratio (scaled) Range = 0 to 45ppm = 500-050 DuplexRatio Duplex Drive Ratio (Scaled) Range = 0 to 45ppm =
20000 5000 20000 6667
55ppm = 55ppm =
5000 6667
500-039 RegRollBas- Reg Roll Base Speed Range = 0 to 45ppm = 500 500-051 DuplexRollBas- Duplex Base Speed Range = 0 to 45ppm = 730
eSpeed 3000mm/s 55ppm = 500 eSpeed (Scaled) 3000mm/s 55ppm = 730
500-040 RegRollFinal- Reg Roll final speed used Range = 0 to 45ppm = 500-052 DuplexDeliver- Duplex final speed used for Range = 0 to 45ppm =
Speed for ramp table creation. 50000mm/s 2700 MaxSpeed ramp table calculation 20000mm/s 5000
55ppm = (Scaled) 55ppm =
2700 5000
500-041 RegRollAccRate Reg Roll acceleration rate Range = 10000 to 45ppm = 500-053 DuplexRollAc- Duplex Acceleration Rate Range = 10000 to 45ppm =
50000mm/s 15696 cRate 50000mm/s 15696
55ppm = 55ppm =
15696 15696

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-81 dC131
Table 1 IOT NVM ID 500-001 to 500-903 Table 1 IOT NVM ID 500-001 to 500-903
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
500-054 DuplexHighSpeed Duplex High Speed Duplex Range = 1000 to 45ppm = 500-066 ArmRegistrationS Arm Reg Sensor for LE Range = 0 to 45ppm = 50
D1_P1 Mode 1(Scaled) 10000mm/s 4000 ensorLE_P1 Delay from SSL release to 500ms 55ppm = 50
55ppm = arm reg sensor for LE event
4000 500-067 ArmRegistrationS Arm Reg Sensor for TE, Range = 0 to 5000 45ppm = 350
500-055 DuplexHighSpeed Duplex High Speed Duplex Range = 1000 to 45ppm = ensorTE_P1 Delay from TE at TAR1 55ppm = 350
D2_P1 Mode 2(Scaled) 10000mm/s 2570 Sensor. Steps of the Reg
55ppm = Motor
2570 500-068 ArmPostFuserSe Arm PFS for LE Delay from Range = 0 to 45ppm = 662
500-056 DuplexHighSpeed Duplex High Speed Duplex Range = 1000 to 45ppm = nsorLE_P1 Sheet release from Reg 3000ms 55ppm = 662
D3_P1 Mode 3(Scaled) 10000mm/s 2570 Rolls to arm the PFS for the
55ppm = LE event
2570 500-069 ArmPostFuserSe Delay from LE event at PFS Range = 0 to 45ppm = 20
500-057 InvertProcessSpe Invert Roll Process Speed Range = 1000 to 45ppm = nsorTE_P1 to arm the PFS for the TE 500ms 55ppm = 20
ed_P1 (Scaled) 5000mm/s 2554 Event. Timer = paper-
55ppm = Sizems - NVM
2554 500-070 ArmDuplexSenso Arm duplex sensor for LE Range = 0 to 5000 45ppm =
500-058 InvertRollDiame- Invert Roll Diameter Range = 1000 to 45ppm = rLE_P1 Delay from Sheet reverse 1655
ter (Scaled) 3000mm 1600 event to arm duplex sensor 55ppm =
55ppm = for the LE event. Steps of 1655
1600 the Duplex Motor
500-059 InvertRatio Invert Drive Ratio (Scaled) Range = 0 to 45ppm = 500-071 ArmDuplexSenso Arm duplex sensor for LE Range = 0 to 45ppm =
20000 7143 rLE_D2_P1 Delay from Sheet reverse 3000ms 1140
55ppm = event to arm duplex sensor 55ppm =
7143 for the LE event. Mode2 1140
500-060 InvertRollBas- Invert Base Speed Range = 0 to 3000 45ppm = Duplex
eSpeed 1100 500-072 ArmDuplexSenso Arm duplex sensor for LE Range = 0 to 45ppm =
55ppm = 1110 rLE_D3_P1 Delay from Sheet reverse 3000ms 1140
500-061 InvertDeliverMax- Invert final speed used for Range = 0 to 45ppm = event to arm duplex sensor 55ppm =
Speed ramp table calculation 20000mm/s 5000 for the LE event. Mode3 1140
(Scaled) 55ppm = Duplex
5000 500-073 ArmDuplexSenso Arm Duplex Sensor for TE Range = 0 to 3000 45ppm = 666
500-062 InvertRollAccRate Invert Acceleration Rate Range = 10000 to 45ppm = rTE_P1 Delay from duplex sheet 55ppm = 666
50000mm/s 15696 release from Reg to arm the
55ppm = duplex sensor for the TE
15696 event. Number of steps.
500-063 InvertHighSpeed1 Invert High Speed Duplex Range = 1000 to 45ppm = 500-074 ArmTAR1Sensor Arm Tar 1 Sensor for LE Range = 0 to 45ppm = 20
_P1 Mode 1 (Scaled) 10000mm/s 4000 LEFromT1Time Delay when Feeding from 500ms 55ppm = 20
55ppm = Tray 1. Time from Feed
4000 start.
500-064 InvertHighSpeed2 Invert High Speed Duplex Range = 1000 to 45ppm = 500-075 ArmTAR1Sensor Arm TAR 1 Sensor for LE Range = 0 to 45ppm = 280
_P1 Mode 2 (Scaled) 10000mm/s 2570 LEFromT2Steps when the sheet is travelling 3000ms 55ppm = 280
55ppm = from Tray2. Steps of the
2570 TAR motor timed from TAR2
500-065 InvertHighSpeed3 Invert High Speed Duplex Range = 1000 to 45ppm = 500-076 ArmTAR1Sensor Arm TAR 1 Sensor for TE Range = 0 to 3000 45ppm = 463
_P1 Mode 3 (Scaled) 10000mm/s 2570 TEFromRegSteps timed from Release from 55ppm = 463
55ppm = reg rolls. Number of steps.

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC131 6-82 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
Table 1 IOT NVM ID 500-001 to 500-903 Table 1 IOT NVM ID 500-001 to 500-903
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
500-077 ArmTAR2Sensor Arm Tar 2 Sensor for LE Range = 0 to 45ppm = 20 500-088 Feed1_2DeliverM Feed1/2 final speed used Range = 0 to 45ppm =
LEFromT2Time when Feeding from Tray 2. 500ms 55ppm = 20 axSpeed for ramp table calculation 20000mm/s 6000
Time from Feed start. 55ppm =
500-078 ArmTAR2Sensor Arm TAR 2 Sensor for LE Range = 0 to 45ppm = 135 6000
LEFromHCFTime when the sheet is travelling 500ms 55ppm = 135 500-089 Feed1_2RollAcc Feed 1/2 Acceleration rate. Range = 10000 to 45ppm =
from the HCF. Arm delay Rate 50000mm/s 15696
from the HCF sheet 55ppm =
released from the HCF wait 15696
point. 500-090 ElevateSpeedT1T Elevate speed T1 and T2, Range = 100 to 45ppm =
500-079 ArmTAR2Sensor Arm TAR 2 Sensor for TE Range = 0 to 3000 45ppm = 407 2 the speed shown is the 6000mm/s 1250
TEFromLET1Step steps of TAR motor from LE 55ppm = 407 speed of the feed roll see 55ppm =
s TAR 1 event. Paper size Eng Plan for actual elevate 1250
steps - NVM Steps rate
500-080 RegMotor- Number of steps per rev of Range = 0 to 1000 45ppm = 400 500-091 ElevateMaxT1T2 Number of steps during ele- Range = 10 to 45ppm = 500
StepsRev the Reg motor nominally 55ppm = 400 Steps vate of the feed motor 3000 55ppm = 500
200. If doubled the half before a fault is called.
stepping is enabled 500-092 BumpUpT1T2Ste Number of steps to move Range = 0 to 600 45ppm = 3
500-081 TAR1MotorSteps Number of steps per rev of Range = 0 to 1000 45ppm = 200 ps during Bump Up. 55ppm = 3
Rev the TAR motor nominally 55ppm = 200 500-093 BumpUpT1T2Spe BumpUp speed T1 and T2, Range = 100 to 45ppm =
200. If doubled the half ed the speed shown is the 6000mm/s 1250
stepping is enabled speed of the feed roll see 55ppm =
500-082 TAR1MSISpeed_ MSI speed Driven by the T1 Range = 100 to 45ppm = Eng Plan for actual elevate 1250
P1 and T2 TAR motor, the 5000mm/s 2600 rate
speed shown is the speed 55ppm = 500-094 BumpUpMaxT1T Number of consecutive Range = 0 to 300 45ppm = 6
of the TAR roll see Eng Plan 2600 2Count bump ups before a fault is 55ppm = 6
for actual MSI Speed called.
(scaled) 500-095 Tray1FeedMotOff The number of Tray1 feed Range = 0 to 1000 45ppm = 80
500-083 Feed1_2MotorSte Number of steps per rev of Range = 0 to 1000 45ppm = 48 Steps motor steps to move from 55ppm = 80
psRev the feed motor nominally 55ppm = 48 the TAR1 sensor S4 to the
48. If doubled the half step- feed motor stop
ping is enabled 500-096 Tray2FeedMotOff The number of Tray2 feed Range = 0 to 1000 45ppm = 80
500-084 Feed1_2Process Feed 1/2 Roll Process Range = 1000 to 45ppm = Steps motor steps to move from 55ppm = 80
Speed_P1 Speed (Scaled) 5500mm/s 3730 the TAR2 sensor S5 to the
55ppm = feed motor stop
3730 500-097 DuplexMotor- Number of steps per rev of Range = 0 to 1000 45ppm = 200
500-085 Feed1_2RollDiam Feed 1/2 Roll Diameter Range = 0 to 45ppm = StepsRev the Duplex motor nominally 55ppm = 200
eter (scaled) 20000mm 1500 200. If doubled the half
55ppm = stepping is enabled
1500 500-098 InvertMotor- Number of steps per rev of Range = 0 to 1000 45ppm = 200
500-086 Feed1_2Ratio Feed 1/2 Drive Ratio Range = 0 to 45ppm = StepsRev the Invert motor nominally 55ppm = 200
(scaled) 100000 5625 200. If doubled the half
55ppm = stepping is enabled
5625 500-099 TAR2HighSpeed TAR 1/2 High speed for Range = 1000 to 45ppm =
500-087 Feed1_2RollBase Feed 1/2 Base Speed Range = 0 to 45ppm = 500 transport from TAR2 to 8000mm/s 2800
Speed 5000mm/s 55ppm = 500 TAR1 (Scaled) 55ppm =

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-83 dC131
Table 1 IOT NVM ID 500-001 to 500-903 Table 1 IOT NVM ID 500-001 to 500-903
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
500-100 TARMotorCycle- TAR motor cycle out delay Range = 0 to 45ppm = 400 500-112 SheetDeliveredC Time from TE at Post Fuser Range = 0 to 45ppm = 400
OutTime from TE at TAR1 if no other 1000ms 55ppm = 400 entreTrayTime_P Sensor to declare that a 2000ms 55ppm = 400
prefeeds have been sent to 1 sheet has been delivered to
the trays the centre output tray.
500-101 LELateToTAR2Fr max time from start of tray 2 Range = 0 to 45ppm = 600 500-113 InvertDelayToDup Minimum delay before the Range = 0 to 45ppm = 200
omT2Time feed to LE at TAR 2 Sensor 5000ms 55ppm = 600 lexTimeD2 inverter motor changes 1000ms 55ppm = 200
to indicated if a sheet is late direction. Duplex Mode 2
500-102 Tray1_2FeedRetr Number of Tray 1 and 2 Range = 0 to 10 45ppm = 3 500-114 InvertDelayToDup Minimum delay before the Range = 0 to 45ppm = 400
ies feeder retrys before a fault 55ppm = 3 lexTimeD3 inverter motor changes 1000ms 55ppm = 400
is called direction. Duplex Mode 3
500-103 LELateToReg- LE Late to Reg Sensor from Range = 50 to 45ppm = 275 500-115 InvertMotorHiS- Steps of the Invert Motor Range = 0 to 1000 45ppm = 104
SensorSteps the simplex stage location 2000 55ppm = 275 peedDelaySteps from the TE at the post 55ppm = 104
500-104 SheetReadyLate Minimum time between Range = 0 to 45ppm = 415 fuser sensor to the Invert
Time_P1 SheetReady Received by 5000ms 55ppm = 361 going to high speed in the
the scheduler and the Pag- forward direction
eSync time. If the time is 500-116 LEPFSToInvMot- Time from the LE at post Range = 0 to 45ppm = 350
greater then a skipped pitch FwdTime fuser sensor to the invert 2000ms 55ppm = 350
is required. motor going to process
500-105 T2HiSpeedDelay Steps to wait after the tray2 Range = 0 to 5000 45ppm = 25 speed forward
Steps sensor is made before the 55ppm = 25 500-117 InvMotorOffRe- Steps from Invert motor Range = 0 to 1000 45ppm = 115
TAR1/2 motor can be accel- verseSteps restart reverse into the 55ppm = 115
erated to High Speed. duplex path that the motor
500-106 LELateToTAR1Fr Max steps from the LE at Range = 0 to 45ppm = 565 is turned OFF. The actual
omTAR2Steps TAR2 sensor to the LE at 10000 55ppm = 565 value is Paper Size Steps -
TAR1 Sensor to indicate if a NVM
sheet is late 500-118 TEDuplexS3ToDu Steps of the Duplex Motor Range = 0 to 5000 45ppm =
500-107 LELateToTAR1Fr Max time from start of tray 1 Range = 0 to 45ppm = 600 plexClearSteps from the TE at duplex sen- 1200
omT1Time feed to LE at TAR 1 Sensor 5000ms 55ppm = 600 sor S3 that the duplex path 55ppm =
to indicate if a sheet is late is clear and the duplex 1200
500-108 TELateTAR1Fro TE late to the TAR1 Sensor Range = 0 to 45ppm = 349 motor can be stopped.
mRegSteps (S4) following the sheet 20000 55ppm = 349 500-119 Tray1VariableDel Delay to wait steps from Range = 0 to 500 45ppm = 20
released from the registra- aySteps TAR1 Sensor to the TAR 1/ 55ppm = 20
tion rolls. The actual fault is 2 motor going to variable
paper size - value. Steps of speed
the TAR Motor 500-120 LELateToDuplexS LE late to the duplex sen- Range = 0 to 6000 45ppm =
500-109 TELateRegSensF TE late to the Reg Sensor Range = 0 to 45ppm = 197 3FromInvertSteps sor, timed from the Restart 2324
romTETAR1Steps (S1) following the sheet TE 20000 55ppm = 197 into duplex Invert Motor 55ppm =
event at TAR1 (S4) steps of Reverse. Steps of the 2324
the reg motor, Simplex Duplex Motor
500-110 LELatePost- LE late to Post Fuser Sen- Range = 300 to 45ppm = 920 500-121 TELateToS3From TE late to the duplex sensor Range = 0 to 5000 45ppm = 515
FuserFromReg- sor from Registration roll 2000ms 55ppm = 920 RegReleaseSteps S3, timed from the release 55ppm = 515
Time release of the LE at the registration
500-111 TELatePost- TE Late to Post Fuser sen- Range = 0 to 45ppm = 140 rolls. Steps of the duplex
FuserFromLE- sor from LE at Post Fuser 1000ms 55ppm = 140 motor. Paper SizeSteps -
Time Sensor. Paper sizems + NVMsteps

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC131 6-84 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
Table 1 IOT NVM ID 500-001 to 500-903 Table 1 IOT NVM ID 500-001 to 500-903
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
500-122 LELateToReg- LE late to the registration Range = 0 to 5000 45ppm = 335 500-136 NotUsed136 Not used Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
SensorDuplex- sensor when sheets are 55ppm = 335 214748647 55ppm = 0
Steps delivered from the duplex 500-137 T3WaitPointRelD Minimum Delay time from Range = 0 to 500 45ppm = 40
path. Steps of the duplex elTime Release sheet PFM (sheet 55ppm = 40
motor ahead) to sheet being
500-123 MSISimplexBuckl MSI Deskew Buckle steps Range = 0 to 500 45ppm = 146 released from HCF Wait
eStepsS1 at Registration Simplex 55ppm = 146 Point
Mode1 500-138 FeedMotorVeloc- Nominal feed motor veloc- Range = 0 to 45ppm =
500-124 MSISimplexBuckl MSI Deskew Buckle steps Range = 0 to 500 45ppm = 146 ity ity (Scaled) 10000mm/s 5250
eStepsS2 at Registration Simplex 55ppm = 146 55ppm =
Mode2 5250
500-125 MSISimplexBuckl MSI Deskew Buckle steps Range = 0 to 500 45ppm = 146 500-139 HCFMotorNom- Nominal HCF Transport Range = 0 to 45ppm =
eStepsS3 at Registration Simplex 55ppm = 146 Speed Motor Velocity (scaled 10000mm/s 5250
Mode3 55ppm =
500-126 TELateRegSensF TE late to the Reg Sensor Range = 0 to 6000 45ppm = 5250
romTEDuplexS3S (S1) following the sheet TE 2590 500-140 T3SheetReadyTi Delay before sheet ready is Range = 0 to 500 45ppm = 20
teps event at Duplex (S3) steps 55ppm = me sent tray 3 only 55ppm = 20
of the reg motor, Duplex 2590 500-141 ClutchToFeedDe- Time from the Clutch enable Range = 0 to 45ppm = 10
500-127 MSISim- MSI Pitch, Addition to MSI Range = 0 to 6000 45ppm = layTime to starting the Feed Motor 500ms 55ppm = 10
pPitchTickAddi- Simplex Pitch all modes 1930 500-142 FeedMotorRe- Speed that the feed motor Range = 0 to 45ppm =
tionTime 55ppm = tardSpeed runs when the clutch is dis- 6000mm/s 3730
1930 abled (retard roll geared to 55ppm =
500-128 MSIAcquireDelay Delay to acquire the sheet Range = 0 to 2000 45ppm = 0 run half this speed) (Scaled) 3730
from the MSI - ms 55ppm = 0 500-143 LElateToFeed3Ti Max time Tray3 Clutch Range = 0 to 45ppm = 500
500-129 MSIRegReleas- The maximum number of Range = 0 to 4000 45ppm = 971 me enable to LE at Tray 3 Feed 3000ms 55ppm = 500
eSteps steps the TAR Motor will run 55ppm = 971 sensor
to release the sheet into the 500-144 LElateToTAR3Tim Max time Tray3 Clutch Range = 0 to 45ppm = 600
registration rolls - steps e enable to LE at Tray3 TAR 6000ms 55ppm = 600
500-130 StepperSpeed- Scale Factor to be used for Range = 1 to 1000 45ppm = 10 sensor
ScaleFactor all stepper motor speeds 55ppm = 10 500-145 PurgeEnable HCF(Far) Purge Enable - Range = 0 to 1 45ppm = 1
500-131 RollDiamter- Scale Factor to be used for Range = 1 to 1000 45ppm = 100 moved sheets to the left 55ppm = 1
ScaleFactor all Roll Diameters 55ppm = 100 hand door for easier clear-
500-132 StepperRatioS- Scale Factor to be used for Range = 0 to 45ppm = ance
caleFactor all Stepper ratios 10000 10000 500-146 HCFRetries HCF(FAR) Number of feed Range = 0 to 10 45ppm = 5
55ppm = retry attempts 55ppm = 5
10000 500-147 HCFFeedMotor- Number of steps per rev of Range = 0 to 1000 45ppm = 200
500-133 FeedCL3AcqEna Delay before feed clutch Range = 0 to 45ppm = 50 StepsPerRev the feed motor nominally 55ppm = 200
bleDelTime enabled to acquire a sheet 500ms 55ppm = 50 200. If doubled then half
500-134 HCFWaitPoint3St Tray3 Number of HCF Range = 0 to 2000 45ppm = 60 stepping is enabled
eps Motor Steps from HCF Exit 55ppm = 60 500-148 HCFFeedRoll- HCF Feed Roll Diameter Range = 1000 to 45ppm =
sensor to the HCF Wait Diameter (scaled) 5000mm 2000
Point 55ppm =
500-135 T3ExSenToClutch Tray3 number of steps of Range = 0 to 1000 45ppm = 522 2000
OffSteps the feed motor from the LE 55ppm = 522 500-149 HCFFeedRollRa- Feed Roll Ratio to motor Range = 0 to 45ppm =
at HCF Exit Sensor to tray 4 tio (Scaled) 10000 8300
clutch off 55ppm =

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-85 dC131
Table 1 IOT NVM ID 500-001 to 500-903 Table 1 IOT NVM ID 500-001 to 500-903
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
500-150 HCFFeedBas- HCF Feed Roll Base Speed Range = 0 to 45ppm = 500-161 ArmRegistrationS Arm Reg Sensor for TE Range = 0 to 5000 45ppm =
eSpeed (Scaled) 3000mm/s 1390 ensorTEDuplex_ Duplex, Delay from TE 1784
55ppm = P1 Duplex Sensor. Steps of the 55ppm = 0
1390 Reg Motor
500-151 HCFFeedFinal- HCF Feed Roll final speed Range = 0 to 45ppm = 500-162 LElateToregSen- LE Late to Reg Sensor from Range = 1000 to 45ppm =
Speed used for ramp table calcula- 10000mm/s 6000 sorMSISteps the MSI 6000 2024
tion (scaled) 55ppm = 55ppm =
6000 2024
500-152 HCFFeedAc- HCF Feed Roll Acceleration Range = 0 to 45ppm = 500-163 OffsetMotor- Speed that the Exit offset Range = 0 to 5000 45ppm =
cRate rate. 50000mm/s 21582 Speed motor is to run. No ramp 2880
55ppm = used go directly to speed. 55ppm =
21582 2880
500-153 HCFTARMotor- Number of steps per rev of Range = 0 to 1000 45ppm = 200 500-164 OffsetToCentreSt- Used to move the offset Range = 0 to 100 45ppm = 2
StepsPerRev the TAR motor nominally 55ppm = 200 eps from the flag to the centre 55ppm = 2
200. If doubled then half location during initialise and
stepping is enabled offset.
500-154 HCFTARRoll- HCF TAR Roll Diameter Range = 1000 to 45ppm = 500-165 OffsetDistanceS- Number of steps to offset Range = 0 to 200 45ppm = 48
Diameter (scaled) 5000mm 1500 teps the sheet. 55ppm = 48
55ppm = 500-166 OffsetTEDelay- Delay from the TE at post Range = 0 to 45ppm = 50
1500 Time fuser sensor to start the off- 1000ms 55ppm = 50
500-155 HCFTARRollRa- TAR Roll Ratio to motor Range = 0 to 45ppm = set
tio (Scaled) 100000 14737 500-167 OffsetHomeDe- Delay from the TE at post Range = 0 to 45ppm = 450
55ppm = layTime fuser sensor to start the off- 1000ms 55ppm = 450
14737 set move to home.
500-156 HCFTARBas- HCF TAR Roll Base Speed Range = 0 to 45ppm = 500-168 OffsetFaultSteps Max number of steps to Range = 0 to 500 45ppm = 120
eSpeed (Scaled) 3000mm/s 1390 declare a offset failure if off- 55ppm = 120
55ppm = set sensor event has not
1390 been detected
500-157 HCFTARFinal- HCF TAR Roll final speed Range = 0 to 45ppm = 500-169 Finisher Trans- FinXportProcessSpeed Range = 0 to 45ppm =
Speed used for ramp table calcula- 10000mm/s 6000 port Process 3000mm/s 2620
tion (scaled) 55ppm = Speed 55ppm =
6000 2620
500-158 HCFTARAccRate HCF TAR Roll Acceleration Range = 0 to 45ppm = 500-170 FinXportRollBas- Finisher Transport Motor Range = 0 to 45ppm = 800
rate. 50000mm/s 21582 eSpeed Base Speed (scaled) 3000mm/s 55ppm = 800
55ppm = 500-171 FinXportDeliver- Finisher Transport Motor Range = 0 to 45ppm =
21582 MaxSpeed Max Speed (scaled) 5000mm/s 2700
500-159 HCFToT2RetryTi Time to stop feeding when Range = 0 to 45ppm = 230 55ppm =
me releasing a sheet from the 1000ms 55ppm = 230 2700
HCF wait point to tray 2 and 500-172 FinXportRollAc- Finisher Transport Motor Range = 0 to 45ppm =
then retry. cRate Acceleration Rate 30000mm/s 15696
500-160 ArmRegistrationS Arm Reg Sensor for LE Range = 0 to 200 45ppm = 26 55ppm =
ensorLEDuplex_ Duplex, Delay from DSL 55ppm = 26 15696
P1 release to arm reg sensor 500-173 FinXportRoll- Finisher Transport Drive Range = 1000 to 45ppm =
for LE event Diameter Roll Diameters (scaled) 2500 1600
55ppm =

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC131 6-86 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
Table 1 IOT NVM ID 500-001 to 500-903 Table 1 IOT NVM ID 500-001 to 500-903
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
500-174 Finisher Trans- FinXportRatio Range = 0 to 45ppm = 500-186 NvmHCFRHTray- Specifies to whether HCF 0 = Not fitted 45ppm = 1
port Motor to Roll 100000 6667 Present RH tray is fitted or not in the 1 = Fitted 55ppm = 1
Drive ratio 55ppm = device.This can be set in
(scaled) 6667 manufacturing.
500-175 FinXportMotor- Number of steps per rev of Range = 0 to 600 45ppm = 200 500-187 NvmTrayOpenTi- Tray Open time Range = 0 to 45ppm =
StepsRev the feed motor nominally 55ppm = 200 meTreshold 10000ms 5000
200. If doubled then half 55ppm =
stepping is enabled 5000
500-176 LELateToFinX- Time from LE at Post Fuser Range = 0 to 45ppm = 640 500-188 NvmHCFLHMax- Maximum number of Range = 1 to 100 45ppm = 65
portSensorTime Sensor to the LE at the Fin- 5000ms 55ppm = 640 EncodeCount encoder events that can be 55ppm = 65
isher Transport Sensor to received while elevating
detect if a sheet is late. HCFLH Tray
500-177 TELateToFinX- Time from the LE at the Fin- Range = 0 to 45ppm = 140 500-189 NvmHCFRHMax- Maximum number of Range = 1 to 100 45ppm = 95
portSensorTime isher Transport Sensor to 1000ms 55ppm = 140 EncodeCount encoder events that can be 55ppm = 95
the TE at the finisher trans- received while elevating
port sensor to detect if a HCFRH Tray.
sheet is late. 500-190 LElateToFeed4Ti Max time Tray 4 Clutch Range = 0 to 45ppm = 500
500-178 TAR1MSIHomeS MSI High Speed for return Range = 100 to 45ppm = me enable to LE at Tray 4 Feed 3000ms 55ppm = 500
peed_P1 to cam home after release 5000mm/s 2831 sensor
from registration 55ppm = 500-191 LElateToTAR4Tim Max time Tray 4 Clutch Range = 0 to 45ppm = 290
2831 e enable to LE at Tray 4 TAR 6000ms 55ppm = 290
500-179 ArmFinXportSen- Arm the finisher transport Range = 0 to 45ppm = 445 sensor
LEFromLEPostF- sensor to detect the LE 5000ms 55ppm = 445 500-192 Tray4LELateToH Max time from Tray 4 feed Range = 0 to 45ppm = 550
STime from the LE at the Post CFExitTime motor start, when the sheet 6000ms 55ppm = 550
Fuser Sensor is at the Horizontal wait
500-180 ArmFinXportS- Arm the finisher transport Range = 0 to 45ppm = 20 point to the LE at the HCF
enTEFrom- sensor to detect the TE 3000ms 55ppm = 20 exit Sensor
LEFinXpoTime from the LE at the Finisher 500-193 T4FeedWPSteps Number of steps past the Range = 0 to 1000 45ppm = 0
Transport Sensor = Paper- Tray 4 TAR sensor to start 55ppm = 0
Size - NVM ramping down the feed
500-181 T2HiSpeedDelay Steps to wait after the TAR Range = 0 to 5000 45ppm = 15 motor
2Steps 1 Sensor goes clear before 55ppm = 15 500-194 T4TARSensorTo Number of steps from the Range = 0 to 2000 45ppm = 260
the TAR1/2 motor can be ClutchOffSteps LE at TAR sensor to the 55ppm = 260
accelerated to high speed clutch disable
500-182 TELateToTAR2Fr TE late to TAR2 Sensor Range = 0 to 6000 45ppm = 281 500-195 DelayTAR3Senso Step delay from TE at TAR Range = 0 to 500 45ppm = 23
omLETAR1Steps from the LE at TAR1 event. 55ppm = 281 rClearSteps 3 sensor to allow the sheet 55ppm = 23
Steps of the TAR motor TE to be clear of TAR 3 nip
500-183 MSICamHome- Number of steps of the MSI Range = 0 to 1000 45ppm = 49 before the TAR motor can
Steps TAR motor to run after the 55ppm = 49 change speed
MSI Cam home sensor is 500-196 Feed4AcqDelTim Tray 4 delay to start sheet Range = 0 to 45ppm = 164
made to ensure that the e acquire from the tray 2000ms 55ppm = 164
MSI tray is in the correct 500-197 HCFHiSpeed HCF motor high speed to Range = 0 to 45ppm =
home location enable catch up and pro- 10000mm/s 5250
500-184 NvmHCFLHEnco- HCF LH tray Current media Range = 0 to 100 45ppm = 0 ductivity 55ppm =
deCount level 55ppm = 0 5250
500-185 NvmHCFRHEn- HCF RH tray Current media Range = 0 to 100 45ppm = 0
codeCount level 55ppm = 0

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-87 dC131
Table 1 IOT NVM ID 500-001 to 500-903 Table 1 IOT NVM ID 500-001 to 500-903
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
500-198 HCFWaitPoint4St Number of steps from TAR Range = 0 to 2000 45ppm = 60 500-211 MaxMediaLev- Maximum number of Range = 0 to 400 45ppm = 350
eps 4 sensor to the HCF wait 55ppm = 60 elElevateStepsencoder events that can be 55ppm = 350
point received while elevating
500-199 T4WaitPointRelD Minimum Delay time from Range = 0 to 45ppm = 40 PFM Trays (T1 / T2).
elTime Release sheet PFM (sheet 500ms 55ppm = 40 500-212 MaxHCFBumpAt- Number of consecutive Range = 1 to 5 45ppm = 2
ahead) to sheet being tempts bump ups before a fault is 55ppm = 2
released from HCF Wait called.
Point 500-213 HCFElevation- Max threshold (from com- Range = 1000 to 45ppm =
500-200 LELateToFinish- Time from the LE at FinX- Range = 0 to 45ppm = Timeout mencement of elevation) for 100000ms 40000
erFromFinXport- port sensor to the LE arriv- 10000ms 2280 tray 3 stack height sensor to 55ppm =
Time ing at the finisher to declare 55ppm = change state. If not Tray 3 40000
that the sheet is late 2280 elevate fault shall be raised
500-201 MSICamFlagLog- Cam home Sensor Logic Range = 0 to 1 45ppm = 0 500-214 HCFBumpTime- Threshold to declare bump- Range = 1 to 45ppm =
icDirection Level, enables either a flag 55ppm = 0 out up failure fault 10000ms 1000
or gap actuator 55ppm =
500-202 MSISmallShee- The maximum number of Range = 0 to 4000 45ppm = 81 1000
tRegReleas- steps the TAR Motor will run 55ppm = 81 500-215 MSIWidthSenso- MSI width guide offset in Range = 0 to 45ppm = 100
eSteps to release the sheet into the rOffsetmm mm. Nominally set to 300mm 55ppm = 100
registration rolls, sheets 100=no offset. Reducing
less than 210mm in the pro- NVM decreases actual
cess direction reading.
500-203 OffsetMotor- Number of steps/rev of the Range = 0 to 200 45ppm = 96 500-216 T1ElevateSlackSt Offset required for calculat- Range = 0 to 350 45ppm = 120
StepsRev offset motor 55ppm = 96 eps ing accurate tray level - T1 55ppm = 120
500-204 OffsetGearPCDi- Diameter of the offset motor Range = 0 to 45ppm = 800 500-217 T2ElevateSlackSt Offset required for calculat- Range = 0 to 350 45ppm = 120
ameter drive gear PCD (scaled) 5000mm 55ppm = 800 eps ing accurate tray level - T2 55ppm = 120
500-205 OffsetRatio Offset Drive Ratio (Scaled) Range = 0 to 45ppm = 500-218 HCFLHEle- Offset required for calculat- Range = 0 to 65 45ppm = 10
30000 10000 vateSlackSteps ing accurate tray level - T3 55ppm = 10
55ppm = 500-219 HCFRHEle- Offset required for calculat- Range = 0 to 95 45ppm = 10
10000 vateSlackSteps ing accurate tray level - T4 55ppm = 10
500-206 OffsetBaseSpeed Offset Base Speed (scaled) Range = 0 to 45ppm = 500-220 PfmTraySize- PFM Tray Size Sensing 0 = Disabled 45ppm = 1
6000mm/s 2000 SensingEnable Enable/Disable 1 = Enabled 55ppm = 1
55ppm = 500-221 TAR1MaxVariable TAR1/2 maximum variable Range = 0 to 45ppm =
2000 Speed speed that the TAR motor 8000mm/s 2800
500-207 OffsetMaxSpeed Offset Final Speed for ramp Range = 0 to 45ppm = can use when sheet is late 55ppm =
Table Calc (scaled) 6000mm/s 3500 and catch up is required. 3300
55ppm = 500-222 MSISpeed_P1 MSI Process Speed Range = 100 to 45ppm =
3500 5000mm/s 2600
500-208 OffsetRollAc- Offset Motor Acceleration Range = 0 to 45ppm = 55ppm =
cRate Rate 30000mm/s 15696 2600
55ppm = 500-223 MSIRollDiameter MSI Roll Diameter (scaled) Range = 1000 to 45ppm =
15696 6000mm 3600
500-209 Tray1MediaLevel Tray 1 media level steps Range = 0 to 400 45ppm = 0 55ppm =
Steps 55ppm = 0 3600
500-210 Tray2MediaLevel Tray 2 media level steps Range = 0 to 400 45ppm = 0 500-224 MSIRatio MSI Drive Ratio (scaled) Range = 0 to 45ppm =
Steps 55ppm = 0 20000 2376
55ppm =

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC131 6-88 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
Table 1 IOT NVM ID 500-001 to 500-903 Table 1 IOT NVM ID 500-001 to 500-903
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
500-225 MSIRollBas- MSI Base Speed (scaled) Range = 0 to 45ppm = 600 500-239 SSDFinXportIni- Stray Sheet Detection, Hori- Range = 0 to 45ppm =
eSpeed 3000mm/s 55ppm = 600 tialTime zontal Transport initial run 6000ms 2000
500-226 MSIDeliverMax- MSI Final Speed used for Range = 0 to 45ppm = time 55ppm =
Speed ramp table calculation 6000mm/s 4000 2000
(scaled) 55ppm = 500-240 SSDFinXportAd- Stray Sheet Detection, Hori- Range = 0 to 45ppm =
4000 ditionalTime zontal Transport additional 6000ms 2000
500-227 MSIRollAccRate MSI acceleration rate Range = 10000 to 45ppm = run time 55ppm =
50000mm/s 15696 2000
55ppm = 500-241 SSDPowerOnDe- Stray Sheet Detection, Range = 0 to 45ppm =
15696 lay Power On Delay 100000ms 60000
500-228 MSIMotor- Steps per Rev of the MSI Range = 0 to 1000 45ppm = 200 55ppm =
StepsPerRev motor. 55ppm = 200 60000
500-229 FuserExitMot- Fuser Exit Motor Turned Range = 0 to 45ppm = 155 500-242 MSICamHome- MSI Cam Home Timeout Range = 0 to 45ppm =
Shutdown OFF during shutdown. 5000ms 55ppm = 155 Timeout check 10000ms 2000
Timed from receiving the 55ppm =
shutdown request. 2000
500-230 FinXportMotCy- Finisher Transport Motor Range = 0 to 45ppm = 500-243 MSIDelayToInitia- MSI Time delay from paper Range = 0 to 45ppm =
cOut Turned OFF during cycle 10000ms 4000 liseTime present clear to initialising 10000ms 1000
out. Timed from the TE of 55ppm = the elevate tray if required. 55ppm =
last sheet exiting the trans- 4000 1000
fer nip. 500-244 MSIDelayToEmp- Delay to check paper Range = 0 to 45ppm = 470
500-231 FinXportMotShut- Finisher Transport Motor Range = 0 to 45ppm = 155 tyCheckTime present sensor in the MSI is 2000ms 55ppm = 470
down Turned OFF during shut- 10000ms 55ppm = 155 clear.
down. 500-245 MSIPaperPre- The time that the paper Range = 0 to 45ppm = 100
500-232 HCFTarMotorPur Purge timing Range = 0 to 45ppm = 200 sentClearTime present needs to remain 1000ms 55ppm = 100
geTime1 2000ms 55ppm = 200 clear to ensure that the MSI
500-233 HCFTarMotorPur Purge timing Range = 0 to 45ppm = 400 is really clear.
geTime2 3000ms 55ppm = 400 500-246 OffsetEnable Determines whether offset- 0 = Disabled 45ppm = 1
500-234 HCFTarMotorPur Purge timing Range = 0 to 45ppm = ting is enabled or not 1 = Enabled 55ppm = 1
geTime3 4000ms 1000 500-247 DoorSettleTime Delay to ensure door has Range = 0 to 45ppm =
55ppm = closed completely 5000ms 2000
1000 55ppm =
500-235 FeedDeliverTime Purge timing Range = 0 to 45ppm = 100 2000
1000ms 55ppm = 100 500-248 DuplexDeliverRe Time to deliver reg to trans- Range = 0 to 45ppm = 163
500-236 FeedNip- Purge timing Range = 100 to 45ppm = gToTransferTime fer. 1000ms 55ppm = 163
ClearTime 4000ms 2500 _P1
55ppm = 500-249 MSIDeliverFrom- Used to calculate the start Range = 0 to 45ppm =
2500 MSIToReg time of the MSI feed 5000ms 1350
500-237 StraySheetMotor- Purge timing Range = 100 to 45ppm = 55ppm =
ForwardTime 5000ms 1000 1350
55ppm = 500-250 XeroReady- Time for the 1st sheet trans- Range = 0 to 45ppm =
1000 TimeMSI fer time from sheet ready 5000ms 1400
500-238 StraySheetMotor- Purge timing Range = 100 to 45ppm = 55ppm =
ReverseTime 5000ms 1000 1400
55ppm =

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-89 dC131
Table 1 IOT NVM ID 500-001 to 500-903 Table 1 IOT NVM ID 500-001 to 500-903
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
500-251 XeroReady- Time for the 1st sheet trans- Range = 0 to 45ppm = 500-265 InvertDelayToDup Minimum delay before the Range = 0 to 45ppm = 400
TimeMSIAfter- fer time from sheet ready 5000ms 2900 lexTimeD4 inverter motor changes 1000ms 55ppm = 400
Shutdown following a shutdown 55ppm = direction.
2900 500-266 DuplexHighSpeed Duplex High Speed Duplex Range = 1000 to 45ppm =
500-252 MSIArmRegistra- Arm Reg Sensor for LE. Range = 0 to 45ppm = 162 D4_P1 Mode 4 (Scaled) 10000mm/s 2570
tionSensorLE Delay from MSI Sheet start 2000ms 55ppm = 162 55ppm =
to feed to sensor armed 2570
500-253 MSIArmRegSen- Arm Reg Sensor for TE, Range = 0 to 45ppm = 392 500-267 InvertHighSpeed4 Invert High Speed Duplex Range = 1000 to 45ppm =
sorTE Delay from Registration 2000ms 55ppm = 392 _P1 Mode 4 (Scaled) 10000mm/s 2570
motor start 55ppm =
500-254 MSIArmRegSen- Arm Reg Sensor for TE, Range = 0 to 45ppm = 295 2570
sorTEMSITrans- Delay from Registration 2000ms 55ppm = 295 500-268 FuserMotorClock- Fuser motor clock fre- Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
parencies motor start for transparen- Freq quency 10000Hz 55ppm = 0
cies 500-269 PRMotorClock- PR motor clock frequency Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
500-255 MSIRegRe- The minimum number of Range = 0 to 4000 45ppm = 148 Freq 10000Hz 55ppm = 0
leaseMinSteps steps the TAR Motor will run 55ppm = 148 500-270 SheetReadyLate Minimum time between Range = 0 to 45ppm = 361
to release the sheet into the Time_M2 Sheet Ready Received by 5000ms 55ppm = 361
registration rolls the scheduler and the Pag-
500-256 PitchTickSimpMo Simplex Pitch Mode 4 Range = 0 to 45ppm = eSync time.
de4_P1 10000ms 6000 500-271 SheetReadyLate Minimum time between Range = 0 to 45ppm = 361
55ppm = Time_M3 Sheet Ready Received by 5000ms 55ppm = 361
6000 the scheduler and the Pag-
500-257 PitchTickDupMod Duplex Pitch Mode 4 Range = 0 to 45ppm = eSync time.
e4_P1 10000ms 6000 500-272 SheetReadyLate Minimum time between Range = 0 to 45ppm = 361
55ppm = Time_M4 Sheet Ready Received by 5000ms 55ppm = 361
6000 the scheduler and the Pag-
500-258 MSISimpPitchTic MSI Pitch Addition to MSI Range = 0 to 45ppm = eSync time.
kAdditionM4Time Simplex Pitch Mode 4 6000ms 6000 500-273 TAR2HighSpeed_ TAR 1/2 High speed for Range = 1000 to 45ppm =
55ppm = M2 transport from TAR2 to 8000mm/s 3000
6000 TAR1 Mode2 (Scaled). 55ppm =
500-259 PitchMaxPaperSi Max paper Size Pitch Mode Range = 100 to 45ppm = 216 3000
zemmS4 4 Simplex 700mm 55ppm = 216 500-274 TAR2HighSpeed_ TAR 1/2 High speed for Range = 1000 to 45ppm =
500-260 PitchMaxPaperSi Max paper Size Pitch Mode Range = 100 to 45ppm = 216 M3 transport from TAR2 to 8000mm/s 3000
zemmD4 4 Duplex 700mm 55ppm = 216 TAR1 Mode3 (Scaled) 55ppm =
500-261 SimplexBuckleSteDeskew Buckle steps at Range = 0 to 500 45ppm = 80 3000
psS4 Registration Simplex Mode 55ppm = 80 500-275 TAR2HighSpeed_ TAR 1/2 High speed for Range = 1000 to 45ppm =
4 M4 transport from TAR2 to 8000mm/s 3000
500-262 MSISimplexBuckl MSI Deskew Buckle steps Range = 0 to 500 45ppm = 146 TAR1 Mode4 (Scaled). 55ppm =
eStepsS4 at Registration Simplex 55ppm = 146 3000
Mode 4 500-276 TAR1MaxVariable TAR1/2 maximum variable Range = 0 to 45ppm =
500-263 DuplexBuckleSte Deskew Buckle steps at Range = 0 to 1000 45ppm = 143 Speed_M2 speed that the TAR motor 8000mm/s 3300
psD4 Registration Duplex Steps 55ppm = 143 can use when sheet is late 55ppm =
of the duplex motor Mode 4 and catch up is required. 3300
500-264 DuplexStageDela Delay to release from DSL. Range = 0 to 45ppm = 260 500-277 TAR1MaxVariable TAR1/2 maximum variable Range = 0 to 45ppm =
yConstantD4_P1 1000ms 55ppm = 260 Speed_M3 speed that the TAR motor 8000mm/s 3300
can use when sheet is late 55ppm =
and catch up is required. 3300

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC131 6-90 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
Table 1 IOT NVM ID 500-001 to 500-903 Table 1 IOT NVM ID 500-001 to 500-903
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
500-278 TAR1MaxVariable TAR1/2 maximum variable Range = 0 to 45ppm = 500-405 DupBuckleSteps Deskew Buckle steps Range = 0 to 1000 45ppm = 143
Speed_M4 speed that the TAR motor 8000mm/s 3300 D5 Transparency at Registra- 55ppm = 143
can use when sheet is late 55ppm = tion Duplex Steps of the
and catch up is required. 3300 duplex motor Mode5
500-279 MsiWidthDetecti- MSI Size Sensing Toler- Range = 0 to 1000 45ppm = 150 500-406 DupStageDlyCon Delay to release from DSL. Range = 0 to 45ppm = 260
onTolerance ance. 0.1mm per unit. 55ppm = 150 sD5_P1 Transparency Duplex 1000ms 55ppm = 260
500-280 EnableDown- Enable Down Stream Deliv- Range = 0 to 1000 45ppm = 0 Mode5
StreamDelivery ery. 55ppm = 0 500-407 InvrtDlayToDupTi Minimum delay before the Range = 0 to 45ppm = 15
500-281 MSIPaperT- Number of steps to run to Range = 0 to 4000 45ppm = 890 meD5 inverter motor changes 1000ms 55ppm = 15
ESteps TE at the MSI feed roll. 55ppm = 890 direction Transparency.
500-282 MSiDelayClutch- Delay from clutch enger- Range = 0 to 45ppm = 30 Duplex Mode 5
ToMotorTime gised to MSI TAR motor 500ms 55ppm = 30 500-408 TAR1MaxVariSpe TAR1/2 maximum variable Range = 0 to 45ppm =
start edM5 speed that the TAR motor 8000mm/s 3300
500-283 EnableMsiWith- Enable clutch control on 0 = Disabled 45ppm = 1 can use when sheet is late 55ppm =
Clutch MSI 1 = Enabled 55ppm = 1 and catch up is required. 3300
500-284 MSISimpPitchTic MSI Simplex Pitch for mode Range = 0 to 45ppm =
kM5Time 5 6000ms 1930 500-409 DuplexHighSpeed Duplex High Speed Duplex Range = 1000 to 45ppm =
55ppm = D5_P1 Transparency Mode 5 10000mm/s 4000
1930 (Scaled) 55ppm =
500-397 PitchTickSimpM5 Simplex Pitch Mode 5, Range = 400 to 45ppm =
_P1 Transparencies <216mm in 5000ms 1220 500-410 InvertHighSpeed5 Invert High Speed Duplex Range = 1000 to 45ppm =
the process direction. 55ppm = _P1 Transparency Mode 5 10000mm/s 4000
1090 (Scaled) 55ppm =
500-398 PitchTickDupM5_ Duplex Pitch Mode 5, Range = 400 to 45ppm =
P1 Transparencies <216mm in 5000ms 1090 500-411 SheetExitMsgDe- Delay to sending ‘Sheet Range = 0 to 45ppm =
the process direction. 55ppm = lay Exit’ to finisher. 4000ms 1800
1090 55ppm =
500-399 MSISimpPitchAd MSI Pitch, Addition to Sim- Range = 0 to 45ppm = 705
dM5 plex Pitch Mode5 6000ms 55ppm = 840 500-412 RegApproach- Speed the Reg motor runs Range = 1000 to 45ppm =
Speed when the sheet is being 5500mm/s 2590
500-400 PitchMaxPaprSiz Max paper/Transparency Range = 100 to 45ppm = 216
delivered from reg to trans- 55ppm =
emmS5 Size Pitch Mode 5 Simplex 700mm 55ppm = 216
fer. 2590
500-401 PitchMaxPaprSiz Max paper/Transparency Range = 100 to 45ppm = 216
500-413 RegBuckleSpeed Speed the Reg motor runs Range = 1000 to 45ppm =
emmD5 Size Pitch Mode 5 Duplex 700mm 55ppm = 216
when the buckle is being 5500mm/s 2590
500-402 SheetReadyLate Minimum time between Range = 0 to 45ppm = 415 created at transfer. 55ppm =
TimeM5 SheetReady Received by 5000ms 55ppm = 361 2590
the scheduler and the Pag-
500-414 TARApproach- Speed the TAR motor runs Range = 100 to 45ppm =
eSync time.
Speed when the sheet is being 5000mm/s 2590
500-403 SimplexBuckleSte Deskew Buckle steps at Range = 0 to 500 45ppm = 80 delivered from reg to trans- 55ppm =
psS5 Registration Simplex Trans- 55ppm = 80 fer 2590
parency Mode5
500-415 TARBuckleSpeed Speed the TAR Motor runs Range = 100 to 45ppm =
500-404 MSISimplexBuckl MSI Deskew Buckle steps Range = 0 to 500 45ppm = 113 when the buckle is being 5000mm/s 2590
eStepsS5 Transparency at Registra- 55ppm = 113 created at transfer. 55ppm =
tion Simplex Mode5 2590

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-91 dC131
Table 1 IOT NVM ID 500-001 to 500-903 Table 1 IOT NVM ID 500-001 to 500-903
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
500-416 MSIApproach- Speed the MSI motor runs Range = 100 to 45ppm = 500-428 PitchTickDupMod Duplex Pitch Mode 6. Enve- Range = 400 to 45ppm =
Speed when the sheet is being 5000mm/s 2831 e6_P1 lopes 10000ms 6000
delivered from reg to trans- 55ppm = 55ppm =
fer. 2831 6000
500-417 MSIBuckleSpeed Speed the MSI motor runs Range = 100 to 45ppm = 500-429 PitchMaxPaperSi Max paper/Transparency Range = 100 to 45ppm = 433
when the buckle is being 5000mm/s 2831 zemmS6 Size Pitch Mode 6 Simplex 700mm 55ppm = 433
created at transfer. 55ppm = Envelopes
2831 500-430 PitchMaxPaperSi Max paper/Transparency Range = 100 to 45ppm = 433
500-418 DuplexApproach- Speed the Duplex motor Range = 100 to 45ppm = zemmD6 Size Pitch Mode 6 Duplex 700mm 55ppm = 433
Speed runs when the sheet is 5000mm/s 2600 Envelopes
being delivered from reg to 55ppm = 500-431 SheetReadyLate Minimum time between Range = 0 to 45ppm = 361
transfer. 2600 Time_M6 SheetReady Received by 5000ms 55ppm = 361
500-419 DuplexBuck- Speed the Duplex motor Range = 100 to 45ppm = the scheduler and the Pag-
leSpeed runs when the buckle is 5000mm/s 2600 eSync time.
being created at transfer. 55ppm = 500-432 SimplexBuckleSte Deskew Buckle steps at Range = 0 to 500 45ppm = 80
2600 psS6 Registration Simplex Mode Steps 55ppm = 80
500-420 TransferAp- Time to run Approach Range = 0 to 45ppm = 175 6 Envelopes
proachTime speed, from Reg Release, 3000mm/s 55ppm = 175 500-433 MSISimplexBuckl MSI Deskew Buckle steps Range = 0 to 500 45ppm = 113
before going to Transfer eStepsS6 Envelopes at Registration Steps 55ppm = 113
Buckle Speed Simplex Mode 6
500-421 TransferBuckle- Time to run buckle speed, Range = 0 to 45ppm = 525 500-434 DuplexBuckleSte Deskew Buckle steps Range = 0 to 1000 45ppm = 143
Time from reg release. 3000mm/s 55ppm = 525 psD6 Transparency at Registra- Steps 55ppm = 143
500-422 InterlockSettle- De-bounce of door inter- Range = 0 to 45ppm = 500 tion Duplex Steps of the
Time locks 2000ms 55ppm = 500 duplex motor Mode 6,
500-423 SheetReadyLate Minimum time between Range = 0 to 45ppm = 800 Envelopes
Time_MSI SheetReady Received by 5000ms 55ppm = 800 500-435 DuplexStageDela Delay to release from DSL. Range = 0 to 45ppm = 260
the scheduler and the Pag- yConstantD6_P1 Transparency Duplex Mode 1000ms 55ppm = 260
eSync time. 6, Envelopes
500-424 TAR2HighSpeed_ TAR 1/2 High speed for Range = 1000 to 45ppm = 500-436 InvertDelayToDup Minimum delay before the Range = 0 to 45ppm = 400
M5 transport from TAR 2 to 8000mm/s 3000 lexTimeD6 inverter motor changes 1000ms 55ppm = 400
TAR1 Mode 5 (Scaled), 55ppm = direction Transparency.
Transparencies <216mm in 3000 Duplex Mode 6, Envelopes
the process direction. 500-437 TAR1MaxVariable TAR1/2 maximum variable Range = 0 to 45ppm =
500-425 TAR2HighSpeed_ TAR 1/2 High speed for Range = 1000 to 45ppm = Speed_M6 speed that the TAR motor 8000mm/s 2570
M6 transport from TAR2 to 8000mm/s 2570 can use when sheet is late 55ppm =
TAR1 Mode 6 (Scaled), 55ppm = and catch up is required. 2570
Envelopes 2570 Mode 6, Envelopes
500-426 MSISimpPitchTic MSI Simplex Pitch for mode Range = 0 to 45ppm = 500-438 DuplexHighSpeed Duplex High Speed Duplex Range = 1000 to 45ppm =
kM6Time 6. Envelopes 10000ms 6000 D6_P1 Transparency Mode 6 10000mm/s 2570
55ppm = (Scaled), Envelopes 55ppm =
6000 2570
500-427 PitchTickSimpMo Simplex Pitch Mode 6. Range = 400 to 45ppm = 500-439 InvertHighSpeed6 Invert High Speed Duplex Range = 1000 to 45ppm =
de6_P1 Envelopes 10000ms 6000 _P1 Transparency Mode 6 10000mm/s 2570
55ppm = (Scaled), Envelopes 55ppm =
6000 2570

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC131 6-92 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
Table 1 IOT NVM ID 500-001 to 500-903 Table 1 IOT NVM ID 500-001 to 500-903
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
500-440 XeroCycleOutDel Delay from last sheet TE at Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0 500-452 MSIFeedSe- Used to switch between 0 = Feed roll con- 45ppm = 0
ayM1 BTR transfer to Xerographic 10000ms 55ppm = 0 quence MSI control types. tinues until the TE 55ppm = 0
cycle out starts. Mode 1 of the sheet leaves
Sheets < 216 the MSI.
500-441 XeroCycleOutDel Delay from last sheet TE at Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0 1 = Feed roll off
ayM2 BTR transfer to Xerographic 10000ms 55ppm = 0 when cam home.
cycle out starts. Mode 2 500-453 EnablePaper- Enable paperless tracking 0 = Normal opera- 45ppm = 0
Standard Media 216 to 365 lessTracking tion. 55ppm = 0
500-442 XeroCycleOutDel Delay from last sheet TE at Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0 1 = Paperless
ayM3 BTR transfer to Xerographic 10000ms 55ppm = 0 mode.
cycle out starts. Mode 3 500-902 MSISimpPitchTic MSI Pitch, Addition to MSI Range = 0 to 6000 45ppm =
Standard Media > 365 kAdditionM2Time Simplex Pitch Mode 2 2510
500-443 XeroCycleOutDel Delay from last sheet TE at Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0 55ppm =
ayM4 BTR transfer to Xerographic 10000ms 55ppm = 0 2510
cycle out starts. Mode 4 500-903 MSISimpPitchTic MSI Pitch, Addition to MSI Range = 0 to 6000 45ppm =
Narrow sheets < 150 kAdditionM3Time Simplex Pitch Mode 3 2770
500-444 XeroCycleOutDel Delay from last sheet TE at Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0 55ppm =
ayM5 BTR transfer to Xerographic 10000ms 55ppm = 0 2770
cycle out starts. Mode 5
500-445 XeroCycleOutDel Delay from last sheet TE at Range = 0 to 45ppm =
ayM6 BTR transfer to Xerographic 10000ms 1000 Table 2 IOT NVM ID 501-160 to 501-365
cycle out starts. Mode 6 55ppm = NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
Envelopes 1000
501-160 BCR_DC_ON_Cy Bias Charge Roll DC turned Range = 0 to 45ppm = 160
500-446 OffsetCentreTray- Delay before attempting to Range = 0 to 45ppm = 500
cleIn_P1 on Cycle In 5000ms 55ppm = 160
InitDelay find home position after an 5000ms 55ppm = 500
501-161 BCR_AC_ON_Cy Bias Charge Roll AC turned Range = 0 to 45ppm = 160
initialisation request
cleIn_P1 on Cycle In. 5000ms 55ppm = 160
500-447 OffsetFaultTime Max time offset motor can Range = 0 to 45ppm = 150
501-162 XeroReadyTime_ Minimum time from Xero- Range = 0 to 45ppm = 930
run before a fault is 500ms 55ppm = 150
P1 graphics start cycle in to 5000ms 55ppm = 930
Xerographics ready
500-448 HCFT3ExitToExit When the HCF needs to Range = 0 to 45ppm = 60
501-163 DevBiasDC_ON_ Dev Bias DC turned on Range = 0 to 45ppm = 295
NipTime purge Tray 3 this is the time 1000ms 55ppm = 60
CycleIn_P1 Cycle In. 5000ms 55ppm = 295
to turn the feed on to ensure
the LE is in the HCF exit 501-164 BTReverseBiasC BTR Reverse Bias turned Range = 0 to 45ppm = 50
nips. ycleIn_P1 on Cycle In. 5000ms 55ppm = 50
500-449 FeedNipClearTim When the HCF is in purge Range = 0 to 45ppm = 400 501-165 DevBiasAC_ON_ Dev Bias AC turned on Range = 0 to 45ppm = 395
e2 mode this is the time that 4000ms 55ppm = 400 CycleIn Cycle In. 5000ms 55ppm = 395
the retard will run when the 501-166 DevBiasAC_OFF Dev Bias AC turned OFF Range = 0 to 45ppm = 530
feed sensor goes clear to Cycle out. 5000ms 55ppm = 530
ensure the sheet is out of 501-167 BTRFwdBiasRun BTR Forward Bias turned Range = 0 to 45ppm = 224
the feed nip _P1 during Run. 5000ms 55ppm = 224
500-450 HCFT3ExitToExit When the HCF needs to Range = 0 to 45ppm = 30 501-168 BTRRevBiasRun BTR Forward to Reverse Range = -5000 to 45ppm = -4
RetardTime purge Tray 3 this is the time, 1000ms 55ppm = 30 _P1 Bias during Run 5000ms 55ppm = -4
following a feed assist 501-169 BTRBiasOFFCyc BTR Bias turned Off cycle Range = 0 to 45ppm =
500-451 MSIPaperTE_2_ The number of steps to run Range = 0 to 4000 45ppm = 680 Out_P1 out. 5000ms 1101
Steps to TE at the MSI Feed Roll. Steps 55ppm = 680 55ppm =

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-93 dC131
Table 2 IOT NVM ID 501-160 to 501-365 Table 2 IOT NVM ID 501-160 to 501-365
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
501-170 DevBiasDC_OFF Dev Bias DC turned OFF Range = 0 to 45ppm = 630 501-192 TcDispTotalUl TcDispTotalUl Range = - 45ppm =
_P1 Cycle out. 5000ms 55ppm = 630 1000000000 to 3000
501-171 CartridgeMotCycI Cartridge motor turned on Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0 1000000000ms 55ppm =
n_P1 cycle in. 5000ms 55ppm = 0 3000
501-172 CartridgeMotCyc Cartridge Motor turned off Range = 0 to 45ppm = 501-194 TcSnrRdIntvPS TcSnrRdIntvPS Range = 0 to 45ppm = 10
Out_P1 cycle out. 5000ms 1386 1000000000ms 55ppm = 10
55ppm = 501-195 TcOftPS TcOftPS Range = - 45ppm = 0
1386 1000000000 to 55ppm = 0
501-173 FuserExitMotCyc Fuser Exit Motor Turned Range = 0 to 45ppm = 1000000000
Out_P1 OFF Cycle out. 5000ms 1163 501-196 PxlTnrIndSw PxlTnrIndSw Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
55ppm = 1000000000 55ppm = 0
1163 501-199 NotUsed199 Not used Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
501-174 TcDispTotal TcDispTotal Range = -32768 to 45ppm = 0 2147483647 55ppm = 0
32767ms 55ppm = 0 501-200 NotUsed200 Not used Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
501-175 TcSnrFailCount TcSnrFailCount Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0 2147483647 55ppm = 0
65535 55ppm = 0 501-201 NotUsed201 Not used Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
501-176 TcLowCount TcLowCount Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0 2147483647 55ppm = 0
65535 55ppm = 0 501-202 NotUsed202 Not used Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
501-177 TcHighCount TcHighCount Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0 2147483647 55ppm = 0
65535 55ppm = 0 501-203 TcSnrDispPeriod TcSnrDispPeriod Range = 0 to 45ppm =
501-178 TcLowCydnCount TcLowCydnCount Range = 0 to 255 45ppm = 0 1000000000ms 5000
55ppm = 0 55ppm =
501-179 TcHighCydn- TcHighCydnCount Range = 0 to 255 45ppm = 0 5000
Count 55ppm = 0 501-204 TcSnrRiseTime TcSnrRiseTime Range = 0 to 45ppm =
501-183 PxlCumTnrAge PxlCumTnrAge Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0 65535ms 1500
2147483647 55ppm = 0 55ppm =
501-184 DispCumTnrAge DispCumTnrAge Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0 1500
2147483647 55ppm = 0 501-205 TcSnrPoNoRd- TcSnrPoNoRdTime Range = 0 to 45ppm =
501-185 TcPrevTnrAge TcPrevTnrAge Range = 0 to 255 45ppm = 82 Time 65535ms 1500
55ppm = 82 55ppm =
501-186 Pxl Pixel count from Mutara Range = 0 to 2784 45ppm = 174
FPGA 55ppm = 174 501-206 TcSnrTarget TcSnrTarget Range = 0 to 1023 45ppm = 291
55ppm = 291
501-187 TcDispSw TcDispSw Range = 0 to 6 45ppm = 1
55ppm = 1 501-207 TcDeadCountMax TcDeadCountMax Range = 0 to 255 45ppm = 3
55ppm = 3
501-188 TcDispMaxOn- TcDispMaxOnTime Range = 0 to 45ppm = 500
Time 1000000000ms 55ppm = 500 501-208 TcDeadCycleTh- TcDeadCycleThreshold Range = 0 to 255 45ppm = 6
reshold 55ppm = 6
501-189 TcDispMinOff- TcDispMinOffTime Range = 0 to 45ppm = 10
Time 1000000000ms 55ppm = 10 501-209 TcAggressiveG- TcAggressiveGainThresh- Range = 0 to 1023 45ppm = 3
ainThreshold old 55ppm = 3
501-190 TcDispKaw TcDispKaw Range = - 45ppm =
1000000000 to 1000 501-210 TcKi TcKi Range = 0 to 45ppm = 150
1000000000 55ppm = 65535 55ppm = 150
1000 501-211 TcSnrCPuckCal TcSnrCPuckCal Range = 0 to 45ppm = 30
501-191 TcDispTotalLl TcDispTotalLl Range = - 45ppm = - 65535 55ppm = 30
1000000000 to 3000 501-212 TcAggressiveKp TcAggressiveKp Range = 0 to 45ppm = 200
1000000000ms 55ppm = - 65535 55ppm = 200

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC131 6-94 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
Table 2 IOT NVM ID 501-160 to 501-365 Table 2 IOT NVM ID 501-160 to 501-365
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
501-213 TcAggressiveKi TcAggressiveKi Range = 0 to 45ppm = 60 501-233 IodSnrRdNum IodSnrRdNum Range = 0 to 10045ppm = 18
65535 55ppm = 60 55ppm = 18
501-214 TcDispenseUp- TcDispenseUpperLimit Range = -32768 to 45ppm = 501-234 IodNgCountMax IodNgCountMax Range = 0 to 100 45ppm = 20
perLimit 32768ms 2000 55ppm = 20
55ppm = 501-235 IodDiscardRd- IodDiscardRdNum Range = 0 to 100 45ppm = 2
2000 Num 55ppm = 2
501-215 TcDispenseLow- TcDispenseLowerLimit Range = -32768 to 45ppm = - 501-236 IodUseRdNum IodUseRdNum Range = 0 to 100 45ppm = 10
erLimit 32768ms 2000 55ppm = 10
55ppm = - 501-237 IodSnrLl IodSnrLl Range = 0 to 1000 45ppm = 50
2000 55ppm = 50
501-216 TcSnrRdNum TcSnrRdNum Range = 0 to 255 45ppm = 100 501-238 IodSnrUl IodSnrUl Range = 0 to 2000 45ppm =
55ppm = 100 1000
501-217 TcSnrRngMin TcSnrRngMin Range = 0 to 1023 45ppm = 20 55ppm =
55ppm = 20 1000
501-218 TcNgCountMax TcNgCountMax Range = 0 to 255 45ppm = 5 501-239 IodSnrRdIntv IodSnrRdIntv Range = 0 to 45ppm = 5
55ppm = 5 100ms 55ppm = 5
501-219 TcDiscardRdNum TcDiscardRdNum Range = 0 to 255 45ppm = 5 501-240 IodSnrFailCount IodSnrFailCount Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
55ppm = 5 10000 55ppm = 0
501-220 TcUseRdNum TcUseRdNum Range = 0 to 255 45ppm = 10 501-242 IodRoutineEnable IodRoutineEnable Range = 0 to 1 45ppm = 0
55ppm = 10 55ppm = 0
501-221 TcSnrLl TcSnrLl Range = 0 to 1023 45ppm = 100 501-243 IodPatchesToAv- IodPatchesToAverage Range = 0 to 10 45ppm = 5
55ppm = 100 erage 55ppm = 5
501-222 TcSnrUl TcSnrUl Range = 0 to 1023 45ppm = 501-244 IodFilteredRead- IodFilteredReading Range = 0 to 2000 45ppm = 0
1000 ing 55ppm = 0
55ppm = 501-245 IodTimePage- IodTimePageSyncToSensor Range = 0 to 45ppm = 118
1000 SyncToSensor 1000ms 55ppm = 118
501-223 TcFailCydnEn TcFailCydnEn 0 = Disabled, 1 = 45ppm = 1 501-246 Power_BcrAC_C Power_BcrAC_Current Range = 1000 to 45ppm =
Enabled 55ppm = 1 urrent 3000 1820
501-224 NoGoodMax NoGoodMax Range = 0 to 100 45ppm = 5 55ppm =
55ppm = 5 1820
501-225 TcLowCdOffset TcLowCdOffset Range = -100000 45ppm = 0 501-247 Power_BcrAC_Fr Power_BcrAC_Freq Range = 1000 to 45ppm =
to 100000 55ppm = 0 eq 3000Hz 1510
501-226 TcHighCdOffset TcHighCdOffset Range = -100000 45ppm = 0 55ppm =
to 100000 55ppm = 0 1510
501-227 UpperLimitat- UpperLimitatLowTc Range = -100000 45ppm = 390 501-248 Power_BcrDC Power_BcrDC Range = 200 to 45ppm = 670
LowTc to 100000 55ppm = 390 1000V 55ppm = 670
501-228 LowerLimi- LowerLimitatHighTc Range = -100000 45ppm = 255 501-249 Power_DevBiasD Power_DevBiasDC Range = 300 to 45ppm = 552
tatHighTc to 100000 55ppm = 255 C 700V 55ppm = 552
501-229 TcLowCdEnabled TcLowCdEnabled 0 = Disabled, 1 = 45ppm = 1 501-250 Power_DevBiasA Power_DevBiasAC Range = 400 to 45ppm = 500
Enabled 55ppm = 1 C 1100V 55ppm = 500
501-230 TcHighCdEnabled TcHighCdEnabled 0 = Disabled, 1 = 45ppm = 1 501-251 Power_DevBiasA Power_DevBiasAC_Freq Range = 5000 to 45ppm =
Enabled 55ppm = 1 C_Freq 15000V 8300
501-231 IodTimePag- IodTimePageEndToSenso- Range = 0 to 45ppm = 138 55ppm =
eEndToSensorOn rOn 1000ms 55ppm = 138 8300
501-232 IodSnrSettleTime IodSnrSettleTime Range = 0 to 45ppm = 200 501-252 Power_BtrCurrent Power_BtrCurrent Range = 50 to 45ppm = 240
1000ms 55ppm = 200 500uA 55ppm = 240

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-95 dC131
Table 2 IOT NVM ID 501-160 to 501-365 Table 2 IOT NVM ID 501-160 to 501-365
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
501-253 Power_BtrCurrent Power_BtrCurrentLE Range = 50 to 45ppm = 240 501-273 CartridgeONPuls Time from cycle out initiated Range = 0 to 45ppm =
LE 500uA 55ppm = 240 e_P1 (Print Bias complete last 5000ms 1994
501-254 Power_BtrCurrent Power_BtrCurrentTE Range = 50 to 45ppm = 180 sheet) Start pulse of car- 55ppm =
TE 500uA 55ppm = 180 trideg motor. 1994
501-255 BtrLeadEdgeT- BtrLeadEdgeTime Range = 0 to 45ppm = 100 501-274 CartridgeOffPulse Time from cycle out initiated Range = 0 to 45ppm =
ime 1000ms 55ppm = 100 _P1 (Print Bias complete last 5000ms 2044
501-256 BtrTrailEdgeTime BtrTrailEdgeTime Range = 0 to 45ppm = 60 sheet) Complete Pulse of 55ppm =
1000ms 55ppm = 60 cartridge motor. 2044
501-257 TcSnrCalAdjEn TcSnrCalAdjEn 0 = Enabled, 1 = 45ppm = 1 501-275 EnvSnrSettle- Environmental sensor set- Range = 0 to 300 45ppm = 60
Disabled 55ppm = 1 Time tle time (for RH readings) seconds 55ppm = 60
501-258 TcSnrAPuckCal TcSnrAPuckCal Range = 0 to 45ppm = 464 501-276 TmpSnrRdIntv Temperature Sensor sam- Range = 0 to 45ppm =
100000000 55ppm = 464 pling interval 30000ms 1000
55ppm =
501-259 TcSnrBPuckCal TcSnrBPuckCal Range = 0 to 45ppm = 368
100000000 55ppm = 368
501-277 TmpSnrRdNum Temperature Sensor no. of Range = 0 to 100 45ppm = 5
501-260 TcSnrCPuckCal TcSnrCPuckCal Range = 0 to 45ppm = 271
samples averaged 55ppm = 5
100000000 55ppm = 271
501-278 RhSnrRdIntv Humidity Sensor sampling Range = 0 to 45ppm =
501-261 NotUsed261 Not used Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
interval 30000ms 1000
2147483647 55ppm = 0
55ppm =
501-262 TcSnrAPuckNom TcSnrAPuckNom Range = 0 to 45ppm = 464 1000
100000000 55ppm = 464
501-279 RhSnrRdNum Humidity Sensor no. of Range = 0 to 100 45ppm = 5
501-263 TcSnrBPuckNom TcSnrBPuckNom Range = 0 to 45ppm = 368 samples averaged 55ppm = 5
100000000 55ppm = 368
501-280 RhAverage Current averaged Relative Range = 0 to 45ppm = 30
501-264 TcSnrCPuckNom TcSnrCPuckNom Range = 0 to 45ppm = 271 Humidity reading 100%RH 55ppm = 30
100000000 55ppm = 271
501-281 TmpAverage Current averaged Tempera- Range = 0 to 100 45ppm = 20
501-265 TcAPuckCalBit- TcAPuckCalBitIncmt Range = 0 to 45ppm = 232 ture reading Deg. C 55ppm = 20
Incmt 100000000 55ppm = 232
501-282 TmpSnrLl Temperature Sensor Lower Range = 0 to 100 45ppm = 5
501-266 TcBPuckCalBit- TcBPuckCalBitIncmt Range = 0 to 45ppm = 155 Limit Deg. C 55ppm = 5
Incmt 100000000 55ppm = 155
501-283 TmpSnrUl Temperature Sensor Upper Range = 0 to 100 45ppm = 50
501-267 TcCPuckCalBit- TcCPuckCalBitIncmt Range = 0 to 45ppm = 232 Limit Deg. C 55ppm = 50
Incmt 100000000 55ppm = 232
501-284 RhSnrLl Humidity Sensor Lower Range = 0 to 45ppm = 1
501-269 BTRFwdBiasCyc Time from cycle out initiated Range = 0 to 45ppm = 367 Limit 100%RH 55ppm = 1
Out_P1 (Print Bias complete last 5000ms 55ppm = 367
501-285 RhSnrUl Humidity Sensor Upper Range = 0 to 45ppm = 95
sheet) to the BTR going to
Limit 100%RH 55ppm = 95
Forward Bias cycle out.
501-286 NgTmpSnrFail- No. of temperature sensor Range = 0 to 100 45ppm = 5
501-270 BTRFwdBiasOffC Time from cycle out initiated Range = 0 to 45ppm = 734
CountMax readings out of limits 55ppm = 5
ycOut_P1 (Print Bias complete last 5000ms 55ppm = 734
sheet) to the BTR going to
Reverse Bias cycle out. 501-287 NgRhSnrFail- No. of humidity sensor Range = 0 to 100 45ppm = 5
CountMax readings out of limits 55ppm = 5
501-271 BCRDCOFF_P1 Time from cycle out initiated Range = 0 to 45ppm = 476
(Print Bias complete last 5000ms 55ppm = 476
sheet) BCR DC turned OFF 501-288 TmpSnrFailCount Temperature sensor fault Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
count 10000 55ppm = 0
501-272 BCRACOFF_P1 Time from cycle out initiated Range = 0 to 45ppm =
(Print Bias complete last 5000ms 1386 501-289 RhSnrFailCount Humidity sensor fault count Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
sheet) BCR AC turned OFF 55ppm = 10000 55ppm = 0
1386 501-290 TmpSnrAvgIntv Temperature sensor aver- Range = 0 to 600 45ppm = 10
aging interval seconds 55ppm = 10

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC131 6-96 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
Table 2 IOT NVM ID 501-160 to 501-365 Table 2 IOT NVM ID 501-160 to 501-365
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
501-291 RhSnrAvgIntv Humidity sensor averaging Range = 0 to 600 45ppm = 10 501-317 ACDecayCoeff Area Coverage Decay coef- Range = 0 to 2000
45ppm = 120
interval seconds 55ppm = 10 ficient 55ppm = 120
501-292 PhotoDevUnitAge Spare Range = 0 to 45ppm = 501-318 ACMaxPixelsTo- Area Coverage Max Pixels Range = 0 to 45ppm =
1000000000 200000 CoverDrum to cover drum 20000 1648
55ppm = 55ppm =
200000 1648
501-293 LPH_Exposure LPH_Exposure Range = 150 to 45ppm = 379 501-319 ACRollingValue Area Coverage rolling value Range = 0 to 45ppm =
600 55ppm = 379 200000 5000
501-294 Power_BtrCurrent Power_BtrCurrentClean Range = 50 to 45ppm = 180 55ppm =
Clean 500uA 55ppm = 180 5000
501-295 DensityCtrlMode Density control mode 0 = Fixed, 1 = Tier 45ppm = 1 501-320 ACAccDrumCy- Accumulated Drum Cycles Range = 0 to 5000 45ppm = 0
1 55ppm = 1 cles Per Image samples 55ppm = 0
501-296 TCCtrlMode Toner Concentration con- 0 = Fixed, 1 = Tier 45ppm = 1 501-321 ACAccCycledIn- Accumulated ACPixel Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
trol mode 1 55ppm = 1 Pixels Count Per Image samples 1000000 55ppm = 0
501-297 Power_BcrAC_Fi Power_BcrAC_Fixed Range = 1000 to 45ppm = in Pixels
xed 3000uA 1820 501-322 DrumCy- Area Coverage Drum Cycle Range = 1 to 45ppm = 100
55ppm = cleCounterSave- counter save frequency 10000 55ppm = 100
1820 Freq
501-298 Power_BcrDC_Fi Power_BcrDC_Fixed Range = 200 to 45ppm = 670 501-323 TcSnrReadPeriod Area Coverage Toner Con- Range = 0 to 45ppm =
xed 1000V 55ppm = 670 centration sensor read 60000 2500
501-299 Power_DevBiasD Power_DevBiasDC_Fixed Range = 300 to 45ppm = 552 period 55ppm =
C_Fixed 700V 55ppm = 552 2500
501-300 LPH_Exposure_F LPH_Exposure_Fixed Range = 150 to 45ppm = 379 501-324 AcAccImages Area Coverage accumu- Range = 0 to 2000 45ppm = 0
ixed 600 55ppm = 379 lated images 55ppm = 0
501-301 TcSnrTarget_Fixe TcSnrTarget_Fixed Range = 0 to 1023 45ppm = 291 501-325 AcImageSamples Area Coverage images Range = 1 to 2000 45ppm = 30
d 55ppm = 291 sampled 55ppm = 30
501-302 TransferCtrlMode Transfer control mode 0 = Fixed, 1 = Tier 45ppm = 1 501-326 ACRollingValue- Max limited value of Area Range = 0 to 45ppm =
1 55ppm = 1 MaxLimit Coverage calculated from 200000 100000
the algorithm 55ppm =
501-303 Power_BtrCurrent Power_BtrCurrent_Fixed Range = 50 to 45ppm = 240
_Fixed 500uA 55ppm = 240
501-327 ACRollingVal- Min limited value of Area Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
501-311 TcEmptyDe- TcEmptyDetectCntMax Range = 0 to 1000 45ppm = 5
ueMinLimit Coverage calculated from 200000 55ppm = 0
tectCntMax 55ppm = 5
the algorithm
501-312 TcEmptySw Switch between pixel and 0 = Empty declara- 45ppm = 0
501-328 NvmXferBigSub Xerographic LUT cross-pro- Range = 160 to 45ppm = 216
TC control for the empty tion from pixel 55ppm = 0
cess width upper threshold 420 55ppm = 216
bottle calculations. count, 1 = Empty
declaration from
TC 501-329 NvmXferSmall- Xerographic LUT cross-pro- Range = 100 to 45ppm = 140
Sub cess width lower threshold 160 55ppm = 140
501-313 Power_BtrCurrent Power_BtrCurrentLE_Fixed Range = 50 to 45ppm = 240
LE_Fixed 500uA 55ppm = 240
501-330 NvmXferLowRh Xerographic LUT transfer Range = 0 to 100 45ppm = 14
501-314 Power_BtrCurrent Power_BtrCurrentTE_Fixed Range = 50 to 45ppm = 180
lower humidity threshold 55ppm = 14
TE_Fixed 500uA 55ppm = 180
XferLowRh (approx 20%)
501-315 Power_BtrCurrent Power_BtrCurrentClean_Fi Range = 50 to 45ppm = 180
501-331 NvmXferHighRH Xerographic LUT transfer Range = 0 to 100 45ppm = 54
Clean_Fixed xed 500uA 55ppm = 180
upper humidity threshold 55ppm = 54
501-316 ACGain Area Coverage Gain Range = 0 to 200 45ppm = 100 XferHighRh (approx 75%)
55ppm = 100

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-97 dC131
Table 2 IOT NVM ID 501-160 to 501-365 Table 2 IOT NVM ID 501-160 to 501-365
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
501-332 HighAcPxlWin- Time period to gather the Range = 1 to 45ppm = 501-345 BtrCycleInClean- Following a shutdown on Range = 0 to 1 45ppm = 0
dowTime pixel information over to cal- 100000ms 10000 Flag cycle in 1 cycle of the BTR 55ppm = 0
culate the TotalMovingPx- 55ppm = is required for cleaning.
lAcc 10000 This NVM determines
501-333 HighAcTotalMov- The accumulated pixel Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0 whether the cleaning cycle
ingPxlAcc count over HighAcPxlWin- 2147483647 55ppm = 0 should be run or not.
dowTime. 501-346 XeroReadyTimeA Minimum time from Xero- Range = 0 to 45ppm =
501-334 HighAcTcPxlTh The threshold for accumu- Range = 1392 to 45ppm = fterShutdown_P1 graphics start cycle in to the 5000ms 2900
lated pixels over the time 2147483647 3480 first transfer time following a 55ppm =
HighAcPxlWindowTime 55ppm = shutdown condition 2900
which will cause entry to 3480 501-347 XeroShutdown- On a shutdown, time to turn Range = 0 to 45ppm = 155
HighAcRecovery TimeDevBiasDC off the Dev Bias DC 5000ms 55ppm = 155
501-335 HighAcTcPxlTh- The number of consecutive Range = 0 to 100 45ppm = 5 501-348 XeroShutdown- On a shutdown, time to turn Range = 0 to 45ppm = 155
CntMax readings before entry and 55ppm = 5 TimeDevBiasAC off the Dev Bias AC 5000ms 55ppm = 155
exit from High AC recovery 501-349 TcSnrReading Filtered TC sensor reading Range = 0 to 1023 45ppm = 291
mode. (TcSnrRead) 55ppm = 291
501-336 HighAcModeTim- Timeout for High AC mode. Range = 0 to 45ppm = 501-350 BCR_DC_ON_Cl Prevents sheets being Range = 0 to 45ppm = 10
eout Timer started when dead 300000ms 90000 ean_CycleIn grabbed from user when 5000ms 55ppm = 10
cycling begins 55ppm = loading sheets
90000 501-351 BCR_AC_ON_Cl BCR_AC_ON_Clean_Cycle Range = 0 to 45ppm = 10
501-337 DTS_Enable Determines whether DTS is Range = 0 to 1 45ppm = 1 ean_CycleIn In 5000ms 55ppm = 10
enabled or not 55ppm = 1 501-352 DevBiasDC_ON_ DevBiasDC_ON_Clean_Cy Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
501-338 HighAcLast- Stores previous TC dis- Range = 0 to 6 45ppm = 1 Clean_CycleIn cleIn 5000ms 55ppm = 0
TcDispSw pense mode at entry to high 55ppm = 1 501-353 DevBiasAC_ON_ DevBiasAC_ON_Clean_Cy Range = 0 to 45ppm = 395,
AC mode Clean_CycleIn cleIn 5000ms 55ppm = 395
501-339 BtrCycleInClean- Following a jam, on cycle in Range = 0 to 45ppm = 501-354 PcReplacedX- Following a change of print 0 = No change of 45ppm = 0
Start 1 cycle of the BTR is 5000ms 1400 eroDelayFlag cartridge this flag is set to print cartridge 55ppm = 0
required for cleaning. This 55ppm = delay xerographic ready detected, 1 = Print
is the time delay to start the 1400 time to allow the developer cartridge has been
clean cycle. longer time to stabilise after changed
501-340 BtrCleanDuration Following a jam, on cycle in Range = 0 to 45ppm = carrier/toner is first
1 cycle of the BTR is 5000ms 1900 released.
required for cleaning. This 55ppm = 501-355 PcReplacedXero Following a change of print Range = 0 to 45ppm =
is the duration of the clean 1900 ReadyTime_P1 cartridge this is the mini- 100000ms 15000
cycle minus the start time. mum time from Xerograph- 55ppm =
501-341 XeroShutdown- On a shutdown, time to turn Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0 ics start cycle in to 15000
TimeBtr off the BTR 5000ms 55ppm = 0 Xerographics ready.
501-342 XeroShutdown- On a shutdown, time to turn Range = 0 to 45ppm = 155 501-356 Power_BcrAC_D Duty cycle of the BCR AC Range = 0 to 100 45ppm = 50
TimeCartMtr off the Cartridge Motor 5000ms 55ppm = 155 uty waveform 55ppm = 50
501-343 XeroShutdown- On a shutdown, time to turn Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0 501-357 Power_DevBiasA Duty cycle of the Dev Bias Range = 0 to 100 45ppm = 50
TimeBcrDC off the BCR DC 5000ms 55ppm = 0 C_Duty AC waveform 55ppm = 50
501-344 XeroShutdown- On a shutdown, time to turn Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0 501-358 TnrBelowEmp- Toner remaining hard stop Range = -100 to 0 45ppm = -50
TimeBcrAC off the BCR AC 5000ms 55ppm = 0 tyTh threshold for instant end of 55ppm = -50
life declaration

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC131 6-98 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
Table 2 IOT NVM ID 501-160 to 501-365 Table 3 IOT NVM ID 502-292 to 502-399
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
501-359 SystemLockout- A system lockout fault 0 = No lockout 45ppm = 0 502-297 NvmFsrKpMark- NvmFsrKpMarking Range = 0 to 1500 45ppm =
Fault requiring a service call has fault, 55ppm = 0 ing 1300
occurred. The Index of the N = IOT fault code 55ppm =
IOT fault code is stored so index number 1300
that at power on the IOT 502-298 NvmFsrKiMarking NvmFsrKiMarking Range = 0 to 100 45ppm = 10
can immediately re-raise 55ppm = 10
the fault to prohibit marking. 502-299 NvmFsrKdMark- NvmFsrKdMarking Range = 0 to 100 45ppm = 40
501-361 TcDispOLMaxOn- TC Dispense Open Loop Range = 0 to 45ppm = 500 ing 55ppm = 40
Time Max OnTime 1000000000ms 55ppm = 500 502-300 NvmFsrKp2Marki NvmFsrKp2Marking Range = 0 to 1500 45ppm =
501-362 TcDispOLMinOff- TC Dispense Open Loop Range = 0 to 45ppm = 10 ng 1300
Time Min OnTime 1000000000ms 55ppm = 10 55ppm =
501-363 PCOverTempUp- Print cartridge over temper- Range = 0 to 100
45ppm = 47 1300
perLimit ature upper threshold. Deg. C 55ppm = 47 502-301 NvmFsrKi2Markin NvmFsrKi2Marking Range = 0 to 100 45ppm = 10
501-364 PCOverTem- Print cartridge over temper- Range = 0 to 100
45ppm = 43 g 55ppm = 10
pLowerLimit ature lower threshold. Deg. C 55ppm = 43 502-302 NvmFsrKd2Marki NvmFsrKd2Marking Range = 0 to 100 45ppm = 40
501-365 PCCoolingTime- Timeout for Print Cartridge Range = 0 to 45ppm = ng 55ppm = 40
out Cooling mode. 600000ms 120000 502-303 NvmFsrNVMNull2 NvmFsrNVMNull249 Range = 0 to 100 45ppm = 0
55ppm = 49 55ppm = 0
120000 502-304 NvmFsrICalc1Off NvmFsrICalc1Offset Range = 0 to 80 45ppm = 20
501-366 TcStartEmptyDe- Toner cartridge start empty Range = 0 to 1000 45ppm = 0 set 55ppm = 20
tectCnt detect count 55ppm = 0 502-305 NvmFsrICalc2Off NvmFsrICalc2Offset Range = 0 to 80 45ppm = 20
501-367 TcNearEmptyDe- Toner cartrdige near empty Range = 0 to 1000 45ppm = 0 set 55ppm = 20
tectCnt detect count 55ppm = 0 502-306 NvmFsrICalc3Off NvmFsrICalc3Offset Range = 0 to 80 45ppm = 20
501-368 TcEmptyDe- Toner cartridge empty Range = 0 to 1000 45ppm = 0 set 55ppm = 20
tectCnt detect count 55ppm = 0 502-307 NvmFsrCrumVolt- NvmFsrCrumVoltage Range = 0 to 100 45ppm = 40
age 55ppm = 40
502-308 NvmFsrDCalc2Of NvmFsrDCalc2Offset Range = 0 to 100 45ppm = 40
fset 55ppm = 40
Table 3 IOT NVM ID 502-292 to 502-399
502-309 NvmFsrDCalc3Of NvmFsrDCalc3Offset Range = 0 to 100 45ppm = 40
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default fset 55ppm = 40
502-292 NvmFsrStand- NvmFsrStandbyTemp Range = 0 to 2100 45ppm = 600 502-310 NvmFsrPowerCal NvmFsrPowerCalc1Offset Range = 0 to 100 45ppm = 0
byTemp 55ppm = 600 c1Offset 55ppm = 0
502-293 NvmFsrRunTemp NvmFsrRunTemp Range = 100 to 45ppm = 502-311 NvmFsrPowerCal NvmFsrPowerCalc2Offset Range = 0 to 100 45ppm = 0
2100 1950 c2Offset 55ppm = 0
55ppm = 502-312 NvmFsrPowerCal NvmFsrPowerCalc3Offset Range = 0 to 100 45ppm = 0
1950 c3Offset 55ppm = 0
502-294 NvmFsrMaxTar- NvmFsrMaxTargetTemp Range = 1600 to 45ppm = 502-313 NvmFs- NvmFsrDeltaBreech Range = 0 to 500 45ppm = 250
getTemp 2600 2400 rDeltaBreech 55ppm = 250
55ppm = 502-314 NvmFsrNVMNull2 NvmFsrNVMNull260 Range = 0 to 100 45ppm = 0
2400 60 55ppm = 0
502-295 NvmFsrRange NvmFsrRange Range = 50 to 500 45ppm = 200 502-315 NvmFsrWarmup- Fuser Warmup Check Time Range = 10000 to 45ppm =
55ppm = 200 Timer 50000ms 40000
502-296 NvmFsrMaxPow- NvmFsrMaxPowerCapped Range = 1 to 21 45ppm = 21 55ppm =
erCapped 55ppm = 21 40000

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-99 dC131
Table 3 IOT NVM ID 502-292 to 502-399 Table 3 IOT NVM ID 502-292 to 502-399
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
502-316 NvmFsrStandby- NvmFsrStandbyTimer Range = 20000 to 45ppm = 502-351 NvmLVPSUFram- IOT to LVPSU Frame trans- Range = 50 to 45ppm = 100
Timer 900000 900000 eRate mission rate 100ms 55ppm = 100
55ppm = 502-352 NvmFuserTher- Fuser thermistor power on Range = 0 to 15 45ppm = 10
900000 mistorCheckTime temp rise check - Time seconds 55ppm = 10
502-317 NvmFsrAutoRe- NvmFsrAutoRecoveryTimer Range = 1000 to 45ppm = 502-353 NvmFuserTher- Fuser thermistor power on Range = 0 to 50 45ppm = 10
coveryTimer 5000 3000 mistorCheckDe- temp rise check - Temp Deg. C 55ppm = 10
55ppm = grees
3000 502-354 FuserSheetRe- During fuser warming up to Range = 0 to 50 45ppm = 10
502-318 NvmFsrLamp- NvmFsrLampPidUpperLimit Range = 100000 to 45ppm = leaseTemperature run temperature, this is the Deg. C x 10 55ppm = 10
PidUpperLimit 1000000 1000000 temperature that the initial
55ppm = sheet will be released from
1000000 the wait point
502-319 NvmCdiConso- NvmCdiConsoleOut Range = 0 to 10 45ppm = 0 502-355 FuserPowerCap- Fuser lamp power capping 0 = Disable, 1 = 45ppm = 1
leOut 55ppm = 0 pingEnable Enable 55ppm = 1
502-340 NvmFsrKp3Marki NvmFsrKp3Marking Range = 0 to 1500 45ppm = 502-356 LVPSUVoltageEn Default LVPS Voltage Enum Range = 0 to 255 45ppm = 136
ng 1000 umStandby110v used when LVPS does not 55ppm = 136
55ppm = return a voltage Enum for
1000 standby
502-341 NvmFsrKi3Markin Lamp3 Proportional Kp Range = 0 to 20 45ppm = 10 502-357 LVPSUVoltageEn Default LVPS Voltage Enum Range = 0 to 255 45ppm = 130
g coefficient 55ppm = 10 umRun110v used when LVPS does not 55ppm = 130
502-342 NvmFsrKd3Marki Lamp3 Differential Kd coef- Range = 0 to 100 45ppm = 20 return a voltage Enum
ng ficient 55ppm = 20 502-358 LVPSUVoltageEn Default LVPS Voltage Enum Range = 0 to 255 45ppm = 51
502-343 NvmFsrRoller- Period of time that the fuser Range = 0 to 45ppm = umStandby230v used when LVPS does not 55ppm = 51
RunOnTimeNo- rollers keep rotating after 5000ms 1000 return a voltage Enum
tUsed the fuser has been asked to 55ppm = 502-359 LVPSUVoltageEn Default LVPS Voltage Enum Range = 0 to 255 45ppm = 48
stop. (Reduces temp over- 1000 umRun230v used when LVPS does not 55ppm = 48
shoot at cycle out) return a voltage Enum
502-344 NotUsed447 Not Used 447 Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0 502-360 SystemStand- LVPS System Standby VA Range = 0 to 500 45ppm = 125
2147483647 55ppm = 0 byVA Limit 55ppm = 125
502-345 HeavyWeightMe- Fuser target temperature Range = 0 to 15 45ppm = 10 502-361 SystemRunVA LVPS System Run VA Limit Range = 0 to 1000
45ppm = 410
diaTempOffset offset applied when Heavy- Deg C 55ppm = 10 55ppm = 410
weight media is fed. 502-362 Lamp1MaxLimitV Fuser Lamp1 Max VA Limit Range = 0 to 1500 45ppm = 951
502-346 NvmDelayBefor- Time delay when fuser lamp Range = 0 to 45ppm = 500 A 55ppm = 951
eLampsOff power should be removed 3000ms 55ppm = 500 502-363 Lamp2MaxLimitV Fuser Lamp2 Max VA Limit Range = 0 to 1500 45ppm = 755
after the last sheet in the A 55ppm = 755
queue has been fed.
502-364 Lamp1MinLimitV Fuser Lamp1 Min VA Limit Range = 0 to 500 45ppm = 245
502-347 NvmSecondFu- Time delay for turning on Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0 A 55ppm = 245
serLampTurnOn- the second lamp when 2 2550ms 55ppm = 0
502-365 Lamp2MinLimitV Fuser Lamp2 Min VA Limit Range = 0 to 500 45ppm = 195
Delay fuser lamps are turned on at
A 55ppm = 195
the same time
502-366 PowerLevelPerce LVPS Power Level to Per- Range = 0 to 100 45ppm = 100
502-348 NvmFuserLamp1 Minimum power cap for Range = 0 to 12 45ppm = 0
ntagePL20 centage conversion PL20 55ppm = 100
MinPowerCap fuser lamp 1 55ppm = 0
502-367 PowerLevelPerce LVPS Power Level to Per- Range = 0 to 100 45ppm = 95
502-349 NvmFuserLamp2 Minimum power cap for Range = 0 to 12 45ppm = 0
ntagePL19 centage conversion PL19 55ppm = 95
MinPowerCap fuser lamp 2 55ppm = 0
502-368 PowerLevelPerce LVPS Power Level to Per- Range = 0 to 100 45ppm = 92
502-350 NvmFuserLamp3 Minimum power cap for Range = 0 to 12 45ppm = 0
ntagePL18 centage conversion PL18 55ppm = 92
MinPowerCap fuser lamp 3 55ppm = 0

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC131 6-100 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
Table 3 IOT NVM ID 502-292 to 502-399 Table 3 IOT NVM ID 502-292 to 502-399
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
502-369 PowerLevelPerce LVPS Power Level to Per- Range = 0 to 100 45ppm = 87 502-389 NvmFsrRunT- NVM Fuser Run Temp Cor- Range = 100 to 45ppm =
ntagePL17 centage conversion PL17 55ppm = 87 empCorrup- ruption Check 2100 1950
502-370 PowerLevelPerce LVPS Power Level to Per- Range = 0 to 100 45ppm = 83 tionCheck 55ppm =
ntagePL16 centage conversion PL16 55ppm = 83 1950
502-371 PowerLevelPerce LVPS Power Level to Per- Range = 0 to 100 45ppm = 80 502-390 NvmFsrMaxTarge NVM Fuser Max Target Range = 1600 to 45ppm =
ntagePL15 centage conversion PL15 55ppm = 80 tTempCorr_Chec Temp Corruption Check 2600 2400
502-372 PowerLevelPerce LVPS Power Level to Per- Range = 0 to 100 45ppm = 75 k 55ppm =
ntagePL14 centage conversion PL14 55ppm = 75 2400
502-373 PowerLevelPerce LVPS Power Level to Per- Range = 0 to 100 45ppm = 68 502-391 FsrThrottlingEn-Enables/Disables productiv- Range = 0 to 1 45ppm = 1
ntagePL13 centage conversion PL13 55ppm = 68 able ity reduction to maintain 55ppm = 1
fuser temperature when line
502-374 PowerLevelPerce LVPS Power Level to Per- Range = 0 to 100 45ppm = 66
power is insufficient to keep
ntagePL12 centage conversion PL12 55ppm = 66
fuser at fusing temperature.
502-375 PowerLevelPerce LVPS Power Level to Per- Range = 0 to 100 45ppm = 62
502-392 FsrLampPriori- During lamp power capping, Range = 0 to 45ppm = 500
ntagePL11 centage conversion PL11 55ppm = 62
tySwitchPeriod when the required lamp 1500ms 55ppm = 500
502-376 PowerLevelPerce LVPS Power Level to Per- Range = 0 to 100 45ppm = 57 powers for lamps 1 and 2
ntagePL10 centage conversion PL10 55ppm = 57 are equal the lamps are
502-377 PowerLevelPerce LVPS Power Level to Per- Range = 0 to 100 45ppm = 53 alternately powered based
ntagePL9 centage conversion PL9 55ppm = 53 on this time period.
502-378 PowerLevelPerce LVPS Power Level to Per- Range = 0 to 100 45ppm = 50 502-393 FsrSemiReady- Fuser semi ready mode 0 = Disabled, 1 = 45ppm = 1
ntagePL8 centage conversion PL8 55ppm = 50 ModeEnable enable Enabled 55ppm = 1
502-379 PowerLevelPerce LVPS Power Level to Per- Range = 0 to 100 45ppm = 46 502-394 TranspTempffset Fuser target temperature Range = -20 to 20 45ppm = -10
ntagePL7 centage conversion PL7 55ppm = 46 offset applied when Trans- Deg. C 55ppm = -10
502-380 PowerLevelPerce LVPS Power Level to Per- Range = 0 to 100 45ppm = 43 parency media is fed.
ntagePL6 centage conversion PL6 55ppm = 43 502-395 EnvTempOffset Fuser target temperature Range = -20 to 20 45ppm = 0
502-381 PowerLevelPerce LVPS Power Level to Per- Range = 0 to 100 45ppm = 37 offset applied when Enve- Deg. C 55ppm = 0
ntagePL5 centage conversion PL5 55ppm = 37 lope media is fed.
502-382 PowerLevelPerce LVPS Power Level to Per- Range = 0 to 100 45ppm = 32 502-396 LabelTempOffset Fuser target temperature Range = -20 to 20 45ppm = 15
ntagePL4 centage conversion PL4 55ppm = 32 offset applied when Labels Deg. C 55ppm = 15
502-383 PowerLevelPerce LVPS Power Level to Per- Range = 0 to 100 45ppm = 30 media is fed.
ntagePL3 centage conversion PL3 55ppm = 30 502-397 NvmFsrDu- NvmFsrDuplexRunTemp Range = 100 to 45ppm =
502-384 PowerLevelPerce LVPS Power Level to Per- Range = 0 to 100 45ppm = 30 plexRunTemp 2100 Deg. C x 10 1900
ntagePL2 centage conversion PL2 55ppm = 30 55ppm =
502-385 PowerLevelPerce LVPS Power Level to Per- Range = 0 to 100 45ppm = 30 1900
ntagePL1 centage conversion PL1 55ppm = 30 502-398 FsrDuplexRunT- NvmFsrDuplexRunTemp- Range = 100 to 45ppm =
502-386 NvmDelayBefor- Time delay when fuser lamp Range = 0 to 45ppm = empCheck CorruptionCheck 2100 Deg. C x 10 1900
eLampsOffDuplex power should be removed 3000ms 2000 55ppm =
after the last duplex sheet in 55ppm = 1900
the queue has been fed. 2000 502-399 FsrSemiReady- NvmFsrSemiReadyHoldUp- Range = 100 to 45ppm =
502-387 NvmMaxPi- The maximum capped Range = 0 to 30 45ppm = 20 HoldUpTime Time 2100 seconds 1900
CappedValue value for the integral term 55ppm = 20 55ppm =
for the PID lamp tempera- 1900
ture control
502-388 NvmFsrStand- NVM Fuser Standby Temp Range = 0 to 2100 45ppm = 600
byTempCorrup- Corruption Check 55ppm = 600

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-101 dC131
Table 4 IOT NVM ID 503-001 to 503-123
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
Table 4 IOT NVM ID 503-001 to 503-123
503-015 NvmFsr- Pseudo CRUM Range = 0 to 45ppm =
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default CrumEOLReuse EOL_Resure (Read only) 2147483647 2147483647
503-001 NvmFsrCrumSN Pseudo CRUM Machine Range = 0 to 45ppm = 55ppm =
Chars1to3 Serial Number - Bytes 1, 2 2147483647 808464432 2147483647
& 3 (Read only) 55ppm = 503-016 NvmFsrCrumSpar Pseudo CRUM SPARE Range = 0 to 45ppm =
808464432 e399 2147483647 2147483647
503-002 NvmFsrCrumSN Pseudo CRUM Machine Range = 0 to 45ppm = 55ppm =
Chars4to6 Serial Number - Bytes 4, 5 2147483647 808464432 2147483647
& 6 (Read only) 55ppm = 503-017 NvmFsrCrumSpar Pseudo CRUM SPARE Range = 0 to 45ppm =
808464432 e400 2147483647 2147483647
503-003 NvmFsrCrumSN Pseudo CRUM Machine Range = 0 to 45ppm = 55ppm =
Chars7to9 Serial Number - Bytes 7, 8 2147483647 808464432 2147483647
& 9 (Read only) 55ppm = 503-018 NvmFsrCrumSpar Pseudo CRUM SPARE Range = 0 to 45ppm =
808464432 e401 2147483647 2147483647
503-004 NvmFsrCrum- Pseudo CRUM CRU Total Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0 55ppm =
CRUTotalPrint- Print Count (Read only) 1000000 55ppm = 0 2147483647
Count 503-019 NvmFsrCrumSpar Pseudo CRUM SPARE Range = 0 to 45ppm =
503-005 NvmFsrCrum- Pseudo CRUM Max Print Range = 0 to 45ppm = e402 2147483647 2147483647
MaxPrintCount Count (Read only) 1000000 250000 55ppm =
55ppm = 2147483647
250000 503-020 NvmFsrCrumSN Pseudo CRUM Machine Range = 0 to 45ppm =
503-006 NvmNotUSed389 Not Used 389 Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0 Chars10to12 Serial Number - Bytes 10, 2147483647 808464432
2147483647 55ppm = 0 11 & 12 (Read only) 55ppm =
503-007 NvmFsrCrum- Pseudo CRUM Model Range = 0 to 255 45ppm = 255 808464432
Model (Read only) 55ppm = 255 503-023 NvmFsrCrum- CRU Serial Number - Fuser Range = 0 to 45ppm =
503-008 NvmFsrCrum- Pseudo CRUM Compatibil- Range = 0 to 45ppm = CRUSerialNum 2147483647 808464432
CompatibilityID ity ID (Read only) 65535 65281 55ppm =
55ppm = 808464432
65281 503-101 NvmFsrActualCru Actual CRUM Machine Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
503-009 NvmFsrCrumSer- Pseudo CRUM Service Range = 0 to 255 45ppm = 16 mSNChars1to3 Serial Number - Bytes 1, 2 2147483647 55ppm = 0
viceOffering Offering (Read only) 55ppm = 16 &3
503-010 NvmFsr- Pseudo CRUM EOL Status Range = 0 to 255 45ppm = 255 503-102 NvmFsrActualCru Actual CRUM Machine Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
CrumEOLStatus (Read only) 55ppm = 255 mSNChars4to6 Serial Number - Bytes 4, 5 2147483647 55ppm = 0
503-011 NvmFsrCrumCur- Pseudo CRUM Current Life Range = 0 to 255 45ppm = 255 &6
rentLife (EOL/Resuse) (Read only) 55ppm = 255 503-103 NvmFsrActualCru Actual CRUM Machine Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
503-012 NvmFsrCrumOp- Pseudo CRUM OpCo ID Range = 0 to 255 45ppm = 32 mSNChars7to9 Serial Number - Bytes 7, 8 2147483647 55ppm = 0
CodeID (Read only) 55ppm = 32 &9
503-013 NvmFsrCrumVolt- Pseudo CRUM Voltage Range = 0 to 255 45ppm = 2 503-104 NvmFsrActual- Actual CRUM CRU Total Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
age (Read only) 55ppm = 2 CrumCRUTotal- Print Count 2147483647 55ppm = 0
503-014 NvmFsrCrumPSC Pseudo CRUM Print Secu- Range = 0 to 45ppm =
rity Count - PSC for the cur- 2147483647 2147483647 503-105 NvmFsrActual- Actual CRUM Max Print Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
rent life (Read only) 55ppm = CrumMaxPrint- Count 2147483647 55ppm = 0
2147483647 Count
503-106 NvmFsrActual- Actual CRUM Last Used Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
CrumLastUsed- Date 2147483647 55ppm = 0

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC131 6-102 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
Table 4 IOT NVM ID 503-001 to 503-123 Table 5 IOT NVM ID 504-001 to 504-125
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
503-107 NvmFsrActual- Actual CRUM Super Com- Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0 504-002 NvmPcCrumSNC Pseudo CRUM Machine Range = 0 to 45ppm =
CrumSuperCom- patibility ID 2147483647 55ppm = 0 hars4to6 Serial Number - Bytes 4, 5 2147483647 808464432
patID & 6 (Read only). 55ppm =
503-108 NvmFsrActual- Actual CRUM Compatibility Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0 808464432
CrumCompatibili- ID 2147483647 55ppm = 0 504-003 NvmPcCrumSNC Pseudo CRUM Machine Range = 0 to 45ppm =
tyID hars7to9 Serial Number - Bytes 7, 8 2147483647 808464432
503-109 NvmFsrActual- Actual CRUM Service Offer- Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0 & 9 (Read only). 55ppm =
CrumServiceOf- ing 2147483647 55ppm = 0 808464432
fering 504-004 NvmPcCrum- Pseudo CRUM CRU Total Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
503-110 NvmFsrActual- Actual CRUM EOL Status Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0 CRUTotalPrint- Print Count (Read only). 1000000 55ppm = 0
CrumEOLStatus 2147483647 55ppm = 0 Count
503-111 NvmFsrActual- Actual CRUM Current Life Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0 504-005 NvmPcCrumMax- Pseudo CRUM Max Print Range = 0 to 45ppm =
CrumCurrentLife (EOL/Resuse) 2147483647 55ppm = 0 PrintCount Count (Read only). 1000000 250000
503-112 NvmFsrActual- Actual CRUM OpCo ID Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0 55ppm =
CrumOpCodeID 2147483647 55ppm = 0 250000
503-113 NvmFsrActual- Actual CRUM Voltage Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0 504-006 PhotoDevUnitAge Pseudo CRUM PRCycle Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
CrumVoltage 2147483647 55ppm = 0 Count (Print cartridge age) 1000000 55ppm = 0
(Read only)
503-114 NvmFsrActualCru Actual CRUM Print Secu- Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
mPSC1 rity Count 1 2147483647 55ppm = 0 504-007 NvmPcCrumMax- Pseudo CRUM Max PR Range = 0 to 45ppm =
PRCycleCount Cycle Count (Read only). 1000000 400000
503-115 NvmFsrActualCru Actual CRUM Print Secu- Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
55ppm =
mPSC2 rity Count 2 2147483647 55ppm = 0
503-116 NvmFsrActualCru Actual CRUM Print Secu- Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
504-008 NotUsed410 Not Used 410 Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
mPSC3 rity Count 3 2147483647 55ppm = 0
2147483647 55ppm = 0
503-117 NvmFsrActualCru Actual CRUM Print Secu- Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
504-009 PcCrumSuper- Pseudo CRUM Super Com- Range = 0 to 45ppm = 255
mPSC4 rity Count 4 2147483647 55ppm = 0
CompatibilityID patibility ID (Read only). 65535 55ppm = 255
503-118 NvmFsrActualCru Actual CRUM Print Secu- Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
504-010 PcCrumCompati- Pseudo CRUM Compatibil- Range = 0 to 45ppm =
mPSC5 rity Count 5 2147483647 55ppm = 0
bilityID ity ID (Read only). 65535 65281
503-119 NvmFsrActualCru Actual CRUM Print Secu- Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0 55ppm =
mPSC6 rity Count 6 2147483647 55ppm = 0 65281
503-120 NvmFsrActualCru Actual CRUM Machine Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0 504-011 PcCrumService- Pseudo CRUM Service Range = 0 to 255 45ppm = 64
mSNChars10to12 Serial Number - Bytes 10, 2147483647 55ppm = 0 Offering Offering (Read only). 55ppm = 64
11 & 12
504-012 PcCrumEOLSta- Pseudo CRUM EOL Status Range = 0 to 255 45ppm = 255
503-123 NvmFsrActual- CRU Serial Number - Fuser Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0 tus (Read only). 55ppm = 255
CrumCRUSerial- 2147483647 55ppm = 0
504-013 PcCrumCur- Pseudo CRUM Current Life Range = 0 to 255 45ppm = 255
rentLife (EOL/Resuse) (Read only). 55ppm = 255
504-014 PcCrumOpCo- Pseudo CRUM OpCo ID Range = 0 to 1000 45ppm = 32
deID (Read only). 55ppm = 32
Table 5 IOT NVM ID 504-001 to 504-125 504-015 PcCrumSpare417 Pseudo CRUM SPAR Range = 0 to 45ppm =
(Read only). 2147483647 2147483647
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default 55ppm =
504-001 NvmPcCrumSNC Pseudo CRUM Machine Range = 0 to 45ppm = 2147483647
hars1to3 Serial Number - Bytes 1, 2 2147483647 808464432 504-016 PcCrumPSC Pseudo CRUM Print Secu- Range = 0 to 45ppm =
& 3 (Read only). 55ppm = rity Count - PSC for the cur- 2147483647 2147483647
808464432 rent life (Read only). 55ppm =

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-103 dC131
Table 5 IOT NVM ID 504-001 to 504-125 Table 5 IOT NVM ID 504-001 to 504-125
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
504-017 PcCrumEOL- Pseudo CRUM Range = 0 to 45ppm = 504-107 NotUsed449 Not used Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
Reuse EOL_Resure (Read only) 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 55ppm = 0
55ppm = 504-108 NotUsed450 Not used Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
2147483647 2147483647 55ppm = 0
504-018 PcCrumSpare420 Pseudo CRUM SPARE Range = 0 to 45ppm = 504-109 NotUsed451 Not used Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 55ppm = 0
55ppm = 504-110 NotUsed452 Not used Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
2147483647 2147483647 55ppm = 0
504-019 PcCrumSpare421 Pseudo CRUM SPARE Range = 0 to 45ppm = 504-111 NotUsed453 Not used Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 55ppm = 0
55ppm =
504-112 NotUsed454 Not used Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
2147483647 55ppm = 0
504-020 PcCrumSpare422 Pseudo CRUM SPARE Range = 0 to 45ppm =
504-113 NotUsed455 Not used Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
2147483647 2147483647
2147483647 55ppm = 0
55ppm =
2147483647 504-114 NotUsed456 Not used Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
2147483647 55ppm = 0
504-021 PcCrumSpare423 Pseudo CRUM SPARE Range = 0 to 45ppm =
2147483647 2147483647 504-115 NotUsed457 Not used Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
55ppm = 2147483647 55ppm = 0
2147483647 504-116 NotUsed458 Not used Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
504-022 PcCrumSNChars Pseudo CRUM Machine Range = 0 to 45ppm = 2147483647 55ppm = 0
10to12 Serial Number - Bytes 10, 2147483647 808464432 504-117 NotUsed459 Not used Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
11 & 12 (Read only). 55ppm = 2147483647 55ppm = 0
808464432 504-118 NotUsed460 Not used Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
504-023 PcCrumCRUSeri- CRU Serial Number - Print Range = 0 to 45ppm = 2147483647 55ppm = 0
alNum Cartridge (Read only). 2147483647 808464432 504-119 NotUsed461 Not used Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
55ppm = 2147483647 55ppm = 0
808464432 504-120 NotUsed462 Not used Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
504-024 ExpOffsetCRU Pseudo CRU - Print Car- Range = 0 to 255 45ppm = 127 2147483647 55ppm = 0
tridge exposure offset 55ppm = 127 504-121 NotUsed463 Not used Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
(Read only) 2147483647 55ppm = 0
504-025 TcNonCruPuck- TcNonCruPuckCalNumber Range = 11 to 99 45ppm = 55 504-122 NotUsed471 Not used Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
CalNumber (Read only) 55ppm = 55 2147483647 55ppm = 0
504-101 NotUsed443 Not used Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0 504-123 NotUsed483 Not used Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
2147483647 55ppm = 0 2147483647 55ppm = 0
504-102 NotUsed444 Not used Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0 504-124 ThirdPartyExpOff- 3rd Party (No CRUM) - Print Range = 0 to 255 45ppm = 127
2147483647 55ppm = 0 setCRU Cartridge exposure offset 55ppm = 127
504-103 NotUsed445 Not used Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0 set to mid-range value
2147483647 55ppm = 0 504-125 ThirdPartyTcNon- 3rd Party (No CRUM) Print Range = 11 to 99 45ppm = 55
504-104 NotUsed446 Not used Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0 CruPuckCalNum- cartridge TC sensor calibra- 55ppm = 55
2147483647 55ppm = 0 ber tion value for use in xero-
504-105 NotUsed447 Not used Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0 graphic control algorithms.
2147483647 55ppm = 0 504-130 PCExtend- Print Cartridge Extended 0 = Disabled 45ppm = 0
504-106 NotUsed448 Not used Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0 edLifeState Life state (PC CRU Snooze) 1 = Primed 55ppm = 0
2147483647 55ppm = 0 (Read only) 2 = Enabled

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC131 6-104 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
Table 5 IOT NVM ID 504-001 to 504-125 Table 6 IOT NVM ID 505-001 to 505-031
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
504-131 PCExtendedLife- Print Cartridge Extended Range 0 to 10000 45ppm = 0 505-014 TcNearEmptyTh Bottle Empty TC Error Range = 0 to 1000 45ppm = 12
PrintCount Life Print counter (PC CRU 55ppm = 0 Threshold 2 (ADC count) 55ppm = 12
Snooze) (Read only) (Read only).
505-015 TcEmptyTh Bottle Empty TC Error Range = 0 to 1000 45ppm = 18
Threshold 3 (ADC count) 55ppm = 18
(Read only)
Table 6 IOT NVM ID 505-001 to 505-031 505-016 NvmTonerBottle- Pseudo CRU - Toner Bottle Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default CRUSerialNum- CRU Serial Number (Read 2147483647 55ppm = 0
ber only).
505-001 SPARE509 Pseudo CRUM spare (Read Range = 0 to 255 45ppm = 128
505-017 TonerBottle- Validation: Toner Bottle End 0 = In Life 45ppm = 1
only). 55ppm = 128
CRUMEOLFlag of Life (EOL) Flag (Read 1 = End of life 55ppm = 1
505-002 TCoffsetCRU Pseudo CRU - Toner Bottle Range = 0 to 255 45ppm = 127 only).
CRU TC offset (Read only). 55ppm = 127
505-018 TonerBottleCRU- Validation: Toner Bottle - Range = 0 to 45ppm =
505-003 PxlCumBottle- PxlCumBottleEmpty (Read Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
CompatibilityID Compatibility ID (Read 65535 65281
Empty only). 1000000 55ppm = 0 only). 55ppm =
505-004 PxlCum Accumulated Pixels (Read Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0 65281
only) 1000000 55ppm = 0
505-019 TonerBottle- Validation: Toner Bottle - Range = 0 to 255 45ppm = 64
505-005 DispCum Accumulated Dispense Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0 CRUServiceOp- Service Op Code (Read 55ppm = 64
Time (Read only) 1000000 55ppm = 0 Code only).
505-006 TcPxlCoeff Nominal Image Pixel to Dis- Range = 0 to 1000 45ppm = 166 505-020 TonerBottleCRU- Validation: Toner Bottle - Range = 0 to 255 45ppm = 64
pense Time Conversion 55ppm = 166 Region Region compatibility (Read 55ppm = 64
Coefficient (Read only). only).
505-007 PxlCumTnrIndCo- Image Pixel to Toner Mass Range = 0 to 1000 45ppm = 505-021 TnrInBottle Remaining toner in bottle as Range = -100 to 45ppm = 100
eff Conversion Coefficien 1551 a percentage (Read only). 100 55ppm = 100
(Read only). 55ppm = 505-022 TonerBottlePrints- Toner Bottle - Prints made Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
Made (Read only). 50000 55ppm = 0
505-008 DispCumTnrInd- Dispense Time to Toner Range = 0 to 45ppm =
505-023 TonerBottleLas- Toner Bottle - Last Used Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
Coeff Mass Conversion Coeffi- 1000mg/s 1300 tUsedDate Date (Read only). 2147483647 55ppm = 0
cient (Read only). 55ppm =
505-024 NotUsed600 Not used Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
2147483647 55ppm = 0
505-009 TnrEmptyFlag Xerographics Toner Bottle 0 = Empty 45ppm = 0
505-025 NotUsed601 Not used Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
State indicator (Read only). 1 = Nearly Empty 55ppm = 0
2147483647 55ppm = 0
2 = Low
3 = Full 505-026 NotUsed602 Not used Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
2147483647 55ppm = 0
505-010 PxlCumBottle- Bottle Empty Pixel Count Range = 0 to 45ppm =
EmptyTh Threshold (Read only). 20000 4700 505-027 ServicePlan- Service Plan Learning 0 = Disabled 45ppm = 0
55ppm = LearningMode- Mode Flag 1 = Enabled 55ppm = 0
4700 Flag
505-011 MassInBottle Initial toner Mass In Bottle Range = 0 to 45ppm = 505-028 NvmLearningMo- Learning Mode Inhibit Flag, 0 = Disabled 45ppm = 0
(Read only). 700000mg 460000 deInhibitFlag will stop the machine ser- 1 = Enabled 55ppm = 0
55ppm = vice plan from automati-
460000 cally changing to a service
plan compatible with the
505-012 TnrInBottleTh Bottle Empty Detection Start Range = 0 to 100% 45ppm = 35
toner op code plan (Read
Threshold (Read only). 55ppm = 35
505-013 TcEmptyStartTh Bottle Empty TC Error Range = 0 to 1000 45ppm = 6
Threshold 1 (ADC count) 55ppm = 6
(Read only).

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-105 dC131
Table 6 IOT NVM ID 505-001 to 505-031 Table 7 IOT NVM ID 506-001 to 506-023
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
505-029 TcPxlOotCoeff Modified coefficient to be Range = 0 to 1000 45ppm = 310 506-010 PcFanOnThresho Sets the print cartridge fan Range = 0 to 50 45ppm = 44
used when toner bottle is 55ppm = 310 ld3 on threshold when temp 55ppm = 50
nearly empty (Read only). <40 degrees.
505-030 MaxDispTime- Toner Bottle - Max Accumu- Range = 0 to 45ppm = 506-011 FanCheckTime Left Door Fuser fans. Range = 1000 to 45ppm =
Hardstop lated Dispense Time (Hard- 1000000000 9000000 Defines fan time from sheet 100000 3000
stop) (Read only). 55ppm = count 55ppm =
9000000 3000
505-031 ThirdPartyTCoff- 3rd Party (NO CRUM) - Range = 0 to 255 45ppm = 127 506-012 PcFanTempLimit1 PC Fan Temp limit 1. Range = 10 to 80 45ppm = 60
setCRU Toner Bottle CRU TC offset. 55ppm = 127 Deg. C 55ppm = 60
506-013 PcFanTempLimit2 PC Fan Temp limit 2. Range = 10 to 80 45ppm = 65
Deg. C 55ppm = 65
506-014 PcFanTempLimit3 PC Fan Idle temp limit: Range = 10 to 80 45ppm = 43
Table 7 IOT NVM ID 506-001 to 506-023 Temp limit when PC fan Deg. C 55ppm = 43
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default comes on in idle.
506-015 PcFanOnDuring- Print cartridge cooling fan 0 = Disabled 45ppm = 1
506-001 NvmDelayBefore- Time delay when the LHD Range = 0 to 45ppm =
PrintEnable on during print enablement 1 = Enabled 55ppm = 1
FansOff fuser fans are turned OFF 255000 60000
flag - low productivity cool-
after Cycle-Out 55ppm =
506-020 PcFanMaxLimit4 Print cartridge cooling fan Range = 0 to 2000 45ppm = 800
506-002 LSDFanOnAccu- Fan accumulator capping Range = 0 to 200 45ppm = 40
accumulator (B) max limit. 55ppm = 800
mulatorCapping NVM. 55ppm = 40
506-021 PcFanOnThresho Print cartridge cooling fan Range = 0 to 2000 45ppm = 640
506-003 LSDFanOn- The max fan accumulated Range = 0 to 200 45ppm = 20
ld4 accumulator (B) threshold 55ppm = 640
Threshold count. 55ppm = 20
506-004 FanDriveConfigu- Sets the fan control configu-
0 = Left door fans 45ppm = 0
506-022 PcFanOnDuring- Print cartridge cooling fan 0 = Disabled 45ppm = 1
ration ration. and PC fan 55ppm = 0
HighPrintEnable on during print enablement 1 = Enabled 55ppm = 1
1 = Left door fans
flag - high productivity cool-
506-005 PcFanMaxLimit1 Sets the max print cartridge Range = 0 to 255 45ppm = 144
506-023 PcFanOnHigh- Accumulator B - Process Range = 0 to 45ppm = 360
fan run on time at end of 55ppm = 150
PrintMediaPro- length of media where PC 1000mm 55ppm = 360
printing when temp less
cLength fan can be turned on during
than 35 degrees.
506-006 PcFanMaxLimit2 Sets the max print cartridge Range = 0 to 255 45ppm = 144
fan run on time at end of 55ppm = 150
printing when temp >35<40
Table 8 IOT NVM ID 507-001 to 507-004
506-007 PcFanMaxLimit3 Sets the max print cartridge Range = 0 to 255 45ppm = 144
fan run on time at end of 55ppm = 150 NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
printing when temp >40 507-001 I2CbusPowerRes I2C bus power is cycled 0 = Enabled 45ppm = 1
degrees. etEnable when an I2C communica- 1 = Disabled 55ppm = 1
506-008 PcFanOnThresho Sets the print cartridge fan Range = 0 to 150 45ppm = 1 tions bus lockup occurs
ld1 on threshold when temp 55ppm = 1 507-002 I2CbusSystemRe Status is raised causing a 0 = Enabled 45ppm = 1
<35 degrees. startEnable system restart when I2C 1 = Disabled 55ppm = 1
506-009 PcFanOnThresho Sets the print cartridge fan Range = 0 to 100 45ppm = 44 bus power is cycled did not
ld2 on threshold when temp 55ppm = 50 restore I2C communica-
>35<40 degrees. tions.

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC131 6-106 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
Table 8 IOT NVM ID 507-001 to 507-004 Table 9 IOT NVM ID 510-001 to 512-002
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
507-003 I2CBusPowerOffPeriod which I2C bus power Range = 0 to 45ppm = 300 510-054 MarketRegionMir- Market Region - CCS NVM 0 = US 45ppm = 0
Period is removed when communi- 1000ms 55ppm = 300 ror mirrored value (Read only). 1 = XCL (Canada) 55ppm = 0
cations lockup detected. Refer to CCS 616-001 2 = FX (Fuji Xerox
507-004 I2CBusCommsPo Period after I2C bus power Range = 0 to 45ppm = 100 Japan)
stOffPeriod removal before I2C commu- 1000ms 55ppm = 100 3 = FXAPO (Fuji
nications can be attempted Xerox Asian
4 = ACO (Latin)
5 = RX (Europe)
Table 9 IOT NVM ID 510-001 to 512-002 6 = MR DMO East
7 = MR DMO West
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
510-900 FSRPCCRUME- Fuser & Print Cartridge 0 = Disabled 45ppm = 1
510-001 PrintRate Number of prints per minute 0 = A class 40ppm 45ppm = 255 nablement CRUM operational code 1 = Enabled 55ppm = 1
1 = A class 45ppm 55ppm = 255 (Read only).
2 = A class 50ppm 510-901 TonerBottleCRU- Toner CRUM operational 0 = Disabled 45ppm = 1
3= A class 55ppm MEnablement code (Read only). 1 = Enabled 55ppm = 1
4 = Unknown
512-001 NvmBTRPrint- Bias Transfer Roller Print Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
speed Count Counter 5000000 55ppm = 0
5 = Unknown
512-002 NvmBTRMaxLife Bias Transfer Roller Max Range = 0 to 45ppm =
Print Life 1000000 500000
6 = Unknown
55ppm =
7 = Unknown
8 = Unknown
9 = Unknown Table 10 IOT NVM ID 520-320 to 520-339
speed NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
255 = No run
520-320 NvmDebugApps NvmDebugApps Range = 0 to 15 45ppm = 7
speed (install)
55ppm = 7
510-008 SerialIDPart1 Serial Number Primary Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
520-321 NvmDebugTool NvmDebugTool Range = 0 to 15 45ppm = 7
(Read only). 2147483647 55ppm = 0
55ppm = 7
510-009 SerialIDPart2 Serial Number Secondary Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
520-322 NvmDebugFeed NvmDebugFeed Range = 0 to 15 45ppm = 7
(Read only). 2147483647 55ppm = 0
55ppm = 7
510-010 SerialIDPart3 Serial Number Secondary Range = 0 to 45ppm = 0
520-323 NvmDebugPpath NvmDebugPpath Range = 0 to 15 45ppm = 7
(Read only). 2147483647 55ppm = 0
55ppm = 7
510-053 ServicePlanMirror Service plan - CCS NVM 0 = Sold 45ppm = 0
520-324 NvmDebugMisc NvmDebugMisc Range = 0 to 15 45ppm = 7
mirrored value (Read only). 1 = Non Sold 55ppm = 0
55ppm = 7
Refer to CCS 606-269 2 = Third Party
3 = Xerox man- 520-325 NvmDebugFuse NvmDebugFuse Range = 0 to 15 45ppm = 7
aged supplies 55ppm = 7
4 = Page pack 520-326 NvmDebugFin NvmDebugFin Range = 0 to 15 45ppm = 7
5 = DMO sold 55ppm = 7
520-327 NvmDebugXero NvmDebugXero Range = 0 to 15 45ppm = 7
55ppm = 7
520-328 NvmDebuNvm NvmDebuNvm Range = 0 to 15 45ppm = 7
55ppm = 7

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-107 dC131
Table 10 IOT NVM ID 520-320 to 520-339 Table 11 CCS NVM ID 600-001 to 600-151
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
520-329 NvmDebugComm NvmDebugComm Range = 0 to 15 45ppm = 7 600-011 Blocks Needed Blocks Needed Range = 8 to 20 8
55ppm = 7 600-012 Frame Size Frame Size Range = 923 to 923 923
520-330 NvmDebugDiag NvmDebugDiag Range = 0 to 15 45ppm = 7 600-013 Percent of Frame Percent of frame size Range = 1 to 99 70
55ppm = 7 Size
520-331 NvmDebugSched NvmDebugSched Range = 0 to 15 45ppm = 7 600-014 Making mode Making mode when EPC full Range = 0 to 3 0
55ppm = 7 when EPC full
520-332 NvmDebugDctl NvmDebugDctl Range = 0 to 15 45ppm = 7 600-015 Ram Size Mis- Fault counter 319-750-00 Range = 0 to 255 0
55ppm = 7 match FaultFC
520-333 NvmDebugSnsr NvmDebugSnsr Range = 0 to 15 45ppm = 7 600-016 Disk Mode Mis- Fault counter 319-754-00 Range = 0 to 255 0
55ppm = 7 match FaultFC
520-334 NvmDebugMotr NvmDebugMotr Range = 0 to 15 45ppm = 7 600-017 Out Memory Fault Fault counter 319-401-00. Range = 0 to 255 0
55ppm = 7 - StrNC docFC
520-335 NvmDebugSheet NvmDebugSheet Range = 0 to 15 45ppm = 7 600-018 Compressor Fault counter 319-402-00 Range = 0 to 255 0
55ppm = 7 DVMA Timeout
520-336 NvmDebugToner NvmDebugToner Range = 0 to 15 45ppm = 7 Fault
55ppm = 7 600-019 Memory on Target Amount of EPC memory Range = 0 to 65535 512
520-337 NvmDebugPro- NvmDebugProCon Range = 0 to 15 45ppm = 7 600-020 AHA End of Fault counter 322-300-00 Range = 0 to 255 0
Con 55ppm = 7 Record Fault
520-338 NvmDebugCrum NvmDebugCrum Range = 0 to 15 45ppm = 7 600-021 Disk spin up Time before image disk Range = 0 to 30 10
55ppm = 7 delay time receives power (sec)
520-339 NvmDebug- Displays log for fuser power 0 = No log 45ppm = 0 600-022 Platinum Board Platinum board full concur- Range = 0 to 1 1
FuserRT level and power capping 1 = Error 55ppm = 0 Full Concurrency rency
2 = Warning 600-023 Image disk parti- Image disk partition size Range = 0 to 30 4
4 = Info Log tion size
8 = User Log
600-024 Image Disk Dirty Image Disk Dirty Range = 0 to 1 0
600-025 IJO Enabled IJO Enabled Range = 0 to 1 1
600-026 Disk Dirty at Disk Dirty at power up Range = 0 to 1 0
power up
Table 11 CCS NVM ID 600-001 to 600-151
600-027 Maximum net- Value of maximum network Range = 1 to 255 3
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default work read read attempts
600-001 Compression Compression Mode Range = 0 to 1 0 attempts
Mode 600-028 KDrumPixelCount K Drum Pixel Count Range = 0 to 0
600-002 Reserved Blocks Reserved blocks Range = 0 to 5 0 4294967295
600-003 Megs of Memory Megs of memory Range = 0 to 65535 16 600-029 CDrumPixelCount C Drum Pixel Count Range = 0 to 0
600-004 EPC memory low EPC memory low percent Range = 1 to 99 38 4294967295
percent 600-030 MDrumPixel- M Drum Pixel Count Range = 0 to 0
600-005 Disk Mode Disk Mode Range = 0 to 1 1 Count 4294967295
600-006 Memory Out Memory Out Bound Range = 0 to 6 6 600-031 YDrumPixelCount Y Drum Pixel Count Range = 0 to 0
Bound 4294967295
600-007 EPC memory full EPC memory full percent Range = 1 to 99 12 600-032 vramLevel1RecT vram Level1 Rec Threshold Range = 0 to 471859
percent hreshhold 4294967295 200
600-008 Use Partial Use Partial Blocks Range = 0 to 1 1 600-033 vramLevel1TripTh vram Level 1 Trip Threshold Range = 0 to 419430
Blocks reshhold 4294967295 400
600-009 BlockSize in K Block size in K Range = 200 to 200 200 600-034 vramLevel2RecT vram Level 2 Rec Threshold Range = 0 to 367001
600-010 Initial Blocks initial blocks Range = 12 to 24 12 hreshhold 4294967295 600

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC131 6-108 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
Table 11 CCS NVM ID 600-001 to 600-151 Table 11 CCS NVM ID 600-001 to 600-151
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
600-035 vramLevel2TripTh vram Level 2 Trip Threshold Range = 0 to 314572 600-067 Toner Coverage Toner Coverage Plane1-10 Range = 0 to 0
reshhold 4294967295 800 Plane1-10 (Read only) 4294967295
600-036 vramLevel3RecT vram Level 3 Rec Threshold Range = 0 to 256901 600-068 Toner Coverage Toner Coverage Plane1-11 Range = 0 to 0
hreshhold 4294967295 120 Plane1-11 (Read only) 4294967295
600-037 vramLevel3TripTh vram Level 3 Trip Threshold Range = 0 to 209715 600-069 Toner Coverage Toner Coverage Plane1-12 Range = 0 to 0
reshhold 4294967295 200 Plane1-12 (Read only) 4294967295
600-038 vramLevel4RecT vram Level 4 Rec Threshold Range = 0 to 175112 600-070 Toner Coverage Toner Coverage Plane1-13 Range = 0 to 0
hreshhold 4294967295 192 Plane1-13 (Read only) 4294967295
600-039 vramLevel4TripTh vram Level 4 Trip Threshold Range = 0 to 140509 600-071 Toner Coverage Toner Coverage Plane1-14 Range = 0 to 0
reshhold 4294967295 184 Plane1-14 (Read only) 4294967295
600-040 vramLevel5RecT vram Level 5 Rec Threshold Range = 0 to 105906 600-072 Toner Coverage Toner Coverage Plane1-15 Range = 0 to 0
hreshhold 4294967295 176 Plane1-15 (Read only) 4294967295
600-041 vramLevel5TripTh vram Level 5 Trip Threshold Range = 0 to 702545 600-073 Toner Coverage Toner Coverage Plane1-16 Range = 0 to 0
reshhold 4294967295 92 Plane1-16 (Read only) 4294967295
600-042 vramLevel6RecT vram Level 6 Rec Threshold Range = 0 to 356515 600-074 Toner Coverage Toner Coverage Plane1-17 Range = 0 to 0
hreshhold 4294967295 84 Plane1-17 (Read only) 4294967295
600-043 vramLevel6TripTh vram Level 6 Trip Threshold Range = 0 to 104857 600-075 Toner Coverage Toner Coverage Plane1-18 Range = 0 to 0
reshhold 4294967295 6 Plane1-18 (Read only) 4294967295
600-044 cacheAIIImag- CacheAIIImagesToDisk Range = 0 to 1 0 600-076 Toner Coverage Toner Coverage Plane1-19 Range = 0 to 0
esToDisk Plane1-19 (Read only) 4294967295
600-045 Total Black Pixel Total black pixel count low Range = 0 to 0 600-134 Total Black Total Black Marked Images Range = 0 to 0
Count Low (Read only) 4294967295 Marked Images (Read only) 4294967295
600-046 Total Black Pixel Total black pixel count up Range = 0 to 0 600-139 Total Black Run Total Black Run Mode AC FP Range = 0 to 0
Count Up (Read only) 4294967295 Mode AC FP (Read only) 4294967295
600-053 Total Black Run Total Black Run Mode AC INT Range = 0 to 0 600-143 Total Black Color Total Black Color Mode AC FP Range = 0 to 0
Mode AC INT (Read only) 4294967295 Mode AC FP (Read only) 4294967295
600-058 Toner Coverage Toner Coverage Plane1-1 Range = 0 to 0 600-145 10 to 11% Black Total number of impressions Range = 0 to 0
Plane1-1 (Read only) 4294967295 Area Coverage between 10 - 11% Black page 4294967295
600-059 Toner Coverage Toner Coverage Plane1-2 Range = 0 to 0 coverage. Image area cover-
Plane1-2 (Read only) 4294967295 age Plane 1-20. (Read only)
600-060 Toner Coverage Toner Coverage Plane1-3 Range = 0 to 0 600-147 11 to 12% Black Total number of impressions Range = 0 to 0
Plane1-3 (Read only) 4294967295 Area Coverage between 11 - 12% Black page 4294967295
600-061 Toner Coverage Toner Coverage Plane1-4 Range = 0 to 0 coverage. Image area cover-
Plane1-4 (Read only) 4294967295 age Plane 1-21. (Read only)
600-062 Toner Coverage Toner Coverage Plane1-5 Range = 0 to 0 600-149 13 to 16% Black Total number of impressions Range = 0 to 0
Plane1-5 (Read only) 4294967295 Area Coverage between 13 - 16% Black page 4294967295
coverage. Image area cover-
600-063 Toner Coverage Toner Coverage Plane1-6 Range = 0 to 0
age Plane 1-22. (Read only)
Plane1-6 (Read only) 4294967295
600-151 17 to 20% Black Total number of impressions Range = 0 to 0
600-064 Toner Coverage Toner Coverage Plane1-7 Range = 0 to 0
Area Coverage between 17 - 20% Black page 4294967295
Plane1-7 (Read only) 4294967295
coverage. Image area cover-
600-065 Toner Coverage Toner Coverage Plane1-8 Range = 0 to 0 age Plane 1-23. (Read only)
Plane1-8 (Read only) 4294967295
600-066 Toner Coverage Toner Coverage Plane1-9 Range = 0 to 0
Plane1-9 (Read only) 4294967295

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-109 dC131
Table 12 CCS NVM ID 602-001 to 603-039 Table 13 CCS NVM ID 604-001 to 604-220
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
602-001 DiagJobIDGener- Range = 1 to 999 1 604-001 Feeder Module Defines the feeder module 0 = Invalid Module 0
ator Type types 55 = SMH
603-001 ARPSPaper- Interval of APS recognition of Range = 1 to 65535 5 57 = HCF
Sizeinterval standard size (mm) 58 = HCF with covers
603-002 APSStandardSiz- Determines weather APS 0 = False (Off) 0 60 = PFP (tray 6)
eRequired requires input to be a standard 1 = True (On) 62 = Envelope
size. Feeder
221 = Standard PFP
603-003 CopySimplexOut- Number of images inputted Range = 0 to 65535 1
(bypass tray)
putStart before simplex copy job is
223 = Large Kit PFP
released for marking
603-004 CopyDuplexOut- Number of images inputted Range = 0 to 65535 4 224 = Short edge kit
putStart before duplex copy job is A4 SEF
released for marking 225 = Short edge kit
603-005 CopyJobPriority The priority set by SA of copy Range = 0 to 65535 3 Letter SEF / Legal
job (used for job contention) SEF
603-006 NextCopyJobID Value of next copy jobs ID Range = 1 to 999 1 Range = 0 to 255
(Read only) 604-002 Finisher Module Defines the finisher module 65 = OCT 100
603-008 COPYMarkedIm- Determines whether copy 0 = False 1 Type type that has been detected by 100 = No finisher
agesDisplayable marked images counter is dis- 1 = True the system (Read only) 110 = 2K LCSS
playedable. 120 = 1K LCSS
171 = HVF
603-010 COPYSheetsDis- Determines whether copy 0 = False 0 172 = HVF BM
playable sheets counter is displayable 1 = True 173 = HVF inserter
603-012 COPYDuplex- Determines whether copy 0 = False 0 174 = HVF BM
SheetsDisplay- duplex sheets counter is dis- 1 = True Inserter
able playable 175 = HVF Tri-folder
176 = HVF Tri-folder
603-014 COPY- Determines whether copy 0 = False 0
LargeSheetsDis- 11x17 inch and A3 sheets 1 = True
239 = LVF BM
playable counter is displayable
Range = 65 to 255
603-024 crashRecovery- Determines whether copy job 0 = False 1
604-004 MSDefaultColor Defines the default color 0 = White 0
Enabled recovery is enabled 1 = True
1 = Green
603-025 ABSPres- Disable and enable ABS pre- 0 = False 0 2 = Buff
canAllowed scan 1 = True
3 = Yellow
603-036 COPYMarkedCol- Determines whether copy 0 = False 1 4 = Golden rod
orImagesDisplay image counter is displayable 1 = True 5 = Blue
603-039 COPYLargeCol- Determines whether large 0 = False 0 6 = Pink
orSheetsDisplay copy sheets counter is display- 1 = True 7 = Transparent
able 8 = Ivory
9 = Gray
10 = Red
11 = Orange
Range = 0 to 20

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC131 6-110 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
Table 13 CCS NVM ID 604-001 to 604-220 Table 13 CCS NVM ID 604-001 to 604-220
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
604-006 MSDefaultType Defines default type 0 = Standard 0 604-127 MSOffsetEna- Enable offset policy 0 = Off 0
1 = Drilled (pre- bledPolicy 1 = On
punched) Range 0 to 1
2 = Envelopes 604-128 SerNumSet Serial number set Range 0 to 1 0
4 = Transparency 604-129 MSOutOfStaple- Out of staples policy setting 0 = Hold 1
5 = Letter head sPolicy 1 = Stapling defeated
6 = Labels
604-131 Last sheet to Last sheet to recover Range 0 to 65535 0
7 = Recycled
Range = 0 to 60
604-132 ProdCfgNvm ProdCfgNvm Range 0 to 255 255
604-008 MSDefaultWeight Defines medium weight (not Range = 56 to 203 75
used) (gsm) 604-133 TotalQuanitity- Total quantity requested for the Range 0 to 65535 0
Made current job (Read only)
604-010 PEAutoResume Resume time out settings in Range = 0 to 120 (0 = 30
seconds Disabled) 604-134 ModuleHas- Module has been set up Range 0 to 1 0
604-017 PrintModuleInfo Debug switch settings 0 = Off 0
1 = On 604-137 Propose Count Propose Count MCSS Finisher Range 2 to 16 12
MCSS Finisher
604-021 Total Images Dis- Enable display of total images 0 = Off 1
playable 1 = On 604-138 IOT Diag Enter IOT Diag Enter TO SEC Range = 0 to 1800 30
604-070 MSDefaultFin- Default finisher auto resume Range = 0 to 120 (0 = 30
isherAR settings Disabled) 604-139 IOT Diag Exit TO IOT Diag Exit TO SEC Range = 0 to 1800 30
604-084 MSFaceUpEn- Enable face up setting 0 = Off (normal deliv- 0
abled ery) 604-140 IOT Diag Test IOT Diag Test Pattern TO SEC Range = 0 to 1800 0
1 = Deliver face up Pattern TO SEC
604-112 MSDefaultTray- - Range 0 to 2 0 604-141 IOT Diag Device IOT Diag Device Status TO Range = 0 to 1800 0
Train Status TO SEC SEC
604-113 MSDefaultTray- - Range 0 to 1 0 604-142 IOT Diag Analog IOT Diag Analog Monitor TO Range = 0 to 1800 0
Stack Monitor TO SEC SEC
604-114 MSDefaultTrayId - Range 0 to 4 0 604-143 IOT Diag In Out IOT Diag In Out Manual TO Range = 0 to 1800 0
604-115 Propose Count - Range 2 to 16 12
No Finisher 604-144 IOT Diag PP Tim- IOT Diag PP Timing TO SEC Range = 0 to 1800 0
ing TO SEC
604-116 LastJobIDToRe- Last job ID to recover Range 0 to 65535 0
cover 604-145 IOT Diag MSI IOT Diag MSI side guide TO Range = 0 to 1800 0
Side Guide TO SEC
604-118 LastImage- Last image ID to recover Range 0 to 65535 0
604-146 IOT Diag Sys IOT Diag Sys Regi TO SEC Range = 0 to 1800 0
604-119 IOTCommFault- IOT Comm Fault Count Range 0 to 3 0
604-147 IOT Diag Reg IOT Diag Reg Setup TO SEC Range = 0 to 1800 0
604-120 PrintPagesCom- Print Pages Completed (Read Range 0 to 65535 0
Setup TO SEC
pleted only)
604-148 IOT Diag Reg IOT Diag Reg Check TO SEC Range = 0 to 1800 0
604-121 SetsCompleted Last set Completed (Read Range 0 to 65535 0
Check TO SEC
604-149 IOT Diag Reg IOT Diag Reg Sens Check TO Range = 0 to 1800 0
604-122 LastService- Last service ID to recover Range 0 to 65535 0
Sens Check TO SEC
IDToRecover (Read only)
604-123 QtyToRecover Quantity to recover Range 0 to 65535 0
604-150 IOT ATC Sensor IOT ATC Sensor Setup TO Range = 0 to 1800 0
604-125 MSDefaultDe- Default decurler level settings 0 = Low decurler 1 Setup TO SEC SEC
curler 1 = Normal decurler
2 = High decurler

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-111 dC131
Table 13 CCS NVM ID 604-001 to 604-220 Table 13 CCS NVM ID 604-001 to 604-220
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
604-151 IOT Diag Belt IOT Diag Belt Edge Learn TO Range = 0 to 1800 0 604-177 CompileExitSn- Fault counter 312-151: Com- Range = 0 to 255 0
Edge Learn TO SEC rOffJamFC pile Exit Snr Off Jam Fault
SEC Count
604-152 IOT TRC Adjust IOT TRC Adjust TO SEC Range = 0 to 1800 0 604-178 CompileExitSn- Fault counter 312-152: Com- Range = 0 to 255 0
TO SEC rOnJamFault- pile Exit Snr On Jam Fault
604-153 IOT Diag Tone Up IOT Diag Tone Up Down TO Range = 0 to 1800 0 CountFC Count
Down TO SEC SEC 604-179 SetEjectJam- Fault counter 312-161: Set Range = 0 to 255 0
604-154 IOT Diag No IOT Diag No Paper Run TO Range = 0 to 1800 0 FaultCountFC Eject Jam Fault Count
Paper Run TO SEC 604-180 HxportExitSnrOn- Fault counter 312-162: Hori- Range = 0 to 255 0
SEC JamFault- zontal Transport Exit Snr On
604-155 IOT Diag ProCon IOT Diag ProCon ON Off TO Range = 0 to 1800 0 CountFC Jam Fault Count
On Off TO SEC SEC 604-181 TopTrayExitSn- Fault counter 312-171: Top Range = 0 to 255 0
604-156 IOT Diag Binary IOT Diag Binary Cal TO SEC Range = 0 to 1800 0 rOnJamFault- Tray Exit Snr On Jam Fault
Cal TO SEC CountFC Count
604-157 IOT Diag Fold IOT Diag Fold Position TO Range = 0 to 1800 0 604-182 TopTrayExitSn- Fault counter 312-172: Top Range = 0 to 255 0
Position TO SEC SEC rOffJamFault- Tray Exit Snr Off Jam Fault
604-158 IOT Diag IOT Diag CTRACS TO SEC Range = 0 to 1800 0 CountFC Count
CTRACS TO 604-183 BookletFolder- Fault counter 312-180: Booklet Range = 0 to 255 0
SEC RollExitSnrOff- Folder Roll Exit Snr Off Jam
604-159 IOT Diag Comp IOT Diag Comp Ctrl TO SEC Range = 0 to 1800 0 JamFC Fault Count
Ctrl TO SEC 604-184 StackerTrayFail- Fault counter 312-211: Stacker Range = 0 to 255 0
604-160 CCMCannotCom- Fault counter 303-316: Range = 0 to 255 0 FaultCountFC Tray Fail Fault Count
municateWith- CCM Cannot Communicate 604-185 StackerUpperLim- Fault counter 312-212: Stacker Range = 0 to 255 0
IOTFC With IOT FC itFailFC Upper Limit Fail Fault Count
604-170 HxportEntSnrOn- Fault counter 312-112: Hori- Range = 0 to 255 0 604-186 StackerLowerLim- Fault counter 312-213: Stacker Range = 0 to 255 0
JamFault- zontal transport Ent Snr On itFailFC Lower Limit Fail Fault Count
CountFC Jam Fault Count 604-187 FrontTamper- Fault counter 312-221: Front Range = 0 to 255 0
604-171 BookletInSnrOn- Fault counter 312-113: Book- Range = 0 to 255 0 HomeSnrOn- Tamper Home Snr On Fail
JamFault- let In Snr On Jam Fault Count FailFC Fault Count
CountFC 604-188 FrontTamper- Fault counter 312-223: Front Range = 0 to 255 0
604-172 BookletInSnrOff- Fault counter 312-114: Book- Range = 0 to 255 0 HomeSnrOff- Tamper Home Snr Off Fail
JamFault- let In Snr Off Jam Fault Count FailFC Fault Count
CountFC 604-189 RearTamper- Fault counter 312-224: Rear Range = 0 to 255 0
604-173 BookletFolder- Fault counter 312-115: Book- Range = 0 to 255 0 HomeSnrOff- Tamper Home Snr Off Fail
RollExitSnrOn- let Folder Roll Exit Snr On Jam FailFC Fault Count
JamFC Fault Count 604-190 BookletTamperF- Fault counter 312-225: Booklet Range = 0 to 255 0
604-174 GateSnrOnJam- Fault counter 312-125: Gate Range = 0 to 255 0 HomeSnrOn- Tamper F Home Snr On Fail
FaultCountFC Snr On Jam Fault Count FailFC Fault Count
604-175 XportEntSnrOn- Fault counter 312-132: Xport Range = 0 to 255 0 604-191 BookletTamperF- Fault counter 312-226: Booklet Range = 0 to 255 0
JamFault- Ent Snr On Jam Fault Count HomeSnrOff- Tamper F Home Snr Off Fail
CountFC FailFC Fault Count
604-176 BufferPathSnrOn- Fault counter 312-142: Buffer Range = 0 to 255 0 604-192 BookletEndGui- Fault counter 312-227: Booklet Range = 0 to 255 0
JamFault- Path Snr On Jam Fault Count deHomeSnrOff- End Guide Home Snr Off Fail
CountFC FailFC Fault Count

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC131 6-112 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
Table 13 CCS NVM ID 604-001 to 604-220 Table 13 CCS NVM ID 604-001 to 604-220
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
604-193 BookletEndGui- Fault counter 312-228: Booklet Range = 0 to 255 0 604-209 SetClampHome- Fault counter 312-284: Set Range = 0 to 255 0
deHomeSnrOn- End Guide Home Snr On Fail SnrOffFC Clamp Home Snr Off Fail Fault
FailFC Fault Count Count
604-194 BookletTamper- Fault counter 312-229: Booklet Range = 0 to 255 0 604-210 StapleFail- Fault counter 312-291: Staple Range = 0 to 255 0
RHomeSnrOn- Tamper R Home Snr On Fail CountFC Fail Fault Count
FailFC Fault Count 604-211 StaplerMovePosi- Fault counter 312-295: Stapler Range = 0 to 255 0
604-195 BookletTamper- Fault counter 312-230: Booklet Range = 0 to 255 0 tionSnrOnFailFC Move Position Snr On Fail
RHomeSnrOff- Tamper R Home Snr Off Fail Fault Count
FailFC Fault Count 604-212 StaplerMovePosi- Fault counter 312-296: Stapler Range = 0 to 255 0
604-196 BookletKnife- Fault counter 312-243: Booklet Range = 0 to 255 0 tionSnrOffFailFC Move Position Snr Off Fail
HomeSnrOn- Knife Home Snr On Fail Fault Fault Count
FailFC Count 604-213 PunchHomeSn- Fault counter 312-320: Punch Range = 0 to 255 0
604-197 BookletStapler- Fault counter 312-246: Booklet Range = 0 to 255 0 rOnFailFault- Home Snr On Fail Fault Count
FailCountFC Stapler Fail Count CountFC
604-198 SideRegiSnrOff- Fault counter 312-247: Side Range = 0 to 255 0 604-214 PunchHomeSn- Fault counter 312-321: Punch Range = 0 to 255 0
FailFaultCountFC Regi Snr Off Fail Fault Count rOffFailFault- Home Snr Off Fail Fault Count
604-199 EjectClam- Fault counter 312-260: Eject Range = 0 to 255 0 CountFC
pHomeSnrOn- Clamp Home Snr On Fail Fault 604-215 PuncherMove- Fault counter 312-322: Range = 0 to 255 0
FailFC Count HomeSnrOff- Puncher Move Home Snr Off
604-200 BookletKnifeFold-Fault counter 312-261: Booklet Range = 0 to 255 0 FailFC Fail Fault Count
ingSnrFailFC Knife Folding Snr Fail Fault 604-216 PuncherMove- Fault counter 312-323: Range = 0 to 255 0
Count HomeSnrOn- Puncher Move Home Snr On
604-201 RearTsmper- Fault counter 312-263: Rear Range = 0 to 255 0 FailFC Fail Fault Count
HomeSnrOn- Tamper Home Snr On Fail 604-217 DeculerHomeSn- Fault counter 312-330: Range = 0 to 255 0
FailFC Fault Count rOffFailFC Decurler Home Snr Off Fail
604-202 BookletDrawer- Fault counter 312-264: Booklet Range = 0 to 255 0 Fault Count
BrokenFailFC Drawer Broken Fail Fault 604-218 DecurlerHomeSn- Fault counter 312-332: Range = 0 to 255 0
Count rOnFailFC Decurler Home Snr On Fail
604-203 BookletKnife- Fault counter 312-265: Booklet Range = 0 to 255 0 Fault Count
HomeSnrOff- Knife Home Snr Off Fail Fault 604-219 FinisherDown- Fault counter 312-334: Fin- Range = 0 to 255 0
FailFC Count LoadFailCountFC isher Down Load Fail Fault
604-204 BookletCompiler- Fault counter 312-266: Booklet Range = 0 to 255 0 Count
NoPaperSnr- Compiler No Paper Snr Fail 604-220 BookletSubCpu- Fault counter 312-335: Booklet Range = 0 to 255 0
FailFC Fault Count CommFailFC Sub Cpu Comm Fail Fault
604-205 TopOffsetHome- Fault counter 312-270: Top Range = 0 to 255 0 Count
SnrOnFail- Offset Home Snr On Fail Fault
CountFC Count
604-206 TopOffsetHome- Fault counter 312-271: Top Range = 0 to 255 0
SnrOffFail- Offset Home Snr Off Fail Fault Table 14 CCS NVM ID 604-241 to 604-999
CountFC Count NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
604-207 EjectClam- Fault counter 312-282: Eject Range = 0 to 255 0
604-241 OctOffsetFail- Fault counter 312-701: OCT Range = 0 to 255 0
pHomeSnrOff- Clamp Home Snr Off Fail Fault
CountFC Offset Fail Fault Count
FailFC Count
604-361 DFinDeculerInSn- Fault counter 312-100: DFin Range = 0 to 255 0
604-208 SetClampHome- Fault counter 312-283: Set Range = 0 to 255 0
rOnJamFC Deculer In Snr On Jam Fault
SnrOnFailFC Clamp Home Snr On Fail Fault

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-113 dC131
Table 14 CCS NVM ID 604-241 to 604-999 Table 14 CCS NVM ID 604-241 to 604-999
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
604-362 DFinDeculerOut- Fault counter 312-101: DFin Range = 0 to 255 0 604-378 DFinEndWal- Fault counter 312-217: DFin Range = 0 to 255 0
SnrOnJamFC Deculer Out Snr On Jam Fault lOpenSnrOff- End Wall Open Snr Off Fail
Count FailFC Fault Count
604-363 DFinPunchOut- Fault counter 312-102: DFin Range = 0 to 255 0 604-379 DFinShelfHome- Fault counter 312-218: DFin Range = 0 to 255 0
SnrOnJamFC Punch Out Snr On Jam Fault SnrOnFailFC Shelf Home Snr On Fail Fault
Count Count
604-364 DFinPunchOut- Fault counter 312-103: DFin Range = 0 to 255 0 604-380 DFinShelfHome- Fault counter 312-219: DFin Range = 0 to 255 0
SnrOffJamFC Punch Out Snr Off Jam Fault SnrOffFailFC Shelf Home Snr Off Fail Fault
Count Count
604-365 DFinInterpose- Fault counter 312-104: DFin Range = 0 to 255 0 604-381 DFinStapleMove- Fault counter 312-235: DFin Range = 0 to 255 0
FeedOutSnrOn- Interpose Feed Out Snr On HomeSnrOff- Staple Move Home Snr Off Fail
JamFC Jam Fault Count FailFC Fault Count
604-366 DFinFolderPathS Fault counter 312-108: DFin Range = 0 to 255 0 604-382 DFinStapleMove- Fault counter 312-236: DFin Range = 0 to 255 0
nr3OffJamFC Folder Path Snr 3 Off Jam HomeSnrOn- Staple Move Home Snr On Fail
Fault Count FailFC Fault Count
604-367 DFinInterposer- Fault counter 312-109: DFin Range = 0 to 255 0 604-383 DFinStapleCen- Fault counter 312-237: DFin Range = 0 to 255 0
FeedOutSnrOff- Interposer Feed Out Snr Off terPositionSn- Staple Center Position Snr On
JamFC Jam Fault Count rOnFC Fail Fault Count
604-368 DFinFolderEx- Fault counter 312-117: DFin Range = 0 to 255 0 604-384 DFinStapleCen- Fault counter 312-238: DFin Range = 0 to 255 0
itSnrOnJamFC Folder Exit Snr On Jam Fault terPositionSn- Staple Center Position Snr Off
Count rOffFC Fail Fault Count
604-369 DFinFolderPathS Fault counter 312-118: DFin Range = 0 to 255 0 604-385 DFinSubPaddle- Fault counter 312-239: DFin Range = 0 to 255 0
nr2OnJamFC Folder Path Snr 2 On Jam HomeSnrOn- Sub Paddle Home Snr On Fail
Fault Count FailFC Fault Count
604-370 DFinFolderPathS Fault counter 312-119: DFin Range = 0 to 255 0 604-386 DFinSubPaddle- Fault counter 312-240: DFin Range = 0 to 255 0
nr3OnJamFC Folder Path Snr 3 On Jam HomeSnrOff- Sub Paddle Home Snr Off Fail
Fault Count FailFC Fault Count
604-371 DFinFolderPathS Fault counter 312-120: DFin Range = 0 to 255 0 604-387 DFinBooklet- Fault counter 312-241: DFin Range = 0 to 255 0
nr4OnJamFC Folder Path Snr 4 On Jam KnifeFoldingSnr- Booklet Knife Folding Snr Fail
Fault Count FailFC Fault Count
604-372 DFinBufferPath- Fault counter 312-141: DFin Range = 0 to 255 0 604-388 DFinCom- Fault counter 312-248: DFin Range = 0 to 255 0
SnrOffJamFC Buffer Path Snr Off Jam Fault pileStackTrayOff- Compile Stacker Tray Offset
Count setFailFC Fail Fault Count
604-373 DFinEjectSnrOn- Fault counter 312-159: DFin Range = 0 to 255 0 604-389 DFinEndGuideMo Fault counter 312-250: DFin Range = 0 to 255 0
JamFC Eject Snr On Jam Fault Count t1StartFailFC End Guide Mot 1 Start Fail
604-374 DFinEjectSnrOff- Fault counter 312-160: DFin Range = 0 to 255 0 Fault Count
JamFC Eject Snr Off Jam Fault Count 604-390 DFinEndGuideMo Fault counter 312-251: DFin Range = 0 to 255 0
604-375 DFinEndWall- Fault counter 312-214: DFin Range = 0 to 255 0 t2StartFailFC End Guide Mot 2 Start Fail
HomeSnrOff- End Wall Home Snr Off Fail Fault Count
FailFC Fault Count 604-391 DFinEndGuideMo Fault counter 312-252: DFin Range = 0 to 255 0
604-376 DFinEndWal- Fault counter 312-215: DFin Range = 0 to 255 0 t1HomeFailFC End Guide Mot 1 Home Fail
lOpenSnrOn- End Wall Open Snr On Fail Fault Count
FailFC Fault Count 604-392 DFinEndGuideMo Fault counter 312-253: DFin Range = 0 to 255 0
604-377 DFinEndWall- Fault counter 312-216: DFin Range = 0 to 255 0 t2HomeFailFC End Guide Mot 2 Home Fail
HomeSnrOn- End Wall Home Snr On Fail Fault Count
FailFC Fault Count

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC131 6-114 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
Table 14 CCS NVM ID 604-241 to 604-999 Table 14 CCS NVM ID 604-241 to 604-999
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
604-393 DFinEnvelope- Fault counter 312-254: DFin Range = 0 to 255 0 604-430 LastIntFinishing- Used to ensure sheets are Range = 0 to 65535 0
FolderTrayBro- Envelope Folder Tray Broken CapIDToRecover delivered to the correct tray
kenFC Fault Count after crash recovery. (Read
604-394 DFinInterposerTr- Fault counter 312-255: DFin Range = 0 to 255 0 only)
ayUpFailFC Interposer Tray Up Fail Fault 604-431 InteruptingQuanti- Interrupting quantity made. Range = 0 to 65535 0
Count tyMade (Read only)
604-395 DFinSideRegi- Fault counter 312-324: DFin Range = 0 to 255 0 604-432 MSInvertDuplex - Range = 0 to 1 0
HomeSnrOff- Side Regi Home Snr Off Fail 604-433 MSMirrorInvert- - Range = 0 to 1 0
FailFC Fault Count Duplex
604-396 DFinSideRegi- Fault counter 312-325: DFin Range = 0 to 255 0 604-434 Total Color - Range = 0 to 1 0
HomeSnrOn- Side Regi Home Snr On Fail Images Display-
FailFC Fault Count able
604-415 MSDefaultPrint- Number of bins Range = 0 to 5 4 604-435 Total BW and Total BW and Color Images Range = 0 to 1 0
Bin Color Images Dis- Displayable
604-416 MSDefaultCopy- Number of bins Range = 0 to 5 1 play
Bin 604-437 Not displayed MarkedBWColorImages Range = 0 to 0
604-417 MSDefaultFaxBin Number of bins Range = 0 to 5 0 16777215
604-418 MSDefault- Number of bins Range = 0 to 5 4 604-442 MSMediaSize- Media Order Group 1 = MSGXc 1
OtherBin Group 2 = MSGXe
604-419 MSAutoHoldEn- Enable auto hold settings 0 = Off 1 3 = MSGFx
able 1 = On 4 = MSGFxap
604-420 InteruptingJobID- Interrupt job to recover number Range = 0 to 65535 0 5 = MSGGco
ToRecover of jobs (Read only) 6 = MSGDmoEast
7 = MSGDmoWest
604-421 Not displayed Interrupt document to recover Range = 0 to 65535 0
number of documents 604-443 MSMediaSizeCon Media size conversion policy 0 = Off 1
vPolicy85x14 8.5 x 14 inch to larger size 1 = On
604-422 InteruptImage- Interrupt image to recover Range = 0 to 65535 0
IDToRecover number of images 604-833 PaddleHomeFC Fault counter 312-024: Paddle Range = 0 to 255 0
Home Fault
604-423 InteruptPag- Interrupt pages completed Range = 0 to 65535 0
esCompleted (Read only) 604-834 PaddleMoveFC Fault counter 312-025: Paddle Range = 0 to 255 0
Move Fault
604-424 Interupting- Interrupt set to recover number Range = 0 to 65535 0
SetsCompleted of sets. (Read only) 604-835 PunchMotor- Fault counter 312-043: Hole Range = 0 to 255 0
MoveFC Punch Motor Move Fault
604-425 InteruptingLast- Interrupt service to recover Range = 0 to 65535 0
ServiceID number of services. (Read 604-836 PunchHead- Fault counter 312-044: Hole Range = 0 to 255 0
only) HomeFC Punch Head Home Fault
604-426 QtyToRecover; Interrupt quantity to recover Range = 0 to 65535 0 604-837 PunchHead- Fault counter 312-045: Hole Range = 0 to 255 0
MoveFC Punch Head Move Fault
604-427 lastSheetToRe- Interrupt last sheet to recover Range = 0 to 65535 0
cover 604-838 PunchMotor- Fault counter 312-046: Hole Range = 0 to 255 0
HomeFC Punch Motor Home Fault
604-428 MSMediaSize- Media Size Conversion Policy 0 = Off 1
ConvPolicy Settings 1 = On 604-839 PunchUnit- Fault counter 312-047: Punch Range = 0 to 255 0
MoveFC Unit Move Fault
604-429 LastFinishing- Used to ensure sheets are Range = 0 to 65535 0
CapIDToRecover delivered to the correct tray 604-840 InserterBottPltH- Fault counter 312-056: Inserter Range = 0 to 255 0
after crash recovery. (Read omeFC Bottom Plate Home Fault
only) 604-841 InserterBot- Fault counter 312-057: Inserter Range = 0 to 255 0
tPltLiftFC Bottom Plate Lift Fault
604-842 CreaseBladeMov- Fault counter 312-061: Crease Range = 0 to 255 0
eFFC Blade Move Fault.

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-115 dC131
Table 14 CCS NVM ID 604-241 to 604-999 Table 14 CCS NVM ID 604-241 to 604-999
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
604-843 CreaseRollMotor- Fault counter 312-062: Crease Range = 0 to 255 0 604-864 Leadedgelateto- Fault counter 312-194: Lead Range = 0 to 255 0
FailFC Roll Motor Failed InserterPick- edge late to Inserter Pick Up
604-844 BMStapler- Fault counter 312-063: Booklet Range = 0 to 255 0 UpSFC Sensor
MoveFC Maker Stapler Move Fault 604-865 TELatefromIn- Fault counter 312-196: Trail Range = 0 to 255 0
604-845 BackStopMotor- Fault counter 312-065: Back Range = 0 to 255 0 serterPickUpSFC edge late from Inserter Tray
MoveFC Stop Motor Move Fault Pick Up Sensor
604-846 TampermoveFC Fault counter 312-066: Tamper Range = 0 to 255 0 604-866 FinStraySheetFC Fault counter 312-198: Stray Range = 0 to 255 0
Move Fault sheet is detected after jam
604-847 PaperPushMotor- Fault counter 312-083: Paper Range = 0 to 255 0 clearance
StalledFC Pusher Motor Stalled 604-867 Unexpected- Fault counter 312-199: Unex- Range = 0 to 255 0
604-848 EntSnsOfJamFC Fault counter 312-126: Range = 0 to 255 0 SheetatFinEntFC pected Sheet at Finisher Entry
Entrance Sensor OFF Jam 604-868 OffsetUnitInitFC Fault counter 312-273: Offset Range = 0 to 255 0
604-849 PunchSnrOn- Fault counter 312-127: Punch Range = 0 to 255 0 Unit Init Fault
JamFC Sensor ON Jam 604-869 OffsetUnitH- Fault counter 312-274: Offset Range = 0 to 255 0
604-850 BuffPointSnsOn- Fault counter 312-157: Buffer Range = 0 to 255 0 omeFC Unit Home Fault
JamFC Point Sensor ON Jam 604-870 OffsetUnitH- Fault counter 312-275: Offset Range = 0 to 255 0
604-851 BuffPointSnsOff- Fault counter 312-158: Buffer Range = 0 to 255 0 omeMvFC Unit Home Move Fault
JamFC Point Sensor OFF Jam 604-871 OffsetUnitAway- Fault counter 312-276: Offset Range = 0 to 255 0
604-852 BookletCompExit- Fault counter 312-166: Booklet Range = 0 to 255 0 HomeFC Unit Away Home Fault
SenOffJamFC Compiler Exit Sensor OFF 604-872 OffsetUnitAway- Fault counter 312-277: Offset Range = 0 to 255 0
Jam HomeMvFC Unit Away Home Move Fault
604-853 BMExitSnrOn- Fault counter 312-181: Booklet Range = 0 to 255 0 604-873 NipSplitFC Fault counter 312-288: Nip Range = 0 to 255 0
JamFC Maker Exit Sensor ON Jam Split Failure
604-854 BMExitSnrOff- Fault counter 312-182: Booklet Range = 0 to 255 0 604-874 NipHomeFC Fault counter 312-289: Nip Range = 0 to 255 0
JamFC Maker Exit Sensor OFF Jam Home Failure
604-855 BMUnexpected- Fault counter 312-183: Booklet Range = 0 to 255 0 604-875 FinUndockedDur- Fault counter 312-310: Fin- Range = 0 to 255 0
SheetFC Maker Unexpected Sheet ingRFC isher Undocked During Run
604-856 BMStraySheetFC Fault counter 312-184: Booklet Range = 0 to 255 0 604-876 TopCoverOpenin- Fault counter 312-312: Top Range = 0 to 255 0
Maker Stray Sheet RFC Cover Open in Run
604-857 TrifoldExitSnrOn- Fault counter 312-185: Trifold Range = 0 to 255 0 604-877 FinDoorOpenIn- Fault counter 312-313: Fin- Range = 0 to 255 0
JFC Exit Sensor ON Jam RFC isher Door Open In Run
604-858 TrifoldExitSn- Fault counter 312-186: Trifold Range = 0 to 255 0 604-878 InserterTopCov- Fault counter 312-316: Inserter Range = 0 to 255 0
rOffJFC Exit Sensor OFF Jam erOpenInRFC Top Cover Open In Run
604-859 TrifoldAssistSn- Fault counter 312-187: Trifold Range = 0 to 255 0 604-879 TrifoldCoverO- Fault counter 312-317: Trifold Range = 0 to 255 0
rOnJFC Assist Sensor ON Jam penInRFC Cover Open In Run
604-860 LELateBBEntryS- Fault counter 312-190: Sheet Range = 0 to 255 0 604-880 TrifoldFDoorO- Fault counter 312-318: Trifold Range = 0 to 255 0
nrFC late to BB entry sensor penInRFC Front Door Open In Run
604-861 LELatetoInserter- Fault counter 312-191: Lead Range = 0 to 255 0 604-881 InserterHand- Fault counter 312-319: Inserter Range = 0 to 255 0
TabStandbySFC edge late to Inserter Tab DoorOpenInrFC Hand Door Open In run
Standby Sensor 604-882 CompHomeFC Fault counter 312-340: Com- Range = 0 to 255 0
604-862 TELatefromBBen- Fault counter 312-192: Sheet Range = 0 to 255 0 piler Home Fault
trySFC late from BB entry sensor 604-883 CompOutFC Fault counter 312-341: Com- Range = 0 to 255 0
604-863 TELateInserterT- Fault counter 312-193: Trail Range = 0 to 255 0 piler Out Fault
abSnrFC edge late from Inserter Tab 604-884 CompMvFC Fault counter 312-342: Com- Range = 0 to 255 0
Standby Sensor piler Move Fault

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC131 6-116 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
Table 14 CCS NVM ID 604-241 to 604-999 Table 14 CCS NVM ID 604-241 to 604-999
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
604-885 StapleMvFC Fault counter 312-371: Stapler Range = 0 to 255 0 604-905 BMStaple- Fault counter 312-411: Book- Range = 0 to 255 0
Move Fault HomeFC let Stapler Home Fault
604-886 StapleHomeFC Fault counter 312-372: Stapler Range = 0 to 255 0 604-906 BMStapleHead2H Fault counter 312-413: Booklet Range = 0 to 255 0
Home Fault omeFC Staple Head 2 Home Fault
604-887 StapleMiddle- Fault counter 312-373: Stapler Range = 0 to 255 0 604-907 BMStapleNotH- Fault counter 312-414: Booklet Range = 0 to 255 0
HomeFC Middle Home Fault omeForInFC Stapler Not Home For Init
604-888 StapleMiddleM- Fault counter 312-374: Stapler Range = 0 to 255 0 604-908 RollGateHomeFC Fault counter 312-415: Roll Range = 0 to 255 0
vFC Middle Move Fault Gate Home Fault
604-889 Staple- Fault counter 312-375: Stapler Range = 0 to 255 0 604-909 CreaseBlade- Fault counter 312-416: Crease Range = 0 to 255 0
JawHomeFC Jaw Home Fault HomeFC Blade Home Fault
604-890 StapleJawMvFC Fault counter 312-376: Stapler Range = 0 to 255 0 604-910 BMFlapper- Fault counter 312-417: Booklet Range = 0 to 255 0
Jaw Move Fault HomeFC Maker Flapper Home Fault
604-891 StaplePrimingFC Fault counter 312-377: Stapler Range = 0 to 255 0 604-911 BMFlappermvFC Fault counter 312-418: Booklet Range = 0 to 255 0
Priming Fault Maker Flapper Move Fault
604-892 LCSSStapleIn- Fault counter 312-378: LCSS Range = 0 to 255 0 604-912 BMTamp2HomeF Fault counter 312-419: Booklet Range = 0 to 255 0
dexFC Stapler index Fault C Maker Tamper 2 Home Fault
604-893 Pun- Fault counter 312-380: Punch Range = 0 to 255 0 604-913 BMTamp2MvFC Fault counter 312-420: Booklet Range = 0 to 255 0
chUnitSideEdge- Unit Side Edge Detect Fault Maker Tamper 2 Move Fault
DetectFC 604-914 PapPush- Fault counter 312-440: Paper Range = 0 to 255 0
604-894 BackStopHom- Fault counter 312-383: Back Range = 0 to 255 0 HomeFC Pusher Home Fault
eFFC Stop Home Fault. 604-915 PapPushHomeM- Fault counter 312-441: Paper Range = 0 to 255 0
604-895 TampHomeFC Fault counter 312-384: Tamper Range = 0 to 255 0 vFC Pusher Home Move Fault
Home Fault 604-916 PapPushAway- Fault counter 312-442: Paper Range = 0 to 255 0
604-896 FTampMvFC Fault counter 312-392: Front Range = 0 to 255 0 HomeFC Pusher Away Home Fault
Tamper Move Fault 604-917 PapPushAway- Fault counter 312-443: Paper Range = 0 to 255 0
604-897 FTampHomeFC Fault counter 312-393: Front Range = 0 to 255 0 HomeMvFC Pusher Away Home Move
Tamper Home Fault Fault
604-898 FTampAway- Fault counter 312-394: Front Range = 0 to 255 0 604-918 EjectModMotor- Fault counter 312-450: Ejector Range = 0 to 255 0
FromHomeFC Tamper Away From Home StallFC Module Motor Stall
Fault 604-919 EjectPlateMotor- Fault counter 312-451: Ejector Range = 0 to 255 0
604-899 FTampAway- Fault counter 312-395: Front Range = 0 to 255 0 StallFC Plate Motor Stall
FromHomeMvFC Tamper Away From Home 604-920 EjectPlate- Fault counter 312-452: Ejector Range = 0 to 255 0
Move Fault HomeFC Plate Home Fault
604-900 RTampMvFC Fault counter 312-396: Rear Range = 0 to 255 0 604-921 EjectPlateMvFC Fault counter 312-453: Ejector Range = 0 to 255 0
Tamper Move Fault Plate Move Fault
604-901 RTampHomeFC Fault counter 312-397: Rear Range = 0 to 255 0 604-922 LwrPaddHomeFC Fault counter 312-454: Lower Range = 0 to 255 0
Tamper Home Fault Paddle Home Fault
604-902 RTampAway- Fault counter 312-398: Rear Range = 0 to 255 0 604-923 LwrPaddMvFC Fault counter 312-455: Lower Range = 0 to 255 0
FromHomeMvFC Tamper Away From Home Paddle Move Fault
Move Fault 604-924 EjectMod- Fault counter 312-456: Ejector Range = 0 to 255 0
604-903 RTampAway- Fault counter 312-399: Rear Range = 0 to 255 0 HomeFC Module Home Fault
FromHomeFC Tamper Away From Home 604-925 EjectModHomeM- Fault counter 312-457: Ejector Range = 0 to 255 0
Fault vFC Module Home Move Fault
604-904 BMStapleHead2 Fault counter 312-403: Booklet Range = 0 to 255 0 604-926 EjectModOut- Fault counter 312-458: Ejector Range = 0 to 255 0
MvFC Staple Head 2 Move Fault PosFC Module Out Position Fault

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-117 dC131
Table 14 CCS NVM ID 604-241 to 604-999 Table 14 CCS NVM ID 604-241 to 604-999
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
604-927 EjectModOut- Fault counter 312-459: Ejector Range = 0 to 255 0 604-979 HolePunchCon- Finisher Hole Punch Configu- Range = 0 to 3 0
PosMvFC Module Out Position Move figuration ration
Fault 604-980 ImeFinComms- Fault counter 312-762-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
604-928 StackBin1MotorSt Fault counter 312-460: Range = 0 to 255 0 FailFC Cannot communicate with fin-
allFC Stacker Bin 1 Motor Stall isher.
604-929 StackBin1LevelF Fault counter 312-461: Stacker Range = 0 to 255 0 604-981 ImeFinMissingFC Fault counter 312-764-00: Fin- Range = 0 to 255 0
C Bin 1 Level Fault isher is not present.
604-930 StackBin1Elevato Fault counter 312-462: Stacker Range = 0 to 255 0 604-982 Total Large Enable Display of Large 0 = No Display 1
rFC Bin 1 Elevator Failure Marked Images Marked Images Counter 1 = Displayed
604-931 BMPwrNotPre- Fault counter 312-463: Booklet Range = 0 to 255 0 Disp
sentFC Maker Power Not Present 604-983 Total Large Blk Enable Display of Large Black 0 = No Display 1
Fault Marked Imgs Disp Marked Images Counter 1 = Displayed
604-932 BMPwrFC Fault counter 312-464: Booklet Range = 0 to 255 0 604-995 FINISHERCDI- Fault counter 312-492-00: CDI Range = 0 to 255 0
Maker Power Fault COMMSFAILFC communications failure with
604-933 PaddUpprPosFC Fault counter 312-465: Paddle Range = 0 to 255 0 finisher.
Upper Position Fault 604-996 FINISHERFAIL- Fault counter 312-493-00: Fin- Range = 0 to 255 0
604-934 PaddUpprPosM- Fault counter 312-466: Paddle Range = 0 to 255 0 CYCLEUPFC isher failure to Cycle Up in time
vFC Upper Position Move Fault 604-997 FINISHERFAIL- Fault counter 312-494-00: Fin- Range = 0 to 3 0
604-935 PaddLwrPosFC Fault counter 312-467: Paddle Range = 0 to 255 0 PREPTIMEFC isher failure to return prep time
Lower Position Fault 604-998 DfFnlinkLate- Fault counter 312-100-00: Fin- Range = 0 to 255 0
604-936 PaddLwrPosM- Fault counter 312-468: Paddle Range = 0 to 255 0 ToEntry isher Late to Entry Sensor
vFC Lower Position Move Fault 604-999 DfFnlinkLateIme- Fault counter 312-102-00: Late Range = 0 to 255 0
604-937 CurlSup- Fault counter 312-469: Curl Range = 0 to 255 0 Exit IME Exit
prHomeFC Suppressor Home Fault
604-938 CurlSupprMvFC Fault counter 312-470: Curl Range = 0 to 255 0
Suppressor Move Fault
604-939 CurlSupprAway- Fault counter 312-471: Curl Range = 0 to 255 0 Table 15 CCS NVM ID 605-001 to 605-036
PosFC Suppressor Away Position NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
605-001 NextPrintJobID Value of next MFPrint job's id. Range = 0 to 999 1
604-940 CurlSupprAway- Fault counter 312-472: Curl Range = 0 to 255 0 (Read only)
PosMvFC Suppressor Away Position
605-002 PrintCrashRecov- Enable Print Job Recovery 0 = No Recovery 1
Move Fault
eryEnable Settings 1 = Recovered
604-941 PressMotorInitFC Fault counter 312-473: Press- Range = 0 to 255 0
605-003 MFPrintComplet- This holds the crash recovery Range = 0 to 12 0
ing Motor Init Fault
edJob Log Loca- print job information on the alt-
604-942 PressMotorInitM- Fault counter 312-474: Press- Range = 0 to 255 0 tion anta side.
vFC ing Motor Init Move Fault
605-006 MFPRINT- Enable Option to export 0 = No export 1
604-943 PressMotor- Fault counter 312-475: Press- Range = 0 to 255 0 MarkedImages- marked image counter infor- 1 = Exported
HomeFC ing Motor Home Fault Displayable mation to clients
604-944 PressMotor- Fault counter 312-476: Press- Range = 0 to 255 0 605-008 MFPRINTSheets- Enable Option to export 0 = No export 0
HomeMvFC ing Motor Home Move Fault Displayable marked image counter infor- 1 = Exported
604-946 PressMtrOut- Fault counter 312-478: Press- Range = 0 to 255 0 mation to clients
PosMvFC ing Motor Out Position Move 605-010 MFPRINTDuplex- Enable Option to export 0 = No export 0
Fault SheetsDisplay- Duplexed counter information 1 = Exported
604-947 InsSht- Fault counter 312-479: Insert Range = 0 to 255 0 able to clients
TooShortFC Sheet Too Short

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC131 6-118 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
Table 15 CCS NVM ID 605-001 to 605-036
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
Table 16 CCS NVM ID 606-001 to 606-269
605-012 MFPRINT- Enable Option to export Large 0 = No export 0
LargeSheetsDis- Sheet counter information to 1 = Exported NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
playable clients 606-001 Tray 1 Tray 1 Media Type 0 = Standard 0
605-013 disturbance time Maximum time allowed for Range 0 to 240 12 Media Type 1 = Drilled
ESS to resync before deleting 3 = Envelope
orphaned print jobs 4 = Transparency
605-020 MFPSuc- Counter Range 0 to 1 0 5 = Letterhead
cessImgRecServ- 6 = Labels
erFaxDisplay 7 = Recycled
9 = Other Type
605-021 MFPSuccessI- Enable Option to export Large 0 = No export 0
12 = Bond
FaxImagesR- Success Ifax images counter 1 = Exported
13 = Pre-Printed
ecDisplay information to clients
14 = Card Stock
605-036 BlackReprintIm- Black reprint image counter Range = 0 to 1 0 15 = Custom 1
agesDisp displayable 16 = Custom 2
17 = Custom 3
19 = Custom 4
20 = Custom 5
21 = Custom 6
22 = Custom 7
18 = Unspecified
23 = System Default
37 = Precut Tabs
38 = Covers
39 = Tabs
40 = Paper Backed Transpar-
41 = Thin
42 = Light Card Stock
43 = Light Glossy
44 = Heavy Glossy
45 = Light Card Stock Side 2
46 = Light Glossy Side 2
47 = Heavy Glossy Side 2
48 = Card Stock Side 2
49 = Heavy Labels
50 = Heavy Labels
51 = Heavy Precut Tabs
52 = Heavy Card Stock
53 = Heavy Card Stock Side
54 = Extra Heavy Glossy
55 = Extra Heavy Glossy
Side 2
56 = Extra Heavy Labels
57 = Used Standard
58 = Rough Stock
59 = Photo
60 = Postcard

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-119 dC131
Table 16 CCS NVM ID 606-001 to 606-269 Table 16 CCS NVM ID 606-001 to 606-269
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
606-002 Tray 1 Tray 1 Media Color 0 = White 0 606-021 Tray 2 Tray 2 Media Type 0 = Standard 0
Media 1 = Green Media Type 1 = Drilled
Color 2 = Buff 3 = Envelope
3 = Yellow 4 = Transparency
4 = Goldenrod 5 = Letterhead
5 = Blue 6 = Labels
6 = Pink 7 = Recycled
7 = Transparent 9 = Other Type
8 = Ivory 12 = Bond
9 = Gray 13 = Pre Printed
10 = Red 14 = Card Stock
11 = Orange 15 = Custom 1
12 = Other Color 16 = Custom 2
13 = Custom 1 17 = Custom 3
14 = Custom 2 18 = Unspecified
15 = Custom 3 19 = Custom 4
16 = Unspecified 20 = Custom 5
17 = Custom 4 21 = Custom 6
18 = Custom 5 22 = Custom 7
19 = Custom 6 23 = System Default
20 = Custom 7 37 = Precut Tabs
21 = System Default 38 = Covers
606-003 Tray 1 Tray 1 Media Weight Range = 60 to 216 75 39 = Tabs
Media 40 = Paper Backed Transpar-
Weight ency
606-004 Tray 1 Tray 1 Direct Select 0 = TS Direct Only 1 41 = Thin
Direct 1 = TS Direct and Auto 42 = Light Card Stock
Select 43 = Light Glossy
44 = Heavy Glossy
606-005 Tray 1 Pri- Tray 1 Priority Range = 0 to 99 30
45 = LIght Card Stock Side 2
46 = Light Glossy Side 2
606-006 Tray 1 Tray 1 Width in mm Range = 182 to 432 216 47 = Heavy Glossy Side 2
Width 48 = Card Stock Side 2
606-007 Tray 1 Tray 1 Length in mm Range = 210 to 297 279 49 = Thin Side 2
Length 50 = Heavy Labels
606-008 Tray 1 Per- Tray 1 Percent Full Range = 0 to 100 0 51 = Heavy Precut Tabs
cent Full 52 = Heavy Card Stock
606-009 Tray 1 User Tray 1 User Type 0 = TA Fixed 1 53 = Heavy Card Stock Side
Type 1 = TA AdjustableAll 2
2 = TA Adjustable Size Only 54 = Extra Heavy Glossy
606-010 Tray 1 Tray 1 Modulus Range = 0 to 100 0 55 = Extra Heavy Glossy
Modulus Side 2
56 = Extra Heavy Labels
606-011 Tray 1 Tray 1 Modulus Position Range = 1 to 100 1
57 = Used Standard
58 = Rough Stock
59 = Photo
60 = Postcard

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC131 6-120 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
Table 16 CCS NVM ID 606-001 to 606-269 Table 16 CCS NVM ID 606-001 to 606-269
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
606-022 Tray 2 Tray 2 Media Color 0 = White 0 606-032 Tray 2 Tray 2 Usage: Standard Tray / 0 = Special Materials 2
Media 1 = Green Usage: Envelope Tray 1 = High Capacity
Color 2 = Buff Standard/ 2 = Basic Tray
3 = Yellow Envelope 3 = Interposer
4 = Goldenrod 4 = Envelope
5 = Blue
6 = Pink
7 = Transparent
8 = Ivory
9 = Gray
10 = Red
11 = Orange
12 = Other/Color
13 = Custom 1
14 = Custom 2
15 = Custom 3
16 = Unspecified
17 = Custom 4
18 = Custom 5
19 = Custom 6
20 = Custom 7
21 = System Default
606-023 Tray 2 Tray 2 Media Weight Range = 60 to 216 75
606-024 Tray 2 Tray 2 Direct Select 0 = Direct Only 1
Direct 1 = Direct And Auto
606-025 Tray 2 Pri- Tray 2 Priority Range = 0 to 99 50
606-026 Tray 2 Tray 2 Width in mm Range = 98 to 432 216
606-027 Tray 2 Tray 2 Length in mm Range = 140 to 297 279
606-028 Tray 2 Per- Tray 2 Percent Full Range = 0 to 100 0
cent Full
606-029 Tray 2 User Tray 2 User Type 0 = Fixed 1
Type 1 = Adjustable All
2 = Adjustable Size Only
606-030 Tray 2 Tray 2 Modulus Range = 0 to 100 0
606-031 Tray 2 Tray 2 Modulus Position Range = 1 to 100 1

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-121 dC131
Table 16 CCS NVM ID 606-001 to 606-269 Table 16 CCS NVM ID 606-001 to 606-269
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
606-041 Tray 3 Tray 3 Media Type 0 = Standard 0 606-042 Tray 3 Tray 3 Media Color 0 = White 0
Media Type 1 = Drilled Media 1 = Green
3 = Envelope Color 2 = Buff
4 = Transparency 3 = Yellow
5 = Letterhead 4 = Goldenrod
6 = Labels 5 = Blue
7 = Recycled 6 = Pink
9 = Other Type 7 = Transparent
12 = Bond 8 = Ivory
13 = Pre Printed 9 = Gray
14 = Card Stock 10 = Red
15 = Custom 1 11 = Orange
16 = Custom 2 12 = Other Color
17 = Custom 3 13 = Custom 1
18 = Unspecified 14 = Custom 2
19 = Custom 4 15 = Custom 3
20 = Custom 5 16 = Unspecified
21 = Custom 6 17 = Custom 4
22 = Custom 7 18 = Custom 5
23 = System Default 19 = Custom 6
37 = Precut Tabs 20 = Custom 7
38 = Covers 21 = System Default
39 = Tabs 606-043 Tray 3 Tray 3 Media Weight Range = 60 to 216 75
40 = Paper Backed Transpar- Media
ency Weight
41 = Thin 606-044 Tray 3 Tray 3 Direct Select 0 = Direct Only 1
42 = Light Card Stock Direct 1 = Direct And Auto
43 = Light Glossy Select
44 = Heavy Glossy
606-045 Tray 3 Pri- Tray 3 Priority Range = 1 to 99 15
45 = Light Card Stock Side 2
46 = Light Glossy Side 2
47 = Heavy Glossy Side 2 606-046 Tray 3 Tray 3 Width in mm Range = 210 to 216 USSG
48 = Card Stock Side 2 Width A4 = 210 = 216
49 = Thin Side 2 8.5 x 11 = 216 XE =
50 = Heavy Labels 210
51 = Heavy Precut Tabs 606-047 Tray 3 Tray 3 Length in mm (Read Range = 279 to 297 USSG
52 = Heavy Card Stock Length only) = 279
53 = Heavy Card Stock Side A4 = 297 XE =
2 8.5 x 11 = 279 297
54 = Extra Heavy Glossy 606-048 Tray 3 Per- Tray 3 Percent Full Range = 0 to 100 0
55 = Extra Heavy Glossy cent Full
Side 2 606-049 Tray 3 User Tray 3 User Type (fixed size) 0 = Fixed 0
56 = Extra Heavy Labels Type 1 = Not fixed
57 = Used Standard 606-050 Tray 3 Tray 3 Modulus Range = 0 to 100 0
58 = Rough Stock Modulus
59 = Photo
606-051 Tray 3 Tray 3 Modulus Position Range = 1 to 100 1
60 = Postcard

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC131 6-122 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
Table 16 CCS NVM ID 606-001 to 606-269 Table 16 CCS NVM ID 606-001 to 606-269
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
606-061 Tray 4 Tray 4 Media Type 0 = Standard 0 606-062 Tray 4 Tray 4 Media Color 0 = White 0
Media Type 1 = Drilled Media 1 = Green
3 = Envelope Color 2 = Buff
4 = Transparency 3 = Yellow
5 = Letterhead 4 = Goldenrod
6 = Labels 5 = Blue
7 = Recycled 6 = Pink
9 = Other Type 7 = Transparent
12 = Bond 8 = Ivory
13 = Pre Printed 9 = Gray
14 = Card Stock 10 = Red
15 = Custom 1 11 = Orange
16 = Custom 2 12 = Other Color
17 = Custom 3 13 = Custom 1
18 = Unspecified 14 = Custom 2
19 = Custom 4 15 = Custom 3
20 = Custom 5 16 = Unspecified
21 = Custom 6 17 = Custom 4
22 = Custom 7 18 = Custom 5
23 = System Default 19 = Custom 6
37 = Precut Tabs 20 = Custom 7
38 = Covers 21 = System Default
39 = Tabs 606-063 Tray 4 Tray 4 Media Weight Range = 60 to 216 75
40 = Paper Backed Transpar- Media
ency Weight
41 = Thin 606-064 Tray 4 Tray 4 Direct Select 0 = Direct Only 1
42 = Light Card Stock Direct 1 = Direct And Auto
43 = Light Glossy Select
44 = Heavy Glossy
606-065 Tray 4 Pri- Tray 4 Priority Range = 1 to 99 20
45 = Light Card Stock Side 2
46 = Light Glossy Side 2
47 = Heavy Glossy Side 2 606-066 Tray 4 Tray 4 Width in mm Range = 210 to 216 216
48 = Card Stock Side 2 Width
49 = Thin Side 2 606-067 Tray 4 Tray 4 Length in mm Range = 279 to 297 279
50 = Heavy Labels Length
51 = Heavy Precut Tabs 606-068 Tray 4 Per- Tray 4 Percent Full Range = 0 to 100 0
52 = Heavy Card Stock cent Full
53 = Heavy Card Stock Side 606-069 Tray 4 User Tray 4 User Type 1 = Adjustable All 1
2 Type Range = 0 to 1
54 = Extra Heavy Glossy 606-070 Tray 4 Tray 4 Modulus Range = 0 to 100 0
55 = Extra Heavy Glossy Modulus
Side 2
606-071 Tray 4 Tray 4 Modulus Position Range = 1 to 100 1
56 = Extra Heavy Labels
57 = Used Standard
58 = Rough Stock
59 = Photo
60 = Postcard

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-123 dC131
Table 16 CCS NVM ID 606-001 to 606-269 Table 16 CCS NVM ID 606-001 to 606-269
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
606-081 Tray 5 Bypass Tray Media Type 0 = Standard 0 606-082 Tray 5 Bypass Tray Media Color 0 = White 0
Media Type 1 = Drilled Media 1 = Green
3 = Envelope Color 2 = Buff
4 = Transparency 3 = Yellow
5 = Letterhead 4 = Goldenrod
6 = Labels 5 = Blue
7 = Recycled 6 = Pink
9 = Other Type 7 = Transparent
12 = Bond 8 = Ivory
13 = Pre Printed 9 = Gray
14 = Card Stock 10 = Red
15 = Custom 1 11 = Orange
16 = Custom 2 12 = Other Color
17 = Custom 3 13 = Custom 1
18 = Unspecified 14 = Custom 2
19 = Custom 4 15 = Custom 3
20 = Custom 5 16 = Unspecified
21 = Custom 6 17 = Custom 4
22 = Custom 7 18 = Custom 5
23 = System Default 19 = Custom 6
37 = Precut Tabs 20 = Custom 7
38 = Covers 21 = System Default
39 = Tabs 606-083 Tray 5 Bypass Tray Media Weight Range = 60 to 216 75
40 = Paper Backed Transpar- Media
ency Weight
41 = Thin 606-084 Tray 5 Bypass Tray Direct Select 0 = Direct Only 1
42 = Light Card Stock Direct 1 = Direct And Auto
43 = Light Glossy Select
44 = Heavy Glossy
606-085 Tray 5 Pri- Bypass Tray Priority Range = 1 to 99 99
45 = Light Card Stock Side 2
46 = Light Glossy Side 2
47 = Heavy Glossy Side 2 606-086 Tray 5 Bypass Tray Width in mm Range = 98 to 432 216
48 = Card Stock Side 2 Width
49 = Thin Side 2 606-087 Tray 5 Bypass Tray Length in mm Range = 104 to 297 279
50 = Heavy Labels Length
51 = Heavy Precut Tabs 606-088 Tray 5 Per- Bypass Tray Percent Full Range = 0 to 100 0
52 = Heavy Card Stock cent Full
53 = Heavy Card Stock Side 606-089 Tray 5 User Bypass Tray User Type 0 = Fixed 1
2 Type 1 = Adjustable All
54 = Extra Heavy Glossy 2 = Adjustable Size Only
55 = Extra Heavy Glossy 606-090 Tray 5 Bypass Tray Modulus Range = 0 to 100 0
Side 2 Modulus
56 = Extra Heavy Labels
606-091 Tray 5 Bypass Tray Modulus Position Range = 1 to 100 1
57 = Used Standard
58 = Rough Stock
59 = Photo
60 = Postcard

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC131 6-124 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
Table 16 CCS NVM ID 606-001 to 606-269 Table 16 CCS NVM ID 606-001 to 606-269
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
606-101 Tray 6 Tray 6 Media Type 0 = Standard 0 606-102 Tray 6 Tray 6 Media Color 0 = White 0
Media Type 1 = Drilled Media 1 = Green
3 = Envelope Color 2 = Buff
4 = Transparency 3 = Yellow
5 = Letterhead 4 = Goldenrod
6 = Labels 5 = Blue
7 = Recycled 6 = Pink
9 = Other Type 7 = Transparent
12 = Bond 8 = Ivory
13 = Pre Printed 9 = Gray
14 = Card Stock 10 = Red
15 = Custom 1 11 = Orange
16 = Custom 2 12 = Other Color
17 = Custom 3 13 = Custom 1
18 = Unspecified 14 = Custom 2
19 = Custom 4 15 = Custom 3
20 = Custom 5 16 = Unspecified
21 = Custom 6 17 = Custom 4
22 = Custom 7 18 = Custom 5
23 = System Default 19 = Custom 6
37 = Precut Tabs 20 = Custom 7
38 = Covers 21 = System Default
39 = Tabs 606-103 Tray 6 Tray 6 Media Weight Range = 60 to 216 75
40 = Paper Backed Transpar- Media
ency Weight
41 = Thin 606-104 Tray 6 Tray 6 Direct Select 0 = Direct Only 1
42 = Light Card Stock Direct 1 = Direct And Auto
43 = Light Glossy Select
44 = Heavy Glossy
606-105 Tray 6 Pri- Tray 6 Priority Range = 1 to 99 5
45 = Light Card Stock Side 2
46 = Light Glossy Side 2
47 = Heavy Glossy Side 2 606-106 Tray 6 Tray 6 Width in mm Range = 210 to 216 216
48 = Card Stock Side 2 Width
49 = Thin Side 2 606-107 Tray 6 Tray 6 Length in mm Range = 279 to 297 279
50 = Heavy Labels Length
51 = Heavy Precut Tabs 606-108 Tray 6 Per- Tray 6 Percent Full Range = 0 to 100 0
52 = Heavy Card Stock cent Full
53 = Heavy Card Stock Side 606-109 Tray 6 User Tray 6 User Type 0 = Fixed 0
2 Type 1 = Adjustable All
54 = Extra Heavy Glossy 2 = Adjustable Size Only
55 = Extra Heavy Glossy 606-110 Tray 6 Tray 6 Modulus Range = 0 to 100 0
Side 2 Modulus
56 = Extra Heavy Labels
606-111 Tray 6 Tray 6 Modulus Position Range = 1 to 100 1
57 = Used Standard
58 = Rough Stock
59 = Photo
60 = Postcard

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-125 dC131
Table 16 CCS NVM ID 606-001 to 606-269 Table 16 CCS NVM ID 606-001 to 606-269
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
606-121 Tray 7 Tray 7 Media Type 0 = Standard 0 606-122 Tray 7 Tray 7 Media Color 0 = White 0
Media Type 1 = Drilled Media 1 = Green
3 = Envelope Color 2 = Buff
4 = Transparency 3 = Yellow
5 = Letterhead 4 = Goldenrod
6 = Labels 5 = Blue
7 = Recycled 6 = Pink
9 = Other Type 7 = Transparent
12 = Bond 8 = Ivory
13 = Pre Printed 9 = Gray
14 = Card Stock 10 = Red
15 = Custom 1 11 = Orange
16 = Custom 2 12 = Other Color
17 = Custom 3 13 = Custom 1
18 = Unspecified 14 = Custom 2
19 = Custom 4 15 = Custom 3
20 = Custom 5 16 = Unspecified
21 = Custom 6 17 = Custom 4
22 = Custom 7 18 = Custom 5
23 = System Default 19 = Custom 6
37 = Precut Tabs 20 = Custom 7
38 = Covers 21 = System Default
39 = Tabs 606-123 Tray 7 Tray 7 Media Weight Range 60 to 216 75
40 = Paper Backed Transpar- Media
ency Weight
41 = Thin 606-124 Tray 7 Tray 7 Direct Select 0 = Direct Only 1
42 = Light Card Stock Direct 1 = Direct And Auto
43 = Light Glossy Select
44 = Heavy Glossy
606-125 Tray 7 Pri- Tray 7 Priority Range = 0 to 99 10
45 = Light Card Stock Side 2
46 = Light Glossy Side 2
47 = Heavy Glossy Side 2 606-126 Tray 7 Tray 7 Width in mm Range = 210 to 432 216
48 = Card Stock Side 2 Width
49 = Thin Side 2 606-127 Tray 7 Tray 7 Length in mm Range = 210 to 297 279
50 = Heavy Labels Length
51 = Heavy Precut Tabs 606-128 Tray 7 Per- Tray 7 Percent Full Range = 0 to 100 0
52 = Heavy Card Stock cent Full
53 = Heavy Card Stock Side 606-129 Tray 7 User Tray 7 User Type 0 = Fixed 1
2 Type 1 = Adjustable All
54 = Extra Heavy Glossy 2 = Adjustable Size Only
55 = Extra Heavy Glossy 606-130 Tray 7 Tray 7 Modulus Range = 0 to 100 0
Side 2 Modulus
56 = Extra Heavy Labels
606-131 Tray 7 Tray 7 Modulus Position Range = 1 to 100 1
57 = Used Standard
58 = Rough Stock
59 = Photo
60 = Postcard

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC131 6-126 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
Table 16 CCS NVM ID 606-001 to 606-269 Table 16 CCS NVM ID 606-001 to 606-269
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
606-141 Tray 8 Tray 8 Media Type 0 = Standard 0 606-142 Tray 8 Tray 8 Media Color 0 = White 0
Media Type 1 = Drilled Media 1 = Green
3 = Envelope Color 2 = Buff
4 = Transparency 3 = Yellow
5 = Letterhead 4 = Goldenrod
6 = Labels 5 = Blue
7 = Recycled 6 = Pink
9 = Other Type 7 = Transparent
12 = Bond 8 = Ivory
13 = Pre Printed 9 = Gray
14 = Card Stock 10 = Red
15 = Custom 1 11 = Orange
16 = Custom 2 12 = Other Color
17 = Custom 3 13 = Custom 1
18 = Unspecified 14 = Custom 2
19 = Custom 4 15 = Custom 3
20 = Custom 5 16 = Unspecified
21 = Custom 6 17 = Custom 4
22 = Custom 7 18 = Custom 5
23 = System Default 19 = Custom 6
37 = Precut Tabs 20 = Custom 7
38 = Covers 21 = System Default
39 = Tabs 606-143 Tray 8 Tray 8 Media Weight Range = 60 to 216 75
40 = Paper Backed Transpar- Media
ency Weight
41 = Thin 606-144 Tray 8 Tray 8 Direct Select 0 = Direct Only 1
42 = Light Card Stock Direct 1 = Direct And Auto
43 = Light Glossy Select
44 = Heavy Glossy
606-145 Tray 8 Pri- Tray 8 Priority Range = 1 to 99 5
45 = Light Card Stock Side 2
46 = Light Glossy Side 2
47 = Heavy Glossy Side 2 606-146 Tray 8 Tray 8 Width in mm Range = 210 to 420 210
48 = Card Stock Side 2 Width
49 = Thin Side 2 606-147 Tray 8 Tray 8 Length in mm Range = 297 to 297 297
50 = Heavy Labels Length
51 = Heavy Precut Tabs 606-148 Tray 8 Per- Tray 9 Percent Full Range = 0 to 100 0
52 = Heavy Card Stock cent Full
53 = Heavy Card Stock Side 606-149 Tray 8 User Tray 8 User Type 0 = Fixed 1
2 Type 1 = Adjustable All
54 = Extra Heavy Glossy 2 = Adjustable Size Only
55 = Extra Heavy Glossy 606-150 Tray 8 Tray 8 Modulus Range = 0 to 100 0
Side 2 Modulus
56 = Extra Heavy Labels
606-151 Tray 8 Tray 8 Modulus Position Range = 1 to 100 1
57 = Used Standard
58 = Rough Stock
59 = Photo
60 = Postcard

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-127 dC131
Table 16 CCS NVM ID 606-001 to 606-269 Table 17 CCS NVM ID 606-272 to 606-886
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
606-152 Print Print Engine Lifetime Jams Range = 0 to 4294967295 0 606-405 Output jams Output jams (Read only) Range = 0 to 0
Engine (Read only) 4294967295
Lifetime 606-406 Compile jams Compile jams (Read only) Range = 0 to 0
Jams 4294967295
606-269 Service Service Plan (Read only) 0 = XE/NA Sold 3 606-407 Staple errors Staple errors (Read only) Range = 0 to 0
Plan 1 = Default (has been set by 4294967295
SIM) 606-408 Booklet maker Booklet maker errors (Read Range = 0 to 0
2 = Not used errors only) 4294967295
3 = Metered
606-409 Registration Jams Registration Jams (Read only) Range = 0 to 0
4 = XE PagePack
5 = DMO sold.
606-410 Installed Maint Kit Total number of sheets that Range = 0 to 0
Impressions have been successfully deliv- 4294967295
ered to output destination since
the current kit was installed.
Table 17 CCS NVM ID 606-272 to 606-886
(Read only)
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default 606-467 Actual K Pix In Actual Black Pixels Marked- Range = 0 to 0
606-272 TB Configuration Billing Configuration. This 0 = Traditional 0 BW Mode Low Black & White Low (1K) (Read 4294967295
counter supports tier billing 1 = 2 tier only)
2 = 3 tier 606-482 DADHRollFeeds SPDH Feed Roll Number of Range = 0 to 0
606-392 PrePunchMedi- Default sheet edge erase value Range = 0 to 255 0 feeds 4294967295
aEraseValue for pre-punched, pre-cut tab 606-483 PPIRollFeeds PPI Feed Roll Number of feeds
Range = 0 to 0
stock in mm. 4294967295
606-393 Tray 1 Jams Tray 1 Jams - Usage Counter Range = 0 to 0 606-484 Tray1RollFeeds Tray1 Feed Roll - Number of Range = 0 to 0
(Read only) 4294967295 feeds 4294967295
606-394 Tray 2 Jams Tray 2 Jams - Usage Counter Range = 0 to 0 606-485 Tray2RollFeeds Tray2 Feed Roll - Number of Range = 0 to 0
(Read only) 4294967295 feeds 4294967295
606-395 Tray 3 Jams Tray 3 Jams - Usage Counter Range = 0 to 0 606-486 Tray3RollFeeds Tray3 Feed Roll - Number of Range = 0 to 0
(Read only) 4294967295 feeds 4294967295
606-396 Tray 4 Jams Tray 4 Jams - Usage Counter Range = 0 to 0 606-487 MSIRollFeeds MSI Feed Roll number of feeds Range = 0 to 0
(Read only) 4294967295 4294967295
606-397 Tray 5 Jams Bypass Tray Jams - Usage Range = 0 to 0 606-488 InserterRollRe- Inserter Feed Roll - Number of Range = 0 to 0
Counter (Read only) 4294967295 placements replacements 4294967295
606-398 Tray 6 Jams Tray 6 Jams - Usage Counter Range = 0 to 0 606-489 FuserUsage Fuser assembly number of Range = 0 to 0
(Read only) 4294967295 sheets 4294967295
606-399 Tray 7 Jams Tray 7 Jams - Usage Counter Range = 0 to 0 606-492 DADHRollRe- SPDH Feed Roll number of Range = 1 to 1
(Read only) 4294967295 placements replacements 65535
606-401 IOT comm faults IOT comm faults counter (Read Range = 0 to 0 606-493 InserterRollRe- Inserter Feed Roll - Number of Range = 1 to 1
counter only) 4294967295 placements replacements 65535
606-402 Finisher comm Finisher comm faults counter Range = 0 to 0 606-494 3TMtray1RollRepl Tray1 Feed Roll number of Range = 1 to 1
faults counter (Read only) 4294967295 acements replacements 65535
606-403 Protocol comm Protocol comm faults counter Range = 0 to 0 606-495 3TMtray2RollRepl Tray2 Feed Roll number of Range = 1 to 1
faults counter (Read only) 4294967295 acements replacements 65535
606-404 Paper trays cur- Paper trays currently installed Range = 0 to 0 606-496 3TMtray3RollRepl Tray3 Feed Roll number of Range = 1 to 1
rently installed (Read only) 4294967295 acements feeds 65535

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC131 6-128 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
Table 17 CCS NVM ID 606-272 to 606-886 Table 17 CCS NVM ID 606-272 to 606-886
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
606-497 Tray5FeedRollsR Bypass tray feed roll number of Range = 1 to 1 606-604 JamFinisher- Fault counter 312-487: JamFin- Range = 0 to 255 0
epCount replacements 65535 TransportAreaFC isherTransportAreaFC
606-498 Tray6FeedRollsR Tray 6 Feed Roll number of Range = 1 to 1 606-605 JamFinisherUp- Fault counter 312-488: JamFin- Range = 0 to 255 0
epCoun replacements 65535 perOutputTrayFC isherUpperOutputTrayFC
606-516 SPDHRollLife SPDH Feed Roll Life Expect- Range = 0 to 170000 606-606 JamFinisherStack- Fault counter 312-489: JamFin- Range = 0 to 255 0
ancy 4294967295 erOutputTrayFC isherStackerOutputTrayFC
606-517 Tray7FeedRollsEx Tray 7 (PPI) Feed Rolls Life Range = 0 to 100000 606-607 StaplerJamFC Fault counter 312-491: Stapler- Range = 0 to 255 0
pLife Expectancy 4294967295 JamFC
606-518 Tray1FeedRollsEx Tray 1 Feed Rolls life expect- Range = 0 to 750000 606-710 Average AC Average Area Coverage for Range = 0 to 0
pLife ancy 4294967295 Black. Int. Black channel in black mode for 4294967295
606-519 Tray2FeedRollsEx Tray 2 Feed Rolls life expect- Range = 0 to 750000 life of machine. (Read only)
pLife ancy 4294967295 606-714 Avg AC Black in Average Area Coverage for Range = 0 to 0
606-520 Tray3FeedRollsEx Tray 3 Feed Rolls Life Expect- Range = 0 to 400000 Color Int. Black channel in color mode for 4294967295
pLife ancy 4294967295 life of machine. (Read only)
606-521 Tray5FeedRollsEx Bypass Tray Feed Rolls life Range = 0 to 100000 606-757 ATSWithFinishin- Folding job with Tray selected 1 = Enabled 0
pLife expectancy 4294967295 gEnable switches to another tray when 0 = Disabled
606-522 Tray6FeedRollsEx Tray 6 (PFP) Feed Rolls life Range = 0 to 100000 selected tray runs out of media.
pLife expectancy 4294967295 0 606-787 Table Version Default is the version number of Range = 0 to 1515
606-523 FuserLife Fuser Life Expectancy Range = 0 to 0 the Excel table used to create 65535
4294967295 the NVM
606-537 Last Auto Mainte- Last Auto Maintenance Update Range = 0 to 0 606-801 PapPusher- Fault counter 312-444: Paper Range = 0 to 255 0
nance Update (Read only) 4294967295 SwitchFC Pusher Switch Fault
606-539 InhibitMarkOnTab- Inhibit Mark On Tabs Policy 0 = Off 1 606-806 Default Staple Default Staple position 1 = Moves to front 2
sPolicy 1 = On Position 2 = Remains at
606-572 Finisher- Fault counter 312-098: Finisher Range = 0 to 255 0
FlashROMFailFC Flash ROM Fail 606-820 TonerGramsStd Number of Grams of toner in a Range = 0 to 137
Standard size cartridge 65535
606-573 OffsetUnitH- Fault counter 312-275: Offset Range = 0 to 255 0
omeMvFC Unit Home Move Fault 606-821 TonerGramsHi- Number of Grams of toner in a Range = 0 to 266
Cap High Capacity cartridge 65535
606-572 OffsetUnitAway- Fault counter 312-276: Offset Range = 0 to 255 0
HomeFC Unit Away Home Fault 606-857 BlackNeu- Number of Black neutral ink Range = 0 to 4 4
tral(1)Countdown sticks allowed (1)
606-573 FinisherCommEr- Fault counter 312-099: Finisher Range = 0 to 255 0
rorFC Comm Error 606-874 EjectHomeSenso- Fault counter 312-259-00: Eject Range = 0 to 255 0
rONFail Home Sensor On Fail
606-578 FinisherElevation- Fault counter 312-480: Finisher Range = 0 to 255 0
DriveFailFC Elevation Drive Fail 606-875 EjectHomeSenso- Fault counter 312-280-00: Eject Range = 0 to 255 0
rOFFFail Home Sensor Off Fail
606-579 FinisherPaper- Fault counter 312-481: Finisher Range = 0 to 255 0
PressDriveFailFC Paper Press Drive Fail 606-876 StackerTraySta- Fault counter 312-917-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
pleSetOverCount Stacker Tray Staple Set Over
606-580 FinisherAlignPlat- Fault counter 312-482: Finisher Range = 0 to 255 0
eDriveFailFC Align Plate Drive Fail
606-877 ScratchSheet- Fault counter 312-928-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
606-581 FinisherEjectRol- Fault counter 312-483: Finisher Range = 0 to 255 0
Compile Scratch Sheet Compile
lerContactFailFC Eject Roller Contact Fail
606-878 StapleNG Fault counter 312-976-00: Sta- Range = 0 to 255 0
606-582 FinisherStorage- Fault counter 312-484: Finisher Range = 0 to 255 0
ple NG
BeltContactFailFC Storage Belt Contact Fail
606-879 StaplerFee- Fault counter 312-977-00: Sta- Range = 0 to 255 0
606-583 FinisherBundleE- Fault counter 312-485: Finisher Range = 0 to 255 0
dReadyFail pler Feed Ready Fail
jectMotorFailFC Bundle Eject Motor Fail
606-880 StackerLower- Fault counter 312-982-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
SafetyWarning Stacker Lower Safety Warning

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-129 dC131
Table 17 CCS NVM ID 606-272 to 606-886 Table 18 CCS NVM ID 608-411 to 608-996
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
606-881 BookletSubCPU- Fault counter 312-269-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 608-936 StapleDoorOpe- Fault counter 312-336: Rear Range = 0 to 255 0
CommFail Booklet Sub CPU Comm Fail nIR Staple Door Opened in Run
606-882 H_XportEntSnrOF Fault counter 312-111-00: Hori- Range = 0 to 255 0 608-937 EjectorClampMo- Fault counter 312-283: Ejector Range = 0 to 255 0
FJam zontal Transport Entry Sensor torStall Clamp Motor Stall Failure
Off Jam 608-938 EjectorClampRe- Fault counter 312-284: Ejector Range = 0 to 255 0
606-883 BookletFrontSta- Fault counter 312-249-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 turnHome Clamp Return Home Failure
plerFail Booklet Front Stapler Fail 608-939 LEEntrySensor- Fault counter 312-950: Prepa- Range = 0 to 255 0
606-884 BookletRearSta- Fault counter 312-268-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 Triggered ration Time Violation on Fin-
plerFail Booklet Rear Stapler Fail isher Entry Sensor
606-885 BookletStapleMov Fault counter 312-212-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 608-951 Top Edge Reg Tray 1 Top Edge Reg Simp Range = 0 to 472 236
ePosi_SnrONFail Booklet Staple Move Position Tray 1 Simplex
Sensor On Fail 608-952 Top Edge Reg Tray 2 Top Edge Reg Simp Range = 0 to 472 236
606-886 BookletStapleMov Fault counter 312-213-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 Tray 2 Simplex
ePosi_SnrOFFFail Booklet Staple Move Position 608-953 Top Edge Reg Tray 3 Top Edge Reg Simp Range = 0 to 472 236
Sensor OFF Fail Tray 3 Simplex
608-954 Top Edge Reg Tray 4 Top Edge Reg Simp Range = 0 to 472 236
Tray 4 Simplex
608-955 Top Edge Reg Bypass Tray Top Edge Reg Range = 0 to 472 236
Table 18 CCS NVM ID 608-411 to 608-996 Tray 5 Simplex Simp
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default 608-956 Top Edge Reg Tray 6 (PFP) Top Edge Reg Range = 0 to 472 236
608-411 Stapler End Fault counter 312-370-00: Sta- Range = 0 to 255 0 Tray 6 Simplex Simp
Home Failure pler End Home Failure 608-957 Top Edge Reg Tray 1 Top Edge Reg Dup Range = 0 to 472 236
608-412 Stapler Return Fault Counter 312-369-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 Tray 1 Duplex
End Home Failure Stapler Return End Home Fail- 608-958 Tray 2 Top Edge Top Edge Reg Tray 2 Duplex Range = 0 to 472 236
ure Reg Dup
608-413 Punch - side Fault counter 312-368-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 608-959 Top Edge Reg Tray 3 Top Edge Reg Dup Range = 0 to 472 236
edge2 detect fail Punch Unit paper side edge 2 Tray 3 Duplex
detecting failure 608-960 Top Edge Reg Tray 4 Top Edge Reg Dup Range = 0 to 472 236
608-414 Punch - side Fault counter 312-367-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 Tray 4 Duplex
edge3 detect fail Punch Unit paper side edge 3 608-961 Top Edge Reg Bypass Tray Top Edge Reg Range = 0 to 472 236
detecting failure Tray 5 Duplex Dup
608-728 DrumConserva- Drum Conservation Mode Range = 0 to 1 1 608-962 Top Edge Reg Tray 6 (PFP) Top Edge Reg Range = 0 to 472 236
tionMode Tray 6 Duplex Dup
608-931 ImeIncompati- Fault counter 312-765-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 608-963 IOT LE Reg Simp IOT Lead Edge Reg Simp Range = 0 to 236 0
bleFinisherFC Incompatible Finisher 608-964 IOT LE Reg Dup IOT Lead Edge Reg Dup Range = 0 to 236 0
Detected 608-966 BillingImpression- Billing Impressions Mode Range = 0 to 65535 0
608-933 PaperDetectSen- Fault counter 312-195: Paper Range = 0 to 255 0 sMode (Read only)
sorNotMade Detect Sensor not Made Jam 608-976 Fault Counter 11- Fault Counter 311-484-00 Range = 0 to 255 0
608-934 LELateEntrySen- Fault counter 312-125: Fin- Range = 0 to 255 0 484-00
sor isher Entry Sensor not Made 608-977 Fault Counter 11- Fault Counter 311-486-00 Range = 0 to 255 0
Jam 486-00
608-935 TELateEntrySen- Fault counter 312-101: Fin- Range = 0 to 255 0 608-978 Fault Counter 11- Fault Counter 311-488-00 Range = 0 to 255 0
sor isher Entry Sensor not Cleared 488-00
608-979 Fault Counter 11- Fault Counter 311-490-00 Range = 0 to 255 0

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC131 6-130 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
Table 18 CCS NVM ID 608-411 to 608-996 Table 19 CCS NVM ID 609-001 to 609-457
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
608-980 Fault Counter 11- Fault Counter 311-492-00 Range = 0 to 255 0 609-012 TELateFmIotEx- Fault counter 310-126-00: Trail Range = 0 to 255 0
492-00 itSnsrFC Edge Late From IOT Exit Sen-
608-994 Custom Media Custom display names for cus- Range = 0 to 1 0 sor Fault
feature enable- tom media types - feature 609-013 LELateToTopEx- Fault counter 310-130-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
ment enablement itSnsrFC Lead Edge Late To Top Exit
608-996 CMT List Initial- Custom display names - Cus- Range = 0 to 1 1 Sensor Fault
ized tom media type List initialized 609-014 TELateFmTopEx- Fault counter 310-131-00: Trail Range = 0 to 255 0
flag (Read only) itSnsrFC Edge Late From Top Exit Sen-
sor Fault
609-015 LELateToIn- Fault counter 310-132-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
vertSnsrSimpFC Lead Edge Late To Invert Sen-
Table 19 CCS NVM ID 609-001 to 609-457 sor Simp Fault
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default 609-016 LELateToInvertSn Fault counter 310-133-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
srDup1FC Lead Edge Late To Invert Sen-
609-001 FrontCoverOpen- Fault counter 301-300-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 sor Dup 1 Fault
InRunFC Front Cover Open In Run Fault
609-017 LELateToInvertSn Fault counter 310-134-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
609-002 SideCoverOpen- Fault counter 301-305-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
srDup2FC Lead Edge Late To Invert Sen-
InRunFC Side Cover Open In Run Fault
sor Dup 2 Fault
609-003 LELateToPost- Fault counter 310-101-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 609-018 TELateFmIn- Fault counter 310-135-00: Trail Range = 0 to 255 0
FuserSnsrSim- Lead Edge Late To Post Fuser
vertSnsrSimp- Edge Late From Invert Sensor
pFC Sensor Simp Fault
NonInvFC Simp Non Inv Fault
609-004 LELateToPostFus Fault counter 310-102-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 609-019 TELateFmIn- Fault counter 310-136-00: Trail Range = 0 to 255 0
erSnsrDup1FC Lead Edge Late To Post Fuser
vertSnsrSimpIn- Edge Late From Invert Sensor
Sensor Dup 1 Fault
vFC Simp Inv Fault
609-005 LELateToPostFus Fault counter 310-103-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 609-020 TELateFmInvertS Fault counter 310-137-00: Trail Range = 0 to 255 0
erSnsrDup2FC Lead Edge Late To Post Fuser
nsrDup1FC Edge Late From Invert Sensor
Sensor Dup 2 Fault
Dup 1 Fault
609-006 TELateFmPost- Fault counter 310-107-00: Trail Range = 0 to 255 0 609-021 TELateFmInvertS Fault counter 310-138-00: Trail Range = 0 to 255 0
FuseSnsrSimp- Edge Late From Post Fuser
nsrDup2FC Edge Late From Invert Sensor
NonInvFC Sensor Simp Non Inv Fault
Dup 2 Fault
609-007 TELateFmPost- Fault counter 310-108-00: Trail Range = 0 to 255 0
609-022 FuserTherm- Fault counter 310-315-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
FuserSnsrSim- Edge Late From Post Fuser FCFC Fuser Therm Fault
pInvFC Sensor Simp Inv Fault
609-023 FuserCtrlFailFC Fault counter 310-320-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
609-008 TELateFmPostFu Fault counter 310-109-00: Trail Range = 0 to 255 0
Fuser Control Failure Fault
serSnsrDup1FC Edge Late From Post Fuser
609-024 FuserCtrlFail- Fault counter 310-321-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
Sensor Dup 1 Fault
StandbyOver- Fuser Control Failure Standby
609-009 TELateFmPostFu Fault counter 310-110-00: Trail Range = 0 to 255 0
TempFC Over Temp Fault
serSnsrDup2FC Edge Late From Post Fuser
609-025 FuserCtrlFail- Fault counter 310-322-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
Sensor Dup 2 Fault
StandbyUnder- Fuser Control Failure Standby
609-010 LELateToIotEx- Fault counter 310-120-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
TempFC Under Temp Fault
itSnsrInvFC Lead Edge Late To IOT Exit
609-026 FuserCtrlFail- Fault counter 310-323-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
Sensor Inv Fault
RunOverTempFC Fuser Control Failure Run
609-011 LELateToIotEx- Fault counter 310-121-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
Over Temp Fault
itSnsrNonInvFC Lead Edge Late To IOT Exit
609-027 FuserCtrlFailRu- Fault counter 310-324-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
Sensor Non Inv Fault
nUnderTempFC Fuser Control Failure Run
Under Temp Fault

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-131 dC131
Table 19 CCS NVM ID 609-001 to 609-457 Table 19 CCS NVM ID 609-001 to 609-457
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
609-028 FuserNotBeingC- Fault counter 310-325-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 609-046 XruCommsFailFC Fault counter 341-371-00: Fru Range = 0 to 255 0
trlledFC Fuser Not Being Controlled Comms Failure Fault
Fault 609-047 IOTCycledInWith- Fault counter 341-372-00: Xru Range = 0 to 255 0
609-029 FuserWarmup- Fault counter 310-330-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 outPrintingFC Comms Failure Fault
FailFC Fuser Warmup Failure Fault 609-048 LaserOnWithout- Fault counter 341-395-00: IOT Range = 0 to 255 0
609-030 FuserAOverTem- Fault counter 310-340-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 PrTurningFC Cycled In Without Printing
peratureFC Fuser A Over Temperature Fault
Fault 609-049 MainMtrNotBe- Fault counter 341-396-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
609-031 FuserOverTem- Fault counter 310-350-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 ingCtrlledFC Laser On Without Pr Turning
pOrShortCir- Fuser Over Temp Or Short Cir- Fault
cuitFC cuit Fault 609-050 HcfCommsFailFC Fault counter 341-397-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
609-032 FuserBOverTem- Fault counter 310-360-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 Main Motor Not Being Con-
peratureFC Fuser B Over Temperature trolled Fault
Fault 609-051 PrintCmdLateToP Fault counter 341-423-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
609-033 FuserCOverTem- Fault counter 310-365-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 ageSyncSplx3FC Print Command Late To Page
peratureFC Fuser C Over Temperature Sync Simplex 3 Fault
Fault 609-052 Fail24VFC Fault counter 341-480-00: Fail- Range = 0 to 255 0
609-034 FuserPower- Fault counter 310-370-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 ure 24V Fault
SaveCtrlFailFC Fuser PowerSave Control Fail- 609-053 IgnorestatFC Fault counter 341-805-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
ure Fault Ignore stat Fault
609-035 FuserTempGradi- Fault counter 310-380-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 609-054 OutOfTmrsFC Fault counter 341-852-00: Out Range = 0 to 255 0
entTooHighFC Fuser Temp Gradient Too High Of Timers Fault
Fault 609-055 IOTRelativeHu- Fault counter 342-365-00: IOT Range = 0 to 255 0
609-036 FruAuthorisation- Fault counter 310-399-00: Fru- Range = 0 to 255 0 miditySnsrFC Relative Humidity Sensor Fault
FailFC Authorisation Failure Fault 609-056 IOTAmbientTem- Fault counter 342-375-00: IOT Range = 0 to 255 0
609-037 SFuserCtrlFail- Fault counter 310-821-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 peratureSnsrFC Ambient Temperature Sensor
StandbyOver- Fuser Control Failure Standby Fault
TempFC Over Temp Fault 609-057 HighVoltagePow- Fault counter 346-060-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
609-038 SFuserCtrlFail- Fault counter 310-822-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 erSupplyFailFC High Voltage Power Supply
StandbyUnder- Fuser Control Failure Standby Failure Fault
TempFC Under Temp Fault 609-058 RosMtrFailFC Fault counter 361-020-00: Ros Range = 0 to 255 0
609-039 PfmComms- Fault counter 341-350-00: Pfm Range = 0 to 255 0 Motor Failure Fault
FailFC Comms Failure Fault 609-059 RosSystem- Fault counter 361-340-00: Ros Range = 0 to 255 0
609-040 PfmFeedBuffer- Fault counter 341-351-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 FailFC System Failure Fault
OverflowFC PfmFeedBufferOverflowFault 609-060 RosLaserNotBe- Fault counter 361-350-00: Ros Range = 0 to 255 0
609-041 PfmI2CFrameFail Fault counter 341-354-00: Pfm Range = 0 to 255 0 ingCtrlledFC Laser Not Being Controlled
FC I2C Frame Failure Fault Fault
609-042 FinisherComms- Fault counter 341-359-00: Hcf Range = 0 to 255 0 609-061 XruAuthorisation- Fault counter 392-399-00: Xru Range = 0 to 255 0
FailFC Comms Failure Fault FailFC Authorisation Failure Fault
609-043 FinToBmComms- Fault counter 341-360-00: Fin- Range = 0 to 255 0 609-062 ReplenisherLev- Fault counter 393-310-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
FailFC isher Comms Failure Fault elSnsrFailFC Replenisher Level Sensor Fail-
609-044 PfpCommsFailFC Fault counter 341-363-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 ure Fault
To Bm Comms Failure Fault 609-063 TonerConcSnsr- Fault counter 393-360-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
609-045 FruCommsFailFC Fault counter 341-366-00: Pfp Range = 0 to 255 0 FailFC Toner Concentration Sensor-
Comms Failure Fault Failure Fault

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC131 6-132 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
Table 19 CCS NVM ID 609-001 to 609-457 Table 19 CCS NVM ID 609-001 to 609-457
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
609-064 TonerConcCtrl- Fault counter 393-361-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 609-079 LELateToTray4Fe Fault counter 381-104-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
FailLowFC Toner Concentration Control- edSnsrFC Lead Edge Late To Tray 4
Failure Low Fault Feed Sensor Fault
609-065 TonerConcCtrl- Fault counter 393-362-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 609-080 LELateToTray1Sn Fault counter 381-106-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
FailHighFC Toner Concentration Control srFmTray2FC Lead Edge Late To Tray 1
Failure High Fault Sensor From Tray 2 Fault
609-066 TonerConcIsolat- Fault counter 393-363-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 609-081 LELateToTray4Sn Fault counter 381-107-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
edCtrlFailLowFC Toner Concentration Isolated srFmTray3FC Lead Edge Late To Tray 4
Control Fail Low Fault Sensor From Tray 3 Fault
609-067 WasteTonerBot- Fault counter 393-380-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 609-082 LELateToTray2Sn Fault counter 381-108-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
tleMissingFC Waste Toner Bottle Missing srFmTray4FC Lead Edge Late To Tray 2
Fault Sensor From Tray 4 Fault
609-068 TonerCartridge- Fault counter 393-390-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 609-083 TELateFmTray1F Fault counter 381-111-00: Trail Range = 0 to 255 0
EmptyFC Toner Cartridge Empty Fault eedSnsrFC Edge Late From Tray 1 Feed
609-069 ScorotronClean- Fault counter 394-341-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 Sensor Fault
ingFailedFC Scorotron Cleaning Failed 609-084 TELateFmTray2F Fault counter 381-112-00: Trail Range = 0 to 255 0
Fault eedSnsrFC Edge Late From Tray 2 Feed
609-070 ScorotronClean- Fault counter 394-342-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 Sensor Fault
ngWarningFC Scorotron Cleaning Warning 609-085 TELateFmTray3F Fault counter 381-113-00: Trail Range = 0 to 255 0
Fault eedSnsrFC Edge Late From Tray 3 Feed
609-071 TransferDetack- Fault counter 394-345-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 Sensor Fault
CleaningFailedFC Transfer Detack Cleaning 609-086 TELateFmTray4F Fault counter 381-114-00: Trail Range = 0 to 255 0
Failed Fault eedSnsrFC Edge Late From Tray 4 Feed
609-072 TransferDetack- Fault counter 394-346-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 Sensor Fault
CleaningWarn- Transfer Detack Cleanng 609-087 Tray1HoistFailFC Fault counter 371-100-00: Tray Range = 0 to 255 0
ingFC Warning Fault 1 Hoist Failure Fault
609-073 Photoreceptor- Fault counter 394-350-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 609-088 Tray1OpenWhile Fault counter 371-500-00: Tray Range = 0 to 255 0
EraseLamp- Photoreceptor Erase Lamp FeedingFC 1 Open While Feeding Fault
FailFC Failure Fault 609-089 Tray2HoistFailFC Fault counter 372-100-00: Tray Range = 0 to 255 0
609-074 IOTDeveloper- Fault counter 394-370-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 2 Hoist Failure Fault
TemperatureSn- IOTDeveloper Temperature 609-090 Tray2OpenWhile Fault counter 372-500-00: Tray Range = 0 to 255 0
srFC Sensor Fault FeedingFC 2 Open While Feeding Fault
609-075 LELateToPfm- Fault counter 381-100-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 609-091 Tray3HoistFailFC Fault counter 373-100-00: Tray Range = 0 to 255 0
WaitPointSnsrFC Lead Edge Late To Pfm Wait 3 Hoist Failure Fault
Point Sensor Fault 609-092 Tray3OpenWhile Fault counter 373-500-00: Tray Range = 0 to 255 0
609-076 LELateToTray1Fe Fault counter 381-101-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 FeedingFC 3 Open While Feeding Fault
edSnsrFC Lead Edge Late To Tray 1 609-093 Tray4HoistFailFC Fault counter 374-100-00: Tray Range = 0 to 255 0
Feed Sensor Fault 4 Hoist Failure Fault
609-077 LELateToTray2Fe Fault counter 381-102-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 609-094 Tray4OpenWhile Fault counter 374-500-00: Tray Range = 0 to 255 0
edSnsrFC Lead Edge Late To Tray 2 FeedingFC 4 Open While Feeding Fault
Feed Sensor Fault
609-095 PfpTrayHoist- Fault counter 375-100-00: Pfp Range = 0 to 255 0
609-078 LELateToTray3Fe Fault counter 381-103-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 FailFC Tray Hoist Failure Fault
edSnsrFC Lead Edge Late To Tray 3
609-096 PfpTrayLower- Fault counter 375-101-00: Pfp Range = 0 to 255 0
Feed Sensor Fault
FailFC Tray Lower Failure Fault
609-097 PfpOpenWhile- Fault counter 375-500-00: Pfp Range = 0 to 255 0
FeedingFC Open While Feeding Fault

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-133 dC131
Table 19 CCS NVM ID 609-001 to 609-457 Table 19 CCS NVM ID 609-001 to 609-457
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
609-098 PfpUndockedIn- Fault counter 375-510-00: Pfp Range = 0 to 255 0 609-114 FinTamp1FrontM Fault counter 311-005-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
RunFC Undocked In Run Fault oveFailFC Tamper 1 Front Move Failure
609-099 LELateToPfpWait- Fault counter 381-115-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 Fault
PointSnsrFC Lead Edge Late To Pfp Wait 609-115 FinTamp1RearMo Fault counter 311-006-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
Point Sensor Fault veFailFC Tamper 1 Rear Move Failure
609-100 LELateToPfp- Fault counter 381-117-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 Fault
FeedSnsrFC Lead Edge Late To Pfp Feed 609-116 FinTamp2FrontM Fault counter 311-007-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
Sensor Fault oveFailFC Tamper 2 Front Move Failure
609-101 LELateToRegSn- Fault counter 381-150-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 Fault
srFmPfmFC Lead Edge Late To Registra- 609-117 FinTamp2RearMo Fault counter 311-008-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
tion Sensor From Pfm Fault veFailFC Tamper 2 Rear Move Failure-
609-102 TELateToRegSn- Fault counter 381-151-00: Trail Range = 0 to 255 0 Fault
srAfterClutch- Edge Late To Reg Sensor After 609-118 FinCompilerCar- Fault counter 311-012-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
OnFC Clutch On Fault riageHomeFailFC Compiler Carriage Home Fail-
609-103 LELateToRegSn- Fault counter 381-155-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 ure Fault
srFmMsiFC Lead Edge Late To Registra- 609-119 FinCompilerCar- Fault counter 311-014-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
tion Sensor From Msi Fault riageMoveFailFC Compiler Carriage Move Fail-
609-104 StrayShtFmMsi- Fault counter 381-156-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 ure Fault
AtRegSnsrFC Stray Sheet From Msi At Reg 609-120 FinPaddleRoll- Fault counter 311-024-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
Sensor Fault HomeFailFC Paddle Roll Home Failure
609-105 UnexpTmoutFor- Fault counter 381-171-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 Fault
ShtTypeFC Unexpected Timeout For- 609-121 FinPaddleRollCy- Fault counter 311-025-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
Sheet Type Fault cleFailFC Paddle Roll Cycle Failure Fault
609-106 ppmissingPreRe- Fault counter 381-174-00: pp Range = 0 to 255 0 609-122 FinPaddleRoller- Fault counter 311-026-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
leasedShtFC missing Pre Released Sheet NotHomeFailFC Paddle Roller Not Home Fail-
Fault ure Fault
609-107 UnableToFeedN- Fault counter 381-180-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 609-123 FinBin1MoveFail Fault counter 311-030-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
extShtFC Unable To Feed Next Sheet FC Bin 1 Move Failure Fault
Fault 609-124 FinBin1OffsetMov Fault counter 311-031-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
609-108 LELateToDplxSn- Fault counter 383-160-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 eFailFC Bin 1 Offset Move Failure Fault
srFC Lead Edge Late To Duplex 609-125 FinBin2MoveFail Fault counter 311-036-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
Sensor Fault FC Bin 2 Move Failure Fault
609-109 TELateToDplxSn- Fault counter 383-161-00: Trail Range = 0 to 255 0 609-126 FinBin2OffsetMov Fault counter 311-040-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
srAfterClutch- Edge Late To Duplex Sensor eFailFC Bin 2 Offset Move Failure Fault
OnFC After Clutch On Fault 609-127 FinPunchHead- Fault counter 311-043-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
609-110 PpUnexpTmout- Fault counter 383-181-00: Pp Range = 0 to 255 0 CycleFailFC Punch Head Cycle Failure
ForShtTypeSim- Unexpected Timeout For Fault
pInvFC Sheet Type Simp Inv Fault 609-128 FinPunchHead- Fault counter 311-044-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
609-111 PpUnexpTmout- Fault counter 383-182-00: Pp Range = 0 to 255 0 RtrnHomeFailFC Punch Head Return Home
ForShtTypeD- Unexpected Timeout For Failure Fault
plxFC Sheet Type Duplex Fault 609-129 FinPunchHead- Fault counter 311-045-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
609-112 StrayShtDetect- Fault counter 383-190-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 StuckHome- Punch Head Stuck Home Fail-
PostJamClearFC StraySheetDetectedPostJam- FailFC ure Fault
ClearanceFault 609-130 FinPunchUnitH- Fault counter 311-046-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
609-113 TopCoverOpenIn- Fault counter 301-310-00: Top Range = 0 to 255 0 omeFlagFailFC Punch Unit Home Flag Failure
RunFC Cover Open In Run Fault Fault

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC131 6-134 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
Table 19 CCS NVM ID 609-001 to 609-457 Table 19 CCS NVM ID 609-001 to 609-457
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
609-131 FinPunchUnitH- Fault counter 311-047-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 609-147 FinTELateFmEn- Fault counter 311-101-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
omeFailFC Punch Unit Home Failure Fault tranceSnsrFC TE Late From Entrance Sen-
609-132 FinStapleHead1C Fault counter 311-050-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 sor Fault
ycleFailFC Staple Head 1 Cycle Failure 609-148 LELateToFin- Fault counter 311-110-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
Fault PunchSnsrFC Lead Edge Late To Fin Punch
609-133 FinStapleUnit1Mo Fault counter 311-053-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 Sensor Fault
veFailFC Staple Unit 1 Move Failure 609-149 LELateToFin- Fault counter 311-120-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
Fault CompilerEntrySn- Lead Edge Late To Fin Com-
609-134 FinPPIBottom- Fault counter 311-056-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 srFC piler Entry Sensor Fault
PlateHomeFailFC PPI Bottom Plate Home Fail- 609-150 TELateFmFin- Fault counter 311-122-00: Trail Range = 0 to 255 0
ure Fault CompilerEntrySn- Edge Late From Fin Compiler
609-135 FinPPIBottom- Fault counter 311-057-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 srFC Entry Sensor Fault
PlateLiftFailFC PPI Bottom Plate Lift Failure 609-151 LELateToFin- Fault counter 311-130-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
Fault TopExitSnsrFC Lead Edge Late To Fin Top
609-136 FinBBCreaseBla- Fault counter 311-061-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 Exit Sensor Fault
deMoveFailFC BB Crease Blade Move Failure 609-152 TELateFmFin- Fault counter 311-132-00: Trail Range = 0 to 255 0
Fault TopExitSnsrFC Edge Late From Fin Top Exit
609-137 FinBBCreaseRoll- Fault counter 311-062-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 Sensor Fault
FailFC BB Crease Roll Failure Fault 609-153 LELateToFin2ndT Fault counter 311-140-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
609-138 FinBBStapleHead Fault counter 311-063-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 opExitSnsrFC Lead Edge Late To Fin 2nd
1MoveFailFC BB Staple Head 1 Move Fail- Top Exit Sensor Fault
ure Fault 609-154 TELateFmFin2nd Fault counter 311-142-00: Trail Range = 0 to 255 0
609-139 FinBBBackStop- Fault counter 311-065-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 TopExitSnsrFC Edge Late From Fin 2nd Top
StartFailFC BB Back Stop Start Failure Exit Sensor Fault
Fault 609-155 LELateToFin3rdT Fault counter 311-150-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
609-140 FinBBTamp1Mov Fault counter 311-066-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 opExitSnsrFC Lead Edge Late To Fin 3rd Top
eFailFC BB Tamper 1 Move Failure Exit Sensor Fault
Fault 609-156 TELateFmFin3rd Fault counter 311-152-00: Trail Range = 0 to 255 0
609-141 FinBBTapeFeed- Fault counter 311-072-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 TopExitSnsrFC Edge Late From Fin 3rd Top
MoveFCFC BB Tape Feed Move Fault Exit Sensor Fault
Fault 609-157 FinLELateTo- Fault counter 311-157-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
609-142 FinBBCooling- Fault counter 311-073-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 BufferPosSnsrFC LE Late To Buffer Position
FanFCFC BB Cooling Fan Fault Fault Sensor Fault
609-143 FinBBHeater- Fault counter 311-077-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 609-158 FinLELate- Fault counter 311-158-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
UnderTempera- BB Heater Under Temperature ToExitHVFIn- LE Late To Exit HVF Into BM
tureFC Fault toBMSnsrFC Sensor Fault
609-144 FinBBHeat- Fault counter 311-078-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 609-159 LELateToBBEn- Fault counter 311-160-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
erOverTempera- BB Heater Over Temperature trySnsrFC Lead Edge Late To BB Entry
tureFC Fault Sensor Fault
609-145 FinPaperPusher- Fault counter 311-083-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 609-160 FinTELateFm- Fault counter 311-161-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
MtrStalledFC Paper Pusher Motor Stalled BufferPosSnsrFC TE Late From Buffer Position
Fault Sensor Fault
609-146 LELateToFinEn- Fault counter 311-100-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 609-161 TELateFmBBEn- Fault counter 311-162-00: Trail Range = 0 to 255 0
trySnsrFC Lead Edge Late To Fin Entry trySnsrFC Edge Late From BB Entry Sen-
Sensor Fault sor Fault

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-135 dC131
Table 19 CCS NVM ID 609-001 to 609-457 Table 19 CCS NVM ID 609-001 to 609-457
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
609-162 Fin- Fault counter 311-163-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 609-177 FinTELateFmT- Fault counter 311-186-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
TELateFmExitH- TE Late From Exit HVF Into FExitSnsrFC TE Late From TF Exit Sensor
VFIntoBMSnsrFC BM Sensor Fault Fault
609-163 FinTELateFm- Fault counter 311-164-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 609-178 FinLELateToT- Fault counter 311-187-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
BufferPathSn- TE Late From Buffer Path Sen- FAssistSnsrFC LE Late To TF Assist Sensor
srFC sor Fault Fault
609-164 FinLELateTo- Fault counter 311-165-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 609-179 FinNipSplitFailFC Fault counter 311-188-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
BufferPathSn- LE Late To Buffer Path Sensor Nip Split Failure Fault
srFC Fault 609-180 FinNipHome- Fault counter 311-189-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
609-165 LELateToBBCom- Fault counter 311-170-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 FailFC Nip Home Failure Fault
pilerExitSnsrFC Lead Edge Late To BB Com- 609-181 FinLELateToPPI- Fault counter 311-191-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
piler Exit Sensor Fault TabStandbySn- LE Late ToP PI Tab Standby
609-166 TELateFmB- Fault counter 311-172-00: Trail Range = 0 to 255 0 srFC Sensor Fault
BCompilerSn- Edge Late From BB Compiler 609-182 FinTELateFmPPI- Fault counter 311-193-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
srFC Sensor Fault TabStandbySn- TE Late From PPI Tab Standby
609-167 FinOffsetUnitInit- Fault counter 311-173-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 srFC Sensor Fault
FailFC Offset UnitInitialization Failure 609-183 FinLELateToPPI- Fault counter 311-194-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
Fault PickupSnsrFC LE Late To PPI Pickup Sensor
609-168 FinOffsetUnitR- Fault counter 311-174-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 Fault
trnHomeFailFC Offset Unit Return Home Fail- 609-184 FinTELateFmPPI- Fault counter 311-196-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
ure Fault TrayPickupSn- TE Late From PPI Tray Pickup
609-169 FinOffsetUnitH- Fault counter 311-175-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 srFC Sensor Fault
omeFailFC Offset Unit Home Failure Fault 609-185 FinStrayShtDe- Fault counter 311-198-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
609-170 FinOffsetUnitRtr- Fault counter 311-176-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 tectPostJam- Stray Sheet Detected Post
nAwayHome- Offset Unit Return Away Home ClearFC Jam Clearance Fault
FailFC Failure Fault 609-186 UnexpShtDe- Fault counter 311-199-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
609-171 FinOffsetUnit- Fault counter 311-177-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 tectFC Unexpected Sheet Detected
AwayHome- Offset Unit Away Home Failure Fault
FailFC Fault 609-187 FinUnDockedIntl- Fault counter 311-300-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
609-172 LELateToBBEx- Fault counter 311-180-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 ckInRunFC UnDocked Interlock In Run
itSnsrFC Lead Edge Late To BB Exit Fault
Sensor Fault 609-188 FinEntryGateIntl- Fault counter 311-301-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
609-173 TELateFmBBEx- Fault counter 311-182-00: Trail Range = 0 to 255 0 ckOpenInRunFC Entry Gate Interlock Open In
itSnsrFC Edge Late From BB Exit Sen- Run Fault
sor Fault 609-189 FinTopCoverIntl- Fault counter 311-302-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
609-174 FinBMUnexpSht- Fault counter 311-183-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 ckOpenInRunFC Top Cover Interlock Open In
DetectFC BM Unexpected Sheet Run Fault
Detected Fault 609-190 FinFrontDoorIntl- Fault counter 311-303-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
609-175 FinBMStryShtDe- Fault counter 311-184-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 ckOpenInRunFC Front Door Interlock Open In
tectPostJam- BM Stray Sheet Detected Post Run Fault
ClearFC Jam Clearance Fault 609-191 FinTopGateIntlck- Fault counter 311-304-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
609-176 FinLELateToT- Fault counter 311-185-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 OpenInRunFC Top Gate Interlock Open In
FExitSnsrFC LE Late To TF Exit Sensor Run Fault
Fault 609-192 FinBotExit- Fault counter 311-305-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
GateIntlckOpen- Bottom Exit Gate Interlock
InRunFC Open In Run Fault

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC131 6-136 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
Table 19 CCS NVM ID 609-001 to 609-457 Table 19 CCS NVM ID 609-001 to 609-457
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
609-193 FinPPITopCover- Fault counter 311-306-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 609-208 FinBin1HomeFail Fault counter 311-336-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
IntlckOpenIn- PPI Top Cover Interlock Open FC Bin 1 Home Failure Fault
RunFC In Run Fault 609-209 FinBin1OffsetHo Fault counter 311-337-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
609-194 FinTrifoldTopCov- Fault counter 311-307-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 meFailFC Bin 1 Offset Home Failure
erOpenInRunFC Trifold Top Cover Open In Run Fault
Fault 609-210 FinBin2OverTrav Fault counter 311-344-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
609-195 FinTrifoldFront- Fault counter 311-308-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 elFailUpperFC Bin 2 Over Travel Failure
DoorOpenIn- Trifold Front Door Open In Run Upper Fault
RunFC Fault 609-211 FinBin2OverTrav Fault counter 311-345-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
609-196 FinInsLeftHand- Fault counter 311-309-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 elFailLowerFC Bin 2 Over Travel Failure
DoorOpenIn- Inserter LeftHand Door Open Lower Fault
RunFC In Run Fault 609-212 FinBin2HomeFail Fault counter 311-346-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
609-197 FinTamp1FrontHo Fault counter 311-310-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 FC Bin 2 Home Failure Fault
meFailFC Tamper 1 Front Home Failure 609-213 FinBin2OffsetHo Fault counter 311-347-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
Fault meFailFC Bin 2 Offset Home Failure
609-198 FinTamp1RearHo Fault counter 311-311-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 Fault
meFailFC Tamper 1 Rear Home Failure 609-214 FinPunchHead- Fault counter 311-350-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
Fault HomeFailFC Punch Head Home Failure
609-199 FinTamp2FrontHo Fault counter 311-312-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 Fault
meFailFC Tamper 2 Front Home Failure 609-215 FinStapleHead1H Fault counter 311-360-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
Fault omeFailFC Staple Head 1 Home Failure
609-200 FinTamp2RearHo Fault counter 311-313-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 Fault
meFailFC Tamper 2 Rear Home Failure 609-216 FinStapleHead1N Fault counter 311-364-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
Fault otPrimedFC Staple Head 1 Not Primed
609-201 FinComplerCar- Fault counter 311-315-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 Fault
riageTravelFai- Compiler Carriage Over Travel 609-217 FinStapleUnit1Ho Fault counter 311-370-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
lUpFC Failure Up Fault meFailFC Staple Unit 1 Home Failure
609-202 FinComplrCar- Fault counter 311-316-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 Fault
riageTravelFail- Compiler Carriage Over Travel 609-218 FinStaplerHome- Fault counter 311-371-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
LowFC Failure Low Fault FailFC Stapler Home Failure Fault
609-203 FinRearTamp- Fault counter 311-319-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 609-219 FinStaplerRtrnHo- Fault counter 311-372-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
AwayHomeSnsr- Rear Tamper Away Home meFailFC Stapler Return Home Failure
FailFC Sensor Failure Fault Fault
609-204 FinCompilerEjec- Fault counter 311-320-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 609-220 FinStaplerMiddle- Fault counter 311-373-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
torHomeFailFC Compiler Ejector Home Failure HomeFailFC Stapler Middle Home Failure
Fault Fault
609-205 FinCompilerEjec- Fault counter 311-322-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 609-221 FinStaplerStuck- Fault counter 311-374-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
torCycleFailFC Compiler Ejector Cycle Failure MiddleHome- Stapler Stuck Middle Home
Fault FailFC Failure Fault
609-206 FinBin1OverTrav Fault counter 311-334-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 609-222 FinStapler- Fault counter 311-375-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
elFailUpperFC Bin 1 Over Travel Failure JawHomeFailFC Stapler Jaw Home Failure
Upper Fault Fault
609-207 FinBin1OverTrav Fault counter 311-335-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 609-223 FinStaplerJaw- Fault counter 311-376-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
elFailLowerFC Bin 1 Over Travel Failure StuckHome- Stapler Jaw Stuck Home Fail-
Lower Fault FailFC ure Fault

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-137 dC131
Table 19 CCS NVM ID 609-001 to 609-457 Table 19 CCS NVM ID 609-001 to 609-457
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
609-224 FinStaplerPrim- Fault counter 311-377-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 609-239 FinBBStapleHead Fault counter 311-413-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
ingFailFC Stapler Priming Failure Fault 2HomeFailFC BB Staple Head 2 Home Fail-
609-225 FinPunchPa- Fault counter 311-380-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 ureF ault
prSideEdgeDe- Punch Unit Paper Side Edge 609-240 FinBMStapler- Fault counter 311-414-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
tectFailFC Detecting Failure Fault ModuleHomeFC BM Stapler Module Home
609-226 FinBBBackSto- Fault counter 311-383-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 Fault
pHomeFailFC BB Back Stop Home Failure 609-241 FinBBCreaseRoll- Fault counter 311-415-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
Fault GateHomeFailFC BB Crease Roll Gate Home
609-227 FinBBTamp1Hom Fault counter 311-384-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 Failure Fault
eFailFC BB Tamper 1 Home Failure 609-242 FinBBCreaseBla- Fault counter 311-416-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
Fault deHomeFailFC BB Crease Blade Home Fail-
609-228 FinBBFlapper- Fault counter 311-391-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 ure Fault
HomeFailFC BB Flapper Home Failure Fault 609-243 FinBMFlapper- Fault counter 311-417-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
609-229 FinFront- Fault counter 311-392-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 HomeFailFC BM Flapper Home Failure
TampTrayHome- Front Tamper Tray Home Fail- Fault
FailFC ure Fault 609-244 FinBMFlapper- Fault counter 311-418-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
609-230 FinFront- Fault counter 311-393-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 MoveFailFC BM Flapper Move Failure Fault
TampTrayRtrnHo- Front Tamper Tray Return 609-245 FinBMTamp2Hom Fault counter 311-419-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
meFailFC Home Failure Fault eFailFC BM Tamper 2 Home Failure
609-231 FinFront- Fault counter 311-394-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 Fault
TampTrayAway- Front Tamper Tray Away 609-246 FinBMTamp2Mov Fault counter 311-420-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
HomeFailFC Home Failure Fault eFailFC BM Tamper 2 Move Failure
609-232 FinFrontTamp- Fault counter 311-395-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 Fault
StuckAwayHome- Front Tamper Tray Stuck Away 609-247 FinKickerCycle- Fault counter 311-430-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
FailFC Home Failure Fault FailFC Kicker Cycle Failure Fault
609-233 Fin- Fault counter 311-396-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 609-248 FinPaperPusher- Fault counter 311-440-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
RearTampTray- Rear Tamper Tray Home Fail- RtrnHomeFailFC Paper Pusher Return Home
HomeFailFC ure Fault Failure Fault
609-234 Fin- Fault counter 311-397-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 609-249 FinPaperPusher- Fault counter 311-441-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
RearTampTrayR- Rear Tamper Tray Return HomeFailFC Paper Pusher Home Failure
trnHomeFailFC Home Failure Fault Fault
609-235 Fin- Fault counter 311-398-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 609-250 FinPaperPusher- Fault counter 311-442-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
RearTampTray- Rear Tamper Tray Away Home RtrnAwayHome- Paper Pusher Return Away
AwayHomeFailF Failure Fault FailFC Home Failure Fault
C 609-251 FinPaperPusher- Fault counter 311-443-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
609-236 FinRearTampRtr- Fault counter 311-399-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 AwayHome- Paper Pusher Away Home
nAwayHome- Rear Tamper Tray Return FailFC Failure Fault
FailFC Away Home Failure Fault 609-252 FinEjectorMod- Fault counter 311-450-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
609-237 FinBBStapleHead Fault counter 311-403-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 uleMtrStallFC Ejector Module Motor Stall
2MoveFailFC BB Staple Head 2 Move Fail- Fault
ure Fault 609-253 FinEjector- Fault counter 311-451-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
609-238 FinBBStapleHead Fault counter 311-411-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 PlateMtrStall- Ejector Plate Motor Stall Fail-
1HomeFailFC BB Staple Head 1 Home Fail- FailFC ure Fault
ure Fault 609-254 FinEjectorPlateR- Fault counter 311-452-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
trnHomeFailFC Ejector Plate Return Home
Failure Fault

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC131 6-138 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
Table 19 CCS NVM ID 609-001 to 609-457 Table 19 CCS NVM ID 609-001 to 609-457
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
609-255 FinEjectorPlate- Fault counter 311-453-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 609-271 FinCurlSuppres- Fault counter 311-469-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
HomeFailFC Ejector Plate Home Failure sorRtrnHome- Curl Suppressor Return Home
Fault FailFC Failure Fault
609-256 FinLowerPadd- Fault counter 311-454-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 609-272 FinCurlSuppres- Fault counter 311-470-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
leRtrnHome- Lower Paddle Return Home sorHomeFailFC Curl Suppressor Home Failure
FailFC Failure Fault Fault
609-257 FinLowerPaddle- Fault counter 311-455-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 609-273 FinCurlSuppres- Fault counter 311-471-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
HomeFailFC Lower Paddle Home Failure sorRtrnAway- Curl Suppressor Return Away
Fault FailFC Failure Fault
609-258 FinEjectorModu- Fault counter 311-456-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 609-274 FinCurlSuppres- Fault counter 311-472-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
leRtrnHome- Ejector Module Return Home sorAwayFailFC Curl Suppressor Away Failure
FailFC Failure Fault Fault
609-259 FinEjectorMod- Fault counter 311-457-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 609-275 FinPressSupport- Fault counter 311-473-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
uleHomeFailFC Ejector Module Home Failure MtrRtrnInitFailFC Pressing Support Motor
Fault Return Init Failure Fault
609-260 FinEjectorModu- Fault counter 311-458-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 609-276 FinPressSupport- Fault counter 311-474-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
leRtrnOutFailFC Ejector Module Return Out MtrInitFailFC Pressing Support Motor Init
Failure Fault Failure Fault
609-261 FinEjectorModu- Fault counter 311-459-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 609-277 FinPressSupport- Fault counter 311-475-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
leOutFailFC Ejector Module Out Failure MtrRtrnHome- Pressing Support Motor
Fault FailFC Return Home Failure Fault
609-262 FinStacker- Fault counter 311-460-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 609-278 FinPressSupport- Fault counter 311-476-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
MtrStallFailFC Stacker Motor Stall Failure MtrHomeFailFC Pressing Support Motor Home
Fault Failure Fault
609-263 FinStackerBinHo- Fault counter 311-461-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 609-279 FinPressSupport- Fault counter 311-477-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
meFailFC Stacker Bin Home Failure MtrRtrnOutFailFC Pressing Support Motor
Fault Return Out Failure Fault
609-264 FinStackerBin- Fault counter 311-462-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 609-280 FinPressSupport- Fault counter 311-478-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
MoveFailFC Stacker Bin Move Failure Fault MtrOutFailFC Pressing Support Motor Out
609-265 FinBM24vUnavail Fault counter 311-463-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 Failure Fault
ableAtInputFC BM 24v Unavailable At Input 609-281 FinShortShtFed- Fault counter 311-479-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0
Fault FmInserterFC Short Sheet Fed From Inserter
609-266 FinBM24vInternal Fault counter 311-464-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 Fault
FailFC BM 24v Internal Failure Fault 609-282 OctNotInIndex- Fault counter 311-701-00: Oct Range = 0 to 255 0
609-267 FinPaddleUnitRtr- Fault counter 311-465-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 PosFC Not InIndex Position Fault
nUpperFailFC Paddle Unit Return Upper Fail- 609-283 Tray 9 Media Tray 9 Media Type Range = 0 to 102 0
ure Fault Type
609-268 FinPaddleUnitNo- Fault counter 311-466-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 609-284 Tray 9 Media Tray 9 Media Color Range = 0 to 34 0
tUpperFailFC Paddle Unit Not Upper Failure Color
Fault 609-285 Tray 9 Media Tray 9 Media Weight Range = 60 to 216 75
609-269 FinPaddleUnitR- Fault counter 311-467-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 Weight
trnLowerFailFC Paddle Unit Return Lower Fail- 609-286 Tray 9 Direct Tray 9 Direct Select Range = 0 to 1 1
ure Fault Select
609-270 FinPaddleUnit- Fault counter 311-468-00: Fin Range = 0 to 255 0 609-287 Tray 9 Priority Tray 9 Priority Range = 1 to 99 5
NotLowerFailFC Paddle Unit Not Lower Failure 609-288 Tray 9 Width Tray 9 Width Range = 216 to 432 216
609-289 Tray 9 Length Tray 9 Length Range = 279 to 279 279

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-139 dC131
Table 19 CCS NVM ID 609-001 to 609-457 Table 19 CCS NVM ID 609-001 to 609-457
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
609-290 Tray 9 Percent Tray 9 Percent Full Range = 0 to 100 0 609-316 PFP Kit Type PFP Kit Type installed in PFP 0 = Standard (A4 & 0
Full installed in PFP Letter LEF)
609-291 Tray 9 User Type Tray 9 User Type Range = 1 to 1 1 1 = Kit A (A3 SEF &
609-292 Tray 9 Modulus Tray 9 Modulus Range = 0 to 100 0 A4 LEF)
2 = Kit A (11x17 SEF
609-293 Tray 9 Modulus Tray 9 Modulus Position Range = 1 to 100 1
& 8.5x11 LEF)
3 = Kit B (A4, SEF)
609-294 Tray 10 Media Tray 10 Media Type Range = 0 to 102 0 4 = Kit B (Letter,
Type Legal SEF)
609-295 Tray 10 Media Tray 10 Media Color Range = 0 to 34 0 609-317 Reset Fault Trig- Number of reset faults before 0 = reset with every 3
Color ger actually resetting the system reset fault
609-296 Tray 10 Media Tray 10 Media Weight Range = 60 to 216 75 n = number of reset
Weight faults before system
609-297 Tray 10 Direct Tray 10 Direct Select Range = 0 to 1 1 reset
Select 609-318 Tray4FeedRollsLi Tray 4 Feed Rolls life counter Range = 0 to 0
609-298 Tray 10 Priority Tray 10 Priority Range = 1 to 99 5 feCount 4294967295
609-299 Tray 10 Width Tray 10 Width Range = 297 to 297 297 609-319 Tray4FeedRollsE Tray 4 Feed Rolls life expect- Range = 0 to 400000
609-300 Tray 10 Length Tray 10 Length Range = 210 to 210 210 xpLife ancy 4294967295
609-301 Tray 10 Percent Tray 10 Percent Full Range = 0 to 100 0 609-320 Tray4FeedRollsIn Tray 4 Feed Rolls install date Range = 0 to 0
Full stDate 4294967295
609-302 Tray 10 User Tray 10 User Type Range = 0 to 0 0 609-321 Tray4FeedRollsR Tray 4 Feed Rolls replacement Range = 1 to 65535 1
Type epCount counter
609-303 Tray 10 Modulus Tray 10 Modulus Range = 0 to 100 0 609-322 Tray1TransportRo Tray 1 Transport Rolls life Range = 0 to 0
609-304 Tray 10 Modulus Tray 10 Modulus Position Range = 1 to 100 1 llsLifeCount counter 4294967295
Position 609-323 Tray1TransportRo Tray 1 Transport Rolls life Range = 0 to 600000
609-305 Tray 11 Media Tray 11 Media Type Range = 0 to 102 0 llsExpLife expectancy 4294967295
Type 609-325 Tray1TransportRo Tray 1 Transport Rolls replace- Range = 1 to 65535 1
609-306 Tray 11 Media Tray 11 Media Color Range = 0 to 34 0 llsRepCount ment counter
Color 609-326 Tray2TransportR Tray 2 Transport Rolls life Range = 0 to 0
609-307 Tray 11 Media Tray 11 Media Weight Range = 60 to 216 75 ollsLifeCount counter 4294967295
Weight 609-327 Tray2TransportR Tray 2 Transport Rolls life Range = 0 to 600000
609-308 Tray 11 Direct Tray 11 Direct Select Range = 0 to 1 1 ollsExpLife expectancy 4294967295
Select 609-329 Tray2TransportR Tray 2 Transport Rolls replace- Range = 1 to 65535 1
609-309 Tray 11 Priority Tray 11 Priority Range = 1 to 99 5 ollsRepCount ment counter
609-310 Tray 11 Width Tray 11 Width Range = 279 to 356 279 609-330 Tray3/ Tray 3/4 Transport Rolls life Range = 0 to 0
4TransportRollsLi counter 4294967295
609-311 Tray 11 Length Tray 11 Length Range = 216 to 216 216
609-312 Tray 11 Percent Tray 11 Percent Full Range = 0 to 100 0
609-331 Tray3/ Tray 3/4 Transport Rolls life Range = 0 to 600000
4TransportRollsli expectancy 4294967295
609-313 Tray 11 User Tray 11 User Type Range = 1 to 1 1
609-333 Tray3/ Tray 3/4 Transport Rolls Range = 1 to 65535 1
609-314 Tray 11 Modulus Tray 11 Modulus Range = 0 to 100 0 4TransportRollsR replacement counter
609-315 Tray 11 Modulus Tray 11 Modulus Position Range = 1 to 100 1 epCount
609-334 SplitDriveRollsLi- Split Drive Rolls life counter Range = 0 to 0
feCount 4294967295

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC131 6-140 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
Table 19 CCS NVM ID 609-001 to 609-457 Table 19 CCS NVM ID 609-001 to 609-457
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
609-335 SplitDriveRollsEx- Split Drive Rolls life expect- Range = 0 to 600000 609-376 BMSTAPLEHEA Fault counter 312-353-00: BM Range = 0 to 255 0
pLife ancy 4294967295 D2PRIMINGFAU Staplehead 2 Priming Fault
609-337 SplitDriv- Split Drive Rolls replacement Range = 1 to 65535 1 LT
eRollsRepCount counter 609-377 LEDPRINT- Fault counter 361-100-00: LED Range = 0 to 255 0
609-338 DuplexSensor- Duplex Sensor Rolls life Range = 0 to 0 HEADDATAIN- Print head Data Integrity Fail-
RollsLifeCount counter 4294967295 TEGRITYFAILUR ure
609-339 DuplexSensor- Duplex Sensor Rolls life Range = 0 to 600000 E
RollsExpLife expectancy 4294967295 609-378 OFFSETCEN- Fault counter 310-702-00: Off- Range = 0 to 255 0
609-341 DuplexSensor- Duplex Sensor Rolls replace- Range = 1 to 65535 1 TRETRAYMO- set centre output tray Motor
RollsRepCount ment counter TORFAILURE Failure
609-342 BiasFoamLife- Bias Foam life counter Range = 0 to 0 609-379 TCNOTIN- Fault counter 393-364-00: TC Range = 0 to 255 0
Count 4294967295 RANGEFAULT Not In Range Fault
609-343 BiasFoamExpLife Bias Foam life expectancy Range = 0 to 500000 609-380 LELATETOHORI- Fault counter 310-170-00: LE Range = 0 to 255 0
4294967295 ZONTALTRANS- Late To Horizontal Transport
609-345 BiasFoamRep- Bias Foam replacement Range = 1 to 65535 1
Count counter 609-381 TELATEFROM- Fault counter 310-171-00: TE Range = 0 to 255 0
HORIZONTAL- Late From Horizontal Trans-
609-346 DeveloperDriveG- Developer Drive Gear life Range = 0 to 0
earLifeCount counter 4294967295
609-382 HORIZONTAL- Fault counter 310-338-00: Hor- Range = 0 to 255 0
609-346 DeveloperDriveG- Developer Drive Gear life Range = 0 to 600000
TRANSPOR- izontal Transport Open In Run
earExpLife expectancy 4294967295
609-347 DeveloperDriveG- Developer Drive Gear life Range = 0 to 600000
609-383 LELATETOREG- Fault counter 381-151-00: LE Range = 0 to 255 0
earExpLife expectancy 4294967295
SENSORSIM- Late To Reg Sensor Simplex
609-349 DeveloperDriveG- Developer Drive Gear replace- Range = 1 to 65535 1 PLEX
earRepCount ment counter
609-384 TELATETOREG- Fault counter 381-152-00: TE Range = 0 to 255 0
609-350 PostFuserRollsLi- Post Fuser Rolls life counter Range = 0 to 0 SENSORSIM- Late To Reg Sensor Simplex
feCount 4294967295 PLEX
609-351 PostFuser- Post Fuser Rolls life expect- Range = 0 to 600000 609-385 LELATETO- Fault counter 310-153-00: LE Range = 0 to 255 0
RollsExpLife ancy 4294967295 POSTFUS- Late To Post Fuser Sensor
609-353 PostFuser- Post Fuser Rolls replacement Range = 1 to 65535 1 ERSENSORSIM Simplex
RollsRepCount counter PLEX
609-354 HVFPaddleLife- HVF Paddle life counter Range = 0 to 0 609-386 TELATETO- Fault counter 310-154-00: TE Range = 0 to 255 0
Count 4294967295 POSTFUS- Late To Post Fuser Sensor
609-355 HVFPaddleEx- HVF Paddle life expectancy Range = 0 to 200000 ERSENSORSIM Simplex
pLife 4294967295 PLEX
609-357 HVFPaddleRep- HVF Paddle replacement Range = 1 to 65535 1 609-387 LELATETODU- Fault counter 383-155-00: LE Range = 0 to 255 0
Count counter PLEXSENSOR Late To Duplex Sensor
609-358 BMLELateToBM- Fault counter 311-494-00: Range = 0 to 255 3 609-388 TELATETODU- Fault counter 383-156-00: TE Range = 0 to 255 0
DetectSensor BMLELateToBMDetectSensor PLEXSENSOR Late To Duplex Sensor
609-359 BMTELateFrom- Fault counter 311-496-00: BM Range = 0 to 255 3 609-389 LELATETO- Fault counter 381-136-00: LE Range = 0 to 255 0
BMDetectSensor TE Late From BM Detect Sen- FEEDHCFLH Late To Feed HCF LH
sor 609-390 TELATETO- Fault counter 381-137-00: TE Range = 0 to 255 0
609-375 BMSTAPLEHEA Fault counter 312-352-00: BM Range = 0 to 255 0 FEEDHCFLH Late To Feed HCF LH
D1PRIMINGFAU Staplehead 1 Priming Fault 609-391 LELATETOHCFE Fault counter 381-159-00: LE Range = 0 to 255 0
LT XITFROMTRAY3 Late To HCF Exit From Tray 3

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-141 dC131
Table 19 CCS NVM ID 609-001 to 609-457 Table 19 CCS NVM ID 609-001 to 609-457
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
609-392 TELATETO- Fault counter 381-160-00: TE Range = 0 to 255 0 609-407 TELATETO- Fault counter 381-168-00: TE Range = 0 to 255 0
FEEDERRHTAR- Late To Feeder RH TAR Sen- HCFTRANS- Late To HCF Transport
609-393 LELATETO- Fault counter 381-146-00: LE Range = 0 to 255 0 609-408 FUSERINCOM- Fault counter 310-399-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
FEEDHCFRH Late To Feed HCF RH PATIBLEFAULT Fuser Incompatible Fault
609-394 TELATETO- Fault counter 381-147-00: TE Range = 0 to 255 0 609-409 FUSERTEMPER- Fault counter 310-340-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
FEEDHCFRH Late To Feed HCF RH ATUREREAD- Fuser Temperature Reading
609-395 LELATETOTAR1 Fault counter 381-106-00: LE Range = 0 to 255 0 INGFAILURE Failure
SENSORFROMT Late To TAR 1 Sensor From 609-410 LELATETOREG- Fault counter 381-155-00: LE Range = 0 to 255 0
RAY1 Tray 1 SENSORFROMT Late To REG Sensor From
609-396 LELATETOTAR2 Fault counter 381-126-00: LE Range = 0 to 255 0 RAY5 Tray 5
SENSORFROMT Late To TAR 2 Sensor From 609-411 TONEBOTTLER- Fault counter 393-401-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
RAY2 Tray 2 MISSINGFAULT Toner Cartridge Missing Fault
609-397 TELATETOTAR1 Fault counter 381-107-00: TE Range = 0 to 255 0 609-412 TONERCAR- Fault counter 393-399-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
SENSORFROMT Late To TAR 1 Sensor From TRIDGEINCOM- Toner Cartridge Incompatible
609-398 TELATETOTAR2 Fault counter 381-127-00: TE Range = 0 to 255 0 609-413 HIGHACMOD- Fault counter 393-365-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
SENSORFROMT Late To TAR 2 Sensor From ERECOVERY- High AC Mode Recovery Fault
609-399 FRUMISSIN- Fault counter 310-400-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 609-414 LELATETOREGF Fault counter 381-190-00: LE Range = 0 to 255 0
GORCOMMS- FRU Missing or Comms Fail- ROMTRAY1 Late To Registration From Tray
609-400 PCMISSINGOR- Fault counter 392-400-00: PC Range = 0 to 255 0 609-415 LELATETOREGF Fault counter 381-191-00: LE Range = 0 to 255 0
COMMSFAIL- Missing or Comms Failure ROMTRAY2 Late To Registration From Tray
609-401 LELATETO- Fault counter 310-163-00: LE Range = 0 to 255 0 609-416 LELATETOREGF Fault counter 381-192-00: LE Range = 0 to 255 0
POSTFUS- Late To Post Fuser Sensor ROMTRAY3 Late To Registration From Tray
LEX 609-417 LELATETOREGF Fault counter 381-193-00: LE Range = 0 to 255 0
609-402 TELATETO- Fault counter 310-164-00: TE Range = 0 to 255 0 ROMTRAY4 Late To Registration From Tray
POSTFUS- Late To Post Fuser Sensor 4
ERSENSORDUP Duplex 609-418 LELATETOTAR1 Fault counter 381-194-00: LE Range = 0 to 255 0
LEX FROMTRAY2 Late To TAR 1 From Tray 2
609-403 TRAY1BUMPUP Fault counter 371-217-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 609-419 LELATETOTAR1 Fault counter 381-195-00: LE Range = 0 to 255 0
FAILURE Tray1 Bump Up Failure FROMTRAY3 Late To TAR 1 From Tray 3
609-404 LELATETOREG- Fault counter 381-161-00: LE Range = 0 to 255 0 609-420 LELATETOTAR1 Fault counter 381-196-00: LE Range = 0 to 255 0
SENSORDU- Late To Registration Sensor FROMTRAY4 Late To TAR 1 From Tray 4
PLEX Duplex 609-421 LELATETOTAR2 Fault counter 381-197-00: LE Range = 0 to 255 0
609-405 TELATETOREG- Fault counter 381-162-00: TE Range = 0 to 255 0 FROMTRAY3 Late To TAR 2 From Tray 3
SENSORDU- Late To Registration Sensor 609-422 LELATETOTAR2 Fault counter 381-198-00: LE Range = 0 to 255 0
PLEX Duplex FROMTRAY4 Late To TAR 2 From Tray 4
609-406 LELATETO- Fault counter 381-167-00: LE Range = 0 to 255 0 609-423 LELATETOHCFE Fault counter 381-199-00: LE Range = 0 to 255 0
HCFTRANS- Late To HCF Transport XITFROMTRAY4 Late To HCF Exit From Tray 4
609-424 UNEXPECTED- Fault counter 381-200-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
SHEETATREG Unexpected Sheet At Regis-

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC131 6-142 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
Table 19 CCS NVM ID 609-001 to 609-457 Table 20 CCS NVM ID 610-001 to 611-001
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
609-425 UNEXPECTED- Fault counter 381-201-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 610-006 Copy Auto Con- Auto Contrast level for SPDH Range = 0 to 4 2
SHEETATPOST- Unexpected Sheet At Post trast Level DADH
FUSER Fuser 610-007 Copy Auto Color Auto Color detection window Range = 0 to 1000 16
609-426 UNEXPECTED- Fault counter 383-157-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 Detect FS Start fast scan start, defined in tenth
SHEETATDU- Unexpected Sheet At Duplex of percentage point of docu-
PLEX ment fast scan dimension. Val-
609-427 UNEXPECTED- Fault counter 310-172-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 ues from 0 to 1000 (e.g. 1% is
SHEETATFINX- Unexpected Sheet At Horizon- 10, 10% is 100, 100% is 1000).
PORT tal Transport 610-008 Copy Auto Color Auto Color detection window Range = 0 to 1000 16
609-428 TRAY5(MSI)HOI Fault counter 375-100-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 Detect SS Start slow scan start, defined in
STFAILURE Bypass Tray Hoist Failure tenth of percentage point of
609-429 FINISHERCOM- Fault counter 312-800-00: Fin- Range = 0 to 255 0 document slow scan dimen-
MSRE- isher Comms Reset After a sion. Values from 0 to 1000
SETAFTERACRA Crash (e.g. 1% is 10, 10% is 100,
SH 100% is 1000).
609-455 LSDOpenTime- Defines the period of time Range = 0 to 255 120 610-009 Copy Auto Color Auto Color Detection Level for Range = 0 to 4 2
BeforeBeep before beeping occurs when seconds Level Pixel Plat platen at pixel level. Defines a
left door is open. value that dictates how chro-
matic a pixel has to be in order
609-456 IMAGEBORDER- Enables/Disables 3mm border 0 = Disable border 1
to be considered color
ENABLE on print 1 = Enable boarder
610-010 Copy Auto Color Auto Color Detection Level for Range = 0 to 4 2
609-457 PcCoolingEv- Fault Counter 91-379: PC Range = 0 to 255 0
Level Page Plat platen at page level. Defines a
entFC cooling event
value that dictates how chro-
matic a pixel has to be in order
to be considered color
610-011 Copy Auto Color Auto Color Detection Level for Range = 0 to 4 2
Table 20 CCS NVM ID 610-001 to 611-001
Level Pixel DADH SPDH at pixel level. Defines a
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default value that dictates how many
610-001 Copy ABS Detect Background detection window Range = 0 to 1000 75 color pixels have to be on a
Window FS Start fast scan start, defined in tenth page so that the document is
of percentage point of docu- considered color
ment fast scan dimension. Val- 610-012 Copy Auto Color Auto Color Detection Level for Range = 0 to 4 2
ues from 0 to 1000 (e.g. 1% is Level Page SPDH at page level. Defines a
10, 10% is 100, 100% is 1000). DADH value that dictates how many
610-002 Copy ABS Detect Background detection window Range = 0 to 1000 850 color pixels have to be on a
Window FS Size fast scan dimension, defined in page so that the document is
tenth of percentage point of considered color
document fast scan dimen- 610-013 K only (only black Dictates if black & white copies Range = 0 to 1 0
sion. Values from 0 to 1000 ink for B&W) are printed in K-only or com-
(e.g. 1% is 10, 10% is 100, posite black
100% is 1000). 610-014 Copy Photo/Text Photo/Text Segmentation Range = 0 to 4 2
610-003 Copy ABS Level Auto Background Suppres- Range = 0 to 4 2 Segmentat'n Ctrl Threshold will control the Gali-
Platen sion level for platen leo segmentation. When it
610-004 Copy ABS Level Auto Background Suppres- Range = 0 to 4 2 changes, the part of the input
DADH sion level for SPDH that will be considered text will
vary as well as the part that will
610-005 Copy Auto Con- Auto Contrast level for platen Range = 0 to 4 2
be considered photo.
trast Level Platen

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-143 dC131
Table 20 CCS NVM ID 610-001 to 611-001 Table 20 CCS NVM ID 610-001 to 611-001
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
610-015 Copy White Ref- Defines the type of paper used Range = 0 to 127 0 610-026 Scan Auto Color Auto Color Detection Level for Range = 0 to 4 2
erence Level Page Plat platen at page level. Defines a
610-016 Copy Im Path Defines the binary versus con- Range = 1 to 16 8 value that dictates how many
Type (bit depth) tone image path/printing color pixels have to be on a
610-017 Scan ABS Detect Background detection window Range = 0 to 1000 75 page so that the document is
Window FS Start fast scan start, defined in tenth considered color
of percentage point of docu- 610-027 Scan Auto Color Auto Color Detection Level for Range = 0 to 4 2
ment fast scan dimension. Val- Level Pixel DADH SPDH at pixel level. Defines a
ues from 0 to 1000 (e.g. 1% is value that dictates how chro-
10, 10% is 100, 100% is 1000). matic a pixel has to be in order
610-018 Scan ABS Detect Background detection window Range = 0 to 1000 850 to be considered color
Window FS Size fast scan dimension, defined in 610-028 Scan Auto Color Auto Color Detection Level for Range = 0 to 4 2
tenth of percentage point of Level Page SPDH at page level. Defines a
document fast scan dimen- DADH value that dictates how many
sion. Values from 0 to 1000 color pixels have to be on a
(e.g. 1% is 10, 10% is 100, page so that the document is
100% is 1000). considered color
610-019 Scan ABS Level Auto Background Suppres- Range = 0 to 4 2 610-029 Scan Photo/Text Photo/Text Segmentation Range = 0 to 4 2
Platen sion level for platen Segmentat'n Ctrl Threshold will control the Gali-
610-020 Scan ABS Level Auto Background Suppres- Range = 0 to 4 2 leo segmentation. When it
DADH sion level for SPDH changes, the part of the input
that will be considered text will
610-021 Scan Auto Con- Auto Contrast level for platen Range = 0 to 4 2
vary as well as the part that will
trast Level Platen
be considered
610-022 Scan Auto Con- Auto Contrast level for SPDH Range = 0 to 4 2
610-030 Scan White Ref- Defines the type of paper used Range = 0 to 127 0
trast Level DADH
610-023 Scan Auto Color Auto Color detection window Range = 0 to 1000 16
610-031 Fax ABS Detect Background detection window Range = 0 to 1000 75
Detect FS Start fast scan start, defined in tenth
Window FS Start fast scan start, defined in tenth
of percentage point of docu-
of percentage point of docu-
ment fast scan dimension. Val-
ment fast scan dimension. Val-
ues from 0 to 1000 (e.g. 1% is
ues from 0 to 1000 (e.g. 1% is
10, 10% is 100, 100% is 1000).
10, 10% is 100, 100% is 1000).
610-024 Scan Auto Color Auto Color detection window Range = 0 to 1000 16
610-032 Fax ABS Detect Background detection window Range = 0 to 1000 850
Detect SS Start slow scan start, defined in
Window FS Size fast scan dimension, defined in
tenth of percentage point of
tenth of percentage point of
document slow scan dimen-
document fast scan dimen-
sion. Values from 0 to 1000
sion. Values from 0 to 1000
(e.g. 1% is 10, 10% is 100,
(e.g. 1% is 10, 10% is 100,
100% is 1000).
100% is 1000).
610-025 Scan Auto Color Auto Color Detection Level for Range = 0 to 4 2
610-033 Fax ABS Level Auto Background Suppres- Range = 0 to 4 2
Level Pixel Plat platen at pixel level. Defines a
Platen sion level for platen
value that dictates how chro-
matic a pixel has to be in order 610-034 Fax ABS Level Auto Background Suppres- Range = 0 to 4 2
to be considered color DADH sion level for SPDH
610-035 Auto Contrast Fax Auto Contrast Level Range = 0 to 4 2
level for platen Platen
610-036 Fax Auto Contrast Auto Contrast level for SPDH Range = 0 to 4 2
Level DADH

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC131 6-144 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
Table 20 CCS NVM ID 610-001 to 611-001
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
Table 22 CCS NVM ID 616-001 to 616-340
610-037 Fax Photo/Text Photo/Text Segmentation Range = 0 to 4 2
Segment'n Con- Threshold will control the Gali- NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
trol leo segmentation. When it 616-001 Market region Defines the market region. Range = 0 to 7 0
changes, the part of the input 0 = US (North America)
that will be considered text will 1 = XCL (Canada) NOTE: Do not use,
refer to dC134.
vary as well as the part that will 2 = FX (Fuji Xerox Japan)
be considered 3 = FXAPO (Fuji Xerox Asian
610-038 Fax White Refer- Defines the type of paper used Range = 0 to 127 0 Pacific)
ence 4 = ACO (Latin)
610-047 Print ImagePath Defines the binary versus con- Range = 1 to 16 8 5 = RX (Europe)
Type (bit depth) tone image path/printing 6 = MRDmo East
7 = MRDmo West
610-052 Toner Saver Toner Saver Mode 0 = Standard 1 = ECO 1
(Read only)
611-001 DisplayCustom- Always Display Custom Types Range = 0 to 1 0 NOTE: Do not use, refer to
TypesFirst First option setting dC134.
616-002 Power Saver Enable Power Saver feature 0 = Disabled 1
Enabled 1 = Enabled
616-003 Product Configu- 32 = A1 class 32ppm Range = 0 to 255 255
Table 21 CCS NVM ID 612-001 to 612-005 ration 38 = A2 class 35/38ppm
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default 36 = B1 class 35ppm
40 = B2 class 40ppm
612-001 Queue To NC Fault counter 322-330-02: Range = 0 to 255 0 45 = B3 class 45ppm
Print TimeoutFC Queue To ESS Print Timeout 55 = B4 class 55ppm
612-002 Queue To S2F Fault counter 322-330-03: Range = 0 to 255 0 65 = C1 class 65ppm
Timeout Queue To S2F Timeout 75 = C2 class 75ppm
612-003 Queue To Fax- Fault counter 322-330-04: Range = 0 to 255 0 85 = C3 class 85ppm
Send Timeout Queue To Fax Send Timeout 255 = Unknown speed
612-004 Queue To Fault counter 322-330-05: Range = 0 to 255 0 (Read only)
DCCopy Timeout Queue To DC Copy Timeout 616-004 System Configu- Defines System Configuration Range = 0 to 8 1
612-005 Queue To S2Distr Fault counter 322-330-06: Range = 0 to 255 0 ration (type of system)
Timeout Queue To S2 Distribution Tim- 616-005 DST Start Defines start day of daylight Range = 0 to 366 0
eout savings time
616-006 DST End Defines end day of daylight Range = 0 to 366 0
savings time
616-007 Time Display For- Defines time display format 0 = 12 hour format 0
mat 1 = 24 hour format
616-008 Power off enabled Determines whether power Range = 0 to 1 1
saver's power off option is
enabled. 0 = False, 1 = True
616-009 Power off timeout Determines whether power 0 = False 1
enabled saver's power off option using 1 = True
timers is enabled.
616-010 powersaver idle- Defines time in "normal" mode Range = 0 to 225 0
time where system has been idle to
enabled transition into power

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-145 dC131
Table 22 CCS NVM ID 616-001 to 616-340 Table 22 CCS NVM ID 616-001 to 616-340
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
616-011 Power saver in Defines time in "mode 1" Range = 0 to 255 60 616-028 ModeChangeCli- Defines client who did the Range = 0 to 9994 16
mode time before transitioning to "mode entId most recent system mode
3" for appropriate configura- change.
tions. 616-029 Latest EOD event Defines last day that an end of Range = 0 to 0
616-012 Power saver Defines time in "lowest" power Range = 0 to 255 45 day was reached. 4294967295
power off time saver mode before powering 616-030 Previous product Defines previous product con- Range = 0 to 255 106
off. config figuration (All Products)
616-013 Date Display For- Defines date display format 0 = mm/dd/yy 0 616-031 Previous line fre- Defines previous line fre- 0 = 50Hz 1
mat 1 = dd/mm/yy quency quency 1 = 60Hz
3 = yy/mm/dd 616-032 Pevious line volt- Defines previous line voltage 0 = Unknown 2
616-014 System install Defines system's current 0 = Manufacturing 2 age 1 = 100V
phase installation phase. 2 = Pre-Install 2 = 115V
4 = Complete 3 = 230V
616-016 Power up reason Defines reason for previous Range = 0 to 6 1 616-033 NVM copyright List of system's copyright Range = 0 to 0
power off. years years. 4294967295
616-017 Contention Algo- Defines the order algorithm for Range = 0 to 1 1 616-034 Desired install cli- Defines current client of sys- Range = 0 to 255 0
rithm queues/ contention: FIFO ver- ent tem installation.
sus priority 616-035 RemoteIntrusive- Determines whether remote Range = 0 to 1 1
616-018 Extra Time Amount of additional time after Range = 0 to 5 5 DiagEnabled intrusive diagnostics is
power up before system can enabled. 0 = False, 1 = True
enter power saver. 616-036 Value added Defines installation's value Range = 0 to 255 255
616-019 System mode Defines system's overall mode Range = 0 to 12 0 reseller added reseller.
616-020 Auto configura- Determines if the system runs 0 = False 1 616-037 GMT Offset Used by platforms to insure Range = -43200 to 0
tion enabled through auto configuration, 1 = True system clocks are set to cor- 50400
detect at power on. rect time zones.
616-021 Line voltage Defines system line voltage 0=Unknown 2 616-038 NC OnlineNvm Determines whether ESS is 0 = False 1
1 = 100V On (Off) line. 1 = True
2 = 115V 616-039 Job Hold Time Max time a job can be held Range = 0 to 7200 4320
3 = 230V before it is deleted by the sys-
616-022 Line frequency Defines system line frequency 0 = 50Hz 1 tem
1 = 60Hz 616-040 Job Hold Timer SA/KO setting to enable/dis- Range = 0 to 1 1
616-024 Serial number Determines whether serial 0 = False 1 enabled able hold job timer
enabled number has been set. 1 = True 616-041 ScanToFilein- Counter used for secure install Range = 0 to 65535 0
616-025 Promotion time Defines time interval for Range = 15 to 1440 120 stalled count and remove operations of the
increasing job's priority based optional features
on time in system. 616-042 LanFaxinstalled Counter used for secure install Range = 0 to 65535 0
616-026 Auto promotion Determines whether to 0 = False 1 count and remove operations of the
enabled increase job priority longer job 1 = True optional features
is in system. 616-043 JBAinstalled Counter used for secure install Range = 0 to 65535 0
616-027 Previous market Defines previous market 0=USCO 0 count and remove operations of the
region region 1 = XCL optional features
2 = FX 616-044 ScanToFileen- Specifies whether scan to file Range = 0 to 1 0
3 = FXAPO abled is enabled on the machine.
4 = ACO
616-045 LanFaxenabled Specifies whether LAN Fax is Range = 0 to 1 0
5 = RX
enabled on the machine.

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC131 6-146 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
Table 22 CCS NVM ID 616-001 to 616-340 Table 22 CCS NVM ID 616-001 to 616-340
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
616-046 JBAenabled Specifies whether JBA is Range = 0 to 1 0 616-067 Declassify system Declassify system - number of Range = 0 to 255 0
allowed to be turned Enabled - # of retries retries
on the machine. 616-068 Declassify system Declassify system - number of Range = 0 to 0
616-047 NC TTY enabled Used by PWS to determine if Range = 0 to 1 0 - Timeout retries 4294967295
ESS terminal window is 616-069 DiskOverwritein- - Range = 0 to 65535 0
enabled stalled count
616-048 NC Config - Type - Range = 0 to 99 42 616-070 DiskOverwriteen- - Range = 0 to 1 0
616-049 NC Config - - Range = 0 to 99 42 abled
Option 616-071 ScanToFilehwsw - Range = 0 to 1 1
616-050 NC Config - Stor- - Range = 0 to 99 42 available
age 616-072 ScanToFilein- - Range = 0 to 1 1
616-051 NC Config - Soft- - Range = 0 to 99 42 stalled
ware Options 616-073 LanFaxhwsw - Range = 0 to 1 1
616-052 Product Identifier Product Identifier 204 = 40 1000 available
205 = 45 616-074 LanFaxinstalled - Range = 0 to 1 1
206 = 50 616-075 JBAhwsw avail- - Range = 0 to 1 1
210 = 55 able
1000 = Unknown (not
616-076 JBAinstalled - Range = 0 to 1 1
616-077 ScanToEmailh- - Range = 0 to 1 1
616-053 HeapLimits Heap Limits F:max images Range = 0 to 1 0
wsw available
F:MaxImages T:max jobs
T:MaxJobs 616-078 ScanToEmailin- - Range = 0 to 1 1
616-054 InternetFaxin- - Range = 0 to 65535 0
stalled count 616-079 InternetFaxhwsw - Range = 0 to 1 1
616-055 ScanToEmailin- - Range = 0 to 65535 0
stalled count 616-080 InternetFaxin- - Range = 0 to 1 1
616-056 InternetFaxen- - Range = 0 to 1 0
abled 616-081 DiskOverwriteh- - Range = 0 to 1 1
wsw available
616-057 ScanToEmailena- - Range = 0 to 1 0
bled 616-082 DiskOverwritein- - Range = 0 to 1 1
616-058 Software Upgrade - Range = 0 to 7 0
Status 616-083 JobOverwriteh- - Range = 0 to 1 1
wsw available
616-059 DeclassifySyste- Declassify system - operation Range = 0 to 5 0
mOperationStatus status 616-084 JobOverwritein- - Range = 0 to 1 1
616-060 Declassify system - Range = 0 to 255 0
- retry count 616-085 JobOverwritein- - Range = 0 to 65535 0
stalled count
616-061 Declassify system - Range = 0 to 255 0
- client id 616-086 JobOverwriteen- - Range = 0 to 1 1
616-062 DeclassifySys- Declassify system - platform Range = 0 to 65535 0
temPlatformMask mask 616-087 EmbeddedFaxh- - Range = 0 to 1 1
wsw available
616-065 Declassify sys- Declassify system - pattern list Range = 0 to 255 0
tem-pattern length 616-088 EmbeddedFaxin- - Range = 0 to 1 0
length stalled
616-066 Declassify system Declassify system - number of Range = 0 to 255 0 616-089 EmbeddedFaxin- - Range = 0 to 65535 0
# repetitions repetitions stalled count

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-147 dC131
Table 22 CCS NVM ID 616-001 to 616-340 Table 22 CCS NVM ID 616-001 to 616-340
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
616-090 EmbeddedFaxen- - Range = 0 to 1 0 616-109 Zone1Page3Byte SIM data mirror Range = 0 to 255 0
abled 0
616-091 Heavy Weight - Range = 0 to 1 1 616-110 Zone1Page3Byte SIM data mirror Range = 0 to 255 0
Fuser Enabled 1
616-092 Software upgrade Auto upgrade enable Range = 0 to 1 0 616-111 Zone1Page3Byte SIM data mirror Range = 0 to 255 0
monitor enabled 2
616-094 Geographic Geographic region 0 = Unspecified 0 616-112 Zone1Page3Byte SIM data mirror Range = 0 to 255 0
region 1 = Western 3
2 = Eastern 616-113 Zone1Page3Byte SIM data mirror Range = 0 to 255 0
3 = Not Applicable 4
4 = FX 616-114 Zone1Page3Byte SIM data mirror Range = 0 to 255 0
5 = SDH 5
A setting of 3 indi-
616-115 Zone1Page3Byte SIM data mirror Range = 0 to 255 0
cates the CRUs are
not to be differenti-
ated by region, but by 616-116 SWUP NVM Save SWUP NVM Save Switch Range = 0 to 255 0
service plan Switch
616-095 Zone1Page1Byte SIM data mirror Range = 0 to 255 0 616-117 Delete settings Delete settings Range = 0 to 1 0
0 616-118 NC OnlineValid- NC Online Valid Nvm Range = 0 to 1 0
616-096 Zone1Page1Byte SIM data mirror Range = 0 to 255 0 Nvm
1 616-120 SearchPDFhwsw Search PDF hwsw available Range = 0 to 1 1
616-097 Zone1Page1Byte SIM data mirror Range = 0 to 255 0 available
2 616-121 SearchPDFin- Search PDF installed Range = 0 to 1 1
616-098 Zone1Page1Byte SIM data mirror Range = 0 to 255 0 stalled
3 616-122 SearchPDFin- Search PDF installed count Range = 0 to 65535 0
616-099 Zone1Page1Byte SIM data mirror Range = 0 to 255 0 stalled count
4 616-123 SearchPDFen- Search PDF enabled Range = 0 to 1 0
616-100 Zone1Page1Byte SIM data mirror Range = 0 to 255 0 abled
5 616-124 Cpsrhwsw avail- Cpsrhwsw available Range = 0 to 1 1
616-101 Zone1Page1Byte SIM data mirror Range = 0 to 255 0 able
6 616-125 Cpsrinstalled Cpsr installed Range = 0 to 1 1
616-102 Zone1Page2Byte SIM data mirror Range = 0 to 255 0 616-126 Cpsrinstalled Cpsr installed count Range = 0 to 65535 0
0 count
616-103 Zone1Page2Byte SIM data mirror Range = 0 to 255 0 616-127 Cpsrenabled Cpsr enabled Range = 0 to 1 0
1 616-143 Fast Resume sta- Fast Resume status 0 = Disabled 0
616-104 Zone1Page2Byte SIM data mirror Range = 0 to 255 0 tus 1 = Enabled
2 616-144 Power Manage- Power Management mode 0 = Intelligent ready 0
616-105 Zone1Page2Byte SIM data mirror Range = 0 to 255 0 ment mode 1 = Job active
3 2 = Scheduled
616-106 Zone1Page2Byte SIM data mirror Range = 0 to 255 0 616-145 Scheduled wake Power Management Sched- Range = 0 to 23 9
4 time - Sunday uled wake time - Sunday (hourly increments)
616-107 Zone1Page2Byte SIM data mirror Range = 0 to 255 0 616-146 Scheduled wake Power Management Sched- Range = 0 to 23 9
5 time - Monday uled wake time - Monday (hourly increments)
616-108 Zone1Page2Byte SIM data mirror Range = 0 to 255 0 616-147 Scheduled wake Power Management Sched- Range = 0 to 23 9
6 time - Tuesday uled wake time - Tuesday (hourly increments)

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC131 6-148 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
Table 22 CCS NVM ID 616-001 to 616-340 Table 22 CCS NVM ID 616-001 to 616-340
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
616-148 Scheduled wake Power Management Sched- Range = 0 to 23 9 616-200 Num- Fault counter 322-330: Num- Range = 0 to 255 0
time - Wednesday uled wake time - Wednesday (hourly increments) TimesPagePack- ber of times PagePack pin has
616-149 Scheduled wake Power Management Sched- Range = 0 to 23 9 PinlockedFC been locked out
time - Thursday uled wake time - Thursday (hourly increments) 616-202 Current language Current language (as set on Range = 0 to 255 4
616-150 Scheduled wake Power Management Sched- Range = 0 to 23 9 (as set on UI) UI). (Read only)
time - Friday uled wake time - Friday (hourly increments) 616-203 Disk Encryption - Indicates if the appropriate Range = 0 to 1 1
616-151 Scheduled wake Power Management Sched- Range = 0 to 23 9 hwsw available hardware is available
time - Saturday uled wake time - Saturday (hourly increments) 616-204 Disk Encryption - Indicates if Disk Encryption Range = 0 to 1 1
616-152 Scheduled pwr Power Management Sched- Range = 0 to 23 17 Installed option is installed
saver time Sun- uled power saver time - Sun- (hourly increments) 616-205 Disk Encryption Disk Encryption Installed Range = 0 to 65535 0
day day Installed Count Count
616-153 Scheduled pwr Power Management Sched- Range = 0 to 23 17 616-206 Disk Encryption Disk Encryption Enabled/Dis- 0 = Disabled 1
saver time Mon- uled power saver time - Mon- (hourly increments) Enabled/Disabled abled 1 = Enabled
day day 616-212 Fast Resume Fast Resume popup message 0 = Fast Resume fea- 0
616-154 Scheduled pwr Power Management Sched- Range = 0 to 23 17 popup enabled enabled status ture not previously
saver time Tues- uled power saver time - Tues- (hourly increments) enabled
day day 1 = Fast Resume fea-
616-155 Scheduled pwr Power Management Sched- Range = 0 to 23 17 ture has been previ-
saver time Wed. uled power saver time - (hourly increments) ously enabled
Wednesday 616-213 FullODIOTimeout Defines system manager full Range = 0 to 255 90
616-156 Scheduled pwr Power Management Sched- Range = 0 to 23 17 ODIO timeout
saver time Thurs. uled power saver time - Thurs- (hourly increments) 616-214 StandardODIOT- Defines system manager stan- Range = 0 to 255 30
day imeout dard ODIO timeout
616-157 Scheduled pwr Power Management Sched- Range = 0 to 23 17 616-216 Auto-Reset Count Automatic System Reset Range = 0 to 2 0
saver time Friday uled power saver time - Friday (hourly increments) Count
616-158 Scheduled pwr Power Management Sched- Range = 0 to 23 17 616-229 Display Snooze Determines whether the sta- 0 = Not in snooze 0
saver time Sat. uled power saver time - Satur- (hourly increments) Message tus is set for displaying the UI mode
day message. 1 = In snooze mode
616-159 Schedule type - Power Management daily 0 = Job activated 0 616-230 RefurbModeNVM Indicates that the machine has 0 = Not refurbed 0
Sunday Schedule type - Sunday 1 = Specified time been refurbed. 1 = Refurbed
616-160 Schedule type - Power Management daily 0 = Job activated 0 616-232 powersaver fast The idle time in minutes before Range = 1 to 225 60
Monday Schedule type - Monday 1 = Specified time resume idletime the machine will enter Low
616-161 Schedule type - Power Management daily 0 = Job activated 0 power with Fast resume set
Tuesday Schedule type - Tuesday 1 = Specified time 616-233 powersaver fast The idle time in minutes the Range = 0 to 225 120
616-162 Schedule type - Power Management daily 0 = Job activated 0 resume in mode1 machine will remain in Low
Wednesday Schedule type - Wednesday 1 = Specified time power before entering Sleep
616-163 Schedule type - Power Management daily 0 = Job activated 0 with Fast Resume set
Thursday Schedule type - Thursday 1 = Specified time 616-234 UI system Time- UI system Timeout value Range = 15 to 3600 45
616-164 Schedule type - Power Management daily 0 = Job activated 0 out value
Friday Schedule type - Friday 1 = Specified time
616-165 Schedule type - Power Management daily 0 = Job activated 0
Saturday Schedule type - Saturday 1 = Specified time
616-199 AIF Activation AIF Activation Counter (Read Range = 0 to 0
Counter only) 4294967295

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-149 dC131
Table 22 CCS NVM ID 616-001 to 616-340 Table 22 CCS NVM ID 616-001 to 616-340
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
616-235 RegDiff Regional Differentiator value
1 = NA_Classic 1 616-260 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-005-00: SUI Range = 0 to 255 0
(Read only) 2 = NA_Enterprise 005-00 App Error
3 = XE_Classic 616-261 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-006-00: SUI Range = 0 to 255 0
4 = XE_Enterprise 006-00 H8 Error
5 = DMO_Classic 616-262 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-007-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
6 = DMO_Enterprise 007-00 DADH Application Error
7 = Metered
616-263 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-008-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
8 = FX_Classic
008-00 EXT MEM Error
9 = FX_Enterprise
10 = SR_Classic 616-264 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-009-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
11 = SR_Enterprise 009-00 DADH Kernel Error
12 = WW_Classic 616-265 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-010-00: Fax Range = 0 to 255 0
13 = WW_Enterprise 010-00 App Error
14 = NA_XE_Classic 616-266 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-011-00: Fax Range = 0 to 255 0
15 = 011-00 FPGA Error
NA_XE_Enterprise 616-267 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-012-00: Fax Range = 0 to 255 0
63 = Factory 012-00 Boot Error
616-237 POSU Enable Enable POSU while system in 0 = Do not allow 0 616-268 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-013-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
During Install Customer Install Mode. 1 = Allow 013-00 Embed Fax Error
Mode 616-269 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-014-00: IOT Range = 0 to 255 0
616-238 UI System Time- UI System Timeout Warning 0 = Disable 1 014-00 Boot Strap Error
out Warning 1 = Enable 616-270 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-015-00: IOT Range = 0 to 255 0
Enabled 015-00 Boot Load Error
616-246 CheckVanillaRun- Check vanilla routine has been 0 = Unknown 0 616-271 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-016-00: IOT Range = 0 to 255 0
Result executed on machine (Read 1 = Pass 016-00 App Error
only) 2 = Fail
616-272 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-017-00: 1K Range = 0 to 255 0
616-250 NumberOfSuc- Counter recording the total Range = 0 to 65535 0 017-00 LCSS App Error
cessfulUpgrades number of successful
616-273 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-018-00: 2K Range = 0 to 255 0
upgrades of the machine
018-00 LCSS App Error
(Read only)
616-274 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-019-00: 2K Range = 0 to 255 0
616-251 NumberOf- Counter recording the total Range = 0 to 65535 0
019-00 LCSS Boot Error
FailedUpgrades number of failed upgrades of
the machine (Read only) 616-275 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-020-00: 3K Range = 0 to 255 0
020-00 LCSS App Error
616-252 CCSFailedRetries Counter recording the number Range = 0 to 65535 0
of failed CCS power on 616-276 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-021-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
upgrade reboots of the 021-00 HCSS BO HCSS App Error
machine (Read only) 616-277 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-022-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
616-255 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-000-00: DC Range = 0 to 255 0 022-00 HCSS BO App Error
000-00 Boot Code Error 616-278 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-023-00: DC Range = 0 to 255 0
616-256 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-001-00: DC Range = 0 to 255 0 023-00 NC App Error
001-00 SW Up Code Error 616-279 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-024-00: DC Range = 0 to 255 0
616-257 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-002-00: DC Range = 0 to 255 0 024-00 NC OS Error
002-00 App Error 616-280 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-025-00: IIT Range = 0 to 255 0
616-258 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-003-00: DC Range = 0 to 255 0 025-00 App Error
003-00 OS Error 616-281 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-026-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
616-259 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-004-00: DC Range = 0 to 255 0 026-00 Embed Fax FPGA Error
005-00 CIPS Error

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC131 6-150 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
Table 22 CCS NVM ID 616-001 to 616-340 Table 22 CCS NVM ID 616-001 to 616-340
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
616-282 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-027-00: IIT Range = 0 to 255 0 616-304 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-049-00: DC Range = 0 to 255 0
027-00 Kernel Error 049-00 PWS Proxy Error
616-283 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-028-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 616-305 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-050-00: SS Range = 0 to 255 0
028-00 Scanner Error 050-00 Boot Code Error
616-284 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-029-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 616-306 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-051-00: SS Range = 0 to 255 0
029-00 HCF FW Mod Error 051-00 App Error
616-285 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-030-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 616-307 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-052-00: LVF Range = 0 to 255 0
030-00 PFM FW Mod Error 052-00 Boot Error
616-286 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-031-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 616-308 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-053-00: LVF Range = 0 to 255 0
031-00 PFP FW Mod Error 053-00 App Error
616-287 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-032-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 616-309 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-054-00: LVF Range = 0 to 255 0
032-00 HVF App Error 054-00 BM Boot Error
616-288 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-033-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 616-310 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-055-00: LVF Range = 0 to 255 0
033-00 HVF BM App Error 055-00 BM App Error
616-289 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-034-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 616-311 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-056-00: DC Range = 0 to 255 0
034-00 HVF BC Error 056-00 Nomad Proxy Error
616-290 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-035-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 616-312 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-057-00: DC Range = 0 to 255 0
035-00 HVF BM BC Error 057-00 URD Error
616-291 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-036-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 616-313 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-058-00: DC Range = 0 to 255 0
036-00 PFP BL Error 058-00 SCD Error
616-292 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-037-00: CFI Range = 0 to 255 0 616-314 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-059-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
037-00 NAPP Error 059-00 DADH QT 100 Error
616-293 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-038-00: DFI Range = 0 to 255 0 616-315 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-060-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
038-00 NAPP Error 060-00 DADH 100 Error
616-294 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-039-00: KM Range = 0 to 255 0 616-316 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-061-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
039-00 FIN App Error 061-00 DADH QT Error
616-295 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-040-00: AFI Range = 0 to 255 0 616-317 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-062-00: IOT Range = 0 to 255 0
040-00 NAPP Error 062-00 Duplex Module Error
616-296 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-041-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 616-318 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-063-00: IOT Range = 0 to 255 0
041-00 SBF IN App Error 063-00 LC Module Error
616-297 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-042-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 616-319 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-064-00: IIT Range = 0 to 255 0
042-00 PFM Tray 3 App Error 064-00 A4 Scan Module Error
616-298 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-043-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 616-320 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-065-00: IIT Range = 0 to 255 0
043-00 PFM Tray 4 App Error 065-00 CCD Module Error
616-299 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-044-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 616-321 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-066-00: IIT Range = 0 to 255 0
044-00 PFM Tray 5 App Error 066-00 FW ATES Module Error
616-300 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-045-00: DC Range = 0 to 255 0 616-322 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-067-00: SW Range = 0 to 255 0
045-00 IOT Proxy Error 067-00 Upgrade Incompat Prod Error
616-301 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-046-00: DCI Range = 0 to 255 0 616-323 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-068-00: SW Range = 0 to 255 0
046-00 IT Proxy Error 068-00 Upgrade Incompat HW Error
616-302 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-047-00: DC Range = 0 to 255 0 616-324 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-069-00: SW Range = 0 to 255 0
047-00 ACD Error 069-00 Up Incompat FW Error
616-303 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-048-00: DC Range = 0 to 255 0 616-325 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-070-00: SW Range = 0 to 255 0
048-00 Glue Error 070-00 Up DLM Downgrade Error

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-151 dC131
Table 22 CCS NVM ID 616-001 to 616-340
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
Table 23 CCS NVM ID 617-002 to 617-003
616-326 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-071-00: SW Range = 0 to 255 0
071-00 Up DLM Sidegrade Error NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
616-327 Fault Counter 95- Fault Counter 395-072-00: SW Range = 0 to 255 0 617-002 Faults displayed - Range = 0 to 1 1
072-00 UP Plat Sync Error on TTY
616-328 Machine Class Machine Class 0 = Unknown (Not 2 617-003 Display faults - Range = 0 to 1 1
3=C Table 24 CCS NVM ID 620-001 to 620-033
616-329 Sequence Num- PagePack Sequence Number. Range = 0 to 127 0
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
ber Incremented each time a
PagePack contract is renewed 620-001 IISS Version No - Range = 0 to 65535 0
(Read only) Upper Level
616-331 DefaultRegDiff Default Regional Differentiator 1 = NA_Classic 15 620-002 PrescanType - Range = 0 to 1 0
value: This is what region the 2 = NA_Enterprise 620-003 PhotoTextSepara- - Range = 0 to 4 2
machine will be set to upon 3 = XE_Classic tionLevel
expiration of PagePack plan. 4 = XE_Enterprise 620-004 photoReproLevel - Range = 0 to 2 1
(Read only) 5 = DMO_Classic 620-005 bwSeparation- - Range = 0 to 4 2
6 = DMO_Enterprise Level
7 = Metered
620-006 RED chromat- - Range = 0 to 65535 0
8 = FX_Classic
9 = FX_Enterprise
10 = SR_Classic 620-007 RED chromat- - Range = 0 to 65535 25700
11 = SR_Enterprise icValueHigh
12 = WW_Classic 620-008 RED aChromat- - Range = 0 to 65535 0
13 = WW_Enterprise icValueLow
14 = NA_XE_Classic 620-009 RED aChromat- - Range = 0 to 65535 0
15 = icValueHigh
NA_XE_Enterprise 620-010 GRN chromat- - Range = 0 to 65535 25600
616-335 HideCompleted- Hide Completed Job Log Tab 0 = Hide 1 icValueLow
JobLogTab on UI 1 = Show 620-011 GRN chromat- - Range = 0 to 65535 25600
616-337 Tray 2 Tray 2 Usage: Standard Tray / 0 = Standard tray 0 icValueHigh
Usage:Standard/ Envelope Tray 1 = Envelope tray 620-012 GRN aChromat- - Range = 0 to 65535 0
Envelope icValueLow
616-339 power saver For Blue Angel when the Range = 15 to 60 45 620-013 GRN aChromat- - Range = 0 to 65535 0
grace period energy saver is set to 0 min- seconds icValueHigh
utes the system will take a 620-014 BLU chromat- - Range = 0 to 65535 25600
grace period before it falls into icValueLow
the energy saver mode.
620-015 BLU chromat- - Range = 0 to 65535 63
616-340 ClearFaxNumber- Policy for clearing embeded 0 = Do not clear 1 icValueHigh
Policy fax phone numbers immedi- 1 = Clear
620-016 BLU aChromat- - Range = 0 to 65535 0
ately after sending
620-017 BLU aChromat- - Range = 0 to 65535 0
620-018 YEL chromat- - Range = 0 to 65535 0

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC131 6-152 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
Table 24 CCS NVM ID 620-001 to 620-033 Table 25 CCS NVM ID 620-101 to 620-199
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
620-019 YEL chromat- - Range = 0 to 65535 25600 620-105 IISS Patch Ver- - Range = 0 to 65535 0
icValueHigh sion
620-020 YEL aChromat- - Range = 0 to 65535 0 620-106 ADF Major Ver- - Range = 0 to 65535 0
icValueLow sion
620-021 YEL aChromat- - Range = 0 to 65535 0 620-107 ADF Minor Ver- - Range = 0 to 65535 0
icValueHigh sion
620-022 MAG chromat- - Range = 0 to 65535 0 620-108 ADF Revision - Range = 0 to 65535 0
icValueLow Version
620-023 MAG chromat- - Range = 0 to 65535 100 620-109 ADF Patch Ver- - Range = 0 to 65535 0
icValueHigh sion
620-024 MAG aChromat- - Range = 0 to 65535 0 620-110 IPL Version - Range = 0 to 65535 0
icValueLow 620-111 IIT fail bypass - Range = 0 to 1 0
620-025 MAG aChromat- - Range = 0 to 65535 0 620-112 Fan control mode - Range = 0 to 1 0
icValueHigh 620-113 the number of - Range = 0 to 1 1
620-026 CYA chromat- - Range = 0 to 65535 25600 APS sensors
icValueLow 620-114 Lamp Fan fal - Range = 0 to 1 0
620-027 CYA chromat- - Range = 0 to 65535 0 bypass
icValueHigh 620-115 Lamp Fan Low - Range = 0 to 60 15
620-028 CYA aChromat- - Range = 0 to 65535 0 rotation ON time
icValueLow 620-116 Lamp Fan Off - Range = 0 to 60 0
620-029 CYA aChromat- - Range = 0 to 65535 0 time
icValueHigh 620-117 FL timer set - Range = 0 to 1 0
620-030 BLA chromat- - Range = 0 to 65535 100 620-118 Lamp On interval - Range = 0 to 60 30
620-119 Lamp On time - Range = 0 to 60 1
620-031 BLA chromat- - Range = 0 to 65535 0
620-120 IIT failure parts - Range = 0 to 65535 0
620-032 BLA aChromat- - Range = 0 to 65535 0
620-121 Platen SS Regis- Platen SS Registration Adjust- Range = 16 to 184 100
tration Adjust ment
620-033 BLA aChromat- - Range = 0 to 65535 0
620-122 Platen SS Magni- Platen SS Magnification Range = 44 to 56 50
fication Adjust Adjustment
620-123 Platen glass type Range = 0 to 2 2
620-124 REGI corr value- REGI correction value in FS Range = 0 to 240 120
Table 25 CCS NVM ID 620-101 to 620-199 FS dir on Platen direction on Platen
620-125 CVT FS Off CVT FS Offset Side 1: Side 1- Range = 0 to 240 120
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
S1:S1-1 (139.7- 1 (139.7 to 148)
620-099 62-310 counter Fault counter 362-310 Range = 0 to 255 0 148)
620-101 Market Informa- - Range = 0 to 3 0 620-126 CVT FS Off CVT FS Offset Side 2: Side 2- Range = 0 to 240 120
tion S2:S2-1 (139.7- 1 (139.7 to 148)
620-102 IISS Major Ver- - Range = 0 to 65535 0 148)
sion 620-127 CVT FS Off CVT FS Offset Side 1: Side 1- Range = 0 to 240 120
620-103 IISS Minor Ver- - Range = 0 to 65535 0 S1:S1-2 (182- 2 (182 to 194)
sion 194)
620-104 IISS Revision - Range = 0 to 65535 0 620-128 CVT FS Off CVT FS Offset Side 2: Side 2- Range = 0 to 240 120
Version S2:S2-2 (182- 2 (182 to 194)

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-153 dC131
Table 25 CCS NVM ID 620-101 to 620-199 Table 25 CCS NVM ID 620-101 to 620-199
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
620-129 CVT FS Off CVT FS Offset Side 1: Side 1- Range = 0 to 240 120 620-147 CVT FS Off CVT FS Offset Side 1: Side 3- Range = 0 to 240 120
S1:S1-3 (203.2) 3 (203.2) S1:S3-3 (203.2) 3 (203.2)
620-130 CVT FS Off CVT FS Offset Side 2: Side 2- Range = 0 to 240 120 620-148 CVT FS Off CVT FS Offset Side 2: Side 4- Range = 0 to 240 120
S2:S2-3 (203.2) 3 (203.2) S2:S4-3 (203.2) 3 (203.2)
620-131 CVT FS Off CVT FS Offset Side 1: Side 1- Range = 0 to 240 120 620-149 CVT FS Off CVT FS Offset Side 1: Side 3- Range = 0 to 240 120
S1:S1-4 (210) 4 (210) S1:S3-4 (210) 4 (210)
620-132 CVT FS Off CVT FS Offset Side 2: Side 2- Range = 0 to 240 120 620-150 CVT FS Off CVT FS Offset Side 2: Side 4- Range = 0 to 240 120
S2:S2-4 (210) 4 (210) S2:S4-4 (210) 4 (210)
620-133 CVT FS Off CVT FS Offset Side 1: Side 1- Range = 0 to 240 120 620-151 CVT FS Off CVT FS Offset Side 1: Side 3- Range = 0 to 240 120
S1:S1-5 (214.9- 5 (214.9 to 215.9) S1:S3-5 (214.9- 5 (214.9 to 215.9)
215.9) 215.9)
620-134 CVT FS Off CVT FS Offset Side 2: Side 2- Range = 0 to 240 120 620-152 CVT FS Off CVT FS Offset Side 2: Side 4- Range = 0 to 240 120
S2:S2-5 (214.9- 5 (214.9 to 215.9) S2:S4-5 (214.9- 5 (214.9 to 215.9)
215.9) 215.9)
620-135 CVT FS Off CVT FS Offset Side 1: Side 1- Range = 0 to 240 120 620-153 CVT FS Off CVT FS Offset Side 1: Side 3- Range = 0 to 240 120
S1:S1-6 (254- 6 (254 to 257) S1:S3-6 (254- 6 (254 to 257)
257) 257)
620-136 CVT FS Off CVT FS Offset Side 2: Side 2- Range = 0 to 240 120 620-154 CVT FS Off CVT FS Offset Side 2: Side 4- Range = 0 to 240 120
S2:S2-6 (254- 6 (254 to 257) S2:S4-6 (254- 6 (254 to 257)
257) 257)
620-137 CVT FS Off CVT FS Offset Side 1: Side 1- Range = 0 to 240 120 620-155 CVT FS Off CVT FS Offset Side 1: Side 3- Range = 0 to 240 120
S1:S1-7 (266.7- 7 (266.7 to 267) S1:S3-7 (266.7- 7 (266.7 to 267)
267) 267)
620-138 CVT FS Off CVT FS Offset Side 2: Side 2- Range = 0 to 240 120 620-156 CVT FS Off CVT FS Offset Side 2: Side 4- Range = 0 to 240 120
S2:S2-7 (266.7- 7 (266.7 to 267) S2:S4-7 (266.7- 7 (266.7 to 267)
267) 267)
620-139 CVT FS Off CVT FS Offset Side 1: Side 1- Range = 0 to 240 120 620-157 CVT FS Off CVT FS Offset Side 1: Side 3- Range = 0 to 240 120
S1:S1-8 (279.4) 8 (279.4) S1:S3-8 (279.4) 8 (279.4)
620-140 CVT FS Off CVT FS Offset Side 2: Side 2- Range = 0 to 240 120 620-158 CVT FS Off CVT FS Offset Side 2: Side 4- Range = 0 to 240 120
S2:S2-8 (279.4) 8 (279.4) S2:S4-8 (279.4) 8 (279.4)
620-141 CVT FS Off CVT FS Offset Side 1: Side 1- Range = 0 to 240 120 620-159 CVT FS Off CVT FS Offset Side 1: Side 3- Range = 0 to 240 120
S1:S1-9 (297) 9 (297) S1:S3-9 (297) 9 (297)
620-142 CVT FS Off CVT FS Offset Side 2: Side 2- Range = 0 to 240 120 620-160 CVT FS Off CVT FS Offset Side 2: Side 4- Range = 0 to 240 120
S2:S2-9 (297) 9 (297) S2:S4-9 (297) 9 (297)
620-143 CVT FS Off CVT FS Offset Side 1: Side 3- Range = 0 to 240 120 620-161 W-Ref adjust- - Range = 70 to 255 140
S1:S3-1 (139.7- 1 (139.7 to 148) ment factor Red
148) 620-162 W-Ref adjust- - Range = 70 to 255 140
620-144 CVT FS Off CVT FS Offset Side 2: Side 4- Range = 0 to 240 120 ment factor Green
S2:S4-1 (139.7- 1 (139.7 to 148) 620-163 W-Ref adjust- - Range = 70 to 255 140
148) ment factor Blue
620-145 CVT FS Off CVT FS Offset Side 1: Side 3- Range = 0 to 240 120 620-164 W-Ref adjust- - Range = 70 to 255 140
S1:S3-2 (182- 2 (182 to 194) ment factor BW-X
194) 620-165 W-Ref adjust- - Range = 70 to 255 140
620-146 CVT FS Off CVT FS Offset Side 2: Side 4- Range = 0 to 240 120 ment factor BW-Y
S2:S4-2 (182- 2 (182 to 194) 620-166 W-Ref adj factor W-Ref adjustment factor Red Range = 0 to127 63
194) Red (sheet) (each sheet)

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC131 6-154 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
Table 25 CCS NVM ID 620-101 to 620-199 Table 25 CCS NVM ID 620-101 to 620-199
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
620-167 W-Ref adj factor W-Ref adjustment factor Range = 0 to 127 63 620-190 CCD Calib C - Range = 0 to 1023 0
Green (sheet) Green (each sheet) scanned: Red
620-168 W-Ref adj factor W-Ref adjustment factor Blue Range = 0 to 127 63 620-191 CCD Calib C - Range = 0 to 1023 0
Blue (sheet) (each sheet) scanned: Green
620-169 W-Ref adj factor W-Ref adjustment factor BW Range = 0 to 127 63 620-192 CCD Calib C - Range = 0 to 1023 0
BW (sheet) (each sheet) scanned: Blue
620-170 IIT paper code - Range = 0 to 8 0 620-193 CCD Calib PK - Range = 0 to 1023 0
620-171 Optical axis - Range = 0 to 1980 990 scanned: Red
adjustment: front 620-194 CCD Calib PK - Range = 0 to 1023 0
620-172 Optical axis - Range = 0 to 1980 990 scanned: Green
adjustment: rear 620-195 CCD Calib PK - Range = 0 to 1023 0
620-173 CVT FS Offset - Range = 0 to 240 120 scanned: Blue
Side 1: Side1 620-196 Switching A6/ Switching A6 document / post- Range = 0 to 2 0
620-174 CVT FS Offset - Range = 0 to 240 120 postcard detect card detection
Side 2: Side2 620-197 A4S/8.5in det. A4S/8.5in detection border Range = 0 to 6 3
620-175 CVT FS Offset - Range = 0 to 240 120 border switch 2 switching 2
Side 1: Side3 620-198 B5/8W10 detec- - Range = 0 to 3 0
620-176 CVT FS Offset - Range = 0 to 240 120 tion switch
Side 2: Side4 620-199 Switch 8.5W13/ - Range = 0 to 3 0
620-177 BW/Color auto - Range = 0 to 1 0 8.5W14 detec-
recognition level tions
620-178 Black line adj Black line adjustment level (for Range = 0 to 15 8
level (for COLOR) Color)
620-179 Black line adj Black line adjustment level (for Range = 0 to 15 8
level (for BW) BW) Table 26 CCS NVM ID 620-200 to 620-299
620-180 Black line adjust- - Range = 0 to 7 0 NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
ment test mode 620-200 Select special- Select special document Range = 0 to 2 0
620-181 BW adjustment - Range = 0 to 7 0 doc-detect table detection table
table 620-201 Switch docu size Switch document size detec- Range = 1 to 5 2
620-182 HOSEI_SCAN - Range = 0 to 6 3 detect tables tion tables
(for detection) 620-202 Switch A3/11W17 - Range = 0 to 3 0
620-183 HOSEI_SCAN - Range = 0 to 6 3 detections
(for image) 620-203 Switch A4/ - Range = 0 to 3 0
620-184 CCD Calib Y scan - Range = 0 to 1023 0 8.5W11 detec-
Red tions
620-185 CCD Calib Y - Range = 0 to 1023 0 620-204 Document size - Range = 0 to 1 0
scanned: Green detection.
620-186 CCD Calib Y - Range = 0 to 1023 0 620-205 GCO/TFX sizes - Range = 0 to 1 1
scanned: Blue switching
620-187 CCD Calib M - Range = 0 to 1023 0 620-206 B4/8-kai FS - Range = 0 to 6 3
scanned: Red threshold setting
620-188 CCD Calib M - Range = 0 to 1023 0 620-207 8-kai/11W17SEF 8-kai/11W17SEF FS threshold Range = 0 to 6 3
scanned: Green FS threshold setting
620-189 CCD Calib M - Range = 0 to 1023 0 620-208 Switch B6/5W7 - Range = 0 to 2 0
scanned: Blue detections

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-155 dC131
Table 26 CCS NVM ID 620-200 to 620-299 Table 26 CCS NVM ID 620-200 to 620-299
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
620-209 Lamp check NG - Range = 0 to 65535 0 620-229 LIM control for - Range = 0 to 1 1
counts condone scan
620-210 Data taken at - Range = 0 to 1023 0 620-230 ABS threshold Background suppression Range = 0 to 255 127
lamp check NG. (HAE) threshold (HAE)
620-211 AOC flow endings The number of AOC flow end- Range = 0 to 255 0 620-231 ABS threshold Background suppression Range = 0 to 255 33
with error ings with error (NAE1) threshold (NAE1)
620-212 BW Copy BGR- - Range = 0 to 4095 0 620-232 ABS threshold Background suppression Range = 0 to 255 204
AE adjustment (NAE2) threshold (NAE2)
level 620-233 ABS threshold Background suppression Range = 0 to 65535 8
620-213 Color copy BGR- Color copy BGR-AE adjust- Range = 0 to 4095 0 (NAE3) threshold (NAE3)
AE adjust level ment level 620-234 ABS threshold Background suppression Range = 0 to 65535 4
620-214 TP_BW_Copy BW Copy BGR-AE adjustment Range = 0 to 4095 0 (NAE4) threshold (NAE4)
BGR-AE-Level speed prioritized 620-235 AE control of FS - Range = 0 to 1 0
Speed size detection
620-215 TX_CL_Copy Color copy BGR AE adjust- Range = 0 to 4095 0 620-236 Not displayed Minimum FS detection size for Range = 0 to 65535 500
BGR-AE-Level ment speed prioritized AE AE
Speed (Text) 620-237 AE param SS AE parameter SS magnifica- Range = 0 to 4000 4000
620-216 TP_BW_Contone BW contone scan BGR AE Range = 0 to 4095 0 mag corr TopLimit tion correction upper limit 1
BGR-AE-Level adjustment level for speed pri- 1
Speed oritized AE (Text photo) 620-238 AE param SS AE parameter SS magnifica- Range = 0 to 4000 4000
620-217 TP_CL_Contone Color contone scan BGR AE Range = 0 to 4095 0 mag corr TopLimit tion correction upper limit 2
BGR-AE-Level adjustment level for speed pri- 2
Speed oritized AE (Text photo) 620-239 AE param SS AE parameter SS magnifica- Range = 0 to 4000 4000
620-218 ABS; FS non- Background suppression; FS Range = 0 to 65535 255 mag corr TopLimit tion correction upper limit 3
detected area 1 non-detected area 1 3
620-219 ABS; FS non- Background suppression; FS Range = 0 to 65535 255 620-240 AE param SS AE parameter SS magnifica- Range = 0 to 4000 4000
detected area 2 non-detected area 2 mag corr TopLimit tion correction upper limit 4
620-220 ABS; FS non- Background suppression; FS Range = 0 to 65535 255 4
detected area 3 non-detected area 3 620-241 TX_BW_Fax Off- Fax binary scan: background Range = 0 to 8191 0
620-221 ABS; FS non- Background suppression; FS Range = 0 to 65535 255 set Lvl AE suppression Offset level; text
detected area 4 non-detected area 4 mode (normal pencil)
620-222 ABS; SS fixed Background suppression; SS Range = 0 to 65535 60 620-242 TP_BW_Copy_F Level for BW Copy Fax and Range = 0 to 4095 0
position fixed position ax Removal Lvl binary scan: Text/photo mode
620-223 ABS; SS end Background suppression; SS Range = 0 to 65535 240 AE (print photographic paper
position (for HAE) end position (for HAE) copy)
620-224 ABS; SS end Background suppression; SS Range = 0 to 65535 240 620-243 TP_BW_Copy_F Offset level for BW Copy Fax Range = 0 to 4095 273
position (for MAE) end position (for MAE) ax Offset Lvl AE and binary scan: Text/photo
620-225 ABS; SS end Background suppression; SS Range = 0 to 65535 240 mode (print photographic
position (for NAE) end position (for NAE) paper copy)
620-226 LIM control for - Range = 0 to 1 1 620-244 TX_BW_Copy_F Level for BW Copy Fax and Range = 0 to 4095 0
BW COPY ax Removal Lvl binary scan: text mode (normal
AE pencil)
620-227 LIM control for - Range = 0 to 1 1
color COPY 620-245 TX_BW_Copy_F Offset level for BW Copy Fax Range = 0 to 4095 273
ax Offset Lvl AE and binary scan: text mode
620-228 BW_Copy Varia- LIM control for Faxand binary Range = 0 to 1 1
(normal pencil)
tion Control(1-bit) scan

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC131 6-156 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
Table 26 CCS NVM ID 620-200 to 620-299 Table 26 CCS NVM ID 620-200 to 620-299
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
620-246 TPL_BW_Copy_ Level for BW Copy Fax and Range = 0 to 4095 0 620-263 2F-AE TopLimit Two face AE control parame- Range = 0 to 255 255
Fax Removal Lvl binary scan: text/photo mode Multiplied Value ter: upper limit of multiplier
AE (pale-color document) coefficient
620-247 TPL_BW_Copy_ Offset level for BW Copy Fax Range = 0 to 4095 273 620-264 Offset for 2F AE Two face AE control parame- Range = 0 to 255 8
Fax Offset Lvl AE and binary scan: text/photo Control ter: comparison margin OFST
mode (pale-color document) 620-265 Threshold for 2F Two face AE control parame- Range = 0 to 255 16
620-248 TRP_BW_Copy_ Level for BW Copy Fax and Range = 0 to 4095 0 AE Control ter: background level threshold
Fax Removal Lvl binary scan: text mode (tracing LEVEL_N
AE paper) 620-266 Mode Control of Two face AE control parame- Range = 0 to 3 0
620-249 TRP_BW_Copy_ Offset level for BW Copy Fax Range = 0 to 4095 273 2F AE ter: forced selection
Fax Offset Lvl AE and binary scan: text mode 620-267 Two color copy - Range = 0 to 1 0
(tracing paper) control
620-250 TP_CL_Copy level for Color Copy: text/photo Range = 0 to 4095 0 620-268 Tracing paper - Range = 0 to 1 0
Removal Lvl AE mode (print photographic mode setting
paper copy inkjet highlighter) 620-269 Def. ColorBal adj Default color balance adjust- Range = 0 to 8 4
620-251 TP_CL_Copy Off- Offset level for Color Copy Range = 0 to 4095 0 Y: low den. ment level Y: low density
set Lvl AE text/photo mode (print photo- 620-270 Def. ColorBal adj Default color balance adjust- Range = 0 to 8 4
graphic paper copy inkjet high- Y: med den. ment level Y: medium density
620-271 Def. ColorBal adj Default color balance adjust- Range = 0 to 8 4
620-252 TX_CL_Copy Level for Color Copy: text (nor- Range = 0 to 4095 0 Y: hi den. ment level Y: high density
Removal Lvl AE mal)
620-272 Def. ColorBal adj Default color balance adjust- Range = 0 to 8 4
620-253 TX_CL_Copy Off- Offset level for Color Copy text Range = 0 to 4095 0 M: low den. ment level M: low density
set Lvl AE (normal)
620-273 Def. ColorBal adj Default color balance adjust- Range = 0 to 8 4
620-254 TP_BW_Contone Level for BW Contone Scan Range = 0 to 4095 819 M: med den. ment level M: medium density
Removal Lvl AE (text photo)
620-274 Def. ColorBal adj Default color balance adjust- Range = 0 to 8 4
620-255 TP_BW_Contone Offsetlevel for BW Contone Range = 0 to 4095 0 M: hi den. ment level M: high density
Offset Lvl AE Scan: (text photo)
620-275 Def. ColorBal adj Default color balance adjust- Range = 0 to 8 4
620-256 notTP_BW_Cont Level for BW Contone Scan Range = 0 to 4095 819 C: low den. ment level C: low density
one Removal Lvl (other than text photo)
620-276 Def. ColorBal adj Default color balance adjust- Range = 0 to 8 4
C: med den. ment level C: medium density
620-257 notTP_BW_Cont Offset level for BW Contone Range = 0 to 4095 0
620-277 Def. ColorBal adj Default color balance adjust- Range = 0 to 8 4
one Offset Lvl AE Scan: (other than text photo)
C: hi den. ment level C: high density
620-258 TP_CL_Contone Level for Color Contone Scan Range = 0 to 4095 0
620-278 Def. ColorBal adj Default color balance adjust- Range = 0 to 8 4
Removal Lvl AE (text photo)
K: low den ment level K: low density
620-259 TP_CL_Contone Offset level for Color Contone Range = 0 to 4095 0
620-279 Def. ColorBal adj Default color balance adjust- Range = 0 to 8 4
Offset Lvl AE Scan: (text photo)
K: med den ment level K: medium density
620-260 notTP_CL_Conto Level for Color Contone Scan Range = 0 to 4095 0
620-280 Def. ColorBal adj Default color balance adjust- Range = 0 to 8 4
ne Removal Lvl (other than text photo)
K: hi den ment level K: high density
620-281 FS mag corr FS magnification correction Range = 0 to 100 50
620-261 notTP_CL_Conto Offset level for Color Contone Range = 0 to 4095 0
ne Offset Lvl AE Scan (other than text photo)
620-262 2F-AE LowLimit Two face AE control parame- Range = 0 to 255 0
620-282 FS mag corr FS magnification correction Range = 0 to 100 50
Multiplied Value ter: lower limit of multiplier

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-157 dC131
Table 26 CCS NVM ID 620-200 to 620-299 Table 27 CCS NVM ID 620-300 to 620-399
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
620-283 IPS Through - Range = 0 to 65535 0 620-306 IISS-Controller IISS Controller Communication Range = 0 to 65535 0
Bypass setting comm Fai Fail
1(A) 620-308 DADF EEPROM - Range = 0 to 65535 0
620-284 IPS through - Range = 0 to 65535 0 Fail
(bypass) setting 2 620-310 IPS Fan Fail - Range = 0 to 65535 0
620-285 BW COPY: text; BW Copy: text; normal density Range = 0 to 256 128 620-312 CRG Position Fail - Range = 0 to 65535 0
normal dens adj adjustment 620-314 IISS LOGIC Fail - Range = 0 to 65535 0
620-286 BW COPY: text; BW Copy: text; Darker 3 den- Range = 0 to 256 128 620-316 Lamp Illumina- - Range = 0 to 65535 0
Darker3 dens adj sity adjustment tion Fail
620-287 Scan/FAX: text; Scan/Fax: text; normal density Range = 0 to 256 128 620-318 CRG Over Run - Range = 0 to 65535 0
normal dens adj adjustment Fail
620-288 Scan/FAX: text; Scan/Fax: text; Darker 3 den- Range = 0 to 256 128 620-320 Lamp Fan Fail - Range = 0 to 65535 0
Darker3 dens adj sity adjustment
620-322 CCD Fan Fail - Range = 0 to 65535 0
620-289 PLTN RAE SS Speed prioritized background Range = 0 to 65535 0
620-324 AGC Fail - Range = 0 to 65535 0
Not Detect Area suppression; SS non-detec-
tion area for Platen M/C 620-326 AOC Fail - Range = 0 to 65535 0
620-290 DADF-P-Job RAE Speed prioritized background Range = 0 to 65535 0 620-328 IPS PWBA Fail - Range = 0 to 65535 0
SSNotDetect suppression; SS non-detec- 620-330 IISS-EXT com- - Range = 0 to 65535 0
Area tion area for platen job on munication Fail
SPDH M/C 620-332 Extension - Range = 0 to 65535 0
620-291 DADF-D-Job Speed prioritized background Range = 0 to 65535 0 EEPROM Fail
RAE SSNotDe- suppression; SS non-detec- 620-334 IPS-EXT Connec- - Range = 0 to65535 0
tect Area tion area for SPDH job on tion Fail
SPDH M/C 620-336 IPS-YATA Con- - Range = 0 to 65535 0
620-292 Hue angle B start - Range = 0 to 360 270 nection Fail
620-293 Hue angle B end - Range = 0 to 360 320 620-338 EXT-YATA Con- - Range = 0 to 65535 0
620-294 Hue angle G start - Range = 0 to 360 110 nection Fail
620-295 Hue angle G end - Range = 0 to 360 200 620-340 YATA PWBA Fail - Range = 0 to 65535 0
620-296 Hue angle R start - Range = 0 to 360 350 620-342 IPS PWBA Mem- - Range = 0 to 65535 0
620-297 Hue angle R end - Range = 0 to 360 60 ory Fail
620-298 Hue angle Y start - Range = 0 to 360 60 620-344 IIT Hot Line Fail - Range = 0 to 65535 0
620-299 Hue angle Y end - Range = 0 to 360 120 620-346 Scan Count Scan Count replacement life Range = 0 to 65535 91
replace life (upper)
620-347 Scan Count Scan Count replacement life Range = 0 to 65535 36224
replace life (lower)
Table 27 CCS NVM ID 620-300 to 620-399
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default 620-348 Lamp-On time Lamp-On time Count replace- Range = 0 to 65535 109
620-300 Hue angle M start - Range = 0 to 360 320 replace life (max) ment life (upper)
620-301 Hue angle M end - Range = 0 to 360 360 620-349 Lamp-On time Lamp-On time Count replace- Range = 0 to 65535 56576
620-302 Hue angle C start - Range = 0 to 360 190 replace life (min) ment life (lower)
620-303 Hue angle C end - Range = 0 to 360 280 620-350 Lamp-On Count Lamp-On Count Replacement Range = 0 to 65535 91
620-304 IISS-DADF com- - Range = 0 to 65535 0 replace life (max) life (upper)
munication Fail 620-351 Lamp-On Count Lamp-On Count Replacement Range = 0 to 65535 36224
replace life (min) life (lower)

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC131 6-158 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
Table 27 CCS NVM ID 620-300 to 620-399 Table 27 CCS NVM ID 620-300 to 620-399
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
620-352 Fax doc Size Fax Document Size Detection Range = 0 to 1 0 620-374 Alternate Size - Range = 0 to 3 0
detect DADF for SPDH switching 7
620-353 JAM bypass - Range = 0 to 1 0 620-375 Alternate Size - Range = 0 to 4 0
620-354 8.5 W11 LEF - Range = 1993 to 2093 switching 8
threshold 2193 620-376 Alternate Size - Range = 0 to 2 0
620-355 B5SEF / 8 W10 - Range = 0 to 1 0 switching 9
SEF switching 620-377 Alternate Size - Range = 0 to 2 0
620-356 11x15 SEF/8-kai 11 W15 SEF / 8-kai switching Range = 0 to 1 0 switching 10
switch (AP Mkt) in AP market 620-378 Alternate Size - Range = 0 to 3 0
620-357 FS MAX value - Range = 1297 to 2970 switching 11
3070 620-379 Size-Mix Mode Size Mix Mode temporary size Range = 0 to 1 1
620-358 FS MIN value - Range = 1297 to 2970 Assumed Size direction
3070 620-380 Fax job Mix Size - Range = 0 to 1 0
620-359 SS MAX value - Range = 1297 to 2100 Standard mode
4418 620-381 DADF DPM - Range = 0 to 65535 80
620-360 SS MIN value - Range = 1297 to 2100 selection
4418 620-382 Magnification cor- - Range = 0 to 1 0
620-361 Document Size - Range = 3 to 20 8 rection control
620-362 Specify docu- - Range = 0 to 1 0 620-383 Color BW judg- - Range = 0 to 4 2
ment feed direc- ment level
tion 620-384 textmode Photo/ YATAGRS text mode Photo Range = 0 to 4 2
620-363 DADF Doc Size Select SPDH document size Range = 0 to 1 0 Text RecogLvl and Text Recognition level
Detection Table detection table custom regis- 620-385 BW copy (text BW copy (text photo) AE Range = 0 to 4095 0
tration photo) AE adj lvl adjustment level
620-364 S Size Side2 S-size document Side2 Lead Range = 217 to 283 250 620-386 CL copy (text Color copy (text photo) AE Range = 0 to 4095 0
Lead Regi Adjust Regi correction value photo) AE adj lvl adjustment level
620-365 M Size Side2 M-size document Side2 Lead Range = 217 to 283 250 620-387 BW Copy text AE BW Copy (text) AE adjust- Range = 0 to 4095 0
Lead Regi Adjust Regi correction value adjustment level ment level
620-366 L Size Side2 L-size document Side2 Lead Range = 217 to 283 250 620-388 CL Copy (text) AE Color Copy (text) AE adjust- Range = 0 to 4095 0
Lead Regi Adjust Regi correction value adj lvl ment level
620-367 Size Mismatch Size mismatch Jam detection Range = 1 to 2 1 620-389 BW CopyFor B BW Copy for B AE adjustment Range = 0 to 4095 0
Set(Simp) setting (applicable to only Sim- AE adjust level level
plex Mode) 620-390 BW Copy G and BW Copy for G and R AE Range = 0 to 4095 0
620-368 Alternate Size - Range = 1 to 2 1 R AE adj lvl adjustment level
switching 1 620-391 CL Copy B AE adj Color Copy for B AE adjust- Range = 0 to 4095 0
620-369 Alternate Size - Range = 1 to 2 1 lvl ment level
switching 2 620-392 CL Copy G and R Color Copy for G and R AE Range = 0 to 4095 0
620-370 Alternate Size - Range = 0 to 2 0 AE adj lvl adjustment level
switching 3 620-393 BW Copy (text) B BW Copy (text) for B AE Range = 0 to 4095 0
620-371 Alternate Size - Range = 0 to 2 0 AE adj lvl adjustment level
switching 4 620-394 BW Copy (text) G BW Copy (text) for G and R AE Range = 0 to 4095 0
620-372 Alternate Size - Range = 0 to 2 0 & R AE adj lvl adjustment level
switching 5 620-395 CL Copy (text) B Color Copy (text) for B AE Range = 0 to 4095 0
620-373 Alternate Size - Range = 0 to 3 0 AE adj lvl adjustment level
switching 6

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-159 dC131
Table 27 CCS NVM ID 620-300 to 620-399 Table 28 CCS NVM ID 620-400 to 620-496
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
620-396 CL Copy (text) G Color Copy (text) for G and R Range = 0 to 4095 0 620-416 EXT. LE. adj (440 EXT. Lead Edge. adjustment Range = 0 to 244 122
& R AE adj lvl AE adjustment level mm/sec) (440 mm/sec)
620-397 EXT. Tail Reg. adj EXT. Tail Reg. adjustment Range = 0 to 244 122 620-417 CVT FS Offset 1p - Range = 0 to 240 120
(55.0 mm/sec) (55.0 mm/sec) Duplex Side2-1
620-398 EXT. Tail Reg. adj EXT. Tail Reg. adjustment Range = 0 to 244 122 620-418 CVT FS Offset 1p - Range = 0 to 240 120
(73.3 mm/sec) (73.3 mm/sec) Duplex Side2-2
620-399 EXT. Tail Reg. adj EXT. Tail Reg. adjustment Range = 0 to 244 122 620-419 CVT FS Offset 1p - Range = 0 to 240 120
(82.5 mm/sec) (82.5 mm/sec) Duplex Side2-3
620-420 CVT FS Offset 1p - Range = 0 to 240 120
Duplex Side2-4
620-421 CVT FS Offset 1p - Range = 0 to 240 120
Table 28 CCS NVM ID 620-400 to 620-496 Duplex Side2-5
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default 620-422 CVT FS Offset 1p - Range = 0 to 240 120
Duplex Side2-6
620-400 EXT. Tail Reg. adj EXT. Tail Reg. adjustment Range = 0 to 244 122
(110.0 mm/sec) (110.0 mm/sec) 620-423 CVT FS Offset 1p - Range = 0 to 240 120
Duplex Side2-7
620-401 EXT. Tail Reg. adj EXT. Tail Reg. adjustment Range = 0 to 244 122
(146.7 mm/sec) (146.7 mm/sec) 620-424 CVT FS Offset 1p - Range = 0 to 240 120
Duplex Side2-8
620-402 EXT. Tail Reg. adj EXT. Tail Reg. adjustment Range = 0 to 244 122
(165.0 mm/sec) (165.0 mm/sec) 620-425 CVT FS Offset 1p - Range = 0 to 240 120
Duplex Side2-9
620-403 EXT. Tail Reg. adj EXT. Tail Reg. adjustment Range = 0 to 244 122
(293.3 mm/sec) (293.3 mm/sec) 620-426 1p Duplex Center - Range = 0 to 7196 3598
Regi position
620-404 EXT. Tail Reg. adj EXT. Tail Reg. adjustment (220 Range = 0 to 244 122
(220 mm/sec) mm/sec) 620-427 CIS black level CIS black level average num- Range = 0 to 3 3
Avg # lines ber of lines
620-405 EXT. Tail Reg. adj EXT. Tail Reg. adjustment (330 Range = 0 to 244 122
(330 mm/sec) mm/sec) 620-428 Target black level Target for black level auto Range = 0 to 255 16
auto adjust adjust
620-406 EXT. Tail Reg. adj EXT. Tail Reg. adjustment (440 Range = 0 to 244 122
(440 mm/sec) mm/sec) 620-429 Target white level Target for white level auto Range = 0 to 1023 820
auto adjust adjust
620-407 EXT. LE. adj (55.0 EXT. Lead Edge. adjustment Range = 0 to 244 122
mm/sec) (55.0 mm/sec) 620-430 Digital Offset - Range = 0 to 1023 512
620-408 EXT. LE. adj (73.3 EXT. Lead Edge. adjustment Range = 0 to 244 122
mm/sec) (73.3 mm/sec) 620-431 Black Level Cor- - Range = 0 to 255 128
rection Value
620-409 EXT. LE. adj (82.5 EXT. Lead Edge. adjustment Range = 0 to 244 122
mm/sec) (82.5 mm/sec) 620-432 White Level Cor- - Range = 0 to 255 255
rection Value
620-410 EXT. LE. adj EXT. Lead Edge. adjustment Range = 0 to 244 122
(110.0 mm/sec) (110.0 mm/sec) 620-433 DIPS white level; DIPS white level; the average Range = 0 to 4 4
Avg # lines number of lines
620-411 EXT. LE. adj EXT. Lead Edge. adjustment Range = 0 to 244 122
(146.7 mm/sec) (146.7 mm/sec) 620-434 white stability adj White stability adjustment start Range = 0 to 4095 10
start point point
620-412 EXT. LE. adj EXT. Lead Edge. adjustment Range = 0 to 244 122
(165.0 mm/sec) (165.0 mm/sec) 620-435 white stability adj White stability adjustment Range = 0 to 255 217
Avg area average area
620-413 EXT. LE. adj EXT. Lead Edge. adjustment Range = 0 to 244 122
(293.3 mm/sec) (293.3 mm/sec) 620-436 white stability adj White stability adjustment Ref- Range = 0 to 1023 962
Ref value erence value
620-414 EXT. LE. adj (220 EXT. Lead Edge. adjustment Range = 0 to 244 122
mm/sec) (220 mm/sec) 620-437 W-Ref density - Range = 100 to 255 158
correction factor
620-415 EXT. LE. adj (330 EXT. Lead Edge. adjustment Range = 0 to 244 122
mm/sec) (330 mm/sec)

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC131 6-160 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
Table 28 CCS NVM ID 620-400 to 620-496 Table 28 CCS NVM ID 620-400 to 620-496
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
620-438 Fine adj hilite Fine adjustment factor for Range = 80 to 120 100 620-462 TP_BW_Copy_F Level for BW Copy Fax and Range = 0 to 4095 0
WhiteStability highlight at white stability ax Removal lvl binary scan: (print photo-
adjustment AE graphic paper copy)
620-439 W-Ref den. corr W-Ref density correction factor Range = 0 to 255 255 620-463 TP_BW_Copy_F Offset level for BW Copy Fax Range = 0 to 4095 273
factor set value set value ax Offset lvl AE and binary scan: (print photo-
620-440 EXT. Lead Reg. Ext. Lead Reg. adjustment Range = 0 to 244 122 graphic paper copy)
adj (460 mm/sec) (460 mm/sec) 620-464 TX_BW_Copy_F Level for BW Copy Fax and Range = 0 to 4095 0
620-441 EXT. Tail Edge. Ext. Tail Edge. adjustment Range = 0 to 244 122 ax Removal lvl binary scan: (normal pencil)
adj (460 mm/sec) (460 mm/sec) AE
620-442 Switching main / - Range = 0 to 1 1 620-465 TX_BW_Copy_F Offset level for BW Copy Fax Range = 0 to 4095 273
sub ax Offset lvl AE and binary scan: (normal pen-
620-443 Ship Garbage Shading correction dust detec- Range = 0 to 5000 500 cil)
detection Thresh tion threshold at shipment 620-466 TPL_BW_Copy_ Level for BW Copy Fax and Range = 0 to 4095 0
620-444 EXT Fail bypass - Range = 0 to 1 0 Fax Removal lvl binary scan: (pale-color docu-
AE ment)
620-445 Daimajin Fail - Range = 0 to 1 0
bypass 620-467 TPL_BW_Copy_ Offset level for BW Copy Fax Range = 0 to 4095 273
Fax Offset lvl AE and binary scan: (pale-color
620-446 Data on WhiteSt- Data obtained at white stability Range = 0 to 1023 1023
ability adj fail adjustment failure
620-468 TRP_BW_Copy_ Level for BW Copy Fax and Range = 0 to 4095 0
620-447 Pre ASIC - Range = 0 to 8191 448
Fax Removal lvl binary scan: (tracing paper)
Through setting 1
620-448 BW-PG density - Range = 0 to 255 128
620-469 TRP_BW_Copy_ Offset level for BW Copy Fax Range = 0 to 4095 273
620-449 FS non-detection - Range = 0 to 65535 255 Fax Offset lvl AE and binary scan: (tracing
area 1 paper)
620-450 FS non-detection - Range = 0 to 65535 255 620-470 level BW Cont. Level for BW Contone Scan Range = 0 to 4095 0
area 3 Scan (TP) (text photo)
620-451 SS fixed position - Range = 0 to 65535 60 620-471 Off level BW Offset level for BW Contone Range = 0 to 4095 0
620-452 LIM control for - Range = 0 to 1 1 Cont. Scan (TP) Scan: (text photo)
BW COPY 620-472 level BW Cont. Level for BW Contone Scan Range = 0 to 4095 0
620-453 LIM control FAX LIM control for FAX and binary Range = 0 to 1 1 Scan (not TP) (other than text photo)
and binary scan scan 620-473 Off level BW Offset level for BW Contone Range = 0 to 4095 0
620-454 LIM control for - Range = 0 to 1 1 Cont. Scan (not Scan: (other than text photo)
contone scan TP)
620-455 AE FS size detec- - Range = 0 to 1 0 620-474 EXT Major Ver- - Range = 0 to 65535 0
tion control sion
620-457 TopLimit SS mag Upper Limit of SS Magnifica- Range = 0 to 4000 4000 620-475 EXT Minor Ver- - Range = 0 to 65535 0
corr AE param1 tion correction AE Parameter1 sion
620-458 ship Thresh of Shading correction dust detec- Range = 0 to 5000 2000 620-476 EXT Revision - Range = 0 to 65535 0
Garbage Detect tion threshold in market Version
620-459 Adjusting all Lead - Range = 0 to 244 122 620-477 EXT Patch Ver- - Range = 0 to 65535 0
Regi at once sion
620-460 Adjusting all Taile - Range = 0 to 244 122 620-478 Def. ColorBal adj Default color balance adjust- Range = 0 to 8 4
Edge at once K: low den(2) ment level K: low density
620-461 Adjusting all FS - Range = 0 to 240 120 620-479 Def. ColorBal adj Default color balance adjust- Range = 0 to 8 4
offset at once K: med den(2) ment level K: medium density

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-161 dC131
Table 28 CCS NVM ID 620-400 to 620-496 Table 29 CCS NVM ID 620-500 to 620-587
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
620-480 Def. ColorBal adj Default color balance adjust- Range = 0 to 8 4 620-523 DADHLHCovInt- 05-307 Fault Counter: SPDH Range = 0 to 255 0
K: hi den(2) ment level K: high density lockOpenDurin- LH cover interlock opened dur-
620-481 Photo and Text - Range = 0 to 4 2 gRunFC ing run
Recognition level 620-524 DADH Source 05-310 Fault Counter: SPDH Range = 0 to 255 0
620-482 FS mag Adjust (at FS Magnification Adjustment Range = 0 to 100 50 Doc Too Short FC Source Doc Too Short For
CVT scan) (at CVT scan) SPDH
620-483 IPS Through - Range = 0 to 511 0 620-525 LE late to post 05-330 Fault Counter: LE late Range = 0 to 255 0
Bypass setting feed sensorS5 FC to post feed sensor S5 (mis-
1(B) feed)
620-484 BW COPY; text; BW Copy; text; normal density Range = 0 to 256 128 620-526 TE late to post 05-331 Fault Counter: TE late Range = 0 to 255 0
normal den. adj adjustment feed sensorS5 FC to post feed sensor S5 (multi-
620-485 BWCopyText- BW Copy; text; darker 3 den- Range = 0 to 256 128 feed)
Darker 3 Density- sity adjustment 620-527 LE late to TAR 05-335 Fault Counter: LE late Range = 0 to 255 0
Adjust sensor S6 FC to TAR sensor S6
620-486 Scan/FAX; text Scan/Fax; text normal density Range = 0 to 256 128 620-528 LE late to Reg. 05-340 Fault Counter: LE late Range = 0 to 255 0
normal den. adj adjustment Sensor S7 FC to Reg. Sensor S7
620-487 Scan/FAX; text Scan/Fax; text darker 3 density Range = 0 to 256 128 620-529 LE late to Exit 05-345 Fault Counter: LE late Range = 0 to 255 0
darker3 den. adj adjustment sensor S8 FC to Exit sensor S8 (FWD)
620-488 SS non-detection - Range = 0 to 65535 0 620-530 TE late to Exit 05-346 Fault Counter: TE late Range = 0 to 255 0
band sensor S8 FC to Exit sensor S8 (FWD)
620-489 SS end position SS end position (for noise Range = 0 to 65535 240 620-531 LE late to CVT 05-350 Fault Counter: LE late Range = 0 to 255 0
(noise removal) removal) sensor S10 FWD to CVT sensor S10 (FWD)
620-490 param SS mag Parameter SS Magnification Range = 0 to 4000 4000 FC
corr TopLimit correction Upper Limit 620-532 LE late to CVT 05-352 Fault Counter: LE late Range = 0 to 255 0
620-491 dust detect Shading correction dust detec- Range = 0 to 5000 500 sensor S10 REV to CVT sensor S10 (REV)
threshold in mar- tion threshold in market FC
ket 620-533 IIT comm faults IIT comm faults: Used to count Range = 0 to 0
620-492 ShadingData Selection of Shading data for Range = 0 to 1 1 a collection of IIT Comms 4294967295
blackline remove removing black line faults that may occur (Read
620-493 White Reference White reference value at ship- Range = 0 to 1000 636
ValueAtShipment ment 620-535 Tot. Scanner Total number of Scanner Jams Range = 0 to 65535 0
Jams since power since activation.
620-494 White-corr multi- White correction multiplier Range = 0 to 1 0
plier coeff coefficient
620-548 KernelCheck- Fault counter 305-250-00: Ker- Range = 0 to 255 0
620-495 Paper dust detec- - Range = 0 to 10000 150
SumErrorFC nel Checksum Error
tion threshold
620-549 Applica- Fault counter 305-251-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
620-496 VALID starting - Range = 0 to 1000 288
tionCheckSumEr- Application checksum error
620-550 StepperControl- Fault counter 305-252-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
lerCommsEr- Stepper Controller Comms
rorFC Error
Table 29 CCS NVM ID 620-500 to 620-587
620-551 IIT-DADHcom- Fault counter 305-253-00: IIT- Range = 0 to 255 0
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default msErrorFC SPDH Comms Error
620-522 DADH OpenDur- 05-300 Fault Counter: SPDH Range = 0 to 255 0 620-552 CommsSequen- Fault counter 305-254-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
ingRunFC open during run ceErrorFC Comms Sequence Error

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC131 6-162 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
Table 29 CCS NVM ID 620-500 to 620-587
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
Table 31 CCS NVM ID 648-001 to 648-022
620-553 DADHhotlineEr- Fault counter 305-259-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
rorFC SPDH Hotline Error NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
620-554 DADHnotInStand- Fault counter 305-260-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 648-001 rs422 Configured Determines whether RS422 is 0=False 0
byFC SPDH not in standby configured. 1=True
620-556 Num of jobs 150 x 150 Scanned Lifetime Range = 0 to 0 648-002 accessory Card Determines whether accessory 0=False 1
scanned at Documents (Read only) 4294967295 Configured card is configured. 1=True
150 x 150 648-003 foreign interface Determines whether foreign 0=False 0
620-586 Dust Detection IIT Dust Detection Threshold Range = 0 to 65535 0 Configured interface is configured. 1=True
Threshold 648-004 rdt Modem Con- Determines whether RDT 0=False 0
620-587 Dust Detection IIT Dust Detection Level Range = 0 to 65535 0 figured Modem is configured. 1=True
Level 648-005 RS422 (EPSV) Fault counter for RS422 con- Range = 0 to 255 0
Config Mismatch figuration mismatch.
648-006 Accessory Card Fault counter for accessory Range = 0 to 255 0
Config Mismatch card configuration mismatch.
Table 30 CCS NVM ID 621-001 to 641-002 648-007 RDT Config Mis- Fault counter for RDT configu- Range = 0 to 255 0
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default match Fault ration mismatch.
648-008 NC Comm Lost Fault counter for ESS commu- Range = 0 to 255 0
621-001 NUP Layout Pat- - Range = 0 to 1 0
Fault nication lost fault.
648-009 DC Crash Fault counter for detection of Range = 0 to 255 0
621-002 Rotation enabled Determines whether rotation is 0 = False 1
Detected Fault DC crash on power up.
for RE enabled for reduction/ enlarge- 1 = True
ment. 648-010 UI Comm Lost Fault counter for UI communi- Range = 0 to 255 0
Fault cation lost fault.
621-003 Rotation enabled Determines whether rotation is 0 = False 1
for APS enabled for APS. 1 = True 648-011 Power Loss Fault counter for power loss Range = 0 to 255 0
Detected Fault detected fault.
621-004 Signature Layout - Range = 0 to 1 0
Changeable 648-012 DC Platform Defines DC platform's current Range = 0 to 4 4
Install Phase install phase.
621-005 Use New Mes- - Range = 0 to 1 1
saging 648-013 UI Comms fail- Fault counter 303-346-00: UI Range = 0 to 255 0
ureFC communication failure.
621-006 Rotation Debug - Range = 0 to 1 1
648-014 NC Comm Dead Fault counter 303-332-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
621-009 Previous Market Defines previous market 0 = USCO 0
Fault ESS communication is down
Region region 1 = XCL
2 = FX
3 = FXAPO 648-015 DCPMF.SPMGR. Defines current state of com- Range = 0 to 10 0
4 = ACO PWS munication to the PWS.
5 = RX 648-016 Machine Phone Defines whether machine 0=False 0
621-010 Lakes Legacy - Range = 0 to 1 1 Number Setup phone number has been set 1=True
Scan up.
625-001 NextScanJobID (Read only) Range = 1 to 199 1 648-017 DC Platform Post Range = 0 to 1 0
Upgrade Phase
633-001 spuiNeedsToInit- SP UI Needs To Init Nvm Range = 0 to 1 1
Nvm 648-018 DCPlatformPos- DC Platform Post Upgrade Range = 0 to 255 0
tUpgradeRetry Retry Count
641-001 Internal Image- Internal image print job priority Range = 1 to 65535 1
648-021 Controller comm Controller comm faults: Used Range = 0 to 0
641-002 NextTestPattern- Value of next test pattern job's Range = 1 to 999 1
faults to count a collection of Control- 4294967295
JobID id (Read only)
ler Comms faults that may
occur (Read only)

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-163 dC131
Table 31 CCS NVM ID 648-001 to 648-022 Table 33 CCS NVM ID 652-001 to 652-079
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
648-022 UI comm faults UI comm faults: Used to count Range = 0 to 0 652-007 acctPolicy Copy Accounting Policy (none, Range = 0 to 8 0
a collection of UI Comms faults 4294967295 internal, external, EPSV, or
that may occur (Read only) JBA)
652-008 invalidAccount- Invalid Account Policy Range = 0 to 2 1
652-009 nullAccountPolicy Null Account Policy Range = 0 to 2 1
Table 32 CCS NVM ID 649-001 to 649-014 652-010 PrintAuthentica- Print Authentication Policy Range = 0 to 8 0
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default tionPolicy (none, internal, external, EPSV
or JBA)
649-001 LargePaperCount Determines whether double 0=False 0
count is enabled 1=True 652-011 PrintAccounting- Print Accounting Policy (none, Range = 0 to 8 0
Policy internal, external, EPSV or
649-002 CancelJobTimer- This specifies the amount of Range = 0 to 900 60
Value time FI will wait (seconds)
before deleting a job when 652-012 InvalidAccount- Invalid Account Policy Range = 0 to 2 1
authentication has been Policy
removed. 652-013 NullAccountPolicy Null Account Policy Range = 0 to 2 1
649-003 PreCountDuration - Range = 0 to 200 100 652-014 ScanToFileAu- Scan to File Authentication Range = 0 to 8 0
649-004 CountDuration - Range = 0 to 200 100 thenticationPolicy Policy (none, internal, external,
649-005 PostCountDura- - Range = 0 to 200 100
tion 652-015 ScanToFileAc- Scan to File Accounting Policy Range = 0 to 8 0
countingPolicy (none, internal, external, EPSV
649-006 ExitDuration - Range = 0 to 200 100
or JBA)
649-007 EnableOnInter- - Range = 0 to 1 0
652-016 ScanToFileIn- Scan To File Invalid Pin Policy Range = 0 to 2 1
649-008 DeviceType - Range = 0 to 4 0
652-017 ScanTo- Scan To File Null Pin Policy Range = 0 to 2 1
649-009 PremiumSelect - Range = 0 to 5 0
649-010 CopyRestricted - Range = 0 to 1 1 652-018 Auditron - Set Auditron - Set Hour Range = 0 to 23 0
649-011 PrintRestricted - Range = 0 to 1 0 Hour
649-012 s2fRestricted - Range = 0 to 1 0 652-019 Auditron - Set Auditron - Set Minute Range = 0 to 59 0
649-013 EFaxSen- - Range = 0 to 1 0 Minute
dRestricted 652-020 Auditron - Set Auditron - Set Second Range = 0 to 59 0
649-014 EFaxReceiveRe- - Range = 0 to 1 0 Second
stricted 652-021 Auditron - Set Auditron - Set Month Range = 0 to 12 1
652-022 Auditron - Set Auditron - Set Day Range = 0 to 31 1
Table 33 CCS NVM ID 652-001 to 652-079 652-023 Auditron - Set Auditron - Set Year Range = 70 to 135 70
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default Year
652-024 Auditron - Wall Auditron - Wall Clock Range = 0 to 0
652-001 User Accounts User Accounts (Read only) Range = 0 to 65535 2001
Clock 4294967295
652-002 General Accounts General Accounts (Read only) Range = 0 to 65535 501
652-025 Fax Send Authen- Fax Send Authentication Pol- Range = 0 to 8 0
652-003 Not displayed Auditron Accounts Range = 0 to 0 0
ticity Policy icy (none, internal, external,
652-004 submitPolicy Submit Policy Range = 0 to 2 0 EPSV or JBA)
652-005 jobMgmtPolicy Job Mgmt Policy Range = 0 to 2 1 652-026 Fax Send Fax Send Accounting Policy Range = 0 to 8 0
652-006 authPolicy Copy Authentication Policy Range = 0 to 8 0 Accounting Policy (none, internal, external, EPSV
(none, internal, external, EPSV or JBA)
or JBA)

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC131 6-164 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
Table 33 CCS NVM ID 652-001 to 652-079 Table 33 CCS NVM ID 652-001 to 652-079
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
652-027 Fax Send Invalid Fax Send Invalid Pin Policy Range = 0 to 2 1 652-060 PermDeleteDocu- Perm Delete Document Range = 0 to 255 18
Pin Policy ment
652-028 Fax Send Null Pin Fax Send Null Pin Policy Range = 0 to 2 1 652-061 PermDocument- Perm Document LOA Values Range = 0 to 255 7
Policy LOAValues
652-029 Fax Receive Fax Receive Authentication Range = 0 to 8 0 652-062 PermDocument- Perm Document SOA Values Range = 0 to 255 3
Authenticity Pol- Policy (none, internal, external, SOAValues
icy EPSV or JBA) 652-063 PermProofJob Perm Proof Job Range = 0 to 255 7
652-030 Fax Receive Fax Receive Accounting Policy Range = 0 to 8 0 652-064 PermProofDocu- Perm Proof Document Range = 0 to 255 7
Accounting Policy (none, internal, external, EPSV ment
or JBA) 652-065 PermPromoteJob Perm Promote Job Range = 0 to 255 5
652-031 Fax Receive Fax Receive Invalid Pin Policy Range = 0 to 2 1 652-066 PermHoldJob Perm Hold Job 3
Invalid Pin Policy
652-067 PermReleaseJob Perm Release Job Range = 0 to 255 35
652-032 Fax Receive Null Fax Receive Null Pin Policy Range = 0 to 2 1
652-069 Tiered level 1 Tiered level 1 copy Range = 0 to 1 0
Pin Policy
copy accounting
652-033 CopyAcivity Copy Activity Range = 0 to 0
652-070 Tiered level 1 Tiered level 1 print accounting Range = 0 to 1 0
652-038 HolePunchCount Hole Punch Count Range = 0 to 0
652-071 JBA display JBA display restricted Range = 0 to 1 1
652-039 StapleCount Staple Count Range = 0 to 0
652-076 JBA display fields JBA display fields 0 Range = 0 to 1 1
652-040 CustomerName Customer Name Range = 0 to 0
652-077 JBA display fields JBA display fields 1 Range = 0 to 1 1
652-041 MonoImpression- Mono Impression Count Range = 0 to 0
652-078 JBA display JBA Display masks 0 Range = 0 to 1 0
Count 4294967295
masks 0
652-042 ColourImpres- Colour Impression Count Range = 0 to 1 0
652-079 JBA diplay masks JBA Display masks 1 Range = 0 to 1 0
652-043 CopyActivityPen Copy Activity Pen Range = 0 to 4 0
652-046 CopyActivityJo- Copy Activity Job ID Generator Range = 2 to 65535 256
652-049 PermService- Perm Service SOA Values Range = 0 to 255 1 Table 34 CCS NVM ID 656-001 to 656-005
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
652-050 PermCreateJob Perm Create Job Range = 0 to 255 7
652-051 PermCancelJob Perm Cancel Job Range = 0 to 255 23 656-001 Image Disk READ Fault counter 319-300-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
Failure. Image disk read failure
652-052 PermInterruptJob Perm Interrupt Job Range = 0 to 255 3
656-002 Image Disk Fault counter 319-301-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
652-053 PermPauseJob Perm Pause Job Range = 0 to 255 3
WRITE Failure. Image disk write failure
652-054 PermQueryJob Perm Query Job Range = 0 to 255 7
656-003 Image Disk BAD Fault counter 319-302-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
652-055 PermResumeJob Perm Resume Job Range = 0 to 255 3 DATA ERROR. Image disk bad data error
652-056 PermSubmitJob Perm Submit Job Range = 0 to 255 7 656-004 ImageDiskUna- Fault counter 319-303-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
652-057 PermJobLOAVal- Perm Job LOA Values Range = 0 to 255 7 bleToFormatError. Image disk unable to format
ues 656-005 Image Disk Fault counter 319-310-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
652-058 PermJobSOAVal- Perm Job SOA Values Range = 0 to 255 3 NoDiskCapacity- Image disk capacity not given
ues Error at power on
652-059 PermCreateDoc- Perm Create Document Range = 0 to 255 7

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-165 dC131
Table 35 CCS NVM ID 658-001 to 658-159
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
Table 35 CCS NVM ID 658-001 to 658-159
658-023 DayCounter Counts the number of days in Range = 0 to 255 0
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default which a threshold number of
658-001 TonerEmptyD- Toner empty display location Range = 0 to 3 0 impressions have occurred.
spLoc 658-024 DayUsage Stores the number of impres- Range = 0 to 0
658-002 FdRollLife - Range = 0 to 200 150 sions made every day. 4294967295
658-003 PDRNNotify - Range = 0 to 16 0 658-025 adpvThreshold Minimum number of impres- Range = 0 to 65535 20
658-004 SupplyInfoFlag Supply Info Flag 0 = UI 0 sions to consider the day to be
1 = Network a usage day.
2 = Both 658-026 ImpressionSnap- Total impressions to deter- Range = 0 to 0
3 = Neither shot mine daily usage 4294967295
658-005 CruMgrDebug- CRU manager debug printouts 0 = False 0 658-027 adpv Average daily volume Range = 0 to 10000 500
Print 1 = True 658-028 PagesBlackCRU Pages per Black Colorant Range = 0 to 26800
658-006 PDRNNotifyProc PDRN Notify Proc 0 = False 0 4294967295
1 = True 658-030 Last ADPV Calc Last ADPV Calc Date Range = 0 to 0
658-007 FuserReorderMs- Reorder message displayed Range = 1 to 25 3 Date 4294967295
gTrig (days before End of Life) 658-031 ReorderMsgTrig- Reorder Threshold value (Per- Range = 0 to 65535 5
658-008 XeroReorderMs- Reorder message displayed Range = 1 to 25 3 Percent cent %) for toner
gTrig (days before End of Life) 658-032 ScanFeedDay- Counts the number of days in Range = 0 to 255 0
658-009 FuserReorderD- - Range = 0 to 3 0 Counter which a threshold number of
spLoc SPDH feeds have occurred.
658-010 XeroReorderD- - Range = 0 to 3 0 658-033 ScanFeedDay- Stores the number of scan Range = 0 to 0
spLoc Usage feeds made every day being 4294967295
658-011 FuserReplDspLoc - Range = 0 to 3 0 counted.
658-012 XeroReplDspLoc - Range = 0 to 3 0 658-034 adsfvThreshold Minimum number of SPDH Range = 0 to 65535 5
658-013 ColorantReor- Stores remaining threshold Range = 0 to 65535 7 feeds to consider the day to be
derMsgTrig XC value to trigger low supplies a usage day.
Market warning. 658-035 DADFFeedsS- Captured at the end of each Range = 0 to 0
658-014 DADHRollReor- Reorder Threshold value for Range = 0 to 65535 10 napshot day, to be used for comparison 4294967295
derMsgTrig XC SPDH roller (if CRU) - (US to total SPDH feeds to deter-
Market Market Region Setting) mine daily usage.
658-016 ColorantReor- Stores remaining threshold Range = 0 to 65535 3 658-036 adsfv Average daily scan feed vol- Range = 0 to 100
derMsgTrig XE value to trigger low supplies ume. 4294967295
Market warning. 658-037 Last ADSFV Calc Last ADSFV Calc Date cap- Range = 0 to 0
658-017 DADHRollReor- Reorder Threshold value for Range = 0 to 65535 6 Date tured when ADSFV is calcu- 4294967295
derMsgTrig XE SPDH roller - (European Mar- lated (Read only).
Market ket Region Setting) 658-038 ScanFeedUsage- This determines how often the Range = 1 to 255 10
658-019 ImageUnitReor- Reorder Threshold value for Range = 0 to 65535 5 CalcDuration ADSFV calculation is
derMsgTrig Imaging Units refreshed.
658-020 FuserReorderMs- Reorder Threshold value for Range = 0 to 65535 5 658-039 MarkUsageCal- This determines how often the Range = 1 to 255 5
gTrigger Fuser cDuration ADPV calculation is refreshed.
658-021 XferRollerReor- Reorder Threshold value for Range = 0 to 65535 5 658-040 ScanFeedUsage- This determines how often 1 = Calculate daily 1
derMsgTrig Transfer Roller CalcFrequency ADSFV is calculated.
658-022 XferBeltReor- Reorder Threshold value for Range = 0 to 65535 5 658-041 MarkUsageCal- This determines how often 1 = Calculate daily 1
derMsgTrig Transfer Belt cFrequency ADPV is calculated.
658-042 LowInkMsgTrig- Low Ink threshold value (Per- Range = 0 to 255 10
Percent cent %) for Ink warning.

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC131 6-166 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
Table 35 CCS NVM ID 658-001 to 658-159 Table 35 CCS NVM ID 658-001 to 658-159
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
658-043 day1MarkVolume ADPV Day 1: Number of Range = 0 to 10000 1000 658-058 day6ScanFeedVo ADSFV Day 6: Number of Range = 0 to 10000 100
impressions made in day 1 of lume impressions made in day 6 of
the adpv duration. the adsfv duration.
658-044 day2MarkVolume ADPV Day 2: Number of Range = 0 to 10000 1000 658-059 day7ScanFeedVo ADSFV Day 7: Number of Range = 0 to 10000 100
impressions made in day 2 of lume impressions made in day 7 of
the adpv duration. the adsfv duration.
658-045 day3MarkVolume ADPV Day 3: Number of Range = 0 to 10000 1000 658-060 day8ScanFeedVo ADSFV Day 8: Number of Range = 0 to 10000 100
impressions made in day 3 of lume impressions made in day 8 of
the adpv duration. the adsfv duration.
658-046 day4MarkVolume ADPV Day 4: Number of Range = 0 to 10000 1000 658-061 day9ScanFeedVo ADSFV Day 9: Number of Range = 0 to 10000 100
impressions made in day 4 of lume impressions made in day 9 of
the adpv duration. the adsfv duration.
658-047 day5MarkVolume ADPV Day 5: Number of Range = 0 to 10000 1000 658-062 day10ScanFeedV ADSFV Day 10: Number of Range = 0 to 10000 100
impressions made in day 5 of olume impressions made in day 10 of
the adpv duration. the adsfv duration.
658-048 day6MarkVolume ADPV Day 6: Number of Range = 0 to 10000 1000 658-063 Not displayed Current K Toner Cartridge Range = 0 to 0 0
impressions made in day 6 of Total Area Coverage
the adpv duration . 658-077 DrumReorderMs- Reorder Threshold value Range = 0 to 65535 10
658-049 day7MarkVolume ADPV Day 7: Number of Range = 0 to 10000 1000 gTrig XC Market (Days) for Drum Cartridges
impressions made in day 7 of (US Market Region
the adpv duration. 658-078 DrumReorderMs- Reorder Threshold value Range = 0 to 65535 6
658-050 day8MarkVolume ADPV Day 8: Number of Range = 0 to 10000 1000 gTrig XE Market (Days) for Drum Cartridges
impressions made in day 8 of (European Market Region Set-
the adpv duration. ting)
658-051 day9MarkVolume ADPV Day 9: Number of Range = 0 to 10000 1000 658-086 FuserReorderMs- Reorder threshold value (days) Range = 0 to 65535 0
impressions made in day 9 of gTrig XC Market for Fuser Unit (US Market
the adpv duration. Region Setting)
658-052 day10MarkVolum ADPV Day 10: Number of Range = 0 to 10000 1000 658-087 FuserReorderMs- Reorder threshold value (days) Range = 0 to 65535 0
e impressions made in day 10 of gTrig XE Market for Fuser Unit (European Mar-
the adpv duration. ket Region Setting)
658-053 day1ScanFeedVo ADSFV Day 1: Number of Range = 0 to 10000 100 658-088 XeroReorderMs- Reorder threshold value (days) Range = 0 to 65535 7
lume impressions made in day 1 of gTrig XC Market for Xerographic Unit (US Mar-
the adsfv duration. ket Region Setting)
658-054 day2ScanFeedVo ADSFV Day 2: Number of Range = 0 to 10000 100 658-089 XeroReorderMs- Reorder threshold value (days) Range = 0 to 65535 3
lume impressions made in day 2 of gTrig XE Market for Xerographic Unit (Euro-
the adsfv duration. pean Market Region Setting)
658-055 day3ScanFeedVo ADSFV Day 3: Number of Range = 0 to 10000 100 658-090 TonerKReor- Toner reorder latch Range = 0 to 1 0
lume impressions made in day 3 of derMsgSup-
the adsfv duration. pressed
658-056 day4ScanFeedVo ADSFV Day 4: Number of Range = 0 to 10000 100 658-091 TonerKReor- Toner reorder message sup- Range = 0 to 1 0
lume impressions made in day 4 of derMsgSup- pression on local UI
the adsfv duration. pressed
658-057 day5ScanFeedVo ADSFV Day 5: Number of Range = 0 to 10000 100 658-092 TonerAverage- Toner CRU Average Daily Dis- Range = 0 to 100 2
lume impressions made in day 5 of PercentPerDay pense percent (Toner Average-
the adsfv duration. PercentPerDay)

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-167 dC131
Table 35 CCS NVM ID 658-001 to 658-159 Table 35 CCS NVM ID 658-001 to 658-159
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
658-093 TonerKFilterCon- Toner CRU Filter ConstantDe- Range = 0 to 65535 20 658-124 XruDailyCy- XRU CRU Daily Cycle Count Range = 0 to 20
stant fines the level of adjustment cleLowLimit Lower Limit 4294967295
for each cycle 658-125 XruDailyCycle- XRU CRU Daily Cycle Count Range = 0 to 250000
658-094 TonerKDailyDis- Toner CRU Daily Dispense Range = 0 to 0 HiLimit Upper Limit 4294967295
penseLowLimit Time Lower Limit in ms. 4294967295 658-126 XruLastCy- XRU CRU Last Cumulative Range = 0 to 0
658-095 TonerKDailyDis- Toner CRU Daily Dispense Range = 0 to 150000 cleCount Usage Count 4294967295
penseHiLimit Time Upper Limit in ms. 4294967295 0 658-127 XruLastCy- XRU CRU date/time of saving Range = 0 to 0
658-096 TonerKLastCum- Toner CRU Previous Cumula- Range = 0 to 0 cleCountDate Last Cumulative Cycle Count 4294967295
DispenseTime tive Dispense Time 4294967295 (wall clock)
658-097 TonerKLastCum- Toner CRU date/time of last Range = 0 to 0 658-150 WasteReor- Waste Toner CRU reorder Range = 0 to 1 0
DispenseTime- Cumulative Dispense Time 4294967295 derMsgLatched latch
Date calculation (wall clock) 658-151 WasteReorderAc- Waste Toner CRU reorder Range = 0 to 1 0
658-098 AutoCleaning- Charge Scorotron Auto Clean- Range = 2 to 50 20 knowledged acknowledged
Interval ing interval. Frequency in k 658-152 TonerCRULast Toner CRU Last Cumulative Range = 0 to 700
sheets for when an Auto DispenseTime Dispense Time for replace- 4294967295
Scorotron cleaning request is ment
displayed. 658-153 Toner- Toner CRU Cumulative Dis- Range = 0 to 6000
658-099 NumImagesDeliv- Number of images delivered Range = 0 to 0 CRUCDTRE- pense Time replacement 4294967295
ered 4294967295 plamcentThreshol threshold
658-100 FuserKReor- FRU CRU reorder latch Range = 0 to 1 0 d
derMsgLatched 658-158 BTRreorderTri- Reorder Threshold value for Range = 0 to 20 0
658-101 FuserKReor- FRU CRU reorder message Range = 0 to 1 0 gUS Bias Transfer Roller (US Mar-
derMsgSup- suppression on local UI ket region)
pressed 658-159 BTRreorder- Reorder Threshold value for Range = 0 to 20 0
658-108 FuserKAvDaily- FRU CRU Average Daily Web Range = 0 to 1000 TrigEUR Bias Transfer Roller (European
WebCount Count 4294967295 Market region)
658-109 FuserKFilterCon- FRU CRU Web Count Filter Range = 0 to 65535 20 658-165 I2cCRUMBusErro Fault Counter 41-001 Range = 0 to 255 0
stant Constant Defines the level of rFaultCountFC
adjustment for each cycle
658-110 FuserKDailyWe- FRU CRU Web Count Daily Range = 0 to 20
bLowLimit Usage Lower Limit 4294967295
658-111 FuserKDailyWeb- FRU CRU Web Count Daily Range = 0 to 150000 Table 36 CCS NVM ID 665-001 to 665-003
HiLimit Usage Upper Limit 4294967295 NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
658-112 FuserKLastWeb- FRU CRU Previous Cumula- Range = 0 to 0
665-001 Out Of Resource Specify what JBA should do Range = 0 to 1 0
Count tive Web Count 4294967295
Policy when it runs out of space.
658-113 TonerLastAPPD- Toner CRU date/time of when Range = 0 to 0
665-002 Comm Failed Pol- Specify what JBA should do if Range = 0 to 2 0
Date toner AveragePercentPerDay 4294967295
icy it can't communicate with the
last calculated
658-114 XruReorderMs- XRU CRU reorder latch Range = 0 to 1 0
665-003 EAS Validation Specify if JBA should Autho- Range = 0 to 1 1
Enable rize logins and submit jobs
658-115 XruReorderMsg- XRU CRU reorder message Range = 0 to 1 0 with the ESS.
Suppressed suppression on local UI
658-122 XruAvDailyCy- XRU CRU Average Daily Range = 0 to 2000
cleCount Cycle Count 4294967295
658-123 XruCycleFilter- XRU CRU Daily Cycle Count Range = 0 to 65535 20
Constant Lower Limit

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC131 6-168 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
Table 38 CCS NVM ID 672-001 to 672-017
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
Table 37 CCS NVM ID 671-001 to 671-018
672-008 EMBFAXRE- EMB Fax Receive Large Range = 0 to 1 0
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default CEIVE- Sheets Displayable
671-001 EFaxSendJobPri- EFax Send Job Priority Range = 0 to 700 LargeSheetsDispl
ority 4294967295 ay
671-004 EMBFAX- EMB Fax Send Transmit Range = 0 to 1 1 672-013 Emb Fax Rec EMB Fax Receive Marked Range = 0 to 1 1
SENDTransmitI- Images Displayable Marked Images Images Displayable
magesDisplay Disp
671-011 SendShortJobRe- Send Short Job Recovery Wait Range = 1 to 255 5 672-014 NextImageTime- Next Image TimeOut Range = 100 to 1000 300
coveryWaitTime Time Out
671-012 SendJobRecov- Send Job Recovery Send Range = 1 to 255 120 672-016 EFPrintComplet- EF Print Completed Job Log Range = 0 to 70 0
erySendRespTim- Response Timeout edJob Log Loca- Location
eout tion
671-013 SendJobRecov- Send Job Recovery Wait Time Range = 1 to 255 120 672-017 EF Card Distur- EF Card Disturbance Timeout Range = 1 to 255 12
eryWaitTime bance Timeout
671-014 SendJobRecover- Send Job Recovery Image Range = 1 to 255 120
ImageRespTime- Response Timeout
671-015 SendJobRecov- Send Job Recovery Com- Range = 1 to 255 120 Table 39 CCS NVM ID 673-001 to 673-023
ComplQUpdate pleted Q Update Timeout NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
673-001 Postpone fax Postpone fax install Range = 0 to 1 0
671-016 SendJobRecov- Send Job Recovery Create Range = 1 to 255 3
eryCreateJobTim- Job Timeout
673-002 EmbeddedFax Indication of whether the Fax 0 = Not present 0
Basic Previous Card was detected at previous 1 = Present and con-
671-017 SendLow- Send Low Fax Memory Wait Range = 1 to 255 20
State powerup. figured
FaxMemoryWait- Time
2 = Present but not
yet configured
671-018 SendJobRecov- Send Job Recovery Retry Range = 1 to 255 3
673-003 EmbeddedFaxEx- Embedded Fax Extended Pre- Range = 0 to 2 0
eryRetryCounter Counter
tendedPrevi- vious State
Not displayed
673-005 Basic FAX Not Fault counter 303-401-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
Table 38 CCS NVM ID 672-001 to 672-017 Detected Fault Basic fax not detected
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default 673-006 Fax Phonebook Fault counter 320-701-00: Fax Range = 0 to 255 0
672-001 EFaxReceive- EFax Receive Job Priority Range = 1 to 3 Download Fault phonebook download failed
JobPriority 4294967295 673-007 Extended FAX Fault counter 303-403-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
672-004 EMBFAXRE- EMB Fax Receive Sheets Dis- Range = 0 to 1 0 Not Detected Extended fax not detected
CEIVESheetsDis- playable Fault
playable 673-008 Fax Unexpected Fault counter 320-302-00: Range = 0 to 255 0
672-005 Not displayed EMB Fax Receive Duplex Range = 0 to 0 Reset Fault Unexpected reset
Sheets 16777215 673-009 Fax BasicCar- Fault counter 320-303-00: Fax Range = 0 to 255 0
672-006 EFaxRecPlex- EMB Fax Receive Duplex Range = 0 to 1 0 dUnrecoverable Basic Card Unrecoverable
SheetsDisplay- Sheets Displayable Fault Fault
able 673-010 Fax Sys Low Fault counter 320-305-00: Fax Range = 0 to 255 0
672-007 Not displayed EMB Fax Receive Large Range = 0 to 0 Mem Unrecover System Low Memory Unrecov-
Sheets 16777215 Fault erable Fault

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-169 dC131
Table 39 CCS NVM ID 673-001 to 673-023
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
Table 41 Finisher NVM ID 712-100 to 712-103
673-011 Fax Not Cleared Fault counter 320-320-00: Fax Range = 0 to 255 0
By Reset Fault card not cleared by rese NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
673-012 Fax Basic Card Fault counter 320-341-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 712-100 BMStaplePos Used to adjust the LVF BM 0.1mm/step Range 200
Failed Fault Basic fax card failed staple position relative to = 0 to 400
673-013 Fax Extended Fault counter 320-327-00: Range = 0 to 255 0 the center of the sheet(s)
Card Failed Fault Extended fax card failed 712-101 BMFoldPos Used to adjust the LVF BM 0.1mm/step Range 200
673-014 Fax NV Device Fault counter 320-322-00: Fax Range = 0 to 255 0 fold position relative to the = 0 to 400
Not Present Fault NVM Not Present center of the sheet(s)
673-015 Fax System Low Fax System Low Memory Range = 0 to 255 0 712-102 BMLateralAnvil- Used to adjust the LVF BM 0.2666mm/step 10
Mem Recover Recoverable Fault PosFront staple head anvil cross pro- Range = 0 to 20
Fault cess position relative to the
staple head
673-016 Fax Out Of File Fault counter 320-324-00: Fax Range = 0 to 255 0
Memory Fault Out of File Memory Fault 712-103 BMLateralAnvil- Used to adjust the LVF BM 0.2666mm/step 10
PosRear staple head anvil cross pro- Range = 0 to 20
673-017 Fax File Integrity Fault counter 320-342-00: Fax Range = 0 to 255 0
cess position relative to the
Fault - Error access file on NV
staple head
673-018 Fax Network Line Fault counter 320-331-00: Fax Range = 0 to 255 0
1 Fault - No Comms via PSTN Line 1
673-019 Fax Network Line Fault counter 320-332-00: Fax Range = 0 to 255 0
2 Fault - No Comms via PSTN Line 2
Table 42 IIT NVM ID 801-001 to 801-214
673-020 Fax Port 1 Fault Fault counter 320-339-00: Fax Range = 0 to 255 0
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
Port 1 fault
673-021 Fax Port 2 Fault Fault counter 320-340-00: Fax Range = 0 to 255 0 801-001 DADH Centre SPDH centre registration Pixels 3787
Port 2 fault Reg Side 1 side 1 Range = 3609 to
673-023 Fax comm faults Used to count a collection of Range = 0 to 0 3965
Fax Comms faults that may 4294967295 801-002 DADH LE Reg SPDH lead edge registra- Scan Lines 0
occur (Read only) Side 1 tion side 1 Range = 0 to 150
801-003 Platen Top Edge Platen top edge registration Pixels 278
Reg Range = 0 to 500
801-004 Platen Lead Edge Platen LE registration Scan Lines 0
Table 40 CCS NVM ID 674-001 to 674-004 Reg Range = 0 to 150
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default 801-005 Cal Strip Posn Calibration strip position 0.1 mm increments 252
(0.1 mm) Range = 0 to 2715
674-001 LastXferImag- Efax recovery last image ser- Range = 0 to 65535 0
801-006 Test A Posn Test A position 0.1 mm increments 1000
eServiceId vice ID (Read only)
Range = 0 to 4923
674-002 LastXferImageJo- Efax recovery last image job Range = 0 to 65535 0
801-007 Test B Posn Test B position 0.1 mm increments 1500
bId ID (Read only)
Range = 0 to 4923
674-003 LastXferImage- Efax recovery last image doc Range = 0 to 65535 0
801-008 Test C Posn Test C position 0.1 mm increments 2000
DocId ID (Read only)
Range = 0 to 4923
674-004 LastXferImageIm- Efax recovery last image Range = 0 to 65535 0
801-010 AGC Enable Side AGC enable side 1 1 = Enable 1
ageId image ID (Read only)
1 0 = Disable
Range = 0 to 1
801-011 DarkSetPoint Dark set point side 1 Grey Level in 0
Side 1 whole number
Range = 0 to 50
801-012 Scanner CVT Scan CVT position 0.1 mm increments 12
position Range 0 to 32

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC131 6-170 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
Table 42 IIT NVM ID 801-001 to 801-214 Table 42 IIT NVM ID 801-001 to 801-214
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
801-013 Scanner Doc Size Doc size position 0.1 mm increments 417 801-022 CvtWhiteRef- CVT White Ref Green Side 0 corresponds to 301
Pos Range = 0 to 2715 Green Side 1 1 50% compensa-
801-014 Scan LE Hotline Scan LE hot line 0.1 mm increments 307 tion, 150 corre-
Range = 0 to 327 sponds to no
801-015 Mono Set Point Mono set point side 1 Grey Level in 224 compensation and
Side 1 whole number 300 corresponds to
Range = 170 to 200% compensa-
255 tion.
Range = 128 to
801-016 Red Set Point Red set point side 1 Grey Level in 223
Side 1 whole number
Range = 170 to 801-023 CvtWhiteRefBlue CVT White Ref Blue Side 1 0 corresponds to 290
255 Side 1 50% compensa-
tion, 150 corre-
801-017 Green Set Point Green set point side 1 Grey Level in 224
sponds to no
Side 1 whole number
compensation and
Range = 170 to
300 corresponds to
200% compensa-
801-018 Blue Set Point Blue set point side 1 Grey Level in 230 tion.
Side 1 whole number Range = 128 to
Range = 170 to 512
801-027 DADH / Platen SPDH / platen configuration 0 = SPDH / Platen 0
801-020 CvtWhiteRef- CVT White Ref Mono Side 1 0 corresponds to 296 Configuration present
Mono Side 1 50% compensa- 1 = Platen only
tion, 150 corre- Range = 0 to 1
sponds to no
801-046 PlatenMechMag Platen Mech Mag Range = 0 to 1 0
compensation and
300 corresponds to 801-047 CVT Mech Mag CVT Mech Mag side 1 Range = 0 to 1 0
200% compensa- 801-058 Service Plan mir- Service plan - CCS NVM 0 = Sold 3
tion. ror mirrored value. (Read only). 1 = Non Sold
Range = 128 to Refer to CCS 606-269 2 = Third Party
512 3 = XeroxMan-
801-021 CvtWhiteRefRed CVT White Ref Red Side 1 0 corresponds to 304 agedSupplies
Side 1 50% compensa- 4 = PagePack
tion, 150 corre- 5 = DMO Sold
sponds to no 801-059 Market Region Market Region - CCS NVM 0 = US 0
compensation and mirror mirrored value. (Read only). 1 = XCL(Canada)
300 corresponds to Refer to CCS 616-001 2 = FX (Fuji Xerox
200% compensa- Japan)
tion. 3 = FXAPO (Fuji
Range = 128 to Xerox Asian
512 Pacific)
4 = ACO(Latin)
5 = RX(Europe)
6 = MRDmoEast
7 = MRDmoWest
801-061 Machine Speed Machine Speed - CCS NVM Machine speed 255
mirror mirrored value. (Read only). (Nominal ppm, not
Refer to CCS 616-003 actual) Range = 0
to 255

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-171 dC131
Table 42 IIT NVM ID 801-001 to 801-214 Table 42 IIT NVM ID 801-001 to 801-214
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
801-062 Serial Number Machine Serial number - Range = 0 to 12336 801-081 PlatenWhiteRe- Platen White Ref Red Range = 128 to 260
mirror 1_2 CCS NVM mirrored value. 65535 fRed 512
(Read only). 801-082 PlatenWhiteRef- Platen White Ref Green Range = 128 to 262
Refer to CCS 616-023 Green 512
801-063 Serial Number Machine Serial number - Range = 0 to 12336 801-083 PlatenWhiteRef- Platen White Ref Blue Range = 128 to 260
mirror 3_4 CCS NVM mirrored value. 65535 Blue 512
(Read only). 801-084 PlatenWhiteRef- Platen White Ref Mono Range = 128 to 262
Refer to CCS 616-023 Mono 512
801-064 Serial Number Machine Serial number - Range = 0 to 12336 801-093 FpgaGainSide1R FPGA Gain Side 1 Register Range = 70 to 170 100
mirror 5_6 CCS NVM mirrored value. 65535 egister1 1
(Read only).
801-094 FpgaGainSide1R FPGA Gain Side 1 Register Range = 70 to 170 100
Refer to CCS 616-023
egister2 2
801-065 Serial Number Machine Serial number - Range = 0 to 12336
801-095 FpgaGainSide1R FPGA Gain Side 1 Register Range = 70 to 170 100
mirror 7_8 CCS NVM mirrored value. 65535
egister3 3
(Read only).
Refer to CCS 616-023 801-096 FpgaGainSide1R FPGA Gain Side 1 Register Range = 70 to 170 100
egister4 4
801-066 Serial Number Machine Serial number - Range = 0 to 12336
mirror 9_10 CCS NVM mirrored value. 65535 801-097 FpgaGainSide1R FPGA Gain Side 1 Register Range = 70 to 170 100
(Read only). egister5 5
Refer to CCS 616-023 801-098 FpgaGainSide1R FPGA Gain Side 1 Register Range = 70 to 170 100
801-067 Platen speed Platen speed Adjustment Range = 900 to 1000 egister6 6
Adjustment 0.1% 0.1% 1100 801-099 FpgaGainSide1R FPGA Gain Side 1 Register Range = 70 to 170 100
801-068 Mag Compensa- Mag Compensation 0.01% Range = 0 to 200 100 egister7 7
tion Side 1 steps 801-100 FpgaGainSide1R FPGA Gain Side 1 Register Range = 70 to 170 100
801-069 Mag Compensa- Mag Compensation 0.01% Range = 0 to 200 100 egister8 8
tion Side 2 steps 801-101 FpgaGainSide1R FPGA Gain Side 1 Register Range = 70 to 170 100
801-070 Overscan for Overscan for SPDH in all Range = 0 to 4 0 egister9 9
DADH directions 801-102 FpgaGainSide1R FPGA Gain Side 1 Register Range = 70 to 170 100
801-071 PWM % light mul- 55 Pwm Light Multipler for Range = 0 to 255 150 egister10 10
tiplier Side 1 increasing / decreasing the 801-103 FpgaGainSide1R FPGA Gain Side 1 Register Range = 70 to 170 100
pwm % 2 decimal place egister11 11
801-073 AutoInit_IIT_S1_ The version of the side 1 Increment to cause 25 801-104 FpgaGainSide1R FPGA Gain Side 1 Register Range = 70 to 170 100
Version NVM that will cause an side an IIT NVM initiali- egister12 12
sation after SW
1 NVM initialisation if differ- 801-105 FpgaGainSide1R FPGA Gain Side 1 Register Range = 70 to 170 100
ent from the version held in upgrade. egister13 13
the current SW set Range = 0 to 801-106 FpgaGainSide1R FPGA Gain Side 1 Register Range = 70 to 170 100
65535 egister14 14
801-074 Calibration Con- Bit mask that controls when Range = 0 to 0 801-107 FpgaGainSide1R FPGA Gain Side 1 Register Range = 70 to 170 100
trol Side 1 calibration is performed on 65535 egister15 15
side 1 801-108 FpgaGainSide1R FPGA Gain Side 1 Register Range = 70 to 170 100
801-079 AgcStartPixel AGC Start Pixel Side 1 Indicates the start 10 egister16 16
Side 1 pixel number. 801-109 FpgaGainSide1R FPGA Gain Side 1 Register Range = 70 to 170 100
Range = 10 to 100 egister17 17
801-080 ScannerPaper- Scanner Paper Code Range = 1 to 10 5 801-110 FpgaGainSide1R FPGA Gain Side 1 Register Range = 70 to 170 100
Code egister18 18

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC131 6-172 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
Table 42 IIT NVM ID 801-001 to 801-214 Table 42 IIT NVM ID 801-001 to 801-214
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
801-111 FpgaGainSide1R FPGA Gain Side 1 Register Range = 70 to 170 100 801-149 No of Platen Cal Number of Platen Cal Fail Range = 0 to 5 2
egister19 19 Fail Retries Retries
801-112 FpgaGainSide1R FPGA Gain Side 1 Register Range = 70 to 170 100 801-208 Detect Paper Size Detect Paper Size 2 0 = A5 2
egister20 20 2 1 = 8.5 x 5.5
801-113 WhiteRefTarget- White Ref Target Plat Red Range = 0 to 255 238 2 = Auto Media
PlatRed Size Group Set
801-114 WhiteRefTarget- White Ref Target Plat Green Range = 0 to 255 238 801-211 Test Pattern Doc Test Pattern Doc Count Range = 0 to 0
PlatGreen Count 65535
801-115 WhiteRefTarget- White Ref Target Plat Blue Range = 0 to 255 238 801-213 TotalS1Nvm Total number of S1 and S2 Range = 0 to 69
PlatBlue NVMs for this build 65535
801-116 WhiteRefTarget- White Ref Target Plat Mono Range = 0 to 255 238 801-214 IITTableVersion IIT NVM Table version used Range = 0 to 1063
PlatMono to generate the code (read 65535
801-117 WhiteRefTar- White Ref Target CVT Red Range = 0 to 255 238 only)
getCvtRed Side 1 Side 1
801-118 WhiteRefTar- White Ref Target CVT Range = 0 to 255 238
getCvtGreen Side Green Side 1 Table 43 IIT NVM ID 803-001 to 803-213
1 NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
801-119 WhiteRefTar- WhiteRef Target CVT Blue Range = 0 to 255 238
803-001 DADH Centre SPDH centre registration Pixels 3721
getCvtBlue Side 1 Side 1
Reg Side 2 side 2 Range = 3543 to
801-120 WhiteRefTar- White Ref Target CVT Mono Range = 0 to 255 238 3899
getCvtMono Side Side 1 803-002 DADH LE Reg SPDH lead edge registra- Scan Lines 0
Side 2 tion side 2 Range = 0 to 150
801-121 Mag Adjust Con- Mag Adjust Control Range = 0 to 6 0 803-010 AGC Enable Side AGC enable side 2 1 = Enable 1
trol 2 0 = Disable
801-137 LED cal correc- LED cal correction factor Range = 0 to 4 3 Range = 0 to 1
tion factor Side 1 Side 1 803-011 DarkSetPoint Dark set point side 2 Grey Level in 0
801-138 dc2006 BEcoeffi- dc2006 BEcoefficient 0 Side Range = 0 to 2047 512 Side 2 whole number
cient 0 Side 1 1 Range = 0 to 50
801-139 dc2006 BEcoeffi- dc2006 BEcoefficient 1 Side Range = 0 to 2047 0 803-015 Mono Set Point Mono set point side 2 Grey Level in 224
cient 0 Side 1 1 Side 2 whole number
801-140 dc2006 BEcoeffi- dc2006 BEcoefficient 2 Side Range = 0 to 2047 0 Range = 170 to
cient 0 Side 1 1 255
801-141 dc2006 BEcoeffi- dc2006 BEcoefficient 3 Side Range = 0 to 2047 0 803-016 Red Set Point Red set point side 2 Grey Level in 223
cient 0 Side 1 1 Side 2 whole number
801-142 dc2006 BEcoeffi- dc2006 BEcoefficient 4 Side Range = 0 to 2047 512 Range = 170 to
cient 0 Side 1 1 255
801-143 dc2006 BEcoeffi- dc2006 BEcoefficient 5 Side Range = 0 to 2047 0 803-017 Green Set Point Green set point side 2 Grey Level in 224
cient 0 Side 1 1 Side 2 whole number
Range = 170 to
801-144 dc2006 BEcoeffi- dc2006 BEcoefficient 6 Side Range = 0 to 2047 0
cient 0 Side 1 1
803-018 Blue Set Point Blue set point side 2 Grey Level in 230
801-145 dc2006 BEcoeffi- dc2006 BEcoefficient 7 Side Range = 0 to 2047 0
Side 2 whole number
cient 0 Side 1 1
Range = 170 to
801-146 dc2006 BEcoeffi- dc2006 BEcoefficient 8 Side Range = 0 to 2047 512 255
cient 0 Side 1 1

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-173 dC131
Table 43 IIT NVM ID 803-001 to 803-213 Table 43 IIT NVM ID 803-001 to 803-213
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
803-020 CvtWhiteRef- CVT White Ref Mono Side 2 0 corresponds to 294 803-073 AutoInit_IIT_S1_ The version of the side 2 Increment to cause 16
Mono Side 2 50% compensa- Version NVM that will cause a side 2an IIT NVM initiali-
tion, 150 corre- sation after SW
NVM initialisation if differ-
sponds to no ent from the version held inupgrade.
compensation and the current SW set Range = 0 to
300 corresponds to 65535
200% compensa- 803-074 Calibration Con- Bit mask that controls when Range = 0 to 0
tion. trol Side 2 calibration is performed on 65535
Range = 128 to side 2
512 803-075 Mag Compensa- Mag Compensation 0.01% Side 2 Mag Com- 100
803-021 CvtWhiteRefRed CVT White Ref Red Side 2 0 corresponds to 295 tion 300 Side 2 steps Side 2 pensation 0.01% (0
Side 2 50% compensa- = -1% 200 = +1%)
tion, 150 corre- Range = 0 to 200
sponds to no 803-076 Mag Compensa- Mag Compensation 0.01% Side 2 Mag Com- 100
compensation and tion 560 Side 2 steps Side 2 pensation 0.01% (0
300 corresponds to = -1% 200 = +1%)
200% compensa- Range = 0 to 200
tion. 803-077 Mag Compensa- Mag Compensation 0.01% Side 2 Mag Com- 100
Range = 128 to tion 150 Side 2 steps Side 2 pensation 0.01% (0
512 = -1% 200 = +1%)
803-022 CvtWhiteRef- CVT White Ref Green Side 0 corresponds to 295 Range = 0 to 200
Green Side 2 2 50% compensa- 803-078 Mag Compensa- Mag Compensation 0.01% Side 2 Mag Com- 100
tion, 150 corre- tion 280 Side 2 steps Side 2 pensation 0.01% (0
sponds to no = -1% 200 = +1%)
compensation and Range = 0 to 200
300 corresponds to
803-079 AgcStartPixel AGC Start Pixel Side 2 Indicates the start 10
200% compensa-
Side 2 pixel number.
Range = 10 to 200
Range = 128 to
803-113 FpgaGainSide1R FPGA Gain Side 2 Register Range = 70 to 170 100
egister1 1
803-023 CvtWhiteRefBlue CVT White Ref Blue Side 2 0 corresponds to 286
803-114 FpgaGainSide1R FPGA Gain Side 2 Register Range = 70 to 170 100
Side 2 50% compensa-
tion, 150 corre- egister2 2
sponds to no 803-115 FpgaGainSide1R FPGA Gain Side 2 Register Range = 70 to 170 100
compensation and egister3 3
300 corresponds to 803-116 FpgaGainSide1R FPGA Gain Side 2 Register Range = 70 to 170 100
200% compensa- egister4 4
tion. 803-117 FpgaGainSide1R FPGA Gain Side 2 Register Range = 70 to 170 100
Range = 128 to egister5 5
512 803-118 FpgaGainSide1R FPGA Gain Side 2 Register Range = 70 to 170 100
803-027 DocHandlerCon- SPDH / Platen configuration Range = 0 to 1 0 egister6 6
figuration 803-119 FpgaGainSide1R FPGA Gain Side 2 Register Range = 70 to 170 100
803-047 CVT Mech Mag CVT Mech Mag Side 2 Range = 0 to 1 0 egister7 7
Side 2 803-120 FpgaGainSide1R FPGA Gain Side 2 Register Range = 70 to 170 100
803-071 PWM % light mul- 55 Pwm Light Multipler for Range = 0 to 255 150 egister8 8
tiplier Side 2 increasing / decreasing the 803-121 FpgaGainSide1R FPGA Gain Side 2 Register Range = 70 to 170 100
pwm % 2 decimal place egister9 9

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC131 6-174 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
Table 43 IIT NVM ID 803-001 to 803-213 Table 43 IIT NVM ID 803-001 to 803-213
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
803-122 FpgaGainSide1R FPGA Gain Side 2 Register Range = 70 to 170 100 803-144 dc2006 BEcoeffi- dc2006 BEcoefficient 6 Side Range = 0 to 2047 0
egister10 10 cient 0 Side 2 2
803-123 FpgaGainSide1R FPGA Gain Side 2 Register Range = 70 to 170 100 803-145 dc2006 BEcoeffi- dc2006 BEcoefficient 7 Side Range = 0 to 2047 0
egister11 11 cient 0 Side 2 2
803-124 FpgaGainSide1R FPGA Gain Side 2 Register Range = 70 to 170 100 803-146 dc2006 BEcoeffi- dc2006 BEcoefficient 8 Side Range = 0 to 2047 512
egister12 12 cient 0 Side 2 2
803-125 FpgaGainSide1R FPGA Gain Side 2 Register Range = 70 to 170 100 803-149 No of Platen Cal Number of Platen Cal Fail Range = 0 to 5 2
egister13 13 Fail Retries Retries
803-126 FpgaGainSide1R FPGA Gain Side 2 Register Range = 70 to 170 100 803-213 TotalS2Nvm Total number of S1 and S2 Range = 0 to 35
egister14 14 NVMs for this build 65535
803-127 FpgaGainSide1R FPGA Gain Side 2 Register Range = 70 to 170 100
egister15 15
803-128 FpgaGainSide1R FPGA Gain Side 2 Register Range = 70 to 170 100 Table 44 IIT NVM ID 805-001 to 805-032
egister16 16
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
803-129 FpgaGainSide1R FPGA Gain Side 2 Register Range = 70 to 170 100
egister17 17 805-001 Page Counter Page count error tracking Range = 0 to 0
803-130 FpgaGainSide1R FPGA Gain Side 2 Register Range = 70 to 170 100
egister18 18 805-002 Jam Error Count Jam error count tracking Range = 0 to 0
803-131 FpgaGainSide1R FPGA Gain Side 2 Register Range = 70 to 170 100 65535
egister19 19 805-003 Pick Error Count Pick error count tracking Range = 0 to 0
803-132 FpgaGainSide1R FPGA Gain Side 2 Register Range = 70 to 170 100 65535
egister20 20 805-004 Lead Edge Side 1 Lead edge registration side Range = -50 to 50 0
803-133 WhiteRefTar- White Ref Target CVT Red Range = 0 to 255 238 Colour 600 1 colour 600
getCvtRed Side 2 Side 2 805-005 Lead Edge Side 1 Lead edge registration side Range = -50 to 50 0
803-134 WhiteRefTar- White Ref Target CVT Range = 0 to 255 238 Mono 600 1 mono 600
getCvtGreen Side Green Side 2 805-006 Lead Edge Side 1 Lead edge registration side Range = -50 to 50 0
2 Colour 1200 1 colour 1200
803-135 WhiteRefTar- WhiteRef Target CVT Blue Range = 0 to 255 238 805-007 Lead Edge Side 1 Lead edge registration side Range = -50 to 50 0
getCvtBlue Side 2 Side 2 Mono 1200 1 mono 1200
803-136 WhiteRefTar- White Ref Target CVT Mono Range = 0 to 255 238 805-008 Lead Edge Side 2 Lead edge registration side Range = -50 to 50 0
getCvtMono Side Side 2 Colour 600 2 colour 600
2 805-009 Lead Edge Side 2 Lead edge registration side Range = -50 to 50 0
803-137 LED cal correc- DC945 LED cal correction Range = 0 to 4 3 Mono 600 2 mono 600
tion factor Side 2 factor side 2 805-010 Lead Edge Side 2 Lead edge registration side Range = -50 to 50 0
803-138 dc2006 BEcoeffi- dc2006 BEcoefficient 0 Side Range = 0 to 2047 512 Colour 1200 2 colour 1200
cient 0 Side 2 2 805-011 Lead Edge Side 2 Lead edge registration side Range = -50 to 50 0
803-139 dc2006 BEcoeffi- dc2006 BEcoefficient 1 Side Range = 0 to 2047 0 Mono 1200 2 mono 1200
cient 0 Side 2 2 805-012 Cal strip Speed Calibration strip speed Range = 0 to 3660 200
803-140 dc2006 BEcoeffi- dc2006 BEcoefficient 2 Side Range = 0 to 2047 0 Adjust adjustment
cient 0 Side 2 2 805-018 Speed Adjust Adjusts sheet speed over Range = -30 to 30 0
803-141 dc2006 BEcoeffi- dc2006 BEcoefficient 3 Side Range = 0 to 2047 0 Colour 600 the scan head
cient 0 Side 2 2 805-019 Speed Adjust Adjusts sheet speed over Range = -30 to 30 0
803-142 dc2006 BEcoeffi- dc2006 BEcoefficient 4 Side Range = 0 to 2047 512 Mono 600 the scan head
cient 0 Side 2 2
805-020 Speed Adjust Adjusts sheet speed over Range = -30 to 30 0
803-143 dc2006 BEcoeffi- dc2006 BEcoefficient 5 Side Range = 0 to 2047 0 Colour 1200 the scan head
cient 0 Side 2 2

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-175 dC131
Table 44 IIT NVM ID 805-001 to 805-032
NVM ID NVM Name NVM Description Settings Default
805-021 Speed Adjust Adjusts sheet speed over Range = -30 to 30 0
Mono 1200 the scan head
805-022 Scaling Data Calibration Strip Hotline Range = -50 to 50 -21
Position Position
805-023 Motor Speed Side Side 1 feed motor Speed. Range = -30 to 30 0
1 Colour 600
805-024 Motor Speed Side Side 1 feed motor Speed. Range = -30 to 30 0
1 Mono 600
805-025 Motor Speed Side Side 2 feed motor Speed. Range = -30 to 30 0
2 Colour 600
805-026 Motor Speed Side Side 2 feed motor Speed. Range = -30 to 30 0
2 Mono 600
805-027 Registration LoopSize of De-skew buckle Range = 0 to 200 60
805-028 Timing Sensor Sensor Light Level (Read Range = 0 to 255 255
Adjustment only)
805-029 TRA Sensor Sensor Light Level (Read Range = 0 to 255 255
805-030 PreScan Sensor Sensor Light Level (Read Range = 0 to 255 255
805-031 Mid Scanner Sensor Light Level (Read Range = 0 to 255 255
805-032 Hardware Config- Hardware Configuration Range = 0 to 255 0

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC131 6-176 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
dC132 Serial Number dC134 Market Region
Purpose Purpose
To restore the machine serial number. To provide the option to select and set the appropriate market region for the machine.

Procedure Procedure
1. Enter service mode, GP 1. 1. Enter service mode, GP 1.
2. Select the Maintenance tab. 2. Select the Maintenance tab.
3. Select dC132 Machine Serial Number. 3. Select dC134 Market Region from the scroll list.
4. The machine identifier code (serial number) or ‘##########’ is displayed. 4. Select the 0 - US button for operation in North America or Canada.
5. If the displayed serial number does not match the number on the serial number label (Fig- Select the 5 - Europe button for operation in all other market regions.
ure 1) or ‘##########’ is displayed, the serial number is corrupt. Perform Serial Number 5. Select Save.
Restore. 6. Select Close to exit routine.
7. Select Call Closeout to exit service mode.
8. Select Exit and Reboot.

Serial number label

Figure 1 Label location

Serial Number Restore

1. Select the Generate New Identifier Code button. The new machine identifier code will be
displayed in the window above the button.
2. Contact your next level of support to complete, then submit an ACAST form that includes
the new machine identifier code (called machine unique identifier on the ACAST form)
and other required information.
3. Once the ACAST form is processed, a new passcode will be provided. Re-enter dC132,
then select Enter Passcode.
4. Enter the new passcode.
5. Select Enter.
6. Select Close to exit the routine.
7. Select Call Closeout to exit service mode. Select Exit and Reboot.

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-177 dC132, dC134
dC135 CRU/HFSI Status 2. Select the Service Info tab.
3. Select dC135 CRU/HFSI.
4. Refer to Table 1 to observe the status of the items.
To view the counters for customer replacement units (CRU) and high frequency service items
(HFSI) indicating the type, name and percent remaining. 5. To reset the HFSI file:
a. Select the HFSI item.
There are 2 types of CRUs. Some of the CRUs are equipped with CRU Monitor (CRUM) chips b. Select Reset Counter.
that are used for the management of data relevant to that particular CRU. Other CRUs do not c. Select Reset to confirm.
have CRUMs; the management of these consumables is dependant upon the user to confirm
To edit the life of the HFSI file:
a. Select the HFSI item.
ERU’s – Engineer Replaceable Units. These are typically replaced by a service technician, and b. Select Edit Life.
do not trigger user warnings as end of life is reached. Of these, some are classified as HFSI, c. Enter the new value.
meaning that these will probably need to be replaced during the normal life expectancy of the d. Select Save to confirm.
6. Select Close to exit the routine.
7. Select Call Closeout to exit service mode.
8. Select Exit and Reboot.
NOTE: The upper entry in the HFSI list is blank.

1. Enter service mode, GP 1.

Table 1 HFSI Details

End of Life Default End of Life End of Life CSE
Name Parts List Reference Est Life Mgmt Type Threshold NVM Threshold adjustable
Tray 1 Feed Roll PL 80.26 Item 4 (retard roll) 500K Feeds Counter 606-518 750K Yes
PL 80.26 Item 5 (feed and nudger rolls)
Tray 2 Feed Roll PL 80.26 Item 4 (retard roll) 500K Feeds Counter 606-519 750K Yes
PL 80.26 Item 5 (feed and nudger rolls)
Tray 3 Feed Roll PL 80.32 Item 9 (feed roll) 1500K Feeds Counter 606-520 400K Yes
PL 80.32 Item 10 (nudger roll)
PL 80.32 Item 15 (retard roll)
Tray 4 Feed Roll PL 80.33 Item 11 (feed roll) 1500K Feeds Counter 609-319 400K Yes
PL 80.33 Item 12 (nudger roll)
PL 80.33 Item 17 (retard roll)
Tray 5 (Bypass Tray) Feed Roll PL 70.35 Item 14 (feed roll) 100K Feeds Counter 606-521 100K Yes
PL 70.35 Item 16 (retard roll)
PL 70.35 Item 6 (retard pad)
Document Feeder Feed Roller PL 5.20 Item 6 (feed roll) 170K Feeds Counter 606-516 170K Yes
PL 5.20 Item 7 (nudger roll)
PL 5.25 Item 3 (retard roll)

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC135 6-178 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
dC136 Service Plan dC137 PagePack
Purpose Purpose
To allow the service plan to be changed from metered to sold. An authorization code is To enable or disable the PagePack function. When enabled, a customer typically pays a fixed
required from the Xerox service centre. amount per month, or per page, for supplies and/or service plan.

Procedure Procedure
1. Enter service mode, GP 1. 1. Enter service mode, GP 1.
2. Select the Maintenance tab. 2. Select the Maintenance tab.
3. Select dC136 Service Plan. 3. Select dC137 PagePack.
The service plan information is displayed. The PagePack screen is displayed.
4. Enter the authorization code to change the service plan.
NOTE: The PagePack function is enabled in all XE installations. Depending on the cus-
NOTE: The service plan can be changed from and to any service plan. tomer's full service maintenance agreement, the PagePack function needs to be enabled
when a USSG/XCL machine is installed in an XE region.
5. Select Close to exit routine.
6. Select Call Closeout. 4. Select Disabled or Enabled.

7. Select Exit and Reboot. 5. Enter the PagePack passcode, a 4 digit authorization code. The authorization code can
be found in the customer’s machine installation pack.
6. Select Save.
7. Select Call Closeout to exit service mode.
8. Select Exit and Reboot.

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-179 dC136, dC137
dC140 Analog Monitor
To provide tools to start (actuate) and stop (de-actuate) monitoring of specific analog compo-
nents. The nominal range of the analog value and, when monitoring is active, the current value
is displayed. The values are updated at least every second to allow the component state to be

Refer to Table 1 for the component list.

1. Enter service mode, GP 1.
2. Select the Diagnostics tab.
3. Select dC140 Analog Monitor. The dc140 Analog Monitor screen is displayed.
4. Scroll the table to display the available analog components.
5. Select the required item from the table.
6. A popup menu will be displayed, select Start to confirm.
• The table will display a status against the selected component.
• While service mode is activated the components are not active so the value will not
• To check the component, either manipulate the component manually or make a note
of the value, exit Analog Monitor then go to dC330 Component Control. Run the
component, then return to dc140 Analog Monitor.
• Multiple components may be selected.
• To stop monitoring, select the required component, then select Stop.
• Selecting Stop All stops monitoring of all components.
7. Select Close to return to the Diagnostic Routine window.
8. Select Call Closeout to exit service mode.
9. Select Exit and Reboot.

Table 1 Component List

ID Code Component Name Range Comments
010-601 Fuser Front Temp Sensor 0 to 255 Display value in degrees
C or degress F
010-602 Fuser Mid Temp Sensor 0 to 255 Display value in degrees
C or degrees F
075-601 Bypass Tray Width Sensor 0 to 300 Display value in mm or
091-601 Humidity Sensor 0 to 100 Display value in % RH
091-602 Ambient Temperature Sensor 0 to 255 Display value in degrees
C or degress F
092-601 Toner Concentration Sensor 0 -to 255 Display value in %

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC140 6-180 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
dC301 NVM Initialization NOTE: If a Reset All has been performed then go to the Post Reset All Procedure.

General Post Reset All Procedure

The purpose of the NVM initialization routine is to reset the values of all applicable NVM If a Reset All has been selected, perform the steps that follow:
parameters to default. There are 3 machine domains and 3 types of initialization. 1. Open the paper trays and allow them to fully lower. Close each tray to determine the
amount of paper correctly.
The 3 machine domains are: 2. Perform ADJ 60.3 IIT Registration, Magnification and Calibration.
• Copier NVM Initialization. Network Controller NVM Initialization
• Network Controller NVM Initialization Purpose
• Fax NVM Initialization. To return to default the network controller NVM settings that are stored on the hard disk.
The 3 types of initialization are:
• User data That data which defines the way the customer prefers that the equipment oper- Procedure
ates (i.e. customer preference, SA/KO settings, configuration). 1. Save the NVM to disk, refer to NVM Save and Restore, dC361.
• System data That data which defines the way the equipment operates in relation to its 2. Enter Service Mode, GP 1.
environment (i.e. machine variables).
3. Select the Adjustments tab.
• All data: That additional data (on top of System and User data) which may be initialized
4. Select dc301 NVM Initialization.
without significantly impacting the machine’s operation. (i.e. machine variables, SA/KO
settings, fault log). 5. Select Network Controller.
6. Select Initialize, when the pop-up window appears confirm the request.
Copier NVM Initialization
A message will be displayed to indicate successful completion.
7. Refer to Table 2 for the functions that are reset.
To reset specific machine variable NVM, or all machine variable NVM (with the exception of
protected NVM for which a password is required) to their default values. 8. Exit dc301 NVM initialization.
9. Select Call Closeout to exit service mode.
NOTE: Initialization does not affect the usage (billing) counters and accounting. 10. Select Exit and Reboot.
1. Save the NVM to disk. Refer to NVM Save and Restore, dC361. Fax NVM Initialization
2. Enter service mode, GP 1. Purpose
3. Select the Adjustments tab. To return to default the fax NVM settings that are stored on the fax card. Refer to Fax NVM
4. Select dC301 NVM Initialization. Document

5. Select Copier.
NOTE: The Edoc CD must be in the CD drive to use the Fax Document link.
6. Select the sub-domain. Refer to Table 1 for the functions in each sub domain.
• Copy Controller. Procedure

• Scanner. 1. Save the NVM to disk. Refer to NVM Save and Restore, dC361.

• Print Engine. 2. Enter service mode, GP 1.

• Finisher. 3. Select the Adjustments tab.

7. Select the NVM data to reset. Refer to Table 1 for the functions that are reset to default. 4. Select dC301 NVM Initialization.

• User. 5. Select Fax.

• System. 6. Select the NVM data to reset. Refer to Table 3 for the functions that are reset to default.

• All. • User.

8. Select Initialize. When the pop-up window appears, confirm the request. • System.

A message will be displayed to indicate successful completion. • All.

9. Exit dc301 NVM initialization. 7. Select Initialize. When the pop-up window appears, confirm the request.

10. Select Call Closeout to exit service mode. 8. A message will be displayed to indicate successful completion.

11. Select Exit and Reboot. 9. Exit dc301 NVM Initialization.

10. Select Call Closeout to exit service mode.

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-181 dC301
11. Select Exit and Reboot. (1) These counters are reset using the Reset Counters option provided in the Call Closeout

Table 1 Copier NVM NOTE: The booklet maker NVM is not reset as it is custom set for each unit.
User Data System All Data
Table 2 Network Controller NVM
Sub-Domain NVM Initialization Type NVM Data NVM NVM
NVM Initialization Type Notes
Copy Controller All N N N
Billing Counter N N N Custom Certificates Includes netscape, trusted, racoon, OSCP
and root certificates.
System Usage Counter Y
NVRAM Configuration Reset to default.
Fault Counter (1) Y
Network Device Configurations
Diagnostic Counter (1) Y
NC Data Store Generated at runtime.
SA / KO Setting Y Y
Runtime Generated Configuration Files
Fault Log Y
Scan Templates Used by Workflow Scanning.
Configuration Y
Completed Job Logs To prevent a list of old processed jobs dis-
Diagnostics Y
playing on the UI.
Debug Y
NC Debug Logs
Machine Variable Y Y
Print Spool Files To prevent unwanted active jobs in the
Machine Variable Xero Y Y queue.
Machine Variable Registration Y Y JBA Accounting Files
Machine Variable Paper Path Y Y Stored Images Retaining these may breach confidentiality.
Machine Variable SPDH Y Y Temporary Jobs From The Scan Directory Retaining these may breach confidentiality.
Machine Variable Platen Y Y Cloning Data Retaining these may breach confidentiality.
Auditron Y Y Downloadable Email Address Books Retaining these may breach confidentiality.
ESS N N N Set FTP and TELNET access to OFF Security measure.
Crash Recovery Type Y Weblet and EIP Applications These are deleted.
Completed Job Log Y
Controlled Access N N N
Machine Speed, Market Region
JBA Database Y Y Table 3 Fax NVM
JBA Configuration Y Y User Data System Data
Auditron Configuration Y Y NVM Initialization Type NVM NVM All Data NVM
Xerox Standard Accounting N N N Controlled Access (2) Y
HFSI Counter N N N Completed Job Log Y (Y)
Scanner NVM Machine Variable Y Y Auditron Y (Y)
SA/KO Setting Y Y Configuration Y Y (Y)
Configuration Y SA/KO Setting Y (Y)
Printer NVM Machine Variable Y Y
SA/KO Setting Y Y (2) The Fax functionality for the NVM All Data Initialization will result in all of the NVM data
Configuration Y being deleted, which is why the other categories are shown in brackets.
Finisher NVM Machine Variable Y Y
SA/KO Setting Y Y
Configuration Y

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC301 6-182 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
dC304 LED Print Head Validation dC312 Network Echo Test
Purpose Purpose
To check the connectivity and data transfer integrity between the software on the SBC PWB To check network connectivity.
and the LED Print Head.
Procedure 1. Enter service mode, GP 1.
1. Enter service mode, GP 1. 2. Select the Diagnostics tab.
2. Select the Diagnostics tab. 3. Select dC312 Network Echo Test.
3. Select dC304 LED Print Head Validation. 4. Select the required protocol from TCP/IP, AppleTalk or Novel or IPX.
4. Select Start Test. 5. Select Start Test.
At test start, all EEPROM data is retrieved from the LED print head. The checksum of the The status region at the top of the user interface indicates that the test is in progress.
retrieved data is calculated. The calculated checksum is compared with the retrieved The status region indicates the result of the test before returning to the previous display.
checksum. The LED print head average power level and serial number are displayed.
6. Select Close to exit the routine.
If the retrieved and calculated checksums match, the test indicates ‘Pass’.
7. Select Call Closeout to exit service mode.
5. Select Close to exit the routine.
8. Select Exit and Reboot.
6. Select Call Closeout to exit service mode.
7. Select Exit and Reboot.

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-183 dC304, dC312
dC330 Component Control • Table 11 Output Codes 010.
• Table 12 Output Codes 012.
• Table 13 Output Codes 020.
To show the status of input components e.g. sensors, and to run or energize output compo-
nents e.g. motors, solenoids. • Table 14 Output Codes 062 to 066.
• Table 15 Output Codes 071 to 076.
Description • Table 16 Output Codes 080 to 083.
Output and input component codes are entered into the Component Control Table on the UI, • Table 17 Output Codes 093.
and then checked individually or in permitted groups. The codes in the tables are grouped in Procedure
function chain order. Refer to GP 2 Fault Codes and History Files.
1. Enter service mode, GP 1.
2. Select the Diagnostics tab.
NOTE: To check the operation of the fuser temperature, humidity, ambient temperature,
bypass width, toner concentration or developer temperature sensors, refer to dC140 Analog 3. Select dC330 Component Control.

Go to the appropriate procedure: CAUTION

• Input Components. Check the component control tables for components that will damage the machine if run
• Output Components. together.
Input Components 4. Select the required codes as follows:
When the appropriate code is entered, the status of the component is shown on the UI. If the component control code is not known:
a. Select a chain from the drop down list.
NOTE: The logic level shown on the circuit diagrams with the signal name is the actual signal b. Select the required component and select Add.
as measured with a service meter. This is not necessarily the same as the logic state shown on If the required component control code is known:
the UI, especially where the output is inverted. When testing components using these control
a. Select the Chain field and enter the 3 digit chain number using the numeric keypad.
codes, look for a change in state, not for a high or low.
b. Select the Link field and enter the required link number using the numeric keypad.
The displayed status of the input component can be changed by causing the component status c. Select Add.
to change, e.g. operating a sensor with a sheet of paper.
5. Once the required component control codes are in the lower list, select the required code
and choose options from the menu as required.
Go to the appropriate table:
6. Select Close to exit dc330 Component Control.
• Table 1 Input codes 001.
7. Select Call Closeout to exit service mode.
• Table 2 Input codes 003.
8. Select Exit and Reboot.
• Table 3 Input Codes 005.
• Table 4 Input Codes 010.
• Table 5 Input Codes 012.
• Table 6 Input Codes 061 to 602.
• Table 7 Input Codes 071 to 076.
• Table 8 Input Codes 081 to 083.
• Table 9 Input Codes 091.
Output Components
When the appropriate code is entered, the component runs or energizes for a set time. The
default timeout for most components is set at 90 seconds, but can be as short as 5 seconds.
Some components require that other components are run or energized at the same time. It is
possible to enter and run or energize up to 6 component control codes (not fax), but only in
permitted groups. If illegal combinations of codes are entered, the components do not run or

Go to the appropriate table:

• Table 10 Output Codes 005.

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC330 6-184 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
Input Codes Table 3 Input codes 005
Code Displayed Name Description General
Table 1 Input codes 001
005-360 DH Cal home posi- SPDH calibration home position High = Calibration strip
Code Displayed Name Description General tion sensor sensor (Q05-360). Detects when home
001-300 Front Door Inter- Front door interlock switch (S01- High = door closed, low = the calibration strip of the side 2
lock 300). door open scan assembly is in the home
001-305 Left Door Interlock Left hand door interlock (S01- High = door closed, low =
305). door open 005-375 DH LED fan lock SPDH LED fan lock alarm. High = Alarm present
Table 2 Input codes 003 005-385 DH motor fan lock SPDH motor fan lock alarm. High = Alarm present
Code Displayed Name Description General
003-047 24V Present Indicates the state of 24V input High = 24V present Table 4 Input codes 010
Code Displayed Name Description General

Table 3 Input codes 005 010-041 Horizontal Trans- Horizontal transport entry sensor High/Low
port Entry Sensor (Q10-041).
Code Displayed Name Description General
010-042 Horizontal Trans- Horizontal transport interlock High/Low
005-305 DH top cover inter- SPDH top cover interlock switch High = cover closed, low = port Interlock sensor (Q10-042).
lock (S05-305). cover open
010-044 IOTC PME IOTC PME High/Low
005-307 Lift home position SPDH lift home position sensor High = document present,
010-120 Post fuser sensor IOT exit sensor (Q10-120), High = paper present, low =
sensor (Q05-307). low = no document
detects when paper exits the IOT. no paper
005-308 DH last sheet out SPDH last sheet out sensor High = document present,
010-300 Offset Sensor Offset sensor (Q10-300). High/Low
sensor (Q05-308). low = no document
005-309 DH doc present SPDH document present sensor High = document present, Table 5 Input codes 012
sensor (Q05-309). low = no document
005-310 DH stack height SPDH stack height sensor (Q05- High = document present, Code Displayed Name Description General
sensor 310). low = no document 012-077 Entry sensor 2K LCSS and LVF BM entry sen- On = Made
005-315 DH length sensor 1 SPDH length sensor 1 (Q05- High = document present, sor (Q12-077).
315). low = no document 012-078 Punch sensor 1 2K LCSS and LVF BM punch On = Made
005-320 DH length sensor 2 SPDH length sensor 2 (Q05- High = document present, position sensor (Q12-078).
320). low = no document 012-089 BM entry sensor LVF BM entry sensor (Q12-089) High = paper present, low =
005-325 DH width sensor 1 SPDH width sensor 1 (Q05-325). High = document present, detects paper entry to the booklet no paper
low = no document maker.
005-326 DH width sensor 2 SPDH width sensor 2 (Q05-326). High = document present, 012-096 Ejector motor 2K LCSS and LVF BM ejector High = made, low = not
low = no document encoder sensor module motor encoder sensor detected
(Q12-096) detects the timing for
005-327 DH width sensor 3 SPDH width sensor 3 (Q05-327). High = document present,
low = no document ejector module motor.

005-330 DH feed sensor SPDH feed sensor (Q05-330). High = document present, 012-106 Compiler exit sen- 2K LCSS and LVF BM compiler On/Off
sor exit sensor (Q12-106).
low = no document
012-107 Top tray exit sensor 2K LCSS and LVF BM top tray On/Off
005-335 DH takeaway sen- SPDH takeaway sensor (Q05- High = document present,
exit sensor (Q12-107).
sor 335). low = no document
012-133 Low staple sensor 2K LCSS and LVF BM low staple On/Off
005-340 DH reg sensor SPDH registration sensor (Q05- High = document present,
340). low = no document sensor (Q12-133).

005-343 DH side 2 reg sen- SPDH side 2 registration sensor High = document present, 012-134 Self priming sensor 2K LCSS and LVF BM self prim- On/Off
ing sensor (Q12-134).
sor (Q05-343). low = no document
012-135 Staple home sen- 2K LCSS and LVF BM staple On/Off
sor home sensor (Q12-135).

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-185 dC330
Table 5 Input codes 012 Table 5 Input codes 012
Code Displayed Name Description General Code Displayed Name Description General
012-163 Bin 1 Motor 2K LCSS and LVF BM bin 1 High = made, low = not 012-191 Bin1 lower limit 2K LCSS and LVF BM bin 1 High = bin detected, low =
Encoder Sensor motor encoder sensor (Q12-162) detected switch upper limit switch (S12-191) bin not detected
detects the timing for stacker unit detects the lower limit of bin 1
motor. movement.
012-168 Stapler index sen- 2K LCSS and LVF BM stapler On = made 012-193 Chad bin level sen- 2K LCSS and LVF BM chad bin High = bin full, low = bin not
sor unit is in index position (Q12- sor full sensor (Q12-193) detects full
168). when the level of the chad
012-170 BM paper present LVF BM paper present sensor On = made reaches a pre-set value.
sensor (Q12-170). 012-194 Punch head home 2K LCSS and LVF BM punch High = punch home, low =
012-177 Docking interlock 2K LCSS and LVF BM docking High = docked, low = un- sensor head home sensor (Q12-194) punch not home
interlock switch (S12-176). docked detects the home position of the
punch head.
012-180 Front tamper home 2K LCSS and LVF BM front High = home, low = not
sensor tamper home sensor (Q12-180) home 012-195 Punch head 2K LCSS and LVF BM punch High = punch installed, low
detects if front tamper is home. present sensor head present sensor (Q12-195) = punch not installed
012-181 Rear tamper home 2K LCSS and LVF BM rear High = home, low = not detects if a hole punch is
sensor tamper home sensor (Q12-181), home
detects if rear tamper is home. 012-196 SH1 paper sensor 2K LCSS and LVF BM staple High = home, low = not
head 1 home sensor (Q12-196) home
012-182 Front tamper away 2K LCSS and LVF BM front High = home, low = not
sensor tamper away sensor (Q12-182), home detects when the staple head is
fully open (home position).
detects if front tamper is away.
012-197 Top cover interlock 2K LCSS and LVF BM top cover High = closed
012-183 Rear tamper away 2K LCSS and LVF BM rear High = home, low = not
interlock switch (S12-197)
sensor tamper away sensor (Q12-183), home
detects if rear tamper is away. detects if the finisher top cover is
012-184 Ejector home sen- 2K LCSS and LVF BM ejector High = home, low = not
012-204 BM guide home LVF BM guide home sensor High = home, low = not
sor home sensor (Q12-184) detects home
sensor (Q12-204) detects when the home
the home position of the ejector
assembly. backstop is in the home position.
012-185 Ejector out sensor 2K LCSS and LVF BM Ejector High = out, low= not out 012-205 BM tamper 1 home LVF BM tamper 1 home sensor High = home, low = not
sensor (Q12-205) detects when the BM home
out sensor (Q12-185) detects the
tampers are in the home position.
out position of the ejector assem-
bly. 012-206 BM Bin 2 90% full LVF BM bin 2 90% full sensor High = 90% or more full,
012-186 Paddle roll home 2K LCSS and LVF BM paddle roll High = home, low = not sensor (Q12-206) detects when bin 2 is low = less than 90% full
90% or more full.
sensor position sensor (Q12-186) home
detects the home position of the 012-207 Flapper home sen- LVF BM flapper home sensor High = home
paddle roll. sor (Q12-207).
012-187 Bin 1 90% full sen- 2K LCSS and LVF BM bin 1 90% High = 90% or more full, 012-213 BM exit sensor LVF BM exit sensor (Q12-213) High = detected, low = not
sor full sensor (Q12-187) detects low = less than 90% full detects booklets exiting the book- detected
when bin 1 is 90% or more full. let maker.
012-188 Bin1 upper level 2K LCSS and LVF BM bin 1 High = stack sensed, low = 012-214 BM crease blade LVF BM crease blade home sen- High = home, low = not
sensor upper level sensor (Q12-188) stack not sensed home sor (Q12-214) detects when the home
detects the top of the paper stack crease blade is fully retracted.
in bin 1. 012-215 BM crease blade LVF BM crease blade motor High = bar in encoder
012-190 Bin1 upper limit 2K LCSS and LVF BM bin 1 High = bin detected, low = motor encoder encoder sensor (Q12-215) gen- wheel, low = gap in
switch upper limit switch (S12-190) bin not detected erates motor speed pulses. encoder wheel
detects the upper limit of bin 1

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC330 6-186 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
Table 5 Input codes 012 Table 6 Input codes 061 to 062
Code Displayed Name Description General Code Displayed Name Description General
012-216 BM crease roll LVF BM crease roll motor High = bar in encoder 062-034 Platen Scan Cool- Detects when the scanner cool- High = Fan off
motor encoder encoder sensor (Q12-216) gen- wheel, low = gap in ing Fan Input ing is running.
erates motor speed pulses. encoder wheel 062-100 Carriage Home Carriage home sensor (Q62- High = carriage home
012-303 Front door interlock 2K LCSS and LVF BM front door High = closed, low = open Sensor 100). This must be used in con-
interlock (Q12-303) detects if the junction with 62-023 Carriage
finisher front door is open. Home Sensor Test. Add both
012-317 Stapler cartridge 2K LCSS and LVF BM stapler On = made, Off = clear components, start the sensor
sensor cartridge sensor (Q12-317). test, then the carriage home sen-
sor test. The sensor will cycle its
012-318 Stapler jaw home 2K LCSS and LVF BM stapler On = made, Off = clear
sensor jaw home sensor (Q12-318). state as the carriage moves to
and from home.
012-363 SH1 cartridge sen- 2K LCSS and LVF BM SH1 car- On = made, Off = clear
062-251 Doc Size Sensor 1 Document size sensor 1 (Q62- High = document not
sor tridge sensor (Q12-363).
251). sensed, low = document
012-411 BM Stapler Jaw Booklet maker staple jaw home High = home, low = not
Home Sensor sensor (Q12-411). home
062-253 Doc Size Sensor 2 Document size sensor 2 (Q62- High = document not
012-412 BM Front Staple BM Front Staple Cartridge Low High = almost empty, low = 253). sensed, low = document
Cartridge Low Sen- Sensor (Q12-412). plentiful staples
062-301 DH Angle Sensor Input module angle sensor (Q62- High = input module low-
012-414 BM Rear Staple BM Rear Staple Cartridge Low High = almost empty, low =
301) detects the input module at ered, low input module
Cartridge Low Sen- Sensor (Q12-414). plentiful staples 30% angle for size sensing. raised
062-322 Platen Hotline Platen hotline High/Low
012-438 BM staple unit LVF BM staple unit home sensor High = home, low = not
home sensor (Q12-438). home
Table 7 Input codes 071 to 076
012-439 BM staple unit LVF BM staple unit away sensor High = at away position,
away sensor (Q12-439). low = not at away position Code Displayed Name Description General
012-440 BM back stop mid LVF BM end stop mid home sen- High = at mid home posi- 071-320 T1 Empty Sensor Tray 1 empty sensor (Q71-320). High = tray empty, low =
home sensor sor (Q12-440). tion, low = not at mid home paper in tray
position 071-330 T1 stack height Tray 1 stack height sensor (Q71- High = top of stack sensed,
012-442 BM front staple car- LVF BM staple 1 prime sensor High = ready, low = not sensor 330). low = top of stack not
tridge primed sen- (Q12-442). ready sensed
sor 072-320 T2 Empty Sensor Tray 2 empty sensor (Q72-320). High = paper in tray, low =
012-443 BM rear staple car- LVF BM staple 2 prime sensor High = ready, low = not tray empty
tridge primed sen- (Q12-443). ready 072-330 T2 stack height Tray 2 stack height sensor (Q72- High = top of stack sensed,
sor sensor 330). low = top of stack not
012-450 BM Front Staple BM Front Staple Cartridge High = present, low = not sensed
Cartridge Present Present Sensor (Q12-450) present 073-300 T3 Home Sensor Tray 3 home sensor (Q73-300). High = tray home. low =
Sensor tray not home
012-451 BM Rear Staple BM Rear Staple Cartridge High = present, low = not 073-320 T3 Empty Sensor Tray 3 empty sensor (Q73-320). High = tray empty, low =
Cartridge Present Present Sensor (Q12-451) present paper in tray
073-330 T3 Stack Height Tray 3 stack height sensor (Q73- High = top of stack sensed,
Sensor 330). low = top of stack not
Table 6 Input codes 061 to 062 sensed
Code Displayed Name Description General 073-340 T3 Level Encoder Detects tray 3 paper level High = top of stack sensed,
encoder status (Q73-340). low = top of stack not
062-019 DH Platen Down SPDH platen down sensor (Q62- High = SPDH lowered
Sensor 019). sensed
062-020 DH 24 Volts SPDH 24V High = 24V present

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-187 dC330
Table 7 Input codes 071 to 076 Output Codes
Code Displayed Name Description General
Table 10 Output codes 005
074-300 T4 Home Sensor Tray 4 home sensor (Q74-300). High = tray home. low =
tray not home Code Displayed Name Description General
074-320 T4 Empty Sensor Tray 4 empty sensor (Q74-320). High = paper in tray, low = 005-020 DH feed motor Runs the SPDH feed motor On/off. 90 seconds timeout
tray empty (MOT05-020) clockwise.
074-330 T4 Stack Height Tray 4 stack height sensor (Q74- High = top of stack sensed, 005-025 DH feed clutch Energizes the SPDH feed clutch On/off. 30 seconds timeout
Sensor 330). low = top of stack not (CL05-025).
sensed 005-030 DH read motor Runs the SPDH read motor On/off. 90 seconds timeout
074-340 T4 Level Encoder Detects tray 4 paper level High = top of stack sensed, (MOT05-030) clockwise.
encoder status (Q74-340). low = top of stack not 005-370 DH LED fan motor Runs the SPDH LED fan On/off
sensed (MOT05-370).
075-040 Bypass Tray Ele- Bypass tray elevate sensor (Q75- High = tray elevated 005-380 DH motor cooling Runs the SPDH motor fan motor On/off
vate Sensor 040). fan (MOT05-380).
075-320 Bypass Empty Sen- Bypass empty sensor (Q75-320). High = tray empty, low = 005-390 DH tray elevate SPDH tray elevator motor On/off
sor paper in tray motor (MOT05-390).
005-400 DH Reflection sen- SPDH Reflection sensor adjust- On/off
Table 8 Input codes 081 to 083 sor adjustment ment.
Code Displayed Name Description General 005-420 Feed motor (CCW) Runs the SPDH feed motor On/off
(MOT05-020) counter clockwise.
081-001 Tray 1 TAR Sensor Tray 1 TAR sensor (Q81-001). High/Low
005-425 DH take away Energizes the SPDH takeaway On/off
081-103 T3 Feed Sensor Detects when lead edge of paper High = paper present, low =
clutch clutch (CL05-425).
is at tray 3 feed sensor, (Q81- no paper
103). 005-430 Read motor (CCW) Runs the SPDH read motor On/off
081-104 T4 Feed Sensor Detects when lead edge of paper High = paper present, low = (MOT05-030) counter clockwise.
is at tray 4 feed sensor, (Q81- no paper
104). Table 11 Output codes 010
081-108 HCF Exit Sensor Detects a sheet being fed from High = paper present, Low Code Displayed Name Description General
the HCF. = no paper
010-020 Fuser Drive Motor Runs the fuser/exit motor On/off. 90 seconds timeout
081-150 Tray 4 Exit Sensor Detects a sheet being fed High/Low (MOT10-020).
through the tray 4 horizontal
010-030 Inverter Motor For- Runs the inverter motor (MOT10- On/off. 90 seconds timeout
transport. (tray 4 exit sensor ward at process 030) forward at process speed.
082-001 Tray 2 TAR Sensor Tray 2 TAR sensor (Q82-001). High/Low
010-035 Inverter Motor Runs the inverter motor (MOT10- On/off. 90 seconds timeout
082-150 Registration Sen- Detects when paper is at the reg- High = paper present, low = Reverse at pro- 030) in reverse at process speed.
sor istration sensor (Q82-150). no paper cess speed
083-160 Duplex Sensor Detects when paper is at the High = paper present, low = 010-036 Inverter Motor Runs the inverter motor (MOT10- On/off. 90 seconds timeout
duplex sensor (Q83-160). no paper Duplex Hi Speed 030) forward at high speed.
Table 9 Input codes 091 010-037 Inverter Motor Runs the inverter motor (MOT10- On/off. 90 seconds timeout
Code Displayed Name Description General Duplex Hi Speed 030) in reverse at high speed.
091-077 Bias Charge Roll Switches on the bias charge roll High = on, low = off
010-040 Horizontal Trans- Runs the horizontal transport On/off
DC voltage.
port Motor motor (MOT10-040).
091-078 Developer Bias DC Switches on the developer bias High = on, low = off

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC330 6-188 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
Table 11 Output codes 010 Table 12 Output codes 012
Code Displayed Name Description General Code Displayed Name Description General
010-045 Inverter Gate Sole- Energizes the invert path sole- On/off. 5 seconds timeout 012-234 Ejector Motor Runs the 2K LCSS and LVF BM On/off. 5 seconds timeout
noid noid (SOL10-045). When de- Home ejector motor (MOT12-234) to
energized sheets are fed to the the home position.
inverter. 012-235 Ejector Motor Move Runs the 2K LCSS and LVF BM On/off. 5 seconds timeout
010-500 Offset Motor - For- Runs the offset motor (MOT10- On/off ejector motor (MOT12-234) to
ward 500) forward. the out position.
010-501 Offset Motor - Runs the offset motor (MOT10- On/off 012-236 Ejector Motor Cycle Runs the 2K LCSS and LVF BM On/off. 90 seconds timeout
Reverse 500) in reverse. ejector motor (MOT12-234) cycle
routine until timeout or stop.
Table 12 Output codes 012
Code Displayed Name Description General CAUTION
012-045 SU1 Motor Back- Stapling Unit 1 increment back- On/off. 110 seconds time- Do not run the following codes
ward ward. out together: 012-045, 012-233, 012-
236, 012-242, 012-244, 012-249,
012-059 Elevator Motor Up Runs the 2K LCSS and LVF BM On/off. 500 mseconds time-
012-250. Running these codes at
bin 1 elevate motor (MOT12-241) out
the same time can cause dam-
by increments up.
age to the machine.
012-060 Elevator Motor Runs the 2K LCSS and LVF BM On/off. 500 mseconds time-
012-237 Paddle Roll Motor Runs the 2K LCSS and LVF BM On/off. 15 seconds timeout
Down bin 1 elevate motor (MOT12-241) out
Home paddle roll motor (MOT12-237) to
by increments down.
the home position.
012-223 Transport Motor 1 Runs the 2K LCSS and LVF BM On/off. 90 seconds timeout
012-238 Paddle Roll Motor Runs the 2K LCSS and LVF BM On/off. 15 seconds timeout
transport Motor 1 (MOT12-223).
Run paddle roll motor (MOT12-237)
012-224 Transport Motor 2 Runs the 2K LCSS and LVF BM On/off. 90 seconds timeout until timeout or stop.
transport motor 2 (MOT12-224).
012-241 Bin 1 Elevator Runs the 2K LCSS and LVF BM On/off. 15 seconds timeout
012-225 Exit Diverter Sole- Energises the 2K LCSS and LVF On/off. 5 seconds timeout Motor Home bin 1 elevate motor (MOT12-241)
noid BM exit diverter gate solenoid to the home position.
012-242 Bin1 Elevator Runs the 2K LCSS and LVF BM On/off. 90 seconds timeout.
012-226 Front Tamper Runs the 2K LCSS and LVF BM On/off. 5 seconds timeout Motor Cycle bin 1 elevate motor (MOT12-242)
Motor Home front tamper motor (MOT12-227) to cycle bins up/down until time-
to the home position. out or stop.
012-227 Rear Tamper Motor Runs the 2K LCSS and LVF BM On/off. 5 seconds timeout
Home rear tamper motor (MOT12-228)
to home position.
Do not run the following codes
012-228 Front Tamper Runs the 2K LCSS and LVF BM On/off. 5 seconds timeout
Motor Move front tamper motor (MOT11-003) together: 012-045, 012-233, 012-
236, 012-242, 012-244, 012-249,
move inbound.
012-250. Running these codes at
012-229 Rear Tamper Motor Runs the 2K LCSS and LVF BM On/off. 5 seconds timeout
the same time can cause dam-
Move rear tamper motor (MOT11-004) age to the machine.
move inbound.
012-243 Punch head move Runs the 2K LCSS and LVF BM On/off. 15 seconds timeout
012-230 Tampers to A4LEF Moves the 2K LCSS and LVF BM On/off. 5 seconds timeout
home hole punch motor (MOT12-243)
tampers to A4LEF position.
to the home position.
012-231 Tampers to Moves the 2K LCSS and LVF BM On/off. 5 seconds timeout
8.5x11LEF tampers to 8.5”x11” LEF position.
012-232 Tamper Motor Cycles the 2K LCSS and LVF BM On/off. 90 seconds timeout
Cycle tampers in and out until timeout
or stop.

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-189 dC330
Table 12 Output codes 012 Table 12 Output codes 012
Code Displayed Name Description General Code Displayed Name Description General
012-244 Punch Head Run Runs the 2K LCSS and LVF BM On/off. 15 seconds timeout 012-250 SU1 Motor Cycle Runs the 2K LCSS and HVF sta- On/off. 90 seconds timeout
hole punch motor (MOT12-244) pling unit 1 motor (MOT12-250)
continuously. cycle routine.

Do not run the following codes Do not run the following codes
together: 012-045, 012-233, 012- together: 012-045, 012-233, 012-
236, 012-242, 12-244, 012-249, 236, 012-242, 012-244, 012-249,
012-250. Running these codes at 012-250. Running these codes at
the same time can cause dam- the same time can cause dam-
age to the machine. age to the machine.
012-247 Staple Head 1 Runs the 2K LCSS and LVF BM On/off. 15 seconds timeout 012-252 BM Crease Blade Runs the LVF BM crease blade On/off. 90 seconds timeout
Motor staple head 1 motor (MOT12- Motor motor (MOT12-252) cycle rou-
247). tine.
012-253 Crease Roll Motor Runs the LVF BM crease roll On/off. 6 seconds timeout
CAUTION motor (MOT12-253).
Do not run code 012-247 without 012-255 BM Backstop Motor Runs the LVF BM backstop On/off. 90 seconds timeout
2 sheets of paper in the stapler motor (MOT12-255) to receive,
jaws. Running this code without staple, then crease positions.
the paper in position can cause 012-256 BM Tamper 1 Motor Runs the LVF BM tamper motor On/off. 90 seconds timeout
damage to the machine. (MOT12-256).
012-248 SH 1 Motor Runs the 2K LCSS and LVF BM On/off. 15 seconds timeout 012-258 BM Diverter Sole- Energizes the LVF BM diverter On/off. 5 seconds timeout
Reverse Home staple head 1 motor (MOT12- noid gate solenoid (SOL12-258).
248) in reverse to the home posi- 012-271 BM Flapper Motor Runs the LVF BM flapper motor On/off. 90 seconds timeout
tion. (MOT12-271).
012-249 SU1 Motor Forward Runs the 2K LCSS and LVF BM On/off. 15 seconds timeout 012-435 BM Stapler Unit Runs the BM staple unit move On/off. 5 seconds timeout
stapling unit 1 motor (MOT12- Move to Home. motor (MOT12-435) to drive the
249) increment forward. stapler unit to home.
012-436 BM Stapler Unit Runs the BM staple unit move On/off. 5 seconds timeout
CAUTION Move to Away. motor (MOT12-435) to drive the
stapler unit away from home.
Do not run the following codes
together: 012-045, 012-233, 012- 012-437 BM Staple Clinch BM Saddle Stitch Run 1 Cycle On/off. 15 seconds timeout
236, 012-242, 012-244, 012-249, Motor (Clinching).
012-250. Running these codes at
the same time can cause dam- Table 13 Output codes 020
age to the machine. Code Displayed Name Description General
020-010 Sngl Tone 0Hz Ln1 Emits single tone 0Hz on line 1. On/off
020-011 Sngl Tone 400Hz Emits single tone 400Hz on line On/off
Ln1 1.
020-012 Sngl Tone 1100Hz Emits single tone 1100Hz on line On/off
Ln1 1.
020-013 Sngl Tone 1300Hz Emits single tone 1300Hz on line On/off
Ln1 1.

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC330 6-190 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
Table 13 Output codes 020 Table 13 Output codes 020
Code Displayed Name Description General Code Displayed Name Description General
020-014 Sngl Tone 1650Hz Emits single tone 1650Hz on line On/off 020-049 V.34 2400 bps Emits V.34 2400 bps on line 1. On/off
Ln1 1. Line1
020-015 Sngl Tone 1850Hz Emits single tone 1850Hz on line On/off 020-050 V.34 4800 bps Emits V.34 4800 bps on line 1. On/off
Ln1 1. Line1
020-016 Sngl Tone 2100Hz Emits single tone 2100Hz on line On/off 020-051 V.34 7200 bps Emits V.34 7200 bps on line 1. On/off
Ln1 1. Line1
020-017 ANSAM Ln1 Switches on the line 1 ANSAM On/off 020-052 V.34 9600 bps Emits V.34 9600 bps on line 1. On/off
tone. Line1
020-018 CI Ln1 Switches line 1 to off hook quiet On/off 020-053 V.34 12000 bps Emits V.34 12000 bps on line 1. On/off
mode. Line1
020-020 DTMF # Line1 Emits DTMF # on line 1. On/off 020-054 V.34 14400 bps Emits V.34 14400 bps on line 1. On/off
020-021 DTMF * Line1 Emits DTMF * on line 1. On/off Line1
020-022 DTMF 0 Line1 Emits DTMF 0 on line 1. On/off 020-055 V.34 16800 bps Emits V.34 16800 bps on line 1. On/off
020-023 DTMF 1 Line1 Emits DTMF 1on line 1. On/off Line1
020-024 DTMF 2 Line1 Emits DTMF 2 on line 1. On/off 020-056 V.34 19200 bps Emits V.34 19200 bps on line 1. On/off
020-025 DTMF 3 Line1 Emits DTMF 3 on line 1. On/off
020-057 V.34 21600 bps Emits V.34 21600 bps on line 1. On/off
020-026 DTMF 4 Line1 Emits DTMF 4 on line 1. On/off
020-027 DTMF 5 Line1 Emits DTMF 5 on line 1. On/off
020-058 V.34 24000 bps Emits V.34 24000 bps on line 1. On/off
020-028 DTMF 6 Line1 Emits DTMF 6 on line 1. On/off Line1
020-029 DTMF 7 Line1 Emits DTMF 7 on line 1. On/off 020-059 V.34 26400 bps Emits V.34 26400 bps on line 1. On/off
020-030 DTMF 8 Line1 Emits DTMF 8 on line 1. On/off Line1
020-031 DTMF 9 Line1 Emits DTMF 9 on line 1. On/off 020-060 V.34 28800 bps Emits V.34 28800 bps on line 1. On/off
020-032 DTMF A Line1 Emits DTMF A on line 1. On/off Line1
020-033 DTMF B Line1 Emits DTMF B on line 1. On/off 020-061 V.34 31200 bps Emits V.34 31200 bps on line 1. On/off
020-034 DTMF C Line1 Emits DTMF C on line 1. On/off Line1
020-035 DTMF D Line1 Emits DTMF D on line 1. On/off 020-062 V.34 33600 bps Emits V.34 33600 bps on line 1. On/off
020-040 V.21 300 bps Line1 Emits V.21 300 bps on line 1. On/off Line1
020-041 V.27ter 2400 bps Emits V.27ter 2400 bps on line 1. On/off 020-080 Sngl Tone 0Hz Ln2 Emits single tone 0Hz on line 2. On/off
Line1 020-081 Sngl Tone 400Hz Emits single tone 400Hz on line On/off
020-042 V.27ter 4800 bps Emits V.27ter 4800 bps on line 1. On/off Ln2 2.
Line1 020-082 Sngl Tone 1100Hz Emits single tone 1100Hz on line On/off
020-043 V.29 7200 bps Emits V.29 7200 bps on line 1. On/off Ln2 2.
Line1 020-083 Sngl Tone 1300Hz Emits single tone 1300Hz on line On/off
020-044 V.29 9600 bps Emits V.29 9600 bps on line 1. On/off Ln2 2.
Line1 020-084 Sngl Tone 1650Hz Emits single tone 1650Hz on line On/off
020-045 V.17 7200 bps Emits V.17 7200 bps on line 1. On/off Ln2 2.
Line1 020-085 Sngl Tone 1850Hz Emits single tone 1850Hz on line On/off
020-046 V.17 9600 bps Emits V.17 9600 bps on line 1. On/off Ln2 2.
Line1 020-086 Sngl Tone 2100Hz Emits single tone 2100Hz on line On/off
020-047 V.17 12000 bps Emits V.17 12000 bps on line 1. On/off Ln2 2.
Line1 020-087 ANSAM Ln2 Switches on the line 2 ANSAM On/off
020-048 V.17 14400 bps Emits V.17 14400 bps on line 1. On/off tone.
Line1 020-088 CI Ln2 Switches line 2 to off hook quiet On/off

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-191 dC330
Table 13 Output codes 020 Table 13 Output codes 020
Code Displayed Name Description General Code Displayed Name Description General
020-090 DTMF # Line2 Emits DTMF # on line 2. On/off 020-124 V.34 14400 bps Emits V.34 14400 bps on line 2. On/off
020-091 DTMF * Line2 Emits DTMF * on line 2. On/off Line2
020-092 DTMF 0 Line2 Emits DTMF 0 on line 2. On/off 020-125 V.34 16800 bps Emits V.34 16800 bps on line 2. On/off
020-093 DTMF 1 Line2 Emits DTMF 1on line 2. On/off Line2
020-094 DTMF 2 Line2 Emits DTMF 2 on line 2. On/off 020-126 V.34 19200 bps Emits V.34 19200 bps on line 2. On/off
020-095 DTMF 3 Line2 Emits DTMF 3 on line 2. On/off
020-127 V.34 21600 bps Emits V.34 21600 bps on line 2. On/off
020-096 DTMF 4 Line2 Emits DTMF 4 on line 2. On/off
020-097 DTMF 5 Line2 Emits DTMF 5 on line 2. On/off
020-128 V.34 24000 bps Emits V.34 24000 bps on line 2. On/off
020-098 DTMF 6 Line2 Emits DTMF 6 on line 2. On/off Line2
020-099 DTMF 7 Line2 Emits DTMF 7 on line 2. On/off 020-129 V.34 26400 bps Emits V.34 26400 bps on line 2. On/off
020-100 DTMF 8 Line2 Emits DTMF 8 on line 2. On/off Line2
020-101 DTMF 9 Line2 Emits DTMF 9 on line 2. On/off 020-130 V.34 28800 bps Emits V.34 28800 bps on line 2. On/off
020-102 DTMF A Line2 Emits DTMF A on line 2. On/off Line2
020-103 DTMF B Line2 Emits DTMF B on line 2. On/off 020-131 V.34 31200 bps Emits V.34 31200 bps on line 2. On/off
020-104 DTMF C Line2 Emits DTMF C on line 2. On/off Line2
020-105 DTMF D Line2 Emits DTMF D on line 2. On/off 020-132 V.34 33600 bps Emits V.34 33600 bps on line 2. On/off
020-110 V.21 300 bps Line2 Emits V.21 300 bps on line 2. On/off Line2
020-111 V.27ter 2400 bps Emits V.27ter 2400 bps on line 2. On/off
Line2 Table 14 Output codes 061 to 066
020-112 V.27ter 4800 bps Emits V.27ter 4800 bps on line 2. On/off Code Displayed Name Description General
Line2 062-002 Platen Exposure Energizes the scanner exposure On/off. 90 seconds timeout
020-113 V.29 7200 bps Emits V.29 7200 bps on line 2. On/off Lamp lamp.
Line2 062-023 Carriage Home Scanner carriage home sensor On/off. 90 seconds timeout
020-114 V.29 9600 bps Emits V.29 9600 bps on line 2. On/off Sensor Test test. This must be used in con-
Line2 junction with 62-100 Carriage
020-115 V.17 7200 bps Emits V.17 7200 bps on line 2. On/off Home Sensor. Add both compo-
Line2 nents, start the sensor test, then
020-116 V.17 9600 bps Emits V.17 9600 bps on line 2. On/off the carriage home sensor test.
Line2 The sensor will cycle its state as
020-117 V.17 12000 bps Emits V.17 12000 bps on line 2. On/off the carriage moves to and from
Line2 home.
020-118 V.17 14400 bps Emits V.17 14400 bps on line 2. On/off 062-024 Carriage Move Doc Drives the scanner carriage to On/off. 90 seconds timeout
Line2 Size Position the document size position.
020-119 V.34 2400 bps Emits V.34 2400 bps on line 2. On/off 062-025 Carriage Move Drives the scanner carriage to On/off. 90 seconds timeout
Line2 CVT Position the CVT position.
020-120 V.34 4800 bps Emits V.34 4800 bps on line 2. On/off 062-026 Carriage Move Test Drives the scanner carriage to On/off. 90 seconds timeout
Line2 Position A test position A.
020-121 V.34 7200 bps Emits V.34 7200 bps on line 2. On/off 062-027 Carriage Move Test Drives the scanner carriage to On/off. 90 seconds timeout
Line2 Position B test position B.
020-122 V.34 9600 bps Emits V.34 9600 bps on line 2. On/off 062-028 Carriage Move Test Drives the scanner carriage to On/off. 90 seconds timeout
Line2 Position C test position C.
020-123 V.34 12000 bps Emits V.34 12000 bps on line 2. On/off 062-029 Scan Cooling Fan Runs the scanner cooling fan. On/off. 90 seconds timeout
Line2 062-030 Carriage Move Cal Drives the scanner carriage to On/off. 90 seconds timeout
Strip Position the calibration position.

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC330 6-192 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
Table 14 Output codes 061 to 066 Table 16 Output codes 080 to 083
Code Displayed Name Description General Code Displayed Name Description General
062-031 Carriage Move Drives the scanner carriage to On/off. 90 seconds timeout 081-020 T2 Feed Motor Runs the tray 2 feed motor. On/off. Linked to tray 2
Home Position the home position. (MOT81-020). home sensor. Paper tray
066-002 DH Exposure Lamp Energizes the SPDH exposure On/off. must be open when motor
lamp. energized. 60 seconds tim-
066-030 DH move Cal Strip Drives the SPDH calibration strip On/off. eout
Position to the home position. 081-030 T3 Feed Motor Runs the tray 3 feed motor On/off. Linked to tray 3
(MOT81-030). home sensor. Paper tray
Table 15 Output codes 071 to 076 must be open when motor
energized. 90 seconds tim-
Code Displayed Name Description General eout
071-010 T1 Elevate Motor Runs the tray 1 elevator motor On/off. Linked to tray 1 081-033 T3 Feed Clutch Energizes the tray 3 feed clutch On/off. Linked to tray 3
(MOT71-010) up. home sensor. Only run with (CL81-033). home sensor. Paper tray 3
tray out. 5 seconds timeout must be open when the
NOTE: The bypass tray clutch
072-010 T2 Elevate Motor Runs the tray 2 elevator motor On/off. Linked to tray 2 solenoid is energized
will also energize when compo-
(MOT72-010) up. home sensor. Only run with
nent control code 081-033 is
tray out. 5 seconds timeout
073-010 T3 Elevate Motor Runs the tray 3 elevator motor On/off. Linked to tray 3
081-040 T4 Feed Motor Runs the tray 4 feed motor On/off. Linked to tray 4
(MOT73-010) up. home sensor. Only run with
(MOT81-040). home sensor. Paper tray
tray out. 10 seconds time-
must be open when motor
energized. 90 seconds tim-
074-010 T4 Elevate Motor Runs the tray 4 elevate motor On/off. Linked to tray 4 eout
(MOT74-010) up. home sensor. Only run with
081-043 T4 Feed Clutch Energizes the tray 4 feed clutch On/off. Linked to tray 4
tray out. 10 seconds time-
(CL81-043). home sensor. Paper tray 4
must be open when the
solenoid is energized. 90
Table 16 Output codes 080 to 083 seconds timeout
Code Displayed Name Description General 081-045 HCF Transport Runs the tray 3 and 4 transport On/off. 90 seconds timeout
080-006 TAR/Bypass Tray Runs the TAR/bypass tray motor On/off. 60 seconds timeout. Motor motor (MOT81-045).
Motor (TAR Rolls) (MOT80-006) forward at process 083-060 Duplex Motor Slow Runs the duplex motor (MOT83- On/off. 90 seconds timeout
Process speed speed to drive the tray 1 and 2 060) at simplex speed.
transport rolls. 083-062 Duplex Motor Fast Runs the duplex motor (MOT83- On/off. 90 seconds timeout
080-007 TAR/Bypass Tray Runs the TAR/bypass tray motor On/off. 60 seconds timeout. 060) at duplex speed.
Motor (TAR Rolls) (MOT80-006) forward at high
Hi Speed speed to drive the tray 1 and 2 Table 17 Output codes 093
transport rolls.
Code Displayed Name Description General
080-015 Left Door Fans Runs both left door fans. On/off. 90 seconds timeout.
093-001 Print Cartridge Fan Runs the print cartridge fan On/off. 90 seconds timeout.
080-025 TAR/Bypass Tray Runs the TAR/bypass tray motor On/off. 60 seconds timeout.
Motor (Bypass) (MOT80-006) to drive the bypass
tray feed roll. 093-040 Toner Cartridge Runs the toner cartridge motor On/off. 60 seconds timeout
080-040 Registration Motor Runs the registration motor On/off. 5 seconds timeout. Motor (MOT93-040).
(MOT80-040). 093-045 Print Cartridge Runs the print cartridge motor On/off. 60 seconds timeout
081-010 T1 Feed Motor Runs the tray 1 feed motor (MOT On/off. Linked to tray 1 Motor (MOT93-045).
81-010). home sensor. Paper tray
must be open when motor
energized. 60 seconds tim-

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-193 dC330
dC361 NVM Save and Restore 2. Enter service mode, GP 1.
3. Select the Adjustments tab.
4. Select dC361 NVM Save and Restore.
To restore the NVM parameters of the machine to their previous values after completion of a
service action; i.e. NVM expansion, SBC PWB replacement, or any others that would necessi- The screen displays the NVM data.
tate a full NVM initialization. It can also be used to recover a machine‘s NVM values to a recent 5. Restore the NVM data.
service call, in the event that a complete NVM failure occurred. As an additional tool, the ability a. Select the entry from the available NVM data on the hard drive.
to copy files between the hard drive and a USB drive is provided.
NOTE: NVM data on a USB device should be copied to the hard drive before it can
be restored.
The NVM save to hard disk must be performed at the first service call and whenever the sys-
tem software is changed. b. Select Restore Machine NVM.
The status region at the top of the screen will report that the NVM was restored suc-
This procedure will save and restore only the SBC and IIT NVM. cessfully.
6. Select Close to return to the service mode window.
NOTE: After a USB flash drive is first connected to the machine, a UI screen message offering
scan to and print from USB options will display. This screen message can be closed or left 7. Select Call Closeout to exit service mode.
open before entering diagnostics without effecting the NVM save/restore processes. The USB 8. Select Exit and Reboot.
screen message will not reappear on exit from service mode.

NVM Save
1. If necessary, connect the USB flash drive to the USB port in the UI housing.
2. Enter service mode, GP 1.
3. Select the Adjustments tab.
4. Select dC361 NVM Save and Restore.
The screen displays the NVM data.

• The top entry displays the live NVM data for the machine.
• If the data has previously been saved to the hard disk, these will be displayed in a list
below the live data.
• If a USB device containing NVM data is connected, these will be displayed below the
hard disk data. To be recognized by the machine, the USB device must be con-
nected at the time dC361 is started.

5. Save the NVM data.

• To save the live data to the hard disk, select the live data entry, then select Save to
Hard Drive.
• To save the hard disk data to a USB device, select the hard disk entry, then select
Save to USB Device.
• To save the USB data to the hard disk, select the USB entry, then select Save to

NOTE: Data cannot be saved or restored directly to or from the USB device to the

6. Select Close to return to the service mode window.

7. Select Call Closeout to exit service mode
NVM Restore
1. If necessary, connect the USB drive to the USB port in the UI housing.

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC361 6-194 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
dC604 Registration Setup Procedure NOTE: The output prints are duplex. Side 2 is face up in the output tray.
10. If the correct registration can not be obtained because the registration scales are out of
Description range or off the page, enter dC301 NVM Initialization. Select Machine Variable NVM and
The dC604 routine allows the measurement and adjustment of image to paper registration for initialize. This will reset all of the registration values to default. Return to step 3.
the Image Output Terminal.
11. The individual trays can be adjusted to compensate for any mechanical variation between
the trays, which may cause an error in the top edge registration.
Purpose The individual tray top edge has an adjustment range of +/-10mm with increments of
To measure and adjust the lead edge and top edge image to paper registration of the image 0.5mm. When saved, the adjustment will update the NVM offset value for the specific tray.
output terminal by performing the routines that follow:
To adjust the top edge registration on individual trays perform the steps that follow:
1. Image Output Terminal Registration All Trays side 1 - simplex lead and top edge registra-
a. Enter service mode GP 1.
tion adjustment.
b. Select the Adjustments tab.
2. Image Output Terminal Registration All Trays side 2 - duplex lead and top edge registra-
c. Select dC604 Registration Setup.
tion adjustment.
d. Select Individual trays.
3. Image Output Terminal Registration Individual trays side 1 - simplex lead and top edge
registration adjustment. e. Select Print Test Patterns, then follow the UI screen prompts.
4. Image Output Terminal Registration Individual trays side 2 duplex lead and top edge f. Select Image Output Terminal Registration Side 2. Repeat the above procedure as
registration adjustment. necessary.
Initial Action g. Select Close to return to the service mode window.

• Ensure that 8.5 x 11 or A4 LEF paper is loaded in tray 1. h. Select Call Closeout to exit service mode.
i. Select Exit and Reboot.
12. Check for skew. Refer to IQS 5 Skew.
NOTE: During the registration routines, the zone areas are either shifted or cropped, and the
remaining lengths of the remaining test pattern rulers are used to calculate the new registration
NVM values, Figure 2. The test pattern is designed for both market regions, therefore the size
of the edge deletions will depend on the paper size.
• For A4 LEF paper, all edges have a 10mm deletion, but the bottom edge (Zone C on Fig-
ure 1) measures 28mm from the edge of the paper.
• For 8.5 x 11 LEF paper, all edges have a 10mm deletion, but the trail edge (Zone B on
Figure 1) measures 16mm from the edge of the paper.

NOTE: Always perform the IOT Registration Side 1 adjustments before performing any other
registration adjustment, as the IOT Registration Side 1 adjustment affects the others.

NOTE: Always perform an All Trays registration before the registration of any Individual Trays.
If the processes are run in reverse order the registration of any individual trays will be overwrit-
ten and lost.

1. Enter service mode, GP 1.

2. Select the Adjustment tab.
3. Select dC604 Registration Setup.
4. Select dC604 IOT Registration.
5. Select All Trays.

NOTE: Do not select individual trays unless directed by the documentation.

6. Select Side 1.
7. Select Print Test Patterns, then follow the UI screen prompts.
8. Select Side 2.
9. Select Print Test Patterns, then follow the UI screen prompts.

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-195 dC604
Top edge registration on the 20mm line

Lead edge registration on the 20mm line

Figure 1 Registration test pattern Figure 2 IOT registration

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC604 6-196 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
dC608 Document Feeder Registration dC609 Document Glass Registration
Purpose Purpose
This feature checks the registration of the document feeder and corrects any misalignments. This feature checks the registration of the document glass and corrects any misalignments.
The process runs automatically and does not require any user intervention other than inserting The process runs automatically and does not require any user intervention other than keeping
3 blank sheets in the document feeder. the SPDH open during the operation.

Initial Action Initial Action

This routine must be run in conjunction and in numerical order with the dC routines listed in This routine must be run in conjunction and in numerical order with the dC routines listed in
Table 1. Table 1.

Table 1 dC routine order Table 1 dC routine order

IIT Conjunctional dC Routine Sequence IIT Conjunctional dC Routine Sequence
1. dC604 Image Output Terminal Registration 1. dC604 Image Output Terminal Registration
2. dC609 Document Glass Registration 2. dC609 Document Glass Registration
4. dC610 CCD Lamp Profile Adjustment 4. dC610 CCD Lamp Profile Adjustment
5. dC608 Document Feeder Registration 5. dC608 Document Feeder Registration
6. dC945 IIT Calibration 6. dC945 IIT Calibration

Procedure Procedure
1. Enter service mode, GP 1. 1. Enter service mode, GP 1.
2. Select the Adjustments tab. 2. Select the Adjustments tab.
3. Perform all the listed dC routines preceding this routine in Table 1. 3. Perform all the listed dC routines preceding this routine in Table 1.

NOTE: Do not continue with this routine unless dC604, dC609 and dC610 have been per- NOTE: Do not continue with this routine unless dC604, has been performed.
4. Select dC609 Document Glass Registration.
4. Select dC608 Document Feeder Registration. The screen displays the current registration values.
5. Insert 3 blank A4 or 8.5x11 inch white sheets, SEF, into the document feeder. 5. Open the SPDH. Remove any documents from the document glass.
6. Ensure the document guides are correctly adjusted.
NOTE: The SPDH should remain open until this procedure is complete.
7. Select Start.
The document feeder feeds the documents. 6. Select Start to run the routine.
The screen displays the registration values. The screen displays the values for before and after registration.
8. Select Close to exit the routine. 7. Select Close to exit the routine.
9. Perform all the listed dC routines following this routine in Table 1. 8. Perform all the listed dC routines following this routine in Table 1.
10. Select Call Closeout to exit service mode 9. Select Call Closeout to exit service mode.
11. Select Exit and Reboot. 10. Select Exit and Reboot.

NOTE: Ensure that dC945 is performed after this routine has been completed. NOTE: Ensure that dC610, dC608 and dC945 are performed after this routine has been

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-197 dC608, dC609
dC610 CCD Lamp Profile Adjustment dC612 Print Test Pattern
Purpose Purpose
To adjust the side 1 (scanner), then the side 2 (SPDH) scan lamps to maintain optimum image To print the internal test patterns.
NOTE: All test prints should be printed long edge feed.
Initial Action
This routine must be run in conjunction and in numerical order with the dC routines listed in
1. Enter service mode, GP 1.
Table 1.
2. Select the Diagnostics tab.
Table 1 dC routine order 3. Select dC612 Print Test Pattern
IIT Conjunctional dC Routine Sequence 4. Select the test pattern required. Refer to IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP.
Select from the available options for the required test pattern.
1. dC604 Image Output Terminal Registration
2. dC609 Document Glass Registration NOTE: In most instances the recommended paper size is Letter/A4, but the test can be
4. dC610 CCD Lamp Profile Adjustment run from all trays, paper sizes or paper types.
5. dC608 Document Feeder Registration 5. Select Close to exit the routine.
6. dC945 IIT Calibration 6. Select Call Closeout to exit service mode.
7. Select Exit and Reboot.
Procedure NOTE: For details of test patterns, descriptions of their application, media size and other fea-
1. Enter service mode, GP 1. tures, refer to IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP.
2. Select the Adjustment tab.
3. Perform all the listed dC routines preceding this routine in Table 1.

NOTE: Do not continue with this routine unless dC604 and dC609 have been performed.
4. Select dC610 CCD Lamp Profile Adjustment.
5. Select Start to run the routine.
6. Select Close to exit the routine.
7. Perform all the listed dC routines following this routine in Table 1.
8. Select Call Closeout to exit service mode.
9. Select Exit and Reboot.

NOTE: Ensure that dC608 and dC945 are performed after this routine has been com-

dC610 Failure
• If dC610 reports a failure when adjusting the side 1 (scanner), check the fault history of
the machine. Clear any faults, Run dC610 again. If side 1 still fails, check all wiring and
connectors between the scanner PWB and the scan carriage assembly, refer to WD16.
Pay particular attention to ensure the ribbon cable connections are good.
• If dC610 reports a failure when adjusting the side 2 (SPDH), check the fault history of the
machine. Clear any faults, Run dC610 again. If side 2 still fails, check all wiring connec-
tors between the SPDH PWB and the side 2 scan assembly, refer to WD13 and WD16.
Also check the wiring and connectors between the SPDH PWB and the scanner PWB,
refer to WD13. Pay particular attention to ensure the ribbon cable connections are good.

General Procedures/Information July 2014

dC610, dC612 6-198 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
dC945 IIT Calibration 12. Select Exit and Reboot.

Purpose Table 2 Approved paper types

To automatically calculate and set the white-reference correction factor for paper white and cal- ScannerPaperCode NVM
ibration strip variations. This procedure must be run whenever a side 2 scan assembly, scan
Approved Paper Types for Location 801-80 Value
carriage assembly, scanner module, scanner module component, or a complete SPDH is
dC945 Approved Paper Size Setting
J_ Paper 22lb, 82gsm A3 or 11 x 17 inch 1
Initial Action ColorXpressions 24lb, 90gsm A3 or 11 x 17 inch 5
• Perform as appropriate ADJ 60.1 Scanner Cleaning Procedure and/or ADJ 60.2 Side 2 ColorTechPlus 24lb, 90gsm A3 or 11 x 17 inch 6
Scan Assembly Cleaning Procedure. Xerox 4200 20lb, 75gsm A3 or 11 x 17 inch 7
• This routine must be run in conjunction and in numerical order with the dC routines listed Xerox Business 21lb, 80gsm A3 or 11 x 17 inch 8
in Table 1.

Table 1 dC routine order

dC945 Failure
If dC945 fails, perform the steps that follow:
IIT Conjunctional dC Routine Sequence
1. dC604 Image Output Terminal Registration 1. Set the NVM values listed in Table 3 to their default value. Refer to dC131 NVM Read/
2. dC609 Document Glass Registration Write.
4. dC610 CCD Lamp Profile Adjustment 2. Go to SCP 1 Initial Actions. Then check the fault history of the machine. Clear any faults,
then perform dC945.
5. dC608 Document Feeder Registration
6. dC945 IIT Calibration Table 3 NVM Values
Description NVM Location NVM Value
PlatenWhiteRefRed 801 - 81 260
1. Enter service mode, GP 1.
PlatenWhiteRefGreen 801 - 82 262
2. Select the Adjustments tab.
PlatenWhiteRefBlue 801 - 83 260
NOTE: This routine requires the use of 1 of the 5 approved paper types, set to a corre- PlatenWhiteRefMono 801 - 84 262
sponding NVM value, Table 2. If a correct paper type is not available, do not run the dC
CvtWhiteRefMono 801 - 20 296
945 routine. Leave the NVM setting at default, Table 3.
CvtWhiteRefRed 801 - 21 304
3. Set the NVM value to your approved paper type, Table 2. Refer to dC131 NVM Read/ CvtWhiteRefGreen 801 - 22 301
CvtWhiteRefBlue 801 - 23 290
4. Perform all the listed dC routines preceding this routine in Table 1.
CvtWhiteRefMono 803 - 20 294
NOTE: Do not continue with this routine before dC604, dC609, dC610 and dC608 have CvtWhiteRefRed 803 - 21 295
been performed. CvtWhiteRefGreen 803 - 22 295
5. Select dC945 IIT Calibration. CvtWhiteRefBlue 803 - 23 286
6. Select Document Handler.
7. Follow the on screen instructions.
8. Select Platen.
9. Follow the on screen instructions.
10. Select Close to exit the routine.
11. Select Call Closeout to exit service mode.

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-199 dC945
General Procedures/Information July 2014
dC945 6-200 Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family
Tags Mod/Tag Plate Location
Purpose The Processor module. Open the left door assembly. The Mod/Tag plate is located on the
inboard rear of the IOT frame.
To provide a list of all the tag numbers used, together with a description of each of the machine
The SPDH module. Lift up the SPDH top cover assembly. The Mod / Tag plate is located on the
inside of the top cover on the outboard side.
Each modification to the system is assigned a unique tag number. This section of the service The scanner module. Remove the scanner rear cover, PL 5.10 Item 1. The Mod/Tag plate is
documentation contains a listing and brief description of all change tags. located on the inside of the rear cover.

Change tags listed in this section are listed by machine module. The module to which the tag The 2K LCSS module. Un-dock the 2K LCSS. Refer to REP 12.13-110. The Mod/Tag plate is
relates is identified by the tag prefix letter. For example; Tag F048 applies to the 2K LCSS. The located in the base pan of the 2K LCSS.
module prefixes are:
• Processor Tags - 001 to 250 (no prefix). The LVF BM module. Undock the LVF BM module. Refer to REP 12.13-150. The Mod/Tag
• SPDH Tags - D001 to D050. plate is located on the booklet tamper assembly, PL 12.380 Item 1.

• Scanner Tags - S001 to S050.

Fax module. The Mod/Tag plate is located on the underside of the fax module.
• 2K LCSS Tags - F001 to F050.
• LVF BM Tags - B001 to B050. Classification Codes
• Fax Tags - X001 to X050. The class or classification codes are described in Table 1.
Tag Information
Table 1 Classification codes
Information that may be included with each tag item is as follows:
• Tag - indicates the control number for the tag. Code Code Description
• Class - indicates the classification codes as listed in Table 1. - 1 Safety: install this tag immediately.
• Use - identifies the multinational operating markets affected by the modification. M 2 Mandatory: install this tag at the next opportunity.
• Manufacturing Serial Number - indicates the serial number of the factory-built machines R 3 Repair: install this tag as a repair, at the failure of a component.
with the modification installed. O 4 Optional: install as a customer option or a field engineering decision.
• Purpose - provides a brief description of the modification. S 4 Situational: install as the situation demands.
• Name - identifies the name of the part or modification. N 5 Manufacturing: cannot be installed in the field.
• Kit Number - identifies the part number of the kit or part required to install the modification. - 6 Refurbishing only.
• Reference or Parts List On - indicates the parts list where the kit or modification part can
be found.

July 2014 General Procedures/Information

Xerox® WorkCentre® 5945 Family 6-201 Tags

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