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For nine of the past 10 years, 3M has ranked in the top 10 in Fortune's annual
survey of "America's Most Admired Corporations." News media report extensively
about 3M's culture of innovation. In 1994 alone, major reporting about 3M
included articles in Fortune and Business Week in the United States

3M's success can be measured by the fact that one original share of stock has
become 1,536 shares today with a value of $840,000.

Founded in 1902, 3M has evolved from near failure to become one of the world's
most innovative companies -- with 60,000 products that contribute to health and
safety, productivity, and communication in more than 200 countries. It is said that
one quarter of the world's population uses one or more 3M products every day.

Technology helped lift 3M from near failure after an initial mining venture
produced a single $20 sale of poor-quality abrasive material, and the company's
first crude sandpaper began shedding its grit. The company's only technician
solved this problem by identifying the source. The grit was shipped from Spain as
ballast aboard a freighter, and olive oil leaked into it from casks broken open
during a storm. From these early difficulties, 3M have evolved into a company
with annual sales of more than $14 billion and operations in the United States and
61 other countries. This success is built upon an R&D program that now includes
8,400 scientists, technicians and engineers working in 66 laboratories around the
world, including 52 at its headquarters in St. Paul, Minn., and in Austin, Texas, and
14 in Belgium, Canada, Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, South Korea, Japan

3M holds 31,000 patents around the world and receives about 400 additional
patents annually in the United States alone. 3M technologies include no woven
materials, 1,500 kinds of adhesive and micro structured surfacing.
Innovation is a catalyst that helps 3M converts technology into commercially
successful products. It does this within a corporate culture that encourages risk-
taking. This culture is why -- nine decades after its shaky beginning -- 3M keeps
itself on solid ground by continuous renewal -- to the benefit of 3M employees
and shareholders, customers, suppliers and the U.S. economy.

The company benefits the U.S. economy in several ways. It has created 86,000
jobs worldwide, of which 48,000 are in the United States, including 8,000 jobs
linked to 3M's annual exports of $1.5 billion and other aspects of international
trade. Headquartered in St. Paul, Minn., it operates 82 plant locations and 99
sales offices in 38 states.

3M also is a well-established business presence in the other 61 countries where it

operates. In these, it has 109 plant locations and 223 sales offices. In Japan alone,
3M's largest single-country market outside the United States, the company's sales
top $1.4 billion annually, and it is a leader in a number of markets. On a global
basis, 3M is the only U.S. company to be a leader in videotape, and it is the
undisputed leader in computer diskettes, data cartridges and tapes.
3M stresses proper funding of science and technology to provide the new
products that are the building blocks of its growth. The company spends 7 cents
of every sales dollar on R&D -- more than twice the average of U.S. manufacturing
companies. This produces a cornucopia of new products. In 1993, 3M generated

sales of more than $900 million from products less than a year old. In 1994, 3M
expected to achieve its new goal of 30 percent of sales from products less than
four years old.
3M's tradition is to maintain R&D spending at a high level during difficult times,
which helps the company, continues to outperform the economies it serves and
positions it well for early participation when recovery occurs.

3M provides an example of how, with direction, a culture of innovation can

become pervasive in an organization, creating conditions favorable to continuous
renewal. This allows the innovative organization to achieve growth over time by
keeping on the leading edge of technology, business practices, customer needs
and other forms of change. After nine decades, 3M continues on its growth path,
propelled by:

A culture that "is the sum total of the actions of people" to encourage,
recognize and reward innovation and risk-taking by business units and
individuals alike. It is a traditional 3M aphorism that you can't run fast
without stumbling occasionally. And the company's philosophy remains as
expressed in 1948 by Chairman W. L. McKnight, who joined the company in
1905 as a $10.50-a-week bookkeeper and guided decades of growth. He
said, "Management that is destructively critical when mistakes are made
kills initiative, and it is essential that we have many people with initiative if
we are to grow."

A solid base of 17 core technologies and more than 120 subcategories of
technology, and a culture-driven ability to maximize use of these
technologies by sharing them widely throughout the company. For
example, all 48 3M product divisions use variants of 3M's basic coating
technology for applying abrasive to sandpaper, adhesive to tape, magnetic
particles to videotape and many other combinations. 3M scientists also
may obtain specialized support from a dozen Centers of Technology
Excellence and five Analytical Resource Centers. 3M's leaders stress that,
while products belong to the divisions, technologies belong to the

A Technical Forum, the members of which are all 3M scientists, engineers

and technicians. The forum provides formal and informal means of
communication designed to foster cross-fertilization of ideas. The forum's
activities range from seminars conducted by Nobel laureates to various
specialty technology chapters (polymer chemistry, for example). Polymer
chemists participate to keep their knowledge and technique at state of the
art. A materials scientist could attend the polymer chemistry chapter to
focus his or her search for a way to attach an advanced aerospace
composite to titanium. Scientists from other disciplines can participate to
obtain special help outside of their own areas of expertise.

Emphasis on creating and protecting intellectual property. 3M was issued

its first patent in 1905 for a method of fastening abrasive material to metal.
3M has 718 patent-holding inventors among its 8,400 scientists, technicians
and engineers. These include five with more than 40 patents each. Perhaps

of more future significance, 508 3M inventors became first-time patent
holders in 1993.

A strong focus on identifying customer needs and problems, which inspires

creative responses to both. One of 3M's early successes -- the invention of
masking tape -- occurred because of technician delivering abrasives to a
paint shop listened to workers complain about how glue-on-newspaper
masking materials damaged two-tone paint jobs. Masking tapes remain a
significant 3M product six decades later. More recently, 3M helped doctors
improve diagnostic procedures by inventing the medical laser imager after
discovering that doctors and nurses were highly dissatisfied with previous
techniques of copying images from CT scans and other digital devices. The
3M laser imager electronically produces X-ray-quality images from these

In this company, a product comes to life because creative people share

technologies and understand customer needs.

3M's goal remains to pursue growth by continuing to foster an atmosphere

in which creative people can solve customer problems. This leads to a wide
range of products that are used in almost every segment of the world
economy. These examples are representative and not inclusive.



Established as Minnesota, Mining and Manufacturing in 1907 for the manufacture
of corundum, 3M met with success when through research and development it
succeeded in introducing the very first of its kind - wet sandpaper. From then on
begins the tale of a company focused on innovation and quality.


When 3M India, formerly Birla 3M Limited, commenced operations in India, they
began with a small manufacturing unit in the basement of the city office, which
focused on the manufacture of telecom connectors.

Later, 3M established its very first manufacturing unit in Electronics City, which
currently engages in the following Manufacturing and Conversion activities:

 Optic Fibre Cable Assembly

 Telecom Connectors
 Buff Pads (Polish Cards)
 Scotch Brite Conversion
 Scotch Tape Conversion
 Computer filters.

Formerly, the unit also engaged in the Manufacture of Scotch Tapes, however,
since it was not economically viable, the production unit was closed down and

now, 3M engages only in Tape Slitting and Conversion. It has a Graphics
Production Center, as well as a 3M Innovation Center, which focuses Business


The factory at Atibele was acquired in 2000, and is focused solely on Graphics
Production for the entire range of TVS product right from the TVS Scooty, to Fiero
to TVS Victor.










Confirmed Employees 50 36

Contract Labour 100 40

Apprentices 43 -

Total Number of 193 106





3M has a young workforce, with the average age of the 3M operators ranging
from 30-33years. Typically the educational qualifications of the operators are
S.S.L.C., Diploma holders, ITI fitters, Millright mechanics and electricians.


When 3M took over the Atibele Unit, it took control over the entire unit, and
retained the existing employees. The operators are typically 8th ʹ10th standard
passed candidates, and also have 2-3 B.A/ B.Sc holders.

Operating in over 62 countries, with a product range of over 60,000 products, the
average age of any product being less than 4 years old, and over 500 new
introductions every year,



 Industrial Markets group

 Automotive & chemical markets group
 Electro & Telecom Markets group
 Health Care Markets group
 Traffic Safety Markets group
 Electronics Markets group
 Construction markets group
 Consumer & Office Markets group


c ·`·   Ô

Workplace to pursue innovative ideas. Policies practices and
organization structure have been flexible and characterized by
mutual trust a co-operation.




the commitment to the highest standards of ethics throughout

the organization and in all aspects of 3M͛s operations.


embrace widely diverse businesses and operates in different

political and economic systems throughout the world. From this
principle has developed an identifiable 3M spirit and a sense of
belonging to a 3M family.












3M͛s business objectives reflect 3M͛s customer-centric approach to business, its
focus on quality and reliability, its concern for both employees and society. This
has gone a long way in making 3M what it is today.

1. ·
  : 3M will endeavor to maintain optimum profit margins
in all product lines in order to finance 3m͛s future growth and to provide
an adequate return to stockholders. Expansion will not be an end in itself,
but will be dictated by needs and desires of the market place for new and
useful products and services. In meeting this objective, 3M will work for
the preservation and improvement of the profit system. It advocates free
market principles
2. ·    It IS 3M͛s objective to develop and sell
proprietary products and services of high quality and reliability that are
genuinely useful to customers and consumers. In this mission, 3M
contributes to a better quality of life and a higher standard of living for its
employees and the public generally.

  : 3M believes that it is essential to provide an
organizational structure and work climate which respects the dignity and
worth of individuals, encourages initiative, challenger individual
capacities, provides equal opportunity for development and equitably
rewards efforts and contribution. It will endeavor to provide a stable
work environment, which promotes career employment. It believes 3M
employees are the Corporation͛s most valuable resource.
  3M recognizes that its businesses operations have broad
societal impact. It will endeavor to be sensitive to public attitudes and
social concerns in the work place, the community, the environment and
within the different political and economic systems where 3M conducts
c `  






# $  


7. Assist wherever possible, government agencies and other official organizations
engaged in environmental activities.
























 ·  ‘



















èÊ èÊ 

èÊ èÊ  Ê

1. Six Sigma͛s goal is the near elimination of defects from any process, product,
or service.
2. The numerical goal is 3.467 defects per million opportunities
3. Juran once concluded that in the US, close to 1/3rd of the work done consisted
of redoing what had already been done.
4. Depending on the industry, this Cost Of Poor Quality (COPQ) could be 20 to
40% of total effort.

èÊ  èèÊ èÊ 

 Genuine focus on the customer.

 Data and fact driven management 
c Process are where the action is .
u Proactive Management 
 Boundary less collaboration 
 Drive for perfection.


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(e.g. Six Sigma Academy) did initial training which is all done internally now.
2. è è     Champions responsible for selection and monitoring of projects and delivery
support to the belts.
3.         belts with the minimum of one extra year of advanced tool
learning, business/Leader Ship training and teaching experience.
4.  Professional who leads major projects

 who receives fundamental learning in the six sigma tools and
specify tool training that relate to their project or functional processes.

èÊ èÊ c Ê Ê 

y Proven Approach
y One Approach Across all 3M
y Key To how we execute everywhere
y Energizing the organization



Ê    è·   

Finance is regarded as the lifeblood of the business enterprise. Efficient

financial management is very important to any organization. Lack of this paralyses
the activities of the firm. Hence, it is essential to have a sound financial system
organized in an organization or enterprise. Every organization needs money and
the management of it is very important in any financial system of an organization.

3M-India, has a very sound financial department and well trained and
experienced employees to carry out the financial activities. Here very small to big
activities are carried out with utmost care.

The hierarchy in finance department at 3M-India is as follows:









Officer &


The objectives of financial department are as under: -

6 To ensure that accounting records of various divisions are properly

6 To ensure that sales realization are properly accounted and remained the
marketing section from time - time over the debtors portion in order to
enable them to collect the dues.
6 The account section objective is also to see that regular payments of bills
due are made to producers on priority.

6 To see that the payments creditors are made within stipulated time.
6 Account section has to provide management timely information about the
financial position of the Organization and guide them as to viability of the
proposals that come in the course of business activity.

6 The other objective of finance section is to keep the management / board

appraised of monthly treading and p/1 figures.
6 To include timely submission of financial statements to auditors and ensure
smooth audit is conducted and give audit reports to management.
6 To make cost evaluation and caution management where ever the cost
exceeds the norms.

The main functions of financial department are as under: -

1) To manage cash.

2) To manage bills

3) To manage transportation bills.

4) To manage pay bills

5) To manage accounts






a) Fixed Assets

b) Liabilities
c) Testing Equipments
d) Lighting
e) Vehicle

a) Promoters Share
b) Loan from friends and Relatives
c) Working Capital from bank
d) Finance for delivery Vehicle

% Raw Material and other overheads requirement



 è ·





Human resource management is a management function that helps a

manager to recruit, select, train and develop members for an organization. It is
mainly concerned with the people dimension in organization.

3M-INDIA has a very efficient HR - department also known as

administrative department. The activities are very limited. But this department
carries out its functions effectively and maintains good employee and employer


The HR ʹ department consists of a head designated as ͚Administrative

Officer͛, below him is the superintendent with clerical staff.

The hierarchy is as follows:


01. Recruitment of candidates

02. Selection of best suited and right person

03. Training and development of employees

04. Framing of rules

05. Creating a good working environment

06. Motivating the employees to work hard

07. Maximizing the performance of employees

08. Maintenance of records

09. Maintenance of industrial relations

10. Employee Service and Benefits

11. Compensation

12.Personal Audit

The primary objective of HRM is to ensure the availability of a competent and willing workforce of an
organization. Beyond this there are other objectives too: -





 èÊ  !Ê":-To be ethically and socially responsible to the need and
challenges of the society while minimizing the negative impact of such demands
upon the organization.

  Êè Ê  !Ê":-To recognize the role of HRM in bringing about

organizational effectiveness.

c Ê !Ê":-To maintain the department͛s contribution to a level

appropriate to the organization needs.

u·è !Ê":-To assist employees in achieving their personal goals at

least insofar as their goals enhance the individual contribution to the

c Ê Ê r

The following are the HR practices of 3M-INDIA;


It is allowance provided to all permanent employees at the rate of 7.5 % of



Companies provide various conveyance facilities to its employees from the

place of residence to the place of work.


It is an allowance given to employees who work in shifts (except general

shift). Shift allowance cannot be taken into account for the purpose of calculating
PF, Bonus etc.






The amount of gratuity payable is generally 15 days average salary. For this
purpose salary includes only basic salary and DA



The employees are covered under the group saving Life Insurance scheme.
In the event of disablement of any nature, insurance company will compensate as
per the terms and conditions



If any workmen of the factory at 3M-INDIA expire, the company doesnt

declare paid holiday. However, if the workmen decide to work on a holiday /
weekly off and contributes that day's wages to the deceased workmen's family an
equivalent amount will be granted by the company and thus total amount will be
paid to the nominee of the deceased workmen.

The nominee under the payment of Gratuity Act, PF Act or legal heir, as the
case may be considered for this purpose.


All permanent employees as on the date of settlement will be given leave

facilities as mentioned below.

y Earned leave
y Casual leave
y Commuted / half day leave
y Special disability leave
y Maternity leave
y Restricted leave

The conditions for handicap allowance are minimum as workers are

working at the safest workplace. Still due to unforeseen reasons if the worker
get͛s handicapped during work he will be properly compensated with all the
requirements he need to lead his life.


The workmen covered under ESI will be eligible for medical reimbursement
of  5000 for inpatient and Rs. 2400 for outpatient


Washing allowance is also provided by 3M-INDIA to each employee of


It will not be taken into account for this purpose of calculating PF Bonus ESI
and gratuity.


Workmen will be provided to avail this facility seven times in an year. The
entire allowance amount will be deducted from the salary of the month in which
advance is paid.

The other HRM practices practiced in 3M-INDIA are as under: -

y Canteen facilities
y Festival advances
y Emergency medical loan facilities
y Educational loans for children of workmen
y Employment opportunity
y Long service award hospitalization
y Cold storage allowance
y Employee state insurance

y Heat allowance
y Attendance allowance
y Special pay, allowances inactive
y Trip allowance
y Over time allowance


Promotion for the employees is given on seniority basis. For promotion,

individual employee should have working experience of about 8-10 years in a
particular department i.e. minimum 5 years


1. Organisation is not mere bricks, mortar, machineries, or inventories. They are

people. It is the people who staff and manage organization.

2. HRM involves the application of management functions and principles. The

functions and principles are applied to acquisitioning, developing, maintaining
and remunerating employees in organizations.

3. Decisions relating to employees must be integrated. Decision on different

aspects of employees must be consistent with other human resource decision

4. Decisions must influence the effectiveness of an organization. Effectiveness of
an organization must result in betterment of service to customers in the form of
high quality products supplied at reasonable costs.

5. HRM functions are not confined to business establishment only. They are
applicable to non business organizations, too, such as education, healthcare,
recreation, and the like.

Thus HRM refers to a set of programs, functions and activities designed and
carried out in order to maximize both employee as well as organizational

è Êè

HRM differs from Personal Management (PM) both in scope and orientation.

HRM views people as an important source or asset to be used for the benefits of
an organization, employees and the society. PM has a limited scope and an
inverted orientation. It viewed labor as a tool, the behavior of which could be
implemented for the benefit of the organization and replaced when it was worn-
out. The personal department itself was not treated with respect. It was filled
with not very productive employees whose services could be needed with
minimal damage to the organization ongoing operations.


1. Procurement of raw material.
2. Maintain and produce the standard quality products
3. Using of advanced technology.
4. Produce zero error product.
5. Maintaining inventory of both raw materials and finished
6. Produce different quantity of products to meet the market
needs and wants.

y ·
  - Manufacture of Tapes, Telecom, and ScotchBrite. 

y ·
GPC 1- Automotive Striping
y ·
 - GPC 2 ʹ Automotive Striping.

y ·
Contract Manufacturing ʹ Post- It Notes
(Supplier Management).


Maintenance ( Electrical/ Mechanical )
y    - Customer complaint resolution, ISO, QS9000.

y ·· - Material Requisition Planning, Scheduling, MIS Etc. 

y ·  Make/ Buy Analysis, New products, QICR.

y ·  - Stabilization, integration of GPC 1 and GPC 2,

Samples Prototypes Etc.


Provide solution to customer requirements, thus changing the basis of competition in order to be a
preferred supplier.

To work continuously to:

y Develop application and adapt product and reduce cycle time.

y Established trained and empowered team to support sales growth.
y Familiarize and Leverage with 3M Technology Base.
y To increase technical content of 3M product
y To Establish Technical leadership.
y To employ innovation to meet customer needs.

  c Ê


  Ê  Ê èè ·   

Ê  Ê   


             ) %  
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Organization has grown in complexity to levels, which are unprecedented,
and information plays a vital role in holding together and co-coordinating
organization. Information is the mortar that holds together the Edifice in the
modern multiproduct, multioccupied, multilocation and multidivisional

MIS department of 3M-INDIA plays a very important and efficient role for
the organization and its integration and co-ordination.

The computerized office work is handled only in this department. They are
working towards networking to make the whole organization Atomize and inter-
connect different department like accounts, marketing, production,
Administration section, etc. through the network of computers and for easy
handling of the different department and smooth flow of information.



1) To integrate the different department of an organization.

2) To provide information for decision-making.
3) To collect and store data and furnish it as and when required by
different of management.
4) To keep informing about the activities in different of organization to the
top-level management.
5) To furnish information to board for decision-making.
6) To co-ordinate the different activities and help in smooth functioning of
the organization.

The functions of MIS dept in 3M-INDIA are as under:-

1) To furnish monthly reports to KMF, NDDB, and others.

2) Collect the data form internal and external sources compile it and store
it as and when required by the organization.
3) Providing information to the board and help in decision-making.
4) Catering information to the different department and divisional heads
as and when needed and help them in smooth functioning
5) To furnish computer related works such as products billing, sales
accounting, pay roll, GIS, DIS.
6) Annual budget through integrated business plan.

7) Conducting monthly variance analysis
8) Day to day computerization activities of organization

$Ê ·   

Marketing in a challenging and exciting job harmonizing any problem relating to

market which requires insight experience and analytical ability.

Marketing management in the analysis, planning, implementing and controlling of

programs designed to bring about desired exchange of goods and money with
target market needs and desires and using effective promotional activities to
improve sale and attain the desired profit.

3M-INDIA has a very able marketing department. It has a very efficient staff
and well-trained staff. They carryout the marketing activities very well and try to
reach the desired goals within a specified time period.


Marketing department comprises of departmental head and further divided

into two categories and further into officers then to superintendents. Salesmen
and dispatches. The hierarchy is as under.





 As a wholly owned subsidiary of 3M, to offer the company͛s international
and domestic business units expertise in identifying and developing new business
opportunities to increase 3M sales in worldwide markets through innovative
strategies and techniques.

  It has the responsibility of identifying the benefits, developing and

managing value added export program in identified countries by using innovative
counter trade methods with acceptable levels of profit and benefits consistent
with the organization.


1) To capture the higher market share.

2) To collect information about revenue.

3) Maintain sales and other accounts.

4) To attain set market goals.

5) To overcome competition.


Ô Ô · `Ô Ô   Ô










The Health Care Group is one of the key focus areas of 3M India͛s plans. This
group has products ranging from medical surgical supplies, medical equipment,
dental care products and devices and film for the food and pharmaceutical
industry. Some of the well recognized products are 3M Transpore Plastic Surgical
Tape, 3M Littmann Stethoscope, 3M Tegaderm Transparent Dressing, 3M Ioban
Antimicrobial Film, 3M Specialty Drapes, 3M Sterivac Gas Sterilizer and 3M

Refastenable Tapes for manufacturers of diapers. The 3M Micropore Surgical
Tape, which is the market leader worldwide for general dressing, is part of this
group's product portfolio. The Dental Division offers restoratives, finishing and
polishing products, adhesives, crowns, impression materials, infections control
products, and preventive sealants.



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è·· Ê 

Supply Chain management seeks to synchronize a firm͛s function and those its
suppliers to match the flow of materials, services and information with customer

Supply chain management involves the coordination of key functions in the firm
such as marketing, finance, engineering, information systems, operation and
logistics .

 Ê è

Ê   Support the business in international transportation, Imports and

customer clearance of the products imported by the company, to ensure

availability of all imported products in time for manufacture, conversion, and
stock and sale activity.

  è ʹ From order entry, managing the delivery of goods to the
customer place on time following the various international indices. Set.

% Managing CFA and CSA activities, transportation management etc.

 Ensuring the requirement amount of inventory,
procurement management, packing etc.

Ê   è·· Ê   

Successful supply chain management requires high degree of functional and

organizational integration.

y · Ê
y External Suppliers and customers are independent internally.
y Purchasing,Production,Control and distribution act independently

y · ÊÊ
y External suppliers and customers are independently internal.
y Integration by combining, purchasing, production control and distribution.

y · ÊÊÊ
y Internal Supply Chain is extracted to embrace suppliers and customers
y Integrated supply chain developed.

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