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Bad Boy's Girl

Bad Boy's Girl 117 words 2019-06-15
Have you ever wondered what happens

when the bad boy gets possessive over


Skye is just finding out.

Skye is just a normal young women wanting

a normal life. She has her best friends as

like any other. What makes her special to

the Bad Boy? She doesn't know, but neither

does he.

Damon Perry is not who anyone expects.

Everyone thinks they know him. But no one

knows anything about him. He has a dark

life filled with street fighting and an even

darker life at home.

So what happens when he begins to get

possessive over a quiet girl that just wants

to move out of home.

Even finds himself surprised with his


Chapter 1
Bad Boy's Girl 1136 words 2019-06-15

"Get away from me Lilah." After agreeing to

let my best friend give me a make over as

she has been begging to do for oh so long,

I am regretting 100%.

"You agreed!" She hisses and restrains me

against the hard wooden chair once again

so she can continuing dying my hair.

My hair is naturally blonde and I like it that

way, so she is just toning it to a lighter

shade of blonde. My best friend is training

to be a hair dresser and needs someone to

practice on, i am not really the kind of girl to

go out and get her hair done, but i guess i

will do that for my best friend to help her

better herself.

"Alright. Now you just need to leave it for a

while and you will be fine" She says and

takes a step back and kissing her fingers

like she has just finished painting a


I role my eyes at my best friend and push

past her so I can sit on her bed while I wait

to wash my hair out.

"Ew. Don't sit on my bed with you hair like

that! Off!" She squeals and pulls me off her

clean, immaculately well made bed.

Lilah has a thing about clean and tidy. All

her belongings have to be tidy. She has

even come to my house and clean my room

because she couldn't handle the

messiness, not that I am complaining, when

I don't have to clean my own room is a

good day.

"Where else am I meant to sit?" I ask and

look around her room, pretending to look for

a chair, knowing exactly where she wants

me to be, but not wanting the be there for

the life of me.

"There" she points to her study desk and

the most uncomfortable chair that you could

possibly imagine. It is made out of solid

wood that is it, no cushions or anything.

"That is the most uncomfortable chair in

history of chairs" I whine and pout my lip

like a child, crossing my arms over my

chest to emphasise.
"I don't care. Sit" She commands. I role my

eyes at her, taking a seat in the wooden


"Why did I even let you do this to me Lil?" I

ask and rest my chin on the backrest of the


"Because I need practice" She shrugs her

petite shoulders.
Lilah is always changing the colours of her

hair, she is always practicing on herself, but

she has to start practicing on other people.

"Can you believe I am getting placed in an

actual salon soon?" Lilah squeals while i

slightly listen to the conversation going on

outside of Lilah's bedroom door.

"I am actually looking forward to it" She

"Wouldn't you much rather be sleeping?" I

mumble nonchalantly still only half paying

attention to her while I listen to her brother.

"I have had enough sleep" she tells me. It's

true, we spend a lot of our time together,

whether it was here or my place didn't

matter, we slept in when I am not working.

"SKYE! Stop eavesdropping" She whispers

harshly at me, making me jump.

"Sorry. Their conversation just sounded so

interesting" I whine and try to listen again.

But they are gone.

"What were they talking about?" She asks,

suddenly interested.

"Now who's nosey" I laugh and poke my

tongue at her like a child; causing her to

cross her arms impatiently and raise an

annoyed eyebrow in my direction. "They

were just talking about girls I think"

"And that is interesting how?" she lies on

her stomach, resting her chin on her hands.

"They could be girls we know?" I chuckle

and look at her bored expression. It really

didnt turn out to anywhere near and juicy as

i thought it would be.

"Okay dweeb, you can go wash it out now"

she pushes me away from her room

towards her bathroom.

"Hey loser. You look like a drown rat"

Jacob, Lilah's older brother insults me as I

exit Lilah's room on my journey to the


"Hello to you too Jake" I role my eyes and

continue walking.

I wash the toner out of my hair then wrap

the towel around my hair before making my

way back to Lilah's bedroom.

"Bomb!" I yell and jump on top of her on the

bed while she is busy texting away on her


"Get off!" she whines and pushes me onto

the floor.

"Girls, get your asses out of here and go

get dinner" Jacob yells as he pushes open

the door the bedroom.

"Go away Jake" I flip him off

Lilah jumps off her bed and rushes away.

Leaving me still on her floor. I pull the towel

off my head and let my long hair fall down

my back. I leave out of her bed room and

head down to the dining room. I have been

here so much, that I am basically part of the


I sit beside Lil with a pizza in the middle of

the table. Jacob sits across from me and

Lilah and Jacob's mother at the end of the


"Your hair looks gorgeous Skye" Millie says

and takes a bight of pizza with a smile on

her face.

"Thanks mum" I smile and relax back in my

chair. I love it here, my second home. My

mum and Millie are great friends and the

two of us have been great friends from the

diapers; meaning Jacob is like a brother to

me since I never get to see my own.

But that is a story for another time.

"Thank you for dinner. I best be getting

home" I say my goodbyes to Millie before

hugging Lilah quickly. "Good luck with the

new job" I release her from a long hug and

walk towards my car parked on the street

outside their home.

"Good luck house hunting" she waves me


I slide onto my leather seat before starting

the engine and beginning my journey home.

Called me up one day, said you didn't mind,

just called to find out, what you thought


I sing at the top of my lungs on the short

drive back home.

"Hi mum" I greet my mother as I walk

through the front door.

"Back already honey?" my mother

questions me, looking away from the

television playing bachelor.

"I need to get a move on with finding a

place to live" I mumble, walking into the

kitchen to the paper to look for apartments.

She pauses her tv and walks over to me,

standing over me to look at the paper in

front of me. "Honey there is no rush."

"I know mom, but i'm really excited"

Chapter 2
Bad Boy's Girl 1037 words 2019-06-16
"Hey Max" I smile. I work part time at a

restaurant in the centre of town.

I have been working here since I was at

legal age. I don't need to work, my father is

rich and I could have money whenever I

like. But I don't like to milk my father's bank

account, I would much rather work for my

own wage.

"Hey Squirt" He smiles and goes back to

serving the costumer he is handling.

I give everyone a wave and go to the

counter to the cash register beside Max.

"Hello. Welcome to Kenn's. May I take your

order" I smile and talk to the middle aged

man holding his daughters hand.

He reads his order out to me and I enter

them into my computer. I read out the price

and out the order on the board for the

cooks to make.

After giving the man and his daughter their

food, my shift was relatively easy. There

isn't a large amount of people coming in

today since everyone is at work, or school

or what not.


"Skye. Why don't you go home now? It's

slow and I am thinking of closing up" Max

says and shoos me away from the counter.

"Okay. Thank you Max. See you later." I

say and grab my things.

I love working here. Max treats me like I am

his daughter. I get special treatment over

everyone, except his wife of course. He and

his wife opened this shop when I was little

and my mum would always bring me here.

"Mum! I'm home!" I call and put my bag on

the kitchen counter.

"I am in the shower" She calls back, and I

can suddenly hear the running water now

that the house is silent.

I pick the newspaper off the table and

quickly flip through it until I get the

apartment section. I have been thinking

about moving out for a while now, I just

haven't found the right place. I know that I

could always get a loan from my father if I

needed it, but I don't want to use his


I spot an apartment that isn't too far from

work and has an appropriate rent for the

amount that I am being paid.

After writing down the email to contact the

owner, I grab my computer from my

bedroom and return to the kitchen, where

my mother is making a coffee.

"Make me one please" I task her and take a

seat at the table with my note.

My mother hands me my coffee and takes a

seat opposite me and sips at her hot coffee.

"What are you doing honey?" She asks,

looking at me over the top of my laptop.

"I am emailing about this apartment" I smile

happily at my mother who has a grin on her


She is always trying to help me with what I

want to do. I know she doesn't want me to

leave, because then she would be alone in

this house, but she knows that I am 20 and

it is time for me to get my own place.

"Oh that is great, where is it?" she asks


"It is only 5 minutes from work, and the rent

is cheap. I am going to get them to send me

photos of the apartment to see if it is

liveable. If it's okay. I will be moving in

ASAP" I tell her and she lets out a small

squeal of excitement.
"I hope it is great. I know you have been

wanting your own place for awhile now" she

says and puts her hand on my shoulder,

while she looks down at my computer


I send the email attached with all the

information that is needed and the

questions that I want to know about the


"I am going to head off to my bedroom. Talk

to you in the morning" I kiss my mother's

cheek and carry my belongings to my


I drop my things on my bed and head to my

bathroom to get cleaned up.

After showering and doing my bathroom

routine, I head back to my bedroom to

check my computer. I know that I probably

won't have a reply yet, but I am way too

excited about this.

Getting comfortable on my bed, I bring my

email up and I squeal when I see and new

email from the owner.

They say that I can move in as soon as i

have supplied them with the proper

documents and checks, just to show that

I'm not some sort of weirdo; and after i get

the same of them of course. I don't really

want to be moving in with some serial killer

that will murder me in my sleep.

I reply back telling them I will move in as

soon as possible along with the documents

so that i can get the ball rolling on the whole


My computer makes a notification noise

and the owner replies with the same

documents and they seem to check out just

fine, nothing weird there. I send my first

check for the apartment and tell them that i

will move in as soon as i have my stuff all

packed up.

I smile at myself and close my laptop and

let myself think about tomorrow. I will get

my mother to help me pack and I will go

over as soon as I am done. The apartment

looks perfect. I have been looking for an

apartment for so long, and now I finally

found the perfect one.

I close my laptop and cuddle down in my

bed, this is going to be such a big change in

my life. I m going to be on my own for the

first time in my life, without my mother to

take care of me everyday, to keep me

company. Its going to be sad leaving her

here all alone, but this is such an exciting

time in my life that i cant wait to get started.

I am finally going to feel like an adult, i am

going to have that freedom that i have been


Episode 3
Bad Boy's Girl 1230 words 2019-06-17
6:45am is what my clock reads when i can

finally pry my eyes open. Why am i wake

this early. Oh that is right. I'm so excited

about my new apartment that i couldn't

sleep any longer.

I jump out of bed and quickly go brush my

teeth and get ready for the day. I have to go

get some boxes for all my stuff before i can

start packing up my life here.

Once i am back with all the supplies i need,

i dive right into packing, starting with all my

clothes, since they will be the easiest things

to back.

I fill two of the large packing boxes with

clothes alone. Next i move on to all my

bedding so that i can start taking my bed


My mother starts taking some of the boxes

out to my car so that i have more room. She

comes back into my room once the boxes

are in my car and helps me take my bed

apart since it is so heavy.

I have a movers truck coming to get my bed

and table and chair since none of that will fit

into my car. I dont own that much stuff,

mainly just the stuff in my bedroom, but the

apartment i am moving into is furnished so

that isnt a problem.

My bedroom is all backed up and now we

are just waiting for the movers to show up

to help us load everything into the truck and

get on over to the new apartment.

"Mum, I am going to take my stuff the

apartment now" I call and close the door

behind me while I take my last few bags to

the car. I got the owners mobile number this

morning so I can text them about today.

'I am taking my stuff to apartment now.'

I text and lock my phone, putting all my

things in my car before beginning my

journey to my new home.

'Key is in the light fixture. I have marked my

bedroom. Keep out!'

They text back. They seem to be very

private of their bedroom. I guess I would be

too if I had a stranger moving in with me

while I am not home.

I pull up to the apartment complex and I

can't keep the smile from my face. I am way

too excited from this. I am finally getting my

freedom, beginning life.

I pull my bags into the elevator and go to

the 3rd floor. Slowly i walk to the 4th door

and look around the hallway. The whole

apartment building looks so nice. The walls

are painted a crisp white with a blue rug

running down the length of the entire

hallway and a few painting of random things

littered along the walls. I reach up and push

my hand into the light fixture beside the

door and feel around until I can feel the little

metal key move against my fingers. I push

the key into the lock with a huge smile on

my face. I don't think anything could get this

smile off my face.

I push open the door slowly and admire the

apartment I am entering. It look neat, but

yet lived in. There is a small grey lounge

looking onto a flat screen TV, that room is

separated from the kitchen by a counter

top. The kitchen is small but perfectly

scaled with the rest of the apartment.

I walk down the small hall to the left that

has the bathroom and the two bedrooms.

On the door of the first bedroom a sticky

note is stuck, reading

'Stay Out Of My Room'

I laugh at the note and walk to the room at

the end. I open the door and the bedroom is

completely unlived in. There is absolutely

nothing in the room. Perfect.

I decide because I have nothing else to do

while i wait for the delivery people to get

here with my furniture, i may as well start

unpacking what i do have here and get

everything out of my car.

"f**k!" I hear a male growl from outside my

bedroom, waking me up from my sleep.

What time is it?

My breathe catches in my throat as I hear

footsteps in the apartment.

I pull myself slowly out of my bed and over

to my door. I can't let someone rob this

place. That wouldn't be a good first

impression when my roommate comes

I tiptoe out of my room, trying not to hit

anything through the dark apartment since i

am not used to the place yet.

I try to see the burglar, but I can't see one

thing. I can't even see my hand in front of

my face. The whole apartment is now silent,

except the footsteps of the person.

I take one more step forward and run into

something hard.
"What the..." I hear before a light is flicked

on and in front of me stands a tall buff guy

with ruffled brown hair and gorgeous blue


"What are you doing in my apartment?" his

rough voice takes me out of my confused


"You're my roommate?" I asked shocked.

When I moved in here, I imagined having a

girl as a roommate, not a guy, an extremely

attractive one at that.

"You are the person that moved in. I

expected... I dunno... a dude" he says, not

even bothering to help me off the floor.

Douche. I pull myself off the floor and

straighten my Pj's.

"Well, that's not what you got" I say back.

"Clearly" his eyes wonder over me in my

large button up shirt and short shorts.

"Keep your eyes up here" I growl, pointing

to my face.

His eyes meet mine and he lets a smirk

creep into his lips.

"Nothing spectacular anyway" He shrugs

and crosses his arms. What a confident

"a*s" I mumble and make my way back to

my bedroom. I do not have the energy to

argue with him right now. It is too late for

that at the moment.

I close my door behind me and flop down

onto my bed. All I want to do right now is

sleep, and that is what I plan on doing.


"Are you making me any?" my roommate

asks as he enters the kitchen while I am

making myself breakfast.

"No" I grumble and take my breakfast to the


"I'm not letting you live here free of charge"

he chuckles and pulls the milk carton out of

the fridge and chugging it down.

"That's why I pay rent" I state and take a

bight of my toast.
He doesn't reply to me as he makes his

own breakfast and sits beside me at the


"So, you are living here and I don't even

know your name." My roommate states with

his mouth full of food.

I roll my eyes "Skye Medley" I state.

He nods his head and does even look at

me anymore. Rude much. Can't he even tell

me his name?

"What?" he asks when he notices me still

look at him

"Do I get to know your name? Or do you

just want me to call you douche bag?" I

grumble to him.

"I would prefer if you do call me Damon

Chapter 4
Bad Boy's Girl 1295 words 2019-06-18

I walk out of my bedroom, my hair a mess

and I probably look dead to the world,

because that is how I feel right now. As I do

most mornings, I am still adjusting to my

new home, and Damon is not making it any


“Hurry up” I call into the bathroom when I

try to push the door open and it is locked.

Damon always does this, goes into the

bathroom, just as I get out of bed, and then

takes for ever.

“Baby, if you want to see me like this every

morning, you can just ask” Damon states

cockily, walking out of the bathroom with his

towel hung dangerously low and hair wet.

“Jump in front of a bus” I rumble and push

past him into the bathroom.

“You would miss me” he yells back as I turn

in the water. He is wrong there, I have only

known him for a week and I am sick of him,

which is not a good sign if you ask me.

“I am going to work” I call to Damon, where

ever he is. I grab my keys off the kitchen

counter, along with a yoghurt and go to

leave the apartment.

“You have a job” Damon asks, walking into

the lounge room, now dressed in a tight

white singles a soccer shorts.

“No. I just leave the house every day and

do nothing” I roll my eyes at the stupid bot I

live with.

“Hey. Uhh.” He goes to say but hesitates

when he clearly forgot my name.

“Wow” I mumble and leave the apartment to

go to work. I will have a much better time

there, then here with that idiot.

I get into my car just as my phone rings.

“Hello?” I ask to the no caller ID.

“Skye. Are you going to be home tonight?”

Damon asks through the phone.


“Can you not be” he asks cockily.

I hang up the phone and make a fake

barfing noise. There is no way I’m going

home now. I will go and visit Lilah while I

am not going home. They should allow me

on campus.


“Hey!” I cheer and barge into Lilah’s dorm.

“What are you doing here?” she asks,

standing off her bed, her dorm mate not


“I just thought I would visit my best friend” I

smile brightly and lay on her small single


“What do you want?” she asks, putting her

hands on her waist and raising an eyebrow.

“Do I have to have a reason to visit you?” I

ask innocently.
“After work in the middle of the week, yes.

Now spill” she states and sits on my feet.

I pull I feet front underneath her and curl my

legs up to my chest.

“I don’t want to go home yet.” I tell her.

“Why not?” she asks confused. From what

she knows, I was so very excited to be

moving out of my mums and in to my own

“Damon has a girl there” I say making a

hurling noise at the end.

“Oh. I see” she laughs and grabs her laptop

that she was working on when I barged in.

“Well I have to study for a text that I have

tomorrow, so you can entertain yourself

until you are ready to leave” She tells me,

already more interested in the writing on

her computer screen.

“Stop” Lilah hisses. And I can’t help but

laugh. I know I should be, but I have been

doing all these small little things to annoy

her, and entertain myself like she told me

too, and now she has finally snapped.

“Sorry” I say and hang my head off the side

of her bed, while my legs run up the wall.

“Skye, you need to get out of my dorm, it is

lights out soon, and that means you can’t

be here” she says and closes the lid of her


I let out an over exaggerated sigh and

swing my legs around to stand off her bed.

“I guess this is goodbye” I play and pull my

best friend into a hug. “I gonna miss you” I

say and fake cry. Leaving her room with

one last wave, making her laugh. She

needed a laugh after all that studying she

has just done.

I finally have to go back to my apartment. I

hope the girl that Damon has brought

home, is gone. I don’t want to hear what

they are doing in the room beside mine,

and hopefully, I won’t have to.

“Hello?” I ask, walking into my light up

apartment, meaning Damon is indeed home

and awake.
I walk into the kitchen and pull a note,

which is being held up by a magnet, off and


‘Will be home later. Don’t have too much

fun ;)’

That jerk made me stay out of the

apartment this afternoon, making me think

that he is going to have some bimbo, and

he isn’t even home. And he doesn’t even

have the decency to turn out any of the


I scrunch up the note and throw it into the

bin. While I was out annoying me best

friend, I could have had a night at home

after work. I get changed into my Pj’s and

go back to the living room. I turn the TV on

and switch it to MTV top 100, turning the

volume up.

One of my favourite things after work is to

come home and listen to music; it calms me

down after dealing with so many people

through my day.

I am up dancing on the coffee table when

the door opens.

“Great dancing baby” Damon’s voice

beams, making me lose my footing and

almost fall.

I turn to the door to get up Damon, but he is

already moved from there.

I hear him in the kitchen, so I storm in and

prepare myself to yell at him, but that

changes when I see the state of him.

“What happened?” I ask when I see a

bruise covering his left eye.

“Nothing” he says and presses a piece of

uncooked meat against his face.

“That isn’t nothing” I tell him, crossing my

arms over my chest.

“Just drop it” he growls and I find that it is

clearly a touchy subject.

“Okay then, we aren’t going to talk about

that, but we sure as hell are going to talk

about why you got me out of OUR

apartment, and you didn’t even stay here” I

hiss and lean slightly on the counter.

“I was going to have a girl over, but then

something came up” he stated, referring to

the reason why he had a black eye.

“Maybe you could have called me and told

me ‘Oh Skye, you don’t have to find

something to consume your time because I

am not screwing some whore. You can

come home’” I state crossly.

“Yeah” he says briefly and leaves to his

Well that was just a lovely one sided


I will upload next chapters on

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