Banking Laws WARNING - May Money Laundry Law Mixed Dito

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‘pu REBT RevieweR ICE QuESTIONS MULTIPLE CHO! ak, saw the bank account detail ails og Bar — amemplayee of ABC ji 4, Melanie, an beth ii Melanie roveated to her friend Hannah that p,., er archenemy, ng 450,000 weekly and now has an account bay, Many this knowledge, informed Bei inces. Jeremy was shocked, corel ny, en deposi i ae Hannah, raving, husband, Jeremy, of the bank bala ee Frat ne os not RW OME ge amout y confronted Brg" in a public place, said out loud her ban! es anc resulting to ae ny | other people hearing information about Brittany's bank account, wna? liable for the violation of RANo. 1405? is a. Melanie only. E Melanie and Hannah only. <. Melanie and Jeremy only: 4. Melanie, Hannah, and Jeremy accounts are not covered by bank secrecy laws, 2. Statement 1: Trust ernment bonds are not covered by bang Statement 2: Investments in g0V secrecy laws. a. Only Statement 1is true. b. Only Statement 2 is true. c. Both statements are true. d. Both statements are not true. Marites is a director in XYZ Bank. She intends to obtain a P4,000, housing loan from XYZ Bank, With this: oe a. Marites has impliedly waived the secrecy of her bank deposits b. Marites is required to execute a written waivei f f aa iver of secrecy of bank c. Nowaiver is required of Marites consideri is lering there is no showin; : ia loan exceeded 10% ofthe cash position of XYZ. Bank. = . No waiver is required of Marites if Marites will be able to secure the approval of the Board of Directors without her vote 4. Which ing i ich of the following is not an exception to the secrecy of bank deposits? a. Impeachment cases of the Vi of the Vi i Sema ae Vice President 550 Scanned with CamScanner Statement 1: Foreign currency deposits are g cases involving WMexplained ¥ Banking Laws © Corrupt Practices Act eal Hh Ndor ; aime of theft where it jg Unknow, he Antic, alt and d ete the fy Commissioner of Internal Nds were deposited The nce of a taxpayer in the fol}, ven taxpayer applies fo, * incapacity to a request for tay; pursuant * fax informa . ‘ ‘ tio py a foreign tax authority Pursuant fo fe, SPetific taxpayers ma de when taxpayer applies for abatement te treaty js ajeopardy assessment “eS on the ground that it For purposes of determining the gross Venue may i 0 Y inquire ‘ Wing cases, ea mire into the bank ice Ise. Nn the Bround of financial a ‘slate of deceased depositor 1 the following statements ; which of ; ents is tru fv enforcement officers of bank areysn ee ‘counts in a It must be upon order of the trial court p,_ Itmust be upon order of the Court of ‘Appeals « It auanes pon oe of the Supreme Court Law enforcement officers cannot exami a. a “amine bank accounts in terrorism ng the examination of terrorism cases? Which of the following is a common exce deposits for both peso deposits and fore 1 Anti-Money Laundering Act I. Human Security Act ml. PDICLaw tion on the secrecy of bank ign currency deposits? only. Iand I only. Tand IIf only. 1,1, and Il. nose enerally exempt from garnishment. Statement 2: Garnishment is a violation of & Only Statement 1 is true. 6. Only Statement 2 is true. © Both statements are true. the bank secrecy law. 551 Scanned with CamScanner ‘que REBT REVIEWER rues a, Both statements are not t to be considered as covered by the t for a deposit ‘ 9, In order fora pert must be known to be dead or hag Pking Balances Ache Pe drawals fora period of: tay further deposits OF Atleast 3 years Atleast 5 years "atleast 10 years 4g, Atleast 20 years is empowered to examine and investigate, aks statement 1: The PDIC " 8 of deposits, Statement 2: The PDIC shall act as insure! a. Only Statement Lis true. b. Only Statement 2 is true. c. Both statements are true. d. Both statements are not true. 11, Who is considered as the receiver of banks? Courts Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Securities and Exchange Commission Bos 12. The amount of it A mi The amount of insured. deposi ar ah legitimate deposi ala a. P500,000 b. 1,000,000 © 2,000,000 d. 5,000,000 13. Which of the following may E eee deposit ie ee of time deposit eign currency deposit be considered as an insured deposit? lonly. » Land Tonly, and I only. | 11 and, pose Scanned with CamScanner Banking Laws eis splitting of deposits whey qrere iss? het a deposit anc ub Manse nor that 500,009 i broken tow i prone accounts in the name of Persons OF entiti 2 transferred to two or ownership in the transferred deposits in thele ae ave Me beneficial a 120 days immediately Preceding of Pier within; holiday or immediately pregg ding a cl Ing a bank-declared bank Monetary Board ‘sure order issued by the p, 180 days immediately precedin, ‘ holiday or immediately precediys - uti8B @ bank-declared bank Monetary Board c, 240 days immediately Precedin, is * ignmediately preceding a closune yee 8 & bank receivership or eee ure order issued by th d. 300 days immediately Preceding or during ce Monetary Board immediately preceding a closu: receivership or re order issued by the Monetary Board han outstanding MMB a closure order issued by the tatement 1: Foreign curren : ' 15. fees at a ae deposits are considered as insured statement 2: Deposits payable outs: ition! ; insured deposits idler the Poic ay, ee a. Only Statement 1 is true. b. Only Statement 2s trie, c. Both statements are true. 4. Both statements are not true! . Belinda had the following deposits with DEF Bank: 1 Savings account #001 under her name, P100,000 IL Savings account #002 under her name, P80,000 Ill. Savings accotint #003 named after Belinda for the account of Minerva, P65,000 IV. Savings account #004 under both Belinda and Minerva as co- depositors, P44,000 How much is the insured deposit of Belinda? 202,000 P224,000 P267,000 |. P289,000 Bese 553 Scanned with CamScanner REVIEWER ‘THE REBT REVIEW a had the following deposits with GI poe Account name is Nanette and Kylie, P600,000 ‘Account name is Nanette or Kendra, P400,000 17, Nanette 1 I How much is Nanette’s insured deposit? a. P400,000 . PASO,000 ; Ps 500,000 (P300,000 from the first deposit and P200,000 from the second deposit) d, P500,000 (P250,000 from the first deposit and P250,000 from the thirg deposit) 18. A depositor is not required to file claims with the PDIC if his accounts have a balance: a. of less than P100,000 b. not exceeding P 100,000 ©. of less than P50,000 d. not exceeding P50,000 19. A depositor must file his claim within: a. 6 months from actual takeover of the closed bank b. year from actual takeover of the closed bank © 2 years from actual takeover of the closed bank 4.3 years from actual takeover of the closed bank 20. 8 All of the following are covered a. Offshore banking units . Intemet-based casinos Lawyers acting as inde |. Register of Deeds entities/persons, except: nos pendent legal professionals 21. a. P500,000 b. 1,000,000 ¢. P5,000,000 d. P10,000,000 — Scanned with CamScanner 2 B. m4. gqatement 1: Allzecords of al trang Banking Laws jaintained and safely s ‘acti, der the AMLA. ¥ stored for 19 Tear eer ttions shall Fatement 2: If the repor : date of transactions ena prosetion dice to instituti “e sit against the reporting thsibs AMLA, the ion does not result to any rank deposits. tion for volgen ePoted may fle a iy Satter n of the law on secrecy of b. Only Statement 2s true, "Both statements are true, 4, Both statements are not true MNO Bank received a deposit n Posit of P69, Wn uidomore ao from Mr. X in a single day. Is a. Yes, since the amount exceeded P5010 me . No, since there i se t b a here is no probable cause that Ps iicate crimes enumerated under the mica. ae «No, since Mr. X has not yet j Nepales yet been accused of a crime enumerated d. No, since Mr. X has not yet b i No snc MX yet been convicted of a crime enumerated Covered institutions shall report to the AMLC al covered transactions: a. Within 5 working days from occurrence thereof b. Within 10 working days from occurrence thereof c. Within 15 working days from occurrence thereof d. Within 20 working days from occurrence thereof Who is the chairman of the Anti-Money Laundering Council? a. The President of the Philippines b.. The Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission c. The Governor of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas d. The Secretary of Finance Scanned with CamScanner oN ‘THE RFBT REVIEWER ANSWERS TO MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS prenaywPr on RBRRBRRRSESEREBHREZE RBEBRARSSaRNATRESNHES A>PFUONNOSHS>S>>DOSPMPAONSFTFODFOY Scanned with CamScanner

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