Student 2.2

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MIS RU ieee ee BO ue Be ae CUCU RU US 9 2 ae Se CCS OR UO CCRT om ERC OL) a = use really and not really to make statements stronger or softer. HON | Ly mae. Vi, @ 1 Before you begin... Look at the magazine covers. Which magazines would you like to buy? Why? TR CMa College News Meet our new reporter for the College News. ... ‘The College News interviewed Eric Kane, our new reporter. Eric is a full him about his hobbies. O College News: what ave your hobbies? Eric Kane: Well, | enjoy writing. [like to do a bit of creative writing every day ~ in the evenings mostly, Someday 1 want to write a novel, but for now it’s just a hobby. cn: EK: Let's see, what else? Well, I design cards. I'm good at drawing, and I'm really into computer graphics, so I sit and learn new programs, and I play around with them. e student majoring in journalism. We asked Ocn: EK: Yeah, I play the saxophone, and I can play the piano a little, but not very well. I'd like to play in a jazz band or something. And 1 like to sing, but I really can’t sing atall Oc: EK: Not really. 1 prefer to watch sports on TY. I like to play pool. Is that a sport? I guess I jog occasionally. But I hate going to the gym and working out, 1 Getting started A. @ tisten to Eric's answers in the interview above. What are the questions? Number the questions, and add them to the interview. Are you good | it sports? |_| learning new things? ‘Are you interested in | Figure it out “Tella partner. 1. Tean the piano. 2. Like sports on TV. C Can you complete these sentences with verbs? Which sentences are true for you? 3. Lenjoy 4, I'm not good at + Can you play a musical __. instrument? | L What else do you enjoy What are your —_ __| doing in your free time? 1 hobbies? B @ Listen to the complete interview. What does Eric like to do? What does he hate doing? to music. Ou: EK: Yeah. I love to do new stuffall the time ~ learn new skills, you know. I’m really excited about writing for the College News. new computer programs. ae ___2 Grammar_Verb forms @ Sha Verb to + verb Verb + -ing Preposition + verb + -ing ican play the piano. | Ilove to swim Hove swimming, | I'm good at drawing people. can't play very well. | [like to play pool. | 1 like playing pool. | I'm not interested in skiing, | can't sing at all Ihate to work out. | Ihate working out. I prefer to watch TV, | | preter watching TV. Id like to play jazz, | lenjoy reading. A he j dada ike / love / hate to + verb Complete the questions and add two more. err connnion thea ike / love / hate + verb + -ing. . Can you_whistle _ (whistle)? 1. | 2. Do you enjoy (cook)? ite to | 3. Are you good at (skate)? | 4. Do you like (play) board games? 0 aaa | 5. Can you (swim)? 6. Are you interested in in) a meditation class? HE J ioveto... 7. Do you prefer. (exercise) alone or with friends? EL love. . .ing 8. Would you like (learn) a martial art? 9. 2 HE hate 0 10. BL > B Pair work Ask and answer the questions. Give your own answers. A Can you whistle? 8 Not very well. What about you? Can you whistle? Survey A Class activity Ask your classmates about their interests and hobbies. Make notes. What are your interests? Find someone who . . . Name Notes is a good dancer. Marta. i likes to read or write poetry. enjoys driving. hates doing exercise. can ride a horse. is good at learning languages. would like to leam French. takes guitar lessons. “Marta, are you a good dancer?” “Yes, | am. I like to dance the tango.” B Tell the class about someone on your list. “Marta is a good dancer. She likes to dance the tango.” 13 1 Building vocabulary A @ Listen. Number the types of music you hear. What other kinds of music do you know? classical music country music folk music Latin music Word! 4 sort; B Complete the chart with the words above. Add ideas. Then compare with a partner. sort Tove... Tike... I don't care for... Tcan't stand... rock music "love rock music.” “Yeah, | do too. And | love pop.” 2 Speaking naturally Saying lists Jim What kinds of music do you like? SS tists Sam [ike gfassical, and frip-hop, andi, Sylvia (tke php, and fock, and fork A @ Listen and repeat the sentences above. Notice that Sam's list is complete, but Sylvia's list is not. > B Class activity Ask your classmates What kinds of music do you like? Take notes. What are the three most popular answers? 14 Can ¢ eer ___3 Building language A @ Listen. What does Carla think of the band? Practice the conversation Alex Listen. What do you think of this song? Carla It’s good - Like it. Who is it? Alex Anew band .... some local guys. Do you like them? Carla They're local? Really? They're pretty good. Who's the ead singer? I like her. She sounds like Mariah Carey. Alex Yeah, everybody says that. It’s my friend Lori, Carla Who's the guy singing with her? I'm not sure about him. Alex Uh. .actually, that’s me. I'm in the band, too. = Tout ~ B Complete the conversations. Then ask a partner your dtestiona: Ghia gaat cameras iy) © A What do you think of. (male singe? ~@ A Doyouknow____ (female singer)? # ile ce B No, I don't know. 4 Grammar_Object pronouns; everybody, nobody # Ima singer. That's me on the CD. Its arice song, | ike it. Everybody You're a musician? Id tke to hear you. We play inaband, Come listen tous. | Everyone 4... ‘She's pretty good. | ike her. They're local guys. Do you like them? | Nobody Lia He's not a good singer. | don't like him, No one A Complete the questions with object pronouns. Complete the reed answers with everybody or nobody. Then practice with a partner. ‘ Everybody and nobody 1. A Llisten to hip-hop a lot. Do you listen to_it _, too? fare common then B Yes. Everybody in my school listens to hip-hop. lgveryone and no ono. 2. A Ricky Martin - he was on TV last night. Do you know 2 everyboay B Ofcourse Ido.___ knows Ricky Martin. = 3. A [don't really like classical music. Do you ever listen to ; B Yes, but with earphones ~ in my family likes it. HE nobody 4. A [like Alicia Keys. She’s a good singer. What do you think of 2 aoone B Oh, almost is a fan of Alicia Keys, Y= saan —J 5, A My favorite band is Coldplay. I think they're great. Do you like 2 B Yeah. They're the best plays rock like they do. B Pair work Practice again with your own ideas “ listen to pop music a fot. Do you listen to it, to0?” “Yes, I do. | think everybody likes pop music.” abulary notebook | really like to sing! See page 20 for a new way to log and learn vocabulary. 15 1 Conversation strategy” Saying no in a friendly way A What can you add to this answer to make it sound friendly? A Do you have any hobbies? B No. Matt What are you knitting, Sarah? CE Ra a ee) SCRA a mn rere a nT Cee OC Ue ae nD take photos. Do you do any Pe ee No, not really, um... 'm not real into photography. | preter knil sewing, . . . | really like making things. But I'd love to see your ELL Cee Lg © Now listen. What hobbies do Sarah and Matt have? | | i . Junch, and I can show them to yol TAN A AL Notice how Sarah and Matt say more than just no when | unde a) they answer questions. They want to be friendly or polite, eae so they say more. Find examples in the conversation. Mike to . B Match the questions and answers. Then practice with a partner. 1. Do you have a lot of hobbies? e_ a. Um, no. I'm not really good with my hands. 2. Do you like making things? b. Not really. I'm not very mechanical. 3, Are you interested in cooking? c. No, I don't. A friend of mine collects coins, though 4, Are you into photography? __ d. Well, no. I don’t even have a camera 5. Can you knit or crochet? e. No, not really. I don't have a lot of free time. 6. Do you collect anything? __ f, Not reaily, but I like to bake cakes and things. 7. Are you good at fixing cars?_ g. No, but my sister can. She makes her own sweaters. > C Pair work Ask and answer the questions. Give your own answers. “Do you have a Jot of hobbies?” “Not really, but | enjoy shopping.” 16 Be. 2 Strategy plus Really r 9 er ad You canusereally [eeu manure Peihci tiie really can to make statements MAAARARAMAAGIA alco be a polite way stronger and to to answer no. make negative ‘statements softer. ‘ eed ‘The top verbs used with really enjoy, like, kno\ Pair work Ask and answer the questions. Give your own answers using really ot not really. 1. Are you interested in sports? 4, Are you good at doing crossword puzzles? 2. Are you into computers? 5. Can you do anything artistic, like draw or paint? 3. Do you enjoy doing jigsaw puzzles? 6. Would you like to learn a new skill, like carpentry? A Are you interested in sports? B Well, | really like soccer. @ Not really. | don’t really play any sports. 3 Listening Different hobbies A Do you know anyone with these interests? Would you like to do any of these things? Tell the class. gardening ; playing golt a N F B © Listen to Jeff, Eva, Kim, and Phil. What are their hobbies? Write their names under the pictures. collecting teddy bears making jewelry © © Listen again and complete the chart. You can check (/) more than one name for each question. Then compare with a partner. Ea Es 1. Who makes money on his / her hobby? L Oo ae 2. 2. Who spends a lot of money on it? oO [ 3. Who isn't very good at his / her hobby? speye 4, Who isn't very enthusiastic about it? Le oe a7 18 1 Reading a A Look at the hobby groups on this Web page. Which ones are you interested in? Tell the class. Hobby Group Message Board Find a group. Gearetiy, GS & Gp & B Now read these messages. Can you match each message to one of the hobby groups above? (Ye¥s) From: sushifreak I want to learn how to make Japanese food. Do you have any easy recipe ideas? From: literockfan I want to get tickets for the Billy Joel concert in ‘Washington. I can pay cash or trade my tickets for the Cher concert in Baltimore in June. Hobby Group Message Board S From: bookworm | enjoy collecting and reading old books, especially children’s books. Please send your old books to me at P.O. Box 614, Salt Springs, Ohio 45640. From: concerned mom. My son wants to be a race-car driver. Is this sale? Where can | find out more about this? From: handyman Hi. make wooden boxes and bowls. Id like to sell my stuff, but | don’t know much about the business side of things. Can you help me? From: petlover We have a beautiful gray cat~ free to a good home inthe New York area. We can't keep her because | Just found out I'm allergic to cats. © Look at the first line of these replies to the messages. Who are they for? Write the screen names, From: grungeking I want fo find a good place for vintage clothes and jeans. Ilive in Las Vegas. Any ideas? From: daredevil dike 10 try rock climbing, but { don’t want 10 go alone. Is anyone in San Francisco interested in imbing with me? | prefer to go on weekdays, if possible. 6800 Hobby Group Message Board S) To: daredevil I'm interested in climbing. I'm not very experienced, but... To: Thave a great Asian recipe book. I's called Simply Asian, and... To: Maybe you can advertise your stull in a local store, or To: ‘There’s a great magazine called Race Track, and To: have three extra tickets. I prefer to get cash, but To: thave a lot of hardbacks and paperbacks. . it Z Interests ___ 2 Listening and speaking Favorite Web sites A @ Listen to Joe and Lisa talk about a Web site. What kind of Web site is it? Why does Joe like B @ Listen again. Choose the correct information to complete the sentences. 1, 25,000 / 55,000 people visit the Web site each day. 2. Joe likes to read the articles / messages on the site. 3, Today's article is about hiking in the U.S. / different countries, 4 . Lisa prefers to sleep in a tent / stay home. Joe wants to enter the competition to win a bike / tent. Group work Ask and answer the questions. > What's your favorite Web site? » What's interesting about it? » What other Web sites do you go to a lot? » Do you ever use Web sites for shopping? banking? doing research? Do you have your own Web page or Web site? ’ 3 Writing Messages A Choose a hobby group from the Web page on page 18. Write a question to post on the message board saat SN ane emarnei—i GOO Hobby Group Message Board) Walaa To: Music group Linking ideas From: Coldplayfan i er 7 + Add an idea: Hi. I'ma big fan of Coldplay, especially pe the lead singer. | really ike him, and | d ee 1 also lke books, especially children’s books. his interests? 1 don't ike jaze or rock music. + Contrast two ideas: ike climbing, but my friends don't. * Give a reason: We can't Keep her because /'m allergic to cats | also like another band, B Read your classmates’ messages. Choose one and reply to it. Then “send” your reply. Do you receive any helpful replies? ree talk The game of likes and dislikes 4 See Free talk 2 at the back of the book for more speaking practice. 19 Learning tip Word chains: Link new words together in word “chai eran The top 5 types of music people talk about are 1 Complete the word chains using the words and expressions below. Anvroek, 4. tap. 2. classical 5. country 3. jazz I'm good at P fana fana | 1 don't like to P | or | or i 2 Now complete the word chains with your own ideas. I'm good at P [ona fana | Lenjoy P [ena fen | Tcan't P | or | or | Thate to P jena [ena | I'dlike to P fend [ona I I'm not interested in P | or | or. | On your own_ Think of different things you are interested in. Can you link them together? Use the last letter of each word or expression to start the next word. How many words did you use?

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