Times Leader 05-24-2011

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The Times Leader
WILKES-BARRE, PA timesleader.com TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2011 50¢

Tornado kills 116

Rescue effort under way in Joplin, Mo.
9 charged
in meth
Shooting death investigation brings arrests
for alleged roles in meth manufacturing.

SALEM TWP. – An investigation into the deadly
shooting of a man inside a Hunlock Township trail-
er in February led to the arrest Monday of nine peo-
ple for their alleged roles in the manufacture of
methamphetamines at the residence.
Arrest re-
cords say the
trailer at 59
Old Tavern
Road was filled
with firearms,
and numerous
products used
to make meth.
State police
initiated the
when Robert
Jacob Muntz,
43, of Sweet
Valley Road,
Township, was
found dead
from a single
gunshot wound to the head inside the trailer on
Feb. 8.
Muntz concealed his face with a Halloween

See ARRESTS , Page 12A

AP PHOTO No charge planned

Mary Womack, in white top at the right, reacts to the news that the renter that lived in her house had been found and taken to the hospital on Monday.
in deadly shooting
Storm is nation’s deadliest By EDWARD LEWIS

single twister in 60 years SALEM TWP. – No charges will be filed for a

deadly shooting of a man during a break-in of a
mobile trailer in February.
By ALAN SCHER ZAGIER as the full scope of the destruction Luzerne County District Attorney Jacqueline
and JIM SALTER comes into view: house after house re- Musto Carroll ruled the fatal shooting justifia-
Associated Press duced to slabs, cars crushed like soda ble.
JOPLIN, Mo. — Rescue crews dug cans, shaken residents roaming But the shooter, Amanda Bowman, 29, was
through piles of splintered houses and streets in search of missing family not entirely cleared of the case.
crushed cars Monday in a search for members. And the danger was by no Bowman and several other people were
victims of a half-mile-wide tornado means over. Fires from gas leaks charged for their alleged roles in the manufac-
that killed at least 116 people when itburned across town, and more violent turing of methamphetamines inside the Old
blasted much of this Missouri town off weather loomed, including the threat Tavern Road trailer where investigations said
the map and slammed straight into its of hail, high winds and even more tor- she shot and killed Robert Jacob Muntz, 43, on
hospital. nadoes. Feb. 8.
It was the nation’s deadliest single At daybreak, the city’s south side State police allege a masked Muntz kicked
twister in nearly 60 years and the sec-emerged from darkness as a barren, open the trailer’s front door and ran to the bed-
ond major tornado disaster in less smoky wasteland. AP PHOTO room where he confronted Bowman’s boy-
than a month. Kathleen Kelsey guides a live-find dog named ChicoDog through the
Authorities feared the toll could rise See TWISTER, Page 12A wreckage of a public housing complex in Joplin, Mo., Monday. See SHOOTING, Page 12A

Vigil is held for man Car found by W-B police

police say was killer possibly in 3 robberies
Alicia Crich says James killed a friend of the mother of
The Dodge Intrepid was parked
First reported at
front of a ga-
his child and then himself on Sat-
reported to Nanticoke police 9:01
Cooper was motivated by rage on In-
urday. as having been stolen. a.m. gham Street
losing custody of daughter. “I was really trying to get his timesleader.com around 8:30
side of the story out,” Alicia a.m. The ve-
Crich, 23, said of the reason she By EDWARD LEWIS hicle, which
By STEVE MOCARSKY organized the vigil for Cooper, elewis@timesleader.com was reported stolen to the Nanti-
smocarsky@timesleader.com whom she called her brother-in- WILKES-BARRE - City police coke Police Department, was im-
HANOVER TWP. – A handful law. found a vehicle that might be in- pounded by city police.
of friends and family members of “He’s not a monster, he’s not volved in three robberies in the Wilkes-Barre police, along
James Cooper gathered for a vig- the animal that they’re all mak- area Sunday night and early Mon- with departments in Hanover
AIMEE DILGER/THE TIMES LEADER il Monday evening outside the ing him out to be. He loved his day morning. and Plains townships, are investi-
Alicia Crich planned the vigil for James Cooper, who police said Hanover Village apartment A red four-door Dodge Intrepid
killed Shana Bagley and himself. where, police said, he shot and See VIGIL, Page 12A was found by a patrol officer See ROBBERIES, Page 12A

In the Navy Editorials 11A Weather 10B Movies 8C

Nation & World
PSU hoops
coach resigns.
Birthdays 5C
Obituaries 8A, 9A Stocks 9B Television 8C D CLASSIFIED
Story, 1B 6 09815 10011

PAGE 2A TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2011 ➛ timesleader.com THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com

Former nursing center employee files lawsuit DETAILS

By TERRIE MORGAN-BESECKER from her position as activities ward, she questioned Janoski request to be sexually suggest- the nursing facility before it MIDDAY DRAWING
tmorgan@timesleader.com director in 2009 because of her about whether she knew two of ive and declined the invitation. became Timber Ridge; and
SCRANTON – A former em- age and because she had re- Layo’s female friends, who are Shortly after, Layo engaged Complete Healthcare Re- DAILY NUMBER – 1-1-9
ployee at the Timber Ridge buffed what she believed to be lesbians. in a pattern of harassing and sources. BIG 4 – 6-0-9-7
nursing center has filed a fed- sexual advances made toward In November 2008, Layo was badgering Janoski. Layo also The administrator at Timber QUINTO - 7-1-6-0-8
eral lawsuit against the facili- her by Sheila Layo, who then present while Janoski trained a gave Janoski a poor work re- Ridge did not return a phone TREASURE HUNT
ty, alleging she was sexually served as administrator. co-worker on the use of a piece view. When Janoski asked the message Friday seeking com- 01-07-14-23-24
harassed by the center’s for- According to the suit: of equipment at the facility at reason why, Layo refused to ment. Layo could not be reac-
mer administrator. Layo, who is not named as a around 10 p.m. After the train- tell her the reasons. hed for comment as attempts
Mary Ann Janoski of Circle defendant, began her employ- ing was complete, Layo asked The suit names as defend- to obtain a phone number or DAILY NUMBER - 8-7-6
Drive, West Pittston, filed suit ment with the nursing center Janoski if she would like to go ants Valley Crest Nursing L.P., address for her were unsuc- BIG 4 - 1-0-2-5
Friday, alleging she was fired in March 2008. Shortly after- somewhere. Janoski took the which is the former name of cessful. QUINTO - 5-1-1-6-7

Dallas OKs budget Wyoming Area facing unknowns


with 5 percent hike

Superintendent Bernardi says The proposed budget calls for a PROPOSED BUDGET day’s “Pennsylvania Cash 5”
tentative tax increase of 5.7 mills
attempts to shave personnel Size: Nearly $29 million jackpot will be worth at least
for the District’s Luzerne County $775,000 because no player
costs have not succeeded. municipalities and 7.2 mills for
Tax hike: 5.7 mills, Luzerne County
matched the five winning
School Board votes 6-3 on W H AT ’ S N E X T its Wyoming County municipal- numbers drawn in Monday’s
ity. Wyoming Area is composed union had declined to consider a
proposed spending plan, with The Dallas School Board will hold game.
By WILLIAM BELL of five municipalities in Luzerne pay freeze. He noted that the ad- Lottery officials said 115
final vote due in June. a work session on June 20 at 7 Times Leader Correspondent
County and one in Wyoming ministrative staff had agreed to a
p.m. and its regular meeting on players matched four num-
EXETER - The Wyoming Area County. pay freeze. bers and won $291 each;
June 27 at 7 p.m.
School Board is faced with sever- The proposed impact on an av- In a related matter the board, 3,840 players matched
By SARAH HITE al unknowns as it works to final- erage home in Luzerne County during their regular meeting, three numbers and won
shite@timesleader.com on students’ and employees’ ize the 2011-2012 budget. voted to “Reject the Pennsylvania
would be approximately $84 per $14.50 each; and 48,218
DALLAS TWP. -- In a 6-3 health and safety. Tom Melone of Albert B. Mel- year. In Wyoming County it Relations Board Fact Finder Re- players matched two num-
vote, the Dallas School Board The stipulation and agree- one Co., the district’s business would be $64 per year. port.” Attorney Raymond Has- bers and won $1 each.
approved its final proposed ment stated the company will manager, listed some of the varia- Melone said the proposed bud- sey, district solicitor, told the Thursday’s “Pennsylvania
budget for the 2011-12 school not “physically locate any form bles facing the board at its meet- get will be on public view for the public that the board was unable Match 6 Lotto” jackpot will
year, which will keep the tax of natural gas compression ing Monday. to publically explain this action be worth at least $1.8 million
next 30 days, and that the final
hike at 5 percent as proposed equipment (or) … any odorant They are the final version of more at this time, since the teach- because no player holds a
version is subject to change. He
back in February. equipment and storage con- the pending state budget, possi- ers union has not taken action. ticket with one row that
said it was the middle of the proc-
Board members Karen Kyle, tainment of the odorant mer- ble additional changes to school Board member Estelle Cam- matches all six winning
ess from preliminary to final bud-
Dennis Gochoel and Maureen captan” a proposed site about funding by the office of Gov. Tom penni made a motion requesting numbers drawn in Monday’s
Matiska voted against the bud- 1,300 feet from the Dallas Corbett, a dozen pending new get. at least two public meetings be
Superintendent Ray Bernardi game.
get, while Bruce Goeringer, Ri- School District campus. state legislation bills concerning held to discuss the proposed bud-
chard Coslett, Russell Bigus, Attorney Jeffrey Malak of school funding, possible changes gave the board an update on his get numbers in more detail.
Catherine Wega, Charles Chariton & Schwager of to retirement benefits for teach- discussions with the district’s Board President Nickolas De An-
Preece and Gary Mathers vot- Wilkes-Barre spoke on behalf ers, and the fact that Wyoming unions. Bernardi said since the gelo stated the motion was not
ed in favor of the spending of Chief Gathering LLC, urg- Area does not have a new teach- teachers union had rejected a pay needed since the board will be
plan. ing the board to approve an in- ers’ contract finalized. freeze, he had asked that they
consider giving up one day as a
holding a number of public meet- OBITUARIES
The board approved a $32 terim agreement before zoning Melone broke down the pro- ings to discuss the numbers, and
million preliminary proposed hearings scheduled for the end posed almost $29 million. The means to save approximately that they will be advertised as Allen, Lorraine
budget in February, which con- of May and throughout June. district in addition to cost cutting $50,000. He stated he had also public meetings. Benson, Marie
tained a 5 percent tax increase Board President Bruce Goer- measures and non-replacement asked the teachers to forgo tui- In other business, the board
tion reimbursement for an addi-
Delinsky, Margaret
for property owners – a hike inger said he first would like to of most retiring professional and honored dozens of Wyoming Ar-
from 11.0118 to 11.5624. This go over details of the agree- support staff will utilize a portion tional savings of $50,000. He re- ea students who had won awards
Griffiths, Dorothy
translated to an average of an ment with the board and the of its fund balance of $1,675,000 ported that in both cases the an- in numerous local, regional, and Jenkins, Antoinette
additional $85 in taxes per board’s legal representation at to fill the shortfall of $868,000 in swer was negative. He additional- national academic and art com- Kalafut, John
property within the district, the zoning hearings, Attorney the proposed budget. ly reported the support staff petitions. Kapusta, Myles
said Business Manager Grant John Dean, of Elliot, Greenleaf Littell, Edward
Palfey. & Dean. Malak said parts of
Markosky, Roman
Christian radio host: Rapture coming in October
He said the increase was the agreement can be clarified
largely due to the completion and changed after the board Mazur, Frank
of the new high school project, voted for an interim approval Miner, Loretta
which is set to open in mid- of the agreement. Myers, Gordon
September. Goeringer said the board By GARANCE BURKE taken to heaven Saturday before 5,000 billboards and 20 RVs plas- Parker, Constance
Palfey and Superintendent wanted to ensure there were Associated Press the Earth was destroyed, said he tered with the Judgment Day Sauer, Frederick
Frank Galicki said the only no explosive or pollutant mate- OAKLAND, Calif. — California felt so terrible when his dooms- message.
changes to the budget were rials, other than natural gas preacher Harold Camping said day prediction did not come true But Camping said that he’s now
Stopay, Eva
predictions in state funding. flowing through the pipeline, Monday his prophecy that the that he left home and took refuge realized the apocalypse will come Waterman, Elizabeth
Palfey anticipated a reduction near or within the school dis- world would end was off by five in a motel with his wife. His inde- five months after May 21, the orig- Page 8A, 9A
of $340,000 of state funds, but trict. He said the board had months because Judgment Day pendent ministry, Family Radio inal date he predicted. He had ear-
the board had to work with a questions about a 50-barrel actually will come on October 21. International, spent millions — lier said Oct. 21 was when the
nearly $900,000 cut to the edu- storage tank to be located on Camping, who predicted that some of it from donations made globe would be consumed by a
cation budget. site. 200 million Christians would be by followers — on more than fireball.
The board approved several Malak said the barrel would
measures at a March meeting contain “99 percent” water be-

Nanticoke Area OKs $400,000 in cuts

to balance the cuts, including cause it stores only water va- WHO TO CONTACT
not replacing retiring staff, cut- por removed from the pipeline.
Missed Paper ........................829-5000
ting individual building bud- He also said it is a requirement
Obituaries ..............................829-7224
gets, removing before- and af- of the federal Department of Advertising...............................829-7101
ter-school tutoring programs Transportation and Transco, A reduction of $1.57 million in than any other district in Luzerne B U D G E T AT A G L A N C E Classified Ads.........................829-7130
and others, which saved the which is the interstate pipeline County,” added board member, Newsroom ..............................829-7242
state aid is giving the school
board about $826,000. the proposed pipeline project Kenny James. “I want to thank Size: $24.2 million Vice President/Executive Editor
The budget is available for will tap into. district difficulty. Mr. Perrone and Mr. Melone for Cuts: $400,000 Joe Butkiewicz ...............................970-7249
public viewing in the district The continued hearing for all their hard work.” Asst. Managing Editor
administration office. The Chief Gathering LLC’s applica- Business consultant Al Mel- purchased services for transpor- Anne Woelfel...................................970-7232
board must vote on a budget at tion for special exceptions to By STEVEN FONDO one, Sr. said the district’s real es- tation and contractual service Editorial Page Editor
the end of June. build a natural gas metering Times Leader Correspondent tate tax base has no significant in- agreements with the Luzerne In- Mark Jones .....................................970-7305
The board did not take ac- station off Hildebrandt Road NANTICOKE -- Fiscal belt- dustry-driven revenue and is termediate Unit and Wilkes- Features Editor
tion on an agreement with will be at 6:30 p.m. May 31 in tightening was on the agenda at a comprised mainly of an older Barre Career Training Center. Sandra Snyder................................970-7383
Chief Gathering LLC, which the Dallas Middle School audi- special meeting of the Greater housing base. Current union contracts run Director, Interactive and New Media
stated the company will not lo- torium. Nanticoke Area School Board on “There will obviously be fur- through 2013. Nick DeLorenzo ..............................970-7152

cate certain natural gas activ- In other news, the board Monday, as the members voted loughs and salary savings by at- “It’s like nothing else I’ve seen Photo Editor
Clark Van Orden ..............................970-7175
ities within communities reappointed Attorney Benja- unanimously on a 2011-2012 bud- trition due to upcoming retire- in over 40 years working with
served by the district. min Jones III as the district so- get that includes more than ments,” Melone continued. school districts,” said Melone, re- Community News .........................970-7245
The district has had repre- licitor with a salary of $39,000, $400,000 in salary cuts and bene- “We’ll have a definitive answer ferring to the current state of the E-MAIL
sentation at Dallas Township a 4.7 percent increase from last fit adjustments. before June 30.” economy. “It’s the perfect storm, News tips: tlnews@timesleader.com
zoning board hearings con- year. Board member Russell Board members said the cuts More than 70 percent of Nanti- and fortunately, Nanticoke is bet- Community News: people@timesleader.com
cerning the proposed natural Bigus said Jones has been an are in response to the $1.57 mil- coke’s budget consists of fixed ter prepared than most to weath-
gas metering station since Feb- attorney for the district for lion shortfall in state funding as salary and benefit costs as well as er the storm.”
ruary because board members more than 40 years and goes proposed by Gov. Tom Corbett.
felt the proposed activities “above and beyond” his re- “If I had a crystal ball and knew
would have an adverse effect sponsibilities for the district. all this at the end of last year
when 11 teachers retired, I
BUILDING Cooper’s alleged stalking of
Shaundra Langille. The state-
wouldn’t have filled all those po- TRUST ment was made by another

Pittston Township Supervisors

sitions,” said Superintendent, person who did not wish to be
Tony Perrone. “But unfortunate- The Times Leader strives to identified.
ly, that’s what happened.” correct errors, clarify stories A STORY ON PAGE 1F Sunday

move on road repair estimates Greater Nanticoke Area and update them promptly. should have attributed a quote
School District is sitting on a Corrections will appear in this about a father who hyperventi-
budget reserve fund of $6.4 mil- spot. If you have information to lated at the sight of “Daddy’s
By JOSEPH DOLINSKY Township. The draft is being lion, but Perrone quickly pointed help us correct an inaccuracy or little girl” in her wedding gown
Times Leader Correspondent reviewed by solicitor John Fin- out the money cannot be used to cover an issue more thoroughly, to Kathy Rave Michael of Dallas.
PITTSTON TWP. -- The Pitt- nerty and will be presented for hire new teachers and is in place call the newsroom at 829-7242. +(ISSN No. 0896-4084)
A PAGE 3A STORY in Mon- USPS 499-710
ston Township Supervisors on approval or denial at a future to offset rising benefit costs.
day’s paper about the King’s Issue No. 2011-144
Monday night heard estimates supervisors meeting. Perrone said a number of cost-
College graduation overestimat-
received for paving projects with- The supervisors also heard a saving scenarios were discussed A BRIEF ON PAGE 3A Monday Advertising Newsroom
ed the number of graduates. 829-7293 829-7242
in the township. motion to appoint Terry Best before the planning session. should have stated that Ian kpelleschi@timesleader.com jbutkiewicz@timesleader.com
College spokesman John McAn-
The estimates totaled as a temporary code enforce- However the proposed $24.2 mil- Alexander, 22, of River View Circulation
drew said the total was 533. Jim McCabe – 829-5000
$363,000, and the supervisors ment officer in the absence of lion budget does not include a tax Village, West Pittston, was ar- jmccabe@timesleader.com
Published daily by:
stressed repairs would be based Sam Paglianite. Best agreed to increase or cuts to existing sports rested on a citation of public A STORY THAT WAS published
on how badly the roads needed assume the duties on a tempo- or extracurricular programs. drunkenness and was on foot in Sunday’s Dallas Post needs to Wilkes-Barre Publishing Company

paving. Some of the streets dis- rary basis with no salary in- A $600,000 reduction in educa- when he was arrested Saturday be corrected because of errone- 15 N. Main St.
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711
cussed were Rock, Market, Staf- crease. The motion was unani- tional supplies was included in night in Wilkes-Barre. ous information supplied to
Periodicals postage paid at
ford, Gain, and Norman. mously approved by the super- the total, but administrators Wilkes-Barre Publishing Co. Lt. Wilkes-Barre, PA and additional mailing offices
Col. Ronald Fitch Jr., who is Postmaster: Send address changes
Additionally, the supervisors visors. The meeting was post- stressed that this was a one-time urday about a fatal shooting in to Times Leader, 15 N. Main St.,
stationed at Fort Bragg, N.C.
discussed a proposed draft ordi- poned from last week due to item and others areas of savings Hanover Township incorrectly Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711
with the Special Forces, is not a
nance that would ban tobacco voting equipment setup for would need to be explored in the stated that Linda Swiderski Delivery Monday–Sunday $3.50 per week
Congressional Medal of Honor Mailed Subscriptions Monday–Sunday
use in any sporting areas and last Tuesday’s primary elec- future. made a statement about James
recipient. $4.35 per week in PA
playing fields located in Pittston tion. “Financially, we’re better off $4.75 per week outside PA

THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ timesleader.com TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2011 PAGE 3A

Ashley Legion honors vets with monument

Juvenile bills advance

Tribute to fallen veterans
and victims of 9/11 is
tims who lost their lives on
Sept. 11, 2001.”
INSIDE: For Click photos from the
event, see Page 7A. S everal bills relating to the reform of
the juvenile justice system were
unanimously approved Monday by the
The ceremony began with the
dedicated at Club 79. Appropriations Committee of the state
Very Rev. Thaddeus Dymkow-
Senate and will now go before the full
ski of Holy Cross Polish Nation- gion bugler Charles Falcheck
Senate for a vote.
al Catholic Church in Wilkes- played “Taps” on his bugle. An
The bills that
By DAWN DRUMIN Barre saying a prayer and then American flag was hoisted up a
Times Leader Correspondent were voted out of
blessing the monument with pole behind the monument.
committee – all by
WILKES-BARRE – With holy water. Legion chaplain Ar- Ashley American Legion
26-0 votes – include
pomp and circumstance, the thur Prandy then made some re- members are responsible for at-
Senate Bill 815,
five uniformed members of the marks. tending local military funerals
which requires coun-
Ashley American Legion Post “We are gathered here today and delivering military honors.
sel be provided for a
673 paid tribute to America’s to dedicate this memorial in They receive their assignments
child at every stage
fallen veterans and the victims honor of the victims of the ter- from Officer Warren Gallagher Baker
of a judicial proceed-
of 9/11 on Monday by dedicat- rible 9/11 tragedy, where so of Scranton, who gets his infor-
ing; Senate Bill 816,
ing a monument in front of Club many people lost their lives, mation from Fort Dix in New
which proposes that
79 on Blackman Street. and to honor all of our deceased Jersey.
the Office of Victim
The ceremony was arranged veterans,” Prandy said. Post Commander Tom Paul
Advocate represent
by Club 79 owner Charles Hoy- Following Prandy’s com- of Ashley was pleased with the BILL TARUTIS/FOR THE TIMES LEADER
and advocate for the
nowski, who also purchased the ments, three members of the le- ceremony. The Very Rev. Thaddeus Dymkowski, left, Arthur Prandy, cen-
interests of victims
monument, which reads, “To all gion fired blanks from guns in ter, Chuck Hoynowski and Pearlean Warren dedicate a monu-
ment for veterans and 9/11 victims in Wilkes-Barre on Monday.
of juvenile crime;
veterans and those 2,982 vic- memory of the honored, and le- See MONUMENT, Page 9A
Senate Bill 817,
which restricts the

use of restraints on juveniles during
Shelva Rafte vanished in 2006, but family hope is eternal court proceedings and Senate Bill 818,
which requires a court to publicly
state the reason for the disposition of a
delinquent child.

of Strong
Sen. John Yudichak, D-Plymouth
Township, joined with state Sen. Lisa
Baker, R-Lehman Township, to spon-
sor the bills in a response to the juve-

winds up
nile justice scandal that rocked Lu-
zerne County.
Baker thanked members of the
appropriations committee for their
She said the bills still face a major
Two deputies and the defendant’s hurdle in gaining passage by the entire
mother tell different stories. Senate, however.
“The floor vote is the biggest and
By SHEENA DELAZIO most noteworthy hurdle ahead of us.
sdelazio@timesleader.com A unanimous vote out of the commit-
tee today is a very positive sign,”
WILKES-BARRE – Two Luzerne
County deputy sheriffs testified Monday Baker said in a phone interview on
they heard homicide suspect James Monday.
-- Terrie Morgan-Besecker
Strong say he didn’t know why he killed
John Strock in August 1983.
John Pavitis, a retired deputy sheriff of
30 years, said he was in a room with
Strong, fellow deputy John Chesko and Hearing delayed to July
Strong’s mother, Gennetta. A hearing scheduled to be held
Pavitis said there was crying and Monday for a Kingston woman
screaming when he heard Gennetta charged with taking more than
Strong ask her son, “Why did you do it?” $100,000 from her elderly aunt has
Pavitis said Strong NIKO J. KALLIANIOTIS/FOR THE TIMES LEADER been continued to July.
replied, “I don’t know. Marisa Harlen, 30, of Tioga Avenue,
I just did it.” Janelle Fox, center, holds a photo of her missing mother, Shelva Rafte. Pictured are her aunts, Joanne Decker, left, and
Shirley Masters. The family will hold a vigil on Memorial Day weekend in hope of stirring interest in the case. was scheduled to appear for a status
Chesko, who still conference in her case Monday before

A five-year mystery
works as a deputy, also Luzerne County Judge Tina Polachek
testified in the sixth
day of Strong’s homi-
Harlen was charged in September
cide retrial in Strock’s
with taking more than $107,000 from
death, saying the com-
Strong ment came after an Oc- her aunt, Louise Mary Olenik, 79,
tober 1984 court pro- after being granted power of attorney
ceeding. By TERRIE MORGAN-BESECKER ternal aunts, Joanne Decker and Shirley W H AT ’ S N E X T over her aunt’s finances. Harlen alleg-
Strong, 59, was convicted and sen- tmorgan@timesleader.com Masters, she said. edly used the money to feed a gam-
A candlelight awareness vigil will be held bling addiction.
tenced to death in 1984 for Strock’s PITTSTON – It should have been one The three women recently joined to- for Shelva Rafte on Saturday starting at
death in a wooded area of Dorrance of the happiest days of her life, but Ja- gether to organize a candlelight vigil A new hearing was set for July 18
6 p.m. at the home of her sister, Joanne
Township on Aug. 18, 1983. nelle Fox and other family members that will be held Saturday in Nicholson Decker, in Nicholson. Participants will before Polachek Gartley, where court
Strock was awarded a new trial in couldn’t shake the underlying sense of and Pittston to raise awareness of Rafte’s then travel to a second vigil that will be papers indicate Harlen may enter a
2000 after a ruling by the state Supreme sadness as she celebrated her wedding case. The women hope it will generate held at 8 p.m. at the Riverfront Park, guilty plea.
Court because it was later learned that day two weeks ago. new leads that might resolve the mys- Pittston. A bus is available, free of Both Harlen and Olenik, and friends
Strong’s co-defendant, James Alexan- charge, for anyone who wishes to travel and family of both, were present in
Five years earlier, Fox and her mother, tery surrounding her disappearance.
der, kept secret a deal he made with pros- from Nicholson to Pittston and back to court Monday.
Shelva Rafte, had joined with many of “I’m hoping it brings some kind of Nicholson.
ecutors at the time. the same family members to celebrate memory back up to someone,” Fox said. For information, contact Joanne Decker
The deputy sheriffs were two witness- Fox’s graduation from an area college. “People might think they didn’t see any- at 570-942-6068 or email her at hair-
es called to testify by prosecutors, assist-
ant district attorneys Michael Melnick,
Jim McMonagle and Maureen Collins.
But Rafte was nowhere to be found at
the wedding. She went missing the eve-
thing, but if they come to the vigil, they
may say I remember seeing that lady
Car seat check set
ning of her daughter’s graduation on that night.” State police will conduct a car seat
The attorneys called a total of six wit-
May 28, 2006, and has not been seen Cleveland Street in Pittston. She was checkup event on Friday from 1 to 5
nesses Monday before completing their Mysterious disappearance
side of the case, handing it over to de- since. last seen in the area of Market and River p.m. It will be held at Scranton Dodge,
fense attorneys, who began calling wit- “I had my wedding on Mother’s Day Rafte disappeared after leaving the streets in Jenkins Township just before 1 1146 Wyoming Ave., Scranton. Troop-
nesses Monday afternoon. weekend, trying to keep her part of the graduation party, which was held at a.m. on May 29, police said. ers who are certified child passenger
Prosecutors called a forensic scientist day,” Fox said. “I didn’t want it to be- Decker’s home in Nicholson, with her Police ruled out foul play, but said her safety technicians will be available to
who tested items in 1983, including a T- come a sad day, so I honored her as much boyfriend at around 10:30 p.m., accord- disappearance was “suspicious.” Family inspect and re-install child passenger
shirt and handkerchief. The T-shirt did as we could.” ing to Pittston Police. members who went to her home and seats at no charge.
not have blood on it, George Sermon tes- For Fox, the anguish of not knowing The couple returned to the boy- found the television set on and her car The event is open to the public and
tified, but the handkerchief had blood on what happened to her mother has at friend’s Jenkins Township home. Rafte parked in the back. no appointment is necessary. This
it similar to Alexander’s blood. times been unbearable, but she’s gotten left after the couple had an argument checkup is being held in conjunction
Also tested were Strong’s shoes and a through it with the help of two of her ma- and began to walk toward her home on See MISSING, Page 9A with Operation “Click it or Ticket,”
shotgun recovered by police, Sermon which is a state-wide child seat/seat
testified under questioning by Strong’s belt initiative.

Controller wants safety inspection of Sterling

attorney, Shelley Centini, which did not The state police also reminded
contain any blood. motorists that under state law, failure
Centini and attorneys Brian Corcoran to restrain a child under 4 years of age
and William Watt called Strong’s moth- in an approved child restraint device
er, who testified about the day in Octo- Walter Griffith asks quest from county commis- preserve the building. That are awaiting his audit of the constitutes a primary offense. It is a
ber 1984 that she met with her son after sioners or the building owner money is gone and was largely project. secondary offense for children 4 to 8
he was found guilty at his first trial. county commissioners to
– the nonprofit CityVest. He spent to make the parcel Commissioner Stephen A. years not to use a booster seat. The
Centini asked Gennetta Strong if there approve work request. asked commissioners to make larger and demolish a14-story Urban said after the work ses- fine for either offense is almost $100
was yelling in the room when she spoke that request. high-rise and connector build- sion that commissioners plus court costs.
to her son.
CityVest’s recent report of ing at the rear of the remain- shouldn’t have to ask the city For more information contact Sgt.
“No,” Gennetta Strong, 86, said be- By JENNIFER LEARN-ANDES the building’s deficiencies ing 113-year-old hotel. to inspect the structure. Thomas C. Skrutski at 963-4299.
hind a laugh before becoming somber. jandes@timesleader.com “made it sound like it could CityVest attached a letter to “The city has an obligation
“I asked, ‘Did you kill that man?’ and
Luzerne County Controller collapse any day,” Griffith its report asking county com- to inspect the building if it HARRISBURG
my son said ‘No, that’s not in my heart.’”
Walter Griffith wants Wilkes- said. missioners to take over the gets word that it might be in
Private investigator James Selino also
testified on behalf of the defense Mon- Barre to conduct a safety in- “Public safety is first and project and determine wheth- danger of collapsing,” Urban Driver centers to close
day, saying that a prosecution witness on spection of the Hotel Sterling foremost. I’m not advocating er the structure will be fully or said, noting that CityVest de- The Pennsylvania Department of
Friday walked by Strong and mouthed because a study of the land- ripping the building down, partially saved or demol- livered its report but has not Transportation reminds motorists that
“(Expletive) you,” after testifying at the mark building released last but I think CityVest has an ished. reached out to commission- all driver license and photo centers
trial. month questioned its struc- obligation to make sure the Commissioners have not ers to request a meeting about will be closed on Saturday and Mon-
Testimony will resume in the case to- tural integrity. building is safe,” Griffith said yet determined what, if any, a potential county takeover. day in observance of Memorial Day.
day at 9:30 a.m. before Judge Thomas Griffith told county com- after the work session. role the county will play in the A CityVest representative Customers may still obtain a variety
Burke in courtroom three at the Luzerne missioners during their work The county has an interest project. could not immediately be re- of driver and vehicle products and
County Courthouse. session Monday that the city in the property because it Commissioner Chairwo- ached for comment Monday. services online through PennDOT’s
will inspect the building at loaned the nonprofit $6 mil- man Maryanne Petrilla said Butch Frati, the city’s direc- Driver and Vehicle Services website,
Sheena Delazio, a Times Leader staff writer, the corner of Market and Riv- lion in community develop- the commissioners will dis- www.dmv.state.pa.us.
may be reached at 829-7235. er streets if it receives a re- ment funding to acquire and cuss Griffith’s suggestion and See SAFETY, Page 9A

PAGE 4A TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2011 ➛ N E W S THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com

Small Mountain Quarry tour



early 120 fourth-graders from
Rice Elementary School toured
the Small Mountain Quarry in 5:
Dorrance Township Monday as part of
a program that teaches them about
the rock and gravel industry. Students
learned how minerals are mined for
road building materials and about
efforts to conserve water at the quar-
ry. 1: Michael Bafunno relaxes in the
wheel of a large dump truck at the
quarry. 2: Sophie Norton waits in line
with other students. 3: Hubert Herre-
ra and Dean Ambosie take pictures at
the quarry. 4: Students look over a
dump truck at the quarry. 5: Paul
Bartorillo, president of Slusser Broth-
ers, addresses students at the start of
the quarry tour.

THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ N A T I O N & W O R L D TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2011 PAGE 5A

Pakistani naval base assaulted


It was the third purported revenge itary town of Abbottabad, the Taliban and
al-Qaida fault the army for its level of
strike since bin Laden’s death.
cooperation with the Americans. It was
the third purported revenge strike in Pa-
By MOHAMMAD FAROOQ kistan since bin Laden’s death.
and CHRIS BRUMMITT After initially estimating that 15 insur-
Associated Press gents were involved in the attack that be-
KARACHI, Pakistan — Pakistani com- gan late Sunday in the country’s commer-
mandos recaptured a major naval base cial capital, Karachi, officials said just six
from Taliban attackers Monday after a heavily armed, black-clad assailants pen-
bloody and humiliating 18-hour standoff etrated into the heart of the Naval Station
that raised questions about militant infil- Mehran after cutting through wire in a
tration in the security services and the quiet section of its eastern perimeter.
safety of the volatile country’s nuclear The militants destroyed two U.S.-sup-
warheads. plied surveillance aircraft and killed at
AP PHOTO The unusually brazen assault, which least five navy officers, two paramilitary AP PHOTO
Special toast for the Irish people the Taliban said was to avenge the killing rangers and three firefighters. Six Amer- Pakistani troops gather next to a burnt plane inside the naval aviation base
U.S. President Barack Obama drinks of Osama bin Laden, was a reminder that icans and 11 Chinese aviation engineers following an attack by militants in Karachi, Pakistan, on Monday.
Guinness beer while meeting with the Pakistanis are catching blame from escaped unharmed, authorities said.
local residents at Ollie Hayes pub in both sides in the aftermath of the May 2 Four attackers were killed — one ap- huge fires that lit up the night sky and marines and commandos sent to catch
Moneygall, Ireland, the ancestral raid by U.S. commandos. parently blew himself up — but two man- sent black smoke above the city of 18 mil- them.
homeland of his great-great-great While Americans have accused ele- aged to escape, said Pakistan Navy chief lion people, the insurgents inside the “Thanks be to God, the base is cleared
grandfather. Before an exultant sea of ments in the Pakistani security services Nauman Bashir. base managed to evade death or capture and the operation is over,” said navy
people, Obama reveled in his distant of having sheltered bin Laden in the mil- After blowing up the aircraft, causing into Monday by splitting up and firing on spokesman Irfan ul Haq.
Irish ancestry, offering thanks from
millions of Americans who trace their

Leader of
own connections to Ireland.


Declines in crime continue

C rime levels fell last year compared
to 2009, continuing a downward
trend that saw a 5.5 percent drop in the
Taliban is
number of violent crimes last year and
a 2.8 percent drop in the number of
property crimes.
Figures released by the FBI Monday

also showed that there were declines in
all four categories of violent crime in
2010 and all categories for property
crime went down as well.
“In a word, remarkable,” said James
Alan Fox, a criminologist at Northeast- Claims that Mullah Mohammad
ern University. In Fox’s view, the de-
clines signify success for aggressive Omar has died are being
law enforcement and corrections pro- denied by members.
grams and comprehensive crime pre-
vention efforts. He said the crime lev-
els could easily rise if the current envi- By HEIDI VOGT and RAHIM FAIEZ
ronment of state and local budget cut- Associated Press
ting extends to the law enforcement KABUL, Afghanistan — The
measures that are working. Afghan intelligence agency said
Monday that the reclusive leader
of the Taliban has disappeared
Poll: Entitlements ‘vital’ Farmers Thormar Eller and Henny Hrund go to check their livestock as an ash cloud is seen in background, near Kirkju-
AP PHOTO from a suspected hideout in Pakis-
tan and has been out of contact
They’re not buying it. Most Amer- baearklaustur, Iceland, on Monday. with his commanders for days —
icans say they don’t believe Medicare adding further questions about

Volcano ash threatens air travel

has to be cut to balance the federal Mullah Mohammad Omar after a
budget, and ditto for Social Security, a media report said he was killed.
new poll shows. The Taliban denied the claim
The Associated Press-GfK poll sug- on the Afghan
gests that arguments for overhauling news channel
the massive benefit programs to pare Tolo that Omar
government debt have failed to sway
the public. The debate is unlikely to be
Travel disruptions could be space as early as today and The cloud Pilots flights between Scottish is- was shot dead
affect other parts of the U.K. unions, lands would be unaffected. while being
resolved before next year’s elections for less serious than last year. is current-
and Ireland later in the week. however, Another small airline, East- moved inside
president and Congress. British Airways suspended ly not ex- expressed ern Airways, which is based Pakistan with
Americans worry about the future of By MEERA SELVA and all its flights for today morn- concerns in northern England, also the help of a for-
the retirement safety net, the poll SLOBODAN LEKIC ing between London and pected to that the ash canceled all flights to and mer Pakistani Omar
found, and 3 out of 5 say the two pro- Associated Press Scotland, while Dutch carri- move over could still from Scotland on Tuesday. intelligence offi-
grams are vital to their basic financial LONDON — A dense ash er KLM and Easyjet canceled be danger- Many airlines said author- cial. The Taliban spokesman
security as they age. That helps explain cloud from an Icelandic vol- flights to and from Scotland
continental ous. ities last year overestimated countered that Omar was alive
why the Republican Medicare priv- cano blew toward Scotland and northern England at the Europe. Obama, the danger to planes and and was somewhere inside Af-
atization plan flopped, and why Presi- on Monday, causing airlines same time. Two domestic who had overreacted by closing air- ghanistan.
dent Barack Obama’s Medicare cuts to to cancel flights, forcing airlines also announced been sched- space for five days amid fears The conflicting reports, howev-
finance his health care law contributed President Barack Obama to flight disruptions. uled to spend Monday night that the abrasive ash could er, underscore the complicated
to Democrats losing control of the shorten a visit to Ireland, Still, authorities say they in Ireland, was forced to fly cause engines to stall. disputes and suspicions between
House in last year’s elections. and raising fears of a repeat don’t expect the kind of mas- to London early because of CAA spokesman Jonathan Afghanistan and Pakistan as the
of last year’s huge travel dis- sive grounding of flights that the ash cloud. Last year’s Ice- Nicholson said authorities U.S. intensifies pressure on both
ROSWELL, N.M. ruptions in Europe that followed last year’s eruption landic eruption also forced a this time would give airlines sides: urging Afghan forces to step
New UFO theory suggested stranded millions of passen-
of the Eyjafjallajokull volca-
no in Iceland because sys-
change in his schedule then,
causing him to cancel a trip
information about the loca-
tion and density of ash
up efforts against militants and
pushing Pakistani authorities to
The world famous Roswell “incident” Britain’s Civil Aviation Au- tems and procedures have to Poland. clouds. Any airline that help unravel the networks that
was no UFO but rather a Russian thority said it appears that been improved since then Glasgow-based regional wanted to fly would have to aided Osama bin Laden.
spacecraft with “grotesque, child-size ash from the Grimsvotn and the cloud is currently airline Loganair canceled 36 present a safety report to Pakistan’s foreign minister,
aviators” developed in human experi- (GREEMSH-votn) volcano not expected to move over flights scheduled for Tues- aviation authorities in order meanwhile, was in Kabul for talks
ments by Nazi doctor and war criminal could reach Scottish air- continental Europe. day morning. It said its to be allowed to fly. with Afghan President Hamid
Josef Mengele, according to a theory Karzai, who has been increasingly
floated by investigative journalist An- outspoken in the need for Pakis-

Immigration legislation efforts by states fail

nie Jacobsen. tan to take a stronger role in the
Her book, “Area 51: An Uncensored fight against militant groups.
History of America’s Top Secret Mil- There also has been much spec-
itary Base,” is about the secretive Neva- ulation that the U.S. might ramp
da base called Area 51. One chapter up efforts to kill or capture the Ta-
offers the new Roswell theory, citing an AP review finds that many measures Arizona. liban leader after the raid that
anonymous source who says Joseph Early in the year, high unemployment, killed Osama bin Laden on May 2.
Stalin recruited Mengele and sent the
were set aside due to budget crises.
a slew of newly Republican-dominated U.S. President Barack Obama has
craft into U.S. air space in 1947 to spark legislatures and nationwide frustration said he would order another cov-
public hysteria. By LAURA WIDES-MUNOZ over the failure by the White House or ert military raid if it was necessary
Like past theories, Jacobsen writes AP Hispanic Affairs Writer Congress to address the problem suggest- to stop terrorist attacks.
that the U.S. government was involved MIAMI — Nearly every state in the ed Arizona’s law would be copied. Afghan officials claim Omar has
in a cover-up of the UFO report. union tried to tackle immigration on its That law makes it a state crime for an been sheltered in Quetta or Kara-
own this year in the absence of any federal illegal immigrant to work, penalizes em- chi, major cities in southeast Af-
BRUSSELS, BELGIUM movement on the matter, and more than ployers who hire them and encourages lo- ghanistan. Pakistan says it has no
Copters headed to Libya half considered Arizona-style enforce-
ment measures, up from just six in 2010.
cal authorities to turn over illegal immi-
grants to federal authorities, among other
credible evidence Omar is in the
France and Britain will deploy attack But an Associated Press review found measures. An appellate court has blocked The spokesman for the Afghan
helicopters in Libya as soon as pos- that in legislature after legislature, nearly provisions that require immigrants carry National Directorate for Security,
sible, the French defense minister said all the most punitive measures failed. visa documents and allow police broad or NDS, said Omar and some Tali-
Monday — a move that would allow What had passed as of Monday mostly leeway to question the immigration sta- ban commanders had not been
their pilots more precision but also reinforced current federal law, though a tus of those they suspect are in the coun- spotted since late last week while
expose them to greater risk. small number of states actually passed try illegally. moving from Quetta to North Wa-
Gerard Longuet said the helicopters legislation that was helpful to illegal im- Louisiana State Rep. Joe Harrison, a ziristan — a tribal area in Pakistan
would be used to target military equip- migrants. Republican, said federal inaction prompt- that is used as a staging ground for
ment such as Libyan tanker and ammu- Many measures were set aside so law- ed his interest in state laws on immigra- attacks on U.S. and NATO troops
nition trucks in crowded urban areas makers could focus on pressing budget tion. AP FILE PHOTO in Afghanistan.
while causing fewer civilian casualties. crises, but immigrants have also devel- “I’m just trying to give them a little Tas- A girl waves a U.S. flag while participa- The spokesman, Latifullah
Longuet said he discussed the plan oped more sophisticated lobbying efforts, er move in the right direction,” he said. ting in a rally for jobs and immigration Mashal, suggested that “maybe an
with British military officials and they and business owners came out strongly But Harrison’s bill has yet to move out rights in New York earlier this month. incident has happened along the
were “exactly on the same wave against tougher sanctions. Some worried of committee, and most of the others way,” but emphasized that offi-
length.” about losing sources of labor and gaining failed, as did most of the proposals requir- check the eligibility of new hires. Only a cials had no further information
The use of attack helicopters would extra paperwork. Others feared tourism ing businesses to use the federal govern- few states made any serious attempt to about the fate of the Taliban lead-
appear to mark a new NATO strategy. boycotts like the one organized against ment’s electronic E-verify system to crack down on employers. er.

PAGE 6A TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2011 ➛ N E W S THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com

Soup kitchen, future priest linked 2 men arraigned in fatalities

ter two different fights.
Police said one fight on Jan.
St. Vincent de Paul workers to en during his person with a story,” he said. can College in Rome, from where WILKES-BARRE – Two Ha- 15 ended in Sanchez getting the
spring 2010 se- Loughney was impressed with he earned his degree in theology. zleton men charged for their better of Ruiz. The men were
be at Loughney ordination. He
mester at St. Pi- the St. Vincent de Paul volun- Loughney, who began his stud- roles in two separate homicides charged with disorderly con-
worked there a while. us X Seminary teers, too. “It was a beautiful expe- ies for ordination under Bishop appeared in Luzerne County duct, and then were going to
in Dalton. rience to see the generosity of so Joseph Martino, now is serving court Monday to be arraigned. settle the dispute with a hand-
St. Vincent de many people in our community. St. Mary of the Mount Church in Rodolfo Hiraldo Perez, 24, shake or a fair fight without
By DAWN DRUMIN Paul serves So many people work to make the Mount Pocono. Following his or- and Jaboar A. Stanley, 29, were weapons.
Times Leader Correspondent Loughney lunch every day mission of the kitchen success- dination, Bishop Joseph Bambera arraigned on criminal homicide The men met on Jan. 16, and a
WILKES-BARRE -- Greg and dinner ful.” will assign him to the church he and other related charges by Lu- fight erupted outside of Penn
Loughney of Mount Pocono will three days a week to the Wyoming Originally from Scranton, will serve. In the meantime, he’s zerne County Judge David Lu- Palace, a tavern on North
be ordained a Roman Catholic Valley’s low-income residents. Loughney studied finance and ec- looking forward to the event. pas where they entered not Wyoming and Green streets in
priest on Saturday, and he’s invit- Loughney’s service there provid- onomics at the University of So is Ann Marie McCawley, guilty pleas to two separate Hazleton, leaving Ruiz and an-
ed his friends along to witness the ed him with a positive and eye- Scranton before he decided that who’s been the director of the St. homicides. other man, Juda Hope, 23, dead.
event. opening experience with helping he wanted to be a priest. Vincent de Paul kitchen for 27 Perez was charged with the Police say Hope was shot and
On Saturday, 28 volunteers at others. “I changed (career) tracks as I years. fatal stabbing of Vladimir Ruiz, killed in the fight by Willis Gon-
St. Vincent de Paul Kitchen on “I learned that it’s important came into a deeper understanding “I’m thrilled,” she said. “I know 21, of Hazleton on Jan. 16, while zalez, 21, of Hazleton, who po-
Jackson Street, Wilkes-Barre, will not only to provide a person with of God’s call,” he said. “I was al- all the volunteers wanted to go be- Stanley is charged in the Feb. 15 lice say remains at large.
take a bus together to St. Peter’s their material needs, but to come ways interested in learning more cause (Loughney) was such a shooting death of Emmanuel J. In Stanley’s case, police said
Cathedral in Scranton to witness to understand who they are and about my faith and the mystery of great guy. He was so willing to Felix, 20, inside the East Mine he shot and killed Felix.
Loughney’s ordination. The at- appreciate them as a person. God.” help everybody and so loving to- Street home they shared after a Police say Stanley allegedly
tendees know Loughney from We’re seeing in this person more In addition to St. Pius X, Lough- ward the people who came into “friendly” game of poker. admitted to being the gunman
when he worked at the soup kitch- than someone in need. We see a ney studied at the North Ameri- the kitchen.” Angel Sanchez, 20, of Hazle- during an interview with inves-
ton, was also scheduled to be ar- tigators at the county prison.
raigned Monday in Ruiz’s death, During the jailhouse inter-

Plymouth Trio jailed after Scranton homicide

but asked for the hearing to be view, Stanley told investigators
continued because he was not he was in possession of a Taurus
represented by an attorney. .45-caliber handgun that was on

man faces
Sanchez’s arraignment is ten- a table being used to play poker.
tatively scheduled for June 1 be- Stanley said he picked up the
Fourth person charged in lerico said. age from a local fast food fore Lupas. gun and fired a round when Fe-
According to affidavits: restaurant and search her vehicle. Both Perez and Stanley will lix picked up some of his poker

sex charge
shooting case at Finn McCool’s
Police were called to Finn Phillips, Mason and Pompey now be scheduled to stand trial chips, the criminal complaint
picked up Monday evening. McCool’s bar on Cedar Avenue at were each arraigned on charges on the charges by Lupas. No says.
11:17 p.m. for a reported shooting. before District Judge Robert Rus- dates have yet been set.
In an interview with police fol- sell inside the roll call room at po- According to court papers, Sheena Delazio, a Times Leader
By GERARD HETMAN By CHRISTOPHER J. HUGHES lowing his drug arrest, Mason al- lice headquarters on Monday af- Sanchez and Perez were staff writer, may be reached at 829-
ghetman@timesleader.com chughes@golackawanna.com legedly told officers that he and ternoon. Pompey’s bail is set at charged with stabbing Ruiz af- 7235.
A Plymouth man is facing SCRANTON – After being led Phillips were watching a basket- $100,000, and no bail is set for ei-
charges that include statutory on a “wild goose chase” by one of ball game at the bar and decided ther Phillips or Mason. Prelimina-
sexual assault following his ar-
rest by state police.
the individuals involved, mem-
bers of the Lackawanna County
to get some marijuana. Phillips
told Pompey to leave and buy ci-
ry hearings are tentatively set for
June 2. MUNICIPAL BRIEFS than 200 feet.

Edmund A. Smith, Jr., of 28 District Attorney’s Office and the gars so the two could smoke later Allen allegedly entered the bar HUGHESTOWN – Residents
E. Main St., Apartment J, was Scranton Police Department that night. with Carter on May 16. After Car- FAIRVIEW TWP. – The helping out with Gov. Corbett’s
arraigned on Monday by Dis- jointly announced charges While she was gone, Carter, al- ter was shot while walking to the zoning board will meet at 7:30 Cleanup were Michael Two-
trict Judge Donald Whittaker against four people connected to so known at “Mdot,” entered the bathroom, Allen took a .22 hand- p.m. June 8 at the township mey and son Coran Twomey,
after he was allegedly found the murder of 28-year-old Harris- bar, prompting Phillips to make a gun out of the deceased man’s building, 65 Shady Tree Drive. Girl Scout Troop Hughestown
naked in a bedroom at the burg native Malik Carter inside phone call. Mason told police that waistband. The board will hear a re- leader Colleen Turant, Keamey
home of his alleged victim’s Finn McCool’s on May 16. Phillips removed a knife from his He is charged with carrying a quest for three variances sub- Turant, Kaitlyn Lokuta and
great-grandmother. Police identified Derrick pocket and “said that something firearm without a license, prohib- mitted by Lone Star Associates Kristen Grieco, and Hugh-
According to the affidavit of “Omar” Phillips, 40, of Scranton, might go down.” ited possession of a firearm, theft on a vacant commercial lot off estown Lions members Jessica
Zielinski, Frank Zielinski and
probable cause, the great- as the alleged gunman who killed Mason alleged that Carter and by unlawful taking, receiving sto- North Main Street near Kirby
Mark Moses.
grandmother discovered Carter with a single gunshot to Phillips had a history, including a len property, abuse of a corpse, Avenue. The variances are to
Grass will be collected on
Smith naked in the bedroom of the face last week. Phillips alleg- home invasion and armed rob- tampering with evidence, and allow a commercial building on Wednesday. There is a three-
her great-granddaughter, who edly received the gun from Kyle bery at Phillips’ and Pompey’s providing false identification to less than 1 acre, allow a portion bag limit. Grass must be in an
was staying at her house for the “YG” Mason, 22, of Scranton, in- home several weeks ago that Car- law enforcement. of the proposed paved parking open container, no heavier
weekend, at approximately side the bathroom of the South ter may have had a role in. The case, according to Taleri- lot and entrance drive to be than 35 pounds.
3:30 p.m. on Saturday after- Scranton bar. Phillips and Mason entered the co, shows the importance of col- located within 100 feet of the Residents are reminded of
noon. Phillips’ girlfriend, Sunni Pom- bathroom at the bar, and Mason laboration between police and centerline of the Big Wap- the ordinance regarding unkept
Smith allegedly identified pey, 23, of Scranton, allegedly lied handed Phillips his .380 handgun. the District Attorney’s office wallopen Creek, and to allow a properties, high grass and
himself as “A.J.,” and told the to police about her role in the Mason told police that Phillips along with the serious nature of commercial building to be littering. Residents will be
woman he was from Berwick. murder, and a fourth individual, “opened the bathroom door and lying to police. constructed on a lot with more cited and fined for violations.
When the great-grandmother Fahim Allen, 42, of Scranton, is the next thing he heard was a gun-
left to call police, Smith and charged with tampering with evi- shot,” according to the affidavits.
the great-granddaughter ran dence at the scene. Phillips is charged with crimi-
out of the house and out of Allen was picked up by Detec- nal homicide, prohibited posses-
sight. tive Jamie Barrett after 7 p.m. sion of a firearm, carrying a fire-
The alleged victim’s father Monday, according to Scranton arm without a license, possessing
was notified by a family friend Police Chief Dan Duffy. an instrument of crime, aggravat-
that she was at the friend’s Phillips, Mason and Pompey ed assault and reckless endanger-
home. State police at Tunkhan- were arrested on May 18 on drug- ment for his alleged role in the in-
nock then retrieved the victim related charges for the delivery cident.
and turned her over to troopers and possession of heroin, accord- Mason is charged with conspir-
from the barracks in Wyoming. ing to First Assistant District At- ing to commit criminal homicide,
The girl told police Smith torney Gene Talerico. aggravated assault and reckless
had brought a pregnancy test Talerico said Scranton detec- endangerment; carrying a fire-
kit for her to use, and that tives spent “hundreds of hours of arm without a license, possession
when she returned to the bed- work over the course of a week’s of a weapon, and transfer of a fire-
room after using the kit, Smith time… to literally chase down arm.
was sitting naked on the bed. wild goose chases … The folks in Pompey is charged with hin-
The affidavit also added that this case made it very difficult to dering apprehension and prose-
the victim told police that find the truth, but at the end of cution, providing false reports,
Smith had had intercourse the day, the truth was found.” and providing written false state-
with her about12 times, dating Phillips and Carter had a histo- ments. She falsified reports to po-
back to the spring/summer of ry of physical violence, but on lice claiming her sole responsib-
2010. May 16, “It’s clear that the aggres- ility for the murder, leading detec-
Smith was jailed for lack of sor that evening was Omar,” Ta- tives to uncover surveillance foot-
$100,000 bail.

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THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ N E W S TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2011 PAGE 7A



Ashley American Legion Post 673 bugler Charles Falcheck, left, Veterans/911 Victims Memorial sponsor Chuck Hoynowski, left, Leonard Cornish, left, and Pearlean Warren, both of Wilkes-Barre.
and Manny Martinez and Ashley American Legion Post 673 member Anthony Lazzaro For more Click photos, visit www.timesleader.com.

State budget total could be larger Pa. cabinet sees dress rule, eatery rant The Associated Press and said it “goes without saying” The Philadelphia Inquirer and
Also, Speaker says action As state revenues have surged and those may be withdrawn. He HARRISBURG — Some of that the following are unaccept- the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
ahead of projections in recent called the GOP spending plan for Gov. Tom Corbett’s top advisers able: “hats, sweat suits, flip flops, When Hanna gave him eggs
expected soon on taxing
months, Democrats have led calls 2011-12 “beyond saving.” are making names for themselves short shorts, skorts, miniskirts, that he said he had been cooking
natural gas drilling. to use the additional money to re- The budget bill was scheduled in unusual ways as the adminis- halter or cropped tops, T-shirts for himself, Avila complained
store proposed reductions in edu- for final House consideration to- tration settles in at the Capitol. with inappropriate, offensive or that the sandwich was not fresh
cation and health care programs. day or Wednesday, after which it Public Welfare Secretary Gary threatening imprints, swim or enough, igniting an argument
By MARK SCOLFORO At the end of April, the current will be taken up in the Senate. Alexander felt the need to issue beach wear, tattered jeans or during which Hanna said Avila
Associated Press year’s tax collections were $506 Leaders in both chambers have memos to top department staff- jeans with tears or holes.” shouted, “Do you know who I
HARRISBURG — The top million more than expected, with said they are determined to pass ers about how to dress for work, Department spokesman Mike am? I am the secretary of health.”
Pennsylvania House Republican two months left in the fiscal year. the budget before the June 30 including a long list of what not Race said nothing in particular About a month after the en-
said Monday that next year’s Smith said he was open to a deadline. to wear. prompted the email, but that the counter, a city official acting on a
state budget total may end up be- higher figure if the Corbett ad- In Smith’s wide-ranging And the owner of Harrisburg department does not have a for- complaint from Avila’s depart-
ing larger than the current pro- ministration’s revenue estimate speech, he also voiced his opposi- restaurant is demanding an apol- mal dress code and the new sec- ment inspected the restaurant
posal of $27.3 billion if Gov. Tom comes in higher than $27.3 bil- tion to a proposal to allow govern- ogy from Health Secretary Eli N. retary wanted to express his but found no violations.
Corbett’s budget secretary pre- lion for 2011-12, but that the mon- ments to place their legal notices Avila, who supposedly played the views.
dicts more robust state revenues. ey stream has to be “reliable and on their own websites. Newspa- “do you know who I am?” card Meanwhile, the owner of
Speaker Sam Smith also said at
a Pennsylvania Press Club event
predictable” to support the addi-
tional spending.
pers strongly oppose the bill,
which would deprive them of le-
during an argument over the
freshness of an egg sandwich.
Roxy’s Café said he wants a face-
to-face apology from the new
in Harrisburg that he expects ac-
tion soon on proposals to tax Mar-
“This ‘let’s spend every penny
we have’ mentality is what got us
gal advertising dollars.
Smith said his position was af-
Alexander, who previously
held a similar job in Rhode Is-
state health secretary.
“He’s a very arrogant person.
cellus Shale natural gas extrac- into this problem,” Smith said, fected by the historical role news- land, spelled out his expectations He’s very unprofessional,” restau- DECK POOL SALE
tion. hours before the chamber was papers have played in the govern- about workplace attire in an e- rateur Richard Hanna said Mon-
Smith, R-Jefferson, said he was due to consider amendments to ing process, and out of a concern mail to about 25 executive-level day in a telephone interview.
unsure whether a Marcellus im- the House Republicans’ budget that the instant nature of today’s employees of the department In January, shortly after Cor-
pact fee will be able to pass the bill. Internet-driven information so- that the Philadelphia Daily News bett nominated Avila, he walked
House, and that it will depend House Democratic spokesman ciety might lead to a “pure de- first reported Friday. into the restaurant, ordered an
largely on whether the revenue Bill Patton said his caucus has on- mocracy” in which all decisions He advised them to wear busi- egg sandwich and said he was in a
will go to local needs. ly proposed a few amendments, are made by instant majority rule. ness attire during the workday hurry, according to a report by
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PAGE 8A TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2011 ➛ O B I T U A R I E S THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com


merly of Ashley and Hanover
Frank Mazur Gordon Kenneth Myers Constance Parker
Township, died Saturday, May 21, May 21, 2011 May 21, 2011
2011, at the Department of Veter- May 19, 2011
ans Affairs Medical Center, Plains
Township. Roman was born in
Nanticoke on October 4, 1925. He F rank A. Mazur, 86, of Larksville,
passed away Saturday morning, G ordon Kenneth Myers, 57, of
Fulton Street, Wilkes-Barre,
passed away peacefully at Hospice
Constance Park-
er, 47, of Mon-
was a son of Simon and Anna Mar- May 21, 2011, at the Wilkes-Barre tague, N.J., died
kosky. Roman was a U.S. Army vet- General Hospital. Community Care, Geisinger South
Wilkes-Barre on Saturday, May 21, Thursday, May
eran of World War II, serving from Born January 11, 1925, in Ply-
February1944 to April1946, attain- 2011, following a brief battle with 19, 2011, at Barn
mouth, he was a son of the late
ing the rank of PFC. He was a self- cancer. Hill Care Center,
Frank and Minnie Petroski Mazur.
employed carpenter. Roman was Frank was a graduate of Ply- Gordon was born November 29, Newton, N.J.
preceded in death by his wife, the mouth High School, and a graduate 1953, in Nanticoke Hospital, and Born in Phila-
former, Irene Valushin Markosky. grew up in Stairville. delphia, Pa., Con-
He is survived by a sister-in-law of aviation school, where he studied
He is a son of Sarah Jane King stance was a former employee of TJ
Eleanor Valushin. to be an aircraft mechanic.
Myers, and the late Billie Myers. Maxx.
Divine Liturgy was held on He was a member of St. John the Gordon graduated from Crest-
Monday at St. Mary’s Byzantine Baptist Church, Larksville. Constance was a daughter of the
wood High School, class of 1971,
Catholic Church, with Rev. James Frank was a U.S. Army veteran, and was employed by Budget late Barbara Goldsboro.
Hayer officiating. Interment fol- serving during World War II in the Blinds, Forty Fort. In addition to her mother, she was
lowed in St. Mary’s Cemetery, Ha- Asiatic Pacific Theater. He was a former Master Garden- preceded in death by her stepmother,
nover Township. There were no He was a member of the Ameri- Larksville; grandchildren, Jennifer, nephews, Dale Paul, Jim, and Pete; Arlene Gregory; and her sister, Don-
er, and a member of the Wilkes-
calling hours. Funeral arrange- can Legion, Larksville, Post 655. Daniel, and John; and cousin Marie as well as several great-nieces and
ments were by the George A. Barre Crime Watch. na Barnes.
Prior to his retirement, he was Hrevnac; as well as several nieces In addition to his father, Gordon great-nephews. Constance is survived by four chil-
Strish Inc. Funeral Home, 105 N.
Main St., Ashley. employed by Lockheed Aircraft and nephews. was preceded in death by his neph- His family was at his bedside dren, Cornel Crawford Jr., and his
Corp. for many years. Funeral service will be held ew, Steven Myers. when he passed, including extend- wife, Kimberly, Hanover Township,
LORRAINE ELIZABETH AL- Earlier in life, he was an avid out- at 10 a.m. today at the S.J. In addition to his mother, he is ed family, Flo and Bonnie.
LEN, 85, of Dallas, died Sunday, Charif Crawford, Wilkes-Barre, Ciara
doorsman, enjoying hunting and Grontkowski Funeral Home, 530 W. survived by his partner, Bobb Kurin- In accordance with Gordon’s
May 22, 2011, at the Meadows ka; brothers, Dale, and wife, Melva, wishes, there will be no viewing or Case, Montague, N.J., and Chayne
Nursing Center, Dallas. fishing. He especially loved to gar- Main St., Plymouth, with the Rev. Patterson, Wilkes-Barre; her father,
den. Gerald Gurka officiating. Interment Shickshinny, Randy, and wife, Sha- memorial service.
Funeral services will be held at rie, Wapwallopen, Gary, Dallas, Jef- Friends may visit his memorial Perry Parker, Montague, N.J.; five sis-
11 a.m. Thursday in Shavertown Frank was preceded in death by will follow in St. Mary’s Nativity
frey, and wife, Margaret Ann, Mon- website at www.gordonmyers.com. ters, Cindy Howard, Bonnie Rawlins,
United Methodist Church, 163 Pio- his wife, the former Helen A. Rucin- Cemetery, Plymouth Township.
ski, who passed away in 2007; sister, In lieu of flowers, contributions trose, Pa., and Darren, and wife, Arrangements are by the Yeosock Audrey Bailey, and her husband,
neer Ave., Shavertown, the Rev. M. LuAnn, Montrose, Pa.; nieces, Funeral Home, 40 S. Main St., Bruce, Jill Johnson, and her husband,
Lynn Snyder will officiate. The Al- Marie Yanoski; and brother, Leo- may be made to the charity of the
Gayle Knorowski, and Heidi; and Plains Township. Jettie, and Licia Gregory; three broth-
len family will receive friends from nard Mazur. donor’s choice.
6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday and Thurs- Surviving are his sons, Anthony J. Please visit www.sjgrontkowski- ers, Gregory Parker, Brian Parker,
day, following the funeral service, Mazur, Oceanside, N.Y.; Francis P. funeralhome.com for directions or and Kevin Parker, and his wife, Tina;
at the Harold C. Snowdon Funeral Mazur and his wife, Patricia, Rut- to submit online condolences to and three grandchildren, Camden,
Home Inc., 140 N. Main St., Sha- land, Mass.; and Michael A. Mazur, Frank’s family. John Kalafut Kiley, and Cassius Crawford; as well
vertown. A full obituary will ap- as many nieces and nephews.
pear in Wednesday’s edition. May 21, 2011 A memorial service will be held
EDWARD LITTELL, 61, a resi- at the First Baptist Church of Wilkes-
dent of Kingston Commons, King-
ston, and formerly of Academy Antoinette Jenkins JEternal
ohn P. Kalafut, 85, of Washington
Avenue, Plymouth, passed into
Life unexpectedly Saturday
Barre, 48 S. River St., at 11 a.m.
Thursday. A memorial visitation will
Street, Wilkes-Barre, died Tues- be held from 9 to 11 a.m. Thursday at
day, May 17, 2011, at Kingston May 23, 2011 evening, May 21, 2011, in the Wilkes-
Barre General Hospital. the church.
Commons. He was born in Ne-
wark, N.J., on October10,1949. Ed- He was born October 27, 1925, a Arrangements are under the direc-
ward was a son of the late John G.
and Edwardine O’Connor Littell.
A ntoinette M. Jenkins, 69, of Dal-
las, passed away Monday, May
23, 2011, at Wilkes-Barre General
son of the late Stephen and Eliza-
beth (Spisak) Kalafut.
tion of the Smith-McCracken Funeral
Home, 63 High St., Newton, N.J.
He had owned and operated Dan- Hospital. Mr. Kalafut was educated in the Expressions of sympathy and flow-
ny’s Pizza, Kingston. Born in Nanticoke, she was a Plymouth schools. Following his ers may be sent to Cornel Crawford,
A graveside blessing service daughter of Mary Barofski and the education, he proudly served our 231 S. Main St., Hanover Township,
will be held at 9:30 a.m. today in late John Bushko. country during World War II, in
both the European and Pacific The- PA 18706.
Maple Hill Cemetery, Hanover Antoinette was a graduate of
atres in the U.S. Army, as a truck Online condolences may be made
Township, with the Rev. Thomas J. Nanticoke High School, where she
O’Malley officiating. There will be driver for petroleum distribution. at www.smithmccrackenfuneral-
was the first ACON Queen, spon-
no public calling hours. Funeral ar- sored by the Athletic Club, Nanti- Upon his Honorable Discharge in home.com
rangements are by the George A. coke. 1946, he earned several citations in-
Strish Inc. Funeral Home, 105 N. She was a parishioner of Gate of cluding the Asiatic Pacific Cam- Michael Kalafut; and sisters, Ann
Main St., Ashley. Heaven Church, Dallas, where she paign Medal, EAME Campaign Marie Kalafut, Elizabeth Harry,
LORETTA "SIS" MINER, 92, of was an active member of the Bell Medal, the American Campaign Margaret Janosik, and Helen Bato-
Wilkes-Barre, died Monday eve- and Funeral Choirs, and was the Medal, and the World War II Victory ry.
ning, May 23, 2011, at The Laurels,
original member of the RCIA at
Gate of Heaven.
Medal, and Good Conduct Medal.
Until his retirement, he was em-
Mr. Kalafut is survived by his son,
John P. and his wife, Sharon M. Ka- Myles Kapusta
and his wife, Brittany Bahner, Ash- ployed as a glazier by the Anthracite lafut, Allentown, Pa., along with
Arrangements are pending Antoinette was also a volunteer ley Bahner, David F. III, Emma N., May 21, 2011
from Kniffen O’Malley Funeral with the Mercy Auxiliary. Glass Company, Scranton, and pre- their three sons, David R., Joseph P.,
Samantha L., Taylor F., Amelia S., viously the Mesko Glass Company, and John R. Kalafut, Allentown, Pa.;
Home Inc., 465 S. Main St., Wilkes- While a parishioner at St. Francis Hallie B., Ella E., Molly L., William and Riddon Glass Company, both of sisters, Mary P. Kalafut, Plymouth,
of Assisi, Nanticoke, she taught
CCD, was the first woman lector,
and first woman Eucharistic Minis-
D. IV, and Reese C. Jenkins, and
Anne K., Jonathan D., and William J.
Wilkes-Barre for over 45 years.
Mr. Kalafut was a member of All
and Cecilia I. Morris, North Wilkes-
Barre; as well as numerous nieces, M yles J. Kapusta, 64, of Kingston,
died Saturday, May 21, 2011, at
Main Street, Edwardsville, passed Culp. and nephews. his home in Kingston.
ter of St. Francis Church. Saints Parish Community, Ply-
away suddenly Monday morning, Funeral will be held at 9:30 a.m. Funeral services for Mr. Ka- Born in McKeesport, Pa., Mr. Ka-
Antoinette is survived by her hus- Thursday at Gate of Heaven mouth, and had previously attended
May 23, 2011, at Wilkes-Barre Gen- Mass at Saint Stephen’s R.C. lafut will be conducted at 9:15 pusta was a resident of Lower Make-
band William D. Jenkins II, with Church, 40 Machell Ave., Dallas. In- a.m. Thursday from the John V.
eral Hospital. Church. field Township, Pa., before moving to
whom she celebrated 50 years of terment will be in Oak Lawn Ceme- Morris Funeral Home, 625 N. Main
General arrangements are marriage; and by sons, David, and He also held membership in the Kingston six years ago.
pending from the Andrew Strish tery, Wilkes-Barre. Calling hours St., Wilkes-Barre, followed by a Fu-
his wife, Caroline Jenkins, Doyles- with be private and at the conve- International Painters and Allied He was a graduate of the Universi-
Funeral Home, 11 Wilson St., Trades Union (IPAT) for many neral Mass at 10 a.m. in All Saints
town, Pa., Edward S. Jenkins and nience of the family. Parish Community, Willow Street, ty of Pittsburg, class of 1977.
Larksville. his wife, Susan, Harveys Lake, Wil- years.
Arrangements are with the Ri- Plymouth. Interment will be in the Mr. Kapusta was an Army veteran
liam D. Jenkins III and his wife, Sta- chard H. Disque Funeral Home, 672 Mr. Kalafut is remembered by parish cemetery, Lehman Town- during the Vietnam War.
cy, Dallas; daughters, Elizabeth, Memorial Highway, Dallas. family as being a wonderful grandfa- ship. Relatives and friends may join He was employed as an electrical
and her husband Dr. Randall Culp, In lieu of flowers, donations can ther to his three grandsons, taking his family for visitation and remem-
FUNERALS Radnor, Pa., and Mary Elizabeth
and her husband Eric Bahner,
be made to the Sisters of Mercy at
the Mercy Center, Lake Street, Dal-
them fishing and attending various
school activities over the years.
brances from 5 to 8 p.m. Wednesday.
In lieu of floral tributes, memo-
engineer for the Social Security Ad-
ministration, Wilkes-Barre, for over
Trappe, Pa.; grandchildren, James las, PA 18612. Enjoying his craft, he would often rial contributions may be made in six years. Prior to that, he was with
CHARTERS – Lillian, celebration help neighbors and family members Mr. Kalafut’s memory to All Saints the National Security Agency for 15
of life 9 a.m. Thursday from with various construction projects, Parish Community, 66 Willow St., years, and had also been employed by
McLaughlin’s, 142 S. Washington and was known as being an avid Phi- Plymouth, PA 18651. the IRS.
St., Wilkes-Barre. Funeral Mass ladelphia Eagles fan. To send his son and family online Mr. Kapusta was a son of the late
9:30 a.m. in the Church of Saint
Nicholas, Wilkes-Barre. Friends
Elizabeth Ann Hosner Waterman He was preceded in death by his
beloved wife of 53 years, the former
words of comfort and friendship,
please visit our website at
Joseph and Margaret (Kurry) Kapus-
may call from 8 to 9 a.m. Thurs- ta.
May 23, 2011 Dolores A. Stepanik, on January 22, www.JohnVMorrisFuneralHome-
day at the funeral home. 2011; by brothers, Edward, Stephen, s.com. He is survived by his wife, Barbara
DELONG – Russell, funeral 10 a.m. J. (Nicholas) Kapusta; daughter, Ar-
today from the Hugh B. Hughes Elizabeth Elaine Booth, Statesboro, Ga.; sis- wen J. Kapusta, and her friend, Ro-
& Son Inc., Funeral Home, 1044 Ann Hosner Wa- ter-in-law, Ester Hosner, and neph- nald Mangus Jr.; and son, Erek M. Ka-
Wyoming Ave., Forty Fort. A
Masonic service will be held at 7
terman, 70, of
Statesboro, Ga.,
ew, Joseph Hosner, both of Duryea;
four grandchildren, Christina A. Eva Zeltoski Frederick pusta, State College, Pa.
Funeral services will be held
p.m. by Kingston Lodge No. 395,
F & AM.
died Monday,
May 23, 2011.
(Tripp) Hagan, Statesboro, Ga., Jen-
ny R. Waterman, Savannah, Ga.,
Stopay ‘Fred’ Sauer at 12:30 p.m. on Wednesday
ELL – Elizabeth, celebration of life She was born Cynthia (Joshua) Deese, Columbia, from the J. Allen Hooper Funeral
11:30 a.m. today from McLaugh- July 30, 1940, in S.C., and Amber E. Booth, Statesbo- May 23, 2011 May 22, 2011 Chapel, 41 W. Trenton Ave., Morris-
lin’s, 142 S. Washington St., Duryea. ville, Pa. Interment will follow in the
ro, Ga. rederick “Fred” Sauer, 92, of
Wilkes-Barre. Funeral Mass noon
in the Church of Saint Nicholas,
Mrs. Water-
man was a retired accountant, and
Mrs. Waterman is also survived
by four great-grandchildren, Logan,
E va Zeltoski Stopay, 97, of the
Hilldale section of Plains Town-
ship, entered into Eternal Life
Hanover Township, passed
away Sunday, May 22, 2011, at the
Washington Crossing National Cem-
etery, Washington Crossing, Pa. Rela-
was presently studying to become a Faith, Alyssa, and Nessie; and a spe- tives and friends may call from 10:30
KOREY – George, prayer service 2 peacefully at her home, Monday, Hampton House, Hanover Town-
p.m. Saturday at the Mercy minister. cial family friend Michael Gingrich, a.m. until the time of cemetery depar-
May 23, 2011, surrounded by her ship, where he had been a guest for
Center Chapel, Misericordia She was a member of Pittman Columbia, S.C. ture Wednesday.
Park United Methodist Church. loving family and caregivers. three years.
University Campus, Dallas. All Visitation will be held from 6 to
Mrs. Waterman was a longtime Her husband of 64 years was the Fred was born in Wilkes-Barre, Memorial contributions may be
are welcome to attend. 8 p.m. today at the Hodges-Moore
active member of the Walk to Em- Funeral Home, Statesboro, Ga. A fu- late John Stopay. made, in his name, to the charity of
LAMPERT – Helen, funeral ser- on April 27, 1919, a son of the late
maus community, and taught Sun- neral service will be held at 2 p.m. Born December 24, 1913, in the donors choice.
vices 9 a.m. today from the
Hilldale section of Plains Township, Peter and Rose Klinges Sauer.
Metcalfe and Shaver Funeral day school. Wednesday in the Chapel of Hodg- He was a veteran of World War
Home Inc., 504 Wyoming Ave., She was a devoted mother and es-Moore Funeral Home. Burial will Eva was a daughter of the late Adam
and Margaret Anchukaitis Zeltoski. II, and a graduate of Meyers High
Wyoming. Mass of Christian grandmother. be in Bulloch Memorial Gardens, More Obituaries, Page 9A
Burial 9:30 a.m. in St. Cecilia’s Mrs. Waterman was preceded in Statesboro, Ga. She was educated in the Plains School, class of 1940.
Church, Exeter. death by her parents, Joseph and Please visit our online memorial Public School System. Fred was a carpenter by trade
LAZER – Rose, funeral service Margaret Hosner; and two brothers, at hodgesmoore.com to share your Eva was employed by Consolidat- and worked for various contractors
11:30 a.m. Wednesday from the Joseph, and William Hosner. thoughts and fond memories with ed Cigar Company, West Pittston, until retiring in 1980.
Grontkowski Funeral Home P.C. She is survived by her two sons, the Waterman family. for many years. OBITUARY POLICY
He was preceded in death by his
51 W. Green St., Nanticoke. Mass Melvin B. Waterman Jr., Columbia, Hodges-Moore Funeral Home, She and her late husband, John, The Times Leader publish-
of Christian Burial noon in St. wife of 55 years, Eleanor Skarna
S.C., and Joseph Earl Waterman, Statesboro, Ga., is in charge of the were the co-founders of Jon L. Stop- es free obituaries, which
Faustina Parish, Holy Trinity ay Candies, Plains Township. Eva Sauer; daughter, Patricia Popielar-
Statesboro, Ga.; daughter, Debra funeral arrangements. have a 27-line limit, and paid
Church, Nanticoke. Friends may was a former member of the Retail- ski; and grandson, Paul Popielar-
call today one hour prior to the obituaries, which can run
ers Confectioners Industry. ski.
funeral time. with a photograph. A funeral
Eva was a faithful member of St. Fred is survived by son-in-law,
MAZUR – Frank, funeral service 10 home representative can call
Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, Dr. Edmund Popielarski, Moun-
a.m. today at the S.J. Grontkow- the obituary desk at (570)
ski Funeral Home, 530 W. Main Marie Benson Miners Mills.
In addition to her parents and
tain Top; and grandson, Mark Pop-
ielarski, Philadelphia, Pa.; siblings,
829-7224, send a fax to (570)
St., Plymouth. 829-5537 or e-mail to tlo-
MORGAN – Genevieve, funeral May 22, 2011 husband, she was preceded in death Harry, Carl, Robert, Ralph, and
by her brother, Louis Zeltoski. bits@timesleader.com. If you
10:30 a.m. today from Paul Ruth Hardy; as well as numerous
Leonard Funeral home, 575 N. Eva is survived by her son, John fax or e-mail, please call to
Main St., Pittston. Mass of
Christian Burial 11 a.m. at Our
M arie D. Benson, 92, formerly of
the Sheatown section of New-
port Township, passed away Sun-
was preceded in death by her step-
mother, Florence Kmieciec Beeu-
L. Stopay, and his wife, Mary Ann,
Plains Township; her granddaught-
nieces, nephews, and their fam-
confirm. Obituaries must be
submitted by 9 p.m. Sunday
Lady of the Holy Eucharist nas, who raised her; her husband, er, Lynn-Dee Bender, and her hus- Funeral will be held at the through Thursday and 7:30
day evening, May 22, 2011, at King- John (Bob) Benson, in 1977; her
Parish, Pittston. ston Commons, where she had been band, Jerry, Mechanicsburg, Pa.; convenience of the family p.m. Friday and Saturday.
ORZECHOWSKI – Darlene, friends sons, John, in 2003, and Michael in from the Mamary-Durkin Funeral
a patient since February 2009. She and her great-granddaughter, Kayla. Obituaries must be sent by a
may call from 5 to 8 p.m. today 2005; a sister, Helen Paull; a step-
was previously a guest at Guardian Family and friends are welcome Service, 59 Parish Drive, Wilkes- funeral home or crematory,
at the Hugh B. Hughes & Son brother, Stewart Griswold; and a
Elder Care, Sheatown, for three step-sister, Irma Griswold Stewart. to attend a Mass of Christian Burial Barre, with a Mass of Christian or must name who is hand-
Inc., Funeral Home, 1044 Wyom-
ing Ave., Forty Fort. A cele-
years. Mrs. Benson is survived by at 10 a.m. Wednesday in St. Francis Burial in St. Aloysius Church, ling arrangements, with
bration of Darlene’s life 11 a.m. Born on May 23, 1918, in Shea- daughters-in-law, Linda M. Benson, of Assisi Catholic Church, Chandler Wilkes-Barre. Interment will be in
town, she was a daughter of the late address and phone number.
Wednesday at the Church of Wilkes-Barre, and Marie Augenti Street, Miners Mills section,
Michael and Helen Sawatski Beeu- St. Mary’s Cemetery, Hanover We discourage handwritten
Christ Uniting, 190 S. Sprague Benson, Nanticoke; a granddaught- Wilkes-Barre, with the Rev. Joseph
nas. A. Kearney, Pastor, as celebrant. Pri- Township. notices; they incur a $15
Ave., Kingston. er, Amy Bedard, and her husband,
POTOSKI – Debbie, funeral 9 a.m. She graduated from the former vate entombment will follow in St. Those who desire may give me- typing fee.
Newport Township High School Brandon, Kittery, Maine; great-
today from the Michael J. Mikel- Mary’s Mausoleum, Hanover Town- morial contributions to the
and attended Empire Beauty grandchildren, Ashley, and John
ski Funeral Home, 293 S. River Ross Bedard; as well as nieces and ship, Wilkes-Barre. There are no S.P.C.A., Fox Hill Road, Plains
St., Plains Township. Mass of School, Wilkes-Barre. calling hours. Township.
Mrs. Benson worked many years nephews.
Christian Burial 9:30 a.m. at Ss. Funeral services will begin at 11 Memorial gifts may be made to
Peter & Paul Church, Plains
canvassing and traveled extensively
selling household items. a.m. Thursday from the Davis-Di- the Luzerne County SPCA, Foxhill G en etti’s
Road, Plains Township, PA 18705
SABATINI – John, celebration of She was a member of St. Faustina nelli Funeral Home, 170 E. Broad
St., Nanticoke with a Mass of Chris- Her family would like to thank A fterFu nera lLu ncheons
life 8:30 a.m. today from Kowalska Parish, Nanticoke, and
McLaughlin’s, 142 S. Washington had been a member of Holy Child tian Burial at 11:30 a.m. in St. Fausti- her caregivers, Theresa and Karen; Sta rting a t$7.95 p erp erson
St., Wilkes-Barre. Funeral Mass 9 Church, Sheatown, until its closing. na Parish /Holy Trinity Church, 520 and Dr. James Bruno, for their kind- H otelBerea vem entR a tes
a.m. in the Church of Saint She also attended St. Francis of As- S. Hanover St., Nanticoke. The Rev. ness, compassion, and tender lov-
Ignatius, Kingston. sisi Church, while living a short James Nash will be the celebrant. ing care of mom.
SORBER – Bart, funeral 11 a.m. time in Park Towers, downtown, Interment will be in St. Mary’s Cem- Funeral arrangements are en-
today from the Curtis L. Swan- and enjoyed attending the Nanti- etery, Hanover Township. Visitation trusted to the Simon S. Russin Fu-
son Funeral Home, corner of
routes 29 and 118, Pikes Creek.
coke Senior Citizens Center.
In addition to her parents, she
will be from 10 to 11 a.m. Thursday
at the funeral home.
neral Home, 136 Maffett St., Plains
Township. 825.6477

THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ N E W S TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2011 PAGE 9A

Palin seen as eager to exit office for riches in ex-staffer’s book

By BECKY BOHRER on tens of thousands of emails tion acquired during their work a former aide, “Blind Allegiance” a bitter divorce with Palin’s sister. scribes as campaigns by Sarah
Associated Press that Bailey said he kept during for personal gain if the informa- bolsters the perception of Palin Bailey was caught on tape ques- Palin over the years to tear down
JUNEAU, Alaska — A former his time with Palin. It began with tion hasn’t been publicly dissemi- as self-serving, while casting Bai- tioning a state trooper official others who have crossed or con-
member of Sarah Palin’s inner cir- working on her 2006 gubernato- nated. ley as her enforcer — willing to about why Wooten was still em- fronted her, he stuck around.
cle has written a scathing tell-all, rial campaign and continued The state has yet to release do the dirty work, no questions ployed. To speak up when he saw
saying Palin was ready to quit as through her failed run for vice thousands of emails that Palin asked. Bailey, who was Palin’s direc- things he didn’t agree with “went
governor months before she ac- president in 2008 and her brief sent and received during her 2 1⁄2 Bailey became a footnote in tor of boards and commissions, against all that investment of
tually resigned and was eager to stint as governor. years as governor. Bailey’s attor- Alaska political history by get- was put on leave after news of the time and energy that I put into
leave office when more lucrative The Alaska attorney general’s ney has said Bailey took “great ting embroiled in an investiga- recording broke, though he her,” said Bailey. He said he “shed
opportunities came around. office has said it’s investigating care” to ensure his writings were tion of Palin’s firing of her police claims his actions were with the his family,” his wife and two kids,
“In 2009 I had the sense if she Bailey’s use of the emails. Exec- consistent with legal require- commissioner over allegations prodding of Palin’s husband, to singularly focus on Palin dur-
made it to the White House and I utive ethics laws bar former pub- ments. the commissioner wouldn’t fire Todd. ing her rise to the governor’s of-
had stayed silent, I could never lic officials from using informa- Billed as the first Palin book by trooper Mike Wooten, who’d had Despite this, and what he de- fice and beyond.
forgive myself,” Frank Bailey told
The Associated Press.

Palin’s attorney did not re- time the family hears news that a “Sometimes I try not to think but she continues to hold out a lighted hair and was last seen
spond to multiple requests for body has been found, she said. about it, but you have to face it,” sliver of hope. wearing a blue shirt, denim Capri
comment for this story. “Every time a body is found, we she said, her voice cracking with “After five years, I could never pants and a pink purse.
“Blind Allegiance to Sarah Pal- just lose it again. It’s a nightmare,” emotion. “I’m trying to do whatev- see her being gone that long and Anyone with information re-
Continued from Page 3A
in: A Memoir of Our Tumultuous Decker said. “Even when it’s a er I can to get answers, to connect being alive. But you have to at garding Rafte’s disappearance is
Years” is due out today and based “It’s been really hard. You don’t man. Until they say it’s a man, the with people and do what we need least have a little bit of hope,” she asked to contact Pittston Police at
know what to do or how to find anxiety is horrible.” to do to keep the case open.” said. 654-2424 or the Pennsylvania
her or get answers,” Fox said. In addition to the vigil, the fam- She said she realizes the chanc- Rafte is 5 feet, 3 inches tall and Crime Stoppers tip line at
Dorothy Griffiths The case is now in the hands of
Pittston Police Sgt. William
ily has brought attention to Rafte’s
case through several Internet sites
es her mother is still alive are slim, 115 pounds. She has blonde, high- 800-4PA-TIPS.
May 15, 2011 Knowles and Pennsylvania state that publicize missing person
orothy J. Griffiths, 83, formerly police Trooper Christopher King cases, including Project Angel and demolished several nearby existing timber-framed roof has
of Trucksville, passed away of the Wyoming Barracks. Eyes. West Market Street structures, rotted beyond repair, causing pre-
Sunday, May 15, 2011, at Arden
Courts, Wescosville, Pa. Knowles said on Monday the Rafte is one of more than 100 known as the Perry-Block proper- cipitation to enter the building in
Born in Wilkes-Barre, Dorothy case remains open, but the investi- missing persons from Pennsylva- ties, in 2005 because the exterior “significant volumes.” A major
was a daughter of the late Eugene Continued from Page 3A
gation has been stymied by a lack nia featured on the nonprofit orga- walls were buckling from the col- snow load, high wind storm or
and Lena Oplinger Considine. of new leads or information. nization’s website, www.dontfor- tor of operations, said the city will lapse of interior floors, he said. movement of makeshift support
She was a member of Prince of
Peace Episcopal Church, Dallas. “It’s basically where it was five getme.org. inspect the structure if it’s re- Property owners are liable for bracing could result in “a cata-
In addition to her parents, Do- years ago,” Knowles said. “If we Rafte’s case has also been fea- quested to do so by the county or the cost if the city has to hire a strophic failure of the building or
rothy was preceded in death by her get new information, we will in- tured by Pennsylvania Crime CityVest. The city does not typi- structural engineer or demolish a integrity of the exterior façade,”
husband C. Robert Griffiths; and vestigate it . . . At this point, any- Stoppers organization, which has cally initiate inspections on its building, Frati said. the report said.
brother, Eugene Considine Jr.
She is survived by sons, Robert thing would be helpful.” offered a $2,000 reward for infor- own unless there are exterior CityVest complied with the “The observations of local con-
Griffiths, and companion, Sandra At the time of her disappear- mation regarding her where- signs of potential collapse or oth- city’s request to board up entry- tractors and engineers further
Welch, Alexandria, Va., Bruce Grif- ance Rafte was unemployed and abouts. The family has pledged an er safety hazards, he said. ways and install fencing around confirm these conditions to the
fiths, and wife, Nancie, Allentown, suffering from depression, Decker additional $3,000 to that reward, “If there were some type of ob- the perimeter of the Hotel Ster- point where concern has been ex-
Pa.; granddaughter, Meredith Grif-
fiths, Boston, Mass.; grandsons,
said. She is certain her sister did Fox said. vious structural deficiency, we’d ling to prevent pedestrians from pressed about the safety of any-
Robert D. Griffiths, Alexandria, not commit suicide or simply be compelled to do an inspection, getting hit by loose paint chips or one entering the upper portion of
Va., Ryan Griffiths, and wife, abandon her family to start life Family frustrated and we’ve done that in the past other debris from the structure, the building or performing any
Brooke, Allentown, Pa., and Mark anew somewhere else, however. Decker said she is frustrated by with other properties,” Frati said. Frati said. work in that area,” the report
Griffiths, Allentown, Pa.; and the lack of leads in the case, but For example, the city inspected The CityVest report said the said.
brother Robert Considine, Shaver- Youngest sibling
town; as well as several nieces, and she doesn’t fault police given that
nephews. Decker, 62, said Rafte, the there is no evidence Rafte was the

Private services will be held at youngest of seven children, was victim of a crime. to place the monument due in In addition to dedicating the
the convenience of the family. extremely close to her family. As “Even though it’s been a long part to his own experiences in monument, Club 79 will also do-
Contributions can be made in
Dorothy’s memory to the Alzheim- the eldest child, Decker served as time, she’s just a missing person,” uniform; he served in the U.S. Na- nate a $100 check to the Flight 93
er’s Association, Delaware Valley a mother figure to her sister, who Decker said. “Without a body vy from 1961-67 and was a state National Memorial Campaign
Continued from Page 3A
Chapter, 399 Market St., Suite 102, would contact her during good there is no crime. I can understand trooper from 1972 to 1992. Fund in Washington, D.C. This
Philadelphia, PA 19106. times and bad, she said. their perspective, without a “I think it’s a great thing,” he “We were supposed to place campaign raises funds for a pro-
Arrangements have been en-
trusted to the Harold C. Snowdon “There is no way she would not crime, what can they do?” said. “We should have more the monument five years ago, but posed memorial located in
Funeral Home Inc., 140 N. Main call us for five years,” Decker said. Fox, meanwhile, said she con- monuments out there for our the club was having financial Shanksville to honor the Flight
St., Shavertown, PA. The years since Rafte went mis- tinues to struggle to deal with the veterans and for what hap- problems,” he said. “Now that the 93 passengers who thwarted an-
sing have been emotionally diffi- disappearance of her mother, pened during 9/11.” club is doing better, we’re finally other terrorist attack on 9/11.
More Obituaries, Page 8A cult, she said, particularly any whose 49th birthday is today. Hoynowski, 68, was inspired doing it.”

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THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ S E R V I N G T H E P U B L I C T R U S T S I N C E 18 81 TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2011 PAGE 11A


Crayola project
melts our hearts
N AN AGE that feels al- is as uplifting as it is simple. “It
most endlessly gray makes me feel really good in-
thanks to the sputtering side,” she said.
economy and a constant But the story takes on an
litany of bad news, 9-year-old even more vivid “tickle-me-
Hannah Gaydos brightens the pink” patina when you learn
mood like – well, like a “can- Hannah first came up with this
ary” Crayola crayon. brainstorm three years ago, at
Monday’s Times Leader told the age of 6. She and her par-
the story of Hannah’s rainbow- ents perfected the melting and
hued idea: Melt those old bro- molding process, and used the
ken pieces and dis- digital tools of the
carded nubs of Hannah has proven Internet – Craig-
crayons down into some of the best slist, Facebook
molds and give them and their own
a second life as pictures may website – to gath-
whimsical gifts for emerge when er more crayons
children. you’re willing to and find more out-
Thus you can find lets for their grow-
“cotton candy” ice
draw outside the ing charity.
cream cones and lines. So if your world
“carnation pink” is looking far too
fish, “jungle green” “timberwolf” for
bells and “plum” monkeys, all you, and you yearn for a sky
packed in recycled Play-Doh more “cerulean,” we humbly
containers and donated to suggest you visit Hannah’s site,
cheer up children in hospitals, www.crayoncan.com. It’s easy
or given to other worthy caus- to smile when you see her grin.
es such as Halloween-treat pro- And if you decide to donate
grams. your old coloring sticks to Han-
For crusty old adults, Han- nah’s cause, well, it’s hard to
nah’s saga is sure to spark nos- picture a world that has too
talgia for those days when one many “unmellow yellow”

A childhood parish survives in a lifetime of memories

rolled a fresh crayon in one’s frogs, “wisteria” hearts or “Pa-
fingers: The feel of the paper, cific blue” paw prints.
the smell of the paraffin, and Besides, it might inspire you
the sheer joy of turning a white to reach for that old box you
sheet into a cornucopia of forgot you had and just draw; THE CUTE TYKE in the class. My name and that of an older brother
“burnt sienna” and “brick red,” because you’re never too old
“thistle” and “salmon,” “peri- for crayons.
winkle” and “Prussian blue” And don’t worry about preci-
checkered coat said it all,
and said it several times as
the priests worked their
MARK GUYDISH are on it. We were two of 51 First Communi-
cants. The last such class, in 2007, had three
(yes, we know that last was sion. Hannah has proven some way through Mass: “All COMMENTARY Another list says two other older siblings
changed to “midnight blue” in of the best pictures may done!” were in the Church’s first Confirmation
1958). emerge when you’re willing to The odds are astrono- that was closed – constructed under the class, which totaled 86. The last such class,
For Hannah, the motivation draw outside the lines. mical that the toddler knew how apropos relentless determination of Rev. Harold in 2006, had 13 people.
his words really were, coming as they did Mulrooney, equal parts wry and demanding I have shed more than my share of tears at
during the final Roman Catholic service to – opened in 1964. I was a member until my funerals for close relatives in that church,
QUOTE OF THE DAY be held at St. Francis of Assisi Church in marriage and move to Wilkes-Barre in 2001. most notably my father. And I cracked more
West Hazleton. The venerable building was The old saw is probably true: If I had a dime than my share of jokes at weddings and
“I have a school district that officially closed April 30. But, as they say, for every event I attended there – every other more upbeat events.
doesn’t have a very big tax base. “out of the mouths of babes.” dinner or breakfast, every Mass or sacra- When then-Bishop Joseph Martino an-
My old parish seemed to go out not with a mental rite, every Boy Scout meeting or nounced the closing of scores of churches in
… Every penny counts.” bang but a whimper. This is no reflection on religion class – I’d be a millionaire. 2009, St. Francis was set to shutter by July
Tony Perrone the organizers of the farewell rite; it had an I’m not, of course. But even if St. Francis 2010. An appeal by a stubborn, long-time
The Greater Nanticoke Area School District understated, elegant quality to it. didn’t make me rich, it enriched me. parishioner delayed that, but success was
Superintendent contends the district should reap a While reading the history, Mary Kulig improbable from the start; my old parish
transfer tax benefit from the sale of Mercy Special Care Hospital to a choked up understandably when she reac- Life’s great gifts survived on life support for the past nine
for-profit company. The company says the property is leased from the hed the part where she spoke of “the closing The outdoor experiences under Ed Gundy months.
state. of St. Francis of Assisi Parish on Saturday, – the late, great epitome of all that a Scout- During his sermon at the final Mass, The
April 30.” And my heart climbed to my master should be – shaped my life as much Rev. Leonard Butcavage offered this simple
throat when scores of parishioners lit thin, as anyone beyond immediate family could. advice: “You are gifts from Almighty God.
OTHER OPINION: SUSQUEHANNA tapered candles, each person sharing the To this day I suspect I have a rare perspec- Do not leave your gifts buried in the past.”
flame with the next one in the pew, until the tive on the tectonic shift from Latin to En- Of course not.

Don’t let drilling whole nave – already hued by the usual

glints of color from stained-glass windows at
a daylight service – took on the added aura
glish Mass, having learned how to say the But nor should we forget the gifts the past
Latin Mass as an altar boy shortly before the provided.
radical transformation.

further harm river of faces reflecting candlelight.

The parish dated from 1939. The building
The booklet handed out at the last Mass
lists the church’s initial First Communion
Mark Guydish can be reached at 829-7161 or via
email: markguydish@timesleader.com

F PENNSYLVANIA regu- heaped on it during the Indus-
lators aren’t vigilant, it trial Revolution. Because of MAIL BAG LETTERS FROM READERS
could be deja vu all over acid mine drainage from coal
again for the Susquehanna
River and other rivers and
mines, long stretches of the riv-
er were devoid of aquatic life. Sen. Baker applauded for SEND US YOUR OPINION
public school students - often even those
who cannot read, write, and/or speak - are
required to take tests to determine the
opposition to voucher bill
streams in the commonwealth. The water was also unfit for hu- Letters to the editor must include the
The national environmental man consumption. The situa- writer’s name, address and daytime district’s level of accountability. Will pri-
group American Rivers last tion has improved, but the Wil- phone number for verification. Letters vate schools be required to do the same?

week put the waterway at the liamsport Sun-Gazette has re- am writing this letter to applaud state should be no more than 250 words. We If we are to have competition, Gov. Cor-
top of its annual “most endan- ported “the watershed’s num- Sen. Lisa Baker’s courage in breaking reserve the right to edit and limit writers bett, then let’s truly level the playing field.
ber one problem continues to with her party to oppose Senate Bill 1: to one published letter every 30 days. Make any school taking public money
gered rivers” list. • E-mail: mailbag@timesleader.com
The group said the river, be one that has been around for School Vouchers. Sen. Baker is correct follow the same laws as public schools.
when she states that this voucher bill will • Fax: 570-829-5537
which drains into the Chesa- more than a century -- acid • Mail: Mail Bag, The Times Leader, 15 Finally, this voucher proposal will never
peake Bay, is “a victim of nat- mine drainage.” do very little to benefit her constituents, as N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 1871 1 allow poor children to attend “better”
ural gas drilling and the envi- The cost of cleaning up this most of the funding would be earmarked private schools. It doesn’t give poor fam-
ronmental hazards associated legacy was estimated to be for Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. ilies enough money to pay the high tuition
with hydraulic drilling, also $400 million. However, there are more compelling cial- needs students, or will they continue costs that are tied to such schools. Instead,
known as fracking.” The acid-mine polluters of reasons to oppose SB1. This bill will take to be exempt from that competition? the proposal will result in economic segre-
While the impact of fracking the past are long gone, leaving money away from already cash-strapped Special-needs students often cost dis- gation. It will put students at a higher
might be uncertain, history today’s generations to pay for public schools and transfer it to private tricts tens of thousands of dollars more to disadvantage by taking away money from
mandates that the state take an the damage. That must not schools, many of which promote religious educate than a typical student, driving up (and therefore greatly hampering) the
happen with natural gas extrac- education. Elements of this bill violate the the average cost per pupil, while private schools students currently attend.
aggressive stance because of
tion. The environment must be commonwealth’s constitution. schools can refuse any student admission. It is comforting to know that Northeast-
present and future environ-
protected today -- and tomor- According to Gov. Tom Corbett, this bill Will these private schools be required to ern Pennsylvania has politicians who will
mental concerns.
row. would be healthy for public schools by find alternative education for students who break from a political agenda to do the
The Susquehanna is still re-
forcing them to “compete.” I find it hard to are at risk? right thing. Sen. Lisa Baker has been will-
covering from the abuse Beaver County Times, Pa.
believe that Gov. Corbett would publicly Public schools are required by law to ing to take sharp criticism from her party
EDITORIAL BOARD make such a clearly inaccurate statement. assist students with behavioral, emotional, to help our children. I, for one, will not
His proposed legislation has stripped fund- or health issues and provide for their edu- forget this bold move when she seeks re-
Editor and Publisher ing from schools that are required by law cational expenses even when they are not election.
Editorial Page Editor
JOSEPH BUTKIEWICZ PRASHANT SHITUT to assist every student. Will private attending a school in district facilities. William Kane
Vice President/Executive Editor President/Wilkes-Barre Publishing Co. schools now be required to educate spe- Private schools expel them. Almost all Hanover Township



PAGE 12A TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2011 ➛ N E W S THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com

Pa. areas see storm damage

TWISTER The Associated Press to six to 10 structures in Point
MIFFLINTOWN — Officials in Township, but no injuries were
Continued from Page 1A
central Pennsylvania say damage reported.
“I’ve never seen such devasta- has been reported in at least two Wendy Derk said she and her
tion — just block upon block up- counties where tornado warnings parents were heading to the base-
on block of homes just completely were posted, but no serious in- ment to take shelter when the
gone,” said former state legislator juries have been reported. storm hit, and afterward the
Gary Burton who showed up to Phil Lucas, press information backyard “looked like a war zone.”
help at a volunteer center at Mis- officer at the Juniata County “There were 10 large trees in
souri Southern State University. emergency operations center, said the yard that are at least a
Unlike the multiple storms that damage to some barns, farms and hundred years old, and they were
killed more than 300 people last residences had been reported all uprooted,” she said.
month across the South, Joplin after the storms Monday. He said National Weather Service offi-
was smashed by just one excep- only a few minor injuries had cials planned to send out a team
tionally powerful tornado. been reported. to determine whether damage
Not since a June 1953 tornado In Northumberland County, was due to straight-line winds or a
in Flint, Mich., had a single twist- officials said damage was reported tornado.
er been so deadly. That storm also
killed 116, according to the Na-
tional Weather Service. so extensive that doctors had to cause of its rich lead and zinc
Authorities were prepared to AP PHOTO abandon the hospital soon after mines. It also gained fame as a
find more bodies in the rubble A man sorts through tornado debris in Joplin, Mo., Monday. A huge tornado moved through much of the the twister passed. A crumpled stop along Route 66, the storied
throughout this gritty, blue-collar city Sunday, damaging a hospital and hundreds of homes and businesses and killing at least 116 people. helicopter lay on its side in the highway stretching from Chicago
town of 50,000 people about 160 parking lot near a single twisted to Santa Monica, Calif., before
miles south of Kansas City. rens. debris as they hunted for victims was given a preliminary label as mass of metal that used to be cars. freeways diminished the city’s im-
Gov. Jay Nixon told The Associ- Larry Bruffy said he heard the and hoped for survivors. Fires, gas an EF4 — the second-highest rat- Dr. Jim Riscoe said some mem- portance.
ated Press he did not want to first warning but looked out from fumes and unstable buildings ing assigned to twisters based on bers of his emergency room staff The community, named for the
guess how high the death toll his garage and saw nothing. “Five posed constant threats. the damage they cause. showed up after the tornado with founder of the area’s first Metho-
would eventually climb. But he minutes later, the second warning Teams of searchers fanned out Hayes said the storm had injuries of their own, but they dist congregation, is now a trans-
said: “Clearly, it’s on its way up.” went off,” he said. “By the time we in waves across several square winds of190 to198 mph. At times, worked through the night any- portation crossroads and manu-
Seventeen people were pulled tried to get under the house, it al- miles. The groups went door to it was three-quarters of a mile way. facturing hub. It’s also the home-
alive from the rubble. An un- ready went over us.” door, making quick checks of wide. “I spent most of my life at that town of poet Langston Hughes
known number of people were As rescuers toiled in the debris, property that in many places had Some of the most startling hospital,” Roscoe said at a triage and “Gunsmoke” actor Dennis
hurt. a strong thunderstorm lashed the been stripped to their founda- damage was at St. John’s Regional center at Joplin’s Memorial Hall Weaver.
While many residents had up to crippled city. Rescue crews had to tions or had walls collapse. Medical Center, where staff had entertainment venue. “It’s awful. I Major employers in and around
17 minutes of warning, rain and move gingerly around downed National Weather Service Di- only moments to hustle their pa- had two pregnant nurses who the city include electronics manu-
hail may have drowned out the si- power lines and jagged chunks of rector Jack Hayes said the storm tients into the hallway. Six people dove under gurneys ... It’s a testi- facturer LaBarge Inc., colleges
died there, five of them patients, mony to the human spirit.” such as Missouri Southern State
plus one visitor. Once the center of a thriving University and hospitals and clin-

The storm blew out hundreds mining industry, Joplin flour- ics. Agriculture is also important
of windows and caused damage ished though World War II be- to the economy.

Continued from Page 1A

said Cooper was in a car crash in erybody out as best as he possi-
mask when he forced open the 2009, after which he was diag- bly could, being the oldest and
front door and confronted a sleep- nosed with a tumor on his brain, most responsible,” Sharif said.
ing Jeffrey Laton, 40, in the bed- schizophrenia and depression. Sharif said his family is origi-
Continued from Page 1A
room. Laton’s girlfriend, Amanda He also had a metal plate im- nally from New Jersey and he
Bowman, 29, grabbed a loaded .40- family. He was torn apart from planted in his skull, Sharif said. and his brother moved here 12
caliber handgun and fired two losing temporary custody of his “It really messed him up bad. years ago to raise their children
shots that hit Muntz, state police daughter. They just took it right It didn’t change him into a whole in a better environment.
said. from him one day, and he had other person, but it changed his “His overall goal really was to
Trooper Tom Kelly said the in- her how long and he was doing whole personality. He was still be back with family, to have the
vestigation into the deadly shoot- so well protecting her and taking family oriented, but you could family together like it was before
ing resulted in the discovery of care of her and that’s when he tell, most of the time, his mind he moved here. He had the over-
products used to manufacture lost it,” Crich said. was just like, he’d be out of it, like all master plan and anticipated
meth inside the trailer. S. JOHN WILKIN PHOTOS/THE TIMES LEADER Luzerne County District At- thinking about the strategy of that.
“Upon the first call of the shoot- Amanda Bowman was one of nine people arrested Monday for torney Jackie Musto Carroll said things and how to When it didn’t fol-
ing, when we arrived … we realized their alleged roles in the manufacture of methamphetamines. investigators believe Cooper, 39, make things better “He raised me low through and he
it was a meth house and there was of Scranton, drove to the apart- as best he could,” and my brothers was misled into
more to the story than a random along. Muntz blamed Laton for tigators that Laton “was making ment complex with the intent to Sharif, 22, of thinking certain
home invasion for the specific in- stealing tools and ladders, arrest and selling meth out of his house.” shoot Shaundra Langille, who, Wilkes-Barre, said. and sisters; things, that’s what
tent to go there to look for drugs,” records say. Klabach allowed Laton, Bow- the day before, had been given Sharif said his there were 19 of set him over the
Kelly said. “All these arrests came Muntz’s girlfriend, Theresa Da- man, Sedorchuk and her husband, temporary custody of their 9- brother was on edge,” Sharif said.
as a result of that original investiga- niels, 23, of Hanover Township, Rodney Jones, 43, to stay in the month-old daughter, Yasmine. medication since us total. We “It was in his gen-
tion.” told investigators that she was trailer. Jones was not at the trailer Apparently upset over the cus- the crash and he come from a big eral nature to be gen-
For nearly two hours Monday af- with Muntz and David Rausch Jr., at the time of the shooting but was tody issue and armed with a .22- was taking it cur- erous and nice to
ternoon, state police paraded eight 17, en route to Wilkes-Barre. Da- aware the residence was being caliber revolver, Cooper shot rently.
family.” people. And he was a
people into the Shickshinny bar- niels claimed Muntz wanted to used to manufacture meth, arrest one of the men who came out of He said people Muadhdhin Sharif soldier for his fam-
racks on a variety of drug related stop at the trailer to “collect money records say. an apartment after hearing his knew his brother Cooper’s brother ily. He would go to
charges. from someone,” according to ar- State police said the firearm car pull up and then another “to be a little reck- war for his family, he
According to the criminal com- rest records. Bowman discharged was sold to man who came by. less … a little wild, definitely would. He
plaints: Daniels alleged Muntz kicked in her by Jerry Drumm, 54, of Sweet Shana Bagley, 25, heard the but in reality, his calm was his was a real stand-up dude and I
Bowman, Denyse Sedorchuk, the front door and “charged into Valley. commotion next door and came children, his calm was his daugh- pray to God to have mercy on his
35, and Michael Pawlowski, 40, the house” with Rausch following. “They’re all friends in a round- over to Langille’s apartment and ter. That was his world, both of soul and put him in a good place.
were staying at the trailer when Daniels ran to the front door and about way,” Kelly said. “Maybe found Cooper inside. Musto Car- his daughters. He just got Better than this,” he said.
they claimed three masked assai- heard gunshots, and Laton some of them are not direct roll said investigators believe Ba- pushed too far, I guess. A man Contacted later in the eve-
lants, two men and a woman, screaming, “Get outta here, I friends, but through friends, they gley was shot as she was fleeing can only take so much, especial- ning, Dennice Minsavage, Ba-
kicked in the front door. Sedor- called the police, they are coming.” are. So they are all connected by the apartment and was found ly when it comes to their chil- gley’s sister-in-law, said she
chuk claimed she was held at gun- When Daniels asked Laton the people involved.” dead just outside the door. dren,” Sharif said. wasn’t made aware of the vigil
point, which she made known where Muntz was, Laton replied, Laton, Bowman, Sedorchuk, The two men Cooper shot “I guess when people’s chil- beforehand.
when she was escorted into the “(Muntz) went out the back door.” Kalbach and Jones were charged were in fair condition at Geisin- dren get taken away from them, Minsavage said she can under-
barracks. Laton fled the trailer because he with drug-related charges. Paw- ger Wyoming Valley Medical it can set them off in a way that stand the need for Cooper’s fam-
“Somebody broke into my room was wanted by Nanticoke police lowski was charged with criminal Center on Sunday. nobody could understand. I ily to grieve, but she thought it
and tried to shoot me,” an angered on unrelated charges he allegedly conspiracy, and Drumm was Langille was hiding in a closet tried telling people quite a few was disrespectful to have the vig-
Sedorchuk said. sold meth in July. He was arrested charged with illegal sale of a fire- with her child and one of Ba- times to leave my brother alone il at the site of her sister-in-law’s
Pawlowski claimed a man hold- at a mobile trailer in Rice Town- arm. gley’s children in her apartment and he wasn’t to be pushed to a murder. She believes Cooper in-
ing a baseball bat prevented him ship on Feb.10, according to arrest Daniels and Rausch are charged when the shooting took place. certain point because of the fact tended to kill both Bagley and
from getting up from a chair. records. with burglary, aggravated assault Crich disagrees with investi- of how he was, especially when it Langille.
Bowman told investigators that The trailer was rented by David and conspiracy for the alleged gators’ assumption that Langille came to his daughter,” he said. Crich said she felt that the vig-
Laton and Muntz did not get Klabach, who allegedly told inves- break-in at the trailer. was Cooper’s intended target. Sharif believes the person who il should be outside Bagley’s
She believes that Shana Bagley provided the gun to Cooper apartment “so we could give him
was Cooper’s intended victim “provoked him into the situa- the right departure, to have his

ting Bowman in the arm. Bow- their lives and were in danger of because of council Bagley had tion.” spirit leave from this house and
man fired a second round, hitting immediate death or serious bod- given to Langille concerning Sharif said his family is work- to go be with the angels in para-
Muntz in the head, instantly kill- ily injury with no reasonable op- him and the couple’s child. ing through the tragedy, and his dise where he deserves to be.”
ing him, according to the crimi- portunity to escape when Robert “He didn’t want to harm the mother is “taking it the hardest.” Musto Carroll said police
Continued from Page 1A
nal complaint. Muntz barged into the residence mother of his child. … Any time And he said while there’s no have no way of knowing for sure
friend, Jeffrey Laton, 40. “The investigation on behalf of masked, armed and pointing a that he ever talked about com- question that what his brother who Cooper’s intended victim
Muntz was armed with a fire- the Pennsylvania State Police gun at them. mitting suicide or hurting him- did was wrong, he was a good fa- was because he did not leave a
arm, state police allege, when he and the Luzerne County District “Amanda Bowman acted to de- self in any kind of way, he always ther. note and made no statements at
struggled with Laton on the bed. Attorney’s Office clearly supports fend herself and Jeffrey Laton said he needed Shaundra around “He raised me and my broth- the scene before taking his own
Bowman grabbed a loaded .40- a case of self-defense,” Musto and as such, the shooting death to take care of her daughter,” ers and sisters; there were 19 of life.
caliber handgun, crawled into a Carroll said in a prepared state- of Robert Muntz has been ruled Crich said. us total. We come from a big fam- “We believe he shot with the
closet and fired, missing Muntz. ment. “Amanda Bowman and Jef- justifiable homicide,” Musto Car- Muadhdhin Sharif, Cooper’s ily. He was always family-orient- intent to kill. Who that was, we’ll
Muntz fired his weapon, hit- frey Laton reasonably feared for roll noted. brother and Crich’s husband, ed and always looking to help ev- never know,” she said.

builds and wearing all black
clothing. Two black men stayed
inside the vehicle, city police
Continued from Page 1A
Police in Plains Township said
gating separate robberies involv- two armed black men ap-
ing a similar vehicle. proached a woman in the parking
The first robbery was reported lot of the Woodlands Inn & Re-
to city police when Stephen Thie- sort around 12:10 a.m. Monday
mann, 24, of Wilkes-Barre, said a and demanded money. The wom-
maroon four-door vehicle pulled an was unharmed.
up to him on Lehigh Street One of the men was armed
around 11:45 p.m. Sunday. Thie- with a shotgun or rifle and the
mann reported two black males other man was carrying a hand-
with black bandannas covering gun, Plains Township police said.
their faces jumped out the rear Less than an hour later, around CLARK VAN ORDEN/THE TIMES LEADER
door and aimed a shotgun at him, 12:50 a.m., Hanover Township A vehicle that Wilkes-Barre police believe is possibly connected
stealing his wallet and cell phone, police said a woman walking on to several robberies is taken away. It was reported stolen.
city police said. Lee Park Avenue near Oxford
The suspects in the city armed Street was assaulted by three The woman said the three out of the vehicle and struck her her purse. stolen.
robbery are described as being in black men in a four-door Dodge black men wearing black and in the head with a beer bottle and It was not immediately known No charges have been filed in
their 20s, 5 feet 7 inches tall, thin Intrepid or Stratus. white scarves over their faces got punched her in the face, stealing when the vehicle was reported the separate robberies.


SPORTS timesleader.com

TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2011



DeChellis quits, sets sail for Navy

By GENARO C. ARMAS down, there’s good
AP Sports Writer
reason for that,” De-
Chellis said during a
Alexis still happy to be headed to Penn State
By JAY MONAHAN love the school.”
Chellis, who led Penn State to the 20-minute news con- For The Times Leader OPINION
Alexis said DeChellis called him
NCAA tournament this year, resigned ference at the Jordan
WILKES-BARRE — Despite the Sunday to inform the Holy Redeemer

With big billing

Monday to take the vacant job at Navy. Center. “Penn State is
news that Penn State men’s basketball senior center of his resignation.
The 15-year coaching veteran said he a special place for me
coach Ed DeChellis is leaving his post “It shocked me at first,” said Alexis.
found “a calling” in announcing the sur- DeChellis and my family, but I
for Navy, Nittany Lions recruit Peter “I didn’t expect him to leave Penn
prise move two months after orchestrat- found another special

comes the need

Alexis remains committed to playing State.”
ing his alma mater’s first NCAA bid in a place in the U.S. Naval Academy.”
in Happy Valley in the fall. According to Alexis, DeChellis told
decade. The Nittany Lions lost to Tem- He goes from a power conference
“It doesn’t change my mindset at him that he felt that the Patriot
ple, 66-64, in the second round. school to a program that plays in the

for big steps

all,” Alexis said. “Penn State is still
“It’s been a very, very dificult week-
Penn State. It’s a great atmosphere. I See ALEXIS, Page 6B
end for me and my family. If I break See PSU, Page 6B

B OYS VO L L EY BA L L H.S. BASEBALL He was supposed to be making a pitch

Matter of business
to play for the New York Yankees by
now, not pushing himself to find the
promise he once knew.
The Yankees were so sure Andrew
Brackman was destined for the major
leagues, they made him their first-
round draft choice in 2006.
Now, he can’t win for losing.
Brackman suffered through another
winless Triple-A start for the Scranton/
Wilkes-Barre Yankees on Sunday, al-
lowing four runs through six innings of
a no-decision that turned into a 5-4
defeat for the team.
So Brackman’s record remained at
2-3 through his first Triple-A season,
and at 14-26 through five pro seasons.
He missed the first two of them
recovering from “Tommy John” sur-
gery, forcing the towering 6-foot-10
right-handed pitcher to make major
adjustments in his delivery.
“I completely changed my mechan-
ics,” Brackman said.
But since then, Brackman has been
named by Baseball America as having
the best fastball (in 2009) and best
S. JOHN WILKIN-THE TIMES LEADER curveball (last year) in the Yankees
Holy Redeemer’s Dan Kopicki returns organization.
a shot against David Cavalieri. Right now, he’s a far cry from bring-
ing his best stuff to each start.

“I don’t feel anywhere close to where
I need to be,” Brackman said.
He didn’t dazzle anyone Sunday,
putting four strikeouts against three
walks and six hits in six innings – in-

shakes off
cluding that tie-breaking two-run
homer Brackman surrendered to Indi-
anapolis third baseman Andy Marte in
the top of the sixth.
At least Brackman didn’t get ham-

early scare
mered for seven runs in four innings,
the way he did against Pawtucket last
Sunday while suffering his third
straight loss.
“He kept plugging away,” SWB Yan-
kees manager Dave Miley said, praising
Royals defeat Forest City to advance Brackman’s ability to induce a key
in first-round District 2 action. double play grounder in the first inning
against Indianapolis that probably
allowed him to reach the sixth inning.
By JAY MONAHAN “Pitched out of some jams, made some
For The Times Leader good pitches when he had to.”
WILKES-BARRE – Despite its 16-0 He doesn’t make them nearly enough
regular season record and oversized li- right now.
neup, the Holy Redeemer boys volleyball S.JOHN WILKIN/THE TIMES LEADER That’s a big problem for the big
team needed a wake-up call Monday in Lake-Lehman pinch runner Jeff Carter leaps to avoid Meyers’ C.J Szafran at second base in Monday’s WVC Division pitcher who once played college bas-
the first round in the District 2 Class 2A II championship game at Atlas Field. Carter eventually came around to score on a double by Zack Yursha. ketball for North Carolina State.
tournament. “Didn’t really execute pitches well,”

Lake-Lehman captures Division II title

A diminutive Forest City squad gave Brackman complained. “I’ve got to try
to keep hitters more off-balance. It’s
the Royals a scare in the first game before
hard to do that when you’re not hitting
Holy Redeemer out- spots.”
3 played the Foresters for
3 over Meyers at Atlas With the victory, the Knights (14-1)
In other words, his consistency has
a 3-0 victory. dlevarse@timesleader.com Field in a special play- will take another crack at the District 2 been spotty.
REDEEMER The Royals won by WEST PITTSTON — It was almost LAKE-LEHMAN off game for the Class 2A championship as the top seed, Brackman has walked 27 batters to
scores of 25-23, 25-10, solemn how they walked off the field. Wyoming Valley Con- opening Wednesday at home against go with his 28 strikeouts, which isn’t
0 25-13. They advance to
FOREST CITY the second round today
Yes, Lake-Lehman players were glad to
edge Meyers for the division title. But
ference Division II
winless Carbondale. Meyers (13-2) will
be the No. 2 seed and host rival GAR on
exactly a picture depicting a guy who
paints the corners with pinpoint con-
where they will host since last season ended, the Black “We’ve had one Wednesday. trol. His ratio in that department has
Abington Heights at ap- Knights have had set their sights on goal, and that’s to win The way both teams played Monday, been pretty even throughout his career,
proximately 7 p.m. the district crown. districts,” Lehman coach Mark LeVal- there’s a good chance they could meet with 229 strikeouts and 115 walks over
Afterbeingdownbya23-18scoreinthe So the celebrations were put on hold ley said. “That’s been an elusive prize his first two playing seasons.
But it’s not as if the Yankees feel like
first game, the Foresters (8-4) went on a Monday following the Knights’ 3-1 win for us.” See LEHMAN, Page 5B
they’re playing with fire when Brack-
five-point run to tie the game at 23 apiece man steps on the mound. He’s only 23.
when an undersized Dylan Walsh scored And Brackman was rated as the

Pitching enables Yankees break losing streak

on a block. organization’s fifth-best prospect by
“There was a lack of intensity,” said Baseball America following last season,
Holy Redeemer coach Jack Kablick. “We and still shows signs of why every now
got caught looking ahead a little bit, talk- and again.
ing about Abington more than Forest By DAVE ROSENGRANT in his last outing to help the Yankees “He gets better every single time,”
City. drosengrant@timesleader.com pull out a 2-1 win over Indianapolis at said Jesus Montero, Brackman’s regu-
“The first game is always a wake up MOOSIC – Entering Monday, Scran- PNC Field on Monday night. lar catcher in Scranton/Wilkes-Barre.
call.” ton/Wilkes-Barre hadn’t won a home Phelps (3-4) went 7 1/3 innings only “He’s been really good working on his
Holy Redeemer made seven hitting er- game in more than two weeks. allowing one run. The righthander changeup. He’s got a good cutter, he
rors, four passing errors and missed on So what’s an extra 1 hour, 48 min- scattered eight hits and one walk while gets people out with that.”
Brackman says he’s looked and felt
five seven serves. The top-seeded Royals
scored the final two points of the game,
After a rain delay of 108 minutes be- 2
striking out four in the outing. He got
in trouble in the second inning with
good throwing on days between starts.
“My bullpens have been really great,”
securing the victory on a Matt Terry hit- fore the first pitch due to heavy thun- two on and one out, but induced a Brackman said. “I’ve just got to find a
ting error. derstorms in the area, the Yankees groundball double-play to end the in- way to carry it over, onto the mound.”
“The whole focus of the first game was stopped their season-high, six-game SWB got a big lift from starting ning. Until he does, the big guy with the
losing streak and seven-game skid at pitcher David Phelps, and closer Kevin big reputation will be trying to figure
See ROYALS, Page 5B PNC Field. Whelan rebounded from a blown save See YANKEES, Page 5B out how to become a big winner.

PAGE 2B TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2011 ➛ S C O R E B O A R D THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com

Friday, April 22: Hamilton 2, Oklahoma City 0

Sunday, April 24: Hamilton 4, Oklahoma City 1
Houston 4, Peoria 0
Wednesday, April 13: Houston 4, Peoria 1
Friday, April 15: Houston 3, Peoria 2, OT
Monday, April 18: Houston 5, Peoria 3
By MARK DUDEK By ROXY ROXBOROUGH Tuesday, April 19: Houston 2, Peoria 1
Milwaukee 4, Texas 2 Dallas Mountaineers Aquatic Club’s
Times Leader Correspondent Thursday, April 14: Milwaukee 5, Texas 2
Saturday, April 16: Texas 3, Milwaukee 1 (DMAC) Summer League camp
You knew Custard The Dragon had the ability, but even I was BASEBALL Braves -$125 PIRATES Tuesday, April 19: Texas 3, Milwaukee 2, OT (previously MTAC) is an 8 week
PHILLIES -$115 Reds Wednesday, April 20: Milwaukee 3, Texas 2
doubtful he could get the job done from the nine post with young Favorite Odds Underdog
Friday, April 22: Milwaukee 2, Texas 1, OT competitive swim program that is
driver Montrell Teague in the sulky. But he made a fool of me and American League Dodgers -$125 ASTROS Monday, April 25: Milwaukee 3, Texas 2, 2OT held from June 13 through August
ORIOLES -$160 Royals CUBS -$120 Mets 5. The swim program is open to
many others as he outfought Powerful Mist to the wire to win the BEST OF 7
ages 6 through college level. The
prestigious $300,000 Max Hempt Final on Saturday night at 10-1 Binghamton 4, Portland 2 cost is $190 for the beginner group
Red Sox -$127 INDIANS Cards -$130 PADRES
odds. GIANTS -$135 Marlins
Wednesday, April 27: Binghamton 3, Portland 2
Thursday, April 28: Binghamton 5, Portland 3 and $220 for intermediate and
TIGERS -$165 Rays
The key move of the race came when the George Teague trainee RANGERS -$115 White Sox NBA
Saturday, April 30: Portland 3, Binghamton 2
Monday, May 2: Binghamton 6, Portland 1
advanced groups. For more in-
fired right off the wings of the gate with pacesetter Powerful Mist and Tuesday, May 3: Portland 6, Binghamton 2 formation and brochures visit our
Favorite Points Underdog
TWINS -$115 Mariners Friday, May 6: Binghamton 3, Portland 0 website at www.dmacswimmin-
gained that potent pocket trip. He then took full advantage of that ANGELS -$182 A’s Eastern Conference Finals Charlotte 4, Wilkes-Barre/Scranton 2 g.org or contact Reo Cheshire at
Thursday, April 28: Charlotte 3, Wilkes-Barre/
two-hole journey and went by the front-runner to win in a very good National League
HEAT 5 Bulls Scranton 2 357-8631.
mile of 1:50.2. The winner is well staked to the Grand Circuit and ROCKIES -$175 D’backs
NHL Saturday, April 30: Wilkes-Barre/Scranton 3, Char-
lotte 0
King’s College Lady Monarch Girls
should be heard from again as the season wears on. ROCKIES -$150 D’backs
Favorite Odds Underdog Monday, May 2: Charlotte 2, Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Basketball Camps will be held at
CANUCKS -$170/+$150 Sharks 1, OT the following times: Week 1: June
BEST BET: BILLIE BLUECHIP (10TH) Wednesday, May 4: Charlotte 1, Wilkes-Barre/
20-June 24; Week 2: July 25-29,
Scranton 0
VALUE PLAY: MIGHTY MOSES (11TH) Friday, May 6: Wilkes-Barre/Scranton 1, Charlotte 0 2010. All sessions will run from 9
Post Time 6:30 p.m. Saturday, May 7: Charlotte 4, Wilkes-Barre/Scran-
All Races One Mile ton 3 a.m. to 4 p.m. at King’s College.
First-$9,000 Cond.Trot;n/w $5,500 last 5
WESTERN CONFERENCE Camp is open to girls ages 8
Hamilton 4, Manitoba 3
9 Around And Over A.Napolitano 3-9-2 Decent price to kick off opener 6-1 go at Miami Erie at Richmond, 7:05 p.m. Thursday, April 28: Hamilton 4, Manitoba 1 through 17. Registration includes
7 Funny Briefs G.Napolitano 2-3-6 Nap brothers finish 1-2 7-2 NHL HOCKEY Harrisburg at Akron, 7:05 p.m. Sunday, May 1: Hamilton 4, Manitoba 2 T-shirt, games, instruction, and
5 Wolf’s Jann L.Stalbaum 2-5-5 Chased good one at Tioga 3-1 9 p.m. Wednesday's Games Tuesday, May 3: Manitoba 5, Hamilton 4
3 Jimmy Get Lost A.Miller 7-3-7 Miller back in bike 9-2 VERSUS — Playoffs, conference finals, game 5, Bowie at Altoona, 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, May 4: Manitoba 2, Hamilton 1, 2OT pool-time daily. For more informa-
1 Like A Hush A.McCarthy 8-6-5 Inside draw can’t hurt 4-1 San Jose at Vancouver (if necessary) Binghamton at New Britain, 5:05 p.m., 1st game Friday, May 6: Hamilton 5, Manitoba 1 tion, call the Women’s Basketball
4 Donnegal G.Wasiluk 6-8-3 Very weak opener 8-1 TENNIS New Hampshire at Portland, 6 p.m. Sunday, May 8: Manitoba 1, Hamilton 0
2 Mablesimamazed P.Berry 7-4-4 Broke last wk 10-1 Trenton at Reading, 6:35 p.m. Monday, May 9: Hamilton 2, Manitoba 1, 3OT Office at 570-208-5900, ext. 5432,
8 Detech Tn.Schadel 8-6-6 I’ll pass 20-1 ESPN2 — French Open, first round, at Paris Harrisburg at Akron, 7:05 p.m. Houston 4, Milwaukee 3 or visit our website at http://
6 Wingbat J.Pavia 6-4-7 Walloped again 15-1 Erie at Richmond, 7:05 p.m. Friday, April 29: Milwaukee 3, Houston 1 www.kingscollegeathletics.com.
Second-$9,000 Cond.Pace;n/w $5,600 last 5 Binghamton at New Britain, 7:35 p.m., 2nd game Sunday, May 1: Houston 2, Milwaukee 0
3 Tug River Claude M.Kakaley 4-7-2 Wins off the dropdown 3-1 Tuesday, May 3: Milwaukee 5, Houston 3
6 Ideal Danny T.Buter 1-4-8 Prepped well for this 6-1 T R A N S A C T I O N S Thursday, May 5: Houston 3, Milwaukee 2, OT
Friday, May 6: Houston 3, Milwaukee 2, OT
1 Goodnite Goodluck J.Pavia 2-5-5 First off a layoff 9-2
5 Western Edge B.Simpson 3-2-6 Back from New York 7-2 Sunday, May 8: Milwaukee 5, Houston 4, OT
8 Major Suit L.Stalbaum 2-8-6 Back to the eight hole 8-1
American League
F R E N C H O P E N Tuesday, May 10: Houston 4, Milwaukee 2
Friends of Kiel golf tournament on
7 Real One And Only G.Napolitano 5-5-3 Just can’t get there 15-1 TEXAS RANGERS—Activated OF Josh Hamilton BEST OF 7 June 4 at Sand Springs Country
2 Big Guy A.Napolitano 7-4-8 Weakens quick 4-1
4 Kamanche Sun A.McCarthy 4-7-5 Dim chances 10-1
and OF Nelson Cruz from the 15-day DL. Recalled
RHP Yoshinori Tateyama from Round Rock (PCL).
Results EASTERN CONFERENCE Club with a 1 p.m. shotgun start.
9 Lite The Fire A.Santeramo 8-7-8 Blown away 20-1 Optioned INF Chris Davis, RHP Cody Eppley and C Monday Binghamton 4, Charlotte 0 Cost is $100 per person and in-
Third-$8,500 Cond.Pace;maidens Taylor Teagarden to Round Rock. At Stade Roland Garros Thursday, May 12: Binghamton 7, Charlotte 4
Friday, May 13: Binghamton 3, Charlotte 0 cludes a cold cut lunch and Italian
2 The Pan Flamingo A.Miller 3-5-3 Tight and ready 3-1 National League Paris
4 Torrington A.McCarthy 1-1-8 Art Major 3yr old 7-2 ARIZONA DIAMONDBACKS—Reinstated 3B Mel- Purse: $24.99 million (Grand Slam)
Tuesday, May 17: Binghamton 7, Charlotte 1 buffet dinner and golf. For more
Wednesday, May 18: Binghamton 4, Charlotte 3,
5 Bettor Win G.Napolitano 3-3-4 New Pena invader 4-1 vin Mora from the bereavement list. Designated INF Surface: Clay-Outdoor OT information, call Joe Desftefano at
1 Solanos Dragon A.Napolitano 2-5-2 Foley done well at PD 6-1 Josh Wilson for assignment.
6 Hot Shot Lawyer M.Kakaley 5-2-2 Matty K the new reinsman 9-2 CINCINNATI REDS—Optioned RHP Edinson Vol- Singles WESTERN CONFERENCE 499-4482.
quez and RHP Jordan Smith to Louisville (IL). Men Houston 3, Hamilton 3 Liams Lighthouse Foundation
9 Bonfire Bliss D.Ingraham 2-4-2 Couldn’t get it done as chalk 8-1
7 Odin Blue Chip L.Stalbaum 4-4-4 Winless in 15 previous 10-1 Called up INF Todd Frazier and LHP Matt Maloney First Round Friday, May 13: Houston 2, Hamilton 1
8 Montoya Hanover J.Taggart 5-4-4 Maiden for life 20-1 from Louisville. Viktor Troicki (15), Serbia, def. Julian Reister, Ger- Sunday, May 15: Houston 3, Hamilton 2 annual golf tournament on June
MILWAUKEE BREWERS—Claimed LHP Daniel many, 6-4, 6-3, 6-3. Tuesday, May 17: Houston 3, Hamilton 2 5 at Sand Springs Country Club.
3 Steuben Papale B.Simpson 7-4-3 Another who struggles 15-1 Mikhail Youzhny (12), Russia, def. Go Soeda, Ja- Wednesday, May 18: Hamilton 8, Houston 1
Ray Herrera off waivers from Cincinnati.
Fourth-$13,000 Clm.Hndcp Trot;clm.price $12-15,000 ST. LOUIS CARDINALS—Placed C Gerald Laird pan, 7-5, 6-2, 6-4. Friday, May 20: Hamilton 4, Houston 2 Registration is 11 a.m. to noon with
8 April Sunshine M.Kakaley 2-6-5 Another tough race 6-1 on the 15-day DL. Activated 2B Skip Schumaker Mikhail Kukushkin, Kazakhstan, def. Daniel Sunday, May 22: Hamilton 5, Houston 4, 2OT a noon shotgun start. The day will
5 Clear The Air Tn.Schadel 2-3-2 Fast off the wings 5-1 from the 15-day DL. Recalled C Tony Cruz from Brands, Germany, 6-2, 6-4, 6-4. Tuesday, May 24: Hamilton at Houston, 8:05 p.m.
2 Carpathian Hooray G.Napolitano 1-5-1 Pena-Nap deadly duo 5-2 Memphis (PCL). Optioned RHP Mitchell Boggs to Juan Martin del Potro (25), Argentina, def. Ivo Kar- conclude with an Italian buffet
7 Cornishman N P.Berry 3-1-6 Reclaimed by Proctor 4-1 Memphis. Announced Rule 5 draft RHP Brian Bro- lovic, Croatia, 6-7 (7), 6-3, 7-5, 6-4. dinner and awards and prizes. Cost
9 Smedshammer L.Stalbaum 1-1-5 No repeat in sight 7-2 derick was returned by Washington and assigned to Thomaz Bellucci (23), Brazil, def. Andrey Golubev,
3 Chiselled H.Parker 4-2-2 Comes from winless barn 8-1 Memphis. Kazakhstan, 6-4, 6-4, 6-7 (4), 7-6 (5). is $85 per person. For more in-
6 Master Buckin Uhl A.McCarthy 5-4-3 Outkicked 15-1 WASHINGTON NATIONALS—Placed 1B Adam
LaRoche on the 15-day DL.
Marsel Ilhan, Turkey, def. Tommy Haas, Germany,
6-4, 4-6, 7-6 (1), 6-4.
N B A formation, contact Chris Slezak at
1 Dusty Diamond B.Simpson 6-9-4 Slides in reverse 12-1
4 Old Trafford M.Janos 7-6-2 Hopeless 20-1 American Association Novak Djokovic (2), Serbia, def. Thiemo de Bakker, 499-5609.
Fifth-$9,000 Clm.Pace;clm.price $15,000 AMARILLO SOX—Released RHP Tyler Pearson Netherlands, 6-2, 6-1, 6-3. Playoff Glance Mountain Top Kiwanis 29th annual
and INF Mayo Santana. Signed INF Van Pope. Igor Andreev, Russia, def. Florent Serra, France,
6 Love To Rock G.Napolitano 6-5-1 Blasts down the road 3-1 EL PASO DIABLOS—Released INF Arnoldo 6-4, 6-1, 6-3. All Times EDT golf tournament on June 3 at
5 Patient Major J.Taggart 3-5-6 Chases the chalk 7-2 Ponce. Alejandro Falla, Colombia, def. Potito Starace, Ita- CONFERENCE SEMIFINALS Sand Springs Country Club. Regis-
7 Hot Rod Red B.Simpson 6-2-8 First time for a tag 15-1 GARY SOUTHSHORE RAILCATS—Released C ly, 7-6 (2), 6-1, 6-1. (Best-of-7)
8 DVC Havenly Cam M.Kakaley 6-6-4 Best of the rest 10-1 Johnny Bowden. Stephane Robert, France, def. Tomas Berdych (6), Sunday, May 1 tration will be from noon to 1 p.m.
1 Mohegan Miss M.Romano 5-5-4 Close early, not late 4-1 GRAND PRAIRIE AIRHOGS—Released C Dan Czech Republic, 3-6, 3-6, 6-2, 6-2, 9-7. Memphis 114, Oklahoma City 101 with a 1 p.m. shotgun start. Cost is
2 Real Liberator T.Buter 6-8-8 No takers 9-2 Jordan and OF Kevin Thompson. Signed OF Tyler Roger Federer (3), Switzerland, def. Feliciano Lo- Miami 99, Boston 90
3 The Daily Diary D.Ingraham 7-8-3 Mare tries the boys 6-1 Henley. pez, Spain, 6-3, 6-4, 7-6 (3). Monday, May 2
$85 per person and includes lunch
4 Rattler Quick L.Stalbaum 7-5-7 Slow 8-1 KANSAS CITY T-BONES—Released C Luis Nie- Janko Tipsarevic (29), Serbia, def. Brian Dabul, Ar- Atlanta 103, Chicago 95 and dinner. For more information,
9 My Edward A.McCarthy 8-8-6 ….next 20-1 blas, INF Gabe Suarez, INF Ryne Price and INF gentina, 7-6 (1), 6-1, 6-0. Dallas 96, L.A. Lakers 94
Sixth-$9,000 Cond.Trot;n/w $5,500 last 5 Clint Stottlemyre. Signed RHP Wade Morrison. Steve Darcis, Belgium, def. Michael Llodra (22), contact Bruce Spencer at 814-2367.
France, 6-7 (5), 6-3, 6-3, 6-3. Tuesday, May 3
7 A Fortune’s Legacy M.Kakaley 4-6-8 Darkhorse of the night 10-1 LINCOLN SALTDOGS—Released RHP Brendon Miami 102, Boston 91
Smith. Mardy Fish (10), United States, def. Ricardo Mello,
5 Thekeptman P.Berry 3-4-7 Versatile type 3-1
SIOUX CITY EXPLORERS—Released RHP Matt Brazil, 6-2, 6-7 (11), 6-2, 6-4. Oklahoma City 111, Memphis 102 MEETINGS
1 CC Mister C A.Miller 2-7-8 Goes for team Miller 7-2 Albert Ramos, Spain, def. Javier Marti, Spain, 6-3, Wednesday, May 4
3 Senator Hall J.Pavia 5-4-6 Gets much needed relief 4-1 SIOUX FALLS PHEASANTS—Released RHP An- 6-7 (5), 4-6, 6-1, 6-3. Chicago 86, Atlanta 73
6 Muscles To Spare B.Simpson 9-2-4 Can’t find form of 2010 5-1 drew Pluta. Gael Monfils (9), France, def. Bjorn Phau, Germa- Dallas 93, L.A. Lakers 81 Nanticoke Little League will hold its
8 Xtreme Talent J.Taggart 2-9-5 Almost got money at 38-1 12-1 WINNIPEG GOLDEYES—Traded INF Wilmer Pi- ny, 4-6, 6-3, 7-5, 6-0. Friday, May 6 monthly meeting ay 7:30 p.m. on
4 Lady Sorro L.Stalbaum 7-3-4 Chester shipper 8-1 no to Edinburg (North American) for a player to be Nikolay Davydenko (28), Russia, def. Denis Gre- Chicago 99, Atlanta 82
2 All This Snazz G.Napolitano 3-6-7 Little since the purchase 9-2 named. melmayr, Germany, 7-6 (2), 6-1, 6-3. Dallas 98, L.A. Lakers 92 June 2 at West Side. Board mem-
Seventh-$15,000 Cond.Pace;n/w $10,000 last 5 Can-Am League Thomas Schoorel, Netherlands, def. Maximo Gon- Saturday, May 7 bers are ask to meet at 6:45 p.m.
8 Art Two D Two J.Pavia 4-8-3 Worth following 9-2 BROCKTON ROX—Released INF Mike Kitt. zalez, Argentina, 7-6 (5), 6-3, 6-3. Memphis 101, Oklahoma City 93, OT
9 Rusty Tank M.Kakaley 4-5-6 2nd start since claim 4-1 NEW JERSEY JACKALS—Released LHP Lance Philipp Petzschner, Germany, def. Mischa Zverev, Boston 97, Miami 81
McClain. Germany, 7-6 (3), 6-0, 6-4. Sunday, May 8 UPCOMING EVENTS
1 Indelible Hanover A.McCarthy 3-5-4 Dangerous from pole 3-1 Carlos Berlocq, Argentina, def. Bernard Tomic,
2 Really Rockin A.Miller 1-5-8 Moves up off big win 7-2 NEWARK BEARS—Released INF John Sciullo, Dallas 122, L.A. Lakers 86, Dallas wins series 4-0
RHP Dan Ramos-Dominko and OF Clint Reynolds. Australia, 7-5, 6-4, 6-2. Atlanta 100, Chicago 88
7 Shadows Dream G.Napolitano 4-1-7 Never left rail last wk 8-1 Simone Bolelli, Italy, def. Frank Dancevic, Canada,
4 Flem N Em N L.Stalbaum 5-3-9 Down in class, but off 6-1 PITTSFIELD COLONIALS—Signed INF Charlie Monday, May 9 Hazleton City View BMX will hold a
Pagliarulo. Released RHP Adam Ortiz-Jusino. 6-1, 6-3, 6-7 (5), 6-2. Miami 98, Boston 90, OT
6 Split Ticket D.Ingraham 8-1-1 Didn’t fire in PD debut 10-1
WORCESTER TORNADOES—Signed OF Alex Tobias Kamke, Germany, def. Olivier Rochus, Bel- Oklahoma City 133, Memphis 123, 3OT
local BMX race at 6 p.m. on Thurs-
3 Caerleon Hanover A.Napolitano 5-8-1 Bounced since that win 15-1 gium, 6-7 (5), 6-3, 6-3, 6-2.
5 Sectionline Blast J.Taggart 7-6-1 Lives up to name 20-1 Nunez. Released LHP Davis Bilardello, INF Dallas Tuesday, May 10 day at Louis Schiavo City View
Christison and OF Peter Fatse. Richard Gasquet (13), France, def. Radek Stepa-
Eighth-$9,000 Cond.Trot;n/w $5,500 last 5 nek, Czech Republic, 7-5, 6-3, 6-0. Chicago 95, Atlanta 83 Park on South Poplar Street,
Frontier League Victor Hanescu, Romania, def. Benoit Paire, Wednesday, May 11
4 Platinumatic A.Miller 6-4-5 Toga shipper upsets 9-2 EVANSVILLE—Released LHP Ryan Morris. Miami 97, Boston 87, Miami wins series 4-1 Hazleton. Practice and registration
5 Night’s Fleet L.Stalbaum 6-5-9 One to beat 3-1 France, 7-5, 4-6, 6-1, 7-6 (4).
2 Gunshy Kosmos H.Parker 7-1-7 Should sit nice trip 6-1
SOUTHERN ILLINOIS MINERS—Released RHP Leonardo Mayer, Argentina, def. Dustin Brown, Oklahoma City 99, Memphis 72 will be held from 5 p.m. to 5:45
Jimmy Marshall. Germany, 3-6, 7-6 (5), 6-2, 6-2. Thursday, May 12
8 Twocarlane J.Pavia 5-8-8 Rounds out the super 15-1 WASHINGTON WILD THINGS—Placed RHP Chicago 93, Atlanta 73, Chicago wins series 4-2
p.m. New riders are welcome. First
9 Marong A G.Napolitano 3-6-9 Moves out of claimers 8-1 Marcos Baghdatis (27), Cyprus, def. Frederico Gil,
Ryan Gardner on the suspended list. Portugal, 7-6 (4), 6-2, 6-2. Friday, May 13 time at the track is free. Bring your
1 Money Talks M.Romano 4-8-7 Tiring speed 7-2 North American League Antonio Veic, Croatia, def. Pablo Cuevas, Uruguay,
3 Money Man K D.Ingraham 2-6-6 3rd-time lasix user 6-1 SAN ANGELO COLTS—Released LHP Scott
Memphis 95, Oklahoma City 83 bike, long sleeve shirt, long pants
4-6, 6-3, 6-2, 3-1, retired. Sunday, May 15
6 Marion Merlot G.Wasiluk 3-7-5 Waz trains and steers 10-1 Crook, LHP Frank James and RHP Corey More- Marcel Granollers, Spain, def. Alex Bogomolov Jr., Oklahoma City 105, Memphis 90, Oklahoma City and helmet. Some equipment may
7 Shelly Ross M.Kakaley 4-6-5 Not to be 20-1 house. United States, 6-3, 3-6, 7-6 (6), 6-2.
Ninth-$9,000 Clm.Pace;clm.price $15,000 BASKETBALL
wins series 4-3 be available at the track to borrow.
Michael Berrer, Germany, def. Milos Raonic (26), CONFERENCE FINALS
4 Pams Legacy J.Pavia 2-2-9 Holds on tonight 4-1 National Basketball Association Canada, 6-4, 4-6, 6-3, 6-4. Trial membership is $25 for 30
Sunday, May 15
1 JK Abigezunt G.Napolitano 1-4-1 Certain favorite 5-2 NBA—Fined Chicago F Joakim Noah $50,000 for Women Chicago 103, Miami 82 days of racing. Please call or check
2 Vondean A.Napolitano 2-2-7 Merits a look 3-1 using a derogatory and offensive term from the First Round
5 Ifeelthelight L.Stalbaum 4-2-3 Bomber has had good meet 9-2 bench during the May 22 game at Miami. Francesca Schiavone (5), Italy, def. Melanie Oudin,
Tuesday, May 17 facebook page in case of question-
Dallas 121, Oklahoma City 112
8 Rocket Rosy M.Kakaley 1-5-8 Hans a hot trainer 6-1 PORTLAND TRAIL BLAZERS—Fired general United States, 6-2, 6-0.
Wednesday, May 18
able weather. For more informa-
3 A Fool For Mark D.Ingraham 2-6-8 Needs a start or two 12-1 manager Rich Cho. Named director of college Nuria Llagostera Vives, Spain, def. Anastasia Pivo-
7 Grand Penn Station A.Santeramo 4-5-3 Post knocks 15-1 scouting Chad Buchanan acting general manager. varova, Russia, 6-3, 6-0. Miami 85, Chicago 75 tion about City View BMX, email
6 Every Girls Desire A.Kavoleff 8-5-6 Ugly right now 10-1 COLLEGES Daniela Hantuchova (28), Slovakia, def. Zhang Thursday, May 19 bmx@hazletoncityview.com, visit
APPALACHIAN STATE—Named Kellen Sampson Shuai, China, 6-3, 6-3. Oklahoma City 106, Dallas 100
Tenth-$21,000 Cond.Pace;n/w $22,000 last 5
men’s assistant basketball coach. Irina-Camelia Begu, Romania, def. Aravane Rezai, Saturday, May 21 www.hazletoncityview.com, call
1 Billie Bluechip J.Pavia 3-1-2 Class shines thru 3-1 CLARKSON—Named Casey Jones men’s hockey France, 6-3, 6-3. Dallas 93, Oklahoma City 87, Dallas leads series track director Jack Longo at
4 Mcflirty A.Napolitano 4-1-5 Completes the exacta 7-2 coach. Edina Gallovits-Hall, Romania, def. Angelique Ker- 2-1
7 Gordyyy’s Pet M.Kakaley 1-2-8 Moves up off shocker 6-1 MURRAY STATE—Named Steve Prohm men’s ber, Germany, 2-6, 6-3, 6-1. Sunday, May 22
570-956-3747 or parents associ-
2 Hannah Isabel G.Napolitano 5-2-1 Been a little short 9-2 basketball coach. Anastasia Rodionova, Australia, def. Nadia Petro- Miami 96, Chicago 85, Miami leads series 2-1 ation rresident, Steven Huey at
3 Cotton Candy A.Miller 2-1-5 Was favored vs similar 5-2 OHIO STATE—Named Nate Handrahan women’s va (26), Russia, 6-7 (5), 6-3, 6-4.
6 LR Dancing Dream P.Berry 3-2-4 Berry very inconsistent 8-1 ice hockey coach. Roberta Vinci (30), Italy, def. Alberta Brianti, Italy,
Monday, May 23 570-436-3373 or visit face-
Dallas at Oklahoma City, 9 p.m.
5 All Heart Gal L.Porfilio 5-2-5 Marks initial start of ‘11 12-1 PENN STATE—Announced the resignation of 6-3, 3-6, 6-3. Tuesday, May 24 book.com/HazletonBMX. Kill
Eleventh-$8,600 Clm.Trot;clm.price $10,000 men’s basketball Ed DeChellis to take the same po- Sara Errani, Italy, def. Christina McHale, United
sition at Navy. States, 6-7 (4), 6-2, 9-7.
Chicago at Miami, 8:30 p.m. thursday
6 Mighty Moses L.Stalbaum 5-4-2 Ends tough luck 12-1 Wednesday, May 25
2 Round About A.Miller 2-3-8 Almost beat the Laser 4-1 SOUTH ALABAMA—Named Michael Crane wom- Vesna Dolonts, Russia, def. Anne Keothavong, Bri-
en’s assistant soccer coach. tain, 3-6, 7-6 (5), 6-4. Oklahoma City at Dallas, 9 p.m.
3 Carscot Nexus G.Napolitano 1-3-4 Fairly steady 5-2 TENNESSEE—Fired baseball coach Todd Ra- Thursday, May 26
1 Fast Vacation J.Pavia 1-4-2 Takes money from wood 3-1 Vera Zvonareva (3), Russia, def. Lourdes Domin-
leigh. guez Lino, Spain, 6-3, 6-3. Miami at Chicago, 8:30 p.m.
8 Spicy Caviar A.Napolitano 2-5-9 Moves up and draws poorly 6-1 WAYLAND BAPTIST—Named Matt Garnett men’s Sania Mirza, India, def. Kristina Barrois, Germany, Friday, May 27
7 Upfront Pattys Boy H.Parker 2-5-3 First off the claim 10-1 basketball coach. 6-3, 6-3. x-Dallas at Oklahoma City, 9 p.m. Bulletin Board items will not be
4 Wildfire Bo M.Kakaley 3-3-8 Takes too long to rally 5-1 WINTHROP—Named John Sung women’s la- Jill Craybas, United States, def. Eleni Daniilidou,
5 Diamond Stud D.Ingraham 4-6-2 Carved up 15-1 crosse coach. Greece, 6-3, 6-3.
Saturday, May 28 accepted over the telephone. Items
x-Chicago at Miami, 8:30 p.m.
9 Crystal Sizzler A.McCarthy 3-6-8 Fried 20-1 Chan Yung-jan, Taiwan, def. Klara Zakopalova may be faxed to 831-7319, emailed to
Sunday, May 29
Twelfth-$15,000 Cond.Pace;n/w $11,000 last 5 (31), Czech Republic, 7-5, 6-1. x-Oklahoma City at Dallas, 9 p.m.
3 Ruffle’s Kiss J.Pavia 1-1-x Back and ready to roll 4-1 Chanelle Scheepers, South Africa, def. Viktoriya tlsports@timesleader.com or dropped
Monday, May 30
1 Victim Of Love G.Napolitano 5-1-1 One to catch 3-1 Kutuzova, Ukraine, 6-3, 4-6, 6-2. x-Miami at Chicago, 8:30 p.m. off at the Times Leader or mailed to
4 Ideal Nectarine T.Buter 6-1-7 Definite player 5-2 I N T E R N AT I O N A L Sabine Lisicki, Germany, def. Akgul Amanmurado-
va, Uzbekistan, 6-0, 6-4. Times Leader, c/o Sports, 15 N, Main
5 Carolines Cullen N
8 Personal Ad
Hard used last several
Needs a hot pace
6-1 LEAGUE Zheng Jie, China, def. Sandra Zahlavova, Czech
St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0250.
6 Tia Maria Hanover H.Parker 1-3-1 Back from Tioga 12-1 Republic, 6-4, 6-3.
At A Glance Petra Kvitova (9), Czech Republic, def. Greta Arn,
7 My Lady Bonnard
2 Fortunes Smile
This is a super field
Not against this caliber
15-1 All Times EDT Hungary, 6-2, 6-1. N H L
Agnieszka Radwanska (12), Poland, def. Patricia
9 Clear Character A.McCarthy 9-2-9 Fills out good group 20-1 North Division Mayr-Achleitner, Austria, 6-1, 6-2.
Thirteenth-$21,000 Clm.Pace;clm.price $30,000 W L Pct. GB Olga Govortsova, Belarus, def. Agnes Szavay, Playoff Glance •No. 9 North Pocono (7-7) at No. 8 Wyoming
7 Three New Dawns B.Simpson 2-3-2 Sherman has him fit 3-1 Lehigh Valley (Phillies) ........... 27 16 .628 — Hungary, 6-4, 4-6, 6-4. Area (7-7)
4 Mambo Italiano G.Napolitano 3-5-5 Only fitting Nap drives 4-1 Peng Shuai (29), China, def. Tamira Paszek, Aus- All Times EDT QUARTERFINALS
Pawtucket (Red Sox) .............. 23 21 .523 41⁄2
3 Totally Empressive P.Berry 8-2-7 Should get smoother trip 8-1 tria, 6-3, 6-2. (x-if necessary) Friday's games
9 Bongo T.Buter 2-2-3 …..from the clouds 7-2 Marion Bartoli (11), France, def. Anna Tatishvili, Ge- CONFERENCE FINALS 8-9 winner at No. 1 Valley View (13-1)
(Yankees) ................................. 21 20 .512 5
5 Lucky Lucky Leo L.Stalbaum 2-x-6 It would be lucky 10-1 orgia, 1-6, 6-2, 6-1. (Best-of-7) 2-15 winner vs. 7-10 winner at higher seed
Syracuse (Nationals)............... 19 23 .452 71⁄2 Maria Kirilenko (25), Russia, def. CoCo Vande- 3-14 winner vs. 6-11 winner at higher seed
6 Electrofire J.Pavia 7-3-7 NY import 9-2 Saturday, May 14
1 Bluff Point M.Kakaley 7-6-2 Weak Burke student 6-1 Buffalo (Mets)........................... 19 26 .422 9 weghe, United States, 7-6 (5), 6-2. Tampa Bay 5, Boston 2 4-13 winner vs. 5-12 winner at higher seed
2 Four Starz Elder M.Romano 4-3-3 Better at Saratoga 15-1 Rochester (Twins) ................... 17 25 .405 91⁄2 Aleksandra Wozniak, Canada, def. Junri Namigata, Sunday, May 15 SEMIFINALS
8 Kid Cruiser A.Miller 5-5-7 One more race left 20-1 South Division Japan, 6-1, 6-1. Vancouver 3, San Jose 2 May 31
W L Pct. GB Kaia Kanepi (16), Estonia, def. Sofia Arvidsson, Quarterfinal winners at higher seeds
Fourteenth-$9,000 Cond.Pace;n/w $5,600 last 5 Sweden, 7-5, 6-1. Tuesday, May 17 CHAMPIONSHIP
6 Mr Hallowell G.Napolitano 7-8-7 Takes the nightcap 7-2 Durham (Rays)......................... 24 20 .545 — Iryna Bremond, France, def. Evgeniya Rodina, Boston 6, Tampa Bay 5 June 2
5 Rock N Bliss B.Simpson 6-6-8 Raced here in the past 4-1 Gwinnett (Braves) ................... 22 21 .512 11⁄2 Russia, 6-3, 4-6, 8-6. Wednesday, May 18 Semifinal winners at PNC Field, 7 p.m.
1 Artist Point T.Buter 7-6-7 Gets into the action 3-1 Charlotte (White Sox) ............. 20 22 .476 3 Caroline Wozniacki (1), Denmark, def. Kimiko Date- Vancouver 7, San Jose 3 __________
2 Yankee Devil H.Parker 6-7-8 Little else left 9-2 Norfolk (Orioles) ...................... 15 29 .341 9 Krumm, Japan, 6-0, 6-2. Thursday, May 19
8 Hanks Kid M.Kakaley 4-6-6 Kakaley still the top pilot 6-1 Heather Watson, Britain, def. Stephanie Foretz Ga- Boston 2, Tampa Bay 0
3 M A Roy A.Napolitano 9-9-7 Usually double- digit odds 10-1
West Division
con, France, 7-6 (6), 6-1. Friday, May 20 CLASS 2A
W L Pct. GB
4 Sir Beach Dragon D.Ingraham 8-7-6 Fire is gone 8-1 San Jose 4, Vancouver 3 FIRST ROUND
Columbus (Indians) ................. 31 14 .689 —
7 Native Justice A.McCarthy 7-7-7 One worse than seventh 15-1 Saturday, May 21 Wednesday's games
9 Night Call J.Taggart 9-8-8 See you tomorrow 20-1 Louisville (Reds) ...................... 25 19 .568 51⁄2 Tampa Bay 5, Boston 3, series tied 2-2 •No. 16 Carbondale (0-14) at No. 1 Lake-Lehman
Toledo (Tigers) ........................ 22 24 .478 91⁄2 A H L Sunday, May 22 (14-1)
Indianapolis (Pirates)............... 20 25 .444 11 Vancouver 4, San Jose 2, Vancouver leads series •No. 15 GAR (2-12) at No. 2 Meyers (13-2)
•No. 14 West Side Tech (3-11) at No. 3 Mountain
Monday's Games
Pawtucket 12, Toledo 2
Playoff Glance 3-1
View (10-4), 4 p.m.
Monday, May 23
Holy Cross at Hanover Area Columbus 3, Durham 2, 8 innings All Times EDT Tampa Bay at Boston, 8 p.m. •No. 13 Holy Cross (5-9) at No. 4 Hanover Area
L O C A L Northwest at Riverside Indianapolis at Scranton/Wilkes-Barre, 6:35 p.m. (x-if necessary) Tuesday, May 24
•No. 12 Northwest (6-8) at No. 5 Riverside (8-6)
Rochester 5, Syracuse 0
C A L E N D A R Dunmore at Montrose
Lakeland at Holy Redeemer Charlotte at Buffalo, 7:05 p.m.
FIRST ROUND San Jose at Vancouver, 9 p.m. •No. 11 Dunmore (6-8) at No. 6 Montrose (8-6)
Gwinnett at Lehigh Valley, ppd., rain BEST OF 7 Wednesday, May 25 •No. 10 Lakeland (6-8) at No. 7 Holy Redeemer
Elk Lake at Mid Valley, 3 p.m. EASTERN CONFERENCE Boston at Tampa Bay, 8 p.m.
Louisville at Norfolk, 7:15 p.m. (8-6)
Tuesday District 2 Class A tournament
Tuesday's Games Portland 4, Connecticut 2 Thursday, May 26 •No. 9 Elk Lake (7-7) at No. 8 Mid Valley (7-7), 3
Wyoming Seminary at MMI Prep, 4:30 p.m. x-Vancouver at San Jose, 9 p.m.
H.S. BASEBALL Pawtucket at Toledo, 10:30 a.m. Thursday, April 14: Portland 3, Connecticut 2 p.m.
H.S. BOYS VOLLEYBALL Saturday, April 16: Portland 3, Connecticut 2, OT Friday, May 27 QUARTERFINALS
District 2-4 Class 4A tournament District 2 playoffs Indianapolis at Scranton/Wilkes-Barre, 10:35 a.m.
(4:30 p.m.) Durham at Columbus, 10:35 a.m. Sunday, April 17: Connecticut 3, Portland 1 x-Tampa Bay at Boston, 8 p.m. Friday's games
(At Marywood University) Tuesday, April 19: Connecticut 3, Portland 1 1-16 winner vs. 8-9 winner at higher seed
Wallenpaupack at Wyoming Valley West Third-place match, 5 p.m. Gwinnett at Lehigh Valley, 10:35 a.m. Saturday, May 28
Delaware Valley at Hazleton Area Syracuse at Rochester, 11:05 a.m. Thursday, April 21: Portland 5, Connecticut 4 x-San Jose at Vancouver, 8 p.m. 2-15 winner vs. 7-10 winner at higher seed
Championship, 30 minutes after first match Saturday, April 23: Portland 6, Connecticut 4 3-14 winner vs. 6-11 winner at higher seed
District 2 Class A tournament H.S. GIRLS SOCCER Louisville at Norfolk, 12:15 p.m.
(4:30 p.m.) Charlotte at Buffalo, 7:05 p.m. Binghamton 4, Manchester 3 4-13 winner vs. 5-12 winner at higher seed
Forest City at Old Forge
District 2 semifinals
(At Lake-Lehman H.S.) Wednesday's Games Thursday, April 14: Manchester 2, Binghamton 1 D I S T R I C T 2 SEMIFINALS
May 31
Susquehanna at Blue Ridge
Berwick vs. Holy Redeemer, time TBA No games scheduled Friday, April 15: Binghamton 4, Manchester 3, OT
Sunday, April 17: Manchester 5, Binghamton 4, OT
B A S E B A L L Quarterfinal winners at higher seeds
District 2 semifinals
Coughlin vs. Dallas, time TBA
Tuesday, April 19: Manchester 6, Binghamton 3 P L AY O F F S CHAMPIONSHIP
June 2
At highest remaining seed starting at 5 p.m. Wednesday, April 20: Binghamton 5, Manchester 4,
District 2 Class 4A tournament
Delaware Valley at Abington Heights, 4:45 p.m. E A S T E R N OT
Friday, April 22: Binghamton 2, Manchester 1, 2OT
District champions advance to PIAA tournament
Semifinal winners at PNC Field, 4:30 p.m.
(All times 4:30 p.m., unless noted)
District 2 Class 3A tournament
(All 4:30 p.m.)
Wyoming Valley West at Hazleton Area, 4:30 p.m.
Scranton at Williamsport, 4 p.m.
L E A G U E Saturday, April 23: Binghamton 6, Manchester 5, __________
Honesdale at West Scranton OT CLASS A
District 2 Class A tournament Wilkes-Barre/Scranton 4, Norfolk 2
Western Wayne at Scranton Prep At A Glance
Pittston Area at Berwick
Old Forge at MMI Prep, 4:30 p.m.
All Times EDT Friday, April 15: Norfolk 2, Wilkes-Barre/Scranton 1 CLASS 4A (DISTRICT 2-4) QUARTERFINALS
Forest City at Mtn. View, 4 p.m. Saturday, April16: Norfolk 2, Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Today's games
Coughlin at Crestwood H.S. GIRLS LACROSSE Eastern Division QUARTERFINALS •No. 7 Forest City (0-14) at No. 2 Old Forge (11-3)
Wyoming Area at North Pocono 0 Today's games
PIAA Play-In Game W L Pct. GB Tuesday, April 19: Wilkes-Barre/Scranton 2, Norfolk •No. 6 Susquehanna (2-12) at No. 3 Blue Ridge
District 2 Class 2A tournament Midd-West at Wyoming Seminary, 5 p.m. •No. 6 Wallenpaupack (2-12) at No. 3 Wyoming (7-7)
(4:30 p.m. unless noted) New Hampshire (Blue Jays) . 27 16 .628 — 1 Valley West (9-5)
New Britain (Twins) ............... 24 16 .600 11⁄2 Wednesday, April 20: Wilkes-Barre/Scranton 4, Wednesday's game
Carbondale at Dunmore, 3 p.m. •No. 5 Delaware Valley (5-9) at No. 4 Hazleton •No. 5 Wyoming Seminary (4-10) at No. 4 MMI
Holy Cross at Montrose Reading (Phillies)................... 24 18 .571 21⁄2 Norfolk 2 Area (9-6)
Friday, April 22: Wilkes-Barre/Scranton 2, Norfolk 1 Prep (5-9)
GAR at Lake-Lehman Trenton (Yankees) ................. 24 18 .571 21⁄2 SEMIFINALS SEMIFINALS
Mid Valley at Hanover Area Saturday, April 23: Wilkes-Barre/Scranton 6, Nor- Thursday's games
Binghamton (Mets) ................ 13 26 .333 12 folk 3 Thursday's games
Meyers at Riverside Portland (Red Sox) ................ 13 27 .325 121⁄2 4-5 winner at No. 1 Scranton (13-2) 4-5 winner at No. 1 Lackawanna Trail (13-1)
Lackawanna Trail at Lakeland
WVC Division I West championship
W H A T ’ S O N T V Western Division
Charlotte 4, Hershey 2
Thursday, April 14: Charlotte 5, Hershey 4
3-6 winner at No. 2 Williamsport (13-4)
2-7 winner vs. 3-5 winner at higher seed
W L Pct. GB Sunday, April 17: Hershey 4, Charlotte 2 CHAMPIONSHIP
Dallas vs. Tunkhannock, 4:30 p.m. Coal St. Park, May 31 May 31
Wilkes-Barre MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL Harrisburg (Nationals)............. 20 19 .513 — Tuesday, April 19: Hershey 3, Charlotte 2 Semifinal winners at PNC Field, 7:30 p.m.
7 p.m. Wednesday, April 20: Charlotte 3, Hershey 2 Semifinal winners at PNC Field, 4:30 p.m.
Altoona (Pirates) ...................... 22 21 .512 — __________
Wednesday MLB — Regional coverage, Cincinnati at Philadel-
Bowie (Orioles) ........................ 22 22 .500 1
Friday, April 22: Charlotte 5, Hershey 3
phia or Toronto at N.Y. Yankees Sunday, April 24: Charlotte 2, Hershey 1, OT
District 2 Class 3A tournament
ROOT – Atlanta at Pittsburgh Erie (Tigers) ............................. 20 21 .488 1 WESTERN CONFERENCE CLASS 3A F I G H T
Akron (Indians)......................... 21 23 .477 1 ⁄2
(4:30 p.m. unless noted) 8 p.m.
SNY, WGN — N.Y. Mets at Chicago Cubs Richmond (Giants) .................. 20 23 .465 2
Manitoba 4, Lake Erie 3
Saturday, April 16: Lake Erie 6, Manitoba 4
Wednesday's games
Crestwood at Tunkhannock
Nanticoke at Pittston Area 10 p.m. Monday's Games Sunday, April 17: Manitoba 3, Lake Erie 2, OT •No. 15 Crestwood (3-12) at No. 2 Tunkhannock
MLB — Regional coverage, Florida at San Francis- Portland 7, New Hampshire 3 Tuesday, April 19: Lake Erie 2, Manitoba 1 (12-2) May 27
Honesdale at West Scranton At Reno Events Center, Reno., Nev. (ESPN2),
Berwick at Western Wayne co or St. Louis at San Diego Bowie 7, Altoona 3 Thursday, April 21: Lake Erie 6, Manitoba 3 •No. 14 Nanticoke (3-12) at No. 3 Pittston Area
MEN'S COLLEGE TENNIS Binghamton at New Britain, ppd., rain Friday, April 22: Manitoba 2, Lake Erie 0 (11-4) Chris Arreola vs. Kendrick Releford, 10, heavy-
Coughlin at Abington Heights, 4:45 p.m. weights; Tony Thompson vs. Maurice Harris, 12,
Scranton Prep at Dallas 10:30 p.m. Erie 6, Richmond 3 Sunday, April 24: Manitoba 3, Lake Erie 1 •No. 13 Honesdale (4-10) at No. 4 West Scranton
Harrisburg at Akron, 7:05 p.m. Tuesday, April 26: Manitoba 4, Lake Erie 1 (12-3) IBF heavyweight eliminator.
North Pocono at Wyoming Area ESPN2 — NCAA Division I playoffs, championship
District 2 Class 2A tournament match, teams TBD, at Palo Alto, Calif. (same-day Tuesday's Games Hamilton 4, Oklahoma City 2 •No. 12 Berwick (4-10) at No. 5 Western Wayne May 28
(4:30 p.m. unless noted) tape) New Hampshire at Portland, 6 p.m. Thursday, April 14: Hamilton 5, Oklahoma City 2 (9-5) At the Mazatlan (Mexico) International Center, Pe-
Carbondale at Lake-Lehman Bowie at Altoona, 6:30 p.m. Saturday, April 16: Hamilton 2, Oklahoma City 1 •No. 11 Coughlin (6-9) at No. 6 Abington Heights dro Guevara vs. Mario Rodriguez, 12, WBC Silver
NBA BASKETBALL light flyweight title; Jorge Linares vs. Francisco Cor-
GAR at Meyers Binghamton at New Britain, 6:35 p.m. Tuesday, April 19: Oklahoma City 2, Hamilton 0 (8-6), 4:45 p.m.
8:30 p.m. •No. 10 Scranton Prep (6-8) at No. 7 Dallas (8-6) dero, 10, for the WBA International lightweight title.
West Side Tech at Mountain View, 4 p.m. TNT — Playoffs, conference finals, game 4, Chica- Trenton at Reading, 6:35 p.m. Wednesday, April 20: Oklahoma City 5, Hamilton 2

THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ M A J R O L E A G U E B A S E B A L L TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2011 PAGE 3B

Mets owner comes down on his ‘star’ players

The Associated Press ing team in a newly released There’s been speculation the million, seven-year contract the good kid. A very good player.” cago Cubs at Wrigley Field.
NEW YORK — Jose Reyes profile in “The New Yorker.” He shortstop wants a contract simi- outfielder signed with the Mets “Not a superstar,” Wilpon Much of the magazine story
isn’t worth all the money he made the comments during the lar to the $142 million, seven- after his monster 2004 postsea- said. focuses on Wilpon and his Mets
wants. Carlos Beltran is no long- Mets’ 4-3 loss to Houston on year deal that Carl Crawford son for Houston, when he hit In a statement released by his getting caught in Bernard Ma-
er a top-tier player. David April 20. signed in the offseason. eight homers and scored 21 agent, Wright said: “Fred is a doff’s Ponzi scheme.
Wright isn’t a superstar. “Lousy clubs, that’s what hap- “He’s a racehorse,” Wilpon runs in 12 playoff games. good man and is obviously go- Madoff told “The New York-
Those aren’t merely the opin- pens,” Wilpon remarked after said of the often-injured speed- “We had some schmuck in ing through some difficult er” that Wilpon “must feel that I
ions of some disgruntled New the Mets missed an early ster. New York who paid him based times. There is nothing more betrayed him, as do most of my
York Mets fan. Those thoughts chance to score, then gave up “He thinks he’s going to get on that one series,” Wilpon said, productive that I can say at this friends who were involved.”
come straight from the owner of some runs. “We’re snake-bitten, Carl Crawford money,” he said. referring to himself. “He’s 65 to time.” “I don’t think Fred could be a
the team. baby.” “He’s had everything wrong 70 percent of what he was.” The Mets are 22-24 and were nicer guy than he is,” Madoff
Fred Wilpon had sharp words Reyes can become a free with him. He won’t get it.” As for Wright, Wilpon said off Monday. They start a series said. “He obviously loves base-
for the All-Stars and his teeter- agent at the end of the season. Beltran is finishing up a $119 the third baseman is “a really Tuesday night against the Chi- ball and loves the team.”


Utley’s return S TA N D I N G S


East Division
Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away

sparks offense
New York ....................................... 25 21 .543 — — 5-5 L-1 15-13 10-8
Tampa Bay..................................... 26 22 .542 — — 3-7 L-1 11-13 15-9
Boston ............................................ 25 22 .532 1
⁄2 1
⁄2 8-2 L-1 16-10 9-12
Toronto........................................... 24 23 .511 11⁄2 11⁄2 7-3 W-1 11-11 13-12
Baltimore........................................ 21 24 .467 31⁄2 31⁄2 5-5 W-2 12-14 9-10
Central Division
W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away
Cleveland....................................... 30 15 .667 — — 7-3 W-4 19-4 11-11
Detroit............................................. 24 23 .511 7 11⁄2 5-5 W-2 12-8 12-15
Kansas City ................................... 22 24 .478 81⁄2 3 3-7 L-2 17-13 5-11
Chicago.......................................... 22 27 .449 10 41⁄2 6-4 L-1 10-13 12-14
Minnesota ...................................... 15 30 .333 15 91⁄2 3-7 L-3 4-11 11-19
West Division
W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away
The Associated Press ing the ninth inning before Texas ............................................. 25 23 .521 — — 5-5 W-2 16-9 9-14
Los Angeles .................................. 24 24 .500 1 2 3-7 W-1 11-11 13-13
PHILADELPHIA — Jimmy Michael Bourn tied it with his Seattle ............................................ 22 24 .478 2 3 6-4 W-5 11-12 11-12
Oakland.......................................... 22 25 .468 21⁄2 31⁄2 3-7 L-5 11-12 11-13
Rollins, Placido Polanco and two-out, full-count double NATIONAL LEAGUE
Raul Ibanez homered to back down the right-field line that East Division
W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away
Cole Hamels, and the Philadel- scored two against Kenley Philadelphia................................... 29 18 .617 — — 4-6 W-1 17-9 12-9
Florida ............................................ 26 19 .578 2 — 5-5 L-1 14-12 12-7
phia Phillies handed the Cin- Jansen (1-1). Atlanta ............................................ 26 23 .531 4 2 5-5 L-1 14-10 12-13
cinnati Reds their sixth Bill Hall started the rally New York .......................................
Washington ...................................
straight loss, 10-3 on Monday with a one-out single and An- Central Division
night. gel Sanchez walked with two St. Louis .......................................
— —
Chase Utley returned to outs. Hall and Sanchez ad-
Milwaukee ....................................
Philadelphia’s lineup after vanced on a double steal to put Pittsburgh..................................... 22 24 .478 5 41⁄2 4-6 L-1 9-12 13-12
Chicago ........................................ 20 25 .444 61⁄2 6 4-6 L-1 9-13 11-12
missing the first 46 games with the tying runs in scoring posi- Houston ........................................ 17 30 .362 101⁄2 10 3-7 W-1 9-13 8-17
a right knee injury. The five- tion for Bourn. W L
West Division
Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away
time All-Star second baseman San Francisco ............................... 27 19 .587 — — 7-3 W-5 13-5 14-14
Colorado ........................................ 23 22 .511 31⁄2 3 4-6 L-3 11-10 12-12
was 0 for 5, the only starter Brewers 11, Nationals 3 Arizona........................................... 23 23 .500 4 31⁄2 8-2 W-6 16-10 7-13
Los Angeles .................................. 21 27 .438 7 61⁄2 3-7 L-2 11-14 10-13
without a hit.
MILWAUKEE — Corey Hart San Diego ...................................... 19 28 .404 8 ⁄2 8 4-6 L-3 8-18 11-10
His teammates did all the
hit his first three home runs AMERICAN LEAGUE NATIONAL LEAGUE The Philadelphia Phillies’ Jimmy Rollins hits a three-run home
damage. Sunday's Games Sunday's Games
this season and drove in seven Cleveland 12, Cincinnati 4 Cleveland 12, Cincinnati 4 run off Cincinnati Reds starting pitcher Bronson Arroyo in the
A struggling offense that had N.Y. Yankees 9, N.Y. Mets 3 N.Y. Yankees 9, N.Y. Mets 3
to tie both club records, lifting Houston 3, Toronto 2 Houston 3, Toronto 2 third inning of a game Monday in Philadelphia.
nine runs combined in the Tampa Bay 4, Florida 0 Tampa Bay 4, Florida 0
previous six games scored nine the surging Milwaukee Brew- Detroit 2, Pittsburgh 0 Detroit 2, Pittsburgh 0

by the third inning. ers past the Washington Na- Texas 2, Philadelphia 0
Baltimore 2, Washington 1
Texas 2, Philadelphia 0
Baltimore 2, Washington 1

Family of
That was more than enough tionals. Chicago White Sox 8, L.A. Dodgers 3
St. Louis 9, Kansas City 8, 10 innings
Milwaukee 3, Colorado 1
Chicago White Sox 8, L.A. Dodgers 3 Astros 4, Dodgers 3
for Hamels (6-2). He allowed Hitless in his previous 11 L.A. Angels 4, Atlanta 1
San Francisco 5, Oakland 4, 11 innings
St. Louis 9, Kansas City 8, 10 innings
L.A. Angels 4, Atlanta 1
Los Angeles Houston
ab r h bi ab r h bi
three runs and five hits in six at-bats, Hart smacked two-run Seattle 6, San Diego 1 San Francisco 5, Oakland 4, 11 innings Furcal ss 4 0 1 0 Bourn cf 4 1 1 2
Arizona 3, Minnesota 2 Seattle 6, San Diego 1 Miles 2b 4 0 1 0 Barmes ss 3 0 1 0

Giants fan
innings. shots in the first and fifth in- Boston 5, Chicago Cubs 1 Arizona 3, Minnesota 2 Loney 1b 4 0 1 0 Pence rf 5 0 2 1
Boston 5, Chicago Cubs 1 Kemp cf 4 1 1 1 Ca.Lee 1b-lf 3 0 0 0
nings off Tom Gorzelanny (2-4) Monday's Games
Cleveland 3, Boston 2 Monday's Games Gions rf 3 0 1 0 Michals lf 3 0 0 0
Astros 4, Dodgers 3 to reach 100 homers for his Detroit 6, Tampa Bay 3
Toronto 7, N.Y. Yankees 3
Philadelphia 10, Cincinnati 3
L.A. Dodgers at Houston, (n) GwynJ lf 1 0 0 0 ph-1b 1 0 0 0
HOUSTON — Hunter career. He finished with a Texas 4, Chicago White Sox 0 Milwaukee 11, Washington 3 Sands lf-rf 1 0 0 0 CJhnsn 3b 4 0 0 0

is grateful
Seattle at Minnesota, (n) St. Louis at San Diego, (n) Navarr c 4 1 1 0 Hall 2b 4 2 4 0
Pence’s two-out RBI single in three-run homer off Doug Oakland at L.A. Angels, (n) Tuesday's Games Mitchll 3b 3 1 0 0 Quinter c 3 0 1 1
Tuesday's Games Arizona (J.Saunders 0-5) at Colorado (De La Rosa Kershw p 2 0 0 0 MDwns ph 1 0 0 0
the ninth inning lifted the Slaten with two outs in the Boston (Beckett 3-1) at Cleveland (Carmona 3-4), 5-2), 3:10 p.m., 1st game Ethier ph 1 0 1 1 Norris p 1 0 0 0
MacDgl p 0 0 0 0 Bogsvc ph 1 0 0 0
Houston Astros to a win over eighth. 7:05 p.m. Atlanta (Jurrjens 5-1) at Pittsburgh (Morton 5-1),
Guerrir p 0 0 0 0 Escaln p 0 0 0 0

for arrest
Kansas City (Duffy 0-0) at Baltimore (Britton 5-2), 7:05 p.m.
Jansen p 0 0 0 0 Fulchin p 0 0 0 0
the Los Angeles Dodgers. Prince Fielder also homered 7:05 p.m.
Tampa Bay (W.Davis 4-4) at Detroit (Verlander 4-3),
Cincinnati (Cueto 2-1) at Philadelphia (Worley 2-0),
7:05 p.m. AngSnc ph 0 1 0 0
Totals 31 3 7 2 Totals 33 4 9 4
The Astros trailed 3-1 enter- for Milwaukee. 7:05 p.m.
Toronto (R.Romero 4-4) at N.Y. Yankees (Sabathia
L.A. Dodgers (Billingsley 2-4) at Houston (Happ
3-5), 8:05 p.m. Los Angeles....................... 010 000 200 — 3
4-3), 7:05 p.m. N.Y. Mets (Niese 3-4) at Chicago Cubs (Dempster Houston.............................. 001 000 003 — 4
Chicago White Sox (Peavy 1-0) at Texas (D.Holland 2-4), 8:05 p.m. Two outs when winning run scored.
3-1), 8:05 p.m. Washington (L.Hernandez 3-6) at Milwaukee (Nar- E—Bourn (1). DP—Los Angeles 1, Houston 2.
AMERICAN LEAGUE ROUNDUP Seattle (Fister 2-4) at Minnesota (Blackburn 3-4),
8:10 p.m.
veson 2-3), 8:10 p.m.
Arizona (Collmenter 3-0) at Colorado (Chacin 5-2),
LOB—Los Angeles 5, Houston 9. 2B—Navarro (1),
Bourn (11), Hall 2 (7). HR—Kemp (11). SB—Kemp The Associated Press
(13), Bourn (18), Hall (1), Ang.Sanchez (2). CS—
Oakland (Moscoso 0-0) at L.A. Angels (Haren 4-2),
10:05 p.m.
8:40 p.m., 2nd game
St. Louis (McClellan 6-1) at San Diego (Harang 5-2), Sands (2). S—Norris. SAN FRANCISCO — Rela-

Bautista, Arencibia
Wednesday's Games
Boston at Cleveland, 12:05 p.m.
10:05 p.m.
Florida (Nolasco 3-0) at San Francisco (Cain 3-2), Los Angeles
IP H R ER BB SO tives of a San Francisco Giants
Tampa Bay at Detroit, 1:05 p.m. 10:15 p.m. Kershaw ...................
MacDougal H,2 .......
fan who was brutally beaten
Toronto at N.Y. Yankees, 1:05 p.m. Wednesday's Games
Seattle at Minnesota, 1:10 p.m. Atlanta at Pittsburgh, 12:35 p.m. Guerrier H,8............. 1 1 0 0 1 1 outside Dodger Stadium two
Chicago White Sox at Texas, 2:05 p.m. Washington at Milwaukee, 1:10 p.m. Jansen L,1-1
months ago were grateful Mon-

lead Jays over Yanks

Kansas City at Baltimore, 7:05 p.m. L.A. Dodgers at Houston, 2:05 p.m. BS,1-2 ...................... 2⁄3 3 3 3 1 2
Oakland at L.A. Angels, 10:05 p.m. St. Louis at San Diego, 6:35 p.m.
Cincinnati at Philadelphia, 7:05 p.m. Norris ........................ 7 6 3 2 3 5 day after police arrested a sus-
N.Y. Mets at Chicago Cubs, 8:05 p.m.
Arizona at Colorado, 8:40 p.m.
Escalona .................. 1⁄3
Fulchino W,1-2........ 12⁄3
1 pect with a violent criminal re-
Florida at San Francisco, 10:15 p.m. HBP—by Jansen (Barmes). Balk—Norris.
Umpires—Home, Bill Welke;First, Mike Estabrook-
;Second, Jeff Nelson;Third, Marty Foster.
T—3:07. A—22,579 (40,963).
The parents and two sisters
of Bryan Stow made a brief ap-
The Associated Press Ogando (5-0) struck out six A L B O X E S Tampa Bay pearance outside San Francis-
Hellickson L,5-3 ...... 61⁄3 4 2 2 4 4 Brewers 11, Nationals 3
NEW YORK — J.P. Arenci- and walked three. Blue Jays 7, Yankees 3 Howell....................... 11⁄3 1 2 2 1 1 Washington Milwaukee co General Hospital, looking
J.Cruz ....................... 0 2 2 2 2 0
bia hit a three-run double in a Danks struck out three and Toronto New York C.Ramos .................. 1⁄3 0 0 0 0 1 Berndn cf
h bi
2 1 Weeks 2b
ab r h bi
3 3 1 0 relieved but still shaken by the
ab r h bi ab r h bi Detroit
five-run sixth inning and Jose walked two in his third career RDavis cf 5 0 1 0 Jeter ss 5 0 0 0 Coke ......................... 31⁄3 2 1 1 1 1
Dsmnd ss
Werth rf
1 0
0 0
Kotsay 1b
C.Hart rf
0 0 0 0
4 3 3 7
nearly two-month ordeal of
CPttrsn lf 5 1 1 0 Grndrs cf 2 3 0 0 Furbush W,1-0 ........ 32⁄3 2 0 0 1 3
Bautista homered to back spot complete game. Bautist rf 3 2 1 1 Teixeir 1b 4 0 1 0 Benoit H,6 ................ 1 0 0 0 1 1
L.Nix lf
WRams c
2 0
0 0
Braun lf 5 1 2 0
BBoggs pr-lf 0 1 0 0
caring for the badly injured fa-
starter Carlos Villanueva and YEscor ss
JRiver 1b
3 0 1 0 AlRdrg 3b
3 1 1 0 Cano 2b
4 0 2 0
3 0 1 3
Valverde................... 1 2 2
J.Cruz pitched to 4 batters in the 8th.
2 2 0 Morse 1b 4 1 1 1 Fielder 1b 4 1 1 1 ther of two and awaiting news
Storen p 0 0 0 0 Dillard p 0 0 0 0
lift the Toronto Blue Jays to a Tigers 6, Rays 3 A.Hill 2b 4 2 2 1 Martin c 4 0 0 0 HBP—by Furbush (Shoppach). WP—J.Cruz, Val- Slaten p 0 0 0 0 McGeh 3b 5 0 1 0 that his attackers had been
EThms dh 3 1 0 1 Posada dh 4 0 0 0 verde. Espinos 2b 2 0 0 0 Lucroy c 4 1 2 1
7-3 victory over the New York DETROIT — Victor Marti- Arencii c 4 0 2 4 Gardnr lf 4 0 2 0 Indians 3, Red Sox 2 Bixler pr 0 1 0 0 YBtncr ss 4 1 2 1 found.
Encrnc 3b 3 0 0 0 Dickrsn rf 4 0 0 0 HrstnJr 3b 4 1 2 1 CGomz cf 4 0 0 0
Yankees on Monday night. nez hit a two-run double and JMcDnl 3b 1 0 0 0 Boston
ab r h bi
ab r h bi Grzlny p 2 0 0 0 Gallard p 3 0 0 0 Stow, a 42-year-old paramed-
Totals 34 7 9 7 Totals 34 3 6 3
Starting in place of injured Jhonny Peralta had a two-run Toronto............................... 100 005 010 — 7
Ellsury cf
Pedroia 2b
0 0
1 1
Brantly cf
ACarer ss
4 1 1 1
4 1 3 2
HRdrgz p 0 0 0 0 Estrad p
0 0 0 0
ic, remains in critical but stable
Jesse Litsch, Villanueva (2-0) single in the eighth inning, New York ........................... 000 101 010 — 3
E—Encarnacion (11), Y.Escobar (4). LOB—Toron-
Sutton pr-2b 0 0 0 0 Choo rf 4 0 0 0 Stairs ph
SBurntt p
1 0 0 0 ph-2b
0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 condition under heavy seda-
AdGnzl 1b 3 0 1 0 T.Buck dh 3 0 0 0
limited the Yankees to two hits lifting the Detroit Tigers to a to 5, New York 8. 2B—C.Patterson (12), A.Hill (10), Youkils 3b 3 0 0 0 LaPort 1b 3 0 0 0 Cora 1b 1 0 0 0 tion to prevent seizures caused
Arencibia (7), Gardner (5). HR—Bautista (19). SB— Ortiz dh 4 0 1 0 OCarer 2b 3 0 0 0 Totals 37 3 8 3 Totals 37111210
and a run in five innings. With 6-3 win over the Tampa Bay Granderson (5), Gardner 2 (8). CS—R.Davis (5). J.Drew rf 4 0 1 0 Hannhn 3b 2 0 1 0 Washington ..................... 010 000 002 — 3 by the traumatic brain injury
S—Y.Escobar. SF—Cano. Everett
a looping curveball, he struck Rays on Monday night. IP H R ER BB SO Lowrie ss 4 0 1 0 pr-3b 0 1 0 0
Milwaukee........................ 300 030 05x — 11
E—Cora (1), Y.Betancourt 2 (5). LOB—Washing-
he suffered in the March 31 at-
out the side to open his first Charlie Furbush (1-0) Villanueva W,2-0..... 5 2 1 1 1 5
Crwfrd lf
Sltlmch c
4 2 2 1 Kearns lf
3 0 0 0 Marson c
2 0 1 0
2 0 0 0
ton 9, Milwaukee 6. 2B—Desmond (10), L.Nix (7),
Braun 2 (7), Lucroy (6), Y.Betancourt (7).
Frasor ....................... 1 1 1 1 1 0
start since Oct. 3, 2009, for pitched 3 2-3 scoreless innings Rauch ....................... 11⁄3 1 1 1 1 3
CSantn 3B—Hairston Jr. (1). HR—Morse (3), C.Hart 3 (3), Los Angeles police raided an
ph-c 1 0 0 0 Fielder (11). SB—C.Hart (2).
Milwaukee. of relief in his major league L.Perez..................... 2⁄3
F.Francisco .............. 1
2 Totals 31 2 7 2 Totals 28 3 6 3 IP H R ER BB SO East Hollywood apartment
Boston ................................ 001 010 000 — 2 Washington
Arencibia added an RBI debut after Detroit starter Phil New York
Colon L,2-3 .............. 6 7 6 6 4 8 Cleveland ........................... 000 100 02x — 3 Gorzelanny L,2-4 .... 5 8 6 6 1 6 building Sunday and arrested
H.Rodriguez ............ 1 0 0 0 0 2
single in the eighth, and Bau- Coke was injured. Noesi ........................ 3 2 1 1 0 0 E—Masterson (1). DP—Boston 1, Cleveland 3.
LOB—Boston 6, Cleveland 3. 2B—A.Cabrera (10), S.Burnett .................. 1 0 0 0 1 0 Giovanni Ramirez, 31, on sus-
Umpires—Home, Scott Barry;First, John Hirsch-
tista didn’t disappoint in his Former Rays reliever Joaquin beck;Second, Wally Bell;Third, Laz Diaz. Kearns (4). HR—Crawford (2), A.Cabrera (10). Storen....................... 2⁄3
Slaten........................ 1⁄3
picion of assault with a deadly
T—3:00. A—41,946 (50,291). SB—A.Cabrera (7). CS—Ellsbury (6), Hannahan
matchup with Curtis Gran- Benoit worked a scoreless Rangers 4, White Sox 0 (1). Milwaukee
Gallardo W,6-2........ 7 5 1 1 1 9
weapon. The case was submit-
derson as the top two sluggers eighth. Jose Valverde gave up Chicago Texas Boston Estrada.....................
Dillard .......................
ted to the Los Angeles County
ab r h bi ab r h bi C.Buchholz .............. 71⁄3 4 2 2 2 4
in baseball. Bautista crushed a two runs in the ninth but Pierre lf 4 0 1 0 Kinsler 2b 4 0 2 0 Bard L,1-4 BS,2-2 ... 1⁄3 2 1 1 0 0 HBP—by Gorzelanny (Weeks), by Dillard (Espino- district attorney’s office and
pitch from Bartolo Colon (2-3) avoided a total collapse by AlRmrz ss
A.Dunn dh
0 0
0 0
Andrus ss
JHmltn dh
3 0 0 0
4 2 2 1
R.Hill ......................... 1⁄3
0 0 0 0 1
Umpires—Home, Tim Welke;First, Lance Barksda- was under review.
le;Second, Adrian Johnson;Third, Fieldin Culbreth.
in his first at-bat, sending a line getting former Tiger Johnny Konerk 1b
Quentin rf
1 0
0 0
MiYong 1b
Gentry cf
4 0 3 0
0 0 0 0
Masterson ................ 72⁄3
R.Perez .................... 0
0 T—2:56. A—22,906 (41,900). Ramirez has a violent past,
drive over the 399-foot marker Damon to line out to first base- Przyns c
Rios cf
1 0
0 0
ABeltre 3b
N.Cruz lf-rf
2 1 0 1
4 1 1 2
J.Smith W,2-1.......... 1⁄3
C.Perez S,13-14 ..... 1
according to court records. In
in left-center for his 19th man Miguel Cabrera with two McPhrs 3b 3 0 0 0 DvMrp cf-lf 3 0 1 0 R.Perez pitched to 1 batter in the 8th.
T H I S D A T E I N 1999, he pleaded guilty to one
Bckhm 2b 2 0 2 0 Napoli c 3 0 0 0 HBP—by Masterson (Youkilis, Ellsbury).
homer of the season. on. Morlnd rf-1b 3 0 0 0 B A S E B A L L count of attempted robbery af-
Totals 29 0 5 0 Totals 30 4 9 4
Jeremy Hellickson (5-3) Chicago.............................. 000 000 000 — 0 ter he grabbed a purse from a
May 24
Rangers 4, White Sox 0 allowed two runs and four hits Texas.................................. 100 002 01x — 4
N L B O X E S 1918 — Cleveland’s Stan Coveleski pitched 19 in- woman boarding a bus and she
E—Kinsler (6). DP—Chicago 1, Texas 2. LOB— nings in the Indians’ 3-2 victory over the New York
ARLINGTON, Texas — Josh in 6 1-3 innings. Chicago 5, Texas 5. 2B—Kinsler (14), J.Hamilton Yankees. Former pitcher Joe Wood hit a home run was thrown to the ground.
Hamilton and Nelson Cruz
(4), Dav.Murphy (5). 3B—Mi.Young (3). HR—J.Ha-
milton (1), N.Cruz (8). CS—Mi.Young (1). SF—
Phillies 10, Reds 3 for the win.
He was sentenced to a year
1935 — In the first major league night game in Cin-
Cincinnati Philadelphia
both homered in their return to Indians 3, Red Sox 2 A.Beltre.
IP H R ER BB SO ab r h bi ab r h bi
cinnati, the Reds beat the Philadelphia Phillies 2-1 in jail and placed on three years
before 25,000.
Chicago Stubbs cf 4 0 0 0 Rollins ss 5 2 2 3
the Texas Rangers lineup and CLEVELAND — Asdrubal Danks L,0-7 ............. 8 9 4 4 2 3 Janish ss 4 0 0 0 Utley 2b 5 0 0 0
1936 — Tony Lazzeri, batting eighth for the New
York Yankees, drove in 11 runs with a triple and
of probation. An assault charge
Votto 1b 4 0 0 0 Baez p 0 0 0 0
Alexi Ogando threw a five- Cabrera’s two-out RBI double Texas
Ogando W,5-0 ......... 9 5 0 0 3 6 BPhllps 2b 4 1 1 0 Polanc 3b 4 2 2 2 three home runs — two of them grand slams — in a was dropped by prosecutors.
25-2 rout of the Philadelphia A’s.
hitter for his first career shut- in the eighth inning — the Umpires—Home, Brian Runge;First, Tim McClel-
land;Second, Marvin Hudson;Third, Ted Barrett.
Ondrsk p
Rolen 3b
0 0 0 0 Howard 1b
3 1 1 0 Ibanez lf
4 1 2 0
4 2 2 2 1940 — The New York Giants beat the Boston Bees In 2005, Ramirez was con-
8-1 before 22,260 in the first night game at the Polo
out. latest big hit delivered by Cle- T—2:05. A—30,861 (49,170). Bruce rf
FLewis lf
4 1 3 3 Ruiz c
4 0 0 0 Brown rf
3 1 3 0
4 0 1 0 Grounds. victed of possessing or import-
1940 — The Cleveland Indians edged the Browns
The sluggers were back in veland’s shortstop — rallied Tigers 6, Rays 3 Hanign c
Arroyo p
2 0 0 0 Mayrry cf
1 0 0 0 Hamels p
4 1 1 2
3 1 1 1 3-2 in the first night game at Sportsman’s Park in St. ing for sale composite or hard
the Texas lineup together for the Indians to a win over the Tampa Bay
ab r h bi
ab r h bi
Malony p 1 0 0 0 Stutes p 0 0 0 0 Louis. The crowd of 24,827 was the largest in at-
tendance since 1922.
wooden knuckles, a misde-
Frazier ph 1 0 0 0 Gload ph 1 0 0 0
the first time in almost six Boston Red Sox, who also lost BUpton cf
Damon dh
3 1 0 0 AJcksn cf
5 0 2 0 SSizmr 2b
3 0 1 0
4 1 1 0
Arrdnd p 0 0 0 0 Bastrd p 0 0 0 0 1947 — Brooklyn’s Carl Furillo batted for Gene Her-
manski — in the first inning — and hit a three-run
meanor. Records indicate he
Cairo 2b 0 0 0 0 WValdz 2b 0 0 0 0
weeks. second baseman Dustin Pe- Longori 3b 2 0 0 1 Boesch rf 4 1 1 0 Totals 32 3 5 3 Totals 37101410 homer. Why the move? Phillies manager Ben served about 15 months and
Zobrist rf-2b 4 0 1 0 C.Wells rf 0 0 0 0 Chapman started righty Al Jurisch just to pitch to
Hamilton, the reigning AL droia with a leg injury. SRdrgz 2b-ss 3 0 0 0 MiCarr 1b 3 1 1 1 Cincinnati ......................... 000 300 000 — 3
Philadelphia .................... 207 100 00x — 10
Brooklyn’s first two hitters: Pee Wee Reese and was released on parole on Dec.
FLopez 1b 3 0 0 0 VMrtnz dh 3 1 1 2 Jackie Robinson. Reese struck out and Robinson
MVP, got his first homer of the Cabrera, who went 5 for 5 Ktchm 1b 1 0 0 0 Dirks lf 3 1 1 1 LOB—Cincinnati 5, Philadelphia 5. 2B—Howard walked. Lefty Oscar Judd, warming up from the 30, 2006.
Shppch c 2 0 0 0 JhPerlt ss 3 0 1 2 (10), Ruiz (4), Brown (1). HR—Bruce (12), Rollins start, came in to pitch to the next three lefty hitters:
season when he pulled a liner with two homers and five RBIs Jaso ph 0 1 0 0 Avila c 2 0 0 0 (3), Polanco (3), Ibanez (5). Pete Reiser, Dixie Walker, and Hermanski. Reiser Two drug-related charges as
EJhnsn ss 2 0 1 0 Inge 3b 2 1 0 0 IP H R ER BB SO
over the right-field wall in the on Sunday, drove his double off Joyce rf 2 1 1 0 Cincinnati
walked and Walker popped out. Furillo came in for
Hermanski and connected to give the Dodgers a 3-0
well as one count of firing a
Arroyo L,3-5............. 22⁄3 10 9 9 1 2
first off John Danks (0-7), who reliever Daniel Bard (1-4) to Fuld lf
3 0 1 2
30 3 6 3 Totals 27 6 7 6 Maloney ................... 31⁄3 3 1 1 1 2
lead. The Dodgers lost to Philadelphia 4-3 in 10 in-
weapon in public were dismis-
also threw a complete game. the wall in left field, scoring Tampa Bay......................... 000 100 002 — 3 Arredondo ................
Ondrusek .................
1964 — Harmon Killebrew of the Minnesota Twins sed.
Detroit................................. 000 011 04x — 6 hit the longest home run in Baltimore’s Memorial
Hamilton added a double in Michael Brantley and helping E—Mi.Cabrera (4). DP—Tampa Bay 2. LOB—Tam-
Hamels W,6-2.......... 6 5 3 3 2 4
Stadium, a 471-foot shot to left-center off right- Records obtained by The As-
pa Bay 8, Detroit 5. 2B—Damon (6), Boesch (11), hander Milt Pappas.
the eighth. the Indians win their fourth V.Martinez (11). HR—Dirks (1). SB—B.Upton (8).
Stutes .......................
Bastardo ...................
1984 — Jack Morris led the Tigers to their 17th sociated Press show Ramirez
straight road win, setting an AL record. Morris al-
Cruz hit his eighth homer, a straight and improve to 19-4 at CS—E.Johnson (3), Mi.Cabrera (1). S—Fuld,
A.Jackson. SF—Longoria.
Baez.......................... 1 0 0 0 0 1 lowed four hits and Detroit beat the California An- sometimes went by the monik-
HBP—by Hamels (Rolen). Balk—Hamels.
two-run homer in the sixth. home. gels 5-1. er “Bug Daddy Laine.”

PAGE 4B TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2011 ➛ S P O R T S THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com


Djokovic now 38-0 in 2011

AP Tennis Writer At a glance
PARIS — Shhhhhh! Don’t say a PARIS — A look at the French
word. Novak Djokovic is perfect Open on Monday:
so far in 2011, and superstition de- Weather: Sunny, windy. High of
79 degrees.
mands silence, lest he be jinxed. Attendance: 34,431.
Djokovic himself insists he Men’s Seeded Winners: No. 2
isn’t keeping tabs on his unbea- Novak Djokovic, No. 3 Roger
ten run, which reached 38-0 this Federer, No. 9 Gael Monfils, No.
season — and 40 consecutive vic- 10 Mardy Fish, No. 12 Mikhail
tories dating to December — Youzhny, No. 13 Richard
Gasquet, No. 15 Viktor Troicki,
thanks to a 6-2, 6-1, 6-3 win over No. 23 Thomaz Bellucci, No. 25
Thiemo de Bakker of the Nether- Juan Martin del Potro, No. 27
lands in the first round of the Marcos Baghdatis, No. 28
French Open on Monday. Nikolay Davydenko, No. 29
“I’m not counting,” the second- AP P HOTO Janko Tipsarevic.
seeded Djokovic said with a Novak Djokovic reacts as he Men’s Seeded Losers: No. 6
Tomas Berdych, No. 22 Michael
smile. defeats Thiemo de Bakker dur-
Llodra, No. 26 Milos Raonic.
“I’m not trying to think about ing a first round match at the Women’s Seeded Winners: No.
the streak that I have,” he added, French Open tennis tournament 1 Caroline Wozniacki, No. 3 Vera
Scott Davis was named the MEAC Player of the Year in baseball. “even though it’s definitely some- at the Roland Garros stadium in Zvonareva, No. 5 Francesca
thing that makes me proud.” Paris Monday. Schiavone, No. 9 Petra Kvitova,

Davis had big year despite injury

Others certainly are thinking No. 11 Marion Bartoli, No. 12
about it. Indeed, it’s the talk of since Jim Courier in 1992. Agnieszka Radwanska, No. 16
Kaia Kanepi, No. 25 Maria
the year’s second Grand Slam Djokovic called it an “amazing Kirilenko, No. 28 Daniela
tournament. Straight-set victo- streak,” and acknowledged, of Hantuchova, No. 29 Peng
ries Monday at Roland Garros by course, that he never could have Shuai, No. 30 Roberta Vinci.
Scott Davis had a standout as our starting shortstop and other top players such as Roger expected to be unbeaten in late Women’s Seeded Losers: No.

season with the Delaware hit in the middle of our li- Federer, top-seeded Caroline May. 26 Nadia Petrova, No. 31 Klara
State baseball team, but it neup,” coach Rob McCoy said. Wozniacki or defending cham- “I’m really trying to have the Zakopalova.
Stat of the Day: 40 —
could have been even better “He started slowly, but really pion Francesca Schiavone — and right mental approach to every consecutive victories by
had he not been injured late BILL ARSENAULT picked up his game as the even 2010 semifinalist Tomas match that I play, try to think Djokovic, dating to December,
in the season. continue to use my gymnas- season went on. I think he Berdych’s surprising five-set loss about only winning, about (my) making him the sixth man in
Davis (Lake-Lehman) fin- tics and athletic skills.” learned what playing at this to a French qualifier — didn’t next opponent,” Djokovic said. the Open era with a winning
ished the season hitting .418 Bieski capped off her four- level was all about and ad- merit as much attention as Djo- “This is what keeps me on the streak of that length. He’s 38-0
(74-for-177) with a team-high year career at West Virginia justed his game.” kovic did. ground and keeps me very fo- in 2011.
Quote of the Day: “He’s still
17 doubles, a triple and a by being named East Atlantic But McCoy is looking for The Serb, who won his second cused.”
No. 1, so he’s definitely the man
home run. He had 32 RBI Gymnastics League (EAGL) an even better effort from Australian Open title in January, He says his success is due to a to beat here.” — Djokovic about
and 48 runs scored. He also Gymnast and Senior of the Wilson next season. is closing in on the Open era re- combination of factors, including five-time French Open
stole nine bases in 10 at- Year. She won the bars title at “I expect much more out of cord for best start to a tennis sea- a gluten-free diet, which he has champion Rafael Nadal.
tempts. the conference championships John next year,” the coach son by a man, John McEnroe’s declined to discuss in any detail On Court Tuesday: No. 1 Rafael
The performance earned the and earned four all-league said. “He will be in a lead- 42-0 in 1984. He’s also only the in Paris — “I can’t talk about it,” Nadal vs. John Isner; No. 4
5-foot-10, 180-pound junior honors, which gave her a ership role and his game will sixth man in the Open era to win Djokovic explained Monday, “be- Andy Murray vs. Eric Prodon;
No. 5 Robin Soderling vs.
Mid-Eastern Athletic Confer- career total of 17. She totaled go a long way toward leading 40 matches in a row; Guillermo cause it’s private” — but credits Benjamin Becker; No. 2 Kim
ence Player of the Year and a 1,940.6 career points which is this team toward achieving Vilas set the high of 46 in 1977. with helping him overcome pre- Clijsters vs. Anastasiya
first-team All-MEAC. second all-time at West Virgin- our goal of winning a confer- But Djokovic’s pals on tour vious problems with allergies Yakimova; No. 4 Victoria
“I was very pleased to see ia. ence title.” aren’t exactly making a big deal and playing in extreme heat. Azarenka vs. Andrea
Scott pick up the MEAC Bieski recently graduated Niagara finished 8-40 overall about it at the moment. In the second round, he’ll meet Hlavackova; No. 6 Li Na vs.
award,” coach J.P Blandin with a degree in speech pa- and 5-19 in the Metro Atlantic “In the beginning — I know 60th-ranked Victor Hanescu of Barbora Zahlavova Strycova;
No. 7 Maria Sharapova vs.
said. “Before Scott strained a thology and audiology. Athletic Conference, but the him very well — I’d kind of joke, Romania. Win that, and Djokovic Mirjana Lucic.
hamstring, he was leading our “We are so proud of Amy,” team had just two seniors on ’Hey, let someone else win.’ ... could take on 25th-seeded Juan Tuesday’s Forecast: Cloudy
conference in multiple cate- coach Jason Butts said. “Her the roster. Now you almost stay away. It’s al- Martin del Potro of Argentina. and windy. High of 72.
gories and was in the top five success at the tryouts is a ZACK TO NATIONALS – most like a pitcher going for a no- The 2009 U.S. Open champion
in the country in batting aver- testament to the amazing For the third straight season, hitter,” said the highest-seeded hasn’t been the same player since
age (.443).” combination of athleticism Moravian junior Gary Zack American, No. 10 Mardy Fish, right wrist surgery last year but (1), 7-6 (7) struggle.
Despite the injury, Davis and grace she possesses.” will be competing in the who beat Ricardo Mello of Brazil got past 6-foot-10 Ivo Karlovic of But Monday’s Federer looked
played in the MEAC Tourna- HONORS FOR WENNER – NCAA Division III Outdoor 6-2, 6-7 (11), 6-2, 6-4. Croatia 6-7 (7), 6-3, 7-5, 6-4, then more like the Federer people are
ment and had two hits and Cedar Crest softball standout Track Championships. And “I don’t want to say anything declared: “I’m not thinking about used to seeing, even if he’s “only”
two RBI as the Hornets were Shannon Wenner (MMI Prep) this time, at least on paper, about it,” Fish explained. “I don’t Djokovic yet.” reached two semifinals and two
eliminated 9-3 by Norfolk earned second team All-Colo- the 5-foot-11, 200-pounder has want to be the guy that says, ’Hey, Way down the line, Djokovic’s quarterfinals at the past four ma-
State last weekend. They were nial State Athletic Conference a shot at earning All-Amer- by the way, you’re 38-0,’ or what- semifinal opponent could be Fe- jor tournaments. The man who
2-3 in the tourney. honors and also earned a spot ican honors in the javelin. ever he is. ’Don’t lose.’ I don’t derer, who completed his career upset him at Wimbledon en route
“Scott’s determination and on the league’s Sportsmanship Zack (Crestwood), who want to be that guy, and then Grand Slam by winning the 2009 to last year’s final, the sixth-seed-
leadership showed in the team. made the finals as a fresh- have him lose.” French Open, part of his 16 major ed Berdych, made a quick exit,
tourney,” Blandin said. “He Wenner, a first baseman, man, is seeded second in this Back on April 1, Djokovic titles overall. blowing a two-set-to-none lead,
played every game just two batted .402 (35-for-87) with a year’s meet which is being moved to 23-0 this season by “Roger can beat anybody if he then later wasting a match point,
weeks after his injury.” team-high 11 doubles, a triple held Thursday through Sat- beating Fish in the semifinals in plays good,” was the assessment in a 3-6, 3-6, 6-2, 6-2, 9-7 loss to
Delaware State finished and a team-high three home urday in Delaware, OH. The Key Biscayne, Fla. offered by Feliciano Lopez, the 140th-ranked Stephane Robert.
26-29. runs. She was second in RBI javelin will begin at 3 p.m. Djokovic then defeated No. 1- Spaniard who never managed to Two other seeded men lost:
“We’re looking forward to (18) and led the team in runs Saturday. ranked Rafael Nadal in the final earn a single break point Monday No. 22 Michael Llodra of France,
Scott’s return for his senior scored (26). She also posted a Zack earned the second there, part of a 7-0 mark against and lost to Federer 6-3, 6-4, 7-6 and No. 26 Milos Raonic of Cana-
season with the Hornets,” 2-3 record as a spot starter spot in the javelin seeding by him and Federer in 2011. Victo- (3). da.
Blandin said. for the Falcons. And, in the capturing the title at the re- ries over Nadal — who begins his The last time Federer was in Llodra left on an ugly note, li-
DUDLEY WRAPS IT UP – field, she made eight errors cent ECAC Division III Cham- bid for a record-tying sixth title at tournament action, at Rome on kening the atmosphere at his
Senior Jade Dudley (Crest- on 183 chances (.956). pionships hosted by Moravian Roland Garros on Tuesday — on May 12, he was losing in the third court to an Arab marketplace af-
wood) ended a solid career Cedar Crest finished 11-20 in Bethlehem. His 219-7 ef- clay at Madrid and Rome this round. ter receiving a warning from Mo-
playing with the Coppin State overall and 10-12 in league fort, which came on his first month have many believing Djo- The last time he faced Lopez, roccan chair umpire Mohamed El
softball team. play. The Falcons missed the attempt, set a school record kovic could become the first man at Madrid a week earlier, Federer Jennati for throwing a ball at a fe-
Dudley batted .278 (27- playoffs by one game. and a meet record. The top to win the Australian Open and was forced to save a match point male security guard in the
for-97) with four doubles and CHRISMER BIDING TIME eight finishers in each event French Open in the same year before pulling out a 7-6 (13), 6-7 stands.
four home runs. She had 16 – Sophomore Derek Chrismer earn All-American honors.
RBI and 15 runs scored. Her (Crestwood) hit .293 (22- “Gary has positioned him-
slugging percentage was .443 for-75) with eight doubles and self as one of the best javelin INDIANAPOLIS 500
and her on-base percentage a home run playing in 27 throwers in the country and

Hunter-Reay will drive Foyt’s car

was .352. She also had a games with 21 starts for the I’m hoping he will be one of
standout season at first base, DeSales baseball team. He the four NCAA champions we
making just one error on 235 had 12 runs scored and 13 are hoping to have this week-
chances (.996). RBI. In the field, he made end,” coach Walter Wandall
“Jade came to Coppin when just one error on 110 chances said. “As I’ve said all season
the program was at its lowest (.991). long, anybody who works as By MICHAEL MAROT volvedinaswitchpreviously.Two bumped Saturday. Only John An-
point and was one of the “Derek had another solid hard as Gary should and will AP Sports Writer years ago, he was yanked out of dretti, Michael’s cousin, was able
prime players who was able season,” coach Tim Neiman be successful.” INDIANAPOLIS — An Andret- the No. 36 car by Conquest Rac- togethiscarbackintothestarting
to turn softball into a winning said. “He served as an impor- DUO HELPED PACERS – ti and a Foyt are teaming up to put ing,whichreplacedhimwithCan- grid during the first day of qualifi-
program,” coach Harry Hine- tant backup to senior Doc Senior Miranda Sorber Ryan Hunter-Reay back in the In- adian Alex Tagliani — this year’s cations.
line said. “She produced sev- Neiman (the coach’s son) and (Northwest Area) and sopho- dianapolis 500. pole-sitter. Things got even worse Sunday.
eral key hits in her senior appeared in many important more Talia Williams (Ber- After a disastrous weekend for But seeing drivers switch Danica Patrick had to pull out
year including a game-win- ball games throughout the wick) played right field and Michael Andretti’s team, the own- teams is out of the ordinary and of the qualifying line when her
ning home run against a team season.” left field, respectively, for the er and his father’s old rival have re- something that usually only hap- No. 7 car failed technical inspec-
(Mount St. Mary’s) we hadn’t Doc Neiman started 37 of Marywood softball team. ached a deal to get Hunter-Reay, pens if there’s money involved. tion, then had to wait through two
beaten in over 20 tries. She 38 games behind the plate Sorber hit .319 (30-for-94) the only American to win an Indy- “I can’t remember it ever hap- rain delays that nearly prevented
also played stellar first base this season and finished with with eight doubles, a triple Car race since April 2008, into A.J. pening with different teams,” her from qualifying for the race.
and was the anchor of our 145 starts in 152 games in his and a home run. She had 23 Foyt’s No. 41car for Sunday’s race. Barnhart said. Patrick’s three teammates did
infield.” career. RBI and 18 runs scored. She Details of the arrangement we- Hunter-Reay will have to start qualify later Sunday, then got
Among Dudley’s career 101 “Derek will be looked upon had three hits, two runs ren’t immediately available, but it from the back of the field. bumped. Mike Conway, who won
hits were 18 doubles and 16 as one of our key leaders next scored and two RBI in a 9-3 may have come down to cold, Seeing these two big IndyCar last month’s race at Long Beach,
home runs. year,” coach Neiman said. “He victory over Widener; two hard cash. names cooperate is strange, too, couldn’t requalify his car.
“Coppin State softball will is an outstanding young man hits, three runs and two RBI “We’ve been competitors for given the rivalry between the two And Marco Andretti made it
surely miss her,” Hineline both on and off the field.” in a 20-3 triumph over Keys- manyyears,butit’sstillthekindof patriarchs of the families — 1969 back in by bumping Hunter-Reay
said. The Bulldogs finished 28-18 tone and two hits and three relationship when someone is re- Indy winner Mario Andretti, Mi- off the starting grid on the final at-
BIESKI JOINS CIRQUE – with a 14-7 mark in the Free- RBI in a 16-1 victory over ally down and out, you don’t turn chael’s father, and Foyt, the four- tempt of the weekend, forcing the
West Virginia’s standout gym- dom Conference. The team Philadelphia Biblical. your back on them — at least I time Indy winner and this year’s team to find another way to get
nast Amy Bieski (Nanticoke was beaten in the playoffs. Williams hit .286 (22-for-77) can’t,” Foyt said in a statement. pace-car driver. Hunter-Reay in the race.
and Northeast Gymnastics) SOLID SEASON FOR WIL- with five doubles and a triple. “This is going back to the way rac- “Obviously, this is a unique cir- Michael Andretti called it his
has joined the Cirque do So- SON – Junior John Wilson She had 13 RBI and scored 12 ing used to be, where if people cumstance for our team, but the worst day as a team owner, and
leil system after a recent (Berwick) hit .277 (44-for-159) runs. She had two hits, two were in a lot of trouble, you tried thought of A.J. Foyt joining forces the fallout from this sub-par
three-day nationwide audition for the Niagara baseball team runs scored and an RBI in a to help each other.” with the Andrettis for the Indy month has already started.
in Orlando, FL. She didn’t with 15 doubles, six home 10-5 victory over Gwynedd The paperwork likely will be fil- 500couldresultinsomethingspe- On Monday, Tom Anderson,
sign a contract but is now runs with 30 RBI and 18 runs Mercy and the 20-3 triumph edonTuesday.Seriesofficialsstill cial,” Michael Andretti said. “It’s a Andretti’s competition director,
eligible for future productions. scored. His homers and RBI over Keystone. must approve the change, Brian credit to A.J. for being willing to lost his job.
“This is a great opportunity led the team and his doubles The Pacers finished 22-17 Barnhart, IndyCar president of help us.” “We did get an email from Tom
that not many receive and I’m were second. He hit three overall and 15-7 in the Coloni- competition and racing oper- These are unusual times for An- Anderson saying he had been let
honored to have been select- doubles and had three RBI as al States Athletic Conference. ations, told The Associated Press. dretti Autosport, one of three go, that he appreciated his time at
ed,” Bieski said. “I am anx- the Purple Eagles closed out Changing drivers after qualify- teams with a race victory this sea- Andretti Autosport and that he is
ious and hopeful that I will their season with a 14-5 tri- Bill Arsenault covers colleges for ing is over is not unprecedented. son. looking at every avenue to get
be placed in a show. I’m umph over rival Canisius. The Times Leader. Reach him at Brazil’s Bruno Junqueira, who got Andretti came to Indy with five back into IndyCars,” Barnhart
thankful for the chance to “John stepped in right away billarsenault70@msn.com. the No. 41car into the field, was in- cars, all of which qualified and got said.

THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ S P O R T S TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2011 PAGE 5B


Royals advance Dallas loss forces

playoff for D2 crown
to face Berwick The Times Leader staff
BERWICK – Berwick defeat-
ed Dallas 6-4 Monday in a
Wyoming Valley Conference
D I S T R I C T 2
By JOHN ERZAR same time as dark cloud ho- softball game, preventing Dallas (One team advances to states)
jerzar@timesleader.com Wednesday's games
vered over the field. But the from clinching the Division I Delaware Valley (6-8) at Abington Heights (8-6),
4:45 p.m.
WILKES-BARRE – Only one threat of rain and possible light- West title. Wyoming Valley West (2-12) at Hazleton Area
team could be the dark horse in ning, which would have ended Instead, Dallas (10-4) and (13-2), 4:30 p.m.
Scranton (2-12) at Williamsport (14-4), 4 p.m.
the District 2 girls soccer semi- the contest if it persisted, didn’t FRED ADAMS/FOR THE TIMES LEADER Tunkhannock (10-4) will play at Friday's games
DelVal/Abington winner at Wallenpaupack
finals. hasten Redeemer’s quest for a Holy Redeemer’s Megan Philips (20) is congrulated by Nina Pao- 4:30 p.m. today at Coal Street (13-1), 4:30 p.m.
And the two likeliest candi- tiebreaking score. (The rain and loni (25) and Shaina Dougherty after scoring the first goal Park in Wilkes-Barre for the ti- Valley West/Hazleton Area winner vs. Scranton/
Williamsport winner, site and time TBD
dates squared off for the desig- lightening came after all 80 against Lake-Lehman Monday afternoon. tle. The winner would then be Wednesday, June 1
Championship game, site and time TBD
nation in the quarterfinals on minutes were played). the second seed in the District 2
Monday. “We just continued playing Berwick 4, Meyers 0 School Wednesday at a time to Class 3A tournament, while the (One team advances to states)
And Holy Redeemer came out our game,” Hughes said. “We Berwick’s Olivia Rupp wasted be determined. loser will be the third seed and Today's games
(All 4:30 p.m.)
on top. had a spurt there in the first half little time in getting things Vanessa Parsons also scored play again on Wednesday. Honesdale (5-9) at West Scranton (6-8)
Western Wayne (3-11) at Scranton Prep (9-5)
Shaina Dougherty scored in for 10 minutes where we got out underway for the Bulldogs (13- for Dallas off an assist from Pittston Area (3-12) at Berwick (9-5)
the 51st minute to break a tie as of our game and it cost us a 1-1), scoring 30 seconds into the Wendy Greenwood. Crestwood 9, Pittston Area 1 Coughlin (4-11) at Crestwood (8-7)
Wyoming Area (4-10) at North Pocono (7-7)
the Royals went on for a 2-1 goal.” game as the Dawgs defeated Taryn Fickens made 13 saves Crestwood’s offense powered Wednesday's game
Holy Redeemer (2-13) at Dallas (10-4) or
victory over Lake-Lehman at That came a few minutes Meyers in a District 2 quarterfi- for the Warriors, whose season the Comets early, posting a win Tunkhannock (10-4), time TBD
Thursday's games
Eddie White Field. after Lehman’s Sarah Bray hit nal game. ends at 5-8-2. against Pittston Area. Honesdale/West Scranton winner at Valley
Del Val ............................................................. 0 0 — 0 View, 4:30 p.m.
Redeemer (7-7) will play the crossbar with a shot. Bray Bella Jaffin assisted the score Dallas ............................................................... 2 1 — 3
Winning pitcher Alyssa Da- Western Wayne/Prep winner vs. Pittston
top-seeded Berwick (13-1-1) in made amends by scoring in the and also had a goal in the sec- First half: 1. DAL, Ashley Dunbar, 14th min; 2. DAL,
Vanessa Parsons (Wendy Greenwood), 16th; Sec-
vies threw a complete-game Area/Berwick winner, time and site TBD
Redeemer/Dallas or Tunkhannock winner vs.
the semifinals on Wednesday at 30th minute to tie the score 1-1. ond half with an assist from ond half: 3. DAL, Dunbar, 43rd min. two-hitter and Chrissy Perry Coughlin/Crestwood winner, time and site TBD
Shots: DV 6, DAL 19; Saves: DV 13 (Taryn Fick- North Pocono/Wyoming Area winner at Dallas or
Lake-Lehman High School. Kaylee Hillard started the play Rupp. ens), DAL 5 (Amber Young); Corners: DV 4, DAL 6. added a two-run home run for Tunkhannock, time TBD
Tuesday, May 31
Lehman ended its season at with a grounder toward the goal Karleigh Hartman added two Crestwood. Semifinals, sites and times TBA
6-7-2. and Bray flicked in. goals for Berwick, which will Coughlin 4, North Pocono 0 Melanie Snider chipped in Thursday, June 2
Championship, site and time TBA
Olivia Zurad started the scor- The goal erased a 1-0 lead play Holy Redeemer in the Ivy Nulton scored two first- two hits, two runs scored and
ing play by working toward the Redeemer took in the 17th min- semifinals on Wednesday at half goals and Brittany Kulesza two RBI for the Comets. (One team advances to states)
Today's games
left post well inside the penalty ute when Megan Phillips scored Lake-Lehman High School at a dished out two assists as the Kelly Keener knocked in the (4:30 p.m. unless noted)
area. As Lehman keeper Ashley off a corner kick by Hallie Rexer. time to be announced. Coughlin blanked North Pocono Patriots’ only run with a solo Carbondale (6-8) at Dunmore (8-6), 3 p.m.
Holy Cross (5-9) at Montrose (10-4)
Jackson came out to cut off Lehman, though, couldn’t erase The Mohawks end their sea- in the District 2 quarterfinals. home run in the seventh inning. GAR (2-12) at Lake-Lehman (11-3)
Pittston Area......................... 000 000 1 — 1 Mid Valley (2-12) at Hanover Area (12-2)
Zurad, the Redeemer junior the 2-1 deficit despite a solid son at 10-3-2. Kristi Gabriele added a goal Crestwood ............................ 720 000 0 — 9 Meyers (5-9) at Riverside (9-5)
Lackawanna Trail (6-8) at Lakeland (8-6)
grounded a shot to the far post. effort from forwards Bray and Meyers............................................................. 0 0 — 0 and an assist for the Crusaders WP – Alyssa Davies, 7 IP, 2H, 1R, 1ER, 0BB, 5K;
LP – Alyssa Talerico, 7 IP, 9H, 9R, 8ER, 0BB, 3K; Thursday's games
Berwick ............................................................ 2 2 — 4
The ball appeared heading into Shoshana Mahoney. First half: 1. BER,Olivia Rupp (Bella Jaffin), 1st (12-2-1), who will face Dallas 2B—none. 3B—none. HR—CRE, Chrissy Carbondale/Dunmore winner at Elk Lake (13-0),
4:30 p.m.
min; 2. BER, Karleigh Hartman (Abby Takacs) 3rd; Perry; PA, Kelly Keener . Top hitters – CRE, Perry
the goal, but there was no doubt “We came in being down in Second half: 3. BER, Hartman 43rd min; 4. BER, Wednesday at Lake-Lehman 1-1 2-run homerun, Melanie Snider 2-3 with 2RBI Holy Cross/Montrose winner vs. GAR/Lehman
Jaffin (Rupp) 44th. and 2 runs scored, Mary-Kate Coulter 2-2; PA, winner, site and time TBD
when Doughery raced in and the last three games and came Shots: MEY 3, BER 28; Saves: BER 1 (Sarah High School. The time of the Keener 1-3 solo homerun. Hanover Area/Mid Valley vs. Meyers/Riverside,
site and time TBD
poked it in. back from behind,” Lehman Wilczynski), MEY 17 (Alivia Weidler); Corners:
MEY 0, BER 9.
game has yet to be determined. Lakeland/Trail at Nanticoke (15-0), 4:30 p.m.
“All season we emphasize coach Kelly Spencer Adamshick Olivia Spagnola also scored. Meyers 9, Wyoming Tuesday, May 31
Semifinals, sites and times TBD
(following up shots),” Redeem- said. “The one goal didn’t phase Dallas 3, Delaware Valley 0 North Pocono ended its sea- Seminary 8 Thursday, June 2
Championship, site and time TBD
er coach Bob Hughes said. us to begin with. We came back Ashley Dunbar scored two son with an 8-5-2 record. Wyoming Seminary rallied
North Pocono ................................................. 0 0 — 0 CLASS A
“When we do our finishing drill, and tied it, but then they got unassisted goals as Dallas shut- Coughlin .......................................................... 2 2 — 4 late with two runs in the top of (One team advances to states)
they are always being yelled at that second goal.” out Delaware Valley in District 2
First half: 1. COU, Ivy Nulton (Brittany Kulesza),
12th min; 2. COU, Nulton (Kristi Gabriele), 17th min;
the seventh inning, but Meyers Wednesday's games
Old Forge (4-10) at MMI Prep (7-7), 4:30 p.m.
Lake-Lehman............................................... 1 0 — 1
‘Make sure you follow up your Holy Redeemer ........................................... 1 1 — 2 quarterfinals action. Second half: 3. COU Olivia Spagnola, 63rd min; 4. hung on for a win. Forest City (4-10) at Mtn. View (7-7), 4 p.m.
COU Gabriele ( Kulesza), 65th min. Friday's games
shots.’ The keepers in this First half: 1. HR, Megan Phillips (Hallie Rexer), 17th
min; 2. LL, Sarah Bray (Kaylee Hillard), 30th; Sec- The Mountaineers (9-3-2) will Shots: NP 1, COU 15; Saves: NP 11 (Meghan Amy Kowalczyk (double) and Old Forge/MMI winner at Northwest (13-1), 4:30
Utter), COU 1 (Amanda Sax); Corners: NP 0, COU
league, ours included, give up ond half: 3. HR, Shaina Dougherty (Olivia Zurad),
continue their playoff hopes in 7. Sarah McCann (home run) car- p.m.
Forest City/Mtn. View winner at Blue Ridge
rebounds and we were able to Shots: LL 13, HR 12; Saves: LL 3 (Ashley Jack-
the semifinal round against ried the Mohawks’ offense by (11-3), 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday, June 1
son), HR 5 (Sarabeth Kolodziej); Corners: LL 6, HR
finish it.” 3. Coughlin at Lake-Lehman High going 3-4 and 2-4, respectively. Championship, site and time TBD
The goal came about the Julie King earned the victory for
the Mohawks.
Tyler Linde and Kristina Yan-

bounced past a diving Lehman notta each had triples for the Tyler Linde, 6 IP, 10H, 9R, 8ER, 5BB, 4K;
outfielder for an RBI triple to pull LOOKING AHEAD 2B— MEY: Sarah McCann; Rachel Statler.
Blue Knights in the loss. 3B— MEY: Amy Kowalczyk; WS: Tyler Linde, Kris-
the Mohawks within a run. Next Game: 10:35 a.m. today Wyo. Seminary .................... 200 400 2 — 8
tina Yanotta. HR—MEY: Sarah McCann . Top hit-
ters – MEY: Kowalczyk, 3-4 with a triple, McCann
Lake-Lehman got the run back versus Indianapolis at PNC Meyers................................... 001 431 x — 9 2-4 with a double and homerun; WS: Linde 1-4 with
WP – Julie King, 7 IP, 9H, 8R, 6ER, 4BB, 3K; LP – a double, Yannotta 1-3 with a double.
Continued from Page 1B Continued from Page 1B Field
in the bottom of the frame when
Probable Pitchers: Indians
again, this time in the district fi- Yusha laced a double that Again in the fourth, two Indi- RHP Sean Gallagher (1-6, 7.71)
nals. The Mohawks knocked off brought home Jeff Carter. anapolis runners were on base

vs. Yankees RHP Adam McLane had four of his13 kills in
the Knights in last year’s semifi- Victor Garcia led off the bot- with one out before Phelps got Warren (2-1, 4.00) the seven-point run to finish off
nals before winning the district tom of the seventh for Meyers the next two batters to fly out to On Deck: After an off-day on WesternWayne(10-3).TheNo.5
title. with a walk, bringing McGovern end the threat. He threw 94 Wednesday, the Yankees
begin an eight-game road trip Comets play Holy Redeemer
Lehman’s Justin Cornell and on for three consecutive strike- pitches with 58 of them being Continued from Page 1B
on Thursday beginning with Tuesday at 7 p.m.
Meyers’ John Nargoski – making outs and the save. strikes. four in Louisville. off,” said Kablick. “We missed Abington Heights coach Dan
his first mound appearance since “A very well-played ballgame,” Whelan, who gave up a game- Radio: All games can be heard serves. We never miss serves. We Phillips said, “We got more ag-
April 18 – took the mound and LeValley said. “This was the winning home run to Lehigh on THE GAME (1340-AM) with still won the game despite giving gressive swinging and every-
drew most of the attention on cleanest game we played all year. Valley’s Erik Kratz on May 20, Mike Vander Woude them eighteen (points).” thing fell into place.”
Monday. … A very good dress rehearsal for put the Indians down in order in Holy Redeemer, ranked The Comets (14-3) won by
Cornell combined with Tyler districts.” the top of the ninth to record his Brandon Laird in the bottom of eighth in the state, coasted scores of 25-16, 11-25, 23-25, 25-
McGovern to throw a two-hitter 13th save of the season. the third. through the latter two games, 10, 15-9.
WVC Division II championship
while Nargoski struck out eight (at Wyoming Area) The Yankees scored twice in Notes: The Yankees began garnering early five-point leads. McLane finished with three
Lake-Lehman 3, Meyers 1
in five innings of work, looking Meyers Lake-Lehman the bottom of the second to Monday five games behind Le- John McCarthy, who finished blocks and seven points. Eric
sharp in the process. The Iona DiMaggio ss
ab r h bi
3 0 1 1 Murphy lf
ab r h bi
3 0 0 0 open a 2-0 lead. high Valley in the International with nine kills, was impactful in Wasser had 34 assists, five
recruit had missed much of the Szafran 2b
Garcia 3b
3 0 0 0 Everett 2b
2 0 0 0 Mathers ss
3 0 1 0
2 1 0 0
Justin Maxwell helped SWB League North division. It marks the third game with four kills, in- blocks, two aces and 15 points.
regular season with an injury. Owen c
Reilly rf
3 0 0 0 McGvn 1b-p 3 1 1 0
3 0 0 0 Carter pr 0 1 0 0
manufacture a run in the frame the first time since 2008 SWB cluding a spike to end the match. Drew Shoemaker tallied nine
“He threw well. He threw com- DeMarco 1b 2 0 0 0 Yursha cf 3 0 3 2 when he reached base on a sin- has been that many games be- “They started getting their of- kills and one ace. Dustin Ganz re-
Dubil p 1 0 0 0 Cornell p 0 0 0 0
fortably. He threw pain-free,” Nrgoski p-1b 2 0 0 0 Bean 1b 0 0 0 0 gle and stole second. He moved hind the division leader. The fense running,” said Forest City corded 21 digs and three kills.
Zionce lf 0 0 0 0 Paulsks dh 3 0 0 0
Meyers coach Matt Skrepenak Amesbury dh 2 0 0 0 CoBrbcci c 3 0 0 0 to third on a groundout by Bran- Yankees still overcame that def- coach Jake Erdmann. “(McCar- Western Wayne’s Kevin Botjer
Lavan cf 1 1 1 0 CuBrbcci 3b 2 0 1 0
said. “That’s very pleasing. It’s a Shurites rf 2 0 0 0 don Laird. Maxwell then scored icit to Pawtucket in July to win thy) started running a quick, and had 11 assists.
Totals 22 1 2 1 Totals 24 3 6 2
plus for him and it’s a plus for us Meyers...................................... 000 001 0 — 1
on a fielder’s choice off the bat of the division. The IronPigs were we had a tough time with him.”
going into the district tourna- Lake-Lehman .......................... 000 201 x — 3 Kevin Russo when he beat the rained out on Monday so the Holy Redeemer’s Dan Kopicki Coughlin 3, North Pocono 0
2B – Yursha; 3B – DiMaggio
ment.” IP H R ER BB SO throw home from Indians sec- deficit dropped to 4.5 games. had four kills and four digs. Pete Sixth-seeded Coughlin upset
The game was scoreless head- Nargoski (L, 2-1)...... 5.0 5 2 2 1 8 ond baseman Josh Harrison for Pawtucket remained in a sec- Alexis tallied 17 kills and three No. 3 North Pocono in the Dis-
Dubil........................... 1.0 2 1 1 0 1
ed into the bottom of the fourth Lake-Lehman a 1-0 lead. Russo came around to ond-place tie with the Yankees blocks. trict 2 Class 2A quarterfinals,
when Bryan Mathers drew a one- Cornell (W, 8-0) ....... 6+
McGovern (S)........... 1.0
score on an Indianapolis error to defeating Toledo…Five different The Royals’ Robert Wingert posting a 25-21, 25-22, 25-12
out walk that was followed by a put the Yankees up 2-0. Yankees – Austin Krum, Ramiro manufactured 29 assists, and sweep of the Trojans on Monday
single from McGovern. Pittston Area 13, The Indians cut the deficit to Pena, Jesus Montero, Maxwell Nick Saracino posted 12 service at Lackawanna Trail High
Senior Zack Yursha (3-3, 2 Holy Redeemer 11 2-1 in the top of the sixth when and Laird – had hits to account points. School.
RBI) came through for the The Division I East champion Alex Presley smashed a Phelps for the team’s five hits…SWB lef- Forest City was led by Dylan The Crusaders will now face
Knights, breaking the deadlock Patriots closed out the regular pitch to the gap in right-center ty reliever Randy Flores got two Walsh with seven ills and four the winner of Lackawanna Trail
with an RBI single. McGovern season with a win, beating the just out of the reach of diving outs on two pitches in the top of blocks. Chad Paulin had five as- and Crestwood in today’s semifi-
was then able to make it 2-0 on a Royals in a game that was called centerfielder Justin Maxwell. the eighth. sists and three kills. nals at 5 p.m. at Holy Redeemer.
heads-up play, dashing home in the bottom of the sixth due to Presley rounded the bases and YANKEES SECOND: Justin Maxwell infield Michael Shmakov (18 kills, 10
single and stole second. Brandon Laird grounded
from third while Yursha was rain. beat the throw home for an in- out, Maxwell to third. Kevin Russo reaches on fiel- Comets outlast Wildcats service points, 5 aces), Justin
caught in a rundown. Pittston Area (11-4) will be the side-the-park home run. der’s choice, Maxwell safe at home. Dan Brewer
walked, Russo to second. Gustavo Molina reac- Abington Heights finished on Coskey (12 kills, 7 service
Meyers had managed just one No. 3 seed in the District 2 Class Indianapolis starter Brad Lin- hes base on fielder’s choice, Brewer out at second.
Russo scores on throwing error. Austin Krum sin- a seven-point run to edge No. 5 points), Brian Suchoski (35 as-
baserunner against Cornell 3A tournament and host No. 14 coln (4-4) and reliever Chris Le- gled. Ramiro Pena struck out. YANKEES 2-0
Western Wayne in the fifth game sists, 3 service points) and Ri-
INDIANS SIXTH: Gorkys Hernandez struck
through five innings – an infield Nanticoke in the opening round roux combined to retire the last out. Alex Presley hit an inside-the-park home run. of the first round game at Holy chard Poplawski (10 digs, 5 ser-
John Bowker struck out. Matt Hague doubled. An-
single by Ross Lavan in the bot- on Wednesday. 16 Yankee hitters to come to bat dy Marte grounded out. YANKEES 2-1 Redeemer. vice points) led the effort for
tom of the third. But the Knights The Royals (8-7) slipped to the in the game after a single by Down 9-8 in the fifth, Andy Coughlin.
threw him out trying to steal sec- seventh seed in the Class 2A
ond, so Cornell faced the mini- bracket and will open at home
mum batters through five. against No. 10 Lakeland on DISTRICT 2 BASEBALL
“That’s been his best effort all Wednesday.

Postseason set to begin today ... weather premitting

year,” LeValley said of his ace. R.J. Emmett drove in three
“He was lights-out today. He’s a runs while Josh Savokinas went
big-game pitcher.” 2-for-3 with triple and two RBI for
The senior right-hander got the Patriots on Monday.
the first two outs of the sixth be- Christian Choman homered The Times Leader staff first-round games in the Class Monday for the Lackawanna by four WVC squads in No. 1
fore Lavan reached again with a for Redeemer. After a week of uncertainty, 4A and Class A brackets. League Division 1 title. That Lake-Lehman, No. 2 Meyers,
walk. Leadoff man Joe DiMaggio coaches throughout the In Class 3A and 2A, com- means third-seeded Wyoming No. 4 Hanover Area and No. 7
then hit a sharp liner that Wyoming Valley Conference mon sense prevailed, and Valley West will have to make Holy Redeemer. The Royals
were just happy to be back on teams are no longer sched- the long trip out to William- finished 8-7 in the regular sea-
a baseball field this weekend. uled to play three rounds in sport for the semifinals if the son but played exclusively
“We’ve had one goal, and And even happier to learn four days. Instead, those Spartans open with a win to- against 4A and 3A squads,
when they would be playing brackets will play two rounds day against Wallenpaupack. making them a dangerous op-
that’s to win districts. next. this week and the final two Valley View is again the top ponent once again.
That’s been an Persistent rain made sever- next week. All four tourna- seed in Class 3A, but it’s the In Class A, Lackawanna
al changes to the schedules of ments remain on pace to hold next three teams – No. 2 Trail put together an impres-
elusive prize for us.” all four District 2 tourna- their championship games at Tunkhannock, No. 3 Pittston sive season to claim the top
Mark LeValley ments, which were originally PNC Field in Moosic. Area and No. 4 West Scranton seed, but it will be tough to
Lehman coach slated to being Monday. Scranton claimed the top – that are the favorites to take knock off perennial district
The postseason officially seed in the Class 4A bracket, the title. champ Old Forge, which en-
begins today with a pair of beating West Scranton on The Class 2A bracket is led ters as the No. 2 seed.

PAGE 6B TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2011 ➛ S P O R T S THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com


Bulls: All we need to do is win

By TIM REYNOLDS the Bulls and Heat ranking 1-2 in Mavs rally from 15
AP Sports Writer field-goal percentage defense. down stun Thunder
MIAMI — All the Chicago Chicago has managed 160 points OKLAHOMA CITY — Dirk
Bulls say they need to do now is in Games 2 and 3, its lowest two- Nowitzki scored 40 points,
something they’ve already man- game total of the season, and Jason Kidd hit the go-ahead
aged 71 times this season, more keying on reigning NBA MVP 3-pointer with 40 seconds left
in overtime and the Dallas
than any other team in the Derrick Rose has been the big- Mavericks overcame a 15-point
league. gest — and most obvious — key. deficit in the final 5 minutes of
Win a game. Rose is 15 for 42 from the floor in regulation to stun the
It’s that simple. No need for Chicago’s last two losses. Oklahoma City Thunder 112-105
cluttered thinking now. Even af- The Heat want Rose to try to on Monday night and take a 3-1
ter everything that has gone do it alone. After all, not wanting lead in the Western
Conference finals.
wrong in the last two games of to have one star option — and Dallas didn’t lead until
the Eastern Conference finals only one star option — is why Nowitzki hit two free throws 16
against the Miami Heat — who Dwyane Wade, LeBron James seconds into overtime,
have handed the Bulls their first and Chris Bosh came together in needing to rally from a 99-84
two-game losing streak since the first place. deficit in the final 5 minutes of
February — Chicago knows it “There’s a reason why we’re regulation. The Mavericks
never let the Thunder go
can reclaim the upper hand in playing together,” Wade said.
ahead in the extra period.
the series by winning Game 4 in “After so many years of that, you Kevin Durant missed a
Miami on Tuesday night. want to do something else. 3-pointer on Oklahoma City’s
AP PHOTO Thing is, the Heat know that That’s the reason we’re playing opening possession of
Bruins left wing Brad Marchand celebrates his goal with center Tyler Seguin (19) against the Light- sort of thinking as well, since together. But he has a good overtime then didn’t get
ning in the second period of Game 5 of the NHL Eastern Conference finals in Boston on Monday. they had the same thoughts after team. ... He’s in a little different another shot until he missed a
a Game 1 blowout loss in Chica- world than we were in.” 3 off the front rim in the final
10 seconds with the Thunder

Bruins top Lightning, take a 3-2 lead

go. But to hear the Bulls tell it, de- down by five. He finished with
“All we’ve done to this point is fense let them down more than 29 points and 15 rebounds.
do exactly what they did at offense.
home,” Heat coach Erik Spoel- “We have to bring more inten-
By JIMMY GOLEN empty-netter with 12.1 seconds Milan Lucic 4:24 into the second stra said Monday as practice sity to the game,” Rose said In short, the Bulls will be des-
AP Sports Writer left to clinch it. The Lightning period — just Boston’s seventh wound down. “They won the Monday, after the Bulls met at perate.
BOSTON — Tim Thomas left the extra skater on the bench shot. first game at home and we have their downtown hotel and took a James says there’s only one
stopped 33 shots after allowing for the ensuing faceoff, but they Marchand also took a penalty to find a way in a possession break from the practice grind. way he and the Heat can answer
another early goal, and Brad Mar- couldn’t come through with any- in the second, then came back to game to come out ahead again “We have to be the first to the that.
chand scored the game-winner to thing more than some shoving af- score. After Zdeno Chara kept the tomorrow night. There is not go- floor, first on the rebounding “We’re playing desperate too,”
lead Boston to a 3-1 victory over ter the final whistle. puck in the zone, Patrice Berge- ing to be one easy possession in side. Guards still have to get in James said. “Both teams are
the Tampa Bay Lightning on Thomas bounced back after al- ron went to the faceoff circle to this series.” and rebound and help the bigs. playing hard. We’re just as des-
Monday night and put the Bruins lowing four straight goals in retrieve it, then passed it over to Chicago can attest to that. And we have to play more ag- perate as they are to win another
one win away from the Stanley Game 4 and may have saved the Marchand for an easy chip-in past Defense was clearly going to gressive on both ends. Way game at home.”
Cup finals. season when he stopped Steve Smith. be the norm in this series, with more.”
The victory gave Boston a 3-2 Downie with about 11 minutes Smith started 20 games in the
lead in the best-of-seven Eastern
Conference finals, with a chance
left, reaching out to put his stick
in front of the open net and pro-
regular season and came on in re-
lief of Dwayne Roloson twice in WILKES-BARRE
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Practical Nurse or a POOL section 8 approved.
References, securi-

ry late Monday afternoon. Coaches vs. Cancer charita- Registered Nurse in Round Above ty, first and last 950 Half Doubles
INCLASSIFIED! ciate. Asking
EXPLORER Pennsylvania and Ground. 18’ diag- months rent.
In a statement, Penn State ble organization. Doyouneedmorespace?
$10,000. Call
570-269-0042 must have good onal & 5’ deep. $725/month
Low mileage,
athletic director Tim Curley The Navy job opened up
communication and Includes solar 570-852-0252
A yard or garage sale Leave Message 63,500 miles, problem solving cover, heavy duty 570-675-1589
said the school would after Billy Lange resigned in classified automatic, all-wheel skills. Interstate ladder, Hayword
is the best way drive, 4 door, Blood and Plasma motor & other
launch a national search for earlier this month following anti-lock brakes, accessories. You
tocleanoutyourclosets! offers an excellent
a replacement. a second straight losing sea- You’re in bussiness
air conditioning, air
bags, power locks,
work environment, dismantle &
competitive wages remove. $700.
“Ed and his staff built a son. Lange took an assistant with classified! power windows, and benefits pack- 570-288-3205
strong foundation for the coaching job at Villanova.
150 Special Notices
HONDA `03 CR-V LX power mirrors,
power seats, all
age. The hours will
program,” Curley said in a It’s a setback for a Penn Dark blue. Good power, cruise
be afternoons into
early evenings.
Shopping for a
condition. Runs Carey Bridge Area
statement praising DeChel- State program seemingly al- great. 1 owner. Ask-
control, AM/FM Fax resume to new apartment? 1st floor, 3 large 55 Loomis St
radio, CD changer, 570-823-7366 or Classified lets
ing $5,500 rooms, washer, 3 bedroom, wall
lis’ work on and off the ready in perennial rebuild- (570) 470-7177
keyless entry, email apanzarella@ you compare costs - dryer, fridge, stove, to wall carpet,
leather interior, sun/ interstate
court. ing mode. This will especial- moon roof, rear bloodbank.com without hassle tile bath, wall to
wall, patio, off
full basement &
attic. Stove,
DeChellis’ eight-year run ly be a challenging season, defroster, rear or worry! street parking. fridge & water &
at Penn State includes the as Battle and three other se- ADOPT
Adoring couple
windshield wiper,
tinted windows.
551 Other Get moving
with classified!
$375 + electric.
garbage includ-
ed. No pets.
2009 NIT championship. He nior starters depart. Plus, check. Call $630+ security
was rewarded with a three- Battle’s half-brother, talent-
longs to share our
lives and give
(570) 362-0938
JOBS, JOBS, JOBS 909 Income &
570-332-8026 570-814-1356
your newborn Doyouneedmorespace? Apply
extension later that year ed guard Taran Buie, left the secure, endless 65,000 miles, good
A yard or garage sale Community Family Looking for that
condition, keyless Service Properties
that would have kept him in program following a rocky love.
entry, cassette/ in classified 102 Martz Manor special place
Expenses paid
Happy Valley until 2014. freshman year filled with off- radio + snow tires. is the best way Plymouth called home?
The school doesn’t typi- court issues.
Mindy and Rob
888-736-7567 $12,500
tocleanoutyourclosets! EDWARDSVILLE Classified will address
cally release salaries, though DeChellis finished with a
You’re in bussiness 566 Sales/Retail/ NANTICOKE Your needs.
an open records request in
2009 showed DeChellis
114-138 record at Penn State,
but was 41-95 in the regular
in the Classifieds!
with classified!
548 Medical/Health
Deluxe 1 bedroom,
2nd floor apart-
ment. Large bed-
room & living areas,
Open the door
with classified!
wall to wall carpet. 953 Houses for Rent
made more than $642,000. season in the Big Ten. 415 Autos-Antique
RNs DO YOU LIKE TO Includes all appli-
& Classic
Golden Care Home SHOP? GOT STYLE?
ances + washer /
dryer. All electric.
Must see. $425 +
“The Patch”
62-67 ½Thomas St
Health, seeking per utilities, first/ last. 3 bedrooms, 2 1/2
second-team all-state in diem nurses. Excel-
LOVE ANTIQUES? This would make an
awesome family No pets. baths. Large private
Class 3A team by a panel of CONTINENTAL lent rates and paid
mileage. Agency will We have a job for compound. No 570-735-0525 yard. Off
Pennsylvania sportswriters.
DeChellis led the Lions to Thomas Engle is cu.
4 door,
Convertible, 460
engine, 67,000
orient. Home care
experience a plus
you! $9.00/hour.
shortage of parking
on this unique prop-
erty. One single
Nice, recently reno-
neighborhood, no
pets. Washer /
Continued from Page 1B (Agency 26 years, dryer hookup. $850
home, one duplex
an NIT title in 2009 and car- the glasses miles, 1 owner Top 500, JCAHO). Paid vacation,
and an extra lot all
vated 1st floor 1
bedroom. Stove & / month + utilities &
since `69. Teal Call 570-654-2883 sick time, holi-
League school was the right ried them to a berth in the whisperer... green / white (EOE) days. Saturdays included. Homes Fridge included. references. Avail-
are right on the $500 + electric & able Immediately.
fit for his coaching career. NCAA tournament this Purveyor of the leather, restorable, included. Apply:
$2,500 570-287- Community Family Edwardsville/Larksvi garbage. Lease,
“(DeChellis) said it’s just March. Alexis said he re- areas finest 5775 / 332-1048 Services lle border. security, references
that he felt he had a calling mains unsure of who will eye/sun wear. 102 Martz Manor $129,900 Call for appointment
Clean out your Plymouth 11-252 and application.
to go to Navy,” he said. “I take over the helm in the Mirrors drop 439 Motorcycles
Call Betty 570-417-0088
don’t blame him for that. If Bryce Jordan Center. from the ceiling LINE UP
(570) 510-1736

you have a calling to go

so you can get
“The coaching staff might an instant good basement, garage A GREAT DEAL... SHEATOWN
Beautiful 1st floor, 2 IN CLASSIFIED!
somewhere, you have to go change; it might not,” Alexis
or attic and call the IN CLASSIFIED! Doyouneedmorespace?
1/2 bedroom. Stove
look. The and fridge. Large
there.” said. “(Assistant coaches refreshments are
HARLEY DAVIDSON ‘05 710 Appliances Smith Hourigan kitchen, on-site A yard or garage sale
In his final season with
the Royals, Alexis led the
Kurt) Kanaskie and Coach fresh. It's like
(Dan) Earl might still be glasses heaven.
CHOPPER Classified depart- WASHER & DRYER
laundry room. Off
street parking.
$600 + Cooking Gas
in classified
is the best way
ment today at 570-
Blue pearl, excellent in great condition. & Electric, security,
Wyoming Valley Conference there, or it might be a com- No. Its like condition, 3,100 Whirlpool and GE. Job Seekers are
in scoring, averaging 20.5 pletely different makeup. I’ll Fields of glasses. miles, some extras. Both work great.. looking here!
Where's your ad?
lease & background
check. Call tocleanoutyourclosets!
829-7130! You’re in bussiness
$11,500. $99. Eric
points per game. The 6- just have to see what hap- He will build it if or best offer. 609-433-5660
570-829-7130 and
ask for an employ-
for appointment
foot-11 center was named pens.” you go... Tony 570-237-1631 (Wilkes-Barre) ment specialist with classified!

THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2011 PAGE 7B


Low expectations New home sales, in thousands The Richmond Fed reports Medtronic earnings MDT $41.26
The world’s largest maker of medi- $45
There’s little optimism about the When investors are uneasy about the economy, they $40.32
cal devices has its first earnings ’10 ’11
Commerce Department’s report pay particular attention to the reports from the regional 40
on new home sales during April. Federal Reserve banks. On Monday, the Chicago Fed report since it named a new CEO.
350 35
The National Association of Re- said its index of eco- Omar Ishrak had been head of
altors said last week that sales nomic activity in its General Electric’s health care divi-
303 30

of previously occupied homes 300 region fell to the lowest sion. He won’t be taking control of
Operating $0.89 est.
fell 0.8 percent in April. That’s level since August. Medtronic until June 13, but the
usually high season for home Auto production was company’s fiscal fourth-quarter EPS $0.93
sales. And new homes tend to 250 down because the earnings and forecast for the 4Q ’10 4Q ’11
be more expensive. So the earthquake in Japan coming year will lay out the chal-
lenges he’ll be dealing with. Medi- Price-to-earnings ratio: 14
government’s report isn’t disrupted the flow of
based on past 12 months’ results
expected to show that a recov- 200 parts to the U.S. On cal device makers have been con-
ery in the housing market, even N D J F M A Tuesday, the Richmond tending with slow sales and Dividend: $0.90 Div. Yield: 2.2%
a slight one, is about to happen. Source: The Commerce Department Fed has its turn. increasing government regulation. Source: FactSet


BUSINESS timesleader.com

TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2011


Panel: Toyota should listen to outsiders

12,381.26 2,758.90 1,317.37
-130.78 -44.42 -15.90

By DEE-ANN DURBIN decision-making power to re- structure that made the com- the Insurance Institute for conference call with media.
AP Auto Writer gional executives outside Ja- pany slow to identify safety is- Highway Safety, an insurance- “There’s more to listening to
DETROIT — Toyota Motor pan. sues and react to them. Toyota funded group that conducts car customers than filling out
Corp. is too insular and doesn’t Toyota set up the panel last initially viewed customer com- safety tests, said data from checklists.”
I N B R I E F do a good job of incorporating year after it recalled millions of plaints about sticky pedals dealers, customers, govern- O’Neill said in 2001, Toyota
feedback from customers or vehicles for safety defects, in- with skepticism and defensive- ment regulators and other test got complaints about vibration
Department of Justice tries outside testing agencies into
its car designs, according to a
cluding sticky accelerator ped-
als. U.S. government testing
ness, the report said, and has
had an adversarial relationship
groups can be cumbersome
and difficult to decipher. But
and other issues in its newly re-
designed Camry. When the
to stop H&R Block action panel the company set up last
year after a series of safety re-
has since indicated that the
problems weren’t caused by
with federal regulators. There
was also poor communication
it’s crucial to pay attention to it
and use it to track potential de-
next-generation Camry came
out five years later, there were
The Department of Justice is trying calls. electronics or software, but between various regions even fects and improve design. similar complaints, indicating
to halt H&R Block’s plans to acquire The seven-member panel al- most likely by ill-fitting floor though they shared vehicle “I think Toyota understands the company didn’t alter the
the creator of TaxACT software, saying so said Toyota should appoint mats or driver error. parts. that now, but I don’t think they production process, design or
the deal would reduce competition in executives who are responsible The panel said the recalls ex- Brian O’Neill, a panel mem- understood that early on in Ja- testing after the first round of
the do-it-yourself tax preparation mar- for safety and should give more posed problems in Toyota’s ber and the former president of pan,” O’Neill said Monday in a complaints.
The federal agency said it has filed
an antitrust lawsuit.

Verizon exec
H&R Block Inc. announced plans in APPLE PRODUCTION STRATEGY
October to acquire 2SS Holdings Inc.,
which makes TaxACT software, for

shrugs off
$287.5 million in cash. H&R Block said
it would combine its H&R Block At
Home digital business and the TaxAct
business into a single unit led by Tax-

AT&T deal
Act management, but will continue to
sell both brands.
The Justice Department says the
deal would “substantially lessen” com-
petition and lead to higher prices and
less innovation.
The Dallas Morning News
DALLAS — While Sprint
Sales increase for Campbell Nextel Corp. and AT&T Inc.
have wrestled noisily and pub-
Campbell Soup Co. said Monday
licly over AT&T’s proposed
that its fiscal third quarter earnings
purchase of T-Mobile USA Inc.,
rose 11 percent as sales increases in its
Verizon Wireless has stayed
snack, food service and international
businesses offset a decline in its core mostly on the sidelines.
U.S. soup, sauce and beverage division. But that doesn’t mean
Its U.S. soup sales were hurt as it AT&T’s biggest competitor
shifted away from heavy discounting in doesn’t have an opinion on the
the first half of its fiscal year. $39 billion deal.
The earnings still beat Wall Street Verizon Communications
expectations. Its shares rose 4 cents to Inc. chief technology officer
$35.28 in morning trading. Tony Melone said in an inter-
The Camden, N.J. company said view last week that wireless in-
Monday that its net income rose to dustry consolidation is not a
$187 million, or 57 cents per share, bad thing.
compared with $168 million, or 49 “We feel very strongly that
cents per share, a year earlier.
market forces need to dictate
Local and mainland Chinese university students, dressed as Foxconn workers, hold mock iPads with a skeleton print this, and not artificial regula-
Revenue edged up to $1.81 billion
outside an Apple Premium Reseller shop in Hong Kong. Three workers were killed and 15 injured in a blast on Friday in tion,” he said after a speech at
from $1.80 billion a year ago. one of two factories that make Apple’s new iPad 2, according to Foxconn Technology Group, the contractor that manu- a conference in Grapevine,
factures Apple’s iPhones and iPads. Texas.
Trump Casino sale approved “Whether the right number

Fatal plant blast shows supply risks

(of wireless companies the
New Jersey casino regulators ap-
market needs to remain com-
proved the sale of Trump Marina Hotel
petitive) is two or three or
Casino on Monday to the owners of the
four, that can be debated,” he
Golden Nugget casinos in Nevada for
added. “But this industry can
$38 million — about a tenth of what
operate effectively with fewer
the property was expected to fetch just By JOE McDONALD er factories in China would be suspended disaster emphasized the pitfalls for com- operators than we have today.”
three years ago. AP Business Writer pending an investigation. panies whose global sales depend on one
Landry’s Inc. has rebranded the casi- If federal regulators approve
BEIJING — An explosion at one of two Estimates by industry analysts of the or two factories. the T-Mobile purchase, AT&T
no as the Golden Nugget Atlantic City, factories that make Apple’s new iPad 2 impact on iPad production ranged from “If you are trying to do as much as you
a name change that became official will leapfrog Verizon Wireless
highlights the risks of a global manufac- minimal to up to 2.8 million units in lost can in one place to reduce the risks of an to become the largest carrier
with Monday’s vote by the Casino turing strategy that has cut costs but con- output. That is equal to just over half the overextended supply chain, then you are
Control Commission. by subscriber count.
centrates production in a few locations. number sold in the first three months of very dependent upon the safety of those It’s been speculated that, as
The giant “TRUMP” letters have Foxconn Technology Group, the con- this year but Apple says sales are so one or two factories,” said David Dayton,
been removed from the front of the a result, Verizon Wireless
tractor that manufactures Apple’s strong it already is struggling to keep up owner of Silk Road International Inc., might scoop up Sprint.
casino, though the top and rear of the iPhones and iPads, said Friday’s blast in with demand. which manages purchasing and manufac-
casino-hotel still bear Donald Trump’s But Melone said Verizon
the western city of Chengdu killed three “There probably is going to be no im- turing in China for foreign customers. isn’t focusing on acquisitions
name. A temporary banner proclaiming employees and injured15. The Taiwanese pact” if production resumes as expected Electronics makers such as Foxconn
the casino as the Golden Nugget could to grow its wireless business.
company said production was suspended in the next few days, said Citigroup ana- have flocked to China, drawn by a low- “We’re very comfortable
be put up as soon as Tuesday, a compa-
but did not respond to questions Monday lyst Kevin Chang in Taipei. “If this safety cost workforce and good infrastructure, with our current position to
ny spokeswoman said.
about how supplies of iPads might be af- inspection drags on for two or three making it the global manufacturing cen- grow organically,” he said.
fected. weeks, then there will be an impact on ter for computers and consumer electron- Melone did offer a perspec-
Shell gets safety reprimand Foxconn said the blast was caused by
combustible dust in a workshop that pol-
Coming as global auto and electronics
All of Apple’s iPads are produced at
tive different from AT&T’s,
though, on the urgency for the
Norway’s Petroleum Safety Authority ished products. It said operations in makers struggle with parts shortages Foxconn factories in Chengdu and Shenz- federal government to free up
has reprimanded Shell over safety workshops that do similar work at its oth- caused by Japan’s March 11 tsunami, the hen, near Hong Kong, said Chang. additional wireless spectrum.
issues at one of its offshore oil rigs,
following a 2010 incident the agency
said had “major accident potential.”
The PSA statement Monday said the
incident occurred at Shell’s Draugen
facility, located in shallow water, on
For its size, Modular Computer packs plenty of power for the user
December 4, 2010 during a valve re-
placement. The valve became stuck
and the upper master valve was
have heard of Xi3, but
they’re a company
NICK DELORENZO Computer, it’s a
logical move,
though the Xi3
Item: Xi3 Modular Computer
Price: $849-$2,065
blocked, leaving “only one remaining
known for their in- TECH TALK does pack enough OS: Windows 7, Suse Linux, Google Chro-
barrier against hydrocarbon outflow mium
novation. power to run
from the well.” Processor: Athlon 2000-Athlon 3400
In 2010 they re- amount of power for their size -- they full-scale desktop
leased their “modular” feature dual-core processors and HD- systems like Win- Hard Drive: 8G-1TB
computer concept — video capability. And that’s fortunate, dows 7 or Linux,
small computers designed for use in since the base model runs $849. For that so the user experience will probably be
everything from very-small-scale applica- kind of cash, you could get a decent blazingly fast. begin selling the 5 Series model of the
tions (automobile, airplane) to very laptop. They plan to begin sales of the Mod- Xi3 Modular Computer.”
$3.81 $3.86 $2.78 large deployments (several “modules” In any event, Xi3 is now the first “desk- ular Computer on July 4, stating that If you use your smartphone scan
working as one.) top” manufacturer to offer Google’s “Since the Xi3 computer architecture reader on the QR code in this column, it
$4.06 The “module,” if you will, is essential- “Chromium” operating system – a “light- allows owners of the Xi3 Modular Com- will take you to the Xi3 website.
07/17/08 ly a self-contained, fully functional com- weight” operating system that stores puter to declare their independence
puter that’s little larger than a can of many of its programs and much of your from the built-in obsolescence of other Nick DeLorenzo is director of Interactive
soda. data online in secure “cloud” storage. computers, we felt that American Inde- and New Media for The Times Leader. Write
These computers pack a far greater Given the size of the Xi3 Modular pendence Day would be a great day to him at ndelorenzo@timesleader.com.

THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ T H E M A R K E T I N R E V I E W TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2011 PAGE 9B

S&P 500
q -15.90 NASDAQ
q -44.42 DOW
q -130.78 6-MO T-BILLS
p +.01 10-YR T-NOTE
q -.02 GOLD
Stocks of Local Interest
+6.50 EURO
q -.0141 CRUDE OIL
q -2.40

1,360 S&P 500 2,880 Nasdaq composite 52-WEEK YTD 52-WEEK YTD
1,320 Close: 1,317.37 2,800 Close: 2,758.90 HIGH LOW NAME TKR DIV LAST CHG %CHG HIGH LOW NAME TKR DIV LAST CHG %CHG
Change: -15.90 (-1.2%) Change: -44.42 (-1.6%) 96.00 64.13 AirProd APD 2.32 90.63 -.64 -.4 96.15 72.03 M&T Bk MTB 2.80 87.29 -.75 +.3
1,280 10 DAYS 2,720 10 DAYS 30.70 19.41 AmWtrWks AWK .88 29.02 -.38 +14.7 82.85 65.31 McDnlds MCD 2.44 82.50 +.17 +7.5
51.50 36.85 Amerigas APU 2.96 45.30 -.51 -7.2 24.98 19.27 NBT Bcp NBTB .80 21.47 -.18 -11.1
23.79 16.54 AquaAm WTR .62 22.18 -.43 -1.3 9.26 3.64 NexstarB NXST ... 7.00 -.15 +16.9
1,400 2,900 38.02 24.22 ArchDan ADM .64 30.97 -.29 +3.0
288.50 180.02 AutoZone AZO ... 276.78 +.18 +1.5 65.19 49.43 PNC PNC 1.40 61.09 -.58 +.6
16.20 10.91 BkofAm BAC .04 11.42 -.16 -14.4 28.38 24.00 PPL Corp PPL 1.40 28.05 -.23 +6.6
1,350 2,800 32.50 23.78 BkNYMel BK .52 27.81 -.38 -7.9 17.72 11.98 PennMill PMIC ... 17.10 -.30 +29.3
17.49 6.08 BonTon BONT .20 9.92 -.32 -21.6 16.07 10.03 PenRE PEI .60 15.51 -.20 +6.7
49.90 29.12 CIGNA CI .04 48.49 -.65 +32.3 71.89 60.32 PepsiCo PEP 2.06 71.04 -.26 +8.7
1,300 2,700 38.71 26.84 CVS Care CVS .50 37.97 -.43 +9.2 70.77 42.94 PhilipMor PM 2.56 69.10 -1.09 +18.1
68.77 49.47 CocaCola KO 1.88 67.49 -.81 +2.6 67.72 58.92 ProctGam PG 2.10 67.05 -.31 +4.2
27.16 16.30 Comcast CMCSA .45 24.55 -.57 +12.3
1,250 2,600 28.95 21.33 CmtyBkSy CBU .96 24.09 -.26 -13.3 67.52 48.56 Prudentl PRU 1.15 62.39 -1.22 +6.3
42.50 22.33 CmtyHlt CYH ... 28.21 -.02 -24.5 16.86 9.89 SLM Cp SLM .40 15.99 -.35 +27.0
37.19 25.61 CoreMark CORE ... 33.36 -.72 -6.3 59.04 32.41 SLM pfB SLMpB 4.63 57.92 ... +32.2
1,200 2,500 13.63 4.97 Entercom ETM ... 9.12 -.14 -21.2 30.38 20.00 SoUnCo SUG .60 29.44 -.13 +22.3
21.02 7.71 FairchldS FCS ... 18.32 -.62 +17.4 13.91 7.06 Supvalu SVU .35 10.16 -.31 +5.5
9.84 6.96 FrontierCm FTR .75 8.69 -.12 -10.7 54.94 39.56 TJX TJX .76 52.77 +.15 +18.9
1,150 2,400 18.71 13.09 Genpact G .18 16.21 -.42 +6.6
D J F M A M D J F M A M 13.91 8.39 HarteHnk HHS .32 8.37 -.07 -34.5
33.53 24.30 UGI Corp UGI 1.04 31.85 -.63 +.9
54.21 42.88 Heinz HNZ 1.80 53.35 -.54 +7.9 38.95 25.79 VerizonCm VZ 1.95 36.85 -.30 +3.0
58.20 45.31 Hershey HSY 1.38 55.14 -.65 +16.9 57.90 47.77 WalMart WMT 1.46 55.22 -.07 +2.4

StocksRecap DOW
t s
35.44 27.59
27.45 19.35


DOW Util.
Combined Stocks
Vol. (in mil.) 3,329 1,762 NYSE Comp. 8357.53 8208.67 8236.55 -120.98 -1.45% t t s +3.42% Name Last Chg %YTD Name Last Chg %YTD Name Last Chg %YTD Name Last Chg %YTD Name Last Chg %YTD Name Last Chg %YTD
Pvs. Volume 3,619 1,744 AMEX Index 2384.21 2334.33 2345.88 -39.04 -1.64% s t s +6.23% ABB Ltd 25.69 -.63 +14.4 Checkpnt 17.00 -.80 -17.3 Genworth 10.95 -.17 -16.7 McDnlds 82.50 +.17 +7.5 ProUltSP 52.71 -1.27 +9.7 Supvalu 10.16 -.31 +5.5
Advanced 636 491 AEP Ind 28.72 -.54 +10.7 Cheesecake30.98 -.22 +1.0 Gerdau 10.18 -.04 -27.2 McGrwH 42.34 -.46 +16.3 ProUShL20 33.82 -.34 -8.7 Symantec 19.00 -.43 +13.5
NASDAQ 2770.51 2750.64 2758.90 -44.42 -1.58% t t s +4.00% AES Corp 12.52 -.50 +2.8 CheniereEn 11.76 +1.72+113.0 GileadSci 40.43 -.55 +11.6 Mechel 24.83 -.78 -15.1 ProUSSP50015.96 +.54 -17.8 Synovus 2.34 -.03 -11.4
Declined 2407 2124 S&P 500 1333.07 1312.88 1317.37 -15.90 -1.19% t t s +4.75% AFLAC 48.82 -.75 -13.5 ChesEng 30.20 -.42 +16.6 GlaxoSKln 42.42 -.84 +8.2 MedcoHlth 63.66 -.64 +3.9 ProUSSlv rs19.59 -.09 -50.1 Sysco 32.32 -.10 +9.9
New Highs 51 37 Wilshire 5000 14135.09 13913.67 13953.52 -181.57 -1.28% t t s +4.44% AGL Res 40.16 -.51 +12.0 Chevron 101.37 -1.20 +11.1 GlimchRt 9.51 -.09 +13.2 Medtrnic 41.26 -.95 +11.2 PrUltCrde rs45.43 -2.47 -9.1 TCW Strat 5.45 +.01 +4.4
New Lows 43 86 AK Steel 14.08 -.05 -14.0 Chicos 14.43 +.33 +20.0 GluMobile 3.97 +.06 +91.8 MelcoCrwn 9.87 -.44 +55.2 ProUShEuro18.00 +.29 -11.4 TD Ameritr 20.70 -.30 +9.0
Russell 2000 820.05 814.04 814.04 -15.02 -1.81% t t s +3.88% AMR 6.55 -.11 -15.9 Chimera 3.94 ... -4.1 GoldFLtd 15.52 -.16 -14.4 Merck 36.90 -.16 +2.4 ProgrssEn 47.89 -.55 +10.1 TE Connect36.37 -.72 +2.7
ASM Intl 39.52 -1.20 +12.9 ChinaFire 8.47 +1.14 +28.9 Goldcrp g 48.47 -.20 +5.4 Meritage 23.22 -.36 +4.6 ProgsvCp 21.50 -.15 +8.2 TECO 18.84 -.27 +5.8
ASML Hld 37.75 -1.81 -1.5 ChinaUni 20.21 -1.03 +41.8 GoldmanS 135.84 +.85 -19.2 Mesab 30.78 -.72 -20.0 ProLogis 15.62 -.18 +8.2 THQ 4.01 -.02 -33.8
Investor Pulse Investor optimism AT&T Inc 31.08
AU Optron 7.65
-.24 +5.8
+.03 -26.6
ChurchDwt 81.86 -.30 +18.6
CIBER 5.80 -.14 +23.9
Goodyear 17.28
Gramrcy 2.05
-.29 +45.8
-.10 -11.3
MetLife 43.44 -.78 -2.3
MetroPCS 17.66 -.07 +39.8
ProUSR2K rs44.00+1.51 -12.4
ProvFnH 7.90 -.10 +9.1
TaiwSemi 13.12 -.29 +4.6
TakeTwo 16.45 -.43 +34.1

percent of individual investors who say AbtLab 53.25 -.26 +11.1 CienaCorp 25.74 -.52 +22.3 GreenMtC 78.18 +1.53+137.9 MicronT 9.71 -.29 +21.1 Prudentl 62.39 -1.22 +6.3 Talbots 4.57 +.05 -46.4
AcadiaRlt 20.04 -.13 +9.9 Cirrus 15.81 -.14 -1.1 Greif A 63.22 -1.33 +2.1 Microsoft 24.17 -.32 -13.4 PSEG 33.81 -.30 +6.3 TalismE g 20.31 -.56 -8.5
they are bullish about the next six months Accenture 56.34 -1.08 +16.2 Cisco 16.35 -.18 -19.2 GpoTMM 1.89 -.01 -24.4 MdsxWatr 17.83 -.13 -2.8 PubStrg 113.73 -2.35 +12.1 Target 49.51 -.18 -17.7
ActionSemi 2.20 -.06 +2.3 Citigrp rs 40.16 -.86 -15.1 Guess 40.28 -1.00 -14.9 MitsuUFJ 4.47 -.05 -17.4 PulteGrp 7.53 -.20 +.1 TastyBak 3.99 -.01 -37.2
60% ActivsBliz 11.47 -.13 -7.8 Clearwire 4.53 +.01 -12.0 GulfRes 3.90 +.57 -63.5 Molycorp n 57.81 -1.55 +15.9 PPrIT 6.61 -.02 +5.3 TechData 46.99 -6.58 +6.7
AdamsEx 11.02 -.16 +2.6 CliffsNRs 84.42 -1.59 +8.2 HCP Inc 36.64 -.32 -.4 Monsanto 67.33 +1.00 -3.3 Qlogic 16.73 -.10 -1.7 TeckRes g 47.91 -2.09 -22.5
50 AdobeSy 34.43 -.88 +11.9 Clorox 70.13 +.18 +10.8 HSBC 50.64 -.97 -.8 MonstrWw 14.56 -.57 -38.4 Qualcom 56.38 -1.00 +13.9 Teleflex 60.66 -1.77 +12.7
AMD 8.49 -.13 +3.8 Coach 59.06 -.42 +6.8 Hallibrtn 46.16 -1.02 +13.1 Moog A 40.30 -.30 +1.3 QstDiag 57.74 -.44 +7.0 TelefEsp s 23.33 -.44 +2.3
Aeropostl 18.25 -.05 -25.9 CocaCE 29.13 -.34 +16.4 HanJS 14.91 +.03 -1.3 Moog B 40.29 -.38 +1.2 Quidel 14.79 +.08 +2.4 TelMexL 18.73 -.41 +16.0

40 Aetna 44.39 -.67 +45.5 Coeur 24.97 -.29 -8.6 HarleyD 36.36 -.20 +4.9 MorgStan 23.69 -.14 -12.9 Quiksilvr 4.17 -.16 -17.8 Tellabs 4.58 -.07 -32.4
Agilent 49.10 -1.60 +18.5 CognizTech 72.19 -1.86 -1.5 HarrisCorp 48.36 -1.12 +6.8 Mosaic 66.75 +1.33 -12.6 RAIT Fin 1.95 -.08 -11.0 TempleInld 22.33 -.81 +5.1
AkamaiT 33.30 -.90 -29.2 ColgPal 86.07 -.48 +7.1 Harsco 32.17 -.72 +13.6 Mosaic wi 66.60 +1.10 +1.7 RCM 5.35 -.04 +15.6 TmpDrgn 29.76 -.65 -3.2
30 AlcatelLuc 5.62 -.18 +89.9 Comc spcl 23.15 -.56 +11.8 HartfdFn 26.54 -.55 +.2 MotrlaSol n 46.15 -.63 +21.3 RF MicD 5.84 -.09 -20.5 TenetHlth 6.28 ... -6.1
Alcoa 15.98 -.28 +3.8 Comerica 35.80 -.67 -15.2 HawaiiEl 24.97 -.62 +9.6 Mylan 23.31 -.51 +10.3 RPM 23.03 -.23 +4.2 Tenneco 39.80 -.30 -3.3
20 AlignTech 23.27 -.70 +19.1 CmtyHlt 28.21 -.02 -24.5 HltMgmt 11.14 -.16 +16.8 NCR Corp 19.21 -.33 +25.0 RadianGrp 4.32 -.07 -46.5 Teradyn 15.56 -.28 +10.8
AllegTch 63.94 +.16 +15.9 Compuwre 10.44 -.43 -10.5 HeclaM 7.98 -.05 -29.1 NRG Egy 24.70 -.57 +26.4 RadioShk 15.49 -.34 -16.2 Terex 28.23 -1.13 -9.1
Allergan 83.48 -.03 +21.6 ConAgra 25.37 -.15 +12.4 HercOffsh 6.10 -.14 +75.3 NV Energy 15.58 -.31 +10.9 RaptorPhm 4.90 +.91 +34.6 Tesoro 23.62 -.03 +27.4
10 AlliBInco 7.79 ... -1.8 ConnWtrSv 24.78 -.24 -11.1 Hertz 15.83 -.19 +9.2 NYSE Eur 35.24 -.52 +17.5 Raytheon 49.41 -.04 +7.5 TevaPhrm 49.18 -.69 -5.7
AlliantEgy 39.86 -.69 +8.4 ConocPhil 71.33 -1.28 +4.7 Hess 76.20 -1.72 -.4 Nabors 26.40 -.45 +12.5 RegionsFn 6.83 -.12 -2.4 TexInst 34.25 -.75 +5.4
Allstate 31.42 -.59 -1.4 ConsolEngy47.57 -1.43 -2.4 HewlettP 35.81 -.17 -14.9 NBkGreece 1.27 -.06 -24.4 ReneSola 7.13 -.12 -18.4 Textron 22.09 -.89 -6.6
0 AlphaNRs 50.28 +.23 -16.2 ConEd 53.15 -.76 +7.2 Hologic 20.72 -.34 +10.1 NatFuGas 67.98 -1.08 +3.6 Renren n 12.40 -.60 -31.1 ThermoFis 64.39 -.79 +16.3
Investors don’t like the economy – J F M A M AlteraCp lf 46.45 -1.32 +30.6 ConsolWtr 9.60 +.40 +4.7 HomeDp 36.82 -.23 +5.0 NatGrid 50.56 -.89 +13.9 RepFBcp 2.60 ... +6.6 3M Co 92.49 -1.07 +7.2
Altria 27.85 +.11 +13.1 ConvOrg h .15 ... -60.5 HonwllIntl 58.48 -.51 +10.0 NOilVarco 66.77 -.99 -.7 RepubSvc 31.90 -.25 +6.8
anybody’s economy. That has sent the S&P $15 billion Amarin 18.77 +.31+128.9 CooperTire 23.52 -.15 -.3 Hospira 53.98 -1.06 -3.1
THorton g 47.13 +.08 +14.3

500 down more than 3 percent this month. 10

Net new investment Amazon 196.22 -2.43 +9.0 CornPdts 54.70 +.18 +18.9 HostHotls 16.90 -.09 -5.4
NatSemi 24.54 +.08 +78.3
NetApp 52.82 -.88 -3.9
RschMotn 43.52
... -25.1
16.94 -.08 +72.2
TimeWarn 36.15
TitanMet 18.45
On Monday, it fell 1 percent after Standard 5
in U.S. stock funds Ameren 29.46
AMovilL 50.92
-.56 +4.5
-.09 -11.2
Corning 19.48 -.47 +.8
Costco 82.64 -.76 +14.4
HudsCity 9.04
HuntBnk 6.35
-.16 -29.0
-.02 -7.6
Netflix 247.83 +1.93 +41.1
NewAmHi 10.45 -.05 +4.9
ReynAm s 39.18 -.10 +20.1
RioTinto 65.55 -1.04 -8.5
TiVo Inc 9.36
TollBros 20.20
AMovilA 50.61 -.59 -11.5 Covidien 55.39 -1.52 +21.3 Huntsmn 18.49 -.44 +18.4 NwGold g 9.08 -.33 -7.0 RiteAid 1.12 ... +26.8
& Poor’s said it may lower its rating on ACapAgy 30.00 +.03 +4.4 Cree Inc 41.56 -.60 -36.9 Hydrognc 5.02 -.17 +33.5 NJ Rscs 45.24 -.43 +4.9 Riverbed s 37.55 -.62 +6.8
TorDBk g 86.25 -.27 +17.7
0 AmCapLtd 9.51 -.31 +25.8 CrownHold 40.01 -.99 +19.9 INGPrRTr 6.17 +.04 +8.4 Total SA 55.70 -1.02 +4.2
Italy’s debt. And concerns grew that Greece AEagleOut 13.52 ... -7.6 Ctrip.com 42.89 -1.91 +6.0 ION Geoph 9.04 -.57 +6.6
NY CmtyB 16.29 ... -13.6 RylCarb 38.83 -1.18 -17.4 Toyota 79.54 -.42 +1.2
NY Times 7.61 -.08 -22.3 RoyDShllA 68.00 -1.64 +1.8
might default on its debt without a bailout -5 AEP 38.39 -.16 +6.7 CubistPh 36.64 +.82 +71.2 iShGold s 14.82 +.03 +6.6 Newcastle 4.89 -.29 -27.0 SK Tlcm 18.74 -.79 +.6
TrCda g 43.28 -.59 +13.8
AmExp 51.12 -.07 +19.1 Cummins 104.16 -2.25 -5.3 iSAstla 25.77 -.85 +1.3 Transocn 67.19 -2.32 -3.3
from other European countries and the NewellRub 17.65 -.21 -2.9 SpdrDJIA 123.52 -1.33 +6.8
-10 AmIntlGrp 29.98 -.82 -37.9 CybrOpt 10.12 +.10 +18.5 iShBraz 70.94 -.99 -8.3 NewmtM 54.27 +.19 -11.7 SpdrGold 147.83 +.34 +6.6
Travelers 61.44 -.81 +10.3
TrimbleN 42.25 -.67 +5.8
International Monetary Fund. AmSupr 10.25 -.09 -64.1 CypSemi 21.42 -.66 +15.3 iSCan 31.76 -.58 +2.5 NewsCpA 17.09 -.39 +17.4 SP Mid 176.42 -2.86 +7.1
-15 AmTower 53.15 -.49 +2.9 DCT Indl 5.37 -.09 +1.1 iShGer 25.73 -.67 +7.5 NewsCpB 17.98 -.44 +9.5 S&P500ETF132.06-1.55 +5.0
TrinaSolar 21.39 -.59 -8.7
Meanwhile, recent reports show that AmWtrWks 29.02 -.38 +14.7 DNP Selct 9.99 ... +9.3 iSh HK 18.75 -.36 -.9 NextEraEn 57.59 -.19 +10.8 SpdrHome 18.20 -.23 +4.7
TriQuint 11.99 -.53 +2.6
growth in U.S. manufacturing is slowing. -20 Ameriprise 61.01 -1.16 +6.0 DR Horton 11.67 -.13 -2.2 iShJapn 9.85 -.16 -9.7 NiSource 20.06 -.31 +13.8 SpdrKbwBk 24.38 -.37 -5.9
TycoIntl 48.38 -.86 +16.7
’10 ’11 Ametek s 41.98 -.63 +7.0 DTE 51.47 -.43 +13.6 iSh Kor 61.90 -2.35 +1.2 NikeB 83.62 -1.43 -2.1 SpdrLehHY 40.66 -.15 +2.4
Tyson 18.64 -.12 +8.2
The Federal Reserve says industrial pro- -25 Amgen 60.46 -.40 +10.1 Danaher s 53.72 -.94 +13.9 iSMalas 14.53 -.24 +1.0 NobleCorp 40.64 -.36 +13.6 SpdrKbw RB25.31 -.42 -4.3
UBS AG 17.99 -.35 +9.2
A M J J A S O N D J F M A Anadarko 74.27 -.31 -2.5 Darden 51.47 -.05 +10.8 iShSing 13.73 -.31 -.9 UDR 24.98 -.17 +6.2
duction was flat last month. And consumers AnalogDev 41.03 -.77 +8.9 DeanFds 13.48 +.12 +52.5 iSTaiwn 15.10 -.24 -3.3
NokiaCp 8.11 -.20 -21.4 SpdrRetl 52.26 -.15 +8.1 US Airwy 10.00 -.17 -.1
NA Pall g 3.68 +.18 -47.0 SpdrOGEx 57.17 -1.33 +8.4 USEC 3.96 -.05 -34.2
are spending more of their money on gas, 1,375 Ann Inc 28.40 -.69 +3.7 Deere 83.06 -1.69 0.0 iSh UK 17.76 -.47 +2.2 NoestUt 35.48 -.62 +11.3 SpdrMetM 67.52 -1.00 -1.8
Annaly 18.01 +.01 +.5 Dell Inc 15.49 -.52 +14.3 iShSilver 34.27 +.09 +13.6 UniSrcEn 37.30 -.56 +4.1
not clothing or home furnishings. Retail S&P 500 A123 Sys 5.42 -.24 -43.2 DeltaAir 11.23 -.28 -10.9 iShChina25 42.94 -1.08 -.3
NorthropG 65.14 +.64 +10.9
NwstNG 44.64 -.44 -3.9
SPX Cp 78.83 -2.27 +10.3
STEC 16.33 -.09 -7.5
UnilevNV 31.68
UnionPac 101.59
sales rose 0.5 percent in April, down from 1,350 Apache 121.06 -1.94 +1.5 DenburyR 20.29 -.68 +6.3 iShEMkts 46.09 -.98 -3.3 NovaGld g 10.55 +.11 -26.1 Safeway 24.91 -.29 +10.8
Unisys 27.13 -.55 +4.8
Apple Inc 334.40 -.82 +3.7 Dndreon 39.51 +.53 +13.1 iShB20 T 95.78 +.46 +1.8 Novartis 60.41 -.98 +2.5 StJoe 22.08 -.84 +1.1
a 0.9 percent increase in March. ApldMatl 13.79 -.30 -1.9 DeutschBk 57.31 -1.12 +10.1 iS Eafe 59.08 -1.40 +1.5 Novlus 35.91 -.63 +11.1 StJude 49.30 -1.52 +15.3
UtdContl 26.25 -.25 +10.2
Traders expect stocks to keep falling. Jan. 3, 2011 Arbitron 41.04 -1.14 -1.2 DevelDiv 14.24 -.11 +1.1 iSR1KG 60.41 -.76 +5.5 Nucor 41.55 -.25 -5.2 Saks 10.92 -.18 +2.1
UtdMicro 2.54 -.06 -19.6
1,325 ArcelorMit 32.13 -.35 -15.7 DevonE 80.64 -2.21 +2.7 iSR2KV 72.44 -1.09 +1.9 NustarEn 61.61 -.48 -11.3 Salesforce 145.30 -1.31 +10.1
UPS B 73.50 -.55 +1.3
The market’s “fear gauge,” the VIX index, 1,258 ArchCoal 28.84 -.59 -17.7 Diageo 81.68 -1.54 +9.9 iShR2K 81.37 -1.49 +4.0 NuvFloat 12.65 -.07 +7.1 SanDisk 45.62 -.84 -8.5
US Bancrp 24.93 -.27 -7.6
ArenaPhm 1.40 +.02 -18.6 Diebold 32.00 -.78 -.2 iShREst 60.39 -.64 +7.9 US NGs rs 11.13 +.17 -7.1
is up 24 percent this month. But this bull 1,300 ArmHld 26.98 -1.05 +30.0 DirecTV A 50.18 +.12 +25.7 ITT Corp 56.75 -.51 +8.9
NvMAd 13.38 -.07 +2.3 SandRdge 10.07 -.38 +37.6
US OilFd 38.47 -1.00 -1.4
NvPA 13.61 +.09 +2.1 Sanofi 37.64 -.65 +16.8
market has had other scares since it began Monday’s close ArubaNet 26.69 -.41 +27.8 DrSCBr rs 37.74 +1.96 -19.4 Identive 2.94 -.10 +16.7 Nvidia 18.07 -.02 +17.3 SaraLee 19.62 +.02 +12.1 USSteel 44.20 -.76 -24.3
AsiaInfoL 17.30 -1.70 +4.4 DirFnBr rs 45.05 +1.76 -4.7 ITW 56.54 -.55 +5.9 UtdTech 86.09 -1.41 +9.4
in March 2009. Barclays Capital strategists 1,317 OcciPet 98.95 -1.45 +.9 Satcon h 2.50 -.16 -44.4
UtdhlthGp 49.16 -.58 +36.1
1,275 AstraZen 50.50 -1.06 +9.3 DrxEMBull 34.45 -2.27 -16.6 Informat 54.06 -1.32 +22.8 OfficeDpt 4.02 -.06 -25.6 SaulCntr 40.50 -.72 -14.5
expect earnings to send stocks higher. +5% Atmel
ATMOS 33.08
14.00 -.32 +13.6
-.41 +6.0
DrxEBear rs16.28 +.70 -27.8
DrxFnBull 26.41 -1.11 -5.2
InglesMkts 17.81
IngrmM 18.45
-.79 -7.2
-.55 -3.4
OfficeMax 8.21 +.10 -53.6
OilSvHT 146.03 -2.99 +3.9
Schlmbrg 82.08 -1.42 -1.7
SchoolSp 13.67 -.27 -1.9
UnumGrp 26.18
UrbanOut 31.36
They say the S&P 500 could end 2011 at 1,250 Autodesk 42.27 -.08 +10.7 DirxSCBull 78.77 -4.43 +8.7 Intel 22.86 -.36 +8.7 OmniVisn h 34.84 -.70 +17.7 Schwab 17.19 -.13 +.5 Vale SA 30.21 -.20 -12.6
AutoData 53.42 -.75 +15.4 DirxEnBull 69.25 -3.25 +18.5 IBM 168.26 -1.90 +14.6 Vale SA pf 27.03 -.34 -10.6
1,450, up 10 percent from Monday’s close. J F M A M AvagoTch 32.03 -2.36 +12.7 Discover 24.43 -.49 +31.8 Intl Coal 14.50 ... +87.3
OnSmcnd 11.03 -.26 +11.6 SeadrillLtd 34.08 -.96 +.5
ValenceT h 1.25 ... -25.6
OplinkC 17.67 -.37 -4.3 SeagateT 16.76 -.17 +11.5
AvanirPhm 4.56 +.22 +11.8 Disney 41.16 -.34 +9.7 IntlGame 17.61 -.21 -.5 Opnext 2.86 +.26 +62.5 SearsHldgs 71.83 -.21 -2.6 ValeroE 25.93 -.12 +12.2
SOURCES: American Association of Individual Investors; FactSet; Lipper Stan Choe, E. Gramling • AP AveryD 40.98 -.55 -3.2 DollarGen 32.90 -.73 +7.3 IntPap 30.10 -1.21 +10.5 ValpeyFsh 3.20 -.01 -5.6
Oracle 33.16 -1.11 +5.9 SemiHTr 35.20 -.70 +8.2
Avon 29.72 -.26 +2.3 DomRescs 47.94 -.34 +12.2 Interpublic 11.75 -.14 +10.6 OwensIll 31.10 -.73 +1.3 SempraEn 54.75 -.61 +4.3 ValVis A 6.37 -.26 +4.3
BB&T Cp 26.10 -.46 -.7 Dover 62.75 -.74 +7.4 Intersil 13.81 -.34 -9.6 VangEmg 46.73 -.98 -2.9
Mutual Funds BHP BillLt 90.55
BJs Whls 50.76
-2.63 -2.6
-.53 +6.0
DowChm 35.61 -.40 +4.3
DryShips 3.73 -.09 -32.1
Intuit 52.93
Invesco 24.29
-2.05 +7.4
-.71 +1.0
PECO pfA 70.74 -1.26 +1.1
PG&E Cp 43.17 -1.61 -9.8
PICO Hld 29.40 -.56 -7.5
Sequans n 11.73 +2.61 +42.2
ServiceCp 11.33 -.26 +37.3
ShawGrp 36.30 -1.02 +6.0
VeriFone 44.07
Verisign 36.68
BP PLC 44.03 -.97 -.3 DuPont 51.60 -1.14 +3.4 ItauUnibH 21.28 -.28 -11.0 VertxPh 55.81 +.81 +59.3
YTD YTD YTD YTD YTD YTD PMC Sra 7.83 -.26 -8.8 SiderurNac 13.72 -.11 -17.7
BP Pru 109.79 -1.73 -13.2 DukeEngy 18.80 -.21 +5.6 JAlexandr 5.72 +.02 +9.0 VestinRMII 1.52 +.09 +4.8
PMI Grp 1.30 -.09 -60.6 Siemens 126.78 -3.20 +2.0
Name NAV Chg %Rtn Name NAV Chg %Rtn Name NAV Chg %Rtn Name NAV Chg %Rtn Name NAV Chg %Rtn Name NAV Chg %Rtn Baidu 129.47 -5.22 +34.1 Dycom 14.38 -.45 -2.5 J&J Snack 50.01 -.83 +3.7 ViacomA 59.57 -.91 +29.9
PPG 86.66 -1.39 +3.1 SilvWhtn g 34.42 -.66 -11.8
BakrHu 68.68 -1.44 +20.1 Dynegy rs 5.70 -.25 +1.4 JA Solar 5.53 -.06 -20.2 ViacomB 49.99 -1.30 +26.2
Alliance Bernstein Dodge & Cox GrowB m 44.71 -.53 +4.4 MFS TotRetInv d 13.71 -.18 +4.3 ITrsyAdml 11.51 +.01 +2.6 PPL Corp 28.05 -.23 +6.6 SilvrcpM g 10.14 -.10 -21.0
BallardPw 1.63 +.03 +8.7 ETrade rs 15.18 -.42 -5.1 JDS Uniph 19.59 -.73 +35.3 VirgnMda h 31.56 -.73 +15.9
BalShrB m 14.76 -.11 +6.6 Bal 73.67 -.80 +5.4 Growth A m 46.76 -.55 +4.7 MAInvA m 20.14 -.28 +4.8 ValPlSvc m 13.88 -.23 +3.4 InfPrtAdm 26.38 +.02 +3.9 Paccar 49.51 -1.04 -13.7 Sina 109.00 -6.97 +58.4
BallyTech 39.43 -.45 -6.5 eBay 31.63 -.85 +13.7 JPMorgCh 42.55 -.58 +.3 Visa 76.92 -1.31 +9.3
CoreOppA m 12.52 -.13 +8.8 Income 13.53 ... +3.3 HY TF A m 9.85 +.01 +4.4 MAInvC m 19.43 -.28 +4.5 Schwab Pacholder 10.20 +.17 +20.7 SiriusXM 2.20 -.02 +35.0
InfPrtI 10.74 ... +3.9 BcoBrades 18.63 -.15 -8.2 EMC Cp 27.44 -.62 +19.8 Jabil 20.57 -.17 +2.4 VishayInt 15.47 -.86 +5.4
American Beacon IntlStk 36.05 -.90 +1.0 Income A m 2.26 -.02 +6.4 TotRetA m 14.60 -.11 +4.3 1000Inv d 39.27 -.49 +5.6 PallCorp 53.77 -1.09 +8.5 SkywksSol 26.63 -.68 -7.0
InflaPro 13.43 +.01 +3.9 BcoSantSA 10.90 -.20 +2.3 ENI 45.60 -1.11 +4.3 JanusCap 10.14 -.06 -21.8 Vivus 8.65 -.16 -7.7
LgCpVlInv 19.28 -.25 +4.0 Stock 113.72 -1.72 +5.9 Income C m 2.28 -.02 +6.1 ValueA m 24.06 -.30 +5.8 S&P500Sel d 20.65 -.25 +5.5 BcoSBrasil 10.82 -.02 -20.4 PatriotCoal 21.27 -1.09 +9.8 Smucker 76.91 -.90 +17.2
Eastgrp 45.15 -.18 +6.7 JpnSmCap 8.30 -.05 -7.5 Vodafone 27.81 -.61 +5.2
LgCpVlIs 20.32 -.25 +4.2 Dreyfus IncomeAdv 2.25 -.01 +6.5 ValueI 24.18 -.29 +5.9 InstIdxI 120.83 -1.46 +5.5 BkHawaii 47.45 -.38 +.5 EKodak 3.64 -.06 -32.1 JetBlue 6.08 -.16 -8.0 PattUTI 27.75 -.39 +28.8 SnapOn 59.46 -1.17 +5.1
Scout Paychex 31.54 -.37 +2.0 Sohu.cm 78.13 -4.96 +23.1 Vornado 94.52 -1.41 +13.4
American Cent Apprecia 40.73 -.44 +6.6 NY TF A m 11.44 ... +3.7 MainStay Interntl d 32.97 -.71 +1.8 InstPlus 120.84 -1.45 +5.5 BkAtl A h .81 -.01 -29.6 Eaton s 49.79 -1.18 -1.9 JohnJn 65.56 -.13 +6.0
US Gov A m 6.82 ... +2.6 PeabdyE 57.24 -1.56 -10.5 Solutia 23.31 -.71 +1.0 WalMart 55.22 -.07 +2.4
EqIncInv 7.55 -.06 +5.1 EmgLead ... ... +1.4 HiYldCorA m 6.03 -.01 +4.8 Selected InstTStPl 30.06 -.39 +5.8 Barclay 17.31 -.47 +4.8 EdisonInt 39.52 -.20 +2.4 JohnsnCtl 37.92 -.43 -.7 Walgrn 44.50 +.13 +14.2
TechGrA f 33.62 -.62 +3.5 FrankTemp-Mutual Bar iPVix rs 23.51 +.75 -37.5 ElPasoCp 18.98 -.40 +37.9 JnprNtwk 37.75 -1.11 +2.2 PennVaRs 25.47 -.18 -10.1 Sonus 2.95 -.09 +10.5
GrowthInv 27.02 -.37 +4.6 Manning & Napier AmerShS b 42.99 -.52 +3.7 IntlExpIn d 16.75 -.34 +0.5 Penney 36.02 -.08 +11.5 SonyCp 26.59 -.46 -25.5 WalterEn 116.34 -1.76 -9.0
IncGroA m 25.27 -.31 +5.7 Eaton Vance Beacon Z 12.97 -.16 +5.4 WrldOppA 9.08 -.17 +5.5 American D 43.01 -.53 +3.9 BarnesNob 18.59 +.26 +31.4 Elan 8.31 -.33 +45.0 KB Home 11.36 -.10 -15.8 WarnerCh s24.20 -.80 +7.3
Discov A m 30.58 -.40 +4.8 IntlGr d 19.60 -.47 +1.3 BarrickG 45.53 -.07 -14.4 EldorGld g 15.51 -.17 -16.5 KLA Tnc 40.70 -.50 +5.3 PeopUtdF 13.31 -.10 -5.0 SouthnCo 40.12 -.35 +4.9
UltraInv 23.90 -.32 +5.5 HiIncOppA m 4.50 -.01 +5.8 Merger Sequoia PepcoHold 19.87 -.27 +8.9 SthnCopper33.83 -1.22 -30.6 WeathfIntl 19.51 -.20 -14.4
HiIncOppB m 4.51 -.01 +5.5 Discov Z 30.97 -.41 +4.9 IntlGrAdm d 62.39 -1.49 +1.4 Baxter 59.05 -1.28 +16.7 ElectArts 23.35 -.29 +42.6 Kaydon 36.35 -.66 -10.7
American Funds Merger m 16.24 -.02 +2.9 Sequoia 141.74 -1.52 +9.6 PeregrineP 2.15 -.07 -6.5 SoUnCo 29.44 -.13 +22.3 WellPoint 79.14 -1.39 +39.2
AMCAPA m 19.84 -.24 +5.4 LrgCpValA m 18.55 -.23 +2.0 QuestZ 18.59 -.21 +5.1 IntlStkIdxAdm d26.53 -.60 +0.7 BedBath 53.69 -.14 +9.2 EmersonEl 53.90 -.19 -5.7 Kellogg 56.79 -.35 +11.2 WellsFargo 27.53 -.47 -11.2
Shares A m 21.82 -.27 +5.7 Metropolitan West T Rowe Price BerkHa A 116975 -1070 -2.9 EnbrEPt s 30.71 -.30 -1.5 Keycorp 8.27 -.13 -6.6 Petrohawk 25.39 -.25 +39.1 SwstAirl 12.14 -.13 -6.5
BalA m 18.64 -.15 +4.5 NatlMuniA m 9.04 ... +3.8 IntlStkIdxI d 106.14 -2.41 +0.7 PetrbrsA 29.48 -.75 -13.7 SwstnEngy 42.67 -.20 +14.0 WendyArby 4.92 -.06 +6.5
Shares Z 22.01 -.27 +5.9 TotRetBdI 10.55 +.01 +3.6 BlChpGr 39.86 -.57 +4.5 BerkH B 77.89 -.83 -2.8 EnCana g 32.72 -.77 +12.4 Kimco 18.83 -.14 +4.4
BondA m 12.37 ... +2.8 NatlMuniB m 9.04 ... +3.5 IntlVal d 32.05 -.74 -0.3 Petrobras 33.35 -.52 -11.9 SpectraEn 27.09 -.30 +8.4 WernerEnt 24.50 -.34 +8.4
TotRtBd b 10.55 ... +3.4 CapApprec 21.46 -.16 +5.7 BestBuy 31.52 +.19 -8.1 Energen 57.67 -.50 +19.5 KindME 73.19 -.31 +4.2
CapIncBuA m 51.83 -.60 +4.8 PAMuniA m 8.78 ... +4.6 FrankTemp-Templeton PetRes 28.69 -.53 +6.2 SpectPh 9.19 +.53 +33.8 WestellT 3.42 -.10 +4.6
Fgn A m 7.41 -.17 +6.2 Morgan Stanley Instl DivGrow 24.25 -.28 +6.3 LTGradeAd 9.59 +.02 +5.0 BigLots 33.70 +.15 +10.6 Energizer 76.26 -.42 +4.6 KindMor n 28.33 -.17 -8.8
CapWldBdA m20.93 -.08 +3.4 FMI DivrSmCap d 17.30 -.35 +9.4 Pfizer 20.59 -.10 +17.6 SprintNex 5.57 +.10 +31.7 WDigital 35.85 -.29 +5.8
GlBond A m 13.83 -.10 +3.6 IntlEqI d 14.10 -.30 +3.6 LTInvGr 9.59 +.02 +4.9 BioRadA 122.58 -1.54 +18.0 EngyConv 1.49 -.02 -67.6 Kinross g 14.80 -.14 -21.9
CpWldGrIA m 36.91 -.70 +3.8 LgCap 16.67 -.17 +6.8 EmMktStk d 34.03 -.72 -3.5 PhilipMor 69.10 -1.09 +18.1 SP Matls 38.11 -.40 -.8 WstnRefin 16.02 +.08 +51.4
GlBond C m 13.85 -.11 +3.4 MdCpGrI 40.93 -.77 +9.6 LifeCon 16.81 -.12 +3.2 BioSante 2.80 +.17 +70.7 EngyTsfr 47.93 -.89 -7.5 KodiakO g 6.25 -.10 -5.3
EurPacGrA m 42.00 -.90 +1.5 FPA EqIndex d 35.57 -.43 +5.4 Pier 1 11.50 +.09 +9.5 SP HlthC 35.67 -.37 +13.2 WstnUnion 20.25 -.35 +9.0
FnInvA m 38.40 -.56 +5.0 GlBondAdv 13.79 -.10 +3.7 Natixis Blackstone 16.55 -.40 +17.0 ENSCO 54.18 -1.46 +1.5 Kohls 54.98 +.32 +1.2 Weyerh 21.35 -.41 +12.8
Cres d 28.10 -.24 +4.9 EqtyInc 24.70 -.28 +4.6 LifeGro 22.93 -.31 +3.9 PimcoHiI 14.53 +.02 +14.3 SP CnSt 32.10 -.22 +9.5
GrthAmA m 31.53 -.47 +3.6 Growth A m 19.04 -.38 +7.0 InvBndY 12.49 -.03 +4.7 BlockHR 16.26 -.07 +36.5 Entergy 67.50 -1.54 -4.7 KrispKrm 8.05 +1.65 +15.3
NewInc m 10.91 +.01 +1.6 FinSer 13.96 -.19 -1.5 LifeMod 20.29 -.21 +3.7 PimcoMuni 13.28 -.03 +5.3 SP Consum39.89 -.38 +6.6 WmsCos 30.34 -.42 +22.7
HiIncA m 11.56 -.03 +5.4 World A m 15.61 -.28 +5.2 StratIncA m 15.49 -.06 +6.6 Boeing 76.28 -1.24 +16.9 EntPrPt 41.22 -.37 -.9 Kroger 24.58 -.39 +9.9
Fairholme Funds GrowStk 33.32 -.51 +3.6 MidCapGr 20.43 -.33 +7.5 PinWst 44.88 -.50 +8.3 SP Engy 73.47 -1.16 +7.6 Windstrm 13.37 -.10 -4.1
IncAmerA m 17.39 -.16 +6.1 Franklin Templeton StratIncC m 15.57 -.06 +6.3 Boise Inc 7.82 -.29 -1.4 EnzoBio 3.84 -.14 -27.3 Kulicke 11.51 -.36 +59.9
Fairhome d 32.38 -.38 -9.0 HealthSci 35.71 -.55 +17.9 PitnyBw 24.32 -.31 +.6 SPDR Fncl 15.50 -.22 -2.8 WiscEn s 31.17 -.32 +5.9
IntBdAmA m 13.53 +.01 +1.7 FndAllA m 11.13 -.13 +6.4 Neuberger Berman MidCp 21.88 -.31 +7.7 BorgWarn 68.14 -2.49 -5.8 EricsnTel 14.49 -.56 +25.7 LDK Solar 6.83 -.43 -32.5
Federated HiYield d 6.98 -.01 +5.8 BostonSci 6.57 -.23 -13.2 Exelon 42.04 -.22 +1.0 LG Display 16.91 -.41 -4.7 PlumCrk 39.68 -.59 +6.0 SP Inds 36.84 -.53 +5.6 WT India 22.54 -.42 -14.6
IntlGrInA m 32.27 -.63 +3.9 GE GenesisIs 49.34 -.76 +7.4 MidCpAdml 99.34 -1.44 +7.8 Polycom 53.83 +.29 +38.1 SP Tech 25.80 -.37 +2.4 Worthgtn 20.76 -.43 +12.8
KaufmanR m 5.61 -.11 +2.0 IntlBnd d 10.19 -.06 +3.4 BrigExp 29.03 -.77 +6.6 Expedia 27.55 -.02 +9.8 LSI Corp 7.35 -.16 +22.7
InvCoAmA m 29.00 -.37 +3.4 S&SProg 41.89 -.54 +4.1 GenesisTr 51.08 -.79 +7.2 MidCpIst 21.94 -.32 +7.8 Popular 2.83 -.09 -9.9 SP Util 33.73 -.40 +7.6 XL Grp 23.39 -.15 +7.2
Fidelity IntlDisc d 44.60 -.95 +1.6 BrMySq 28.20 -.17 +6.5 ExpScrip s 59.53 -.45 +10.1 LancastrC 60.76 -.42 +6.2
MutualA m 26.69 -.27 +6.0 SmCpGrInv 19.20 -.36 +7.4 Potash s 53.15 +1.11 +3.0 StanBlkDk 73.41 -1.96 +9.8 XcelEngy 24.91 -.35 +5.8
AstMgr20 13.03 -.05 +2.4 GMO IntlGrInc d 13.83 -.31 +3.9 MidCpSgl 31.35 -.45 +7.8 Broadcom 32.96 -.55 -24.3 ExxonMbl 80.67 -.90 +10.3 LVSands 40.11 -1.63 -12.7
NewEconA m 26.49 -.50 +4.6 Northern IntlStk d 14.38 -.29 +1.1 Power-One 8.17 -.56 -19.9 Staples 16.71 +.34 -26.6 Xerox 9.97 -.14 -13.5
AstMgr50 15.85 -.14 +3.1 EmgMktsVI 14.52 -.34 -0.5 Morg 18.93 -.30 +5.0 Broadwind 1.80 +.04 -22.1 Fastenal s 32.40 -.46 +8.2 LennarA 17.85 -.11 -4.8
NewPerspA m29.35 -.55 +2.6 HYFixInc d 7.53 -.01 +6.1 IntlStkAd m 14.32 -.30 +1.0 PS USDBull21.79 +.14 -4.1 StarScient 4.28 +.15+119.5 Xilinx 34.83 -.94 +20.2
Bal 18.91 -.18 +4.1 IntItVlIV 22.61 -.49 +3.6 BrcdeCm 6.62 -.05 +25.1 FedExCp 92.04 -1.78 -1.0 LeucNatl 36.00 -.53 +23.4
NwWrldA m 54.35 -1.00 -0.4 MMIntlEq d 9.90 -.21 -0.4 LatinAm d 51.72 -.60 -8.8 MuHYAdml 10.26 ... +3.5 PwShs QQQ56.92 -.85 +4.5 Starbucks 36.44 -.17 +13.4 Yahoo 16.06 -.24 -3.4
BlChGrow 47.80 -.73 +5.4 QuIII 21.36 -.23 +6.8 Buckeye 62.54 -.76 -6.4 FifthThird 12.39 -.33 -15.6 Level3 2.00 +.04+104.1
SmCpWldA m39.23 -.71 +1.0 Oakmark MuInt 13.55 -.01 +3.6 Powrwav 3.66 -.30 +44.1 StarwdHtl 57.93 -1.28 -4.7 Yamana g 11.97 -.10 -6.5
Canada d 58.97 -1.00 +1.4 QuVI 21.37 -.22 +6.8 MediaTele 55.91 -.90 +8.1 CA Inc 22.78 -.40 -6.8 Finisar 22.62 -.83 -23.8 LibtyMIntA 17.52 -.19 +11.1
TaxEBdAmA m12.04 ... +3.5 EqIncI 28.95 -.32 +4.4 Praxair 103.30 -1.17 +8.2 StateStr 45.65 -1.19 -1.5 YingliGrn 8.80 -.25 -10.9
CapApr 26.36 -.39 +4.0 Goldman Sachs MidCapVa 25.04 -.33 +5.6 MuIntAdml 13.55 -.01 +3.7 CBS B 26.71 -.28 +40.2 FstHorizon 10.27 ... -12.8 LillyEli 38.40 -.04 +9.6
USGovSecA m14.07 +.01 +1.9 Intl I d 19.84 -.42 +2.2 PrideIntl 41.35 -.67 +25.3 Statoil ASA 24.01 -.75 +1.0 Youku n 44.23 -3.52 +26.3
CapInc d 9.79 -.05 +5.9 GrOppIs 25.69 -.41 +5.5 MidCpGr 62.62 -1.07 +7.0 MuLTAdml 10.88 ... +3.7 CF Inds 147.75 +8.69 +9.3 FstNiagara 14.06 -.17 +.6 Limited 39.66 ... +29.1
WAMutInvA m28.91 -.31 +6.8 Oakmark I d 44.10 -.61 +6.8 PrinFncl 31.19 -.39 -4.2 StillwtrM 17.81 -.57 -16.6 YumBrnds 55.81 -.45 +13.8
Contra 69.81 -1.02 +3.2 HiYieldIs d 7.46 -.02 +5.4 NewAmGro 34.77 -.42 +5.4 CH Engy 52.28 -1.05 +6.9 FirstEngy 43.98 -.78 +18.8 LincNat 28.63 -.58 +2.9
Artio Global MuLtdAdml 11.09 ... +1.8 ProShtS&P 41.23 +.46 -6.0 Stryker 63.05 -.37 +17.4 Zalicus 2.36 +.06 +49.4
DiscEq 23.71 -.34 +5.2 MidCapVaA m37.82 -.58 +5.3 Old Westbury NewAsia d 19.07 -.43 -0.6 CMS Eng 19.94 -.34 +7.2 Flextrn 6.80 ... -13.4 LinkedIn n 88.30 -4.79 -6.3
IntlEqI 29.66 -.64 -1.6 GlbSmMdCp 16.25 -.29 +5.0 NewEra 52.08 -1.00 -0.2 MuShtAdml 15.91 ... +0.9 CNO Fincl 7.42 -.18 +9.4 FocusMda 31.34 -1.64 +42.9 LizClaib 6.38 -.25 -10.9 PrUShS&P 20.96 +.48 -11.8 SubPpne 52.84 -.21 -5.8 Zimmer 67.00 -.70 +24.8
IntlEqIII 12.23 -.28 -1.8 DivGrow 29.45 -.49 +3.6 MidCpVaIs 38.14 -.59 +5.5
NewHoriz 36.70 -.63 +9.6 PrecMtls d 25.49 -.65 -4.5 CSS Inds 17.14 -.24 -16.8 Fonar 2.23 -.07 +71.5 LloydBkg 3.25 -.08 -20.9 PrUlShDow 17.43 +.36 -15.8 Suncor gs 39.67 -1.02 +3.6 ZollMed 57.91 -.43 +55.5
DivrIntl d 30.27 -.72 +0.4 Harbor Oppenheimer
Artisan EmgMkt d 25.59 -.67 -2.9 NewIncome 9.60 ... +2.5 Prmcp d 69.42 -1.02 +5.5 CSX 76.13 -1.27 +17.8 FootLockr 24.55 -.56 +25.1 LockhdM 79.23 -.52 +13.3 ProUltQQQ 88.16 -2.59 +8.3 Sunoco 39.25 -.58 -2.6 Zweig 3.39 -.02 +1.2
Bond 12.36 -.01 +2.9 CapApA m 45.11 -.65 +3.5
Intl d 22.96 ... +5.8 EqInc 46.19 -.62 +4.6 R2015 12.36 -.13 +4.0 CablvsnNY 34.10 -.40 +.8 FordM 14.80 -.20 -11.9 Lowes 24.38 -.08 -2.8 PrUShQQQ rs51.46+1.44 -11.5 SunTrst 27.20 -.69 -7.8 ZweigTl 3.43 -.02 -3.7
CapApInst 38.77 -.61 +5.6 CapApB m 39.72 -.57 +3.2 PrmcpAdml d 72.05 -1.06 +5.5
IntlVal d 28.42 ... +4.8 EqInc II 19.06 -.25 +4.7 DevMktA m 35.11 -.60 -3.7 R2025 12.54 -.15 +4.2 CalaStrTR 9.63 -.13 +4.0 ForestLab 34.84 -.53 +8.9 LyonBas A 38.90 -1.10 +13.1
MdCpVal 22.58 ... +12.5 IntlInstl d 62.27 -1.55 +2.8 PrmcpCorI d 14.57 -.21 +5.8
R2035 12.74 -.19 +4.2 Cameco g 27.32 +.26 -32.3 ForestOil 30.10 -1.28 -20.7 MBIA 8.79 +.08 -26.7
36.83 ... +9.5
ExpMulNat d 22.54 -.32 +3.3
11.67 -.10 +3.3
11.83 -.16 +3.5
IntlInv m
61.62 -1.54 +2.7 DevMktY
GlobA m
34.77 -.59 -3.6
64.01 -1.25 +6.0
GoldMinA m 44.45 -.64 -10.8
15.93 -.14
17.10 -.20
REITIdx d 19.93 -.22
REITIdxAd d 85.08 -.91
Cameron 47.00
CampSp 34.95
-1.16 -7.4
-.29 +.6
FortuneBr 62.79 -1.09 +4.2
FMCG s 47.42 -.96 -21.0
MEMC 10.17
MF Global 7.24
-.13 -9.7
-.21 -13.4
Foreign Exchange & Metals
Asset b 58.31 -.89 +5.5 AdvHLSIA 20.06 -.16 +3.8 Rtmt2030 18.00 -.25 +4.2 CdnNRs gs 41.16 -.81 -7.3 FDelMnt 26.69 -.26 +7.0 MFA Fncl 8.08 -.06 -1.0
FF2040 8.27 -.11 +3.6 CapAprA m 34.78 -.61 +0.4 IntlBondA m 6.60 -.05 +2.1 STBond 10.61 ... +1.4
Growth b 54.60 -.70 +6.6 Fidelity 33.96 -.55 +5.7 IntlBondY 6.60 -.05 +2.2 Rtmt2040 18.14 -.26 +4.1
STBondAdm 10.61 ... +1.5
CapOne 54.09 -.98 +27.1 FrontierCm 8.69 -.12 -10.7 MMT 6.85 +.02 -.7 CURRENCY CLOSE PVS. %CH. 6MO. 1YR.
SmCap b 25.84 -.39 +8.7 CapAprI 34.82 -.61 +0.5 ShTmBond 4.87 ... +1.3 CapitlSrce 6.27 -.10 -11.7 FrontierOil 29.25 +.68 +62.4 MGIC 7.49 +.04 -26.5
FltRtHiIn d 9.87 -.01 +1.9 CpApHLSIA 43.59 -.73 +2.9 MainStrA m 33.03 -.42 +2.0 USD per British Pound 1.6119 -.0157 -.97% 1.5781 1.4468
SmCpStk 36.84 -.59 +7.0 STBondSgl 10.61 ... +1.5 CapsteadM 13.03 -.04 +3.5 FuelCell 1.50 -.09 -35.1 MGM Rsts 14.93 -.45 +.5
Bernstein Free2010 13.98 -.11 +3.3 DvGrHLSIA 20.54 -.25 +5.3 RocMuniA m 15.13 ... +1.8
DiversMui 14.49 ... +2.9 Free2020 14.21 -.14 +3.4 RochNtlMu m 6.71 ... +4.2 SmCpVal d 37.35 -.58 +3.4 STCor 10.79 ... +1.7 CpstnTrb h 1.81 +.05 +88.5 FultonFncl 11.00 -.13 +6.4 Macys 28.58 -.05 +13.0 Canadian Dollar .9768 +.0045 +.46% 1.0240 1.0626
TRBdHLSIA 11.24 ... +3.2 SpecGrow 18.45 -.29 +4.2 CardnlHlth 44.43 -.49 +16.0 GT Solar 11.62 -.70 +27.4 Manulife g 17.43 -.54 +1.5
IntDur 13.97 +.01 +3.3 Free2025 11.88 -.13 +3.5 StrIncA m 4.37 -.03 +4.3 STGradeAd 10.79 ... +1.7
TxMIntl 15.50 -.38 -1.5 Free2030 14.20 -.17 +3.5 Hussman SpecInc 12.62 -.04 +3.7 CareFusion 28.65 -.19 +11.5 GabDvInc 16.40 -.25 +6.8 MarathonO 50.48 -.72 +36.3 USD per Euro 1.4060 -.0141 -1.00% 1.3374 1.2587
StratGrth d 12.39 +.03 +0.8 PIMCO STsryAdml 10.75 ... +1.0
GNMA 11.67 ... +3.1 TaxFHiYld 10.48 ... +2.9 CarMax 28.82 -.57 -9.6 GabelliET 6.06 +.01 +6.9 MktVGold 55.34 -.42 -10.0 Japanese Yen 81.97 +.40 +.49% 83.18 89.81
BlackRock AllAssetI 12.53 -.06 +4.5 SelValu d 20.18 -.30 +7.6
GovtInc 10.56 +.01 +2.1 INVESCO Value 24.68 -.34 +5.7 Carnival 38.79 -.77 -15.9 Gafisa SA 10.15 -.20 -30.1 MktVRus 35.82 -1.12 -5.5
EqDivA m 18.50 -.21 +6.0 AllAuthIn 10.93 -.05 +4.1 SmCapIdx 36.75 -.67 +5.8 Mexican Peso 11.7320 +.1091 +.93% 12.4590 12.9740
GrowCo 90.02 -1.37 +8.3 CharterA m 17.21 -.21 +6.4 ValueAd b 24.42 -.34 +5.7 Caterpillar 101.89 -2.44 +8.8 GameStop 27.66 -.22 +20.9 MktVJrGld 35.07 -1.08 -12.1
EqDivI 18.54 -.21 +6.1 ComRlRStI 9.31 -.10 +3.0
GlobAlcA m 19.86 -.23 +2.3 GrowInc 19.09 -.25 +4.6 ComstockA m 16.52 -.24 +5.4 Templeton SmCpIdAdm 36.80 -.67 +5.8 CedarF 20.28 -.27 +33.8 Gannett 14.21 -.47 -5.8 MktV Agri 52.81 -.32 -1.4
DevLocMktI 10.91 -.09 +3.6 CelSci .59 -.01 -28.7 Gap 19.28 +.06 -12.5 MarIntA 36.30 -.86 -12.6 METALS CLOSE PVS. %CH. 6MO. 1YR.
GlobAlcC m 18.50 -.21 +2.0 HiInc d 9.19 -.02 +5.2 ConstellB m 21.63 -.31 +3.3 InFEqSeS 20.83 -.50 +3.9 SmCpIdIst 36.80 -.67 +5.8
DivIncInst 11.66 -.02 +4.2 Celanese 48.30 -1.93 +17.3 GenDynam 71.39 -1.64 +.6 MarvellT 14.34 ... -22.7
GlobAlcI d 19.96 -.23 +2.4 Indepndnc 25.37 -.44 +4.2 EqIncomeA m 8.92 -.09 +4.3 Third Avenue
GlobEqA m 11.36 -.19 +5.8
HiYldIs 9.52 -.02 +5.3 SmGthIdx 23.63 -.45 +7.8 Celgene 59.23 -1.26 +.2 GenElec 19.39 -.23 +6.0 Masco 14.20 -.05 +12.2 Copper 3.99 4.12 -3.13 +7.81 +27.21
CGM IntBond 10.72 ... +2.8 InvGrdIns 10.78 -.01 +5.0 Value d 51.76 -.89 0.0
IntMuniInc d 10.17 ... +3.0 GrowIncA m 20.06 -.26 +4.6 SmGthIst 23.69 -.45 +7.9 CellTher rsh 2.26 +.18 +3.2 GenGrPr n 15.91 -.13 +2.8 MassMCp s 17.34 +.18 +13.5 Gold 1515.30 1508.80 +0.43 +10.00 +26.93
Focus 31.51 -.56 -9.5 LowDrIs 10.50 -.02 +2.0 Thornburg Cemex 8.17 -.10 -20.7 GenMarit 1.78 -.08 -45.2 MasseyEn 61.20 +.20 +14.1
IntlDisc d 32.83 -.88 -0.6 PacGrowB m 21.46 -.48 -3.9 SmValIdx 16.59 -.29 +3.6
Mutual 27.49 -.30 -6.7 RealRet 11.63 -.01 +4.1 IntlValA m 28.90 -.62 +3.2 CenterPnt 18.73 -.23 +19.1 GenMills s 39.76 +.04 +11.7 Mattel 26.32 -.14 +3.5 Platinum 1755.90 1769.40 -0.76 +5.92 +14.43
InvGrdBd 7.54 ... +3.3 TaxESecY 10.57 ... +3.6 Star 19.83 -.21 +3.9
Realty 28.79 -.39 +7.7 RealRtnA m 11.63 -.01 +3.9 IntlValI d 29.54 -.64 +3.3 CVtPS 23.31 +.09 +6.6 GenMot n 30.96 -.22 -16.0 McClatchy 2.57 -.18 -45.0
LatinAm d 56.20 -.70 -4.8 Ivy ShtTermIs 9.91 -.01 +1.0 Tweedy Browne StratgcEq 20.05 -.37 +9.4 Silver 34.90 35.08 -0.52 +26.60 +94.09
Calamos LevCoSt d 30.12 -.56 +6.0 AssetStrA m 25.25 -.59 +3.4 CntryLink 43.05 -.15 -6.8 GenOn En 3.90 ... +2.4 McCorm 49.87 -.44 +7.2
GrowA m 55.60 -1.05 +4.2 TotRetA m 11.03 -.01 +2.8 GlobVal d 24.64 -.36 +3.4 TgtRe2010 23.10 -.16 +3.5 ChrmSh 4.07 +.08 +14.6 Gentex 29.12 -.68 -1.5 McDrmInt s 20.11 -.66 -2.8 Palladium 731.80 735.50 -0.50 +5.97 +61.71
LowPriStk d 41.03 -.56 +6.9 AssetStrC m 24.47 -.57 +3.1 TotRetAdm b 11.03 -.01 +2.9
Cohen & Steers Magellan 73.29 -1.24 +2.4 VALIC Co I TgtRe2015 12.87 -.11 +3.6
JPMorgan TotRetC m 11.03 -.01 +2.5
Realty 63.96 -.71 +9.8 MidCap d 30.54 -.46 +5.9 StockIdx 26.14 -.32 +5.4 TgtRe2020 22.92 -.23 +3.7
CoreBondA m 11.61 +.01 +2.5
Story Stocks
TotRetIs 11.03 -.01 +3.0
Columbia MuniInc d 12.52 ... +3.8 CoreBondSelect11.60+.01 +2.5 TotRetrnD b 11.03 -.01 +2.9 Vanguard TgtRe2030 22.53 -.29 +3.9
AcornA m 30.59 -.53 +4.6 NewMktIn d 15.87 -.03 +3.6 HighYldSel d 8.39 -.01 +5.4 TotlRetnP 11.03 -.01 +3.0 500Adml 121.68 -1.46 +5.5
500Inv 121.65 -1.47 +5.5 TgtRe2035 13.62 -.19 +4.0
AcornIntZ 41.15 -.77 +0.6 OTC 59.29 -.95 +7.9
AcornZ 31.62 -.54 +4.7 Overseas d 32.58 -.90 +0.3
IntmdTFSl 11.00 ... +3.3
ShDurBndSel 11.02 ... +1.0
Parnassus AssetA 25.68 -.31 +5.0 TgtRe2040 22.36 -.32 +4.0 Stocks fell Monday after a weekend of bad news 130.78 points, or 1.1 percent, to 12,381.26. The
EqIncInv 27.48 -.39 +4.7
DivrEqInA m 10.52 -.13 +4.5 Puritan 18.59 -.20 +4.2 USLCpCrPS 21.20 -.27 +2.6
BalIdxAdm 22.23 -.16 +4.5 TgtRe2045 14.05 -.20 +4.1 about Europe. Another downgrade of Greece's S&P 500 index fell 15.9, or 1.2 percent, to
StLgCpGrZ 13.81 -.22 +9.5 RealInv d 28.01 -.29 +9.0 BalIdxIns 22.23 -.16 +4.5 TgtRetInc 11.58 -.05 +3.2
ValRestrZ 51.26 -.80 +1.7 Series100Index 9.10 -.10 +4.1
OverseasJ d 47.68 -1.12 -5.8
Portfolio 47.81 -.18 +4.4 CAITAdml 10.96 ... +3.9 Tgtet2025 13.10 -.15 +3.8
credit rating, a warning on Italy's debt and a defeat 1,317.37. All but a handful of stocks in the S&P
ShTmBond 8.52 ... +1.3 CapOp d 34.66 -.48 +4.3
SmCapStk d 20.75 -.43 +5.9
PerkinsMCVJ 23.82 -.32 +5.5 Pioneer
PioneerA m 42.40 -.57 +3.7 CapOpAdml d80.08 -1.11 +4.3 TotBdAdml 10.73 +.01 +2.6 of Spain's ruling party caused worries about fell. The Nasdaq composite fell 44.42, or 1.6 per-
1YrFixInI 10.35 ... +0.5 TwentyJ 65.87 -1.12 +0.2
2YrGlbFII 10.20 ... +0.5 StratInc 11.33 -.02 +4.4
John Hancock Principal CapVal 11.56 -.19 +4.9 TotBdInst 10.73 +.01 +2.6 Europe’s debt crisis to flare up again. The Dow fell cent, to 2,758.9.
5YrGlbFII 11.14 +.01 +2.4 StratRRet d 9.85 -.04 +3.3 L/T2020I 12.17 -.14 +4.4 Convrt d 13.94 -.12 +4.7 TotBdMkInv 10.73 +.01 +2.5
LifAg1 b 12.73 -.21 +3.7
EmMkCrEqI 21.50 -.47 -3.0 TotalBd 10.92 ... +3.3
LifBa1 b 13.36 -.13 +4.0 SAMConGrB m13.63 -.17 +3.9 DevMktIdx d 10.24 -.24 +1.8 TotBdMkSig 10.73 +.01 +2.6 Bank of New York BK Krispy Kreme KKD Gap GPS
EmMktValI 34.67 -.80 -4.1 USBdIdxInv 11.49 +.01 +2.6 DivGr 15.40 -.16 +7.1
LifGr1 b 13.32 -.18 +3.7 Prudential Investmen TotIntl d 15.86 -.36 +0.6
IntSmCapI 17.59 -.37 +2.3 Value 72.44 -1.20 +5.5
RegBankA m 14.28 -.20 -2.5 2020FocA m 16.70 -.21 +5.1
EmMktIAdm d38.82 -.88 -2.6 Close: $27.81 -0.38 or -1.3% Close: $8.05 1.65 or 25.8% Close: $19.28 0.06 or 0.3%
USCorEq1I 11.61 -.17 +5.8 Fidelity Advisor EnergyAdm d128.65-2.48 +6.4 TotStIAdm 33.23 -.43 +5.7
USCorEq2I 11.55 -.18 +5.5 NewInsA m 20.49 -.30 +2.8
SovInvA m 16.36 -.20 +4.4 BlendA m 18.06 -.28 +4.9
EnergyInv d 68.51 -1.32 +6.3 TotStIIns 33.24 -.43 +5.7 The Wall Street Journal said its The donut store chain’s quarterly Deutsche Bank says the clothing
TaxFBdA m 9.71 +.01 +3.5 EqOppA m 14.70 -.21 +5.9
USLgCo 10.42 -.12 +5.6 NewInsI 20.71 -.29 +3.0 HiYieldA m 5.63 -.01 +5.1
ExplAdml 73.05 -1.39 +7.7 TotStISig 32.07 -.42 +5.7 analysis of the bank’s currency net profit more than doubled as cus- store chain’s shares are a good val-
Keeley Explr 78.46 -1.49 +7.6
USLgValI 21.60 -.30 +7.6 StratIncA m 12.66 -.02 +4.4
SmCapVal m 25.88 -.52 +3.6 IntlEqtyA m 6.37 -.15 +2.9 ExtdIdAdm 43.83 -.75 +6.2 TotStIdx 33.22 -.43 +5.7 trades could bolster accusations tomer traffic increased and the com- ue after last week’s sell-off triggered
USMicroI 14.18 -.26 +3.0 ValStratT m 27.21 -.45 +5.1 IntlValA m 21.20 -.46 +2.9
USSmValI 26.19 -.47 +2.4 Fidelity Select Lazard ExtdIdIst 43.83 -.75 +6.2 TxMIntlAdm d 11.78 -.28 +1.8 that it overcharged clients. pany raised prices. by a slashed outlook.
JenMidCapGrA m29.69-.44 +8.4 ExtndIdx 43.79 -.75 +6.2
USSmallI 22.36 -.41 +4.8 Gold d 46.86 -.60 -8.3 EmgMkEqtI d 20.87 -.39 -4.2 TxMSCAdm 28.61 -.49 +5.3 $32 $10 $24
JennGrA m 19.02 -.30 +5.4 FAWeUSIns d94.57 -2.16 +0.8
DWS-Scudder Pharm d 13.61 -.20 +12.6 EmgMktEqO m21.23 -.40 -4.3 NaturResA m 55.20 -.89 -3.3 USValue 10.88 -.15 +7.7
GNMA 10.92 ... +2.9
EnhEMFIS d 10.76 -.06 +0.2 Fidelity Spartan Legg Mason/Western SmallCoA m 21.68 -.41 +6.8 GNMAAdml 10.92 ... +3.0
ValIdxIns 22.01 -.26 +6.5 30 8 22
HlthCareS d 27.90 -.37 +14.6 500IdxAdvtg 46.75 -.56 +5.5 CrPlBdIns 11.01 ... +3.6 UtilityA m 10.93 -.17 +7.3 WellsI 22.65 -.08 +5.3
GlbEq 18.53 -.35 +3.8
LAEqS d 47.92 -.58 -9.8 500IdxInv 46.75 -.56 +5.5 MgdMuniA m 15.43 ... +4.2 ValueA m 15.50 -.21 +5.2 GrowthEq 11.32 -.16 +4.9 WellsIAdm 54.88 -.20 +5.3 28 6 20
Davis ExtMktIdI d 39.90 -.67 +5.9 Longleaf Partners Putnam GrowthIdx 33.08 -.42 +4.9 Welltn 32.32 -.27 +4.6
NYVentA m 35.60 -.43 +3.7 IntlIdxIn d 35.77 -.87 +2.0 LongPart 30.65 -.39 +8.5 GrowIncA m 14.06 -.18 +4.1 GrthIdAdm 33.08 -.43 +5.0 26 4 18
NYVentC m 34.33 -.41 +3.4 TotMktIdAg d 38.37 -.50 +5.6 Loomis Sayles GrowIncB m 13.79 -.19 +3.7 GrthIstId 33.08 -.43 +5.0
WelltnAdm 55.82 -.47 +4.6 M A M M A M M A M
NYVentY 36.01 -.42 +3.8 TotMktIdI d 38.37 -.50 +5.6 BondI 14.92 -.05 +6.4 IncomeA m 6.91 ... +4.7 HYCor d 5.86 -.01 +5.7 WndsIIAdm 48.52 -.61 +6.5 52-week range 52-week range 52-week range
Delaware Invest First Eagle BondR b 14.86 -.05 +6.3 VoyagerA m 23.44 -.38 -1.1 HYCorAdml d 5.86 -.01 +5.7 Wndsr 14.12 -.21 +4.5
DiverIncA m 9.36 ... +3.4 GlbA m 47.82 -.58 +3.1 Lord Abbett Royce HltCrAdml d 58.33 -.65 +13.8
$23.78 $32.50 $3.25 $8.14 $16.62 $23.73
WndsrAdml 47.65 -.73 +4.5
Dimensional Investme OverseasA m 23.00 -.29 +1.5 AffiliatA m 11.88 -.16 +2.8 LowStkSer m 18.62 -.28 +2.0 HlthCare d 138.22 -1.52 +13.8
IntCorEqI 11.46 -.25 +2.0 FrankTemp-Franklin BondDebA m 8.08 -.02 +5.9 OpportInv d 12.23 -.21 +1.2 ITBondAdm 11.38 +.01 +3.5
WndsrII 27.33 -.35 +6.5 Vol.: 8.1m (1.2x avg.) PE: 13.1 Vol.: 13.6m (12.4x avg.) PE: 73.2 Vol.: 14.6m (1.7x avg.) PE: 10.3
IntlSCoI 17.52 -.35 +2.0 CA TF A m 6.81 ... +3.2 ShDurIncA m 4.62 -.01 +2.1 PAMutInv d 12.30 -.20 +5.6 ITGradeAd 10.02 ... +3.8 Yacktman Mkt. Cap: $34.53 b Yield: 1.3% Mkt. Cap: $543.57 m Yield: ... Mkt. Cap: $11.23 b Yield: 2.3%
IntlValuI 18.66 -.41 +1.8 Fed TF A m 11.67 +.01 +4.6 ShDurIncC m 4.65 ... +1.8 PremierInv d 21.76 -.32 +6.9 ITIGrade 10.02 ... +3.8 Yacktman d 17.90 -.19 +8.2

PAGE 10B TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2011 ➛ W E A T H E R THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com

NATIONAL FORECAST: A frontal boundary extending from the central United States to the eastern

Great Lakes will be responsible for widespread showers and thunderstorms today. Some storms in
the central Plains, Mid-Mississippi Valley, Ohio Valley and parts of the Northeast could be strong to
sunny, severe.
Warmer, humid, a sunny, less

62° humid warm

77° 80°
58° 60°


60/47 67/47
Sun, a Sun, a Sun, a Sun, a
thunder- thunder- thunder- thunder- 64/47 Warmer and
storm storm storm storm 82/62 more humid air
85° 81° 80° 75° 62/50
began to invade
60° 60° 60° 55° 64/43
88/66 our area last
evening with
showers and
storms, and now
The Poconos 90/69
Syracuse Highs: 82-85. Lows: 56-60. Mostly cloudy,
we find our-
Today’s high/ selves under a
77/53 chance of showers and thunderstorms.
Tonight’s low
Albany 93/75 blanket of
79/57 61/43 87/75 89/77 muggy air more
typical of a day
Binghamton The Jersey Shore 55/45 in summer. After
78/54 Highs: 71-86. Lows: 62-66. Mostly cloudy,
chance of scattered showers.
some thick fog
City Yesterday Today Tomorrow City Yesterday Today Tomorrow
Towanda in spots early
Anchorage 55/45/.00 61/43/pc 62/43/pc Myrtle Beach 82/75/.00 88/71/s 88/70/s this morning,
Scranton Atlanta 89/67/.00 90/67/pc 90/65/s Nashville 83/63/.32 87/67/t 87/68/pc hazy sunshine
84/56 The Finger Lakes Baltimore 83/64/.02 87/64/t 83/66/pc New Orleans 90/75/.00 93/75/s 88/74/pc
will boost tem-
Wilkes-Barre Highs: 63-78. Lows: 47-54. Partly to most- Boston 61/51/.11 79/60/sh 66/53/pc Norfolk 88/70/.09 90/71/sh 87/69/pc
82/57 Buffalo 76/68/.04 63/51/sh 70/54/c Oklahoma City 86/70/.00 88/62/t 79/58/pc peratures to
ly sunny, a chance of scattered showers.
Charlotte 86/68/.00 93/68/pc 93/68/pc Omaha 80/59/.00 77/58/t 65/51/t near 80 this
Pottsville New York City Chicago 78/60/.00 51/48/c 63/50/t Orlando 91/69/.00 94/70/s 92/71/s afternoon, but
State College 82/59 82/62 Cleveland 80/67/.03 68/51/sh 68/54/t Phoenix 89/68/.00 92/68/pc 99/71/s an approaching
80/58 Brandywine Valley Dallas 84/69/.89 90/69/pc 90/64/pc Pittsburgh 78/62/.00 76/53/sh 77/61/c cold front will
Reading Denver 72/47/.05 64/43/t 64/47/pc Portland, Ore. 58/50/.00 68/50/c 59/48/sh
Harrisburg 85/64 Highs: 81-86. Lows: 59-65. Cloudy, chance likely trigger
85/62 of scattered thunderstorms. Detroit 80/64/.13 64/47/c 62/53/t St. Louis 81/64/.10 82/64/t 79/61/t
Honolulu 83/75/.00 87/75/s 87/75/s Salt Lake City 63/49/.00 61/45/t 73/48/pc
more showers
Philadelphia and storms later
87/66 Houston 91/76/.00 93/75/s 93/74/pc San Antonio 90/75/.00 91/75/pc 93/72/pc
Indianapolis 82/64/.32 77/66/t 82/62/t San Diego 63/61/.00 67/56/pc 70/57/s today into early
Atlantic City Delmarva/Ocean City Las Vegas 84/64/.00 86/67/pc 90/70/s San Francisco 64/50/.00 64/48/pc 61/49/sh tonight. The risk
78/64 Highs: 76-89. Lows: 64-69. Mostly cloudy, Los Angeles 65/59/.00 66/56/pc 67/57/s Seattle 59/44/.00 65/51/c 62/50/sh for severe
chance of showers throughout, with Miami 88/79/.00 89/77/s 89/77/s Tampa 90/76/.00 90/68/s 93/73/s storms will be
Milwaukee 77/61/.05 50/44/c 53/45/t Tucson 89/60/.00 89/62/s 93/65/s high, with a
thunderstorms possible to the north.
Minneapolis 74/59/.01 67/47/pc 66/48/pc Washington, DC 82/64/.02 88/66/t 84/66/pc
threat for wind
ALMANAC Recorded at Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Int’l Airport WORLD CITIES damage and
Temperatures Precipitation River Levels, from 12 p.m. yesterday. City Yesterday Today Tomorrow City Yesterday Today Tomorrow flash flooding.
Yesterday 70/57 Yesterday 0.00” Susquehanna Stage Chg. Fld. Stg Forecasts, graphs The wind will
Average 73/51 Month to date 3.16” Wilkes-Barre 10.00 -1.80 22.0 and data ©2011 Amsterdam 70/50/.00 60/45/pc 67/46/pc Mexico City 86/63/.00 87/61/t 88/61/t
Baghdad 99/77/.00 99/79/s 101/79/s Montreal 72/59/.00 66/48/sh 67/50/s shift tonight
Record High 93 in 1911 Normal month to date 2.71” Towanda 5.63 -1.69 21.0 Weather Central, LP
Record Low 36 in 1998 Year to date 20.11” Beijing 84/55/.00 85/60/s 84/61/pc Moscow 77/48/.00 65/49/sh 71/50/pc allowing cooler
Cooling Degree Days* Normal year to date 13.22” Bethlehem 2.86 0.54 16.0 For more weather Berlin 70/48/.00 74/45/sh 66/45/pc Paris 81/46/.00 69/48/s 78/51/s and less humid
Yesterday 0 Sun and Moon Delaware information go to: Buenos Aires 57/36/.00 66/49/sh 65/45/sh Rio de Janeiro 82/66/.00 80/66/s 78/65/s air into town
Month to date 3 Sunrise Sunset Port Jervis 6.28 -0.56 18.0 www.timesleader.com Dublin 55/46/.00 55/43/sh 61/48/sh Riyadh 104/86/.00 105/85/pc 105/83/pc tomorrow. This is
Year to date 15 Today 5:38a 8:23p Frankfurt 75/50/.00 73/48/pc 73/47/s Rome 77/57/.00 76/58/t 78/59/t now our third
Last New First Full National Weather Service Hong Kong 77/72/.00 84/73/sh 85/75/sh San Juan 86/74/.26 85/76/pc 84/76/t
Last year to date 39 Tomorrow 5:37a 8:24p wettest spring in
Normal year to date 26 Moonrise Moonset 607-729-1597 Jerusalem 82/61/.00 83/60/s 86/63/s Tokyo 64/57/.00 65/55/sh 73/57/s
London 66/48/.00 63/45/s 69/49/pc Warsaw 70/54/.00 77/54/pc 66/43/s over 100 years.
*Index of fuel consumption, how far the day’s Today 1:16a 12:43p
mean temperature was above 65 degrees.
Tomorrow 1:40a 1:42p May 24 June 1 June 8 June 15 Key: s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sn-snow, sf-snow flurries, i-ice. - Tom Clark

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NUTRITION QUIZ Food pairs 3. Another food pairing is “beans because of the iron in beans tomatoes mixed with sunflower or
As its name implies, Eating two minerals? and greens.” What happens when 4. Eating greens with “nonheme” olive oil increased lycopene levels.
Well magazine tries mighti- a) Calcium and magnesium you combine eating green vegeta- iron is important because absorp- Lycopene has been shown to
ly to improve our diets. b) Iron and zinc bles with beans? tion is difficult on its own. Which is reduce the risk of what?
Recently it featured “Pow- c) Iodine and potassium a) The vitamin C in the greens an example of a “nonheme” iron a) breast cancer
er Food Pairs” — foods 2. Everyone knows iron’s function helps you absorb the iron in the food source? b) kidney failure
that, when combined, is to hasten oxygen toward the beans a) fish c) gout
become nutritional jug- body’s cells, but what does zinc b) The calcium in the greens is b) tofu
gernauts. Take our quiz: do? boosted by the protein in the c) turkey
a) Boosts immunity to illness ANSWERS: 1: a; 2: c; 3: a; 4: b; 5: a
1. Adding sautéed onions beans 5. According to the journal Free
and garlic to whole grains b) Helps repair wounds c) The level of manganese, espe- Radical Biology and Medicine,
boosts the absorption of what c) Both a and b From The Times Leader wire ser-
cially in broccoli, rises threefold people who ate several servings of


HEALTH timesleader.com

TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2011



ER visits are topic MITCHELL HECHT
WVIA-TV, Channel 44, will

See a urologist
present a live “Call the Doctor”
program about emergency room
visits at 7 tonight. The program

if varicocele
will focus on how to determine
if an illness or injury warrants a
trip to the emergency room.

is causing pain
Viewers may call in questions
during the live show at 1-800-
326-9842 or submit questions
online at http://www.wvia.org/
Q: I had an ultrasound
Free program on wounds of my testicles that
The Wyoming Valley Chapter said I have a varico-
of Senior Circle will host a free cele. The doctor said …
luncheon and program on pre- we can just keep an eye
venting and treating wounds at on it. Is that good
noon Friday at the Thomas P. advice?
Saxton Medical Pavilion, 468 — L.L., Orlando,
Northampton St., Edwardsville. Fla.
Douglas Cogliano of the A: A varicocele is essentially a varicose
Wound Healing Center at vein problem that can occur in a man’s
Wilkes-Barre General Hospital scrotum. About 15 percent of men will
will present techniques as well develop this dilation and engorgement of
the internal spermatic veins that drain
as how to safely and effectively
the testicle. Just like the varicose veins
treat wounds. Chronic wounds
that can develop in the legs, a varicocele
such as ones caused by diabetes,
develops because of a defect in tiny
poor circulation and many other Jeremiah Hales, left, a physical therapist at Body Balance for Performance one-way valves that help to pump blood
conditions will be addressed. in Minneapolis, puts Joe Barwick through a series of exercises emphasiz- against gravity, away from the testicle
Refreshments will be served. ing balance and stability with rotational power to improve his golf game. and toward the abdomen and heart. If
Contact the Senior Circle office
those valves are weak or ineffective,
at 552-5050 for more informa-
blood will tend to stagnate and pool in
tion or reservations.
the internal spermatic veins, causing
Free workshops set further stretching and engorgement.
Just like varicose veins in the legs,
James Siberski, assistant
most varicoceles do not cause much
professor and coordinator of
pain. Since you are experiencing pain, I’d
gerontological education at
advise that you see a urologist. One
Misericordia University, is facil- important consequence of having a
itating two free workshops for varicocele, which may be a problem for a
the Luzerne-Wyoming Counties By JEANNINE STEIN Los Angeles Times
couple planning a family, is male in-
MH/MR Program on June 6 at fertility. Even if male infertility is not
the Luzerne County West Side You wobble slightly stepping off a curb, then down you go. In
your issue, the dull pain and heaviness of
Annex Building, 2009 Wyoming the second or two before you hit the pavement, you wonder a varicocele may eventually limit phys-
Ave., Forty Fort. The workshops ical activity and impair your quality of
are designed for men and wom- what happened to that great sense of balance you used to have. life.
en with intellectual disabilities, Q: I had a vasectomy this past Septem-
aging consumers, family mem- Balance doesn’t stay steady throughout life. Like muscles and bones, ber, but as of the last semen analysis two
bers, caregivers, provider agen- steadiness can deteriorate if not maintained. And balance training just months ago, there are still dead sperm in
cy administrators and program isn’t part of most workouts. the ejaculate. Was my vasectomy a fail-
managers, support coordinators, “Balance is something that people never think about,” says Michael ure?
care managers and supervisors, Bracko, an exercise physiologist and fitness consultant in Calgary, Cana- — M.S., Roswell, Ga.
direct support professionals and da. That is, until a slip, trip or fall happens. Maintaining balance is easy for A: While you haven’t yet been given
other interested human service most younger people, but as we age our bodies lose muscle mass the “all clear” sign, there have been no
agencies. (about 1 percent a year starting after middle age) and bone mass. live, viable sperm reported five months
To register, call the Luzerne- And senses involved with balance start to dull too as we get MCT PHOTOS after your vasectomy.
Wyoming Counties MH/MR older: vision as well as senses of touch, temperature, Improving your balance can be as Although your urologist is being cau-
Program at 825-9441 or at 1-800- pressure and proprioception (the sense of easy as mastering the art of tious in declaring the procedure a suc-
816-1880. The deadline to regis- body placement and how it moves standing on one leg. Linda cess, and he is still probably advising the
ter is Friday. through space). Blank, of Edison, N.J., is continued use of a contraception method
taught the move by such as a condom, the overwhelming
Benefit walk scheduled See BALANCE, Page 3C
Katie Jehenson, in odds are that it was a success.
“Walk 2 Miles in My Shoes for white shirt. Persistent dead or non-motile sperm
R.S.D,” an event to raise funds are not an uncommon finding. It takes
for people with Reflex Sympa- months for the small tubules to clear out
thetic Dystrophy, a chronic all the dead sperm. The likely explana-
neurological disease caused by tion for the persistent appearance of
malfunction of the nervous dead sperm is that your seminal vesicles
system, will begin at 1 p.m. on which store the semen fluid are large,
June 12 at McDade Park, Scran-
ton. Registration is from noon-1
p.m. There is a $10 minimum
Boomers STDs are on rise but the exiting ducts are narrow. The
sperm contained inside is non-motile
(dead); it’s just taking a while to clear
fee for participants. Walkers By ARNI JAMESON out the system.
who raise donations of $50 or The Orange County Register
2009, the number of reported It has been reported in one study that
more will receive a free T-shirt. cases of syphilis and Chlamydia 7 percent of men still produce very rare
Across the nation, and espe-
For sponsor sheets or more among those 55 and older in- dead sperm 10 years after a vasectomy
cially in communities that at-
information, call JoAnn Spal- creased 43 percent, according — with no increased pregnancy risk.
tract a lot of older Americans,
nick at 876-4034. to an Orlando Sentinel analysis The chance of a live sperm passing
the free-love generation is con- through the blockage in the sperm tube
of data provided by the Centers
tinuing to enjoy an active — if (vas deferens) is extremely small —
Health briefs are limited to nonprofit
for Disease Control and Preven-
not always healthy — sex life. especially once the tube has been cut
entities and support groups. To have tion.
At a stage in life when many and cauterized. But failure is always
your health-oriented announcement In the Sunbelt where retirees
would expect sexually trans- possible — roughly a 1 in 1000 chance.
included, send information to Health, have formed large communi-
Times Leader, 15 N. Main St., Wilkes- mitted diseases to be waning,
ties, the rise was even more dra-
Barre, PA 18711-0250; by fax: 829- aging baby boomers are once Dr. Mitchell Hecht is a physician specializing
matic. in internal medicine. Send questions to him
5537; or e-mail health@timeslead- again busting stereotypes, set-
er.com. Information must be received For instance, in Arizona’s at: “Ask Dr. H,” P.O. Box 767787, Atlanta, GA
ting records and breaking rules.
at least two weeks in advance. 30076. Personal replies are not possible.
In the five years from 2005 to See BOOMERS, Page 6C

PAGE 2C TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2011 ➛ H E A L T H THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com


a.m., standing strong chair class,
Candy’s Place, 190 Welles St.,
GROUP: sponsored by Lupus
Foundation of PA, 6 p.m., 1251
HEALTH PEOPLE noses across all age groups.
Michael J. Raymond, Ph.D.,
■ ADDICTION HELP: Recovery director of
Forty Fort. Free to cancer pa- Wyoming Ave., Exeter. Call 558- Through Jesus, 7:30 p.m., Christ
TODAY tients (doctor’s note required for 2008 or 1-888-99-LUPUS for Jennifer Murawski, PT, MPT, has Clinical/
Community Church, 100 West Forensic
all patients); $5 per class or $30 more information. joined PHOENIX Rehabilitation
Dorrance St., Kingston. Call Neuropsy-
■ AL-ANON PARENT SUPPORT per month for all others. Call and Health
283-2202. chology and
GROUP: 7:15 p.m., Nesbitt Med- 714-8800. Services, Inc.
■ RECOVERY INC.: support group clinical direc-
ical Center, 562 Wyoming Ave., as facility
for people with anxiety, panic ■ AL-ANON: step meeting and tor of the
Kingston (ER entrance). Call director for
■ GAMBLERS ANONYMOUS: attacks and depression, 7-9 p.m., discussion, 6-8 p.m., Holy Cross Brain Injury &
603-0541 or (866) 231-2650. the outpatient
7:30 p.m., 333 Broad St., Hazle- Dorranceton United Methodist Episcopal Church, 373 N. Main Sports Con-
clinic at 685
ton. Call Help Line, 829-1341. Church, 549 Wyoming Ave., St., Wilkes-Barre. Call (866) cussion Pro-
Kingston. Call 822-6486, 288- 231-2650. gram at the
10:30-11:30 a.m., John Heinz Wilkes-Barre.
■ MEDITATION AND DEEP RE- 2197 or 542-7980. John Heinz Institute of Rehabil-
Institute, 150 Mundy St., Wilkes- She is a li-
LAXATION CLASSES: for all ■ AQUATIC EXERCISE AND censed phys- itation Medicine, Wilkes-Barre
Barre Township. Call 826-3738. physical levels. Learn ancient ■ S.A.F.E.: Supporting Autism and Murawski
AEROBICS: 3:30-4:30 p.m., ical therapist Township, presented at Saint
breathing techniques to enhance Families Everywhere, 7 p.m., John Heinz Institute, 150 Mundy who holds a master’s degree in Francise University in Loretto.
■ BI-POLAR/DEPRESSION SUP- all vital systems in the body and John Heinz Institute, 150 Mundy St., Wilkes-Barre Township. Call physical therapy and a Bache- Raymond’s presentation, “Cur-
PORT: for those with bi-polar experience a sense of peace and St., Wilkes-Barre Township. Call 826-3738. lor’s of Science degree in rent Concepts in Mild Traumatic
disorder or fighting chronic deep relaxation; 5:30-6:30 p.m., 822-7259. health sciences from The Uni- Brain Injury/Concussion Exam-
depression, 6:30 p.m., Communi- Candy’s Place, 190 Welles St., ■ FREE PREGNANCY TESTING: versity of Scranton. Her clinical ination and Management,” took
ty Counseling Services board Forty Fort. Cost is $5 per class or ■ SUICIDE BEREAVEMENT counseling, education, support expertise includes the eval- place at the DiSepio Institute
room, 110 S. Pennsylvania Ave., $30 per month. The first class is SUPPORT GROUP: for family and options on crisis pregnancy, uation and treatment of ortho- for Rural Health and Wellness
Wilkes-Barre. Call 954-9184. free for everyone. Call 714-8800. and friends of suicide victims, 6-8 p.m., The Hope Center at pedic, sports-related, and post- at the university’s Center of
6-7:30 p.m., Catholic Social Back Mountain Harvest Assemb- surgical conditions, including Excellence for Remote and
■ CELEBRATE RECOVERY: 12- ■ NAR-ANON: support group for Services, 214 W. Walnut St., ly. Call 696-1128 or (866) 219- treatment of a variety of diag- Medically Underserved Areas.
step Bible-based recovery pro- families affected by the disease Hazleton. 2446.
gram for hurts, habits and hang of drug addiction; 7 p.m., United
ups, 6:30 p.m., Cross Creek Methodist Church, 175 S. Main ■ TRADITIONAL YOGA: 5:30- ■ GAMBLERS ANONYMOUS: 8
Community Church, Carverton Road, Mountain Top. Call 262- 6:45 p.m., Candy’s Place, 190 p.m., Nesbitt Medical Arts Build-
Road, Trucksville. Call Dave at
3793. Welles St., Forty Fort. Cost is $7;
age 60 and older $5. Call 714-
ing auditorium, 534 Wyoming
Ave., Kingston. Call Help Line,
■ NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS: 7 8800. 829-1341.
■ GASTRIC BYPASS SUPPORT: p.m., basement of St. Stanislaus BACK MOUNTAIN FREE MED- uninsured or underinsured,
5-8 p.m. Dorranceton United Church, West Church and Maple FRIDAY ■ GAM-ANON: for family mem- ICAL CLINIC: 6:30 p.m. Fri- legal advice and pastoral coun-
Methodist Church, 549 Wyoming streets, Nanticoke; 8 p.m., Nes- bers and friends of compulsive
Ave., Kingston. Call 864-3289. days, 65 Davis St., Shavertown. seling, 6 p.m.-8 p.m. Mondays;
bitt Medical Arts Building audi- gamblers, 7:30 p.m., Nesbitt
■ ARTHRITIS EXERCISE FOR Volunteers, services and suppli- free Chiropractic evaluations
torium, 534 Wyoming Ave., Medical Arts Building, 534
CHILDREN: 4-4:45 p.m., John es needed. For more informa- and vision care, including free
■ GENTLE YOGA CLASS FOR Kingston. Call (866) 935-4762. Wyoming Ave., Kingston. Call
Heinz Institute, 150 Mundy St., tion, call 696-1144. replacement glasses, for the
CANCER PATIENTS AND OTH- Wilkes-Barre Township. Call Help Line, 829-1341. uninsured or underinsured, 6-8
ERS: 5:30-6:45 p.m., Candy’s ■ PET LOSS SUPPORT: 7 p.m., St. 826-3738. BMW FREE COMMUNITY
Place, 190 Welles St., Forty Fort. p.m. Thursdays; Back Mountain
Francis Church Rectory, 13 Chan- ■ NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS: 7 HEALTH CLINIC: 6-8 p.m.,
Free to cancer patients (doctor’s dler St., Miners Mills. Donations Harvest Assembly, 340 Carv-
■ WEIGHT LOSS SUPPORT: p.m., Mount Zion Baptist Church, second Thursday, New Cov- erton Road, Trucksville. Call
note required for all patients); $5 accepted. Call 822-9023 or 105 Hill St., Wilkes-Barre; 7 p.m., enant Christian Fellowship
Weigh-in 5:30-6 p.m., meeting 696-5523.
per class or $30 per month for 457-1625. basement of St. Stanislaus Church, rear entrance, 780 S.
follows, Holy Trinity Lutheran
all others. Call 714-8800. Church, West Church and Maple Main St., Wilkes-Barre. Free VOLUNTEERS IN MEDICINE: 9
Church, 813 Wyoming Ave., King-
■ WEIGHT LOSS SUPPORT: Take ston, call 287-8883; 6:30 p.m., streets, Nanticoke. Call (866) basic care for people without a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through
■ NICOTINE ANONYMOUS: a Off Pounds Sensibly, weigh-in Edwardsville Borough Building, 935-4762. health insurance and the un- Friday, 190 N. Pennsylvania
fellowship of men and women 5:30-5:55 p.m., briefing 6-6:30 Main Street, Edwardsville, call derserved. Call 822-9605. Ave., Wilkes-Barre. Primary and
helping each other to live free of p.m., Lehman United Methodist Pam at 331-2330; weigh-in 6:30- ■ OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS: preventive health care for the
nicotine, 6-7 p.m., Salvation Church, call 675-1682 between 9 CARE AND CONCERN FREE working uninsured and under-
6:45 p.m., meeting follows, 7-8 p.m., Clearbrook, 1003
Army, 17 South Pennsylvania a.m. and 4 p.m.; 6-6:45 p.m. Harveys Lake Sewer Authority Wyoming Ave., Forty Fort. Call HEALTH CLINIC: Registration insured in Luzerne County with
Ave., Wilkes-Barre. Call Joanne weigh-in and 7 p.m. meeting, meeting room, Route 415, call Dominick at 819-2320 or visit 5-6:30 p.m. Wednesdays, for- incomes less than two times
at 829-2169. West Pittston Borough Building; Shirley, 639-0160. www.oa.org. mer Seton Catholic High below federal poverty guide-
weigh-in 5:30-6 p.m., 6 p.m. School, 37 William St., Pittston. lines. For appointments, call
■ OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS: meeting, Trinity Presbyterian SATURDAY Basic health care and informa- 970-2864.
■ RECOVERY INC.: support group
7-8 p.m., Town Hill Methodist Church, 105 Irem Road, Dallas, tion provided. Call 954-0645.
for people with anxiety, panic WILKES-BARRE FREE CLINIC:
Church, 417 Town Hill Road, call 639-5464.
■ AL-ANON: 9 a.m. and 7:30 p.m., attacks and depression, 7-9 p.m., CARE AND CONCERN FREE 4:30-7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and
Shickshinny. Call Barbara at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church,
256-7735 or visit www.oa.org. THURSDAY Clearbrook, 1003 Wyoming Ave., PEDIATRIC HEALTH CLINIC 5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. on the first
Forty Fort. Call 603-0541 or Church Street and Wyoming for infants through age 11, for- and third Wednesday, St. Ste-
(866) 231-2650. Avenue, Kingston. Call 822- mer Seton Catholic High
■ SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED phen’s Episcopal Church, 35 S.
■ ADDICTION HELP: Recovery 6486, 288-2197 or 542-7980. School, 37 William St., Pittston.
DISEASE CLINIC: for Wilkes- Through Jesus, 11 a.m., Christ Franklin St., Wilkes-Barre. Ap-
Barre residents only, 1-4 p.m., ■ CELEBRATE RECOVERY: faith- Registrations accepted from pointments are necessary. Call
Community Church, 100 West ■ SENIORS EXERCISE: group
Kirby Health Center, 71 N. Fran- based 12-step recovery program, 4:30-5:30 p.m. the first and 793-4361. Physicians, nurse
Dorrance St., Kingston. Call strength/stretch exercise and
klin St., Wilkes-Barre. Call 208- 11 a.m., Nebo Baptist Church, 75 third Wednesday of each practitioners, pharmacists, RNs,
283-2202. relaxation classes for adults 55
4268. Prospect St., Nanticoke. Call Sue month. For more information, LPNs and social workers are
at 735-8109 or Lisa at 472-4508. and older, 10:15 a.m., Thomas P.
call 654-9923. needed as well as receptionists
■ ALATEEN: 7:30 p.m., Miser- Saxton Medical Pavilion, 468
■ TRAUMA SUPPORT: day pro- icordia University, Mercy Center, Northampton St., Edwardsville. THE HOPE CENTER: Free basic and interpreters. To volunteer
gram for female trauma victims, ■ NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS: 11 assistance leave a message for
301 Lake St., Dallas Township. Call 552-4550. medical care and preventative
9 a.m.-3:30 p.m., Nanticoke. Call a.m. and 7 p.m., basement of St. Pat at 793-4361.
Call 603-0541. health care information for the
Linda O’Boyle at 735-7590. Stanislaus Church, West Church
and Maple streets, Nanticoke; ■ SUNRISE STRETCH: sponsored
■ EX-POWS’ GROUP: 11 a.m., De- 6:30 p.m., St. Stephen’s Episco- by Area Agency on Aging for
■ WEIGHT LOSS SUPPORT: Take partment of Veterans Affairs Luzerne and Wyoming Counties,
pal Church, 35 S. Franklin St.,
Off Pounds Sensibly, weigh-in
5:30-6:15 p.m., meeting to follow,
Medical Center, eighth-floor
group room, 1111 East End Blvd.,
Wilkes-Barre. Call (866) 935-
7:30 a.m., Swallow Street, Pitt-
ston. Call 822-1158. BLOOD DRIVES
Exaltation of the Holy Cross Plains Township. Call Alan Kur-
Church, Hanover Township. lansky at 824-3521, ext. 7698. ■ WEIGHT LOSS SUPPORT: Take hanna Blvd., Hazleton. For a
Contact Tess at 825-6312. Off Pounds Sensibly, weigh-in complete donation schedule,
SUNDAY ing Valley Chapter of the Amer-
■ GLUTEN FREE INFORMATION 5:30-6 p.m., meeting to follow, ican Red Cross hosts communi- visit nepagivelife.org or call
WEDNESDAY EXCHANGE: 6 p.m., Lupus United Methodist Church Social ty blood drives throughout the (800) GIVE-LIFE, ext. 2150.
Foundation of PA, 615 Jefferson ■ NAR-ANON: support group for Hall, Buffalo Street, White month. Donors who are 16 Area blood donation sites
■ ABUSE SUPPORT: a communi- Ave., Scranton. Call 558-2008 or families affected by the disease Haven; 6:30-8 p.m., Christ Unit- years of age or older, weigh at include:
ty support group for victims and visit www.lupuspa.org. of drug addiction; 7 p.m., Clear- ed Methodist Church, 175 S. Main least 110 pounds and are in Today, 10:30 a.m.-4 p.m., Jewish
survivors of domestic violence in brook, 1003 Wyoming Ave., Forty St., Mountain Top. Call Barbara, relatively good health may give Community Center, 60 S. River
the Wilkes-Barre area. 6:30 p.m. ■ GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP: Fort. Call 262-3793. 474-9349. blood every 56 days. To learn St., Wilkes-Barre.
Child care is provided. Call 1-800- 7-8:30 p.m., First Baptist Church, how to donate or to schedule a Wednesday, noon-6 p.m., Dallas
424-5600. Services are free and 52 E. 8th St., Wyoming. Facilitat- ■ NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS: The health calendar is limited to blood donation, call (800) American Legion, 730 Memo-
confidential. ed by the Rev. Jeffrey Klansek, Harvest Assembly, 340 Carv- nonprofit entities and support GIVE-LIFE. rial Highway, Dallas.
non-denominational and ele- erton Road, Trucksville. Call In addition to those listed below, Thursday, noon-5:30 p.m., Fortis
groups. To have your health-oriented
■ BRAIN INJURY SUPPORT: 7 ments of spirituality are dis- (866) 935-4762. blood drives are conducted at Institute, 166 Slocum St., Forty
event listed here, send information to
p.m., John Heinz Institute, board cussed. Call Klansek at 552-1391 the Red Cross regional blood Fort.
Health, Times Leader, 15 N. Main St.,
room, 150 Mundy St., Wilkes- or 552-4181. MONDAY center, 29 New Commerce Sunday, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., Our Lady
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0250; by fax: of Victory Church, corner of
Barre Township. Call Donna or Blvd., Hanover Industrial Park,
829-5537; or e-mail health@time- 2nd Street and Route 415,
Linda, 826-3888. ■ IMMUNIZATION CLINIC: 9-11 ■ ADDICTION HELP: confidential Mondays noon-6 p.m.; Tuesdays
sleader.com. New and updated Harveys Lake.
a.m., Kirby Health Center, 71 N. one-on-one discussion about 9:30 a.m.-6 p.m.; and Fridays,
information must be received at least Saturdays and Sundays from May 31, 12:30-6 p.m., American
■ EPILEPSY SUPPORT: for per- Franklin St., Wilkes-Barre. Free drug and alcohol addiction and two weeks in advance. To see the 7:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Collections Legion Post 644, 259 Shoe-
sons with epilepsy or seizure for children ages 6 weeks to 18 referrals, 7:30 p.m., the Stickney complete calendar, visit www.times- also take place every Monday maker St., Swoyersville; 12:30-6
disorder, family and friends, 7 years. Must have a current im- building, 24 S. Prospect St.,
leader.com and click Health under the from 9 a.m.-noon at the Hazle- p.m., Knights of Columbus, 55
p.m., John Heinz Institute, 150 munization record and call 208- Nanticoke. Call 762-4009 for an
Mundy St., Wilkes-Barre Town- 4268 for an appointment. Features tab. ton Chapter House, 165 Susque- S. Main St., Pittston.
ship. Call Marianne Sailus at

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THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ H E A L T H TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2011 PAGE 3C

SIMPLE EXERCISES TO IMPROVE BALANCE “strength comes from the legs

BALANCE Work core muscles with no-impact

moves to get started. Improving
your balance can be as easy as
enhanced fashion all the muscles
required for walking.”
To do a lunge, step forward with
and goes through the core.”
Dallas trainer and Pilates in-
structor Karon Karter, author of
Tips to keep joints jumpin’
mastering the art of standing on one leg and bend the knee at 90 “Balance Training: Stability By ALISON JOHNSON People at high risk for arthritis
Continued from Page 1C
one leg. That’s a good exercise to degrees, making sure the knee Workouts for Core Strength and a Daily Press (Newport News, Va.) may want to limit high-impact
Certain medications can affect start with, says exercise physiolog- does not go in front of the foot. Sculpted Body,” says runners Even youngish joints can feel exercises (moves where both
balance, too. And the end result ist Michael Bracko. The body’s weight should be cen- may have big quads because creaky and painful without feet leave the ground at once).
can be serious: Falls in older peo- Stand facing a wall. Place both tered and the heel of the back leg they’re moving in one direction
hands on the wall to balance. Lift lifted. Push off the forward leg to proper care. Luckily, lifestyle Former athletes who have suf-
ple can result in a broken hip, — forward. changes can help you stay ac- fered knee ligament tears, for
which, in turn, can trigger a one leg, hold for five counts, then return to a standing position, and But they may have under-de-
lower the leg. Lift the other leg, repeat with the opposite leg. tive longer. “With an average example, may benefit more
downward spiral into depend- hold for five counts, lower. The For a squat, stand with feet about veloped gluteus medius (mus- life expectancy of more than 70 from low-impact workouts
ence and ill health. Even a fear of standing knee should be slightly hip-width apart and bend at the cles on the sides of the hips) and years, it’s more important than such as swimming and biking.
falling can keep someone house- bent. Repeat three times on each knees and the hips, pushing the adductor and abductors (inner ever for us to protect our bod- If you’re experiencing knee
bound for months. leg. backside out but keeping the head and outer thigh muscles), which ies,” says Dr. Kevin Bonner, an pain, also avoid deep squats
“Skills such as timing and coor- For a slightly more difficult exer- and neck aligned. To do a full are crucial for balance.
cise, hold on to the wall with the squat, stop when the knees are at
orthopedic surgeon who prac- and lunges.
dination that are involved in bal- People who want to advance tices at Sentara Leigh Hospital • Don’t overdo exercise.
ance are learned and practiced left hand and raise the left foot, 90 degrees; a half-squat is be- their balance training can invest
balancing on the right leg, holding tween that and a standing posi- in Norfolk, Va. Some tips: Never increase workout
and honed,” says Sabrena Mer- for five counts. Repeat on the tion. Make sure the back is
in equipment such as Bosu Bal- • Stay fit. Strong muscles lengths by more than 10 per-
rill, a personal trainer in Kansas opposite side, raising both legs straight and aligned with the neck ance Trainers, stability balls and help keep joints stable and de- cent per week. If you run 10
City, Mo., who specializes in bal- three times. Ramp it up more by and head, and that the waist is not wobble boards. Bosus — half- crease stress on cartilage, or miles one week, don’t try to do
ance training. The more we sit, facing the wall but not touching it, bent. Arms are forward. “This is a sphere inflatable balls that are connective tissue. Vary work- 20 the next — make it 11.
the more those skills erode. and balance on each leg as before. challenging exercise because wobbly when stood on or sat up-
Personal trainer Sabrena Merrill you’re putting your body weight
outs to include both cardiovas- • Learn proper form. Con-
As Bracko puts it: “This is use- on — can be used without any cular and strength-training. sult a coach or trainer at least
it-or-lose-it territory.” says simple lunges and squats are on the back half of your foot,” other equipment or with light
great for building leg and core Merrill says. “For many people, it • Maintain a healthy weight. once, particularly with activ-
But balance can be shored up, muscles — and also for balance. feels like they’re falling backward.”
weights or other gear for even Every extra pound puts six to ities requiring repetitive mo-
even in very old age. A 2007 study “When you do a forward lunge,” Doing the exercise with a trainer more demanding workouts. Even seven times that amount of tions such as tennis, golf and
in the journal Osteoporosis Inter- she says, “you’re training in a very or spotter can offer support. cardio workouts should involve pressure on your knees. That weightlifting.
national looked at the effect of a some instability. Elliptical train- can destroy cartilage and result • Don’t skip your warm-up.
yearlong balance training pro- ers, stationary bikes and other in painful bone-on-bone con- Tight muscles around a joint
gram on women with osteoporo- daily living as they relate to bal- safe floor exercises, then pro- cardio machines may raise the tact. increase injury risk. Stretch af-
sis. By the end of the study, the ance — walking down the stairs, gress to standing on two feet, heart rate sufficiently, but they al- • Focus on posture. Slouch- ter workouts, too.
women’s functional and static getting in and out of the bathtub then on one leg. If they can do ways offer an even, steady surface ing while sitting or standing • Seek treatment. Don’t wait
balance improved, as did mobil- — is really about maintaining that without assistance, that — and that does precious little leads to uneven weight distri- too long to consult a doctor
ity. Falling frequency declined. muscle strength,” Bracko says. means they have challenged their for preserving someone’s bal- bution that can strain liga- about chronic joint pain or de-
Another study in the Interna- This can be done with an overall systems to the point where ance. Taking a class, playing a ments and muscles, according clining range of motion. You
tional Journal of Rehabilitation weight training program. For they’re sufficient for everyday sport, or walking, running or cy- to the Mayo Clinic. may suffer irreversible dam-
Research in 2010 found that el- those who haven’t been to the functional activities.” cling outside, force the body to • Avoid damaging activities. age.
derly people enrolled in an eight- gym in a while — or ever — that Balance training almost always travel in more planes of move-

#1 Physician Appro√ed
week balance or weight training training should start with the ba- involves targeting core muscles ment.
program were less likely to slip sics and get progressively more — the ones surrounding the Pilates and yoga can help de- Get Jazzy
and were more likely to recover if difficult so that the muscles are trunk and the back, such as the velop balance as well, Karter
they did slip. always challenged. abdominals, obliques and latissi- says. PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS
Better still if people start work- When it comes to balance-spe- mus dorsi. But it doesn’t end “You can do something at any WHEEL CHAIRS • POWER CHAIRS • LIFT CHAIRS
ing on their balance earlier on, in cific training, “Your ultimate goal there. “For the balance we need age,” Bracko says. “It’s never too
midlife. is to be able to maintain your bal- for daily living,” Bracko says, late to start.” Grab Bars
Balance training starts with ance in tricky situations,” Merrill
strengthening all the muscles in says. “If I have a client with poor
the body: “To do the activities of balance skills, I’ll start off with DO YOU INSTALLATION AVAILABLE CLIMB

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PAGE 4C TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2011 THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com

We want you to know that you can feel good about the future of quality care in the community, but also keep jobs right here at
healthcare in Scranton and Northeast Pennsylvania – because the home. In fact, our local hospitals and economy will benefit from
future is brighter for you, your family and our community. at least $68 million for upgrading services and facilities over the
next five years.
Mercy Scranton, Mercy Tyler and Mercy Special Care are now
affiliated with Community Health Systems, Inc, one of the The employees, physicians, and volunteers throughout the Scranton,
nation's leading operators of acute care hospitals. As part of this Tunkhannock and Nanticoke areas now have the opportunity to
relationship these facilities join a broad network of 11 other learn what more than 80,000 other healthcare professionals across
hospitals in Pennsylvania. One change you'll notice today is the the country already know – they are part of a national
renaming of the hospitals to Regional Hospital of Scranton, Tyler organization dedicated to creating great places for people to work,
Memorial Hospital, and Special Care Hospital. While the names physicians to practice medicine, and patients to receive care.
have changed the spirit of compassion established by the Sisters of
Looking to the future, we will work diligently to continue to earn
Mercy will continue.
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THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ C O M M U N I T Y N E W S TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2011 PAGE 5C

Farmers Market vouchers to be distributed PETS OF THE WEEK
LUZERNE COUNTY: Farm- University, 220 Lake St., 675- 9 Pittston Senior Center, 441
ers Market Nutrition Vouch- 2179. N. Main Street, 655-5561.
ers provided by the Pennsylva- Drums: 9-11 a.m. June 15, Plains Township: 10 a.m.-2
nia and United States Depart- Butler Township Senior Cen- p.m. June 14, Plains Senior
ments of Agriculture will be ter, 413 W. Butler Drive, 788- Center, 50 Second St., 824-
distributed by the Area Agen- 4881. 5542.
cy on Aging for Luzerne and Edwardsville: 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Plymouth: 10 a.m.-noon
Wyoming Counties. Eligible June 14, Edwardsville Senior June 21, Plymouth Senior
senior citizens receive four Center, 57 Russell St., 287- Center, Dan Flood Apart-
vouchers worth $5 each for 3381. ments Community Room, 160
use at participating farmers Falls: 9-11 a.m. June 17, Falls E. Main St., 779-9664.
markets and stands. Senior Center, 2813 Sullivan Shickshinny: 10 a.m.-noon
Lily Milazzo Seniors must reside in Lu- Trail, 388-2623. June 21, Shickshinny Senior Name: Ree-A
Name: Winnie
Sex: female
zerne or Wyoming counties; Freeland: 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Center, Main and Vine streets, Sex: female
Lily Milazzo, daughter of Chuck Age: 3 months old
be a minimum of 60 years of June 10, Freeland Senior Cen- 542-4308. Age: 7 months old
and Karen Milazzo, Shavertown, Breed/type: beagle mix
Breed/type: Labrador retriever
celebrated her second birthday age by Dec. 31, 2011, and meet ter, 701 Chestnut St., 636- Sweet Valley: 10 a.m.-noon
May 19. Lily is a granddaughter household income guidelines: 3080. June 30, Sweet Valley Church
of Betty Milazzo and Charles single -- $20,147; two people -- Hazleton: 9:30 a.m.-2:30 of Christ, 5439 Main Road. How to adopt: Call or visit the a.m. to 1 p.m. Business hours are
Milazzo, both of West Wyoming, $27,214; three people -- p.m. June 11, Hazleton Senior Tunkhannock: 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Hazleton Animal Shelter, 101 Monday through Saturday 8 a.m.
and Sylvia Weishaupt, William- North Poplar St. (corner of Hem- to 4 p.m. and Sunday 8 a.m. to 1
sport. Lily has a sister, Karly, 8.
$34,281; four people -- Center, 24 E. Broad St., 459- June 6, Wyoming County Se-
$41,348. 1441. nior Center, 101 Dymond Ter- lock) in Hazleton. p.m.
Phone 454-0640. Hours for adop- Wish List: donations of cat food,
Vouchers will not be mailed. Kingston: 9 a.m.-3 p.m. June race, 836-2324. tions are Monday through Sat- cleaning supplies, paper products,
A completed proxy form is re- 3, Kingston Senior Center, White Haven: 10 a.m.-noon urday from 1 to 4 p.m.; Sunday 11 and blankets are in need.
quired when picking up 680 Wyoming Ave., 287-1102. June 29, Detweiler Farms, 165
vouchers for others. Proxy Mountain Top: noon-2 p.m. Tunnel Road.
forms are available at any of June 15, Mountaintop Senior Wilkes-Barre: 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
the senior centers sponsored Center, Wright Manor, 460 S. June 7, Charles T. Adams Se-
by Area Agency on Aging dur- Main Road, 868-8517. nior Center, 5 E. Market St.,
ing normal hours. Nanticoke: Rose Tucker 825-3484; and 10:30
Vouchers will be available at Center’s distribution is 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m., June 13, Jew-
the following times and loca- a.m.-3 p.m. June 13 at the Edu- ish Community Center, 60 S.
tions. cational Conference Center at River St., 824-4646; and 10
Dallas: Dallas Senior Cen- Luzerne County Community a.m.- 2 p.m. June 20, Lee Park
ter’s distribution is 10 a.m.- College, 1333 Prospect St., Senior Center, Lee Park Tow-

Avery Kayrish noon June 22 at the Anderson

Sports Center, Misericordia
Pittston: 9 a.m.-3 p.m. June
ers, 140 Lee Park Ave., 825-
Avery Kayrish, daughter of Mike
and Maureen Kayrish, Wilkes-
Barre, is celebrating her first
birthday today, May 24. Avery is Hospital displaying cancer survivor tiles
a granddaughter of Bill and Pat Throughout May, Wilkes-Barre General Hospital will host an art
Hughes, Hanover Township, and display, ‘Tiles: From Tears to Triumph,’ created by the Northeast
Mike and Bernie Kayrish,
Regional Cancer Institute in the main lobby. The display features
Swoyersville. She is a great-
granddaughter to Margaret
replications of ceramic tiles that were painted by Luzerne County
Hughes, Wilkes-Barre, and Mi- cancer survivors and caregivers through an art therapy project. With
chael and Rose Kayrish, the display, from left, are Bob Durkin, president, Northeast Regional
Swoyersville. Avery has a broth- Cancer Institute; Diane Ljungquist, RN, assistant CEO, Wyoming Val-
er, Adam, 4. ley Health Care System; Christine Zavaskas, community relations
coordinator, Northeast Regional Cancer Institute; and Jim McGuire,
senior marketing associate, Wyoming Valley Health Care System.

Jackson R. Norconk
Jackson Raymond Norconk, son
of Shaun and Sherry Norconk,
Harveys Lake, is celebrating his Dallas High art students dress up windows at Meadows Center
third birthday today, May 24.
Jackson is a grandson of Robert A group of art students from Dallas High School painted spring scenes on windows throughout the
Meadows Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, Dallas. This community service project is under the direc-
Riverview Ridge residents celebrate Royal Wedding
and Linda Hivish, Trucksville, and
Gary and Sharon Norconk, Sweet tion of the school’s art teacher Claire Morris. Meadows hosted a pizza lunch and awarded a certificate The Royal Wedding was celebrated at Riverview Ridge Senior
Valley. of appreciation. Participants, first row, are Luisa Klemm, Mary Hood, Megan Redlich, Alyssa Hall, and Living Community, Courtright Street, in Wilkes-Barre. Representa-
Miranda Besecker. Second row: Lynn Davis, Lauren Rosen, Alex Heltzel, and Angela Kuzma. Third row: tives, from left, are residents Joseph Stefansky, Julia Wysocki, Ruth
Melissa Henry, Samantha Zimmermanand Kelly Mazur. Zamber, Bill Hahn and Antoinette Ciliberto.

NEWS FOR SENIORS formation, call 388-2623. 0641. Wyoming County Senior Center,
101 Dymond Terrace, will host a
from noon to 4 p.m. Wednesday.
A picnic salad bar will be served
KINGSTON: The Kingston PITTSTON: A “Stars and performance by a dulcimer at noon Friday. For more in-
Editor’s note: Due to Memorial Senior Center, 680 Wyoming Stripes” wreath-making class group today. formation, call 825-3484.
Day, news for this space should be Ave., will have a 90+ Birthday begins at 1 p.m. Thursday at the A 90s plus birthday cele-
received by noon Wednesday to celebration on Wednesday. A Pittston Senior Center, 441 N. bration is planned Wednesday. WILKES-BARRE: The
ensure timely publication.
Senior centers sponsored by the special lunch will be served and Main St. Cost is $10 and in- A picnic lunch will be served Wilkes-Barre Area Rainbow
Area Agency on Aging will be an ice cream social will take cludes supplies. To register, call Thursday and ice cream sodas Seniors celebrated its 23rd anni-
closed May 30. place. 655-5561. will cost $1 on Friday. For more versary at Old Country Buffet.
A picnic lunch is planned information, call 836-2324. President Angelo Ricci presided.
FALLS: A presentation on Thursday. For more information SWOYERSVILLE: The The Rev. Dr. James Harring
Nico C. DeMark mountain climbing will be given
by Mickie Ameigh, warden at
call 287-1102. Swoyersville Senior Citizens
will meet at 1 p.m. Wednesday
les T. Adams Senior Center, 5 E.
gave the blessing. Celebrating
birthdays were Jack Coach,
Nico Carmen DeMark, son of the Wyoming County prison, at MOUNTAIN TOP: The Moun- with Clara Belle Reggie, vice Market St., will have an AARP Leonard Hummel. Celebrating
Carmen and Nancy DeMark, 11 a.m. today at the Falls Senior tain Top Social Club will meet president, presiding. New mem- drivers’ refresher course from 10 their 68th wedding anniversary
Bear Creek, is celebrating his
fifth birthday today, May 24.
Center, Route 92. today at St. Jude Church. Doors bers are invited to join. a.m. to 3 p.m. today. Cost is $12 were Jerry and Stella Fiorucci.
Nico is a grandson of John and A Memorial Day party is open at 3:15 p.m. Anyone 50 Winners of the 50-50 fundrais- for AARP members and $14 for The next meeting is at 1 p.m.
Delores Seman, Wyoming, and planned Friday. Snacks will be years or older can join. er are Mary Ann Bump, Daniel all others. A crochet class with June 21. Servers will be Leonard
the late Carmen DeMark and served at 10:30 a.m. and there The next trip is June 12 to Shumack and Arlene Gomba. Angel Mathis will be offered at 2 and Angie Hummel, Charles and
Ann Fornett. He has a sister, Ava will be music at 1 p.m. by the Woodloch Pines, Hawley. For this afternoon. A 90s plus birth- Doris Hughes, and Jean Lan-
Grace, 1. Dixieland Band. For more in- reservations call Otto at 474- TUNKHANNOCK: The day celebration will take place gley.




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PAGE 6C TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2011 ➛ H E A L T H THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com

benefits of paying for behavioral “We grew up together. We’d start- and HIV are on the rise among se-

counseling for sexually active se- ed going to church together. I niors and are a lot more common
niors. never thought to ask,” Fowlkes than many seniors think.”
said. Although older Americans ac-
Why now? Today, Fowlkes reaches out to count for a relatively small pro-
Continued from Page 1C
The factors driving the rise of other seniors by speaking to portion of new STD diagnoses
Maricopa and Pima counties — STDs in the older set include groups about her experience and overall, providing them educa-
home to large retirement com- Americans living longer, health- showing a brief video she pro- tion and services to help protect
munities just outside Phoenix — ier lives and a new class of medi- duced called “Senior Dating: Ol- them from infection is critical,
the percent of reported cases of cations, which include Viagra, der, Wiser, Safer.” said Rachel Powell, CDC spokes-
syphilis and Chlamydia in- making more sex possible. Many woman.
creased twice as fast as the na- older adults didn’t get the safe- Age raises risks for STDs
tional average from 2005 to 2009. “Many older Americans face
sex messages that younger gener- Just because seniors are older unique prevention challenges, in-
Reported cases were up 87 per- ations received, say experts, so and wiser doesn’t mean they’re
cent among those 55 and older in cluding discomfort in discussing
their condom use is lower. In ad- not susceptible to the same dis- sexual behaviors with physicians In the United States, men in their 50s reported using a condom
those counties. dition, more seniors are living in eases as everyone else, Salagu- only 28 percent of the time with a casual partner – 22 percent
In Central Florida, where The and partners, and discomfort dis-
group retirement communities bang said. In fact, they’re more less frequent than men in the 18-to-39 age range -- according to a
Villages and other retirement cussing condom use,” she said. study.
where there’s more socializing. susceptible. A study by sex researchers at
communities sprawl across sev-
“These seniors may lose a As people age, their immune Indiana University found that in
eral counties, reported cases of
spouse, then get lonely,” said Dr. systems tend to weaken, and oth-
syphilis and Chlamydia in-
Jason Salagubang, a geriatrician er health problems make them
the United States, condom use In the five years from 2005 to 2009, the number
creased 71 percent among those was lowest among men 50 and ol-
55 and older in that same period.
on staff at Florida Hospital Apop- more prone to infection. Medica-
der. Men in their 50s reported us- of reported cases of syphilis and Chlamydia among
ka. “They’re living in retirement tions for heart disease, hyperten-
And South Florida saw a 60 per- ing a condom only 28 percent of
cent rise in those two sexually
communities with others in the sion and diabetes also cause se-
the time with a casual partner. By
those 55 and older increased 43 percent, according
same boat, and sparks fly.” niors to be more likely to pick up
transmitted infections among the
Julia Gill, director of the Divi- what’s going around.
comparison, men in the 18-to-39 to an Orlando Sentinel analysis of data provided by
same age group, according to the age range used a condom with ca-
sion of Disease Control for the Because STDs often have no the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Florida Department of Health. sual partners at least 50 percent
Florida Department of Health, symptoms, they frequently go un-
In Riverside County, Calif., of the time.
home to retirement Mecca Palm said the heavy marketing for sex- treated and make seniors more
Springs, reported cases were up enhancing pharmaceuticals prone to other infections, Salagu-
50 percent over the five-year aimed at seniors is also pushing bang said. And these infections
the trend. will make other conditions, such

Enter this week for

span, according to data from that
county’s health department. Besides Viagra, other medica- as diabetes or heart disease,
The reported cases of syphilis tions such as hormone replace- worse.

your chance to win the

and Chlamydia among older ments are helping seniors remain “If I think a patient may be sex-
adults outpaced the nation’s aver- sexually active longer. Progester- ually active, I suggest he or she
age, according to the analysis. one and estrogen creams help gets screened,” Salagubang said.

$500 gas card!

Among all age groups nation- make sex more comfortable for “I let patients know that STDs
wide, reported cases of syphilis women, while testosterone-re-
increased 60 percent between placement drugs boost libido in
2005 and 2009, while in the 55 to men and women.
64 age group it increased 70 per- Finally, a more open sexual at-
cent. Meanwhile, the incidences titude has contributed to the ris-
of Chlamydia rose 27 percent ing infection rate.

among all ages, and double that “The flower children who were
among those age 55 to 64. in their 20s back in the 1960s are
As a result of the national trend now in their 70s,” said Salagu-
among seniors, Medicare is con- bang. “They’re the make-love-
sidering providing coverage for not-war generation, and old hab-

STD screenings for seniors. In its die hard.”
March, the Centers for Medicare Anna Fowlkes is of that gener-
and Medicaid office announced ation. Five years ago, the 64-year-
that it was looking into adding old widow, mother and grand-
STD exams to the national mother from Baltimore, tested
health-insurance program, which positive for HIV. She picked it up with
already pays for HIV screenings. from a man she dated whom
Medicare also is weighing the she’d known since her childhood.
CO The $500 gas card winner will be selected through random drawing from all entries submitted from May 20 to
OU ON noon on May 26. See timesleader.com for more details. Winner annoucned May in The Times Leader on May 29th.


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THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ H E A L T H TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2011 PAGE 7C

Geriatric work-up for elderly dog can serve as a guide to future decisions
THE SINGLE will wish you could still be If the time does come and
MOST impor- YOUR PET A good geriatric work-up can be very picking up stool and there will Beau can no longer walk,
tant thing we
do as veter- JEFF KAHLER,
revealing and very rewarding to the patient no longer be any. I have that
wish every day.
euthanasia should be strongly
urged. I am speaking from
inarians is the
humane taking
D.V.M. if there are some good options to help him. Nancy mentioned some of
the supplements and medica-
experience, both personally
and professionally, and while I
of a pet’s life. though the effort leaves him tions she is giving Beau, and I know it is anthropomorphiz-
Guiding an panting, and slick areas of the home, as he is dealing with which he or she can not likely do not want to get into a ing, I look at Beau as a proud
owner to let go of his pet is floor will cause him to tum- many of the very same signs recover? This is not always discussion about that here. dog who lives his life to
emotional and never to be ble. He still eats well and has of aging that I observed in my possible entirely, but often it However, I would strongly please his caretakers. As long
taken lightly. normal bowel movements, dog Al. Nancy is expressing fits. For Beau, as I understand recommend Beau have a thor- as he is doing so or at least
Nancy has reached that though he sometimes drops the same concerns and desires it, he is not. ough evaluation by his veter- he thinks he is, long may he
point with Beau, her 14-year- stool in the house. He is able that I and certainly many of There will be inconveniences inarian to assess his health live.
old border collie mix. As we to hold his urine. you face with our pets. And I to deal with, such as the stool and to determine if there
all know, certain parts of the Nancy wonders when it must agree strongly that com- dropped in the house, but I might be some things that Jeff Kahler is a veterinarian in Mod-
body begin to wear down as might be time to let Beau go. fort is of the utmost impor- can assure you that Beau feels could be done to improve his esto, Calif. Questions can be sub-
we age. Beau has some diffi- She wants to keep him com- tance. badly about that. And, in the quality of life. A good geriatric mitted to “Your Pet” in care of Life-
culty walking and has lost fortable and not worry about I try to distill each patient’s grand scheme of things, it’s work-up can be very revealing Styles, The Modesto Bee, P.O. Box
some or all of his hearing. He letting him pass until he can scenario down to a simple really not that big of a deal to and very rewarding to the 5256, Modesto CA 95352.
still manages to follow his no longer ambulate. question. Is he or she suf- clean up some stool. After all, patient if there are some good
caretakers around the house, Beau’s story hits close to fering from something from there will be a time when you options to help him. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
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PAGE 8C TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2011 ➛ T E L E V I S I O N THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com

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1 Half Men Half Men Bank Park in Philadelphia. (N) (Live) (CC) Post News Guy (CC) HOODWINKED TOO! HOOD VS. EVIL (3D) (PG) Bridesmaids - R - 135 Min. (1:45), (4:30),
Batman Returns (5:00) (PG-13, ‘92) ››
Michael Keaton, Danny DeVito. (CC)
Rocky II (PG, ‘79) ››› Sylvester Stallone, Talia Shire, Rocky III (PG, ‘82) ›››
Burgess Meredith. (CC) Sylvester Stallone, Mr. T. (CC)
RO O FIN G 11:45PM, 1:55PM, 4:05PM, 6:15PM, 8:20PM
7:15, 10:00
**Priest - PG13 - 100 Min. (2:00), (4:10),
Beach- Beach- Chicago Hope “Simon Roller Boogie (PG, ‘79) › Linda Blair, Jim Paid Prog. The Ray Lucia Show (TVG) S ID IN G 2:45PM, 7:55PM
7:30, 9:45
combers combers Sez” (TVPG) Bray, Beverly Garland.
I Shouldn’t Be Alive River Monsters: Un- River Monsters: Un- River Monsters: Un- River Monsters: Un- River Monsters: Un- W IN D O W S & JUMPING THE BROOM (DIGITAL) (PG-13)
12:00PM, 5:15PM, 10:30PM ***Priest 3D - PG13 - 100 Min. (1:40),
The First 48
hooked (TVPG)
The First 48 (CC)
hooked (TVPG)
The First 48 (CC)
hooked (TVPG)
The First 48 (CC)
hooked (TVPG)
The First 48 (CC)
hooked (TVPG)
The First 48 (CC)
ARTS STRANGER TIDES (3D) (PG-13) Thor - PG13 - 120 Min. (2:00), (4:35), 7:35,
“Ditched” (TV14) (TV14) (TV14) (TVPG) (TV14) (TV14)

Mad Money (N) The Kudlow Report
Supermarkets Inc: In- 60 Minutes on CNBC 60 Minutes on CNBC Mad Money
824- 7220 11:55AM, 12:20PM, 3:15PM, 3:45PM,
6:35PM, 7:00PM, 9:55PM, 10:20PM 10:05
Situation Room John King, USA (N) In the Arena (N) Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 (N) (CC) PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: ON ***Thor 3D - PG13 - 120 Min. (1:30),
CNN (N) STRANGER TIDES (DIGITAL) (PG-13) (4:00), 7:05, 9:35
Scrubs Scrubs Daily Colbert South Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Sports Daily Colbert 1:35PM, 2:25PM, 4:55PM, 5:45PM,

COM (TV14) (TV14) Show Report Park (TV14) (TV14) (TV14) (TV14) Show Show Report 8:15PM, 9:05PM
Jumping the Broom - PG13 - 120 Min.
Sport- ’net IM- MLS Soccer Chicago Fire at Philadelphia Ball Up Streetball SportsNite (CC) State, ’net IM- PRIEST (3D) (PG-13) 9:30 only


CS sNite PACT Union. (Subject to Blackout Taped) Union PACT 1:20PM, 3:40PM, 5:55PM, 8:25PM, Something Borrowed - PG13 - 120 Min.
Choices Fishers of Daily Mass The Holy CTV Special Presen- Focus (TVG) Threshold of Hope Fulton Women of 10:40PM
CTV We Face Men Rosary tation (TVG) Sheen Grace (1:10), (3:40), 7:10, 9:40
Cash Cab Cash Cab Deadliest Catch (CC) Deadliest Catch (CC) Deadliest Catch (N) Dual Survival “Out of Deadliest Catch (CC)
Fast Five - PG13 - 140 Min. (1:30), (1:55),
12:10PM, 2:35PM, 4:50PM, 7:10PM,
DSC (CC) (CC) (TV14) (TV14) (CC) (TV14) Africa” (TVPG) (TV14) HIGHEST CASH PAID 9:30PM (4:20), (4:50), 7:10, 7:35, 9:55, 10:20
Good Luck Shake It Suite Life Suite Life Tinker Bell and the Lost Trea- Suite Life Suite Life Suite Life Good Luck Good Luck
DSY Charlie Up! (CC) on Deck on Deck sure (G, ‘09) ›› Voices of Mae on Deck on Deck on Deck Charlie Charlie Receive your best
RIO (3D) (G) Water for Elephants - PG13 - 125 Min.
(TVG) Whitman. (CC) 11:50AM, 2:15PM, 4:40PM, 7:05PM,
offer and come visit us! (2:05), (4:40), 7:30, 10:00
Dateline The Soup E! News (N) Sex and Sex and Khloe & Khloe & Khloe & Khloe & Chelsea E! News 9:35PM
E! on E! the City the City Lamar Lamar Lamar Lamar Lately SOMETHING BORROWED (DIGITAL) (PG-13) Rio - PG - 100 Min. (2:10), (4:20), 7:20
SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) NFL Live Year of the Quarter- Baseball Tonight (N) SportsCenter (N)
Always Buying: Gold, Diamonds, 11:35AM, 12:55PM, 2:10PM, 3:30PM, UPCOMING SPECIAL EVENTS
ESPN (N) (CC) back (Live) (CC) (Live) (CC) Watches, Jewelry, Broken Jewelry, 4:45PM, 6:05PM, 7:20PM, 8:30PM Hangover 2 - R - 115 Min. Special Midnight
French Interrup- NASCAR Football 30 for 30 Football College Tennis NCAA Team Costume
Co ume Jewelry,
e Je
l y, Antiques,
ques,, Coins THOR (3D) (PG-13) screening Wed Evening May 25
ESPN2 Open tion Now (N) Live Live Championship. (CC) LA Phil Live: Dudamel conducts Brahms
Still Still America’s Funniest America’s Funniest America’s Funniest America’s Funniest The 700 Club (CC) Sunday June 5 - 5:00PM
FAM ITALIAN BEAD ONLY $4 5:00PM, 5:50PM, 7:35PM, 8:45PM
Standing Standing Home Videos (CC) Home Videos (CC) Home Videos (CC) Home Videos (CC) (TVPG) BRACELETS! INSTALLED! All Showtimes Include Pre-Feature Content
THOR (DIGITAL) (PG-13) (Parenthesis Denotes Bargain Matinees)
Best Dish- Minute Iron Chef America Cupcake Wars “Tree Chopped “Turbot Chopped “Have a Challenge “Wild West 1:25PM, 4:10PM, 6:55PM, 9:40PM
FOOD es Meals “Flay vs. Iacovone” People” Power” Heart” (N) Chocolate” Avoid the lines: Advance tickets available from Fandango.com
Special Report With FOX Report With The O’Reilly Factor Hannity (N) On Record, Greta Van The O’Reilly Factor
FNC Bret Baier (N) Shepard Smith (N) (CC) Susteren (CC) (PG-13) Parents and/or Guardians (ages 21 & Older) must accompany
all children under age 17 to an R Rated Feature.
Little House on the Little House on the Little House on the Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Golden Golden 1:30PM, 4:35PM, 7:45PM, 10:35PM *No passes accepted to these features. **No restricted
HALL Prairie (CC) (TVPG) Prairie (CC) (TVPG) Prairie (CC) (TVPG) (TVPG) (TVPG) (TVPG) (TVPG) Girls Girls 476 Bennett Street, HANGOVER 2 (DIGITAL) (R) discount tickets or passes accepted to these features.

Luzerne • 570-288-1966 12:01AM (LATE WEDNESDAY NIGHT)

***$2.50 Additional Charge for 3D Attractions.***

How the States Got American Pickers Larry the Cable Guy Larry the Cable Guy How the States Got How the Earth Was No passes, rain checks, discount tickets accepted to these features
HIST Mon-Fri 10-6 • Sat 11-6
Their Shapes (CC) (CC) (TVPG) Their Shapes (N) Made (CC) (TVPG)
NO PASSES 825.4444 • rctheatres.com
• 3 Hrs. Free Parking At Participating Park & Locks with Theatre Validation
Property Property Hunters House My First My First Property Property House Hunters Property Property You must be 17 with ID or accompanied by a parent to attend R rated features.
H&G Virgins Virgins Int’l Hunters Place Place Virgins Virgins Hunters Int’l Virgins Virgins Children under 6 may not attend R rated features after 6pm •Free Parking at Midtown Lot Leaving After 8pm and All Day Saturday & Sunday.

Unsolved Mysteries Pawn Pawn American Pickers American Pickers How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met
LIF (CC) (TV14) Stars Stars (CC) (TVPG) (CC) (TVPG)
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Scooby- Looney
World of King of
Gumball the Hill
King of
the Hill Dad Dad
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Guy (CC) Guy (CC)
Congratulations Pauline Dinis of Wilkes-Barre!
Bizarre Foods With
Andrew Zimmern
Bizarre Foods With
Andrew Zimmern
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Andrew Zimmern
Bizarre Foods With
Andrew Zimmern
Bizarre Foods With
Andrew Zimmern
Bizarre Foods With
Andrew Zimmern
Winner of the Tuesday, May 17th $25 gas cards.
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USA Victims Unit Victims Unit Victims Unit Victims Unit Victims Unit Intent (TV14)
Mob Wives (CC) Mob Wives (CC) Mob Wives (CC) Mob Wives (CC) Mob Wives (CC) Audrina Audrina
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WGN-A Greg Greg Home Videos (CC) Chicago. (N) (Live) (CC) Nine (TV14)
Chef Lou I.N.N. Beaten Tarone Rehabili- Sweets Leg. Re- Let’s Talk Local News Classified Topic A
WYLN News Path Show tation port
Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smith- REAL Sports With Get Him to the Greek (R, ‘10) ››› Jonah Game of Thrones Ned
HBO sonian (6:15) (PG, ‘09) ›› Ben Stiller, Robin Bryant Gumbel (CC) Hill. An executive must drag a boozy rock sits for the king. (CC)
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Invictus (5:45) (PG-13, ‘09) ››› Morgan Too Big to Fail (‘11) William Hurt, Brides- Real Time With Bill Boxing
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MAX Crowe. A journalist probes the murder of a Topher Grace. Fearsome aliens hunt a band Jet Li, DMX, Anthony Anderson. Femme Y
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Taking Woodstock Jennifer’s Body (7:15) (R, ‘09) ›› Megan Charlie St. Cloud (PG-13, ‘10) ›› Busty Cops and the Jewel of per gallon of any finish
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Demetri Martin. tiable appetite for her classmates. Logue. (CC) Maximum of $25 off. Valid thru 5-31-11.
One coupon per household. Cannot combine with any other offers.
Remember Me (5:20) My Best Friend’s Wedding (7:15) (PG-13, ‘97) Nurse United Nurse United Diary-Call Youth in
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Cafe Italia
Surrogates (5:25) Alice in Wonderland (7:05) (PG, ‘10) ›› Disney’s A Christmas Carol (PG, About a Boy (10:45) (PG-13, ‘02)
STARZ (PG-13, ‘09) ›› Johnny Depp. (CC) ‘09) ›› (CC) ››› Hugh Grant. (CC)
King of California (6:15) (PG-13, ‘07) ››› Knowing (PG-13, ‘09) ›› Nicolas Cage, Rose Staten Island (10:05) (R, ‘09) Hotel Cal-
TMC Michael Douglas. An unstable musician and Byrne. A note found in a time capsule pre- ››› Ethan Hawke, Vincent ifornia
his daughter look for treasure. dicts disastrous events. (CC) D’Onofrio. (CC)
295 Mundy St. Wilkes-Barre PASTA•SEAFOOD•
TV TALK TODAY Porizkova; saving money on gas; compete to win cars. (N) (TVPG) Serving Fine Italian Cuisine
Brad Paisley performs. (N) 10 a.m. 16 The Ellen DeGeneres 7 George Ave. BRING THIS COUPON! at Affordable Family Prices.
6 a.m. 22 The Daily Buzz (TVG)
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6 a.m. CNN American Morning (N) Wilkes-Barre • 270-3976
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6 a.m. FNC FOX and Friends (N)
vacation photos; fattening food. (N) (N) (TVG) B.Y.O.B.
7 a.m. 3, 22 The Early Show (N) 30 Hanover Street
8 a.m. 56 Better Chef Curtis Stone;
7 a.m. 56 Morning News with Web-
ster and Nancy
captains from Deadliest Catch; TV ALL JUNK CARS & Wilkes-Barre • 970-4460 EXPRESS Open Tuesday-Saturday
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THE TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com ➛ D I V E R S I O N S TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2011 PAGE 9C

Abby’s readers have several tips for penny-pinching hotel guest

Dear Abby: I was ter. Housekeepers everywhere will be remake beds, wipe down the sink and striking majority of hotel maids are
shocked and an-
gered by the letter DEAR ABBY grateful for your support. Read on: bath/showers.
I can say from personal experience
women — many of color, invariably
in a lower income bracket and, often,
from “West Virginia Dear Abby: I am a housekeeper in a that many hotel guests wouldn’t leave single mothers. They work extraor-
Traveler” (April 16) ADVICE popular hotel chain. Our staff leaves their homes in the condition they dinarily hard for less than minimum
on towel usage and pleasant is the maid/housekeeper. cards in the bathrooms asking our leave their hotel rooms, and sadly, wage in cities where the cost of living
tipping hotel house- She is the one who makes sure you guests to please conserve and hang they feel that it’s acceptable. House- is much higher than their incomes. In
keepers. His priori- have a clean bathroom, fresh sheets towels for reuse if possible. Just be- keepers work hard to provide other words, they are not paid a liv-
ties and “knowledge” of hotel staff are and plenty of toilet paper. She does cause you can be wasteful, it doesn’t a clean and comfortable room prior ing wage. Consider it a “mitzvah” (a
seriously skewed. This man is taking the grungiest job in the hotel, gets mean you should. to a guest’s arrival, and strive to blessing) to leave a tip. It can make a
his peevishness out on hotel employ- paid very little, is rarely thanked in — Jennifer in Canada maintain that comfort throughout difference between a family “getting
ees who can least afford to take it. person and is the last to be tipped. the guest’s stay. In addition, they will by” and one that is drowning. This is
The concierge is paid well to deal She needs these tips more than any- fulfill any request within their abili- about doing the right thing.
with disgruntled guests and make one else. Dear Abby: “Traveler” said not a ties. I’d say this alone is pretty darn — An M.D. in Monte Sereno, Calif.
things right. The bellman gets tipped I make a point of tipping every single housekeeper has been “excep- “exceptional.”
to carry a bag from the lobby to your single day of my stay, and I have al- tional.” What about the simple fact — Guest Service Rep in Utah To receive a collection of Abby’s most
room. If a doorman calls a cab for ways received the best room service that housekeepers clean up his mess memorable — and most frequently re-
during his stay? They take out his quested — poems and essays, send a busi-
you, he gets tipped. If there is a res- imaginable. ness-sized, self-addressed envelope, plus
taurant, the servers are tipped. — Luann in Keene, N.H. trash, refresh his towels and replace Dear Abby: Leaving a tip for house- check or money order for $3.95 ($4.50 in
The one person who is most critical used soaps and shampoos. House- keeping in a hotel is a matter of Canada) to: Dear Abby’s “Keepers,” P.O. Box
keepers vacuum anything tracked in, 447, Mount Morris, IL 61054-0447. (Postage
to making your stay comfortable and Dear Luann: Thank you for your let- social responsibility/social justice. A is included.)


ARIES (March 21-April 19). Usually, SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21).
when someone keeps you wait- Changes are happening fast.
ing, you see it as a sign of dis- When the old way collapses, you
respect. Don’t take it personally, switch gears. Get back out into
but do heed the message. the world and meet new people.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You You will expand interests and
close an emotional distance. You enlarge your network.
embrace a loved one and forget SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).
about whatever it was that kept You will be managing people and
you apart. This selective memory doing a fine job of it. You are
loss is, for now, for the best. part nurturer and part mediator,
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). The prob- using your communication skills
lem you thought was handled to acknowledge each person, as
comes sneaking back. Give this well as to nudge them toward
niggling little bother a new name maximum productivity.
— a grand and pompous label CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You
that will allow you to laugh at demand a lot. Then again, you
the ridiculousness of it and ban- are willing to do whatever you
ish it for good. ask others to do. They sense this
CANCER (June 22-July 22). Keep and respect you and the job in
in mind that not everything has question much more because
to be deeply profound. You’ll get of it.
a kick out of the silliness a play- AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). If
ful person brings to your world, you’re afraid to talk about some-
and you will never regret it if you thing, there’s a good reason.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You cannot
buy self-esteem with money,
Exhume it. Maybe it’s a secret
you were asked to keep or a situ-
ation that makes you feel guilty
WITH OMAR SHARIF & TANNAH HIRSCH and yet there is a cost. Right or powerless.
now, that cost is called “follow PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You
through.” You’ll do whatever it have a holistic view of things
PREVIOUS DAY’S SOLUTION takes to do what you said you now, and you see how each
were going to do. person’s contribution is vitally
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You’ll important to an organization’s
probably find yourself fight- success.
ing for something you never TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (May 24).
intended to defend. You got all You’ll enjoy life, and it gets
wrapped up in things, and now easier for you this year. In
you care more than you wanted June, you’ll reduce expenses
to. Your passion is part of what and increase your income. July
makes you great. brings an exciting meeting —
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Creative your professional path could
endeavors are wonderfully change. You’ll be honored at a
involving. You have a strong celebration in August. Scorpio
vision — one that may have to and Cancer people adore you.
morph because you’re not the Your lucky numbers are: 23, 10,
only one who has to like it. 50, 39 and 28.


For more Sudoku go to www.timesleader.com



Dear Abby: PO Box 69440, Los Ange-
les, CA 90069
TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2011 F U N N I E S TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com















TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2011 PAGE 1D


110 Lost 135 Legals/ 135 Legals/ 150 Special Notices 380 Travel 409 Autos under 412 Autos for Sale
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100 information leading Estate of William R. of Administration Wednesday) condition. Newly 2000 GMC ‘02 Hyundai
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from garage on
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in the ESTATE OF
CAR & Catch the Yankees
take on the Reds at
re-done interior
leather & carpeting.
Jimmy 4x4 Elantra GLS 4Dr
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110 Lost
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nia, deceased
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Luzerne County payment without present the same, 288-8995 nati Zoo and other
downtown attrac-
(570) 301-7221

delay, to without delay, to

SPCA. @gmail.com
Adam Limongelli, tions
Price: $350
‘99 Buick ‘97 Plymouth
FOUND - Appears to
be a tall, male,
David Ashburner,
Esquire, Administra-
tor, c/o his legal Call 570-287-9701 412 Autos for Sale Custom 4Dr Breeze
Cocker Spaniel on 102 Barnwood Rd counsel: for more info.

ALL JUNK CARS Reynolds St in Ply-

mouth. Dark Col-
Grove City, Pennsyl-
vania, 16127
ored. Wearing Dis- ESQUIRE GTP, 1 Owner, 4 Dr, 4 Cyl, A/C
59K Miles
ney World collar and
Or to McBride and 792 MARKET Leather interior, 5 Speed. Like New!!

Rabies tag. Taken to
McBride, P.C.,
211 South Center St.
New Tires, tinted
windows, sun roof,
4,990 * $
black leather *All Prices Plus Tax & Tags.
ŠFREE REMOVAL Grove City, Pennsyl- interior. Only

vania, 16127 LEGAL NOTICE
135 Legals/ Attorneys for the
57,000 Miles!!!
ŠCA$H PAID Public Notices Estate The Crestwood
Board of School
Thomas Engle is $14,000!!
the glasses For more info, CALL STEVE MORENKO
ON THE SPOT Legal Notice Directors has 560 Pierce St. call (570) 762-3714 2010 Wyoming Ave., Wyoming
LEGAL NOTICE whisperer...

scheduled a special Kingston, PA
406 ATVs/Dune 718-4050
570.301.3602 Purveyor of the
NOTICE IS HEREBY meeting on Thurs-
GIVEN that Letters day, May 26,
areas finest Buggies www.wyoming
BMW `07 328xi
DEADLINES Testamentary have 2011, at 6:30 valleymotors.com
Black with black
eye/sun wear.
been granted to p.m. at the Crest- 570-714-9924
interior. Heated
LINE UP Karen Kulik, wood High School
Mirrors drop seats. Back up &


Saturday Executrix, of 445 Library, 281 S
A GREAT DEAL... 12:30 on Friday Lawn Avenue, Sell-
ersville, PA 18960 in
Mountain Blvd.,
Mountain Top, PA
from the ceiling KING QUAD 750AXI navigation sys-
tems. New tires &
IN CLASSIFIED! the Estate of Loretta for bond refinancing
so you can get Hunter green. 214 Good Condition. brakes. Sunroof.
Sunday miles. Excellent Garage kept. Many
an instant good 53,000 miles.
ALL 4:00 pm on
A. Grochowski,
a/k/a Loretta Gro-
look. The
condition. 50”
Moose plow with
AWD, Full Power,
chowski, late of 1110 Eric Aigeldinger manual lift included.
refreshments are
JUNK Monday
4:30 pm on
Pine Run Road,
Hanover Township,
Board Secretary
fresh. It's like
Asking $5,900
(570) 299-0560
Changer, Blue
Tooth, XM Radio,
Asking $19,500.
570-825-8888 or
You r Frie n d In NEW
Leather Interior 626-297-0155
CAR & The Ca r B u s in e s s AD D R ESS AT
Friday Luzerne County, PA
150 Special Notices glasses heaven. & Sunroof Call Anytime!
18706, who died on
April 27, 2011. All No. Its like TOMAHAWK`10 $20,000 260 S. R ive rSt,
P la ins , P A
TRUCKS 4:00 pm on
person indebted to
said Estate are
Fields of glasses. ATV, 125 CC. Brand
New Tomahawk mid
(570) 814-8398
Call after 9:30 a.m.
Boat? Car? Truck?
Motorcycle? Air- P a rtia lL is ting !
He will build it if plane? Whatever it
WANTED Wednesday
requested to make
payment and those you go...
size 125cc 4 wheel-
er. Only $995 takes
AUDI `02 A4 is, sell it with a
Classified ad.
Highest Prices having claims to it away!. Call
4:00 pm on 3.0, V6, AWD 570-829-7130 1998 SA TU R N SL
Tuesday present the same, Collect cash, not dust! 386-334-7448
automatic, tiptronic 82K M ile s....................................
Paid!!! without delay, to the Wilkes-Barre
BMW `93 325 IC
Clean out your transmission. Fully
Thursday said Executrix or to Adoring couple basement, garage 2007 SU ZU KI FO RENZA $7,995
FREE 4:00 pm on
the undersigned. longs to share our
lives and give
or attic and call the LINEUP loaded, leather
interior. 92,000 Convertible, 62K M ile s....................................

REMOVAL your newborn

Classified depart-
ment today at 570- ASUCCESSFULSALE miles. Good condi-
tion. Asking $9,500.
Metallic Green
Exterior & Tan
2003 PO NTIA C SUNFIRE $7,495
34K M ile s....................................
Friday Frank Bognet, Esq. secure, endless
Call V&G 829-7130!
INCLASSIFIED! Call (570) 417-3395 Interior, 5 Speed
2006 A C U R A TSX
4:00 pm on
21 North Locust
Expenses paid
AUDI `05 A4 Heated Seats. 2nd 78K M ile s
Anytime Hazleton, PA 18201 Mindy and Rob
Holidays 888-736-7567 A yard or garage sale Turbo, Navy Blue
Owner, 66k Miles.
Excellent Condition, 2004 NISSA N Q UEST $11,995
93K M ile s................................
288-8995 call for deadlines LINE UP in classified with grey leather Garage Kept,
You may email
your notices to
We can give your
infant love and
is the best way
interior, fully
loaded automatic.
93,000 miles. All
Excellent Gas
Mileage. Carfax
available. Price
75K M ile s ....................................$5,995
mpeznowski@ Looking for the right deal security, you can
help make us a
You’re in bussiness records. Excellent
condition. 4 new
reduced $7,995
or trade for SUV or
timesleader.com on an automobile? with classified!
Turn to classified. family. Expenses Homemade tires & new other. Beautiful / H O M E O F L O W M IL EA G E

LOST - Cat. White Fun Car. Q U A L ITY V EH IC L ES

paid. Please call Macaroni made brakes. Asking
with orange ears, or fax to It’s a showroom in print! Denise & Howard fresh daily, $8,000 or best 570-388-6669

`05 LESABRE 260 S ou th R ive rS t, P la in s , P A • 570 -8 22-210 0

nose & tail, blue 570-831-7312 Classified’s got 1-877-676-1660. try it! Excellent condition, offer. Call for info
eyes & friendly. the directions!
Honey Pot section 200 hours. Priced 417-2010 Days
of Nanticoke. Miss-
or mail to
The Times Leader LEGAL NOTICE Adoption is a to sell. $6,500 or 779-4325 Nights
3.8 V6, 20 city/29 W W W .AU TO B U D D IES O N L IN E.CO M
ing since May 16. 15 N. Main Street choice you’ve best offer. Call highway. 42,000
Notice is hereby Keith 570-971-4520
JO -
REWARD. Wilkes-Barre, PA made out of love. miles. Last year
570-735-5069 18711 given that the Board We dream of MINIMUM full size model.
of Trustees of RT 309 W-B Twp.
Luzerne County
giving your DRIVEN IN 409 Autos under Near Wegman’s Excellent condition

For additional newborn a safe, Full size 4 wheel $5000 570-822-7359 in & out. Roadster
LOST ARCTIC CAT information or
questions regard-
Community College
will meet on Thurs-
secure lifetime of
love. Please call
drive trucks 07 Impala LS $8,995
cloth roof. Gold with
tan interior. $8,400
day, June 16, 2011,
2009 550H1 ing legal notices
you may call at 6:30 p.m., at the
Theresa & Steve
@ 1-877-801-7256 for heavy equip-
09JEEP PATRIOT $12,995
08Taurus SEL $12,495
(570) 822-8001
for info leading to
Marti Peznowski
at 570-970-7371
College’s Educa-
tional Conference
or visit
ment, backhoes,
dump trucks,
3.8, 102,000
miles. Excellent
08 RAM 1500 $12,495
04 BLAZER 4X4 $7,995
07 N issa n Q u est
return of this Marsh Center in Nanticoke. .shutterfly.com bull dozers condition in & AWD, 6 cylinder, Sil-
or 570-829-7130 03 FOCUS SE $6,995
Green ATV stolen in An executive ses- HAPPY TRAILS out. 3 months ver, 52,600 miles,
Full Notary Service sunroof, heated

Plymouth area. call sion meeting to dis- TRUCK SALES warranty. $3,295.
570-954-2483 cuss specific per-
sonnel and litigation
570-760-2035 (570) 417-4731 or
(570) 675-0655
Tags & Title Transfers seats, Bose sound
system, 6 CD 7 Passenger
7 Passenger
matters is expected changer, satellite
135 Legals/ 135 Legals/ to take place prior
Loving, financially 6am to 8pm
radio, Onstar, park-
stable married cou-
Public Notices Public Notices
to the Board meet- 4 door. All leather. ing assist, remote
ple promises your 114,000 miles. Great
ing at 5 p.m. A work baby lifetime of keyless entry, elec-
session will be held shape. $2,600. Call tronic keyless igni-
LEGAL NOTICE unconditional love, 570-819-3140 or
at 5:30 p.m. Notice security, education, tion, & more!
is given by direction 570-709-5677 $17,600
Notice is hereby given that the Harvey's opportunities & stay
of Joseph Rymar, at home Mom. 94,000 miles, 570-881-2775
Lake Zoning Hearing Board will hold a pub-
lic meeting on Tuesday, June 7, 2011 at Board Chair. Expenses paid. automatic, front
P ow erSlid ing Sid e D oor,P ow erR earH atch,D V D
7:00 PM at the Harvey's Lake Borough
Vicki & Phil
wheel drive, 4
door, air condi- NORTHEAST PA TOP JOBS R earE ntertainm entCenter,L ow M iles,P W ,
P D L ,Cruise,CD ,M any E xtra O ptions,Clean
tioning, air bags,
Harvey's Lake Zoning Hearing Board will N AD A Book Price $ 16 ,97 5

14 ,995
hear testimony on the application of Kevin all power, cruise
The following companies are hiring:
O U R $$
Paul Novakowski is
C. Westra and Cindy M. Westra regarding requesting a vari- control, leather
a property at Pole-85, Lakeside Drive, ance for a side yard 360 Instruction & interior, $3,300. Golden Care Home Health
Harvey's Lake, PA 18618, requesting relief set back at 537
from Section 506.4 (E), side yard setback, Monument Ave. The
Training 570-394-9004
in the S-1 zoning district. applicant is applying
for a 4’ variance to Collect cash, not dust! Tax,tag,title,d oc fee extra.
Copies of the application can be reviewed
at the Harvey's Lake Municipal Building
during regular business hours.
construct an addi-
tion 6’ from the
property line. The
Ask about a
Friday or Sun-
Offered At Jenny
Lynn Academy
Clean out your
basement, garage JO -
day discount for or attic and call the Y more information contact
ill b liThe
t dTimes
th Leader
f t sales 1339 N .R iver R d .,P lain s,PA • 829-2043
hearing is May 26 131 E. Vaughn St
Classified depart- For
Zoning Officer
at 7:00 PM in the
Police Station in the
your Oyster
Kingston, PA
All Subjects ment today at 570- consultant in your area at 570-829-7130. w w w .jo-d an m otors.com
Midway Shopping bridezella.net 570-814-1316 829-7130!


• HD Trailering Equipment
$29,905 MSRP • 5.3L V8
0% APR $28,999 BONUS PRICE • Snow Plow Pkg

Chevy Runs Deep UP TO 60 MOS

• Cruise Control
• PW • P/Locks
-$2,005 DPA
PAGE 2D TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2011 TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com
412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale

MALIBU LT 343-1959
4 cylinder, auto,
1009 Penn Ave
Scranton 18509 Great convertible, low miles, all
Beige. Fully loaded Black/black, black top, 6 speed power options
Excellent condition. Across from Scranton Prep 4 door sedan,
Runs great. New
4 door sedan,
well equipped
Chrome wheels manual transmis-
sion, carbon fiber

rotors, new brakes. Sunroof, auto
Serviced with dash, leather interi-
Just serviced.
Call Our Auto Credit
Wanted: $5,390

warranty Hot Line to get or, front & rear 1218 Main St.
108,000 miles. Ask-
ing $8,000. (570)
Pre-approved for a
Car Loan! Junk MARSH MOTORS trunk, fast & agile.
$18,000 or best
Swoyersville, PA

709-8492 800-825-1609 1218 Main St. offer. Call 570-718-6992
www.acmecarsales.net Cars & Swoyersville, PA 570-262-2478 Buy-Sell-Trade
56K Original Miles.
Blue, convertible, 570-718-6992
Radiant Red. Mint
CXL, Silver/grey condition, new 40th Anniversary Buy-Sell-Trade
TAHOE Z71 leather, sunroof paint, automatic, Highest
Model. 47,000

07 DODGE CALIBER miles. Minor
new battery, tune
Silver birch with SXT,blue, 4 cyl auto repairs. $7,500
up, brakes, top. Prices
grey leather interior, 07 CHYSLER 300C or best offer.
875 W. Market St. $3,900 OBO
3rd row seating,
rear A/C & heat, Kingston, PA. Hemi, AWD, Slate (347) 452-3650 Paid!! Call 973-271-1030 Automatic
1518 8th Street
grey, grey int (In Mountain Top) Carverton, PA
4WD automatic with 06 VW JETTA FREE PICKUP
MERCEDES `95 SL 500 $11,880 Near Francis
FORD `05
traction control, 5.3l blue, auto, leather Slocum St. Park
CHEVY `06 COLORADO 288-8995 Convertible. Low
engine, moonroof, sunroof Low
rear DVD player.
Bose stereo + many Extended cab. Auto.
Silver, 4dr, auto TAURUS SE
mileage. Hard top
included. Leather
Only 7,500 miles. All
SATURN ‘05 ION 57,000 miles, 5
speed, all-wheel
Power steering, a/c. interior. Excellent 4 cylinder,
more options. Imm- 05JAGUAR X-TYPE Beige exterior/inte- white leather. Fully automatic, cd, drive, 4 door, anti-
aculate condition. 40k miles. 2 wheel condition, fully lock brakes, air
3.0, hunter green, rior, automatic win- loaded. Excellent 1 owner.
76,000 adult driven drive. loaded. $10,000 560 Pierce St. conditioning, air
tan leather (AWD) dows & lock, alloy condition. Garage Extra Clean!
miles. $15,600. Call $12,600, negotiable. Call 619-884-2266 Kingston, PA bags, power locks,
03 HYUNDAI ACCENT wheels and nice kept. $13,200 or $4,495
(570) 378-2886 & 570-678-5040 or 570-696-1271 power windows,
White, 4 door, 4cyl. condition. $6,200 best offer. Call www.wyoming Call For Details!
ask for Joanne power mirrors,
66,000 miles (570) 606-1146 1518 8th Street 570-779-2489 valleymotors.com 570-696-4377
04 MITSU GALLANT Rare, Exclusive Leave Message cruise control,
Carverton, PA 570-714-9924
Great on Gas. Man- gry, auto, 4cyl,55k
FORD `07 MUSTANG Near Francis Opportunity To
AM/FM radio, CD
ual, 5 speed trans. 04 CHRYSLER PT
63,000 highway Slocum St. Park
changer, rear

CORVETTE 75K miles. New CRUISER GT, slvr,blk

miles, silver, runs
defroster, new Blitz

lthr, auto, sunroof Stainless Exhaust,
4x3 manual, 3 over-
inspection. Bronze
great, $11,500.
SPORT AWD Sudan, Automatic, AEM Cold Air
with tan interior. Dri- negotiable. Intake, TURBOXS
drive, 350 engine vetrain Warranty till 4 dr, slvr, auto, 4cyl 4 door, V8, fully Air, new tires & Air, Stero, Runs &
with aluminum 570-479-2482 Blowoff Valve &
4/12. $7,500. Call 01 AUDI S8 QUATRO 4 cylinder, loaded, moon roof, brakes, 31,000 Looks Excellent.
heads. LT-1 exhaust
system. White with
570-239-2746 Burg./tan lthr.,
Nav., 360 HP, AWD FORD `90 MUSTANG automatic, cd,
1 owner.
Panel Delivery
new tires & brakes.
Interior & exterior in
miles, great
condition. $11,995.
25 mpg
Boost Control.
(201) 704-8640
red pearls. Custom 01 AUDI A8 L GT Black, new Economy Car! excellent shape. 2 570-836-1673 (570)299-0772
flames in flake. New
tires & hubs. 1 CHEVY ‘00 cashmere beige,
tan lthr., nav., AWD
directional tires,
excellent inside /
Call For Details!
100 point
Concours quality
owners. Call
(570) 822-6334 or
Call before
7:30 pm

owner. 61,000 origi- 00 CADILLAC CATERA outside, factory restoration. Red (570) 970-9351

nal miles. $8,500 with black fend-
(570) 359-3296 2 door, 4 cylinder
silver/blk leather, stock, very clean,
ers. Never Driven. SUZUKI ‘10 SX4
sunroof, 56K
must see to appre-
Ask for Les wing, low miles. 00 NISSAN ALTIMA GXE ciate. Asking 0 miles on 5 door hatchback,

$4,390 Blue/grey $10,000. Call Sports Coupe. Black Only 8,600 miles
leather, auto, 4cyl.
Leave Message
with slate leather.
Original owner. 69K
V6, automatic,

MONTE CARLO SS 1218 Main St. S-430 slvr/blck miles. Fully

$36,500 59,000 miles,

Swoyersville, PA lthr., 64,000 miles equipped with navi-
V8, automatic, 00 SUBARU OUTBACK All power options
570-718-6992 gation, sunroof, etc. $5,990
51,267 miles, STATION WAGON, Gold. Good condi- Always maintained
Buy-Sell-Trade AWD (Burgundy/tan
leather, sunroof)
tion Runs great.
87,000 miles, R-
by Infiniti dealer.
Very nice. $15,750.
2002 BMW 745i MARSH MOTORS 560 Pierce St.
(570) 760-0511 GET THE WORD OUT 98 HONDA CIVIC EX, title, Recently The Flagship of 1218 Main St. Kingston, PA
570-339-1552 the Fleet
with a Classified Ad. 2 dr, auto, silver inspected. After 4pm Swoyersville, PA www.wyoming
CHEVROLET ‘06 570-829-7130 73 VW BEETLE CONV. $2,700. Call New - $87,000
Midnight Emerald 570-718-6992 valleymotors.com

olympic blu, blck
top, 4 speed
(570) 814-6198
JEEP `04 GRAND with beige leather Buy-Sell-Trade 570-714-9924


interior. 61K miles.
Silver beauty, 1
4 door sedan, all
power options
TRUCKS, 4 X4’s
FOCUS WAGON 4WD, 6 cylinder
Mint condition.
Loaded. Garage
Kept. Navigation
Clubman. Black & 4 door sedan, 4
Blk/Blk leather, 3rd auto. Moonroof.
Owner, Museum Great on gas!
seat, Navgtn, 4x4
Low mileage, Fully powered. New Stunning, White. Sunroof. 30K 462 Auto 472 Auto Services cylinder, automatic,
quality. 4,900 $4,490 One owner Must Sell! miles. Leather inte- green. 114,000
07 DODGE NITRO SXT, brakes & tires. Accessories miles. Runs great.
miles, 6 speed. All
possible options
including Naviga-
MARSH MOTORS garnet red, V6, 4x4
$6,995 94,000 highway
miles. $11,500
rior, fully loaded. 6
speed. Excellent
condition. 40 MPG.
(570) 760-6249
1218 Main St. CARAVAN ES, red, (570) 822-6334 KIT, 12 volt $40. 12
tion, Power top.
$19,950. Or best
New, paid $62,000
Must sell $45,900
Swoyersville, PA
4dr, entrtnmt cntr,
7 pass mini van KIA `08 RONDO offer. Call
volt blue tooth $40.
12 volt refrigerator, LISPI TOWING TOYOTA `05
570-299-9370 Buy-Sell-Trade 06 JEEP COMMANDER
Slvr, 3rd seat, 4x4
07 DODGE RAM 1500
560 Pierce St.
Maroon with beige
interior. All options. ALANTE
holds 6 packs $35.
570-675-7024 We pick up 822-0995 COROLLA LE
Automatic, Air,
Kingston, PA 78,000 miles. Still
135 Legals/
Public Notices
135 Legals/
Public Notices
SLT, Quad cab, slvr,
5.7 hemi, auto, 4x4 www.wyoming under
Exquisite Candy Pure silver metallic.
468 Auto Parts VITO’S Cruise, Till, Power
windows & door
06 DAKOTA QUAD CAB valleymotors.com Apple Red black Roof & mirror caps locks, AM/FM

SLT, silver, auto.,
V6, 4x4
mile servicing. New
tires. KBB Value soft top. 13,000
original miles. All
in black. Tartan red
cloth / panther black
& stereo & CD. Runs
& looks excellent!
$8,500. Asking only
06 JEEP LIBERTY available options, leather interior. $9,000.
$7,900. A Must See!
(570) 457-0553 including gold Black bonnet GINO’S (570) 654-3135


AUTHORITY 4x4 alloy wheels. stripes. Automatic. (570) 760-5519
green, auto, V6, Red with black top.
Garage Kept. 1
owner. Final
Steptronic paddles.
Dual moon roofs,
Like New
WHEREAS, Act 20 of 2003 has amend- 4x4 4 dr., 4 cyl., Model Year. Cockpit chrono
ed The Municipal Claims and Tax Lien Law, 05 GMC SIERRA
6,500 miles. One
Owner. Excellent auto, $2,150 Gorgeous package, conven- Tires
53 P.S. P7101, etc., to provide for the reim- X-Cab, blk, auto, Condition. $18,500 Automobile! ience, cold weather
bursement and collection of attorney fees 4x4 truck 570-760-5833 $31,000 (heated seats) & All Junk $15 & UP!
to municipal authorities incurred in the 05 MERCURY MOUNT- 4 dr., 4 cyl., auto $29,900 premium packages.
Cars & Like New TOYOTA `05 PRIUS
enforcement of municipal claims and liens AINEER PREMIUM, sunroof, 110K $27,900 Dynamic stability
for delinquent accounts for wastewater- Silver, black leather, $1,950. control. Xenon 65,000 miles, good
3rd seat, AWD
FORD ‘97 EXPLORER From an Exotic, headlights, front Trucks Batteries
condition, keyless
disposal services and solid waste dispos-
al and recycling services; and 05 CHEVY EQUINOX SPORT TRAC XLT Private Collection and rear fog lights. entry, cassette/
Silver, 4 door, 4x4 1/2 Ton, 4WD, 2 dr., 6 cyl., auto Parking distance Wanted $20 & UP!
radio + snow tires.
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of Dal- 05 FORD EXPLORER automatic, V6 4x4, $1,850 Call 570-650-0278 control. Harmon-
las Area Municipal Authority desires to XLT, white 4 door $15,992 Kardon sound sys-
4x4 tem. Chrome line Carry Out Price
amend Resolution No. 1 of 2005 adopted
on May 12, 2005, which implemented Act
20 of 2003 amending The Municipal
LS, pewter silver,
4 cyl., 5-speed
2WD, $1,350
Say it HERE
in the Classifieds!
interior. Mint condi-
tion. 17,000 miles. Paid In 288-8995 TOYOTA `10
Camry SE. 56,000
Claims and Tax Lien Law, 53 P.S. P7101 by 3rd seat, 4x4 Must Drive!
miles. Red, alloy
the provision for the reimbursement and 04 FORD F-150 $21,500 CA$H
collection of attorney fees incurred by Dal-
las Area Municipal Authority in the
Heritage, X-cab,
blk, auto, 4x4 560 Pierce St.
4 dr., 6 cyl., auto
108K, $1,650
MERCEDES-BENZ `01 570-341-7822
Cars & Full Size
Trucks. For prices...
wheels, black cloth
interior. Will consid-
er trade. $14,200
Current Inspection
enforcement of municipal claims and liens
for delinquent accounts of Dallas Area
ER, seafoam
Kingston, PA
www.wyoming on all vehicles PICKUP Lamoreaux Auto
Parts 477-2562
(570) 793-9157


Municipal Authority’s relating to the per- grn/tan lthr., 4x4 DEALER Loaded, automatic,
valleymotors.com 570-574-1275
formance of its municipal services. 04 NISSAN XTERRA SE
blue, auto, 4x4
570-825-8253 AC, heated leather
seats, 4 door. LINEUP T-top, 5 speed.
slvr., 4 dr., V6, 4x4 LEXUS `98 LS 400 $4,700
Call 570-388-6535
1518 8th Street
Carverton, PA
power antenna.
LS, white, V6, 4x4
garage kept,
owner. Must see.
MERCEDES-BENZ `05 Slocum St. Park
TO JUNK Doyouneedmorespace?
New tires. No rust.
Great condition.
1. The sum of $150.00 shall be assessed
as an attorney’s fee for the entry of a CHEROKEE LAREDO Low mileage, 90K.
240C PONTIAC ‘03 VIBE GT YOUR CAR A yard or garage sale
municipal claim and lien for the enforce- gold, 4 dr., V6, 4x4 Leather interior. All 4 cylinder, (570) 708-0269
power. GPS naviga-
ment of the collection of delinquent 03 FORD WINDSTAR
Dark blue. Good tion, moon roof, cd
4Matic, V6 - Gray, 6-speed, cd, BEST PRICES in classified after 6:00PM
accounts for wastewater disposal servic- LX, green, 4 door, 77K highway miles, sunroof, 1 owner.
entertainment sys. condition. Runs changer. Loaded. Excellent condition, Sharp Sharp Car!
IN THE AREA is the best way
es and solid waste disposal and recycling
services, and the same shall be assessed 7 pass. minivan great. 1 owner. Ask-
ing $5,500
$9,000 or best
offer. 570-706-6156
dealer serviced. Sun $5,495 CA$H ON THE $POT,
Free Anytime
tocleanoutyourclosets! TOYOTA ‘07 CAMRY LE
02 DODGE RAM 1500 roof, heated seats. Call For Details! 4 cylinder sedan,
for each such delinquent account entered
of record, in addition to all penalties, inter- reg cab, red, auto, (570) 470-7177 $15,500. Call 570-696-4377 Pickup You’re in bussiness automatic
with classified!
est, costs, charges and expenses. 75K, 4x4
03 CHEVY 1500, V8, HONDA `06 CIVIC EX LINCOLN`06 570-288-3916 570-301-3602 $16,855

2. The sum of $200.00 shall be assessed

as an attorney’s fee for the satisfaction of
X-cab, white, 4x4
02 DODGE RAM 1500
2 door, 5 speed, air,
each municipal claim and lien entered of
record for the enforcement of the collec-
tion of delinquent accounts for waste-
Quad Cab, SLT,
Red auto 4x4 truck
locks, sun roof, CD,
cruise & alloys.
Fully loaded.
46,000 miles, C-CLASS SUNFIRE
2 door, 4 cylinder
Excellent condition, Triple coated Silver with leather
water disposal services and solid waste AINEER PREMIUM, very well main- Pearlized White. interior. Good condi- sunroof, 468 Auto Parts 468 Auto Parts 560 Pierce St.
disposal and recycling services, and the white, tan leather, tained with service Showroom low miles. Kingston, PA
tion. 34,000 miles.
same shall be collected as a condition for 3rd seat, 4x4 records, remaining condition. $15,000 Negotiable $4,490 www.wyoming
the record satisfaction of each such lien 02 MAZDA TRIBUTE Honda warranty. $18,900. valleymotors.com
(570) 885-5956
entered of record for each such delin- White, auto, 4x4 65K, $10,500. 570-814-4926 or 570-714-9924
quent account, in addition to all penalties,
interest, costs, charges, expenses and
01 DODGE RAM 1500
regular cab, 4x4,
570-706-0921 (570) 654-2596
MERCEDES-BENZ `95 1218 Main St.
Swoyersville, PA
attorney’s fees. with cap
3. The sum of $175.00 per hour shall be
XLT, gold, 3rd seat EX. miles. MAZDA `04 RX-8 Convertible, with
Buy-Sell-Trade $300 and Up SCION TC
$125 extra if driven,
assessed and collected for each municipal 4x4 excellent condition, Hunter Green, removable hard Automatic,
claim and lien for the collection of all delin-
quent accounts for wastewater disposal
98 FORD F-150,
regular cab pick up
sunroof, alloys, a/c,
cd, 1 owner, garage
80,000 miles.
New brakes &
top, dark Blue, PONTIAC ‘69 FIREBIRD 400 moon roof,
services and solid waste disposal and
recycling services, which are collected by
green, auto 4x4
kept. $13,000. Call
rotors. New
alignment. Two
camel interior,
Summer Driving
Only, Garage Kept.
Blue/white top &
pulled or pushed in. low miles.
Dallas Area Municipal Authority by the
issuance of a Writ of scire facias sur
Municipal Claim and all legal services
Flairside, reg cap
truck, 5 spd, 4x4
copper HONDA `07 CIVIC
new rear tires.
No accidents.
Very Good
Condition, No
white interior.
Recent document-
NOBODY Pays More
related thereto, including, but not limited
to, all necessary legal services regarding
Sport SI. Red, with
black interior,
75,000 miles. 6
$8,000 or best
offer. For more
Accidents. Classy
Car. Price
ed frame-off
restoration. Over
$31,000 invested.
Monday thru Saturday 6 am-9 pm
the issuance of a Writ of Execution upon information, call $13,995
the premises of the customer owing a speed, spoiler and will sell $21,500. Sunday 8 am - 68 pm 560 Pierce St.
body kit. Tinted win- (570) 332-4213 or trade for
delinquent account(s) and the sale of such 570-335-3127 Kingston, PA
dows, SUV or other.
premises by the Sheriff of Luzerne County,
CHRYSLER ‘06 Reduced $11,900 570-388-6669

Harry’s U Pull It
all in accordance with the provisions of

(570) 714-0384
The Municipal Claims and Tax Lien Act, 53
P.S. P101 et seq. 300C HEMI 570-714-9924

4. Notice of the imposition of such attor-

Light green, 18,000
miles, loaded, HONDA ‘06 CIVIC EX TOYOTA ‘09 YARIS
neys’ fees shall be given by Dallas Area leather, wood trim, 4 cyl., automatic
Municipal Authority in all communications $24,000.
sunroof, 62K AS ALWAYS ****HIGHEST PRICES***** White, automatic
of whatever nature to those persons or
entities liable for the payment of each leave message
Serviced with PAID FOR YOUR UNWANTED 4 door sedan, 26K
Serviced with

Don’t Keep Your Practice a Secret!

delinquent account for wastewater dis-
VEHICLES!!! warranty
posal services and solid waste disposal
and recycling services in which there is CHRYSLER `02 DRIVE IN PRICES
demanded payment of each such delin-
quent account. PT CRUISER
Inferno Red, flame
Call for Details (570) 459-9901
5. Notice of the adoption of the Resolu-
tion shall be given in two (2) newspapers
design. Chrome
wheels. 47,000
Vehicles must be COMPLETE !!
of general circulation for two (2) consecu-
tive weeks.
miles, one owner.
Looks and runs 875 W. Market St.
Plus Enter to Win $500.00 Cash!! KELLY AUTO SALES
great. New inspec- Kingston, PA. DRAWING TO BE HELD MAY 31 875 W. Market St.

To Place Your Ad
THIS RESOLUTION is adopted this 12th tion. $5,800 570-287-2243 Kingston, PA.
day of May, 2011, and it shall become Call (570) 472-1854 570-287-2243
effective within thirty (30) days of the date
of the last publication of notice of its adop-
‘10 Accord LX. 457 Wanted to Buy 457 Wanted to Buy 457 Wanted to Buy
Low mileage, blue,
7K miles. Black / tan
cloth. $19,900
310 Attorney
310 Attorney
310 Attorney
Auto Auto Auto
(SEAL) ‘09 Accord EX.
2 door, automatic. V6 14K, Pearl White. Divorce, Custody, Attorney
150 Special Notices 150 Special Notices
Excellent condition
(570) 740-7446
‘08 Accord LX
$21,700 ADOPTION
Support, PFA
FREE Consultation.
Keith Hunter
We Buy Scrap Metal
$$$$ ALL KINDS $$$$
PREMIUM: 20K, Sil- Atty. Josianne
ver. $17,495 Estates, DUI MAHLER, LOHIN
FORD `04 MUSTANG ‘08 Civic LX Coupe
44K. Gray. New tires.
Wilkes-Barre & ASSOCIATES

Mach I, 40th 570-208-1118 (570) 718-1118 PIPE - ROD - SHEET - BAR - TUBING - TURNINGS -
Warranty $14,895 570-255-5503
‘01 Civic LX Free Bankruptcy
V8, Auto, 1,300
57K. Silver. 5 Speed Consultation
miles, all options, BANKRUPTCY LAW OFFICES
show room condi- FREE CONSULT
tion. Call for info. MAFFEI AUTO Carol Baltimore - APPLIANCES - ANY AND ALL SCRAP METAL
ALLEN J. TOGUT, MD Asking $24,995
Serious inquiries
570-288-6227 Low Fees
Free Consult
Payment Plan! Small quantities to 1,000’s of tons accepted
216 North River St.
only. 570-636-3151
for all legal matters (570) 970-9977

Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702
Attorney Ron Wilson
(570) 223-2536
Blue, 5 speed
manual, CD, Air, $295 divorce295.com SOCIAL SECURITY Stroudsburg 570-346-7673
is retiring from practice Low mileage, fully factory alarm, Atty. Kurlancheek
800-324-9748 W-B
Wanna make a 570-819-3339
loaded, $10,999. power windows & Free Consultation.
Contact Atty. Sherry speedy sale? Place Your Scrap Metal is worth $$$
on June 30, 2011 negotiable.
locks. 38K.
$7,500 negotiable. Line up a place to live Dalessandro your ad today 570- Call Today!
Call 570-540-6236 n classified! 570-823-9006 829-7130.
TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2011 PAGE 3D


AU1079- Pwr. Heated Leather
Seats, ABS, Parking Sensors,
Keyless Entry Cruise, Traction
Control, Dual Zone Climate Control


Pwr. Heated Leather Seats, 6 Disc
CD, ABS, Keyless Entry, Parking TO CHOOSE FROM
Sensors, Satellite Radio, Heated
Mirrors, Traction Control, Cruise,
Memory Seat, Climate Control


AU1045- Reverse Camera, Running Boards, Navigation System, Parking
Sensors, Video Sys., Touch Screen, 3rd Row Seat, Premium Wheels, Power
Liftgate, Pwr. Leather Heat/ Cool Front Seats, Premium Sound, 6 Disc CD,
ABS,Keyless Entry, Tow Pkg.,
Moonroof, Roof Rack,
Rear A/C, DVD Player, Pwr.
Adjustable Pedals, Cruise


Most with Moonroof, Memory Seat, TO CHOOSE FROM
Navigation System, 6 Disc CD,
Satellite Radio, Keyless Entry with STARTING AT
Keypad, Parking Sensors, Front AC
Seats, Pwr. Liftgate, Premium Wheels


AU1490- Moonroof, Pwr. Heated
Leather Seats, Memory Seat,
Navigation Sys., 6 Disc CD, Satellite
Radio, Running Boards, Pwr.
Adjustable Pedals, Parking Sensors


AU1202- Air, Pwr. Seat, Keyless AU1546- Moonroof, Air, Heated Seat,
Entry w/Keypad, CD, Leather ABS, Roof Rack, 6 Disc CD, MP3,
Seats, Traction Control, ABS Satellite Radio, Exterior Keypad Entry

AU1348- CD, Fog Lights, Cruise, STARTING AT
AU1531- CD, ABS, Traction
AU1680- Air, Cruise, AU1514- Pwr. Heated Leather Seats,
CD, Keyless Entry, ABS, Cruise, CD, Memory Seat, OnStar, Keyless Entry, Pwr. Leather Seats, TO
Control, Heated Seats,
Rear Defogger, ABS Parking Sensors, Satellite Radio Roof Rack, 3rd Row Seat, ABS FROM Cruise Control, PL, PM, PW
AU1484- Cruise Control, 72
Most with CD, Traction Control, Keyless STARTING AT AU9511 - Cruise Control,
MOS. AU1595- Cruise, Pwr. Heated Leather Entry, Tow Pkg., Cruise, Pwr. Leather
Keyless Entry, AM/FM/CD, Seats, Memory Seat, 6 Disc CD, Parking Heated Seats,Moonroof, Running TO
Pwr. Seat, Keyless Entry, Fog
Traction Control, Air Sensors, Digital Info, Keyless Entry Boards, 3rd Row Seat, Climate Control FROM Lights, AM/FM/CD, PL, PW
2008 FOCUS SE 72
Climate Control, 6 Disc CD, Prem
AU1435- Air, Keyless MOS. AU1660- Moonroof, Pwr. Leather Front Wheels, Parking Sensors, Pwr. Liftgate,
Entry, ABS, CD, Pwr. TO & Rear Heated Seats, 6 Disc CD, Keyless Entry, Traction Control, Pwr. AU1577- Air, Pwr. Seat, ABS,
Windows, Pwr. Locks
FROM Parking Sensors, OnStar, Cruise, ABS Leather Heated Seats, Moonroof, Cruise TOCHOOSEFROM Keyless Entry, CD, 3rd Row Seat
AU1532- Coupe, Air, ABS,
72 AU1615- Air Conditioning, 20K MILES!
Cruise Control, Keyless Entry, AU1299- CD, ABS, Keyless
Keyless Entry, CD, Pwr.
Windows, Pwr. Locks AM/FM/CD, Traction Control Entry, Cruise, PL, PW, PM
2006 VOLVO S80 2.5T 2007 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LS 4X4 2007 CADILLAC SRX4 AWD 2010 E-350 XLTs
AU1603- Cruise, Keyless
MOS. AU1398- CD, OnStar, ABS, Fog Lights, Keyless 63
AU1042- CD, Satellite Radio, Prem. Sound, ABS, Fog Lights, Keyless Entry, Traction
Control, Roof Rack, Pwr. Leather Heated Seats, Moonroof, Cruise, Navigation Sys.,
Most with CD, Cruise, ABS, STARTING AT
Entry, CD, ABS, Pwr. Entry, Traction Control, Roof Rack, Rear
DVD Player, 3rd Row Seat, OnStar, Climate Keyless Entry, Running Boards,
Leather Seats, Moonroof Wipers, Privacy Glass, Cruise, PDL, PW, PM Control, Prem. Wheels, Touch Screen, Pwr. Liftgate Traction Control PM, PL, PW TOCHOOSEFROM
AU1114- CD, ABS, Keyless Entry, Traction Control, Tow Pkg., Roof Rack, Rear AC,
2008 FORD F-150 XLT 4X4
AU1662- Digital Info, Air 72
AU9705- CD, ABS, Keyless Entry,
MOS. Moonroof, Pwr. Leather Heated/Cooled Seats, Climate AU1434- CD, ABS, Keyless Entry,
Conditioning, Keyless Control, Cruise, Navigation Sys., Pwr. Liftgate, Running Cruise, PDL, PW, PM, Running
Entry, ABS, AM/FM/CD Rear Defogger, Cruise, Roof Rack Boards, 3rd Row Seat, Touch Screen, Parking Sensors Boards, Sliding Rear Window
MOS. AU1623- Moonroof, Cruise, AU1545- SYNC, 6 Disc CD, Keyless Entry, Dual Most with CD, ABS, Keyless
AU1654- Cruise, CD, Rear Climate Control, Parking Sensors, Traction
Pwr. Leather Seats, Keyless Control, Pwr. Leather Heated Seats, Entry, Cruise Control, Tow TO CHOOSE
Defogger, Moonroof, ABS Entry, ABS, Fog Lights, CD Moonroof, Satellite Radio, Memory Seat Pkg., PL, Pwr. Windows FROM

AU1571- Air, Pwr. Seat, ABS, AM/FM/CD, ABS, Keyless AU1642- Air, Cruise, Moonroof, AU1584- Air Conditioning,
Moonroof, Keyless Entry with TO Entry, Pwr. Door Locks, Pwr. ABS, CD, Security Sys., Keyless Pwr. Heated Seat, Keyless Entry,
Keypad, 6 Disc CD, Rear Spoiler CHOOSE
FROM Windows, Cruise Control Entry, Rear Defogger AM/FM/CD, Moonroof
AU1585- Moonroof, Pwr. Heat/Cool Leather AU1277 -Fog Lights, Keyless
AU1561- Moonroof, Dual Zone Climate Control, with Cruise, Privacy Glass, Keyless STARTING AT 8600 MILES!
Pwr. Heated Leather Seats, Digital Info, SYNC,
6 Disc CD, Fog LIghts, Traction Control, Rear
Entry, Traction Control, Side Airbags,
Some with Parking Sensors, 6 Disc
Seats, DVD Player, Navigation Sys., CD,
Reverse Camera, SYNC, Parking Sensors, 3rd
Entry, Traction Control,
Pwr. Seat, Cruise, Sliding
Spoiler, Keyless Entry w/Keypad CD, Moonroof, Heated Seats, ABS Seat, Running Boards, Rear Heated Seats Rear Window, ABS, CD MILES!
Tax and tags extra. 1.9% Financing is only available on Certified Pre-Owned Vehicles. “BUY FOR” prices are based on 72 month (*66, 63, 60, 48, and 36 months for selected vehicles) with $2,500
down (cash or trade). Photos of vehicles are for illustration purposes only. Coccia Ford is not responsible for any typographical errors. No Security Deposit Necessary. See dealer for details.

CALL NOW 823-8888


Overlooking Mohegan Sun

577 East Main St., Plains
Just Minutes from Scranton or W-B VISIT US AT WWW.COCCIACARS.COM
PAGE 4D TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2011 TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com
TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2011 PAGE 5D
412 Autos for Sale 415 Autos-Antique 415 Autos-Antique 415 Autos-Antique 421 Boats & 430 Heavy 439 Motorcycles 439 Motorcycles 439 Motorcycles 442 RVs & Campers
& Classic & Classic & Classic Marinas Equipment
1100 Custom. 5800 JUST REDUCED!
SS clone. 350
engine, 290 Horse-
2 door, hard top.
326 V8 auto, power
Brand new 2010
tandem axle, 4
01’ SPORTSTER ‘92Many
CLASSIC miles,
light bar,
35 ft. Well kept. On
campground on the
power. 10 bolt posi- windshield, many Susquehanna River

CUSTOM LINE steering, excellent wheel electric
rear. PowerGlide interior, vinyl top. brakes, 20’ long Garage kept, extras, must sell. near great fishing.
transmission. Power STATION WAGON 2 tone blue. $4,900. Call Attached 12X22”
V8, automatic, Needs minor work, total, 7 x 16 oak
disc brake kit. Over paint. Raft of extra deck, fold up ramps 17,600 miles. 570-301-3433 carpeted room.
$20,000 invested, 8 passenger,
parts (rechromed Fiberglass with knees, remov- REDUCED PRICE Brick heater,

Great running
sacrifice at $8,500.
3rd seat, good
condition, 2nd bumpers, etc.)
Must see! $3,000
boat with
trailer. Out-
able fenders for
oversized loads,
Lehman area. YAMAHA `97 VIRAGO covered by metal
roof with large
owner. $9,500. (570) 760-5937 750cc. 8,000 miles, breezeway. Shed &
condition. Red with Call 732-397-8030 (570) 822-9625 powder coat paint saddlebags, wind-
cloth interior, power
570-579-3517 board propul- many extras includ-
for rust protection, shield, back rest,
door locks, power
windows, power LINCOLN `66 PONTIAC `68 sion. Includes:
2 motors
2 5/16 hitch
coupler, tongue
883 cubic
motor, Paco rigid
NINJA 500R. 3300
Black & Pearl,
Excellent Condition.
ed. Call for more

(570) 237-7076
CATALINA jack, side pockets, frame, extended &
moon roof,
brake away switch, raked. Low miles.
miles. Orange. Must See. Asking


5 speed, just “Lark II series” Garage kept. His & $2,499. Call after 4.
serviced, 117k.
Asking $5,300
CHEVELLE 4 door,
Convertible, 460
400 engine. 2
barrel carburetor. PRICE
battery, 7 pole
RV plugs, title &
$6,000 or best
offer.(973) 271-1030
hers helmets. Must
sell. $2400
Travel Trailer. 29’,
Two door hard top. cu. engine, 67,000 Yellow with black REDUCED! more!! Priced for
570-760-3599 mint condition, 1
307 Motor. Needs miles, 1 owner roof and white wall $2,400 quick sale. $2,995 slide out a/c-heat.
work. Comes with since `69. Teal tires. Black interior. 386-334-7448 Stove, microwave,
VOLKSWAGEN `04 additional 400 small
block & many parts.
green / white
leather, restorable,
$4,995. Call
(570) 696-3513
KAWASAKI YAMAHA ‘07 650 V-STAR fridge, shower
inside & out. Many
BEETLE $3,500. Serious $2,500 570-287- 439 Motorcycles
Matted black finish. more extras.
inquires only.
(570) 836-2574
5775 / 332-1048
PONTIAC 1937 STARCRAFT ‘80 HARLEY DAVIDSON ‘05 Mint condition. New
tires, inspected,
Reduced. $13,500.
Call 570-842-6735
HARLEY ‘01 250 cc, blue, like
Blue. AM/FM cas- Fully restored near V-ROD VRSCA fully serviced &
16’ DEEP V
new, under 1,000
sette. Air. Automat-
ic. Power roof, win- CHEVROLET `79 original. New paint,
new interior, new
Blue pearl, excellent miles. Great starter
ready to ride. Wind-
shield & sissy bar. SUNLITE CAMPER
dows, locks &
TOWN CAR wiring, custom tint- ‘90 Evinrude out-
DAVIDSON condition, 3,100 bike. $2,800 Seri- Low miles & garage 22 ft. 3 rear bunks,
doors. Boot cover
for top. 22k. Excel- CORVETTE L-48
All Corvette options,
61,000 original
miles, garage kept,
ed glass, new motor
& transmission.
board 70hp with tilt
& trim— ‘92 EZ
loader trailer. With
Electra Glide, Ultra
Classic, many
miles, some extras.
ous inquiries only.
Call 570-331-4777
kept. $4800. or best
offer. 570-762-5158
center bathroom,
kitchen, sofa bed.
lent condition. or best offer. Air, Fully self con-
Spare motor &
YAMAHA ‘1975 80
Garage kept. all original, new triple black, leather ‘00 Tracker Series chrome acces-
trans. 16” wide Tony 570-237-1631 tained. Sleeps 6.
Reduced Good Year tires, interior, carriage 60lbs foot pedal, 2 sories, 13k miles,
white walls car in 600CC, New tires, fridge
new mufflers, just roof, factory wire downriggers, stor- Metallic Emerald Antique. Very good
570-822-1976 tuned. 46,000 miles.
$6,500 or best
wheels, loaded,
excellent condition.
excellent condition
in storage for 2 ages, gallon tanks,
2 fish finders and
Green. Garage
kept, like new
Great condition. condition. Must see.
Low milage. Road
awning. $4500.
Leave Message
offer 570-262-2845 $5,500. Call years. $14,000 or
best offer. Serious more. MUST SEE. condition. Includes
‘10 SPORTSTER 1200 Asking $3,100
CALL FRANK title. Asking $1,260 Let the Community
VOLVO `01 XC70 or 570-239-6969 Mike 570-237-7660
inquiries ONLY. Make Best Offer.
Call 866-320-6368
Harley cover.
A MUST SEE! 570-301-7221 Call (570) 825-5810
Leave Message
Place your Classified
MAZDA `88 RX-7
Call 570-574-1923 Custom Paint. theadvertisinguy
All wheel drive, To place your after 5pm. 570-718-6769
Only driven under @gmail.com Ad TODAY!
46,000 miles, bur- 570-709-4937
ad call...829-7130 CONVERTIBLE LINEUP 10 miles!! Comes 570-829-7130
gundy with tan LINE UP Q-LINK LEGACY `09
leather, complete
1 owner, garage
kept, 65k original warranty. Asking
dealer service histo- 250 automatic. Gun
ry, 1 owner, detailed, miles, black with
metal gray. MP3 master
garage kept, estate.
396 automatic, 400
grey leather interior,
all original & never
Doyouneedmorespace? Looking for the right deal V-ROD& Black.
offer. For info,
call 570-864-2543
or 215-379-1375
player. $3,000.
Great first motorcy-
Perfect condition.
3700 miles, new
bedroom, Walk
thru bathroom.
570-840-3981 seen snow. $8,900. rear tire, undertail Center kitchen +
transmission, clean Call 570-237-5119 A yard or garage sale on an automobile? Orange cle. 570-696-1156
kit, cover. Price dinette bed. Front

VOLVO ‘04 XC70

interior, runs good,
71K, garage kept,
Line up a place to live
in classified
is the best way
Turn to classified.
It’s a showroom in print!
Used as a show
bike. Never abused. HARLEY DAVIDSON SUZUKI `07 C50T
negotiable $7,600
extra large living
room + sofa bed.
Cross Country, custom paint, Fire
in classified! tocleanoutyourclosets!
480 miles. Excellent
2001 SPORTSTER Big View windows.
All Wheel Drive Hawk tires, Krager Classified’s got condition. Asking
Air, awning, sleeps
wheels, well
You’re in bussiness $20,000 or best 1,200 CC, Black, 442 RVs & Campers
MERCEDES BENZ the directions!
$11,880 6, very clean, will
maintained. offer. Call Low Miles, New
with classified! deliver. Located in
427 Commercial
570-876-4034 Tires and Brakes,
Lots of Chrome and EXCELLENT DUTCHMAN 96’ Benton, Pa. $4,900.

`74 450 SE
570-693-2742 Trucks &
HARLEY DAVIDSON Extras. Well main-
tained. 2 Harley
451 Trucks/
Helmets included. with slideout & sun

560 Pierce St.

350 V8. Original
owner. Automatic
Interior perfect,
exterior very good.
Runs great! New Restoration
CHEVY ‘08 3500 ` 06 SOFTTAIL Looks & runs great!
Windshield, Bags,
Pipes, White
room built on. Set
up on permanent
(570) 654-8520
Kingston, PA tires, 68K original Vehicle. Family site in Wapwallopen.
transmission. Rare - walls,Garage Kept.
tuxedo silver / black
vinyl top with black
$5,500 FIRM.
owned, garage
kept, good shape.
Needs some
2WD, automatic.
Dark gray metallic, HARLEY DAVIDSON 6K Miles $5,200
(570) 430-0357
Comes with many
extras. $7,000.
naugahyde interior. 570-905-7389 new rr tire &
570-714-9924 interior work, new Only 12,000 miles. brakes, many 2006 NIGHTTRAIN (570) 829-1419 or

Never damaged. Ask for Lee
seats, needs Vehicle in like extras. $10,900 (570) 991-2135
415 Autos-Antique 570-489-6937 MERCEDES-BENZ `88 carburetor work.
Only 58,000 miles.
new condition.
(570) 592-4982 #35 of 50 Made
& Classic Asking $12,000. 570-288-4322 $10,000 in acces- GS 750 loaded, 1 owner,
CHRYSLER `49 420 SEL serious inquiries sories including a Needs work.
20,000 miles.


Small 6 cylinder.
CADILLAC `80 only! Call custom made seat. $1,500
Silver with red Exotic paint set, Super Lite Fifth New tires. Like
leather interior. 570-343-2296 or best offer

COUPE DEVILLE Silver / gray, 4 door Every option.

10 yards, 4 ton limit,
HARLEY DAVIDSON `01 Alien Spider Candy
Blue. Excellent con-
Wheel. LCD/DVD
flat screen TV, fire-
new, inside &
out. $14,900. Call
very good condi-
sedan. 6 cylinder Garage kept, show- tion. Asking $3,900 Road King 19,000 dition. All Documen- place, heated mat- (570) 540-0975
Excellent condition,
flathead, fluid drive. room condition. miles, new tires, lots Selling your tress, ceiling fan,
Also, E-350. Cheap tation. 1,400 Asking
$3,000 located in
45,000 original $7,000. For more info, call of extra chrome. $25,000 or best
Camper? Hide-a-Bed sofa,
570-454-1945 or
miles. Just like new!
REDUCED $15,000
(570) 417-9200
Formula 400
973-906-8404 Like New. $12,900.
Call 570-639-1989
offer. Call
Place an ad and
find a new owner.
outside speakers &
grill, 2 sliders, CHEVR0LET`02
Call Jim:
570-654-2257 OLDSMOBILE `68
Berkshire Green,
Originally purchased FORD ‘99 E350 or 570-760-1023 570-829-7130 aluminum wheels,
water purifier, EXPRESS
CHEVROLET `63 at Bradley-Lawless
HSoft SUZUKI 97 GSXR 600
ARLEY DAVIDSON ‘80 Blue & White,
awning, microwave


was last seen in
100th Anniversary
Triton V8. 2 speed Edition Deuce. riding FLH. smoked wind
oven, tinted safety
glass windows,
DRASTICALLY Abington-Scranton raised panel fridge Loaded. Low
2 door hardtop. boom; 92,000miles; Garage kept. 1 King of the High- screen. Great bike,
REDUCED!! area. Finder’s fee & many acces- miles. Excellent
Partial restoration. $9999 or best price. owner. 1900 miles. way! Mint origi- runs great. Helmet
1953-1972 This model only paid if car is found sories & options. condition.
All original parts. Great condition. Call Tons of chrome. nal unrestored & kevlar racing
Any Condition! produced in 1967 and purchased. Call Excellent condition, $18,900
Asking $4,000 or 570-675-3384 or $38,000 invested. A antique show gloves included.
Courteous, Fast & 1968. All John with any info $22,500. 570-674-3901
best offer. Call 570574-7002 must see. Asking winner. Factory $2995. Call for info
Professional Buyer. original 45,000 (570) 760-3440 570-868-6986
(570) 885-1119 miles, Color $18,000. OBO spot lights, wide (570) 881-5011
Licensed & Bonded
corvettebuyer.com Burgundy, cloth
421 Boats & Collect cash, not dust! 570-706-6156 white tires,
CHEVROLET `76 1-800-850-3656 & vinyl interior,
Clean out your HARLEY DAVIDSON
biggest Harley
built. Only

350 rocket
FORD `66 basement, garage
engine, 2nd 28,000 original
owner. Fender LARSON 1984 16’ ‘03 DYNA WIDE GLIDE miles! Never 5th wheel, 2 large Extended cab,
Very Good
Mustang Coupe. skirts, always fiberglass bow, or attic and call the Golden Anniversary.
Silver/Black. New
needs inspec-
tion, permanent
7,000 miles. Very
fast. Needs nothing.
slides, new automatic. Black
Pearl white, pony garaged. Trophy Mercury 115hp, condition, loaded with grey leather
Low miles! interior. Pristine winner at shows. power tilt & trim, Classified depart- Tires. Extras. Excel- registration. Blue, never
dropped. Excellent
with accessories. interior. Heated
$7500. FIRM lent Condition. $8,500
condition. 26K
miles. $17,000 or
Serious inquiries
only, $7,500.
or best ment today at 570- 19,000 miles 570-905-9348 condition. $4,200
Ford Dually diesel
truck with hitch
seats. 59,000
miles. New Michelin
Ask for Lee best offer.
(570) 817-6768
570-690-0727 offer. 570-466-1768
can email pictures.
829-7130! $10,000.
570-639-2539 (570) 970-0564
also available.
tires. $16,500
(570) 477-3297

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PAGE 6D TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2011 TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com
451 Trucks/ 451 Trucks/ 451 Trucks/ 451 Trucks/ 451 Trucks/ 451 Trucks/ 451 Trucks/ 451 Trucks/ 451 Trucks/ 451 Trucks/
SUVs/Vans SUVs/Vans SUVs/Vans SUVs/Vans SUVs/Vans SUVs/Vans SUVs/Vans SUVs/Vans SUVs/Vans SUVs/Vans


Black/Grey. 18,000
with Western plow.
age), 3.4L, 47,000
miles. All wheel BLAZER LS 1500 QUAD CAB
4X4, V8 automatic. GRAND CARAVAN
Low mileage, 15000 drive, power moon- 4 door, 4WD
miles. Well miles, automatic, 4WD, Automatic. 1518 8th Street roof, windows, locks New tires & brakes. Only 17k miles. 1518 8th Street
equipped. Includes Loaded with Carverton, PA clean, low miles. Fully loaded. Lea- Fully loaded. Carverton, PA
all-wheel drive, 4 & seats. Leather $6,290
On-Star, tow pack- door, anti-lock options. Bedliner. Near Francis interior, 6 cd chang- ther interior. Many Excellent condi- Near Francis
age, roof rack, brakes, air condi- 55,000 miles. Slocum St. Park er, rear folding
MARSH MOTORS extras. Must see. tion. Factory & Slocum St. Park

CHEVY ‘00 ASTRO FORD ‘96 F-250 4X4

running boards, tioning, air bags, $9,200. Call seats, keyless entry, Excellent condition. extended war-
remote starter, power locks, power (570) 868-6503 onstar, roof rack, 1218 Main St. REDUCED!!! (570) 970-9351 ranty. $17,995

extended warranty. windows, power running boards, Swoyersville, PA ASKING $9,999 (570) 690-2806 Automatic, V8
$16,000 mirrors, cruise con- To place your garage kept. 570-718-6992 JUST REDUCED! Sharp,clean Truck!
(570) 825-7251 trol, AM/FM radio, ad Call Toll Free Automatic, V6
1 owner
$14,750. Buy-Sell-Trade SAVE MONEY! GET GET THE WORD OUT
Call For Details!
cassette player, CD
1-800-427-8649 570-362-1910 READY FOR THE
CHEVROLET `10 player, keyless Clean Work Van! WINTER! Don’t pay DODGE `01 with a Classified Ad. 570-696-4377
entry, rear de-
LINE UP CHEVY ‘03 dealer prices! White 570-829-7130
SILVERADO 1500 froster, rear wind- Call For Details!
with grey interior.
Extended Cab V71 shield wiper, tinted
windows. $17,500. TRAILBLAZER LTZ Looks and runs like
it just came off the
Package 4x4. Bed-
liner. V-8. Red. (570) 954-9333 Series. 6.0 Litre V8. Looking for the right deal IN CLASSIFIED! 4WD, V6, leather, lot. Four Door, 4
with cap. 1 owner,
garage kept, very
Call after 9:00 a.m. Heavy Duty version. on an automobile? auto, moonroof wheel drive, 84,900
Remote start.
6,300 miles Motorcycle for sale?
Excellent cargo van.
85K miles. Excellent
Turn to classified. CHEVY `10 SILVERADO $13,620 miles, new tires,
tow package, anti
good condition.
Many extras includ- 1518 8th Street
Carverton, PA
$26,000 It’s a showroom in print! 4 Door Crew Cab ing lift & back seat.
Let them see it here condition. $8,700 LTZ. 4 wheel drive. lock brakes, driver Near Francis
(570) 639-2539 29 MPG gas.
in the Classifieds! 570-829-4548 or Classified’s got Excellent condition, and passenger Slocum St. Park
570-829-7130 570-417-5991 the directions! airbags, power
low mileage.
$35,500. Call windows, power
Ready To Work!
or best offer
(570) 868-0944 FORD ‘97 F-150 4X4
412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 570-655-2689
560 Pierce St.
mirrors, power
ONLY 69K!!!
locks, rear window 4.2L V6, AC
Auto, vinyl seats,
Kingston, PA defroster and Economical
www.wyoming wiper, privacy tint, easy to clean, Work Truck!
Custom Van. 67K valleymotors.com air conditioner, runs 110%, new $4,995
oil, Just serviced!
miles. Interior has cruise control. CD, Call For Details!
570-714-9924 You gotta see it.
oak wood trim, car-
keyless entry and 570-696-4377
peting, storage much more.
M A Y -J U NE-J U LY $4,999
areas, TV, rear seat Call
$19.99 NO W DU E! convertible to dou- 570-332-4999 Call Mark
4 X 4, extended

ble bed, curtains. cab, 117,000
Seats 7. Power win-
`07 PACIFICA miles, new

dows & seats. Cus- inspection, just
Low miles,

tom lighting on ceil- Silver. 83K
Em is s io n s In s pe c tio n $ ing. New exhaust
front wheel drive, miles. All wheel
serviced, oil, trans
1518 8th Street
W ith T h is Coupon W ith T h is Coupon all power options flushed, new fluid
RAM 1500
system. New rear drive, 4.0L V6. All transfer case & Carverton, PA
$7,690 Power. A/C. Loaded. Near Francis
tires. Recently axels, cooling sys-
inspected. Excellent Must Sell. $11,995 or Too many extras to Slocum St. Park

tem flushed.
344-8558 condition. $4,200 or
best offer. Call 1218 Main St.
best offer. Call
list. Low Mileage.
Call 693-1262 FORDAutomatic,
‘97 F-250 4X4
3905 B irney Ave 570-655-0530 Swoyersville, PA (570)709-2125 after 5:00 PM
570-718-6992 4.6L V8, AC
M o o s ic, PA
Since 1951 87,000 miles
H om e O f T h e L ifetim e L ab or F ree W arranty w w w .gr on s k is .com 412 Autos for Sale Buy-Sell-Trade
DODGE `99 RAM Clean Work Truck!


CHEVY ‘07 GRAND CARAVAN 1500 CLUB CAB Call For Details!

1518 8th Street
Carverton, PA
Tan 54,000 miles,
excellent condition.
Good condition.

Near Francis Runs great. New Collect cash, not dust!
$7,999. tires. Asking $4,000
On-Star, Leather. Slocum St. Park Clean out your
570-817-9644t or best offer. basement, garage
Satellite Radio.
$14,990 DODGE ‘06 DAKOTA (570) 239-3950 or attic and call the
Classified depart-
Automatic, CD DAKOTA FORD `04 EXPLORER ment today at 570-
SUV, V6, 4x4, auto-
Tool Box 2 wheel drive, matic, 85,000 miles
Like New!
138,000 miles,
some rust,
Black Beauty.
Garage kept.
FORD `03
560 Pierce St. Call For Details!
Coccia Ford, Lincoln, 577 East Main Street EXPLORER
$2,000.00 Must sell.
Kingston, PA 570-696-4377 Call 693-1262 $8,700
www.wyoming after 5:00 PM (570) 883-2754 Low mileage,
in Plains, is pleased to announce that valleymotors.com
412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale
63,500 miles,
automatic, all-wheel

Mike Hallock has joined our sales team. drive, 4 door,

anti-lock brakes,
air conditioning, air


bags, power locks,
power windows,
Mike is following the tradition power mirrors,

power seats, all
of his father, Walter Hallock 1518 8th Street
Carverton, PA power, cruise
control, AM/FM
by selling Ford vehicles. Near Francis
Slocum St. Park radio, CD changer,
keyless entry,
Like his father, Mike has a CHRYSLER ‘00 LOW leather interior, sun/
M ILES moon roof, rear
warm, friendly, honest TOWN & COUNTRY defroster, rear

windshield wiper,
approach to selling. Mike Automatic, V6
CD, Leather
FIN AN CIN G tinted windows.
AS LOW AS $12,500.
promises to deliver the same Very Nice Van!
(570) 362-0938
high level of customer
$3,995 4 Cylinder, 6 Cylinder, Automatic, A/C, Keyless Entry, 33 HW Y
Call For Details!
570-696-4377 AM/FM/CD/MP3, Front Bucket Seats, PW, PDL M PG

17,999 259
satisfaction that Hallock senior * or $
At $
provided for over 35 years. DODGE `99 CARAVAN 10 Buy CHAIRcapacity
PER Seating LIFT VANfor
Come by and see for yourself!
SE. 2 sliding doors.
Very clean. Runs AVAIL. Only For M O. 7 plus 2 wheel
chairs. 140,000
great. 107k miles.
$2,500. Call *Price & payment plus tax & tags. Payment $259/mo. plus tax for 72 mos. @ 4.9% APR miles. Great condi-
You can reach Mike Hallock 570-709-5677 or w/ $1999 down (cash or trade) to qualified buyers. #Z2448. Prior use daily rental. tion. Asking $7,000.
For more details,
570-819-3140 601 K IDDE R S T., W IL K E S -BA RRE , P A
Mike Hallock at 570-823-8888. 821-2772 • 1-800-444-7172 Call 570-589-9181
412 Autos for Sale FRIDAY 8:30-7:00pm
SATURDAY 8:30-5:00pm 412 Autos for Sale


A Benson Family Dealership



$5,629 $5,841 $11,690 $5,295

OUR LOT WILL BE CLEAR PowerTech Pkg, Z-71 Pkg, SLE Pkg SLE Pkg, PowerTech Pkg, P. Seat Rocky Ridge Conversion Package,Too Many
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TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2011 PAGE 7D
451 Trucks/ 451 Trucks/ 451 Trucks/ 451 Trucks/ 533 Installation/ 533 Installation/ 542 Logistics/ 542 Logistics/ 545 Marketing/ 548 Medical/Health
SUVs/Vans SUVs/Vans SUVs/Vans SUVs/Vans Maintenance/ Maintenance/ Transportation Transportation Product
JEEP ‘05 GRAND SUZUKI `07 XL-7 TELEMARKETING Physician Substitute


Fanelli Brothers position available in
Automatic, front Yellow with black Trucking has Our Call Center a growing, face
wheel drive, 4 door, leather interior.
CHEROKEE LAREDO 56,000 miles,
automatic, Valley established new is expanding paced and success-
anti-lock brakes, air Front & rear heated Motors is seeking a and increased driv-
4WD, automatic, all-wheel drive, in Wilkes-Barre. ful plasma collection
bags, power locks, seats. Many chrome professional and er pay package and GET ON THE
V6, Low Miles 4 door, air condi- Immediate facility. This position
power windows, accessories. $28,500 Wyoming Valley an increased sign
power mirrors, or best offer. Call $15,740 tioning, all power, Motors has immedi-
experienced service
on bonus. Due to
ROAD TO openings for is responsible for
advisor to join our day & night shifts. providing instruc-
power seats, cruise (570) 788-9826 or CD player, leather ate openings avail- Volkswagen/Mazda additional business, SUCCESS!
interior, tinted Excellent base tions and explana-
control, AM/FM (570) 956-8547 able for experi- service team. Appli- Fanelli Bros. Truck-
windows, custom McLane, a rate + lucrative tions, medical eval-
radio, CD player, Leave Message enced Service cant must possess ing Co. is adding
wheels, $13,000 $28 billion supply bonus plan. uations, and coun-
rear defroster, rear Technicians in our good people skills both regional and Call 570-825-9402 seling to potential
windows, HYUNDAI ‘10 560 Pierce St.
Call 570-829-8753
Before 5:00 p.m.
various car lines. A
clear driving record
and be able to man-
age a team of flat-
local drivers to our
Pottsville, PA termi-
chain services
leader, is looking and current plasma-
pheresis donors.
for qualified
new starter, just
and valid PA driver’s rate technicians. nal operation. Dri- 548 Medical/Health Potential employee
inspected, $3,900. license are vers are home most Class A Drivers to
www.wyoming ADP experience must be a Licensed
570-594-4992. Navigation, Blue required. We offer nights throughout become part of
preferred. A clear Practical Nurse or a
Call after 4:30 p.m. Tooth, XM Radio
570-714-9924 TACOMA competitive wages
and an excellent
driving record and
valid driver’s license
the week. Drivers
must have 2-3
our valued team.
McLane’s DENTAL ASSISTANT Registered Nurse in
Pennsylvania and
Automatic, V6, TRD, benefit package. All years of OTR expe- uniformed drivers Full time. Needed
are required. We must have good
LEXUS `06 GX 470
Sport Package, applicants must be rience, acceptable are well recog- for Wilkes-Barre
4x4, 45K miles, offer outstanding communication and
able to pass a drug MVR and pass a nized and trusted Dental Office. X-Ray
career potential, problem solving
Excellent condition. test. Interested criminal background throughout Certified required.
$18,900 strong management skills. Interstate
applicants may con- check. the U.S. for their Paid vacation &
(973) 906-9311 support, and an Blood and Plasma
Cummins engine, tact Dan Yurko at : The new pay pack- knowledge, retirement package
excellent benefit offers an excellent
8-L. 49,049 560 Pierce St. age offers: accuracy, and offered. Please call
Looking for the right deal package. All appli- work environment,
miles. 33,000 Kingston, PA WYOMING VALLEY professionalism. Dr. David Troynacki
cants must be able • .38 cpm for competitive wages
gross wt. 6,649 www.wyoming on an automobile? MOTORS to pass a drug test. qualified drivers Sr. or Jr. at
and benefits pack-
light wt. $19,500 valleymotors.com Turn to classified. P.O. BOX 1308 Interested appli- Do you have 570-825-2247
• $1,500 sign on age. The hours will
Must see! KINGSTON, PA what it takes
570-714-9924 It’s a showroom in print! cants may contact bonus be afternoons into
(570) 829-5886
Classified’s got
18704 Dan Yurko at: • Paid vacations and to help drive DENTAL HYGIENISTS, early evenings.

Cypress Pearl with 570-288-7411 holidays our team? Fax resume to
the directions!
ivory leather interi-
or. Well maintained,
570-718-6213 FAX
• Health/Dental/
Vision Insurance CLASS A
ASSISTANTS, & 570-823-7366 or
email apanzarella@
Wheelchair Van
78,250 miles. Fully
Refurbished, rebuilt
engine, transmis-
garage kept. All
service records. TOYOTA ‘03 TACOMA valleymotors.com P.O. BOX 1308
• 401K Plan
serviced, new bat- sion replaced. Brand new tires. Black, 4 cyl., 4x4 LINEUP 570-288-7411
Contact Gary Potter
at 570-544-3140 • Earn more Full Time positions
tery, tires & rods.
Seats 6 or 3 wheel-
Rear-end removed
and relubed. Brand
All options including
premium audio
package, rear
automatic, 89K
570-718-6213 FAX
Ext 156 or visit us
at 1298 Keystone
money with more
at-home time
Expanding family RNs
chairs. Braun Millen- new 10’ dump. PA valleymotors.com oriented practice.
nium lift with state inspected. climate control,
INCLASSIFIED! Blvd., Pottsville, PA • “We’re here to
stay” –as a Email Resume to:
Golden Care Home
Health, seeking per
remote. Walk up
door. Front & rear
$12,900/best offer.
adjustable suspen-
sion, towing pack- Doyouneedmorespace? LINE UP DRIVERS McLane team- WyomingValley diem nurses. Excel-
A/C. Power locks & age, rear spoiler,
Lexus bug guard.
A yard or garage sale A GREAT DEAL... Well established
mate, you’ll be
working in a hotmail.com
lent rates and paid
mileage. Agency will
distribution compa-
windows. Excellent
condition. $9,500. 42,750 miles. in classified IN CLASSIFIED! ny seeks Full-Time
stable, secure or send to:
c/o Times Leader
orient. Home care
environment experience a plus
570-237-6375 $28,950 is the best way Looking for the right deal (40 plus hours per
• Multi-stop Box 2550 (Agency 26 years,
(570) 237-1082 tocleanoutyourclosets! week) drivers. Valid 15 North Main St.
FORD `99 RANGER 1518 8th Street
KELLY AUTO SALES You’re in bussiness
on an automobile?
Turn to classified.
Class A CDL, mini-
mum 5 years all-
deliveries prima-
rily located in Wilkes-Barre, PA
Top 500, JCAHO).
Call 570-654-2883
875 W. Market St. Pennsylvania and (EOE)
4x4 Extended cab, Carverton, PA Kingston, PA. with classified! It’s a showroom in print! season driving
New Jersey
V6 4.0, automatic.
PW, PL, cruise.
Near Francis
Slocum St. Park
MAINTENANCE Classified’s got
experience, clean
driving record, and
• Great pay and
benefits -
Runs & looks good. the directions! no DUIs are a must. • On the job training
No rust. 89K. JEEP ‘99 TECHNICIAN
$55,000 to • Competitive salary
Flatbed experience
$5,500. DEALER
1518 8th Street
TOYOTA ‘07 helpful. Drivers are
$60,000 in the • Benefits
Carverton, PA first year;
(570) 868-3914 assigned dedicated No experience
6 cylinder,
Near Francis
Slocum St. Park FJ CRUISER A manufacturer of
building materials is
weekly runs and
regional travel
medical, dental,
vision, life and
necessary. Please
e-mail or fax resume
Community Family
automatic, Yellow, 4x4,
FORD ‘03 WINDSTAR LX sunroof, CD 6 cyl., automatic,
seeking an experi-
enced Maintenance
including some
401(k) Fax: 570-693-1410
102 Martz Manor
overnights in sleep- Requirements:
Loaded with
extras including
Excellent runner!
$4,995 TRIBUTE LX well equipped.
Serviced with
Technician at our
Hazle Township, PA
er. Positions require • HS diploma or shawlabs@epix.net
entertainment Call For Details! Automatic, V6
warranty roofing insulation 5+ years experi- some moderate to GED
Say it HERE 554 Production/
570-696-4377 Sunroof, CD heavy lifting, good • Two years driving
system. 55k
1 owner
plant. The qualified ence; must have
communication experience in the Classifieds! Operations
Serviced with candidate must be own tools, must be
Extra Clean! skills, attention to • Clean driving 570-829-7130
JEEP `00 WRANGLER $5,995
willing to work sec-
ond shift and occa-
proficient in using a
metal brake to bend detail, commitment, record and great FOREPERSON OR
78,500 miles, 6 Call For Details! sional overtime. coil; Background punctuality. Posi- customer service PHYSICAL THERAPY
cylinder automat- 570-696-4377 check and Refer- tions include com-
petitive compensa-
ic, hard & soft
Experience is nec-
essary in the areas
ences required;
tion and benefits Find out more or ASSISTANT Full time, all shifts.
tops. Well main-
tained. Many MAZDA ‘08 TRIBUTE
of electrical and
mechanical trouble
Must be reliable;
Must possess package. Please
send resume to:
apply to become a
valued Teammate Full time at the
Neuropathy Center
Leadership and
people skills needed
new parts. Adult strong customer by contacting:
$18,655 875 W. Market St. shooting, equipment relationship. c/o Times Leader in Kingston. for fast-paced union
driven only. Kelly
$10,400, Asking
Kingston, PA.
repair, and welding.
PLC, variable speed Contact #
Box 2540
15 N. Main Street
John Hart,
McLane People Send resume to:
Send resumes to:
875 W. Market St. drives, and PC Wilkes-Barre, PA Department by c/o Times Leader
Kingston, PA. $8,800. (330) 351-9034 phone: gmail.com
experience is a plus. Email: 18711-0250 Box 2555
570-287-2243 570-704-8730
(570) 330-8400,
Johns Manville michaelhoffmeier
@live.com Shopping for a or email: jfhart@ WE’RE HIRING 15 N. Main Street
Wilkes-Barre, PA
JEEP `00 1 Owner offers a competitive mclaneco.com. • Home Health
560 Pierce St. new apartment? 18711-0250
FORD ‘04 F-150 Kingston, PA
$13,880 wage and benefit
Classified lets Aides
538 Janitorial/
package including EOE, M/F/D/V
X-Cab, V8,
automatic, 4x2
WRANGLER www.wyoming
insurance, Cleaning you compare costs -
without hassle To place your
• Certified Nurse
Serviced with
570-714-9924 life insurance, 401K
savings plan with
company match, HOUSEKEEPERS, FLOOR or worry! ad call...829-7130
Call Bayada Nurses
570-883-5600 CNC OPERATOR
Full time 2nd shift
Get moving
MERCEDES BENZ ‘06 560 Pierce St.
Kingston, PA
paid vacation, ten
paid holidays, edu- CARE AND LAUNDRY with classified! 548 Medical/Health 548 Medical/Health position. Requires a
high degree of
R350 CLASS WAGON www.wyoming cational assistance Healthcare Services knowledge of the
4Matic, 3rd row,
power tailgate
program, and a per-
formance bonus.
Group is currently
looking to fill full
time and part time
DRIVERS-CLASS toolmakers

shop tools
and ability to use all
Qualified applicants
875 W. Market St.
TJ, Black with grey
interior. 4 cylinder,
5-speed manual TRACTOR should send
resume with salary
positions. Please
apply in person at
Green Ridge
A CDL machines. Experi-
ence in setup and
operating CNC,
requirements to: milling center and/or
Kingston, PA. transmission. CD Healthcare Center Looking for a A licensed Personal Care Home is seeking to
570-287-2243 player, hardtop, full Johns Manville 2741 Boulevard Ave wire EDM equip-
doors, sound bar. 600 Jaycee Drive Scranton, PA
company you fill the following full time position: ment. Programming
FREIGHTLINER can retire with?
4” Skyjacker 560 Pierce St. ’97 MIDROOF Hazle Township, PA Food & Beverage Director is a plus. Job

FORD ‘05
requires working to
Suspension lift with Kingston, PA 475 CAT & 10 18202 542 Logistics/ Looking for Requirements: Food Services Management close tolerances
steering stabilizer. Attn: Plant Engineer
Like new BF
www.wyoming speed transmission. Transportation more home/ experience and Serve Safe Certification. and from prints. We
RANGER valleymotors.com $12,000 or email: robert.
Goodrich 35’s with dwyer@jm.com family time? Responsibilities: Ensure the delivery of high offer an excellent
Extended cab, Full size spare. Only
85,000 miles.
quality dining services which is consistent with salary and benefit
package. Submit
6 cylinder. Auto- ’99 CONDO Full time position. the Personal Care philosophy; Personnel
$6,999 resume to:
matic, RWD 430 Detroit, Super Local work. top pay and Management; Inventory Control.
(570) 301-7221 Michael Holcomb
$5,990 10 transmission. CDL required with benefits
Ambitious, Energetic, and Motivated Diamond
MONTERO SR 4WD Asking $15,000. 1 year experience.
MARSH MOTORS JEEP `02 GRAND 177,102 miles, auto- ‘88 FRUEHAUF 45’
TECHNICIAN Straight truck &
material handling.
Weekly home
time and much candidates may apply at:
Manufacturing Co.
PO Box 4174
1218 Main St.
Swoyersville, PA CHEROKEE LAREDO matic, four wheel with sides. All
Benefits included. more Oakwood Terrace Wyoming, PA 18644

drive, 4 door, anti- aluminum, spread
Wanted, reliable and
Apply in person at:
For more
400 Gleason Drive, Moosic, PA 18507
lock brakes, air con- axle. $6,500. Specialty Products
Buy-Sell-Trade ditioning, air bags, experienced satel- and Installation Co. details, or call 570-451-3171 ext 102 548 Medical/Health
power locks, power 2 storage trailers. lite/cable technician 2 Stevens Road please call
windows, power 570-814-4790 subcontractors for Wilkes-Barre, PA 800-628-7807
FORD ‘06 F-150 XLT mirrors, power northeastern and EOE
and ask for
seats, cruise con-
VOLVO `08 XC90 central PA areas.

X-Cab, V8, Must have white recruiting.
trol, AM/FM radio,
automatic, 4x4 cassette player, CD Fully loaded, moon van, ladders, indus-
Serviced with Triple black, eco- changer, leather roof, leather, heat- try specific tools,
Class A CDL drivers

warranty nomical 6 cylinder. interior, sun roof, ed seats, electric and liability insur-
locks, excellent ance. Will train needed. Two posi-
4x4 select drive. rear defroster, rear tions available. Must
CD, remote door windshield wiper, condition. New select individuals
tires, new brakes but experience is have clean MVR;

opener, power win- new Passed inspec- doubles endorse-
dows & locks, tion, new battery. and rotors. 52,000 preferred. Highest
miles highway pay rates in the ment. Home every
cruise, tilt wheel. $2,500 day, off weekends. The Greater Hazleton Health Alliance has the following full time openings:
$26,500/ best offer. area! Please call

108k highway miles. (570) 868-1100
Garage kept. Super Call after 2:00 p.m. 570-779-4325
570-417-2010 till 5
(570) 820-9900 ext
2 or email wilkes-
Full time local work.
Call Todd Speech Therapist – Full Time
KELLY AUTO SALES clean inside and out.
No rust. Sale price
MITSUBISHI `97 barre@antestar.com 570-991-0316


job. Physical Therapist – Full Time
875 W. Market St. $6,895. Scranton.
Kingston, PA.
Cab over, 4 cylinder
Ford, GMC,
International-Prices 533 Installation/ 533 Installation/


Blue/grey, new
diesel engine.
Rebuilt automatic
starting at $2,295.
Box Truck, Cab &
Chassis available.
Repair RN’s - Full Time, Part Time & Casual
rebuilt engine with transmission. Very
good rubber. All
Call U-haul The (with OB, Pediatric, Med/Surg, Telemetry
warranty, new
tires & brakes, around good
Panzitta Sales And Service Times Leader Critical Care & ED experience)
4,000 miles.
$5,900 or
condition inside
& out. Well 457 Wanted to Buy 72 George Ave., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18705 Classified New Competitive Rates!
best offer. maintained.
Ready to work.
Auto Panzitta Sales and Service, a leader in Automo- section. Excellent benefit package for full time employees including
570-814-2125 tive Equipment Service and Repair, is looking for
$6,195 or ALL a energetic and motivated individual to join our
medical, dental, vision, tuition reimbursement and defined
contribution plan.
302 V8 engine.
3-speed on the
JEEP `06 best offer
Call 570-650-3500 JUNK team. The person will be required to troubleshoot
and repair all types of automotive lifts, tire chang- Candidates interested in joining our team can forward their resume in
floor transmission.
34X9.50 swamper
COMMANDER 4X4 Ask for Carmen
CAR & ers and wheel balancers. Some hydraulic pneu- confidence to: jobs@ghha.org
tires. Racing seats,
roll cage.
Lockers, V-8. Heat-
ed leather. All NISSAN ‘09 ROGUE TRUCKS
matic and electronic experience will be helpful.
The person should possess good customer and
Employment Applications are available for download
from our web site at www.ghha.org
power. Navigation, AWD, low miles,
$9,500 Satellite, Blue tooth, automatic, problem solving skills. The person will be trained 700 E. Broad Street, Hazleton, PA 18201
For more pics or
information, call
3rd row, More.
remote start,
back up sensors
WANTED for operation and repairs on all types of equip- Our Heart is in Healthcare
(570) 301-7221
highway miles. $20,880 Highest Prices ment.
$14,900. Call For more information on our company visit
@gmail.com (570) 855-3657 Paid In Cash!!!
our web site at www.panzittasales.com.
EX. Silver. Loaded. 1
JEEP `07 FREE Requirements: Call 829-7130
REMOVAL - Prior experience with automotive equipment is a to place an
owner, very clean,
meticulously main- WRANGLER X
4x4, stick shift, soft
560 Pierce St.
Kingston, PA Call V&G
plus employment ad.
tained. 123,000 - Valid PA driver license required
highway miles. top. Red exterior, www.wyoming Resident Counselors- Full time/Part time positions available working with
$6,995 well maintained, valleymotors.com
Anytime - Lift 20 to 75 lbs regularly without assistance ONLY
individuals in an adult MH recovery program in Luzerne county. Duties
570-646-3334 or garage kept. 11,500 570-714-9924 288-8995 - Technical problem-solving skills
570-762-3294 miles, one owner. include teaching daily living skills and encouraging independence.
AC, CD player,
- Self starter and dependable timesleader.com
Requires a high school diploma. No experience necessary. Will train the
HONDA `10 cruise control.
Tow package with
- High school graduate
Submit resume to bwas@pazittasales.com or
right person.
Residential Program Worker- Full time & Part time positions available
cargo carrier.
Excellent condition.
PONTIAC `04 Panzitta Sales And Service 533 Installation/
working 2nd and 3rd shift with individuals with developmentally disabili-
ties in a community setting in Lackawanna/Luzerne area. Requires a high
72 George Ave., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18705
Call 570-822-9680
95,000 miles, well
Repair school diploma. No experience necessary.
Specialized Support Staff- Full time 2nd shift position and a part time var-
‘02 WRANGLER maintained. Excell-
ent overall condi- ied shift in a specialized residential program supporting adults with Autism
$13,980 tion. Keyless entry, Maintenance Electrical Technician in Tunkhannock. Experience working with individuals with developmental
built in baby seat, 515 Creative/Design Sapa Extruder, Inc. is looking for a skilled and experienced
disabilities/ autism required. Bachelor’s Degree preferred.
dual climate con-
trol. Rear air. Seats Support Specialist- Full time position available supporting individuals
Special Edition.
7. Recent inspec-
tion & tires. KBB
INTERIOR DESIGN Maintenance Electrician with a strong background in
hydraulics, programmable controls and electrical facets of plant with developmental disabilities living with families within the community.
The successful candidate should be able to work a flexible schedule and
Maroon, Fully over $6300. Asking Scranton based maintenance activities. The opening is on 2nd or 3rd shift. The
loaded. Leather design Firm seeks have the ability to travel within the Wyoming, Lackawanna and Susquehan-
560 Pierce St. $5,000 firm. Call
part to full-time Inte-
successful candidate must possess the ability to diagnose and
seats. TV/DVD, (570) 417-9884 na area.
navigation, sun roof Kingston, PA rior Designer. repair electrical/hydraulic problems, trouble-shoot electrical
www.wyoming problems and knowledge of industrial hydraulics. A minimum Step by Step offers a very generous benefit package for full time employ-
plus many other
extras. 3rd seat . valleymotors.com SATURN ‘09 VUE XE Candidates
Bachelors of four years experience in a plant of comparable environment is ees including eleven paid holidays, sick & annual time, and health insur-
Only 1,900 Miles. 570-714-9924 4WD, automatic degree, 5+ years required. Hourly starting pay range is $15.00-$18.00 and we
Brand New. Moon Roof experience with
offer an outstanding benefits package. If qualified, send a Clean driving record and a valid Driver’s License required for all positions
Asking $37,000
(570) 328-0850 LEXUS `96 LX 450
Full time 4WD, Pearl
$17,875 commercial
ects, CAD
drawing capabilities
resume with salary requirements to: Lifesharing Sponsors and Respite Providers.
Sapa Extruder, Inc. We are seeking caring, compassionate people who are willing to share their
MERCEDES-BENZ white with like new
leather ivory interi-
and have proficient
computer skills. 330 Elmwood Avenue home with individuals who are developmentally disabled. Initial and on
going training, 24 hour support and generous financial reimbursement.
or. Silver trim. Mountain Top, PA 18707
`99 ML 320 Garage kept. Excel-
lent condition. 560 Pierce St.
Competitive salary
based on experi- Attn: Human Resources Step By Step Inc.
Sunroof, new tires, ence, healthcare, Cross Valley Commons; 744 Kidder Street; Wilkes-Bare, Pa 18702
115,930 miles 84,000 miles, Ask- Kingston, PA teresa.mandzak@sapagroup.com
ing $10,750 401K and paid Phone (570) 829-3477 Ext. 605
MUST SELL www.wyoming E.O.E.
570-654-3076 or vacation. skauffman@stepbystepusa.com
$7,200 OBO valleymotors.com
(570)760-0511 570-498-0005 570-714-9924 Resumes: ddriscoll@ NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE! EOA
PAGE 8D TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2011 TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com
557 Project/ 566 Sales/Retail/ 566 Sales/Retail/ 702 Air 708 Antiques & 708 Antiques & 710 Appliances 720 Cemetery 744 Furniture &
Program Business Business Conditioners Collectibles Collectibles Plots/Lots Accessories
Management Development Development NY YANKEE auto- DINING ROOM SET,
MILK CAN with lid,

DOOR TO DOOR SALES painted black has graphed Whitey

MEMORIAL SHRINE European, imported,
decal $30. Glider
chairs with cushions
Ford 16x20 black &
white picture in
frosted glass rec-
tangular table with

frame $300. sell for silver hardware, 6
Local company is
seeking individuals SHOP? GOT STYLE? FINANCIAL set of 2 $45. Presto
Electric fry with high $150. Approximately
10,000 baseball
6 Plots Available
May be Separated
high back chairs,
excellent condition
3 people needed to for door to door lid $15. Sunbeam Rose Lawn Section
assist manager.
Duties will include
sales. Must be out-
going, self motivat-
LOVE ANTIQUES? 610 Business electric mixer (3
bowls) $25. Dansk
cards $50.
$450 each
$450. 855-8966
Opportunities GENE’S 570-654-1596
recruiting, training &
marketing. Will train.
ed & flexible. Please
email resume to:
We have a job for
you! $9.00/hour.
pizza baking stone
Call Mr. Scott
Pricer. BEER DISTRIBUTOR box) $12.
Old Toys, model kits,
Bikes, dolls, old gun
Coughlin H.S. 1926,
1928, 1932, 1937,
60 Day Warranty
imported, rectangu-
License available 1940, 1961, 1963, 4 grave sites, lar frosted glass
E.O.E Paid vacation, sick Mining Items, trains
with option to lease 1942, 1943, 1944, Monday-Friday fabulous location. with 6 high back
time, holidays. & Musical Instruments,
building or sold 708 Antiques & 1949. G.A.R. H.S. 8:00PM-5:00PM Purchased 20 chairs $450
Saturdays Hess. 474-9544
separately. Saturday years ago.
548 Medical/Health 548 Medical/Health included. Apply:
Collectibles Wanna make a
1934, 1935, 1936,
2 lots - $1,200
Community Family 1937, 1945, 1946, 8:00AM-11:00AM
speedy sale? Place 1951, 1955, 1956, 4 lots - $2,200 ENTERTAINMENT
Services COLLECTIBLE Sea- Gateway
102 Martz Manor Looking for that gram’s Mirror( great your ad today 570- 1957, 1961, 1965, Shopping Center
610-838-7727 CENTER solid oak
Plymouth special place condition) 1908 829-7130. 1966, 1970, 1980, Kingston, PA ST. NICHOLAS’
Raymour and Flan-
called home? Stanley Cup $50. or 1985, 2005, 2006. nigan $40.
DOLLS: Effanbee, 1 (570) 819-1966 CEMETERY, 570 457 4494
Do you need more space? Classified will address best offer. Call Mark Meyers H.S. 1935, SHAVERTOWN
at 570-301-3484 or spanish, 1 Scottish, 1 1936, 1937, 1938,
A yard or garage sale Your needs. Goldilocks, all 12” 1942, 1943, 1944, WASHER & DRYER
6 Plots. Can be
Allison at 631-6635 divided. Near
in classified Open the door tall, never used still 1945, 1946, 1960, in great condition.
is the best way with classified! in original box, com- Entrance. $550
WOODEN SWING 1974, 1975, 1976, Whirlpool and GE. each. Call FILE CABINET, tan
RN’s to clean out your closets! DRIVE-SHAFT mini for decoration,
Boyds Bears or
pletely dressed in
their own costumes
1977. Kingston H.S. Both work great.. 570-675-9991 metal, 2 drawer,
You’re in bussiness FABRICATER 1938, 1939, 1940, $99. Eric 15w x 28h x18d $20.
Part Time 7-3 & 11-7 with classified! Willing to train. Will dolls. $10.696-2008 $10. each. 1944, 1948, 1949. 609-433-5660
570-654-6283 726 Clothing SHELVING UNIT,
Accepting applications for sell stock or equip- Plymouth H.S. 1930, (Wilkes-Barre)
chrome, over toilet
Per Diem RNs all shifts ment seperately. 1931, 1932, 1933, design, 23wx68h x
For more info, call 551 Other 551 Other 1938, 1943, 1944, Why Spend MISSES CLOTHING
10d $10. SHELVING
medium & large 10
LPN’s EXECUTIVE (570) 823-0245 1959, 1960.
Hanover H.S. 1951,
Hundreds on
New or Used pullover sweaters, UNIT, chrome, bath
storage, 12wx65h w
1952, 1953, 1954, Appliances? 10 tops $20. all
Part Time 3-11 & 11-7 570-824-0248 12d, 6 shelves with
Accepting applications for Local sales opera-
tion is looking for an
RECONDITIONING 1960. West Pittston
H.S. Annual 1925,
Most problems
with your appli-
clear trays $20.
Per Diem LPNs all shifts experienced tele-
PERSON 1926, 1927, 1928,
1931, 1932, 1959.
ances are usually
simple and inex-
ING, size 4X, tops &
white finish, 2
CNA’s account executive JAN-PRO • Full Time - 8:00AM - 4:30PM Luzerne H.S. 1951, pensive to fix! slacks, New $5.
Slightly used $2.
shelves, 24w x 30h
x15d $20. ENTER-
for it’s NEPA loca- COMMERCIAL 1952, 1956, 1957, Save your hard TAINMENT CENTER,
Call between 10 am.
Part Time 7-3, 3-11 & 11-7 tion. Qualified indi- CLEANING • Experience Preferred 1959. Berwick H.S.
1952, 1953, 1956,
earned money, Let
us take a look at it and 9 pm. please @ medium wood finish,
vidual will set-up OF NEPA 570-288-9936. 42wx48hx15d, fits
AMAZING SHIFT DIFFERENTIALS appointments for • Benefits 1957, 1958, 1960,
1967, 1968, 1969
30 years in
32” TV $25.
& PAY RATES outside sales repre- Be Your Own 570-287-0690
2nd shift $1.75 sentatives with Boss Work Full or • Valid PA Driver’s License Required ,1970. Lehman H.S.
1973, 1974, 1976,
the business.
East Main
728 Commercial/
businesses in NEPA. Part time Industrial GUN CABINET.
3rd Shift $1.00 Some clients are Accounts available Apply in person to Bernie (8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.) 1978, 1980. Nanti- Appliances Holds 10 guns.
Weekend Days - $1.00 existing customers. NOW throughout coke Area H.S. 570-735-8271 Equipment Medium oak, 2

How to Apply?
Wilkes Barre,
Scranton, VALLEY CHEVROLET 1976, 2008. Dallas
H.S. 1966, 1967,
drawer storage,
etched glass design
Call 877-339-6999 x1 tion is full-time with
health benefits, paid
and Hazleton.
We guarantee SERVICE COMPLEX 1968. Bishop Hoban
H.S. 1972, 1973, 712 Baby Items
turion commercial
generator w/220
on doors. $250 firm
Fax: 866-854-8688 vacation, hourly and $5,000 to 221 Conyngham Ave., Wilkes-Barre 1974, 1975. West
outlet. 5000 watt,
Email: Jobs@horizonhrs.com bonus pay. $200,000 Side Central used only 2 hours.
Catholic H.S. 1965 - Graco new, used Paid $650, sell $400 table, 2 leafs, 4
in annual billing. 572 Training/ 572 Training/ 1974, 1980, 1981. very little. $ 10. or best offer. chairs, hutch to
Complete Application in Person Please e-mail Small investment
395 Middle Road, Nanticoke resume to We’re ready - Instruction Instruction Westmoreland H.S. 570-474-0154 570-606-7382 match, $325. BED-
prminc14@aol.com. Are you? 1952, 1953 - 1954 ROOM SUITE wal-
CRIB nut, bureau, dress-
For more info G.A.R. H.S. 1972, 730 Computer
Designer. Metal er, 2 night stands,
551 Other 551 Other 551 Other Call 570-824-5774
WANT TO BE A 1973, 1974, 1975,
1976 Pittston H.S.
nickel finish. Great
for use or children’s
Equipment & twin beds, $395.
CASINO DEALER? 1936, 1951, 1954,
1963 Pittston Hospi-
shop display. $95/ Software TEA SET gold plated
4 pieces, $40. FIRE-
tal School of Nurs-
ing, J.O.Y. of 1957,
PLACE accessories
brass with black

Earn Extra Cash

Inside Church Hill STROLLER excellent
1959 West Pittston condition with hood dows XP Pro SP3, trim, 10 pieces $125.
Mall, high traffic
area. Established 15
years. RENT IS
BLACK JACK DEALER H.S. 1950, 1954,
1955, 1956, 1960
& basket. $20.
2-drives, DVD/ CD-
RW, included. Over
6 WEEK COURSE STARTS MAY 31ST Hazleton H.S. 1938, 30 games & pro-

For Just A Few

FREE. Serious SET. 5 piece rattan,
1939, 1940, 1941, STROLLER: Expedi- grams, works well,
inquiries call or 1942, 1943, 1945, tion jogging stroller 42” round tile top
570-582-5208 fast, with extended
CRAPS DEALER 1948, 1949, 1950,
1953, 1954, 1955,
$40. Call 829-0217,
leave a message.
memory & year left
on warranty hooked
table & 4 swivel arm
chairs with uphol-

Hours A Day.
630 Money To Loan 8 WEEK COURSE STARTS MAY 31ST 1956, 1957, 1959, up, try before buy-
stered seats. Excel-
STROLLER: Graco lent condition, deliv-
1960, 1961, 1962, ing $120. 457-6610
“We can erase Day or Evening Classes for Blackjack Duo-Glider beige & ery possible. $125.
1964 Hazle Twp H.S.
your bad credit - black $60. Fisher COMPUTER DESK 570-868-6327
100% GUARAN-
Day Classes Only for Craps 1951, 1952
Price Laugh & Learn 47x24 $35.

570-825-4721 LAMPS (2) grey
TEED.” Attorneys Call 1-800-377-5222 ext. 7495 Home $30. Hasbro (570) 825-0553 metal & black. $25
for the Federal Playskool Let’s Play
Trade Commission
to reserve a seat. 710 Appliances Together Peek ‘N COMPUTER TOWER each. 570-740-1246
say they’ve never CALL NOW! AREA CASINOS HAVE Play Discovery Tent win xp 510 memory LOVESEAT &
seen a legitimate IMMEDIATE OPENINGS FOR 50 DEALERS! APPLIANCE $20. Fisher Price $50. GE 40 channel OTTOMAN solid
credit repair opera- PA RT S E T C . Laugh & Learn hand held cb trans- sand colored cush-
tion. No one can Used appliances. learning table $10. ceiver $35. pc2-
Parts for all brands. ioned, excellent
legally remove Leap Frog Leap- 4200u mb 256 shape $200.
223 George Ave. sticks $10.00 each.
accurate and timely Wilkes-Barre Start learning gym 570/824-7807 or
information from 570-820-8162 $10. Leave a mes- 570-704-8689 570-545-7006
your credit report. sage 570-926-9016
It’s a process that inc. pc/printer/moni- AFFORDABLE
Toastmaster, used 1
(No Collections) starts with you and
involves time and a 548 Medical/Health 548 Medical/Health time. Like new. $35. 714 Bridal Items tor/kyb+ms.IBM/HP MATTRESS SALE
We Beat All
570-868-6327 p4ht & above. All
conscious effort to WEDDING DRESS windows 7, office Competitors Prices!

A il bl routes:
Available t pay your debts.
Learn about manag- To place your New with tags, size
8, off white strap-
10, AV, cdrw-dvd,+
more.$125 & up .
Mattress Guy
Twin sets: $149
ing credit and debt ad Call Toll Free less, beautiful gown Full sets: $169
West Pittston
LAPTOPS =$150-
at ftc. gov/credit. A Queen sets: $189
message from The 1-800-427-8649 must see $300. or
best offer. 285-3180
complete systems All New
Times Leader and
$760 Monthly Profit + Tips
DRYER GE 7 cu. ft. $125-$175. all refur- American Made
the FTC. electric, brand new, WEDDING GOWN bished off lease, w7 570-288-1898
never used $300 package REDUCED.
183 daily papers / 186 Sunday papers call 570-855-5725. New, tags on, ivory
or xppro, antivirus,
wifi, dvd rw+ more!
OTT-LITE with 3x

Exeter Avenue, Ann Street, Clear Spring Court, EXPERIENCED leave message strapless, size 10, Warranty & free
optical magnifier for
reading, hobbies,
ivory strapless,
Ledgeview Drive, Susquehanna Avenue, York Avenue CAREGIVERS DRYER: 3 year old beautiful bead work,
crafts, adjustable
front loader gas veil beaded to flex neck,work
NEEDED dryer. Works great match & slip. Paid LAPTOP: Compaq hands free $50.

Kingston 700 Visiting Angels is looking for experienced,

compassionate and reliable caregivers to
no longer needed.
One problem the
knob is broken but
$600 asking $100.
Presario XP Home
Edition, 60gb, 512
(paid $129.) Wall
lamp great for read-
MERCHANDISE mb ram 15” wide ing or over desk
$850 Monthly Profit + Tips work in the homes of the elderly.
We offer competitive wages, training,
can be fixed easily.
$200. 817-0953
WEDDING package:
ring pillow, money
screen $100.
nice wooden base
$30. Tiffany floor
212 daily papers / 252 Sunday papers 702 Air friendly and supportive staff.
Come Join Our Growing Team!
apron -
lamp 69” height,
shade is 5 “ height &
First Ave., Second Ave., Third Ave., N. Dawes Ave., Conditioners Kenmore 13 cu ft satin slippers. All 732 Exercise 14” across $60.
Must have a minimum of 2 years experience, chest model # 1634, made with satin Equipment Basketball swag
Pierce Street, Reynolds Ave., Winola Ave. AIR CONDITIONER
Sharp, window unit
valid driver’s license. energy star rated.
Like new condition,
lace, pearls & light, red, white,
6000 BTU $100.
Immediate Openings manufactured May
sequins, beautiful, TREADMILL for sale blue in color with
Why a career with Visiting Angels? never used $100. orange rim & white
Wilkes-Barre North
$200 please
(570) 825-0553 2009. includes 2 lift 570-654-6283 net in very good
Because we care about our caregivers! call anytime after 6
out baskets, interior condition $45.
AIR CONDITIONER: p.m. 570-826-1311
Call 570-270-6700 today! light & security lock.
$800 Monthly Profit + Tips window, 5,000 BTU
with remote control. Equal Opportunity Employer
cash or usps money
orders only $250
716 Building
Materials 742 Furnaces &
185 daily papers / 209 Sunday papers $60. 570-675-0248 570-443-7062
Heaters 5 piece with cush-
ions, 42” round
Coal Street, Custer Street, North Empire Street, 554 Production/ 554 Production/ 554 Production/ MICROWAVE: GE, all
options, with
SET: Gerber white HEATER table, 4 chairs, 2
North Grant Street, Logan Street, New Market Street Operations Operations Operations turntable, excellent
porcelain bathroom For trailer $300. lounges, umbrella
sink with mirror and 570-735-1372 $225. Sofa, 2 swivel
condition. $40. medicine cabinet. rockers, ottoman
570-675-4383 Matching set. $80. $300. Washer/Dryer
To find a route near you and start 744 Furniture &
Hiring Assemblers & REFRIGERATOR 2.7 570-331-8183
Whirlpool estate,

earning extra cash, call Rosemary at Fork Lift OperatorsE

cu. ft., white, 19w x
26h x 19d, $60.
Interior swing with BEDROOM SET
electric, heavy duty
$300. Ceiling light

570-829-7107 570-287-0690 fixture $10.

15 glass panes from Bassett, 4 pieces, Microwave $15. pair
REFRIGERATOR: top to bottom. white with gold of end table lamps
Seeking Assemblers & Fork Lift Operators for Duryea Mounting hardware accents, single bed $30. 570-474-5188
Frigidaire. White.
Manufacturing Facility. Generous benefits include Large. Freezer up includes. 80x31 1/2. with or without
affordable healthcare with minimal co-pays. top. Very Clean, fair- Honey color, $60. or canopy, dresser, RECLINER: Faux
ly new, in good best offer. Can desk with light, & leather, black, good
401 York Ave, Duryea, PA 18642 working condition. email pictures. chair. $350. Brass condition $40.
570-466-6481 headboard like 570-926-9016
Apply online at www.pridemobility.com/careers $250 negotiable.

Call 570-283-6943 new. $350.

EOE/MF/DV/AA Leave Message PLANKS, Bruce 40 plaid, looks good.
sq. ft. golden wheat BEDROOM SET $150.
150 Special Notices 150 Special Notices 150 Special Notices 150 Special Notices 150 Special Notices 150 Special Notices 150 Special Notices color $30. good for Girl’s, dresser with 570-779-0718
small bath. 2 side shelves &

LAMINATE Wilson chest. SOFA BED queen
Art glue type 20 sq. 570-868-6123 size, very good con-
ft. box, light oak, 10 dition. $400.
bottles of glue $150. BREAKFRONT 570-299-7270
570-283-0811 4 door cherry $400.
Excellent condition.
752 Landscaping &
Oak, entire set in Gardening
excellent condition. CABINET: Wood
Vanity Mirror with country wall cabi-
net, wall shelf, &
1st Choice
light for bathroom.
small stool with Landscaping

Area Businesses To Help Make

Call 570-868-6123 See our ad in the
Apple design on top,
VANITY TOP 36” $5. each. Large Call an Expert sec-
cultured marble assortment of Sun- tion under Category

Your Event a Huge Success!

vanity top beige flower items, $.50 1165 - Lawn Care
with nickel faucet to $10. Child’s
$100 call BITTO
wood high back LANDSCAPING &
country bench with LAWN SERVICE
Line up a place to live cut out hearts, $15. See Our Ad In The
in classified! 3 24” metal

Call An Expert
pressure treated
planters, made to
hook over deck rail-
ing, $15. for all.
Section 1162
CHIPPER, shredder,
wood. $95. SOFA TABLE 48” mulcher, bagger.
Bear Creek
G&B Tent Rentals Harpist 720

long, oval, wood
$40. Call 570-868
Craftsman 5 HP. 3
cutting stages. Very

LOWEST PRICES GUARANTEED Music for Banquets, Plots/Lots

5275 /570-301 8515
CHAIR. Solid Oak
good condition.
$350. 675-4383

Private Party CANDIES FROM 40 X 160 WEDDING Weddings, Christmas

Parties & More! CEMETERY
Rocking. New con-
dition. $100 nego-
with rocks, as much
to customize your TENTS TO 20 X 20 BACKYARD PLOTS FOR SALE tiable.570-655-5102 as you want, 81’
Room Available BARBEQUE TENTS. Sherri L. Trometter (4) Four plots, all long, three stories
party favors! together. Crestlawn DAY BED white high. Free if you
570-472-9045 570-823-8272 570-378-2566 harpingalong@wildblue.net
Section of Memorial
Shrine Cemetery in
Kingston Twp. $600
wicker Henry Link
with trundle, desk,
chair, mirror, night
pickup, bring
shovel, Excavator,

each. Willing to stand, 6 draw truck, or pickup. 189

dresser, removable

To Advertise
split. For info, call Foote Avenue,
(570) 388-2773 bookcase, ward- Duryea. 457-6610
robe, magazine
stand $500. or call

Call Tara
Moon Walk Guy A.C.E. DJ SERVICE WEDDING (3) together.
570-498-0977 See Our Ad Under
Bounce house, snowcone, 36 years of Weddings, Maple Lawn
DESK brown, very 570-899-5759
Section of sturdy, 2 drawers,
cotton candy & popcorn Birthdays, Teen Parties,

Dennison excellent condition, Keller’s Lawn Care
machines, dunk tank & more!
Great for Birthday Parties,
Bar Mitzvahs, etc.
LESSONS! Cemetery.
Section ML.
$40. 570-239-2937
DESK, Secretary
See our ad under
Call An Expert
$550 each. 1162 Landscape &
Visit Our Website...

Corporate Events & Day Cares www.gwelsh.com ScrantonDanceLessons.com 610-939-0194 drop down top 3 Garden
drawers, pecan fin-
570-868-0386 or call Lawn Maintenance
ish, excellent condi-
www.moonwalkguy.com 570-788-1259 CEMETERY PLOTS
Plymouth National
tion $100.
See our ad under
Call An Expert
1165 Lawn Care
Cemetery in DRESSER: 3 drawer,
Wyoming. 6 Plots. brown, $10. PERENNIALS $3-$4
$450 each. Call 570-868-6018 a pot.
570-825-3666 570-675-0920
TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2011 PAGE 9D
752 Landscaping & 758 Miscellaneous 770 Photo 776 Sporting Goods 796 Wanted to Buy 810 Cats 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale
Gardening Equipment Merchandise
metal, 4 large draw-
ers, brown, like new
brand. Excellent
condition. $3 per Buying Toy Cars
New construction
Craftsman /Honda
motor includes bag, $30. 570-64-4793 $130. 696-2039 dozen. 735-5290 & Trucks from 570-457-4104 on 1 acre lot.
self propelled, runs
the 1950’s.
DINKY, CORGI, KITTENS: 7 weeks 900 13 Hedge Road
2500 sq. ft.
2 story, 4 or 5
good $150. after
3pm 655-3197
electric heater or no 772 Pools & Spas CASE SMITH-MILLER, old free to a good REAL ESTATE 20 year old Con-
temporary in
bedrooms, 2.5
heart $300. $10. MATCHBOX, home, liter trained &
Patrick & Deb’s 570-675-7024 BAQACIL CHEMI- 570-675-7024 TONKA. Also friendly with chil- FOR SALE prime location. 3
bath, Great room
with cathedral
Lawn Care CALS. 7 gallon Oxi- buying German dren. 518-779-3015. bedrooms, 2.5 ceiling, fire place,
GARAGE SALE dizer, 11 half gal bot- GOLF ITEMS: many baths, large
See our ad under & Japanese 906 Homes for Sale dual zone gas heat
ITEMS. PIANO, Korg tles Sanitizer/Algis- items to choose Kittens: Free to kitchen, unfin-
Call An Expert wind-up toys. & central air,
Electric, $75. POOL, tat. Plains. Worth from. Clubs, drivers, good home. Please ished basement,
1162 Landscape & Larry - Mt. Top Having trouble 2 car garage,
26’ above ground $450. Will sell for balls, hand coat and call 570-388-2118 hardwood floors
Garden 570-474-9202 paying your mort- REDUCED Now!!
$500, WEDDING $225. Used ABOVE many more! $100 1st floor and
Peter’s Lawncare
See our ad under
GOWN, 1957, $50,
round, 4’ deep. YOU
for all. Call
behind on your
Falling attached 2 car
garage. Total
NOW $284,900.
Call 570-675-4805
BUYING For purpose of payments? You
Call an Expert
1165 Lawn Care Titleist Clone, $30
& GUN CASE hardcov-
er for traveling $20.
Silver or gold coins,
silver flatware sets
may get mail from
people who promise
(570) 472-9660
TRIMMER/MOWER Golf cart, woods, & pieces, gold jew- Cat. If interested, to forestall your
GAS GRILL. Ken- NOT available. irons, ball retriever, elry, broken jewelry, please call foreclosure for a fee 119 Midland Drive
5.5 HP, never used,
12” beaver blade,
runs great. $125.
more, $90. TREAD-
MILL, Weslo, $100.
Plains. New price
$100. 823-2958
wedge, etc $50. 2
bags of tees $3. 72
boullion, antique sil-
ver & gold chains,
570-655-8820 in advance. Report
them to the Federal
1419 First Ave
Custom Built Ranch
Home -The ranch
TIVO, new, $60, golf balls $10. home is IN
Call Bill 735-4773 LADDER A frame earrings, watches, 815 Dogs Trade Commission,
DEMAND! This one
DISHES, Mikasa, ladder for above 570-474-6028 etc. the nation’s con-
WYOMING VALLEY Day Dreams, $85 Visit Jack-O’s at sumer protection offers everything
ground pool. All alu- NORDIC TRACK ski you are looking for!
LANDSCAPING 570-655-0952 Merchant Village, agency. Call 1-877-
minum. $30. pro $45. Toledo Plenty of space for
See our ad under Pittston. FTC-HELP or click
GLASS DOOR. 4 570-823-0597 scale, $75. Hard- in-law quarters, 4 NEW LISTING!
Call An Expert Old Wal-Mart Store on ftc.gov. A mes-
1054 Concrete & way glass door for shell arrow carrier bedrooms, cherry Secluded on a hill
Booth 162 sage from The
Masonry bath tub. $25
570-331-8183 POOL 15 X 30 OVAL with 6 aluminum
arrows, $30. Tele-
570-328-3428 or
Times Leader and
the FTC.
kitchen, sunroom,
recreation room
but part of High
Point Acres. 2 story
3 years old. Hay- scope ladder $60. Colonial, 4 bed-
with 12 seat oak
754 Machinery &
GRILL: charcoal ward filter. 1.5 hp
Jackhammer chis- 2 story 4 bedroom, bar. This home rooms, 2.5 baths.
Equipment $20. Longaberger pump, solar & win- els $40. System The Video 2 bath. 2,244 sq ft. Large family room
ter cover & acces- includes an
items for baskets One rack & box sys- Game Store $55,900. attached 2 car with fireplace and
$20. Samsonite sories $1,000. tem, Dodge $600. 28 S. Main W.B. MLS 11-521 sliding door to
Heavy Duty walk- garage plus a
clothes bag $10. Open Mon- Sat,
HAULMARK ‘07 COD RCXD car, new 570-696-2468 screened porch. 2
in stairs with rails detached custom
570-474-6028 $75. MP5 air soft, 12pm – 6pm garage that can fit car garage. Central
$350. 6 x 16 pres- new $100. 570-822-9929 / AC. Wooded lot.
up to 12 cars or
TRAILER 6’X14’ LAMP, Hurricane,
colonial style, hand
sure treated deck
with rails, stairs,
570-825-5281 570-941-9908 boat storage, only 5 $275,000.
Like new with
electric brakes,
shade, $20
glass gate, lattice with
storage door $375
Steel 400 Total
miles to beautiful
Harveys Lake - 1 yr Besecker Realty
new tires and
reinforced tongue.
RUG, 5x7 oriental
look. Light green.
loungers $25 or
pool WorkOut Machine,
plus floor mat $80.
912 Vine Street
Home Warranty.
All this on 4 ACRES Looking to buy a
STATELY 3500+ of serenity in the
COVERS, lace (6)
AGE $1500 Buyer
SYSTEMS S.F., 9 room, 2.5 heart of Dallas
Place an ad here

756 Medical
TABLE, WIcker, out-
must dismantle &
& frame, pvc piping,
Highest $$ Paid
Call 829-7130 Bath, home with
newer vinyl siding,
vinyl windows and
BLAKESLEE $419,000
MLS #11-155
Call Tracy Zarola
and let the
sellers know!
door, green. $25 570-331-2197 6x5x4, by Impact Buying all video Place your pet ad 570-829-7130
Equipment 570-674-2985 Sports, never used games & and provide us your architectural shin- 570-574-6465
systems. PS1 & 2, gled roof, 2 Car 570-696-0723
POOL 21’ round x $40. 570-287-0690 email address
BED. Craftmatic
Adjustable. $500 or
LAMPS: large table
lamp creme, beige
56” deep, new liner,
new cover, new TRAMPOLINE, large,
Xbox, Nintendo,
Atari, Coleco, This will create a
Detached Garage
and plenty of LEWITH & FREEMAN
best offer. shade with dark good condition. Sega, Mattel, paved, Off-Street
pump, new filter seller account
570-288-3894 brown & gold trim, complete with deck. Must pick up. Gameboy, online and login Parking. Are you a
570-650-6434 good condition in $975. or best offer. $125. or best offer. Vectrex etc. information will be professional looking
$5. 607-565-1726 570-328-6767 570-406-0964 DVD’s, VHS & CDs emailed to you from for an in-home
HUMIDIFIERS (2) & Pre 90’s toys, gadzoo.com office? Do you
cool mist by Kay, 1 MATERIAL CHIF- have a college-age 37 Chestnut Road
POOL Four foot by 778 Stereos/ The Video “The World of Pets
air purifier. $15 each FON, dusty rose, student, who would (Old Farm Estates)
12 ft round pool
570-654-4793 over 20 yard roll $600. or best offer. Accessories Game Store Unleashed”
treasure some pri- Custom built solid
$10. Taffata lining 20 1150 S. Main vacy? Do you have brick 4 bedroom,
570-824-7582 You can then use PRICE REDUCED!
JAZZY VICTORIA by rolls, variety of col- AUDIO CASSETTES Scranton a large family or do 3.5 baths Colonial
Pride. A-1 condition. ors $20 all. GE POOL LADDER for 17 Engelbert Hump- Mon - Sat, your account to style home with an 19 Circle Drive
enhance your online you just enjoy Spacious floor plan
$650. 654-0507 floodlights 150 watt, above ground erdinck tapes $1. 12pm – 6pm space? This could open floor plan on
120 volts, case of 12 swimming pool each. 8 Kenny 570-822-9929 ad. Post up to 6 1+ acre lot in the - Hardwood floors
STAIR LIFT. Excel- captioned photos be the home for 20 OAK DRIVE throughout -
$20. 8’ wood step $25. 570-655-6465 Rogers tapes $1. you! Truly versatile, Poconos. A few of
lent condition. Like of your pet WOW! This home Recently remodeled
new. $950. Call any-
ladder $15. Mr Cof-
fee 4 cups, new
each. 868-5066.
VITO’S Expand your text to
include more
the second floor
contains a master
the amenities
include central A/C. offers replacement
windows, newer hot
kitchen & master
bath - Sunroom
2 Master bedrooms
condition $7.
570-779-9791 mus semi-automatic
belt drive, little use.
& information, include
your contact
bedroom with tiled
4 piece bath, ( jet- each with bath
room and fireplace,
water heater, gas
fireplace, hardwood
heated -
Overlooking a
IV by
lop (2) at 25x8x12;
$25. 570-868-6327 GINO’S information such
as e-mail, address
ted tub and sepa-
rate tiled, stand up ultramodern
kitchen, hardwood
floors, sun porch,
large fenced rear
beautiful waterfall.
duty-extra wide, shower). This is
450 lb. weight
(2) at 25x10x12.
Real Good Condition
780 Televisions/ Wanted: phone number and
or website. not a drive-by. Call floors throughout,
cathedral ceiling
yard, flagstone
patio, heated in-
MLS# 10-4354
Call Geri
capacity. $300. call Round Above Accessories for appointment.
10am-9pm @
$100. 826-0451
Ground. 18’ diag-
onal & 5’ deep. TELEVISION: GE.
Junk AKCFor
and 2 car garage.
MLS #11-653
ground pool, fin-
ished lower level,
570 288 9936. SEWING MACHINE
Wheelchair -
Includes solar
cover, heavy duty
28” works good,
needs remote $90.
Cars & Sale. Visit
Call Kim
located in
Lehman School Dis-
for child $ 65.
(570) 817-1094 SLOW COOKER,
ladder, Hayword
motor & other
570-740-1246 Trucks or call 570-772-0012 570-466-3338 trict. Just minutes
from Harveys Lake,
why not join the
Corningware Crock accessories. You
782 Tickets
Highest Doyouneedmorespace? Beach Club this Lot 7 Maple Dr.
Pot, 6 quart, lid,
758 Miscellaneous instruction/recipe
dismantle &
remove. $700. TICKET, DMB Cara-
Prices A yard or garage sale
in classified
LINEUP summer! It is a
Private yet conven-
ient location just
ART WORK: book, new condition
$15. Rotisserie,
570-288-3205 van at Balder Field, Paid!! is the best way ASUCCESSFULSALE MLS#11-1258 minutes from inter-
beautiful paintings Atlantic City, NJ. $164,900 states. You can fish
by a known Pittston George Foreman
June 24th thru June FREE tocleanoutyourclosets! INCLASSIFIED! Bob Cook 696-6555 in your own back
Baby George Rotis- 774 Restaurant yard in the
artist. Sullivan Trail
Coal Company serie, excellent like
26th, 2011.
1-ticket $195 PICKUP
You’re in bussiness
with classified! Doyouneedmorespace? BLAKESLEE Jill Jones 696-6550
Nescopeck Creek

new condition, all 64 N. Mountain Dr or use the nearby
breaker, Exeter
parts & owner’s (cost) re-entry for
288-8995 A yard or garage sale
Ave. West Pittston,
18 x 22 Pittston manual, original
cost over $80 sell-
RESTAURANT all three days.
Must Sell.
ALASKAN MALAMUTE in classified
state game lands.
Perfect for your
City Hall, Broad St.
circa 1950's. New- ing for $35 firm, call
8x12 walk in
WANTED PUPPIES is the best way vacation cabin or
possible year round
570-709-3146 AKC Registered. tocleanoutyourclosets! home! MLS#11-1492
comb Bros. Coal cooler $2300; TICKETS Daniel
Family Raised.
and Ice, lower THE AVENGERS - 6 8x8x10 walk O’Donnell (2) Tues-
day, May 31 at the Call 570-510-6428 You’re in bussiness $19,900
Jill Jones 696-6550
Tompkins St,
Pittston, circa
Classic VHS TV in freezer $3800;
Kirby. section with classified!
Episodes of The Pizza oven with
1950's. All paintings
18x22 $35. each.
Avengers. Patrick stones $2000; Orchestra, row 0.
$176. 570-474-6549
MacNee and Honor Stainless steel AKC. Black & Tan
An original picture of with 2 master bed- 211 Hillside One
Blackman. Very kitchen hood Regular & long coat
the St. Cecelia TICKETS: 4 Yankees room suites, over- NEW PRICE!
good. 19.95 $3000; Stainless & Lehigh Valley Iron guardianangel
church complex in sized rooms, 4 bed- Enjoy the comforts
Rick 570-283-2552 steel pizza oven Pigs tickets at PNC, shepherds2.com
Exeter, Pa. also a rooms, 3.5 baths, & amenities of living
hood $4000; May 19, 2011 @ 6:35. $900 each. Call
framed copy of a TIRES [4] Michilen deck, neutral col- in a beautifully
bread pan rack section 109 cash or 570-379-2419
newspaper front p-255-60-r19” ors, great location. maintained town-
$100; 2 soup paypal $30. each house, 3/4 Bed-
page of the St.
Cecelia complex
approximate 25k
good condition, no
warmers for $100;
2 door sandwich
570-735-2661 GERMAN SHORTHAIR All measurements
are approximate. rooms, family room
with fireplace out to
destroyed by fire. plugs $150. Bumper Just Reduced
$20. each call Jim
rear chrome mint
condition 88-98
prep table $500.
All equipment is
TICKETS: Phillies vs
Rangers, Sunday, POINTER
$425, fe-
deck. Bright & airy
kitchen, finished
Quality 3 bedroom
ranch home on
sold as is. For May 22, 2011 1:35
Chevy/GMC full size lower level, Tennis, large lot. Family
more info, call P.M. Section 310, males $475. Vet
ATTACHE burgundy pickup $175 firm. Checked, tail Golf & Swimming room with cathedral
leather, new in box 570-847-0873 Row 5, Seats 13 & 314 Packer St. are yours to enjoy
Tailgate 88-98 docked, dew claws ceiling, gas fire-
(570)48GOLD8 removed,
$25. Rotisserie 14 $48. 498-4556 Newly remodeled 3 & relax. Mainte-
Chevy full size pick- RESTAURANT 1st shots, place, 2 car
Broil King electric bedroom home with nance free living.
up, very good con- AKC REG, ready to
for grill $15. EQUIPMENT 784 Tools 1st floor master, 1.5 $224,900 garage. Access to
dition $75. 1092 Highway 315 Blvd go 5/28 serious
570-696-2008 Somerset Dough baths, detached MLS# 10-1221 flagstone patio from
570-655-3197 (Plaza 315) inquiries call Chris @
Sheeter, Model CHAIN SAW electric garage, all new sid- Call Geri family room and
BACK PACK. Hiking, CAR-100. Only 315N .3 miles after 570-332-4961
TOASTER OVEN 14” bar, like new ing , windows, shin- 570-696-0888 master bedroom.
navy canvas, $40, 1 available. $1,500 Motorwold
gles, water heater,
white, Hamilton $25. 570-696-2008 Mon-Sat Grand Opening! 570-696-3801 Above ground pool
Pac n’ Play, for Beach $10. Call for more info kitchen and bath-
child. $30. TOOLS: 2 tin snips, 10am - 8pm Chihuahuas, Poms, with deck.
570-239-2937 570-498-3616 Closed Sundays rooms. A must
570-675-4383 rubber mallet, clunk Dachshunds, see house! $165,000
Beagles, Shih Tzus,
TRAILER HITCH with RESTAURANT hammer, cold chis- Highest Cash Pay
Bostons, Maltese,
$109,900 LINE UP MLS# 10-2905
hardware, fits 2005- EQUIPMENT els, plumb bob, Outs Guaranteed MLS 11-73 Call Arlene Warunek
wooden. 2008 Escape, Mer- SOMERSET TURN chalk lines, 4’ level,
We Pay At Least
Rotties, Yorkies,
Westies, Labs,
Call Tom A GREAT DEAL... 570-650-4169
cury Mariner, Mazda OVER MACHINE - 10 & 12” wrenches, 570-262-7716
53 gallon.
Excellent Tribute $110 or best model SPM45, 16” metal files, 78% of the London Huskies & more!
570-453-6900 or
condition $195. offer. 570-466-1214 $500; ALSO, Bunn bench mount vise, Fix Market Price 570-389-7877 Looking for the right deal
Pour Over Coffee hammer, float, long- for All Gold Jewelry
570-876-3830 GET THE WORD OUT Machine, Model # handle pick, axe, on an automobile?
with a Classified Ad. STF15, $225 circular saw blades, Visit us at ITALIAN CANE CORSO Enjoy this Great
Courtdale Cape with
Turn to classified.
It’s a showroom in print!
Smith Hourigan

BEDLINER: 89 570-829-7130 For more info, call pry bars, square & WilkesBarreGold.com Mastiff Puppies Striking kitchen, 3 Group
Chevy S10 truck 570-498-3616 more $145. for all. Or email us at Registered and bedrooms, patio, Classified’s got (570) 696-1195
bedliner, standard TROLLING MOTOR - 10” radial arm saw ready to go! Parents 573 Coon Rd.
the directions!
RESTAURANT wilkesbarregold@ driveway & more.
cab $30. 2000 Electric, Minnkota, $95. 16” scroll saw yahoo.com on premises. Blue & $109,900. Call Pat
Chevy Cavalier LS
rear trunk spoiler,
36 pd thrust. $50.
George Foreman Bev Air 2 door
refrigerator/ sand-
$95. 5” bench
mount grinder $30.
blue fawn.
Vet Checked
Coldwell Banker
black $10. Four Lean Mean Grilling 7 1/4 circular saw 570-617-4880 6 Hill Street
Gerald L. Busch
barrel carb running Machine - used 3 wich prep table, with laser, never Real Estate, Inc.
from Chevy motor times. $70. Model SP48-12, used $45.
$50. 3 suitcases in 570-474-6023 $1300. For details 570-235-5216
excellent shape Call 570-498-3616 Yellow $300. Black
$40. 570-740-1246 WAGON WHEELS 3’ $200. Labs are 9
wooden pair, round 786 Toys & Games weeks old. Wormed
CANES & WALKING $40. 40” tin knight 776 Sporting Goods 800 570-836-1090
One of a kind
BICYCLE: Girl’s property set on 6
STICKS - Uniquely $25. Match box
cars loose in case BASKETBALL Huffy 12” BRAND PETS & ANIMALS POMERANIAN acres. Charm Single family home
for sale in quiet
made from the roots HOOP; Great condi- galore in this
of Slippery Elm $30. 570-574-0271 NEW unassembled Male, AKC, 18 neighborhood-
tion, asking $90. Victorian Style Sense the harmony
in box Cotton Candy
trees. Over 16 avail- Call 570-331-8183 blue, ages 3 & up
810 Cats weeks, All Shots &
home. New kitchen of this cul-de-sac Beautiful 2400 Sq.
wormed. Vet Ft. with 6 bedroom,
able. $4 & 5 each. 760 Monuments & includes training & remodeled baths 3 bedroom, 2 bath


CHRISTMAS DIS- BICYCLE checked. $275 raised ranch 2 full baths, 2 story
-Butler kitchen 14x8
PLAYS Over 200 Lots Girl’s 16” $20.
wheels $30. Radio 570-864-2643
(Indoor kidney 119 Jackson St offering a mountain home, fully air con-
items, flowers, Flyer The Inchworm, 12 weeks & up. ditioned, oil & gas
570-696-2039 shape pool & spa 4 year old custom view. Very enticing,
vases, baskets, GRAVE LOT
like new condition Shots, neutered,
SHIH-TZU PUPPIES & area that measures built 2 story, foyer, w/ newer carpeting, heat, renovated
lamps, Christmas
trees, lights, year
Near baby land at
Memorial Shine in
Ross 26” $50. Boys
$25. Blue Water
approx. 2,400 sq.ft.
not included in
dining room w/cus-
tom moldings, fami-
hardwood flooring
and fresh interior
kitchen, full unfin-
ished basement, 2
570-926-9016 824-4172, 9-9 only.
round items. Most Carverton. & girls 20” $35. square footage. ly room w/stone paint. 3 car garage, enclosed porches,
Parents on premises
items 60 years old. $400. Call each. 570-822-4251 Wine cellar in fireplace, oak swimming pool and 15 x 20 deck with
CATS: (2) FREE TO Shots Current.
Also 4 piece lug- 570-287-6327 basement. kitchen cabinets deck all on a 2.77 power awning
BIKE RACKS (2) for ELMOS - Five dif- GOOD HOMES. $500 - Poms
gage set. Belt mas- $525,000 w/granite tops, acre double lot. cover – generous
car trunks or SUV, ferent Elmo dolls. Male & female. $550 - Shih-Tzus
sager (exercise MLS# 11-81 French doors out to MLS 11-637 size lot, off street
Hatchbacks not for $5.00 each. MALE: 1 1/2 years 570-401-1838
machine) A $250 762 Musical roofs or hitches. (570)333-4325 old, loves attention Call Geri patio - Interior $258,000 parking, first floor
value for $95. TINY MORKIE Michael Slacktish washer & dryer.
Call 570-735-2081. Instruments One holds 3-4 bikes SANDBOX turtle
& to play, not
PUPPY, female
570-862-7432 recently painted
570-760-4961 All appliances
$40. Other holds 2- aggressive.FEMALE 570-696-0888 throughout.
with sand $18. Ready to go. $600. included.
CEDAR CHEST, $75, GUITAR. Nearly 3 bikes $25. BAS- 2 1/2 years old, MLS# 11-1693.
new. 6 string Elec- Child’s 16” bicycle quiet, loves to (724) 234-7428 $299,900 JUST REDUCED
Box 360 Guitar KETBALL SYSTEM $15. toddlers pool lounge & look out- Dallas Area Call Geri $168,000
Hero, $15 and Rac-
ing Wheel, $25.
tric acoustic. $90
Charlie 333-4604
backboard, hoop,
net, pole & stand
$5. All excellent
condition. 287-4181
side. Very depend- REAL ESTATE 570-696-0888 Call 570-421-0587
or Rodite@enter.net
Floor Lamp, $25, $50. 570-235-5216 ent so theres no 840 Pet Services 570-696-3801 570-696-3801
Vera Bradley Purs-
PIANO Wurlitzer
console with bench
To place your 788 Stereo/TV/
need to keep them
use “Dupont Home”
in email subject
es, $20 each, together, but they
delivered, tuned would love to be 570-288-9371 570-675-5100 line.
Shelves, $10, Swag, $800. 474-6362 ad Call Toll Free Electronics adopted together.
$10. 570-693-2612 Hunlock Creek, PA
1-800-427-8649 STEREO & 2 speak- Can’t keep for fami- Now accepting 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale
CEMETERY flower 764 Musical BIKE women’s 12 ers AIWA, plays ly reasons. Thanks spring appoint-
arrangement in bas- for your interest. ments. Full service
ket, 3 different. $7.
Lessons/Services speed Apollo 26” CDs, tapes, am/fm
Call Evan: salon. In home
looks & runs excel- radio $25.
each. 570-654-1622
DRUM SET lent $60. AIR MAT-
TRESS queen size
570-474-6028 570-262-8689.” grooming - call for
rate. Mention this OFFICENTERS - Pierce St., Kingston
CHINA SET service
for 8 with extras, COMPLETE with electric pump TVs Sanyo 27” color,
remote $20. 13”
Line up a place to live ad for 10%.
American Legend
$100. 675-0920
$35. 696-2008
Magnavox, color in classified! 570-592-8968
We’re on Facebook!
SERIES BIKES: NEXT 21 $15. 570-239-2937 KITTENS (2) 8
speed, girls moun-
DVD PLAYER: sym- with stool, excellent weeks old, free to 845 Pet Supplies
ponic new in the box condition, like new. tain bike 24” $40. 794 Video Game good home, prefer-
$400. NEXT 20” BMX boys
never used or
570-696-6996 bike $40. Huffy 24” Systems/Games ably both to same DOG CRATE,
opended with home, grey female wire, with plastic
remote $30.00 cd boys mountain bike & buff male. tray bottom.
$20. 12” Princess
player am/fm cas- 766 Office bike BMX $20.
Guitar Hero III – x- 570-675-3395 24”x18”
sett works great box 360 only, used
boom box $30.00 Equipment 570-829-0217
almost new $20
KITTENS (5) free to DOG CRATES 2 Pet-
Color printer with good home, call mate medium 27Lx
BOWLING BALL: 570-868-6018
wires and hook ups COPY MACHINE 570-575-9984 after 20wx19h $25. each
SHARP SF 7320 Ebonite 8 lb. ball 3 pm. 570-654-2396
works great $20.00
sega system with 6 $250. with case $25. Girl’s 796 Wanted to Buy
Vintage Schwinn KITTENS FREE FENCE - 10’x 10’x 6’
games one con- 570-675-7024
bicycle $70. Sony Merchandise 1 gray & white tiger, H Chain Link Dog
troller all wires and
hook ups plays
trinitron 27” color tv
1 black & white, 1
black, all males,
Kennel. $125.
Professional Office Rentals
beautiful $30.00 vcr fax, scanner (1) $25. player $15. long hair. Must go to Full Service Leases • Custom Design • Renovations • Various Size Suites Available
with wires and hook Pay Cash for
ups 4-head record
570-817-1094 570-829-4776 baseball, football,
basketball, hockey
indoor homes only.
570-762-1015 YORKIE-POO PUPPIES Medical, Legal, Commercial • Utilities • Parking • Janitorial
on screen display PRINTER, Fax, Copi- FISHING POLES: 4
& non-sports. Sets,
Family raised. Shots Full Time Maintenance Staff Available
and timer $20.00 er, Scanner. 4 in 1 brand new fishing KITTENS FREE litter & wormed. Loving

570-822-8957 singles & wax. homes only. Female
HP Series 2200. poles/ 3 brand new trained, 7 weeks
Excellent condition reels $160.
old. Call after 1:00 $250, Males $200. For Rental Information Call:
$50. 570-675-4383 570-654-2396 570-417-1506 Call 570-765-1122
PAGE 10D TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2011 TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com
906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale

45 First Street W.
Stylish Bi-Level, 3
bedrooms, granite,
stainless appli-
ances, heated in
ground pool.
$219,900 Call
164 First Street 75 Virginia Terrace *3 bedroom/1 bath/ 570-655-8034
623 Hooven St. All Brick ranch – 5 1250 sq ft 94 Ferry Road 13 Carpenter Road 163 Poplar St. 5 Fairfield Drive Fantastic Foreclo-
Exquisite 4 bed-
Picture perfect 2 Rooms and bath, room brick home *Corner double lot/ Nice vinyl sided 2 Make it your own! Nice 2 1/2 story Don’t travel to a sure! Just the room
story with 3 bed- featuring hardwood with fireplace. For- fencing story situated on a The potential has home with original resort. Live in your you need at a price
rooms, 1 1/2 mod- great corner fenced not yet been fully woodwork. Corner vacation destination
flooring and finished mal dining room. *Detached garage + you can afford. Nice
ern baths, brand rooms on base- Modern kitchen with 2 car paved parking lot in Hanover Twp. realized with this lot in quiet neigh- in the 3 bedroom, home with off-street
new kitchen with ment. Economical oak cabinets & *Hardwood floors/ 2 bedrooms, 2 home. Some reno- borhood. Roof 9 2.5 bath home with parking on a quiet
center island and Gas Heat. appliances. First replacement modern baths, vations were start- years old. Hard- gourmet kitchen dead end street. A
stainless steel Car port and Pri- floor family room. windows additional finished ed, now bring your wood floors in good and fabulous views. modern kitchen with
stove, dishwasher vate rear yard. Large master bed- *GasHeat/hot water space in basement hammer and finish condition. Ductless Enjoy the heated in- hardwood floors. A
and microwave. MLS # 10-4363 room. Built-ins. *Full concrete for 2 more bed- it up. This home is AC and new 100 ground pool with great backyard for
Tiger wood hard- PRICE REDUCED Fenced yard. Large basement/walk-out rooms or on a large lot locat- amp wiring cabana, built-in summer fun. Terrific
wood flooring TO: $134,900.00 rear deck. Great *Not a drive-by office/playrooms. ed just a short walk MLS #11-625 BBQ and fire pit in potential. $75,090
throughout the first Call Pat McHale neighborhood. Call for appointment Attached 2 car from the lake and $89,000 this private, MLS 11-676
floor. New carpet- 570-613-9080 Extras! MLS#11- $79,300 garage connected beach area. Donald Crossin tranquil setting. 570-696-2468
ing on 2nd floor, all 1674. $165,000. MLS# 10-4598 by a 9x20 breeze- MLS#11-1442 570-288-0770 MLS 11-1686
3 bedrooms have Ask for Bob Kopec Call Vieve Zaroda way which could be 464,900 1717 River Road CROSSIN REAL $319,900
closets. Walk up Humford Realty (570) 474-6307 a great entertaining Jill Jones 696-6550 Compact 2 story ESTATE Call Keri
attic, gas heat, 2 Ext. 2772 area! Above ground home with 3 bed- 570-288-0770 570-885-5082
car detached pool, gas fireplace, rooms, 1st floor
garage. For addi-
tion information and EXETER FORTY FORT gas heat, newer
roof and “All Dri” 17 ONEONTA HILL
bath with laundry,
large kitchen. Park-
photos, email: 76 Dana St. system installed in FOR SALE BY ing in rear with
www.atlas Great starter home basement. OWNER alley access.
MLS 11-1413
in nice neighbor-
hood. 2 story, 2
bedroom, 1 bath.
Smith Hourigan
MLS #11-626
Mark R. Mason
Year Round Home!
Spectacular View!
Low Taxes!
MLS 11-99
Call Colleen
Call Lu-Ann Dining room, living 570-331-0982 570-237-0415
570-602-9280 room, kitchen.Large
fenced yard. Car
port & detached 2
180 First Street car garage. 167 N. Dawes Ave.
$79,900 Collect cash, not dust!
Vinyl sided ranch Clean out your Move in condition 2
home, on large Call (570) 954-4074 story home. 3 bed-
DURYEA yard, with carport or (570) 906-7614 basement, garage rooms, 2 baths,
and off street park- or attic and call the hardwood floors, Beautiful Bi-Level
ing. Eat in Kitchen,
with wood cabi-
FORTY FORT Classified depart-
ment today at 570-
Lots of off street
parking, close to
ceramic throughout.
Finished lower level,
7 Hickorywood Dr.
Wonderful 4 bed-
room Ranch with
with Oak Hardwood
Floors in Living
829-7130! Grotto. Raised
netry, large living security system sweeping views of room, Dining room,
room, 3 bedrooms ranch with 2 car MLS 11-1673 Hallways &
2 story in good
HANOVER TWP. garage, 3 Bed- the valley. Master
and 1 bath. condition with 3 $159,900 bedroom with walk- Staircase.

MLS # 10-4365 rooms, 1 bath, living Call Tom Upgrades Galore,
bedrooms, 1 full Buttonwood room, kitchen, large in closet and bath,
PRICE REDUCED bath, eat-in 570-262-7716 ultra modern eat-in central air, gas
$134,900 porch with lake view heat, 16x32
kitchen, 2 car & bar. $142,500. kitchen with granite
Call Pat McHale garage, fenced counters and cherry in-ground pool
570-613-9080 OPEN HOUSE 23 Mead St. surrounded with
96 Main St. yard & new Newly remodeled 2 cabinets with large
Updated inside and gas heat. COMING island and stainless Perennial Gardens
story on a corner & Fenced yard with
out, 3 unit home in MLS # 10-4324 IN JUNE lot with fenced in steel appliances. 2
move in condition.
Live in one apart-
Call Ruth at
Directions Left @
Grotto @ Stop sign
yard and 2 car
garage. 4 bed-
LINEUP car garage, full
unfinished base-
Hot Tub, shed,
deck, oversized
ment and the other 570-696-1195 or make left, then rooms, 1 bath, ASUCCESSFULSALE ment with driveway, 1 car

2 can pay the mort- 570-696-5411 walk-out to yard. garage. 1 year
581-583 quick right onto 1,660 sq. ft. For
gage. Modern
kitchens and baths. 527 Cherry Drive
1509 Wyoming Ave. Plymouth St. Oneonta Hill, 3rd
House on right.
more information INCLASSIFIED! For more informa-
tion and photos visit
warranty. $189,900
MLS# 10-3677
Freshly painted and Perfect for owner and photos visit
Large 2nd floor insulated, immacu- occupied. Well CALL Dave @ www.atlas Doyouneedmorespace? www.atlas Call Nancy Palumbo
apartment has 3 late and sitting on maintained, bright & 570-417-6661 realtyinc.com A yard or garage sale realtyinc.com
bedrooms, large almost half an acre $89,900 MLS #10-4060
SMITH HOURIGAN GROUP spacious two family. in classified
eat in kitchen, and this 3 bedroom 1.5 Each identical unit
is the best way
1.5 baths and laun-
dry room. 1st floor
units have 1 bed-
bath home can be
yours. Features
include a modern
HANOVER TWP. has Approx. (1300
sq ft.) with 3 bed-
rooms, bath, large
3 bedroom, eat in
kitchen, fenced in
Call Bill
570-362-4158 tocleanoutyourclosets!
Call Colleen

room and 1 bath. 2

car garage and 4
End unit in very nice
kitchen, central
A/C. laundry room,
living & dining
rooms & eat in
yard, one car
garage. Asking
$105,000. Call
You’re in bussiness
with classified!
off street parking office and free kitchen. Clean neu-
spaces. For more condition on a quiet (570) 639-3151
standing fireplace. tral décor with wall
street. Good room
info and photos, go
to www.atlas
sizes, full unfinished
basement, rear
All appliances
included. Just move
right in! For more
to wall carpet
throughout. Newer
roof & tilt-in win-
Job Seekers are
looking here! LAFLIN
deck, attached Where's your ad?
MLS 11-1447 details and photos dows. Each side 570-829-7130 and
$129,000 one car garage.
visit: www.atlas has a full attic & ask for an employ-
Call Terry $173,500 21 Rowe Street
realtyinc.com basement with ment specialist
570-885-3041 or MLS #11-1254 Meticulously Main-
MLS 11-604 washer & dryer
Call Tracy Zarola tained Bilevel
Angie $177,900 hook-ups. Gas 271 Charles St.
570-885-4896 570-574-6465 features remodeled
Call Kim heat. 581 side has a Very nice 3 bed-
570-696-0723 kitchen with stain-
570-466-3338 private fenced rear
LEWITH & FREEMAN less steel appli- yard & was rented Located within 1 room 1.5 bath home
with detached 1 car
ances and corian for $695 Month & block of elementary 9 Main Street
countertop; 1.75 school & neighbor- garage. Home has
now vacant . 583 2-3 bedroom, 1 full replacement win-
Baths, 3 bedrooms side rents for $600 hood park this spa- bath home on large
dows, new carpet,
and family room, all Month with a long cious 4 bedrooms fenced lot. 1 car
in mint condition. offers 1450 sq. ft of fresh paint and
Blueberry Hill. EXETER TWP. FORTY FORT New Garage Doors.
time tenant.
living space with
detached garage,
living room, dining
remodeled bath-

Separate utilities. rooms. This is a
3 bedroom ranch. Small ranch home. 2 Gas Heat. Fenced $98,750 1.75 baths, walk up room, eat in kitchen
Rear Yard and 2 car attic, and partially must see in a nice
Large lot with pool. bedroom, full base- MLS# 11-1293 38 Hemlock St. and newly added neighborhood,.
Lease To Buy. For ment, new roof. attached garage. 973-476-1499 250 Susquehan- finished basement. 14x16 deck. Washer,
This is not a drive- Fireplace, Extras include gas MLS 11-442
more details, call. Large carport. Very nock Drive dryer & fridge incl- $99,000
by! MLS # 10-4644 central air, finished fireplace, an in-
Reduced 327,500. low utility bills. 1 mile Immaculate Cape uded. New water Call John Polifka
Call for Details. basement, deck, ground pool with
(570) 655-8118 from Route 81. Ask- Cod home features heater and windows 570-704-6846
Pat McHale hardwood floors fenced yard, new
ing $40,000. Call 1st floor master throughout.Full walk Antonik &
Sell your own home! 570-613-9080 and ceramic tile gas furnace, hard-
Nick 570-702-4077 suite with office and out basement. Associates, Inc.
Place an ad HERE 3/4 bath. 2nd floor wood floors & Hardwood floors in
$189,900. Call 570-735-7494
HANOVER TOWNSHIP 570-696-5668 for
has 2 large bed- more. Call Ann every room. Many

Come & see this rooms with walk in Marie to schedule a updates, a must
315 Countrywood Dr a private showing showing.
stately brick 2-story closets and adjoin- see! $89,000.
DURYEA with 4 bedrooms, 2
full & 2 half baths. Looking for that HARVEY’S LAKE
ing bath. 1st floor
laundry and 1/2
Ann Marie Chopick
(570) 898-2581

In-ground pool,
special place bath, modern 570-760-6769
covered patio, kitchen with bam-
finished lower level, called home? boo floors, living
fireplace & wood Classified will address room with stone (570) 288-6654
stove, 3-car Your needs. fireplace. 2 tier
attached garage, 5-
car detached
garage w/apart- Pristine 3 bedroom
Open the door
with classified!
Rutter Street
Handyman Special
deck overlooks
above ground pool,
ready for summer
home boasts large 73 Parry St.
ment above. 1 1/2 story single fun! For more infor-
Sellers assist 9K $739,000 eat-in kitchen with home on a nice lot. mation and photos, Recently renovated
toward closing. Joe Mantione french door to patio, Fix up or tear down. Pole 131 please visit 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath
Three bedroom 613-9080 formal dining room, Lot is 50’x120’ and Lakeside Drive www.atlas Brand new ranch home on a large lot
ranch home, hardwood floors, tile would be an attrac- Lake front home realtyinc.com 50 yards from lake. in great location.
completely reno- in kitchen and tive home site. with 2-story livable MLS #11-657 Double lot, 3 bed- Steps away from
vated (tile, hard- baths, master bed- Asking boathouse! Year $299,000 room, two bath, the Back Mountain
wood, granite, room with walk-in $12,500 round home offers Call Colleen laundry room. Full trail. Features a
carpet, roof, closet and master Call Jim for details fireplace, cathedral 570-237-0415 Rutter Ave. basement, with wrap around porch,
Stainless appli- bath with soaking
FORTY FORT Towne & Country ceiling, cedar panel- End Unit Townhouse insulation & hardwood floors
ances) two tub. Over-sized 2 Real Estate Co. ing. Boat house has Owner Relocating. sheetrock. downstairs, new
baths, Dining 1382 Murray Street car garage, con- 570-735-8932 or a patio for grilling, 1st floor open plan New well wall-to-wall carpet-
476 Wyoming St.
room, Living crete driveway. 570-542-5708 open dock space as with LR, dining area MLS#:09-4746 ing upstairs. 2nd
Nice 3 bedroom
room, Family Additional lot avail- well as enclosed & kitchen, plus $143,900 floor laundry, brand
single home. Gas
Room, Laundry,
Garage, office,
rec room, utility
able for $35,000.
MLS 11-1149
heat. COnvenient
location. To settle
area for your boat.
2nd floor is a studio JENKINS TWP./ powder room.
Lower level finished
Call John Nicodem
new bathrooms,
large walk in closet
estate. Affordable style kitchenette/ with 3rd BR, laun- and spacious yard.
room, lot is
75x150. Over
Michael Slacktish
@ $39,500
Call Jim for details
living room, full bath
plus a deck. Take a
INKERMAN dry room & storage
area. 2 BRs & 2
570-718-4959 Move in condition!
MLS 11-220
2,500 sq ft of liv- WEDNESDAY 45 Main St. Say it HERE
Towne & Country look! MLS#11-1379 baths on the 2nd $114,900
ing space, fin- MAY 25 floor. MLS # 11-1267 in the Classifieds! Mark R. Mason
Real Estate Co. $399,900
ished basement. 6PM - 8PM 570-331-0982
Extensively remod- 570-735-8932 or Bob Cook 262-2665 $299,500 570-829-7130
eled with new 570-542-5708 Jill Jones 696-6550 Call Ruth 570-696- Crossin Real
Call Jim
kitchen, stainless 1195 / 570-696-5411 Estate

570-212-2222 steel appliances, 3 SIGNATURE 570-288-0770
bedrooms, 1.5 PROPERTIES
EDWARDSVILLE baths, new gas fur- 570-675-5100
Ridge Ave
nace, central air, 2
car garage, walk-up HANOVER TOWNSHIP Own this home for
attic. Gorgeous
home with new win-
less than $400 a
month! Large 3
dows, vinyl siding, Beautiful 2 bed- Looking for the right deal
doors, laminate
floors, new rugs &
room home with loft
area that can easily
bedroom home with
formal dining room, KINGSTON TWP. on an automobile?
be converted to a Turn to classified.
ceramic tile & much off street parking Year round lake
more. $179,900 3rd bedroom. This and large yard. For house. New roof, It’s a showroom in print!
8 Diamond Ave. home has 2.5
Call Nancy Palumbo
Loads of space in baths, security sys- Modern 2 story
more information gutters, siding, Classified’s got
570-714-9240 and photos, log doors, windows,
145 Short Street
this modernized tra- tem, whole house home on 1 acre.
onto www.atlas kitchen, bathroom, the directions!
NEW PRICE ON ditional home. 3rd entertainment sys- Duplex. Excellent
new kitchen, 3 bed-
Bi-Level. 1,750 sq ft.
3 bedrooms, 2
floor is a large bed-
room with walk-in
tem with speakers
in every room and
starter home,
retirement home,
appliances, heating
& cooling system,
carport & Decks.
Glen Dale Area
rooms and a fin- baths, 1 car garage. closet. Modern outside. Great mod- or investment $64,900
New carpeting, 2 bedrooms, one (Off 502)
ished basement, kitchen, family room ern kitchen. 2 car property Public Call Charles
FORTY FORT paint, etc. Large lot. bath, deeded lake
which nearly dou- addition, deck over- garage, skylights, sewer,deep well. ATLAS
Asking $109,500. access with shared
bles the amount of looking large corner huge deck and $109,000 REALTY,INC.
Deremer Realty dock.
living space. lot. Not just a patio. There is a Negotiable 8 Circle Drive
570-477-1149 570-829-6200 MLS: 09-4484
$99,900.00 Addi- starter home but a huge walkout base- 570-287-5775 Only one lucky fami- $97,000
tional lot available home to stay ment that is rough or 570-332-1048 ly will be able to
with 6 garage Shopping for a in and grow! For plumbed for a bath- make this home
Call John Nicodem
new apartment?
stalls. Call for more informaton room. Too much to $67,900 their own! Beautiful- Properties
details on separate Classified lets and photos visit list here, this house Updated in 2005 ly kept Ranch with 570-718-4959
lot and garage. www.atlas is a must see. Offers by June 2 car garage, new
you compare costs - Treasure Chest Of
MLS# 10-3931 realtyinc.com MLS #10-4589 102 Price Street bath, partially fin- Charm. MAX Space!
Pat McHale
151 Fort Street
without hassle MLS #11-622 $350,000 (570) 287-7013 ished basement, 3 Max Value! Smart
(570) 613-9080 or worry! $127,900 Call John Polifka season room,
Recently remodeled spacious floor plan
3 bedroom home, 2
baths, all new
Get moving
Call Colleen
Antonik and KINGSTON almost 1 acre in
Dallas School Dis-
in this renovated 2
story features heat-
amenities, lots of
with classified! Associates trict. Home Warran- ed sun room off
570-735-7494 cy included. For modern kitchen with
closet space, nice

corner lot with off
street parking,
112 Regal Street HARDING 97 Center Street
more information
and photos visit our
granite island,DR
with built-ins and
garage, new car- website at window seat and
2 family. Vinyl sided, this 6 www.atlas

Find the
pet, windows & room home has picture seat,
Renovated bath realtyinc.com Den,new hardwood
door. Gas heat. cottage cuteness, a 111 Falcon Drive
& kitchen, low MLS #11-370 floors and hot water
$129,900.00 deep lot, paved off Brand new since
taxes, new

Call (570) 852-9142 $174,900 heater. All this for
boiler, 50 x 150, street parking and 129 S. Dawes Ave. Call Charlie 2004, 3 bedrooms,
a detached 1 car 4 bedroom, 1 bath, 2 baths, central air, $60,400. 11-401.
over sized 570-829-6200 Tracy McDermott
garage. Owner is large enclosed 2 car garage, shed,

Garage, VM 101 570-332-8764
$84,000. Call willing to contribute porch with brick 6 car driveway.
$1,500 to your clos- fireplace. Full con- Roof, kitchen, fur- 570-696-2468
or 718-360-7283 ing costs. Priced at crete basement nace, a/c unit and
9 Laurel Street Nice split level on $73,900, with 5% with 9ft ceiling. Lots master bath all
The Classified large lot, recently
Ranch with newer down, borrowing of storage, 2 car replaced. Modern
roof, newer win-
dows, 100 amp
section at
renovated. On Rte
92, past the
$70,205, for 30
years @ 5% interest
garage on double
lot in a very desir- LINEUP kitchen with granite
island, tile floors,
service, & main-
tained furnace. Cur-
rently rented, this
Call Stephen,
rate would make
your monthly princi-
pal and interest
able neighborhood.
Close to schools
and park and recre-
maple cabinets.
Fireplace in family
room, large closets,
300 River Street
property would $145,900. payment $376.88 ation. Walking dis- modern baths.
A unique architec-
make a nice invest- tural design high- with taxes and tance to downtown
Wilkes-Barre. Great
Stamped concrete
Shopping for a
ment. MLS# 11-1108
lights this 3 bed-
room with first floor Doyouneedmorespace? insurance, monthly
payment would be family neighbor- Doyouneedmorespace?
patio. For more
information and
new apartment?
Call Stacey L
Lauer Mobile:
family room. Built-
ins. Great curb
A yard or garage sale approximately
$533. Why rent,
hood. Carpet
allowance will be A yard or garage sale
photos visit
www.atlas Classified lets
570-262-1158 appeal and loaded
with character. Gas
in classified Call 829-7130 Job Seekers are when you can have
your own home?
$159,900 in classified
MLS #11-1166 you compare costs -
looking here!
heat. Newer roof.
Nice lot. Many
is the best way to place your ad.
Where's your ad?
Call Pat McHale
MLS #11-1434
Call Tom is the best way
Call Tom without hassle
extras. $114,900.
List #11-1275. Ask
tocleanoutyourclosets! ONLY
D . 570-829-7130 and
tocleanoutyourclosets! 570-262-7716
or worry!
for Bob Kopec.
Humford Realty
You’re in bussiness ask for an employ- You’re in bussiness Get moving
570-822-5126 with classified! timesleader.com ment specialist with classified! with classified!
TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2011 PAGE 11D
906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale

139 Sandwedge Dr
153 Espy St
304 Vista Dr
148 Stites Street
Newly built 3
CHARMING bedroom home.
$74,500 20-year
650 sq. ft. no-interest
On corner lot with mortgage.
117 Mara Lane Be your own boss! 70 Grandview Dr. 2 car garage.
Beautiful setting for Beautiful Home 182 BROAD STREET This townhome is Long time Furniture Owner financing Beautiful open 210 Susquehanna Must meet
2 bedrooms, 1 bath, Wyoming Valley
this 4 bedroom, 3 Completely remod- Meticulous 2 Story, better than new! It store includes available. Beautifully plan. Huge rooms, Avenue
walk up attic & full
bath colonial. eled Inside & Out. 2 Bedroom – has been upgraded showroom, 2nd remodeled home, hardwood floors, Well cared for 3
heated basement,
Habitat for
Almost 2 acres to An absolute must Redone from Top to with bamboo floors floor apartment, new cabinets, gran- tile, gas fireplace, bedroom, 1.5 bath, Humanity
hardwood floors
enjoy. Backs up to see property! New Bottom – Cottage in Living Room & inventory, 8 room ite countertops, modern kitchen. All modern kitchen, eligibility
with three season
the 7th hole on golf electrical, plumbing, Cute- With New Dining Room. Only brick residence + 4 ceramic tile floor in in a desirable sunroom, 1st floor
room. Freshly paint- requirements.
course. Crestwood roof, wall to wall kitchen, state of the lived in for 6 car garage. Only kitchen, pantry, neighborhood. laundry. Updated
ed & move in condi-
School District. Very carpeting, windows, art appliances, months & includes $225,000. Call Pat large master bed- REDUCED PRICE electric, replace-
tion. 570-446-3254 Inquire at
motivated Seller! interior & exterior hardwood floors all stainless kitchen 570-885-4165 room with 2 walk-in $179,900 ment windows, gas
MLS 11-1330 and swirled ceiling. heat, off street 570-820-8002
doors, new oak
appliances & large- Coldwell Banker closets and study, MLS #11-352
parking. Beautifully Looking for the right deal
kitchen with tile capacity high- Gerald L. Busch corner lot, partially Call Tracy Zarola
Gloria Jean Malarae WITH OPTION. landscaped proper- on an automobile?
floor, hardwood
staircase, all new Call for details.
efficiency washer &
dryer. HUGE 12x26
Real Estate, Inc. enclosed yard with
vinyl fencing, deck
570-696-0723 ty with pond and Turn to classified. LINEUP
light fixtures, new
hot water heater
Pat McHale
Deck. Walk-out
basement. QUIET PLYMOUTH with gazebo.
$289,900 LEWITH & FREEMAN fish, storage shed,
river view, no flood
insurance required.
It’s a showroom in print!
Classified’s got
ext. 141
& baseboard
heating units.
cul-de-sac location.
Bonus Room on
MLS 10-1123
SWOYERSVILLE For additional info the directions! INCLASSIFIED!
and photos view
MLS# 10-4137 Call second floor has Doyouneedmorespace?
MOUNTAIN TOP 570-696-2468 been carpeted- just
needs to be
our site at
WHITE HAVEN A yard or garage sale
28 Woodhaven Dr S
460 S. Mtn
Blvd. PITTSTON finished. $224,900
MLS #11-334
Call Tracy Zarola
MLS 11-1641
in classified
is the best way
Townhouse with
Call Lu-Ann tocleanoutyourclosets!
5 rooms, 2 bed- You’re in bussiness
LEWITH & FREEMAN rooms, 1.5 baths. with classified!
Kitchen, stove, SHAVERTOWN Investors Wanted!
NANTICOKE PLAINS refrigerator &
dishwasher, wall
Stone front 2 bed-
room, 2 story on
Exquisite Inside! 4 Large Modern Bi
1610 Westminster Rd to wall carpeting, nice lot. Open 1st
floor with nice eat-in bedroom, 2.5 bath, Level. Newly
Large well cared 404 N. Main Street covered patio, formal dining room, remodeled, hard-
for home! 4 bed- NEW PRICE kitchen. 2nd floor
assigned parking needs tlc. Gas heat. family room, mod- wood floors, 2 story
rooms, lots of Two story located space, convenient ern eat-in kitchen, addition. Deck,
storage. Enjoy on Main Street fea- Space Heaters.
location. $32,000. Call Pat Master bedroom garage, large
your summer in tures 6 Rooms, 3 and bath, front and fenced yard. Quiet
your own 18x36, Bedrooms and Full REDUCED PRICE 570-885-4165
$55,000 Coldwell Banker side porches, rear neighborhood. Extra
in-ground, solar Bath on 2nd Floor. deck, 2 car amenities. $190,000
heated pool, Newer Furnace, MLS# 10-1062 380 Lantern Hill Rd Gerald L. Busch
Call Kathie Real Estate, Inc. attached garage. Call 570-814-5948
complete with 330 State Street Hot Water Heater Stunning describes Property is being
DRASTIC (570) 288-6654
diving board and
slide. Pool house
with bar and room
Very spacious
3 story home
and Circuit breaker
Electric Service.
This home is in
Gorgeous estate BELL REAL ESTATE
this impressive 2
story with views
from every room.
sold in “as is” condi-
tion. MLS 11-1253 WILKES-BARRE
with nice size like property with First floor apart- $189,000
for a poker table! rooms & many MOVE IN CONDI- Architectural design
log home plus 2 ment for rent – 5 Jean Malarae
Large L-shaped recent updates. TION and reason- which features 570-814-5814
deck. Don't worry ably priced at story garage on 1 gourmet kitchen Rooms, 2 Bed-
$2,000 seller acres with many rooms, 1 Bath – CLASSIC
about the price of assist available. $47,900.00. with granite tops. PROPERTIES
gas, enjoy a stay- MLS #11-1074 outdoor features. Office with built-ins. Heat, water and
PRICE REDUCED Garage. sewer included. 570-718-4959
cation all summer $93,000 Call Pat McHale Finished lower level ext. 141
long! Family room 570-613-9080 MLS# 11-319 with 2nd kitchen. Great location, con-
MLS# 09-3712 $300,000 venient to restau-
with gas fireplace. Call Lynda Family room with
4 zone, efficient, Call Charles French doors out to rants, the bank, Nice duplex, was
(570) 696-5418
gas hot water, rear yard. 4 car 172 S PRING G ARDEN S T. groceries…..Call for
details and appoint- 241 Dana Street originally a single
baseboard heat. garage. $ 775,000 NEW ON THE family home & can
Hardwood floors. MLS# 11-1241 MARKET! Cozy up ment. MLS# 10- easily be a single
1738 Sumner Ave N 4680 Pat McHale
Huge eat-in Call Geri in this lovely cape again. Additional
kitchen with large, MultiFamily...Duplex 570-696-0888 cod. Charming inte- 570-613-9080 off street access

movable island. (Up & Down). In 570-696-3801 rior, nice size deck, by rear alley of
Smith Hourigan 85 La Grange St need of TLC.
Large, private
yard. Replace-
ment windows.
MLS# 11-730
$ 33,000
LEWITH & FREEMAN fenced rear yard,
shed, rec room in
basement, utility
property. Seller
assist available.
Jill Shaver Hunter
Home warranty room, & workshop. Call Kathy B @
Office: (570) 328-
0306 for more
Attic is also partially
WEST PITTSTON Spacious 3 570-474-6307 or
MLS# 11-382 information today! OWNER SAYS: “SELL!” finished w/pull
down & many pos- 322 SALEM ST. bedroom, 1.5 baths

Call Michael Pinko sibilities to add with textured

(570) 899-3865 more space. Paved ceilings, updated
Good investment driveway & parking kitchen, all appli-
property. All units for 6 cars, this is ances including
are rented. All utili- 20 Nittany Lane not just a driveby. dishwasher, tiled SMITH HOURIGAN GROUP
ties paid by tenants. Convenience! Loca- MLS# 11-1363
bath with whirlpool
MLS 11-1497 tion! Easy Living! $ 109,900
Smith Hourigan This home has it all. call Stacey L Lauer tub, 2nd floor
W. Green St. $85,900
Group Nice 2 bedroom Gloria Jean Malarae 3 floors of living Mobile: 570-262- laundry room.
570-474-6307 Ranch syle home,
gas heat, finished
space w/hardwood
floors and gas fire-
Spectacular sunlit
great room with
1158 for an appoint-
ment today!!
Great 1/2 double
located in nice
floor to ceiling West Pittston loca-
To place your place in living room.
SCRANTON $80,000
basement, vinyl sid- PROPERTIES
Open floor plan, stone fireplace & tion. 3 bedrooms,
ing, deck. Move in 570-718-4959
ad call...829-7130 Condition. ext. 141 lower level family vaulted ceiling adds new carpet. Vertical MLS# 11-88
Call Arlene Warunek
room w/laundry and to the charm of this blinds with all appli-
Affordable @
PITTSTON 3/4 bath. 3 bed- 11 year young 3-4 ances. Screened in
rooms w/2 full bedrooms, 2 story porch and yard. For
6 Merganser Ct Call Jim
baths on upper situated on almost more information
In Forest Pointe Towne & Country
level. Deck and an acre of tranquili- and photos visit
Real Estate Co.
patio for outdoor ty with fenced www.atlas
570-735-8932 or
above ground pool, realtyinc.com
570-542-5708 living! 2 zone heat, Smith Hourigan 116 Amber Lane
central a/c, inter- rocking chair porch MLS#10-1535
$59,000 Group Very nice Bi-level
and a mountain
com and stereo (570) 696-1195 home with 2-3 bed-
plus central vac 341 Lincoln St. N, view – there’s a Charlie VM 101
rooms, open floor
formal dining room

738 PARDEESVILLE RD New on the Market.

system, 2 car
garage. What more
could you want?
Investment proper-
ty, double with very
nice size back yard.
& large living room,
2.5 Baths, new
WILKES-BARRE plan, built in
garage, driveway,
on corner lot.
2 bedroom brick & MLS #11-782 Access to off street Kitchen with dining
CORNER LOT aluminum ranch $199,900 parking from rear area & a master
Lower level family
room with pellet
with formal living
room, eat in
kitchen, sunroom, 1
Call Colleen
alley. MLS# 11-1116
WOW! $26,000
suite complete with
laundry room, walk
in closet & master
WEST PITTSTON stove. Move in
condition home.
Call Stacey L Lauer Seller will contribute For more informa-
1/2 baths, 1 car 570-262-1158 bath with jetted tub toward closing tion and photos visit
garage and Central Today for an & shower and an costs on this 1997 www.atlas
air. MLS#11-1583 appointment. oversize 2 car Yeagley built home. realtyinc.com
$129,900 gar – Priced Under Home is on a large, 313 N. River Street $95,000
Call Ruth Market Value private lot but con- Nice 2 bedroom
SUN. MAY 22 MLS 10-4538
570-696-1195 or @$189,900! venient to every- single home, A/C,
1:00PM-3:00PM Call Colleen
570-696-5411 594 N. Main Street MLS #10-906 thing. Bonus room well maintained.
Attractive Fine Single family built 570-237-0415
Beautifully redone 3 Don’t delay, call in lower level. Built- Near courthouse
Line Home in 2005. 2.5 baths, Pat today at Well cared for and
bedroom, 2 bath in 2 car garage. & colleges.
''Charleston'' floor two story with 570-714-6114 or nicely kept. A place
ranch. New roof, $147,500 Affordably Priced
plan. Stacked attached garage. 570-287-1196 to call home! Com-
carpeting, paint & MLS# 10-4348 @ $44,900.
stone, masonry, Oil furnace with
wood burning fire- central air. 90 x SMITH HOURIGAN GROUP
stainless appli-
CENTURY 21 SMITH Call Betty plete with 2 car
oversized garage,
Call Jim

SCRANTON Towne & Country

ances. Gas heat,
place in family 140 corner lot. (570) 510-1736
room, brick
accents on front.
Kitchen with cen-
ter cooking island, LINE UP
central air, garage,
screened in back HOURIGAN GROUP central air, first floor
laundry, eat in
Real Estate Co.
570-735-8932 or
porch. Large fenced kitchen. Convenient 570-542-5708
Upgraded appli- dining room,
in back yard & more
SWEET VALLEY to shopping, West

ances. 2nd floor raised ceiling with Pittston pool and
laundry. Large glass door entry & IN CLASSIFIED! $139,900. Call
570-706-5496 Smith Hourigan ball fields. $152,500
master bath with hardwood floor.
PITTSTON TWP. Group MLS 11-583
whirlpool tub. Carpeting thru out
Large yard. home. Tiled
Shopping for a 570-287-1196 Call Judy Rice
$265,000 kitchen and bath. new apartment?
MLS# 11-1264
Call Michael Pinko
Kitchen appli-
ances included.
Classified lets
you compare costs - 416 Prospect Ave
950 Center St.
Start Your Real
(570) 899-3865 NICELY PRICED Estate Business
without hassle NEW ON THE MARKET! Here! 4 unit with
$219,900 MultiFamily...4 UNIT
or worry! 101 Lakeview Drive separate utilities.
(570) 233-1993
Get moving
for investors! Lovely lake commu- WEST WYOMING Some off street
parking. $125,000.
PITTSTON MLS# 11-1217 nity features com- 438 Tripp St 35 Murray St.
with classified! WOW! $ 25,000 munity lake rights & Large well kept 6 To get started,
Call Pat
Smith Hourigan 120 Parnell St. Call Jill Shaver pavilion. Cozy home bedroom home in
Group Classic Ranch in with native stone quiet neighborhood. 570-885-4165
Hunter Office : Coldwell Banker
570-474-6307 great location. 3 (570) 328-0306 fireplace, rocking Off street parking,
bedroom, 3 baths, chair front porch good size back Gerald L. Busch
Unique Property.
MOUNTAIN TOP high quality and newer kitchen. yard. Owner very Real Estate, Inc.
Well maintained 2
MLS# 11-1353. motivated to sell.
throughout. 3 sea- story. 10 years old.
son porch over $74,900! Call Tracy Privacy galore. MLS 10-3668
looking private rear 570-696-2468 3.5 acres. Pole $79,900
yard. Owners says Barn 30 x 56 for Call Don Crossin
sell and lowers storage of equip- 570-288-0770
107 Johnson St. price to ment, cars or CROSSIN REAL
4 bedroom Ranch $219,900. For For Sale By Owner boats. A must ESTATE
home with hard- more information Plains Township see property. 570-288-0770
wood floors, large and photos please Mill Creek Acres Doyouneedmorespace? $289,000
Bow Creek Manor
room sizes, gas
heat and central air,
visit our website at
4 Lan Creek Rd
Close to Mohegan
A yard or garage sale
in classified
MLS# 10-3799
Call Geri
Meticulously main- garage and carport. realtyinc.com Sun & Geisinger, 4 570-696-0888
is the best way Tudor Style - 12 unit
tained 4 bedroom, 3 Nice home, corner MLS #10-2817 Bedrooms, 3 Baths, 570-696-3801 SUNDAY with lots of separate
1/2 bath two story lot, large unfinished tocleanoutyourclosets!
on almost 1 acre.
Master bedroom
basement. For
more information
Call Charlie for
your private
Fireplace, 2 Car
Garage. Excellent
You’re in bussiness LEWITH & FREEMAN 1:00PM-3:00PM
Completely remod-
utilities! Some off
street parking. Few
showing. Condition. All Appli- 570-288-9371 eled home with blocks to college.
suite. 2 family and photos visit VM 101 ances Included. with classified! everything new. $300,000. Call Pat
rooms. 2 fireplaces. www.atlas Looking for that
Large yard. New kitchen, baths, 570-885-4165
Office/den. Large realtyinc.com Go To special place
MLS 11-1209 bedrooms, tile Coldwell Banker
deck overlooking a www.plainsre.com
private wooded $129,900 called home? floors, hardwoods, Gerald L. Busch
for details.
yard. 3 car garage. Call Charlie Asking $219,900 Classified will address granite countertops, 522 Pennsylvania Real Estate, Inc.
all new stainless Avenue
Your needs.
$365,000. 570-829-6200
Bob Kopec
Humford Realty
PITTSTON TWP. Call 570-817-1228
for showing 236 Poland St. Open the door
steel appliances,
refrigerator, stove,
Cute 2 bedroom
starter home in
with classified! microwave, dish-
washer, free stand-
401 W. Shawnee Ave
need of some cos-
metic updating. WEST HAZLETON ing shower, tub for
two, huge deck,
rooms, walk up
attic, heat on a
constructed. 2,100
PITTSTON Beautifully redone 4
bedroom, 2 bath bi-
level with garage on
13 Lehigh St., N.
Great for first time
homebuyers. Huge
Duplex. 3 bedroom,
kitchen, living room,
dining room, bath.
large yard, excellent
yearly service plan,
roofs within 6
Lovingly cared for 2 lot, patio, newer $154,900 (835.00 / years. Add your
sq ft. 3 bedrooms. cozy corner lot near bedroom, 1 bath windows, shed, 2nd floor, 4 room
Valley West High 30years/ 5%) changes to this
2.5 baths. Jacuzzi bungalow with nice location. apt. Partially fin-
School. New Paint, 570-654-1490 cared for neighbor-
tub. Gas Heat, many improve- MLS #11-772 ished attic. Off
Central Air. 2 car Carpeting, Appli- street parking. hood home.
ments done includ- $65,000 MLS 11-899
garage. Land- ances & more. ing new (2 yrs. old) Call Karen Ryan $109,900. Call 12 Reid st.
scaping & Drive- $139,900. Call (570) 459-0554 $35,000
central air and fur- Call Holly Spacious Bi-level
way completed 40 Gain St. 570-706-5496 nace. 1 car garage
Be the first occu- EILEEN MELONE home in semi-pri-
aprox 5/23 with attached cus-

Find the
$239,900 pants of this newly tom built carport.
151 Broad Street constructed Ranch 570-821-7022 private back yard. 3
570-868-5900 This property is a season room. Gas
Stately 1900+ home on a low traf-

“must see”! 570-283-9100 fireplace in lower
square foot, two- fic street. All you MLS #10-3624 level family room. 4
story home with 4 could ask for is $139,000 bedrooms, garage.

bedrooms, 1.75 already here, 3 Donald Crossin
baths and 2 car, bedrooms, 2 baths, For more informtion
570-288-0770 and photos visit
detached garage. hardwood and tile Crossin Real
FEATURES -NEW floors with granite wwww.atlas
Estate realtyinc.com
kitchen with maple and stainless steel 570-288-0770 The Classified
MLS 10-4740
cabinetry, NEW kitchen, gas fire- section at $159,900
bath 1st floor, NEW place, central air, 2 44 Church St timesleader.com Nice 3 bedroom
Call Charlie
furnace, FRESH
Paint. Hardwood
car garage and
rear patio and full
46 Church St. Rear
Package Deal, sold Collect cash, not dust! Ranch home in
good condition.
73 Richard Street
VM 101
Clean out your
111 E. Grand St. flooring on 1st floor basement. For together for Hardwood floors,
to be REFINISHED. $115,000. 2 units. family room & office 3 Bedroom, 1 Bath
One half double more information 3 for 1. That’s what
MLS #10-2922 MLS 10-3634 in basement. Traditional in Very
and photos, log
block. 3 bedrooms,
plaster walls, A great buy @
onto www.atlas
MLS 10-3635
Maria Huggler
basement, garage you will get when
you purchase this 3 $124,900
MLS #11-169
Good Condition.
Open Layout. Off
aluminum siding
or attic and call the
unit, 2 unit & Street Parking, Yard
& nice yard. Call Pat for an MLS #10-3676 CLASSIC Garage. Bring your Call Toni Ranieli
PROPERTIES 570-237-1032 & Shed. Many Collect cash, not dust!
Affordable @ appointment. $219,900 tools. Selling to set- Call 829-7130 Clean out your
Call Jim Krushka
Call Colleen
Classified depart- tle estate. $52,000.
Call Pat
to place your ad. 570-288-1444 Updates.
Asking $47,900 basement, garage

Call 570-762-1537
Towne & Country
Real Estate Co.
ment today at 570- 570-885-4165
Coldwell Banker
D . for showing
or attic and call the
Classified depart-
570-735-8932 or
570-542-5708 in classified! 829-7130! Gerald L. Busch
Real Estate, Inc. timesleader.com
ment today at 570-
PAGE 12D TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2011 TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com
906 Homes for Sale 909 Income & 909 Income & 909 Income & 909 Income & 912 Lots & Acreage 927 Vacation 941 Apartments/ 941 Apartments/ 941 Apartments/
Commercial Commercial Commercial Commercial Locations Unfurnished Unfurnished Unfurnished
YATESVILLE Properties Properties Properties Properties GOULDSBORO
902 Layman Lane
Property. June 19-
Wildflower Village
143 E. Bennett St.
High end, ultra mod-

HUGE LAND! July 8 with boat

slip. Beautiful
Like NEW!. 3 bed-
room, 1.5 bath, liv-
ing room, large din-
ern, fireplace, bar &
fully equipped kit- KINGSTON
recently remodeled chen. BBQ deck, off

2 acres of commer-
cial land. 165 front
3 bedrooms, 2 bath
house with large
ing/kitchen area,
patio. $695/mo pus
street parking, cen-
tral air, powder EXECUTIVE STYLE
deck overlooking utilities. No Pets room, huge master
feet. Driveway 570-696-4393 bedroom. 2nd floor,
access permit and Wooded lot in Big the Lake. Call Lou
for details. washer & dryer, 2nd floor
lot drainage in Bass Lake. Current double sink design-
(610) 325-9715 apartment
61 Pittston Ave.
Stately brick Ranch
62-67 ½Thomas St
This would make an
awesome family
423 E. Church St.
Great 2 family in
move in condition
place. WIll build to
suit tenant or avail-
able for land lease.
perc on file. Priced
below cost, seller
says bring all offers. 930 Wanted to Buy
2 bedrooms, 2nd
er bathroom . 3rd
floor 2nd bedroom
in beautiful
historical home.
in private location. or office & powder
compound. No on both sides, Sep- For more informa- MLS#10-3564. Low Real Estate floor, heat, hot 2 bedrooms, 1
Large room sizes, room $775 + utili-
shortage of parking arate utilities, 6 tion and photos visit price $10,000 water & trash bathroom, dining
fireplace, central ties. (570) 881-4993
on this unique prop- rooms each. 3 car www.atlas Thomas Bourgeois included. $600/
A/C. Includes room, living


erty. One single 462 W. State St. detached garage in realtyinc.com 516-507-9403 month, references
extra lot. For more home, one duplex CLASSIC & security, lease. room, all appli-
Lower End Pizza! super neighbor- MLS 11-17
information and and an extra lot all Established prof- hood. Walking dis- Price Negotiable PROPERTIES Call 570-760-4830 ances provided,
photos visit included. Homes Any Situation including
itable business for tance to college. Call Charlie 570-842-9988
MLS #10-3512
are right on the
lle border.
sale. Restaurant,
bar, game room,
separate dining
MLS 11-1608
Call Tom
VM 101
Available June 1
off-street park-
PRICE REDUCED 39 Tripp St. ing, plenty of
$129,900 room. Parking for 570-262-7716 New Section in
$194,500 Spacious 2nd floor storage.
11-252 35 cars. Turnkey Highland Hills,
Call Charlie Call Betty Charles Place 2 bedroom with din- $1,000/mo.
operation. Addition-
570-829-6200 (570) 510-1736 al parking lot Open! ing room plus sun- 570-709-2481
VM 101 Four 1+ acre lots room and rear
included. For lease Doyouneedmorespace?
or sale available. Call porch. Off Wyoming 168 S. MAPLE AVE
A yard or garage sale 570-498-9244 Avenue. Modern Carriage house
Call Jay Crossin PITTSTON in classified kitchen and bath- apartment, com- Nice 1 bedroom,

Ext. 23 room. Includes pletely remodeled, 2nd floor. Recently
Smith Hourigan Crossin Real
is the best way stove, fridge, w/d, five large rooms renovated. Stove &
Line up a place to live Group
Estate tocleanoutyourclosets! 200 Kirby storage, garage
and off street park-
with 2-bedrooms,
bath with separate
fridge. Off street

in classified! 570-288-0770 You’re in bussiness ing. $550/mo + utili- tub and shower.
parking. $525 + gas
& electric. Lease &
with classified!
ties. No pets, no 1300SF. 1-car background check
909 Income &
938 Apartments/
smoking. $550/per
month. Call
(570)417-2775 or
garage in private
location. Central
required. For appt
& application, Call
A/C. MLS#11-895 570-417-0088
570-954-1746 $1,000/Month
1011-1015 Oak St
Available 2 buildings Collect cash, not dust!
plus utilities
AVOCA on site. #1011 is a 2
story office building Beautiful piece of
property located in
1 bedroom, well fur-
nished. Includes
heating, cooling,
Clean out your
basement, garage
Ted Poggi
283-9100 x25 Pringle St.
2 bedroom, 2nd
with approximately
3800 square feet. a nice area waiting garbage, water, or attic and call the floor. $595 + utilities
to be built on. Most- cable, HBO & Classified depart- Water included.
#1015 is a single
story building with ly wooded. Water, broadband WIFI. ment today at 570- ASHLEY
Lawrence St. 530 Rocky Glen Rd. sewer and gas are Security & Refer- 829-7130! Ashley St.
Nice 3 unit approximately 3000 155 E Walnut St.
Industrial property 2 bedroom, 2nd
property. Lots of in a convenient square feet. Good investment adjacent. Going ences. No Pets. Looking for the right deal
$489,000 property knocking towards Mountain- 570-829-1279 AMERICA floor, $550 + utilities
off street parking location! Many pos-
MLS# 11-445 on your door. Don't top left onto Kirby REALTY
on an automobile? SHAVERTOWN
and bonus 2 car sibilities for busi- Ave just past Grey- Looking for that Turn to classified. Roushey St.
25 St. Mary’s St.
garage. All units are
rented. Great
ness, 3,000 sq ft of
Call Pat Guzzy
miss out, come and
see for yourself. stone Manor.
special place QUALITY COLONIAL It’s a showroom in print! 2 bedroom, 2nd
floor. $595 + utilities
Also included in the called home? FORTY FORT -
3,443 sq. ft. income with low space. 1,000 sq ft
sale of the property MLS 11-429 FIRST FLOOR Classified’s got PLAINS
masonry commer- maintenance of office space.
is the lot behind the 570-696-2468 Classified will address DUPLEX. UNIQUE the directions! Carey St.
cial building with $159,900 Perfect for tractor/ Your needs. $595 + UTILITIES.
home. Lot size is 3 bedroom, 1/2
warehouse/office MLS# 10-2675 trailer repair stor-
and 2 apartments Call Karen age, repo car, boat
25X75, known as Open the door Cook’s kitchen with double. $775/mo.
147 Cherry St. with classified! built-ins, formal din- 2 bedroom, second + utilities. For info,
with separate elec- Coldwell Banker or RV storage. 220 ing room, front/rear
$82,000 floor, off street (570) 814-9700
tric and heat. Per- Rundle Real Estate ft of road frontage, enclosed porches,
570-474-2340 MLS# 10-2666 parking, stove &
fect for contractors perfect for car
or anyone with stor-
age needs. For LINE UP
sales on 2 plus
acres. Close to 81, 570-586-1111
Call Karen
Coldwell Banker
Rundle Real Estate
Charming, Victorian
2 bedroom 3rd floor
custom window
coverings. TWO
Rutter Ave.
more information turnpike and air- apartment. 70% fur-
and photos log onto A GREAT DEAL... port. MLS# 11-847
570-474-2340 NO PETS/SMOK- Includes water 1 bedroom 1st

nished. 34 West ING/EMPLOYMENT floor, large living
www.atlas $ 499,900 (570) 779-1684
realtyinc.com. IN CLASSIFIED! Call Brenda Suder
Ross St. View at
room, neutral
decor. Gas heat,
Reduced to
MLS #10-3872
Looking for the right deal
on an automobile?
332-8924. Most utilities includ-
ed with rent. His-
toric building is non
570-288-1422 KINGSTON water included. Off
street parking. No
Turn to classified. pets. $420 plus
Call Charlie
smoking and pet security & lease.
570-829-6200 It’s a showroom in print! free. Base rent: 570-793-6294
VM 101
Classified’s got $700. Security & Ref-
erences required.
2 bedrooms, wash-
er, dryer, fridge, KINGSTON
the directions! Call Vince:
stove, yard. $450.
118 Glendale Road
Well established 8
Affordable Building
GREAT OPPORTUNITY 570-762-1453 1st & last. Details
call 570-468-9943
22 W. Germania St
941 Apartments/
unit Mobile Home
Park (Glen Meadow
Mobile Home Park)
waiting for your
business to occupy
4C Liberty St.


11 Holiday Drive
2 bedroom
EDWARDSVILLE Unfurnished it! It also offers Diamond in the
in quiet country like
location, zoned
income from 2 bed- rough - Over 23 1 BEDROOM APT. LYNNWOOD SECTION
2 bedroom, wash-
apartment in
great neighbor-
“A Place To
room apartment acres of land wait- ŠShort or long term
commercial and er/dryer, refrigera- hood. 2nd floor. Call Home”
above. Off street ing to be improved ŠExcellent
located right off tor, dishwasher, gas Includes new Spacious 1, 2 & 3
parking. Offers con-
A PAR TM E NTS Interstate 81. Con- by energetic devel- Neighborhood stove, central a/c, kitchen (with new
sidered! MLS 11-572 ŠPriv. Tenant Parking Bedroom Apts
venient to shopping oper. Lots are level off-street parking. stove, dishwash-
$79,500 Š$750 includes all 3 Bedroom
center, movie the- & nestled at the Newly painted. er & microwave)
Call Judy Ross utilities. No pets. Townhomes
This 6,600 sq. ft. 1 B edroom Sta rting ater. Great income
end of quiet street.
Liberty St. is a right (570) 822-9697
Front porch. Utilities & bath w/washer Gas heat included
concrete block opportunity! Park is by tenant. No smok- dryer hookup.
building has multiple a t $675.00 priced to sell. off 309 south at ing or pets. Hardwood FREE
24hr on-site Gym
uses. 5 offices & Owner financing is Januzzi's Pizza.
kitchenette. Over • Includes gas heat, available with a Land is at end 941 Apartments/ $575/month throughout with
Community Room
173-175 Zerby Ave. Call (570) 331-3475 ceramic tile in
Great income prop- 5,800 sq. ft.. ware- w ater,sew er & trash substantial down of street. Unfurnished leave message kitchen and bath. Swimming Pool
house space (high payment. For more $199,900 $695/mo + utili- Maintenance FREE

erty with additional • C onvenient to allm ajor Call Jill Hiscox Controlled Access
garage space ceilings). 2 over- details and photos ties and security.
head doors. visit www.atlas 570-690-3327 Patio/Balcony
(34x38) room for 3 highw ays & public 1st floor, 2 bedroom,
No Pets, refer-
and much more...
cars to rent! Live in
one half and have
MLS 10-1326 transportation
MLS 11-1530 PRICE REDUCED! LEWITH & FREEMAN laundry room. Off
street parking.
ences required.
Call Scott Call Today
or stop by
Bob Kopec $210,000 570-696-3801
your mortgage paid • Fitness center & pool Water / sewer &
(570) 823-2431
for a tour!
by the other!
$12,000+ potential
REALTY • P atio/B alconies
Call Kim
NEWPORT TOWNSHIP garbage included.
Large yard. First,
Now Offering
570-822-5126 West End Road Move In Specials
MLS # 11-1111
$64,900 Job Seekers are
• P et friendly*
• O nline rentalpaym ents
2L - 1 mile
South of L.C.C.C.
Residential devel-
last & security
required. $600.
TWO Clean & bright
3 bedroom apart- KINGSTON

looking here! 570-735-8730 or ments. Heat, water,

Call John Shelley • Flexible lease term s
opment, under- 570-332-8080 garbage & sewer 2nd Floor, 1 Bed,
Where's your ad?
570-288-0770 ground utilities included with appli- 1 Bath, modern
570-829-7130 and Shopping for a
ask for an employ-
ment specialist
M ond a y - Frid a y 9 -5
Sa turd a y 1 0-2 new apartment? 285 Wyoming Ave.
First floor currently
including gas.
1 - Frontage 120’x
265’ deep $38,000.
Brand new, clean 2
ances. Off street
parking. No pets,
kitchen, living room,
washer & dryer.
Next to the Post
1 bedroom, wall to
wall, off-street
Classified lets used as a shop, 2 - Frontage 210’x bedrooms. Washer/
non smoking, not
Office, off street
parking, coin
941 Apartments/ 941 Apartments/ 822-27 1 1 you compare costs - could be offices, 158’deep $38,000 dryer hook-up. No
section 8 approved.
References, securi- parking, $500 +
laundry, water,
sewer & garbage
Unfurnished Unfurnished w w w .liv ea tw ilk esw ood .com without hassle etc. Prime location, Call 570-714-1296 Pets. $550 + utili- ty, first and last utilities, water & included. $495/
* Restrictions Ap p ly corner lot, full base- ties. 570-868-6020 sewer included, 1
or worry! ment. 2nd floor is 3 Find Something? months rent.
year lease, security
month + security
& lease. HUD
Get moving bedroom apartment Lose Something? & references. No accepted. Call

IN THE HEART OF WILKES-BARRE with classified! plus 3 car garage
and parking for
Get it back where it
belongs 3 rooms, wall to wall 570-675-1589 Pets. No Smoking.
Call 570-822-9821
570-687-6216 or
carpeting, appli-
Immediate Occupancy!!
6 cars. For more
information and
photos go to
with a Lost/Found ad!
ances, coin-op laun-
dry, off street park- KINGSTON LINEUP
MARTIN D. POPKY APARTMENTS 2 Buildings. www.atlas
ing, security. No
61 E. Northampton St.
Apartment 4 Car garage.
Prime location with
MLS #10-4339
pets. $410/month
(570) 655-1606 BEAUTIFUL & SPACIOUS
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701
Homes over 6,000 sf. $172,400
Ask About Our apartment. 3 bed-
3 New furnaces in Call Charlie
• Affordable Senior Apartments last 2 years. VM 101 June 4!
Carey Bridge Area rooms, 2 baths. Doyouneedmorespace?
Holiday Specials! 1st floor, 3 large
• Income Eligibility Required New roof in ‘08. Lender Owned 3 large 1 bedroom
rooms, washer,
Large living, dining
room, den, eat-in
A yard or garage sale
Land/Farm Build- apts, 3 kitchens
• Utilities Included! • Low cable rates;
$250 Off 1st Months Rent, Separate utilities.
Close to churches, ings - $69,900! with appliances, 3 dryer, fridge, stove, kitchen, enclosed in classified
• New appliances; laundry on site; & $250 Off Security parks & town. Less than 3 hrs NY baths. Apts. have tile bath, wall to
wall, patio, off
porch all on 1 floor. is the best way
Built in bookcases,
• Activities! Deposit With Good Credit. Fully rented - City. Gorgeous set-
ting, views,
access to one
another. No lease. street parking. modern appliances, tocleanoutyourclosets!
gross income
• Curb side Public Transportation 1 bedroom starting @ $690 over $25,000!! 912 Lots & Acreage stonewalls! FREE $795 for all 3 apts $375 + electric.
washer, dryer, You’re in bussiness
microwave includ-
Please call 570-825-8594 CLOSING COSTS! ($265 per apt.) with classified!
$169,000 OBO check. Call ed. Central air. Call
TDD/TTY 800-654-5984 ‹ Washer & Dryer
ABSOLUTE NY 888-793-7762
for free info packet!
Convenient to all
colleges and gas 570-332-8026 570-313-2930
drilling areas.
‹ Central Air PLAINS www.NewYork
LandandLakes.com Call for more info KINGSTON Cozy 1 bedroom,
2nd floor. Kitchen,
Fitness Center
Swimming Pool
5 to 14 acre parcels
570-696-1866 LEE PARK AVE.
living area. New
flooring, private
15 South River St. - opening price PRICES REDUCED
EAST ‹ Easy Access to For Sale By Owner $24,900! Less than EARTH DALLAS TWP Both spacious 1 entrance, yard
MOUNTAIN I-81 4,536 sq. ft., high
traffic area, across
area, off street
access. Off street
parking. $440/mo.
APARTMENTS Mon – Fri. 9 –5 from Rite-Aid, gas
closing costs! Prime
buildable acreage! 46+/- Acres $1,800. 2 bedroom/ parking. Base- Water & trash
heat. For more info, Hanover Twp., 2 Bath. Call Us to ment/attic with Bring Rover or Kitty included. Security &
The good life... Regions Best 44 Eagle Court Call 888-481-1373 discuss our great washer/dryer & move right into 1 year lease. Call
call 570-820-5953 NOW for free info! $89,000
Wilkes-Barre, PA Amenity & Mainte- your choice of a 1
close at hand Address 18706 (Off Route 309)
10+/- Acres
nance program!
hookup. Cats ok.
Heat & water or 2 bedroom apt.
(570) 760-5573
Let the Community DURYEA Hanover Twp.,
• 1 & 2 Bedroom Apts.
• Total Air-Conditioning
• 1,2 & 3 Bedroom Apts.
• Total Air-Conditioning
Place your Classified 44.59 ACRES $69,000
28+/- Acres
Call 570-674-5278
Dallas, Pa.
included. $495-
$550 + security.
Off street parking,
coin laundry, great
location. $450-
Furnished 2 bed-
• Washer & Dryer
• Community Building
• Gas Heat & HW Included
• Swim Club, Heated Pools
affiliatedmgmt.com Ad TODAY! Fairview Twp.,
CALL 570-239-9840 $600/mo + security, room apartment,
570-829-7130 32+/- Acres heat & electric. 3rd floor. Includes
• Spa & Pools
• Hi-Tech Fitness Center
• Hi-Tech Fitness Center
• Shopping Shuttle
944 Commercial 944 Commercial
Wilkes-Barre Twp
220 Lake St.
Housing for the
elderly & mobility
Well maintained 1 or
Call 570-262-1577 washer & dryer.
Utilities included.
$450/month. Call
• Tennis & Basketball Courts • Full -Size Washer & Dryer 61+/- Acres KINGSTON
Properties Properties impaired; all utilities 2 bedroom second 570-690-3512
• Private Entrances • Private Entrances Nuangola included. Federally floor apartment.
$118,000 subsidized program. Includes large attic
Monday - Friday 9-5
Monday - Friday 9-5 Monday - Friday 9-5
Monday - Friday 9-5 JUST SOLD! bright, 1st
Saturday 9-1 Extremely low refrigerator &
Saturday 9-1 Saturday
Saturday 9-1
9-1 40+/- Acres income persons floor, 2 bedrooms, 1 Bedroom apart-
Industrial Site. Rail stove. Washer/
680 Wildflower Drive 200 Gateway Drive Newport Twp. encouraged to dryer hookup. Pri- elevator, carpet- ments for elderly,
Plains, PA 18702 Edwardsville, PA 18704 WILKES-BARRE served with all
utilities. KOZ
See additional Land
apply. Income less vate parking. ed, Security
system. Garage.
disabled. Rents
PROVINCIAL TOWER - S. MAIN than $11,900. Garbage included. based on 30% of
822-4444 288-6300
approved. For more for Sale at Extra storage &
information and 570-675-6936, $425/month ADJ gross income.
www. earth cable TV included.
www.EastMountainApt.com www.GatewayManorApt.com Great Commercial Store Front, photos visit conservancy.org
8 am-4 pm, Mon-Fri. + utilities & security
Laundry facilities.
Handicap Accessi-

& Inside Suites Available www.atlas EQUAL HOUSING Call (570) 650-5460 ble. Equal Housing
email:EMA@The ManorGroup.com email:GA@The ManorGroup.com 570-823-3445 OPPORTUNITY Heat & hot water Opportunity. TTY711
Steps from New Intermodal Hub
& Public Parking
HARVEYS LAKE furnished. Fine
or 570-474-5010
This institution is an
941 Apartments/ 941 Apartments/
Starting at $650 Call Charlie DUPONT 2nd floor, 1 bedroom
kitchen & bath. Very
Convenient to bus
& stores. No
equal opportunity

Unfurnished Unfurnished provider &
Large completely pets. References.
utilities included remodeled 2 bed-
& clean.
sewer & Security. Lease.
Harford Ave.
NEWPORT TWP. FREE RENT - Call For Details Today! 4 buildable residen-
tial lots for sale indi-
room styled town-
house. Stove &
garbage included.
Available June 1st.
No smokers
please. $840. MOUNTAIN TOP
vidually or take all fridge included.
Private interior
Security & refer-
ences. $450. Call
4! Buyer to confirm
water and sewer attic & basement (570) 855-6020 or KINGSTON 1 & 2 Bedroom.
No pets.
141 Old Newport Rd., Newport Twp. located in the with zoning officer.
Directions: R. on
access. Washer/
dryer hookup. Heat
(585) 298-3858

Affordable, Accessible 1, 2 & 3 962 Rooms 962 Rooms

Dallas School Dis-
trict. MLS#11-1150
E. Franklin, R. on
Lawn to L. on
included. Nice yard.
$750. No pets. HARVEY’S LAKE
Recently remodeled
317 N. Maple Ave.
Large Two story,
on income start
at $405 & $440.
Bedroom Apartments Harford. 570-479-6722 2 bedroom, 1.5
Maribeth Jones 2 bedroom, 2 bath. Accessible.
$22,500 per lot bath, Central Heat
Income Eligibility* Required.
Bear Creek Township
office: 696-2600
Mark Mason EXETER 1st floor. Laundry
& Air,washer/dryer
Equal Housing
Casino Countryside Inn

direct: 696-6565 hookup. Off-street Opportunity.

Rents: $455-$656 plus electric 570-331-0982 1st floor, 2 bedroom, parking. Available in unit, parking. Call 570-474-5010
(*Maximum Incomes vary according to household size) CROSSIN REAL Gas heat, central now. $625. Refer- $830 + utilities & TTY711
Rooms starting at ESTATE air. No pets. No ences & security. 1 month security This institution is an
• High Efficiency Heat/Air Conditioning Daily $39.99 + tax 570-288-0770 smoking. Call 570-793-9072 570-262-6947 equal opportunity
570-760-6277 provider and
• Newer Appliances • Laundry Rooms Weekly $169.99 + tax 915 Manufactured JENKINS TWP./PITTSTON Collect cash, not dust! employer.
• Community Room • Private Parking
Collect cash, not dust! Homes EXETER 2nd floor, newly
Clean out your NANTICOKE
• Rent Includes Water, Sewer & Refuse Clean out your renovated, 2 bed-

For more info or to apply, please call:

WiFi basement, garage ASHLEY PARK
Laurel Run & San
LARGE ROOMS rooms, carpet, nice
yard, easy parking. basement, garage 1st floor, 1 bedroom.
Heat, water,
570-733-2010 HBO or attic and call the Souci Parks, Like
2 bedrooms, central
air, gas heat, off
Small Pets okay.
Heat/Water includ- or attic and call the garbage & sewage
included. Off street
new, several to
TDD: 800-654-5984
(570) 823-8027 Classified depart- choose from,
street parking. $625
/per month, plus
ed. $650/month.
Credit check & ref- Classified depart- parking. All appli-
ances included.
Great, Convenient
Location! www.casinocountrysideinn.com ment today at 570-
Financing &Warranty,
security deposit.
erences required.
Cell (917) 753-8192 ment today at 570- $530 + security.
Call 570-406-5221

Apply Today!
829-7130! MobileOne.Sales
Call (570)250-2890 829-7130!
TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2011 PAGE 13D
941 Apartments/ 941 Apartments/ 941 Apartments/ 941 Apartments/ 944 Commercial 944 Commercial 944 Commercial 944 Commercial 944 Commercial 950 Half Doubles
Unfurnished Unfurnished Unfurnished Unfurnished Properties Properties Properties Properties Properties


2 bedroom, 2nd Wyoming Ave. BLANDINA kitchen and bath,
floor spacious
apartment. Electric
Newly remodeled
1 bedroom, living
Deluxe 1 & 2 bed- Are you paying
too much for your
KINGSTON FOR RENT $675. per month
MANUFACTURING w/d hookup, off-
street parking
range, refrigerator, room, dining room, room. Wall to Wall 620 Market St. $600/per month,
garbage fee, water
& sewer included.
kitchen, washer/
dryer hookup. Stove
Formerly The
Travel Lodge
497 Kidder St.,
carpet. Some utili-
ties by tenant. No
current office, but
dread the incon-
venience of mov-
Newly Renovated
Prime Space.
For appointment &
further information OFFICE SPACE plus utilities Call
(570) 237-2076
pets. Non-smoking. call 570-237-6070
Laundry room on fridge, no pets, no 1,250 sq. ft.,
premises. Off street smoking. Refer-
Rooms Starting
Elderly community. ing? We can help!
We not only offer Near Kingston JENKINS
parking. Private
entrance & back
ences. $695/month
+electric & garbage
Daily $44.99 +
Quiet, safe. Off
street parking. Call
less expensive
rent, but we will
Corners. Great
location for retail or
12,000 sq. ft. build-
3 bedroom 1/2 dou-
ble, gas heat, wash-
porch. Gas heat & 570-655-9325
tax also help you business office. 328 Kennedy Blvd. ing in downtown er & dryer included,
hot water. No dogs. Modern medical location. Ware-
Lease & 1 month
security required.
West Pittston, Pa.
Weekly $189.99
+ tax LINEUP move to our mod-
ern office space in
Easy Access and
parking. Call Cliff
space, labor & 255 PIERCE ST. house with light
off-street parking,
$700/per month,
industry approved, manufacturing.
$500 / month + gas
& electric. Call
221 Fremont St.
Refrigerator, ASUCCESSFULSALE the Luzerne Bank
Building on Public 570-760-3427 ADA throughout, 2
Great high traffic Building with some
plus security. Call
(570) 299-7103
doctor offices plus office space. Entire
Housing for the WiFi, HBO
INCLASSIFIED! Square. Rents location, great for
570-696-3596 570-823-8881 include heat, cen- 4 exam rooms, xray hair salon or many building for lease or
elderly & mobility
will sub-divide.
www.Wilkes Doyouneedmorespace? tral air, utilities, and reception and
NANTICOKE impaired; all utilities other uses, 1200 sq.
BarreLodge.com trash removal, breakrooms. Could ft. parking for 4 MLS #10-1074 3 bedrooms, living
included. Federally
A yard or garage sale
and nightly clean- be used for any cars. $1200 month Call Charlie room, dining room,
2 bedroom, conven- subsidized
ient location, $495, program. Extremely Collect cash, not dust! in classified ing - all without a business purpose.
Will remodel to suit.
plus utilities. Avail- 570-829-6200
VM 101
kitchen, washer/
dryer hook up. No
sneaky CAM OFFICE able 6/1, shown by
includes water &
sewer, off street
low income persons
encouraged to
Clean out your is the best way charge. Access For lease appointment. Call pets, no smoking.
basement, garage
parking.Some pets apply. Income less or attic and call the tocleanoutyourclosets! parking at the the FOR LEASE $2,200/MO. 570-574-5134 Fenced yard & off-
You’re in bussiness intermodal garage
GREAT LOCATION Also available for street parking.

ok. (570) 332-5215 than $11,900. Classified depart-
via our covered sale Excellent location,
570-655-6555, ment today at 570- with classified!
NANTICOKE bridge. 300SF to 414 Front Street MLS #11-751 $700 + utilities,
8 am-4 pm, 829-7130!
5000SF available. available immedi- $595,000 lease & security.
Monday-Friday. 1750 & 3200 SF
2 bedroom, wall to We can remodel ately, 1800 square Call Charlie Available June 1st
EQUAL HOUSING Retail / Office
wall carpet, off- to suit. Brokers feet, Move in con- VM 101 570-283-1180
OPPORTUNITY Space Available
protected. Call dition. New car-

street parking, $495
per month+ utilities, Jeff Pyros at peting. Reception 570-829-1206
security, lease.
HUD accepted. Call Line up a place to live 570-822-8577 area, conference
room, kitchen, and LINE UP Large 1/2 double
or 570-954-0727
in classified! BEDROOM UNITS
For lease, available 1ST & 2ND FLOOR APTS
Shopping for a
new apartment?
3 offices, Located
on main street in GET THE WORD OUT A GREAT DEAL...
with 3 bedrooms,
living room, dining
room (with red car-
WILKES-BARRE immediately, 1 bath- Classified lets
Hanover Section,
off-street parking,
with a Classified Ad. IN CLASSIFIED! pet throughout)
room, refrigerator AVAILABLE IN 570-829-7130 eat-in kitchen with
you compare costs - forced air furnace, Looking for the right deal
Mayflower and stove provided, central air, or on an automobile?
additional pantry
hookup, Washer
1 bedroom, heat &
without hassle
or worry!
$950/per month
Call 570-760-3551 PITTSTON Turn to classified. Lease this free-
standing building for
area. 1 bath. Large
fenced yard. Gas/

NANTICOKE Apartments and Dryer in one

unit. Call to leave
hot water included.
Get moving
with classified!
to set an
appointment COOPERS CO-OP It’s a showroom in print!
Classified’s got
monthly rent. Totally
hot water base-
board heat. All utili-
ties by tenant. No
Deluxe 1 bedroom, 570.822.3968 1 & 2 bedrooms Lease Space the directions! renovated & ready smokers, no pets.
$500.00/per month,
2nd floor apartment. on 2nd floor.
OFFICE SPACE Available, Light to occupy. Offices,

Large bedroom & plus utilities, PLAINS $650 + security.
references/ manufacturing, conference room, Call Steven
living areas, wall to - Light & bright 3 Bedroom Rte. 315 18 Pierce St work stations, kit
wall carpet. Includes open floor plans security deposit. Townhouse Kingston, PA warehouse, (570) 561-5245
2,000 SF WILKES-BARRE/ and more. Ample
all appliances + Call 570-735-4074 WILKES-BARRE Available Immedi- office, includes
- All major Office / Retail PLAINS TWP parking and handi-
washer / dryer. All 2nd floor, Next to Gymboree ately, Off street all utilities with cap access. $1,750/
electric. Must see. appliances included 2 bedroom parking. Security free parking. LAIRD STREET
4,500 SF Office COMPLEX, easy month. MLS 11-419 Half double, 3 bed-
$425 + utilities, first/ - Pets welcome* SHAVERTOWN Showroom, required. 3 room I will save Call Judy Rice rooms. All remod-
last. No pets. One bedroom Cape Cod style Suite $300/month, interstate access.
- Close to everything Warehouse you money! Lease 132,500 s.,f., 5701-714-9230 eled. New kitchen,
570-735-0525 executive apart- home 2-3 bed- Loading Dock includes utilities.
- 24 hour emergency 12 loading docks, 30 bath, carpet, paint.
ment. Beautiful, rooms, 4 Acres touching 570-690-0564 Large yard. Off
OLD FORGE maintenance
- Short term
fully furnished, TV
included. Conve-
garage, corner lot I81 will build to suit.
Call 570-829-1206
570-823-7564 ft ceilings, sprinkler,
acres of parking. street parking. $600
+ utilities. No pets.
4 rooms. Second
leases available nientley located. All OUR UNITS
To place your Offices available.
call 570-655-9732 Call (570) 574-8863
floor. Heat and $700.
sewer included. ANCES & SEWER. ad call...829-7130 947 Garages
Call TODAY For Security & credit Collect cash, not dust!
Security and refer- PLAINS TWP
ences required.
Call T Randazzo
1200 sq. ft. Zoned
for repairs &
Wyoming 900 Sf.
OFF RTE. 315
Clean out your
basement, garage KINGSTON 2 bedroom, water
& sewer included.
Call (570) 457-7854 www.mayflower PARSONS SECTION Property Manager or attic and call the
manufacturing. Utilities included. 1200 & 700 SF Garage for Rent. $500/month. Sec-
crossing.com 1ST FLOOR, 1 bed- 899-3407 $500 per month Approx 21.5’x40’ Office Available. Classified depart- Clean car storage tion 8 considered.
2 bedroom, 2nd Certain Restrictions
room apartment, off
street parking.
for info/appointment
(570) 814-8876 $850/month
ment today at 570-
only, $65/month
Call 570-696-3915
Call 570-899-6104
Water & re-cycling
floor, bath, kitchen Apply*
included. Call Tom
area. Heat & water
at 570-760-2785
included, no pets.

$560 + 1 month
security. Call
570-655-3314 Scott Street
2nd floor, 5 rooms,
furnished. Stove,
Apartments for
Rent. 2nd floor, KINGSTON
Efficiency 1 & 2
fridge, off-street
parking, no pets.
washer, dryer hook
$450/month + secu-
ups, heat & water bedrooms. Includes
rity & references.
included. No pets. all utilities, parking,
Call 570-696-3381
Call 570-654-2433 laundry. No pets.

From $390.
PITTSTON Lease, security
& references.
Large half double, 3
bedrooms, 1.5
baths, kitchen, 1 & 2 bedroom
dining & living room.
Includes sewer, WILKES-BARRE
1 bedroom
Laundry facility. Off
street parking avail-
trash, refrigerator
and range. apartment. $375/ able. Starting at
$650 + utilities. month + utilities & $440. 570-332-5723
Call Bernie 1 month security.
888-244-2714 139 Sambourne
Street. Section 8 WILKES-BARRE TWP
1st floor. Must See.
2 BEDROOM, 2nd
okay. No pets.
570-460-6173 Quiet neighborhood,
non smoking. NO
floor, off street PETS. Clean. Ideal
parking, large living for 1 person. Stove,
space. $425/mo + fridge, mini-blinds
utilities. No pets or included. Sewer
smoking. Call paid. $515/month +
570-820-8822 utilities. Security &

references. Call

3 BEDROOM, 1.5
(570) 822-6115
Leave Message

bath, laundry area,

new carpets/floor-
ing, quiet area,
secure building,
$625/mo + heat
and electric.
washer/ dryer
570-820-8822 floors, yard,
parking. $825.
PLAINS TOWNSHIP (570) 899-8034

Looking to improve your home...

Š1 & 2 bedrooms
Walking Distance to
the Casino!! 2 bed- WILKES-BARRE ŠLaundry facility
ŠStove, fridge

room, 1 bath, living ŠSecure building
room, kitchen, off
street parking.
$600/month +
utilities, security &
references. Call RENTimmedi-
Š2 fully handicap
accessible apts.
Classic Properties also available
ately, 1 bedroom, 1
Nikki Callahan
718-4959 Ext. 1306 bathroom, all appli- RECENTLY RENOVATED

ances provided, Call Christy

washer/dryer on 570-417-0088
premises, no pets,
2 bedroom apt.
Heat, water, stove
Central air condi-
tioning, water and
sewer paid, Call
West River St.
& fridge included.
Near bus stop. (570)234-0167 to Large 2, 3, & 4
$500/mo. set an appointment bedroom apart-
No smoking or ments. Heat & hot
pets. Security &
WILKES-BARRE water included. Bal-
cony. Off street
required. Call
(570) 592-2902
APARTMENTS parking. Washer
dyer hookup. Pets

FOR RENT! OK. $855 - $950.

Call 570-237-0124
425 South Franklin
4 room, 2 bedroom,
fridge, stove, dish-
Street. For lease.
Available immedi- WILKES-BARRE
West River Street
Check out The Times Leader’s “Call An
ately, washer/dryer
washer, cathedral
ceilings, fireplace,
marble bathroom &
on premises, no
pets. We have stu-
Several 1 bedroom
apartments avail- Expert” directory in the classifieds. We have
able. Hardwood
the largest professional services directory in
European tiled dio, 1, 2 bedroom
apts. On site park- flooring & appli-
kitchen. Parking. Heat
ing. Fridge, stove ances included.
included. $650. Call
your hometown.
provided. We have a Heat, water, sewer
24/7 security cam- & trash also includ-

PLYMOUTH era presence and all ed. Walking dis-

doors are electroni- tance to Wilkes Uni-
Nice, recently reno- cally locked. $450- versity. Pet Friendly.
vated 1st floor 1 650/per month, Available June 1.
bedroom. Stove & water & sewer paid, Starting at $600.
Fridge included. One month/security 570-969-9268
$500 + electric & deposit. Call (570)
garbage. Lease, 793-6377 after Wilkes-Barre
security, references 10:00 a.m. to set an Š2 bedroom
Call for appointment appointment or single,
and application. email shlomo_voola exceptional
570-417-0088 @yahoo.com. Nanticoke
wilkesliving.com Š2 bedroom,
Modern 2 bedroom WILKES-BARRE
large, water
Clean, 2 bedroom, Pittston
apt., yard, off street ŠLarge 1
parking. Security & 2nd floor duplex.
Stove, hookups, bedroom water
references. $590 + included
utilities. Call parking, yard. No
pets/no smoking. Plymouth
(570) 574-2588 Š3 bedroom half
$475 + utilities.
SHEATOWN Call 570-868-4444

Š1 bedroom,
Beautiful 1st floor, 2
1/2 bedroom. Stove water included
and fridge. Large Š2 bedroom,
kitchen, on-site
laundry room. Off
EAST END water included
4 Rooms, Š3 bedroom

street parking. $600 2 Bedrooms, Wall
+ Cooking Gas & exceptional
to Wall carpet, Old Forge
Electric, security, stove and
lease & background Š2 bedroom

check. Call exceptional
$525.00/month + water included
570-417-0088 security.
for appointment McDermott &
Heat Included.
No pets.
1 bedroom, water &
Call 570-823-2214
after 1 p.m.
Real Estate
Inc. Property
sewer included, 570-821-1650
stove, fridge, $400 (direct line)
plus security &
reference. Call
Sat. 8-noon
570-301-8200 113 Edison St.


Quiet neighborhood.
WEST PITTSTON 2 bedroom apart-
ments available for

CALL US AT 570-829-7130
1 bedroom efficien- immediate occu-
cy apartment. No pancy. Heat & hot
pets. $310 + utilities. water included. $625
Call 570-333-5499 Call Aileen at
PAGE 14D TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2011 TIMES LEADER www.timesleader.com

Find A New Friend

950 Half Doubles 953 Houses for Rent 956 Miscellaneous


BEAUTIFUL HOMES 1200 sq. ft., seating

In The Times Leader Classified

FOR RENT, CHECK for 70 people,
kitchen facilities, 2
parking lots, avail-
ALL NO PETS OR able $50/week plus
SMOKING. 2 YEAR $25 for heat/air
55 Loomis St LEASES, SAME conditioning. Also

To place an ad call 829-7130

3 bedroom, wall RENT. EMPLOY- Worship Service
to wall carpet, MENT/APPLICATION area, capacity for
full basement & REQUIRED, START- 200 people, sound
attic. Stove, ING AT $850 + system, piano and
fridge & water & organ, available
garbage includ- UTILITIES & UP.
anytime. Sunday
ed. No pets. 570-288-1422
morning negotiable
$630+ security
$75/week plus $25
570-814-1356 for heat/air condi-
tioning. Unity Center
2 bedroom home.
NANTICOKE All appliances,
for Spirtual Living,
140 South Grant
NO PETS. Security
GREAT LOCATION and lease. Call

962 Rooms
260 E. Green Street
For lease, available Stauffer Heights
3 bedroom, 1 bath
1 room for rent.
immediately, 3 bed-
rooms, 2 bath- single family ranch Everything included.
rooms, refrigerator home with washer & Shared bath &
and stove provided, dryer, fridge, range kitchen $100/week
washer/dryer hook & dishwasher. Full 570-287-1191
up, off-street park- basebment. $750/ 570-814-5122
ing, pets ok, Refer- month + security &
ences credit and
background check
required. Need
utilities. Call Bernie
888-244-2714 KINGSTON HOUSE
Nice, clean
3 Bedrooms.
furnished room,
starting at $315.
water and sewer Efficiency at $435
No smoking. month furnished
paid, $650/security No pets.
deposit. Call with all utilities
$900/month included. Off
(570)760-3551 to
set an appointment
+ utilities street parking. 1006 A/C & 1024 Building & 1069 Decks 1132 Handyman 1162 Landscaping/ 1165 Lawn Care 1213 Paving &
Call (570) 498-0612 570-718-0331 Refrigeration Remodeling Services Garden Excavating
West Green Street, KINGSTON Looking for that
special place HIGH EFFICIENT
Shedlarski Construction Call Johnnie
Need help with a
3 bedroom, semi
modern kitchen and
54 Krych St.
Single: 3 bed- called home? DUCTLESS AC
Home improvement
specialist, Licensed,
project or small
jobs done?
Residential &
room, 1.5 bath, Classified will address Heat Pumps & insured, PA 570-714-3637 3 Generations
bath, w/w carpet, Evenings & week- Shrub Trimming & of Experience.
Central Air
washer/dryer gas heat, wall to Your needs. Save $$$ On
registered.Kitchens, ends. References. Mulching. Junk Celebrating 76
hookup, basement, wall, kitchen with
Open the door Your Cooling Bills
baths, vinyl 570-855-3823 Removal. Free Est. 1189 Miscellaneous Years of Pride
yard, gas heat. stove & refrigera- siding & railings, (570) 855-2409 or Service
with classified! Free Estimates & Tradition!
No Pets.
tor. Quiet street.
No pets. Not Sec- Licensed & Insured
windows & doors, DOPainting,
IT ALL HANDYMAN (570) 675-3517 Licensed and
+ utilities, security tion 8 approved. 971 Vacation & 570-817-5944 additions, garages, Pressure Washing
drywall, BITTO
& lease
Call 570-256-3461
Resort Properties
all phases of home
We Also Do Indoor
plumbing & all types
of home repairs,
For Your
Free Estimate
FLORIDA Ductless / Central 570-287-4067 Experienced,
also office cleaning Over 25 years
WILKES-BARRE 570-474-6329
Air Conditioning Reliable & Honest.
Boca Raton 570-829-5318 landscape designs, Lic.# PA021520
133 Garden Ave. Desirable Beautiful 5 room
Free Estimates 1039 Chimney 570-899-5759 retaining walls,
Licensed & Insured The Handier
1/2 double, 6 Lexington Village home with Pool. Service pavers, patios,
1249 Remodeling &
rooms. $600/plus
utilities. No pets.
Nanticoke, PA Fully furnished. On
570-332-0715 1078 Dry Wall Man
We fix everything!
decks, walkways,
ponds, lighting,
Wanted: Repairs
Many ranch style canal lot. $600
570-824-3721 homes. 2 bedrooms weekly. If interest- 1012 Alterations/ A-1
Rebuild & Repair MIKE SCIBEK DRYWALL Plumbing, seeding, mulch, etc
Free Estimates.
2 Free Months With ed, write to: Tailoring Electrical &
WILKES-BARRE A 2 Year Lease 120 Wagner St. Chimneys. All
types of Masonry.
Hanging & finishing,
design ceilings. Carpentry.
570-288-5177 Cars &
$795 + electric Moosic, PA 18507
2 Half Doubles
Both located in nice SQUARE FOOT RE
Pattern Making,
Grading, Markers
Liners Installed,
Brick & Block,
Free estimates.
Licensed & Insured.
Retired Mr. Fix It.
ORANGE Freelance service Paver patios, walk-
neighborhoods. Off Roofs & Gutters. 570-331-2355 23/7 Highest
street parking.
Large back yards.
HICKORY GROVE can make patterns
from your specs or
Licensed &
Insured MIRRA DRYWALL 299-9142
ways, retaining
walls. Pressure Prices
samples and trans- Washing. Creative,
No pets. Security &
all utilities by ten- CAMPGROUND
Camp sites
mit patterns and
markers worldwide.
570-735-2257 Hanging & Finishing
Drywall Repair 1135 Hauling & Reliable & Honest.
D & D
ant. 3 bedrooms, 1 Textured Ceilings
bath, huge attic. available! Any Lines - Fast Licensed & Insured
$625/month. Also, Shaded. Show- Service CHRIS MOLESKY Free Estimates KELLER’S LAWN CARE 288-8995
From decks and
Adorable 2 bed-
NANTICOKE ers, flush toilets,
water & electric.
(570) 675-3378 AA1AAlways
C L E Ahauling,
NING Mowing, mulching,
kitchens to roofs,
and baths, etc.
room. $550/month New, repair, rebuild, Spring cleanup,
Lake fishing, liners installed. WE DO
HANOVER SECTION cleaning attics, cellar, gravel & trimming.
canoeing, biking For more Inspections. Con- 1084 Electrical garage, one piece or Commercial 1195 Movers
IT ALL!!!!!!!
247 Barney St.
418 Front Street
For lease, available
& golf.
20 minutes from
information contact
John Vezzuto at
crete & metal caps.
Licensed & Insured
Affordable &
whole Estate, also
available 10 & 20 yard
& Residential.
570-332-7016 BestDarnMovers
immediately, 4 dumpsters.655-0695 Moving Helpers EXTERIOR
Recently remodeled 570-639-5478 skyhawk36@ Reasonable Rates MOWING, TRIMMING
bedrooms, 2 bath- COZY HEARTH 592-1813or287-8302 Call for Free Quote. REMODELING
large 1/2 double. 3 or 570-371-9770 verizon.net No Job Too Small. EDGING, SHRUBS
large bedrooms, 1 rooms, refrigerator CHIMNEY We make moving easy. NEEDS
Licensed & insured. & HEDGES.
bath, oil heat, par- and stove provid- Chimney Cleaning, AAA CLEANING BDMhelpers.com 570-406-9387
Free estimates.
tially finished attic, ed, washer/dryer 1015 Appliance Rebuilding, Repair, 570-574-6213
A1 GENERAL HAULING LAWN CARE. 570-852-9243 Licensed/Insured
Cleaning attics, FULLY INSURED
fridge & stove. Nice hookup, off-street Service Stainless Steel Lin- 570-574-7195 cellars, garages. CALL & SAVE 10%
place needs nice parking, pets ok, ing, Parging, Stuc- 1204 Painting & THE REST NOW

Large home Demolitions, Roofing

co, Caps, Etc. CALL THE
across street from Free Estimates
Absolutely no pets. All Phases Free Est. 779-0918 or 570-814-0327
$600/ month + utili- park. Section 8 Licensed & Insured
approved, $850/
Electrical work 542-5821; 814-8299 A & N PAINTING
ties & 1 month VACUUMS 1-888-680-7990 No Job Patrick & Deb’s
Deb’s Airplane Quality at 1252 Roofing &

security. Refer- per month, water WHOLESALE Landscaping
and sewer paid,
Too Small. Submarine Prices!
A.S.A.P Hauling Siding
ences checked.
PRICES 1042 Cleaning & Residential &
Estate Cleanouts,
Landscaping, basic
Call Jeff Sales, service, Commercial handy man, house
570-332-6815 deposit. Call supplies. Maintainence Free Estimates Attics, Cellars, cleaning & help
pressure washing,

570-760-3551 Garages, Fire & decks & siding.
Over 30 years Licensed-Insured moving. We even SPECIALISTS
Looking for Commercial/Resi-
WILKES-BARRE/SOUTH for appointment experience
someone Reliable & PA032422 Flood Damage.
Free Estimates,
do inside painting.
Any salvageable
dential. Over 17 All types of roofing.
Repairs & Installation
Sunny 3 bedroom,
PITTSTON Dependable to (570) 602-7840 Same Day items can be picked
years experience!
25 Years Experience

1/2 double, painted, clean your home? Service! Free estimates.
LEN HOSEY up for free. Licensed / Insured
w/w carpet, yard, 1 bedroom,
Appliance Service
SAME PERSON GETZIE ELECTRIC 570-822-4582 Free estimates.
Licensed & Insured
Free Estimates
washer/dryer hook- screened porch, EVERY TIME! Licensed & Insured. 570-820-7832
Washer/Dryer Call 570-793-4232 Reliable Service
washer/dryer hook- (570) 793-0776
up, basement, 100 & 200 amp Or 570-793-4773
up. $450/month. Range/Dishwasher. 570-855-4259
stove, refrigerator.
No Pets. Non Garbage & sewer Whirlpool, Maytag, Residential / service upgrades.
No job too small! You Call Today, QUALITY LAWN
paid. Call Kitchenaid & Roper Commercial Int./Ext. Experts!
Smokers. Credit 570-947-2818 Job Gets Done & LANDSCAPE 570-824-6381
570-362-0581 287-7973 Cleaning by Lisa. Aluminum, Wood
check/references. The Same Day!! Spring Clean Ups, Roof Repairs & New
Pet Sitting also
$525/month + 1 1/2
months security
ask for Ron
The 1024 Building & available. Call Today! GRULA ELECTRIC LLC Cleaning Houses,
Garages, Yards, etc
Mulching, Grass
& Deck Staining
Free Estimates
Roofs. Shingle, Slate,
Hot Built Up, Rubber,
(201) 232-8328
Times Leader Remodeling 570-690-4640 or
Licensed, Insured,
No job too small.
Call Mike,
Tree & Shrub
Maintenance &
30 Years
Gutters & Chimney
Repairs. Year Round.
Classified 570-829-4077
953 Houses for Rent ALL OLDER HOMES Installation Experience Licensed/Insured
River St. New roof,
SPECIALIST 1054 Concrete & Experienced,
Locally Owned ŠFREE EstimatesŠ

ASHLEY siding, gutters, win-

dows, kitchen,
section. 825-4268.
Remodel / repair,
Affordable, Reliable
Free Estimates Sinced 1990 Jim Harden
Windows Master electrician (570) 592-4847 570-283-5714
“The Patch” hardwood floors on BGD CONCRETE
Licensed & Insured 570-288-6709
3 bedrooms, 2 1/2 & Doors All Phases of New Roofs &
first floor, finished Bucket truck to 40’ Rainbow
baths. Large private basement, laundry Concrete Work A.B.C. Professional Repairs, Shingles,
868-4469 Landscaping
yard. Off street facilities, off street Building or Small Jobs Welcome Painting Rubber, Slate,
& Lawn Service
parking, quiet neigh- Free Estimates 36 Yrs Experience Gutters, Chimney

parking, single Spring & Fall
borhood, no pets. garage. 3 bed-
Remodeling? 570-239-9178 1105 Floor Covering Cleanups. Trimming, We Specialize In Repairs. Credit
New Construction Cards accepted.
Washer / dryer rooms, full bath first Installation mulching, complete
hookup. $850 / floor, 1/2 bath sec- landscape installa-
D. Pugh
month + utilities &
references. Avail-
ond floor. Security
deposit required. Concrete CARPET REPAIR & JUNK REMOVAL
tion. Lic. & Insured.
Call 570-674-2418
able Immediately. All Insurance
No Pets.
Look for the
BIA symbol
All phases of
masonry & INSTALLATION Large or Small Jobs
Spike & Gorilla’s
Lawn Care & Out-
Apartments Mister “V”
concrete. Small Vinyl & wood.
door Maintenance Constr uction
of quality jobs welcome. Certified, Insured. (570) 814-4631 Interior/Exterior
For information We do it all! Spray,Brush, Rolls Year Round
Senior discount, 570-283-1341 Lawn Care - Summer
2 bedroom, 2 bath Carriage House WallpaperRemoval Roof Specialist
on BIA Free estimates packages available,
home in beautiful 1 or 2 bedroom, MCGINLEY FLOORS LLC Cabinet Refinish- Specializing In
membership Licensed & Insured concrete patios, All Types of
rural setting next to den, all appliances, 288-1701/655-3505 Wood, Laminate & ing
Friedman Farms. huge deck, cathe- call 287-3331 Ceramic tree trimming & Drywall/Finishing Roofs, Siding,
$1,100 monthly. Call dral ceilings, sky 570-895-4350 removal. Custom Chimneys
or go to DEMPSKI MASONRY Power Washing
570-822-2992 dog Kennels. & Roof Repairs
lights, hardwood www.bianepa.com & CONCRETE PADDY@MCGINLEYFLOORS.COM 570-702-2497
Deck Specialist
floors, loft room, 2 All Phases Handy Man Low Prices
BENTON car heated garage,
private, must see. DAVE JOHNSON
Licensed & Insured
No job too small. 1129 Gutter ALL KINDS OF
  JOHN’S  
“Picture Perfect”
Larry Neer
Free Estimates
Charming country Too much to list. Expert Bathroom Free Estimates. Repair & Cleaning LANDSCAPING 570-606-9638 & Insured
farm house. 3 bed- Garbage, sewer, off Remodeling, Whole 570-824-0130 REMOVAL Bobcat : Grading
28 Years


room, 2 bath on 4.3 Experience
acres. Newly
street parking House Renovations, dempskimasonry.com Estate Cleanouts Excavator : Digging AMERICA PAINTING
included. $750 + Interior & Exterior Interior/Exterior. 570-829-5133
remodeled. Full TREE/SHRUB Shrub/Tree Trimming,
security. Call Carpentry. Kitchens PA#067136- Fully 20 years experi-
basement and attic.
Large barn and
(570) 328-0784 Call 829-7130 and Basements Licensed & Insured.
Free Estimates
Install or Removal ence. Insured. SPRING
to place an Licensed &Insured All types of We install custom 24 HOUR
“Be safe, not sorry.” Senior Discount
out buildings. seamless rain Edging/Mulch/Stone
Horses welcome. employment ad. concrete,
masonry and gutters & leaf
570-823-1811 Lawns, Tilling & more
Special $1.29 s/f
DAVID A JONES stucco protection systems. 570-239-0484 Hauling / Removal Licensed, insured,
904-673-6944 CALL US TODAY ABOUT Handyman, all types.
BUILDING & Licensed/Insured fast service
Free Estimates OUR 10% OFF WHOLE Fencing / Deck Wash Interior/Exterior
Doyouneedmorespace? 3 bedrooms, REMODELING 570-735-0846
A yard or garage sale
all appliances
E DER. Additions, garages,
sheds, kitchens,
570-561-2328 CASTAWAY Blinds/Closets & more!
Reasonable & Reliable
Power Washing
Free Estimates
1294 Tile & Repair
in classified 20 Yrs. Experience
is the best way
Call 570-822-7039
bathrooms, tile
floor, finished GUTTERS CLEANED & REPAIRED HAULING JUNK  570-735-1883 

Looking for Work? WYOMING (570) 947-2777
You’re in bussiness
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Window Cleaning.
Regulars, storms, REMOVAL 1165 Lawn Care
M. PARALIS PAINTING Tile, Stone & Marble
with classified! 570-829-7130
windows, doors,
custom built oak
Concrete, stucco,
etc. Pressure
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Find a
stairs & trim. docks, houses,Free Landscaping Com- Power washing. Floors,Walls & Tubs
pavers, retaining
DALLAS WILKES-BARRE Licensed & insured.
No job too small.
wall systems,
dryvit, flagstone,
estimates. Insured.
(570) 288-6794
Charlie’s Hauling
Residential &
Lawn Mainte-
Junk Removal.
Professional work
at affordable rates.
20 Yrs. Experience
Rick 570-864-8595

Rear 19 Regent St. 570-256-7567 or Commercial, Free estimates.
HOUSE FOR RENT 2 bedroom, 1.5
baths. Stove &
PA #0001719
brick work. Out-
door fireplaces & NORTHEAST FLOORING Licensed & Insured.
Free estimates.
Free Estimates.
570-288-0733 1297 Tree Care
Idetown Road, For pizza ovens.
lease, available
fridge, $600/month

+ utilities. Security & Driveways, Side- waste, construction TREE SERVICE
June 1st, 2 bed- walks, Stone Work Discount. Installing Complete Lawn
references. No Spring cleanup. AND STUMP
rooms, 1 bathroom, All top Masonry. 570-287-4144 & Refinishing Care Service
pets. 570-824-3921 570-266-0360 or REMOVAL.
refrigerator & stove Bahram, 855-8405 570-760-0551 Hardwood floors. FREE ESTIMATES
provided, washer/ 570-829-0140 Mike 570-357-8074 Fully Insured.
We install laminate
dryer on premises, 956 Miscellaneous flooring too! Bill 570-855-2474 570-693-1875
off-street parking,
at NICHOLS CONSTRUCTION 1057Construction & 570-561-2079
& GARBAGE Leave Message
pets - landlord
decision. DALLAS timesleader.com
All Types Of Work
New or Remodeling
1132 Handyman
Free estimates. Serra Painting
1336 Window
$800/per month Licensed & Insured PETER’S LAWNCARE
Clean out attics, Book Now For
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set an
appointment or Contracting Group repair. 570-332-4199 30 Yrs. Experience Gutters, carpet,
email hillbillys
Decks, Roofs,
Siding, Masonry,
HIC# 065008
We Fix It
Powerwash & Paint
Vinyl, Wood, Stucco
pressure washing.
CALL JOE Clean cellars, CARE Weekly & Bi- Aluminum. mercial. Ins./bond-
Driveways, Patios,
Electrical, attics, yards &
Lovely 4 bedroom
Brand New!
Additions, Garages,
Kitchens, Baths, etc
(570) 338-2269
(570)735-8551 Plumbing, metal removal.
Call John
Weekly Lawn Cut-
ting, Landscaping.
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Free Estimates
You Can’t Lose!
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Handymen, 570-735-3330
home nestled on 2 3 bedrooms, 2 1/2 Now accepting new
Painting 1339 Window
acres of land in a
quiet, private set-
baths, hardwood
floors, 1st floor Collect cash, not dust! Job Seekers are Carpet Repair 1162 Landscaping/
customers. Call
1213 Paving & Service
ting. 2 story deck,
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Free estimates. PAVING & SEAL
Repair & Cleaning
of Draperies,
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Washer and dryer
included. $975 +
Call Geri
Classified depart-
570-829-7130 and 570-814-9365 570-709-1021
lawn work & more. Patching, Sealing,
Shades, Blinds &
Fabric Awnings.
(570) 357-1786 Residential/Comm.
security, utilities &
references. Water
570-696-3801 ment today at 570- ask for an employ- Licensed Bonded
Free Estimates
Email: repairs@
timesleader.com Line up a place to live Line up a place to live Line up a place to live
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Call 570-675-7529 829-7130! ment specialist in classified! in classified! in classified! 570-868-8375
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