MBA Health Care Scheme Syllabi

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Invertis University, Bareilly

Proposed Scheme of Instructions

(MBA Health Care)
Year -1 Semester-1
Course: MBA Health Care
Sl. No. Paper Code Paper Name L+T+P Credit
1 MBA101 Fundamental of Management 3+1+0 4
2 MBA102 Managerial Economics 3+1+0 4
3 MHC101 Basic Biological Sciences 3+1+0 4
4 MBA104 Financial Accounting for Managers 3+1+0 4
5 MBA105 Marketing Management 3+1+0 4
6 MBA106 Business Communication 3+1+0 4
7 MBA107 Organizational Behaviour 3+1+0 4
8 MHC102 Computer application in Hospital 2+0+2 4
Total Credits 32

Year-1 Semester-2
Course: MBA Health Care
Sl. No. Paper Paper Name L+T+P Credit
1 MHC201 Health Economics 3+1+0 4
2 MHC202 Bio Statistics and Operations Research 3+1+0 4
3 MHC203 Hospital Architecture, Planning design 3+1+0 4
4 MBA204 Management Accounting 3+1+0 4
5 MBA205 Production and Operations Management 3+1+0 4
6 MBA206 Research Methodology 3+1+0 4
7 MBA207 Legal Aspects of Business 3+1+0 4
8 MBA208 Human Resource Management 3+1+0 4
Total 24+ 8 Hrs 32
Institutional Course: (Qualifying Nature)
1. Human Values & Professional Ethics (MBA298) 2 Hours Edit Paper
MBA101: Fundamental of Management
3 1 0 4
UNIT I (6 Hours):
Management: Basic concept of Management, Levels of Management Evolution of Management: Early
contributions, Taylor and Scientific Management, Fayol’s Administrative Management, Bureaucracy, Hawthorne
Experiments and Human Relations, Modern gurus of Management: C K Prahald, Social System Approach, Decision
Theory Approach.

UNIT II (10 Hours):

Social Responsibility of Managers and Ethics in Managing. Introduction to Functions of Management. Planning:
Nature, Scope, Objectives and Significance of Planning, Types of Planning, Process of Planning, Barriers to
Effective Planning, Planning Premises and Forecasting, MBO- Peter Drucker, Decision Making.

UNIT III (10 Hours):

Organizing: Concept, Organisation Theories, Forms of Organisational Structure, Departmentation, Span of Control,
Delegation of Authority, Authority & Responsibility, Organisational Design.

UNIT IV (10 Hours):

Staffing: Concept, System Approach, Manpower Planning, Job Design, Recruitment & Selection, Training &
Development, Performance Appraisal. Directing: Concept, Direction and Supervision

UNIT V (10 Hours):

Motivation: Concept, Motivation and Performance, Special Motivation Techniques: Money, participation, reward
systems, Quality of Work Life, Job Enrichment & Morale Building.
Leadership: Concept and functions, Process and models of Leadership Development

UNIT VI (10 Hours):

Controlling: Concept, Methods: Pre-control: Concurrent Control: Post-control, An Integrated Control System, The
Quality Concept: Factors affecting Quality, Developing a Quality Control System, Total Quality Control. Change
and Development: Model for Managing Change, Forces for Change, Need for Change, Alternative Change
Techniques, New Trends in Organizational Change.

Suggested Reading:
1. Management- Stoner, Freeman & Gilbert Jr , Prentice Hall of India, 2007, 6th Ed.
2. Essentials of management- Koontz Harold & Weihrich Heniz Tata McGraw Hill, 2008, 5th Ed.
3. Management - Robbins & Coulter, Prentice Hall of India, 2008, 9th Ed.
4. Fundamentals of Management: Essential Concepts and Applications- Robbins S.P. and Decenzo David A,
Pearson Education,2008, 6th Ed
5. Management: A Global and Entrepreneurial Perspective- Weihrich Heinz and Koontz Harold McGraw Hill,
2008, 12th Ed.
6. Management- Concepts, Practices & Cases- Ghunman & Aswathappa, Tata McGraw Hill, 2010, 1st Ed.

MBA102: Managerial Economics

3 1 0 4
UNIT I (6 Hours):
Definition, nature and scope of Managerial Economics, Basic Economic Concepts, Applications of Economics in
Managerial decisions making

UNIT II (10 Hours):

Utility Concept: Meaning, types & law of diminishing Marginal utility. Consumer Equilibrium, Partial vs General
Equilibrium, Law of Equi-marginal utility, Ordinal utility approach, Indifference Curves
UNIT III (10 Hours):
Demand Analysis: Determinants of Market Demand - Law of Demand - Elasticity of Demand -,Measurement and its
use - Demand Forecasting - Techniques of Demand Forecasting, Supply Analysis: Law of Supply, Elasticity of
Supply and its Managerial use

UNIT IV (10 Hours):

Production & Cost Analysis: Meaning & Concept of Production, Factors of Production & Production Function.
Fixed & variable factors, Short run production analysis (Law of variable proportions), Long run production analysis
(Law of returns to scale), and ISOQUANT & Factor substitutability. Cost Concepts and analysis, short run & long
run Cost curves and its managerial use.

UNIT V (10 Hours)

Pricing and output determination - Pricing decisions under different market forms like perfect competition,
monopoly, oligopoly, monopolistic, - Pricing Methods – Prevalent Pricing Practices

UNIT VI (10 Hours)

Revenue & Profit Concept, Inflation, national income & control measures: TR, AR, MR & their relationships,
maximization of profit, Break-even analysis. Elementary idea of national income, inflation, fiscal & monetary
measures for controlling inflation

Suggested Reading:
1. Economics: Principles and Application- N.Gregory Mankiw, Cengage Learning, 2007, 1st Ed.
2. Managerial Economics- Suma Damodaran, Oxford University Press, 2010, 2nd Ed.
3. Managerial Economics- H.L. Ahuja, S. Chand, 2010, 4th Ed.
4. Managerial Economics - D.Salvatore, Fodham University,2000, 4th Ed.
5. Managerial Economics - Mote, Paul and Gupta, 2001, 1st Ed.
6. Managerial Economics - Varshney and Maheshwari, Sultan Chand & Sons., 2003
7. Managerial Economics - D.C.Hauge, Longman, 1971.

MHC101: Basic Biological Science

3 10 4
UNIT I (6 Hours):
Human Anatomy and Physiology: Basic functions and importance of various systems in Human body -Digestive
System-Respiratory system-Circulatory system-Central Nervous system, Muscular Skeletal system-Reproductive
system-Excretory system-Endocrine Glands-Special Senses.

UNIT II (10 Hours):

Medical Terminology: Reasons for using medical terms-Glossary of medical terms: major diseases and medical

UNIT III (10 Hours):

Roots, Prefixes, Suffixes, Abbreviations and symbols-Common roots: element referring to, usage and definition-
Common prefixes and suffixes-Common abbreviations: departments, time, general healthcare, routes of medication
and laboratory-Symbols.

UNIT IV (10 Hours):

Illness: Defining Health and illness: Direct and indirect causes-Classification and description of disease.

UNIT V (10 Hours):

Infection Control: Nosocomial infection-asepsis--Reservoir, carrier and mode of transmission of communicable

UNIT VI (10 Hours):

Infection control measures-Disinfection- Sterilization and aseptic technique-Infection control committee-purpose,
composition and duties.
Suggested Readings:
1. A Clinical Problem – Solving Approach - John V. Basmajian and Charles E. Slonecker, Williams and
2. Review of Medical Physiology - William F. Ganong, McGraw Hill, Boston, 1st April, 2005, Edn. 22
3. Stedman’s Medical Dictionary
4. Biological Science - Taylor - Cambridge University Press, 1996, Edn. 6th

MBA104: Financial Accounting for Managers

3 1 0 4
UNIT I (6 Hours):
Accounting concepts, conventions and principles, Accounting- Definition, Branches, Purpose, Audience, Evolution,
Foundation, Capital Maintenance, and Development. Acconting as a measurement and valuation System. Exercises
and Case Studies

UNIT II (10 Hours):

Double entry system of accounting, Accounting Equation: Concept and Application, journalizing of transactions;
preparation of final accounts, Profit & Loss Account, Profit & Loss Appropriation account and Balance Sheet.
Adjustments of Various transactions .Exercises and Case Studies.

UNIT III (10 Hours):

Introduction: Business Entity Concept, Forms of Companies, Fundamental Documents, Characteristics of
Companies, Shares and Share Capital, Debentures/Bonds, SEBI Guidelines for Issue of Shares, Annual Accounts,
Form and Contents of Statements, Forms of Balance Sheet: Horizontal & Vertical, Reserves –Classification.

UNIT IV (10 Hours):

Ratio Analysis- solvency ratios, profitability ratios, activity ratios, liquidity ratios, market capitalization ratios;
Common Size Statement; Comparative Balance Sheet and Trend Analysis.

UNIT V (10 Hours):

Funds Flow Statement: Meaning, Concept of Gross and Net Working Capital, Preparation of Schedule of Changes
in Working Capital, Preparation of Funds Flow Statement and its analysis;
Cash Flow Statement: Various cash and non-cash transactions, flow of cash, preparation of Cash Flow Statement
and its analysis.

UNIT VI (10 Hours):

Accounting Standards – Preparation Procedure, ICAI and Company. Act, Brief Concept of AS 2 –Inventory
Valuation and AS 6- Depreciation accounting. Consolidated Statements, Consolidated Procedure Computerization
of Accounts, Disclosure of Accounts, Matching of Indian Accounting Standards with International Accounting

Suggested Readings:
1. Financial Accounting: A Managerial Perspective, Narayanswami, PHI,2008, 2nd Ed
2. Financial Accounting for Management, Mukherjee, Tata McGraw Hill, 2009 1st Ed
3. Financial Accounting for Management, Ramchandran & Kakani Tata McGraw Hill, 2010 2nd Ed.
4. Accounting and Finance for Managers, Ghosh T P, Taxman,1998, 1st Ed
5. Financial Accounting for Managers, Ghosh T.P, Taxman,1998, 3rd Ed
6. Financial Accounting for Management, Gupta Ambrish, Pearson Education,2002, 2nd Ed
7. Fundamentals of Accounting and Financial Analysis, Chowdhary Anil, Pearson Education2000, 1st Ed.
MBA105: Marketing Management
3 1 0 4
UNIT I (6 Hours):
Introduction, Definition, Importance and Scope of Marketing; Philosophies of Marketing Management, Marketing
Vs Selling; Core Concepts of Marketing Management; Marketing Mix; Functions of Marketing Management

UNIT II (10 Hours):

Marketing Organisations, Holistic Marketing, Qualities of Marketing Manager; Marketing Environment, Factors
Affecting Marketing Environment; Identifying and analysing competitors, Designing competitive strategies for
leaders, challengers, followers and nichers; Strategic Marketing Planning; Marketing Information System and
Marketing Research

UNIT III (10 Hours):

Market Segmentation, Benefits / Purpose and Limitations of Market Segmentations, Market Segmentation
Procedure, Basis for Consumer/Industrial Market Segmentation; Market Targeting – Introduction, Procedure;
Product Positioning - Introduction, Objectives, Usefulness, Differentiating the Product, Product Positioning
Strategy; Consumer and Business buying Behaviour - Introduction, Importance & Process

UNIT IV (10 Hours):

Product Decisions: New Product Development-Concept and Necessity for Development, Failure of New Products,
Product Planning and Development Process, Product-Mix and product line decisions, Branding and Packaging
Decisions, Product Life cycle - Stages and Strategies. Pricing Decisions: Pricing Objectives, Policies, Methods of
Setting Price, Pricing Strategies

UNIT V (10 Hours):

Marketing channel system - Functions and flows; Channel design, Channel management- Selection, Training,
Motivation and Evaluation of channel members; Channel dynamics- VMS, HMS, MMS; Market logistics decisions,
Channels of Distribution for Consumer/ Industrial Products, Current Trends in Wholesaling and Retailing

UNIT VI (10 Hours):

Integrated marketing communication- process and Mix; Advertising; Sales promotion and Public relation decisions;
Direct marketing; Personal selling- objectives, structure, size; A Brief Account of International Marketing,
Marketing of Services, Rural Marketing, Customer Relationship Marketing, Electronic Marketing, Direct Marketing
through Internet.

Suggested Readings:
1. Marketing Management: A South Asian Perspective- Kotler Philip, Keller Kevin Lane, Koshy Abraham
and Jha Mithileshwar , Pearson, 2009, 13th Ed.
2. Marketing Management: Planning, Implementation and Control- Ramaswamy V.S. and Namakumari S,
Macmillian, 2006 (Reprint), 3rd Ed.
3. Marketing Management: Planning, Implementation and Control- Kotler Philip Pearson Education, 2007,
13th Ed.
4. Principles of Marketing - Kotler, Philip and Armstrong Graw, PHI, 2008, 12th Ed.
5. Marketing concept & Cases special Indian Edition- Etzel M.J., Walker B.J. and Stanton William J, Tata
McGraw Hill, 2010, 11th Ed.
6. Marketing Management- Saxena Rajan, Tata McGraw Hill, 2010 (2nd reprint), 4th Ed.

MBA106: Business Communication

3 1 0 4
UNIT I (6 Hours):
Organisational Communication: Defining Communication, Communication Models (Message Model and
Inferential Model), General Vs. Managerial Communication, Role of Communication, Principles of Communication
(7 Cs of Communication), Barriers to Effective Communication, Overcoming Barriers.
UNIT II (10 Hours):
Types of Communication: Classification-Formal vs. Informal, Internal vs. External, Verbal vs. Non-Verbal, Oral
vs. Written (characteristics, advantages and disadvantages), Dimensions of Communication (downward, upward,
lateral and horizontal), Communication Networks, Effective Use of Grapevine Communication. Activity-

UNIT III (10 Hours):

Contemporary Issues: Computer Mediated Communication – Impact of Technology on Communication,
Documentation, Video-Conferencing, E-mails, Social-Networking. Inter-Cultural Communication, Gender Neutral
Language. Communication & Decision Making, Team Building & Leadership Skills, Negotiation Skills, Conflict
Resolution, Crisis Communication,

UNIT IV (10 Hours):

Employment Communication: Career Planning, Scanning Job Advertisements, Making Resume. Preparing for
Group Discussions & Job Interviews. Activities – Group Discussions & Mock Interviews

UNIT V (10 Hours):

Writing for Management: Business Correspondence-Sales & Credit Letters, Inquiry letters, Claim and Adjustment
Letters, Quotations, Order Placement, Writing Call Letters and Appointment Letters. Writing Reports, Proposals,
Tenders. Notices, Memorandum, Circulars, Office Orders.

UNIT VI (10 Hours):

Meetings & Conferences, Writing Agenda & Minutes of Meetings. Managing Media, Writing for Press, Business
Etiquettes (for local & global communication), Enhancing Personality Traits, Case Study Analysis

Suggested Reading:
1. Business Communication- Bovee & Thill, Pearson Education, 2002. 7th Ed.
2. Business Communication Strategies- Matthukutty Monippally, Tata McGraw Hill. 2006. 12th Ed.
3. Business Communication and Personality Development- Bishwajeet Dass, Ipsita Satpathy, Excel Books,
New Delhi, 2008. 1st Ed.
4. Effective Technical Communication- Barun K. Mitra, Oxford University Press, New York, 2007. 4th Ed.
5. Effective Business Communication- AC Buddy, Cengage Learning, New Delhi, 2008. 2nd Ed.
6. Technical Writing- Sharon J. Gerson, Pearson Education, 2004. 1st Ed.
7. Soft Skills- K. Alex, S. Chand & Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2009. 1st Ed.
8. More Effective Communication: A Manual for Professionals- J.V. Vilanilam, Response Books Pvt. Ltd.,
New Delhi, 2000. 1st Ed.

MBA107: Organisational Behaviour

3 1 0 4
UNIT I (6 Hours):
Concept, Nature, Models of Organizational Behaviour, Management Challenge, Relationship with Other Fields.

UNIT II (10 Hours):

Perception and attribution: Concept, nature and importance, Perceptual biases; Personality- Meaning of personality -
Development of personality, Theories of personality: Neo-personality theory, Jungian theory, MBTI theory,
Erickson theory; Attitude- Nature and dimensions of attitude – Job Satisfaction - Organizational Commitment,
Learning -Principles and theories of Learning

UNIT III (10 Hours):

Motivation – Concept, importance, theories of Motivation – Maslow need hierarchy, Herzberg two factor model,
McClelland achievement motivation theory, Vroom theory of expectancy. Leadership - Definition - Importance -
Leadership Styles, Theories of Leadership: Traits, Blake and Mouton managerial grid, Fiedler’s contingency Model,
Hersey & Blanchard model.
UNIT IV (10 Hours):
Group Dynamics: Definition, Stages of Group Development, Group Cohesiveness, Formal and Informal Groups,
Group Shift, Group think, Conflict Management: Concept, Functionality and Dys-functionality of Conflict,
Classification of Conflict, Conflict resolution.

UNIT V (10 Hours)

Organisational Power and Politics: Concept, Sources of Power, Political Implications of Power in Organization:
Dysfunctional uses of Power. Management of Change – Importance, Forces responsible for change, Resistance to
change, Overcoming resistance to change, Organizational Development as a tool for introduction of change.

UNIT VI (10 Hours)

Organizational Culture and climate, Emotional Intelligence: Concept and importance. Stress Management: Concept
of stress, Sources of stress, management of Stress.

Suggested Reading:
1. Organizational Behaviour -Robbins Stephen P., Pearson Education, 2007, 13th Ed.
2. Organizational Behaviour: Human Behaviour at Work- Newstrom John W., Tata McGraw Hill, 2007, 12th
3. Organizational Behaviour- Mc Shane L. Steven, Glinow Mary Ann Von & Sharma R. Tata McGraw Hill,
2004, 4th Ed.
4. Organizational Behaviour - Luthans Fred, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2005, 10th Ed.
5. Organisational Behaviour- Aswathappa K., Himalaya Publishing House, 2010, 8th Ed.

MHC102: Computer Applications In Hospital Administration

3 1 0 4
UNIT I (6 Hours):
Introducing to Computing: Fundamental of Computers, Generation of computers, Anatomy of Computers,
Classification of Computers, Input and Output devices, Memory and operating system, Programming languages,
Data processing.

UNIT II (10 Hours):

Introduction to Windows: Application in Windows, word processing (MS Word), Spreadsheet (MS Excel),
Presentation (MS Power Point), Relational databases (MS Access).

UNIT III (10 Hours):

Awareness on the application of IT in Various functions of Hospital. Application of statistical tools through SPSS
in the areas of Health services.

Suggested Practical:
UNIT IV (10 Hours):
1. Mail Merge using Ms Word
2. Profit Analysis using Excel
3. Vendor Analysis using Excel
4. Lead Time Analysis using Excel
5. Electricity billing using Excel

UNIT V (10 Hours):

1. Grade Analysis using Excel
2. Budget Consumption using Excel
3. Correlation using SPSS
4. One Way ANOVA using SPSS
5. Regression using SPSS
UNIT VI (10 Hours):
1. Chi-square using SPSS
2. One sample t test using SPSS
3. Two sample t test using SPSS
4. Test of significant difference - independent samples
5. Test of significant difference - Related samples

Suggested Readings:
1. Fundamentals of Computers – V.Rajaraman, Prentice Hall India, 2001, 4th Ed.
2. Word 97 Fast and easy – Nancy Stevenson, Galgotia Publication, 1st Ed
3. Internet: An Introduction – CIS Series, Tata McGraw Hill

MHC201: Health Economics

3 1 0 4
UNIT I (6 Hours):
Basic concept of economics- Health economics – Demand - Demand determinants – Elasticity of Demand –
Indifference curve – Production theory – production function – Economics of scale, laws and return.

UNIT II (10 Hours):

Concept of cost analysis - Cost benefit analysis – Budget Allocation – Health financing – marginal costing

UNIT III (10 Hours):

Business theory of firms – competition – pricing – perfect competition – monopoly – oligopolistic and monopolistic

UNIT IV (10 Hours):

Business Cycle and National Income - Cause/Consequences – inflation – consequences and strategies for
constrainment – National income and Economic growth – measurement of national income – GNP,GDP, poverty

UNIT V (10 Hours):

Macro – Economics frame work, savings and investment – capital formation – Economic planning and development
process and strategies – health care funding

UNIT VI (10 Hours):

Relationship between economic developments, demography – Vertical equity, horizontal equity economies of scale.

Suggested Readings:
1. Managerial Economics – Shankaran, Margham Publishing House, Chennai, 1999.
2. Indian Economy – Rudra Dutta & Sundaram.K.P, Sultan Chand Publications, 2007.
3. Health Economics &Policy – James W Henderson, South Western Cengage, 2008

MHC202: Biostatistics & Operation Research

3 1 0 4
UNIT I (6 Hours):
Frequency distribution – Measures of central tendency- Arithmetic mean, Median, Mode,
Percentiles – Geometric Mean – Harmonic mean – Measures of Dispersion – Range – Mean Deviation – Standard
error-standard Deviation – Coefficient of Variation -Simple problems.

UNIT II (10 Hours):

Methods of Sampling – types of population, sample size – sampling distribution and statistical inference – type I &
II Errors.-Correlation and Regression – Scatter diagram-Correlation Coefficient–Test of significance-Chi square test.
UNIT III (10 Hours):
Measurement of probability and Laws of probability for independent events – Conditional probability, Bayer’s
theorem and application of probability – probability distribution – Binomial ,Poison, Normal “t”.

UNIT IV (10 Hours):

Introduction to operations research – Techniques of operations research – limitations of
operations research

UNIT V (10 Hours):

Queuing theory – Transportation Module – Simulation - Simple problems.

UNIT VI (10 Hours):

Network Models: PERT – CPM – PERT COST – resource allocation – float and slack – Simple problems.

Suggested Readings:
1. Business Statistics - R.S.N. Pillai and B.Bagawathi, S. Chand Publications, 2010, 1st Ed.
2. Statistical Methods – Elhance, MeSH Publishers, 2008.
3. Statistical Methods - S.P. Gupta, Sultan Chand & Sons, 2006.
4. Bio Statistics - Sundar Rao, Pearson, 1st Ed.
5. A review of Bio Statistics - Paul E Leavarton, Little Brown, 1991, 4th Ed.

MHC203: Hospital Architecture, Planning, Design and Maintenance

3 1 0 4
UNIT I (6 Hours):
Hospital as a system: Definition of hospital – classification of hospitals – changing role of hospitals – role of
hospital administrator – hospital as a system – hospital & community.

UNIT II (10 Hours):

Planning: Principles of planning – regionalization - hospital planning team – planning process – size of the hospital
– site selection – hospital architect – architect report – equipping a hospital – interiors & graphics – construction &
commissioning – planning for preventing injuries – electrical safety.

UNIT III (10 Hours):

Technical analysis: Assessment of the demand and need for hospital services – factors influencing hospital
utilization – bed planning – land requirements – project cost – space requirements – hospital drawings & documents-
preparing project report.

UNIT IV (10 Hours):

Hospital standards and design: Building requirement – Entrance & Ambulatory Zone –
Diagnostic Zone – Intermediate Zone – Critical zone – Service Zone – Administrative zone

UNIT V (10 Hours):

List of Utilities – Communication facility – Biomedical equipment Voluntary & Mandatory standards – General
standards – Mechanical standards – Electrical standards – standard for centralized medical gas system – standards
for biomedical waste.

UNIT VI (10 Hours):

Facilities planning: Transport – Communication – Food services – Mortuary – Information system – Minor facilities
– others.

Suggested Readings:
1. Designing for total Quality in Health Care - G.D.Kunders, Prism Publications, 2002, Edn. 1st , ,
2. Hospital and Nursing Homes Planning, Organisations & Management -Syed Amin Tabish, Nabhi’s
Publication, Edn. 1st ,2005.
3. Hospitals, Facilities Planning and Management - G.D.Kunders.
MBA204: Management Accounting
3 1 0 4
UNIT I (6 Hours):
Introduction: Accounting for Management, Role of Cost in decision making, Comparison of Management
Accounting and Cost Accounting, types of cost, cost concepts, Elements of cost-Materials, Labour and overheads
and their Allocation and Apportionment, preparation of Cost Sheet, Methods of Costing, Reconciliation of Cost and
Financial Accounting.

UNIT II (10 Hours):

Marginal Costing: Marginal Costing versus Absorption Costing, Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis and P/V Ratio
Analysis and their implications, Concept and uses of Contribution & Breakeven Point and their analysis for various
types of decision-making like single product pricing, multi product pricing, replacement, sales etc. Differential
Costing and Incremental Costing: Concept, uses and applications, Methods of calculation of these costs and their
role in management decision making like sales, replacement, buying etc.

UNIT III (10 Hours):

Standard Costing: Concept of standard costs, establishing various cost standards, calculation of Material Variance,
Labour Variance, and Overhead Variance, and its applications and implications.

UNIT IV (10 Hours):

Budgeting: Concept of Budget, Budgeting and Budgetary Control, Types of Budget, Static and Flexible Budgeting,
Preparation of Cash Budget, Sales Budget, Production Budget, Materials Budget, Capital Expenditure Budget and
Master Budget, Advantages and Limitations of Budgetary Control.

UNIT V (10 Hours):

Responsibility Accounting: Concept and various approaches to Responsibility Accounting, concept of investment
center, cost center, profit center and responsibility center and its managerial implications,

UNIT VI (10 Hours):

Transfer Pricing : concept, types & importance ; Neo Concepts for Decision Making: Activity Based Costing, Cost
Management, Value Chain Analysis, Target Costing & Life Cycle Costing : concept, strategies and applications of

Suggested Readings:
1. Introduction to Management Accounting- Horngren et al, Pearson, 2002, 12th Ed.
2. Management Accounting- Khan and Jain, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2000, 3rd Ed.
3. Management Accounting- Pandey I M, Vikas Publishing, 2004, 3rd Ed.
4. Accounting for Management- Bhattacharyya S K and Dearden J, Vikas Publishing, 2007, 8th Ed.
5. Management Accounting- Principles and Practice, Sahaf M A, Vikas Publishing, 2000, 1 Ed.
6. Cost & Management Accounting- Ravi M. Kishor, Taxmann, 2010, 1 Ed.

MBA205: Production & Operations Management

3 1 0 4
UNIT I (6 Hours):
Operations Management – An overview, Definition of production and operations management, Production Cycle,
Classification of operations, Responsibilities of Operations Manager, Product Design.

UNIT II (10 Hours):

Plant Location, Layout Planning, Forecasting as a planning tool, Forecasting types and methods, Exponential
smoothening, Measurement of errors, Productivity and Work study, Method study, Work Measurement.
UNIT III (10 Hours):
Production Planning techniques, Routing Decisions, Line of Balance, Scheduling types & principles, master
production schedule, Capacity Planning

UNIT IV (10 Hours):

Material Planning and Control, Inventory Management – Objectives, Factors, Process, Inventory control techniques-
ABC, VED, EOQ, SED, FSN analysis.

UNIT V (10 Hours):

Automation: Introduction, Types of Automation, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Reasons for Automation,
Advantages and disadvantages of Automation, Automation Strategies, Automated Flow Lines, Automated Guided
Vehicles Systems, waste management

UNIT VI (10 Hours):

Basic concepts of quality, dimensions of quality, Juran’s quality trilogy, Deming’s 14 principles, PDCA cycle,
Quality circles, Quality improvement and cost reduction- 7QC tools and 7 new QC tools, ISO 9000-2000 clauses,
coverage QS 9000 clauses, Six Sigma, Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)

Suggested Readings:
1. Production and Operations Management- S.N Chary, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2006, 4th Edition
2. Production & Operations Management- P Rama Murthy, New Age international publication, 2005, 3rd
3. Operations Management- McGregor D, McGraw-Hill, 2006, 7th Edition
4. Production and Operations Management- Haleem A, Galgotia Books, 2004, 3rdEdition
5. Production & Operations Managemen- Bedi Kanishka, Oxford University Press, 2005, 4th Edition

MBA206: Research Methodology

3 1 0 4
UNIT I (10 Hours):
Introduction: Business Research, Meaning and methods of research. Objectives of Research, Motivation in
Research, Role and Significance of Research, Research methods Versus Research Methodology, Types of Research:
exploratory, conclusive, modeling and algorithmic research. Research Process, Identification and formulation of
Research Problem. Problems encountered by Researchers, Research problems in Management.

UNIT II (10 Hours):

Research Design: Meaning of Research problem, Selecting a Research problem, Definition of Research problem,
Meaning and definitions of Research design, Need for research design, Features of a good Research design, different
Research designs (Exploratory, Descriptive or diagnostic research design, Casual or Hypothesis testing or
Experimental research design.), Important Experimental designs: Completely randomized design, Randomized block
design, Latin square design and Factorial designs.

UNIT III (9 Hours):

Sampling Theory and Design of Sample Survey: Different approaches to determine the size of sample. Census
versus Sample enumeration, Advantages of sampling over census, Limitations of sampling, Principles of sampling,
Sampling and non-sampling errors. Types of Sampling: Probability sampling (Simple random, Stratified,
Systematic, Cluster, Multistage sampling, Non-probability sampling: Judgment, Quota, Convenience, Purposive.

UNIT IV (8 Hours):
Methods of Data Collection and Presentation: Types of data: Primary and Secondary : Various methods of collection
of data. Guidelines for constructing Questionnaire /Schedule, Requirements of a good questionnaire. Editing,
coding, classification and tabulation of data, Various types of graphs and diagrams (Bar and Pie diagrams).
UNIT V (10 Hours):
Data Analysis: Use of SPSS and Excel in Data Analysis, Hypothesis testing. Tests based on t, F, and Chi-square.
Analysis of variance and Covariance, Non-parametric tests (Sign tests, Fisher-Irwin test, McNemar test, Wilcoxon
Signed rank test, Mann-Whiney test, The Kruskall-Wallis test). Use of Multivariate Analysis in Business Research (
Multivariate regression Analysis, Multiple discriminate analysis, Canonical Analysis, Conjoint Analysis, Factor
analysis, Cluster analysis, Multidimensional Scaling).

UNIT VI (9 Hours):
Measurement Methods and Report Writing: Measurement scales: Nominal, Ordinal, Interval and Ratio scales.
Sources of Errors in Measurement, Techniques of developing measurement tools: Comparative Scales, Non-
comparative scales. Testing of Measurement Scales: Reliability and validity and their relationship. Report
Preparation: Types and Layout of Research Report, Precautions in Preparing the Research Report. Bibliography and
Annexure in the report: their significance, drawing conclusions, suggestions and Recommendations to the concerned

Suggested Readings:
1. Business Research Methods- William G. Zikmund, Cengage Learning, 2008,7th Edition
2. Management Research Methodology: Integration of Principles, Methods and Techniques- K .N.
Krishnaswamy, Appa lyer Sivakumar, M. Mathirajan, Pearson Education, 2008,1st Edition
3. Research Methodology- R. Panneerselvam, Prentice Hall of India, 2004,1st Edition
4. Research Methodology- C.R. Kothari , New age International Publishers, 2009, 2nd Edition
5. Research Methods for Business students- Saunders, Pearson Education , 2007, 2nd Edition

MBA207: Legal Aspects of Business

3 1 0 4
UNIT I (10 Hours):
Introduction - Overview and sources of Business laws in India. The Constitution of India with special reference to
economic principles, provision regarding trade and commerce with special reference to provisions regarding
division of powers between the Union and the states (enshrined in schedule VII and Art.246 and Art 301 to 305)

UNIT II (10 Hours):

THE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ACT, 2000: Significance of E- Commerce and e-governance, business
operations under this new Law. Important terms in IT Act, digital signature, certifying authority, computer
resources, cyber crimes, offences and penalties.
THE RIGHT TO INFORMATION ACT, 2005: Background, importance of right to information with special
reference to the Constitutional provisions, salient features covering important terms in the Act, powers and functions
of information officers, transparency, rights of the citizens to get information from Public Authorities. (Central and
State Government), offences and penalties under the Act.

UNIT III (10 Hours):

GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF CONTRACT: formation of contract-meaning of offer, kinds of offers, acceptance,
promise, consideration. Essential s of an agreement to become a contract – competency or capacity of parties, free
consent, meaning and effect of coercion, undue influence, misrepresentation, fraud, mistake, Unlawful objects,
agreements without consideration and their exceptions, agreements specially declared void by the Act. Impossible
agreement. Difference between: void and voidable agreements, agreement and contract.

UNIT IV (6 Hours):
AN OVERVIEW OF THE SALE OF GOODS ACT,1930: Sale, an agreement to sell, transfer of property in
good,stipulations as conditions and warranties, doctrine of “caveat emptor” and doctrine of “Nemo debet quod no
habet”, rights of unpaid seller.
THE CONSUMER PROTECTION ACT, 1986: Rights of a Consumer, Defects and deficiencies, services
included under the Act, grievance redressal procedure by Consumer forums at District, State and National level.

UNIT V (10 Hours):

THE PARTNERSHIP ACT,1932: Formation of partnership firm, essentials of a partnership agreement, mutual
rights and duties of partners, minor partner his rights and liabilities, incoming and outdoor partner, ,effect of non-
registration of the firm, dissolution of the firm.
THE LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP ACT, 2008: Salient features of the Act, Incorporation of limited
liability partnership, its rights and duties, a comparative study of Partnership and the Limited liability partnership

UNIT VI (10 Hours):

INDIAN COMPANIES ACT, 1956 Incorporation of a company, doctrine of “lifting the corporate veil”
memorandum of Association, articles of association, principle of “Ultra vires” and “Indoor management” difference
between private and public company, different kinds of meetings, Prospectus.

Suggested Readings:
1. S.S. Gulsan, Business Law, 14th Edition, 2008, Excel Books
2. Akhileshwar Pathak, Legal Aspects of Business, 4th edition,2009, Tata Mcgra Hill
3. K.R. Bulchandani, Business Law for Management, 4th edition,2004, Himalaya Publishing House.
4. Avtar singh, Contract Act –10th edition,2008,Eastern Book Company
5. Bare Acts-Eastern Book Company

MBA208: Human Resource Management

3 1 0 4
UNIT I (6 Hours):
Human Resource Management: Meaning, scope and role of human resource management, Difference between HRM
and Personnel Management, qualities of HR manager. Strategic Human Resource Management: Concept, role,
process & implementation of strategic management in HR.

UNIT II (10 Hours):

Human Resource Planning: Definition, purposes & process. Human resource Information system (HRIS), HR
Accounting and Audit, Job Analysis: Job description and job specifications. Recruitment and Selection: Concept,
procedure & sources of recruitment. Selection process; methods of selection; types of tests- principles of testing.
Interviewing methods for selection. Induction: Concept and objectives of induction/orientation. Induction in Indian
industries, advantages of formal induction and orientation.

UNIT III (10 Hours):

Performance Appraisal: Definition, Purpose of appraisal, Procedures and techniques including 360 degree
performance appraisal. Training and Development: concept, assessment of training needs, importance, objectives.
Methods and issues of training and management development programmes, Effectiveness evaluation.

UNIT IV (10 Hours):

Job Evaluation and Compensation administration: Concept and Methods of Job evaluation. Employee remuneration
and wage legislation: principles and objectives of wage and salary administration, employee compensation, rewards,
incentives and fringe benefits. Wage levels and wage structure. Wage differentials. Wage determination (fixation)
process and factors influencing wage determination. Concept of minimum, fair and living wage, components of pay
structure in India. Incentive Payments: Meaning and definition, Incentive schemes in Indian Industries, Fringe

UNIT V (10 Hours):

Discipline and Grievance Procedures, Industrial relations: Nature, importance and approaches. Promotion, Transfer
and Separation: Promotion- purpose, principles and types; Transfer-reason, principles and types, Separation- lay-off,
resignation, dismissal, Golden Handshake, retrenchment, Voluntary Retirement Scheme

UNIT VI (10 Hours)

Employee Welfare and Social Security: concept and significance of employee welfare and social security measures.
Statutory and voluntary welfare measures in the organization. Safety and hygienic working conditions in the

Suggested Readings:
1. Managing Human Resources: Bohalander; Thomson learning Books, 12th Ed
2. Human Resource Management, Ivancevich: Text and Cases, Excel Books, 2nd Ed
3. Human Resource Management, Beardwell- Macmillan, 4th Ed
4. Human Resource Management, Dessler, Prentice Hall, 10th Ed.

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