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debtor and a creditor and between the

WHAT IS CONTRACT OF DEPOSIT? depositor and then the depository.
Contract of deposit refers to a
contract whereby there is delivery of a
movable or a personal property by the
1. It is a real contract perfected by delivery.
depositor to the depository for purposes
2. The principal purpose is the safekeeping of
of safekeeping.
the thing delivered.
- The objective of giving that personal
3. The depository cannot use the thing
property to the depository is to save
deposited EXCEPT:
keep that object for him to save keep
- If there is an agreement expressly
the same and after some time to
allowing the depository to use the thing
eventually return that object or
movable property to the depositor.
- When it is necessary for the preservation
- The objective of the deposit is to give
of the thing deposited.
or deliver a personal property for
4. As to object – it is only movable that can be
purposes of safe keeping then
made the object.
immovable properties should not as a
- In extrajudicial deposit must be a
rule be made the subject matter of
movable property.
- Immovable properties may also the
DEPOSIT subject matter of that legal deposit
Contract which is constituted because the purpose in legal deposit is
from the moment a person receives a not really to safekeep the thing but
thing belonging to another with the rather to protect the interest of those
obligation to another with the individuals having interest in that
obligation of safely keeping it and of immovable property. To protect the
returning the same. rights the interest claims of the litigants of
that immovable property.
5. It is gratuitous contract EXCEPT:
QUESTION: Is the deposits of money in
6. The contract is either unilateral or bilateral –
banks or other similar institutions
which depends whether the contract is
governed by the law on deposits?
gratuitous or onerous.
ANSWER: No because deposit of money
- GRATUITOUS – unilateral
in banks and other similar institutions
- ONEROUS - bilateral
such as savings deposits or current
- When is the contract of deposit onerous?
deposits are covered by the rule on
1. If there is an agreement as to the
simple loan or mutuum.
payment of compensation.
2. When the depository is engaged in
ARTICLE 1980 – That fix savings and
the business of storing goods.
current deposit of money in the banks it
is not covered by the rule on deposit KINDS OF DEPOSIT:
rather it is covered by the rule on simple - Judicial (Sequestration) – is in
loan or mutuum. Whereby there is the situation whereby immovable
creation of a relationship between the properties will be given in order to
preserve the rights, claims, and
interest of the litigants in that however the decision is not really
immovable property. necessary not even if you don’t wait
- Extra-judicial the approval of that depositor. If the
 Voluntary – because it is created delay will cause danger to the thing
upon the will of the parties. deposited.
 Necessary – because it is created 4. To keep the secret of the deposit –
by situations. Such as those made that if the thing deposited was
in compliance with a legal actually sealed or closed at the time
obligation that was created on it was given to him then the
the occasion of calamities or depository is also expected to return
deposit of miserable. Made by the same thing sealed and closed
travelers in hotels and inns. (ARTICLE 1981).
5. To return the thing with all its products,
I. VOLUNTARY DEPOSIT accessories, and accessions – upon
1. FORM the demand you have to return the
- Oral product the thing deposited itself as
- Written well as the accessories and the
accessions (ARTICLE 1983).
2. EFFECT OF INCAPACITY 6. To RETURN the thing deposited – the
- Depositor is incapacitated depositor is expecting that the
and depositary is depository would return the thing
capacitated. (ARTICLE 1970) deposited upon demand. The
- Depositor is capacitated and depository cannot require the
depositary is incapacitated. depositor to prove his ownership on
(ARTICLE 1971) the thing deposited (ARTICLE 1984).
- Effect of bad faith on the part D. LIABILITY IN CASE OF FORTUITOUS EVENT:
of the third person. (Bad faith, 1. It is so stipulated.
CAN RECOVER; Good faith, 2. Uses the thing without the depositor’s
CANNOT RECOVER) permission.
3. He delays its return.
C. OBLIGATIONS OF DEPOSITARY: 4. He allows others to use it, even
1. To keep the thing safely – if the though he himself may have been
contract is gratuitous (for free). The authorized to use the same.
depository is only expected to
preserve the thing using ordinary E. RULE IF THERE ARE TWO OR MORE
diligence or the diligence of a good DEPOSITORS:
father of family. A. If thing DEPOSITED is NOT DIVISIBLE
2. To collect INTEREST earned by and DEPOSITORS not solidary – The
certificates, bonds, securities or depositors are not solidary and if the
instruments in possession and to thing deposited is not divisible then
preserve their value - each one can get a proportionate
3. Not to use it WITHOUT express share.
permission of the DEPOSITOR – need B. If OBLIGATION is SOLIDARY or thing
to notify the depositor about it DEPOSITED NOT DIVISIBLE – The
depository can return the thing
deposited to anyone of the
expenses for PRESERVATION incurred by the
C. If there is a STIPULATION – There are
two or more depositors and there is a
2. To pay the DEPOSITARY for the LOSSES he
stipulation then the stipulation is must
incurred by reason of the NATURE of the
 INTERPREDER – it is a case that will be
 Depositor is NOT aware or is NOT
instituted in court in order to compel
EXPCTED to know the
those contending parties to litigate
DANGEROUS character of the
between them or among then to
prove the respective ownership on
 Depositor has NOTIFIED the
the thing deposited.
DEPOSITARY of such character.
INCAPACITATED AFTER DEPOSIT: dangerous character even
- Deliver the deposit to his heirs or without the advice.
successor in interest – person who has
administration of his property. K. EXTINGUISHMENT OF DEPOSIT:
1. Loss or destruction of the thing deposited –
G. WHERE TO RETURN THE THING: there is nothing to keep if the thing
A. If a place was designated – the rule is deposited is loss or destructed.
that it must be return at that place 2. In case of gratuitous deposit – DEATH of
where it is stipulated or agreed upon either DEPOSITOR or DEPOSITARY. – in
by the parties. gratuitous deposit the nature of this aims
B. If no place was designated – the rule that it is purely personal. The death of either
is that it shall be returned at the place depository or depositor will be ground for its
where the thing has been deposited. I. extinguishment.


- EXCEPTIONS: 1. Made in compliance with a legal
A. When Judicially Attached obligation – shall be governed by the
B. When 3rd person opposes the law.
return or removal of the thing 2. Made on the occasion of calamity –
deposited. (deposit to miserable) it requires
payment of just compensation and
I. ALIENATION BY DEPOSITARY’S HEIR IN the same shall be governed by the
GOOD FAITH: rule on deposit.
1. To RETURN the price he may have 3. Made by travelers in hotels or inns –
received. before there can be necessary
2. To ASSIGN his right of action to collect deposit that will be created between
the price if it has not been paid. you the guests and the owner of the
hotel or inn. (ARTICLE 1998)
4. Made by travelers with common C. MODES OF EXTINGUSHING CONTRACT
carriers – they are liable. (ARTICLE OF DEPOSIT
2003 and 2004) 1. Upon the loss or destruction of the
thing deposited.
III. JUDICIAL DEPOSIT OR SEQUESTRATION 2. In case of a gratuitous deposit, upon
(ARTICLE 2005): the death of either the depositor or
- Judicial deposit or sequestration the depositary.
takes place when there is an 3. Other grounds like the expiration of
attachment or seizure of property the period or mutual withdrawal from
involved in a litigation. the contract.

- Movable
- Immovable
- The depository is not really from
responsibility until there is
termination of the case.


- To pay the price agreed upon.
- To indemnify for damages
caused by the depositor
- To pay the necessary
- To indemnify for damages
caused by the depositor
*Luxurious expenses are not included.

QUESTION: How about if the depositor

refuses to pay for the consideration of the
deposit? What is the right of the
ANSWER: The depositary may retain the
thing in pledge until the full payment of
what may be due him by reason of the

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