AVL Script Search Engine

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Hi Grade 7 students. Welcome again to our new topic.

Today, we have more fun and

learning in English with teacher Iren.

For todays lesson we are going to learn about THE SEARCH ENGINE
We know that everybody nowadays is using the new technology in doing research.

After going through our lesson you will be able to

define search engine

give examples of search engines

use the search engine to find information

What is search engine?

A search engine is a collection of computer programs that help us find information on

the web. The web search engines must look around to find out what's out there and
then organize what is found.

According to user's query it is a software accessed on the internet that searches

database of information. The engine that provides a list of results that best match what
the user is trying to find.

In searching for an item or topic, use quote marks(") around a phrase or name to search
for words in the exact order and use the minus(-) sign in excluding terms. In addition,
use synonym search for a less specific term.

How do we access a search engine?

for users a search engine is accessed through a browser on their computer,

smartphone, tablet or another device.

Today, most new browsers use an omni box, which is a text box at the top of the
browser. The omni box allows the users to type in a URL or a search query. You can
also visit one of the major search engine' home page to perform a search.



Find web pages and queues for indexing


Analyzes the web page content and saves the pages with quality content in index.

Fetches relevant pages from index based on seach query and order them based on
ranking factors.


1. Google- the most popular search engine covering over 90% of the worldwide market.
Google boasts outstanding features that make it the best search engine in the market.

2, Microsoft’s Bing - is the second-most renowned search engine in the world.

3. Yahoo features an impressive interface, clean results and an impressive catalog of


4.Baidu - it is mainly used in China, it still boasts an intuitive interface, plenty of search
options, and premium-quality search results.

5. Yandex - it boasts of being the most utilized search engine in Russia. Yandex’s
parent company presents itself as a technology company that specializes in the creation
of intelligence products and services powered by machine learning. 

How to use search engine?

Step 1. Open your browser and go to the google home page (google.com)

Step 2. Enter a search into the search box.

Step 3. Review your search results and pick the one you need.
Let's practice

Questions will be flashed on the screen. You have five seconds to choose your answer.

1. Which of the following is the most famous search engine?

a. google

b. Yahoo

c. Vlog

Answer: a. Google

2. What is a search engine?

a. A tool for searching the entire internet

b. A tool to find information on your computer

c. A fast browser

Ans: a. A tool for searching the entire internet

3. What the World Wide Web?

a. A computer game

b. A computer software

c. The part of internet that enables information sharing via interconnected pages

Ans: c. The part of internet that enables information sharing via interconnected pages

4. When you want to watch a video of your favorite singer, which site will you visit?

a. Facebook

b. Gmail

c. Youtube

Ans: c. Youtube

5. The _________allows users to type in a URL or a search query.

a. Omnibox

b. Inbox
c. Channel

Ans. a. Omnibox


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