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Adhesion and Deadhesion of Ureolytic Bacteria on

Sand under Variable Pore Fluid Chemistry

Surabhi Jain 1 and Dali Naidu Arnepalli, Ph.D., M.ASCE 2
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Abstract: It is essential to understand the phenomena of adhesion, deadhesion, and transport of microorganisms in porous media to scale up
bioengineering processes. In this study, the adhesion and deadhesion of two ureolytic microorganisms were investigated in loose sand using a
set of flow-through column experiments by varying the pore fluid chemistry. An increase in the ionic strength altered the surface-charge
properties of the microbes and the selected geomaterial, which in turn reduced the energy barrier, leading to significant adhesion of microbes
on the sand surface. After microbial adhesion, permeation of a lower-ionic-strength solution exhibited considerable bacterial deadhesion from
the sand column, indicating the reversible nature of the interaction between bacteria and the sand surface. The physicochemical adhesion and
deadhesion mechanisms are elucidated in terms of extended Derjaguin-Landau-Verwey-Overbeek theory. The variation of the energy barrier
between the microbe and sand, the appearance of primary and secondary energy minima attributed to the change in pore fluid chemistry, and
its influence on microbial adhesion and deadhesion on to the sand were also studied. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)EE.1943-7870.0001708. © 2020
American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Ureolytic bacteria; Adhesion; Deadhesion; Ionic strength; pH; Derjaguin-Landau-Verwey-Overbeek (DLVO).

Introduction properties of microbes and sorbent, which in turn determines the

rate of adhesion of bacteria and their transport through the porous
Comprehending the mechanism of microbial adhesion, deadhesion, media (Torkzaban et al. 2008). Few studies concerned biocemen-
and its transport in saturated porous media is essential in biogrout- tation, and a weakly sorbed ureolytic Sporosarcina pasteurii has
ing, bioaugmentation, bioremediation, and wastewater treatment been immobilized on the sand surface by injecting a 50-mM ionic
(Ginn et al. 2002; Kim et al. 2008). Bioaugmentation and biogrout- strength pore fluid to achieve homogeneous cementation (Whiffin
ing techniques involve the injection of solutions containing mi- et al. 2007; Harkes et al. 2010). However, the majority of the stud-
crobes with an adequate amount of nutrients to the targeted ies failed to explain the mechanism of microbial adhesion, its
zone of the subsurface for improving its engineering properties reversibility, and the effect of change in ionic strength on adhesion
(Fauriel and Laloui 2012; Chu et al. 2014). In this process, the mi- and deadhesion. Besides, the pH of the pore solution and geoma-
crobes could be detached and flushed away from the targeted zone, terial varies widely based on their origin, mineralogical variation,
in turn making the process inefficient. Previous researchers have and environmental condition, among others. Although pH influen-
investigated the effect of physical, chemical, and biological factors ces the microbial adhesion and transport through porous media, its
on the collision, attachment, rate of deposition, and detachment of effect has not been established (Cheng et al. 2014).
microbes onto the solid surface (Choi et al. 2017; Roy et al. 2019). Given this, the present study aimed to examine the physical dep-
The governing factors considered in the microbe–solid surface in- osition, physiochemical adhesion, and deadhesion of two ureolytic
teraction studies include bacterial characteristics, solution chemis- microorganisms on to the sand surface by varying the ionic strength
try, and porous media properties (Li et al. 2006; Torkzaban et al. and pH of pore fluid by conducting flow-through column experi-
2008). ments. Attempts were also made to obtain the parameters represent-
Various strategies have been proposed to control the rate of bac- ing the microbial adhesion under different pore fluid chemistries by
terial adhesion and transport in porous media for the successful im- fitting the experimental data of flow-through column experiments
plementation of bioengineering processes in the field (Mills et al. using theoretical models.
1994; Harkes et al. 2010). Among the many strategies reported in The surface properties of microbes are comparable to those
the literature, control of pore fluid chemistry, particularly the ionic of colloidal particles due to their similarity in size and surface-
strength, has been found to be efficacious (Redman et al. 2004). charge distribution. Consequently, microbes obey the principles
The ionic strength of the pore fluid governs the surface-charge of colloid–surface interaction in terms of adhesion and deadhesion
on solid surfaces (Choi et al. 2017). Given this, microbial adhesion,
1 deadhesion, and transport in porous media have been explained
Research Scholar, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Tech-
nology Madras, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600036, India. ORCID: https://orcid based on classical Derjaguin-Landau-Verwey-Overbeek (DLVO)
.org/0000-0002-8838-420X. Email: theory, where the overall interaction energy is the sum of van der
Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Waals force and electrostatic double-layer interaction or repulsion
Technology Madras, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600036, India (corresponding energy between the microbes and collector surface (Loosdrecht
author). ORCID: Email: arnepalli@
et al. 1989; Redman et al. 2004; Zhang and Olson 2012). However,
Note. This manuscript was submitted on June 26, 2019; approved on
the classical theory does not consider short-range repulsion Born
December 3, 2019; published online on March 30, 2020. Discussion period potential, which creates a very small yet significant primary/
open until August 30, 2020; separate discussions must be submitted for secondary minima, steric interaction, and hydrophobic interactions,
individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Environmental En- among others (Redman et al. 2004). Further, few studies have
gineering, © ASCE, ISSN 0733-9372. modified the DLVO theory by incorporating the Born potential

© ASCE 04020038-1 J. Environ. Eng.

J. Environ. Eng., 2020, 146(6): 04020038

when estimating the total interaction energy profile for understand- a UV-visible spectrophotometer (Agilent Carry 100, Santa Clara,
ing the physical deposition, non-DLVO interaction, and appearance California). Further, a cell counting chamber known as a hemocy-
of primary/secondary minima in a short separation range in satu- tometer was used for measuring the cell population with the help of
rated porous media (Hahn et al. 2004; Choi et al. 2017). Given this, an optical microscope (Nikon Instruments, Melville, New York).
the present study attempts to explain the mechanisms of adhesion
and deadhesion of microbes by emphasizing the surface charge of Selection of Geomaterial
geomaterial and microbes, as well as their electrostatic double-layer
interaction, based on extended DLVO theory. Indian standard Ennore fine sand was chosen for investigating the
organism’s attachment on it using a flow-through column setup.
Because the selected geomaterial is highly crystalline nonreactive
Materials and Methods quartz, the effect of chemical and mineralogical heterogeneities
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imposed by it on the microbial interaction is minimized. For this

purpose, sand samples from Tamil Nadu Minerals, Chennai, India,
Microorganism and Culture Preparation were procured. The sand sample was rinsed several times using
Two types of ureolytic bacteria used for the study were S. pasteurii deionized water for removing impurities that may cause an error
and Proteus species because these organisms have been success- in optical density measurement. Before the commencement of
fully employed for the biocementation and microbially induced car- the experiment, oven-dried sand was sterilized for 20 min in an
bonate precipitation (MICP) processes (Nemati et al. 2005; Zhao autoclave by maintaining pressure of 104 kPa (15 psi) and a tem-
et al. 2014). Alkaliphilic S. pasteurii (ATCC 11859) was procured perature of 121°C to avoid the influence of native microbes. The
from the American type culture collection, Manassas, Virginia. The specific gravity and particle-size distribution characteristics of the
other ureolytic Proteus species chosen for the study was isolated selected geomaterial were determined with the help of a helium gas
from garden soil of Indian Institute of Technology Madras campus, pycnometer (Quatachrome Instruments, Boynton Beach, Florida)
Chennai, India. For obtaining the pure culture of selected microbes, as per ASTM D5550 (ASTM 2006b) and by conducting mechani-
the streak plate method was employed using a nutrient agar Petri cal wet sieve analysis according to ASTM D422 (ASTM 2007),
plate at a temperature of 30°C. Nutrient agar was prepared by steri- respectively.
lizing 13 g of nutrient broth (Himedia, Mumbai, India) with 1.5% Further, the pH of the soil sample was measured by using a pH
agar in 1 L of deionized water. The composition of the nutrient electrode connected to a water quality analyzer (Elico P138,
broth was maintained as 1.5 g of beef and yeast extract, 5 g of pep- Hyderabad, India). X-ray diffraction analysis was carried out to
tone, and 5 g of NaCl in 1 L of sterile deionized water at a pH of quantify the mineralogical composition of sand. The surface-charge
7.4  0.2. Ureolytic activity was confirmed by streaking the mi- characteristics of sand in different pore fluid chemistries were de-
crobes in urea agar base plates. The change in color of the urease termined based on the electro-osmosis theory using the following
agar from yellowish orange to pink is attributed to the increase in relationship:
pH due to the urease enzyme activity of the microbes (Achal and εp ζ
Pan 2011). Colony morphology, Gram staining, and scanning elec- vavg ¼ E ð1Þ
μ z
tron microscopic (SEM) image analyses were performed to identify
the morphological characteristics of the organisms (Jain and where vavg = average electro-osmotic velocity; εp = permittivity of
Arnepalli 2019). Glycerol stock of the chosen microbes was pre- the pore fluid; ζ = surface charge of the sample, which was obtained
pared in 50% glycerol [Volume/Volume (v=v)] and stored at −80°C by considering the average value of three independent experiments
(Jain and Arnepalli 2019). conducted; μ = solution viscosity; and EZ = applied electric field
The glycerol stock culture was revived by growing it in 100 mL strength.
of nutrient broth urea (NBU) in 250-mL Erlenmeyer flasks for
12–16 h. After 12–16 h of incubation, 1 mL of culture from the
flask was transferred into fresh 100 mL NBU and incubated in Flow-Through Column Setup
an orbital shaker by agitating at 120 revolutions per minute Fig. 1 depicts the schematic view of the flow-through column
(rpm) and by maintaining the temperature at 30°C. The NBU media setup. The pictorial view of the experimental setup is incorporated
was prepared by adding 8 g of nutrient broth and 20 g of urea in 1 L as an insert in Fig. 1 for enhancing the clarity. The setup is made of
of deionized water. Microbial cells were harvested from the late plexiglass having an internal diameter of 30 mm and a length of
exponential growth phase and centrifuged at 8,000 rpm at 4°C 70 mm. A set of Whatman filter papers is placed on either side
to obtain microbial pellets. Further, these pellets were rinsed twice of the sand sample, having a height of 60 mm to retain the sand
using sterile water and resuspended in solutions with different ionic particles in position. A layer of scouring pad was placed next to
strengths and pH. The ionic strength of the solution was adjusted by the filter paper to create drainage layers on either side of the sand
adding CaCl2 · 2H2 O, whereas the pH of the pore fluid was con- layer. The porosity of the soil specimen was maintained around
trolled in the range of 59 by adding diluted NaOH or HCl. The pore 43% to simulate the loose-sand condition that may prevail in
fluid chemistry considered in this study enables the survival of the the field. It can be observed from the reported literature that bio-
chosen bacteria (Anbu et al. 2016). cementation is an effective process in treating the loose-sand hav-
The microbial culture prepared under variable pore fluid ing the soil porosity range of 35%–40% (Whiffin et al. 2007). To
chemistry was analyzed for surface-charge properties in terms achieve the desired porosity, the dry unit weight of the sand column
of their zeta potential using a ZetaPals instrument (Brookhaven was maintained as 15.1 kN=m3 by preparing a specimen using the
Instruments, Holtsville, New York). The average zeta potential free-fall technique. A flow regulator was connected between the
value of three independent measurements was taken for each mi- storage tank and the inlet of the soil column to maintain a predeter-
crobial cell suspension having ionic strength of 0.1, 1, 10, 30, and mined flow rate.
100 mM, and pH ranging from 5 to 9. The bacterial concentration Before the experimentation, glassware and chemicals were steri-
(referred as bacterial density) in the solution was determined by lized to avoid cross-contamination of other microorganisms present
measuring its optical density at 600-nm wavelength, OD600 , using in them. Before experimenting, the sand column was saturated by

© ASCE 04020038-2 J. Environ. Eng.

J. Environ. Eng., 2020, 146(6): 04020038

influent bacterial density, C0 ) was monitored throughout the ex-
periment. Experiments were conducted in triplicate over a range
of ionic strengths and pH values, and the mean value was reported.
The microbial transport through the soil column can be represented
by the following relationship [Eq. (2)] (Freeze and Cherry 1979):
∂C Dl ∂ 2 C V f ∂C
¼ − ð2Þ
∂t R ∂x2 R ∂x
where C = concentration of microbial suspension; t = time;
Dl = longitudinal hydrodynamic dispersion coefficient; R =
retardation coefficient; vf = seepage velocity (≈18 × 10−4 m=s);
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and x = linear length of soil column (≈0.06 m).

For assessing the unknown parameters (Dl and R) in the preced-
ing governing equation, a numerical tool called Studio of
Analytical Models (STANMOD) was employed by considering
the nonlinear sorption behavior (Toride et al. 1999). In the analysis
of STANMOD, a flux-averaged concentration mode, pulse input
boundary condition with zero initial concentration, and zero pro-
duction was chosen. Further, the distribution coefficient, K p was
determined based on the following relationship [Eq. (3)]:
ρ × Kp
R¼1þ ð3Þ
where ρ = density; and η = porosity of the soil sample.
Sterile water (without bacteria in it) having an ionic strength one
order magnitude less than that used for the adsorption process was
injected, to assess the deadhesion mechanism. For instance, if a
Fig. 1. Schematic view of flow-through column experimental setup. sand column was saturated with a bacterial solution of known con-
centration and ionic strength of 100 mM, the deadhesion studies
were performed with sterile water having 10-mM ionic concentra-
tion. In these experiments, the effluent optical density and micro-
permeating the deionized water from top to bottom until a steady bial concentration were determined to assess the cumulative
flow condition has reached. Upon ensuring the complete saturation fraction of desorbed bacteria from the sand column. The initial bac-
of the sand column, a series of breakthrough experiments were per- terial population in the sand column was obtained by considering
formed for investigating the adhesion and deadhesion mechanisms the total organisms adhered to the sand column per unit volume of
of microbes on to the sand. Initially, a known pore volume of sterile the sample. The adhesion and deadhesion studies using flow-
water having a predetermined ionic strength and pH was injected through column experiments were performed under the isothermal
into the saturated sand column by maintaining a constant flow rate condition of 25°C.
of 180 mL=h to ensure a sufficient contact period for bacterial ad-
sorption (Harkes et al. 2010). The passing of approximately 5 pore Principles of Extended DLVO Theory
volumes of the ionic solution was enough to ascertain the chemical
The adhesion and deadhesion of the microbes on the sand surface
equilibrium between the geomaterial and the pore fluid in the sand
depend on the total interaction energy between the collector surface
column. However, flushing of the soil column was continued until and colloidal bacteria. For this purpose, the present study employed
the chemical equilibrium was attained, i.e., ionic strength and pH of an extended DLVO theory to quantify the net attraction and repul-
effluent reaches the influent fluid chemistry. sion energy between the bacteria and sand surface. As per the
Consequently, a bacterial solution of nearly 4 pore volumes extended DLVO theory, the total interaction energy (ETot ) is the
(≈4.5 × 18 ¼ 81 mL) having identical pore solution chemistry summation of electrostatic double-layer repulsion (EEDL ), van
with that of the previous step was introduced into the soil column der Waals interaction energy (EVDW ), and Born interaction energy
under similar flow conditions. For assessing the physical deposition (EBorn ). The overall interaction energy of the microbial–sand sys-
of microbes on the sand, experiments were conducted by permeat- tem was modeled as a sphere–plate interaction, and the same is
ing the bacterial solution in sterile deionized water. This process presented as follows (Hogg et al. 1966):
was continued until the bacterial concentration in the effluent at-   
tained a constant value. Subsequently, the deionized water having 1 þ expð−khÞ
EEDL ¼ πε0 εr ap 2ζ b ζ s ln
similar solution chemistry was introduced to assess the deadhesion 1 − expð−khÞ
of the microbe. During the entire adsorption and desorption pro- 
2 2

cess, the maximum retention time available for bacteria is about þ ðζ b þ ζ s Þ ln 1 − exp ð4Þ
12 min for any pore fluid chemistry, which in turn eliminates
the possible growth of microbes within the porous media. where ε0 = vacuum permittivity (8.85 × 10−12 F=m); εr = relative
Approximately 4 mL of the influent and effluent (i.e., one-fourth dielectric permittivity of pore fluid; ap = equivalent radius of the
of a pore volume) was sampled at a regular interval into a sterile test bacteria obtained as 1.03 and 0.76 μm for S. pasteurii and Proteus
tube, and the bacterial concentration present was determined by species, respectively, from SEM analysis (Fig. S1); ζ b and ζ s = zeta
measuring the optical density, OD600 . The normalized effluent con- potential values of bacteria and sand grains, respectively, obtained
centration (i.e., ratio of the bacterial density of effluent, Ct , and over a range of ionic strengths and pH; and k = inverse of

© ASCE 04020038-3 J. Environ. Eng.

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Debye length (1=m), which can be obtained using the following

2 × 103 e2 N A I
k¼ ð5Þ
ϵ0 ϵr KT

where e = electron charge (1.602 × 10−19 C); N A = Avogadro’s

number (6.02 × 1023 molecules/mol); I = ionic strength (mol=L);
K = Boltzmann’s constant (1.381 × 10−23 J=K); and T = absolute
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temperature in Kelvin.
The van der Waals interaction energy was calculated by using
the following relationship:
−Aap 14h −1
EVDW ¼ 1þ ð6Þ
6h λ

Fig. 2. Variation of zeta potential of the selected species and sand with
where A = Hamaker constant (6.5 × 10−21 J for quartz); λ = char-
ionic strength.
acteristic wavelength of the dielectric (100 nm); and h = separation
distance between the microbes and sand surface. The Born inter-
action energy, EBorn is presented in Eq. (7)

−Aσ6B 8ap þ h 6ap − h
Cell concentrationS:pasteurii ×107
¼ 8.6 × OD1.36 ð9Þ
EBorn ¼ þ ð7Þ 600
7,560 ð2ap þ hÞ7 h7 mL

where σB = born collision diameter, which equals to 0.5 nm

(Hahn et al. 2004). With this, the total energy was calculated as 7 cells
per the Eq. (8) Cell concentrationProteus ×10 ¼ 80 × OD1.95
600 ð10Þ

ETot ¼ EEDL þ EVDW þ EBorn ð8Þ

The surface-charge characteristics of the selected organisms
were assessed in terms of zeta potential over the range of ionic
strength of 0.1–100 mM. Fig. 2 indicates that that the chosen cells
Description of Experimental Results of S. pasteurii and Proteus species were negatively charged in the
neutral and low-ionic-strength solutions. With an increase in ionic
strength, the surface negativity decreased and became positive at
Microorganism and Phenotypic Characterization
ionic strengths of 50 and 90 mM for Proteus and S. pasteurii, re-
The pure culture of S. pasteurii and Proteus species were cultured spectively. The surface-charge behavior of the selected microbes
in a nutrient agar Petri plate after 24 h of incubation at 30°C. The is analogous to charged colloidal particle, where the increase in
colony morphology of S. pasteurii showed an irregular form with a electrolyte concentration prevents the straying away of counterions
wavy or undulated edge. It formed a dull creamy color opaque from the charged surface. As a result, the diffused electrical double
colony of size nearly 1–3 mm. The microorganism was motile layer gets compressed, eventually resulting in a lower value of zeta
and viscid in nature with slightly raised elevation in its side view. potential (Hsu and Huang 2002; Nikhil John and Arnepalli 2019;
In contrast, the colonies of Proteus species were circular in geom- Kollannur and Arnepalli 2019).
etry with an entire margin and convex elevation. This organism Further, to delineate the effect of pH on the surface-charge prop-
formed tan-colored punctiform colonies and moved out in waves erties of the selected microbes, the zeta measurements were carried
across the plate. out over a pH range of 5–9 (Fig. S2). Unlike in the case of ionic
The Gram-staining images were obtained with the help of an strength, the pH variation has not imparted a significant impact on
optical microscope of both the bacterial smear. Gram-staining re- the measured surface-charge properties, and the values were scat-
sults showed that S. pasteurii was a rod-shaped, Gram-positive mi- tered in a short range of −37 to −50 mV for the organisms con-
crobe that retained a crystal violet color after staining. In contrast, sidered in this study. The obtained variation can be treated as
the cell wall of Proteus species exhibited pink color and proved to nominal owing to the fact that the zeta potential of S. pasteurii
be a Gram-negative, rod-shaped microbe. Both organisms were and Proteus species was found to be −49 and −45 mV, respec-
able to hydrolyze urea due to their urease enzyme activity, which tively, when measured using deionized water. Similar observations
was identified by the change in color of urea agar upon culturing on pH buffering were reported by Hsu and Huang (2002) and
the microbes in urea agar base (Jain and Arnepalli 2019). Scanning Ohmori and Glatz (1999). This could be due to the inherent nature
electron microscope images showed that S. pasteurii cells had a of the organisms to undergo ion exchange or specific adsorption
length of 2–2.5 μm and diameter of 0.5–0.7 μm, and the cells of in order to preserve a constant chemical milieu surrounding the
isolated Proteus species were 1–1.2 μm in length and 0.4–0.5 μm cell wall. It is worth mentioning that the Gram-positive and
in diameter. Further, an empirical expression for determining the Gram-negative organisms exhibited a neutral charge (referred as
cell density was developed, which is reported in Eqs. (9) and isoelectric point) when they were incubated at pH 2–3 and pH
(10) for S. pasteurii and Proteus species, respectively 4–5, respectively (Mitchell and Santamarina 2005).

© ASCE 04020038-4 J. Environ. Eng.

J. Environ. Eng., 2020, 146(6): 04020038

Table 1. Physicochemicomineralogical properties of fine sand
Property Value
Specific gravity 2.65
Particle-size distribution characteristics (fraction by weight)
Gravel size (i.e., >4.75 mm) 0
Coarse sand size (i.e., ≤4.75 and >2 mm) 0
Medium sand size(i.e., ≤2 and >0.425 mm) 47
Fine sand size (i.e., ≤0.425 and >0.075 mm) 53
Fines (i.e., ≤0.075 mm) 0
D10 (mm) 0.2
D30 (mm) 0.3
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D60 (mm) 0.4

Uniformity coefficient, Cu 2.1
Coefficient of curvature, Cc 1.0
USCS soil classification (ASTM D2487) SP
Maximum void ratio, emax 0.82
Minimum void ratio, emin 0.63
pH 7.4
Major minerals present Quartz (89%) and
kyanite (11%) Fig. 3. Variation of normalized effluent concentration with pore
volume for S. pasteurii during adhesion and deadhesion of microbes
over a range of ionic strengths.
Geomaterials Characterization
Table 1 presents the grain-size distribution characteristics of the displacement of existing pore fluid by uniform and undispersed
selected fine sand. Based on the particle-size distribution character- flow of the bacterial solution. Once the influent bacterial solution
istics, the selected geomaterial can be classified as poorly graded filled within the pore space, the subsequent measurement in the
sand as per the Unified Soil Classification System [ASTM D2487 effluent showed a sudden rise in bacterial concentration. For exam-
(ASTM 2006a)]. The quantitative phase analysis of X-ray diffrac- ple, in the case of the bacterial solution with zero ionic strength
tion patterns of the fine sand revealed that the selected geomaterial (neutral), the normalized effluent concentration reached 0.8
has 89% quartz and 11% aluminosilicates (i.e., kyanite). The sur- immediately after 1 pore volume of flow for both S. pasteurii and
face charge of sand when equilibrated over a range of ionic strength Proteus species. A similar trend was observed in the case of a
and pH values is shown in Figs. 2 and S2. Unlike ionic strength, the lower-ionic-strength value (0.1 mM) where nearly 90% of influent
effect of pore solution pH on surface-charge properties of sand is bacterial concentration has exited the sand column. This reflects a
found to be negligible. At neutral pH, the zeta potential value of plug or piston flow with insignificant physical deposition and
sand was found to have an electronegativity value of −45 mV. physicochemical sorption of microbes on sand. The minute fraction
of bacteria retained by the sand may be due to the physical straining
and/or surface characteristics attributed to angularity, the roughness
Discussion of Experimental Findings
of the collector surface.
With the further increase in ionic strength, there was a notice-
Effect of Ionic Strength on Adhesion and Deadhesion able decrease in the effluent concentration. For instance, when
of Bacteria tested using 30-mM ionic strength, the retention of bacteria in-
The adhesion, deadhesion, and transport mechanisms of S. pas- creased, and hence Ct =C0 declined to the range of 0.3–0.35 for both
teurii and Proteus species were studied using a saturated sand col- organisms. The microbial retention reached its maximum in the
umn. Based on the measured bacterial density, OD600 in the influent
and effluent, the normalized effluent concentration, Ct =C0 , was ob-
tained using Eqs. (9) and (10). The variation of normalized effluent Table 2. Transport parameters for different species over range of ionic
bacterial concentration with pore volume over a range of ionic strengths
strengths for both the species was obtained. The breakthrough Transport parameter
curves (BTCs) revealed the effect of ionic strength on the adhesion
strength Species Dl
mechanism of microbes on the sand surface. Further, the experi- (mM) name (×10−6 m2 =s) R K p (L=kg) R2
mentally obtained BTCs were modeled using STANMOD to obtain
the bacterial transport parameters of saturated sand. 0 S. pasteurii 0.0025 1.14 27.9 0.99
For enhancing the confidence, the BTCs obtained using the 0.1 0.0025 1.15 27.9 0.99
1 1 1.20 35.91 0.99
analytical model were compared with that of experimentally ob-
10 1.76 32.9 5,789 0.94
tained BTCs for S. pasteurii as shown in Fig. 3. For the sake of 30 1.48 109 19,715 0.97
completeness, the BTCs pertaining to Proteus are reported in 50 2.23 2,336 423,540 0.99
the Supplemental Data (Fig. S3). It can be observed that the adhe- 100 128 16,070 2,991,475 0.83
sion and deadhesion values (rising and waning portion of the break- 0 Proteus 0.003 1.14 35.4 0.97
through curve) coincide with the fitted values. Table 2 depicts the 0.1 0.008 1.17 35.5 0.98
bacterial transport parameters such as D1 , R, and K p along with the 1 2.84 1.25 46 0.99
coefficient of determination R2 over a range of ionic strengths. 10 8 26.5 4,623 0.95
It is evident from the figures that the normalized bacterial 30 3.08 83.9 15,037 0.99
concentration in the effluent is insignificant up to 1 pore volume 50 128 16,070 2,991,475 0.83
100 128 16,070 2,991,475 0.83
irrespective of ionic strength of influent. This is due to the

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cases of high ionic strength (50 and 100 mM), consequently strug-
gling to achieve microbial equilibrium between the influent and
effluent, which in turn resulted in negligible microbial density
in the effluent. This strong retardation of the species explains
the absence of a tailed flow as was evident in the rest of the ionic
strengths considered in this study. The behavior of an increase in
species retardation with ionic strength was clearly evident from the
obtained retardation coefficient values (Table 2). Fig. 3 also indi-
cates that beyond 1 pore volume, the effluent concentration was
increased steadily and reached a constant value of nearly 2–3 pore
volumes. The delay in arriving at the equilibrium concentration is
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attributed to physical deposition and/or physicochemical sorption

of the bacteria.
The microbial retardation can be due to the adhesion/sorption of
species. It was evident from the zeta potential analysis that the sur-
face negativity of the microbes and fine sand decrease with an in-
crease in ionic strength. This could be the reason for the increased
rate of microbial adhesion onto the sand surface. Incidentally, sim-
ilar adhesion behavior has been reported in the literature for various
bacterial species, including Pseudomonas putida, Escherichia coli, Fig. 4. Deadhesion of bacteria from sand column upon change of dead-
and Pseudomonas fluorescence, among others (Choi et al. 2017; hesion pore fluid chemistry.
Torkzaban et al. 2008).
After the bacterial adhesion (i.e., beyond 5 pore volumes),
desorption with deionized water having a similar solution chemis-
try (i.e., without bacteria in it) showed the deadhesion of the mi-
crobe under stable physicochemical conditions. In Figs. 3 and S3
for S. pasteurii and Proteus species, the tailing slope, which indi-
cates the bacterial deadhesion, varied with the initial ionic strength
of the effluent. For example, in the case of 100-mM ionic strength,
no microbial concentration in the effluent could be observed during
the desorption stage, indicating irreversible microbial adhesion on
to the sand surface. Further, at intermediate to high ionic strengths
(10–50 mM), the breakthrough curve showed a sudden drop, and
thereafter no microbial concentration was evident in the effluent.
Whereas for the neutral to low-ionic-strength values, i.e., up to
1 mM, the tailing slope showed complete flushing of organisms
from the sand column. The reason for significant deadhesion of
microorganisms in the aforementioned cases may be the weak
physical adhesion onto the sand surface, which allows the microbes
to be easily knocked out under a small hydrodynamic force (Choi
et al. 2017).
To add further clarity toward the reversible nature of microbial
adhesion, the deadhesion experiments were repeated on the sand
column where the bacteria were deposited early up to 5 pore vol- Fig. 5. Variation of normalized effluent concentration with pore
umes. First, the number of microbes retained in the sand column volume over a range of pH values for S. pasteurii and Proteus.
was calculated after completion of the deadhesion process corre-
sponding to the injection of 8 pore volumes. Afterward, additional
deadhesion experiments were performed by flushing the bacteria-
loaded sand matrix with solutions of ionic strength one order less percentage of released bacteria was above 95%, where most of the
than that of the initial value. The amount of bacteria released was retained bacteria were flushed away with the 0.1 mM solution.
calculated in terms of the cumulative percentage of bacteria con-
centration eluted from the sand column against the number of pore
volumes of influent injection, and the same is reported in Fig. 4. Effect of pH on the Attachment of Bacteria on to the
In the first set of deadhesion experiment, 10 mM ionic strength Sand Surface
solution was injected in the column in which bacteria were already The adhesion of S. pasteurii and Proteus species was also evaluated
adhered using the fixation fluid of 100-mM ionic strength. The over a pH range of 5–9 using a saturated sand column. In Fig. 5, the
fraction of released amount of bacteria was 0.7 and 0.8 for normalized effluent concentration Ct =C0 is plotted against the
S. pasteurii and Proteus species, respectively, which shows nearly number of pore volume, which demonstrated the effect of pH on
30%–35% of bacteria were still retained in the sand column after the adhesion mechanism. The obtained experimental values were
deadhesion using 8 pore volumes of solution (Fig. 4). In the second fitted with the analytical solution obtained using STANMOD.
set of deadhesion experiments, 0.1 mM ionic strength solution was The effluent concentration was zero for approximately 1 pore
injected in the microbial-sand column, which was initially saturated volume due to the undispersed bacterial flow and uniform displace-
with a bacterial solution having 10-mM ionic strength. Contrary to ment of the solution that previously existed in the saturated sand
the previous observations, the results indicated that the cumulative column. After 1 pore volume, the bacterial concentration started

© ASCE 04020038-6 J. Environ. Eng.

J. Environ. Eng., 2020, 146(6): 04020038

increasing and reached mostly 0.9 within 2 pore volumes of flow. From Figs. 6 and S4, it can be seen that the energy profile had
There was not much variation in the effluent concentration in spite different curves, and for the produced energy barrier, primary or
of altering the pH of the pore solution for microbes used in this secondary minima varied with different ionic strengths. In the
study. Over the range of pH values considered, the BTCs were sim- low-ionic-concentration region (i.e., 0.1 mM), the energy profile
ilar to a piston flow, where most of the bacteria were flushed out did not have any primary or secondary minimum with a high en-
from the sand column without any retardation. Some microbes ergy barrier of 1,988 and 1,794 kT for S. pasteurii and Proteus
were adhered to the sand surface by physical deposition or due species, respectively. Hence, both the bacteria and sand surface
to the surface features of both bacteria and collector surface. exhibited a high repulsive force, and bacteria could not adhere
The fitted parameters, i.e., retardation coefficient and partition to the sand surface (as indicated in Fig. 3). For 1-mM ionic
coefficient obtained from the observed BTCs, were nearly similar strength, the energy barrier was 1,175 and 600 kT without any
for all pH values considered. Incidentally, these values are compa- primary or secondary energy minima for S. pasteurii and Proteus
Downloaded from by "Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur" on 02/20/22. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

rable with those obtained using a low-ionic-strength solution species, respectively.

(i.e., 0.1 and 1.0 mM), and hence the estimated bacterial transport The corresponding flow-through column experiments showed
parameters are not presented. The coefficient of determination R2 is nominal retardation of bacteria within the sand matrix. With further
close to 0.99 for both bacteria over a range of pH values considered increases in the ionic strength value to the intermediate range of
in this study. This behavior of bacterial attachment can be explained 10–30 mM, the energy barrier reduced, and consecutively, a sec-
by considering the variation of bacterial and sand zeta potential val- ondary minima was noticed in the interaction energy curve. In this
ues with pH (Fig. S2). Both the microbes and sand surface have ionic strength range, at first, bacteria repelled from the sand surface
shown a buffer region and are highly electronegative in the pH with the produced repulsive force but retained or adhered to the
range of 5–9, which leads to elution of bacteria from the sand col- collector surface in the secondary energy minimum. The aforemen-
umn. After 5 pore volumes in the effluent, the tailing showed all the tioned mechanism of the rate of adhesion, which increased with the
physically sorbed microbes were flushed from the sand column ionic strength value, was noticeably shown in the breakthrough
over a wide range of pH conditions considered. curve experiments (Figs. 3 and S3). In the case of high ionic con-
centrations of 50 and 100 mM, the energy barrier reduced to nil,
and the energy profile showed a high primary energy minimum.
Substantiation of Interaction Mechanism of Microbes Bacteria in this ionic strength value could easily attach to the sand
with Sand Using Extended DLVO Theory surface in the primary minima without any energy barrier. For this
To comprehend the interaction mechanism of microbes with sand, reason, in the higher-ionic-strength range, most of the bacteria ad-
the total interaction energy profile for various ionic strengths as a hered to the sand surface, and the bacterial concentration in the
function of separation distance was plotted as depicted in Figs. 6 effluent was found to be nearly zero.
and S4 for S. pasteurii and Proteus species, respectively. It has been By decreasing the ionic strength from 100 to 10 mM during the
reported in the literature that the double layer repulsion, van der deadhesion experiment, bacteria attached in the primary minima
Waals interaction energy, and Born potential energy diminish experienced a sudden high energy barrier and moved away from
within a few nanometers from the surface of the sand. However, the sand surface. However, the released bacteria were captured
the highest energy barrier and primary/secondary minima of bac- by the sand during occurrence of the secondary energy minimum.
terial interaction with the saturated sand column can occur at a sep- In the second set of deadhesion experiments, when the ionic
aration distance of few micrometers. Given this, the present study strength decreased from 10 to 0.1 mM, bacteria encountered a
evaluated variation of total energy over a separation distance of higher energy barrier without any secondary energy minima; as
0–100 nm. a result, all the adhered bacteria flushed away from the sand

Fig. 6. (a) Total interaction energy as a function of separation distance

for S. pasteurii in different ionic strengths; and (b) indications of the Fig. 7. Total interaction energy as a function of separation distance for
primary and secondary energy minima. S. pasteurii over a range of pH values.

© ASCE 04020038-7 J. Environ. Eng.

J. Environ. Eng., 2020, 146(6): 04020038

column. The BTCs reported in Fig. 4 show that decreasing the con- findings of the study it is possible to achieve homogenous
centration from 100 to 10 mM and from 10 to 0.1 mM released 70% biomineralization in the field by engineering the uniform
and 100% of the bacteria that were retarded during adhesion pro- distribution of the microbes and by ensuring the availability
cess, respectively. It can be summarized from the deadhesion ex- of nutrient and cementation reagents in the subsurface zone of
periment and the energy profile that the irreversibility nature of interest.
microbial adhesion depends on the ionic strength value of the pore
The interaction energy profiles for different pH as a function Data Availability Statement
of separation distance are plotted in Figs. 7 and S5. It can be
observed that the total interaction energy profile varies with All data used during the study appear in the published article. There
the pH value, exhibiting a higher energy barrier without any pri- are no codes and models associated with this submission.
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mary or secondary energy minima for both the microbes considered

in this study. In the neutral pH value, the energy profile was
having the highest energy barrier of 2,400 and 2,225 kT for S. pas- Notation
teurii and Proteus species, respectively. This can be corroborated
with the breakthrough response of microbial adhesion over a The following symbols are used in this paper:
range of pH. Because bacteria and sand repelled each other A = Hamaker constant;
with a high energy barrier/repulsive force, most of the bacteria ap = equivalent radius of the bacteria;
eluted and could not adhere to the sand surface, as shown in C = concentration;
Fig. 5. C0 = influent concentration;
Ct = effluent concentration at time t;
Ct =C0 = normalized effluent concentration;
Conclusions D1 = longitudinal hydrodynamic dispersion coefficient;
A set of flow-through column experiments were conducted by EBorn = Born interaction energy;
varying the pH and ionic strength of the pore solution to investigate EEDL = summation of electrostatic double layer repulsion;
the adhesion and deadhesion of ureolytic microbes in a porous ETot = total interaction energy;
medium. Based on the analysis, the following significant conclu- EVDW = van der Waals interaction energy;
sions can be drawn from this study: Ez = electrical field strength;
• The surface-charge characteristics of ureolytic bacteria and sand e = electron charge (1.602 × 10−19 C);
get altered significantly upon the change in ionic strength of the h = separation distance between the microbes and collector
pore fluid. The modification of surface charge is responsible for surface;
altering total interaction energy between the microbes and sand I = ionic strength;
surface. At a low ionic strength, adhesion was prevented by the K = Boltzmann’s constant;
significant energy barrier produced by the repulsive electrostatic K p = distribution coeffcicent;
interaction of highly negatively charged bacteria and sand. An k = inverse of Debye length (1=m);
increase of ionic strength caused the reduction of the repulsive
N A = Avogadro’s number;
force, and hence the bacteria could adhere to the sand surface in
the primary or secondary energy minima. OD600 = optical density at 600 nm;
• Microbial adhesion was found to be reversible upon the change R = retardation coefficient;
in ionic strength of the pore fluid. A decrease in ionic strength R2 = coefficient of determination;
enhances the negativity of the surface charge of microbes, de- T = absolute temperature in Kelvin;
veloped the energy barrier, and is responsible for the release of t = time;
the retained bacteria from the sand surface. vavg = average electro-osmosis velocity;
• The slight difference in the observed rate of adhesion and dead- vf = seepage velocity;
hesion of two different microorganisms can be attributed to the x = length of soil column;
minute variation in the surface charge and size of microbes. εp = permittivity of the pore fluid;
Other parameters such as surface characteristics, i.e., cell wall εr = relative dielectric permittivity;
characteristics, hydrophobicity, and surface features, may also ε0 = vacuum permittivity;
play a role in the adhesion and deadhesion mechanisms, which
η = porosity;
demands a systematic study.
λ = characteristic wavelength;
• The physical deposition of bacteria in the deionized water as
well as in low-ionic-strength solutions may be attributed to μ = viscosity;
the surface roughness and hydrophobicity of the sand and ζ = zeta potential;
microbes. ζ b = zeta potential value of bacteria;
• Microbial adhesion was not significantly affected by the varia- ζ s = zeta potential value of sand grains;
tion in pH of the pore solution. Because the surface charge of ρ = density; and
microbes and sand were highly negative in the pH range of 5–9, σB = Born collision diameter.
it encountered a strong repulsive electrostatic force and a high
energy barrier. As a result, the microbes failed to adhere to the
sand surface. Supplemental Data
• Overall, the study demonstrated the role of pore fluid chemistry
on adhesion, deadhesion, and transportation of ureolytic bacter- Figs. S1–S5 are available online in the ASCE Library (www
ia in the sand, which is of practical relevance. Based on the

© ASCE 04020038-8 J. Environ. Eng.

J. Environ. Eng., 2020, 146(6): 04020038

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