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OGL 300: Theory Practice of Leadership

Path Goal Theory Discussion Post

Lindsey Lorette
November 9th, 2020

When leading a virtual team, which approach, Path-Goal or LMX, would be more
effective? Why? or would one of the other Approaches we've studied be more effective?

When leading a virtual team, in my opinion, the best approach to use would be the path-goal
approach. Especially being in a virtual space, using the LMX theory could cause some problems
with the in and out groups as being the leader, communication is extremely vital to success
within a virtual space. Although it states that in the textbook that, “Working with an in-group
allows a leader to accomplish more work in a more effective manner than he or she can
accomplish working without one” (Northouse Ch. 7); without the proper approach on overall
communication delivery, the out group can feel especially isolated and become extremely
disengaged. Using the Path-Goal approach would be the best approach because as a leader using
a virtual space, you are going to have to adapt a new approach to ensure engagement and
productivity via the web. The Path-Goal theory in the textbook is described as, “Path–goal theory
discusses how leaders motivate followers to accomplish designated goals” (Northouse Ch. 6).
This approach allows the leader to adapt and motivate their followers depending on the situation.
Another leadership model approach that we have learned about in this textbook that might be
more effective in a virtual space; would be the Blanchard’s leadership model on situational
approaches as a leader that is specified in Chapter 5. “As the name of the approach implies, the
situational approach focuses on leadership in situations. The premise of the theory is that
different situations demand different kinds of leadership. From this perspective, to be an
effective leader requires that a person adapt his or her style to the demands of different
situations” (Northouse Ch. 5). As it states in the textbook, having the ability to adapt this
approach in this new world we live in going virtual, will allow the leader to much more
effectively lead followers. Along with the constant changes that followers deal with, especially
this year, allowing the space for organization and structure for followers can increase virtual
engagement and productivity.


Northouse, P. (2018). "Leadership: Theory and Practice." Sage Publications, Inc. Ch 5, 6, & 7).

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