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Submitted In partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the award of the degree



ROORKEE- 247 667 (INDIA)

JUNE, 2005

I hereby declare that the work which is being presented in this dissertation entitled


fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of "Master of Technology" in

Solid State Electronic Materials submitted in the Department of Physics, Indian

Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee is an authentic record of my own work carried

out from August 2004 to May 2005 under the supervision and guidance of Dr. Tanuja

Srivastava, Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee and Dr.

S.K. Barthwal, Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee.

I have not submitted the matter embodied in this dissertation work for the award

of any other degree.

Date: 2g 3 -t e gods ( atish Raj Coyal)


This is to certify that the above statement made by the candidate is correct to the best of

my knowledge.

(Tanuja Sriv stava) (S.K. Barthwal)

Associate Professor Associate Professor
Department of Mathematics Department of Physics
IIT Roorkee IIT Roorkee
Roorkee-247667 Roorkee — 247667

With great pleasure, I express my sincere and profound gratitude to my supervisor, Dr.

Tanuja Srivastava, Department of Mathematics Institute of Technology Roorkee

and Dr. S.K.Barthwal, Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology

Roorkee, for his erudite and invaluable guidance throughout my dissertation work. His

gratitude, analytical and methodical way of working has inspired me and under his

guidance I have learned a lot.

I am extremely grateful to Prof. Jagdish Rai, Head of Department and Prof. R.

Nath, Course Coordinator of M.Tech. (SSEM), Department of Physics, Indian Institute of

Technology, Roorkee, for providing me all the necessary facilities, continuing support,

and encouragement.

I am also thankful to all my friends and classmates for their help, co-operation

and a constant inspiration at every stage of my dissertation work.

Date: 29 e 2 oa /
Satish Raj Goyal)

In this report, we have studied in details about the different computer

tomographic. imaging techniques. Tomographic imaging refers to the reconstruction of

two-dimensional cross-sectional images of an object from their projections with the use

of X-rays. The technique is developed based on the Fourier Slice Theorem and is

implemented with the filtered backprojection algorithm. We have used two algorithms for

carrying out tomographic imaging - the parallel beam and the fan beam reconstruction

algorithm. Some sinograms are created for a Shepp-Logan Head Phantom image and then

reconstructed these images from the projections using backprojection, filtered

backprojection. Some filters were used for both filtered versions of the reconstruction

techniques. The application of these algorithms has been simulated by the development

of two MATLAB models

In this work, different projection methods for image reconstruction from fan

projections were carried out. To this goal, a geometrical relation between parallel and fan

beam projections was first formulated. This geometrical relation provided the basis for

the reconstruction of an image from its fan projection using conventional reconstruction

methods, such as filtered backprojection.


Candidate's declaration ......................................................... ..........................I.... I.... i

Certificate................................................................................................ i i
Acknowledgements ...........................................
Abstract...................................................................................................................... iv
Contents.................................................................................................................... v
List of Figures ..............................
Listof Tables ............................................................................................................ Xii

Table of Contents

1.Introduction ................................................................................. P. 1

2.Conceptual Background .................................................................. P. 5

2.1 Introduction ........................................................................ P. 5

2.2 Tomographic Imaging ........................................:.................... P. 5

2.3 Design Considerations ............................................................. P. 9

3.Reconstruction Techniques ............................................................... P. 13

3.1 Introduction ........................................................................ P. 13

3.2 Projection ...........................................................................P. 13

3.3 Backprojection .....................................................................P. 13

3.4 Fourier reconstruction ............................................................ P. 15

3.5 Filtered backprojection ............................................................ P. 17


4. Mathematical Theory of Tomography ................................................... P. 21

4.l Projection Data or Radon Transform ............................................ P. 21

4.2 The Fourier Slice Theorem .......................................................P. 25

4.3 Reconstruction Algorithm for Parallel Projections ............................P. 30

4.4 Reconstruction Algorithm for Fan Projections ................................. P. 38

5. Development of Software Models ......................................................P. 45

5.] Introduction ......................................................................... P. 45

5.2 Use of MATLAB and Matrices .................................................. P. 45

5.3 Computer Implementation of the Parallel Beam Reconstruction Model .... P. 46

5.3.1 Generation of Cross-sectional Images .............................. P. 46

5.3.2 Generation of Parallel Projections .....................................P. 46

5.3.3 Generation of Filtered Projections ....................................P. 48

5.3.4 Image Reconstruction by Backprojection Algorithm ............. P. 50

5.4 Computer Implementation of the Fan Beam Reconstruction Model ........ P. 50

5.4.1 Generation of Cross-sectional Images .............................. P. 50

5.4.2 Generation of Fan Projections ....................................... P. 51

5.4.3 Generation of Filtered Projections ...................................P. 51

5.4.4 Image Reconstruction by Weighted-Backprojection Algorithm. P. 53

6. Results and Discussion .................................................................... P. 54

6.1 Image Reconstruction Using Fanbeam Projection ............................. P. 55

6.1.1 Radon Transform (Sinogram) ........................................P. 55

6.1.2 Back Projection ......................................................... P. 55

6.1.3 Filtered Back Projection for 128*128 Image Size .................. P. 55

6.1.4 Filtered Back Projection For Image Size Of 256*256 ............. P. 61

6.1.5 Filtered Back Projection for Image Size of 512*512 ............... P. 61

6.2 Image Construction Using Parallel Beam Projection .......................... P. 66

6.2.1 Radon Transform (Sinogram) ......................................... P. 66

6.2.2 Back Projection ......................................................... P. 66

6.2.3 Filtered Back Projection For 128* 128 Image Size ................. P. 66

6.2.4 Filtered Back Projection For 216*216 Image Size ................. P. 70

6.2.5 Filtered Back Projection For 512*512 Image Size ........:........ P. 70

6.3 Comparison of Images Generated ................................................ P. 70

7. Conclusion and Future Work ............................................................. P. 75

8.References ................................................................................... P...76


Figurel.l: Two projections are shown of an object consisting of a 2

pair of cylinders

Figure2.1: Model for implementing tomographic imaging in a real 7


Figure2.2: Generation of projection of a cross-section of an object 9

with a parallel beam of X-rays

Figure2.3: A parallel beam projection of a cross-section.f(x, y) of an 9


Figure2.4: Parallel projections are taken by measuring a set of parallel 11

rays for a number of different angles

Figure2.5: A fan beam projection is collected if all the rays meet at 12

one location

Figure3.1: The Shepp and Logan Head Phantom 15

Figure 3.2: Radon transform of the Phantom 15

Figure 3.3: Backprojection results for 1, 4, 12 and 180 projections) 15

Figure 3.4: Reconstruction of the 2- dimensional Fourier transform 17

Figure 3.5: Fourier reconstruction results for 1, 4, 12 and 180 projections) 17

Figure 3.6: Filtered Backprojection results for 1, 4, 12 and 180 projections) 19

Figure 3.7: Backprojection results after filtering for 1, 4, 12 19

and 180 projections

Figure4.l : Radon transformation 23

Figure4.2: Fourier Slice Theorem defines the relation between the 30

1-D Fourier transform of a projection and the 2-D Fourier

transform of an object along a radial line

Figure4.3: The filtered projection is backprojected on the image plane 34

Figure4.4 : The ideal filter response. This is sometimes called the ramp filter, 38

or the Ram-Lak filter [from 6]

Figure4.5: Magnitude response of backprojection filters. l=Ram-Lak (ramp), 38


Figure4.6: A equiangle fan configuration 41

Figure4.7: L is the distance of the pixel at location (x,y) from the source 43

S. [from 4]

Figure5.1: One cross-section of the object from different portions of 48

the lead particles

Figure5.2: The columns are summed to obtain the projection at each angle 50

Figure5.3: The fan projections are formed by summing the values in the 53

cross-sectional matrix along the rays in the fan at each angle of


Figure 6.1: (a) original phantom image (b) radon transform for fanbeam 56


Figure 6.2: (a) originalphantom with image size 128* 128. Backprojection 57

of image with sensor spacing (b) = 2.0 (c) = 1.0 (d) = 0.1.

Figure 6.3: (a) original phantom with image size 128* 128. Filtered back 58

projection of reconstructed image with projection 90, D = 200

and sensor spacing = 0,1(b) Ram-Lak filter (c) Shepp filter (d)

Hamming filter (e) Hann filter (f) Cosine filter

Figure 6.4: (a) original phantom with image size 128* 128. Filtered back 59

projection of reconstructed image with projection 90, D = 300

and sensor spacing = 0.1 (b) Ram-Lak filter (c) Shepp filter (d)

Hamming filter (e) Hann filter (f) Cosine filter

Figure 6.5: (a) original phantom with image size 128* 128. Filtered back 60

projection of reconstructed image with projection 90, D = 500

and sensor spacing = 0,1(b) Ram-Lak filter (c) Shepp filter

(d) Hamming filter (e) Hann filter (f) Cosine filter

Figure 6.6: (a) original phantom with image size 256*256. Filtered back 62

projection of reconstructed image with projection 90, D = 200

and sensor spacing = 0.1 (b) Ram-Lak filter (c) Shepp filter

(d) Hamming filter (e) Hann filter (f) Cosine filter

Figure 6.7: (a) original phantom with image size 256*256. Filtered back 63

projection of reconstructed image with projection 90, D = 300

and sensor spacing = 0.1 (b) Ram-Lak filter (c) Shepp filter

(d) Hamming filter (e) Hann filter (f) Cosine filter

Figure 6.8: (a) original phantom with image size 256*256. Filtered back 64

projection of reconstructed image with projection 90, D = 500

and sensor spacing = 0.1(b) Ram-Lak filter (c) Shepp filter

(d) Hamming filter (e) Hann filter (f) Cosine filter

Figure 6.9: (a) original phantom with image size512*512. Filtered back 65

projection of reconstructed image with projection 90, D = 500

and sensor spacing = 0.1(b) Ram-Lak filter (c) Shepp filter

(d) Hamming filter (e) Hann filter (f) Cosine filter

Figure 6.10: (a) original phantom with image size 128* 128. Radon transform 67

with different projection angle (b) = 18 (c) = 36 (d) = 90

Figure 6.11: (a) original phantom with image size 128* 128. Backprojection 68

of image with different projection angle (b) 18 (c) 36 (d) 90.

Figure 6.15: (a) original phantom with image size 128* 128. Filtered back 69

projection of reconstructed image with projection angle 180

using (b) Ram-Lak filter (c) Shepp filter (d) Hamming filter

(e) Hann filter (f) Cosine filter

Figure 6.13: (a) original phantom with image size 256*256. Filtered back 71

projection of reconstructed image with projection angle 180

using (b) Ram-Lak filter (c) Shepp filter (d) Hamming filter

(e) Hann filter (f) Cosine filter

Figure 6.14: (a) original phantom with image size 512*512. Filtered back 72

projection of reconstructed image with projection angle 180

using (b) Ram-Lak filter (c) Shepp filter (d) Hamming filter

(e) Hann filter (f) Cosine filter


Table 6.1: Root of sum of squares of differences for the five filters for image 73

size 128* 128 for different value of D

Table 6.2: Root of sum of squares of differences for the five filters for image 73

size 256*256 for different value of D

Table 6.3: Root of sum of squares of differences for the five filters for image 73

size 512* 512 for different value of D

Table 6.3: Root of sum of squares of differences for the five filters for different 74

image sizes



Tomography deals with the cross-sectional imaging of an object from either

transmission or reflection data collected by illuminating the object from different

directions [4].This technique has a significant impact on areas, which involve image

processing. Nowadays, most of the imaging systems rely on the reconstruction of an

image from its projection through the process of computed tomography (CT) [5].CT is a

technique, which finds its utilization mostly in medical imaging applications.The aim is

to create cross-sectional images of the subject by means of measuring its reflectivity or

transmissivity to certain physical phenomena.CT has revolutionized healthcare because it

is a non-invasive diagnostic technique. Reconstructing the subject is possible by taking

projections from a number of positions and angles. In essence CT is an approach to create

2D-information from a lot of 1D-projections (and the rotation and translation data for

those projections) [3].

Fundamentally, tomographic imaging is associated with reconstructing an image

from its projections. In the strict sense of the word, a projection at a given angle is the

integral of the image in the direction specified by that angle, as illustrated in Figure 1.1.

However, projection means the information derived from the transmitted energies, when

an object is illuminated from a particular angle. The term "diffracted projection" may be

used when energy sources are diffracting, as is the case with ultrasound and microwaves.
Figurel.l: Two projections are shown of an object consisting of a pair of cylinders

Tomography has found widespread application in many scientific fields, including

physics, chemistry, astronomy, geophysics, and, of course, medicine. While X-ray CT

may be the most familiar application of tomography, tomography can be performed, even

in medicine, using other imaging modalities, including ultrasound, magnetic resonance,

nuclear medicine, and microwave techniques.

Although, from a purely mathematical standpoint, the solution to the problem of

how to reconstruct a function from its projections dates back to the paper by Radon in

1917, the current excitement in tomographic imaging originated with Hounsfield's

invention of the x-ray computed Tomographic scanner for which he received a Nobel

prize in 1972. He shared the prize with Allan Cormack who independently discovered

some ofthe algorithms. His invention showed that it is possible to compute high-quality

cross-sectional images with an accuracy now reaching one part in a thousand in spite of

the fact that the projection data do not strictly satisfy the theoretical models underlying

the efficiently implementable reconstruction algorithms. His invention also showed that it

is possible to process a very large number of measurements (now approaching a million

for the case of x-ray tomography) with fairly complex mathematical operations, and still

get an image that is incredibly accurate.

It is perhaps fair to say that the breakneck pace at which x-ray computed

tomography images improved after Hounsfield's invention was in large measure owing to

the developments that were made in reconstruction algorithms. Hounsfield used algebraic

techniques, which was able to reconstruct noisy looking 80 x 80 images with an accuracy

of one part in a hundred. This was followed by the application of convolution-back

projection algorithms, first developed by Ramachandran and Lakshminarayanan [16] and

later popularized by Shepp and Logan [171, to this type of imaging. These later

algorithms considerably reduced the processing time for reconstruction, and the image

produced was numerically more accurate. As a result, commercial manufacturers of x-ray

tomographic scanners started building systems capable of reconstructing 256 x 256 and

512 x 512 images that were almost photographically perfect (in the sense that the

morphological detail produced was unambiguous and in perfect agreement with the

anatomical features). Regarding the enormous success of x-ray computed tomography, it

is not surprising that in recent years much attention has been focused on extending this

image formation technique to nuclear medicine and magnetic resonance on the one hand

and ultrasound and microwaves on the other. In nuclear medicine, the works are being

carried out in reconstructing a cross-sectional image of radioactive isotope distributions

within the human body; and in imaging with magnetic resonance for reconstructing the

magnetic properties of the object. In both these areas, the problem can be set up as

reconstructing an image from its projections of the type. This is not the case when

ultrasound and microwaves are used as energy sources. Although the aim is the same as

with x-rays, viz., to reconstruct the cross-sectional image of, say, the attenuation

coefficient. X-rays are non-diffracting, i.e., they travel in straight lines, whereas

microwaves and ultrasound are diffracting. When an object is illuminated with a

diffracting source, the wave field is scattered in practically all directions, although under

certain conditions one might be able to get away with the assumption of straight line

propagation; these conditions being satisfied when the inhomogeneities are much larger

than the wavelength and when the imaging parameter is the refractive index. For

situations when one must take diffraction effects (inhomogeneity caused scattering of the

wave field) into account, tomographic imaging can in principle be accomplished with the

algorithms [13].



2.1 Introduction

Tomographic imaging is a technique that allows the reconstruction of images for

objects that cannot be easily seen by human eyes. The technique is widely utilized in

different fields and its impact in diagnostic medicine has been revolutionary [13].The

digital tomographic technique has also been used in the construction industry for

providing non-destructive inspection of reinforced concrete structures to detect the

presence of flaws.To implement the technique in a real system, a model as shown in

Figure 2.1 has to be built. It includes the use of an X-ray source and an X-ray detector.

Upon collecting the intensity of the attenuated X-rays at an X-ray detector, the

tomographic imaging technique can then be applied to the system for reconstructing the

three-dimensional image.

2.2 Tomographic Imaging ,

Tomography is a technique used for reconstructing the image of some objects. However,

the technique ' does not generate the three-dimensional images directly. In fact,

tomographic imaging refers to the reconstruction of two-dimensional cross-sectional

images of an object from the projection data acquired by illuminating the object with

some energy source from many different directions. By stacking up these cross-sectional

images, the three-dimensional image of the object can be reconstructed.

object cylinder
X-ray detector

. ---------
,*` la.m..._.___._
Attenuated -ray from source


Figure2.1: Model for implementing tomographic imaging in a real system

In practice, X-rays have been widely used as the energy source for tomographic

imaging. X-rays are non-diffracting. They suffer from attenuation as they propagate in a

straight line through an object. The level of this attenuation is dependent on how much of

the energy is absorbed by the object particles that it passes through. Therefore, by

measuring the intensity of photons remaining in the X-rays after propagating through an

object, the density of the object particles can be determined. If an object is illuminated

with a beam of X-rays in one direction and the intensity of the X-rays is measured on the

other side of the object, one can obtain the projection of a cross-section of the object.

Figure 2.2 shows how this can be done with a parallel beam of X-rays.

The figure demonstrates how some X-rays are passed through a cross-section

f(x,y) of the object in a parallel manner from an angle. The parallel beam projection

obtained for the cross-section f(x,y) is shown in Figure 2.3. Later in the report, it will be

shown that this projection is in fact the Radon transform of the cross-section f(x,y) by

combining a set of line integrals.

If the X-ray source is now rotated around the object, at a fixed degree increment

at a time, a new projection of the cross-section can be obtained at each angle. In this way,

a number of projections can be obtained for the same cross-section. Figure 2.4 shows

how the projections of the cross-section f(x,y) in Figure 2.2 can be acquired at three

different angles. Having a sufficient number of projections taken, one can then perform a

series of Fourier transform, filtering and inverse Fourier transform on the projections.

These are then inserted into the image plane using an algorithm called backprojection in

order to reconstruct the image of one cross-section.

X-ray detector


One cross section `,~~, Parallel beam of X-rays from

represented by f (x,y) source

Figure2.2: Generation of projection of a cross-section of an object with a parallel

beam of X-rays.

Projection Pe

f (x, y)

Parallel beam of X-rays from


Figure2.3: A parallel beam projection of a cross-section f(x, y) of an object. [201

Another type of projection is known as fan beam projection. The projection is

formed by a single source placed in a fixed position according to the detectors. Figure 2.5

shows how fan beam projections are measured [13].

The reconstruction algorithm used is dependent on how the projection data are

measured. In Section 4, the reconstruction algorithms for the two projection types,

parallel beam and fan beam projections, will be discussed. The details of Fourier

transform, inverse Fourier transform and filtered backprojection algorithm will also be


2.3 Design Considerations

There is no simple way to implement tomographic imaging in a real system. To

design such a system, different technical issues that affect the system's performance have

to be carefully considered. Thus, in this project, a number of parameters have been

identified for investigation. These are the followings:

• The number of projections used for each cross-section

• The number of pixels used for representing the cross-sectional images (the image


A couple of additional parameters have been considered for the fan beam reconstruction

algorithm (see Section 4.4):

• The number of detectors used for obtaining the fan projections

• How far the X-ray source should be placed away from the object [20].


Figure2.4: Parallel projections are taken by measuring a set of parallel rays for a

number of different angles 1171.


Poi (t)

Figure2.5: A fan beam projection is collected if all the rays meet at one location[17].
When determining the appropriate parameters used for a system, there are

tradeoffs between various aspects concerning the system's performance. Increasing the

number of projections improves the quality and the accuracy of the reconstructed images

but it significantly increases the memory usage of the system as well as the time for data-

processing; increasing the size of the image gives better resolution, but this again

increases the memory usage and processing time; increasing the size of the particles also

helps reducing the errors of the reconstructed image. Hence, balancing between the

various factors is necessary for achieving an efficient system. To investigate the effects

on the reconstruction process caused by varying the values of the parameters listed above,

various experiments have been performed on the software models developed. The

following aspects of the reconstruction process have been studied:

• Processing time

• System memory usage

• Signal-to-noise ratio of the reconstructed images

• Accuracy of the reconstructed image after image segmentation

The performance of the reconstruction models have been analyzed based on the

experimental results. The analysis has evaluated the relationship between the various

parameters and the performance of the system. Thus, given some requirements by the

client or some physical constraints in a real situation, such as the limitation in the size of

the lead particles and the number of detectors, suggestions can be made for designing an

optimal combination of parameters that provides the system with the greatest efficiency.



3.1 Introduction

As mentioned in the previous chapters, there are several mathematical methods

for reconstructing CT geometry. Some of them are backprojection, filtered

backprojection and Fourier reconstruction. To demonstrate these techniques a phantom

image is simulated in MATLAB (6.5.0 & 7.1.0). The Shepp and Logan head phantom is

used as an example image for our analysis of the reconstruction techniques. This image is

a standard for the comparison of algorithms and is shown in Figure 3.1. [17]

3.2 Projection

From this image the Radon transform is calculated to simulate a measurement of

the phantom. The resulting image contains the same data as if the phantom is measured

with a CT setup. This results in the graph depicted in Figure 3.2. The horizontal axis is

the angle 0 at which the image is projected. The vertical axis is the radius, with the centre

of rotation at zero.

3.3 Backprojection

Backprojection is based on a projection of image intensities along lines at various

angles. This is basically the reverse of the procedure depicted in Figure 3.1. Each column

of projection data is back projected in the reconstructed image at the appropriate angle.

Figure3.1: The Shepp and Logan Head Phantom

Figure 3.2: Radon transform of the Phantom

Figure 3.3: Backprojection results for 1, 4,12 and 180 projections

picture of Figure 3.3. Total reconstruction is done by adding all the columns of the radon

transform for every angle. In the sequence in Figure 3.3 can be seen that for every added

projection at a different angle the reconstructed image becomes more detailed. For a total

of 180 angles the image certainly looks like the original, but unfortunately has some kind

of blur or glow around it. To get a better reconstruction we shall look at some other

algorithms and see that this blur is due to an overabundance of low frequencies in the


3.4 Fourier Reconstruction

A totally different approach to image reconstruction is a technique using the

Fourier transform. For an explanation of this method we need the result of a theorem

called the Fourier Slice theorem. Here we shall simply

Theorem: the 1-dimensional Fourier transform of a projection at angle 0 of the

original image equals a slice of the 2-dimensional Fourier transform of the image at that

same angle[3].

The procedure for the reconstruction is now clear. First the Fourier transform of every

projection is taken and the 2-dimensional transform is built with these slices. This is done

by placing the transformed projections at the right angle and interpolating to get the full

image. This step is depicted in Figure 3.4. Finally, to get the original image back, a 2

dimensional inverse Fourier transform is applied to this image. The resulting image is


Frequency domain

Figure 3.4: Reconstruction of the 2- dimensional Fourier transform [15]

Figure 3.5: Fourier reconstruction results for 1, 4, 12 and 180 projections

displayed in Figure 3.5 for an increasing number of projections used. As can be seen,

there are, especially with fewer projections used, still some artefacts remaining. The last

A image however comes fairly close to the original phantom.

The main source of error in this method comes from the interpolation to build the 2-

dimensional Fourier transform. As can be seen in Figure 3.4 the data points at a large

radius are widely spaced apart, while at the centre they crowd together. Since the points

become sparser further away from the centre, there will be a greater error in the high

frequency components of the resulting image. This makes a good reconstruction difficult

to implement.

3.5 Filtered Backprojection

While the Fourier Slice theorem gives a basis for the reconstruction of the image

data, the algorithm above has some disadvantages. The most widely used method for

reconstructing the projected data is filtered backprojection. The idea behind this

algorithm is that when we consider just a single projection, the theorem says that the

Fourier transform of that projection is a line in the 2-dimensional Fourier transform of the

original image. When all the lines from the projections at different angles are added in the

Fourier domain, the 2D-Fourier transform is reconstructed. (Actually a star-shaped

pattern of lines, which can be interpolated to result in the complete Fourier transform.) So

far, this is only the summary of the Fourier reconstruction technique. But considering the

linearity of the Fourier transform, the summing over all the projections can also be done

in the space domain, instead of the Fourier domain. This is what is done in

backprojection, however, we have seen that this results in a blur. By using a filter this

Figure 3.6: Filtered Backprojection results for 1, 4,12 and 180 projections

Figure 3.7: Backprojection results after filtering for 1, 4,12 and 180 projections

blur can be removed. The filtering part of the backprojection algorithm is done before the

backprojection. A simple ramp filter that weighs the frequency with f (w) = Iwl , for

w E [-w, w] is sufficient to get good results. Often this filter is supplemented with another

filter that filters out some of the higher frequencies, in order to suppress the noise in the


Filter specifies the filter to use for frequency domain filtering. Filter is a string

that specifies any of the following standard filters.

• 'Ram-Lak' - The cropped Ram-Lak or ramp filter (default). The frequency

response of this filter is I w 1. Because this filter is sensitive to noise in the

projections, one of the filters listed below may be preferable. These filters

multiply the Ram-Lak filter by a window that de-emphasizes high frequencies.

• 'Shepp-Logan' - The Shepp-Logan filter multiplies the Ram-Lak filter by a sin


• 'Cosine' - The cosine filter multiplies the Ram-Lak filter by a cosine function.

• 'Hamming' - The Hamming filter multiplies the Ram-Lak filter by a Hamming


• 'Hann' - The Hann filter multiplies the Ram-Lak filter by a Hann window [22].

3.6 Comparison between Backprojection and Filtered Backprojection

The difference between backprojection and filtered backprojection is the filtering

process that takes place before projecting. As can be seen in Figure 3.3 this reconstructed

image is very blurred. Instead of filtering each projection line, the filtering step can also

be performed afterwards, when the image already is reconstructed. The filter now has to

be a 2-dimensional frequency filter and is just a deblurring filter. The result of filtering

the images after the backprojection can be seen in Figure 3.7. Note that there still is a

difference with the images when filtered in advance [3].




4.1 Projection Data or Radon Transform

The following theorem by Radon shows that image reconstruction from

projection is possible:

The value of a 2-D function at an arbitrary point is uniquely obtained by the

integrals along the lines of all directions passing the point.

Tomographic methods such as Computerised Tomography (CT) do not generate

three dimensional images of an object directly. Instead sectional two-dimensional images

are reconstructed from a set of projections.

This theorem proves that a 2-D object (actually, transparence distribution) is

reconstructed from projections obtained by the rotational scanning shown in the previous


The Radon transformation shows the relationship between the 2-D object and the

projections. Let us consider a coordinate system shown in Figure 4.1. The function P0 (t)

is a projection of f(x, y) on the axis t of 0 direction. The function PB (t) is obtained by the

integration along the line whose normal vector is in 0 direction. The value PB (0) is

defined that it is obtained by the integration along the line passing the origin of (x, y)


I +ysin 0

Figure4.1: Projection data [131

Since the points on the line whose normal vector is in 0 direction and passing the

origin of (x, y) coordinate satisfy

We get

xcos0+ysin0=0 (4.1)

The integration along the line whose normal vector is in 9 direction and that

passes the origin of f(x, y) coordinate means the integration of f(x, y) only at the points

satisfying equation (4.1), PB (0) is expressed using the S function as follows:


Similarly, it follows from equation (4.1) that the lines whose normal vector is in 9

direction and whose distance from the origin is t satisfy the following equation:

(x-t cos 0) cos 0 + (y-t sin 0) sin 0 = 0 (4.3)

i, e.

x cos 0+ y sin 0— t=0 (4.4)

Since this line is obtained by moving the line passing the origin by t cos 0 in x

direction and t sin 0 in y direction. Thus similarly to equation (4.2) we get

PB (t) =f (B, t) line f (x, y) ds (4.5)

where ds are some differential path length and f (x, y) is the function describing the 2-D

distribution of absorption coefficients in our imaged object. Mathematically a projection

can be described by the Radon transform.

P0(t)=J J f(x,y)S(xcos0+ysin0-t)dxdy (4.6)

PB (t) is called a projection, and for the sake of generality our imaged property is

represented by the two-dimensional function f (x, y). The Dirac delta function (8 (x))

"picks" out rectilinear paths that are parallel to the set of projections [9].


Although the Radon transformation expresses the projection by the two-

dimensional integral on the x, y-coordinate, the projection is more naturally expressed by

an integral of one variable since it is a line integral. Let us consider rewriting equation

(4.6) to an integral of one variable.

Since the t, s-coordinate along the direction of projection is obtained by rotating

the x, y-coordinate by 0, the relationship between two directions is expressed as follows:

t 1cos0 sin B x
= 8cos B y

Thus we get the following relationship between (t, s) and (x, y):

t=xcos0+ysin0 1 (48)

x=tcos0- ssin0

Substituting equation (4.9) into equation (4.6), it follows that the argument of the

6 function is

xcos 0 +ysin 0—t

=(tcos0—ssin0)cos9+(tsin9+scos0) sin 8—t

=t(cos2 0+sin2 0)—tsin9cosO+tsin&cos9—t


=o ' (4.10)

Since the translation from the x, y- coordinate to the t, s- coordinate yields no

expansion or shrinkage, we get dx dy = di' ds. Thus we get from equation (4.6)

Po (t)= J f f(tcos0—ssin0,tsine+scos0) 5(0)dtds (4.11)

Since the 8-function in equation (4.6) is a function of variable t, we get

f 5(0)dt=1 (4.12)

It follows from the above that the Radon transformation PB (t) in equation (4.6) is

translated into the following integral of one variables,

PB (t)= f f(tcose—ssin0,tsin0+scos0)ds (4.13)

This equation expresses the sum of f(x, y) along the X-ray pass whose distance

from the origin is t and whose normal vector is in 0 direction. This sum, PB (t) is called


4.2 Fourier Slice Theorem [221

In this session we will first derive the Fourier Slice Theorem and then proceed

with the application of this theorem to result in a reconstruction algorithm called filtered


First, we derive the Fourier Slice Theorem by taking the one-dimensional Fourier

transform of a parallel projection and noting that it is equal to a slice of the two-

dimensional Fourier transform of the original object. It follows that given the projection

data; it should then be possible to estimate the object by simply performing a two-

dimensional inverse Fourier transform.

We start by defining the two-dimensional Fourier transform of the object function


F (u, v) = j J f (x, y) ei 2 dx dy (4.14)

Likewise define a projection at an angle 0, PB (t), and its Fourier transform by

Se (w) = f Pe (t) e2 dt (4.15)

The simplest example of the Fourier Slice Theorem is given for a projection at 0

= 0. First, consider the Fourier transform of the object along the line in the frequency

domain given by v = 0. The Fourier transform integral now simplifies to

F (u 0) = $ $ f (x y) e' 2 ~ ' r dx dy (4.16)

but because the phase factor is no longer dependent on y we can split the integral into two


F (u, 0) = J j f (x, y) dy e i 2'r "x dx. (4.17)

From the definition of a parallel projection, the reader will recognize the term in

brackets as the equation for a projection along lines of constant x or

P©=o (x) = f f (x, y) dy. (4.18)

Substituting this in the formula for F (u, 0) we find


-f e' z Ir ux

F (u, 0) P90 (x) (4.19)

The right-hand side of this equation represents the one-dimensional Fourier

transform of the projection PO=o; thus we have the following relationship between the

vertical projection and the 2-D transform of the object function:

F (u, 0) = SB=o (u). (4.20)

This is the simplest form of the Fourier Slice Theorem. Clearly this result is

independent of the orientation between the object and the coordinate system. If for

example the coordinate system is rotated by an angle 0, the Fourier transform of the

projection is equal to the two dimensional Fourier transform of the object along a line

rotated by 0. This leads to the Fourier Slice Theorem which is stated as [12]:

The Fourier transform of a parallel projection of an image f (x, y) taken at angle 0

gives a slice of the two-dimensional transform, F (u, v), subtending an angle 0 with the u-


The derivation of the Fourier Slice Theorem can be placed on a more solid

foundation by considering the (t, s) coordinate system to be a rotated version of the

original (x, y) system as expressed by


x=tcos0- ssin0

In the (t, s) coordinate system a projection along lines of constant t is written

PB (t) = f f (t, s) ds (4.23)


and its Fourier transform is given by

So (w) =J Pe (t) e2'

wr di'. (4.24)

Substituting the definition of a projection into the above equation we find

SB (w) _ J f (t, s) ds i'2

dt. (4.25)

This result can be transformed into the (x, y) coordinate system by using the

relationships in equation (4.25), the result being

S© (w) = J f .f(x, Y) f 2 ?rw(Xcase+ys(ne)

dxdy. (4.26)

The Fourier Slice Theorem states that the one-dimensional Fourier transform of a

parallel projection of an image f(x ,y) taken at angle 0 is equal to a slice of the two-

dimensional Fourier transform of the original image f(x ,y). As illustrated in Figure 4.2, if

the projection of the image taken at angle 0 is Fourier transformed, it is equal to the

values of F(u ,v) along the radial line AB [20].

The right-hand side of this equation now represents the two-dimensional Fourier

transform at a spatial frequency of (u = w cos 0, v = w sin 0) or

So (w) = F (w, 6) = F (w cos 6, w sin 9). (4.27)




Space Domain ,L IJUIIIUIII

Figure4.2: Fourier Slice Theorem defines the relation between the 1-D Fourier

transform of a projection and the 2-D Fourier transform of an object along a radial

line [15].

This equation is the essence of straight ray tomography and proves the Fourier

Slice Theorem.

f (x, Y) = $ J f (u, v) d 2 du dv. (4.28)

_OD _.0

The above result indicates that by taking the projections of an object function at

angles B1, 02_. .......... Ok and Fourier transforming each of these, we can determine the values

of F(u, v). If an infinite number of projections are taken, then F (u, v) would be known at

all points in the uv-plane. Knowing F (u, v), the object function f (x, y) can be recovered

by using the inverse Fourier transform.

4.3 Reconstruction Algorithm for Parallel Projections

Now based on the Fourier Slice Theorem, we can use this result to establish the

filtered backprojection algorithm. Instead of the Fourier Slice Theorem, the filtered

backprojection algorithm is used for parallel projections in practical implementations.

The algorithm is about generating the reconstruction of a single projection by two main

steps: filtering and backprojecting. The projection is Fourier transformed, filtered and

inverse Fourier transformed. The values are then inserted into their proper places in the

image plane to reconstruct one projection. A summation of the reconstruction of each

single projection leads to the final reconstruction of the cross-sectional image [3].

Let us consider equation (4.6) the formula for the inverse Fourier transform, the

object function, f(x, y).

Exchanging the rectangular coordinate system in the frequency domain, (u, v), for

a polar coordinate system, (w, 0), by making the substitutions


u = w cos 0

and then changing the differentials by using

dudv=wdwd8 (4.30)

we can write the inverse Fourier transform of a polar function as

2,r *o
f(X,y)= J J F.(w, 0)e'2irw(x cos 0+ysin 0) wdwd8. (4.31)
0 0

This integral can be split into two by considering 0 from 00 to 180° and then from

1800 to 3600 and then using the property

F (w, 8+180°) = F (-w, 8) (4.32)

the above expression forf (x, y) may be written as

f (x, y) = j j F (w, 8) wl d2 WI dw d8. (4.33)


0 -~

Here we have simplified the expression by setting



d a 1T WI dw.
Q9 (t) = j~ Se (w) w~ (4.34)

This estimate off (x, y), given the projection data transform SB (w), has a simple

form. The equation (4.34) represents a filtering operation, where the frequency response

of the filter is given by Jwi; therefore Qa (w) is called a "filtered projection". The resulting

projections for different angles 0 are then added to form the estimate off (x, y).

The equation (4.34) for f (x, y) calls for each filtered projection, QB, to be

"backprojected". This can be explained as follows. To every point (x, y) in the image

plane there corresponds a value of t = x cos 0 + y sin 0 for a given value of 0, and the

filtered projection QB, contributes to the reconstruction its value at t = x cos 0 + y sin 0. It

is easily shown that for a projection at angle 0, the value oft is the same for all (x, y) on a

line with angle 0. Therefore, the filtered projection, QB, will make the same contribution

to the reconstruction at all of these points.

Therefore, one could say that in the reconstruction process each filtered

projection, QB, is smeared back, or backprojected, over the image plane.

For a given value of angle Oi, every point (x,y) on the image plane corresponds to

a value of t on the projection plane which is defined by equation (4.4). Thus, the values

on the filtered projection can then be smeared back, or backprojected, on their

corresponding locations on the image plane. As shown in Figure 4.3, for the angle Or, the

value of the filtered projection at t is backprojected onto all the (x,y) values along the line

AB. In the same way, the values at all t on the filtered projection plane are smeared back

onto the image plane to reconstruct the projection taken at angle Oi. By backprojecting

the values of Qe(t) taken at different angles Oi and summing them up, the original image

can be recovered [7].

If we substitute the Fourier transform of the projection at angle 0, Se (w), for the

two dimensional Fourier transform F (w, 0), we get

f(x,y)= j Qe(xcos9 +ysinO)dO (4.35)


Figure4.3: The filtered projection is backprojected on the image plane[17]


In practice, only a finite number of samples will be taken from a projection, so a

discrete approximation of the integral in equation (4.35) is applied in practice

f (x, y) =K~K 1 QBi(xcos8i+ysin9i) (4.36)

where, K is the number of projections PB(t) taken.

Tomographic filter

In actual application the equation (4.34) becomes

Qe (t) = JSo (w) Iwl h(w)e2"""` .dw (4.37)

where, h(w), a function defined on bounded domain [-w, w] is called window


When this equation (4.37) is re-written in the t-domain (spatial domain) it



Qe (t) = f Pe (t).p(t —a).da (4.38)

where, p(t) is nominally the inverse Fourier Transform of w h(w) function in frequency

domain. These one known as Tomographic filters.

Different window functions h(w) are used in literature proposed by different authors.

Such as:

1. Ram-Lak proposed the equation (4.39) as window function:

WE [—W, W ]
h(w) = 1 Ram-Lak (4.39)
0 e.w

2. Shepp-Logan proposed the equation (4.40) as window function


I sin(w I W )
h(w)= w/W (4.40)
0 e.w

3. Hamming and Hann proposed the equation (4.39) as window function

h(w)= a+(1—a) us wE[—W,W1

0 e.w

a = 0.50 Hanning window, a = 0.54 Hamming window

Thus corresponding tomographic filters as given by authors are:

W2 t=0
1. Ram-Lak q(t) = 2 (4.42)
[us(2,r(—W)—lj t ~ 0
(27a )

2. Shepp-Logan q(() _ (4.43)
1(. r 2 2
t 0
1-16W 2 t2

3. Hamming and Hann

aW2—(1—a) 2W t=0
9(t)= 2a 2(1 a)WZ(1+4W2t2)
(2,rt)2 c2 (1-4W2 t2 )

These equations must be implemented digitally. Let's assume that the projection

data are sampled with a sampling interval of T cm. If there is no aliasing, then the

transform domain of the projections does not contain energy outside the frequency

interval (- W, W) where

W=1/2z cycles/ cm (4.45)

With this assumption, equation (4.34) can be written as

Q6 (t) = J S0 (w) H(w) e' dw (4.46)


H(w) _ wl bw(w) (4.47)


if Iwl(W

H(co) is shown in Figure 4.4 and has a discrete impulse response given by

(zxT) n=0
h(nz)= 0 n even


which is shown in Figure 4.5.This filter is known as the Ram-Lak filter named after

Ramachandran and Lakshminarayanan [16].

One usually obtains superior reconstructions when some smoothing is also

incorporated. Smoothing may be implemented with a Hamming window, or other such

windows as shown in Figure 4.5.

_ 1 Frequency (w) —> 1
2T P92(t) 2z

Figure4.4 The ideal filter response. This is sometimes called the ramp filter, or the

Ram-Lak filter [18].

Ram-Lak (ramp)



Figure4.5: Magnitude response of backprojection filters. 1=Ram-Lak (ramp),

2=Shepp-Logan, 3=Cosine, and 4=Hamming [8].

Shows the effect of the filtering.

To sum up this section, the following outline is usually implemented in the filtered

backprojection algorithm:

1.Measure the family of projections Pei (ni), i =1,2,3...........,K; n = 1,2,3...........,N. K

is the total number of projections (number of angles measured). N is the length of the

dataset, which is the number of rays in each projection (number of detectors sampled at

each angle).

2. Perform FFT (Pe, (nr), i=1, 2, 3. ........., K) (Note: zero pad is necessary to make N,

the length of the sequence, be a power of 2)

3. Multiply FFT {PB (nr)) by FFT {h (ntr)) (Note: modify the Ram-Lak filter with

smoothing filter of choice, such as the Hamming, Hanning, or other smoothing filter)

4. Perform IFFT (product from Step 3 }

5. Perform backprojection as discrete implementation of equation (4.35) as

f(x,y) _— QB,(xcosO1 +ysine)de (4.50)

4.4 Reconstruction Algorithm for Fan Projections

Collection of parallel ray CT projection data usually results in times that are as

long as a few minutes. A much faster way to generate the line integrals is by using fan

beams such as those shown in Figure 4.6. In this configuration, the X-ray emanates from

a point source in the shape of a fan. A bank of detectors is then used to collect all data

from the fan beam simultaneously. The goal is to develop an algorithm that uses the

simplicity of the parallel beam backprojection notion, at least to the extent possible.

Let Rf(y) denote a fan projection as shown in Figure 4.6.Consider ray SA. If the

projection data were generated along a set of parallel rays, then ray SA would belong to a

parallel projection) P © (t) for 0 and I given by

O=ji+ y and t=D sin y (4.51)

where D is the distance of the source S from the origin 0. From parallel beam analysis,

we know that f (x, y) can be reconstructed by

r tm

f (x, y) = j f Pe (t) h (x cos 8 + y sin 0 -t) dt dO (4.52)

0 -fm

where t ,,, is the value of t for which PB(t) = 0 with t > t , in all projections. If the

projections are collected over 3600 (as in Generation 4 machines), then equation (4.52)


l 2,f in,

f(x,y)=— f $ PB (t)h(x cos 0 +y sin 0-t)dtdO (4.53)

2 0 —tnt

Derivation becomes easier when the point (x, y) is expressed in polar coordinates (r, rp),

that is

x=rcosrpandy=rsincp (4.54)

Rewriting equation (4.53),

1 Lr till

f (r, gyp) = 2 J f PB (t) h (r cos (0 - gyp) -t) dt dO (4.55)

Figure4.6: A equiangle fan configuration


Using equation (4.51), equation (4.55) becomes

1 Z" ,n
f(r,cp)= 2 ff Rf(y)h(rcos(Q+y-co)-Dsiny)Dcosydydfl (4.56)

where we have dt dB=D cosy dy dQ. The function R p(y) is the ray in the fan projection at

angle y. This looks formidable, even intimidatig. However, taking advantage of certain

"identities" and using the notation in Figure 4.7, equation (4.56) can be written as

z1r rn
f(r, o) =2 J J Rp(y)h(Lsiny'-y)Dcosydydf (4.57)
o -yam

which can be written in more familiar parts as the following three equations.

f (r, ) = J L x L Q (y) df


Q fl (y) = R (y) * g(y) (4.59)

and where

R p (y) = RQ (y). D.cos y (4.60)

This result calls for a celebration because finally we have a step-by-step procedure for

reconstructing an image using the following three steps (with reference to Figure 4.7):

1. Assume that each projection R p(y) is sampled with sampling interval a . The known

data then are Rp;(na) where n takes integer values. f.3! are the angles at which projections

are taken. The first step is to generate for each fan projection Rp,(na) the corresponding

R f;(na) by

R Q, (na) = RR; (na).D. cos na (4.61)

Figure4.7: L is the distance of the pixel at location (xty) from the source S. [13]

2. Convolve each modified projection R ,q;(na) with g(na) to generate the

corresponding filtered projection

Q p (na) = R f, (na) * g(na) (4.62)

To perform this discrete convolution using the FFT, the function R'A;(na) must be

padded with a sufficient number of zeros. The sequence g (n a) is given by equation


1 n=0
g(na) = 0 n even (4.63)
(r x r x ax ax sin(na)x sin(na)

In practice equation (4.62) is modified by adding smoothing with a Hamming, Hanning,

or other window. This means that equation (4.62) is modified as

Q fl; (na) = R fl (na) * g(na) * k(na) (4.64)

where k(na)is the impulse response of the smoothing filter.

3. Perform a weighted backprojection of each filtered projection along the fan. Note that

the backprojection here is very different from the backprojection in the parallel case [7].

The backprojection is performed as a fan, not a straight line as in the parallel case. This

means that

f (x, Y) AQ~ (L x L)(x, nfll(Y') (4.65)

where y' is the angle of the fan beam ray that passes through the point (x,y) and

d(3=27r/M.If the computed y' does not correspond to one of the na for which Q,; (na) is

known, then interpolation is necessary.

A slightly different approach is used by some (such as MATLAB) for reconstructing

fanbeam CT images. The algorithm quickly resorts into equivalent parallel projection

data. After resorting, standard filtered backprojection can be applied. Referring to figure

4.6, the relationship between the fan beam and parallel projections are given by equation

(4.51) and repeated here as

8=j3+ y and t=D sin y (4.66)

If R,(y) represents a fan beam projection taken at angle /1, and PB (t) represents a parallel

projection taken at angle 9, using equation (4.66) we can write

Rp (y) =Pp+ ,, (D sin y) (4.67)

Let dQ denote the angular increment interval used for sampling the fan beam projections.

Furthermore assume that

d f3+ dy= a (4.68)

Clearly then $ and y in equation (4.67) are equal to ma and na, respectively, for some

integer values of the indices m and n. Thus equation (4.67) may be rewritten as

Rma(na)=P(m+n)a (D sin na) (4.69)

equation (4.69) serves as the basis of a fast re-sorting algorithm. This is the algorithm

that is used in MATLAB to reconstruct fan beam projections[7].



5.1 Introduction

As mentioned in.the earlier chapter, two software models have been developed for

the reconstruction of two-dimensional images from parallel projections and fan

projections respectively. The models consist of several major components and the

software functions of these are discussed in Section 5.3 and 5.4.

5.2 Use of MATLAB and Matrices

MATLAB has been chosen as the software platform for the models in this

project. The software provides various tools that facilitate the construction of prototype

for algorithm evaluation.

In the models, images are stored as matrices — two dimensional arrays of

numerical data, the elements of which contain the intensity information of each pixel of

the image. MATLAB provides extensive functions for matrix manipulations which can

easily handle matrices. This allows a whole set of data to be processed at a time and

reduces complexity of programming. Moreover, the image processing toolbox provides

functions for image transform, such as Fourier transform, inverse Fourier transform, and

high-quality image display. All of the above make MATLAB an ideal development

platform for this project.

5.3 Computer Implementation of the Parallel Beam Reconstruction Model

In order to implement the reconstruction process, it is necessary to generate some

two-dimensional images that simulate the cross-sectional images. It then takes several

steps to implement the reconstruction process. They include generation of projections,

filtering of the projections as well as image reconstruction by the backprojection

algorithm. The developed model is designed to have several components that carry out

each of these steps. These are outlined in the following subsections.

5.3.1 Generation of Cross-sectional Images

Figure 5.1 shows how a cross-sectional image of the object may look like in a real

system. As different portions of a lead particle can be sliced by the cross-section, the

cross-sectional images of the particles will appear as circles of different sizes. The

MATLAB function has been designed to simulate the generation of a cross-section of the


Though it is more realistic to have the size of the circular particles different on the

cross-sectional images, later in the report it will be shown that in order to facilitate

analysis, the images have been generated with particles of the same size randomly

distributed on them.

5.3.2 Generation of Parallel Projections

With a cross-sectional image randomly generated projections at different angles can be

obtained by passing the generated image to the function. The function accepts a two-

dimensional matrix that represents the cross-sectional image to be reconstructed and

Cross sections of Lead

One cross section

Cross section f(x,y)

Figure5.1: One cross-section of the object from different portions of the lead

particles [201.

generates a number of parallel projections of the image.

Instead of rotating the parallel beam of X-ray around the cylinder as in a real

system, the function rotates the two-dimensional matrix of the image from 00 to 1790 .

The degree increment 0 for the rotation is dependent on the number of projections, N,

required in the 180-degree range, i.e. 0 = 180° / N. As shown in Figure 5.2, the columns

of the matrix are summed up at each rotation to form the projection Po(t) at a particular

angle. A projection is stored as a row vector and the elements in the vector represent the

samples of that particular projection. All the N projections are stored in a two-

dimensional array for further processing.

5.3.3 Generation of Filtered Projections

A filter projection function file is designed to filter the parallel projections

obtained. The input argument of this function is a two-dimensional array that stores the

parallel projections of an image which can be obtained from the projection. The filter

projection function computes the Fourier transform of each of the projections in the array

and applies a filter H(w) = lwi to each of them. The projections are then transformed back

to the spatial domain by inverse Fourier transform. This returns a matrix containing the

filtered projections, namely Q.

Matrix of the original image

Matrix of the original image rotated by angle Oi

I I I I \ I I I I

P01 (t)

Row vectors representing projection at each angle of rotation

Figure5.2: The columns are summed to obtain the projection at each angle.

5.3.4 Image Reconstruction by Backprojection Algorithm

Backprojection is the final step of the reconstruction process for a two-

dimensional image. The Back Projection algorithm, is designed to implement the

backprojection algorithm. An array of the filtered projections is passed to the function.

Applying the technique that has been described earlier in Section 4.3, the filtered

projections taken at different angles is inserted back into their proper positions on the

image plane for the reconstruction of the cross-sectional image[20].

5.4 Computer Implementation of the Fan Beam Reconstruction Model

The general steps of the fan beam reconstruction model are similar to those of the

parallel beam reconstruction model. First of all, a cross-sectional image is constructed.

The fan projections of the cross-sectional images can then be generated. These

projections are filtered and the image can be reconstructed by using the backprojection

algorithm. The details for implementing these steps, however, are different from those of

parallel projections. These will be discussed in the following subsections,

5.4.1 Generation of Cross-sectional Images

The MATLAB function used for generating the cross-sectional images in the fan

beam reconstruction model is the same as the one used in the parallel beam

reconstruction model. A cross-secitonal image of size MxM pixels will be randomly

generated with the user-defined number of particles and particle size.

/Ac. 2L3

50 4

5.4.2 Generation of Fan Projections

The MATLAB function file fan projection has been designed to generate the fan

projections of a given image. Having the number of projections, the number of detectors

and the source distance, the program generates the fan projections of the cross-sectional

image Figure 5.3 illustrates how fan projections are generated. Having a cross-sectional

image and a point source from a given source distance, a fan-shaped beam can be

simulated. A fan projection is obtained by summing up the values in the cross-sectional

matrix along the rays and is stored as a row vector. The elements in the row vector

represent the samples of that projection. The number of samples in the projection is

dependent on the number of detectors available in a real system and this determines the

number of rays in the fan. Instead of rotating the point source around the cylinder as what

would be done when implementing a real system, the function rotates the two-

dimensional image from 0° to 359°. The degree increment 13 for each rotation is

dependent on the number of projections (N) required in the 360-degree range i.e. 13= 360°

/ N. At each rotation, the projection is formed by adding up the values in the cross-

sectional matrix along the fixed number of rays.

5.4.3 Generation of Filtered Projections

The fan projections obtained from the image have to be filtered before they can be

backprojected onto the image plane. This is done by fan Projected Filter. This function

accepts some fan projections R, filters them and produces the filtered projections Q. The

filtering algorithm used in the function implements the process described previously in

Section 4.4. Firstly, the corresponding R' is obtained for each

Matrix of the original Matrix of the original
image image rotated by [ii

1111, ,1X11
! , 1 I, I I 1
I1 1 11

/ 1 1 , I /, I, 1

I\- \, ,
Sourc Distance
L)1 1/
I 1
~ 1 , /
~ I1 r1
1 I I 1
\ C 1 ` I I
/ I 1 `1
1 1 1 I 1 II..

4 \ 1 \
1 1 , I I I 1 1
1 I I 1 1 1
\ I I 1 1
, 1 I 1 1 1
1 1
1 / I 1
/ I 1 I \ / 1 1
l 1 I 1 1

1 1 I 1

1 1
~ I I 1
I 1 I 1 I 1
1 / I 1 1
/ 1 I 1 I 1 1
1 1 f 1 I I
! 1 1 4 `1
I I 1 \ ! 1 I 1 \
/ 1 I I 1 / 1 I I ,

! /
1 1 1 I \ 1 I 1 1 1
1 I 1 1 \ / 1 1
/ I 1 1 1 1 \

I I 1 1 ! 1 I 1 1
1 / I 1 1
1 1 1 t 1 1 \

I 1
1 1 1 \

Ii) i ~r
1 I I I 1 1 I I

1 1 I I 1 I 1 I I 1

i i ii i i
i i

[ 131 11
Row vectors representing fan projection at each angle of rotation

Figure5.3: The fan projections are formed by summing the values in the cross-

sectional matrix along the rays in the fan at each angle of rotation [201.

projection R. Each R' is then filtered by g(na) given by Equation (4.52) and a smoothing

filter k(na) which is simply a Hamming window in the frequency domain. Instead of

performing convolution in the spatial domain, multiplication in the frequency domain has

been chosen to perform the operations. During multiplication, a number of padding zeros

have to be inserted to the projection sequences to avoid interperiod interference artifacts.

The filtered projections Q can be extracted from the padded sequence after

multiplication [20]

5.4.4 Image Reconstruction by Backprojection Algorithm

The backprojection is the final step of the image reconstruction process for fan

projections. The fan Projection function is the MATLAB function designed to implement

the backprojection algorithm.

The function first computes the distance L from the source and the angles cp and y'

for each point on the image plane using Equation (4.59) and Equation (4.61).

Reconstructing an image using Equation (4.57) requires the filtered projection samples

Qp;(y') taken by a ray with angle y' away from the ray at the centre. As shown in Figure

4.6 the samples in a projection are measured by the rays at angle 'y away from the ray at

the centre. However, the computed value of y' may not always match up with any of the

original angles y (which is just equal to na) at which the rays generated the samples in the

projection. This is illustrated in Figure 4.7 where the computed value of y' corresponds to

point (x, y) does not match with any of the original rays that generated the projection

samples. In such case, interpolation is required to compute the values of the points that

the rays in the original fan-shaped beam didn't pass through.



In the present chapter a Phantom images is reconstructed using fan

beam projection and parallel beam projection. For both the reconstruction

methods, an exhaustive work has been done for reconstruction of image

using five filters namely:

1. Ram-Lak filter

2. Shepp filter

3. Hamming filter

4. Hann filter

5. Cosine filter

The reconstructed images are compared to find the best among the worked out

strategies. For the sake of comparison the difference of the constructed images form its

original is calculated by the sum of squared differences. In the calculation of the sum of

squared differences, each pixel of the reconstructed image is subtracted from the original

image, squares each of these values and then sums the squared values for the entire

image. The value thus obtained gives a fair measure of comparison.

6.1 Image Reconstruction Using Fanbeam Projection

6.1.1 Radon Transform (Sinogram)

A phantom of image size of 128*128 is taken and its fan beam projection is

developed using radon transform. The images can be seen in figure 6.1. This figure gives

an idea of how a fanbeam projection of any image would look like.

6.1.2 Back Projection

Phantom image so projected using radon transform is now reconstructed using

different sensor spacing of 2.0, 1.0 and 0.1. The images thus obtained can be seen in

figure 6.2. It is easily seen that sensor spacing of 0.1 is giving best results and hence the

sensor spacing of 0.1 would be used every where for image reconstruction.

6.1.3 Filtered Back Projection for 128*128 Image Size

The projected image of phantom is now reconstructed using five filters namely:

(a) Ram-Lak filter (b) Shepp filter (c) Hamming filter (d) Hann filter (e) Cosine filter. For

all the five filters three different values of distance D is taken and the results are

generated. It is worth mentioning here that projection angle of 90 and sensor spacing of

0.1 is taken for the different values of D. Figure 6.3 shows the images thus obtained with

distance D = 200. Figure 6.4 shows the images thus obtained with distance D = 300.

Figure 6.5 shows the images thus obtained with distance D = 500.

projection of the Phantom


Original Phantom 12B*128

0 100 200 000

Fan Rotation Angle. (degrees)

(a) (b)

Figure 6.1 (a) original phantom image (b) radon transform for fanbeam projection

Original Phantom 128'°128 D = 200,sensor spacing = 2.00


120 100120

D = 200,,sensor spacing =•-1.0° D =•200,sensor spacing = 0.1°


20`40 60 80 100120 20 40 60 80 100120

Figure 6.2 (a) original phantom with image size 128*128. Backprojection of

image with sensor spacing (b) = 2.0 (c) =1.0 (d) = 0.1.

Original Phantom 128'128 Ram-Lak filter,D = 200,Fan sensor spacing = 0.10.

Shepp filter Hamming filter

Hann filter Cosine filter

Figure 6.3 (a) original phantom with image size 128*128. Filtered back

projection of reconstructed image with projection 90, D = 200 and sensor

spacing = 0.1 (b) Ram-Lak filter (c) Shepp filter (d) Hamming filter (e)

Hann filter (f) Cosine filter


Original Phantom 128*128 Ram-Lak filter,D = 300,Fan sensor spacing = 0.1°

Shepp filter. Hamming filter

Hann, filter Cosine filter

Figure 6.4 (a) original phantom with image size 128*128. Filtered back

e projection of reconstructed image with projection 90, D = 300 and sensor

spacing = 0.1 (b) Ram-Lak filter (c) Shepp filter (d) Hamming filter (e)

Hann filter (f) Cosine filter

Original Phantom 128*128 Ram-Lak filter,D = 500,Fan sensor spacing = 0.1?

Shepp filter Hamming filter

Hann filter Cosine filter

Figure 6.5 (a) original phantom with image size 128*128. Filtered back

projection of reconstructed image with projection 90, D = 500 and sensor

spacing = 0.1 (b) Ram-Lak filter (c) Shepp filter (d) Hamming filter (e)

Hann filter (f) Cosine filter

6.1.4 Filtered Back Projection For Image Size Of 256*256

Image size of phantom is increased from 128* 128 to 256*256. With this new size

images of phantom is reconstructed using the same five filters. For all the five filters

three different values of distance D is taken and the images are generated. It is worth

mentioning here that projection angle of 90 and sensor spacing of 0.1 is taken in this case

also for the different values of D. Figure 6.6 shows the images thus obtained with

distance D = 200. Figure 6.7 shows the images thus obtained with distance D = 300.

Figure 6.8 shows the images thus obtained with distance D = 500.

6.1.5 Filtered Back Projection For Image Size Of 512*512

Image size of phantom is again increased. This time the image size is 512*512.

With this new size images of phantom is reconstructed using the same five filters. For all

the five filters three different values of distance D were taken in this case also but results

could only be generated for D = 500. This is because with the value of D less than 374

the images were not completely visible for the beam. Projection angle of 90 and sensor

spacing of 0.1 is again taken in this case.. Figure 6.9 shows the images thus obtained with

distance D = 500.

Original Phantom 256'256 Ram=Lak filter,D = 200,Fan sensor spacing = 0.1 °

Hann filter 'Cosine: filter

Figure 6.6 (a) original phantom with image size 256*256. Filtered back

projection of reconstructed image with projection 90, D = 200 and sensor

spacing = 0.1 (b) Ram-Lak filter (c) Shepp filter (d) Hamming filter (e)

Hann filter (f) Cosine filter

Original Phantom 256*256 Ram=Lak filter,D = 300,Fan sensor spacing = 0.10

Shepp_filter Hamming filter

Hann filter Cosine filter

Figure 6.7 (a) original phantom with image size 256*256. Filtered back

ii projection of reconstructed image with projection 90, D = 300 and sensor

spacing = 0.1 (b) Ram-Lak filter (c) Shepp filter (d) Hamming filter (e)

Hann filter (f) Cosine filter

Original Phantom 256*256 Ram-Lak tilter,D = 500,Fan sensor spacing = 0.1

Shepp filter Hamming filter

Hann filter Cosine filter

Figure 6.8 (a) original phantom with image size 256*256. Filtered back
Ji projection of reconstructed image with projection 90, D = 500 and sensor

spacing = 0.1 (b) Ram-Lak filter (c) Shepp filter (d) Hamming filter (e)

Hann filter (f) Cosine filter


Original Phantom 512*512 Ram-Lak filter,D = 500,Fan sensor spacing = 0. 10

Shepp filter Hamming filter

Hann filter Cosine filter

Figure 6.9 (a) original phantom with image size512*512. Filtered back

projection of reconstructed image with projection 90, D = 500 and sensor

spacing = 0.1 (b) Ram-Lak filter (c) Shepp filter (d) Hamming filter (e)

Hann filter (f) Cosine filter

6.2 Image Construction Using Parallel Beam Projection

6.2.1 Radon Transform (Sinogram)

A phantom of image size of 128*128 is taken and its parallel beam projection is

developed using radon transform. Three projections are generated taking different

projection angles of 18, 36 and 90. The images can be seen in figure 6.10. This figure

gives an idea of how a parallel beam projection of any image would look like.

6.2.2 Back Projection

Phantom image so projected using radon transform is now reconstructed for all

the three angles i.e. 18, 36 and 90. The images thus obtained can be seen in figure 6.11. It

is easily seen that as we increase projection angle images obtained keep on improving for

betterment, so from now onwards maximum value of projection angle i.e. 180 would be

used for the generation of reconstructed images.

6.2.3 Filtered Back Projection For 128*128 Image Size

The projected image of phantom of image size 128* 129 is now reconstructed using five

filters namely: (a) Ram-Lak filter (b) Shepp filter (c) Hamming filter (d) Hann filter (e)

Cosine filter. It is worth mentioning here that projection angle of 180 is taken. Figure

6.12 shows the images thus obtained using different filters

Original Phantom Radon Transform of Phantom Using 18 Projections

60. < 0
1.00. $0
20 40 60 80 100120. 0 50 100 150

36,projection 90 projection

-50 P

X 0

50 E

0 50 100 150 0 50' 100 150
e e

Figure 6.10 (a) original phantom with image size 128*128. Radon

transform with different projection angle (b) = 18 (c) = 36 (d) = 90.

Original Phantom Reconstructed Phantom Using 18 Projections

2040 60 80 100120

36 Projections 90 Projections

40 40
60 60.

.20; 40 60 80 100 '20 40 6080 100120

jj Figure 6.11 (a) original phantom with image size 128*128. Backprojection

of image with different projection angle (b) 18 (c) 36 (d) 90.

Original Phantom 128*128 Using 180 Proj. with the help of Ram-Lak filter

Sheep-Logan filter Hamming filter

Hann filter Cosine filter

Figure 6.12 (a) original phantom with image size 128*128. Filtered back

projection of reconstructed image with projection angle 180 using (b) Ram-

Lak filter (c) Shepp filter (d) Hamming filter (e) Hann filter (f) Cosine filter
6.2.4 Filtered Back Projection for 216*216 Image Size

The projected image of phantom of image size 216*216 is reconstructed using

five filters namely: (a) Ram-Lak filter (b) Shepp filter (c) Hamming filter (d) Hann filter

(e) Cosine filter. It is worth mentioning here that projection angle of 180 is taken. Figure

6.13 shows the images thus obtained using different filters

6.2.5 Filtered Back Projection for 512*512 Image Size

The projected image of phantom of image size 512*512 is reconstructed using

five filters namely: (a) Ram-Lak filter (b) Shepp filter (c) Hamming filter (d) Hann filter

(e) Cosine filter. It is worth mentioning here that projection angle of 180 is taken. Figure

6.14 shows the images thus obtained using different filters

6.3 Comparison of Images Generated

The superiority of the two methods can only be justified by having a numerical

comparison for the images generated. For the purpose of comparison the difference of the

constructed images form its original is calculated by the sum of squared differences for

both the methods using five filters. Table 6.1 to 6.4 shows the square-root of sum of

squared differences for all the images generated. Table 6.1 gives the values for fan beam

projection with image size of 128* 128 for all the filters with varying values of D. Table

6.2 gives the values for fan beam projection with image size of 256*256 for all the filters

with varying values of D. Table 6.3 gives the values for the fan beam projection with

image size of 512*512 for all the filters with D = 500. Table 6.4 gives the values for the

Original Phantom 256*256 Using 180 Proj. with the help of Ram-Lak filter

.Sheep-Logan filter Hamming filter

Hann filter Cosine filter

Figure 6.13 (a) original phantom with image size 256*256. Filtered back

projection of reconstructed image with projection angle 180 using (b) Ram-

Lak filter (c) Shepp filter (d) Hamming filter (e) Hann filter (f) Cosine filter

Original' Phantom 512*512 Using 180 Proj. with the help of Ram-Lak filter

Shepp-Logan filter Hamming filter

Hann filter Cosine filter

Figure 6.14 (a) original phantom with image size 512*512. Filtered back

projection of reconstructed image with projection angle 180 using (b) Ram-

Lak filter (c) Shepp filter (d) Hamming filter (e) Hann filter (f) Cosine filter

parallel beam projection for all the three different size of images 128* 128, 256*256 and

512*512 for all the filters.

Filters D=200 D = 300 D=500

Ram-Lak - 30.0500 28.0535 30.5123
Sbepp Logan 29.7993 28.0000 30.5123
Hamming 29.1376 27.8388 30.2490
Hann 29.1204 27.8747 30.1667
Cosine 29.4109 27.8927 30.5287

Table 6.1 Root of sum of squares of differences for the five filters for image size

128*128 for different value of D

Filters D = 200 D = 300 D = 500

Ram-Lak 65.5515 58.4038 53.0943
Shcpp Logan 64.9384 58.0517 53.1977
Hamming 62.7375 57.0789 53.4883
Hann 62.7296 57.0175 53.5164
Cosine 63.5374 57.4978 53.3573

Table 6.2 Root of sum of squares of differences for the five filters for image size

256*256 for different value of D

Filters D = 500
Ram-Lak 114.9130
Shepp Logan 115.0130
Hamming 115.3690
Hann 115.4729
Cosine 115.1564

Table 6.3 Root of sum of squares of differences for the five filters for image

size 512*512 for different value of D

Image Size
Filters 128*128 256*256 512*512
Ram-Lak 23.9165 33.8526 47.7807
Shepp Logan 23.9165 33.7935 47.8539
Hamming 24.0208 33.7194 47.9270
Hann 23.9583 33.8526 48.0208
Cosine 24.0416 33.6452 47.9479

Table 6.3 Root of sum of squares of differences for the five filters for

different image sizes

After analyzing the values of the root of sum of squares of differences it was very

easy to conclude that parallel beam projection performs better for all the image sizes.

Among the filters, no filter has out performed any of the existing one in all the situations

but even then by analyzing data one may say that Ram-Lak filter performs better in most

of cases and can be said to be better.



The results of our analysis towards the reconstructions of image look good and

give a good idea of how the original phantoms were arranged. Judging by the pictures

obtained from our experiment, preference goes to filtered backprojection, but to have

some kind of objective measure we wrote a program in MATLAB. This program uses the

simulated phantom to calculate how far are construction differs from its original by the

Root of Sum of Squared Differences. This means that it subtracts for each pixel the

reconstructed image from the original phantom, squares these values, sums all the values

and then takes the root of the sum. This is a fair measure of the accuracy of the

reconstruction algorithms.

The main advantages of the present work are the consistency of the reconstruction

with the input data, and the optimality of the reconstruction. It performs well even for a

small number of measures, and can be applied to computer tomography problems with

arbitrary and even irregular geometry. The problem is solved exactly as presented and no

approximations were made.

In future the quality of the reconstructed images could be achieved by simply

decrease the angle between sinograms and thus increase the total amount of projections

created. This would require more complex sinogram generation algorithms and would

have simply made this term project too large. Considering the limited amount of

sinograms, the results generated in this work is pleasing.



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