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Mhd Yavishan Novinda (1801101010019)

Article Review 8
Title The Effect of Covid-19 on Online Ojek Revenue
Vol and Pages Vol. 1 • No. 2 • Juni 2021 Page (Hal.) : 786 – 791
Years 2020
Writers Prima Waluyojati, Sugiyanto
Reviewer Mhd Yavishan Novinda
Problem There are health protocol policies from the government that aim to
overcome the Covid-19 pandemic which generally calls for social
restrictions. And this also affects the level of use of online motorcycle taxi
services, resulting in fluctuations in income for online motorcycle taxis.
Objectivity This study aims to determine the effect of COVID-19 on economic
mobility in Indonesia as well as to determine the increase or decrease in
online motorcycle taxi revenue in terms of the number of customers after
the health protocol was stipulated by the government.
Literatur review Health is a resource that belongs to all human beings and is not a life goal
that needs to be achieved. Health is not focused on physically fit but
includes a healthy soul where individuals can be tolerant and can accept
differences, Robert. H. Brook (2017:585)
Health is a healthy state, both physically, mentally, spiritually and socially
that allows everyone to live socially and economically productive, Law of
the Republic of Indonesia No. 36 of 2009
Service quality is a dynamic condition related to products, services,
people, processes, and the environment where the quality assessment is
determined at the time of the provision of public services, Ibrahim in
Hardiyansyah (2011: 40)
Methodology The type of research used to determine the impact of COVID-19 on online
motorcycle taxi revenue figures is observational research which is part of
non-experimental quantitative research or can also be referred to as non-
participant observational quantitative research.
Result Descriptive Health Analysis, In order to maintain public health, please stay
at home or maintain social boundaries if you are outside, therefore online
motorcycle taxis have a small chance to get customers. However, after the
vaccination program is implemented, online motorcycle taxi drivers must
first vaccinate and use the attributes of the health protocol
Descriptive Analysis of Social Life, basically online motorcycle taxis are
transportation services that deliver or pick up customers, therefore distance
or physical contact is likely to occur so that the spread of the virus is also
Mhd Yavishan Novinda (1801101010019)

Inferential Analysis of Online Ojek Revenue, it is certain that most online

motorcycle taxi drivers experienced a decline that was more or less the
same. The average calculation of the decline in income is about 66%. This
figure represents a large population of online motorcycle taxi drivers

Conclusion The conclusion of this study is that the Corona Virus outbreak played a
major role in the decline in online motorcycle taxi revenues, based on data
collected through the observation method, the average decline was 66%.
The government should be more concerned about applicators and online
motorcycle taxis. In addition to assistance in the form of funds, the
government can provide a little leeway for online motorcycle taxi drivers
to return to operations by complying with health protocols.

Advantages The data obtained directly by observing and observing the field, so that the
data held is more factual and contextual
Disadvantages The absence of nominal income is explicitly stated, so that comparisons
made before or after the pandemic are not known, this aims to determine
how much evaluation must be carried out when the level of income is
known to have decreased nominally.

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