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Study Notes-2.

Maple Leaf International School

Bangladesh Studies: Class -Nine

Paper -1(S/Q/A)

Q1.How did East Bengal become a province of Pakistan?

Ans . In 1947, the British rule ended in the Indian subcontinent giving birth to two independent states.
On the 14th of August Pakistan became independent. Since the beginning, the administrative power
of Pakistan had been vested in the rich section of West Pakistan, which employed their power to
control the language, literature, culture, economy, politics as well as the social system of East
Pakistan and created discrimination.

Q2.What were the circumstances of demand to establish a militia force in 6 point demand?

Ans . During the 1965 war between India and Pakistan, the people of East Bengal or the then East
Pakistan remained unprotected.The central government of Pakistan did not actually care for the
protection of this region,which was left at the mercy of India. At that time if India had led a massive
attack on East Bengal, it would not have been possible for Pakistan to save this region from a
distance of 1200 miles.So there was a demand to establish a militia force.


Q1.Explain the reasons for terming the historic Agartola case as a conspiracy by the then rulers.

Ans. The ultimate goal of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman the father of nation was to achieve
independence of Bangladesh, and he believed that freedom would not be achieved without armed
struggles. He gave consent to the revolutionary wing formed secretly to achieve independence of
Bangladesh to go for armed struggle as per the plan. The revolutionary wing planned to attack all the
cantonments on a specific date at night in the commando style to snatch arms and ammunition from
the Pakistan forces and hold them captive

With this plan in mind Sheikh Mujib had once visited Agartola, the capital of Tripura, India. As the
plan was disclosed before being materialized, the historic Agartala case was logged. The ruling class
termed it as a conspiracy case.

Q2.Evaluate the historic significance of the mass uprising of 1969.

Ans. The most important movement against the Pakistan rulers was launched in 1969 with full
participation by people from all walks of life. It was termed in history as Unoshotturer Gono Abhuthan
took a revolutionary turn. All democratic parties, professionals, mass people spontaneously took part
in the movement. People indiscriminate of professions took to the street everywhere in East Pakistan
to protest against the autocrat, and in the end, Ayub Khan was forced to release Sheikh Mujib
unconditionally on 22 February 1969. The Agartola case was withdrawn. Ayub Khan was forced to
resign as a consequence of the mass uprising in 1969. General Yahia was forced to declare the
general election in1970. The Nationalist ideals started germinating the minds of the people of East
Bengal for the successful uprising in,1969. They realised a greater unity based on Bengali
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