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“To Study the existing Automatic Water

Sprinkler type Fire Extinguisher in Pattern
Shop of Bhilai Steel Plant and Technological
development in Automatic Fire Extinguisher”





(B.I.T. DURG, C.G.)


Our first experience of project has been successful;the

project work is a combined effort of all the team members
under the able leadership of a project guide. We are thankful
to the support of staff of Bhilai Steel Plant with immense
gratitude. We wish to acknowledge allof them. However, we
wish to make special mention of thefollowing.
First of all we are thankful to our project guide
Mr.K.K.THAKUR under whose guideline we are able to
complete our project. We are wholeheartedly thankful tohim
for giving us his valuable time, attention and for providing
us a systematic way for completing our project intime.

We are also very thankful to Human Resource Department and

Foundry and Pattern Department for giving us the opportunity
to conduct this project in Bhilai SteelPlant.

We hereby declare that the project work entitled “To Study the
existing Automatic Water Sprinkler type Fire Extinguisher
in Pattern Shop of Bhilai Steel Plant and Technological
development in Automatic Fire Extinguisher” is an
authenticrecord of ourown work carried out at the Foundry
&Pattern Shop of Bhilai Steel Plant as requirement of
Industrialtraining of B.E., Mechanical Engg. Dept., Bhilai
Institute of Technology, Durg (C.G.), under the guidance of






SHIVAMSINHA Have worked undermy guidance andsupervision on the project entitled:

“To Study the existing Automatic Water Sprinkler type Fire Extinguisher in
Pattern Shop of Bhilai Steel Plant and Technological development in Automatic
Fire Extinguisher”
as requirement of Industrial training of B.E., Mechanical Engg.
Dept., Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg (C.G.).
While forwarding the project work and report on the topic
mentioned above, I certify that they have completed their project
work under prescribed period and the project work incorporates the
result of the job done by them during this period.




1. LIST OF 1




6. FIRE 25




Table 1. CriticalEquipmentinFoundryShopinBSP
Table 2.List of Machines in Wood making Area
Table 3. List of Machines in Wood Working Area
Table 4. List of Machines in metal working area
Table 5. List of Machines in Tool Room
Table 6. List of Lifting Devices
Table 7. List of Raw Materials and Tools
Table 8. TypesofHazards presentinFoundry&PatternShop:



Bhilai Steel Plant, located in Bhilai, Chhattisgarh and it is India'sonly

producer of steel rails, and is a major producer of steel plates and structural
components. It is a symbol of Indo-Soviet techno-economic collaboration, is
one of the first three integrated steel plants set up by Government of India to
build up a sound base for the industrialgrowth
ofthecountry.Theagreementforsettinguptheplantwithcapacityof1 MT of Ingot
steel was signed between the Government ofU.S.S.R and India on 2nd
February, 1955 and after a short period of 4 years, India
completedin1961.Adreamcametrue-themassiverocksfromthevirgin terrains
of RajharaMines(90 km) were converted into valuable iron &steel.

In the initial phase the plant had to face many teething problems, mostly
unknown to the workforce at the time, but by meticulous efforts and team
spirit, these problems were surmounted and the rated capacityproduction was
achieved only within a year of integratedoperation of theplant.

Thereafter, the plant was expandedto 2.5 MT capacity per year, and then to
4 MT of crude steel per year, with Sovietassistance.
All the units of the plant have been laid out in sequential formation
according to technological inter-relationship so as to ensure
HotIngots,aswellasdisposalofmetallurgicalwastagesandslagetc., minimizing
the length of various inter-plant communications, utilities andservices.

BSP is the sole manufacturer of rails and producer of the widest and heaviest
plates in India. Bhilai specializes in the high strength UTS 90 rails, high
tensile and boiler quality plates, TMT bars, and electrode quality wire rods.
It is a major exporter of steel products with over70% of total exports from
the Steel Authority of India Limited being from Bhilai. The distinction of
being the first integrated steel plant with all major production units and
marketable products covered under ISO
blastfurnacecokeandcoalchemicals,productionofhotmetalandpig iron, steel
making through twin hearth and basic oxygen processes, manufacture of
steel slabs and blooms by continuous casting, and
productionofhotrolledsteelblooms,billetsandrails,structural,plates, steel
sections and wirerods.

Theplant's QualityAssurance System has subsequently been awarded

ISO9001:2000. Not content with the Quality Assurance systemfor
production processes, Bhilai has one in for ISO 14001 certification for its
Environment Management System and its DalliMines(96 km). Besides
environment-friendly technology like Coal Dust Injection System in the
Blast Furnaces, de-dusting units and electrostatic precipitators in other
units, BSP has continued a vigorous afforestation drive, planting trees
each year averaging an impressive 1000 trees per day in the steel
township and mines.
A leader in terms of profitability, productivity and energy conservation, BSP
has maintained growth despite recent difficult market conditions.
Trophyforthebestintegratedsteel plantinthecountryeleventimes.

Bhilai Steel Plant, today, is a panorama of sky-scrapingchimneys andblazing

furnaces as a modern integrated steel plant, working round the clock, to
produce steel for the nation. Bhilai has its own captive mines spread over
10929.80 acres. We get our iron ore from Rajharagroup of mines, 90
kmssouth-west of Bhilai. Limestone requirements are met by Nandinimines,
25 kmsnorth of Bhilai and dolomite comes from Hirri in Bilaspur district,
150 kmseast of the plant. To meet the future requirement of iron ore,
another mining site Rowghat, situated about 100 km south of Rajhara, is
being developed; as the ore reserves at Rajharaaredepleting.
Bhilai expanded its production capacity in two phases - first to 2.5 MT
whichwascompletedonSept.1,1967andthenonto4MTwhichwas completed in
the year 1988.

The plant now consists of ten cokeovenbatteries. Six of them are 4.4
metrestall. The 7 metretall fully automated
threeof1719cu.metreandoneis2350cu.metrecapacity.2.8MTHot Metals can
be made from each blast furnaces per year. Most of them have been
modernisedincorporating state-of-the-arttechnology.

wellasthroughLDConvertor-continuousCastingrouteinSMSII.Steel grades
conforming to various national and international specifications are produced
in both the melting shops. Production of cleaner steel is ensured by flame
enrichment and oxygen blowing in SMS I while secondary refining in
Vacuum Arc Degassing ensures homogenous steel chemistry in SMS II. Also
in SMS II is a 130 T capacity RH
steel and Ladle Furnace to meet present and future requirements of
qualitysteel.Bhilaiiscapableofprovidingthecleanestandfinestgrades ofsteel.

The rolling mill complex consists of the Blooming & Billet Mill, Rail &
Structural Mill, Merchant Mill, Wire Rod Mill and also a mostmodern Plate
Mill. While input to the BBM and subsequently to Merchant Mill and
Wire Rod Mill comes from the Twin Hearth Furnaces, the Rail & Structural
Mill and Plate mill roll long and flat products respectively from continuously
cast blooms and slabs only.

The total length of railsat Bhilai so far is sufficient to encircle the globemore
than 9.9 times. To back this up, wehave the Ore Handling Plant, three
Sintering Plants – of which one is most modern, two captive Power Plants
with a generating capacity of 110 MW, two Oxygen Plants, Engineering

Shops, Machine Shops and a host of other supporting agencies giving Bhilai
a lot of self- sufficiency in fulfilling the rigorous demands of an integrated
steel plant. Power Plant No.2 of 74 MW capacityhas been divested to a 50:50
SAIL/NTPC joint venturecompany.
The Annual Production Plan for 2015-2016 includes, 5570000 T of Hot
Metal Pig Iron 5300000 T Total Crude Steel 4700000 TTotal Saleable Steel
Theplanthasundertakenmassivemodernizationandexpansionplanto produce
7.5 MT of hot metal after the setting up of SMS III which is under

Bhilai Steel Plant-SAIL used to spent2% of their net profit for the
development of nearby places. 136 Villages in 16km peripheryofBhilaiSteel
Plant is covered by BSP for construction of schools, roads, parks,
teaching/training aids, etc. The net profit of BSP-SAIL for the year 2013-
2014 was 2084Crores.

BSPmakeslongestrailsintheworldwhichishavingalengthof260 metres.
NowResearch isgoingondevelopingofrailswith520metreslength.

A leader in terms of profitability, productivity and energy conservation,

significant reason for BSP's performance is adherence to quality management
systems in different fields: Bhilai has become the first public sector
organization to have been awarded all the four certifications of ISO 9001 for
quality, ISO 14001 for, environmental


Morethanthemachineryandprocesses,itisthemeni.e.theengineers, technicians,
skilled and unskilled workers behind them that constitute the flesh and blood
of this steel plant. Bhilai at present has 3729 executiveand23118non-
executivepersonstorunthispulsatinggiant. The culture which has today
become the hallmark of Bhilai is a result
relationship nurtured in a spirit of dedication and enthusiasm that has shaped
Bhilai's imagetoday.

Adjoining the plant, a modern township - Bhilai Nagar, having the

–overin17selfsufficientsectorswithschools,markets,parksandother facilities.
Free Medical aid is given to all the employees and their dependents through
a network of health centres, dispensaries and hospitals. Medical facilities are
extended to retired employees & their spouses also. The Education
Department runs a number of higher secondary,middle,primary,andpre-
primaryschoolsinBhilaiandalsoin the mines townships at Rajhara, Nandini

There are many shops in the Bhilai Steel Plant which supports the basic
process carried out for the manufacture of steel and its products. One of
themis the Foundry & Pattern Shop. A Foundry is a factory that produces
metalcastings. It is a place ofmaking moulds, cores and manufacturing metal
castings also fettling/finishing of castings and sand reclamation is done
economically and carefully. Metalsare castinto shapes by melting them into
a liquid, pouring the metal in a mould, and removing the mouldmaterial or
casting after the metal has solidified as it cools. The most common metals
processed are aluminiumand cast iron. However, other metals such as bronze,
steel, magnesium, copper, tin, and zinc, are also used to produce castings
Foundry & Pattern shop is an important Engineering Shop, set up to meet
the requirement of various ferrous and non-ferrous castings and cast
blanks required for the plant and other Engineering Shops especially
machine shops, for manufacture of spares. It comprisestwo major parts, the
Pattern Shop and the FoundryShop.

The foundry shop is laid out in five bays, each of length 270 meters.
typesof castings and their usage is as follows:
Iron Castings : ( Capacity 79000 T/year)
i) Spare parts for machines /equipments.

ii) Ingotmoulds.
iii) BottomStools.
Steel Castings : ( Capacity 6500 T/ year)
i) Spare parts for machines /equipments.
ii) Twin hearth-chargingboxes.
iii) Skull crackerballs.
iv) Spares for Mouldbogie.
v) Ladle covers for SMS, Lip ring forCCS.
vi) Pig casting moulds.
vii) Alloy steelIngots.
Non - Ferrous Castings : ( Capacity 515 T/ Year)
i) Bushings, slide blocks for machines/equipments.
ii) Monkey for BF & Hollow shaft forSMS.
iii) L.N. body &covers.
iv) Al. Cubes &Al. Shots for SMS-I &SMS-II.

Main Sections of Foundry Shop:
1) Charging and Moulding MaterialStore:The charging and
Mouldingmaterial storage is designed to hold 15 days’supply of all raw
material used in foundry. The storagebay isserved by overhead travelling
cranes with removable magnets. With thehelpof electric grabs, all the raw
materials are stored in bins &bunkers.
2) Sand PreparationSection:
In this section, preparation of Moulding sandsandcoresand mixture for all
types of castings is done.The raw silica sand is received from Sambalpur and
Allahabad. Quartzite sand is supplied by Crushing Plant. The new sand, if
wet, is dried in a rotary dryer in which sand is heated to 200-250 deg.C. The
dried sand isfed in the feeding hoppers, over thesand mixers of 20 cu.m/hr
capacity. In the sand mixer; various Mouldingmaterials like fire clay,
bentonite, molasses, saw dust etc. are added and mixed. The sand so prepared
is distributed by the system of conveyor beltsthroughout the cast-iron, steel
andcore section. 130 T of mixed sandis produced by sand mixers for
preparing different types ofsand mixtures for core section (about 5 T perday).
3) Iron Foundry:
The Iron foundry can be divided in to the following sub-sections.
i) Cast Ironsection.
ii) Mixersection
iii) Mouldingsection
iv) IngotMould

v) Mould dryingchambers.
The estimated annual requirement of the metal is about 1, 00,000tonsand the
A daily requirement is 270 tons. The Moulding section prepares Mould for
Alltypes of castings required under the schedule or special work requiring
upto 30 tons liquid metal. The Ingot Mould section produces the Ingot Mould
required by the plant. Each Ingot Mould weights 8.8. T or 9.3 Tand the daily
production of Ingot Mould are 17 nos. on average. Ingot Moulds are rammed
on two 30 tones jolting machines in the Ingot Mould section.
The Ingot Mould section produces the Ingot Moulds required by theplant.
Each Ingot Mould weights 8.8. T or 9.3 Tand the daily production of Ingot
Moulds are 17 nos. on average. Ingot Moulds are rammed on two 30tones
jolting machines in the Ingot Mouldsection.
Top box is prepared for using at top of Ingot Mould for pouring. The
Moulddrying chambers are used for drying the Moulds in
thechambertypedrying ovens at the temperature of 300-350 degree cel. There
are 6 drying ovens. The 4drying ovens are of 130 Cu.m. capacityand the
other 2 of 60 cu.m. capacityfor drying small castings. These ovens have been
provided with an arrangement for the re-circulation of the products of
combustion. Coke oven gas is used for heatingpurpose.
Moulding of Bottom Stools in Cast Iron section:
Apart from rammedmoulds with bottom chills, "Chill bottom stools"
mouldings are done by chill Mouldi.e. in the C.I. section. A better type of

bottom stools are known as "Chill bottom Stools"- these give more life,
and are of better quality.
The 30 ton jolting machine in the CI section: At present this is being used
formaking self coreof chargingboxes.
The Iron foundry is serviced by overhead travelling cranes (75 T, 50 T,
30 T) and cantilevercranes (5T).This section of the foundry is
alsoequippedwith ladle preheating burners. For the inter bay transfer of
materials (castings, moulding boxes, containers etc.) there are 4 transfer
cars of 50T capacityeach.
4) SteelFoundry
This section is located in line with the Iron casting section. It isdivided
into the followingsub-sections:
I) Steel MeltingSection
II) MouldingSection.
The steel melting section is provided withtwo 5 T direct arc furnaces
with 3-
phase supply. Melting and moulding section operate in 3 shifts on parallel
schedule. The furnaces are lined with magnetiteon the silica bricks on the
roof, Water cooling is provided at electrode holders, roofing, economizers,
door frame and tap hole arc. To chargethe furnace its roof is lifted and
shellis rolled out. A pointer attached to the body ofthe furnace indicatesthe
amount of forward fill during the slagging and tapping time. 3 no.sof 300
mm diameter electrodes passingthrough the roof, supply the electrical energy
to the furnace. Transformer capacityis 28 KVA. Heat time varies from 2-
2.30 hrs. forplain carbon steel and 3-3

1/2 hrs.for alloys steels. Castings around 10 T. are made by running the
furnaces simultaneously.
The moulding section operates in 3 shifts. Preparation ofmoulds is carried
out on the foundry floor as well as, for moulding the PCMS (pig
castingsmoulds), in boxes. Two 2.5 T moulding machines are also
providedin this section. There are two cranesone of 30 T. oneof 15 T and
one cantilever crane of 15 T capacity. The moulddrying is carried out in
Moulddrying chamber of 60 cu. meters capacity located in this section. Some
moulds are also dried in bigger ovens in IM section. The section is provided
with two 50 T. transfer carsto bring charge materials and to dispatchcastings
to fettlingsection.
5) Non - Ferrousfoundry
The Non-ferrous foundry is meant to produce liners, bearings, slide
blocks, bushes and other small castings of different types from brass and
bronze. Besides 1 Ton Induction furnace two indirect arc electric furnaces
are for melting nonferrous metals. These are of 0.5 Ton capacity and are
scheduled to produces 515 Tonsof nonferrous metal. The furnace is of
cylindrical shape having two electrodes. The furnace is rocking type lined
with highalumina fire blocks. Moulds are dried in 11 cu.m. oven.
AluminumShots and Cubes section consists of3 Al. melting andpouring
units and 3 melting crucibles for Al. Cubemaking.
6) Fettling section:
This section is equipped with the following equipment
I) Knock-Out Machine:

After solidification of the metal in themould, the moulds are placed on the
20 T knockout machine for the separation of mouldbox, sand and the
casting.From the knock-out machine.,the casting is removed and if necessary
washed in the hydraulicchamber.
II) Hydro cleaning chambers : 2nos.
The hydro cleaning chamber isequipped with central rotating table and
water operating on high pressure of 150 atm.When the casting is placed on
the table with the water jets hitting the casting, all sand is removed. Two
such chambers are provided in thissection.
III) Milling Machines : 2nos.
For machining the bottom of Ingot Moulds, two mould milling machines
have been provided. Each machine has provision of mounting two ingots
at a time for continuousmilling.
7) Cranes:
There are in all 24 E.O.T cranes, including the crane in the new bay
(towards SMS stripperyard)
Additional facility of 4 mt.stage :
1. The Open DE bay in the existing shop has been covered over a length
of 71 meters from column row 20 to 32 in order to provide additional
productionof steel castings. A small sandpreparation unit, a drying oven of
capacity 100 cu. m. and a paint mixer have been installed in this area.

2. A fully covered new bay measuring 12 x 168 m with 10 T EOT
crane has been constructed towards steel melting shop's stripper
yard for storing moulding tackles and moulding materials. This bay
connecting with the existing AB bay by extending the 50 T transfer
car line form BCBay.
3. 1 Ton capacity induction furnaces 2 nos. installed in Non-
ferrous section, for non-ferrous & alloy cast iron melting :
commissioned in Dec. 1995.
Table 1. CriticalEquipmentinFoundryShopinBSP:

Name of the Equipment Capacity Location

Hot Metal Mixture 2 in no. It is in Metal Mixer

100 tons capacity Section.
Electric Arc Furnace 2 in no. Electric Arc Furnaces
(Steel formation) Inception capacity 5 Section.
tonnes each.
Dual Induction Furnace 1 tonne capacity It is in non-ferrous

Continuous Sand Mixer 2 in no. &30 T/hrof It is in Sand mixer

sand mixing capacity. section

The pattern shop is designed to produce patterns for foundry needs.
The annual output is rated at 220 Cu. meters. The shop works in G
shift. It is equipped with modern set of working machine tools.
Handling of heavy patternsat the shop and storage is carried out by
overhead travellingcrane operated from floor level. The patterns are
painted according to a code, ticked, labeledand stored, to enable the
patterns to be issued to foundry as and when required, according to
a well-laid out procedure. The pattern storage room is protected
against any firehazards.

-The pattern shop is equipped with various machines which are asunder.
 For wood processing (for making

finished planks) Circular Saw


Surface Planer

Thickness Planer
 For working on patterns

Band-saw M/c

 For finishing work

on patterns Disc-

Sander M/C Spindle-


Besides wood patterns, metallic patterns are also made in this section.

The handling of heavy patterns and their storage is carried out with
overhead travelling crane operated from floor level. The patterns are
painted according to a code (E.g. Black for Core Print, Red for Steel
Patterns, Yellowfor Non-Ferrous and Gray for C.I Patterns), ticked,
labeled and stored to enable the pattern to be issued to foundry as and
when required according to a well-laid out procedure. The pattern storage
room is protected against any fire hazards (Sprinkler system isprovided).

Output /finalproductof Pattern Shop is wooden & metallic patterns,

core boxes & tackles.

1. Wooden sleepers from CPS bulk store are kept in sleeper storage area
from where sleepers are shifted to wood making area for conversion in to
planks of different sizes. Shifting of sleepers and planks to different
machines and work area is carried out by handtrolley.
For above mentioned operations machines available in pattern shop are :

Table 2.List of Machines in Wood making Area

 Surface plainer machine - 01 No.

 Circular saw machine - 01 No.
 Thickness plainer machine - 02 No.

One or both surfaces and edges of sleepers are made clean and right
angle in surface plainer machine. Sleepers are then cut in to planks of
different thickness. Finally the planks are fed in to thickness plainer
machine so as to obtain the desired dimension.

2. Planks from wood making area, shifted to wood working area for
further processing & assembly of wooden pieces .For further
processing in this area machines available are:
Table 3.List of Machines in Wood Working Area

 Band saw machine - 02 No.

 Sanding disc machine - 02 No.
 Bobbin (spindle) sanding - 01 No.
 Drill machine - 02 No.
 Wood working machine - 01 No.

Wooden patterns and core boxes are prepared in wood working

area. Following operations are performed in sequential manner :

 Study of technologicaldrawing.
 Drawing layout on board with the help of contractionscale.
 Preparation of template as perrequirement.
 Marking on wooden planks with the help of scale, set square
 Cutting and assembly of woodenpieces.
 Finishing of wooden pieces by means of sanding disc / spindle
sanding machine andassembly.
 Shifting patterns to finishing area after stage and finalinspection.
 Shifting patterns to pattern store by means of hand trolley /
 Preparing cards for patterns / core boxes & maintainingrecords

3. Metal section : Metallic patterns and core boxes are manufactured
in metal working area with the help of followingmachines.

Table 4.List of Machines in metal working area

 Welding machine - 03 No.
 Gas cutting set - 02 No.
 Hand grinding machine - 01 No.

Following operations are performed in sequential manner :

 Study of technologicaldrawing.
 Drawing layout on board with the help of contractionscale.
 Preparation of template as perrequirement.
 Marking on mild steel plates (8 -10 mm.), sheets, angle,
channel & hooks with the help of scale, set square and
template according to requirement.
 Cutting marked plates, sheets, angle, channel with the help of
gas cuttingset.
 Straightening of plates & sheets by hammering operation
 Joining plates / sheets by welding so as to obtain therequired
 Grinding / finishing of welded portion of patterns / coreboxes.
 Shifting patterns to storage area by means of telpher& battery
trolley after stage and finalinspection.

4. Tool room : Following machines are installed in toolroom.

Table 5.List of Machines in Tool Room

 Lathe machine - 01 No.
 Pedestal grinder - 02 No.
 Blade grinder machine - 01 No.
 Drill machine 01 No.
 Shear cutting machine 01 No.

Lathe machine is used for making trunions, bushes, pin etc. Other
machines are used for the operations they are meantfor.

5. Pattern storage facility :Pattern & core boxes are stored in

pattern stores. To facilitate handling operation it is equipped with
following liftingdevices.

Table 6. List of Lifting Devices

 Telpher crane - 03 No (1 ton capacity each.) 02 Nos. in
ground floor, 01 Nos. in first floor
 Lift - 01 No.

Smaller patterns / core boxes are handled manually whereasTelpher

is used to handle bigger patterns / core boxes.

6. Fire prevention facility:An automatic water sprinkler system

with alarming facility is installed to combat fire hazard. System is
checked jointly by shop & fire services department at regular
intervals to ensure its functioning in emergencysituations.

7. Raw material store : Raw materials & tools procured from CPS /
foundry store are kept systematically to ensure easyretrieval.

Table 7.List of Raw Materials and Tools

Items Location

Nails, screws, glue, sand papers, band saw, circular saw, drill Ground floor
bits, hand drill machine

Pattern marking tools - scales, right angle First floor

Chisel, gauge, bevel.

Table 8.TypesofHazards presentinFoundry&PatternShop:


Physical Heat, Noise, Dust, Fumes

Chemical CO (gas exposure), Chronic gas

General Fall of material, Pressed between objects, Hit by objects,

Foreign particle in eyes, Slip & Fall, Muscular-Skeletal
Disorder, Fall from height

Electrical Flash over, Electricalshock


Project Title:- To Study the existing Automatic Water Sprinkler type

Fire Extinguisher in Pattern Shop of Bhilai Steel Plant and
Technological development in Automatic Fire Extinguisher.


In an instant, fire can strike and devastate the lives of all involved.
Property damage, loss of revenues, injuries and even death can result
from fire. That is why it is necessary to know about fire so that it can
be tackled.

Classes of Fire:
 Class A - fires involving solid materials such as wood, paper or
 Class B - fires involving flammable liquids such as petrol,
diesel or oils.
 Class C - fires involving gases.
 Class D - fires involving metals.
 Class E - fires involving live electrical apparatus. (Technically
‘Class E’ doesn’t exists however this is used for convenience
 Class F - fires involving cooking oils such as in deep-fat fryers.

Various types of extinguishing agents are used for extinguishing

different class. But general extinguishing agents used are:

 Water
 Foam
 CO2

The above agents can easily extinguish all classes of fire. However
CO2 & foam can extinguish ordinary small surfaces fire only.

Fire Triangle
Whilst a simple concept, the fire triangle (or combustion triangle) is a
scientific principle that is important for all people to be aware of.
Understanding how fires sustain themselves is essential background
information in situations where you may have to use fire safety
The fire triangle, or combustion triangle, is the three components
needed to ignite and sustain a fire. The three ingredients of a fire
triangle are; heat, fuel and oxygen.

If just one of these components is removed, the fire triangle will
collapse and the fire will be extinguished.

Let’s explore these components in more detail:

1. Heat
A source of heat is required in order for ignition to occur, and
different materials have different ‘flash points’ e.g. the lowest
temperature at which they ignite.

Unfortunately, combustion reactions also produce heat as they burn,

further increasing the temperature of the fuel. For some types of fire,
the heat can be cooled with the application of water.

2. Fuel
A fire cannot begin if there is no material to burn. Homes and
businesses are full of flammable materials, such as paper, oil, wood
and fabrics. Any of these can serve as a fuel for a fire.

Some materials burn more easily than others. Fuels are probably the
most difficult ‘side’ of the fire triangle to remove, so it’s wise to store
them appropriately to prevent them becoming a fire hazard .

3. Oxygen
To sustain the combustion reaction, oxygen (or an oxidizing agent) is
needed, as it reacts with the burning fuel to release heat and CO2.
Earth’s atmosphere consists of 21% oxygen, so there is plenty
available to trigger a fire if the other two components are present.

Fire blankets & certain fire extinguishers remove the oxygen ‘side’ of
the triangle by removing it or displacing it, causing suffocation and
thereby ceasing the combustion reaction.

Types of Extinguishers

 Water extinguishers
Water extinguishers are one of the most cost-effective ways to fight
Class A fires, those fuelled by solid materials such as paper, wood
and textiles.

There are four different types of water extinguishers: water jet, water
spray, water with additives and water mist or fog.

 Water jet extinguishers work by spraying a jet of water at the

burning materials, cooling them and preventing re-ignition.
They should not be used on live electrical equipment.
 Water spray extinguishers use a very fine spray of water
droplets; each droplet is surrounded by air which is non-
conductive. Most water spray fire extinguishers carry a 35 kV
dielectric test approval which means they have been tested on a
35,000 Volt electrical source at one meter.
 Water extinguishers with additives are water extinguishers with
foaming chemicals added. The water loses its natural surface
tension meaning that it can soak into the burning materials more
effectively. Adding the chemicals to the water means that a
smaller extinguisher can produce the same fire rating as a
larger, water only, extinguisher.
 Water mist, or fog, extinguishers apply water in the form of
mist, or fog, the droplets are much smaller than those from the
water spray extinguisher. The smaller the droplet, the larger its
surface area in relation to its size, the quicker the droplet
evaporates which absorbs the heat energy faster. The downside
is the smaller the droplet the less it weighs and therefore the
less powerful the cloud of water.
 All water extinguishers have a red label.

 Foam extinguishers
Foam fire extinguishers can be used on Class A and B fires. They are
most suited to extinguishing liquid fires such as petrol or diesel and
are more versatile than water jet extinguishers because they can also
be used on solids such as wood and paper. The foam extinguishes
liquid fires by sealing the surface of the liquid, preventing flammable
vapour reaching the air and starving the fire of fuel. They are not
suitable for use on free flowing liquid fires.

Foam extinguishers have a cream label.

 Powder extinguishers
Powder extinguishers are a good multi-purpose fire extinguisher
because they can be used on Class A, B and C fires. They can also be
used on fires involving electrical equipment however, they do not
cool the fire so it can re-ignite. Powder extinguishers can also create a
loss of visibility and may create breathing problems. They are not
generally recommended for use inside buildings unless there is
absolutely no alternative.

Powder extinguishers have a blue label.

 Carbon dioxide extinguishers (CO2)

CO2 extinguishers are ideal for places with a lot of electrical
equipment such as offices or server rooms because they are safe to
use on fires involving electrical apparatus. Carbon dioxide
extinguishers do not leave any residue, unlike a foam extinguisher.
They can also be used on Class B fires, those involving flammable
liquids such paraffin or petrol. CO2 extinguishers work by
smothering the fire and cutting off the supply of air.

Carbon Dioxide Extinguishers (CO2) have a black label.

 Wet chemical extinguishers

Wet chemical extinguishers are suitable for use on Class F fires
involving cooking oils and fats, such as lard, olive oil, sunflower oil,
maize oil and butter. They are extremely effective, when used
correctly. The wet chemical rapidly knocks the flames out, cools the
burning oil and chemically reacts to form a soap-like solution, sealing
the surface and preventing re-ignition. Although they are primarily
designed for use on Class F fires, cooking oils and deep fat fryers.
They can also be used on Class A fires (wood, paper and fabrics) and
Class B fires (flammable liquids).

Wet chemical extinguishers have a yellow label.

 Fire blankets
Fire blankets are primarily for use on hot oil fires such as frying pans
or small deep fat fryers. They can also be used on someone whose
clothing has caught fire. They work by smothering the fire, stopping
access to the oxygen fuelling it and extinguishing it.



Automatic sprinklers are devices for automatically distributing

water upon a fire in sufficient quantity to: (1) extinguish the fire
entirely, (2) prevent its spread if the initial fire is out of range of
the sprinklers, or (3) contain the fire if it is of a type that cannot be
completely extinguished by water discharged from sprinklers.

Water is fed to the sprinklers through a system of piping,

ordinarily suspended from the ceiling, with the sprinklers placed
at intervals along the pipes. the orifice of the fusible-link
automatic sprinkler is normally closed by a disk or cap held in
place by a temperature-sensitive releasingelement.


Automatic sprinkler systems fall into six major classifications.

Each type of system includes piping for carrying water from a
source of supply to the sprinklers in the area under protection. The
five major classifications of the system are defined as follows:

1. WET PIPE SYSTEMS: These systems employ automatic

sprinklers attached to a piping system containing water under
pressure at all times. When a fire occurs, individual sprinklers are
activated by the heat, and water flows through those

2. REGULAR DRY PIPE SYSTEMS: These systems have
automatic sprinklers attached to piping which contains air or
nitrogen under pressure. When a sprinkler is opened by heat from
a fire, the pressure is reduced to the point where water pressure on
the supply side of the dry pipe valve can force open the valve.
Then water flows into the system and out any openedsprinklers.

3. PRE ACTION SYSTEMS: These systems contain air in the piping

that may or may not be under pressure. When a fire occurs, a
supplementary fire detecting device in the protected area is
activated. This opens a water control valve which
. When sprinklers are subsequently opened by the heat of the fire,
water flows through the sprinklers immediately-the same as in a
wet pipe system.


systems include the essential features of both types of systems.
The piping system contains air under pressure. A supplementary
heat detecting device opens the water control valve and air
exhauster at the end of the unheated feed main. The system then
fills with water and operates as a wet pipe system. If the
supplementary heat detecting system should fail, the system will
operate as a conventional dry pipesystem.


Application of water onto the burning surface through sprinkler

system extinguishes fire by cooling and smotheringeffect.

SURFACE COOLING: - When water is applied onto the burning

surface it absorbs heat and becomes hot. During this process of
absorbing heat, the temperature of the water increases till it starts
boiling i.e., till it reaches 100 Deg c. Up to this stage, water
absorbs heat at the rate of 418.3-kilo joules per kilogram, which
we call as specific heat of water. Further, the boiling water is
converted into steam and in this process a huge amount of heat is
absorbed at the rate of 2260-kilo joules per kilogram and that too
without any rise in the temperature, which we call as the latent
heat of vaporization. Thus water extinguishes by cooling effect.

STEAM SMOTHERING: - The steam formed by the vaporization

of the applied water displaces air from the zone of combustion and
thus tends to smother the fire.


& pattern shop):

An automatic sprinkler system can detect the fire automatically and

even extinguish it with a minimum of fire loss.

1) DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM: - The installation
basically comprises of a system of pipes erected at or near the
ceiling of each floor of the building and connected through
controlling valves to the storage tank.

The various pipe works used on the sprinkler installation

RISER: - A vertical pipe directly feeding the main
distribution pipes.
MAIN DISTRIBUTION PIPES: Main pipes feeding the
distribution pipe work.
DISTRIBUTION PIPES: Pipes directly feeding the
range pipes.
RANGE PIPES: Pipes on which the Sprinkler
heads are attached.

2) SPRINKLERS/SPRINKLER HEADS: At intervals in the

range pipe work, at
sprinklers or sprinkler heads.

The sprinklers used are of bulb type containing a small

barrel or cylinder made of special glass is used to hold
the water valve in place. This bulb is hermetically sealed
and contains a quantity of liquid and a small bubble.

As the temperature rises, the liquid expands and the size of the
bubble decreases until it disappears. A further rise shatters the bulb,
breaking it into small pieces so that it cannot obstruct the water
flow, and so opens the head. In spite of
thiseaseoffracture,thestrengthofthebulbissuch that it can with stand
any pressure applied to thepipe.

The colour of the bulb

used in pattern shop
and Boria stores is red
that operates or shatters
at a temperature of
68 DegC.

A 68 Deg C rise in temperature causes the sprinkler to open and

discharge water in the form of spray over an area of the floor
below the sprinkler. The sprinklers are so spaced that, in the event
of two or more heads operating simultaneously, the area sprayed
by each sprinkler over laps that sprayed by its neighbor, thus
leaving no part of the floor unprotected.

3) WET PIPE SYSTEM: - The system in which all the pipes
that lead from the water suppliers through various controlling
valves to the sprinkler heads are kept permanently filled with
water underpressure.

The principle controls of the wet pipe system are:

a) Main stop valve: - The main stop valve, which is fitted to the
installation, enables the water to be cut off after the fire has been
extinguished in order to reduce water damage and to permit the
actuated heads to be removed and replaced by new ones. The stop
valve is of gate valve type, operated by a handwheel.

b) Alarm valve: - Above the main stop valve is on alarm valve that
lifts when water enters the sprinkler feed pipes and permits the
passage of water to the alarm gong. This valve also acts as a non-
return valve to prevent the return flow of water from the sprinkler
pipes to the supplyconnection.

c) Alarm gong: - When the alarm valve functions, some of the

water entering the sprinkler feed pipes passes through an annular
groove in the alarm valve seating into the pipe to the water turbine,
operating the latter and causing a clapper to strike thegong.

There are four causes which may produce a ringing of the alarm
gong: -
- The opening of the sprinklerhead

- The opening of a drain or testvalve

- Damage to any part of the installation which leads to an overflow


-A rise in the pressure of the water being supplied to the

installation thus lifting the alarm valve and allowing water to pass
to the turbine operating thegong.

d) Test and drain valve: - The purpose of test and drain valve is to
provide water supply to the installation and to drain the installation
when necessary and also to carry out pressure and flowtests.

e) Pressure gauge: - The sprinkler system is provided with a

pressure above the alarm valve, which shows the pressure of water
in the installation. Another gauge is fitted below the alarm and
main stop valve that indicates the water supplypressure.


A static water storage tank of capacity 375842 liters (approx.)

constructed at Boria Stores for ensuring adequate supply of water
used for both firefighting and for feeding the installation. The
water stored in the tank is kept clean and free from any matter in
suspension, which would be liable to cause accumulations in the
system pipe work.

The tank is fitted with an indication showing the depth of water
and is always fitted with water up to the required level. The
sources of water supply for sprinkler installation at Boria stores is
through plant water supply line and through the static water
storage tank. The source of water supply for sprinkler installation
at pattern shop is by plant water supply line, which is usually
maintained under pressure.


The purpose of providing a pump is to feed water into the

installation at a required pressure when the water supplies made
available are with no head or are under limited pressure.
Two (2) centrifugal fire pumps that develop pressure by forcing
water to rotate around a shaft using centrifugal force to create
pressure that boosts the water supply are provided at Boria stores of
which one is electric driven and the other is dieseldriven.

One (1) fire pump is provided at pattern shop that is electric driven
centrifugal pump and connected to the plant water supply line for
boosting the pressure of the sprinkler pipe work. The fire pumps
are designed to start when pressure drops in the sprinkler system
and are not intended to run continuously. When a sprinkler opens,
water flows from the sprinkler and the pressure in the piping
decreases. A switch on the pump notes the drop in pressure and
starts the pump. When the pump is not running, the static pressure
from the water supply pressurizes the system.
The pumps are housed in a separate building of non-combustible
construction used for no purpose other than for the housing of fire
protection water supplies.

Means are also provided for manual starting of the pumps and once
the pump starts it runs continuously until stopped manually.

Technological Advancements In
Automatic Fire Extinguisher
Technology is entering each and every aspect of human life to perform daily
tasks. Fire fighting technologies are one of them. It is very interesting to see
how machines today are able to detect fire and then suppress it too. The fire
control system is continuously evolving to provide greater security from a gas
leak or fire outbreak. From manual ways of fire control system to fully
automatic systems, there are various types of fire suppression systems
available. You need to choose the right fire control system depending on the
place it will be used. Here are some 21st century’s modern firefighting

1. Fire Detection Systems

 Wireless Internet Connected Smoke Detector

These detectors are capable to detect smoke and also carbon monoxide. When
they detect any smoke, they ring an alarm alerting you and also notifying you
about the location where the fire has taken place. With the help of the
internet, you can connect the detectors to your smartphone and get alerts
about the fire when you are not present at the location.

 Video Image Smoke Detector

This detector constantly records the happenings of the premises. It gets

triggered by detecting images of smoke and immediately sends the message
of a fire break out. Once the alert is sent, the system tackles fire based on the
brightness, contrast, motion, and color of smoke seen in the image. As the
detector is recording continuously, it becomes easy to know from where the
fire began.

 Wireless Heat Detector

The wireless heat detectors use rate-of-rise and fixed temperature sensors to
detect heat. The heat-sensitive detectors are triggered within a minute when
there is a significant rise in the temperature. These devices are used in places
like the kitchen, garage, laundry room, and other places where smoke
detectors can’t be placed.

 Beam Detectors

The beam detector uses a beam of light extended in the premises. These light
beams help detect any smoke produced in the premises. The beam detectors
are generally of two basic types:

 End To End Beam Detectors

 Reflective Beam Detectors

Based on these two types, there are multiple variations of beam detectors
available in the market.

 Carbon Monoxide Detector

Birdi technology lets you keep a constant watch over your house, even over
the things you can’t see. Simply put, Birdi is smart technology, and that
technology does a whole lot more than manage the dangers of fire. The
system monitors air quality, from high pollen counts to the presence of
carbon monoxide. The in-house monitor reports to your smartphone and can
call first responders via landline. Birdi is recognized for its ability to catch
fast and slow burning fires quickly.

2. Fire Suppression Systems

 Water Mist Systems

The water mist fire control system creates a large volume of fine water
droplets. These droplets spread over a larger surface area. As they are very
fine, the droplets get converted into steam quickly and then the steam absorbs
the heat from the flames. This helps in suppressing the fire.

Water mist fire safety technology improves on typical sprinkler systems, and
is considered to be a major part of the future of firefighting. Water simply
works, and it’s the most common agent used to fight fires today.

Instead of large droplets of water, water mist systems send out a fine mist that
smothers a fire. Since the droplets are smaller, the mist systems create more
of them. The larger surface area of droplets converts water to steam faster.
The steam absorbs more heat from the flame, lowering the temperature of the
fire, suffocating the fire faster than regular old water.

 Early Suppression Fast Response Fire Sprinkler Systems

ESFR systems are a great option to prevent huge fires. This system is
mounted on the ceiling and is directly attached to the water pumps. It uses a
huge amount of water, around 100 gallons per minute to suppress the
fire. The biggest advantage of using this type of fire control system is its
speed. ESFR system is quick to respond when compared to conventional

In-rack sprinkler systems are a standard fire suppression solution used in

warehouses with high-piled inventory. While effective, in-rack systems pose
some problems. One pallet load mistake and pipes can burst, setting off the
sprinklers and damaging stored items. When racks need to be rearranged, in-
rack systems require expensive pipe reconfiguration.

 Fire Behavior Simulation Software

Fire behavior simulation is fire control software that is largely used in

wildlands to detect how the flames will develop and how the fire will spread.
For example, in wildlands, the system works by understanding the interaction
of materials like leaves, twigs, needles and more with the weather and other
topographic elements. A fire increases with the presence of heat, oxygen and
any fuel in the environment. To suppress this fire, there is a need of using fire
suppressing systems separately.

3. Fire Notification Devices

 Integrated Voice Evacuation and Messaging System

This fire detecting system warns people of a gas leak and fire outburst in the
premises. The system has various components which detect smoke and heat
within seconds and raises the alarm immediately. The alarm warns the people
of a mishap, and hence, they can take preventive measures accordingly .

 Personalized Vocal Smoke Alarm

The vocal smoke alarm detects the smoke or heat in a place and then alerts
the people around. One uses their voice and records a message that the alarm
plays when there is a fire. For example, a parent might record the direction to
escape the house during a fire for their kids. When the alarm detects danger,
it will play the recording and hence, help kids escape the room or the

One cannot ignore the repercussions of fire. Having pre-safety is always

beneficial. Using these advanced fire detectors, fire control systems, and fire
behavior systems will help in creating better safety measures. Get the best
quality products along with the installation process by contacting a supplier
of fire protection systems

 Sound Wave Fire Extinguisher

Two engineering students at George Mason University harnessed sound to

put out fires. Their chemical-free, water-free extinguisher uses sound waves

to separate burning fuel from oxygen. Fire dies out without oxygen, so using
the sound wave extinguisher on a small fire snuffs it out.

The sound wave extinguisher provides non-destructive fire safety technology,

which is ideal for home use. At the moment, the technology is only suitable
for small fires since it does not contain a coolant. This means larger fires put
out with sound waves could reignite on hot surfaces. Researchers suggest that
pairing this technology with drones could help in fighting large fires.

 Integrated Voice Evacuation and Messaging System

Not all fire safety technologies are built to fight fires: some protect the people
a fire can hurt. An integrated voice evacuation and messaging system alerts
occupants with pre-recorded messages when a fire breaks out. Fike’s concept
of “distributed intelligence” gives voice instructions to building occupants,
customized to their particular location, in relation to the fire, and how to
escape it. Fire evacuation plans and other safety information play over
speakers so occupants can respond appropriately.

1) Fire Fighting Hydraulics- Robert G. Purington.
2) Fire Control- Practical Studies from the Building Research
3) Handbook of Fire and Explosion Protection- Dennis P. Nolan, P.E.
4) FIRE (Protection and Suppression)- Robert E. Colburn.
6) Heat and Mass Transfer- R.K. Rajput


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