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1. 1.

Thou shall not kill (M)

For me, it is a moral standard. This is a universally legitimate law that
prohibits it: it binds everyone, everywhere, at all times. It is founded on the fifth
commandment, which prohibits direct and intentional murder as a severe sin. We all
understand what is morally prohibited, morally inadmissible, what one should not do, and
what one should refrain from doing. However, it is impartial considerations because
there are troops and police officers whose job it is to safeguard and prioritize the safety
of humans. Also, there are civilians having an act of self defense.

Ang batas na nagbabawal dito ay may bisa sa pangkalahatan. Ang ikalimang utos ay
nagbabawal sa tuwiran at sinadyang pagpatay bilang mabigat na kasalanan.

2. No trespassing (MS)

“No Trespassing” signs is insufficient to warn trespassers that they are unwelcome and
may be violating state law wants to know if there are other measures he must take to
meet warning requirements.
As a property owner, you need to ensure the safety of your tenants. That means
protecting your property against people who walk into it inadvertently, as well as those
who trespass with the intent to commit vandalism or burglary. The first category could
well be taken care of with the “private property; no trespassing” signs. While it seems
obvious that one cannot simply walk onto someone’s property without permission, a “no
trespassing” sign posted on your property goes a long way in disregarding any claim by
trespassers that it was unintended because they did not realize that the area was
someone’s property.

3. Do not talk when your mouth is full. (MS)

For it is a sign of disrespect not just to the one you're talking to but to the blessing or
food you're eating. People behave in a variety of ways, and none of us are alike. Some
people may choose to ignore it, while others may choose to pay attention to it. Every
country, group of people, and culture does not have a moral norm. If you want to dine
respectfully, happily, polite and right, it's only a matter of preference.
4. Honor your father and mother (M)
This principle is also founded in the Ten Commandments. We've seen what the
Bible means when it says that children should respect their parents. Honor entails
treating a qualified parent with tremendous respect throughout one's life because they
gave us life, our parents deserve our admiration and respect. Parents are also flawed
individuals who make errors, children may wonder if they are deserving of praise.
Parents may become angry and impatient with their children, make poor decisions, or
act in an annoying or offensive manner toward them. But children should always respect
and honor their parents, no matter how difficult it may be.
5. No over speeding (MS)
Overspeeding is a condition in which an engine is allowed to turn beyond its design limit.
Speed limits are set to protect the safety of people on or near the road. To exceed that
limit is to put the lives of people in danger. However, it is not a moral standard where we
can force individual to act accordingly because of the situation given. For instance, there
are emergencies wherein people need to rush in the hospital, so the driver cannot follow
that law. Hence, there are situations that this law is obviously un
1. As a future teacher, the first thing I will do is go to the principal’s office and greet the
principal. Then, I would ask the principal why he/she wants to see me. If she/he asked
about the uploaded picture during our batch reunion that she/he saw in the internet,
then, what I would do is to explain what happen in those uploaded pictures, admit my
mistake, apologize, willingly accept the consequences in what I did and say never to do
it again. I would say that this situation will serve as a lesson to me, I need to be mindful
and careful with my actions next time, because I am a role model for my students. In
their eyes, I am always doing the right thing. Also, I would tell my classmates who
uploaded the pictures in the internet, to delete those pictures because what if my pupils
have also seen those pictures? Then, they will think that it's okay to drink alcohol.
Students are watching us all the time, our actions and attitudes become integrated into
our students’ way of being; therefore, it is very important to be careful what behaviours
we model for our students.

“Non-moral” standards, on the other hand, are the preferences we have. These are revealed
as good, bad or neutral once they are seen in the light of God’s moral standards.

Non-moral standards are neither right nor wrong. They exist for some other reason.

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