Retrofitting of 6-Storey Paulino Hospital

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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

Of the Course

MEPFC 113-Operations Research

College of Engineering

University of Southeastern Philippines

Obrero, Davao City






December 2020

Cover Page --------------------------------------------------------------------------1

Table of Contents ---------------------------------------------------------------2-3

I. Introduction

A. Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------4-5

B. Rationale ------------------------------------------------------------------------6

C. Objective ------------------------------------------------------------------------6

D. Scope and Limitation ---------------------------------------------------------7

II. Review of Related Literature and System documentation

A. Existing Condition of SD Padasuka II ------------------------------------8-9

B. Design of Retrofitting of SD Padasuka II ----------------------------- 10-11

C. Application of Retrofitting Method in Nursing Faculty – Andalas

University Building ------------------------------------------------------ 11-12

III. Methodology (Retrofitting Method)

A. CHB Wall Crack Injection -----------------------------------------------13-16

B. Concrete Jacketing [COLUMNS]------------ ---------------------------17-20

C. Additional Steel Bracings -----------------------------------------------20-22

D. Shear Wall Addition -----------------------------------------------------23-26

IV. Presentation, Model Formulation and Sensitivity Analysis

A. Presentation of Paulino Hospital: Findings and Observations-----27-28

B. Model Formulation-Structural Assessment --------------------------29-30

C. Sensitivity Analysis–Non-Structural Assessment -------------------31-32

V. Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendation

A. Summary of Structural Assessment---------------------------------------33

B. Conclusions: Interpretation of Findings-------------------------------33-34

C. Recommendations—----------------------------------------------------------34

I. Introduction

A. Introduction

There are various retrofitting methods used to rehabilitate damaged

buildings. Seismic Retrofitting through Reinforced Concrete Column

Jacketing is one of those methods and considered as one of the most well-

adapted and cost-effective option. It primarily strengthens the structure of the

building, prompting it to endure seismic risks. This strengthening technique,

unlike other methods where steel elements are used, does not have a

specialized work demand. Its simplicity of execution makes any construction

company, capable of building with quality new RC structures, also competent

to execute structural rehabilitation using RC jacketing.

During the Earthquake last October and December, 2019 Digos City

was one of the most severely damaged cities because a fault-line lies near the

city proper. Buildings and establishments incurred substantial ruins that left

some already seemingly irreparable. The new yet under construction building

of Paulino Hospital was among them. It is a 6-story building approximately

35 meters long, 19 meters wide and about 21 meters high. To assess the

damages and the possible cost of redeeming the building, a certain company

has been asked to carry out a specific structural assessment of the property

and to provide cost-effective engineering solutions. It turned out that the

building must undergo retrofitting and upgrading of its structure.

In this paper, the method of retrofitting through reinforced concrete

column jacketing will be evaluated as to its effectivity on the Paulino Hospital

After being reviewed for general structural condition, the building has been

recommended to undergo major repairs and strengthening. This review is

based on site visits, limited removal of finishes to review hidden structural

elements, calculations and past experience with similar type of buildings. The

assessment revealed that the building needs to undergo rehabilitation.

The capability of the building to withstand seismic activity must be

increased using the following methods: (1) Placing steel bracings shear wall

addition. (2) additionally, some columns must be repaired and strengthened

by using the method Reinforced Concrete Jacketing.

The RC jacketing strengthening method, unlike other techniques, leads to

a uniformly distributed increase in strength and stiffness of columns. The

durability of the original column is also improved, in contrast to the corrosion

and fire protection needs of other techniques where steel is exposed or where

epoxy resins are used. (Julio, E.S., et. al. 2003. Structural Rehabilitation of

Columns with Reinforced Concrete Jacketing. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons,

B. Rationale

The frequency of seismic activities causes great danger to people and

establishments. The recent catastrophes all the more highlights the

importance of constructing strong and durable buildings. But the concern

goes far beyond preparation. There is a great need to rehabilitate the

earthquake-stricken establishments. Retrofitting in this regard plays a vital

role. Earthquakes are still prevalent nowadays especially in Mindanao, one of

the best ways to cope with damage edifices is to analyze retrofitting

methodology. That is why the researcher has chosen this topic for it is very

relevant in the field of engineering.

C. Objective

The objective of retrofitting a 6-storey Paulino Hospital are the following:

1. To formulate a linear programming with the use of software ETABS as

an Operation Research technique that applied in the analysis.

2. To determine the effects of retrofitting in the columns and beams of the


3. To apply global and local retrofitting in a 6-storey reinforced concrete


4. To determine the most economical way that the building will be able to

withstand greater magnitude of earthquake.

D. Scope and Limitation

The study of this paper will focus on the application of retrofitting

via jacketing of Reinforced Concrete Column (RCC) to the 6-storey

Paulino Hospital Building which is located at Rizal Avenue, Digos City.

The design application of jacketing of reinforced concrete building was

based on National Code of the Philippines (NSCP 2015).

II. Review of Related Literature and System documentation

A. Existing Condition of SD Padasuka II

Since school buildings need to perform well under earthquake loads

and may be used for emergency facilities in post-earthquake recovery efforts,

they need to behave elastically under earthquake loading. In an International

Symposium entitled “More resilient non-engineered houses for earthquake

disaster reduction Symposium, Dyah Kusumastuti, an associate professor

from the Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB), Bandung, Indonesia,

presented his report on the actual condition of SD Padasuka II after it was

eminently damaged by West Java Earthquake with moderate seismic risk and

how retrofitting helped the buildings to withstand consequent earthquakes.

SD Padasuka II is located in Kabupaten Bandung and the school has 2

buildings with 4 rooms each and a structural system of unconfined masonry

structures. Each building had high occupancy during the day with 400

students, having a school time of 7:00 – 17:00.

Based on structural survey, this building has inadequate foundation

system with shallow foundation, no tie beam, and the soil cover and support

eroded on some parts. It has an inadequate roof system; poor connection of

roof system and walls, poor quality of roof truss members and connections,

roof was deformed on top chord. It also has damage on walls with cracks and

gaps, inadequate structural system to support lateral loads, poor quality of

materials and detailing, need of finishing/cosmetic repair and improvement

on sanitation facility.

With regard to the Retrofitting strategy of SD Padasuka II, they install

columns with footings on corners, they install wire mesh for strengthening

wall elements and they add double tie beams for better foundation system.

Improvement for structures: replacement of roof truss members and installing

proper detailing of roof truss systems; repair of nonstructural elements -

doors, windows, and ceilings; and repair of sanitary facilities.

B. Design of Retrofitting of SD Padasuka II

Accordingly, after the retrofitting the building performance of SD

Padasuka II during West Java Earthquake is as follows: (1) damage was

nonstructural and required finishing/cosmetic repair; (2) minor cracks were

found near openings and connections to plafond; (3)damage on the buildings

were less severe compared to other buildings in the area with similar existing

conditions; (4) considering the condition prior to retrofitting projects, the

structural repair was successful in improving structural performance against

earthquake loads.
C. Application of Retrofitting Method in Nursing Faculty – Andalas

University Building

Another example of building that applied retrofitting method is the

Nursing Faculty - Andalas University building. In a research entitled, “A

comparison of retrofitting methods on nursing faculty building of Andalas

University with concrete jacketing and shear wall systems”, which was

authored by Fauzan, Febrin Anas Ismail, Oswin Dezardo, and Zev Al Jauhari

of the Civil Engineering Departments of Andalas University and Bengkalis

State Polytechnic, retrofitting has been found cost-effective. There are two

types of retrofitting presented in the paper that were conducted in the existing

building, concrete jacketing to the columns (local retrofit) and adding a shear

wall (global retrofit). All the retrofitting methods lead to a more resistant

structure, reducing the seismic risks: lateral displacements decreased, while

bending moment and shear force capacities significantly increased.

Retrofitting with concrete column jacketing increased the load-bearing

capacity of the column, by around 165%, 23%, and 132% for bending

moment, shear, and axial forces, respectively. Furthermore, it reduced the

building displacement by around 13% in both the X and Y directions.

In comparison, retrofitting with the shear wall does not increase the

capacity of the column, but it reduces the internal forces in the column by

around 83%, 48%, and 6% for bending moment, shear, and axial forces,

respectively. Positively, the decrease in the building displacement has

occurred about 84% and 90% in both the X and Y directions, respectively. The

bending capacity of the columns on the 1st floor is not capable of carrying the

working loads from the internal forces when it exceeds the P-M interaction

diagram, while the beam capacity and the inter-story drift are safe from the

limit standard. The building structure should be retrofitted.

III. Methodology: OR technique/Application used

Operational Research has been applied in construction management

such as allocation of resources to projects, project scheduling,

monitoring, and control. First, strategic planning is a must. Gathering data,

modeling and analyzing those columns that had been affected by the recent

earthquakes. Hence, we can plan it precisely and verify the members that

need to be retrofitted.

Second, organize the schedule. As stated from the module, one of the

aspects of coordination is synchronization time. All activities in construction

must be scheduled well so it will not have any losses. An unscheduled event

in the construction site may cause profit-loss. Therefore, all the damaged

member will be simulated using a software ETABS (Extended Three-

Dimensional Analysis of Building System) to determine where does it failed,

and must be followed by a schedule of visiting the actual site if earthquake

will occur.

In the situation that we have encountered, Operation Research

emphasizes our decision as an engineer. O.R. determine, analyze, and predict

the system's behavior by developing appropriate models through structural

software - ETABS. Through Operation Research also, it develops our critical

thinking skills on analyzing retrofitting methodology as a linear

programming in the field of structural designing.


A. CHB Wall Crack Injection

This retrofitting is effective only in minor cracks. Epoxy sealants are used

to inject inside the cracks and plaster the exterior part of the crack. Thus,

major cracks in the CHB are advised to be demolished and replaced.

Example photo:

Fig. 1 – Sample Crack injection output


1. Clean the crack using a wire brush. Vigorously clean the

concrete surface surrounding the crack so that the crack is

not plugged with debris.

2. Blow out the crack with compressed air.

3. Repair epoxy would be used to seal the crack on the outside.

This is also referred to as capping the crack. Prepare the cartridge

according to the label instructions and apply epoxy over the crack

leaving spaces for the poured installation. Place the ports eight to ten

inches apart.

4. Press the epoxy and smooth with a putty knife. It should be

applied one to two inches wide along the length of the crack.

5. Using a plastic putty knife, apply epoxy underneath the outer half

of the poured base. Ensure that the poured passageway is not

obstructed or blocked when applying the epoxy.

6. Center the port over the crack face in each gap and attach. Be sure to

seal any pinholes or voids between the ports and the substrate being

injected. Allow epoxy to fully cure prior to starting the injection.

7. Prepare the cartridge by shaking for 60 seconds and then stand

the cartridge upright for 60 seconds.

8. Insert the cartridge into a dispensing tool. Remove the cap and the end


9. Dispense material into a disposable container until both sides are

flowing equally.

10. Remove the flow control that’s packaged in each nozzle.

Insert the flow control onto the end of the cartridge.

11. Attach the nozzle. Hold the cartridge upright while dispensing to

purge out any air bubbles.

12. Dispose one short stroke of material into a disposable container.

Do not use the material in the container.

13. Firmly attach the tubing to the nozzle. Attach the opposite end of the

tubing tightly over the tip of the first port that needs to be injected. The

flow clip should always be closed and only open while dispensing material.

14. Start with the lowest port when injecting vertical cracks. Inject until

epoxy reaches the next port.

15. Remove the tubing adapter from the port and

attach to the second port.

16. Use the cap to plug the port. Begin injection at the second port

and inject until the epoxy reaches the third port. Repeat until


17. After curing is complete, remove the ports with a hammer. For a

more finished look, the epoxy cap can be ground smooth finish by

smoothing out the miracle bond capping material using a grinder.

Fig. 2 – Sample Epoxy Material and Kit

B. Concrete Jacketing [COLUMNS]

Concrete Column Jacketing


Step 1: Prepare the surface of the existing RCC member to receive the

structural connection with a 15-lb chipping hammer. Hammers larger

than a 15-lb may cause damage to substrate and reinforcement.

Step 2: Mark the new reinforcing bar locations on prepared surface so we

can drill.
Step 3: Drill holes of specified diameter and depth in concrete at locations

per approved design calculation.

Step 4: Clean the drilled hole in dry state with round brushes and by

blowing air through a tube inserted in the hole and connected to

hand operated blow out pump.

Step 5: Inject epoxy from the foil pack with the help of epoxy dispenser,

epoxy cartridge holder and disposable PVC mixing nozzle inserted

inside the drilled hole to fill it from ends up to the half of the holes.

Step 6: Insert the reinforcing bar and allow the epoxy adhesive to cure.

Step 7: Fixing the longitudinal and transverse reinforcement around the

existing columns.

Step 8: Install and fixing formwork, the form must construct to fit

tightly against existing concrete surfaces. Formwork is best attached to

directly to the concrete surface with expansion anchors or standard

form ties, scaffolding can be used to support the formwork.

Step 9: Application of the previous steps for all sides of the column.
Step 10: Drilling a port in the formworks is usually at upper areas to expel

the air during pumping sequence.

Step 11: To get a strong bonding should take the advantage of (pressure of

water) to clean the pores and saturate the prepared surfaces, existing

surfaces will permit the new pressurized materials to penetrate and


Step 12: Mixing the prepackaged repair materials which are designed for

pumping, according to datasheet of manufacturing.

Step 13: Start pumping. Pumping sequence is continued until the cavity is


C. Additional Steel Bracings

D. Shear Wall Addition

Adding Shear Wall


1. Prepare the surface of the existing RCC member where the additional

will be connected, to receive the structural connection with a 15-lb

chipping hammer. Hammers larger than a 15-lb may cause damage to

substrate and reinforcement.

2. Mark the new reinforcing bar locations on prepared surface so we can

drill for the shear wall to column connection.

3. Drill holes of specified diameter and depth in concrete at locations per

approved design calculation.

4. Clean the drilled hole in dry state with round brushes and by blowing

air through a tube inserted in the hole and connected to hand

operated blow out pump.

5. Inject epoxy from the foil pack with the help of epoxy dispenser, epoxy

cartridge holder and disposable PVC mixing nozzle inserted inside the

drilled hole to fill it from ends up to the half of the holes.

6. Insert the shear bars and allow the epoxy adhesive to cure.

7. Prepare the shear wall reinforcements and install it.

8. Install and fixing formwork, the form must construct to fit tightly

against existing concrete surfaces. Formwork is best attached to

directly to the concrete surface with expansion anchors or standard

form ties, scaffolding can be used to support the formwork.

9. To get a strong bonding should take the advantage of (pressure of water)

to clean the pores and saturate the prepared surfaces, existing surfaces

will permit the new pressurized materials to penetrate and cohesion.

10. Mixing the prepackaged repair materials which are designed for

pumping, according to datasheet of manufacturing.

11. Start pumping. Pumping sequence is continued until the cavity

is full.

Added Shear
Added Shear
IV. Presentation, Model Formulation and Sensitivity Analysis

A. Presentation of Paulino Hospital: Findings and Observations

The Paulino Hospital, located along Rizal Avenue, Digos city,

Davao del Sur, is a 6-story building approximately 35 meters long, 19

meters wide and about 21 meters high. In accordance with instructions


been asked to carry out a specific structural assessment of the property

and to provide cost-effective engineering solutions.

The Paulino Hospital has been reviewed for general structural

condition. This review is based on site visits, limited removal of finishes

to review hidden structural elements, calculations and past experience

with similar type of buildings.


A site visit was made on July 16, 2020 to observe the existing

conditions and structural framing details to gather sufficient information

for structural assessment. Based upon visual observations and our

experience with similar buildings, the following key findings are presented:
Existing conditions: The building was found with vast amount of debris

on the floors mainly on the third floor. The debris was mainly composed of

damaged and loose ceilings, partitions, wall and floor coverings, and

broken fixtures as shown in Figures 1-4. Some of the swing glass doors

were also rendered inoperable by the earthquake. The staircase has

chippings on stair treads, edges and risers. There were cracks in concrete

columns at the beam-column junction, exposing the reinforcing bars.

Figure 1 Damage to ceiling materials. Figure 2

Figure 3 Spalling of tiles and concrete cover Figure 4 Spalling of mortar finishing at the
from wall. wall base.
B. Model Formulation - Structural Assessment of Paulino Hospital

The structural framing system of the 6-storey building consists

of concrete columns, concrete beams with steel wide flange and truss

beams on the 5th and 6th floors only. The floors consist of a profiled steel

decking with an in-situ reinforced concrete topping.

There were cracking and spalling of column concrete covers, exposing

the reinforcing bars.

Spalling and
exposure of column
rebars on ground
Spalling of the column
concrete cover and the
exposure of rebars without
buckling or fracture on the
C. Sensitivity Analysis – Non-Structural Assessment of Paulino


On the ground floor, a number of walls have been built with

foundation, acting as partitions, and are 4’’ thick CHB walls. There were

cracks in many walls and fall of fairly large pieces of plaster. Typical

exterior wall cracks emanating from corners of exterior openings were

observed on the rest of the floors. These elements are particularly

sensitive to vibrations and impact loading and so therefore should be

considered as a hazard and actions should be taken to mitigate that


Photographs with observed and relevant conditions and details:

Figure 9 Cracks in non-structural walls, of the Figure 10 Concrete crushing in walls.

ground floor, visible from both sides.
V. `

Figure 11 Extensive damage to interior walls on Figure 12 Spalling and cracking of exterior walls.
third floor.

Figure 15 Concrete crushing in walls. Figure 16 Concrete cracking and spalling in non-
structural walls.

Figure 13 Typical exterior wall cracks emanating Figure 14

from corners of exterior openings on the fourth
V. Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations

A. Summary of Structural Assessment

Structural capacity check was conducted on the building, in

accordance with the provisions of National Structural Code of the Philippines

2015 Edition. The tabulated seismic parameters from Section 408 were used

as input data for the structural analysis of the 3D simulation of the structure.

The output from the analysis indicated that the columns of the structure do

not possess sufficient resistance to withstand the imposed seismic loading


B. Conclusions: Interpretation of Findings

When viewed as a whole, there is the opportunity to both improve the

quality of the existing structure while negating future issues with the building

and the retention of as much existing structure as possible. The defects

should be addressed to prevent further deterioration, which can lead to failure

of specific components. All the observed defects can be re-addressed using

standard concrete repair techniques, including:

• Crack repair;

• CHB wall replacement

The outcome of the structural capacity checks indicate that some

columns are inadequate to resist seismic loading. These can be potentially

catastrophic for the building; as the inadequate columns can lead to collapse

of the structures, under seismic forces. However, the capacity of the building

to withstand seismic activities can be increased by adding shear walls and

steel bracings including reinforced concrete jacketing to repair and increase

the capacity of the columns.

C. Recommendations

Standard concrete repair methods should be adopted for the specific

defects in the building. These include:

• Repair of minor cracks on concrete using standard application of epoxy;

• CHB wall replacement for major cracks

The capability of the building to withstand seismic activity must be

increased using the following methods:

• Placing steel bracings

• Shear wall addition

Additionally, some columns must be repaired and strengthened by using

the method Reinforced Concrete Jacketing. Through Operation Research

techniques, we develop a linear programming through ETABS of retrofitting

6-storey Paulino Hospital Building.


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