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Good morning class!

Before we start our lesson, may I

request everyone to please stand
for the prayer. Kindly lead the
prayer, Shiela.

Okay class, you may now take your


Again, Good morning everyone!

So, how's your day? Is it good so

That's good to know. So, are you
ready to discuss our new topic

Okay, that's good.

Let me check first your attendance.

Kindly raise your right hand and
say "present" as I call your name.
Are we clear?
Since I am already done checking
your attendance. May I ask if are
you done answering your
assignment that I gave yesterday?
Great! Now, Sarra kindly collect the
assignment. Thank you.

Also, I would like to request

everyone to arrange your chairs
properly and make sure there are
no trashes around you.

Before we proceed, let me present

to you first our classroom rules.
So, I only have 6 rules to be
followed and observed. Everyone,
please read.

Now, who can still remember our

topic yesterday?
Anybody from the class?
Yes, Charity.

Very good!
So, yesterday we talked about the
Five Genres of Literature as
mentioned by Charity. And for
today's lesson we will be focusing
on the fiction which is one of the

Are you ready?

So, I have here with me five

envelopes. Each of the respective
envelope contains pictures and
scrambled words. All you have to
do is to identify the given pictures
first and then arrange or create a
question using the scrambled
words and post it on the board.
The first group who can post their
answers on the board will receive a
prize. So I will group you first. So,
this is Group 1,Group 2, Group 3,
Group 4 and Group 5.

I need one representative to get

your envelopes here.

You can start now!

Congratulations everyone! Your
answers are all correct. I'm really

Give yourselves a big round of


Class eyes here. These are our

learning objectives for our lesson.
Everybody please read.
I hope that all the learning
objectives will be met at the end of
the lesson.
Okay class, what do you think of
the question that you formed and
posted on the board?


Yes, your answer is correct Ariel.

Thank you. You're also correct that
it is somewhat connected to
fiction, but then it's too early for
that. For now, we will focus first on
the story which is entitled?

Yes, Nemark?
Thank you Nemark. Now, from the
title itself, can you guess the
reason why we have 7,000 islands
in our country?

Yes, Alexa I think you have an idea.

Thank you Alexa for sharing.

Actually, all your ideas are correct
so don't hesitate to voice out your
brilliant ideas. Anyway, for you to
understand the story let us now
start reading.

Are you excited class?

So class, at this point of our
lesson, let me check whether you
really understand the myth.
For this activity,I will be giving
cards which includes three
different questions. The answers
should be based on your
understanding of the story. You
can write your answers on the
paper I provided. I need another
representative from the group to
get your cards.

Before you start, kindly read the

questions first. We will start from
group 1, followed by group 2 and
so on.

To do this activity smoothly, you

brainstorm with your groupmates
and share the ideas that you have
to create consensus and
agreement within the group. Is that
clear class?

Before we start this activity, let me

remind everyone to follow our
classroom rules so that the activity
will run satisfactorily.

Okay, you may now start.

Okay class, I see that some of you
didn't fully understand the story.
So, we will have another activity.
For this activity, I will be asking
some questions and all you have
to do is to write your answers on
the bond paper. After 10 seconds,
you need to raise all your papers.
You need to select first your
secretary to write your answers.
Are you guys ready?
Okay let's start.

Great job everyone! You're answers

are almost perfect! Everybody has
now fully understood the story.
So,are you guys ready for the next

This time class, you need to

compose a 1-2 stanza of poem or
song about the story entitled, Why
Does the Philippines Have 7,000

You can create a poem/song

based on the attitudes of
characters and situations or
scenes in the story. After
composing, you need to present it
in front by group.
(Teacher will post the criteria on
the board.)

Is everything clear?

Great! Now you can start

composing. Remember that you
can choose between a song or a

Now that all of you have mastered

our lesson, I’m pretty sure that you
are all ready for a quiz. Answer the
questions with honesty. Is that
clear class?
Okay,ballpen's up!
Kindly collect all the papers Gail.

Your assignment is to search on

the internet examples of a fictional
story. Give at least 5. Explain why
they are considered as a fictional
Now, is there any questions or

How about from the story?

Are you sure?

Okay. Thank you so much class for
your participation. I hope you learn
something from today's topic,
especially about the myth. See you

Goodbye class!

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