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G. E 3

Submitted to:
Mr. Osmer V. Vergara

Submitted by:
Liezel R Tolentino
Reflection paper
Tuesday, August 17, 2021

On our first meeting sir Osmerito Vergara started the discussion about contemporary world. He
defined what is the contemporary world “contemporary world is a the circumstances and ideas of
present age.” He also discussed the “The Concept of Business” and asking us of giving our
perception about business. In business we need a advertisements and promotional tools to build a
brand image.
Reflection paper
August 19, 2021 Thursday.
Sir Osmer started the class at exact 5:10 in the afternoon, He provide some question and asking
us about “A man without a vision will perish” and “dream big and conquer the world” some of
my classmates respond about it. After that our professor sir Osmer proceed to discuss about
globalization. Which is in globalization things are moving closer and everything will be gotten,
according to Swedish journalist Thomas Larson “Globalization is a process of a world
shrinkage” the process in which everyone gets closer, can interact with the others from all over
the world.” Nowadays, this is facilitated through information technology. In time of pandemic I
can't even go outside to buy the things I want, but because of technology I can buy the things I
want. For example through online like Lazada and Shopee I can buy the things I want. There's a
lot of online businessing comes out. Because of the modern world all things are making easier.

Reflection paper
August 24, 2021 Tuesday
Sir owner started the class at 5:10 pm. We talked about Globalization and we recap about the
meaning of globalization according to the Swedish journalist Thomas Larson. Which is the
“Process of world shrinkage ” “Distance getting shorter” and “things moving closer” after that sir
Osmer continue the discussion about the globalization according to Martin Khloe wherein
“Globalization as Colonization” he also discussed the Third World network. After that
discussion I learned more about In globalization, And how modern world and technology help us
in our daily lives.

Reflection paper
August 28, 2021 Saturday
On our first day of Saturday class sir Osmer started the discussion at 9:09 in the morning. He
continued his discussion about globalization and he also discussed about growing independence
of worlds's economies, cultures, and population, brought about by cross-border trade in goods
and services, technology and flows of investment people and information.

Reflection paper
August 31, 2021 Tuesday
Sir Osmer started our class at 5:05 in the afternoon. We took about the broad and inclusive.
Globalization means the onset of the boyfriend world. After that he continued his discussion
about the Narrow and Exclusive wherein narrow and exclusive has a very limited point of view
because of lack of references. In broad exclusive there's no limitations wherein narrow and
exclusive there's a limitation within a group of people or area. There's no limited

Reflection paper
September 02, 2021 Thursday

Today our instructor started the discussion at 5:07 pm. Before, he start the discussion he first ask
about the broad and inclusive and narrow and exclusive. Then, after that sir Osmer proceed
directly to our topic about protectionism and either (2015) generally, this definition assumes that
globalization could bring either or bot integration and/or fragmentation.

Reflection paper
September 09, 2021
Today September 09, 2021 Thursday at 5:07 on sir Osmer recap our last topic which is the
globalization according to Ritzer. And then, Sir Osmer discussed to us about the concepts of
globalization. “Defining globalization is shaped by the perspective of the person who defines it.”
According to Arjun Appadurai (1996) globalization is “world of things” that have different
speeds, axes, point of origin, and termination.

Reflection paper
September 16, 2021
Today is Thursday we took about the concept of globalization. first is defining the globalization,
second is globalization is the debate, third is globalization is reality. I learned the difference
meaning of the three concept of globalization.
Reflection paper
September 18, 2021
At this day 18th of September I learned the metaphors of globalization “ the solid, liquid,
structures, and flow. The solid refers to the barriers that prevent or make difficult movement.
Wherein, the liquid refers to the increasing easy movement of people, thing, information and
places in the contemporary world.
Reflection paper

September 21, 2021

In this day sir Osmer started the class at 5:15 in the afternoon, He continued discussion about
metaphors of globalization he discuss about the flow it is movement of people, things, places,
and information brought by “porosity of global limitations.
Reflection paper
September 28, 2021
28th of September at 5:11 pm, our teacher sir Osmer Vergara start the discussion about
globalization theories the culturally, economically, and politically. and he also discuss the
homogeneity and heterogeneity. And he discuss the five different perspective regarding the
origins of globalization, Hardwired according to Nayan Chanda, it is our basic human need to
make our lives better that made globalization possible cycles, or some globalization is a long
term process.
Reflection paper
September 30, 2021
In this day last day of September at 5:07 pm sir Osmer continued the discussion about the five
different perspective regarding the orogins of globalization. And I learned the dialog priors of the
five diverse viewpoint with respect to the origins of globalization.
Reflection paper
October 05, 2021
At 5:05 pm we tackled about development of world system theory “ Immanuel Wallerstein” have
three level hierarchy which is the Core, Periphery, and semi-periphery. I learned that the
countries of the world can be divided into two major world regions the "core" and the
"periphery." The core includes major world powers and the countries that contain much of the
wealth of the planet. The periphery has those countries that are not reaping the benefits of global
wealth and globalization.

Reflection paper
October 07, 2021

In this day at 5:17 pm sir Osmer continued explaining and discussing about the “core and
periphery countries” after that he continued to discuss the semi-periphery countries. I learned
that the semi-periphery countries are the industrializing most capitalist countries which are
positioned between the core and periphery countries

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