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6.6. In the power system network shown in Figure 6.5, bus 1 is a slack bus with Vj = 1.020? per-unit and bus 2 is a load bus with Sz = 280 MW + j60 Mvar. The line impedance on a base of 100 MVA is Z = 0.02 + 40.04 per unit. (a) Using Gauss-Seidel method, determine V2 . Use an initial estimate of V{° = 1,0 + 30.0 and perform four iterations. (b) If after several iterations voltage at bus 2 converges to V2 = 0.90 — j0.10, determine S, and the real and reactive power loss in the line. si] Zig = 0.02 + 70.04 2—— 1 ‘Sa = 280 MW +360 Mvar y FIGURE 6.5 ‘One-line diagram for Problem 6.6. 1 _____ 19 j29 M2 = 002+ 70.04 The per unit load at bus 2 is 280 + 760 _ 1000 Starting with an initial estimate of Vs°) = 1.0+30.0, the voltage at bus 2 computed from (6.28) for three iterations are Sy = —2.8 — 30.60 =26- 60 ie + (10 — 520)(1 vp) = roa + (0-010) 2001) = 0.92000 — j0.10000 Basen ro + (10 — 420)(1 Vi?) = Toa gD oo aie Le 570)0) _ 9 s0238 - jo.09808 roms tones + (10 — 520)(1 Vo) = Toa met 379)(1) —_ 9.90050 — j0.10000 (b) Assuming voltage at bus 2 converges to Vz = 0.9 — 0.1, the line flows are computed as follows Tra = yna(Vi — Va) = (10 — J20)[(1 + 30) ~ (0.9 - 0.10} = 3.0 - 51.0 In = —ha = -3.0+ j1.0 Siz = Val = (1.0 + 70.0)(3.0 + 51.0) = 3 +1 pa = 300 MW + j100 Mvar —2.8 — 70.6 pu —280 MW — j60 Mvar Sax = Val}, = (0.9 — 0.1)(—3.0 — 1.0 The line loss is Stiz = Sia + Sax = (300 + 5100) + (280 — 760) = 20 MW + j40 Mvar The slack bus real and reactive power are P, = 300 MW, and Q; = 100 Mvar. The above calculations is placed in a MATLAB file, and solution is obtained by typing ch6p6 at the MATLAB prompt.

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