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Analyzing Info


● Synthesize statistical information
(evidence) into a primary point
that seeks to prove an argument.
Lit Term: Claim
A statement used as a • This is THE main point, or
primary point to support one of the main points of
or prove an argument is an argument.
called a claim. If somebody • This is often times
gives an argument to arguable/debatable.
support his position, it is • Evidence is used to support
called “making a claim.” an author’s primary claims.
Survey Methodology
● 1,014 individuals aged 21-70 completed the
survey, including 240 based in California.

○ 609 Millennials (Ages 21-34)

■ 305 Age 21-27 YoungerMillennials
■ 304 Age 28-34 OlderMillennials

● 204 Generation X (Age 35-51)

● 201 Baby Boomers (Age 52-70 )
Claim (Good): For younger generations
in the United States, pursuing a passion
is just as important as retiring
Claim (Great): For people ages 21-34 in
the United States, it is just as important
to live a meaningful life than it is to
have long-term economic stability.
● Jump into the assignment:
○ Unit 1: Analyzing Infographics
● Analyze each of the five infographics.
● Write one claim for each of the 5 infographics
Claim: Having personal freedoms is
becoming increasingly more popular
among Americans.

Great claim: While many Americans are

becoming increasingly more interested
in their personal freedoms, achieving
affluence is less important.

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