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Events Protocol


Name: ______________________________________________________________________

Student Number: ______________________

Strand: _________________ Section: _________________

Teacher’s Name: _________________________________

Date Released: _________________ Date Submitted: _________________

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Events Protocol


 Protocol
 Inviting Guest
 Protocol for Addressing a Person




In this module, the students will described the event as public assembly for the purpose of celebration,
education, marketing or reunion. Event management is powerful blend of creative and technical skills,
essential for the creation and delivery of any live experience be that a wedding, festival, private party,
sporting event, conference or meeting


At the end of this module, you should be able to:

 Understand what is protocol
 Learn the proper protocol in addressing a person
 Learn the proper dress code for formal occasion


Before you proceed to the main lesson, test yourself in this activity.

1. Have you attended a formal occasion? What you have experience, state your experience briefly?

You may now proceed to the main lesson.
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Events Protocol



Based on the preliminary activities, what did you notice about it?
You may now proceed to the lesson.

 The term “ protocol” comes from the Greek and means” first glue”. It may be said that
protocol is the “ Glue: that holds official life in our society
 Protocol reflects mutual respect and consideration and is especially important when
bringing together dignitaries between nations
 Protocol includes the proper way of addressing dignitaries, to the way to dress for an event
 Protocol is the set of traditional practices that have long when dealing with and meeting
with others
 It also includes where to seat your guest at a dinner and how to fly the flag

 Invite them well in advance- at least 3 months from event
 A verbal contact followed by written confirmation is appropriate. Also follow up one to two days
prior to ensure all arrangement are in order
 Discuss with them the following:
o Purpose of the visit
o Time allocated for the visit
o Who will cover expenses of transport, meals, parking and accommodation
o Provision of a meal for their spouse
o Any special needs
o Indicate appropriate dress
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o Does the guest require transportation/ accommodation


 “SIR” is generally considered as acceptable alternative to the formal address in both written and
spoken greetings
 The use of “ MADAM” or MA’AM” for female addressee is acceptable.
 This rule does not apply to religious or titled person
 For greeting in which “MR, is used for men
 The feminine equivalent may be “MADAM” or less formally” MRS” “ MISS or “MS”
 And there is no formal rule for the use of “MS.” The preference of the addressee should be


The appropriate dress for formal occasions should be included on the invitation:
 This might include business attire for formal day function
 Black or white ties for formal evening events
 Name badges should be worn on the right hand side
 So that when the hand is extended for a handshake, the name badge is easily readable
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 Speakers need to be briefed in advance and provided with a list of the guest to be welcome in
order of precedence
 The timing and the length of speeches need to be discussed with the speakers before the event
and must also be canvassed with the chief.


 Correct seating arrangement for occasions such as awards ceremonies and formal dinners must
be observed by the event organizer.
 Precedence at table can lead to hurt feelings and indignation among families as well as diplomats
 Once you have determined who is of higher rank, then it is just a matter of placing people around a
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1. When there is but a single table, the host and hostess usually sit at opposite ends. When multiple
tables are needed, the host and hostess may be at separate tables
2. The highest ranking male generally sits to the right of the hostess. The wife of the highest ranking
man, or the highest ranking women herself sits to the right of the host
3. No two women set side by side and no two men sat side by side
4. Married people are never seated side by side, but those engaged are seated side by side
whenever possible
5. The ranks for various person is determined by the President of the United States

 Sit at the table facing the placement with arms close to your side
 Bite sized pieces and place onto fork
 Do not place too much food on your fork
 When eating food: chew the food with your mouth close and never talk while eating
 Don’t waive your cutlery around while you are eating
 If eating soup or any food that is liquid avoid slurping the food
 If the food is hot you can gently blow on it to cool it
 Be mindful of other guest
 Avoid talking too loudly
 Do not smoke at the table
 Do not speak on the mobile phone while at the table

 Display and usage of the flag is governed by the Flag Code 2002
 The national flag should be hoisted at a height in suitable manner
 Whenever the flag is hoisted, it should occupy the position of honor and be distinctly placed
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 Where the practice is to fly the flag on any Government Building
 When the flag is display horizontally of at an angle from the window of balcony, the saffron
band must be upper most
 When the flag is flown during a public meeting, the speaker should face the audience and the
flag should be displayed behind and to the right of the speaker
 When the flag is carried in a procession od parade, it should be held in the right hand
 If there is a line of other flags, the National flag should be in the middle
 No other flag should be hoisted higher than the National flag
 The flag should not be used to cover or decorate the speaker desk during any meeting
 The national flag should never de displayed with saffron band down
 The flag should not be allowed to touch the ground or trail in water
 The flag should not be displayed or fastened in a manner which might damage it

We had just finished the discussion on EVENTS

PROTOCOL. Let’s move on to the next higher level of activity/ies
or exercise/s that demonstrate your potential skills/knowledge of
what you have learned.


Name:______________________________ Grade & Section: _________________

Direction/Instruction: Identify what is being ask in the statement. Write your answer in the space

1. It comes from the Greek work means “first glue”

A. Protocol
B. Guidelines
C. Program
D. Guide
2. It is generally considered as acceptable alternative to the formal address in both written and
spoken greetings
A. Maam
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Events Protocol
B. Sir
C. Madam
D. Gentleman
3. It is used for female addressee
A. Maam
B. Sir
C. Madam
D. Both A and C
4. It is used for men greetings
A. Maam
B. Sir
C. Madam
D. Mr.

5. Name badges should be worn on _______hand side.

A. Left
B. Right
C. Center
D. Both A and B
6. ___________ arrangement for occasions such as awards ceremonies and formal dinners must be
observed by the event organizer
A. Correct speaking
B. Correct seating
C. Correct standing
D. Correct walking
7. Inviting the guest in advance at least ______ from the event
A. 1 Month
B. 2 Months
C. 3 Months
D. 4 months
8. It reflects mutual respect and consideration and is especially important when bringing together
dignitaries between nations
A. Protocol
B. Guidelines
C. Program
D. Guide
9. It is the set of traditional practices that have long when dealing with and meeting with others
A. Protocol
B. Guidelines
C. Program
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D. Guide
10. Use _______ ties for formal evening events
A. White
B. Red
C. Black
D. Both A and C

Finally, let us summarize the lesson of what we had discussed today.


Why is protocol important in event management?

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Name: ______________________________ Grade & Section: ____________

Direction/Instruction: TRUE OR FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement is TRUE or FALSE if the
statement is FALSE

1. Sit at the table facing the placement with arms close to your side
2. Bite sized pieces and place onto fork
3. Do not place too much food on your fork
4. When eating food: chew the food with your mouth close and never talk while eating
5. Don’t waive your cutlery around while you are eating
6. If eating soup or any food that is liquid avoid slurping the food
7. If the food is hot you can gently blow on it to cool it
8. Be mindful of other guest
9. Avoid talking too loudly
10. Do not smoke at the table
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After your long journey of reading and accomplishing the module, let us now
challenge your mind by answering the evaluation part of this module.


Name:______________________________ Grade & Section: _________________

Direction/Instruction: TRUE OR FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement is TRUE or FALSE if the
statement is FALSE

1. When the flag is flown during a public meeting, the speaker should face the audience and the flag
should be displayed behind and to the right of the speaker
2. When the flag is carried in a procession od parade, it should be held in the right hand
3. If there is a line of other flags, the National flag should be in the middle
4. No other flag should be hoisted higher than the National flag
5. The flag should not be used to cover or decorate the speaker desk during any meeting
6. The national flag should never de displayed with saffron band down
7. The flag should not be allowed to touch the ground or trail in water
8. The flag should not be displayed or fastened in a manner which might damage it
9. When there is but a single table, the host and hostess usually sit at opposite ends. When multiple
tables are needed, the host and hostess may be at separate tables
10. The highest ranking male generally sits to the right of the hostess. The wife of the highest ranking
man, or the highest ranking women herself sits to the right of the host
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