Population 4

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Where do we live?

The world’s population distribution map shows how unevenly people are spread over the world.
Vast areas are sparsely populated whilst other areas are densely populated. Western Europe, China,
India and Japan are densely populated areas. Most of the land in Australia, Africa, and Canada are
less populated. Some features of these areas are the reason for this uneven distribution. Ex.

Amazon forest – too hot and wet

Dense forest makes communication and settlements difficult
Insects and carnivorous animals that can attack people
People tend to be poor and isolated
Polar regions – too cold for people
No soil for crops
Snow and ice make communication and settlement difficult
Violently strong winds
Difficult to access
Driest areas of the world
Sahara desert – too hot and dry
Dry and little soil for crops
Sand makes communication difficult
Receives less than 3 inches of rain every year
Lack of water and food
Insect attack and other diseases
Himalayan mountains – too cold for people
Step slops are bad for communication and settlements
Poor and thin soil
Difficult to transport goods
Remote and isolated area
Less economic opportunities
Western Europe – low-lying and gently sloping
Pleasant climate
Good water supply and soil for farming
Easy communications
Many resources for industries
The climate supports a wide variety of seasonal crops

Bangladesh – low-lying and flat lands

Rich, fertile soil
Hot and wet climate
Ideal farming conditions
Low labor cost
More than half of the world population lives in cities or towns. But fastest-growing cities tend
to be in the poorest countries. Ex. Mexico city, Karachi, Delhi, Jakarta

Complete the activities in page 55.

Pramodani De Silva Year 8 Population 4

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