How To Use Image Streaming To Unleash Creative Breakthroughs

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How to Use Image Streaming to Unleash Creative Breakthroughs




How to Use "Image Streaming" to

Unleash Creative Breakthroughs
by Doug Farrick

If you have di�iculty visualizing use "Image Streaming" to help generate spontaneous and breakthrough
marketing and design solutions. Image Streaming is not new but was popularized by creative consultant Win
Wenger in his book, "Einstein Factor" which I definitely recommend.

Here's the basic steps on how to do it:

Step 1: Setting the Stage

First, we need to do a little upfront "prep work" first.

Sit in a comfortable chair, in a quiet environment, close your eyes and turn on a device to record your voice.

Start by describing OUT LOUD in as much rich and vivid detail as possible the room you are sitting ion or a
scene outside your window. The important point is to use ALL your sense not just describe how something
looks but also describe it's texture, smell, sound, etc.

Keep talking continually. Do not edit or self-correct your grammar. Just continue forward. Initially just try for 5
minutes, then stop.

Make sure to speak loudly and not to mumble or whisper. It is the speaking out loud (in sensory detail) that
helps opens up whole new channels of communication within your own neurology.

Step 2: Setting the Stage II

A�er a week or so of practicing the skill of describing out loud, begin describing scenes and images that are in
your mind. In other words, use your imagination.

This is the same as before, describing each scene in rich, vivid detail.

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How to Use Image Streaming to Unleash Creative Breakthroughs

Do this for several days to "ground" the technique. To be on the safe side I would target doing these exercise
for a week each.

Step 3: Spontaneous Breakthrough Images

All the work done previously will now set the stage for true image streaming.

We are now going to be speaking of spontaneous imagery - those slippery fish of your unconscious that come
and go in wink, that just "pop" into your mind while driving or while you are doing other "mindless" activities.

Make an intention to solve a particular issue the use these spontaneous images to find compelling design
solutions or increase revenues, add synergistic services, solve a pesky client relationship or other issues.

To invite spontaneous imagery, stay alert. Don't force anything but as Wenger says, "The moment an image
appears in your mind, describe the dickens out of it!"

Do NOT be concerned if the image fades or you lose your focus, just continue describing as it first appeared to

Image streaming will soon (when you least expect it) tap into the wellspring of thoughts, ideas and images
stored in your subconscious - sometimes resulting in breakthrough ideas and creative solutions.

As I have worked with this technique an interesting phenomenon starts to happen called synesthesia, which is
a merging of the senses where we begin describing colors in terms or smell and taste and vision in terms of feel
or sounds or bits and pieces of them all.

Image streaming builds upon itself and becomes stronger and stronger the more you do it - eventually
becoming quite e�ortless.

You will soon have a parade of images o�en linking together in subtle and o�en unexpected ways.

Wenger suggests that you review the recordings you made and try to determine WHY your mind chose certain
kinds of images, how they were sequenced and whether some images have more "heat" or emotion than

Keep in mind, there is no "right" way to do this exercise perfectly so don't even bother. That is not the point.
Just follow the directions as best you can and stay alert.

Who knows, one of these "sessions" might be just the creative spark you were looking for.

Book: Win Wenger's "Einstein Factor"

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How to Use Image Streaming to Unleash Creative Breakthroughs



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