Scientific Root Words

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Scientific Root Words, Prefixes, And Suffixes Scientific Root Words, Prefixes, And Suffixes

a-, an- not, without, lacking cata- breakdown, downward

-able capable of caud- tail

-aceous of or pertaining to -cell- chamber, small room

adip- fat centi- hundredth

aero- air centr- center

agri- field, soil cephal- head

ambi- both cerebr- brain

amyl- starch chel- claw

ante- before, ahead of time chem- dealing with chemicals

antho- flower chlor- green

anti- against, opposite co- with, together

aqu- water coel- hollow

-ase forms names of enzymes coll- glue

auto- self coni- cone

bacter-, bactr- bacterium, stick, club contra- against

bi- (Latin) two twice corp- body

bi-, bio- (Greek) life, living cort-, cortic- outer layer

-blast- sprout, germ, bud cotyl- cup

brev- short counter- against

calor- heat crani- skull

carcin- cancer -cul-, -cule small, diminutive

cardi- heart cuti- skin

carn- meat, flesh cyan- blue

carp- fruit -cyst- sac, pouch, bladder

carpal- wrist cyt-, -cyte cell, hollow container

Scientific Root Words, Prefixes, And Suffixes Scientific Root Words, Prefixes, And Suffixes

de- away from, down gnath- jaw

deca- ten grav- heavy

deci- tenth gymno- naked, bare

dendr- tree gyn- female

derm- skin halo- salt

di-, dipl- (Latin) two, double -helminth- worm

di-, dia- (Greek) through, across, apart hem- blood

du-, duo- two hemi- half

echin- spiny, prickly herb- grass, plants

eco- house hetero- different, other

ecto- outside of hex- six

-emia blood hibern- winter

en-, endo-, ent- in, into, within hipp- horse

entom- insects hist- tissue

epi- upon, above, over holo- entire, whole

erythro- red homo- (Latin) man, human

eu- well, good, true, normal homo- (Greek) same, alike

flor- flower hort- garden

foli- leaf hydr- water

fract- break hyper- above, beyond over

-gam- marriage hypo- below, under, less

gastr- stomach -chthy- fish

-gene- origin, birth inter- within, inside

-gest- carry, produce, bear intra- between

gluc-, glyc- sweet, sugar iso- equal, same

Scientific Root Words, Prefixes, And Suffixes Scientific Root Words, Prefixes, And Suffixes

-ist person who deals with nephro- kidney

-kary- cell nucleus neur- nerve

kilo- thousand non- not

lat- side nuc- center

-less without oct- eight

leuc-, leuk- white, bright, light oligo- few, little

-logist one who studies -oma abnormal condition, tumor

-logy study of omni- all

-lys, -lyt, -lyst decompose, split, dissolve onc- mass, tumor

macr- large oo- egg

mela-, melan- black, dark ornith- bird

-meter, -metry measurement ov- egg

micro- small, millionth oxy- sharp, acid, oxygen

milli- thousandth pachy- thick

mis- wrong, incorrect paleo- old, ancient

mito- thread path-, -pathy disease, suffering

mole- mass pent- five

mono- one, single permea- pass, go

morph- shape, form phag- eat

multi- many pheno- show

mut- change -phil- loving, fond of

myc- fungus photo- light

mycel- threadlike phyc- seaweed, algae

nemat- thread -phyll leaf

neo- new, recent pino- drink

Scientific Root Words, Prefixes, And Suffixes Scientific Root Words, Prefixes, And Suffixes

pinni- feather solv- loosen, free

plasm-, -plast- form, formed into som-, -some body

platy- flat -sperm- seed

pleur- lung, rib, side spir-, -spire breathe

pneumo- lungs, air -spor- seed

-pod foot stom-, -stome mouth

por- opening sub- under, below

pre- before, ahead of time super-, sur- over, above, on top

pseudo- false, deceptive sym-, syn- together

pter- having wings or fins tax- arrange, put in order

quadr- four telo- end

quin- five terr- earth, land

re- again, back tetr- four

rhag-, -rrhage burst forth therm- heat

rhiz- root trans- across

sacchar- sugar tri- three

sapr- rotten -trop- turn, change

sarc- flesh -troph- nourishment, one who feeds

saur- lizard uni- one

sci- know -vor- devour, eat

-scop- look, device for seeing xanth- yellow

-scribe, -script write xero- dry

semi- half, partly xyl- wood

sept- partition, seven zo-, -zoa animal

sex- six zyg- joined together

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