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Time Allowed: 2hrs 15mnts Maximum Marks: 60

General Instructions
 Check that this question paper contains 5 questions.
 Attempt all the questions.
 Write down the serial number of the question before attempting it.
 After attempting all the required questions, put page number serially before uploading the
answer sheets.
1. Choose the correct options: (1x20=20)
i. What was the Name of the Old Man's Grand-Daughter?
a) Nani
b) Pihu
c) Mamta
d) Subhadra

ii. The Sheriff’s men did not enter the forest because
a) There were many wild beasts
b) The forest was too dense
c) Robin Hood and his men were skilled archers and were likely to target them
d) They were not interested to arrest Robin Hood

iii. The lines, "Silencing the bird on tree,/ Biting the blue finger", mean that

a) The vagabond kills the bird with blue feet that was perched on the tree.
b) The vagabond makes the merrily chirping bird on the tree fly away.
c) During autumn and winter, the birds fly away to warmer areas, they no longer
sing on the trees and people feel very cold.
d) The vagabond does not like to listen to the chirping of the birds on the trees and
sits under the tree feeling cold.

iv. Mention the poetic device used in the phrase “white as meal the frost field”.
a) Simile
b) Personification
c) Alliteration
d) Repetition

v. The poet of “The Vagabond” is___

a) James Steves
b) R.L.Stevenson
c) John Don
d) William Blake
vi. Ratan was unable to keep an eye on the new tenant because
a) The new tenant was very clever
b) Somebody or the other would call him for work
c) Rattan was not a good spy
d) Ratan’s friends would not let him do so

vii. “He has broken the law, and Sheriff will have none of them.” What does the
phrase ‘broken the law’ mean?
a) Committed a crime
b) Committed suicide
c) Broken the handcuff
d) Broken the bars

viii. The old man was utterly scared of his daughter because
a) She was jolly good daughter
b) She was strict and everyone in the family heeded her dictates
c) She was a cruel and rude lady who never took care of her father.
d) She feared her father.

ix. Granny’s nephew Uncle Ken, came to visit her

a) Whenever he was out of a job
b) When he wanted to enjoy her cooking
c) When he wanted to meet the narrator
d) Both options (a) and ( b)

x. The outlaws chose Robin Hood as their leader because

a) He had grand plans for fighting the injustices against the poor
b) He had kidnapped the Sheriff’s son
c) He could easily catch deer
d) He can disguise as a butcher

xi. What influenced Ratan’s imagination to a great extent?

a) Theatre
b) Games
c) News
d) Films

xii. The poet of 'The vagabond' does not seek for either wealth, hope, love or friend ;
all that he seeks is
a) The heaven above and the road below him.
b) The beautiful castle in Germany.
c) The rollercoaster ride.
d) The extravagant breakfast from Bill Gate’s kitchen.

xiii. Which pets did Granny have at her house?

a) A bulldozer dog and an Assamese cat
b) Two bullocks
c) A talking parrot and a golden hen
d) A Siamese cat and a mongrel dog
xiv. What did the narrator do when Uncle Ken ate most of the stuffing of Roast Duck
a) He ate the remaining stuff quietly
b) He complained Granny
c) He took his revenge by emptying all the apple sauce onto his plate
d) He ran circles round the house

xv. Where was the Doll fair held every year

a) in the village
b) in the palace courtyard
c) in their own Houses
d) some place

xvi. How old was the narrator in “Life with Uncle Ken”?
a) Eight years
b) Nine years
c) Ten years
d) Thirteen years

xvii. What did Granny do whenever she prepared a new recipe?

a) She savoured it first
b) Waited for the narrator’s comments and reactions
c) Served Uncle Ken to taste
d) Waited for crazy to comment

xviii. Where did Robin Hood and his men live?

a) In the Forest of Burzee
b) In the Woods between the Worlds
c) In the enchanted forest
d) In the Sherwood forest

xix. What colour did Robin’s men wear?

a) Blue
b) Green
c) Red
d) Saffron

xx. Gopi’s father caught Ratan, when Ratan was

a) Trying to rob the new tenant
b) Trying to spy on the new tenant
c) Trying to assault the new tenant
d) Trying to burn the new tenant’s house"


2. Read the sentences and answer the questions that follow. (1x5=5)

i. “I wish he was someone else’s uncle,” I said.

a) Who do I refer to?
b) Name the uncle being spoken about here.
c) Why did the speaker have a wish like that?

ii. Yes, Inspector, he is in 4C. No, Sir, he cannot escape. I have bolted the door from
a) Who thought this?
b) When did the person think of it?


3. Answer the questions in 30-40 words. (Any Five) (3x5=15)

i. Who all lived with Granny?

ii. What proof did Ratan find that alleged the new tenant was a smuggler?
iii. How did Robin summon his gang in the forest?
iv. State your views on how the old artist felt when he couldn’t sell his dolls?
v. Who was crazy? Why was he called so?
vi. What was Robin going to do with the money he found on the Sheriff?
vii. How was the Sheriff escorted inside the forest? Why was this method adopted?


4. Answer the questions in 70-80 words. (Any Two) (6x2=12)

i. Do you think the vagabond is adventurous? Why?

ii. How do you think the butcher felt when he received such a handsome amount from
Robin Hood? Write a short paragraph on his reaction.
iii. Looks are deceptive. People are not always as they look. Do you agree? Why?


5. Answer the questions in 50-60 words. (Any Two) (4x2=8)

i. Describe Binya's appearance in your own words.

ii. How had Binya got the blue umbrella?
iii. Did Binya feel guilty when she passed Ram Bharosa’s shop? If so, why?
iv. What was Ram Bharosa willing to do for the blue umbrella?

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