Sound: Pressure and Density Wave

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What you already know What you will learn

• Introduction to sound waves • Variation of excess pressure

• Young’s modulus • Density wave
• Bulk modulus • Speed of sound wave

Variation of Excess Pressure

Consider a sound wave propagating in a medium in which the instantaneous displacement of a

particle at a distance x is given by,
=s s0 sin (ωt − kx ) ..... ( i )

Let us consider the particles at distances x and x + dx. When the wave propagates, let the
displacements of the particles at x and x + dx be s and s + ds, respectively.

vi = Adx vf = A(dx + ds)

x s dx – s

x + dx s + ds
ds + dx

The volume enclosed between the two particles separated by a distance dx is given by,
V = Adx .....(ii)

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The change in the volume due to a small displacement ds is given by,

ΔV = A(ds + dx) − Adx
⇒ ΔV = Ads
Upon dividing the obtained expression of ΔV by equation (ii), we get,

∆V Ads ds
⇒ = = ..... ( iii )
V Adx dx
From the definition of bulk modulus,

β ∆P
β == −
−  ∆V 
 ∆V 
 V 
 V 
⇒ ∆P = − β ∆V = Excess pressure
⇒ ∆P = − β V = Excess pressure
∆V ∆V
= Excess By substituting
pressure the value of ∆V from equation ( iii ) in the above equation, we get,
V By substituting the value of V from equation ( iii ) in the above equation, we get,
∆V ds
ng the value ⇒ ∆of P = − β ds equation ..... ( iv ) ( iii ) in the above equation, we get,
⇒ ∆P =V− βfrom dx ..... ( iv )
ds Since s is a functionof of bothxxand and t , wewill will usethe
the partialdifferential
differential notationwhile
..... ( iv ) ss isisaafunction
Since function ofboth both x andt,twe , we willuse
use thepartial
partial differentialnotation
notation whiledifferentiating
dx itdifferentiating
with respect to it with
x (orrespect
t). to x (or t ).
differentiating it with respect to x (or t ).
unction of both x and
Previously, wet , assumed
we will use thethe partial differential
displacement of the notation while
particle as follows:
Previously, we assumed the displacement of the particle as follows:
g it
with respect
s s0 sinto ωxt (or
s s0 sin ((ωt − kx ))
− kxt ).
we assumed ∂the s displacement of the particle as follows:
⇒ ∂s = − s0k cos (ωt − kx )
− kx ) ⇒ ∂x = − s0k cos (ωt − kx )
cos (ωt −By substituting the obtained value of ∂x in equation (( iv )) , we get,
kx )substituting the obtained value of ∂s in equation iv , we get,
∆P = − β × − s0k cos ∂s (ωt − kx )
ng the obtain ∆P =ed − βvalue
× − s0of k cos (ω − kx )
intequation ( iv ) , we get,
= ⇒ ∆P β ks0 cos (∂ωxt − kx ) ..... ( iv )
= ⇒ ∆P β ks0 cos (ωt − kx ) ..... ( iv )
s0k cos (ωt − kx )
Equation (( iv )) represents the excess pressure in the medium in which the wave is
Equation iv represents the excess pressure in the medium in which the wave is
cos (ωt −Equationkx ) ..... ( iv ) represents the excess pressure in the medium in which the wave is propagating.
) represents ⇒ ∆theP = excess
∆P cos pressure
ωt − kx in the medium in which the wave is
⇒ ∆P = ∆P00 cos ((ωt − kx ))
Where, ΔP0 = 𝛽ks0 is the amplitude of the excess pressure
os (ωt − kx )

Equations of sound propagation

The equation of sound wave propagation can be written in two ways, which are given as follows:

1. Through the displacement of the particles

=s s0 sin (ωt − kx ) ..... ( i )

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2. Through the change in the pressure of the medium

 π
∆P0 cos (ωt − kx ) =
∆P = ∆P0 sin  ωt − kx +
 2 

The plot of displacement and excess pressure with respect to time is shown in the figure below.

Disturbed medium
β= −
 ∆V 
 V 
 
⇒ ∆P = − β = Excess pressure
By substituting the value of from equation ( iii ) in the above equation, we get,
⇒ ∆P = − β ..... ( iv )
Since s is a function of both x and t , we will use the partial differential notation while
differentiating it with respect to x (or t ).
Previously, we assumed the displacement of the particle as follows:

= s (ω
s s0 sin − kxω) t − kx ..... i
s0t sin ( ) () C R C R x
⇒ = − s0k cos (ωt − kx )
By substituting the obtained value of  in equationπ  ( iv ) , we get,
∆P =∆P0 cos  ∂ωxt − kx +
 6 
∆P = − β × − s0k cos (ωt − kx )
⇒ ∆P β ks0 cos (ωt − kx )
= ..... ( iv ) x
Equation ( iv ) represents the excess pressure in the medium in which the wave is
⇒ ∆P = ∆P0 cos (ωt − kx )
At the points of compression, the slope of is negative. It implies that the excess pressure
according to equation (iv) is positive. Further, the second partial differential of s with respect to
x is a multiple of sin(𝜔t − kx), and therefore, it is equal to zero. The obtained information implies
that the slope and hence, the excess pressure has achieved its maximum value. Whereas in
rarefaction, the slope of ∂s is positive. Hence, the excess pressure is the minimum.

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• As the sound wave progresses, the pressure of the medium varies between ΔP + ΔP0
(compression) and ΔP − ΔP0 (rarefaction).

• The displacement and pressure variation of a medium during sound wave propagation
 π .
0 cos ( ωt − kx ) =
∆Pdiffers ∆P0 sin  ωt of−90°
∆P = by a phase difference kx or
 2 


 π
The displacement equation of a sound wave is given =as s s0 sin  ωt − kx +  .
Find the equation and draw the graph of the pressure wave.  6


 π
=s s0 sin  ωt − kx + 
 6
C R C R x

 π
∆P =∆P0 cos  ωt − kx +
 6  
∆P =∆P0 cos  ωt − kx +
 6 

Density Wave

Density is defined as the mass of the particles of a medium per unit volume. For a medium carrying
mass M within any volume V, the density 𝜌 is given by,
By differentiating both the sides with respect to V , we get,
dρ M
= − 2
dV V
M dV
⇒ dρ =
− ×
⇒ dρ =
dV ∆P
From the definition of the bulk modulus, we can substitute − with .
V β
⇒ ∆ρ = ρ
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= − 2
dV V
05 M dV
⇒ dρ = − ×
⇒ dρ = −ρ
dV ∆P
From the definition of the bulk modulus, we can substitute − with .
V β
⇒ ∆ρ = ρ
⇒ ∆ρ= × β ks0 cos (ωt − kx )
⇒ ∆ρ = ∆ρ0 cos (ωt − kx )
Where, ∆ρ0 =
ρ ks0
It means that the density of the medium varies in the same manner as pressure. The density of the
medium fluctuates between 𝜌 + 𝜌ks0 and 𝜌 − 𝜌ks0 as the wave propagates.


The graph of a travelling sound wave along v

the x-axis is as shown in the figure.
(a) Determine whether point A is under
compression or rarefaction. O A B x
(b) Determine whether point B is under
compression or rarefaction.

 ∂s 
At point A, the displacement (s) is zero and the slope of s vs x   is negative. This implies that
 ∂x 
the pressure at that point is maximum. Therefore, point A is the point of compression.
 π
Similarly, the displacement at point B is ∆P =∆P0 cos  ωt − kx +
 v 6 
 ∂s 
also zero and the slopex   is positive.
 ∂x 
Therefore, point B will become the point of
rarefaction (minimum pressure). O A B x
The corresponding plot of the pressure
wave is as shown in the adjacent figure.

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Speed of Sound Wave

Consider an enclosed volume having cross-sectional area A and thickness dx, lying at distance x.
The net pressures at distances x and x + dx are P0 + ΔP and P0 + ΔP + d(ΔP), respectively, as shown
in the figure below.
The net force acting on the enclosed volume is given by,

= ( P0 + ∆P ) A − ( P0 + ∆P + d ( ∆P ) ) A
= ( P0 + ∆P ) A − ( P0 + ∆P + d ( ∆P ) ) A
⇒ Fnet = − d ( ∆P ) A = dm × a
⇒ Fnet = − d ( ∆P ) A = dm × a
∂2 s
⇒ − d ( ∆P ) A = ρ Adx ∂22 s
⇒ − d ( ∆P ) A = ρ Adx∂t 2
∂ ∂ 2 s ∂t
⇒ − ∂( ∆P ) = ρ ∂22 s
⇒ −∂x ( ∆P ) = ρ∂t 2
∂x ∂t ∂s
By substituting ∆P with − β ∂,s we get,
By substituting ∆P with − β∂x , we get,
∂x A P0 + ΔP dm P0 + ΔP + d(ΔP)
∂  ∂s  ∂2 s
β = ρ
∂x∂  β∂x∂s  = ρ∂t∂2 s

∂x  2 ∂x  2 ∂t 2
∂ s ∂ s
⇒ β ∂22 s= ρ ∂22 s
⇒ β∂x 2 = ρ∂t 2 x dx
∂ s β ∂ 2 s ∂t
2 ∂x
⇒ ∂22 s=
ρ β∂x∂2 s
⇒∂t 2 =
∂t ρ ∂2 x 2
∂2 s ∂ s
⇒ ∂22 s= vw2 ∂22 s
⇒∂t 2 = vw2∂x 2
∂ t
Which is a second-or ∂x der differential equation representing the wave motion. Hence, the
Which is is
a second-order differential equation representing the wave motion. Hence, the speed of
Which a second-or
speed of wave is givender by,differential equation representing the wave motion. Hence, the
wave is given by,
speed of wave is given by,
⇒ vw = β
⇒ vw = ρ
Where 𝛽 and 𝜌 are the bulk modulus and density of the medium, respectively.

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