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Feb 01, 2022


TOM FOWDY, RUSSIA TODAY .......................................................................................................................... 2

DR. KARIN KNEISSL, RUSSIA TODAY ................................................................................................................. 4

HAITI’S FIGHT FOR DEMOCRACY ...................................................................................................................... 6

MONIQUE CLESCA, FOREIGN AFFAIRS .............................................................................................................. 6

SHER KHASHIMOV, THE DIPLOMAT ............................................................................................................... 11

JUBEDA CHOWDHURY, DAILYTIMES .............................................................................................................. 15

OWEN BENNETT-JONES, DAWN NEWS........................................................................................................... 17

ATIQUE UR REHMAN, THE NATION ................................................................................................................ 19

With Biden distracted by Russia and China, North Korea is ready
to confront the US

Tom Fowdy, Russia Today

N orth Korea has just obsession with nothing but Jong-un sent many signals he
conducted its most complete denuclearization for was keen for negotiations to
significant missile Pyongyang. resume throughout 2020 and
test in years, to the alarm of 2021, but these were ignored.
For those familiar with North
many in the West. A
Korean affairs, this has been a This is a gross misreading of a
Hwasong-12 intermediate
long time coming, evolving in North Korea which perceives
range ballistic missile (IRBM)
slow motion because of the that the only way to deal with
was launched on a lofted
disruption posed by the the US is to force an
trajectory into space, before
pandemic. acceptance of it on its own
landing in the East Sea.
terms through growing
In early 2019, the Trump
Despite Pyongyang’s self- nuclear and missile
administration effectively
declared cessation of all development. This is the
ended all hope of an American
longer-range testing, this was pinnacle of the state’s
breakthrough with North
its seventh test so far in 2022, ideology, Juche, which places
Korea after John Bolton
and a stark reminder of its the preservation of national
convinced the then-president
discontent with a United sovereignty as the foremost
to abort his second summit
States that it considers to be political priority. This
with Kim Jong-un in Hanoi.
refusing to negotiate with it on includes the willingness to
The meetings between Trump
equal terms. It also endure any hardship to
and Kim effectively proved
demonstrates the inadequacy achieve its ultimate goal in the
fruitless, because the White
of the peace process led by long term, as opposed to
House could not accept the
outgoing South Korean accepting short-term gains
idea of compromising with a
President Moon Jae-in, who which would bring
nuclear-armed North Korea
has effectively had his hands interference and potential
and giving de-facto
tied by Washington. On domination by another
recognition to its capabilities.
coming to office, the Biden country. Blanket United
There was talk of ‘peace’, but
administration did not make Nations sanctions, combined
the discussions were empty
talks with North Korea a with a self-imposed exclusion
and unsubstantial.
priority issue, which has from the outside world, have
caused Pyongyang’s patience This continued US pursuit of not deterred Pyongyang’s
to run out. Thus, as it always the complete nuclear and missile programs
does, North Korea is aiming to denuclearizationof North at all. The country has
force itself onto the agenda by Korea has become an struggled economically, but
manufacturing a crisis and obsession, and it represents an what would be considered
actively ramping up tensions, entrenched delusion that capitulation will never be an
recognizing that it can create a Pyongyang will, one way or acceptable price for relief.
perfect storm for a presidency another, surrender its Now, the focus has returned
already overwhelmed by increasingly extensive back to confrontation, given
multiple foreign policy capabilities for the sake of Washington’s failure to
problems, including with relief from sanctions. Unlike engage.
Russia and China. Trump, Biden has not engaged
Pyongyang has factored in the
with Pyongyang and is
The solution? North Korea reality that the world is
adopting the failed Obama-era
hopes it will be some form of changing. Amid the US’ dual
approach of strategic patience,
compromise – but don’t struggle with Russia and
while dismissing Trump’s
expect common sense from China, it recognises that both
attempts at dialogue as
the hawks holding countries will be less willing
morally unacceptable. Kim
Washington hostage over their to acquiesce to American
demands in imposing further The solution would be for the Biden’s attention. Some might
penalties on it, and so senses US to compromise, but for say, though, that it’s too late
an opportunity. many political and ideological already. Effectively,
reasons that remains off Pyongyang has already
In 2017, the Trump
limits. The Americans’ fear is returned to crisis mode and is
administration had sought
that accepting a nuclear North rapidly escalating tensions.
China’s support regarding
Korea – despite the reality of The more it is ignored, the
North Korea before it
what that might actually harder it will push. The result
orientated US foreign policy
constitute in practice – is that Biden now faces hard
against Beijing, knowing such
amounts to a form of choices as he pursues an
cooperation would be
appeasement which weakens overstretched foreign policy
impossible to secure within
the non-nuclear proliferation that is obsessed with affirming
the context it was about to
regime. Washington is also absolute hegemony over every
create. Biden, though, is
not keen to make concessions frontier.
making a key strategic error,
on its military presence in
as he still believes he can His mistake so far has been to
South Korea through
wage hostile policies against assume that by focusing on
facilitating ‘peace’.
China but then court its China, he can simply put other
cooperation on other matters. However, the truth is the issues on ice, ignoring the
It’s a mistaken assumption, longer the US attempts to likes of North Korea as long as
and Pyongyang can see how ignore North Korea or crush it sanctions are in place.
China is rebuffing it. America with more sanctions, the more
Kim Jong-un has reminded
is still formulating foreign powerful Pyongyang will
him that you can’t do that. He
policy strategies in pursuit of become, making it harder to
is looking to box Biden into a
unipolarity in a multipolar contain the country’s
corner with an ultimatum that
world. capabilities through dialogue
he accepts a nuclear-armed
or arms control agreements.
As a result, Kim Jong-un North Korea for what it is, and
considers Washington’s hand It is easy to underestimate negotiates with it. The
to be weaker than before, North Korea due to its poor alternative is dealing with an
giving him the opportunity to economy, yet it is unhappy Pyongyang with a
push back with a view to unquestionably moving growing nuclear capability,
forcing through his demands. forward in multiple areas, which is a considerably worse
That’s what the missile including hypersonic missiles. scenario for American
activity is all about. Each test If no progress can be made interests.
has effectively been a warning using diplomacy, Kim will
to test the red lines of all the continue to pursue ICBM tests
players around him, in the hope the missiles’
proceeding carefully, but ability to reach the American
moving further each time. territory of Guam might focus
The Bolshevik Revolution and the Ukraine crisis: What can they
possibly have in common?

Dr. Karin Kneissl, Russia Today

W estern interference were primarily concerned However, his plan to become

in Russian politics with their power in the a minister in Lenin’s
has a long tradition. Balkans. revolutionary cabinet did not
Lenin’s journey in 1917 work out as intended.
The key lobbyist for this
probably had the greatest
foreign interference in Russia Interference then and now
impact. And, 105 years later,
was a Minsk-born man, Israel “Only internal unrest will
an explosive mixture of word
Lazarevich Helphand, who shake the Russian colossus,”
salad in the news and military
later went by the name of wrote the Viennese diplomat
machinery is overshadowing
Alexander Parvus. As a Alexander Hoyos in
an eastern front that has been
publicist and, above all, as a September 1914. A few weeks
built up by the media.
financier of various earlier, the old Emperor Franz
Almost 40 years ago, I learnt revolutionary circles in Joseph I of Austria had sent
in history class that the Europe and in the Ottoman Serbia a declaration of war.
German general staff had Empire, he pulled many The text was based on false
organised a secret operation strings from the 1890s reports and the world
during World War I to bring onwards. On his chessboard, staggered into the Great War.
Russian communist Vladimir he moved figures such as All attempts by Russian
Lenin from his exile in Lenin and Trotsky but also the Emperor Nicholas II, in
Geneva to Petrograd (now revolutionary Young Turks particular with telegrams to
known as St. Petersburg) in a Using thoroughly researched the German Emperor Wilhelm
sealed train in April 1917. documents, Heresch describes II, his cousin, to persuade him
This chapter of the war the intrigues of European to find a diplomatic solution
fascinated me. Since then, I diplomacy at the beginning of failed. Nicholas suggested in
have been under the the 20th century, which aimed vain that the facts surrounding
impression that it was a to stop Russia through the assassination of Archduke
spontaneous operation to anarchy and bring down the Franz Ferdinand of Austria in
pacify the so-called Eastern country and its people. So, it June 1914 should be clarified
Front. The real consequences, was not an ad hoc decision to by means of a precise legal
of course, were the October ship the sidelined extreme investigation. Incidentally, the
Revolution and the collapse of Bolshevik Lenin to Russia, two cousins, Niki and Willi,
Russia. where the pragmatic often corresponded in
Mensheviks had gained the English.
The warlike chessboard of
upper hand. Rather, it was the
Helphand, aka ParvusIt Austrian diplomacy also
last stone to be added to a pile
wasn’t until I read a book proved to be particularly
of stones that had been
written in 2000 by Austrian active in its commitment to
building up for a long time. It
historian Elisabeth Heresch promoting revolutionary
would first affect Europe and
titled ‘Geheimakte Parvus – movements in Russia, as well
later bury Russia.
Die Gekaufte Revolution’ as the formation of a
(‘Secret Files: Parvus – The Germany’s General Erich Ukrainian state. In her book,
Bought Revolution’), that I Ludendorff wrote in 1917: Heresch cites reports such as
realized preparations for a “Lenin’s entry into Russia the following:
power change in Russia had was successful. It is working “Simultaneously, with the
been long in the making. It just as we wanted.” Parvus beginning of Austria-
was almost a fixed agenda of was always involved in this Hungary’s war with Russia,
the foreign ministries in operation. Not only did he pull the Austrian government took
Vienna and Berlin. In their the strings and place his pieces measures to spark
traditional rivalry with the on the political chessboard, he revolutionary unrest in
Russian tsars, the Habsburgs also made millions doing it. Russia. To this end, Austrian
politicians offered some Meanwhile, government It almost seems that, both at
political émigrés staying in officials in Kiev called for NATO headquarters and in
Austria the opportunity to calm in the face of Western the US Congress, which are
leave for Russia – after reports of an impending teeming with energy lobbyists
providing them with false Russian invasion of Ukraine – and, yes, it’s still about the
passports – and carry out and the withdrawal of Nord Stream 2 pipeline – or in
revolutionary propaganda diplomats. Alexey Danilov, the EU councils, war reporting
there. They were also offered secretary of Ukraine’s is already more intensive than
sums of money.” At the same National Security and Defense in either Ukraine or Russia.
time, an effort by Vienna and Council, said last week: “As This mixture of propaganda –
Lausanne was underway to of today, we see no evidence such as British media reports
promote the separation of in support of an alleged large- alleging there’s a Russian plot
Ukraine via publications such scale attack on our country.” to install “a puppet leadership
as the German-language daily in Kiev” – a tangible
The EU foreign ministers, on
Der Bund. It was supposedly mobilisation and thousands of
the other hand, showed
about “freeing the Ukrainian US soldiers on this new,
themselves to be more
people from the Russian yoke artificially created eastern
Catholic than the Pope by
once and for all”. front, is highly explosive.
announcing that any further
Heresch goes on to say that military aggression against Unlike 100 years ago, there is
these “proclamations were Ukraine would have “massive no perfidious character like
received extremely negatively consequences and severe Parvus pulling the strings, as
by Russian socialists, largely costs”. This includes a wide described by Heresch. Rather,
thanks to the fact that the range of sanctions against many unscrupulous cooks are
venality of their authors was Russian economic sectors and making a porridge on which
so clearly expressed”. individuals. Work on the many may burn their mouths.
preparations for these A combination of arrogance
Some parallels may come to
sanctions has been and ignorance has only ever
mind in view of the current
accelerated. A dangerous created chaos.
situation regarding Ukraine,
momentAs is so often the
in which it is almost The history of Russia knows
case, a mountain of words has
impossible to distinguish its constants, which are
been piled up at EU level,
between right and wrong. The determined, among other
which is now being pushed
media machine started up in factors, by geography. But it
and repeated like a mantra,
October with a Washington also has its variables – and
without anyone daring to
Post report on Russian troop these are determined by the
respond out loud and
movements on Russian soil, people involved.
independently. We know
which apparently agitated
these rituals from many other
Ukraine less than it did
dossiers, whether from the
Middle East or Southeast
Haiti’s Fight for Democracy

Monique Clesca, Foreign Affairs

showdown is one of its 13 members. By corruption of the ruling class.
brewing in Haiti. Ever August, the commission Henry, who has no mandate or
since President developed an agreement with constituency, has indicated
Jovenel Moïse was groups across Haiti, including that he rejects any attempt at
assassinated in July, it has unions, professional installing an interim
been an open question who associations, farmers’ government and instead plans
should lead the country next. alliances, human rights to introduce a new
Immediately after the killing, organizations, diaspora constitution—which is
the country’s interim prime groups, and faith groups. unconstitutional—and move
minister served as the de facto Known as the Montana the country directly toward
head of state. Then, less than Accord (after the name of the elections. If he continues
two weeks later, the U.S. hotel in Port-au-Prince where down this path, he will fail
embassy anointed Ariel it was announced), the because he has no base of
Henry, Moïse’s nominee for agreement is a blueprint for a support among Haitians and
prime minister, by tweeting an two-year transitional remains in power only
extraordinary statement from government that will serve because the international
a group of ambassadors Haitians’ basic needs, bolster community has continued to
asking him to form a democratic institutions, support him. However
government. Ever since then, reestablish legitimacy and appealing quick elections may
Henry has had a tenuous hold trust, and organize free, fair, appear to outside powers, it is
on power, which is growing and participatory elections. In clear they are not the answer
weaker by the day. Evidence mid-January, the coalition to Haiti’s problems: in all
has emerged that he was in grew bigger and now includes likelihood, they will lead only
communication with one of the modified Protocole to undemocratic outcomes and
the key suspects behind d’Entente Nationale (PEN), a further instability. The Haitian
Moïse’s assassination just powerful alliance of seven Tèt Kale Party grips the levers
hours after the attack, political parties, including that of power so tightly that
suggesting that he had a hand of the president of the Senate. elections now could not be
in a plot that brought him to Together, we are working to free or fair. Over his last year
power. This January, on a trip establish a representative in office, Moïse dismantled
to Gonaïves in northern Haiti, transitional government the electoral commission and
Henry had to be exfiltrated whose members are the Supreme Court of Haiti,
from a shootout between his nominated by a broad base of which could be asked to
security guards and gunmen. Haitian society. decide important questions
Now, his authority is about to connected with the elections.
Henry has presented his own
come under even greater Violence, meanwhile, is
accord, which looks a lot like
pressure starting on February rampant, with gangs that have
the status quo. It consolidates
7, the date that Moïse had ties to politicians controlling
power in the hands of one
claimed his term would end. about half of Haiti’s territory
person—the acting prime
and undertaking kidnappings,
At the same time, a coalition minister, Henry. It focuses on
rapes, arson, and massacres.
of civil society groups is quick elections without
Many Haitians don’t want to
offering a plan for how to sufficient reform to make
leave the house to go shopping
move the country forward. them credible or ensure
or commute to work, let alone
The effort began last March, participation. Most of its
to vote. Until it is safe enough
when the Commission to supporters represent groups
for people to vote freely and
Search for a Haitian Solution already aligned with Henry’s
democratic institutions are
to the Crisis was formed to government and benefiting
strengthened, Haiti would
lead the initiative. I serve as from and invested in the
only be going through the political agreement with the tapped Henry, a
motions of democracy, rather Parliament: he stepped down neurosurgeon, to serve as the
than putting in place a in February 2016, and the next prime minister. It was
government elected by the Parliament elected Senator widely reported that Henry, a
people. For now, then, what Jocelerme Privert, its own political operative who had
Haiti needs most is a president, to serve as switched party alliances
transitional government that temporary president of Haiti. numerous times, was the
can improve security, address choice of Moïse’s mentor,
When the elections were
the country’s humanitarian Martelly. According to The
finally held, later in 2016,
needs, and lay the groundwork New York Times, Moïse had
Moïse won with only 600,000
for something it has lacked for been contemplating a break
votes in a country of nearly six
three decades: truly free and from his corrupt benefactors
million registered voters—
fair elections in the days and weeks before
certainly the lowest voter
he was killed. He had
A LEADERLESS turnout in Haitian history and
compiled a list of politicians
STATEAfter Haiti was struck one of the lowest turnout rates
and businesspeople involved
by a devastating earthquake in recorded anywhere. There are
in the country’s drug trade and
2010, Washington pressured many reasons so few Haitians
planned to give it to the U.S.
the country to hold elections. participated, among them the
government. But that list
Michel Martelly, one of sentiment that elections didn’t
never saw the light of day. On
Haiti’s best-known musicians, necessarily equal
July 7, a group of
ran for president and came in participatory democracy.
mercenaries—26 Colombians
third. After reviewing the There was also the view that
and two Haitian Americans—
results, the international no matter what Haitians
made their way into Moïse’s
community dismissed one of wanted, the international
heavily guarded residence in
the leading candidates and community would pick the
Port-au-Prince and shot him
picked Martelly for the runoff winner, just as it had seemed
dead. Although several
election, in which he was to do in 2011.
people, all with some
declared the winner. Once in
To say Moïse was unloved is connection to the drug trade,
power, he ruled through a tiny,
an understatement. When he have been arrested in Haiti
corrupt circle and repeatedly
raised gas prices in July 2018, and in the United States, it is
failed to hold elections. In an
Haitians rioted. Young people still unknown exactly who
effort to escape its history of
turned out in massive numbers hired the gunmen and why.
dictatorships, the constitution
to protest his corrupt rule and Henry, who is supposed to be
that Haiti adopted in 1987 bars
his failure to meet Haitians’ leading his government’s
anyone from running for two
basic needs. Lacking investigation into the murder,
consecutive terms as
legitimacy, Moïse turned to kept in contact with one of the
president, so Martelly
extreme measures to stay in prime suspects before and
couldn’t remain in office after
power, further empowering after Moïse was killed, The
his first term. He handpicked
gangs and destroying New York Times reported.
Moïse, a businessman who
democratic institutions. As he Although he denies any
enjoyed close ties to
tried to overstay his term in connection to the murder, he
Martelly’s associates
February 2021, Moïse and his has refused to answer a
(including figures involved in
allies announced that there judge’s questions about his
the drug trade) and who had
had been an attempted coup, phone calls with the suspect
once been indicted for money
which served as an excuse to and instead fired the judge.
laundering, to replace him.
round up those he perceived as
The first round of voting in the In the months after the
threats to his power, including
2015 presidential elections assassination, the chaos only
a Supreme Court judge. The
was marred by allegations of grew. Shortly after Moïse’s
court pushed back, so Moïse
corruption and claims that the death, a massive earthquake
dismembered it—creating a
process was rigged in favor of shook the southern peninsula
full-blown constitutional
Moïse, and the elections were of the country, leaving over
thus postponed. When it came 2,000 dead and thousands
time for Martelly to leave Many Haitians don’t want to more injured and homeless.
office, there was still no one leave the house to go shopping Armed gangs, who have taken
elected to take his place. Amid or commute to work, let alone over roughly half of Haitian
this crisis, Martelly reached a to vote. On July 5, Moïse territory, continue to terrorize
the local population with elections will enjoy organizations that represent
abductions, rapes, arson, and legitimacy—and whether the millions of Haitians. This is a
murders. At the same time, a winners will govern with a historic moment: it has been
massive wave of Haitian mandate. decades since Haitians came
refugees who had migrated to together to identify their own
To escape its current morass,
Brazil and Chile after the 2010 solutions to their problems.
Haiti will need to establish an
earthquake headed north for
interim government. Only Haitians say they must decide
the United States in the fall of
then can new leaders rebuild their own fate. The United
2021, hoping they’d gain
the institutions—and the States and other countries
asylum. The Biden
independence and trust— must accept this. The path
administration’s inhumane
needed to hold participatory ahead should include
handling of the migrant crisis
elections. Absent clear American and foreign
led to two high-profile
constitutional guidance on solidarity, but not foreign
resignations, including the
how to restore institutions and interference, political
U.S. special envoy for Haiti,
democracy, the group I joined meddling, or an imposition of
Ambassador Daniel Foote.
earlier this year, the choices on the Haitian people.
Today, it is no exaggeration to
Commission to Search for a Successive U.S.
say that the world’s first
Haitian Solution to the Crisis, administrations, Republican
Black-led republic faces one
improvised a different kind of and Democratic alike, have
of the gravest crises in its 218-
compact to build legitimacy. It interfered in Haitian politics,
year history.
gathered a critical mass of supporting Haiti’s political
THE OLD RULES DON’T citizens and organizations elite and opting for stability no
APPLYWith democratic from civil society, political matter the price. U.S.
governance sliding backward, parties, religious President Joe Biden is now
Haitians must establish new organizations, professional faced with the same choice of
rules of the game and, just as associations, and other so many of his predecessors:
important, determine who gets organizations in-country and whether to support the status
to decide them. Elections rely in the Haitian diaspora, which quo in Haiti or risk taking the
on a kind of compact between collectively constituted a rocky path toward true
citizens and states in which force strong enough to agree democracy. His
citizens agree to the state’s to rules governing how administration has said that
rules governing how they Haitians choose their leaders. the electoral process should be
choose their leaders. Usually, This Haitian-bred and driven by conditions on the
these are spelled out in a Haitian-led solution was ground—as though American
country’s constitution, but the reached after a broad and officials have had no hand in
process outlined in Haiti’s lengthy process of creating and maintaining
current constitution offers no consultation and continuous those conditions. U.S.
script for how to recover when dialogue over more than ten Assistant Secretary of State
there’s no legislature, no months. This consensus is Brian Nichols said at a
president, no legitimate prime what gives the Montana January meeting with the
minister, no legitimate Accord its legitimacy. commission that the United
Supreme Court, no legitimate States will not pick winners
The January consensus
electoral council—and an and losers because every time
agreement with the political
illegitimate head of state outsiders pick, “it’s a sad
alliance known as PEN
ruling by decree. The story.” Although this
establishes the positions of a
constitution didn’t anticipate statement should be
presidential council with five
this situation. With only ten applauded, it does not
members and a prime minister
democratically elected acknowledge that continuing
who will lead a two-year
officials in the entire country U.S. support for Henry is itself
transition guided by the 1987
and in the presence of a near- picking a winner. The United
constitution. The accord also
total constitutional void, States and other countries
envisions a pseudo-parliament
someone needs to decide have tolerated and perpetuated
that will function as a check
when and how elections will political dysfunction in Haiti.
and balance on the
happen and who will oversee This is not only bad for Haiti,
government. The accord now
them. The process by which it is also counterproductive for
has more than 990 signatories,
these decisions are made will the United States, as the
who are leaders of
determine whether the next collapse of Haitian democracy
is pushing thousands of as crimes against humanity— Foreign aid is desperately
migrants to U.S. borders. has required an abundance of needed, but Haiti could also
arms and munitions. Haiti better provide for itself if it
SAFETY FIRSTThe end goal
does not produce either. stopped the looting of state
of an interim government
Although the United Nations coffers. Economists have told
would be to hold meaningful
does not have an arms me that revenues from
and participatory elections,
embargo on Haiti, the United customs at the ports are
and in order for that to occur,
States does, and it should approximately $450 million
security must improve. The
immediately do its part by per year and could be double
human toll of the current crisis
controlling shipments and that if corrupt officials did not
has been astronomical. At
punishing those who break the siphon them off. A transition
least 950 people were
law. There is also an urgent government should enforce
kidnapped in 2021 for ransom.
need to vet Haitian policemen, existing laws and take control
Some of them were killed;
as there is proof that the police of customs and taxation so
others were raped or tortured
force is infiltrated by gangs. that the Haitian state generates
in captivity. Families have had
Another measure that can also the revenue it should. An
to sell their possessions and
produce quick results is the interim government should
borrow enormous sums to pay
creation of “green zones,” also start to carry out fiscal
the ransoms demanded.
secure areas not under gang reform and adopt policies that
One of the first actions a control that are protected by prioritize national production,
transitional government the police. Considering the particularly in the declining
should take is to depoliticize rapid pace at which the gangs agriculture sector, over
the 13,000-member Haitian are claiming territory, such a importation. It could also raise
National Police so the force measure should be applied taxes on most imports: at three
can carry out its mission immediately. to six percent, Haiti’s import
without a political agenda or duties are among the lowest in
The United States and other
hindrance from politicians. the Caribbean. Bad political
countries have tolerated and
Police also need equipment choices are destroying the
perpetuated political
appropriate for the threat they country’s economy. It doesn’t
dysfunction in Haiti. An
face, including armored have to be this way. It’s time
interim government will also
vehicles and drones. While to change Haiti’s economic
need to address Haiti’s
Haitian gangs have become governance model.
enormous humanitarian
increasingly well armed, the
needs. Urban violence has DON’T LET HISTORY
police have not benefited from
forced thousands from their REPEATIn an October op-ed
essential upgrades in
homes, as did the August in The Washington Post,
equipment and expertise. The
earthquake. The UN has Henry proposed holding
United States can, with
estimated that 4.6 million elections in the second half of
urgency, supply such
Haitians, about 40 percent of 2022. That is too soon—but
equipment and technical law
the population, suffer from the point is less about when
enforcement assistance during
food insecurity. These needs the elections are held and
the transitional period.
must be met rapidly, despite more about who holds them
A transitional government obstacles such as lack of and how they are organized.
should also break the supply access to areas blocked by Will they simply perpetuate
chain of arms and munitions gang activity and lack of the ruling elite? Will they
to the gangs. Customs donor financing. A growing inspire a large share of the
authorities will have to step up concern is that the population to vote? It is hard
the control of entry points. humanitarian crises are to imagine that the current
Police will have to secure the becoming a defining feature government could hold
roads leading to gang- of the country, so the real elections that encourage broad
controlled areas to cut off their response to such disasters participation and confidence
supply lines. The kind of should be the resolution of in their result. Henry rose to
terror to which Haitians have Haiti’s structural problems. In power through a corrupt and
been subjected over the Moïse other words, Haiti’s long-term predatory political system; he
years—notably, 13 massacres solution is to fast-track its has nothing to gain from truly
between 2017 and 2021, three development. democratic elections.
of which human rights
observers have characterized
Haiti cannot solve all of its choose a government that delayed reckoning. Now,
problems in a two-year works for them. Haitians must intercept a
transition—but a legitimate rapacious regime that is
Many observers look at Haiti
transition government could unwilling to let go of power
and see failure. It’s a
use that time to kick-start the and build one that serves its
testament to how much has
rebuilding of the country. It people. To build real
gone wrong, both long ago
would send a strong signal democracy, Haiti must take
and much more recently. But
that state institutions are the counterintuitive position
there is reason to hope that this
working again. The ultimate of holding off on elections
enduring and complicated
objective would be peaceful, until the moment is right.
crisis and the current chaos
transparent, and free elections
can serve as a clarifying
that at last allow Haitians to
moment for Haiti’s long-
The Struggle to Power Tajikistan

Sher Khashimov, The Diplomat

2007-08, we didn’t have

very fall, Muhibahon, appliances, and even physical
a 30-year-old master’s electricity there for months on injuries and deaths – come in
student who lives in end.” sharp contrast with annual
Hisor, a small town 30 assurances from the
“Back in [the] early and mid-
minutes outside of government that there is no
2000s, we had electricity
Tajikistan’s capital, rationing of electricity and
maybe only once a week,”
Dushanbe, is forced to “occasional” power cuts are
Fotima, a 57-year-old
drastically change her daily merely the result of
psychologist from Isfara,
routine. As October sets in, maintenance work on the
confirmed to The Diplomat.
she wakes up at 6 a.m. every country’s power grid. Such
day to iron clothes for all five Isfara is a town an hour east of pronouncements
members of her family, make Khujand, Tajikistan’s second- understandably raise
everyone breakfast, prepare largest city. The schedule of eyebrows over why
some food for dinner, and electricity access in Isfara maintenance work would be
charge everyone’s phones today is not much different done in the winter, when the
before local authorities cut off from the one in Hisor – in the population needs electricity
the electricity in her town at 8 fall, electricity is supplied the most, and not over the
a.m. from 5 a.m. to 8 a.m. and from summer, when power is in
5 p.m. to 10 p.m.; in the abundance and outages are
“Sometimes during the day, I
winter, electricity is cut off easier to manage.
simply don’t have enough
mostly from 10 p.m. until 6
battery charge to make a quick “There’s no [electricity]
a.m. “I go to bed early because
call,” Muhibahon told The limit, just maintenance
I need to be under the covers
Diplomat over the messaging works,” Ashraf, a 29-year-old
before power is shut off and
app Telegram. (Like everyone endocrinologist who lives in a
the house gets too cold,” said
else interviewed for this piece, village an hour west of
Fotima. “This electricity limit
Muhibahon asked to keep her Tajikistan’s capital,
is a source of major stress for
last name out of print fearing sarcastically responded over
women who are forced to
retaliation from the Telegram. “Even my brother
cook, wash clothes, and clean
government). Her responses who works for the local utility
their homes in those narrow,
in the chat come strictly doesn’t receive any
unpredictable windows during
between 5 p.m. and 11 p.m. information from above about
which we have power.” The
local time, when the the reasons for power cuts.”
residents of Isfara and Hisor
electricity is turned back on in
are not alone in their struggles “Nobody even asks about the
Hisor. It’s a narrow window of
with electricity blackouts: reasons, people just know that
time in which she must do
Most of Tajikistan outside of the limit is on come October,”
household chores, complete
its biggest cities, Dushanbe said Fotima.
her school assignments, and
and Khujand, is subject to
cook for the family on a The rationing costs Tajikistan
annual electricity rationing –
smelly wood stove because dearly: economic losses of up
scheduled but unannounced
electricity is too unreliable to 3 percent of the country’s
blackouts that usually last
and gas is too expensive. GDP and of up to a third of the
from early October well into
country’s agricultural output.
Despite this, Muhibahon, who winter, colloquially known as
In 2019, over 8 percent of
has lived in Hisor for the past the “electricity limit.”
local enterprises named an
six years and is planning to
The experiences of rural unreliable electricity supply as
move to Russia, says things
residents in the country – a major constraint to doing
used to be much worse. “I
stress and uncertainty, lost business in Tajikistan, a share
used to live in Isfara before
productivity and business, the significantly above the
moving to Hisor. Back in
cost of repairing electric average of 3.8 percent across
Europe and Central Asia. In in the world. Yet the low price residents sometimes even
2019, Tajikistan ranked only of electricity, meant to be a result in violence. Internal
163rd among 190 countries rare windfall for the corruption allegations also
for the ease of getting economically strained abound: In 2019, a Barqi Tojik
electricity and 107th among population of Tajikistan, employee embezzled 96
141 countries for the quality where annual per capita percent of the revenue he
of electricity supply. incomes hover around $1,000, collected; in 2020,
can still be unaffordable for prosecutors accused hundreds
Three decades’ worth of
locals. of low-level Barqi Tojik
government promises of
employees of embezzling over
energy abundance and “Don’t get me started on
$5.6 million. The collection
independence – promised now comparing prices between
rate for billed electricity thus
by 2030 – only add salt to the Tajikistan and Russia where
hovers at only 85 percent – a
wound of the annual most services and products
rate well below the 95-percent
electricity rationing. Thirty cost the same but salaries are
threshold typical for well-
years after independence, the three times higher,“ said
functioning energy utilities.
country still requires Ashraf.
significant financial The country’s outdated energy
“Electricity is awfully
investment in infrastructure infrastructure was mostly
expensive in Tajikistan and
and institutional reforms. But constructed in the 1960s and
gets more expensive every
the state electricity monopoly, 1970s and hasn’t been
year. My family spends over
Barqi Tojik – which owns and fundamentally updated since
10 percent of our monthly
operates most of the country’s then. It loses an estimated
budget on electricity,”
power plants and transmits, quarter of total annual
complained Muhibahon. That
dispatches, and distributes electricity generation, twice
puts her family in the high
electricity to all regions of the accepted level of technical
energy burden category,
Tajikistan, except for Gorno- losses in power systems with
among the households who
Badakhshan Autonomous similar configurations and
spend over a tenth of their
Oblast in the east of the age. Coupled with corruption
monthly budget to keep their
country – holds $2.7 billion in and low collection rates, it
homes warm and lit.
debt (equal to a third of the prevents Barqi Tojik from
country’s 2020 GDP). “Every winter, my family covering its operating costs,
faces a choice – either spend repairing and replacing its
The government reluctantly
the money we don’t have on equipment, and improving its
admits that energy reforms
electricity to keep the house infrastructural and
and infrastructure
warm or spend the money we institutional capacity, and
rehabilitation efforts are slow
don’t have on cold medicine results in an unreliable power
due to Barqi Tojik’s enormous
and doctors,” a resident of supply that causes stress,
debt, which, in turn, is the
Khujand who asked to remain injuries, and even deaths
result of a maddening Catch-
anonymous told The among locals. Daytime power
22: Barqi Tojik desperately
Diplomat. cuts across the country
needs to raise electricity
interfere with the operating
prices to collect the revenues While often unaffordable for
hours of schools, hospitals,
necessary to reform the Tajiks, the country’s
banks, and local businesses.
energy sector, but the electricity prices are still too
There are reports of shortages
population cannot afford to low in the sense that they do
of coal, wood, and even
pay higher prices, in many not reflect the costs of
matches across the country as
ways because unreliable producing and distributing
people are forced to search for
electricity supply results in power. Faced with
different means to keep their
economic losses and low unaffordable electricity bills,
businesses running and their
incomes. Tajiks often instead pay a
houses warm.
bribe to bill collectors that
Electricity prices in Tajikistan
costs less than their monthly “Due to interruptions and
historically have been among
bill, which keeps the much- power drops, appliances often
the lowest in the world. In
needed revenue out of Barqi break down or light up. The
2021, an average domestic
Tojik’s coffers. Conflicts AC unit in my office cannot
consumer in Tajikistan paid
between bill collectors and work because the electricity
$0.023 per kWh, making it the
economically strained voltage is too low; the wires
sixth-lowest electricity price
once even caught on fire and also make Tajikistan into a net South Asia Electricity
left traces of melted particles energy exporter and bring in Transmission and Trade
on the carpet,” Fotima said, critically needed revenue – Project (CASA-1000), which,
sharing her misfortunes with something the government has if ever finished, would allow
The Diplomat. been tirelessly pursuing since Tajikistan to export electricity
Tajikistan became to Pakistan through
“I have heard of several cases
independent in 1991. Afghanistan.
of people getting electrocuted
and dying when the power In 2021, Tajikistan exported Both the return to CAPS and
was switched on over $94 million worth of the construction of CASA-
unexpectedly,” said Munir, an electricity to Afghanistan and 1000 are tied to the
undergraduate student from Uzbekistan and even exported cornerstone of Tajikistan’s
Panjakent, a town in western a million kWh per day to ambitions to be at the heart of
Tajikistan. Kyrgyzstan in early October the Central Asian energy
before abruptly stopping the trade: the 3,600 MW Rogun
Under pressure from
trade, reportedly so as not to hydropower plant. The plant
international donors, the
anger the population as the has been in the works since
government has committed to
domestic electricity rationing 1976, but the fall of the Soviet
slowly reform Tajikistan’s
began. Despite its tough Union, the five-year civil war
energy sector. Barqi Tojik’s
public stance against the in the 1990s, and the post-
organizational structure is
Taliban, the Tajik government Soviet era dispute with
being unbundled into separate
quietly renewed its contract to downstream Uzbekistan
electricity generation,
continue exporting electricity derailed the progress of the
transmission, and distribution
to Afghanistan in 2022 – an project for decades. The
companies, and the electricity
important source of revenue government of Tajikistan
prices are gradually
Tajikistan can’t afford to lose. spent the post-civil war years
increasing. Additional, albeit
trying to rally international
limited, investments are being In 2022, Tajikistan also is set
support to revive Rogun. In
made into upgrading the to return to the Central Asian
2016, the government finally
country’s transmission lines. Power System (CAPS) – a
restarted the construction of
But instead of putting all its regional power-sharing
the hydropower plant, which
focus on fixing the leaky pipe system that during the Soviet
is supposed to double
of energy generation and years allowed Tajikistan to
Tajikistan’s current energy
distribution, the Tajik export surplus energy to its
generation and turn the
government has decided to Central Asian neighbors in
country into a net energy
focus on increasing generation summer and import energy in
exporter at last.
and simply push more winter. This arrangement
electricity through the pipe by crumbled with the collapse of The government is not put off
tapping into the country’s the Soviet Union; Tajikistan by the price of such
virtually unlimited has been chasing energy aspirations: At the cost of
hydropower potential. exporter status ever since to almost $4 billion and with
remain relevant regionally and most of the funds borrowed
Tajikistan generates over 90
to collect desperately needed from international creditors,
percent of its electricity from
revenue. Under late President the Rogun hydropower plant
glacier-fed rivers. Because the
Islam Karimov, Uzbekistan has created a budget hole half
country holds 60 percent of
shut Tajikistan out from the size of Tajikistan’s $7
Central Asia’s water
CAPS in 2009 over a regional billion annual GDP. Just in
resources, most of it in high-
water resources dispute, 2025-2027 alone, Tajikistan
altitude glaciers, Tajikistan
preventing Tajikistan from will have to pay $200 million
can in theory produce 527
trading energy with other in loan repayments.
billion kWh per year – a 25-
regional states; Karimov’s
fold increase of what it This is where the government
successor Shavkat
generates currently and one of is setting itself up for failure.
Mirziyoyev restored the
the largest untapped energy Currently, 70 percent of
energy trade between the two
potentials in the world. Taking Tajikistan’s power generation
countries in April 2018.
advantage of this potential is supplied by the Nurek
would, in theory, not only Tajikistan has also been hydropower plant in the south
cover all of the country’s pushing for the completion of of the country. If Rogun is
domestic energy needs but the $1 billion Central Asia- ever finished, it would
concentrate 90 percent of government hasn’t gone into could call to report power
Tajikistan electricity detail when discussing the outages. This past November,
generation in two big water levels in the Nurek residents of Khujand received
hydropower impoundment reservoir. The disappearance a text message from Barqi
plants – plants that rely on of Tajikistan’s glaciers is a Tojik urging them to use
large river-fed reservoirs to regional problem. electricity wisely and
produce power – making the Neighboring Kyrgyzstan threatening further power cuts
country extremely vulnerable relies on hydropower for 90 in response to any energy
to the accelerating effects of percent of its energy needs. waste. Such transgressions
climate change. The Kyrgyz government, will continue while the
faced with an energy crisis government of Tajikistan
Over 8,000 glaciers occupy
this past fall, reported that the figures out how to back out of
around 8 percent of
water level at Toktogul – a the dead end it has gotten itself
Tajikistan’s territory and
1,200 MW hydropower plant into, leaving the population
provide over a fifth of the
that supplies around 40 with no avenue for recourse
country’s river water. These
percent of the country’s and dreaming of greener
glaciers are rapidly
electricity – was at its lowest pastures with no power cuts.
disappearing, taking the
level in years. Uzbekistan,
country’s unlimited and “I apologize for leaving our
whose hydropower plants
untapped hydropower conversation so abruptly
account for some 12 percent
potential along with them. yesterday – my phone ran out
of the country’s electricity
Tajikistan has lost about a of battery and there was no
generation, attributed a 23-
third of its glaciers since the way to charge it,” Rukhsora, a
percent decrease in power
1930s and is predicted to lose high school student from
supply in 2021 to low water
another fifth by 2050. The Kanibadam in northern
levels, too. But while
gradual disappearance of Tajikistan, said in a Telegram
Uzbekistan, with its proven
glaciers will significantly voice message. Her family’s
gas reserves of 800 billion
reduce river flows and render only child, she is tasked with
cubic meters and with 88
large impoundment power helping her mother, a local
percent of its electricity
plants like Rogun and Nurek realtor, get all the domestic
coming from thermal power
useless over time. chores done during the
plants, can theoretically
evening electricity window.
There have been plenty of protect its energy output from
warning signs in the past few the consequences of glacier Rukhsora dreams of moving
years. In July 2020, in the melt, Tajikistan and to Dushanbe for her
middle of the summer surplus Kyrgyzstan are in jeopardy undergraduate studies. “I
season, the water level in the and will have to rely on know there’s no electricity
Nurek reservoir was 17 meters increased regional energy limit there and I won’t have to
lower compared to 2019 trade, diversification of their worry about fully charging my
because the water flow of the power generation portfolio, phone every morning,” she
Vakhsh and Panj rivers that and much-needed laughed in her last voice
feed into the reservoir was infrastructural rehabilitation message to The Diplomat.
reduced by 50 percent. and institutional reforms.
Tajikistan was forced to halt
In 2021, after years of
electricity exports to
precedent, Barqi Tojik did not
Uzbekistan and Afghanistan
set up hotlines that locals
that summer. Since then, the
Why Does Pakistan lag behind Bangladesh?

Jubeda Chowdhury, Dailytimes

2,554, compared to Pakistan’s

angladesh recently various achievements. In 50
celebrated its 50th years, Bangladesh has 1,543. On the other hand,
founding anniversary. overcome many negative while the current economy of
In 1972, Henry Kissinger, the images. Bangladesh is 410 billion, the
US Secretary of State, size of Pakistan’s economy is
Abid Hassan, a former adviser
described Bangladesh as a about 260 billion. Some mega
to the World Bank and a
“bottomless basket” for an projects are being
Pakistani economist, wrote a
independent country. On the implemented in Bangladesh.
few months ago; praising
other hand, in 1976, These projects help
Bangladesh’s economic
Norwegian economist Just Bangladesh to revive its
potential. He said that even 20
Faland and American economy during this Covid-19
years ago, it was unthinkable
economist JR Parkinson pandemic. Nobel laureate
that Bangladesh’s per capita
published a book from economist Amartya Sen
income would double in 2020.
London called Bangladesh the always cited Bangladesh as an
If Bangladesh’s current
Test Case for Development. example when it comes to the
progress continues, it will
The book says, “Bangladesh is development model. During a
become an economic
a testing ground for visit to Bangladesh last year,
powerhouse by 2030. He
development. If Bangladesh Kaushik Basu, then senior
further wrote that if the
can solve its development vice president and chief
current situation in Pakistan
problems, then it must be economist at the World Bank,
does not change, it may be
understood that any country said Bangladesh’s economy
necessary to seek help from
can improve.” was now in a flying start. “It
Bangladesh by 2030.
would not be an exaggeration
Successful statesman Sheikh
In the ’70s, independent to say that Bangladesh will
Hasina has achieved full
Bangladesh was recognised soon emerge as the new tiger
potential to move from a least
by the world as a city plagued of Asia,” he said.
developed country to a
by food shortage, famine, and
developing country. Even At the age of 50, Bangladesh
natural disasters.
before the 50th anniversary of is going to be the economic
independence, Bangladesh Human resources are wonder of South Asia.
has come a long way than that considered to be the most Although Bangladesh (then
of Pakistan. It has been important element in the East Pakistan) was part of
possible because of People’s development of any country. Pakistan, it has already
hard-working and strong So Bangladesh has now surpassed Pakistan in almost
leadership. surpassed not only Pakistan all socio-cultural and
but also India in several economic indicators.
In the 70s, independent
indicators. Various
Bangladesh was recognised The main reason for this
international organisations,
by the world as a city plagued progress of Bangladesh and
including the World Bank, the
by food shortage, famine, and the backwardness of Pakistan
World Economic Forum, and
natural disasters. But in the is that in the last ten years
the Economic Intelligence
last 50 years, the image of Bangladesh under the
Unit, have identified
Bangladesh has been leadership of PM Sheikh
Bangladesh’s economic
discussed in different Hasina has achieved an
development as a “wonderful
contexts. Now, positive average growth rate of 7% and
puzzle.” From 2011 to 2019,
aspects predominate in has been ranked as the fastest-
Bangladesh’s exports have
discussions about Bangladesh. growing country in Pakistan.
increased at a rate of 8.6 per
Bangladesh has always tried It is on the bottom. In addition
cent per annum as compared
to build a bright image in the to this, the population is also
to 0.4 per cent in the world.
world by highlighting its increasing the problem of
GDP per capita has risen to
Pakistan. While the Bangladesh is 38 per cent, statements came in support of
population of Pakistan was 1o which is 23 per cent in Jaigham Khan’s proposal.
million less than that of Pakistan. Honour killings still
Columns started appearing in
Bangladesh in 1971, it is now exist there.
the media. Talks are also
about 4o million more. At this
A few years ago, former discussed on television talk
time the population growth
cricketer, Imran Khan, came shows. One such talk show is
rate of Bangladesh is 1.2 per
to power after being elected as viral through clipping social
cent whereas that of Pakistan
the Prime Minister of Pakistan media. There, negotiator
is 2.1 per cent, which is almost
and announced that he would Jaigham Khan said in a very
double. On the other hand,
run the country on the strong voice, there is no point
Pakistan has lagged due to
Swedish governance model. in using the example of any
social conditions. Property
He also dreamed of other country, Pakistan should
management is such that all
transforming Pakistan into try to be Bangladesh first. And
property is in the hands of a
Sweden in five years. As a it will take at least 10 years.
small number of people.
result, discussions began on a Until then, Bangladesh will go
Besides, it goes without
role model across Pakistan. It a long way in terms of
saying that women do not
was at this time that a column development. The people of
have rights in the country.
written by Jaigham Khan, a Pakistan are now thinking that
Bangladesh ranks 50th out of
development activist, was the country, which was
156 countries in the Gender
published. The article titled separated from Pakistan after
Parity Index, while Pakistan
“The Bangladesh Model” a long and bloody war of nine
ranks 153rd; In other words, it
suggested that Pakistan should months, is a role model. This
has fallen to the bottom.
become Bangladesh instead of information is enough to show
According to the International
being transformed into how far Bangladesh has come.
Labor Organisation’s 2019
Sweden. One after other
data, the participation rate of
women in the workplace in
A hard country...

Owen Bennett-Jones, Dawn News

AKISTAN is a country Even dictators have found it difficult. Whoever is in power
of resistance. difficult to suppress dissent. — military or civilian — faces
a dilemma: the more they
On the face of it, that’s Civilian governments too,
clamp down on resistance, the
somewhat surprising. After have felt the brunt of
more resistance they face.
all, Pakistani politicians are protesters’ ire. True, there
famous for their inability to may have been some official And then there are the Baloch.
take a principled stand. Most sponsorship of the protests Even if many Pakistanis view
of them show no loyalty to any that helped bring down their successive independence
leader or party and are successive elected campaigns as misguided,
strangers to deeply held governments but there has there is no denying the
convictions. As Pakistanis never been a shortage of determination of the Baloch to
know all too well, most of people willing to take to the fight for their goals. Ever
their elected representatives streets demanding change. since 1947 there have been
can sell their votes and change waves of violent insurgency in
For a time, it was just the PPP
their allegiances at a the province and there is no
that understood the value of
moment’s notice. sign of it stopping any time
protest and martyrdom.
And yet, even dictators in Leaders such as Benazir
Pakistan have found it Bhutto and Salmaan Taseer In her latest book, Countering
difficult to suppress dissent. walked to their deaths, heads Violent Extremism in
For one reason or another, held high, defending Pakistan: Local Actions,
Pakistan’s military rulers democratic ideals. Both fully Local Voices, Oregon scholar
never seem to last more than a understood their likely fate Anita Weiss has shown how,
decade or so. The country’s and both could have lived in at the lowest levels of society,
first military ruler, Ayub comfort abroad. But they there have been in recent years
Khan, faced waves of protest refused to bow down before many displays of resistance to
as Zulfikar Ali Bhutto toured the threats they faced. And it’s the Taliban’s attempt to
the country whipping up anti- not just been the senior leaders impose its views on others.
government feeling. Gen Zia willing to make the ultimate Pashto poets and Sindhi
may have been Pakistan’s sacrifice. After the execution singers expressed their disdain
harshest dictator, fitting of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, some for the puritan mullahs in their
microphones to amplify the PPP activists self-immolated midst. Her book celebrates
screams of those being lashed. to make clear the depth of those Pakistanis who, with no
But even Zia could not get a their despair at what the official protection, reasserted
grip of his country’s truculent government had done. More their traditional culture in the
journalists — not for nothing recently, the archetypical face of violent fanatics willing
did he call the Karachi Press establishment party, the PML- to murder in the name of their
Club “enemy territory”. And N, has also come to religious dogma.
then there was Gen understand the value of
And we must not forget the
Musharraf. When he tried to resistance. Its leaders now
Taliban themselves. They can,
sack the chief justice, make barnstorming speeches
after all, be seen not only as
thousands of lawyers marched up and down Punjab,
oppressors but also, as Prime
through tear gas to get him denouncing the powers that be
Minister Imran Khan pointed
reinstated. Despite having an in the strongest terms. And
out, as liberators. They have
army at his disposal and nowadays they are also
pulled off one of the most
despite the authorities’ record willing to suffer behind bars
implausible victories of our
of torturing and even so as to make their point. And
age. Over a period of two
disappearing people, when the fact that so many
decades after 9/11, countless
Musharraf opened up the Pakistanis admire such
young men left their homes
media, journalists used their defiance only makes the task
and took their lives in their
new freedoms to satirise him. of the authorities more
hands as they crossed the rebellious. Poor governance Pakistanis have died fighting
border with Afghanistan and means that they have plenty to for their ideas.
fought the vastly protest about. Poverty means
In Pakistan’s great ally China,
technologically superior US some have little to lose. State
there are countless millions
forces. Whatever else there is weakness means that people
who day after day comply
to say about them, it was a can hope to avoid detection. A
with the diktats of the state.
campaign of resistance that lack of commitment to the rule
But not in Pakistan. It’s a
eventually led to victory. of law can mean protesters
country of resistance.
enjoy impunity. But such
There are various
explanations only go so far.
explanations as to why
The fact remains that many
Pakistanis are so consistently
Afghanistan: A battleground

Atique Ur Rehman, The Nation

n January 28, 2022, their own government and the meeting immediately after
disturbing news ultimately leave their country the US forces withdrew from
surfaced in the and run to Pakistan and Iran. Afghanistan. It considers
Afghan news agency Tolo; In the same breadth, it is also itself as a regional hegemon
‘Faced with starvation, trying to influence the ruling and wants its influence in
Afghans sell kidneys. Donors elite and terrorists inside the Afghanistan to counter China
are mostly women and country which are trying to and Pakistan’s interests. The
children who are forced to sell settle and align themselves Northern Alliance has
their organs.’ The people of against the Taliban supported India through
Afghanistan have been living government. However, Tajikistan, as well as the ISK.
under stress due to insurgency Pakistan cannot remain This combination of support
for a long time. But presently, isolated in this situation to terrorist outfits in
the country faces an acute because it’s equally Afghanistan has been pitched
shortage of food, water and threatened by terrorists in by India and other external
medicines. Such food security Afghanistan. The US and forces, particularly the CARs,
issues are a product of India are using all its covert to bring the Taliban regime
sanctions which were imposed and overt leverages to mould under pressure. This will put
by the World Bank, the the behaviour of the Taliban Afghanistan on the path
International Monetary Fund government and are pushing it towards instability which will
(IMF) and the US Federal to accept the Northern further escalate the law-and-
Reserve on Afghanistan’s Alliance. This political move order situation in the country.
$9.5 billion assets. has been named an ‘inclusive India’s quest to have control
government’. The US is not over Afghanistan is driven by
Unemployment, poverty and
only putting pressure directly multiple objectives; access to
hunger have reached alarming
on the Taliban government Central Asian states via
levels in the country. If the US
but indirectly through the Chahbahar and to contain the
releases the $7 billion held
G20, India and Central Asian Chinese Belt and Road
with its reserve bank, it will
Republics. The G20 countries Initiative and to pursue their
ease the Afghan situation and
met with representatives of strategic autonomy objective.
save precious human lives.
the Islamic Emirate and civil One contradictory aspect of
Chaos and unrest in South
society in Oslo on January 24. the US-Indian collaboration
Asia is yet another strategic
The forum expressed their on the Afghanistan issue is
quest of the US to counter
concern about human rights Iran. India has a soft corner for
China. India is helping it in
violations in Afghanistan, Iran due to its strategic
achieving this objective by
stressed the need for an economic and defence ties.
destabilising the whole
inclusive government and a Meanwhile, the US has
region. A new game is being
peaceful future for the imposed sanctions on Iran due
played by punishing 23
country. The participants of to its nuclear programme. The
million innocent Afghan
the meeting also stressed the Taliban spokesman has
citizens through the freezing
need for urgent help. India is expressed his dismay over the
of assets. The geostrategic
playing its game through the response of developed nations
positioning of Afghanistan is
Central Asian states. On and has repeatedly asked them
a nightmare for the country as
January 29, Prime Minister to define the inclusive
it provides an incentive to
Modi held a virtual meeting government. The spokesman
external forces to play their
with 5 CAR heads and said the Afghan caretaker
game in the region. The US is
discussed the situation in government is inclusive in all
creating unrest amongst the
Afghanistan. India also held ways and it represents all
civil population to rise against
sections of the society. external stakeholders are reaching Afghanistan. Global
Pakistan recently announced making efforts to control the powers are moving on a
its National Security Policy security situation in the contradictory path to
for the next five years and region. The Taliban, which recognise the Taliban
termed Afghanistan’s were the main disrupting force government and help the 23
situation a big variable for before the withdrawal of the million Afghans who are
stability. On January 27, 2022, US from Afghanistan, has undergoing a traumatic
ten Pakistani soldiers now been trapped in situation. Pakistan has fenced
embraced shahadat in a fight governance issues, external its western border and
with terrorists who entered pressures and the rising threat fortified its defence to plug in
from across the border which of ISK and TTP. The country gaps at the porous border. The
Pakistan shares with is almost at a standstill due to internal situation is also being
Afghanistan and Iran. No a lack of resources, an monitored for any links with
more details were available ineffective government, external forces to thwart any
but it explains the external pressures, the terrorist threat. However, the
vulnerability of Pakistan. existing threat of ISK and the region still remains vulnerable
Analysing the situation, it is TTP and rising inflation. Only due to the great game being
easy to conclude that all limited amounts of aid is played in Afghanista

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