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Sir Syed Ahmed khan

 Born 17th October in year 1817.

 Literary works Tuhfa I Hsaan, Kalamat ul Haqq, wrote Asbab e baghawat e
 1859 established madrasa at Moradabad.
 1875 inaugration of the college, May 24
 1877 Lord Lytton’s visit to Aligarh, Jan 08
 1886 Sir Syed Ahmad Khan estab Muhammad Educational Conference.
 1898 Death at Aligarh , March 27
 MAO college became University in the year of 1920.

Other Movements
 Dr Hammidullah established Anujaman Hiyat e Islam in 1884.
 Hasan Ali in 1885 est: Sindh Madarsatul Islam.
 Hindhi- Urdu controversy started in 1867.
 Indian National Congress estab in 1885 by A O Hume.

Bengal Partition
 Lord Curzon
 1905 year
 Hindhu started resistance movement to repel the decision.

Shimla Deputation

 1st October 1906

 Lead by Sir Agha Khan
 Separate Electorate and Seats for Muslims in Judiciary.
 Total 37 members.

 AIML 30th December 1906 at Dacca .
 First constitution Green book by Maulana M Ali Johar
 First president Sir Agha Khan
 First secretary Nawab Mohsin ul Mulk
 Syed Amer Ali opened AIML chapter in London.
 Jinnah joined AIMl in 1913.

Dehli Darbar 1911

 King George V
 Lord Hardinnge of Penshurst.
 Dehli was made capital shifted form Calcutta
 Partition of Bengal Repelled.

Lackhnow Pact

 Gandhi returned to India in 1915

 1916 AIMl and Congress held joint session in luckhnow.
 Jinnah was called true ambassador of Hindu Muslim Unity by Sarojini
 As per pact 1/3 seats agreed of Muslims in Central Legislature.
 Separate electorate for Muslims accepted by congress.

Jalliwala Bagh incident

 13th April 1919

 People were protesting against Rowlact act 1919.
 Fire order by General dyre
 370 as per official figures were killed.
 Hunter commission made inquiry in this matter.

Khilafat Movement.

 Started in 23Nov 1919

 By Maulana Fazal Haq
 Jinnah opposed the movement.
 Non-cooperation movement was called by Gandhi in 1st Augsut 1920
 Gandhji lead the Khilafat Movement and NMC.
 Jinnah resigned from Congress when NMC was launched
 27th October is the Khilafat Day
 After Chauri Chaura incident Non Cooperation movement was called off in
Feb 1922.
 Satyagrah Day 30th march 1919.

Simon Commission 1927

 Nehru Report 1928. By Moti Lal Nehru.

 Jinnah 14 point 1920.
 Allahbad Address by Allama Iqbal 1930.
 Jinnah became 1934 permanent president Aiml.

Round Table Conference London

 Three Rounds
 1st round in 1930. Congress boycotted , AIml attended Allama IQbal did not
attended the round.
 2nd round 1931. Congress attended, Aiml attended and Iqbal also.
 3rd round 1932. Congress and Jinnah did not attended while other muslims
leaders including Iqbal attended.
 British announced Communal Award after three rounds.

Govt of India Act 1935

 Enforce in 1937
 India divided in 11 provinces.
 Sind,Orissa and Frontier was made separate province.
 Provincial autonomy.
 Burma separated from India in 1935.
 As per act 1937 elections held
 Congress made ministries in 7 provincies.
 Elections result muslim seats 491. AIml got 26 seats. Congress got 106.
 1939 resigned form ministries.
 Day of deliverance AIML 22th dec 1939.
 Pirpur Report 1938. Muslims sufferings under congress rule.

Sir Stafford cripps lead the cripps mission in 1942

Elections 1946

Aiml won almost all seats on separate electorate.

Aiml won 425, seat and Congress 923.

Punjab, Sind, Benagl,

Cabinet 1946

Direct 16th August 1946,

3rd June Plan..1947

20 July 1947 Pak constitutional assembly formed members 69 later on 10


1st meeting 10th August 1947 .

RedCliff Border Commission 17th August 1947..

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