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There is a great deal of pain in life and avoided is the pain that comes from living with a
captive heart. Nothing that happens to us even the most terrible shock unusable. A
heartbreak is a master teacher it can show us not only the away to avoid the very
serious medical consequences of a loss of love, but it can also force us to recognize the
deepest ang darkest aspect of human love, a most valuable lesson if one wants to
remain a person a person capable of loving when something in us creates darkness also
offers the possibility of wisdom if we do the work.
The psychic pain of mourning and heartbreak is truly unbearable, with all of the
neurobiological evidence of a stress similar to being submitted to torture. There seems
to be only one way to end that agony and limit the somatic damage neuroscientists call
it can increase in consciousness what one might ask am I supposed to become
conscious of? The answer is simple you must look into the face of that irrational but
very real fear that equates the partner abandonment with death. It does not matter if
what you fear it psychic death or physical death because the brain does not really
differentiate between the two psychic and soma are so intimately connected that
psychic symptoms if you don’t find the way back to joy.

Indeed, heartbreak is painful and many times when we are suffering the pain of
heartbreak those who care about us are at a loss for what to do, what to say, to
help.“Cheer up” they might say, “You’re better off without him!” But that does little to
ease the pain and sometimes can leave us feeling that something is wrong with us to
be hurting so much.Lets clear that up right away! Your feeling are valid. You are
hurting and no wonder! Something you’ve been building has just fallen apart!

It is completely understandable that you would feel disappointed about this. You had
invested yourself in a relationship. Whether it was short term or long term, you were
invested and any invested can tell you that it stings to lose an investment.Chances are
you invested you self … you opened up, you got vulnerable, maybe even sharing you
deepest hopes, thoughts, dreams, fears and maybe even your secrets with this person,
and now you feel embarrassed that someone you opened up to is no longer enough to
know this things. You may feel regret that you allowed

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