Hack4Food Submission Guidelines and Scoring Criteria

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General Directions: Provide robust and concise responses to the eight (8) sections below.

Take note of the number

of maximum words per section and the required items. Percentage values provided in each section will be used as
weights in scoring. Feel free to include pictures, images, illustrations, diagrams, schematics, tables, other visuals, and
URLs in your answers. The aforementioned visuals and URLs will not be part of the word count.

Written Document: Submit in Word or PDF format. Use the following convention in naming the file: <team
representative/individual last name> <space bar> <team representative/individual first name> <space bar> <team
name (optional)>

Video File for Section 8 (Presentation): Use the following convention in naming the file: <team
representative/individual last name> <space bar> <team representative/individual first name> <space bar> <team
name (optional)>

Submit the written and video files at


Deadline: No later than March 05, 2022, Saturday, 11:59 PM

In the period of March 07-14, 2022, there is a possibility that we will get in touch with you through your registered
e-mail or mobile number for clarificatory questions. If you are selected as a top finalist, you will be requested to pitch
your project or proposal to the executive judges on March 21 starting at 1:00 PM.

Early bird rewards: The first twenty (20) valid submissions shall receive ₱1,000 (GCash), and the next ten (10)
submissions (21st to 30th) shall receive ₱500 (GCash). The Hack4Food committee reserves the right to evaluate the
validity and order of submissions.

For inquiries, please e-mail info@hack4food.co

1. Impact on Stakeholders (250 words maximum) – 16.25%

○ Describe the industry/market problem and the need to urgently solve it.
○ Provide information about the industry/market and relevant stakeholders/end-users.
○ Describe the impact of your project or proposal.
○ Describe what success looks like for your project or proposal.
2. Technical Feasibility (250 words maximum) – 16.25%

○ Describe the technology and/or applied science of your project or proposal.

○ Describe your project or proposal, its functionalities, and what it aims to achieve.
○ Describe the dependencies of your project or proposal on any software, hardware, intellectual
property rights, paid subscriptions, and/or external factors that are outside of your control.
○ Describe the evidence and/or data used in your project or proposal, if any.
○ If you conducted research related to your project or proposal, please provide a discussion on your
research scope and methods.

3. Financial Feasibility (150 words maximum) – 16.25%

○ Provide information on the initial investment needed for your project or proposal.
○ Provide information on the annual or periodic benefit (i.e., additional income, cost savings) to the
end users and/or stakeholders of your project or proposal.
○ Provide information on the annual or periodic operating cost of your project or proposal.
○ (Optional) Include a summary table showing the financial feasibility of your project.

4. Operational Feasibility and Sustainability (250 words maximum) – 16.25%

○ (Required) Describe the level of development of your project or proposal (i.e., concept, proof of
concept, operational, viable product, etc.).
○ (Required) Describe the sustainability and useability of your project or proposal – i.e., ease of use,
training requirements for users, technology/operational/financial support to
○ Describe critical programming and/or engineering design on your project or proposal, if any.

5. Legal Permissibility (50 words maximum) – 5.00%

○ Provide a snapshot of key laws and government regulations relevant to the implementation of your
project or proposal.
6. Environmental Impact (50 words maximum) – 10.00%

○ Describe if your project or proposal has a net positive, neutral, or negative effect on the
environment e.g. in terms of greenhouse gas emissions, climate adaptations, if any.

7. Creativity and Innovativeness (50 words maximum) – 10.00%

○ Describe the uniqueness or novelty of your project or proposal.

○ Describe the originality or innovation in your project or proposal.

8. Presentation Skills (Two [2] minutes maximum) – 10.00%

○ A picture paints a thousand words, more so a video. The ability to communicate effectively to a
wide and varied audience is a critical part of a successful project or proposal. Prepare a video
capturing the essence of your project or proposal.

—- Nothing Follows —-

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