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Thursday, September
September 6, 2012
Dongeng bahasa inggris dan terjemahannya

Dongeng bahasa inggris dan terjemahannya - The two ducks and the fox

The two ducks and the fox

Dongeng bahasa inggris dan terjemahannya
One day, two ducks walked along the road to go to the lake for their swim. In the
middle of the road, they met Mr. ox. !e sat under the tree.
Dongeng bahasa inggris dan terjemahannya
"!ello, sister. #here
#here are you going$% asked Mr. ox.
Dongeng bahasa inggris dan terjemahannya
"&ood Morning, Mr. ox. #e are going to lake o'er there. #e want to swim.
#ould you like to join us$% asked the ducks.
Dongeng bahasa inggris dan terjemahannya
"(o, thanks. Do you both
bo th come along here e'ery day$% asked Mr. ox.
")es, we always walk here e'ery morning,% said the ducks.
"Delicio*.. I..I.. mean nice to see you both,% said Mr. ox.
The next day, the first duck said, "+re we going to swim today$ I bet that Mr. ox
is waiting for us and he has a bad lan.%
Dongeng bahasa inggris dan terjemahannya
"I know. I ha'e a lan for him, too,% said the secon d duck.
On their way they met Mr. ox again.
"!ello, sisters. &oing to swim again$%
again$ % asked Mr. ox.
Dongeng bahasa inggris dan terjemahannya
")es, we are. #hy dont you take us to the lake and rotect us from bad animals$%
said the second duck.
Dongeng bahasa inggris dan terjemahannya
"Of course. Its my leasure,% relied Mr. ox.
"This is
is an easy way to ha'e a free lunch.
lunch. I ha'e a big bag with me now,%
now,% though
Mr. fox.
Three of them walked to the lake and sang some songs.
"#hen I say run, lets run fast together,% said the second duck, "un///%
Dongeng bahasa inggris dan terjemahannya
They ran so fast and jumed into the lake. Mr. fox jumed uon them, but he forgot
that he could not swim. 0o, Mr. fox drowned in the lake. !e failed to get his free lunch.
Dongeng bahasa inggris dan terjemahannya

ebek dan rubah

Dongeng bahasa inggris dan terjema
1ada suatu hari,
hari, dua ekor bebek berjal
an seanj
ang jalan
jalan menuju
menuju danau
danau untuk 
 berenang. Di tengah erjalanan, mereka bertemu dengan seekor rubah yang sedang duduk 
di bawah ohon.
Dongeng bahasa inggris dan terjema
"!alo , saudaraku, mau kemana$ Tanya rubah.
"selamat agi, rubah.kamiinging ke danau sana. 2ami ingin berenang. Mukah kamu
ikut bersama kami$% Tanya bebek.
Dongeng bahasa inggris dan terjema
"Tidak, terima kasih. +akah kalian berdua selalu bersama lewat sini setiahari$%
Tanya rubah.
"ya, kami selalu lewat di sini menuju danau setia hari% jawab bebek.
"3e4a* maksud saya senang bertemu dengan kalian,% kata rubah
2eesokan harinya, bebek ertama berkata "aakahkita ergiberenang hari ini$ 0ya
rasa rubah menantikan kedatangan kita dan dia memiliki rencana yang tidak baik.%
Dongeng bahasa inggris dan terjema
"0aya tahu. 0aya juga unya rencana untuknya,% jawab bebek kedua.
Di dalam erjalanan mereka bertemu lagi dengan rubah.
"halo sobat, ergi berenang lagikah$% Tanya rubah.
Dongeng bahasa inggris dan terjema
")a. Maukah kamu ikut bersama kami dan melindungi kami dari binatang-binatang
 jahat$ 2ata bebek kedua.
Dongeng bahasa inggris dan terjema
"tentu, dengan senang hati% jawab rubah.
"wow..ini memudahkan
memudahkan lagi untuk daat makanan siang,% fikir rubah.
Mereka un bertiga berjalan beriringan sambil menyanyikan lagu.
"saat saya bilang lari, kita harus bersama-sama berlari dengan ceat,% kata bebek 
kedua, "3ari///%
Dongeng bahasa inggris dan terjema
Mereka un segera berlari dan dengan ceat melomat ke danau. 0ang rubah juga
ikut melomat mengejar mereka, tetai dia lua bahwa dia tidak bisa berenang, olehnya
sang rubah un tenggelam dan gagal mendaatkan makan siang.
Dongeng bahasa inggris dan terjema

Dongeng 5inatang 5erbahasa Inggris  ! The +nt and the &rasshoer 

Dongeng 5inatang 5erbahasa Inggris - The +nt and the &rasshoer 

In a field one summers day a &rasshoer was hoing about, chiring and singing to its
hearts content. +n +nt assed by, bearing along with great toil an ear of corn he was
taking to the nest.

"#hy not come and chat with me,% said the &rasshoer, "instead of toiling and moiling
in that way$%

"I am heling to lay u food for the winter,% said the +nt, "and recommend you to do the

"#hy bother about winter$% said the &rasshoer6 "#e ha'e got lenty of food at
 resent.% 5ut the +nt went on its way and continued its toil.

#hen the winter came the &rasshoer had no food and found itself dying of hunger 7 
while it saw the ants distributing e'ery day corn and grain from the stores they had
collected in the summer. Then the &rasshoer knew8 It is best to reare for days of 


 Dongeng Binatang Berbahasa Inggris diatas adalah dongeng singkat agar anak-anak kita
tidak bosan mendengarkan Dongeng 5inatang 5erbahasa Inggris tersebut.

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• The woodcutter and the fox

• "#a$ourite stories from %hinese&

• + ack of dogs chased a fox u a hill. It rain into a woodcutters hut.

• "!el/ !el/% the fox cried out. "Mr. #oodcutter, lease let me hide in your hut.
Im afraid the dogs will catch me and eat me u,% he bowed deely to the
• "+ll right,% the woodcutter relied. ")ou can hide in the small room at the back of 
my hut. 5ut be :uick/% the woodcutter oened the door of the room and the fox
hid himself inside.
• + short while afterwards, a hunter arri'ed carrying a gun. !e was followed by the
 ack of dogs.
• "+h, Mr. #oodcutter,% the hunter said, "we are looking for a fox. #e chased it u
the hill but it has now disaeared. !a'e you seen it$%
• "(o,% answered the woodcutter. 5ut at the same time, he ointed towards the
small room the back of the hut.
• ortunately, the hunter did not understand what he meant.
• "Thank you 'ery much, Mr. #oodcutter,% he said. "#e shall ha'e to look 
• +s soon as the hunter and his dogs had left, the fox came out of the room. !e
walked out of the front door without saying a word.
• "#here are you going$% the woodcutter called out. ")oure a fine fellow/ I sa'ed
your life and you dont e'en sto to thank me.%
• ")our words sound fine,% the fox said. "but your heart is e'il. )ou say you want
to hel me, but you really want to harm me. !ow can I feel grateful to you$%
%erita singkat bahasa inggris

0alam 0uer (arrati'e Text....

;erita singkat bahasa inggris <(arrati'e text= memiliki banyak esan-esan moral
yang bisa jadi elajaran dalam hidu kita. Meski cerita singkat bahasa inggris ini
hanyalah fiktif , bisa saja memberikan moti'asi tersendiri.
Memilih orang dalam menjalankan tugas enting harus selektif, karena bisa jadi
orang itu sendiri yang akan mengacaukan tugas tersebut. ;erita singkat bahasa inggris
 berikut seerti judul lagu >1agar Makan Tanaman> penasaran'''''''' langsung saja ke
cerita singkat bahasa inggris berikut.
Two bott(es of water
"#a$ourite stories from %hinese&

There was an old school teacher who liked to drink wine. !e always ket se'eral
 bottles of good wine in his mouth. +s he had to go out one day, he was worried that his
ser'ant would drink his wine. Then he thought of a way to sto him from doing so.
"I am going out for the day,% he told his ser'ant. "1lease look after the house for 
me. There is some ham and two bottles of water in the cuboard. There is also a chicken
in the kitchen.

cerita singkat bahasa inggris - two bottles of water 

5ut as soon as he left, his ser'ant killed the chicken and cooked it for dinner. !e
then ate both the chicken and the ham and drank the two bottles of wine. !e felt sleey
and went to bed.
The school teacher returned home later that e'ening. !e was surrised to find that
the chicken, ham and two bottles of wine had disaeared. !e then saw his ser'ant lying
aslee in bed. There were two emty bottles by his side. !e shook him by the shoulder.
"#hat has haened$% he asked.
"I am 'ery sorry,% his ser'ant relied. "+s soon as you left, a cat jumed in through
the window and ate the ham. + dog then chased and caught the chicken. I knew you
would be 'ery angry with me when you returned, so I tried to kill myself by drinking the
 oison. 1lease excuse me.%
The old school teacher did not belie'e him but there was nothing he could do.
1osted by joe fatrah at ?8@? +M
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Saturday, )o$ember *, 2012
+ naughty schoo(boy

 (arrati'e teks - + naughty schoolboy

A'eryone agreed that Bohn Tsui was a naughty boy. !e had a bad temer and did
not study hard at school. !is father aid for a ri'ate teacher to teach him at home. 5ut
 john was rude to his teacher. !is teacher said he did not want to teach him anymore.
Bohns father tried to find another teacher, but it was not easy to do so.
+t last, a teacher who had just come from 0ingaore agreed to teach him. Bohns
father was 'ery leased. !e sent for Bohn to come and meet his new teacher. Bohn was
'ery rude. !e took no notice of his new teacher and left the room without saying a word.
The next day, john arri'ed late for his first lesson. !e hoed this would make his teacher 
angry. 5ut his teacher did not seem to mind. The next day, he was again late. This time,
his teacher was laying the iano.
"can you teach me to lay the iano$% he asked his teacher.
")es, if you really want to learn,% his teacher relied.
+fter that, his teacher ga'e him iano lesson twice a week. Bohn was really 'ery
cle'er and he did not need much teaching.
In a short while, he could lay :uite well.
";an you teach me anything else$% he asked his teacher.
"I dont know what you would like to learn,% his teacher said. "1erhas you can
teach me something$%
"I only know how to box,% Bohn relied. "If you want to learn, I can teach you.%
Bohn asked his teacher to stand u. +s soon as he did so, he tried to hit his fist. 5ut
his teacher was too :uick for him. !e caught hold of his arm and held it tight. Bohn could
not mo'e. !e had to ask his teacher to forgi'e him. !e romised that he would study
harder in future.
"If you want to study harder,% his teacher said, "It is not enough to learn from one
man. )ou must learn from many men.%
"!ow can I do that$% Bohn asked.
!is teacher ointed to the books in front of him. ")ou must study hard and read as
many books as you can. Aach book contains knowledge. If you do that, you will soon be
able to learn many new things for yourself.
Bohn studied hard after that. #hen he grew u, he became a 'ery famous man.

 -now .ou, ut''' "+ku /engena(mu, Tapi'''&  Dongeng +nak, udu(

Dongeng T-, udu( %erpen +nak, udu( %erita +nak ahasa nggris 

I Know You.... But....

I am in a city garden. I sit on a bench. The bench is so small. I am

alone. I see someone at the corner. I know him, but I don’t know his
name. He wears a blue shirt. The shirt is very cool. He comes to me.
He asks me, ”Are you Hendra?” I answers,”Yes, I am. What is your

He says nothin. He looks so disappointed. He leaves me. I !eel so

uilty. I am alone aain. "e#t time, I will memori$e my !riends’ name.

Trans(ation "Terjemahan&
Aku berada di taman kota. Aku duduk di sebuah bangku. Bangkunya begitu
kecil. Aku melihat seseorang di sudut. Aku mengenalnya. Aku tidak tahu
namanya. Dia mengenakan sebuah kaos biru. Kaosnya sangat keren. Dia datang
padaku. Dia bertanya,”Apakah kamu Hendra?” Aku menjawab,”a, aku Hendra.
!iapa namamu?” Dia tidak berkata apa"apa. Dia terlihat begitu kecewa. Dia
meninggalkanku. Aku begitu merasa bersalah. Aku sendiri lagi. #ain kali, Aku
akan mengingat nama teman"temanku.

%ara Down(oad 3agu +nak erbahasa nggris dan ndonesia

Salam cinta lagu-lagu anak....

Hai pecinta lagu-lagu anak...sekarang kalau mau download
lagu-lagu anak karya Kak Zepe caranya mudah lho.... Begini
(mohon ikuti langkah2nya dengan cermat supaya tidak gagal
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4ednesday, 5 #ebruary 2012
ome Sweet ome, -ak 7epe8s %hi(dren Song  Theme #ami(y and
appiness  #or -indergarten, )ursery, and 9rimary Student


I live in a beautiful house

I live with my family 
 We all are happy together
 because we are loving each other
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3abel8 amily Theme 0ong, un +nd !ay 0ong

4ednesday, 2: anuary 2012

4e +re #ami(y, -ak 7epe8s ;ng(ish -ids Song, Theme #ami(y and

4e +re #ami(y
2ak eeEs Anglish 2ids 0ong
Theme8 amily and riendshi
#hen you feel so sad,
IEll make hay
#hen you feel lonely,
IEll accomany
#hen you feel affraid,
IEll make you feel eace
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3abel8 amily Theme 0ong, riendshi 0ong

#riday, *0 December 2011

+d$erbs Song  -ak 7epe8s ;ng(ish %hi(dren songs  Topic grammar <
ad$erbs  +n ;ng(ish %hi(dren Song that can be used for teaching ;ng(ish'
This is a grammar ;ng(ish Song, and the topic is +d$erbs'

+d$erbs Song
2ak eeEs Anglish ;hildren songs
Toic8 grammar F ad'erbs

+n Anglish ;hildren 0ong that can be used for teaching Anglish.

This is a grammar Anglish 0ong, and the toic is +d'erbs.
I can run slowly or fast
I talk loudly or softly
I can come early or late
I can sing gladly or sadly
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3abel8 +d'erbs 0ong, Anglish &rammar 0ong, un +nd !ay 0ong

4ednesday, *0 )o$ember 2011

a=; 3unch %hi(dren Songs for -indergarten, 9(aygroup, Taman -anak
kanak, 9+>D, )ursery, 9(aykids, or 9rimary Students Sing this song in
the c(ass before (unch?

HaVE Lunch
;hildren 0ongs for 2indergarten, 1laygrou, Taman 2anak-kanak, 1+GD,
 (ursery, 1laykids, or 1rimary 0tudents

0ing this song in the class before lunch/

This song is 'ery nice and fun. 0ing this song before children ha'e lunch in the class.
or arents, you can also sing this song for your children. They will be hay to sing this

Have Lunch
0ong8 2ak ee

The day's so bright and clear 

The sun's at the middle sky
I am so hungry
I am so hungry
It's time to have lunch

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3abel8 ;lass 0ongs, amily Theme 0ong, un +nd !ay 0ong, !oliday 0ongs, Oening
;losing 0ongs
Older 1osts !ome

/y est Teacher "@uru Terbaikku&

%arry sits nicely. %arry is in the class-
room. &he is in 'nlish class. 'nlish
class is her !avorite. &he likes the
teacher and the sub(ect. Her teacher
is !riendly, hel)!ul, and smart. Her
teacher answers everyone*s
uestions. Her teacher always makes
the class !un. 'very student loves him.
He is my best teacher.
Two months ao, she asked her teacher
how to s)ell +trailer”. %arry’s teacher
told her how to s)ell it. %arry
said,”Thank you, &ir”. Her teacher
answered, You*re welcome, clever

!er"emahan (!ranslation)#
Marry duduk dengan baik. Dia berada di dalam ruang kelas. Dia sedang di kelas bahasa
Inggris. 2elas bahasa Inggris adalah kesukaannya. Dia menyukai guru dan mata
 elajarannya. &urunya ramah, suka membantu, dan cerdas. &urunya menjawab setia
 ertanyaan dari setia siswa. &urunya selalu membuat kelas menyena ngkan. 0etia siswa
menyukainya. Dia adalah guru terbaikku.

Dua bulan yang lalu, dia bertanya ada gurunya bagaimana mengeja kata,%trailer%.
&urunya Marry mengatakan bagaimana mengeja kata itu. Marry berkata, "Terima kasih,
1ak%. &urunya menjawab,%0ama-sama, anak andai.%
$ocabularies (Kosa Kata)#


<ruang kelas=



0ilakan Memublikasikan 2arya-karya 0aya dengan mencantumkan82arya 2ak ee,

.ou might a(so (ike
erawa( Dari 9uisi, erubah /enjadi 3agu +nak "Ae$iew 3agu +nak
Bintang dan u(anB&  3agu +nak ndonesia

erawa( Dari 9uisi, erubah /enjadi 3agu +nak 

"Ae$iew 3agu +nak&

1ada saat itu malam begitu cerah. 0aya melihat bulan bersinar sangat terang. 5intang-
 bintang un hadir ada malam itu dengan cahayanya yang gemerlaan. 0aya bayangkan
malam itu hanya ada bulan, tana ada bintang-bintang. Tentu saja ada yang kurang.
!anya bulan dan kegelaan malam. 3angit asti jadi sei bila hanya ada sebuah benda
 bulat bersinar.

3alu saya un memunyai ide untuk membuat sebuah uisi ersahabatan. 0aya
menghubungkan dua macam benda langit, bulan dan bintang, dengan sebuah
 ersahabatan. 1uisinya kira-kira berbunyi demikian8

 The Stars +nd The /oon

 3ook at the sky
 There is a moon
 3ook at the moon
 There are many stars around
 Imagine, there is no stars in the sky
 Only the moon and the darkness
 The moon will be so lonely
 I am so hay
 because there are many stars in the sky
 Do you know why$
 ;ause I am the moon
 Thanks to be one of the stars.

 3ewat uisi tersebut, saya kini memiliki ide untuk membuatkan sebuah lagu yang isinya
hamir sama dengan uisi yang ernah saya citakan tersebut. 2arena anak-anak
 biasanya suka dengan (agu anak yang bertema persahabatan , maka saya menjadikan
 uisi di atas menjadi sebuah lirik lagu. Dengan judul yang sama, dan saya terjemahkan
dalam bahasa Indonesia, maka jadilah lirik lagu ini8

+ku lihat di angkasa

 embulan bersinar terang
 Diterangi bintan-bintang
 Indah sekali
 Oh betaa bahagianya sang rembulan
 Tiada ernah keseian
 0ebahagia hatiku karna banyak teman

3agunya bisa didengerin di 5I(T+(& D+( 5G3+(

 Dari engalaman tersebut, saya menyimulkan bahwa sebuah uisi bisa kita modifikasi
menjadi sebuah lagu yang indah. 5iasanya hal yang membuat indah adalah kiasan-kiasan
yang biasa ada di dalam sebuah uisi. Badi bila anda suka menulis sebuah uisi, cobalah
anda ilih dan ilah. 0iaa tahu ada tema yang menarik untuk dimodifikasi menjadi
sebuah lagu anak. (ah lagu di atas akan menjadi salah satu lagu andalan di album
S;+T %;AD+S %;A+  karya 2ak ee. Tunggu releasenya ya... 8=

0ilakan Memublikasikan 2arya-karya 0aya dengan mencantumkan8 2arya 2ak ee,


/other8s 3o$e to /e "-asih bu -epada eta&  %erpen ergambar Dua

ahasa, Short Story i(ingua(, Dongeng Dua ahasa, %erita ahasa
nggris ndonesia


/other8s 3o$e To /e

(Kasih Ibu Kepada Beta)

!he took care o$ me when % was a little
child. !he taught me many things. !he
taught me how to draw, read, write, and
sing. !he taught me how to play badminton.
!he taught me how to get dressed. !he
taught me how to wear my shoes. !he
taught me how to comb my cruelly hair.
!he taught me how to be a nice boy. !he
taught me how to be polite to my teachers.
!he taught me how to make $riend. !he
taught me how to help others.
!he taught me how to lo&e by her sincere
lo&e. % know what lo&e by her lo&e. 'om,
thanks $or your lo&e, (od, thanks $or gi&ing
me a great 'om.
Translation (Terjemahan= 8
Ibu menjagaku saat aku masih kecil. Ibu mengajariku banyak hal. Ibu mengajariku
 bagaimana menggambar, membaca, menulis, dan bernyanyi. Ibu mengajariku bagaimana
 bermain badminton. Ibu mengajariku bagaimana berakaian. Ibu mengajariku bagaimana
mengenakan seatu. Ibu mengajariku bagaimana mengajariku menyisir rambutku yang
keriting. Ibu mengajariku bagaimana menjadi seorang anak yang baik. Ibu mengajariku
 bagaimana bersoan santun keada ara guru. Ibu mengajariku bagaimana bersahabat.
Dia mengajariku bagaimana menolong sesame.

Ibu mengajariku kasih sayang dengan dengan kasih sayangnya yang tulus. +ku tahu aa
itu kasih sayang dengan kasih sayangnya. Ibu , terima kasih untuk cintamu. Tuhan, terima
kasih telah memberikan aku seorang ibu yang baik.
 Vocabularies (Kosa Kata)8 

<bulu tangkis=



cruelly hair
<rambut keriting=

ead +lso8

;ute #hite ;at <2ucing 1utih )ang Mungil=

The 5aby 1arrots <+nak 5urung 5eo=

elease + 5utterfly <Membebaskan 0eekor 2uu-kuu=

Ancycloedia 5ook <5uku Ancycloedia=

.ou might a(so (ike

JAri Perkalian, Lagu Anak KArya Kak Zepe (Lagu Pendidikan ...

Se(asa, 10 u(i 2012

+S% =C%+>3+A;S +C>T T)@S ) T; %3+SSACC/

H8JH +lmusto @ comments

When teachin at 'lementary school, es)ecially the !irst and the

second rade, the im)ortant vocabularies they must master are thins
in the classroom. A!ter learnin numbers, al)habet, usually these two
rades should know the classroom vocabularies. The a))roach o! the
teachin learnin )rocess at the elmentary school is a conte#tual
learnin. &tudents learn many thins around the classroom they live
in. They can show and )ronounce many thins in the classroom. The
thins are real in the classroom. The teacher can use the e#act
method in ivin the students new vocabularies in the classroom. He
can use a son relatin to the material learnin, he can )lay a ame
that encouraes the students to obtain new vocabularies, or he can
use some related !lashcards and so on.

The &tudents o! &- " &iberuk are studyin in the classroom

The !ollowin words are the basic vocabularies that 'lementary

students should master

%nglish &ndonesian
-oor /intu
Window 0endela
Table %e(a
-esk %e(a ker(a1uru
2hair 3ursi
4lackboard /a)an tulis hitam
Whiteboard /a)an Tulis )utih
2halk 3a)ur
5uler /enaris
'raser /enha)us
6loor 7antai
Wall -indin
4ook 4uku
dictionary 3amus
/encil /ensil
)encil shar)ener 5autan
4all)oint1/en /ena1)ul)en
2orrectin !luid /enha)us tinta1ti)8#
2lock 0am
2alendar kalender
5oo! Ata)
%a) /eta
7iht1lam) 7am)u
2u)board Almari
/icture 9ambar1!oto
4ookshel! 5ak buku
4a Tas
4room &a)u
Trash bo# Tem)at sam)ah

Those are the e#am)les o! the basic vocabularies we o!ten !ind !or
elemntary school students.

-ownload this article here

+rtike( Terkait
• Benis tes 'ocabulary 5ahasa Inggris untuk anak-anak 
• 5A3+B+ 1A1O0ITIO(<2+T+ DA1+(= G(TG2 +(+2 0D

• 5ahasa Inggris 2elas K 0D 8 Locabulary tentang temat-temat umum<1ublic


• LO;+5G3+) D+0+ TA(T+(& ;O3O 

Temat-temat umum. a icture from htt

• :. Hos)ital  5umah sakit

• ;. /ost <!!ice  3antor )os
• =. 4ank  4ank
• >. &chool  sekolah
• . %arket  /asar
• @. %ovie  4iosko)
• . /ark  taman
• B. Hotel  hotel
• C. Air)ort  4andara
• :D. Harbour  /elabuhan
• ::. 5ailway station  &tasiun kereta a)i
• :;. 4us sto)1terminal  Terminal bis
• :=. Eoo  3ebun binatan
• :>. %useum  musium
• :. /olice station1 )olice o!!ice  3antor )os
• :@. &u)ermarket  &walayan
• :. &ho)1store  toko
• :B. 4ook store  toko buku
• :C. -rustore  a)otik
• ;D. &tationary  Toko alat tulis
• ;:. 7ibrary  /er)ustakaan
• ;;. 9as station  /om bensin1&4/F
• ;=. 6actory  /abrik
• ;>. 9reen rocer  Toko sayuran
• ;. 9rocery Toko )anan
• ;@. 5estaurant  restoran
• ;. &wimmin )ool  3olam renan
• ;B. %osGue  %as(id
• ;C. 2hurch  ere(a
• =D. %onastery  4iara
• =:. Tem)le  candi1)ura
• =;. /aoda  klenten
• ==. 4each  /antai
• =>. %ountain  /eununan
• =. 2a!e ka!e
• =@. &tadium  stadion

• &ebelum anak menenal bahasa tulis, anak sebaiknya menenal

bahasa lisan lebih dahulu. -i sini uru dalam memberikan
vocabulary anak tentan location ini diawali denan listenin dan
s)eakin. 9uru da)at menunakan metode yan menurutnya
sesuai denan anak didiknya.

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