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Manual of Coohom

a quick start handbook 2021

Feature Content - Get Started

● Floor Plan & Modeling

● Drag & Drop Furniture
● Construction and finishes
● HUGE Model Library
● AI Template/Furniture Plan
● Construction Drawings
● Photo-realistic Renderings
● 720 Walk-through Tour
● Kool VR Experience
Quick Start
Draw floor plan Import CAD file to generate a model

4 ways to start over floor planning

Pre-build Templates that you can play

with to get familiar with the tool and
rendering settings.
Basic Panel Info
new/undo/redo/save Plan tool Render/Gallery/Export/Construction Drawings

Left Bar

Floor Plan Navigator

Public libary
Personal Account
Advanced Tool
Enterprise Catalog

Porperties Bar

Switch to 2D/3D view Hide some layers/elements Lock Zoom

Floor Plan

● Overview

● Wall

● Door&Window

● Beam/Column

● Furniture Plan
Draw floor plan with floor plan tools.

Floorplan tools:

Editing if there is a
second floor plan, or
Wall/Door & Window/Beam & Column

define the measurements:

wall thickness

View the plan with or without measurements.

Drag&drop doors and other elements to your plan Add a level and define the height of the room
Import CAD/Image
You can also choose to import dwg file or an image to coohom and build a project.

Import CAD file to quick build a model

Furniture Plan - correspond 3d furnitures

Automatically generate corresponding 3D furniture models with quick save the plan.
Decorations and Furniture

● AI Templates

● Public Library

● Model Library

● Personal warehouse
Public Library
Public library is coohom warehouse where you can find almost all kinds of elements that you might need for your project

● Construction/Finishes

● Furniture

● Lighting

● Kitchen & Bathroom

● Others

● Tips:

● Remember to put your keywords in ENGLISH

● Try searching by image if you're not sure about keywords

Model Library
Almost all the individual items can be found in model library, start and choose your style now!

Detailed infomation about each item.

Mark to list it in My account - favorites.

Manage your Personal Library
Manage items you marked in Favorites, the object you uploaded, as well as your history click on all model items.

Favorites Upload History -

Advanced Tool - Customized Library
Entering Coustomized Library - Construction Tool, you may be able to add molding, painting, texturing and other furnishing.

Draw a line, surface, extrude, diminsion and put reference line.

Texture tool
AI Templates - Get your room designed in seconds

Search for inspirations in public library and automatically adapt to your room

Click Apply and all the items will be added to your room
Export: Construction Drawings

Set notations and texts.

Arrange your drawings and layouts

Render Studio
Get your Photo-realistic renderings in seconds!

● Camera settings

● Preset Mode

● Advanced settings

● Manual settings

● Panorama&720 Walk through tour

Camera Settings

Images that you have rendered

Basic Info bar Render mode: plan, perspective or panorama

View Point

High-res render

Pre-set light mode

Switch between 2D - 3D Preview your render in seconds. Camera Settings: Fov(field of

Advanced light settings

● color correction

● impact highlights

● hardened light straps use a new material

● ambient occlusion(AO)

● specular reflection

● noise

● dazzling

Values are showed on the right ● color enhancement

Light Customization
For a complex lighting enviroment, for example, light stripes in the cabinets, you can manually adjust them in the Light
Customizationg tool bar.

Modify based on the light template. The light source is

devided into 3

- Basic Lights
- Volumetric Lights
- IES Lights

Global light setting:

orientation/temperature/brightness, etc
Panorama&720 Walk-through Tour
Click to enjoy the Panorama and 720 Walk-through Tour!

Coohom Shortcuts
Customized Library Shortcut
Shortcut form help you to work with Coohom faster!

I: loft
P: stretch/extrude/push
L: line
R: rectangle
Tab: orthogonal
ESC: cancel
Delete: delete
shift: select multiple objects
F11: Full Screen

Combination shortcuts:

Ctrl + G: group
Ctrl + Shift + G: ungroup
Ctrl + S: save
Ctrl + Y: redo
Ctrl + Z: undo
Shift + Double click: select
Ctrl + Alt + D:ENable shortcuts

● How to Change the Unit of Measurement?

● ALL you need to know about ceiling design

● How to draw a balcony/terrace/patio?

● How To Categorize My Projects?

● How to share/duplicate my projects?

● How To Create Multi-Floor?

● How to Generate 720 tour?

● How to use Google AR

Thank you!

More Info:
Coohom Help Center
Youtube Channel Join our Whatsapp Group:


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