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KISSE, Limar T.

AGADAN, Jenny D.


1. STRUCTURALISM -Wilhelm Wundt -Assumes that every process has a - giving importance to one’s
- Edward Titchener system of underlying laws that sensation and affection/ feeling in
govern it. processing one’s own thoughts
-relies on introspection to break and experiences
down consciousness to its basic - represented the emergence of
elements without sacrificing any psychology from philosophy
of the properties of the whole -gives way to experimental
-Proposes 3 elementary states of psychology where theories of
consciousness: a.) sensations, b.) human thoughts, feelings, actions
images and c.) affections and etc are tested. It could also be
inferred that structuralism gave
way to conducting scientific
research on human behavior.
2. FUNCTIONALISM -William James -gives importance to empirical, -laid groundwork for behaviorism,
-James Rowland Angell rational thought developmental psychology,
- George H. Mead - focuses on the capability of cognitive psychology
-Archibald L. Moore mind rather than the process of - looks into the purpose of
- John Dewey thought. In other words, it consciousness and behavior
focused on the practical -emphasis on individual
applications of research differences
- focused on how mental activities - consider biological factors into
helped an organism fit into its how one behaves/acts
environment (Munsaka, 2019)
3. GESTALT -Immanuel Kant -consciousness could not be -Gestalt Therapy includes figure
-Ernst Mach reduced to elements without and ground, balance and
-Max Wetheimer distorting the true meaning of the polarities, awareness, present‐
-Kurt Koffka conscious experience centeredness, unfinished
-Wolfgang Kohler - deems that people cannot be business, and personal
considered as separate from their responsibility.
environment or from -Internal processing
interpersonal relations. The - Asking question in group process
individual is seen as being self- -Person-centered awareness
regulating and is able to motivate -Respect
oneself to solve problems. -Emphasis on experience
Individuals are able to work -Creative experiment and
towards growth and develop as discovery
their environments allow. -Social relationship
- Relationship
4. PSYCHOANALYSIS - Sigmund Freud -All people possess unconscious -Dream interpretation
thoughts, feelings, desires and - Free association technique
memories -Transference
-psychological problems as rooted -Cathartic method
in the unconscious mind
- the unconscious drives thinking
and behavior, and it is in
uncovering unconscious drives
and motivations that a person can
be healed
5. BEHAVIORISM - Ivan Pavlov -All behavior is learned through -Applied behavior analysis which
-John Watson interaction with the environment uses operant conditioning to
-William McDougal through classical conditioning shape and modify problematic
-emphasizes the role of behaviors
environmental factors in - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
influencing behavior to the near (CBT)
exclusion of inherited and -Aversion therapy
biological factors - Flooding
-reinforcement and punishment -Systematic desensitization
can be utilized to either increase -Contingency management
or decrease the frequency of a -Extinction
behavior -Modeling
-Token economies
-Dialectical behavioral therapy
which is a form of CBT that utilizes
both behavioral and cognitive
techniques to help people learn to
manage their emotions, cope with
distress, and improve
interpersonal relationships
-Exposure therapy
-Rational emotive behavior
therapy (REBT)
-Social learning theory which
assumes that people learn
through observation and reward
6. COGNITIVE -Ulric Neisser - Human cognition can at least in -Rational-Emotive Therapy
-Noam Chomsky principle be fully revealed by the -Cognitive- Behavioral Therapy
-Jean Piaget scientific method, that is,
-Lev Vygotsky individual components of mental
processes can be identified and
- internal mental processes can be
described in terms of rules or
algorithms in information
processing models
-focuses on scientifically studying
human cognition/ mental abilities
which are perceiving, learning,
remembering, reasoning, and
- Focuses not just on behavior,
but on mental processes and
internal mental states
7. HUMANISTIC -Abraham Maslow - Human have innate drive toward - Person-centered therapy
- Carl Rogers self- actualization, and if people -Unstructured Interviews which
use this actualizing tendency as a allows therapist to gain access to
frame of reference in living their an individual’s thought and
lives, there is a strong likelihood experiences
that they will live fulfilling lives -Participant observation
and ultimately reach their full -Unconditional Positive Regard
potential. Such people are said to
be living according to the
organismic valuing process.


Feist, J. & Feist, G.J. (2008). Theories of personality(7th ed). McGraw-Hill, Inc

Herganhahn, B. (2009). An Introduction to the History of Psychology. Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

The History of Psychology-The Cognitive and Multicultural Psychology. DOI:02092021.


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