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Weekly Assessment 3 – [15 %]

Semester : Online Spring 3 Year : 2020

Course Title : Industrial Control Systems
Course Code : IE 474 : A
(Includes names of all instructors : Dr. Zekeriya Uykan
teaching this course)

Submission 15/09/2020 at
Date : :
date 23:59
Exam Duration : No. of Pages : 7
(includes cover page) (Student Must Verify)

To be completed by the student

Student Name Student ID Major

College Engineering Section O1

Grading Scheme
Question Earned Points Max. Points Question Earned Points Max. Points
1 25 3 40
2 35

Total Earned Points Total Available Points Instructor Signature

Assignment Regulations:
1. Please print this assignment file
2. Solve the questions on the same paper
3. Only Handwritten PDF submission will be accepted/ Scan the assignment file with solution as a PDF.
4. Submit your PDF file on the assignment link on Moodle in your section.
5. Each weekly assessment can be submitted twice within the deadline.
6. Group projects will be replaced by individual projects / assignments.
7. Weekly assessment submission deadline is 5 days. A delay in assessment submission will result in the following grade deduction:
• Delay of 1 Day: 10% Deduction
• Delay of 2 Days: 20% Deduction
• Delay of 3 Days: 40% Deduction
• Delay of 4 Days: 50% Deduction
• Delay of 5 Days: 100% Deduction
8. In case of plagiarized submission, you will receive a notification email with the below penalty applied starting the date of the
• Resubmission on the first day (within 24 hours after notification): 20% deduction
• Resubmission on the second day after notification: 30% deduction
• Resubmission on the third day after notification: 50% deduction
• Failing to resubmit within three days after notification, the assessment will be graded with zero
9. Please check Banner for your Gradebook and attendance
10. AUM rules and regulations apply
Q1: (25 points)
Consider the following Routh Table.

(a) [15 points] As seen from the Table, two entries are missing. Determine those missing
numbers indicated as “?” in the Table.
(b) [5 points] Determine the polynomial for which the Table is constructed.
(c) [5 points] Determine how many closed-loop poles are located in the right half-plane, in
the left halfplane, and on the jw-axis (if applicable). Briefly explain why by your own words.

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Q2: (35 points)
Consider the following Routh Table for a given industrial system.

(a) [15 points] Determine all the entries in the Routh Table. Show all your calculations in
(b) [15 points] Explain by your own words (only by writing text): When finding the entries in
(a), did you meet any of the two special cases that we studied in the lecture?
If yes, explain how you have solved this special case. If not, explain why not?
(c) [5 points] Explain by your own words (only by writing text): How many closed-loop poles
are located in the right half-plane. Why? Is this industrial system stable or not? Why?

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Q3: (40 points)
Consider the following feedback industrial system where 𝐷(𝑠) = and

(𝑠 + 6)
𝐺(𝑠) =
(4𝑠 + 4)(𝑠 + 4)

(a) [30 points] Determine the range of K which makes the closed loop system stable.
(b) [10 points] Explain by your own words (only by writing text): When finding the entries in
(a), did you meet any of the two special cases that we studied in the lecture? If yes, explain
how you have solved this special case. If not, explain why not.

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