Policy On Technical Education

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Kingdom of Cambodia

National Religion King

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport

Technical Education

Received the approval of the leaders of

the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
May 27, 2013
Education is an indispensable factor in the development of social, economic, and
vocational technical education that it is significant in the development of social and increases the
growth of the national economy. Addressing challenges related to the vocational technical
education, human resource development and response to the labor market are the Cambodia’s
basis of success.

Respond to about context, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport organized Policy on
technical education for purpose to demonstrate about main strategy in fulfilling labor market
demand and provide opportunity to students to achieve technical skill with practicing.
Policy on Technical education will guarantee to learner about studying way, technical
skill capability, creative idea with virtue, and entrepreneur spirit to respond to labor market
demand and ability to continue to study a lifetime.
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport deeply thank to all of participator who help
achieve policy on technical education for way of developing technical education.
Ministry hope relevant institution, developing partner, local community, national and
international organization will join to cooperation to media support and implement the policy on
technical education successfully.

Phnom Penh, date May 27, 2013

Minister of Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport
1. Introduction
Technical Education covers skills education and employment to encourage learner to
get the knowledge ability and value to become skilled workers, technician and superior
citizen to solve daily living and contribute to social economic development.
The universe has evolved steadily technology and science that development requires
people to participate in this competition. Technical education is attention to the progress
countries also in developing countries to reduce unemployment and encourage people to
work the appropriate age.
ASEAN has agreed to continue to strengthen and expand education activities to jointly
address and the complete lack of those remaining such as reducing development gap
ASEAN connection are the physical infrastructure, institution, and small and medium
industry that requires technical education human resources training has an important role to
economic development in the region.
The royal government of Cambodia has showed a strategy to build capacity and
human resources development to education quality reinforcement and technical skills
training promotion for general knowledge students.
To ensure the before strategy implementation, the Ministry of Education, Youth and
Sports build 2009-2013 education strategy plan to insert technical education programs to the
curriculum in secondary schools In order to provide basic technical skill education service to
students to be able to compete in the works, family and social economy expand to equal
countries in the region and the world.
In 2012 Cambodia’s gross domestic product (GDP) in agriculture, 33.7% in the labor
force, up 55.8%, industry 24.3%, only 16.9% of the labor force, while 41% service use
27.3% the work force. Demographic Statistics 2010, Cambodia has total population of
13958000 that working age people is 8853000 and the unemployment rate is 0.4%. Labor
market information collected by the National Employment Agency and report the number of
registered job and recruiting information with high unbalance 14087, registered job and
number requirement has 100650 from 2010 to 2013. Market information to compared the
labor needs of each part of the skilled workers such as handicrafts and other affairs need
high labor up to 34.6%, while the supply of labor only 9.7%. Conversely Service needs
lower Compared to labor in this section. Job searcher of service with rate of 75.6% higher
than the recruitment information with a rate of 57.8%. Labor market information of
education level also shows unbalance of the need to compared of the labor supply. For
example, from March 2010 to January 2013, Job searcher around 64.7% had the bachelor
degree while working recruitment in the degree level is only 21.9%. This situation can be
concluded that the Cambodia enough don’t have experts and technician to fulfill labor
market needs that make foreign experts to serve on the labor market.
Through the information gathered in the target provincial of 11 located in different
areas found that teachers, students, guardian, and local authorities be satisfied and want to
have technical education service and vocational orientation in secondary school. Until now,
the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports managed technical education programs in
secondary school with 4 subjects include electricity, electronics, animal farming, and
agronomy be practicing in Cher Teal high school of Kampongthom province and Samdech
Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen - Rota General Educational and Technical High
School in Ksach Kandal district of Kandal Province.
To respond to the constitution of the Kingdom of Cambodia, the law on education,
Cambodia millennium development goal, national development strategic plan, government's
rectangular strategy, problem-solving of challenges, and above demand as well as improve
the quality and the effectiveness of technical education, Ministry of Education, Youth and
Sports to develop policy on technical education to strengthen and expand technical
education services to people to sustainable development and poverty reduction.

2. Vision
This policy has vision for complete human resource development, good citizen,
knowledge, and technical skills to share in the social and economy development.

3. Objective
This policy has aims to develop high school students with capacity, technical skills,
discovery idea with virtue, and entrepreneurship spirit to respond to the needs of the labor
market and the ability to continue to study a lifetime.

4. Goals
This policy has goals:

4.1. Developed secondary institutions to be fully technical education institutions.

4.2. Improve the capacity of teachers with real technical skills.

4.3. Developed technical education skills to labor market needs and Cambodia’s social

4.4. Provides the opportunity to high school students have the option of technical education.

4.5. Development quality technical capacity skills to high school students.

4.6 Collect community resource, development partners, and the private sector to development
of technical education.

5. Strategy
To achieve the objectives and above goals, the key strategic such as:
5.1. Development of the law framework and mechanisms

 Manage standard letter and mechanisms to implement effective policy.

 Promote and accelerate the implementation of the law framework policy and
relevant mechanisms and new mechanisms.
 Set up activities plan with specific activity, time, resources and responsibilities.
5.2. Development secondary technical education institutions

 Develop technical and general education of high school.

 Develop secondary institutions with complete characteristic to become secondary
institutions General and Technical Education.
 Built and give with the appropriate equipment to technical education standards.
 Improve the quality and effective of education affair management structure.
 To promote planning strategic development of general and technical secondary
 Strengthen and expand to general and technical secondary institution to be able to
provide appropriate technical education service in the region and community needs.

5.3. Develop educational capacity staff of technical education sector

 Educational ability staff on management and technical skill sector to the growth of
technology and the context of globalization.
 Ensure technical skill teachers to requirement and standard.
 Increase professional conscience encourage and responsibility on view in providing
technical education services.
 Provide priority and technical education work value in order to attract talent in the
development of technical education affair.
 Strengthen technical education affair group structure in high school
5.4. Development of technical education skill

 Develop of appropriate curriculum to the needs of the labor market and the
environmental and cultural values.
 Promote the basic skills education program and technical skill.
 Set up more study program to ensure good service and high production.
 Urge investment on research study and development to support the process to
improve education program on technical education.
 Develop of appropriate learning materials and book to support the implementation
of effective technical education curriculum.
 Set the meaning and time for learner suitably.
 Promote the implementation of the method to use less resources and more
5.5. Glorify vocational orientation and Technical Education

 Ensure on being professional orientation program And technical education

 Glorify the advertisement of information related to the technical skills.
 Promote scientific research study on the labor market skills that training for
education orientation.
 Urge the provision of consulting services to students in skills select and studying
way of scientific based on the physical, propensity, and basic.
 Build spirit of students in secondary institutions for like and technical learning to
catch Labor affair or appropriate production to body and propensity.
 Urge the engagement of professional orientation to the actual situation of the labor
 Glorify the quality of and efficiency technical education.
5.6. Glorify technical education development cooperation contract

 Urge cooperation with the public, private, development partners, and relevant
 Promote resource collection of technical assistance for strengthen and expand
technical education institution widely.
 Increase changing experience on technical education in local and abroad.
 To promote and encourage the use of the way to pay and resources support to the
state for private training and technical education services for market needs.
 Promote increased cooperation between schools and community to develop
technical education.
 Encourage involving people and development partners to join to provide
professional orientation services and technical education and through work
experience and capacity in the workshop and exhibitions in the community.
5.7. Glorify gender equality in technical education

 Glorify the participation of women in technical education.

 Urge the task distribution and the use of educational staff with ability and
appropriate to the potential of the individual.
 Create a lot of programs in order to ensure equity and support gender balance
 To encourage construction and management dormitory for stay
 Provide opportunities to students vulnerable and students in remote areas to get
technical education service.
5.8. Build spirit of entrepreneurship and labor market
 mainstreaming entrepreneurship program in vocational orientation and technical
 Promote technical skill education, skill with living occupation, and discover the
world of work.
 Promote the spirit of entrepreneurship from normal business for own with
connecting to study.
 Encourage and promote the achievement of students and the achievement of
technical education.

6. Action plan
To achieve the above strategy pay attention to some action as following:
6.1. To create a mechanism
 Build technical education committee To facilitate the implementation, monitoring,
and evaluate the implementation of the policy on technical education.
 Create a some sub-committee for necessary to implement the policy on technical
6.2. To create a spirit framework

 Technical education committee was established by the decision of the Ministry of

Education, Youth and Sports.
 Sub-Committee of technical education was established by the decision of the
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports by the request of the director of technical
education committee.
6.3. Financial support
To support mechanisms and the activities of each strategy must be budget from the

 Budget of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.

 Budget of Development Partners.
 Budget from other sources
6.4. Human Resources Training
To ensure the effectiveness of the implementation of the policy on technical
education focuses on human resource training on technical skills, the management
affair, planning manage, build curriculum in all relevant technical education.
6.5. Project practice process
Manage technical education planning for medium-term and long-term with
consulting from relevant people to get support and to ensure the effectiveness of the
implementation of the policy. This plan reflects the vision to the Ministry of
Education, Youth and Sport in the development of technical education in secondary
Technical education action plan covered technical education and vocational
orientation. Vocational orientation in the primary school. Technical education runs
high school.

7. Monitoring and evaluation

Implementation of quality and effective policy is necessary for control system,
monitoring, evaluation and requesting to correct practices with focusing on:

 Targets and strategies of the policy on technical education.

 Indicators of technical education Plan.
 The results compared to targets.
 Benefits received after the end of study
8. Conclusion
This policy set vision, objective, goal, and strategic on the technical education as a
road map to encourage students to get knowledge, capacity and technical education value to
become skill workers, skill technician, and good people to deal with daily living and
economic and social development.
Effective policy implementation and effectiveness require human resources, financial
resources, and enough equipment, which is the indispensable factor.
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports would expect to believe that relevant office,
development partners, organization, civil society, communities, families, individual, and
institution to join to urge support advertisement and policy implement on technical
education to be successful.

9. Glossary

 Technical education: Education refers to period of 3 years on the 3 main subjects are
technical and goal subject to the student of high school to contribute to respond to labor
market needs and the ability to continue to study a lifetime.
 Vocational orientation: refers to student education to act to recognize occupation, know
study way, institution after the end of the 9-year basic education.
 Technical skills: Refers to the specialized knowledge or capacity of working in
production or service sectors.
 Study way: refer to way or pathway for students who choose to continue to study in the
next grade. For example, when student graduate of grade 9 students can choose to study
general education Or technical education.
 Talent: refers to skill of using knowledge and Individual's professional to progress in the
 Entrepreneurship: refers to the responsibility in production, business, and self-service
development to participate in the competition to innovation, the creation of new and
development of technology.
 Technical educational study program: Refer to study program with objective that
providing the technical knowledge to the students to be able to run occupation for living
and ensure a lifetime study. This curriculum including general subject combination, goal
subject, and skill subject which it is proportion to hour that changing to level and the
actual needs of the society.
 General and technical high school: Refers to high school in teaching to students in
general education and technical education.

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