Medications Part 1

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Doctors Order: 100cc IV q 6 (9-3)

About: “ An osmotic diuretic used to remove excess water and toxins from the body in patients with
kidney disease. It is also used in the treatment of cerebral edema. Frequent monitoring of electrolytes
level is necessary while taking this medicine.”

Side Effects: Headache, Dry mouth, dehydration, Fluid and electrolyte imbalance (Severe), chest pain,
dizziness, blurred visio(severe), nausea

Onset: 15 minutes of decreasing ICP

Precaution: Anuria, Severe Pulmonary edema, prohressive heart failure, severe dehydration

Paracetamol (Acetominophen)
Doctors Order: 300mg IV q 6 PRN for headache

About: “ Paracetamol is a generic pain reliever that is used to relieve a variety of mild aches and pains.
Paracetamol workds as both an analgesic and antipyretic to treat aches, pains, and reduce fevers.”

Side Effects: If with allergic reaction, seek medical attention immediately with the following symptoms:
hives, SOB, swelling of lips, tongue, throat or face.

Precaution: Consult doctor if with Liver Disease, or Alcohol Abuse. Consult if pregnant, breast feeding or
plan on becoming pregnant before taking medication.

Doctors Order: 30cc OD @ HS (8pm)

About: “A laxative that aims to restore healthy bowel movement for people who suffer constipation. A
colonic acidifier that softens stool in order to stimulate bowel movements.”

How to Admin: Take with water, fruit juice or milk. Take medication at the same time each treatment. It
may take 48 hours for a bowel movement to occur, if still no bowel movement after 48 hours, inform

Side Effects: Stomach aches, gas, bloating, belching, nausea, and cramping. Seek medical attention for
the following serious s/e: irregular heartbeat, diarrhea, vomiting, muscle cramps, weakened muscles,
irregular mood swings, or seizures. Allergic Reactions

Precaution: If with allergy (hypersensitive), galactosemia, or a blockage caused by anything else but
normal constipation.
Missed Dose? Take missed doses as soon as remembered unless it is nearly time for next treatment.

Doctors Order: 10mg I tab OD (6pm)

About: “ Used to treat both hypertension, angina, and prevent circulatory, and heart conditions.
Amlodipine is among the group of drugs called calcium channel blockers. Amlodipine relaxes the blood
vessels, improving blood flow and make it easier for the heart to pump.

Admin: Taken once a day

Side Effects: Less Serious - Headache, dizziness, drowsiness, tired feeling, stomach pain, or flushing
(warmth, redness or tingly sensations)

Serious - Syncope, sweeling of hands, ankles, or feet; palpitations; or chest pain, pain spreading
to the arm or shoulder, nausea, sweating, general ill feeling.

Precaution: Avoid sudden shift in positions, possible for dizziness. Drinking alcohol can lower BP and may
increase certain side effects of the medication

Doctors Order: 80mg I tab (8am)

About: “An orally administered medication that is made to treat hypertension. High blood pressure is
one of the leading causes of stroke, heart attack, and other serious health factors. Telmisartan is
classified as an angiostensin receptor blocker. Works by pacifying blood vessels in the heart to allow
smooth blow flow.

Side Effects: Fatigue, flu-like symptoms, nausea, diarrhea, cold symptoms like runnu nose, sneezing, sore
throat. Call doctor if with: syncope, eye pain, vision problems, swelling, rapid weight gain, palpitations,
oliguria, jaundice, low sodium (slurred speech, hallucinations, vomiting, severe weakness, loss of
coordination, feeling unsteady, seizures) or low potassium (confusion, uneven heart rate, extreme thirst,

Precaution: Medical conditions of kidney disease, liver problems, hyperkalemia, volume depletion,
dehydration, or bile duct blockage

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