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The story of a Lazy Man

There used to be a very lazy man living in a village; he was so lazy that he didn't even chew
the food from his mouth. So the villagers, seeing that this man wouldn’t work at all, decided
to hang him, so as not to spread laziness to others. And so, two people from the village went
to the lazy man's house, picked him up, put him in an ox-cart, like a log, and took him to the
hanging place! That was it like at that time. On their way, they met a lady in a carriage. The
lady, noticing rhat the man in their ox-cart looked ill, asked the two peasants with pity:

-Folks! You can tell that the man in the cart is sick, poor man, take him to a doctor.

-"Madam, no" said one of the villagers. "Please, excuse me, but this man is so lazy that I dont
believe there is another one like him in the entire world, we are going to hang him for
cleaning the village of a sluggard"

-"Oh! dear folks" said the lady dreadfully. "Poor man, I can't let him die like a wicked hound!
You’d better take him to my mansion, see, there is the yard on that path. I have a barn there
full of dry bread for hard times, Heaven forbid! Let him eat the dry bread and live besides my
house, I know that offering him a piece of bread would’t ruin. We need to help each other.

- You hear, lazy man, what the lady says;  that she would put you in a hut in a barn with
bread, said one of the villagers.  What a stroke of good fortune for you, damn you, the most
detestable man in the world!  Quickly jump out of the chariot and thank the lady that she
saved you from death and you came across plenty, taking you under her wing.  We were
thinking of giving you soap and rope.  And the lady, being as good as gold, gives you shelter
and bread;  lucky you, what a good life does the lady offer you!  She sacrificed herself for
someone like you, you’ll be fed like a drone, that's a great miracle.  But it's lucky that
someone complained ... Well, who said that "oxen plow and horses eat".  Come on, answer
the lady, either way, because she doesn't have time to talk to us.

-"But are you going to soak my dry bread?" said the lazy man, half-mouthed, without

-What did he say? the lady asked the villagers.

-"What can I say, merciful lady," said one. Here, he asks if you’re going to soak the dry
-"Woe is me and me," said the lady in astonishment, "I have not heard that yet!" Can't he
soak them alone?

-Listen, lazy man: do you promise to soak the dry bread alone?

-"Nope," replied the lazy man. You’d better go ahead! Why so much care for this deserted

Then one of the villagers said to the lady:

-Your kindness, but in vain will you cast pearls before swine. You can see that we don't take
him to the gallows without a reason. What do you think? Wouldn't an entire village be willing
to chip in so that something could be done for him? But do we have whom to help? Of
idleness comes no goodness, why should we bother with him?

The lady then, with the best will, got tired of the good deeds and all, saying:

-Folks, go your way and do what you want!

And the villagers took the slothful to the gallows and they did what they had to do. And so the
villagers have gotten rid of him. Dare another slacker cast covetous glances to that hamlet, if
they have the bravery.

And now, my story has gone that way, and I've come this way.

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