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Lab report

Determination of Rate Constant for the Saponification of Ethyl


I202020163 mohammedmahdi 李文迪



1.1 To know the characteristics of a second-order reaction, and to learn to the

measurement of the rate constant of a second-order reaction by a graphical method.

1.2 To determine the effect of temperature on the reaction rate of ethyl acetate

with dilute sodium hydroxide.

1.3 To be familiarized with the operation of a digital conductometer.

The saponification of ethyl acetate with sodium hydroxide is a second-order, irre-

versible reaction which can be represented by the following equation:

CH3COOC2H5+ OH -CH3COO-+C2H5, OH -----1

if the initial concentrations of the reactants are equal (both a) and that the conver-ted
concentration is a at reaction time t, then the concentration of CH, COOCH, and

NaOH is a-2. Supposing that the reverse reaction can be ignored, the reactant and product
concentrations at different time are


T=0 a a 0 0

T=t a-x a-x x x

T=inf 0 0 a a
The rate equation for the above second-order reaction can be expressed as

Dx/dt=R^2 (a-x)^2 can we integrated to give

R^2= 1/t x/a(a-x)


X=kt-k0/Kinf –k0*a

Where k0 andki are the conductivity at beginning and time t, respectively, kinf. is the

conductivity at the end of reaction, and A is the proportionality constant. Substituting

equations into equation ) gives

Apparatus and Reagents

Digital conductometer, 1; Platinum black electrode, 1; Stopwatch, 1; Thermostatic wa-ter bath,

1; 20mL, pipette, 2; Double pipe conductance cell, 1; 50ml, test tube, 2.

(m NaOH (0. 020, 0. 010mol • L-'); CH,COOCH, (0. 020mol • L-1); CH,COONa

(0. 010mol • L. 1).

4.1 Set the temperature of the water bath to 25 C. Turn on the power of the con-
ductometer and calibrate the conductivity cell.
4.2 Preparation of the solutions
Prepare a 0. 0200mol • L.-' solution of NaOH and ethyl acetate. Add exactly 20mL. of
0. 02 mol • L-' NaOH solution into tube A and 20mL. of 0. 02mol • L.-' ethyl acetate
into tube B. Place the above solutions into the water bath. Keep about 10 min to attain
the uni-
form temperature.

4.3 Measurement of k0
Pipette about 20mL 0. 01mol • L-' NaOH to a test tube, put on the stopper and
place the solution into the water bath for about 10 min. Wash conductance electrode
conductance water, and wipe it to dry using filter paper. Put the conductance electrode
into the solution. Make sure the platinum black electrode are fully immersed in the solu-
tion, and read the data every 2 min for three times at least.
4.4 Measurement of kinf
The conductivity of 0. 0100 mol • L- solution of CH,COONa is measured as
*,. The measuring method for * is the same as that for «,.
Measurement data

0.9 y = 0.0515x - 0.0131
R² = 0.9999
0.5 Series1

0.4 Linear (Series1)

0 5 10 15 20
R^= 0.9999=1
K0-Kt/kt-kinf =kat =0.0515
T1/2 = 0.643/k = 0.643/ 0.0515 =12.48 min

6.1 At the beginning of the reaction, NaOH and CH,COOC, H, solution must be
pushed several times to insure the solution uniform.
6.2 Make sure that you properly calibrate the conductivity cell, handle conductivi-
ty cell with care, and properly clean conductivity cell at the end of the experiment.
7. 1 If the initial concentrations of the reactants, CH, COOCH, and NaOH, are
unequal, can k, be determined using this method? If can, How to calculate?
7.2 Why does the experiment need to be carried out at a constant temperature?

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