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Name : Devina Rahma Ardin

NIM : 2111311043
Class : A1
In a hospital in Bukittinggi City there is a 30 year old female patient who had an accident 2 days ago.
The patient was temporarily unable to walk due to an injury to the lower extremity. The next step, the
patient must undergo an examination to the radiology room. The nurse was also responsible for taking
Mrs. Willy for the next examination.
(nurse knocks on the door)
Nurse : “Assalamu'alaikum ma'am”
Mrs. Willy : “Wa'alaikumsalam nurse”
Nurse : “Good morning, I am Devina as a nurse on duty this morning. In accordance with
patient safety standards in this hospital. Could you tell me your name and age?”
Mrs. Willy : “My name is Willy 30 years old nurse”
Nurse : “Alright ma’am, how was your condition in this morning?”
Mrs. Willy : “Alhamdulillah, I'm fine nurse”
Nurse : “Okay ma'am, did you sleep well last night? are you rested?”
Mrs. Willy : “Yes nurse”
Nurse : “Alright ma'am, according to today's schedule, I will do an examination in the
radiology room, ma'am. It aims to diagnose the healing of injuries to the mother's
foot. For that I will move my mother from bed to a wheelchair, yes, ma'am”
Mrs. Willy : “Okay nurse”
Nurse : “Before I checked the mother's vital signs, yes, ma'am”
(vital check)
Nurse : “Mother's blood pressure is 140/90, mother's body temperature is 37 C, mother's
breathing and pulse are normal, ma'am”
Mrs. Willy : “Okay nurse”
Nurse : “Did you know that you had hypertension before?”
Mrs. Willy : “Already nurse”
Nurse : “I have locked the wheel from the wheelchair for a while, ma'am. So are you ready,
ma’am ?”
Mrs. Willy : “Yes i’m ready nurse”
Nurse : “Okay ma'am, now I will move you to a wheelchair, ma'am. Previously, can you sit
alone or can I hel you?”
Mrs. Willy : “sorry nurse, it's a little difficult nurse”
Nurse : “ Okay ma'am, excuse me ma'am”
Mrs. Willy : “Thank you nurse”
Nurse : “Please close your legs first ma’am”
Mrs. willy :”Yes nurse”
Nurse : “I'm allowed to embrace ma’am. On the count of three please help me by pushing
your body forward, ma'am”
Mrs. Willy : “Okay nurse”
Nurse : “One two three, before making sure to sit in a wheelchair, it's better if you make
sure your hands have reached the wheelchair, ma'am”
Mrs. Willy : “Yes nurse”
Nurse : “Alhamdulillah,it’s over” ma’am. Ok let me put sandals on ma’am, okay?
Mrs. Wily :” Alhamdulillah, thank you nurse”

Nurse : “So how do you feel right now? Is there something missing from your position?”

Mrs. Willy : “No nurse, it’s okay”

Nurse : “Okay ma'am, then we'll just go straight to the radiology room, ma'am”

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