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Lecture Practice – Deductive and Inductive Arguments

1. If we are in Berlin, then we are in Germany. We are not in Germany. So, we are not in

The argument above is valid. What pattern does it use to achieve this validity?

2. If it rains, the game will be postponed until next Saturday. According to the National
Weather Service, there’s a 90 percent chance of rain. Therefore, probably the game will be
postponed until next Saturday.

State whether the above argument is an inductive or a deductive argument, followed by

which pattern it takes.

3. If something was written a long time ago then it is irrelevant to today. Newton’s laws of
gravity were written a long time ago. Therefore, it is irrelevant to today.

State whether the above argument is an inductive or a deductive argument, followed by

which pattern it takes.

4. Which of the following is NOT an inductive argument? Provide a brief reason for your

A. Most headmasters are bald so the next headmaster must be bald too.
B. 9 is lesser than 7, 7 is lesser than 2. Therefore, 9 is lesser than 2.
C. Dr. June said that drinking sodas is dangerous so, I should not drink Pepsi.
D. 78% of the hotel’s occupants are men. Wen-G is staying in the hotel.
So, Wen-G should be a man.

5. Every elephant that we’ve observed has a beak.

Therefore, it is probably the case that all elephants have beaks.

State whether the argument above is cogent or uncogent. Provide a brief reason for your

6. All students from Saudi Arabia are friendly and energetic. All Foreign exchange students
are friendly and energetic. Hence, all students from Saudi Arabia are foreign exchange

The argument above is invalid. Rewrite the second sentence to turn the argument into a valid

7. No striped animals are polar bears.

All zebras are striped animals.
Therefore, ______________________________ .

Complete the categorical syllogism above to ensure that the argument is VALID.

Lecture Practice – Deductive and Inductive Arguments

8. Humans can move about, solve mathematical equations, win chess games, and produce
voiced responses to prompts. Androids are like humans in that they can move about, solve
math equations, and win chess games. Thus, it’s probable that Androids too can produce
voiced responses to prompts.

State if the argument above is cogent or uncogent. Provide a brief reason for your answer.

9. If God created the universe then all humans live without needing oxygen. No human
needs oxygen to live. So God created the universe.

State whether the argument is sound or unsound. Provide a brief reason for your answer.

10. If it rains, the streets will be wet. If the streets are wet, accidents will happen. Therefore,
accidents will happen if it rains.
Specify the type of hypothetical syllogism that is presented in the argument above, and state
if it is valid or invalid.

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