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Direction: Choose the best answer from the choices given.

1. Which is NOT TRUE of the Philippines?

A. It has been colonized by two European colonial powers.

B. There have been attempts to change his government to a parliamentary form.
C. It is the only Christian country in Asia.
D. It has never been united as a nation.

2. What was the best description of our development during pre-Historic Era to the

I. We have come from a one-man rule to a government of the people by the

people, and for the people
II. We began with one-man rule and have ended up with a dictatorial form of
government that has developed into the present democratic form.
III. We started with a dictatorial form of government that has developed into the
present democratic form.

A. I and II C. II

3. Which statement is TRUE of the pre-Spanish Filipino government?

A. There were courts created by the chieftains to hear complaints.

B. The chieftains exercised all powers of government.
C. Laws were formulated by a law making body elected by the community.
D. Laws were formulated by a law making body appointment by the chieftain.

4. The “La Liga Filipina” was a concrete evidence of Rizal’s to: _________.

I. unite the whole country

II. fight violence and injustice
III. revolt against the Spaniards

A. I and III C. I and II

B. II and III D. II only

5. Which is NOT TRUE of the historical development of the Philippines?

A. It has been an independent nation.

B. It has achieved full sovereignty from the very beginning.
C. It has been independent from Spain on June 12, 1898.
D. It has evolved from a colony to a fully independent nation.
6. One can enjoy the “presumption of innocence”. When a suspect __________.

A. has the right to remain silent

B. remains innocent until proven guilty
C. is considered guilty unless proven otherwise
D. has the right to a legal council

7. During Philippine Commonwealth under President Manuel L. Quezon. What is TRUE

the Philippine Commonwealth? The Filipinos were ___________.

A. partially independent
B. granted total freedom to course their destiny only on matters of education.
C. citizens on the United States
D. fully independent

8. During Marcos Regime viz-a-viz Batasang Pambansa performing legislative and

executive powers, which form of government was implemented?

A. Monarchial C. Presidential
B. Parliamentary D. Dictatorial

9. As a result of People Power I 1986, the Philippines _______________.

A. changed its form of government to parliamentary

B. intensified its participation in international affairs
C. saw the impeachment of Joseph Estrada as president
D. became known worldwide for its Peoples’ Power Revolution

10. As mandated by Article XI of the 1987 Constitution assuring the public of accountability
and transparency. What is the best government intervention for this?

A. Rural development and agrarian reform

B. Private enterprise and incentives to needed investments
C. Full public disclosure
D. Balanced and healthful ecology

11. This year’s SONA was focused on education and economy. What is meant by SONA?

A. Status of the Nation Assembly

B. State of the Nation Address
C. Sate of the Nation Advocacy
D. Sate of the uNion Address
12. With which are the words “Charter Change” and Constituents Assembly” related?

A. Imposition of Martial law

B. Return to dictatorial form of government
C. Amendment or revision of the present constitution
D. Division between Senate and House of Representatives

13. The government programs of Comprehensive Agrarian Reform and cooperatives are

A. To improve on the country’s literacy rate

B. To make all citizens responsible
C. To make all citizens equal
D. Alleviate poverty in the country and promotes social equity

14. How can the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program bring social justice and
economic development in the country?

I. By land distribution to qualified beneficiaries

II. By transferring the ownership of land to farmers for value
III. By helping the affected landowners to use their land compensation in viable
business activities
IV. By providing support services to farmer-beneficiaries

A. I, II and III C. II, III and IV

B. I, II and IV D. I, III and IV

15. When one company controls the supply of rice, which terms applies?

A. Economic stability C. Equilibrium

B. Monopoly D. Inflation

16. When parents decide to send their children to a private school and pay their tuition fee
instead of sending them to the public school, they don’t get their share in the benefit
derived from the taxes they pay. This is case of ______________

A. social inequity
B. double taxation
C. social injustice
D. double jeopardy

17. Children below 18 years of age are advised to watch TV with their parents because
most of the movies today are base on.

A .Discovery in science
B. Violence in Sex
C. Historical in battles and bloodshed
D. Adolescent stories
18. Voting is one of our constitutional rights. Those who are deprived their votes are

A. Execute C. disenfranchised
B. franchised D. exiled

19. How do countries manifest or register disagreement diplomatically with another

country’s standpoint.

A. Retaliate by arresting nationals of the other country’s citizens

B. File a diplomatic protest
C. Declare war immediately
D. Recall all its nations

20. Dr. Pedroche discovered that his research about poliomyelitis was copied verbatim by
Dr. Y. Dr. X. will file a case against Dr. Y. for violating his_____________.

A. right to live within one’s means

B. human right
C. right to intellectual property
D. right to choose

21. The people of this country shows courtesy by living their footwear on the stairs?

A. Italian C. American
B. Japanese D. Chinese

22. Opening of a steel plant requires what specific clearance from the Department of
Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)?

A. Air Pollution Clearance C. BIR

B. Waste disposal D. Environment Clearance

23. Medical assessment is vital for the military men who are rescued from the hands of the
communists. This medical intervention should be done to ensure___________.

A. To protect the prisoner from further harassment

B. To avoid relapses from illness while in hiding
C. To determine the physical and mental state of the army men
D. . to determent the loyalty of this army men

24. Cooperatives can eventually put up banks of their own. What are evidences of success

A. Cooperatives are not heavily taxed

B. Opening of rural banks is allowed on a cooperatives concept
C. Several rural banks started out as cooperatives
D. Many banks in Metro Manila and Bulacan started out as cooperatives

25. Los Baňos, Laguna is known for its rice researches because it houses the International
Rice Research Institute (IRRI). Where do the students conduct their researchers?

A. UP Manila C. UPLB
B. UP Cebu D. UP Iloilo

26. Local peace negotiations as the primary concern of what government office?

A. local municipal and provincial executives

B. church hierarchy
C. Philippine National Police
D. Philippine Marine SWAT force

27. Students from different countries especially those from the third world countries are
offered scholarship grants to European and US-based universities. What does this

A. Knowledge is not a monopoly of one race

B. Students can earn degrees abroad
C. There is the university of knowledge
D. Admission of Asians in United States universities is limited to nationals

28. Philippine Commonwealth President Manuel L. Quezon is quoted after on, “I prefer a
government run like hell by Filipino…” This means:

A. Filipinos can better run their country.

B. Filipinos are not good leader.
C. Filipinos should be governed by foreigners.
D. Filipinos should depend on foreigners for good governance.

29. How did the passing of the Fisherman’s Act promotes the interest of the Filipino

A. Shorelines were not open to big shipping companies.

B. Foreign fishing vessels could catch fish at any distance in the Philippine waters.
C. Deep-sea fishing was allowed within five kilometers from the shorelines.
D. Local government had no control of the shorelines within 15 kilometers.

30. Mrs. Espiritu has two children. Her husband decided to send them to Pampanga and
seek jobs. The oldest child is only 17 years old.
What right is violated by the father?

A. Right of the children to assistance, proper care to attention.

B. Right of family to family living wage.
C. Right of the child to work and exploitation
31. A suspect was made to confess of his guilt.

A. The prisoner should have a lawyer of his choice.

B. The confession was without due consultant.
C. The prisoner was approached properly.
D. The choice of the lawyer was made by the accuser.

32. The Philippine National Bank has used an icon for his advertisement. It is ________.

A. the pigeon C. the eagle

B. the hawk D. the parrot

33. The offences were considered heinous because the penalty was ____________.

A. a total exile in a foreign land C. lethal injection

B. a life sentence D. to die in jail

34. Violators of the Republic Act 9165 were sentenced to lethal injection (before the lifting of
death penalty in the country) were positive __________.

A. Shabu C. Malaria
B. Tuberculoses D. AIDS

35. Every child is entitled to access to education Where is this provided?

A. Article XV The family

B. Article XIII of the Phil constitution
C. Article XIV
D. Article 18 convention of the right of child

36. A pro-environment person believes that _______________.

A. Opening dumping sites will solve waste disposal best

B. burying plastic will ease clogging of water canals
C. classifying garbage identify biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste
D. burning garbage is the safest approach

37. What opportunities are available to Filipino farmers who are member of the different

A. loan packages for purchase of working animals, tractors and fertilizer

B. loan package for irrigation pumps
C. loan packages seedling and fertilizer
D. loan packages for the education expenses of farmers

38. The impeachment proceedings in December 2000 and January 2001 have helped the
Filipinos to ___________.
A. understand the judge’s comments
B. hate administration trials
C. appreciate the democratic process of government
D. listen to the proceedings.

39. According to the report of PDEA, most of the drug rehabilitation centers found out that
most of the substance dependents are __________.

A. children who were lazy and vicious

B. children who had no identity to speak up
C. children wanting parental love and care
D. children who have so much to spend

40. As mandated by our trade relations with other countries, who facilitates the import and
export of products with our trade partners?

A. UNESCO declaration C. United Nation Act

B. Dumberton Act D. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

41. The members of the Dela Cruz family were prohibited to leave their houses during
elections. What right was deprived for the members of the said family?

A. Right to life, liberty

B. Right to due process
C. Right to eminent domain
D. Right to participate in electoral process

42. During EDSA II on January 16, 2001, the masses recognized the impact pf
communication through __________.

A. announcement through media

B. exchange of message by fax machine
C. telephone
D. utilization of text messages

43. According to Carlos P, Romulo “I am Filipino…child of the marriage of the EAST and
WEST.” He meant ___________________.

A. Filipinos deserve to be called Asians.

B. Filipinos are oriental.
C. Filipinos are occidental.
D. Filipinos is a mix of the Orient and Occident.
44. As stated in the State Nation Address (SONA) of GMA, How did the government
respond to the perennial problems of the Filipino farmers?

A. constructing farm to market roads

B. putting up cooperatives
C. ask middle man to intervene
D. seminars with agriculturists

45. “I die just when the dawn breaks to herald the day” is a quotation from our national hero,
Dr. Jose P. Rizal when he predicted the time of his death on December 30, 1896 which

A. something at sunset C. sometime at midnight

B. sometime at dawn D. sometime at noon

46. To recognize the abilities of our physically challenged brethren, the blind employees are
allowed to work where their other senses could be productive. Why is this possible?

A. Disabled person are given special attention.

B. The disabled and handicapped are given equal protection of the law.
C. Blind individuals are discouraged from begging.
D. Blind individuals can still be productive.

47. What is the general impression of the public when the hostages were ser free?

A. It’s possible the hostage compromised with the captors.

B. It’s possible the hostage was obedient.
C. It’s possible they escape.
D. It’s possible they paid ransom.

48. Most of the poor children reached only grade 3. What right of the children is violated in
this situation?

A. Right to security in abide C. right to quality education at all levels

B. Right to suffrage D. right to economic survival

49. No country will experience economic progress unless he is part of a world organization.
In what international organization this saying is true?


50. Tourists are not free from harassment few years ago, several tourists were ________ in

A. kidnapped C. held hostage

B. molested and killed D. transported to Jolo
51. The father was sentence to lethal injection (before the lifting of death penalty in the
country) for raping his own daughter. The offense then is classified as

A. Murder C. homicide
B. heinous D. parricide

52. When the child grew up without knowing his/her mother and his/her father. What right is
deprived of the child?

A. Right to assert individuality C. Right to life

B. Right to freedom of choice D. Right to quality education

53. A baby cries every time he/she is hungry. What value is manifested?

A. survival trait C. denial trait

B. self assertion D. self defense

54. Families in rural areas do not believe in limiting the number of their children because

A. A small family is not ideal for farmers with animals and work on wide track of
B. A big family is always happy and economically advantageous.
C. Having more children means more helping hands.
D. God does the limiting of children not man.

55. What is the importance of conducting national surveys?

A. guide presidents whom to appoint in the cabinet

B. asses the perception of people on cultural issues
C. get the population of the country
D. estimate the political gains of presidents

56. Registered members of the 40 professional boards under PRC are required to abide
closely to:

A. The code of Ethics of each Profession

B. The Ten Commandments
C. The Philippine Constitution
D. The Bill of Rights
57. Cebu is known for:

A. mango jelly C. mango dried slices

B. mango juice D. mango tart

58. The appointment of cabinet members can be denied because ______________.

A. the official had no clearance C. the official was incompetent

B. the resistance was strong D. the appointment officer was misled

59. Former President Estrada had sponsored a bill to protect the carabaos. When the bill
became a law it protects the carabao by ______________________.

A. Put up a carabao project in Central Luzon State University

B. Converted farms into subdivision and housing areas
C. Imported buffaloes from Australia
D. Distributed factors and other machinery

60. One of the problems of the Agrarian Reform efforts is the delays in its implementation
primarily because of the urbanization of municipalities. Cite the main reason for this

A. Limited land area resulted in converting public land to subdivisions.

B. Agricultural lands were converted to residential areas.
C. Coordination of DAR, DA and DILG is met.
D. Agricultural lands were solid to industrial establishments.

61. What should be present to allow the child to testify in the court?

A. Consent of the trying judge

B. Consent of the school principal
C. Consent of the classroom teacher
D. Consent of the parent to testify and participate

62. How may the government use the private land for public use. The right of the
government of ________________.

A. right of eminent domain

B. right of government ownership
C. right of habeas corpus
D. right of a sovereign over the governed

63. Jalosjos will serve his sentence for 11 years, although h was sentenced for 2-life

A. a commutation of years C. total freedom

B. a pardon D. a parole
64. How does the Philippine government confront insurgency problem in southern

A. declare cease fire

B. declare amnesty for all
C. negotiate with representative of both panels
D. declare war zone

65. A fish dealer found out that most of the fish that he ordered from his supplier are NOT
fresh and marketable. What do you think is his best remedy?

A. cook the spoiled fish and distribute it to neighbors

B. choose the good ones and eliminate the spoiled ones
C. sell the whole load
D. color the fish and display once again

66. Jose Rizal faced the firing squad in Bagumbayan de Luneta on December 30, 1896.
This is a genuine manifestation of Rizal’s strong sense of _____________.

A. Cowardice C. patriotism
B. espionage D. treachery

67. A department chairman has a daughter to another as his secretary. He favors the
appointment clerk. What does he violate by such decision?

A. favoritism C. nepotism
B. bigamy D. careerism

68. When the purchasing power of peso decreases/weakness, this is a clear manifestation
of ______________.

A. inflation C. artificial money holding

B. economic crises D. recession

69. Another Country in South East Asia that produces mangoes aside from Philippines:

A. Singapore C. Korea
B. Indonesia D. Thailand

70. ____________________ is a good source of learning new techniques in food


A. television modules C. editorial and cartoons

B. barangay forum D. radio comments
71. In the Philippines, __________________ helps the Philippine Peso to recover its
purchasing power against dollar.

A. World Banks C. Central Banks

B. Union Banks D. Japanese Banks

72. Honesty is the best policy even during pre-colonial trading between Filipinos and

A. they allowed traders to issue post dated checks

B. through lending money at a high percentage
C. they left goods for barter and required to receipts
D. they demanded deposits for goods purchased

73. Many agree that ________________.

A. rich countries abuse their power

B. countries that are economically stable are greedy
C. countries with no economic problems become world leader
D. countries with poor economy are subservient to the rich

74. Name a country in South East Asia where woman are not allowed to go to school.

A. Argentina C. United States

B. Pakistan D. Palestine

75. According to Lina Law, squatters ca not be ejected for their present places unless

A. there is livelihood in the relocation place

B. they are paid for their old house
C. they are assured a place to go
D. they are given disturbance fees

76. ___________is the nearest Asian language to Filipino.

A. British, English C. Malaysia, bahasa

B. Chinese mandarin D. Japanese, Nippongo

77. Free trade can be made faster when the________________.

A. figure explain the product

B. translation of labels are done well
C. language used is well understood
D. illustrations are used in the labels
78. __________ refers to a group with common aspiration.

A. ethic group C. natives

B. alien force D. foreign investors

79. The perennial problem and major barrier to implement the genuine housing program is
when the___________________________.

A. squatters are spoiled by politicians

B. squatters sell their allotted houses to merchant
C. squatters return to the squatters area
D. squatting is a form of livelihood

80. One of the best intervention to prevent social and economic discrimination among
Filipinos is through____________________.

A. school in every barangay

B. barangay empowerment
C. school for the handicapped
D. barangay high school opened

81. The way of the Arabian dignitaries to greet a friend.

A. Hand grip C. Polar to palm

B. Embrace D. Hand Shake

82. It refers to the rightness in wrongness of our decisions.

A. Morality C. philosophy
B. values D. theology

83. The form of government that promotes the separation of powers and checks and

A. Monarchial C. parliamentary
B. aristocracy D. presidential

84. What is the reason for the suspension for the capital punishment in year 2000?

A. Impeachments trial of President Estrada

B. Year 2000 was International year for Peace and Jubilee
C. Congress has repealed death penalty law
D. Due to advocacy of the Catholics

85. _____________________ is the most important element of the state?

A. sovereignty C. parliamentary
B. government D. territory
86.The most painted (tattoed) pre-colonial Visayans.

C. Plista C, umalohokan
D. Abi D. pintados

87. The US commission that declared Jose P. Rizal as the national hero of the Philippines.

A. Ateneo C. Schurmann
B. Dewey D. Taft

88. How will you classify the practice of pamamanhikan in the rural areas of the

A. value C. mores
B. law D. folkways

89. Which of the following best described the situation when a child imitates the values of
his/her parents?

A. imitation C. introjections
B. inculation D. identification

90. The dictatorial government establish by president Emilio Aguinaldo was immediately
changed in to what form of government?

A. revolutionary C. introjections
B. inculation D. identification

91.The most relevant pillar of education that can be utilized in the midst of conflict between
Israel and Palestine.

A. learning to be C. learning to do
B. learing to live together D. learning to know

92. The major ingredient of Values Education Program according to DepEd.

A.A productive society

B.A society with global perspective
C.A just and humane society
D.A highly industrialized society

93. One of the dirtiest tactics in Philippine politics.

A. observing proper decorum

B. not advocating cleanliness of community
C. employing black propaganda
D. preparing false data about self
94. He was the chairman of the First Philippine Commission.

A. Schurmann C. Taft
B. Hayes D. Wright

95. What are the three (3) fundamental objectives of Kapitan under Andress Bonifacio?

A. economic, civic, moral

B. political, civic, moral
C. political, economic and civic
D. social, political, civic

96. The chieftain of Bohol with whom Legaspi had a blood compact in 1565.

A. Rajah Tupas
B. Lakandula
C. Rajah Sulayman
D. Sikatuna

97. Which of the following scenario best described globalization?

A. industrialization of both developed and developing nations

B. movements of goods and money from one country to another
C. sharing of nation’s information with another
D. movement of money, goods, information and people across nations

98. The indices of the Philippine economy are greatly affected by the rise and fall of the:

A. U.S dollar C. Japanese yen

B. UK pound D. German mark

99. Why do accused officers choose to remain silent on congressional inquiries. What protects

A. Preamble
B. Declaration of Human Rights
C. Article XIII Human Rights
D. Article 2 Sec 12 (8)

100. According to the International Declaration of Human Rights, ______________ is one

manifestation of the so called presumption of innocence.

A. a suspect remains innocent until proven guilty

B. a suspect has the right to remain silent
C. a suspect has the right to a legal counsel
D. a suspect is considered guilty unless proven otherwise

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