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NAME: Teddy Art A.

Orcio STRAND: Humanities and Social Sciences

SUBJECT: Creative Nonfiction TEACHER: Mr. Roderick Abrantis

Intervention Activity 25 (Week 10 eLMS Assignment)

Choose two (2) creative nonfiction types in the list below. Then, compare and contrast the
types that you have chosen.
• Autobiography
• Literary Journalism
• Travelogue
• Testimonio

Creative Nonfiction is a genre that might be difficult to find. It is story-focused, which

means it has a narrative storyline with an inciting event, escalating action, climax, and

denouement, similar to fiction. Nonfiction, on the other hand, succeeds only if the tale is true,

an authentic account of the author's personal experiences. In some respects, creative nonfiction

is similar to jazz—it's a rich blend of aromas, ideas, and techniques, some fresh and some as

ancient as writing itself. On the other hand, the two types that I chose was Literary Journalism

and Travelogue. Below is the statement that shows how the two creative nonfiction types

mentioned differs to each other.

Literary journalism is the closest creative nonfiction form to newspaper and magazine

writing. Literary journalism is frequently referred to as "immersion journalism" since it

necessitates a tighter, more active interaction with the issue and the individuals being

investigated. Their mission is to educate and inform. It is writing on facts outside of the writer's

own life. Meanwhile, a travelogue includes descriptive descriptions of the location you're

visiting, subjective descriptions of your experiences there, informative commentary on the

location, and tales of your encounters with locals. It tries to be a truthful depiction of a person's

travel experiences; descriptions of what the traveler sees, hears, tastes, smells, and feels in the

outside world while traveling are vital components.

However, even though the two types have differences with each other, it also has

similarities. The main thing I think they similar was it both written based on how and what the

author’s experience. The author only shares his/her thoughts to the readers to convey them to

read any of two.

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