User Manual For Posp: Step: 1 Posp Agent Will Login To Posp App With Valid Userid and Password. Agent

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User Manual for POSP

Step: 1 POSP Agent will login to POSP App with valid UserID and Password. Agent
can also login with the registered mobile number and OTP
Step: 2

After successful login, POSP agent will be re-directed to HOME page, which consists
of below tabs:

- Create Quote – to start creating new quote and new application login
- Pending Proposal Form – resume the application which is saved in draft stage
(form is not submitted)
- Documents Upload – Applications which have been submitted, but FRs
awaited to be uploaded
- Submitted Application – Application submission and FR upload completed.
This queue will contain the ‘Cases already converted’ or which is in Scrutiny
stage and is in process of conversion.

Step: 3 Click on Create Quote Tab to start with the Quote Creation and journey as
shown in screen below
Step: 4Once clicked on ‘Create Quote’ tab, Form with product details of Guaranteed
Savings Plan will be populated. Enter ‘Date of Birth’ of Customer and select the sum
assured from the tabs given below and click Calculate button to calculate the
premium amount. POSP can also enter their own ‘Sum Assured’ and change the
details in the other fields.
Step: 5 After clicking on Continue Button, Premium Summary will be shown for
details are entered. Click on ‘Buy’ button to proceed for application form filling. As
shown below in the screen

Step: 6 As shown in below screen: Is Proposer same as Life Assured, by default the
selection will ‘Yes’. This means the Life Assured is same as Proposer
Step: 7If LA=Proposer, Below personal details are mandatory as shown in
screenshot below
- Title
- First Name
- Date of Birth
- PAN No
- Gender
- Mobile Number and Email ID
Step: 8If LA= Proposer, then communication address of the Proposer will be same
as Life Assured
Below details are mandatory in communication address section
- House/ Flat No.
- Street Area
- Landmark
- State, City, Pincode
- Country
Step: 9If Permanent address is different from the communication address, 'Yes'
option should be selected and Below details should be entered in permanent
address section
- House/ Flat No.
- Street Area
- Landmark
- State, City,Pincode
- Country
Step: 10If Permanent address is same as the communication address, 'No' option
should be selected as shown in the screen
Step: 11Below Details to be filled in Additional details for Life Assured
- Customer ID
- Language of Communication
- Nationality
- Resident status
Click on Continue to proceed further
Step: 12Below Details are mandatory in CKYC Details for Life Assured
- Occupation
- Father's Details (Title, First Name, Last Name)
- Mother's Details (Title, First Name, Last Name)
Click on Continue to proceed further
Step: 13 After successful submission of basic details of Life Assured. Do you want
to enter bank account details for NEFT payout now? Select ‘Yes’ option and then fill
the account details of Life assured. Same is shown in screenshot. Click on Continue
to proceed further
Step: 14 Click on the DOGH link to submit the Declaration of Good Health and click
on ‘I agree’ button
Step: 15 After DOGH submission, Next process is to fill the nominee details. In
Nominee Details below, fields are mandatory:
- Title
- First Name
- Date of Birth
- Gender
- Relationship with Life Assured
- Mobile No. and Email ID are not mandatory
Step: 16Is Nominee Address different from Life Assured? If ‘No’ option is selected,
then the address for Nominee will be same for Nominee. If ‘Yes’ option of selected,
then Nominee have to fill the communication address. Click on Continue to proceed
Step: 17As this is case of Life Assured same as Payor, then ‘No’ option is selected
for question ‘Is Payor different from Life Assured’ Click on continue to proceed
Step: 18 Once all the details of Life Assured, Proposer and Payor are submitted
successfully and POSP will verify the details on review application page. If all details
are correctly filled then Click on Continue to proceed for customer consent
Step: 19As shown in below screenshot, Click on ‘Send OTP’ button to trigger the
OTP to customer’s mobile number for taking the consent from the customer
Step: 20Once the OTP is verified successfully, Click on Continue to proceed further
for CCR
Step: 21On CCR screen select the response ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ and Click on Continue to
proceed for payment.
Step: 22Customer can do payment using 2 payment methods: Online and Offline
Step: 23After successful payment, Go-to Document upload section and Choose the
application to upload the documents

Step: 24 Upload the documents for against each FR, and click on continue to
submit the documents.

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