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Teachers are important starting points for promoting gender equality in education as their attitudes and

instructional practices are known to influence students’ motivation and performance substantially.
Gender equality is intrinsically linked to the right to quality education for all and to achieve this, we need
an approach that ensures that girls and boys, women and men, access, complete and are equally
empowered through quality education. It is critical for children to recognize gender inequalities and
grow without stereotypes or prejudices in order to create a more equitable society. Teaching equality, in
a cross-curricular way, from different subjects to areas of the school, is the first step to combat

We must look out and make sure that sexist behavior or misconduct do not take place. If they do,
introduce activities to reflect on gender equality.Children learn by imitation. Behave appropriately with
other teachers and students and be coherent with your discourse. We can create an environment of
equality and respect in the classroom by making boys and girls share responsibilities and work together
to complete tasks or solve problems.Select teaching materials that reinforce the notion of equality. For
example, textbooks and workbooks may include messaging encouraging students to feel open to
explore different professions.

As a teacher, be aware of our own assumptions about gender and try to correct our biases as we notice
them.Use language in class that is inclusive of transgender and non-binary students, such as using the
name and pronouns that a student goes by, even if it is different from their school records.It can also be
helpful to avoid making wide generalizations about gender in class, such as the assumption that boys are
louder and girls are quieter, or assuming that all of our students identify as their birth sex.

One of the best ways to confront gender discrimination in the classroom is by simply making your
students aware of it. Teach students about implicit bias, or beliefs we might hold about ourselves or
others because of sexist messages we have heard.

It’s important that all class members be given the chance to succeed no matter their gender. By
fostering an inclusive classroom environment, people of all genders will feel welcome and respected.

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