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Name: ________________Melina Isabel De León Ramírez___202050292___

a. Underline the adjectives in each sentence below.

Example: The beautiful neighborhood gleamed with sunlight in the morning.

1. John went to the busy store to pick up red apples.
2. The tall man at the counter felt that John was a very kind gentleman.
3. The hot sun rose in the morning and set in the misty evening.
4. Many of earth’s greatest wonders have been labeled as historical monuments.
5. Often, there are many animals which are placed on the endangered
species listbecause they are hunted.
6. That tall man walked in the store yesterday and ordered some green tea.
7. One of the largest buildings in the world is located on that tiny
mountain that overlooks the sea.
8. John happily opened the front door when he heard his friend knocking.
9. May was cooking a big feast for her family during the afternoon.
10. Michael went to school so he could pass the very difficult test.
11. That building is a huge skyscraper.
12. Many of those red flowers bloom in spring and die in the winter.
13. Often times, students are happy when lunch time begins.

b. Choose the correct order of adjectives in the following sentences.

1) The woman is wearing a ___ dress.

A) yellow long
B) long yellow
2) He is a man.
A) tall thin
B) thin tall
3) The company makes __________ products.
A) excellent farming
B) farming excellent

4) James recently departed on a trip.

A) camping long
B) long camping
5) I love eating strawberries.
A) red big
B) big red
6) The woman did well on the test.
A) intelligent young
B) young intelligent
7) The ticket costs dollars.
A) ten US
B) US ten
8) The scientists have found a ___________ cure for the disease.
A) new great
B) great new

9) I am going to wear my tie to the wedding.

A) big cotton blue
B) blue big cotton
C) big blue cotton

10) Please recycle those bottles.

A) three water empty
B) three empty water
C) water empty three

11) She packed her clothes in a ________box.

A) green flimsy flimsy green cardboard
B) cardboard
C) cardboard flimsy green

12) Their dog is a shepherd.

A) brown big German
B) big brown German
C) German big brown

13) I am drinking from a cup.

A) small English tea
B) tea small English
C) English small tea

14) My teacher talks for hours!

A) philosophy old boring
B) old philosophy boring
C) boring philosophy old
D) boring old philosophy

c. Rewrite the underlined words with ‘’I”,”You”, “He”, “She”, ”It”, “We”, “You’’,
1. Naomi is from South Africa. She is from South Africa.
2. Jenny isn’t at school now. She isn’t at school now.
3. Cats are animals. They are animals.
4. The weather is rainy today. It weather is rainy today.
5. Our chairs are comfortable It chairs are comfortable.
6. These watches are expensive. They watches are expensive
7. The house is big. It house is a big
8. Your son is a teenager. He is a teenager
9. My grandparents are very old. They grandparents are very old.
10. Jessica’s uncle is 45. She’s uncle is 45

d. Write ‘’my, your, his, her, its, our’’ or ‘’their’’ to complete the sentences.

1. ‘’What’s _his_favourite team, Tom?’’ “My favourite team is Real Madrid”

2. ‘’Who’s that?’’ “She is his girlfriend. My name is Julie.
3. My name is Johanna.
4. Your wife is middle-aged.
5. ‘’Are you a doctor?’’ ‘’Where is your hospital?’’

e. Circle the correct word.

1. This is our/we house. Its/It is very small.
2. My/I hair is blond, but my/I eyes are blue.
3. I‘ve got a cat. She/her name is Fıstık.
4. Lucy and I/my are sisters.
5. Our/We are students and our/we love our school.

f. Complete the sentences with ‘’Subject Pronouns’’ or ‘’Possessive Adjectives’’

1. My mother is a teacher. Yours students are clever.

2. John isn’t in his house.
3. Jenny and their husband are from UK.
4. He is a good tennis player.
5. He is a tourist his name is Alex.

g. Rewrite the sentences with a possessive adjective.

1. Tom’s brother is a lawyer. His brother is a lawyer
2. Mary’s husband is a mechanic. Her husband is a mecanic
3. My dog’s name is Pascal. My dog is pascal
4. What is Kate’s address? What is her address
5. Mr. And Mrs. Smith are Liz and John’s parents. Their parents are Mr. and Mrs.
h. Rewrite the possessive adjectives in possessive form ’-s’.
Example: her doll (Moly) Moly’s doll
1. Her office (Mary) Maria’s office
2. His hair (Tim) Tim’s hair
3. Their rabbit (Anna and Bob ) Ana Rabbit and Bob
4. His school (Arthur) Arthur’s School
5. His teeth (George) George’s teeth

i. Change the pronoun (I-you-we-they-she-he-it) into the correct possessive

adjective (my-your-our-their-her-his-its).
a. Where is (I) my book? Here is (we) our teacher. She - Her
b. She goes to school with (she) her brother.
c. (They) their father works in a car factory. He - His
d. (You) your laptop is very expensive. It - Its
e. (He). His favorite hobby is tennis.
f. (I)_my_husband and I want to go to Paris. My
g. We want to see (it) its historical monuments. You -
h. Leila likes (she) her dog!
i. (It) its name is Bobby. We - Our
They - Their
j. Choose the correct option.
1. Two students didn't do their mathematics homework.
a. Their b. His c. Its
2. I have a car. color is black.
a. His b. Her c. My
3. Its We have a dog. name is Pancho.
a. Their b. Its c. My
4. Nancy is from England. husband is from Australia.
a. Her b. His c. Our
5. Ann and Nadia go to a high school. little brother goes to primary school.
a. Our b. Her c.
6. Alan has a van. van is very old.
a. Its b. His c. Our
7. We go to a high school. high school is fantastic.
a. Our b. Their c. My
8. I like singing. mother sings with me.
a. Her b. My c. Their
k. Replace the personal pronouns by possessive pronouns.
1. These pencils are (you), your pencils .
2. The blue ball is (I) it´s mine .
3. The blue car is (we) our car .
4. That diamond ring is (she) it´s hers .
5. We met the famous singers Paul and Jane last night. This house is (they). their house
6. The luggage on the counter is (he) his luggage .
7. The pictures on the wall near the pillar are (she) hers pictures .
8. In our garden in the summerhouse is a bird. The nest is (it) that nest .
9. This smelly good for nothing cat is (we) our cat .
10. Honestly, this was not my fault. It was (you) your fault

l. Rewrite the sentence and replace the noun that is underlined with a possessive
1. Look at the toy’s hat. Look at the hat
2. Let’s go to Paul’s house. Let´s go to his house
3. That game is my family’s. That game is theirs
4. Is that Susan and Ted’s house? Is that their house?
5. I want to see Mary’s dress. I want to see her dress

m. choose the right word

1. It’s their / theirs problem, not our / ours.

2. This is a nice camera. Is it your / yours?
3. That’s not my / mine umbrella. My / mine is black.
4. Whose books are these? Your / yours or my /mine?
5. Catherine is going out with her / hers friends this evening.
6. My / mine room is bigger than her / hers.
7. They have got two children but I don’t know their / theirs names.
8. Can we use your washing machine? Our / ours is broken.
1. My sister bought that new car last 9. The cat was hungry and tired, so it
week. That car is …. ate all … food and fell asleep.
a) his a) its
b) hers b) it’s
c) her c) it
2. The blue car isn’t my sister’s car. 10. It’s not theirs, it’s …. We bought
The green one is … car. it yesterday.
a) her a) our
b) she b) them
c) hers c) ours
3. Excuse me. Have you seen … 11. What time does … English class
cell phone? I lost it. begin?
a) my a) yours
b) mine b) you
c) me c) your
4. That dog belongs to my neighbor. 12. … friend is over there by the
It’s … dog. cafeteria. Can you see him?
a) our a) Me
b) their b) My
c) his c) Mine
5. Is this … pen? Does it belong to 13. Her friend says it’s …, but I think
you? it belongs to them.
a) you a) her
b) yours b) his
c) your c) our
6. No, that’s not …. That pen is blue. 14. What do you like to do in … free
My pen is green. time?
a) my a) your
b) mine b) yours
c) me c) ours
7. … home is located downtown, so 15. I don’t think that sandwich is mine.
it’s close to my work. I think it’s ….
a) We a) her
b) Ours b) yours
c) Our c) their
8. My brother doesn’t like … new job 16. Is it his, hers, yours, ours, or …?
because it’s very boring. I really don’t know!
a) his a) they
b) its b) theirs
c) he c) them

n. Choose the correct word, Possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns

1. Is this cup (your / yours)?

2. The coffee is (my / mine).
3. That coat is (my / mine).
4. He lives in (her / hers) house.
5. You might want (your / yours) phone.
6. The new car is (their / theirs).
7. She cooked (our / ours) food.
8. Don’t stand on (my / mine) foot!
9. She gave him (her / hers) suitcase.
10. I met (their / theirs) mother.
11. Is this (their / theirs) coffee?
12. Is the flat (her / hers)?
13. The grey scarf is (my / mine).
14. That red bike is (our / ours).
15. We should take (our / ours) coats.
16. That is (my / mine) car.
17. He dropped (my / mine) bag.
18. Are these phones (their / theirs)?
19. These cakes are (our / ours)!
20. Are those children (your / yours)?
o. Read the clues and fill in the missing words.

1 2 3

E L I 4 1. How much is 9 plus 8?
V E G S5
5. How much is 10 minus 7?

E V T H R E E 6. What is 5 plus 4?
N I N E T V 7. How much is 9 plus 9?

11. How much is 10 times 100?“One ….”

T N Y E 13. How much is 45 minus 44?

7 8
N 14. How much is 25 divided by 5?

15. How much is 31 plus 21?

E I G H T E E N 17. What is 96 times 0?

I E 18. How much is 120 divided by 2?

G N 9 10
19. How much is 103 minus 78?

11 12

T H O U S A N D I 1. How much is 69 plus 9?

U L L 2. How much is 21 minus 10?

13 14
3. What is 47 plus 33?

4. How much is 63 divided by 9?

D 15
I 16
8. How much is 100 divided by 10?

R F I F T Y T WO 9. What is one half of one?“One ….”

10. How do you say this number:
Z E R O H N 1,000,000? “One ….”

D U S I X T Y 12. How much is 90 plus 10?“One ….”

15. What is 100 divided by 25?

R R 16. How much is 18 plus 12?

p. Write the number under the pictures.

ten twenty thirty forty fifty

sixt seventy eighty ninety a hundred


thirty ten sixty forty seventy

a hundred ninety fifty twenty eighty

q. Write the numbers and add them up!

a. 20 twenty + 30 thirty = 50 fifty

b. 30 thirty + 50 fifty =
80 eighty

c. 60 sixty + 10 ten = 70 seventy

d. 20 twenty + 40 forty = sixty

e. 10 ten + 80 eighty =
90 ninety

f. 40 forty + 60 sixty = a hundred
r. Fill in the gaps
1. Most people go to work on a M o n d ay
2. The day after Monday is T u e s d a y.
3. Late night shopping is on a Thursday
4. Most people work from Mo n d a y to Fr i d a y
5. The middle day of the week is W e d n e s d a y.
6. The weekend is Sa t u r d a y and S u n d a y

s. Fill in the gaps.

1. January Jan u ary January
2. February Feb ru ary Feb ruary
3. March Mar ch March
4. April A pr il April
5. May M ay May
6. June J une June
7. July Ju ly July
8. August Aug ust August
9. September Sep tem ber Septem ber
10. October Oct o ber October
11. November No vem ber Novem ber
12. December De cem ber December

t. Finish off the sentences by writing in a month

1. This month is june. .
2. Last month was may.
3. Next month is july.
4. My birthday is in july. .
5. My favourite month is october. .
6. I like to take my holidays in december.
7. I know someone with a birthday September. .
8. The month after my birthday is june. .

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