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Submission Front Sheet

Programme BTEC Higher National Diploma (HND) in Business (RQF).

Unit Title and Number: Integrated Marketing Communications (Unit 23)

Assignment Title Marketing Communication Report

Unit RQF level/Code 05: L/508/0535 Module Tutor Dr Sunanda Dola

Name /Email
Dr Smita Shukla
Credit Value 15
Assignment Code RQFBM-IMC230309-

Cohort Name Sep 20A & Sep 20B Assignment Date

Set 4th Jan, 2022

Student’s Name Student’s


Submission Date Distribution Date

Is this a first submission Is this a referral


Word Count

Learner’s statement of authenticity

I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own. Where the work of others has been
used to support my work then credit has been acknowledged. I have identified and acknowledged
all sources used in this assignment and have referenced according to the Harvard referencing
system. I have read and understood the Plagiarism and Collusion section provided with the
assignment brief and understood the consequences of plagiarising.
Student’s Signature Date

Executive summary

The motivation behind this report was to assist pursuers with acquiring a superior

comprehension of promoting correspondence. Yet again it zeroed in on laying out the

instruments and methods that organisations use to make a viable communication procedure.

The report portrayed the different sorts of strategies utilised by organisations to sell their

labour and products. Besides, the report created communication goals for Marks and Spencer

Group plc Companies as well as broke down the uses of the communication plan. The report

likewise portrayed the advertising specialised devices that had been coordinated into the

association to meet the organisation's objectives. Besides, an examination of the promotion

methodology was assessed to dissect the impact it would have on the organisation.

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