SPT7 Vilagante

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Website or applcation Similarities Differences Uniqueness


They are both online The difference between The capacity to connect
Facebook Website platforms that allow us the two is that when it and share with the
to build not just comes to content people you care about
personal accounts but production, Facebook at the same time is
also groups and sites offers a Marketplace what distinguishes
where everyone can and Groups, which are Facebook.
upload their stuff. places to engage with
individuals who share
your interests, and
Events, this is an
outstanding example.
online platform for the
creation of ICT content
However, you must use
it correctly or else it will
be a waste of time.

They are both online the difference between Free Skype to Skype
Skype Website platforms that allow us Skype and Facebook, in Calls between Skype
to build not just terms of presentation accounts is free of
personal accounts but and visualization, is that charge. Because Skype
also groups and sites with Skype, you can tell was designed and built-
where everyone can when a person was last independently of the
upload their stuff. active traditional Public
Switched Telephone
Network (PSTN)
infrastructure, Skype
calls are routed all over
the Internet

They are both online Presentation and Presentation and

Presentation and platforms that allow us visualization the visualization are unique
Visualization to build not just difference between because technology are
personal accounts but Facebook and Skype. It tools used to assist in
also groups and sites allows you to present conveying information
where everyone can and share during a presentation.
upload their stuff. presentations, When a speaker is
infographics, and verbally addressing an
movies with others, as audience is often
well as express necessary to use
information simply and supplementary
efficiently. equipment and media
to clarify the point.

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